TOC 212 College & Research Libraries May 2002 Editorial 212 At the end of this year ’s ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta, my second three- year term as editor of College & Research Libraries comes to a close. Thus, this is my last issue as editor of C&RL. William Gray Potter, University Librarian at the Univer- sity of Georgia, becomes the new editor with the July issue. Having the opportunity to serve as C&RL editor has been of special signifi- cance to me! I believe the other former C&RL editors would echo my sentiment. There are few intellectual opportunities in professional organizations serving aca- demic/research librarianship to make a contribution; serving as C&RL editor is certainly one of them. Most editors I know tend to be in- tensely inquisitive; their “inflamed curi- osity” contributes to their success and enjoyment. However, editors cannot treat authors like chunks of masonry to be chipped and hammered into a design; instead, an editor has to think like a Japa- nese gardener whose object is to make a garden look as natural as possible, but better than nature could manage without the gardener’s help. Guiding and encour- aging an author ’s work (i.e., natural growth), rather than constructing an ar- tificial design, is a major challenge of ed- iting. C&RL continues to enjoy top prestige as a refereed, research journal. It remains the journal of choice by promotion and tenure committees. Authors are delighted and honored to learn that reviewers have recommended their manuscripts for inclu- sion in the research journal. Far more manuscripts than can be published are re- ceived by the editor. Progress has been made toward getting the journal’s table of Gratitude: Opportunity and Contributions contents, abstracts, book re- views, and index online. Adver- tisers reflect confidence in C&RL’s reputa- tion by continuing to purchase more space in the journal. The publication’s financial health is quite sound. Each issue during the past six years has been published on time. And just as important, ACRL mem- bers continue to rank C&RL as one of the best benefits they receive from belonging to that organization. David Kaser, former C&RL editor, noted that the editor has the advantage of reading and learning from all of the manuscripts received by C&RL. Many fine manuscripts do not find their way into the journal, for one reason or other (e.g., they may not be a good fit, they may not contain the proper research method- ology). My journal editing experience in- cludes serving as editor of Library Admin- istration & Management and Library Hi Tech. For both of these respectable publi- cations, the editor had to solicit or seek out authors to write articles. This proce- dure could result in getting articles that were uneven in both quality and con- struct. On the other hand, the surplus of manuscripts received by C&RL requires a stringent review process resulting in “built-in” quality control. The most important message I want this editorial to convey is that I genuinely appreciate all the assistance so many people provided during my tenure as C&RL editor. Hugh Thompson, Director of ACRL Publications, and Dawn Mueller, Design/ Production Assistant, deserve special thanks for getting the journal published. They coordinated all of the necessary functions in getting the journal ready and Editorial 213 in the hands of the readers. My assistants, June Corkin, Mary Williams, and Eliza- beth Harman, were of tremendous help in editing and preparing the contents of each issue before sending the respective materials to ACRL. Fred Hay, Book Re- view Editor, performed outstanding ser- vice while working with the book review- ers and getting six book reviews per is- sue to me in a timely manner. I was fortu- nate in having a terrific editorial board: Jennifer Cargill, Jinnie Y. Davis, Paul Dumont, Diane Graves, Rita Jones, Tho- mas Kirk, Gillian McCombs, Barbara Moran, William Gray Potter, Laverna Saunders, Charles Schwartz, Paula Watson, James F. Williams II, Mark Win- ston, and Sha Li Zhang. Thanks, too, to the interns who did work comparable to the editorial board: Felix Eme Unaeze, Deborah Lee, Peter McCracken, Phelix Hanible, Laurel Littrell, Kurt Cumiskey, and Kathleen Carlisle Fountain. Eileen McIlvaine, Head of Reference in the But- ler Library at Columbia University, and the reference departments at Columbia University are to be commended for their fine “Selected Reference Books” appear- ing in the March and September issues. Sha Li Zhang added an international di- mension to the journal by generously translating annually a selected article from China’s Journal of Academic Libraries for C&RL. Kit Dusky could be counted on to provide the much-appreciated annual index. Much important and thoughtful work was donated by the many who re- viewed books for the book review section and who reviewed manuscripts. The manuscript reviewers served an impor- tant role in sustaining and improving the quality of the journal. I am grateful for the ACRL’s presidents' and others’ guest editorials. To all of the foregoing contribu- tors and the ones I did not mention, I ex- tend a heartfelt THANKS. DONALD E. 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