232 232 College & Research Libraries May 1998 New Roles for Special Collections on the Network Peter S. Graham There will be no special collections on the network in the traditional sense because electronic information is not maintained in artifacts. Special collections have existed to support preservation of the human record as instanced in original documents or in specific documents of importance. Electronic documents, however, do not depend on their physical me­ dium for their importance, nor does their medium provide evidence that assists in better understanding their texts. Special collections will con­ tinue in importance because of the continuing importance of artifactual documents. Special collections librarians may have new and distinctive roles in the electronic environment, particularly with respect to intellec­ tual property and in the merging of special and general digital collec­ tions. o begin with, the simple and obvious truth is that there will be no special collections on the network because artifacts will not exist on the network. Special collec­ tions, after all, are collections of artifacts, whereas the network and its nodes are repositories of volatile electronic informa­ tion. However, special collections of books and manuscripts still will be rep­ resented on the net. In the first place, there will be surrogates of their holdings: Digi­ tizing projects now are an activity of many rare book and manuscript collec­ tions, large and small; and, more impor­ tant, the skills of rare book librarians and curators will be as essential on the net­ work as they always have been. In fact, the network offers an opportunity to make more evident for the main collec­ tions the substantial intellectual contribu­ tion of special collections librarians. Artifacts (once called books1) come under the classical definition of mass be­ cause they have weight and occupy space; information on the net does not. As artifacts, objects in special collections are of interest because they either contain information in­ scribed on them or present information in themselves (whether associatively, through provenance, or inherently, perhaps in the way a handpress book has been printed and as­ sembled). Artifacts contain information, in­ cluding texts and graphics (once called pic­ tures). On the network, users (once called readers) directly manipulate information. The foundation of a collection is information, whether artifactual or electronic. The way a collection is managed, and even de­ fined, depends on the difference. The Value of Books As Artifacts Artifacts in libraries can have any of at least three values: They provide informa- Peter S. Graham is Associate University Librarian at Rutgers University Libraries; e-mail: psgraham@rci.rutgers.edu. 232 mailto:psgraham@rci.rutgers.edu Special Collections on the Network 233 tion about their texts; they provide infor­ mation about publishing, reading, owner­ ship, and all that we call the history of the book; or they are appealing esthetically. The esthetic quality is easiest to de­ scribe and for present purposes may be accounted for most easily. Occasionally, a book is noted for its esthetic quality, though most often the appearance of books, particularly older ones, is routine if not unsightly to anyone not predis­ posed to appreciate them. The range of esthetic values can be considerable. Bind­ ings always have had appeal, from early books studded with precious stones to The foundation of a collection is information, whether artifactual or electronic. contemporary hand-tooled leather. Some books are a pleasure to hold and read, such as Aldine octavos, Modern Library and postwar Knopf books, or books from the Spiral Press. Others are intended to offer visual pleasure but are in fact diffi­ cult to handle as books, such as oblongs designed by contrarians and most coffee- table books, which are too heavy to hold comfortably. The books most celebrated as beautiful are typically those that add extraordinary design to important textual content, such as the Book of Kells, the Arion Moby-Dick, and Bruce Rogers’s lec­ tern Bible. In all these cases, it can be seen that there is no obvious analogy to net- worked texts. Although workstation screens are becoming more sophisticated, they still cannot present information as attractively as a finely made book. No amount of elegance in the construction of laptops or communication protocols will carry weight with those attending to the esthetic experience of reading. But the primary value of books as arti­ facts is the way in which they provide information about their texts, both explic­ itly and implicitly. Readers come to the library to find information in books and, less often (though importantly), to study the book as object to gain further infor­ mation about the text or about history more broadly considered. Thus, they use books in their most important artifactual function: as artifacts, whether tablets, manuscripts, or printed books, the mate­ riality transmits the text. Books embody text. In the interval be­ tween the oral tradition and the electronic age, the artifact is the medium of textual transmission. Inevitably, the medium also forms our sense of how the text is trans­ mitted.2 Roger Chartier, D. F. McKenzie, and Robert Darnton have taught us how size, shape, type face, and portability af­ fect our understanding of the text.3 Thus, the artifacts, beyond the texts, provide in­ formation on the history of the book as a socially created and socially consumed object. This comprises evidence about publishing, printing, binding, and other bookmaking crafts and economic activi­ ties, and thus about both authorship and the social organization of work. The physical design and construction of the book provides evidence as to the way readers were intended to perceive it. Of­ ten, too, individual books themselves will have a history and become evidence of the transmission of ideas: This book was made in this place at this time, has this reader’s name in it, has these marks in it, and was found in this place at this later time.4 The use of artifactual evidence for the history of the book, except for practitio­ ners and enthusiasts, is of relatively little interest to most readers. Yet, often the structural and physical evidence that an object supplies is essential for full textual understanding: The typography, page and sheet layout, collation, binding, and all the other aspects of printing history that can be inferred from the object itself all have informed our understanding of the text it carries. The Anglo-American bibliographic tradition has long demon­ strated successes in showing how the structure of the book can inform our 234 College & Research Libraries May 1998 understanding of the text itself.5 The history of the book as a study of social and intellectual history has been similarly informed by examination of typesetting and the sequence of printing, paper con­ struction, paper sources compared to lo­ cation of printers, format of book in rela­ tion to text, and the like. There is, therefore, nothing “spe- cial” about an electronic collection. There are no artifacts to provide added value to the substantive information. The artifactual evidence has been em­ phasized here to point out the continu­ ing importance and informational basis of library collections of objects—and cer­ tainly of special collections. The contrast with the electronic environment is strik­ ing. Because there will be no artifacts on the network—by definition, so to speak— there arises no physical evidentiary infor­ mation to assist in the study of the texts themselves or to provide a history of their transmission. Information exists on the network as recorded bits of information collected as a digital object. It is easily copied. It also is easily modified. The great asset of electronic information is also its great liability. Electronic Collections Are Not Special There is, therefore, nothing “special” about an electronic collection. There are no artifacts to provide added value to the substantive information. There is no con­ cept of rarity because any digital object may be quickly copied any number of times. There is no concept of origin, in the sense of one document being the more authoritative source for another. One copy is just as good as any other identi­ cal copy, or as the original. For example, the copy of a manuscript on floppy disk (assuming one does not change it) is as good as the hard-disk copy; there is no priority. There is no need for protection against use: Use will not damage an elec­ tronic work. And it is important to recog­ nize that there is no difference between important materials and less important materials in any of these respects. There are no special collections on the network. Concepts of preservation and protec­ tion still exist.6 They exist, however, in new terms for digital objects. In the short term, the medium the object resides on still needs to be protected and preserved (medium preservation). In the longer term, the digital object needs to be pre­ served against inevitable advances in technology, both hardware and software (technology preservation). And at all times in the electronic environment, the integrity or authenticity of the object needs to be guaranteed for the user to have assurance that the information is what it is expected to be (intellectual pres­ ervation).7 The computing term for the long-last­ ing quality of a digital object is persistence. In most cases, the decision of a library to provide access to an object—particularly, if it maintains a copy locally or provides full cataloging for it—is a decision that recognizes the desirability of persistence. In most cases, for electronic objects it will be a decision in favor of persistence be­ cause the decision to provide access will, in future, be necessarily linked to the de­ cision to preserve the information. Information “out there on the net” is not persistent until some institution as­ sumes responsibility for its persistence, just as printed materials in the past have had no guarantee of survival until con­ sciously acquired and preserved. The in­ stitution best prepared to take this respon­ sibility remains the library. Sometimes it is loosely asserted that libraries will have a lesser role in the future because infor­ mation will be available to everyone on the network. The fact remains that for information to be available for any mean­ ingful length of time, someone has to se­ lect it and take responsibility for it, which Special Collections on the Network 235 has been—and remains—the role of the library. Libraries continue in the para­ digm learned in library school of acquir­ ing (or linking to) information, organiz­ ing it, making it available, and preserv­ ing it. Until now, the decision to provide ac­ cess has been separate from the decision to preserve because, in fact, books can wait quite a while on the shelf before the preservation decision has to be faced. With digital objects, the decision must be faced from the moment of choice because digital information is volatile. From the beginning, therefore, electronic collection development decisions are decisions about the desirability (or otherwise) of persistence, or permanence.8 From the beginning, therefore, electronic collection development decisions are decisions about the desirability (or otherwise) of persistence, or permanence. In the electronic environment, the de­ cision to provide long-term access will become analogous to the decision to ac­ quire, and it will mean making a commit­ ment to long-term preservation. It should be noted that in this context there is no difference between what once might have been considered special collections objects and other more ephemeral items, whether temporary Web pages, e-journal articles, “texts” of authors writing in electronic form (perhaps even working texts from disks), or page images of decaying Dead Sea Scroll fragments that will become the primary record. Special Collections on the Network The role of special collections depart­ ments on the network is not yet fully clear, but some generalizations may be made. First and foremost, special collections departments will continue in their role of being the locus for the important artifact. Second, they will have an important role in placing digitized images of artifacts on the network.9 Finally, they will have no distinctive electronic role within other­ wise electronic libraries. The special collections department will continue to be the part of the library that maintains and provides important arti­ facts of the human record. Existing col­ lections can be expected to grow indefi­ nitely simply by acquiring necessary and desirable materials from the preelectronic age. And despite some predictions, writ­ ing and printing of importance are going to be take place well beyond our lifetimes. Such activities will provide materials for traditional special collections oversight for some time to come. All these materi­ als will need to be maintained and pre­ served for the indefinite future just as we always have supposed. Placing digitized materials on the net­ work already has become a requirement for present special collections depart­ ments. Rare book departments and trea­ sure collections always have played a role in enhancing the prestige of their institu­ tions. Many university administrators (and some librarians) already have seized on the public relations potential of plac­ ing digitized versions of attractive hold­ ings on the network; it appears that some think that digitization represents all there is about electronic libraries. Too often, insufficient thought has been given to the infrastructure requirements of digitizing selected parts of collections, including costs, personnel, systems, and preserva­ tion; but this has not stopped the recent boomlet in digitizing projects character­ ized by scattered focus and varying stan­ dards. Still, they have had the advantage of helping train a number of library staff in the requirements of digitization and storage, including the niceties of resolu­ tion, compression ratios, image formats, and disk space.10 In the long run, when consistently or­ ganized and funded, digitizing projects will prove of real value for libraries and their users—and for many materials. http:space.10 236 College & Research Libraries May 1998 Access to their content will be im­ proved while the materials themselves will be preserved. Rather as an exhibit lets patrons see an illuminated manuscript or Pound’s marked-up manuscript of Eliot’s The Waste Land, so digitized images can be placed online as a virtual exhibit; and they can be left online more or less indefinitely, an advantage over most artifactual exhib­ its. Accessibility of individual items can be improved for both pleasure and research, thus reducing the wear and tear on items that otherwise might be too popular to al­ low public handling. Thus, network sur­ rogates can enhance the preservation of artifacts by allowing their study without actual physical handling. For some objects, the stress of digitizing will have to be bal­ anced against the stress of handling, but for many objects the balance will be clear. In some instances, the digitizing actually may improve access, as in the case, for ex­ ample, of the Beowulf manuscripts where digitizing using special lighting actually has made some parts of the text more readable than through handling the ob­ ject itself.11 Unnecessary travel can be minimized if some part of scholars’ needs can be sat­ isfied by use of a well-digitized surrogate on the network. In other cases, the avail­ ability of a digitized collection can make a scholar’s travel more efficient by allow­ ing him or her to verify the presence of a document and to identify particular docu­ ments of interest before arrival at the ac­ tual site. Comparison of documents at geographically separated sites will be made much easier. If digitizing is accompanied by other forms of editing, new forms of study will become possible. For example, formal markup (e.g., the Text Encoding Initiative [TEI], a form of the Standard Generalized Markup Language [SGML])12 will allow computer manipulation of texts and test­ ing of hypotheses in ways not possible in a precomputer environment. All these digitized uses raise again the question, not to be answered here, of who the constituency for the rare book library is—members of the local institution or the scholarly community at large. For librar­ ies with important special collections de­ partments, there always have been the tensions between local needs and local funding on the one hand, and national prestige and extramural users on the other. The network will only heighten these tensions. Special collections departments no longer will collect distinct kinds of infor­ mation within the digital research library. As described above, there is no distinc­ tive activity for a special collections de­ partment in the selection, organization, use, or preservation of digital informa­ tion. The same activities will take place for the identification and long-term main­ tenance of a digital textbook as would take place for preservation of a human genome database or of a hypertext novel by Robert Coover. Thus, network surrogates can enhance the preservation of artifacts by allowing their study without actual physical handling. Thus, one implication is that, to some extent, existing special collections depart­ ments may become museums of the book, not of course in the debased sense of mau­ solea but, rather, as places where objects are studied rather than texts. Such a role would be mitigated partially by digitiza­ tion activities to make textual collections more widely available. Special collec­ tions, in fact, would then become a bridge backward in time—a “legacy system,” in computer jargon—as they continue to fulfill their role as a repository of origi­ nal documents of the human record. The Research Library As a Special Collection Alternatively, of course—and a preferable way of seeing our future—it could be said that the entire research library will become http:itself.11 Special Collections on the Network 237 a special collection, preserving the elec­ tronic human record for use into the in­ definite future. (Rare book librarians might call this approach: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”) In this view, there are some interesting implications for special collections staffing. The historical curatorial skills will remain important in research libraries. The considerations involved in select­ ing important originary digital works will be the only distinction between what now are called special collections curators and research library bibliographers. After the object is selected, whether it is the elec­ tronic working papers of a Nobel prize winner or the next electronic novel by Danielle Steele, the library activities of cataloging, authentication, preservation, and presentation will be the same. The distinctive characteristic for the digital curator of special collections may be a special understanding of intellectual property and of how copyright will color the passing of ownership or license from a private party to the library. What now is thought of as normal or trade materi­ als will have their electronic analogy in the routine acquisition of digital objects through standard purchase, lease, or li­ cense agreements. The digital curator, on the other hand, will sniff out particular digital objects of importance and indi­ vidually negotiate rights to them with their owner. Electronic copyright law may become an important hiring qualification in special collections. So far, the question has been begged of what is an “important” digital work. In the artifactual environment, the con­ cept often is clear, though sometimes c o n t r o ve r s i a l . T h e c r i t e r i a o f t e n change. The hard-copy concept of im­ portance is affected by changing views of culture, for example, as in the rise of gender studies or of popular culture and ephemera. Still, importance is given a concrete foundation by artifac­ tual matters such as edition, printing state, binding, age, and demonstrable provenance. Thus, in a broad sense, we know an important artifactual work when we see one, which is what allows the an­ tiquarian book trade to thrive. But what is an important digital work? The hypothesis so far has been that ev­ erything about research library activities involving digital works is the same ex­ cept for the selection process. And the selection process is different only for “im­ portant” works. Perhaps what will be thought of as “important” digital works will be those desirable digital objects for which the copyright issues are trouble­ some. They will not be any rarer than anything else, they will not be any more fragile, they will not be any more esthetic, and they will not provide any material supporting evidence for the substance of their information. It may be the concept of scarcity—that is, the difficulty of ac­ quiring rights—that provides the sense of importance or of value. Saying that a digital work is important because it invokes the specialized skill of a digital copyright curator is not yet a very crisp or satisfactory working defini­ tion. The uncertainty of this definition also may be heuristically helpful in un­ derstanding why special collections as such will not really exist on the Internet. However, we may be confident that there will continue to be a role for special collections in the networked environ­ ment. The historical curatorial skills will remain important in research libraries. These are the skills for understanding what is important in the literature, for knowing who the important players are, for asserting what a given library should take responsibility for, and for negotiat­ ing with private parties. In his 1990 Malkin lecture, Terry Belanger pessimistically described the role of special collections as leading the march to the dumpster as research library 238 College & Research Libraries May 1998 shelves get fuller.13 Instead, the role of spe­ cial collections should be to lead the march to the network. In rejoining their main library colleagues, special collec­ tions librarians will be leading themselves back into the mainstream of the research library. This will be of enormous benefit to their colleagues, to themselves, and to library patrons now and in the future. The author appreciates the opportu­ nity he had to try out these ideas at the Rare Book School of the University of Virginia in 1995. He also is grateful for thoughtful readings by Daniel Traister of the University of Pennsylvania and Jackie Dooley of the University of Cali- fornia-Irvine, but they should not be held responsible for these views. Notes 1. This article refers to “books” as shorthand for the many different kinds of artifactual objects in libraries and special collections, including manuscripts, broadsides, pamphlets, jour­ nals, sheet music, recordings, photographs, and the like. The general point, mutatis mutandis, holds for all of them. 2. See the dust jackets in any contemporary bookstore. For the scene 200 years ago, see George Crabbe (1754–1832), “The Library” (1808): ...Lo! all in silence, all in order stand, And mighty folios first, a lordly band; Then quartos their well-ordered ranks maintain, And light octaves fill a spacious plain. See yonder, ranged in more frequented rows, A humbler band of duodecimos. 3. For example, see D. F. McKenzie on the shift in Congreve editions from quarto to octavo. The new format and the addition of stage directions, italic, and decorations signaled a change in how author and publisher intended the work to be taken by its audience, and thus the shift in sensibility now referred to as the shift from Restoration to Georgian; “Typography and Mean­ ing: The Case of William Congreve,” in Buch und Buchhandel in Europa im achtzehnten Jahrhundert, eds. Giles Barber and Bernhard Fabian (Hamburg, 1981), 81–125. McKenzie’s work is cited in Robert Darnton, The Kiss of Lamourette (New York: W. W. Norton, 1990), 132 and 184. 4. For examples, see Roger Chartier, The Order of Books (Stanford, Calif.: University Pr., 1994), and Anthony Grafton, “Is the History of Reading a Marginal Enterprise? Guillaume Budé and His Books,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 91 (June 1997): 39–57. See especially Roger Stoddard, ed., Marks in Books, Illustrated and Explained (Cambridge: Houghton Library, 1984), and the December, 1997, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America devoted to the 1997 Marks in Books Conference of the BSA. For a more general introduction, see Robert Darnton, “What Is the History of the Book?” in The Kiss of Lamourette (New York: W. W. Norton, 1990). 5. The classic example is Charlton Hinman’s The Printing and Proof-reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 1963). A briefer version is his introduction to the Norton Facsimile, The First Folio of Shakespeare (New York: Norton, 1968). For more on analytic and descriptive bibliography in this tradition, see the works of G. Thomas Tanselle, for example, in almost any of the annual volumes of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the Univer­ sity of Virginia. 6. Preserving Digital Information: Final Report and Recommendations (Washington, D.C.: Com­ mission on Preservation and Access/Research Libraries Group, 1996). Available in print and on the Web at: . 7. “In this new world, preservation means copying, not physical preservation.” Michael Lesk, Preservation of New Technology: A Report of the Technology Assessment Advisory Committee to the Commission on Preservation and Access (Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1992), 13; also at: . See also Clifford A. Lynch, “The Integrity of Digital Information: Mechanics and Definitional Issues,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45 (1994): 737–44; Peter S. Graham, Intellec­ tual Preservation: Electronic Preservation of the Third Kind (Washington, D.C.: Commission on Pres­ ervation and Access, 1994); also at: . 8. Patricia M. Battin noted the need for preservation decisions at digital creation in the 1992-93 Annual Report of the Commission on Preservation and Access, p. 3. The archiving community has emphasized “life-cycle” treatment of records to assure preservation, and this approach is http:fuller.13 Special Collections on the Network 239 now appearing in digital archiving discussions; see e.g. Neil Beagrie and Daniel Greenstein’s upcoming Digital Collections: Developing a Strategic Policy Framework for the Creation and Preserva­ tion of Digital Resources (London: Arts and Humanities Date Service, draft of March 9, 1998). 9. Abby Smith has summarized the value of the acces and preservation role in “Special Collections Stake Their Claim in the Electronic Age,” CLIR Issues, (March/April 1998): 1. 10. For an outstanding introduction to these topics, see Anne R. Kenney and Stephen Chapman, Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Library, 1996). Proposal responses by many libraries to the Ameritech/LC grant sponsorship are examples of what is noted in this paragraph. In contrast, see the recent statement by the Society of American Archivists, “The mere potential for increased access to a digitized collection does not add value to an underutilized collection. It is a rare collection of digital files indeed that can justify the cost of a comprehensive migration strategy without factoring in the larger intellectual context of related digital files stored elsewhere and their combined uses for research and scholarship,” Statement on the Preservation of Digitized Reproductions ( June 9, 1997), . 11. Kevin Kiernan, “Digital Preservation, Restoration, and Dissemination of Medieval Manu­ scripts,” (1993), , and “The Electronic Beowulf” (The British Library, 1995), . 12. See the pilot project developed by Wendell Piez and others at the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH) of Rutgers and Princeton, “The William Elliot Griffis Collection Electronic Access Project,” (1996), at . The project uses SGML DTD’s both for Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). 13. Terry Belanger, The Future of Rare Book Libraries (Columbia University School of Library Service, Book Arts Press: 1991 Malkin Lecture; text available from Dec. 16, 1991, archive of ExLibris, message from: terry@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu, subject: Malkin Lecture). mailto:terry@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu www.archivists.org/governance/resolutions/digitize.html << /ASCII85EncodePages false /AllowTransparency false /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /AutoRotatePages /All /Binding /Left /CalGrayProfile (Dot Gain 20%) /CalRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated \050SWOP\051 v2) /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /CompressObjects /Tags /CompressPages true /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /PassThroughJPEGImages true /CreateJobTicket false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /DetectBlends true /DetectCurves 0.0000 /ColorConversionStrategy /CMYK /DoThumbnails false /EmbedAllFonts true /EmbedOpenType false /ParseICCProfilesInComments true /EmbedJobOptions true /DSCReportingLevel 0 /EmitDSCWarnings false /EndPage -1 /ImageMemory 1048576 /LockDistillerParams false /MaxSubsetPct 1 /Optimize true /OPM 1 /ParseDSCComments true /ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo true /PreserveCopyPage true /PreserveDICMYKValues true /PreserveEPSInfo true /PreserveFlatness false /PreserveHalftoneInfo true /PreserveOPIComments false /PreserveOverprintSettings true /StartPage 1 /SubsetFonts false /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /UCRandBGInfo /Preserve /UsePrologue false /ColorSettingsFile () /AlwaysEmbed [ true ] /NeverEmbed [ true ] /AntiAliasColorImages false /CropColorImages false /ColorImageMinResolution 151 /ColorImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleColorImages true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageResolution 300 /ColorImageDepth -1 /ColorImageMinDownsampleDepth 1 /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.10000 /EncodeColorImages true /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterColorImages true /ColorImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /ColorACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /ColorImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000ColorACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000ColorImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasGrayImages false /CropGrayImages false /GrayImageMinResolution 151 /GrayImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleGrayImages true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /GrayImageResolution 300 /GrayImageDepth -1 /GrayImageMinDownsampleDepth 2 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 1.10000 /EncodeGrayImages true /GrayImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterGrayImages true /GrayImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /GrayACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /GrayImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000GrayACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000GrayImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasMonoImages false /CropMonoImages false /MonoImageMinResolution 600 /MonoImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleMonoImages true /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /MonoImageResolution 1200 /MonoImageDepth -1 /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.16667 /EncodeMonoImages true /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /MonoImageDict << /K -1 >> /AllowPSXObjects false /CheckCompliance [ /None ] /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFX3Check false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false /PDFXNoTrimBoxError true /PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox true /PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXOutputIntentProfile () /PDFXOutputConditionIdentifier () /PDFXOutputCondition () /PDFXRegistryName () /PDFXTrapped /False /CreateJDFFile false /Description << /ENU (IPC Print Services, Inc. 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