reviews Book Reviews 509 work and the ordinary lives of ordinary people. Only when printing became a public good during the formation of the Italian nation in the nineteenth century did it become important for historians and biographers to begin to record the accomplishments of members of the book trade. The remainder of the essays in the col- lection deal with the life of printer John Nichols, the archives of the Nichols fam- ily, and a selection of writings by Andrew Brice, an eighteenth-century Exeter printer. These articles are useful only as starting points for further research and do less to add to our picture of the ways in which individual lives contribute to the entire social history of books and the book trade. Because of the specialized nature of several of the offerings in this volume, this title is recommended only for re- search-level collections in the history of the book.—Cecile M. Jagodzinski, Indiana University. Jones, Reinette F. Library Service to Afri- can Americans in Kentucky, from the Re- construction Era to the 1960s. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2002. 200p. alk. pa- per, $39.95 (ISBN 0786411546). LC 2001-52118. In Library Service to African Americans in Kentucky, Reinette F. Jones has written a compelling and important book for both Kentucky and library history. It is not un- expected that the history of library ser- vice in Kentucky would reflect the his- tory of African Americans in the state, and Jones uses this history to bring to life the conflicts experienced by blacks during the one hundred years following the Civil War. Many libraries in Kentucky hired Af- rican Americans but did not offer services to them. Through an examination of these libraries, Jones has produced a concise history that illustrates the double stan- dard in a focused, but representative, way. The author, a librarian at Shaver Engi- neering Library at the University of Ken- tucky, was concerned about the percep- tion that African American librarians did not have a history of their own but had “simply appeared in Kentucky one recent day.” The structure of the book is largely chronological, but the chapter titles hint at a topical approach as well. Although the chronology is not necessarily broken in typical places for African American history, it does work for the topic. For example, 1954–1964 has been referred to as “the Second Reconstruction” in some historical reference sources, but Jones’s chapter division is from 1936–1963. The author obviously chose1963 because it was the year the first African American received a master of library science de- gree from the University of Kentucky. Chapter 6, “The Impact,” looks at the years 1892 to 1956, which is a little con- fusing when paired with the dates of the other sections. This seems to be a minor problem, but it may make some readers wonder whether a different editing ap- proach might have been useful. The preface sets a wonderful tone for the book by explaining Jones’s need to research the topic and by identifying a neglected aspect of African American and library scholarship. This is a well-docu- mented book, but perhaps more signifi- cantly, the documentation supports the personal lament in the preface, giving the facts a very human face. “I cried when the initial research showed that there had been an influential era of colored librar- ians in Louisville during the early twen- tieth century, and Kentucky had a history of desegregated and segregated libraries, beginning in 1866.” It is regrettable that some of the rich- est parts of this book are nearly lost to the casual reader. The appendices are wonderful, but the structure puts too much information in a small space and important quotes are lost. Citing the Filson Club in Appendix E, the author records their response to providing ser- vice to African Americans: “No service— but on several occasions those working on a thesis have been accommodated in a separate room, although not a practice.” The Filson Club is not listed in the index, 510 College & Research Libraries November 2003 which may indicate that the appendices are not as well indexed as the rest of the book. Despite these editing glitches, the book is full of information that is not only in- teresting, but also very important. Jones confesses that the first draft of the book was almost lost in well-meaning people’s advice that she write a book with a na- tional scope. Her careful research sup- ports the need for a book dealing exclu- sively with Kentucky, and this book pro- vides a close look at the history of the state’s libraries. Here are examples of edu- cators and librarians who were interested in making library services available to all people. Jones also provides us with a pro- fessional view of African Americans from a time when their existence was ignored, if not denied. Library Service to African Americans in Kentucky goes beyond sta- tistics for libraries, it is a testament to the possible because in the context of segre- gation and oppression, African Ameri- cans pursued educational goals with great dedication, and places such as Berea Col- lege and Covington Public Library pro- vided extraordinary and optimal settings for the exercise of this dedication.—Jane R. Wilson, Berea College. << /ASCII85EncodePages false /AllowTransparency false /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /AutoRotatePages /All /Binding /Left /CalGrayProfile (Dot Gain 20%) /CalRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated \050SWOP\051 v2) /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /CompressObjects /Tags /CompressPages true /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /PassThroughJPEGImages true /CreateJobTicket false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /DetectBlends true /DetectCurves 0.0000 /ColorConversionStrategy /CMYK /DoThumbnails false /EmbedAllFonts true /EmbedOpenType false /ParseICCProfilesInComments true /EmbedJobOptions true /DSCReportingLevel 0 /EmitDSCWarnings false /EndPage -1 /ImageMemory 1048576 /LockDistillerParams false /MaxSubsetPct 1 /Optimize true /OPM 1 /ParseDSCComments true /ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo true /PreserveCopyPage true /PreserveDICMYKValues true /PreserveEPSInfo true /PreserveFlatness false /PreserveHalftoneInfo true /PreserveOPIComments false /PreserveOverprintSettings true /StartPage 1 /SubsetFonts false /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /UCRandBGInfo /Preserve /UsePrologue false /ColorSettingsFile () /AlwaysEmbed [ true ] /NeverEmbed [ true ] /AntiAliasColorImages false /CropColorImages false /ColorImageMinResolution 151 /ColorImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleColorImages true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageResolution 300 /ColorImageDepth -1 /ColorImageMinDownsampleDepth 1 /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.10000 /EncodeColorImages true /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterColorImages true /ColorImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /ColorACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /ColorImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000ColorACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000ColorImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasGrayImages false /CropGrayImages false /GrayImageMinResolution 151 /GrayImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleGrayImages true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /GrayImageResolution 300 /GrayImageDepth -1 /GrayImageMinDownsampleDepth 2 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 1.10000 /EncodeGrayImages true /GrayImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterGrayImages true /GrayImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /GrayACSImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /GrayImageDict << /QFactor 0.15 /HSamples [1 1 1 1] /VSamples [1 1 1 1] >> /JPEG2000GrayACSImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /JPEG2000GrayImageDict << /TileWidth 256 /TileHeight 256 /Quality 30 >> /AntiAliasMonoImages false /CropMonoImages false /MonoImageMinResolution 600 /MonoImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleMonoImages true /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /MonoImageResolution 1200 /MonoImageDepth -1 /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.16667 /EncodeMonoImages true /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /MonoImageDict << /K -1 >> /AllowPSXObjects false /CheckCompliance [ /None ] /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFX3Check false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false /PDFXNoTrimBoxError true /PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox true /PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXOutputIntentProfile () /PDFXOutputConditionIdentifier () /PDFXOutputCondition () /PDFXRegistryName () /PDFXTrapped /False /CreateJDFFile false /Description << /ENU (IPC Print Services, Inc. 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