263 Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact of Individual Research Consultations Thomas L. Reinsfelder Thomas L. Reinsfelder is a Reference/Instruction Librarian at Penn State Mont Alto; e-mail: tlr15@psu. edu. © 2012 Thomas L. Reinsfelder, Attribution-NonCommercial (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-sa/3.0/) CC BY-NC This study sought to determine the degree to which individual research consultations with a librarian can improve the work of undergraduate students. Citation analysis was used to evaluate the quality of sources selected on draft papers before meeting with a librarian and on final papers after meeting with a librarian. The rating scale presented here offers guidelines for measuring the quality of sources used by students. Findings of this research begin to provide some quantitative evidence demonstrating the positive impact of individual research consultations. t is not unusual for librarians to interact with undergradu- ates during the beginning stages of the research process. Through relatively brief instruction ses- sions and reference desk encounters, we strive to guide students toward the use of information sources that are both high quality and appropriate for a college- level course assignment. However, in later stages, students do not seem to seek out assistance as readily, resulting in less interaction between student and librarian. Discussions with faculty and students confirmed suspicions that many students are using information sources considered to be inadequate for scholarly or profes- sional work. Information may be from a source whose credibility is questionable or may be completely undocumented. Due to an interest in seeing more ap- propriate resources used in course proj- ects, faculty/librarian partnerships were sought out in an effort to work more closely with students. One-on-one meet- ings, or research consultations, are one way to increase the level of interaction with students. This method of instruc- tion can be quite effective and is used frequently by on-campus tutors and writing centers because these personal meetings allow for greater attention to detail and the ability to address unique concerns of each student in a way that is not possible in larger groups. When one-on-one consultations are offered by librarians, they not only provide an opportunity to assist students, they also allow librarians to benefit from learning more about how students select and use information sources. This approach is especially helpful since we rarely have the opportunity to closely review student work in progress or the final product. The present study is the first to explore a combination of one-on-one library re- crl-261 264 College & Research Libraries May 2012 search consultations and citation analysis, a method commonly used to evaluate the sources used by researchers. It is also one of the few attempts to use quantita- tive measures to evaluate the impact of individual research consultations. Earlier efforts have relied heavily on satisfac- tion surveys and anecdotal evidence. The impact of one-on-one student and librarian meetings was evaluated based on the quality and appropriateness of sources cited to determine if this ap- proach to library instruction is one that is worthwhile. Previous research using citation analy- sis has focused on final bibliographies to learn how students use different types of information sources. No studies were identified that examine citations or infor- mation sources while papers are still in development in order to track improve- ment. Further, while much of the previous work using citation analysis is concerned with the type or format of sources used, as well as dates and number of sources used, the interest in this study is primarily in assessing the quality or appropriateness of sources used, regardless of format, and measuring any improvement throughout the research process. Literature Review Individual Research Consultations Numerous research consultation services using a great variety of approaches have been documented in past years. These allow students to meet with a librarian for more in-depth discussion. Some have focused on a specific population such as honors students,1 graduate students,2 or students in a particular course such as English.3 Rowe,4 Bean,5 and Lee6 all pro- vide details of such an approach. Long and Shirkhande7 also recognized the need for consultations with librarians as an important piece of their broader instruc- tional strategy. Gale and Evans8 suggest that individual research consultation pro- grams are most effective when students participate voluntarily. Participation in such programs has also been observed to be heavily dependent on the cooperation and support of faculty.9 Librarians scheduling appointments with students are better prepared to provide uninterrupted and individual attention focusing on the specific needs of just one student in ways that are not pos- sible in a typical reference transaction.10 The students also receive assistance when they have an immediate need for a solu- tion to an information problem. The large amount of time and energy required of library staff is a common and significant challenge surrounding research consul- tations.11 In addition, students may not show up for scheduled appointments. Further, because library research con- sultations usually cannot be offered to all students, it can be difficult to identify the group of students who would most benefit from such a service.12 Just as different approaches are used to provide research consultation services, different methods are used to evaluate their effectiveness. Demonstrating that it can be difficult to quantitatively prove the benefits of individual instruction, Donegan, Domas, and Deosdade13 com- pared test scores of students who received individual instruction with those who received group instruction and observed little difference in the skills of students. Using another tactic, Bergen and Mac- Adam14 analyzed the number and type of individuals who used the voluntary service, finding that women participated at a higher level than men, freshmen and sophomores more than juniors and seniors, and the majority of projects were longer research papers, most often in the social sciences. While no strong quantitative data has been presented in previous literature showing a correlation between research consultations and student performance, a number of qualitative measures indicate that the practice can be valuable. User surveys and comment forms are common tools for obtaining feedback from project participants. Positive student, faculty, and librarian reactions were noted in work by Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 265 Gale and Evans,15 Williamson, Blocker, and Gray,16 Bean,17 and Blankenship.18 In another project, Rowe19 concluded that, although the service was used by a small number of students, they did find it helpful. For further reading on research consultations, see the literature reviews conducted by Gale and Evans,20 Bean,21 and Allegri.22 Citation Analysis Librarians have used the practice of reviewing citations for many different purposes. Some of the most common are to evaluate use of library collections by better understanding the types of sources being used by researchers and to evaluate the impact of instructional efforts. One of the most frequent reasons academic librarians study citations is to be sure local collections reflect the actual needs and interests of users. Such stud- ies may seek to determine any noticeable trends in the level of use of electronic vs. print materials, popular vs. scholarly sources, books vs. periodicals, the dates of information sources used, as well as availability in the local collection. Citation analysis for this purpose may be done to assess the needs of a limited user popula- tion such as freshmen composition class- es23 or senior honors students.24 In a 2003 study of first-year students, Hinchliffe et al.25 noted that books and journals were being cited more than Web sites, and that popular sources were used more than scholarly items. Carlson26 considered the impact of class year, course level, and aca- demic discipline on the number and types of sources being used and found that each variable did in fact contribute to differenc- es observed in citation behavior. Another analysis of citations in dissertations from the pre-Web and post-Web eras aimed to identify trends in various disciplines and found that, overall, the use of journals has increased while monograph usage has declined, with journals being used more frequently in science and engineering and monographs being used more frequently in the social sciences.27 Others have noted that requirements imposed by course faculty are strong predictors of citation behavior.28 Knight-Davis and Sung agree that sources cited by students are “heavily influenced by the requirements regarding sources, or lack thereof, in the paper as- signment.”29 Instruction librarians also analyze student citations to determine the most effective teaching methods. Young and Ackerson30 analyzed student papers in two groups receiving different types of library instruction and noted no differ- ence in citation behavior in four out of five cases, while Hurst and Leonard31 found that those exposed to additional library instruction used and cited more library resources. However, these differences had no impact on final grades. When Ursin, Lindsay, and Johnson32 reviewed citations in student work as part of a cam- puswide Freshman Seminar, the low use of resources recommended by librarians indicated that instructional efforts were not as effective as previously thought. This analysis allowed librarians to con- sider changes to improve the program. Finally, Hovde33 used citation analysis to confirm that existing library instruction practices are effective based on observa- tions of the number of citations in student papers as well as types of sources used, especially those requiring use of library resources and search tools. Measuring Quality “To assess the quality of research paper bibliographies, criteria and a process for rating must be formulated.”34 Because of this interest in measuring and improving the quality or appropriateness of sources used, it is helpful to learn how others have evaluated student citations. Young and Ackerson35 provide a thor- ough review of the literature-examining criteria used to evaluate the quality of student bibliographies. Some common measures include quantity of sources, format or type of source, currency, variety, relevance to the topic, authority, or simply a general rating of the level of quality or 266 College & Research Libraries May 2012 appropriateness. As one example, Kirk36 evaluated student papers using the idea of appropriateness, which took into ac- count the reputation of a source, date, and author authority. Additionally, Kirk identified the number of references, the effective use of primary and secondary sources, and consistency in formatting of references as important items to consider. In a later assessment of instruction ses- sions presented by librarians and writing center personnel, Dykeman and King37 analyzed the number of sources used, the amount of material by recognized au- thorities, the use of scholarly journals, and the variety of sources. Gratch38 built on these efforts by presenting a rating scale to measure the appropriateness of sources used. Criteria included the number of sources, along with the variety, currency, and quality of information used. Here, Gratch based the idea of quality on the “reputation of the publisher, author, and any other clues that might help establish the quality of the information.”39 Young and Ackerson40 later used the three crite- ria of Kohl and Wilson41—type of source, currency, and quality—to develop a rating sheet intended to help with consistency and standardization. Each citation was rated on all three criteria. Raters ranked the quality from low (popular sources) to high (scholarly sources) and assigned each item into one of five categories: conference proceedings, interviews, journals, monographs, and standards. Scores ranging from 0 (inadequate) to 3 (superior) were then assigned to each source with comparisons made among scores of students receiving different instructional methods. The study by Young and Ackerson precedes the widespread use of electronic or Internet sources so the criteria and methods for defining high-quality or appropriate sources should be updated. When Robinson and Schlegl42 studied student citations in 2004, the focus was primarily on the use and quality of elec- tronic sources, and an electronic source classification checklist was developed. Sources were first classified as being either high quality or low quality, based on the ability of the rater to identify the author or organization and the ability to verify legitimacy of the creator through the contact information provided. Sources found to be of high quality were then classified as being scholarly (journals and government documents) or nonscholarly (news, magazine, other). More recently, Long and Shirkhande43 created a scoring system to meet their needs in evaluating the effectiveness of library instruction. This system was described as an information literacy grading scale, with each citation scored on a 0–5 scale. Each item was evaluated for quality, variety, citation format, and information use, meaning whether or not the source was properly cited with no evidence of plagiarism. The criteria were then weighted and combined to arrive at an information literacy score for each paper. To help improve consistency in rating sources, guidelines were developed for each criterion. For example, sources were considered to be high quality if recommended by a librarian in instruc- tion sessions or otherwise provided by the library. Sources were also considered to be high quality if they were both ap- propriate and authoritative for the topic being addressed. Methodology and Procedures Two librarians, a reference/instruction librarian, and a head librarian at a branch campus of a large university evaluated the quality of sources used in drafts of undergraduate papers, met with students to make recommendations, and then re- viewed the quality of sources used in the revised final product. Because the specific topic and details of an assignment must be considered when determining the appropriateness of information sources, entire papers were used rather than just the bibliography page. When student work is being evaluated in this way, the final paper’s components should not be evaluated in isolation.44 Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 267 The main hypothesis tested is: Students exposed to a one-on-one consultation with a research librar- ian after writing a first draft will show a greater improvement in the quality of sources used on the final paper than students who did not meet with a librarian. Library staff invited faculty to par- ticipate in a new service being offered to help improve the quality of student research papers. The introductory e-mail explained that librarians would be avail- able to meet with students to review a draft of writing assignments. Information sources selected would be reviewed and discussed. If necessary, librarians would provide guidance on selecting additional or more appropriate information re- sources to help improve the final product. Faculty were eligible to participate if they: • had students in at least one course who would be completing a writ- ing assignment or research paper that required the use of informa- tion sources other than assigned class readings; • had a writing assignment or re- search paper that could be evaluat- ed at two points during the project; 1. After the first draft is com- pleted 2. After the paper is revised and the final draft is submitted • were willing to share student work with librarians; and • were willing to have students set up appointments with librarians outside class time to review the paper and information sources used. Ten sections of various courses were identified in which students were able to participate (see table 1). IRB approval was sought and obtained with data remain- ing confidential both during and after the study. In addition to observing patterns of citation use among students who met with a librarian, a control group was established (using duplicate sections of courses in the experimental group) to observe any differences in bibliographies of students who did not meet with a librarian. These students completed the same assignments but were not asked to meet with a librarian. While all courses required students to identify and use information resources, there was a great diversity in the types of assignments and in how faculty in- structed the students. Some provided very clear guidelines for the requirements of the assignment. Others allowed more flexibility. In one course, rather than writ- ing a complete paper, students were asked to create an annotated bibliography. In another, students worked in teams rather than individually. In yet another, students were instructed to choose from a selected list of resources and were also given guidelines on acceptable date ranges for the materials to be used. These students generally received very good scores when the quality of sources was evaluated, which is to be expected based on earlier observations of Robinson and Schlegl45 and Knight-Davis and Sung.46 In many cases, data were incomplete because only one paper, either the draft or final copy, was received from students. In one section, only final papers were available for this study. Additionally, a number of students assigned to the experimental group chose not to meet with a librar- ian. These students in the experimental group who did not meet with a librarian could have been added to a comparison group along with students in the control group. Although this would have resulted in a greater number of cases to analyze, this option was not chosen in an effort to minimize the effect of selection bias. Faculty shared draft papers with librarians, and citations were evaluated before meeting with students based on the rating scale and guidelines developed (see figure 1). Relevance of sources was assessed based on the overall fit with the 268 College & Research Libraries May 2012 topic being discussed in the student’s paper. Students in the experimental group were then instructed to meet with a librarian to discuss the appropriateness of information sources used. Librarians made recommendations for more ap- propriate or additional sources. Students in the control group were not instructed to meet with a librarian for assistance. After the paper was revised and resub- mitted, the work was again evaluated by librarians. At the completion of the study, faculty were asked to answer several short questions to provide obser- vations and perceptions of the process. Questions asked of faculty include: • Can you describe the level and types of improvements, if any, you saw between the first and final drafts? • How much of this improvement was related to improved use of cited sources? • What were the students’ reactions to being asked to meet with a librarian? Rating Scale Development A new rating scale was developed to provide guidelines for assigning a score to each citation as well as a score for the overall bibliography (see figure 1). The instrument was constructed using ele- ments identified in earlier works noted in the literature review, especially those concepts related to date or currency, au- thority, and relevance. The approach used is similar to that of Young and Ackerson,47 who developed a rating sheet to evaluate sources used by students. While the new rating scale includes some of the same ideas as measures in the past, adjustments were made to consider the appropriateness, or quality, of sources regardless of format or type of source. With so many information sources available in an electronic format, it is not always easy to separate Web sources from books, magazines, newspapers, or scholarly ar- ticles that are available electronically. Just because an item is read on a computer screen, this one characteristic is not enough to make judgments about the quality or TABLE 1 Participating Courses and Students Course Assigned to control group? # of students with draft and final paper evaluated by librarians # of students who met with librarian # of students who did not meet with librarian 1 English Composition N 11 5 6 2 English Composition N 14 14 0 3 Geography N 15 7 8 4 Child Development N 17 17 0 5 Occupational Therapy N 13 12 1 6 Marketing* N 4 4 0 7 Women Writers N 2 2 0 8 English Composition Y 18 1 17 9 English Composition Y 9 0 9 10 English Composition** Y 9** 0 9** 62 41 * group projects ** only final papers were available for this section Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 269 scholarly nature of a source. Electronic sources are often scholarly and perfectly appropriate for the work being completed. For this reason, it has been suggested that faculty “should not prohibit the use of Internet sources, but instead should imple- ment, as stated by Davis,48 ‘written and enforceable guidelines for acceptable ref- erence sources.’”49 While source type was not addressed directly, it is accounted for to some degree when measuring author- ity. For example, scholarly journals and government documents are considered more authoritative than news or magazine articles and personal Web sites. After reviewing initial papers, a mea- sure of scope was added to account for the level of useful information provided by FIGURE 1 Sample Data & Rating Criteria Max. Points for Each Citation = 15 Total Quality Score = Total Points / (Number of citations*15) Rating Scale & Criteria Used Relevancy: 1 Not at all relevant 2 Partially relevant 3 Mostly relevant 4 Completely relevant Authority: 1 Unedited/unverifiable. Little to no accountability or no author identified 2 Documents or publications of businesses or nonprofit organizations (possible bias) 3 Popular/journalistic. Edited, but not necessarily expert authority 4 High: • Government organizations • Trade publications (expert knowledge/no peer review) • Scholarly/professional. (expert knowledge/peer review) Appropriate Dates: 1 Inappropriate, obsolete, or outdated for paper topic/assignment 2 No date indicated 3 Acceptable but should be used along with sources from other dates 4 Completely appropriate, most timely for paper topic/assignment Scope/Level of Information Used: 1 Too basic/not enough detail for assigned task/simplistic 2 Too technical/overly complex for the assigned task 3 Appropriate for the assigned task Relevancy Authority Dates Scope Total Citation # 1 4 2 4 3 13 2 3 1 4 3 11 3 4 4 4 3 15 4 3 4 1 1 9 5 3 3 2 1 9 6 4 1 3 3 11 7 4 2 3 1 10 Average 3.57 2.43 3.00 2.14 Number of Citations 7 Total: 78 TOTAL QUALITY SCORE: 74.29% 270 College & Research Libraries May 2012 a source. Some sources were clearly too basic for the assignment such as a brief entry from a dictionary, a Web page, or a very short encyclopedia article. On the other hand, although witnessed less frequently, some sources such as complex medical studies or legal reviews were too technical and inappropriate for the as- signed task. Since the scope measure uses only three possible ratings, its influence on the overall score is slightly less than that of relevancy, date, and authority. The rating scale provides an overall score for each paper and for each of the four criteria. The total quality score for each paper is obtained by dividing the to- tal number of points by the total number of points possible. The maximum possible score for each citation is 15 points. Rating Scale Reliability Because two librarians were using the rat- ing scale, and it may be used by multiple librarians in the future, it was tested for reliability among raters. Using a sample of 95 citations from one participating class, two librarians scored each citation. The assigned ratings were then evaluated for consistency. Intraclass correlations were computed using SPSS and are shown in table 2. Landis and Koch50 suggest interpretations for strength of agreement among multiple raters. This analysis shows that, while the reliability among multiple raters on the total quality score for a paper is moderate, there was less agreement on the individual measures of relevancy and scope. On the other hand, substantial agreement was observed for authority, with moderate agreement shown on dates. This initial attempt to develop a rat- ing scale is far from perfect and further testing would be beneficial to increase both validity and reliability. The most effective assessment tools and scales can be difficult and time consuming to con- struct, and many often mature through an extended period of testing and develop- ment. Project SAILS,51 developed at Kent State University, and the READ Scale, developed by Gerlich and Berard,52 are two recent examples dealing with assess- ment of information literacy and reference services that demonstrate how these types of efforts continue to evolve over time. For the rating scale presented here, agreement among raters could likely be improved through more descriptive categories and criteria, along with better instructions to raters describing which rat- ings are most appropriate in various situa- tions. Additionally, it would be valuable to test this instrument on a larger scale and across more diverse populations. Results Nonparametric statistical tests were chosen throughout this analysis because data did not meet the assumptions of nor- mality required by some other common procedures. When using available data to identify differences in the quality of sources selected in draft and final papers of students who met with a librarian (ex- perimental group), it appears that librar- ian input can indeed be effective. A Wil- coxon Signed Ranks Test (see table 3), the TABLE 2 Reliability of Rating Scale among Multiple Raters Total Quality Score Relevancy Authority Dates Scope Intraclass Correlation* .542 .194 .717 .502 .253 Strength of Agreement** Moderate Slight Substantial Moderate Fair * two-way random; absolute agreement; single measures **as described by Landis & Koch (1977) Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 271 nonparametric alternative to the paired samples t-test, showed that one-on-one consultations with a librarian during the paper writing process did result in sources of a higher quality being used on the final paper than on the draft paper. This dif- ference was statistically significant for all measures except authority (Z=–1.260, p= 0.208). Other measures were statistically significant as follows: Overall Quality (Z=–4.366, p=0.000), Relevance (Z=–3.190, p=0.001), Dates (Z=–1.958, p=0.050), and Scope (Z=–4.263, p=0.000). When looking for differences in the quality of sources used in draft and final papers of students who did not meet with a librarian (control group), no im- provement was observed in the quality of sources used. For all measures, a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test (see table 4) showed no statistically significant difference between the quality of sources used on the draft paper and quality of sources used on the final paper. Results were observed as follows: Overall Quality (Z=–1.087, p=0.277), Rele- vance (Z=–.631, p=0.528), Authority (Z=–.362, p=0.717), Dates (Z=–.824, p=0.410), Scope (Z=–1.276, p=.202). Where data was available on final papers, the quality of sources used was compared between students who met with a librar- ian and those who did not us- ing a Mann-Whitney U test, the nonparametric alternative to the independent t-test. Here, a statistically significant differ- ence was observed for overall quality (U=694.00, p=.002), author- ity (U=677.50, p=.001), and dates (U=848.50, p=.039), with students who met with a librarian using more appropriate sources. No dif- ference was observed for relevance (U=1070.50, p=.687) and scope (U=933.50, p=.092). Testing Other Correlations Although not the primary pur- pose of this study, data were fur- ther analyzed to note possible correlations among variables (see table 6). Spearman rho correlation coefficients were calcu- lated for relationships between variables in both groups. For both experimental and control groups, no significant cor- relations exist between page length and the number of sources used on the final paper. Similarly, there is no significant correlation between the overall quality of sources and the grade received. For stu- dents assigned to the experimental group, the only significant correlation observed was for the number of sources used on the final paper and the grade received (r (40) = .340, p < .05). For those students as- signed to the control group who did not meet with a librarian, the only significant correlation observed was for the number of pages written on the final paper and the grade received (r (40) = .502, p < .01). TABLE 3 Draft vs. Final Papers Students Who Met with a Librarian (Experimental Group) N=61 Draft Final p Total Quality Score Mean 90.386 (SD=7.770) Mean 93.676 (SD=6.350) .000 Median 92.000 Median 95.000 Relevance Mean 3.770 (SD=.323) Mean 3.903 (SD=.181) .001 Median 3.830 Median 4.000 Authority Mean 3.428 (SD=.556) Mean 3.492 (SD=.555) .208 Median 3.500 Median 3.670 Dates Mean 3.681 (SD=.398) Mean 3.770 (SD=.315) .050 Median 3.860 Median 4.000 Scope Mean 2.679 (SD=.440) Mean 2.887 (SD=.251) .000 Median 3.000 Median 3.000 272 College & Research Libraries May 2012 Number of Sources Used Another question that can be addressed from the data collected deals with the number of sources cited. As might be ex- pected, students are citing more sources on final papers than on earlier drafts. A Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test (see table 7) indicated a statis- tically significant difference between the mean number of sources used on draft papers (Mean=5.41, SD=3.68) and final papers (Mean=6.39, SD=3.35) for students in the experimental group who met with a librarian. Similarly, a statistically signifi- cant difference was observed for students in the control group who did not meet with a librar- ian, with a greater number of sources being used on the final paper (Mean=5.19, SD=2.08) than on the draft (Mean=3.58, SD=1.27). All students used a greater number of sources on the final paper; but, of the two groups, those meeting with a librarian used a greater mean number of sources. To determine if this number was statistically mean- ingful, a Mann Whitney test was used (see table 8). Here, no sig- nificant difference is indicated (U=613.00, p=.091). Feedback from Faculty When faculty were initially presented with the opportunity to receive assistance with the quality of student research, many were quite interested. Overall, faculty were very cooperative and encouraged their TABLE 4 Draft vs. Final Papers Students Who Did Not Meet with a Librarian (Control Group) N=26 Draft Final p Total Quality Score Mean 89.589 (SD=8.257) Mean 91.215 (SD=5.662) .277 Median 91.390 Median 91.110 Relevance Mean 3.895 (SD=.220) Mean 3.920 (SD=.162) .528 Median 4.000 Median 4.000 Authority Mean 3.215 (SD=.658) Mean 3.259 (SD=.500) .717 Median 3.000 Median 3.265 Dates Mean 3.625 (SD=.385) Mean 3.676 (SD=.353) .410 Median 3.670 Median 3.750 Scope Mean 2.750 (SD=.485) Mean 2.829 (SD=.308) .202 Median 3.000 Median 3.000 TABLE 5 Comparison of Final Papers: Students Who Did Not Meet with a Librarian (Control Group) vs. Students Who Did Meet with Librarian (Experimental Group) Did Not Meet with Librarian Mean Rank N=36 Met with Librarian Mean Rank N=62 Mann Whitney U p Total Quality Score 37.78 56.31 694.00 .002 Relevance 48.24 50.23 1070.50 .687 Authority 37.32 56.57 677.50 .001 Dates 42.07 53.81 848.50 .039 Scope 44.43 52.44 933.50 .092 Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 273 Discussion The use of a rating scale can be helpful in trying to objectively measure the quality or appropriateness of information sources used by students. Yet, there is still signifi- cant room for subjective interpretation, as it is not always clear which category a source should be assigned. For example, a book should not automatically be con- sidered as a highly authoritative source. Many can be strongly biased and written by authors with limited professional or academic credentials. As another exam- ple, some nonprofit organizations’ Web sites and publications may be strongly biased toward one point of view, while others are more professional in nature and more appropriate for scholarly work. In the case of personal Web sites, some are poorly designed and written, while others are maintained by experts with a background of impressive accomplish- students to work with librarians. Faculty supporting this project shared a variety of comments. Several noted that meetings with a librarian made a notable difference in the quality of sources used. Students also exhibited a better understanding of different types of sources and which are more appropriate. Nearly all agreed that this approach was worthwhile and some would like to continue to have future stu- dents meet with librarians for assistance. Others noted that this endeavor was use- ful in that it led to new ways of thinking about research assignments and revealed the importance of partnering with the library for assistance and expertise. Over- all, little feedback was communicated to faculty from students, but some indicated that the library assistance was helpful and others seemed genuinely appreciative of the opportunity to learn about the library and new research strategies. TABLE 6 Correlations on Final Papers Met with Librarian (Experimental Group) Did Not Meet with Librarian (Control Group) N Spearman rho Correlation N Spearman rho Correlation Page Length & # of Sources 61 .133 36 .300 Page Length & Grade 42 .214 27 .502** # of Sources & Grade 42 .340* 27 .095 Overall Quality of Sources & Grade 42 .254 27 .141 *p < .05 **p<.01 TABLE 7 Number of Sources Used Draft vs. Final Mean # of Sources Draft Mean # of Sources Final Median Draft Median Final p Met with Librarian N=61 5.41 SD=3.68 6.39 SD=3.35 5.00 6.00 .000 Did Not Meet with Librarian N=26 3.58 SD=1.27 5.19 SD=2.08 3.50 4.50 .000 274 College & Research Libraries May 2012 ments. Web sites that hire freelance writ- ers, either paid or unpaid, to contribute articles on a wide range of topics also pose special challenges. To further complicate matters, different disciplines may not agree on what constitutes a high quality source. While the humanities and social sciences may emphasize the use of books and peer-reviewed journal articles, those working in science, business, or technol- ogy fields may find it more appropriate to use sources like news reports or press releases. In all cases, it is critical to con- sider the authors’ and publishers’ back- ground and motivations for distributing information. In meetings with students, many seemed to underestimate the im- portance of identifying the author and demonstrated some difficulty with this task, especially when the author was an organization rather than an individual. By using this rating scale to evaluate the quality of sources used by students, it seems that one-on-one consultations with librarians can be an effective strategy for improving student work. Students who met with a librarian showed improve- ment on the measures of overall quality of sources, relevance, dates, and scope. Authority was the one measure for which a statistical difference was not observed. This may lead one to conclude that, for the most part, students are doing a fairly good job of identifying authoritative sources on their own, perhaps with some direction and guidance from course faculty. For students who did not meet with a librar- ian, there was no noticeable improvement from draft to final paper on any of the measures. When comparing the quality of sources on final papers between those who met with a librarian and those who did not, the students meeting with a librar- ian scored significantly higher on overall quality, authority, and dates. These find- ings begin to provide some quantitative evidence demonstrating the positive im- pact of individual research consultations. However, it should be acknowledged that, although common in practice, some researchers criticize the calculation of a mean and standard deviation on data obtained from Likert type scales where initial ratings could be considered ordinal in nature, arguing that other statistical measures may be more appropriate.53 Correlations and Number of Sources Used Correlations between various character- istics of student papers are interesting to consider, but the values reported here do not appear to have much practical application. However, the positive rela- tionship between the number of sources and the grade obtained is worthy of com- ment. A possible explanation here is that the use of additional sources indicates a greater level of effort expended by the students, or perhaps the additional sources used by this group were recom- mended by a librarian and enhanced the overall quality of the final paper. But results have not been consistent across multiple studies. The 2002 study by Davis54 and the 2007 work by Hurst and Leonard55 saw no correlations be- tween citation use and grades. However, Robinson and Schlegel observed that “papers with longer bibliographies tend to receive higher grades irrespective of the kinds of citations.”56 TABLE 8 Number of Sources Used on Final Papers Experimental vs. Control Did Not Meet w/ Librarian Mean Rank N=26 Met w/ Librarian Mean Rank N=61 Mann Whitney U p # of Sources Final Paper 37.08 46.95 613.00 .091 Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 275 When looking at another relationship, there was no indication that use of high- quality sources led to higher grades. This is likely due to the fact that student work is often graded on a number of criteria, and the quality of research resources used is only one. Davis57 reached a similar conclusion, noting that assignments are also graded on the quality of writing, clarity of ideas, and the ability to address all other requirements set forth by the instructor. There is also some evidence to suggest that, even if students are able to locate high-quality information, many still struggle to successfully analyze and effectively integrate the most important ideas into their work.58 For all students, as would be expected, more sources are consistently used on fi- nal papers than on earlier drafts. It is pos- sible that librarian interaction may lead to more sources being cited; but, in this case, no statistical evidence was found. It is also likely that the number of sources used is heavily influenced by instructions from faculty, and the requirements of the assignment as students “will meet the expectations of the professor when those expectations are clearly articulated and enforced.”59 Although narrowly defined guidelines for an assignment ensure the use of certain sources, it is also important for faculty and librarians to help students identify appropriate or acceptable re- sources without such strict parameters. Further investigation and greater collabo- ration with faculty is needed here to better understand the relationships between these variables. Future research may be able to make stronger claims about the nature of these relationships. Conclusion For libraries considering one-on-one ref- erence services, the rating scale presented here offers one method to measure the impact of such a program. One of the primary drawbacks to individual instruc- tion is that a great deal of time is required, as most meetings with students lasted from fifteen to thirty minutes. However, during this study, the time required to discuss papers and sources with students did not place an unreasonable burden on library staff. In addition, librarians were frequently able to make more meaningful connections with students by addressing the specific needs of each individual. The largest time investment came from the evaluation and scoring of citations using the rating scale and the analysis of data at the end of the semester. This type of service may be difficult to implement on a large scale across an entire campus. However, this method of instruction and assessment may be helpful in some cases, especially where librarians have a close working relationship with faculty. For those interested in efforts of a similar na- ture, it is suggested that librarians focus on purposefully selected groups or classes where the impact would be greatest. The existence of a coordinated campus writing program, or similar requirement, might also be used to help librarians make nec- essary connections with faculty. In future research, librarians may wish to use this citation analysis approach to compare the effectiveness of research con- sultations to other instructional methods. Because of the potential for subjective interpretation of sources, some attention should also be paid to improving the validity and reliability of the rating scale presented here. This may be achieved through further testing and refinement of the guidelines used for assigning scores to each item. There may even be some value to creating a modified version of the rating scale to better address the needs and concerns of students and faculty in a specific subject or discipline. Notes 1. 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Citation Analysis as a Tool to Measure the Impact 277 31. Susan Hurst and Joseph Leonard, “Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Effect of Library Instruc- tion on the Quality of Students’ Term Papers,” E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 8, no. 1 (Spring 2007). 32. Lara Ursin, Elizabeth B. Lindsay, and Corey M. Johnson, “Assessing Library Instruction in the Freshman Seminar: A Citation Analysis Study,” Reference Services Review 32, no. 3 (2004): 284–92. 33. Karen Hovde, “Check the Citation: Library Instruction and Student Paper Bibliographies,” Research Strategies 17, no. 1 (1999): 3–9. 34. Bonnie Gratch, “Toward a Methodology for Evaluating Research Paper Bibliographies,” Research Strategies 3, no. 4 (1985): 170–77. 35. Young and Ackerson, “Evaluations of Student Research Paper Bibliographies,” 80–93. 36. Thomas Kirk, “Bibliographic Instruction: A Review of Research,” in Evaluating Library Use Instruction, ed. Richard J. 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