College and Research Libraries Public Administration and Personnel Work MRS. LUCILE L. KECK calls attention to the f o l l o w i n g publications in the field of public administration and personnel w o r k that are significant f r o m the stand- point of the direction of l a r g e libraries because they develop or embody guiding princi- ples of administration. W h i t e , L e o n a r d D . I n t r o d u c t i o n to the S t u d y of P u b l i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . R e v . ed. M a c m i l l a n , 1 9 3 9 . 6 1 i p . $ 4 . D r . W h i t e has been a pioneer in the scientific study of public administration. In his thorough revision of his book he sets forth the basic principles and current practices in public administration and per- sonnel management. I t should be a help- f u l guide to l i b r a r y directors and to those w h o teach courses in the administration of l a r g e libraries. M a c m a h o n , A r t h u r W . and M i l l e t t , J o h n D . F e d e r a l A d m i n i s t r a t o r s . C o - lumbia U n i v e r s i t y Press, 1 9 3 9 . 5 2 4 P . $4.50. T h i s v o l u m e is a l a n d m a r k of public administration research on the federal level. T h e authors both participated in the investigations made by the President's C o m m i t t e e on A d m i n i s t r a t i v e M a n a g e - ment. T h i s is a real synthesis of the managerial process as embodied in the complex administrative organization of our federal g o v e r n m e n t w i t h its multi- plicity of departments and bureaus. U . S . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e , Office of Personnel. H o w to S t a r t a T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m . W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . : J u l y , 1 9 3 9 . 3 3 P - F r e e . T h i s is a m a n u a l on a training p r o g r a m in a personnel office of a federal depart- ment that has w o n great distinction in its w o r k . H e n d r i c k s o n , R o y F . T h e Personnel P r o g r a m of the U n i t e d States D e p a r t - ment of A g r i c u l t u r e . C i v i l S e r v i c e A s s e m b l y of the U n i t e d States and C a n a d a . C h i c a g o . O c t . , 1 9 3 9 . 2 0 p . $ . 2 5 . ( P a m p h l e t N o . 1 5 ) A n outline of the scope of personnel administration in the U n i t e d States D e - partment of A g r i c u l t u r e by its director of personnel. 192 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Recent Library Literature MATERIAL in this section has been generously supplied by M a r i a n Shaw, editor of Library Literature, and by the H . W . Wilson Company; edited further by Neil C . V a n Deusen. In scope it is limited to college, university, and reference libraries. Architecture and Building "Bodleian Library at Oxford." Sch. & Soc. 50:32-33, July 8, 1939. A description of the new extension of the Bodleian Library. Lawson, O. Gerald. "Rose Memorial Li- brary of Drew University." Lib. J . 64: 579-83, Aug. 1939. "Ralph Gibson McGill Memorial Library." Penn. Lib. & Mus. Notes 17:30-32, Apr. 1 9 3 9 . A description of the Ralph Gibson McGill Memorial Library at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Scott, Margaret H. "Savery Library Dedicated." Lib. J . 64:634-36, Sept. 1, 1 9 3 9 . A description of the new Talladega College Li- brary. Shelton, Wilma L . "University of New Mexico Library." Lib. J . 64:541-45, July 1939. Art Libraries and Collections Pease, Marion D. " N e w Art Library at Skidmore College." N . Y . Lib. 1 6 : 193-94, May 1939. Perret, Ferdinand. "Research in A r t . " Calif. Arts & Architecture 56:57, Sept. I 9 3 9 - A description of the service and resources of the Ferdinand Perret Research Library of the Arts and Affiliated Sciences, Los Angeles, organized in 1906. Stohlman, W . Frederick. "Special Collec- tions at Princeton; I. The Marquand Art Library." Princeton Univ. Lib. Chronicle 1:9-14, Nov. 1939. Books and Reading Brough, Kenneth J . "Reading Program for Freshmen." Jun. Col. J . 10:16-20, Sept. 1939. The librarian of Eastern New Mexico Junior Col- lege describes an experiment in an individualized reading program f o r a group of students. Fagin, N . B. "Students Read." Engl. J . (Col. ed.) 28:62-65, Jan. 1939. This article presents the results of a college Eng- lish teacher's efforts to discover which magazines her students liked best. Johnson, B. Lamar. "Pleasure Reading." In his Vitalizing a College Library. Am. Lib. Assn., 1939. pp. 54-82. A description of experiments at Stephens College. McCain, John W. "Improving Tastes in Reading." Engl. J . (Col. ed.) 28:309-10, Apr. 1939- A discussion of the English teacher's task " i n trying to raise the level of esthetic appreciation among students." Mayer, Milton S. "Socrates Crosses the Delaware; St. John's College and the Great Books." Harper 179:64-75, June 1 9 3 9 - The educational policy of St. John's College, Annapolis, has recently been revamped under the direction of Mr. Barr and Mr. Buchanan with the assistance of President Hutchins of Chicago. The reading of the classics is the central idea. A book list has been prepared, which can be obtained gratis. Smookler, Idair. "Voluntary Reading Hab- its of Students of the Women's College." In Delaware University, Delaware Notes, 12th ser., 1939, pp. 55-68. Browsing Rooms King, Margaret I. "Browsing Rooms and Readers' Advisers." Southeastern Lib. Assn. Papers & Proc. 10:36-40, 1938. The conclusion reached in this paper is that if browsing rooms are to succeed in developing good reading habits in college students, the books in them should circulate, the rooms should be supervised, and a readers advisory service should be available. California University Library Wood, Amy F. "Four and Twenty Years A f t e r ; A.L.A. Returns to the University of California." Lib. J . 64:486-89, June 15, 1939. MARCH, 1940 193 College and University Libraries Keenleyside, Mrs. Marjorie C. "Increasing the Use of the Library; Abridged." Sp. Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:124-30, 1939. Munthe, Wilhelm. "University Library." In his American Librarianship from a European Angle, Am. Lib. Assn., 1939 pp. 114-29. A number of aspects of university library organiza- tion are treated: departmentalization, the relation be- tween the librarian and the president of the univer- sity, the library committee, book buying and its attendant difficulties, seminar libraries, structure of the book collection, access to the stacks, the carrel system, censorship of the collection, and inter-univer- sity cooperation. American conditions are subjected to a critical examination and are compared with those in Europe. Administration Dare, Ruby E. "Student Advisory Commit- tee for the College Library." Lib. J . 64:930-32, Dec. I, 1939. Watson, M r s . Mildred V . "Faculty Li- brary Committees." Sp. Lib. Assn. Proc. 2 : 1 3 0 - 3 1 , 1939. Book Selection Guinagh, Kevin. "As the College Professor Views Us." Wilson Lib. Bui. 14:64-66, Sept. 1939. Suggestions on methods of book selection in college libraries. Hare, Joe. "Fundamentals of College Li- brary Book Selection." Sch. & Soc. 50: 647-53, Nov. 18, 1939. Finance Falley, Eleanor W . "Impersonal Division of the College Book Fund." Lib. J . 64: 933-55, Dec. 1, 1939. The procedure of the Library Committee of Gouch- er College L i b r a r y . Iben, Icko. "Relationship of the Business Office and the Library in Educational In- stitutions." Lib. J . 64:935-38, Dec. 1, 1939- Centralization of the business of a college in a well-manned business office is essential. Relations With Faculty Johnson, B. Lamar. "Library and Instruc- tion." In his Vitalizing a College Li- brary. Am. Lib. Assn., 1939, pp. 8-39. An account of the participation of the library in the instructional program at Stephens College. 194 COLLEGE Rental Collections Benn, T . V. "Students' Subscription Li- brary at Leeds." Lib. Assn. Rec. 41 ^69, Sept. 1939. A n account of a subscription library of French books established in connection with the French Department of Leeds University. Gallaway, William F . "Function and Operation of a Departmental Lending Library." Engl. J . (Col. ed.) 28:435-41, June 1939. A description of how the English Department of the University of Kentucky solved the problem of supplying its students with supplementary reading material. Cooperation Newcombe, Luxmoore. " L e systeme de cooperation entre bibliotheques aux lies Britanniques et la National Central Li- brary." R. du Livre et des Bibl. 6:170-74, Oct. 1938-Apr. 1939. Pafford, John H. P. "Quelques notes sur la cooperation entre bibliotheques en Europe en ce qui concerne les systemes regionaux." R. du Livre et des Bibl. 6:159-63, Oct. 1938-Apr. 1939. I n a paper presented at a conference on coopera- tion among libraries held in Paris in M a y , 1938, the author comments on European interlibrary loan sys- tems. The first system of cooperation originated in Germany. I n 1902 a general agreement providing f o r loans among eleven state controlled libraries was concluded. F o r several years Germany has been building up a network of mutual loans, which em- braces more than 900 German libraries. One of the most important elements in this or- ganization is the great Deutscher Gesamtkatalog of 102 German libraries. It was started in 1895 and now lists all books published before 1930. Closely connected with the Gesamtkatalog is the information bureau of the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin. A t first all libraries sent their requests directly to the Staatsbibliothek but now to relieve this li- brary and other great libraries which participate in the Gesamtkatalog, demands are dealt with regional- ly. In 1927 the libraries of southwest Germany established a regional system f o r circulating the re- quests f o r loans. The National L i b r a r y in Austria accepts only requests which have been referred to it by the large library nearest to their place of origin. In Holland, the Royal L i b r a r y started com- piling a union catalog of the scientific libraries. More than thirty libraries take part in it and in a system of interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan among public libraries is developed to a lesser de- gree. In Switzerland cooperation started along regional lines in different cantons and on a federal plan with the National L i b r a r y in B e r n as a center. The Zentralbibliothek in Zurich is the center of a local system consisting of twenty libraries. The Biblio- theque Publique et Universitaire in Geneva now co- operates with more than fifty libraries of the district. Each of these centers has a union catalog. The books circulating among the libraries enjoy exemp- tion from postal charges. I t is interesting to men- tion in this connection that cooperation very often starts on a regional basis as in the Scandinavian countries and in Switzerland. AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES In Russia the system is nearly as completely re- gionalized as in Germany, all requests circulating first among the libraries in each region. The central office must always be in the most important library of the whole district. It must have at its disposal a good number of reference books. If all libraries of the district are of the same type one of the diffi- culties of regional cooperation is solved. If they are of different types—municipal, county, university, special—they represent different and often opposed interests. Copenhagen Universitet Bibliotek Dahl, Svend. "Uber die neueste Entwick- lung des wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheks- wesens in Danemark." Zentr. Bibl. 56: 3 9 5 - 4 0 9 , A u g . 1 9 3 9 . In 1926 the Danish Royal Library and the Copen- hagen University Library ended duplication of each other's collections by agreeing to redistribute their holdings according to subject matter and to limit their acquisitions to the humanities, on the part of the Royal Library, and to the sciences, including medi- cine, on the part of the University Library. Dartmouth College—Baker Memorial Li- brary Laing, Alexander. "Future of the Library." Dartmouth College Lib. Bui. 3135-46, June 1939. A n analysis of the library and statement of ob- jectives made by a staff member. Includes also recommendations regarding acquisitions, maintenance, improvement of facilities, and staff. Dormitory Libraries Johnson, B. Lamar. "Pleasure Reading." In his Vitalizing a College Library. Am. Lib. Assn., 1939, pp. 54-64- Exchange of Books, Periodicals, etc. Muller, Hans. "Shipping Old Magazines." L i b . J . 6 4 : 8 1 4 - 1 5 , N o v . 1 , 1 9 3 9 . Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif. "Huntington Library Observes Anniver- sary." Lib. J . 64:745, Oct. 1, 1939. "Research Facilities of the Huntington L i - brary." Huntington Lib. Q. 3 : 1 3 1 - 4 5 , Oct. 1 9 3 9 . Incunabula Rider, Fremont. "Holdings of Incunabula in American University Libraries." Lib. Q. 9:273-84, J u l y 1939; abridged and cor- rected in Wesleyan Univ. Lib. About Books 10:1-6, Sept. 1939. MARCH, 1940 John Crerar Library, Chicago Bay, J . Christian. "Book Selection for a Scientific and Technical Reference Li- brary." Lib. J . 64:777-80, Oct. 15, 1939. An account of how books have been selected in the John Crerar Library. Library Instruction Aldrich, Ella V . " T w o Thousand Fresh- men and the Library." A . L . A . Bui. 3 3 : 6 7 5 - 7 6 , O c t . 1 , 1 9 3 9 . Johnson, B. Lamar. "Instruction in the Use of Books." In his Vitalizing a Col- lege Library. Am. Lib. Assn., 1939, pp. 40-53- Library of Congress. Hispanic Founda- tion Smith, Robert C . "Hispanic Foundation in the Library of Congress." Bui. Pan. Am. Union 73:625-34, Nov. 1939. Importation of Books Lydenberg, Harry M . "Foreign Importa- tions." A . L . A . Bui. 33:767-68, Dec. 1939- Also Lib. J . 64:814, Nov. 1, 1939. Order Work Hale, Ruth E. "Acquisitions Librarian in a University Library." Lib. J . 64:734-37, Oct. 1, 1 9 3 9 - The organization of acquisition work at the Uni- versity of Washington Library. Reference Books Bibliography Elliott, M r s . Ada M c D . , comp. "Selected List of Recent Reference Books." Wis. L i b . B u i . 3 5 : 1 7 6 - 8 1 , N o v . 1 9 3 9 . Spargo, John W . , comp. "Some Reference Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: a Finding-List." Bibliog. Soc. A m . P a p e r s 3 1 = 1 3 3 - 7 5 , 1937- Reference Work Kelly, Clara J . "Reference Work with Periodicals." A . L . A . Bui. 33:193-95, Oct. 15, 1939- The plan f o r a serials division "complete with acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and reference services," would seem to Miss Kelly in most instances to be inadvisable. 195 Research Materials Special Subjects—American History Lathrop, Barnes F . "Microfilming M a - terials for Southern History." J . Doc. Reproduction 2:91-108, June 1939. Leland, Waldo G . "Bibliography and Scholarship." Inter-American Bibliog. & Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:25-33, 1939. "Bibliography and scholarship are inseparable, bibliography without scholarship is sterile, and schol- arship without bibliography is impossible." The three essential types of bibliography give informa- tion on original sources, on the work of earlier scholars, or on the work of contemporary scholars. Special Subjects—Economics Delatte, I. "Les archives des administra- tions des finances et l'etude de l'histoire economique." Arch. Bibl. et Mus. 16 no 1 : 1 7 - 2 2 , 1939. A survey undertaken by the writer for the purpose of tracing the history of sales of ecclesiastical prop- erty in the department of Jemappes in Belgium en- tailed consultation of the archives of the Ministry of Finance. Special Subjects—Florida Hanna, Alfred J . "Union Catalog of Floridiana." Inter-American Bibliog. & Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:67-74, 1939. Special Subjects—Latin America Hanke, Lewis U. "Bibliographical Princi- ples and Practices in the Field of Latin American Studies." Inter-American Bibliog. & Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:50-58. M r . Hanke suggests that bibliographies in the field of Latin American studies be selective rather than comprehensive and contain evaluative, informa- tive notes. A number of projects in the field are proposed, including as immediate necessities a de- tailed and comprehensive guide to pertinent manu- script material available in or near Washington, and a chronological, annotated record of all published documents relating to the period from 1492 to 1826. Finally, it is suggested that the Hispanic American Historical Review substitute bibliographical review articles filling definite needs in the field f o r its present lists on haphazardly chosen subjects, and that it reorganize its book review section. Normano, Joao F. "Recent Attempts at an Economic Bibliography on Latin America." Inter-American Bibliog. & Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:75-83, 1939. A criticism of the two-volume bibliography, Eco- nomic Literature of Latin America, and the annual Handbook of Latin American Studies. Special Subjects—Panama Behrendt, Richard F. "Some Problems of Bibliography and Archives Relating to the 196 Social and Economic History of Panama." Inter-American Bibliog. & Lib. Assn. Proc. 2:240-51, 1939. Mr. Behrendt has aimed " t o compile a bibliography of the social and economic history of Panama, in- cluding, as f a r as feasible, a registration of the docu- ments to be found in public and private archives." Special Subjects—Psychoanalysis Collison, R. L . W . "Work of the Biblio- graphical Centre for Psychoanalysis and of the 'Index Psychoanalyticus.' " Lib. Assn. Rec. 41:467-8, Sept. 1939. A n account of the progress thus f a r made toward a complete bibliographical service for psychoanalysis. Special Collections American History Cleland, Robert G . "Americana." Hunt- ington Lib. Q. 3 : 1 3 5 - 4 1 , Oct. 1939. Darwin "Darwin Library at Down House." Sci- ence ns, 89:479, M a y 26, 1939. Economics Fetter, Frank W . "Pryme Library of Eco- nomics at Cambridge University." J . Pol. Econ. 47:414-17, June 1939. An account of the notable collection bequeathed to the university in 1868 by George Pryme, its first professor of political economy. English History Davies, Godfrey. "English History and Literature." Huntington Lib. Q. 3 : 1 4 1 - 45, Oct. 1939. A discussion of the Huntington L i b r a r y ' s collec- tion of books printed in England or in English before 1640 and of its manuscript collections: tne Larpent collection of manuscript plays from 1737 to 1824, the Stowe Papers, the Hastings manuscripts, and the Ellesmere manuscripts. Hardy "Hardy Collection Received." Lib. J . 64: 463, June 1, 1939. The Colby College Library has received a collec- tion of Thomas H a r d y material assembled by Miss Rebekah Owen. Latin American History Spell, Lota M . "Some of the Hispanic American Resources of the University of Texas." Hispanic Am. His. Rev. 19:100- 01, Feb. 1939. COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Mathematics Rush, N. Orwin. "Mathematical Library." Lib. J . 64:434, June 1, 1939- " T h e private mathematical library of the late Pro- fessor Edmund Landau, of the University of Got- tingen, has been lent to the Colby College L i b r a r y . " The collection is briefly described. Root "Elihu Root Scrapbooks." Bui. N . Y . P . L . 43:544, July 1939. The New Y o r k Public Library was the recipient in December, 1937, of a collection of sixty-two folio volumes of clippings and three volumes of letters and telegrams covering Elihu Root's career from 1864 to 1937, donated by his family. Slavic Literature Larson, Cedric. "Slavica Rara." Am. Scholar 8:375-77, Summer 1939. Treats of the Slavic collections in the Library of Congress. Teachers College Libraries Standards Dunbar, Ralph M c N . "Self-Analysis for Teacher-training Libraries." Sch. Life 25:57-58, Nov. 1939. Training for Librarianship Cowley, John D. "Training and Recruit- ment of Assistants in University and Col- lege Libraries." Lib. Assn. Rec. 41:369- 74, July 1939. Hirsch, Rudolf. "Foreigner in Library Service." Wilson Lib. Bui. 14:50-51, Sept. 1939. A ustria Theobaldus, Father. "Die Nationalbib- liothek te Weenen als Opleidingsinstituut voor Bibliothecarissen; abridged." Bib- liotheekleven 24:83-94, June 1939. A paper presented at the 1939 winter conference of the Netherlands Library Association in Utrecht. The first half deals with the administration of the National L i b r a r y in Vienna and the second half with its function as a professional training agency for scholarly librarians. Wood, M . E. "Training for Librarianship from the University Standpoint." Aus- tralian Inst. Libns. Proc. i =42-45, 1938. Reasons why a university librarian needs academic training are mentioned. Vatican. Biblioteca Vaticana Tisserant, Eugene, Cardinal. "Pius X I as Librarian." Lib. Q. 9:389-403, Oct. 1939- Yale University School of Medicine Li- brary "Library for the History of Medicine at Yale University." Science ns. 90:389, Oct. 27, 1939. The school has established a library, the nucleus of which is a group of three notable collections on the history of medicine given to the university by Harvey Cushing, J . F . Fulton, and A . C. Klebs. MARCH, 1940 197