College and Research Libraries tions of the network paradigm," the "myth of electronic democracy," and the "supposed role of 'shared spaces' ... in the development of electronic altruism" that sounds cautionary notes especially close to home as librarians prepare despatialized collections for decor- porealized constituencies in times when the new communities thus created will increasingly have to pay the Internet piper. Mantovani's tone is not so energeti- cally critical as is, for example, Neil Postman's in Technology or Gorman and Crawford's in Future Libraries. His argu- ment, however, reminds readers of what we already know so well, namely, that the technologies we make, make us in turn; that what we make has unpredict- able consequences; that no tool is inher- ently purposeful but, rather, takes its pur- poses from the field of social values; and that technologies are social and therefore political projects. Technological tools, such as personal identity, develop in en- gagement with an environment already conditioned by the political and social projects of people. Thus, as knowledge for Mantovani is not simply processed information, so, too, are technologies not neutral forces for progress; rather, their "cultural dimensions" require that we ask the political questions about who uses them and to what ends. The cover blurb promises a "startling" book. To those, however, who have fol- lowed, especially through the cultural studies movement, the post-sixties devel- opment of (Continental) social/ cultural theory on problems of agency, structure, subjectivity, discourse, language, power, ideology, and the every day or, for that matter, those who attend to the world around them, none of this will come as anything new, let alone startling. Read- ers will find the summaries in the short introduction and conclusion useful, as they will the discussion of the sociopo- litical imbrications of technology; but gaining instruction from the whole may Book Reviews 585 depend not only on their reading or pow- ers of observation but also on how they like their (virtual?) reality-in the form of the novel or social psychology, or in the imitation of fiction or description of science. That the author's most vivid evi- dence in part one derives from works of literature or anecdotes of student life and that he proposes to ontologize virtual re- ality as fiction remind me of Aristotle's assertion that poetry (roughly, literature) is more philosophical and serious than history because it is more universal. I might venture the corollary that litera- ture, on these counts, shows itself supe- rior to social psychology as welL-Rob- ert Kieft, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylania . Miller, Steven E. Civilizing Cyberspace: Policy, Power, and the Information Su- perhighway. New York: ACM Pr., 1996. 413p. $24.95. (ISBN 0-201-84760-4.) LC 95-7270. This has been a good year for public de- bate about the information superhigh- way. Dullish topics such as telecommu- nications technology, regulation and licensing of public utilities, antitrust, copyright, and patent law have pen- etrated the consciousness of the average person, the media, and possibly even some legislators. Along with perennially exciting problems of censorship and pri- vacy and the politics of the Supreme Court and the 104th Congress, they make an exciting agenda for democratic discus- sion. Steven E. Miller is one of those rare people who combine detailed knowledge of both the technical and the political sides of these issues. He has been a com- munity organizer, editor of Lotus Maga- zine, science commentator for the TV show One Norway Street, and member of the national board of Computer Profes- sionals for Social Responsibility. In Civi- lizing Cyberspace, Miller offers a valuable overview aimed at knowledgeable citi- zens and policymakers. "Question and Answer" sessions with experts (scien- 586 College & Research Libraries tists, librarians, journalists, etc.) conclude each chapter, creating a chorus of voices. The book's title evokes the currently popular notion of "civic space," a realm of public activity apart from church, state, and commerce that is indispensable to flourishing democratic communities. Miller hopes that the information super- highway can sustain and even enhance this "civility." Because it originated in government-sponsored research and uni- versity settings, the Internet developed as a "self-governing voluntary associa- tion that creates its own rules through an evolutionary consensus-building pro- cess." But "now the organization paying the piper is calling for a change of tune." To achieve deficit reduction, the Clinton administration has decided that its much- touted National Information Infrastruc- ture (Nil) will be built by the private sec- tor in a market context. Miller fears that undiluted market forces will turn the in- formation superhighway into a commer- cial wasteland-and a dangerous one at that. He takes the reader on a tour of al- ternative po!)sibilities in chapters devoted to network infrastructure and organiza- tion, communications policy, industry patterns and strategies, funding, free speech, privacy and security, and eco- nomic development. Index to advertisers Ablex ACRL Archival Products Biosciences Information Blackwell Chadwyck-Healey EU Info Greenwood Publishing Library Technologies OCLC Online Computer PAIS Readmore Todd Enterprises H. W. Wilson 566 497 512 cover 2 cover 3 513 588 524 554 494 578 500 cover 4 493 November 1996 For example, Miller supports univer- sal access to the information superhigh- way via a "broadband telecommunica- tions platform that supports two-way multimedia applications." But commer- cial suppliers may settle for one-way or only minimally two-way communication channels, which would be cheaper to build and adequate for profitable enter- tainment and shopping services. Capsule histories of the rail, television, telephone, and cable industries provide a number of cautionary tales and lessons. Miller convincingly argues that the information superhighway must be a common car- rier (like telephone and postal service and unlike broadcasting) in order to ensure that all voices and points of view can be heard. But the market encourages verti- cal integration, with joint ownership of both communication channels and pro- gramming. Space for noncommercial, public-access channels has been shrinking. Another strong section deals with pri- vacy issues, including data security, ac- curacy, and encryption. Here, Miller, with his unusually broad knowledge of policy trends, is able to compare weak U.S. poli- cies with the much more stringent safe- guards in force in European countries. Also useful are his clear discussions of the privatization of government informa- tion and of intellectual property rights in an electronic environment. Sections on "Community, Diversity, and Citizenship" and "Citizen Action" are less incisive. Civilizing Cyberspace is a good book that all libraries should have in their col- lections, but it could have been better. Herbert Hoover was not president in 1924, and the inventor of the panopticon was Jeremy Bentham, not Benthan. But these are minor errors. More serious is that incomplete source documentation prevents the reader from evaluating in- ferences drawn from research studies and reports. I also find that the attempt to al- low readers to either read each chapter in order or "jump around among topics that sound interesting" (Miller calls it "random access") produces a weak, re- petitive organizational structure that works against the narrative, analytic, and polemical thrust of Miller's work. Per- haps his background as a columnist and broadcaster has conditioned him to break his material down into small chunks. And although Miller's sweetly reason- able voice contributes to the civilized tone of his book, it may not inspire the vocif- erous public response that he recom- mends. Strange as it may sound, Civiliz- ing Cyberspace could have used a little more rhetoric.-Jean Alexander, North- western University, Evanston, Illinois. The Unpredictable Certainty: Information Infrastructure through 2000. Prepared by the Nil 2000 Steering Committee; the Computer Science and Telecom- munications Board; the Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Applications; and the National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Pr., 1996. 281p. $24.95. (ISBN 0-309-05432-X.) LC 96- 67383. This report represents the thinking of members of business, industry, acade- mia, and government. It synthesizes the discussion and papers produced at a workshop in January 1995 and a forum in the spring of 1995 in Washington, D.C. These meetings were organized by a steering committee of the Information In- frastructure Task Force, acting under the direction of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the Na- tional Research Council. The mandate for the steering commit- tee was "to access medium-term deploy- ment of facilities and services to advance the nation's information infrastructure." The project Nil 2000 sought the perspec- tives of providers of information and pro- ducers of facilities as well as the views of user groups. At the beginning of the report, there is a poem by Antonio Machado, which reads: Book Reviews 587 "wanderers, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking." Appropriately, these lines sum up the general outlook of those engaged in the project. In the report, there is no vision, no road, only the rarely questioned premise that private decision-making- markets-will somehow or other, some- time or other, lead to satisfactory out- comes. Desirable social outcomes hardly come into it. Technology is endorsed, not scrutinized. Its adoption is the report's "certainty." The unpredictability arises because potential individual users of the technology may be unwilling to assume their assigned roles. And well they might, given that there is no good reason offered to indicate that people want some, or any, of the services being thrown at them. "What will the consumer really want to do with the in- teractive services, and how much is he willing to pay?" asks one participant. But this uncertainty is not determin- ing because, as the report makes clear, ''business users will drive the develop- ment of information infrastructure." Yet, herein lies the contradiction that haunts the entire project. What disturbingly (to the report's authors) cannot be exorcised are the origins of what currently under- pins the information infrastructure-the Internet. In the report's careful words, "It [the Internet] was built to one set of eco- nomic principles and is in transition to an- other set of economic principles ... " [review- er's emphasis]. Again, quoting the report, the Inter- net was constructed "according to a so- cial benefit model." Now it is in transi- tion to a commercial standard. Unsur- prisingly, "financing for Internet access in research, education, and libraries con- tinues to be a source of uncertainty and concern .... " Project 2000's participants, working with a market frame for analysis, reject