casserly.p65 300 College & Research Libraries July 2003 Web Citation Availability: Analysis and Implications for Scholarship Mary F. Casserly and James E. Bird Five hundred citations to Internet resources from articles published in library and information science journals in 1999 and 2000 were profiled and searched on the Web. The majority contained partial bibliographic information and no date viewed. Most URLs pointed to content pages with “edu” or “org” domains and did not include a tilde. More than half (56.4%) were permanent, 81.4 percent were available on the Web, and searching the Internet Archive increased the availability rate to 89.2 percent. Content, domain, and directory depth were associated with avail­ ability. Few of the journals provided instruction on citing digital resources. Eight suggestions for improving scholarly communication citation con­ ventions are presented. any students regard citations as annoying details with little rel­ evance to their work. However, individuals conducting serious research understand that long-established citation conventions help them further their own scholarship and assess the validity of other works in their field. Through citation, “researchers generously acknowledge their debts to predecessors.”1 Collectively, appro­ priate and accurate citations document how established scholarly works build on one another over time to transform ideas and even entire fields of inquiry. Literature Review Citation accuracy is critical to accessibil­ ity, and prior to the development of the World Wide Web (Web), it was well stud­ ied and documented both across and within academic disciplines. In a 1992 doc­ toral dissertation, Catherine Jean Sassen examined citation error case studies dat­ ing back to the mid-1800s and determined that, in the literature of the last 150 years, “citation error is a widespread problem that has impaired access to information.”2 In the early 1990s, Idrisa Pandit, Susan P. Benning and Susan C. Speer, and Nancy N. Pope conducted studies of citation er­ rors within the library science literature and found error rates of 18 to 29 percent.3 More recently, researchers have focused on the growing reliance on the Internet as a source of information and on the increas­ ing frequency with which authors cite Web sites and pages to document their scholarly research. Carol Anne Germain has sug­ gested that Web documents published by organizations, associations, and individu- Mary F. Casserly is Assistant Director for Collections at the University at Albany, SUNY; e-mail: James E. Bird is Head, Science and Engineering Center, in the Raymond H. Fogler Library at the University of Maine; e-mail: The authors wish to thank Mary Bird, Instructor in Education, University of Maine, for her editorial assistance; Phillip Pratt, Associate Director of Institutional Studies, University of Maine, for his advice on statistics; and the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions. 300 Web Citation Availability 301 als more closely resemble print fugitive materials and gray literature than the main­ stream monographs and refereed journals that have for so long been the backbone of formal scholarly communication.4 This re­ semblance is because these documents can easily be modified and overwritten and, in many cases, their authors are not commit­ ted to long-term storage and maintenance. They are, as Wallace Koehler described them, somewhere between “ephemera and permanent.”5 Given these limitations, it is important to examine the implications of authors’ patterns of citing Web documents and to consider carefully how to integrate information residing on the Web into schol­ arly communication conventions. A number of researchers have described the size and volatility of the Web, and their work provides a context for this study. In 1999, Koehler studied the permanence and constancy of a random sample of 361 Web pages and 343 Web sites and determined that they underwent measurable changes in content and availability over the year in which the study was conducted. Koehler also investigated whether site and page size, object dominance (i.e., a way of classifying Web sites by its function), domain, and vari­ ous other URL markers could help predict permanence and constancy and found that inferred domain and object dominance may provide understanding of Web page behav­ ior.6 Koehler ’s 2002 analysis of the same sample of Web pages and sites over a longer, four-year period confirmed many of his earlier findings, including domain as a pre­ dictor of persistence and the Web page half- life of two years.7 Judit Bar-Ilan and Bluma C. Peritz con­ ducted a study of the data on the Web in the field of informetrics. Although their sample was more stable than Koehler ’s, they noted that in each round of searching the character of their subject on the Web was slightly different, with documents appear­ ing, disappearing, and changing.8 Three percent of the digital library information objects studied by Michael L. Nelson and B. Danette Allen were no longer available, and over the period of their study the ob­ jects they downloaded changed from their baseline size 22 percent of the time.9 Bing Tan, Schubert Foo, and Siu Cheung Hui found that 44.8 percent of the Web pages they tracked changed and 3.8 percent dis­ appeared during the course of their study. They also found that pages with education, business, and entertainment domains were less likely to change than were those pub­ lished in other domains and that text, orga­ nizational, and database pages were the most stable page types.10 John Markwell and David W. Brooks’s study of the persis­ tence of URLs with scientific or science edu­ cation content revealed that, over a four­ teen-month period, 46.5 percent had either changed content or were no longer avail­ able. Their analysis of availability by do­ main indicated that “gov” was the most viable, followed in order by “edu,” “com,” and “org.”11 In addition to examining the stability of Web sites, researchers also have begun to explore the availability, longevity, and char­ acter of scholarly references to content pub­ lished on the Web. In a study conducted early in the development of the Web, Yasar Tonta found only two references to net- worked information in his sample of articles published in 1930 and 1994 from twenty- seven journals covering a wide range of subjects. He concluded that “networked in­ formation sources in the form of electronic journals and archives get almost no citations in print journals at all.”12 As part of their 1996 study of the impact of electronic jour­ nals on the scholarly communication pro­ cess, Stephen P. Harter and Hak Joon Kim analyzed 4,317 references from a sample of 279 articles published in scholarly and peer- reviewed electronic journals and found that 1.9 percent of the references cited such elec­ tronic resources. Of the forty-seven cited ref­ erences that included URLs, only two-thirds led to the text of the source, despite the fact that the data gathering took place during the same year that most of the references included in this study appeared.13 Philip M. Davis and Suzanne A. Cohen’s study of references in undergraduate term papers indicated that the number of Web documents cited by students increased 12 percent from 1996 to 1999. This increase was http:appeared.13 http:types.10 302 College & Research Libraries July 2003 accompanied by a dramatic decline in the ability to access citations included in the older papers. The percentage of cited URLs that could not be accessed was 16 percent in papers written in 1999 but rose to 53 per­ cent in those written in 1996.14 In a follow- up study, Davis found that a 16 percent in­ accessibility rate also applied to URLs in­ cluded in papers written in 2000.15 Studies of URL persistence published between 1998 and 2000 by S. Mary P. Benbow, Germain, Joel D. Kitchen and Pixey Anne Mosley, Susan Davis Herring, and Mary K. Taylor and Diane Hudson identified URL availability rates ranging from a high of 89 percent to a low of 50 percent.16 By guessing at alternate URLs or browsing the Web, Steve Lawrence and others were ultimately able to locate all but three percent of a sample of initially un­ available URLs cited in computer science journal articles and conference reports.17 In a study of “linkrot” in law review jour­ nal articles published from 1997 to 2001, Mary Rumsey found an availability rate that declined from 61.80 to 30.27 percent, an increase in the number of Web citations per article, and a lack of parallel citations to paper sources. Rumsey’s data also indi­ cated that home pages were more likely to be persistent than document-like pages.18 Yin Zhang examined the electronic sources cited in ten library and informa­ tion science journals from 1994 to 1996 and found that 1.13 percent of the total refer­ ences were e-references (i.e., references to electronic resources). Zhang’s data also indicated that there was no significant dif­ ference in the proportion of e-references by year and that articles published in elec­ tronic journals had significantly higher e- reference rates than those published in print journals.19 In a follow-up study, Zhang found that the rate of e-sources cited in print journals had increased from 0.2 to 5.2 percent between 1991 and 1998, whereas the percent of articles containing such citations rose from 1.8 to 33.9 per­ cent.20 In Zhang and Leigh Estabrook’s 1998 study, only 30.4 percent of the e- sources cited from 1990 to 1994 were still accessible, whereas 82.2 percent of those cited in 1996 were accessible. For papers that were “in press” as of February 1998, that figure was 81.5 percent. They also found that the access rate varied by jour­ nal format, with the e-sources cited in elec­ tronic journals being more accessible than those cited in print journals.21 These studies represent the growing body of research aimed at describing the extent to which scholars use Web docu­ ments and integrate them into the formal communication of their research. Research­ ers also have begun to explore the implica­ tions of the problems of access to cited elec­ tronic references for future scholars. How­ ever, it is not clear to what extent the pub­ lishers and editorial staffs of scholarly pub­ lications are concerned about the availabil­ ity of cited electronic resources over the long term. Zhang’s 2001 study surveyed the edi­ tors of eight library and information science journals and found that, although they en­ couraged authors to cite electronic re­ sources, they had only begun to work on policies relevant to this practice. Indeed, Zhang’s review of the journal guidelines and instructions to the authors revealed an absence of clearly stated policies and/or guidelines regarding citing electronic re­ sources.22 The researchers could not locate any other literature or studies that explored journal policy guidelines on citing informa­ tion and documents published on the Web. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to add to the body of knowledge about the changing landscape of scholarly communications by examining citations to Internet re­ sources included in research articles pub­ lished in the library and information sci­ ences literature. Specifically, this study addresses the following questions: • To what extent are authors cur­ rently referencing information and docu­ ments “published” on the Web? • What percentage of cited electronic resources are available for consultation by future scholars? How are they most often found? • Is it possible to identify character­ istics of citations to Internet resources that http:sources.22 http:journals.21 http:journals.19 http:pages.18 http:reports.17 http:percent.16 Web Citation Availability 303 TABLE 1 Journals Included in the Study Title # Articles Included Total # Citations Average Citations/Article # Web Citations %Web Citations Art Documentation 21 Art Libraries Journal 58 ASLIE Proceedings 78 Catholic Library World 23 College & Research Libraries 73 Electronic Library 44 Government Information Quarterly 45 Information Processing & Management 81 Information Services & Use 18 Information Technology and Libraries 30 Information Society 49 Journal of Academic Librarianship 60 Journal of Documentation 35 JournalfoffEducationffor Libraryf andf Information Science 41 Journal of Government Information 42 Journal of Information Ethics 22 Journal of Information, Law and Technology 22 Journal of Information Science 88 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 33 Journal of the American Society for Information Science 141 Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 25 Knowledge Organization 22 Libraries & Culture 43 Library Administration & Management 48 Library & Information Science Research 36 Library History 23 Library Philosophy and Practice 12 Library Quarterly 25 Library Resources & Technical Services 23 Libri 57 Public Libraries 32 Reference & User Services Quarterly 35 Research Strategies 12 Technical Services Quarterly 28 173 470 1,443 323 1,426 692 1,156 2,536 312 434 1,640 1,507 1,306 828 1,307 676 639 2,272 837 5,042 381 397 2,572 420 1,445 578 145 1,309 497 1,353 426 689 223 235 8.2 8.1 18.5 14.0 19.5 15.7 25.7 31.3 17.3 14.5 33.5 25.1 37.3 20.2 31.1 30.7 29.0 25.8 25.4 35.8 15.2 18.0 59.8 8.8 40.1 25.1 12.1 52.4 21.6 23.7 13.3 19.7 18.6 8.4 52 89 294 48 128 138 192 97 35 178 199 157 147 77 203 45 234 327 67 188 17 29 12 40 85 1 25 49 76 159 50 106 10 28 30.1% 18.9% 20.4% 14.9% 9.0% 19.9% 16.6% 3.8% 11.2% 41.0% 12.1% 10.4% 11.3% 9.3% 15.5% 6.7% 36.6% 14.4% 8.0% 3.7% 4.5% 7.3% 0.5% 9.5% 5.9% 0.2% 17.2% 3.7% 15.3% 11.8% 11.7% 15.4% 4.5% 11.9% Total 1,425 35,689 25.0 3,582 304 College & Research Libraries July 2003 will help predict the availability of the content to which they refer? • What type of guidance are authors receiving from editors and publishers? Based on these findings, the research­ ers offer suggestions for updating schol­ arly communication citation conventions. Methodology The researchers chose to work with the lit­ erature of library and information science, the academic discipline in which they were trained. They anticipated that their knowl­ edge of the subject area would be useful in searching the Web for content not found at the cited URLs. In addition, they be­ lieved that the publishing conventions used in the library and information science literature were similar to those used in other social science literatures and that, consequently, their study’s findings could be extended to those disciplines. The journals reviewed for this study were selected from the “core” list of library and information journals published in the tenth edition of Magazines for Libraries.23 These core titles were examined and news­ letters, bulletins, magazines, and other non­ peer-reviewed titles were eliminated be­ cause it was unlikely that they would serve as a broad basis for future scholarship. In addition, several scholarly journals were excluded from the study because they were not available to either researcher and one was eliminated because its formatting prac­ tice of printing references at the bottom of each page, rather than in a list at the end of each article, posed overwhelming logisti­ cal problems for the researcher counting nonredundant citations. The remaining thirty-four journals that served as the source of articles and citations included in this study are listed in table 1. The study was limited to citations ap­ pearing in research-level articles. Excluded, therefore, were book reviews, editorials, opinion pieces, conference reports, and other types of articles not generally subject to peer review. Similarly, articles appearing in retrospective and anniversary issues of these journals were omitted from this study. Most articles appearing in special issues of these journals also were excluded because they generally are invited, rather than ref­ ereed, papers. The researchers counted the nonredundant citations to Web and non- Web resources in the remaining 1,425 re­ search articles published in the 1999 and 2000 volumes of the table 1 titles. These data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet from which the descriptive statistics pre­ sented in tables 1 and 2 were derived. To study the availability of cited Web resources, the researchers selected a ran­ dom sample of 500 from the 3,582 cita­ tions to Web resources that appeared in these 1,425 research articles. A random sample was determined to be appropri­ ate for this study after an examination of the journals’ instructions to authors re­ vealed that the authors had been neither encouraged to cite, nor discouraged from citing, documents and information resid­ ing on the Web. The sampling error for a sample size of 500 is ± 4.0 percent.24 For each citation included in the sample, descriptive data on the source journal, the content of the citation, and the URL domain and directory depth (i.e., the number of lev­ els within the URL’s directory structure) were collected. The researchers then began the process of determining content avail­ ability by keying each URL in the sample into Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0. A URL that pointed to the Web page containing the in­ formation referenced in the article or to a referring page leading to that information was considered “permanent.” When the cited URL did not lead to the referenced in­ formation, the researchers checked the URL for typographical, syntax, and other obvi­ ous errors. If an error was found, they cor­ rected it and determined whether the cor­ rected URL would now lead to the cited in­ formation. If they were still unable to lo­ cate the cited content, they attempted to lo­ cate it elsewhere on the Web site by enter­ ing the URL into their browser again and then removing one directory level at a time until a Web site connection was made and /or by going to the home page of the site and employing any available directories, maps, or internal search engines to locate the cited content. http:percent.24 http:Libraries.23 Web Citation Availability 305 TABLE 2 Citation Frequency, Range, Mean, Median, and Mode Frequency # Citations 0 Web Citations # Articles 755 Paper Total Citations Citations # Articles # Articles 13 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101+ Total Range Mean Median Mode 467 113 63 13 9 5 1,425 0-50 # Per Article 2.5 o o 239 244 367 223 143 73 37 24 27 8 7 20 1,425 0-291 # Per Article 22.5 16 1 186 208 383 244 158 103 49 22 35 9 8 20 1,425 1-291 # Per Article 25.0 19 1o archived by the Internet Archive, a “pub­ lic nonprofit that was founded to build an ‘Internet library,’ with the purpose of offering permanent access for research­ ers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.”26 To determine whether the referenced content was archived by the Internet Archive, the researchers entered the URL into the Wayback Machine (http:// From the displayed menu, they selected the appropriate date. The appropriate date was defined as the one closest to the date the author of the article viewed the cited Web content. When a “date viewed” was not included in the citation, the appropriate date was defined as the one closest to the date the article was published. The researchers faced many chal­ lenges in trying to determine whether content at a given URL matched that viewed by the author of the article in which it was cited. For citations that included full bibliographic information and the date the author viewed the cited content, the researchers were able The researchers searched the Web using Google ( for cited content that could not be found using the previously described methods. Google was selected as the search engine for this process because of the large number and variety of documents to which it provides access and because the researchers believed that its rel­ evancy ranking would be effective for the types of narrowly defined searches they would be conducting.25 The researchers per­ formed up to five Google searches using dif­ ferent combinations of titles, keywords, au­ thor names, and source information. If none of these searches returned the cited content in the first twenty-five results, that content was considered to be inaccessible. It should be noted that when the researchers encoun­ tered any type of message indicating that the URL was unavailable or that the file/page could not be found, they waited at least a week and repeated the search process. The researchers also ascertained whether each of the URLs in the sample had been to determine with some certainty whether the content of the Web page matched the cited information. When the citation was less complete, the match of current content to cited content was less certain. In such cases, the researchers ex­ ercised their judgment based on the bib­ liographic information provided, the sub­ ject of the article, and the URL server and file names. In cases where the citation con­ sisted only of a URL, the researchers con­ sidered the cited content to be available if the URL linked, either directly or through a referred page, to a working Web page that seemed to be consistent with the text included in the URL and/or the subject of the article. In searching both the Web and the Internet Archive, the researchers relied on the “date viewed” to match the content found to the cited content. However, these dates rarely matched those in the Wayback Machine results list and therefore the re­ searchers could not determine with abso­ lute certainty that the content they viewed matched that viewed by the authors. http:conducting.25 http: 306 College & Research Libraries July 2003 The data on each of the citations in the sample were collected between January and July 2002. The statistical program, SPSS 10.1 for Windows, was used to gen­ erate contingency tables and calculate the Pearson’s Chi-Square values. Ap < .05 level of significance was used for this study. Findings The 1,425 research articles that formed the source of the sample citations used in this study contained a total of 35,689 citations. Of these, 3,582, or 10 percent, referenced information or documents residing on the Web, and 90 percent referenced paper or other nondigital resources. The distribu­ tion of these citations among the journals scanned for this study is presented in table 1. The percentage of citations that included URLs varied greatly among the journals, from a low of 0.2 percent in the articles appearing in Library History to a high of 41 percent in articles published in Information Technology and Libraries. The citation frequencies, means, medi­ ans, and modes are presented in table 2. The average number of citations per article was 22.5 non-Web citations, 2.5 Web citations, and 25.0 total citations. For all citation cat­ egories, the medians are substantially lower than the means. In the case of the Web cita­ tions, this is an indication of the influence of the large number of articles, 755 or 53 percent, with no Web citations. Indeed, the median and the mode for this category are zero. The mean of the non-Web citations is influenced by a small number of articles that have extreme numbers of citations, includ­ ing twenty that have more than a hundred. The researchers reviewed the “Instruc­ tions for Authors” published in the jour­ nals from which the sample was drawn for the period of the study (1999–2000) and, again, as this manuscript was being pre­ pared in order to determine whether these journals had established policies or instruc­ tions on citing digital resources. In contrast to the explicit instructions presented for tables and illustrations, the researchers found few instructions for citing digital re­ sources published in the journals or on their Web sites. Only six of the thirty-four jour­ nals included examples of citations to elec­ tronic resources for authors to follow. Three of these also provided further instructions on citing Web resources. One additional title referred authors citing content on the Web to the American Psychological Association’s Web site, Fifteen of the thirty-four journals in­ cluded in this study referred authors to the fourteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, which, having been published in 1993, does not address references to digi­ tal resources.28 Other style manuals, in­ cluding those published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA), do provide guidelines for citing electronic re­ sources and instruct authors to include a date of publication or last revision for the Web page cited and/or the date the au­ thor last accessed or viewed the cited URL.29 None of the “Instructions for Au­ thors” pages in the journals studied ad­ dressed Web site permanence. Citation Characteristics Of the 500 sample citations, 499 included URLs that pointed to hypertext resources (i.e., those beginning with “http”). The other citation was to a listserv message. Data on variables related to the source and content of these citations and their URLs are presented in table 3. More than 92 percent of the 500 citations in the sample were drawn from journals published in print format only or in print format with an electronic counterpart; 7.8 percent came from journals born digital. The citation content ranged from a URL only to a URL accompanied by complete biblio­ graphic information. Thirty-one of the cita­ tions, or 6.2 percent, consisted only of URLs, 51 percent contained partial bibliographic information, and 42.8 percent were consid­ ered complete by the researchers. A citation was considered complete if it included, at a minimum, a title, publisher, and date of pub­ lication. Almost two-thirds (65.6%) of the ci­ tations did not include the date the author viewed the resources she or he cited. The analysis of the URLs by their origi­ nal and implied domains is similar to that http:resources.28 conducted by Koehler in his study of Web site and page persistence. The original do­ mains are those that are included in the URL as it appears in the citation. Almost 28 percent of the URLs in the sample had top-level domains with geographic des­ ignations (i.e., two-letter country codes such as “au” for Australia, “cn” for China, and “it” for Italy), whereas 21.8 percent of the cited content resided on organiza­ tional, 19 percent on commercial, and 18.8 percent on educational servers. Nine per­ cent of the content resided on government servers. Content on military and network servers and those on servers identified by Internet Protocol Number (IPN) repre­ sented less than four percent of the total. The purpose of creating implied do­ mains for the URLs in the sample citations was to categorize as many as possible ac­ cording to the purpose of the organization hosting the content to which they refer. Al­ though the URLs in the sample citations with generic top-level domains (g-TLD) (i.e., “com,” “edu,” “gov,” “mil,” “net,” and “org”) have the same original and implied domains, the researchers translated those with country code top-level domains (cc- TDLs) into g-TDLs. In this process: ccTLDs that are identifiable as com­ mercial (e.g.,, academic (e.g.,, government (e.g.,, or­ ganizational (, or network ( are folded into the gTLD clas­ sification of com, edu, and so on.30 Those ccTLDs that could not be reclas­ sified were left in the “geographic desig­ nation” category. This reclassification re­ sulted in a shift toward the “edu” domain, with 33.8 percent of the cited URLs hav­ ing that implied domain. The directory structure of the URLs in the sample citations ranged from the zero-, or server-, level domain ( address to the seventh level (http:// zzz). Seventy-six, or 15.2 percent, of the URLs in the sample citations had no direc­ tory structure (zero level), whereas URLs with a second- or third-level structure com- Web Citation Availability 307 prised more than half of the sample. The URLs also can be categorized as either navigation or content Web pages. Naviga­ tion pages, most often found at the server level and the first-directory level, are those that help users navigate to the information the site provides, whereas content pages, usually found at the second level and above, are those that provide that infor­ mation.31 The URLs in the sample were re­ classified as navigation and content pages. Nearly three-quarters of the citations in the sample (72.4%) pointed to content pages, whereas 27.6 percent pointed to naviga­ tional pages. In conjunction with a personal name, the tilde (~) is used to indicate that individual’s home directory on the server of an Internet Service Provider. “In real terms the tilde stands for a path which leads to that person’s Web site on the server it is being kept. For example, http://www/ ­ says that erinj is a user and that her home page is on’s server.”32 Thirty- seven, or 7.4 percent, of the URLs in the sample included tildes, suggesting that the content cited is maintained by an individual rather than an institution, organization, or other entity. Content Availability: URL Permanence For the purposes of this study, cited con­ tent was considered available if it was found either at the URL included in the sample citation (permanent) or elsewhere on the Internet (accessible). The data on availabil­ ity are presented in tables 4 and 5. The researchers considered a URL to be permanent if it led to the Web page con­ taining the content the author cited or a Web page that referred the researcher to the page containing the cited content. As the data in table 4 indicate, 282, or 56.4 percent, of the sample URLs were found to be permanent. Of the 500 citations stud­ ied, 213, or 42.6 percent, could not be found at the URLs cited and therefore were considered to be impermanent. In five of the sample citations, the citations’ text and the content to which their URLs led were in Dutch or Greek and the re­ http://www/ http:mation.31 http: 308 College & Research Libraries July 2003 TABLE 3 Sample Citations Characteristics Characteristics # Citations % Citations Source Journal Print or print with electronic counterpart 461 92.2 Electronic only 39 7.8 Total 500 100.0 Content URL only 31 6.2 URL and partial bibliographic infornation 255 51.0 URL and conplete bibliographic infornation 214 42.8 Total 500 100.0 Date Content Viewed by Author Included 172 34.4 Not included 328 65.6 Total 500 100.0 URL Original Domain com - Commercial 95 19.0 edu - Education 94 18.8 gov - Government 45 9.0 mil - Military 3 .6 net - Network 12 2.4 org - Organization 109 21.8 IPN - Internet Protocol Number 1 .2 Geographic designation 139 27.8 Other 2 .4 Total 500 100.0 Implied Domain com - Commercial 111 22.2 edu - Education 169 33.8 gov - Government 62 12.4 mil - Military 3 .6 net - Network 13 2.6 org - Organization 120 24.0 IPN - Internet Protocol Number 1 .2 Geographic designation 19 3.8 Other 2 .4 Total 500 100.0 Directory Depth 0 76 15.2 1 62 12.4 2 138 27.6 3 119 23.8 Web Citation Availability 309 TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) Sample Citations Characteristics Characteristics # Citations % Citations Directory Depth 4 75 15.0 5 18 3.6 6 8 1.6 7 4 .8 Total 500 100.0 Page Type Navigation 138 27.6 Content 362 72.4 Total 500 100.0 Tilde H in URL Included 37 7.4 Not included 463 92.6 Total 500 100.0 searchers could not determine whether they matched. Content Availability: Accessibility on the Web The researchers considered the cited con­ tent to be accessible if, after failing to find it at the URL included in the citation, they were able to locate it elsewhere on the Web. The results of the researchers’ efforts to find the content referred to by the 213 cita­ tions that did not have permanent URLs are presented in table 5. The researchers found content cited in eight, or 3.8 percent, of the 213 sample cita­ tions that were not permanent by truncat­ ing the URL in the citation, and they iden­ tified nine errors that, when corrected, led to the cited information. They located con­ tent cited in fifty-four, or 25.4 percent, of these citations by browsing or searching the site to which the URL led them and found content cited in an additional fifty-four by using the Google search engine. The re­ searchers failed to find the content cited by eighty-three, or 39 percent, of the 213 im­ permanent URLs. This is 16.6 percent of the 500 citations in the sample. The five cases categorized as “could not determine” rep­ resent cited content in a foreign language in which the researchers were not conver­ sant. These are in addition to the five de­ scribed in the previous section and pre­ sented as “could not determine” in table 4. Content Availability: “Not Available” Messages The researchers received some type of URL or file “not available” message for 158, or 31.6 percent, of the URLs in the 500 sample citations. These were searched a second time, and as the data in table 6 indicate, three, or 1.9 percent, of these 158 led to the content cited and were considered perma­ nent. Ninety, or 57 percent, of the URLs in the sample for which the researchers re­ ceived a “not available” message were eventually found on the Web by truncat­ ing the URL, browsing or searching the Web site to which the URL led, correcting an error in the URL, or using Google. These were considered accessible. Sixty-five, or 41.1 percent, of these 158 URLs were not found on the Web. Content Availability: Internet Archive The researchers searched the Internet Archive using the Wayback Machine to 310 College & Research Libraries TABLE 4 Content Availability: URL Permanence Content at Cited URL # URLs % URLs Found 282 56.4 Not found 213 42.6 Could not detennine 5 1.0 Total 500 100.0 determine whether the URLs included in the sample citations had been archived. The results are presented in table 7. The researchers found 344, or 68.8 percent, of the URLs in the 500 sample citations in the Internet Archive. This includes 84.8 percent of the content found at the cited URL (permanent) and 50.8 percent of those found elsewhere on the Web (acces­ sible). Further, by using the Wayback Machine, the researchers were able to ac­ cess an additional thirty-nine cited Web pages. This is 47 percent of the eighty- three URLs in the sample citations that were neither permanent nor accessible. Characteristics Associated with Availability The researchers ran a series of cross-tabu­ lations on SPSS to try to identify the char­ acteristics of the cited URLs that could be associated with URL permanence and con­ tent availability on the Web and in the Internet Archive. Chi-Square Tests of Inde­ pendence were performed to identify the statistically significant relationships. To run these tests, it was necessary to filter out some of the missing data and/or reclassify some of the variable val­ ues into broader catego­ ries. The results of the Chi- July 2003 citation could not affect, or be associated with, availability in that archive. Unlike Zhang and Estabrook, who found that citations from articles published in electronic journals were more likely to be permanent than those from articles in print journals, this study found that per­ manence and the source journal were in­ dependent variables.33 In other words, the source of the citation was not an indication of whether the resource could be found at the URL included in the citation. The pres­ ence of a tilde and the page type, both stud­ ied by Koehler as possible predictors of per­ manence, as well as the inclusion of the date the author viewed the content, were inde­ pendent of permanence. However, the Chi- Square tests indicate that citation content, URL domain, and URL directory depth were associated with content availability. The cross-tabulations for the characteris­ tics with Chi-Square values that were sig­ nificant at the p < .05 level are presented in table 9. The cross-tabulation between cita­ tion content and permanence indicates that URLs in “URL only” citations were found to be permanent more often than URLs ac­ companied by partial or complete biblio­ graphic information. Specifically, 82.8 per­ cent of the URLs in the “URL only” citations were found to be permanent, whereas the permanence rates for URLs accompanied by partial and complete bibliographic informa­ tion were 58.1 and 52.1 percent, respectively. The cross-tabulations of domains with content availability suggest that content at URLs with original domains of “edu” and “org” is more likely to be permanent or ac­ cessible than is content located on other TABLE 5 Square tests are presented Content Availability: Accessibility on Web in table 8. Cross-tabula­ tions were not run on cita- Content on Web # URLs % URLs tion content and availabil- Found by truncating URL 8 3.8 ity in the Internet Archive Found by correcting error in URL 9 4.2 variables because the Found by browsing or searching Web site 54 25.4 Wayback Machine only Found by using Google 54 25.4 accepts URLs and, there- Not found 83 39.0 fore, the presence or ab- Could not deternine 5 2.3 sence of additional biblio- Total 213 100.0 graphic information in the http:variables.33 TABLE 6 Content Availability: URL or File Not Available Messages Content on Web # URLs % URLs Found at cited URL 3 1.9 Found by truncating URL 8 5.1 Found by browsing or searching Web site 40 25.3 Found by correcting error in URL 3 1.9 Found by using Google 39 24.7 Not found 65 41.1 Total 158 100.0 types of servers. Almost 90 percent of the content cited by URLs on organizational servers was found at the URL cited or else­ where on the Web. This was the case for 87.9 percent of the content cited by URLs on educational servers. Content cited by URLs with “edu,” “org,” and geographic designation original domains also is more likely to be found in the Internet Archive. Three-quarters of the “edu,” “org,” and geo­ graphic designation original domain URLs were found in that archive. When the domains are reclassified from original to implied, content at “edu” and “org” servers is most likely to be per­ manent and permanent or accessible. The permanence rates for content cited by URLs with “edu” and “org” implied do­ mains were 64.5 percent and 64.2 percent, whereas 89.3 percent of the content at URLs with “edu” implied domains were found at the URL cited or elsewhere on the Web. This was the case for 90 percent of the URLs with “org” implied domains. The cross-tabulations between directory depth and availability on the Web and in the Web Citation Availability 311 Internet Archive suggest that the relationships are inverse and nonlinear. Content cited by URLs with five or more levels is less likely to be perma­ nent, permanent or acces­ sible, and available in the Internet Archive than is content cited by URLs with zero to four levels. For content cited by URLs with five or more levels, 30 percent was found at the URL cited, 73.3 percent was found at the URL cited or elsewhere on the Web, and 43.3 percent was found in the Internet Archive. The availability rates for content cited by URLs with zero to four directory levels were uniformly higher than those for URLs with five or more levels. However, these rates do not consistently decrease as the levels in­ crease. For example, 62.2 percent of the con­ tent cited by URLs with four levels is per­ manent in contrast to 56.4 percent of that cited by URLs with three levels. It should be noted, too, that page type is based on direc­ tory level. Navigation pages are those found at the server and first levels; content pages are those found at the second level and above. The fact that page type was not asso­ ciated with availability on the Web or in the Internet Archive supports the idea that the relationship between directory depth and availability is nonlinear. Content Availability: Researcher Skill A Chi-Square test was run on content avail­ ability and researcher to determine whether researcher skill or ability to find content on TABLE 7 Content Availability: Internet Archive Accessible in All Permanent Accessible Content Internet Archive Citations URLs Content Not Found # % # % # % # % Found 344 68.8 239 84.8 66 50.8 39 47.0 Not found 146 29.2 42 14.9 60 46.2 44 53.0 Could not determine 10 2.0 1 .4 4 3.0 0 0.0 Total 500 100.0 282 100.0 130 100.0 83 100.0 312 College & Research Libraries July 2003 TABLE 8 Summary of Pearson's Chi-Square (Xl) Values Citation Characteristics and Content Availability Characteristics Permanent df X2 P Permanent or Accessible df X2 P Archived df X2 P Source journal Content Date viewed Original domain Implied domain Directory depth Page type Tilde H included 1 2 1 5 5 5 1 1 .559 10.050 2.952 10.780 18.784 14.165 2.879 1.832 .455 .007* .086 .056 .002* .015* .090 .176 1 2 1 5 5 5 1 1 .073 1.123 .082 11.910 21.821 12.738 .000 .334 .787 .570 .775 .036* .001* .026* .992 .563 1 .754 .385 DNA 1 .967 .326 5 11.524 .042* 5 8.165 .147 5 11.572 .041* 1 1.334 .248 1 1.237 .266 *Significant at the p<.05 level. the Web may have influenced the perma­ nence and accessibility results. The results indicate that there was no association be­ tween researcher and permanence (X2 = 1.845, df = 1, p = .174) or between researcher and accessibility elsewhere on the Web (X2 = 1.771, df = 1, p= .183). Discussion and Conclusion The researchers examined the articles published in the thirty-four core, refereed, library and information science journals during 1999 and 2000 to determine the fre­ quency with which authors cited digital resources. They drew a sample of 500 digi­ tal resources cited in these articles in or­ der to identify citation characteristics and explore URL permanence and availabil­ ity. Statistical analyses were then con­ ducted to identify characteristics associ­ ated with availability on the Web and in the Internet Archive. Of the 3,582 citations examined across 1,425 articles, 10 percent were to Web docu­ ments, although in some journals this per­ centage was substantially higher. The analy­ sis of the sample drawn from this 10 per­ cent indicates that the overwhelming num­ ber of citations to Web documents in the library and information science literature published during the period of this study pointed to hypertext resources. The major­ ity contained only partial bibliographic in­ formation and did not include the date the author viewed the site. Most resided on servers at either educational institutions (“edu”) or organizations (“org”), did not include a tilde, and could be considered content, as opposed to navigational, pages. Whereas 56.4 percent of the sample URLs were found to be permanent, 42.6 percent of the cited content was not found at the URLs included in the citations. These find­ ings suggest that concerns about Web con­ tent permanence and its implication for scholarly communications are well founded. The findings of this study also confirm those of Davis and Cohen and of Lawrence and others in which a substan­ tial amount of cited Web content that could not be found at the cited URL was found elsewhere on the Web.34 In this study, the search strategies that were most effective for locating content not found at the cited URLs were using Google to search the Web and browsing/searching the Web site to which the URL led the researchers. Correct­ ing errors in the URLs and truncating them were less-effective search strategies. Using all of these search strategies, the research­ ers eventually found the content cited by an additional 125 of the URLs in the sample citations, increasing the overall availability rate from 56.4 to 81.4 percent. This study was the first to look at the effect the Internet Archive might have on content availability. Forty-seven percent of the URLs that could not be found at Web Citation Availability 313 TABLE 9 Cross-Tabulations Citation Characteristics and Content Availability Characteristic Content Availability Found # % Not Found # % Total # % URL Permanent Citation Content URL only URL & partial bibl. info. URL & complete bibl. info. N = 495 24 82.8 5 17.2 147 58.1 106 41.9 222 52.1 102 47.9 29 100.0 253 100.0 324 100.0 Implied Domain Commercial 57 51.8 53 48.2 110 100.0 Education 109 64.5 60 35.5 169 100.0 Government 26 42.6 35 57.4 61 100.0 Organization 77 64.2 43 35.8 120 100.0 Geographic designation 5 31.2 11 68.8 16 100.0 Other 8 42.1 11 57.9 19 100.0 N = 495 Directory Depth 0 52 68.4 24 31.6 76 100.0 1 35 56.5 27 43.5 62 100.0 2 74 54.4 62 45.6 136 100.0 3 66 56.4 51 43.6 117 100.0 4 46 62.2 28 37.8 74 100.0 5 or more 9 30.0 21 70.0 30 100.0 N = 495 URL Permanent or Content Accessible Original Domain Commercial 71 74.7 24 25.3 95 100.0 Education 82 87.2 12 12.8 94 100.0 Government 35 77.8 10 22.2 45 100.0 Organization 98 89.9 11 10.1 109 100.0 Geographic designation 108 83.7 21 16.3 129 100.0 Other 13 72.2 5 27.8 18 100.0 N = 490 Implied Domain Commercial 80 73.4 29 26.6 109 100.0 Education 151 89.3 18 10.7 169 100.0 Government 45 75.0 15 25.0 60 100.0 Organization 108 90.0 12 10.0 120 100.0 Geographic designation 9 69.2 4 30.8 13 100.0 Other 14 73.7 5 26.3 19 100.0 N = 490 314 College & Research Libraries July 2003 TABLE 9 (CONTINUED) Cross-Tabulations Citation Characteristics and Content Availability Characteristic Content Availability Found # % Not Found # % Total # % URL Permanent or Content Accessible Directory Depth 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more N = 490 65 87.8 48 77.4 108 79.4 95 82.6 69 94.5 22 73.3 9 14 28 20 4 8 12.2 22.6 20.6 17.4 5.5 26.7 74 100.0 62 100.0 136 100.0 115 100.0 73 100.0 30 100.0 Archived Original Domain Commercial Education Government Organization Geographic designation Other N = 490 58 71 26 82 96 11 61.1 75.5 57.8 75.2 74.4 61.1 37 23 19 27 33 7 38.9 24.5 42.2 24.8 25.6 38.9 95 100.0 94 100.0 45 100.0 109 100.0 129 100.0 18 100.0 Directory Depth 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more N = 490 54 46 97 81 53 13 73.0 75.4 71.3 70.4 71.6 43.3 20 15 39 34 21 17 27.0 24.6 28.7 29.6 28.4 56.7 74 100.0 61 100.0 136 100.0 115 100.0 74 100.0 30 100.0 either the URL included in the citation or elsewhere on the Web were found in the Internet Archive. Overall, almost 69 per­ cent of the URLs in the sample were found in the Internet Archive. In this study, searching the Internet Archive increased the overall availability rate of the cited content from 81.4 to 89.2 percent. It should be noted that receipt of a file or URL “not available” message as a result of an initial search was almost always as indi­ cation that the URL was impermanent. “Not available” messages were received during the initial search for more than 30 percent of the cited URLs. In subsequent searches, after an intervening period of at least a week, the researchers were able to find the content at the URL included in the citation for only three of the 158 URLs. Three of the characteristics studied— citation content, URL domain, and URL directory depth—were found to be asso­ ciated with availability. URLs with “edu” and “org” original and implied domains were more often found at the URL cited or elsewhere on the Web than those with other domains. URLs with “edu” and “org” domains and those with geographic designations were more often found in the Internet Archive. Although the Chi­ Web Citation Availability 315 Square tests suggest dependence between directory depth and permanence, direc­ tory depth and availability on the Web, and directory depth and availability in the Internet Archive, the researchers are un­ sure of the nature of these relationships. The cross-tabulation between citation content and permanence suggests an in­ verse relationship between the amount of information included with the URL in the citation and permanence. The researchers suspect that this finding is the result of the research methodology. When searching the Web for the content cited by “URL only” or “URL and partial bibliographic informa­ tion” citations, the researchers, having little or no bibliographic information to provide evidence to the contrary, may have tended to accept the Web page that was retrieved as containing the content the author cited. In contrast, when they were working with “URL and complete bibliographic informa­ tion” citations, the researchers were able to determine with certainty whether they had found the cited content. Although the researchers do not be­ lieve citation content to be a valid predic­ tor of permanence, the finding of depen­ dence between these variables spotlights an important limitation of this study and of most previous investigations of Web citation permanence and availability. That is, the researchers relied on the informa­ tion in the citation and did not refer back to the text to determine whether the con­ tent found was actually the content the author was citing. The dynamism of Web pages documented by Koehler, Bar-Ilan and Peritz, Nelson and Allen, and Tan, Foo, and Hui underscores the significance of this limitation and suggests that the permanence and availability rates re­ ported here may be overstated.35 There­ fore, the researchers suggest that in fu­ ture citation studies of URL permanence investigators consult the source text to verify that the content the author cited is included at the Web site found. The researchers found that most citations to Web resources that appear in articles published in library and information sci­ ence journals did not contain complete bib­ liographic information, nor did they in­ clude the date the author last viewed the cited content. The findings of this study also indicate that few of the core journals in the library and information science disciplines provide authors with instructions on citing Internet resources and generally confirm the results of Zhang’s editorial policy sur­ vey, which revealed a “lack of clearly stated conventions on citing e-sources.”36 Further, the researchers agree with the observation by Lawrence and others that “the general problem of persistence and disappearance requires a combination of technical solu­ tions and peer policies” and recommend that authors, editorial staff, and publishers work together to develop such “peer poli­ cies” to improve scholarly communication citation conventions.37 The following suggestions are based on the researchers’ experiences in collecting data for this study and the study’s findings: • The instructions for article authors, reviewers, and referees should include in­ formation on how to evaluate an Internet site in terms of both the quality of its content and its availability over the long run. The cur­ rent study’s findings suggest that URLs with “edu” and “org” domains and implied do­ mains may be more permanent than those with other domains. URLs with fewer di­ rectory depths also may be more available. However, further studies will be needed to clarify this study’s findings of dependence between directory depth and availability on the Web and in the Internet Archive. Edito­ rial staff should be aware of these relation­ ships and instruct authors that, when there is a choice, they should cite content at the URL that is most likely to be permanent. • Many of the citations to Web sites the researchers examined in this study were included by authors as a means of further identifying businesses, organizations, and individuals they mention in their articles. The researchers suspect that many of the “URL only” citations fall into this category. Editorial staff and authors should work to­ gether to determine when and where this type of Web content should be referenced. • Just as some journals do not allow authors to use “pers comm” or “in prep” http:conventions.37 http:overstated.35 316 College & Research Libraries July 2003 papers in citation lists, editorial staff should develop guidelines to convey to authors and referees the types of Web con­ tent that are suitable for a reference list and where to place them within the ar­ ticle. These guidelines should be based on considerations of future availability of the content cited as well as scholarly impor­ tance. • “Instructions for Authors” pages should include complete information on citing content that resides on the Internet or refer authors to a style manual or Web site that includes this information. • Complete citations to Web content should include full bibliographic informa­ tion plus the date the site was accessed by the author and the dates the cited Web page was created and last revised. More­ over, it may be advisable for authors to include contact information for the Web page creator or other Web site accessibil­ ity information. • Authors should determine whether there is a paper counterpart to the Web content they are citing. If so, complete ci­ tations to both sources should be provided. • Editorial staff should work with authors to preserve and make available cited Web content. One possible strategy would be to support the development and maintenance of the Internet Archive and require that Web content cited by authors be easily retrievable from that archive. In the case of electronic journals, another possibility would be for the journals to archive the Web content cited in the ar­ ticles they publish or to partner with aca­ demic libraries for that purpose. • Editorial staff should require au­ thors to adhere to the citation policies, styles, and formats established by their journals. Further, they should review their citation guidelines frequently and modify them, as needed, to ensure maxi­ mum access to the Web content referenced by their authors. The Internet has expanded access to scholarship, and its dynamism poses many challenges to scholarly communi­ cation. This study has addressed some questions about the use of citations to Web content in the library and information science literature and the availability of this content. The results suggest that au­ thors, editorial staff, and publishers need to work together to improve existing ci­ tation conventions, promote their use, and ensure that cited resources are acces­ sible to future researchers. Notes 1. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th ed. (NewYork: The Mod­ ern Language Association of America, 1999), 114. 2. Catherine Jean Sassen, “Citation Accuracy in the Journal Literature of Four Disciplines: Chemistry, Psychology, Library Science, and English and American Literature” (Ph.D. diss, Univ. of North Texas, 1992), 33. 3. Idrisa Pandit, “Citation Errors in Library Literature: A Study of Five Library Science Jour­ nals,” Library and Information Science Research 15, no. 2 (1993): 185–98; Susan P. Benning and Susan C. Speer, “Incorrect Citations: A Comparison of Library Literature with Medical Literature,” Bul­ letin of the Medical Library Association 81 (1993): 56–58; Nancy N. Pope, “Accuracy of References in Ten Library Science Journals,” RQ 32, no. 2 (1992): 240–43. 4. Carol Anne Germain, “URLs: Uniform Resource Locators or Unreliable Resource Loca­ tors,” College and Research Libraries 61, no. 4 (July 2000): 360. 5. Wallace Koehler, “An Analysis of Web Page and Web Site Constancy and Permanence,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50, no. 2 (Feb. 1999): 162. 6. Ibid., 162–80. 7. Wallace Koehler, “Web Page Change and Persistence: A Four-year Longitudinal Study,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 53, no. 2 (2002): 162–71. 8. Judit Bar-Ilan and Bluma C. Peritz, “The Life Span of a Specific Topic on the Web: The Case of ‘Informetrics’: A Quantitative Analysis.” Scientometrics 46 (Nov. 1999): 371–82. 9. Michael L. Nelson and B. Danette Allen, “Object Persistence and Availability in Digital Libraries,” D-Lib Magazine 8, no. 1 (Jan: 2002). Available online from: january02/nelson/01nelson.html (2 December 2002). 10. Bing Tan, Schubert Foo, and Siu Cheung Hui, “Web Information Monitoring: An Analysis Web Citation Availability 317 of Web Page Updates,” Online Information Review 25, no. 1 (2001): 6–19. 11. John Markwell and David W. Brooks, “Broken Links: The Ephemeral Nature of Educa­ tional WWW Hyperlinks,” Journal of Science Education and Technology 11, no. 2 (June 2002): 105–8. 12. Yasar Tonta, “Scholarly Communication and the Use of Networked Information Sources,” IFLA Journal 22, no. 3 (1996): 240–45. 13. Stephen P. Harter and Hak Joon Kim, “Accessing Electronic Journals and Other E-publica­ tions: An Empirical Study,” College and Research Libraries 57, no. 5 (Sept. 1996): 440–56; ———, “Elec­ tronic Journals and Scholarly Communication: A Citation and Reference Study,” in The Digital Revolu­ tion: Assessing the Impact on Business, Education, and Social Structures, Proceedings of the ASIS Mid-year Meeting Held May 18–22, 1996, San Diego, Calif. (Medford, N.J.: Information Today Inc., 1996), 299–315. 14. Philip M. Davis and Suzanne A. Cohen, “The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Cita­ tion Behavior 1996–1999,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52, no. 4 (2001): 309–14. 15. Philip M. Davis, “The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Citation Behavior: A 2000 Up­ date,” College and Research Libraries 63 (Jan. 2002): 53–60. 16. S. Mary P. Benbow, “File Not Found: The Problems of Changing URLs for the World Wide Web,” Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy 8, no. 3 (1998): 247–50; Germain, “URLs,” 359–65; Joel D. Kitchens and Pixey Anne Mosley, “Error 404: Or, What Is the Shelf-Life of Printed Internet Guides?” Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 24 (2000): 467–78; Susan Davis Herring, “Use of Electronic Resources in Scholarly Electronic Journals: A Citation Analysis,” Col­ lege and Research Libraries 63, no. 4 (July 2002): 334–40; Mary K. Taylor and Diane Hudson, “‘Linkrot’ and the Usefulness of Web Site Bibliographies,” Reference & User Services Quarterly 39 (spring 2000): 273–77. 17. Steve Lawrence, et al., “Persistence of Web References in Scientific Research,” Computer 34 (Feb. 2001): 26–31. 18. Mary Rumsey, “Runaway Train: Problems of Permanence, Accessibility, and Stability in the Use of Web Sources in Law Review Citations,” Law Library Journal 94 (winter 2002): 27–39. 19. Yin Zhang, “The Impact of Internet-based Electronic Resources on Formal Scholarly Com­ munication in the Area of Library and Information Science: A Citation Analysis,” Journal of Infor­ mation Science 24 (Aug. 1998): 241–54. 20. ———, “Scholarly Use of Internet-based Electronic Resources,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52, no. 8 (2001): 628–54. 21. Yin Zhang and Leigh Estabrook, “Accessibility to Internet-based Electronic Resources and Its Implications for Electronic Scholarship,” in ASIS ’98 Information Access in the Global Informa­ tion Economy. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science Held October 25–29, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA (Medford, N.J.: Information Today, Inc., 1998), 463–73. 22. Zhang, “Scholarly Use of Internet-based Electronic Resources.” 23. Bill Katz and Linda Sternberg Katz, Magazines for Libraries, 10th ed. (New York: Bowker, 2000), 914–29. 24. Edward L. Vockell and J. William Asher, Educational Research, 2nd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Merrill, 1995), 182, table 8.2. 25. Google, “Our Search: Google Technology: PageRank Explained” (2002). Available online from: (2 December 2002); Laura Cohen, “10 Tips for Teaching How to Search the Web,” American Libraries 32, no. 10 (Nov. 2001): 44–46. 26. Internet Archive, “About the Internet Archive.” Available online from: http:// (2 December 2002). 27. American Psychological Association, “Electronic Resources.” Available online from: http:/ / (13 December 2002). 28. The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1993). 29. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed. (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2001); Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 30. Koehler, “Web Page Change and Persistence,” 167. 31. Ibid. 32. “Tilde or ~,” in Vincent James and Erin Jansen, Netlingo: The Internet Dictionary (Ojai, Calif.: Netlingo Inc., 2002). Available online from: (2 December 2002). 33. Zhang and Estabrook, “Accessibility to Internet-based Electronic Resources and Its Impli­ cations for Electronic Scholarship.” 34. Davis and Cohen, “The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Citation Behavior 1996–1999”; Lawrence, et al., “Persistence of Web References in Scientific Research.” 35. Koehler, “An Analysis of Web Page and Web Site Constancy and Permanence,” 162–80; Bar- Ilan and Peritz, “The Life Span of a Specific Topic on the Web”; Nelson and Allen, “Object Persistence and Availability in Digital Libraries”; Tan, Foo, and Hiu, “Web Information Monitoring.” 36. Zhang, “Scholarly Use of Internet-based Electronic Resources,” 639. 37. Lawrence, et al., “Persistence of Web References in Scientific Research,” 30. http: