lawson.p65 464 College & Research Libraries September 1999 Assessing Technology-based Projects for Promotion and/or Tenure in ARL Academic Libraries Karen G. Lawson and Nancy L. Pelzer Little is known about how technology-based projects (computer soft­ ware, articles in electronic journals, Internet-based materials, videotapes and audiotapes) are reviewed for promotion and/or tenure purposes in academic libraries. Reviewers might evaluate projects with traditional criteria or attempt to revise criteria to accommodate computer-related work. To address this issue in more detail, the authors conducted a study to assess how technology-based projects are evaluated in the promo­ tion and/or tenure process for academic librarians in Association of Re­ search Libraries. Survey results show that, while projects, particularly World Wide Web–based materials, are being evaluated in some ARL academic libraries, little has been developed as a core set of measures or assessments for promotion and/or tenure decisions. hanges in methods of publica­ tion and in the nature of re­ search and its resulting prod­ ucts are raising difficult questions in the arena of the scholarly reward system. Several years ago, as ad­ ministrators began to talk positively about technology and its benefits to the University community, efforts such as de­ veloping computer programs, writing reviews of software, and publishing in electronic journals were perceived by some in the academic world as coming into their own as legitimate forms of scholarship.1 By 1997, the winds on cam­ puses appeared to have shifted and the earlier enthusiasm of scholars was being tempered by skeptical departments and committees reviewing candidates for pro­ motion and/or tenure.2 The Modern Lan­ guage Association’s Guidelines for Evalu­ ating Computer-related Work in the Modern Languages specifies “recognition of con­ tributions by faculty members” as one of the guidelines for support of computer technology and recommends that “col­ leges and universities should develop a written policy concerning the evaluation of electronic publications in the tenure and promotion process so that faculty members can make their decision about appropriate ways to distribute their re­ search.”3 These guidelines, however, lack suggestions as to how specific kinds of computer-related activity should be evaluated within the traditional catego­ ries of professional practice, research, and service or how the traditional categories might best be revised to accommodate work with new technologies. While technology and promotion and/or tenure are widely discussed in Karen G. Lawson is an associate professor at Iowa State University; e-mail: Nancy L.Pelzer is an associate professor at Iowa State University; e-mail: 464 Assessing Technology-based Projects 465 library literature as discrete topics, the two issues are rarely covered jointly. The use of technology on campuses and in libraries is hardly new, but there has been an obvious shift within the past decade. Technology-based projects are no longer controlled solely by an institutional “sys­ tems analyst” and are now conceived, produced and disseminated directly by faculty and staff. Concurrently, these products are included by faculty and staff in their promotional evaluation and tenure review files. In 1992, Edward Shreeves wrote that “Faculty often report that, while their interest in creating and working with electronic information sources is keen, their mentors urge them to produce traditional scholarship for publication in mainstream journals if they want to be eligible for tenure.”4 A librarian, who may or may not be a fac­ ulty member, can submit a technology- based project for review for promotion or tenure evaluation. How that project is evaluated by the library administration, promotional reviewer, or tenure review committee may vary widely. The review­ ing body might evaluate the project with traditional criteria or may attempt to re­ vise evaluation criteria to accommodate computer-related work. While technology and promotion and/or tenure are widely discussed in library literature as discrete topics, the two issues are rarely covered jointly. In order to address this issue in more detail, the authors conducted a study to assess how technology-based projects are evaluated in the promotion and/or tenure process for librarians in Association of Re­ search Libraries (ARL) academic libraries. This group of institutions was chosen be­ cause their emphasis on research and the possible faculty status of their librarians indicated that institutions within this group would be facing the same set of problems regarding the evaluation of tech­ nology-based projects as their counterparts on college and university campuses. Background How are technology-based projects evalu­ ated for promotion and/or tenure in aca­ deme in general? Ernest Boyer suggests that the scholarly reward system can be­ come more flexible and vital by acknowl­ edging that scholarship can find expres­ sion in nontraditional ways, stating that “preparing quality computer software, for example, is increasingly a function of serious scholars. And even videocassette and television offer opportunity for com­ municating ideas to nonspecialists in cre­ ative new ways.”5 Martha Gilliland writes that “the tenure system is regularly blamed for many of the perceived ills of the university” and that “faculty mem­ bers’ notions of development … tend to emphasize their own fields of scholarship rather than teaching methods, the use of technology, or greater understanding of the needs and perceptions of constituen­ cies.”6 There are an increasing number of theoretical articles that discuss the pros and cons of “new scholarship” and offer differing perspectives on how computer- related work could be evaluated in the tenure and promotion process—revision of guidelines, creation of new guidelines and criteria, and morphing of existing guidelines and criteria. A small number of studies have attempted to gain insights about what institutions are doing to de­ velop technology-based projects, how they are perceived in the promotion and/ or tenure process, or if and how tradi­ tional guidelines have been changed.7 In a survey sent to all deans of schools of education in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Nancy E. Seminoff and Shelley B. Wepner found that while institutions do not value tech­ nology-based projects as much as tradi­ tional scholarly works, faculty and ad­ ministrators believe that technology- based projects merit equivalent value to textbooks and journal articles for tenure and promotion. Most respondents to the Seminoff and Wepner survey indicated that their institutions had not yet estab­ lished criteria for evaluating technology- based projects.8 466 College & Research Libraries How are technology-based projects being evaluated in academic libraries and what rethinking, if any, is taking place regarding the place of technology- based projects in promotion and/or ten­ ure of librarians? In 1997 Pamela S. Bradigan and Carol A. Mularski ana­ lyzed the specific criteria used by aca­ demic library directors in the tenure and promotion process, but included only journal articles and monographs as the two most common forms of publications produced by academic librarians.9 Joan M. Leysen and William K. Black, in a survey on peer review in Carnegie Re­ search Libraries, asked library adminis­ trators to comment on the relative impor­ tance of contributions in electronic for­ mat in the peer review process.10 There have been no studies that specifically discuss if and how technology-based projects are being assessed in promotion and/or tenure decisions in ARL aca­ demic libraries, the materials used to evaluate their merit, and the criteria as­ signed for the assessment of technology- based projects. Methodology On January 4, 1999, a survey was mailed to library administrators at 109 ARL aca­ demic libraries. An e-mail reminder was sent on January 20, 1999, with a final mail reminder to non-respondents sent on February 4, 1999. The survey instrument was composed of forty-six categorical and six open-ended questions which sought to assess how technology-based projects are evaluated in the promotion and/or tenure process for librarians at these institutions. For purposes of this study, technology-based projects were defined as computer software (including CD-ROM), or the publication of articles in electronic journals, or the develop­ ment of Internet-based materials (includ­ ing Web pages, tutorials, or digitization), or videotapes and audiotapes. The cover letter sent with the survey included an instruction that allowed an administra­ tor to refer the questionnaire to another person if they felt that person was more September 1999 familiar with the evaluation of technol­ ogy-based projects at that library. In ad­ dition to institutional information, spe­ cific inquiries were made addressing the perceived need for technology-based projects in these libraries, the actual oc­ currence of technology-based projects, factors that are used to determine the value of these projects, criteria that are used to determine the value of these projects in promotion and/or tenure de­ cisions, and perceived credibility of tech­ nology-based projects in the promotion and/or tenure process. Respondents whose libraries had not experienced technology-based projects as compo­ nents of librarians’ promotion and/or tenure reviews during the past three years were asked to skip a portion of the survey which focused on active assess­ ment of these projects. Results are pre­ sented as proportional analyses using the calculation of frequencies and percent­ ages. Findings Seventy-seven responses from the one hundred and nine libraries contacted yielded a total of sixty-nine useable sur­ veys, for a final return rate of 63%. Not every respondent answered every ques­ tion; therefore, frequency data are given, as necessary, in the text. Of the sixty-nine respondents, fifty-eight (91%) were Carnegie I or II institutions. Thirty-six (52%) of the responding institutions in­ dicated that all librarians were faculty, while at four (6%) institutions some li­ brarians were faculty and at twenty-nine institutions (42%) librarians were not fac­ ulty. In trying to assess the overall cli­ mate for scholarship requirements at ARL academic libraries, a question was posed about whether scholarly/creative activity is REQUIRED for promotion and/or tenure of librarians at their insti­ tution. Forty-two (61%) of the libraries reported “Yes.” However, in a related question which asked whether schol­ arly/creative activity must appear in a refereed publication, fifty-three (77%) of the libraries said “No.” Forty-four (64%) http:process.10 � -� E- �. � �u "'= =' �= U u" ..= 5 E u-< == :=5 �. "'u � � =. u-. ' .= -� . i; 9 0; V � -E. -§ - - § U § - � ; E E i E E; V Z0 §,� ; EE i . 0 V.- i . 0 V.- Z0 E V . V . iE E;V 0; - : 0; - : --9 - V l§ VE-E ;E- 0§V V0§ V § � § � § � § � § � § � l 0 --9 E l §VE ; E-0 § OO O00 M0 O00 NO O00 Oo O00 N0 O00 O0 O00 --9 E � §- V-EE Z : OO O0 M0 Oo NO O0 Oo O00 N0 O00 O0 OO i V � E § U0 §VE -E; §E V OM 00 Mo 00 NO 00 O0 0O No 0O O0 00 J 0 ' V V-0 § 0 § -E-0 § O0 0M MO 0O NN OO OO 0o N0 0O OO oO . 0 E ;§- EE ' 0 i . 0 V.- O0 o0 MO o0 NN 00 OO 00 N0 0O OO oO Z : -§ -- 9 E J 0' VV -0§ OO 0O MO 0O NM o0 OO Oo N0 0N OO 00 Assessing Technology-based Projects 467 of the sixty-nine respondents said that technology-based projects had been a component of promo­ tion and/or tenure reviews dur­ ing the last three years, while twenty-five (36%) libraries indi­ cated that this was not the case. Almost all of the group of forty-four libraries agreed that the reasons for creating technol­ ogy-based projects were to im­ prove library instruction or to meet a library or university need (see table 1). Eighty-six percent of these respondents believed that these projects enhanced aware­ ness of and responsiveness to needs of constituents outside their university. Eighty-three per­ cent of ARL academic libraries ( n = 4 0 ) f e l t , a l s o , t h a t t h e s e projects were important for pro­ viding professional recognition to their librarians, as well as pro­ viding opportunity for research/ scholarship (78%, n=40). A higher percentage of ARL academic li­ braries with faculty status than those without faculty status saw technology-based projects as an opportunity for scholarship and professional recognition. A some­ what lesser importance was as­ cribed to “need in the library pro­ fession,” with only 61% of forty- one libraries indicating “yes” to this question. Answers to the question “Are there any other reasons why librarians at your li­ brary create technology-based projects?” included personal in­ terest of the developer, the fact that some projects become com­ mercial successes for their au­ thors, an opportunity for collabo­ ration with teaching faculty on the development of technology- based products for curricular or research use, developing distance learning programs, and partici­ pation in an important mode of scholarly communication. 468 College & Research Libraries September 1999 Specific Technology- based Projects That are Being Assessed Table 2 shows the actual oc­ currence of various technol­ ogy-based projects reported from the responding librar­ ies. The projects most com­ monly reported as being components of promotion and/or tenure decisions were World Wide Web (WWW) subject or re­ source pages, tutorials or other major WWW projects. Electronic journal publications were most im­ portant to those libraries which had faculty status or that required scholarship. Other projects evaluated, according to comments re­ ceived in response to the question “Are there any other types of technology- based projects that have been components of pro­ motion and/or tenure re­ views in your Library?” were curricular, internal, or Internet-based. Curricular projects included a com­ puter-based instruction lesson, CD-ROMs, collabo­ rative projects with teach­ ing faculty to design exten­ sive course web sites, a video-streamed instruction module, and a grant pro­ posal to integrate technol­ ogy into the curriculum. Some internal projects evaluated were local en­ hancements to an online system and an electronic reserves project. Internet- based activities included the creation of Web pages for professional or consortial groups, devel­ opment of a Web search en­ ' " . ' = ' Assessing Technology-based Projects 469 gine, some Web/gateway de­ signs, and being an electronic journal editor-in-chief. Components Used to Evaluate Technology- based Projects Respondents indicated that the component most used to evaluate the merit of a tech­ nology-based project was the project itself. Other factors used fr e­ quently (about 75% of the time) were a project summary or project description (see table 3). End-user comments and peer review were consid­ ered to be important by 58% (n=40) and 57% (n=42) of the respondents, respectively. Print components, whether appearing in refereed or non- refereed journals, and project procedures were the least im­ portant to the respondents. Another concrete component considered by one evaluator in response to the question “Are there any other materi­ als that you might evaluate when making a decision about the merit of technology- based projects?” was an award given to a technology- based project. Other respon­ dents considered word of mouth fr om the field and value to the national and in­ ternational community. Criteria Used to Determine the Merit of Technology- based Projects The survey asked respon­ dents to indicate which in a group of seven criteria for de­ termining the merits of tech­ nology-based projects for pro­ motion and/or tenure were CURRENTLY being used in their library. �. � . ' '"' ': � � ".: ' o . "'= o :o� ... ''" � � .o. "' ' : . 470 College & Research Libraries September 1999 Over 80% of the report­ ing libraries (n=42) consid­ ered the creativity or uniqueness of a technol­ ogy-based project and its scholarly contribution to library science to be the primary factors in assess­ ing the merit of a project (see table 4). Local recog­ nition and national/inter­ national recognition of the project were factors used in assessing merit in 78% (n=41) and 73% (n=41) of the respondents, respec­ tively, while 62% also in­ cluded the “logical devel­ opment of ideas” (n=39). Institutions with faculty status or where scholar­ ship was required as­ signed a somewhat higher value to national/interna­ tional recognition of projects, while those insti­ tutions with non-faculty status assigned a higher status to local recognition. Responses to the question “Are there any other crite­ ria that are being used to determine the merit of technology-based projects for promotion and/or ten­ ure in your library?” indi­ cated that the other main criterion being used is whether a project is a prac­ tical utility for meeting the needs of a targeted audi­ ence. Only one institution specifically noted a will­ ingness to consider a con­ tribution by a librarian in any area of scholarship, not just in library science. In a related question, the same group of seven criteria were listed and re­ spondents were given an opportunity to indicate Assessing Technology-based Projects 471 whether, in their opinion, the criteria that SHOULD be used to assess these projects were different from those currently be­ ing used. No differences were seen in re­ spondents’ answers to the two questions. Extensive comments were offered by re­ spondents who had no technology-based projects to evaluate in the past three years, as well as those who had. Respon­ dents with experience evaluating tech­ nology-based projects would look for usefulness and user-friendliness (to lo­ cal users and users at other research li­ braries), promotion and enhancement of library services, and evidence of effective functioning (as an information medium and of broad-based access and use). The difficulty of the problem solved and will­ ingness to experiment/take risks with technology-based projects, thereby con­ tributing to the research mission of the University and the profession were other criteria offered by two Associate Deans. When asked if their library’s promotion and/or tenure document included spe­ cifically written criteria for technology- based projects 88% of ARL academic li­ braries answered “No” (n=59). However, in libraries that have faculty status or where scholarship is required, an affir­ mative answer was somewhat higher (17%, n=36; 19%, n=42). Regarding Credibility of Technology- based Projects Respondents were almost split evenly over whether they felt that technology- based projects deserved more credibility in the promotion and/or tenure process than they may currently have at their in­ stitutions: 49% answered “Yes,” while 51% said “No” (n=63). Results were similar when broken down into Carnegie only institutions, and institutions with and without scholarship requirements. However, a sharp diver­ gence was noted in those libraries with or without faculty status. Respondents from institutions with faculty status felt decidedly (61%, n=33) that these projects did deserve more credibility, while those institutions without faculty status felt that they did not (69%, n=26)(see figure 1). Only one respondent from each of the fac­ ulty/non-faculty categories felt that tech­ nology-based projects are already treated equally with print products in promotion and/or tenure reviews. In a final question, tenure track insti­ tutions only were asked if technology- FIGURE 1 Do Technology-based Projects at ARL Deserve More Credibility? 472 College & Research Libraries September 1999 based projects alone (without accompa­ nying traditional scholarship) would ever be sufficient evidence of scholarship for the granting of tenure. Sixty percent of the respondents felt positively that this could be the case in the future. Several added the disclaimer that “ever” was a long time and that they did not expect a change in the near future. Discussion Many unknowns have surrounded the issue concerning the evaluation of tech­ nology-based projects in the promotion and/or tenure process in various aca­ demic disciplines. “As candidates for jobs and promotions stock their portfo­ lios with Internet-related accomplish­ ments, many evaluation committees are skeptical. Behind the closed doors, com­ mittee members are asking questions that betray equal parts confusion and suspi­ cion. Should a candidate’s Internet project count? Is it teaching, scholarship, or service? Does editing an electronic journal require the same kind of rigor as editing a print journal? Who is referee­ ing all this stuff, anyway?”11 A respon­ dent to our survey who answered “NO” to the question “In the last three years, have any technology-based projects that have been developed at your library been components of promotion and/or tenure reviews?” commented that “at a Univer­ sity library where technology plays a major role, candidates should not expe­ rience any difficulty with technology- based projects.” However, evaluators and those being evaluated at institutions where these projects have been submit­ ted for review and are increasingly in­ cluded in promotion and/or tenure files are experiencing a variety of difficulties. In an effort to explore the current climate in ARL academic libraries, we asked these institutions to identify the compo­ nents and criteria used to evaluate these projects. From a group of more than forty libraries that had dealt with technology- based projects in promotion and/or ten­ ure decisions within the last three years, we have gathered a snapshot of the pro­ cess at the time of the survey. Not sur­ prisingly, we found that the majority of technology-based projects in ARL aca­ demic libraries were initiated in response to library or university need and that the majority of these projects were Internet related. We also found that, while some of the factors for dealing with these projects in promotion and/or tenure de­ cisions were similar to those occurring in other areas of academia, others were quite different. ARL academic libraries with faculty status took the initiative to combine “pro­ fessional recognition,” “opportunity for scholarship,” and “need in the profes­ sion” with library/university needs as reasons for creating technology-based projects to a higher degree than did non- faculty institutions, reflecting a higher probable need for scholarly activity. The level of creative thinking that may be in­ volved in the conception and realization of technology-based projects may easily equal that of traditional scholarship. On a related issue, we found that refereed print components are used to make a de­ cision about the merit of a technology- based project far more by librarians with faculty status than by those without fac­ ulty status, most probably because of more pressure to produce any type of ref­ ereed publication. The survey showed that Internet-re­ lated technology dominates the types of technology-based projects appearing in promotion and/or tenure decisions within the past three years. No doubt li­ braries are responding to a market need for information that is in a convenient, easily accessible form. Many of these products are needed during a limited time frame and it may not be important that they remain part of a permanent record. However, this remains a problem to be resolved, as illustrated in the case of the archiving and retrieval of elec­ tronic journal articles.12 The fact that elec­ tronic journal articles were most impor­ tant to libraries that have faculty status or that require scholarship bears out a finding from a 1997 Canadian Policy http:articles.12 Assessing Technology-based Projects 473 Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Next Millennium, that the “percep­ tion among scholars that work published electronically is less legitimate from a scholarly standpoint than work pub­ lished on paper in a prestigious journal is diminishing. As scholars become con­ nected to the Internet and involved in electronic communication they see the enormous benefits to be had.” 13 Only twenty-four of the responding forty-two ARL academic libraries said that they have used peer review to evalu­ ate the merit of technology-based project in the past three years, perhaps reflect­ ing the lack of traditional sources for peer review of these projects. Respondents comments indicated a variety of prob­ lems with peer review: consistency of peer review procedures, not enough ven­ ues for national/international recogni­ tion, and unsureness about the peer re­ view process in electronic journals. Many respondents from tenure-track institu­ tions felt that peer acceptance and peer review are critical for technology-based projects if they are to be taken seriously in the promotion and/or tenure process. The American Association of the Col­ leges of Teacher Education has an “In­ novative Use of Technology Award” pro­ gram and one survey respondent would like to see “ALA/ARL sponsor a prize or two for this type of enterprise.” The survey results indicate that the evaluation criteria used currently to de­ termine the value of technology-based projects in ARL academic libraries is for the most part in alignment with Seminoff and Wepner ’s study of deans of schools of education14. The deans and ARL aca­ demic libraries disagree about the rela­ tive value of two criteria. The criterion used most frequently by ARL academic libraries to assess the merit of technol­ ogy- based projects was “exhibits uniqueness or creativity,” while the deans of the schools of education listed “uniqueness or novelty” near the bottom (number 8 of 10) of a similar list of crite­ ria. The education deans’ third most im­ portant criteria for evaluating technol­ ogy-based projects was “well-researched data collected prior to development.” This is in concurrence with the MLA “Guidelines for Evaluating Computer-re­ lated Work in the Modern Languages”15 which state that “faculty members are re­ sponsible for making a case for the value of their projects, articulating the intellec­ tual assumptions underlying their work, and documenting their time and effort … Faculty members should be prepared to explain what theory informs their work, why their work is useful to the discipline, and the evidence of rigor and intellectual content in their work.” Con­ versely, ARL academic libraries ranked “includes a thorough review of prior developments in the project’s area of re­ search” at the bottom of their list of cri­ teria. All other criteria in the survey of ARL academic libraries are ranked simi­ larly to the survey of education deans. Many respondents indicated a concern that their technology-based projects would have more credibility only when the projects of teaching faculty had more. Comments from respondents indicated that this is even a greater issue for librar­ ians whose promotion and/or tenure files are reviewed by university commit­ tees or administrators. Conclusions It is clear that there is an additional bur­ den involved for librarians who produce technology-based projects and include them in promotion and/or tenure files. Because review committees and admin­ istrators currently lack a depth of expe­ rience in evaluating these projects, the author must take the initiative in provid­ ing as much documentation of the project as possible. The concept that the “docu­ mentation of any faculty work should stress two dimensions (1) the quality of the work and (2) the significance of the work. In many instances faculty provide promotion and/or tenure committees with detailed information as to the qual­ ity of the effort; however, they do not present a case for the value of their work, describing its impact or explaining in 474 College & Research Libraries September 1999 what ways and for whom this work has significance”16 is doubly important if a technology-based project is up for re­ view. Submission of documentation that shows that projects have received inter­ nal or external funding, have earned an award or other professional recognition, and reviews and citations of work either in print or in electronic journals are all useful. Inclusion of evaluation processes for technology-based projects should be in­ corporated into existing library guide­ lines for promotion and/or tenure re­ views. If an institution believes that tech­ nology-based work, like other forms of scholarship, teaching, and service, should be evaluated as an integral part of a faculty member ’s accomplishments, language related to teaching, scholarly/ creative activities, and professional ser­ vice throughout the guidelines should also refer to computer-related work. “When an archeologist uses a Computer- Aided design program to reconstruct a site, or a rhetorician moderates a four- month discussion online, or an historian collaborates with 120 colleagues to pro­ duce a polylog, departments and tenure/ promotion committees will need to know how to evaluate those efforts.”17 Certified peer review is still an important factor for a successful review in academe, and academic librarians who must face Uni­ versity-wide review for promotion and/ or tenure must pay special attention to this criterion. “Whether the current form of peer review remains in place for long is of importance only inasmuch as it re­ mains a viable measure of the life of the scholarly community. It is widely agreed that the current scholarly communication system of editorial boards, reviewers, and publishers will continue in place for at least another decade and probably much longer. Although the number and variety of scholarly publications that are exclusively electronic has grown tremen­ dously since the 1980s, there has not yet been the kind of fundamental change that would spell the end of the current regime and the start of the new regime. Rather, there is a gradual transformation. As more scholars establish their own communication networks and the cred­ ibility of the work being disseminated grows, the efficacy of this new means of communication will become evident and attractive.”18 It is also incumbent on ad­ ministrators to make review committees understand whether or not these projects are valued at their institution. Academic librarians can play an important role in addressing the serious questions about technology- based projects that are before us. Library evaluators seem prepared to take more risks and step outside tradi­ tional guidelines when evaluating tech­ nology-based projects when compared with their counterparts in other areas of academe. They are willing to assess the content as well as the container. Along with Janice Walker, they are finding that “ we are left with three choices: first, make our electronic work somehow “fit” into existing guidelines and be able to justify it along traditional lines; second, do what we’re doing now and not have it count for purposes of tenure and pro­ motion; or, third, change the definitions of what is ‘valued’ to fit what we’re do­ ing.”19 The respondents to the survey felt that there will be a “general change to recognize electronic scholarly activity,” and that an increase in the credibility of technology-based projects “will be inevi­ table as [they] will become increasingly the norm as the WWW is used for ser­ vices and instruction as well as access tools.” “The effort to broaden the mean­ ing of scholarship simply cannot succeed until the academy has clear standards for evaluating this wider range of scholarly work. After all, administrators and pro­ fessors accord full academic value only to work they can confidently judge.” 20 The results of our survey show that ARL academic librarians recognize that technology-based projects are valuable and should be seriously considered in promotion and/or tenure reviews, but Assessing Technology-based Projects 475 that there has been little initiative to regu­ larize its consideration and evaluation. A question in the survey asked tenure- track institutions “In your opinion, will technology-based projects alone (without traditional scholarship) ever be sufficient evidence of scholarship for the granting of tenure?” The majority of respondents replied “yes,” but always with a caveat. Comments offered were generally of this type: “Yes, but depends greatly on sub­ stance, quality and peer acceptance,” “Yes, if there is strong and effective docu­ mentation of use and value in the aca­ demic community of the specific projects,” and “Yes, I would not confuse the medium with the content. It is the content of the project that should be evaluated.” It is apparent that, although the environment is dynamic and con­ stantly evolving, there is a need for a core set of measures and assessment tech­ niques that evaluate technology-based projects. Academic librarians can look at the evaluation criteria and guidelines used by other academic institutions and other disciplines in the consideration of technology-based projects and compare them with their own organization’s evaluation processes. Academic librar­ ians can play an important role in ad­ dressing the serious questions about technology-based projects that are before us. Notes 1. Thomas J. DeLoughry, “Professors Report Progress in Gaining Recognition for Their Use of Technology,” Chronicle of Higher Education 39, no. 26 (March 3, 1993): A19, A21. 2. Lisa Guernsey, “Scholars Who Work With Technology Fear They Suffer in Tenure Re­ views,” Chronicle of Higher Education 43, no. 39 (June 6, 1997): A21-22. 3. Modern Language Association. MLA Committee on Computers and Emerging Tech­ nologies in Teaching and Research, “Guidelines for Evaluating Computer-related Work in the Modern Languages,” ADE Bulletin 114 (1996): 44-46. 4. Edward Shreeves, “Between the Visionaries and the Luddites: Collection Development and Electronic Resources in the Humanities,” Library Trends 40, no. 4 (spring 1992): 579-95. 5. Ernest L. Boyer, Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (Princeton, N.J.:Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1990), 36. 6. Martha W. Gilliland, “Organizational Change and Tenure: We Can Learn From the Cor­ porate Experience,” Change 29, no. 3 (May/June 1997): 30-33. 7. For example, see: Devorah A. Lieberman and John Rueter, “The Electronically Aug­ mented Teaching Portfolio,” in The Teaching Portfolio : a practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions 2nd ed., Peter Seldin (Bolton, MA.:Anker Publishing Company, 1997), 46-57. Blaise Cronin and Kara Overfelt, “E-Journals and Tenure,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 46, no. 9 (October 1995): 700-2. Nancy E. Seminoff and Shelley B. Wepner, “What Should We Know About Technology-Based Projects for Tenure and Promo­ tion?,” Journal of Research on Computing in Education 30, no. 1 (fall 1997): 67-82. “Tenure and Technology: New Values, New Guidelines” in Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 2, no. 1 (spring 1997) ( includes: Cindy Nahrwold “‘Just’ Professing; A Call for the Valuation of Electronic Scholarship, Seth R. Katz “One Department’s Guidelines for Evaluating Computer-related Work, Janice R. Walker “Fanning the Flames: Tenure and Promotion and Other Role-Playing Games,” Janet Cross and Kristian Fuglevik “Jesters Get Serious.” 8. Nancy E. Seminoff and Shelley B. Wepner, “Are Technology-Based Projects Valued as Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion?,” Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 11, no. 3 (1995): 5-10. 9. Pamela S. Bradigan and Carol A. Mularski, “Evaluation of Academic Librarians’ Publi­ cations for Tenure and Initial Promotion,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 22, no. 5 (September 1996): 360-65. 10. Joan M. Leysen and William K. Black, “Peer Review in Carnegie Research Libraries,” College & Research Libraries 59, no. 6 (November 1998): 512-522. 11. Guernsey, “Scholars Who Work With Technology,” A21. 12. Charlotte E. Ford and Stephen P. Harter, “The Downside of Scholarly Electronic Pub­ lishing: Problems in Accessing Electronic Journals through Online Directories and Catalogs,” College & Research Libraries 59, no. 4 (July 1998): 335-346. 476 College & Research Libraries September 1999 13. Kenneth Field, “Faculty Perspective on Scholarly Communication,” Canadian Journal of Communication 22, no. 3/4 (1997): 161-178. 14. Seminoff and Wepner, “What Should We Know,” 70. 15. Modern Language Association, “Guidelines for Evaluating,” 45. 16. Robert M. Diamond, Serving on Promotion and Tenure Committees: A Faculty Guide. 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