College and Research Libraries Can RANK Be Used to Generate a Reliable Author List for Cocitation Studies? Jeff Alger This study investigates the possibility of using DIALOG's RANK com- mand to generate a list of prominent authors for use in cocitation stud- ies. The emerging field of biodiversity is used primarily because it repre- sents a new and rapidly expanding field of study. The results indicate that RANK does not effectively retrieve a quality set of prominent au- thors for use in cocitation studies. Highly cited authors of general texts on biodiversity cause the derived author map to present a misaligned picture of specialization within the field. By limiting citations to only jour- nal articles, a clearer and more accurate picture of the field should emerge. Biodiversity-The varie ty of or- ganisms considered at all levels, from genetic variants belonging to the same species through arrays of species to arrays of genera, families, and still higher taxonomic levels; including the variety of ecosystems, which comprise both the communi- ties of organisms within particular habitats and the physical conditions under which they live. -E. 0 . Wilson1 lliiiiiliiii!!iftl cience has often been thought 'of in terms of the totality of the literature that comprises the body of scholarship inherent in scientific research. In the past two de- cades, efforts have been made to exam- ine the specialties and subdisciplines within broader fields of interest in both the natural and social sciences. Derek J. de Solla Price postulated that scientific literature is "knitted" together by the associations that citing papers make to previous works within a field. He ascertained that highly cited papers can be arranged in a matrix so that a "re- search front" is apparent. This front com- prises the area within the discipline in which the most active research is taking place. 2 By analyzing the scientific litera- ture for relationships within disciplines, a descriptive map can be derived that represents the areas of specialization within those disciplines. Cocitation analysis provides a means of defining these relationships. Cocitation: An Introduction Cocitation is the frequency in which two documents or authors are cited together by more recent papers. Henry G. Small and Belver C. Griffith state: Jeff Alger is the Life Sciences Reference Librarian at Kansas State University; e-mail: 567 568 College & Research Libraries Cocitation is a relationship which is recognized and maintained by current researchers. This dependence on the population of current citing authors is intrinsic to cocitation, the patterns of which change. with time as new dis- coveries are made and introduced through the literature.3 The basic assumption behind cocita- tion is that documents that are frequently cited together by succeeding works are related in subject matter. The strength of this relationship is viewed as correspond- ingly intensifying as the cocitation fre- quency of the two documents increases. The strength of the cocitation link be- tween papers provides a measure by which a researcher can quantitatively construct descriptive maps of subject spe- cialties. The fundamental steps in cocitation are the selection of documents or authors for analysis; retrieval of cocitation frequencies, usually by searching the Science Citation Index (SCI) or the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI); compilation of a raw cocitation matrix; conversion of the raw data matrix to a correlation matrix; analysis of the correla- tion matrix through nonrnetric multidimen- sional scaling (MDS); and finally, interpre- tation and validation of the results.4 Some of the problems inherent in coci- tation studies are similar to those in other ci- tation methodologies, such as a lack of con- sistency in name authority of cited authors and selection of prominent documents or authors within a given field. The selection of the author set to be used in the study is, quite obviously, the key com- ponent in the outcome of the analysis. In most cases, the author set is selected through consultation with a panel of experts in the field being studied.5 By soliciting the opin- ions of experts in the field in order to con- struct the author set, the researcher intro- duces an element of bias in the study. Al- though this bias may be reduced by consult- ing a wider panel of experts, there are limi- tations on how many experts a researcher can November 1996 realistically expect to receive feedback from. The question that arises is: Can an unobtru- sive method be derived for generating the prominent author list that relies upon the ci- tation patterns themselves? This study explores using the DIALOG RANK command in SCISEARCH (the on- line version of SCI) for deriving a list of prominent authors for cocitation analysis in the research area of biodiversity. Biodiversity represents an incredibly active field of re- search that has emerged in the literature only fairly recently. Using biodiversity as the field of study presents an opportunity to examine a rapidly expandillg body of literature with a variety of subspecialties. The primary purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of using this method of retrieval to generate a prominent author list. If the methodology is effective, it will allow exploration of the literature in fields in which the researcher may have limited ex- perience or background. It also will help to eliminate one of the basic problems in cocitation studies-the selection of. the prominent authors. As academic librarians begin to move into more active roles with research faculty, they will be expected to manage the copious flow of information in the field being studied, whether it is biological diversity or nine- teenth-century poets. This methodology for cocitation research will provide assistance for the librarian conducting bibliometric re- search in fields where they may not know the prominent authors or have access to a panel of experts. Librarians can quickly iden- tify important researchers and target these authors as starting points for further research. Seminal Studies Henry G . Small was among the first to ex- plore the use of cocitation as a means of ex- amining the relationships between two docu- ments.6 Small and Griffith used cocitation to "identify clusters of highly interactive documents in science," which they contended represented active specialties? They con- cluded that the mapping of specialties through cocitation was important in order to show their internal structure as well as their relationships to one another. Griffith successfully applied cocitation analysis to the social and behavioral sci- ences' literature. Previously, cocitation had been used only in the analysis of the natural and physical sciences literature.8 Howard D. White joined Griffith in con- ducting several cocitation studies involv- ing cocited authors as the unit of analysis rather than cocited documents. The first of these studies was conducted on authors in the field of information science.9 The assumption that two documents that are cocited frequently are related in content applies to authors as well; those who are cocited frequently exhibit a closer relationship. White and Griffith maintained that working with cocited au- thors had many advantages over work- ing with cocited documents. Their pri- mary reason was that much less infor- mation was needed in order to search either SCI or SSCI than is necessary with document searching. With a limited knowledge of a given field (all one needs is a list of prominent authors), a map can be generated for any field or specialty, no matter how small. A final advantage they mentioned is that thirty to forty au- thors represent a much wider sample of a field than do thirty to forty docu- ments.10 In a series of papers, H. P. F. Peters and A. F. J. van Raan mapped the chemical engineering field by studying top scien- tists in the field. They identified the set of scientists to be used in the study based on the quantity of publications produced by each, utilizing the assumption that those who publish the most produce the best research.11,12 In a later paper, Peters and van Raan compared the top scien- tists in chemical engineering as defined by their methodology with a group of "average scientists." They presented a bibliometric profile of these top scientists based on their findings, which lends sup- port to their hypothesis that quantity equals quality. 13 Can RANK Be Used 569 Sean B. Eom used author cocitation analysis coupled with factor analysis to study decision support systems (DSS) re- search. By using factor analysis, Eom was able to identify seven clusters of subspecialties in DSS research. 14 Methods Author Selection The author conducted an online search in SCISEARCH (DIALOG, File 34, 1988-present) to generate a list of poten- tial authors to be used in the study. The search statement "s biodiversity ·or biological(w)diversity and py>19.89" re- trieved 716 documents. This statement searched for two common variations of the term biodiversity and limited retriev- als to documents published after 1989. The RANK command ("rank ca cont") generated a ranked list of authors cited in the retrieved documents and provided for continuous output of the results.15 The Librarians can quickly identify important researchers and target these authors as starting points for further research. RANK command considers the number of documents that cite an author, not the number of actual citations within those documents when generating a ranked list. (For instance, if an author had three different papers cited in a single document, it would only count as one citation instance when using "rank ca.") To keep the number of cocited pairs to a manageable number, this study ex- amined only authors cited in twenty or more documents. Data Collection The author searched all author pair com- binations in SCISEARCH to determine raw cocitation frequencies using a state- ment similar to "s cr=wilson-e? and cr=myers-n?." This statement searched for references by the cited authors' name. 570 College & Research Libraries TABLE 1 List of Authors Retrieved b_yRANK Rank Items Author Number Retrieved 89 Wilson, E. 0. 2 67 Soule, M. E. 3 49 May, R. M. 4 . 48 MacArthur, R. 5 47 Ehrlich, P. R. 6 46 Myers, N. 7 44 Simberloff, D. 8 34 Terborgh, J. 9 31 Lande, R. 10 31 McNeely, J. A. 11 30 Harris, L. D . 12 30 · Wilcove, D. S. 13 28 Janzen, D. H. 14 27 Erwin, T. L. 15 27 Frankel, 0. H. 16 27 Vitousek, P. M. 17 24 Diamond, J. M. 18 24 Pimm, S. L. 19 24 Reid, W. V. 20 23 Noss, R. F. 21 22 Gilpin, M . E. 22 20 Scott, J. M. 23 20 Peters, R. L. Truncation of the authors' names ac- counted for variation in citation styles. The author constructed a raw data ma- trix from the resulting cocitation frequen- cies. Calculation of the diagonals fol- lowed White and Griffith's procedure of taking the three highest intersections and dividing by two.16 Conversion of this raw data matrix to a correlation matrix pro- vided a mechanism for subsequent MDS analysis. Data Analysis All data analysis used SAS version 6.09. The CORRELATIONS procedure gener- ated the correlation matrix. Converting the raw cocitation frequencies to Pear- son's r correlation coefficient removes the November 1996 differences between highly cited authors and less frequently cited authors. The correlation coefficient also provides a measure of similarity between cocited author pairs in addition to the raw cocited frequenciesY The CLUSTER program (Ward's method) clustered the authors using the correlation coefficients. Clustering con- tinued until approximately 85 percent of the variation could be accounted for. Using the correlation matrix, a nonmetric multidimensional scaling program gen- erated a proximity map. The author drew outlines around the resulting clusters to facilitate interpretation of the proximity map. The MDS procedure (formerly ALSCAL) produced the author map. The resulting map places the authors accord- ing to their similarity (or dissimilarity) to the other authors in the matrix. Au- thors with high similarities are placed close together on the map whereas those with high dissimilarities are placed far- ther apart. 18 Feedback from current researchers in biodiversity through posting of the re- sulting clusters on the BIODIV-L list pro- vided for a measure of the validation of the results. The author asked respondents to label individual author interests as well as the clusters. Several respondents pro- vided comments on the makeup of the clusters as well. Results Table 1 is a list of the authors generated from the SCISEARCH database using the RANK command. To limit the matrix to . a manageable size, table 1 includes only those authors cited by twenty or more documents. The number of citations of authors in this study ranged from the minimum threshold of twenty to a high of eighty-nine. Raw cocitation frequencies ranged from a high of 247 to a low of zero. Each cocitation instance represents a document in which both of the authors :were cited· at Can RANK Be Used 571 FIGURE 1 Cocitation Map of Prominent Authors in the Field of Biodiversity Global Diversity F @ E D >McNEELY least once. R. H. MacArthur was cocited the most often with the other authors in the study (1,617 times) and W. V. Reid was cocited the least often (57 times). The author generated the correlation matrix using Pearson's r correlation coef- ficients for each cocitation pair across all author pairs, exclusive of the two being compared. The correlation coefficient thus functions as a measure of similarity. Higher positive correlations indicate au- thors perceived to be more similar by cit- ing authors. Conversely, lower correla- tions indicate that citing authors perceive the two authors to be less related because of either research interest or some other factor, such as research methodology. For A >SOULE FRANKEL< c example, individual authors may tend to conduct theoretical or modeling research whereas others may engage in field work to achieve their results. Thus, authors may be cocited together because of related sub- ject emphasis, but on the MDS map they may be separated either horizontally or vertically as a result of differing method- ologies. Figure 1 presents a two-dimensional map of cocited author positions in rela- tion to other authors in the study. Au- thor clusters derived by the MDS proce- dure also are outlined on this map. Au- thors with links to many other authors are placed closer to the center axis of the map. Those whose research is more pe- 572 College & Research Libraries ripheral or who have fewer links to other authors due to factors such as recency of publication are placed farther from the center. Placement along the horizontal axis represents subject emphasis of the author, ranging from global diversity on the left to genetic diversity of populations on the right. The vertical axis represents research methodology. Authors using theoretical methodologies such as math- ematical modeling appear near the top and those using field research fall toward the bottom. The center of the map can best be thought of as representing a gen- eral overview of biodiversity covering all aspects of the field. The six resulting clusters explained 84 percent of the variance. The authors ini- tially broke into two clusters, basically along the vertical axis. N. Myers, J. A. McNeely, and R. F. Noss broke into a separate cluster with the third iteration. W. V. Reid separated from P. M. Vitousek, P. R. Ehrlich, E. 0. Wilson, D. H. Janzen, arid J. M. Scott on the sixth iteration. Nine members of BIODIV-L from three countries offered comments on the makeup of the clusters. Two of the respon- dents provided an abbreviated list of how they would cluster some of the authors based on perceived research interests. Discussion Comments received from active research- ers in the field provided interesting feed- back on the makeup of the clusters, as well as on the work and emphasis of the authors used in the study. In most cases, the researchers maintained that the inclu- sion of certain authors in the individual clusters did not mesh with the research interest of other authors in the cluster. The two respondents who offered sug- gestions on how they would have ar- ranged the clusters simply listed those authors they perceived as belonging to- gether and excluded those they could not fit with the others. None of the respon- dents could readily place a label on any of the clusters. November 1996 As seen in figure 1, letters, rather than labels, are provided for the clusters them- selves. This is attributable to the fact that most of the clusters cannot be identified in any meaningful way. Many of the au- thors making up the clusters have di- verse research interests both within and outside the field of biodiversity. Several of the authors are cited because of books they have written dealing with biodiversity in a general sense. Because of th~ general nature of these books, these authors are clustered to- gether with other authors who have writ- ten similar books, and such works some- times are referred to in an almost token manner. This is not to say that these are not substantial works but, rather, by in- cluding such items in the study (many of which are ten or more years old), that the current state of the literature is ob- scured and diffused. Robert M. May appears in this study primarily because he wrote the "News and Views" column in the journal Nature for many years and was thus called on to comment on a variety of conservation issues, including biodiversity. Much of his cited work is from this source. He is a mathematical modeler who primarily conducts theoretical work at the popula- tion level. Terry L. Erwin has written ex- tensively on arboreal insect populations and their use as biodiversity monitors. Robert L. Peters and Stuart L. Pimm write on ecological restoration and community structure, respectively. It is difficult to determine why these authors should cluster together given their widely dif- fering interests. In cluster B, Daniel Simberloff and Jared M. Diamond cluster together pri- marily because of their lengthy alterca- tions on various conservation issues. Re- cently, however, their interests have be- come far more separated. Michael E. Gilpin and Russell Lande study quanti- tative population genetics and belong to- gether but should not be grouped with the others in this cluster. In cluster C, John Terbough, David S. Wilcove, Michael E. Soule, and Larry D. Harris are grouped together primarily because of their concern with fragmen- tation issues. Terborgh and Harris write primarily about the effect of fragmenta- tion on biodiversity and species survival. Wilcove has more recent book chapters and has written a key paper on experi- mental fragmentation. Otto H. Frankel is a geneticist who has published exten- sively on plant genetic resources. Frankel and Soule coauthored a book in 1981 con- cerning the genetic resources of threat- ened populations, but otherwise it is hard to place Frankel in the same cluster as these other authors. Based on research interests, Frankel would appear to fit bet- ter in a sperate cluster with other geneti- cists such as Gilpin, Soule, and Lande. Norman Myers, Jeffrey A. McNeely, and Reed F. Noss have all written on pro- tected areas and their impact on the larger biological diversity picture. These three authors provide the best makeup of any of the clusters given their similar research interests. Clusters C and D could tenta- tively be labeled "Fragmentation" and "Protected Areas," respectively. With the exception of J. Michael Scott, cluster E can best be described as the "grand old men" of the biodiversity field. They have all contributed to the general understanding of biodiversity but, other than that, they have little in common. In fact, each has diverse research interests, from butterflies to forest restoration, for example. Walter V. C. Reid broke off from this central group with the last iteration. He authored a text in 1989 that is widely cited as providing the scientific basis for biodiversity studies. His more recent in- terests include coastal biodiversity and the effects of development on coastal re- gions. Much of this overlap and clustering of nonsimilar authors was apparent after de- riving the correlation matrix. None of the author pairs exhibited a high correlation. Can RANK Be Used 573 The highest correlation coefficient was be- tween MacArthur and Diamond at 0.4243. Approximately 50 percent of the correla- tions were less than 0.1000. This would indicate that subsequent clustering may not provide meaningful results. How- ever, in order to analyze the methodol- ogy fully, the data were entered into both the CLUSTER and the MDS programs. The main problem in this study is that the resulting clusters basically obscure The clusters, as they stand, provide little meaningful insight into the state of biodiversity research .... the methods, breadth, study organisms and areas, and current research interests of the authors in question. The clusters, as they stand, provide little meaningful insight into the state of biodiversity re- search and serve to lead one astray rather than to help define the field. Conclusion It appears that many citations are to au- thors who have written general texts on biodiversity. This can possibly be attrib- uted to the relative newness of the field and to researchers seeking a foundation for their studies. The high citation rate of these general texts, coupled with these authors' past and current research inter- ests, tends to produce a misaligned pic- ture of the field using this methodology. Using the RANK command to derive the author list appeared to work well, though it became obvious that many of the most highly cited items were intro- ductory books covering multiple facets of biodiversity rather than journal articles focusing on a specific area. The high ci- tation frequency of these general texts served to obscure the underlying subject specialties of the field. Limiting citations to only journal ar- ticles would produce a clearer picture which would better define the special- ties within the field. Future studies us- 574 College & Research Libraries ing RANK should limit citations to only journal articles in the author selection procedure. Currently, limiting citations for use in cocitation studies to only jour- nal articles would have to be done manually because no field delimiter is available in SCISEARCH to separate books from articles during the actual search. The prominent authors in the field are changing rapidly as research in biodiver- sity continues. One year after the origi- nal data were collected, a follow-up search in SCISEARCH produced a sub- stantially different ranked list of authors. Many of the prominent authors in this November 1996 study were retrieved once again in the follow-up, though not at the same posi- tions. Perfection of this methodology would facilitate the tracking of research fronts in rapidly developing fields such as biodiversity by researchers with little or no previous specific knowledge of the prominent authors in the field. The question asked in the title of this study remains to be answered. Can RANK be used to generate a reliable au- thor list? Possibly, though refinement of the methodology presented here would have to take place in order to produce an author set that would provide a clear pic- ture of the field being studied. Notes 1. Edward 0 . Wilson, The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Pr., 1992). 2. Derek}. de Solla Price, "Networks of Scientific Papers," Science 149 (July 30, 1965): 510-15. 3. Henry G. Small and Belver C. Griffith, "The Structure of Scientific Literatures I: Identifying and Graphing Specialties," Science Studies 4 (Jan. 1974): 17-40. 4. Katherine W. McCain, "Mapping Authors in Intellectual Space: A Technical Overview," Journal of the American Society for Information Science 41 (Sept. 1990): 433-43. 5. Howard D. White and Katherine W. McCain, "Bibliometrics," Annual Review of Information Science 24 (1989): 119-86. 6. Henry G. Small, "Cocitation in the Scientific Literature: A New Measure of the Relation- ship between Two Documents," Journal of the American Society for Information Science 24 (Aug. 1973): 265-69. 7. Small and Griffith, "The Structure of Scientific Literatures," 39. 8. Belver C. Griffith, "The Social and Behavioral Sciences' Literature," Information Choices and Policies: Proceedings of the 1979 ASIS Annual Meeting 16 (Oct. 1979): 254-62. 9. Howard D. White and Belver C. Griffith, "Author Cocitation: A Literature Measure of In- tellectual Structure," Journal of the American Society for Information Science 32 (May 1980): 163-71. 10. Ibid., 164. 11. H. B. F. Peters and A. F. J. van Raan, "Co-word Based Science Maps of Chemical Engineer- ing, Part I: Representations by Direct Multidimensional Scaling," Research Policy 22 (Feb. 1993): 23-45. 12. --, "Co-word Based Science Maps of Chemical Engineering, Part II: Representations by Combined Clustering and Multidimensional Scaling," Research Policy 22 (Feb. 1993): 47-71. 13. --, "A Bibliometric Profile of Top-SCientists: A Case Study in Chemical Engineering," Scientometrics 29 (Jan. 1994): 115-36. 14. Sean B. Eom, "Decision Support Systems Research: Reference Disciplines and a Cumula- tive Tradition," Omega: International Journal of Management Science 23 (Oct. 1995): 511-23. 15. "RANK in the lSI Citation Indexes," Chronolog 21 (Apr. 1993): 116-17. 16. White and Griffith, "Author Cocitation," 165. 17. McCain, "Mapping Authors," 436. 18. Ibid., 438.