College and Research Libraries New Periodicals THE following titles of recently launc contributed by Carolyn F . Ulrich, cl Library. Abraham Lincoln Quarterly. Pub- lished by the Abraham Lincoln Associ- ation, Springfield, 111. Vol.i, No.i, Mar. 1940. Quarterly. Supersedes the Bul- letin of the Abraham Lincoln Associ- ation, first published in 1923. Price not given. " E a c h number will contain some original docu- ment and news of interest to Lincoln students and collectors. . . . The Abraham Lincoln Association Papers will be discontinued." Advancement of Science. Published by the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Burlington House, London, W . i . Vol.i, No.i, Oct. 1939. Quarterly. 5s. an issue. Published in place of former annual volumes. The quarterly issue is intended to make a wide appeal to lay readers of scientific matter. American Imago; a psychoanalytic journal for the arts and sciences. Publisher and Managing Editor, Dr. Hanns Sachs, 168 Marlborough St., Boston. Vol.i, No.i, Nov. 1939. Frequency and price not given. " W h e n the plan for this periodical was proposed to Professor Freud, he greeted it wholeheartedly and consented to become its editor . . . " Professor Sigmund Freud died before the first number of this magazine was issued. Boletin Bibliografico Mexicano: rasena men- sual de libros y folletos editados en Mexico. Published by Instituto Panameri- cano de Bibliografia y Documentacion, Apartado Postal 8626, Mexico, D.F. Vol.i, No.i, Oct. 1939. Monthly. $2 a year. Mexican bibliography of publications arranged by > subjects. Contains author and subject index. Book L i f e ; published to encourage longer life for books. Published by the Library Binding Institute, 501 Fifth Ave., New York City. Vol.i, No.i, Oct. 1939. Five times a year. Price not given. China Exporter; a journal devoted to the interests of China's export trade. P.O. Box 678, Hankow Road, Shanghai. Vol.i, periodicals and annotations have been :f, periodicals division, N e w Y o r k Public No.i, Oct. 1939. Quarterly. $1.50 a year. Current Biography; a cumulative monthly featuring national and international names in the news of the day. Published by the H. W . Wilson Company, 950 Uni- versity Ave., New York City. No.i, Mar. 1940. Monthly. Divulgacion Historica. Articulo 123, No. 86, Mexico, D.F. Vol.i, No.i, Nov. 15, 1939. Monthly. $5 a year. Designed to present a dispassionate account of Mexican events and biographical sketches. Le Document; organe de la librairie d'his- toire d'Haiti et des oeuvres de la pensee Hai'tienne. 126 Rue Dr. Aubry, Port-au- Prince, Haiti. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly. $1.50 a quarter. Economic Outlook; a survey of current economic facts from labor's point of view. Published by the Congress of Industrial Organizations, Washington. Edited by Unemployment Division. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly. Price not given. Educacion; revista para los maestros Vene- zolanos editada por el Ministerio de Educacion Nacional. Published by Min- isterio de Educacion Nacional. Direccion de Cultura, Caracas, Venezuela. No.i, Dec. 1939. Monthly ( ? ) . Price not given. • Discussion of cultural arts designed for teachers. Contains bibliographies. Educacion y Cultura; revista mensual. Abraham Gonzalez 14—Depto. 14, Mex- ico, D.F. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly. 10 pesos a year. Organ of study, research, and information. Con- tains book reviews. Exchange; a magazine of the financial com- munity. Published by the New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall St., New York 2 286 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES City. Vol.i, No.i, Dec. 1939. Monthly. $1 a year. " T h i s magazine is designed to present authorita- tive i n f o r m a t i o n of interest not only to the brokerage and financial industries, but also to the general pub- l i c . " Farm Science Reporter. Published by the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and the Iowa Agricultural Extension Service, Agricultural Annex, Iowa State College, Ames. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Quarterly. Price not given. Films; a quarterly of discussion and analy- sis. Published by the Kamin Publishers, 15 W . 56th St., New York City. Vol.i, N o . i , Nov. 1939. Quarterly. 60c a copy. T h e best magazine that has appeared in A m e r i c a in the field of films. It will discuss technically film problems, such as, documentary film, film music, photography, sound problems, educational research, film critic, film theater, methods of directing. Con- tributors a r e : F a l k S a w y e r , p r o f e s s o r of drama, S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y ; E d g a r Dale, B u r e a u of Edu- cational R e s e a r c h , Ohio State U n i v e r s i t y ; R i c h a r d Griffith, film critic; J o h n Grierson, chairman of the F i l m Centre, London British documentary move- m e n t ; K u r t London, on the teaching staff of City College and B r o o k l y n College. Contains book re- views. Food for Thought. Published by the Cana- dian Association for Adult Education, 198 College St., Toronto, Ont. No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly, ioc a copy. I s s u e d to supply f a c t u a l i n f o r m a t i o n on important c u r r e n t problems. E a c h monthly issue will be de- voted mainly to a single topic. Free Europe; central and east European affairs. 1 1 , Gower St., London, W . C . 1. Contributors: Tancred Borenius, profes- sor of the history of art, University of London; Robert Machray, writer on for- eign affairs and author of Poland of Pilsudski; Basil Davidson, diplomatic cor- respondent of the Star and Economist. Vol.i, No.i, Nov. 15, 1939. Fortnightly. 13s. a year. Pertinent in interest and promising in scope. Contains political cartoons, maps and book reviews. Horizon; a review of literature and art. Cyril Connolly, ed. 6, Selwyn House, Landsdowne Terrace, London, W . C . 1. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly. 6s. 6d. for 6 months. Includes critical essays, poetry, and general dis- cussion of ideas. S h o w s quality in writing. Con- tributors i n c l u d e : W . H . A u d e n , W a l t e r de la M a r e , J . B . P r i e s t l e y , S i r Hugh Walpole, Elizabeth B o w e n , JUNE, 1940 and other established writers as well as new talent. Book reviews. Illinois State Museum. Popular Science Series. Springfield, 111. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Bi-monthly. Price not given. Contains bibliography and index to each mono- graph. E x c e l l e n t illustrations. Institution of Sanitary Engineers. Bulletin. 118, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. 1. No.i, Nov. 1939. Bi-monthly. Price not given. Contains abstracts. Internationale Vraagstukken. Published by A. W . Sijthoff, Leiden, Holland. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Bi-monthly. 5 guilders a year. Magazine devoted to international questions. Con- tains book r e v i e w s . Supersedes De Volkenbond. Journal of the History of Ideas. Arthur O. Lovejoy, ed. Associate editors from lead- ing American colleges. Published by the College of the City of New York, Con- vent Ave. and 139th St., New York City. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Quarterly. $4 a year. " T h e purposes: to foster studies which will empha- size the interrelations of several fields of historical study—the history of philosophy, of literature, and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of re- ligion, and of political and social movements. . . . " T o know, so f a r as may be known, the thoughts that have been widely held among men on matters of common human concernment, to determine how these thoughts have arisen, combined, interacted with, or counteracted, one another, and how they have s e v e r a l l y been related to the imagination and emotions and behavior of that branch of knowledge which we call history, is a distinct and essential part of it, and its central and most vital part. . . . " W h a t ' s the matter with man?"—ARTHUR O. L O V E J O Y , V o l . 1 , N o . 1 . Key to Contemporary Affairs. Published by Contemporary Affairs, Inc., 548 W . 114th St., New York City. Vol.i, No.i, Feb. 1940. Monthly. $3 a year. " S p e c i a l i z e s in the presentation of documentary sources and official n e w s . " Pocket-size. Mathematical Reviews. Sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. Published by the American Mathematical Society, Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancas- ter, Pa. Vol.i, No.i, Jan. 1940. Monthly. $ 1 3 a year. Bibliography a r r a n g e d by subject, giving abstracts f r o m mathematical publications, domestic and f o r e i g n . Contains author index. 28.7 Mental Health. Published by the Central Association for Mental W e l f a r e , Child Guidance Council, National Council for Mental Hygiene, 76-77 Chandos House, Palmer St., London, S . W . 1. V o l . i , N o . i , J a n . 1940. Monthly. 3s. 6d. a year. A n editorial board has been formed consisting of representatives of each of the organizations. Con- tains book reviews. M u s i c Review. Geoffrey Sharp, ed. Pub- lished by W . Heffer and Sons, Ltd., 3 and 4 Petty C u r y , Cambridge, England. V o l . i , N o . 1 , Feb. 1940. F o u r times a year. 16s. a year. Aims at critical discussions of diverse musical subjects; of interest to the musician and the intelli- gent music lover. Contains reviews of music, books, important gramaphone records, and outstanding con- certs in London and elsewhere. National Geographic Society. Contributed Technical Papers. Mexican Archaeology Series. 16th and M Sts., N . W . , W a s h - ington. Vol. 1, N o . 1, 1940. Member- ship. Contains research material and bibliography. Well illustrated. Nespa Guide; a selective guide to signifi- cant reports and activities in the field of national planning. Published by National Economic and Social Planning Association, 1 7 2 1 Eye St., N . W . , Washington. V o l . i , N o . i , J a n . 15, 1940. Monthly except J u l y and August. $ 2 a year. " I n c l u d e s digests and reviews of government re- ports, hearings, and studies; together with reports on activities and accomplishments in the field of planning—in short, information pertinent to the study and development of economic p o l i c y . " Reproduced f r o m typewritten copy. Philosophic Abstracts. Dagobert D . Runes, ed. Published by the Association for Philosophic Research, 884 Riverside Drive, N e w Y o r k City. V o l . i , N o . i , winter 1939-40. Quarterly. $ 4 a year. Signed abstracts of books and serials arranged by country with separate list of periodical litera- ture. Contributing editors are scholars f r o m the leading colleges and universities in A m e r i c a and abroad including P r o f e s s o r F r a n c i s c o Romero of Argentine, S . A . , who will report on Latin American philosophy and P r o f e s s o r N a k a m u r a of Tokyo who will report on J a p a n e s e publications. Princeton University Library Chronicle. Published by the Friends of the Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N . J . V o l . i , NO.I, N o v . 1939. Four times a year. $ 2 a year. Includes section called " B i b l i a ; " devoted to the interests of the F r i e n d s of Princeton L i b r a r y which was previously published separately. Distinctive format and illustrations. Quarterly Bulletin of Soviet-Russian Economics. Translated from Russian. Professor S. N . Prokopovicz, Geneva, S w i t z e r l a n d , e d . N O S . I - 2 , N o v . 1 9 3 9 . 3 f r . ( S w i s s ) an issue. L a Revista dels Catalans d A m e r i c a . A p a r - tado Postal 8626, Mexico, D . F . N o . i , Oct. 1939. Monthly. $ 2 m/m a year. ( ? ) E x p o n e n t of Catalonian culture and mouthpiece of anti-fascist groups of the National Catalan F r o n t . Contains book reviews. Scientific T r e e Topics. Published by the Bartlett T r e e Research Laboratories, Stamford, Conn. Vol. 1, N o . i , 1940. Irregular. Price not given. Vie Intellectuelle et la Revue des Jeunes. Serie de guerre. 29, boulevard L a - T o u r - Maubourg, Paris. V o l . i , N o . i , Oct. 25, 1939. Monthly. 100 f r . a year. This periodical was f o r m e d by consolidation of two titles, f o r m e r l y issued separately, now called war series. Covers politics, religion, youth, and social questions, as well as literature and arts. Contains book reviews. W e s t Virginia History. Published by State Department of Archives and History, Charleston, W . V a . V o l . i , N o . i , Oct. !939- Quarterly. $ 2 a year. Wilberforce University Quarterly. W i l b e r - force, Ohio. V o l . i , N o . i , Dec. 1939. $ 1 a year. " P u r p o s e is to offer opportunities to the members of the f a c u l t y at W i l b e r f o r c e U n i v e r s i t y and to all other persons interested in the Negro to share such of their mature philosophies and research works as may prove u s e f u l and stimulating to the educational, economic, and social progress of the N e g r o . " Con- tains book reviews. 2 288 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Some Recent Publications on Higher Education T N THE paragraphs that follow C l a r a Esther Derring and Carrie E . Meares of Teach- ers College Library, Columbia University, call attention to some of the most im- portant literature on higher education published in 1 9 3 9 and 1940. B i x l e r , R o y W . I n s t i t u t i o n - F a c u l t y R e l a - tions in the C o l l e g e of I n t e g r i t y . B u r e a u of P u b l i c a t i o n s , T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e , C o - l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y , 1 9 3 9 . I 7 8 p . $ 2 . 2 5 . The purpose of the study is "to discover, in se- lected areas, what kinds of institutional-faculty rela- tions tend to promote better institutional integrity and to build these into a basic program which would be useful f o r a college desiring to improve its own faculty relations." The following areas were se- lected f o r study: ( 1 ) recruiting of faculty personnel; (2) intellectual freedom in the college; (3) salary, tenure, and auxiliary services, including retirement plans,_ insurance, housing, and health services; (4) the role of the faculty in the government of the college; ( 5 ) stimulating faculty growth. B o w m a n , I s a i a h . T h e G r a d u a t e S c h o o l in A m e r i c a n D e m o c r a c y . U . S . G o v e r n m e n t P r i n t i n g O f f i c e , W a s h i n g t o n , 1 9 3 9 . 7 o p . 1 5 c . ( U . S . O f f i c e of E d u c a t i o n . B u l l e t i n 1 9 3 8 , N o . 1 0 ) A statement of "the function of the graduate school with reference to its relation to the nation's resources, both human and material." B r a n s c o m b , H a r v e y . T e a c h i n g w i t h B o o k s ; a S t u d y of C o l l e g e L i b r a r i e s . A s s o c i a t i o n of A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e s , A m e r i c a n L i b r a r y A s s o c i a t i o n , 1 9 4 0 . 2 3 9 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . A study of the college library from the stand- point of its educational effectiveness, made f o r the Association of American Colleges. (See review, page 278.) B u s w e l l , G u y T . R e m e d i a l R e a d i n g a t the C o l l e g e and A d u l t L e v e l s ; an E x p e r i - m e n t a l S t u d y . U n i v e r s i t y of C h i c a g o P r e s s , 1 9 3 9 . 7 2 p . $ 1 . ( S u p p l e m e n t a r y E d u c a t i o n a l M o n o g r a p h s , N o . 5 0 ) " T h e study reported in this monograph is con- cerned entirely with the process of reading, which obviously is only a part of the total problem of reading. The exclusion from consideration of such matters as materials of reading, purposes of reading, and sociological data relating to the types of readers and kinds of material read carries no implication that these factors are of less importance. Limiting the problem is simply a recognition of the fact that, to be effective, any scientific study must be focal- ized. . . . " T h e present study is concerned directly with the possibility of improving a small group of factors basic to the reading process." B u t l e r , N i c h o l a s M u r r a y . A c r o s s the B u s y Y e a r s ; R e c o l l e c t i o n s a n d R e f l e c t i o n s . V o l . i . S c r i b n e r , 1 9 3 9 . 4 5 i p . $ 3 . 7 5 . In his memoirs Dr. Butler, president of Columbia University, writing of his activities and accomplish- ments as an educator and a liberal Republican, has presented a truly important contribution to the story of our times. He, himself, s a y s : " I n looking back across the busy years it is plain that both their interest and whatever importance those years may be thought to possess are due to the fact that they have been so largely occupied with ideas and policies of public moment. E v e r y activity has been secondary and even incidental to the self-chosen task of plan- ning and building, upon the foundations of historic Columbia College, a university in the fullest sense of that word, which should respond not only to the highest ideals of the intellectual and spiritual life but to the insistent and many-sided needs of modern democratic society. That task, chosen with delibera- tion and adhered to persistently and stubbornly despite every possible temptation and allurement, both financial and political, has dominated these busy years from first to last." A second volume dealing with his interests in international affairs has been promised. B u t t s , R . F r e e m a n . T h e C o l l e g e C h a r t s I t s C o u r s e ; H i s t o r i c a l C o n c e p t i o n s and C u r - r e n t P r o p o s a l s . M c G r a w - H i l l , 1 9 3 9 . 4 6 i p . $ 3 . D a v i s , W a y n e . H o w to C h o o s e a J u n i o r C o l l e g e ; a D i r e c t o r y f o r S t u d e n t s , P a r - ents, and E d u c a t o r s . H a r p e r , 1 9 3 9 . 2 4 9 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . Over 200 private junior colleges are described. D i e h l , H a r o l d S . , and S h e p a r d , C h a r l e s E . T h e H e a l t h of C o l l e g e S t u d e n t s . A m e r i - c a n C o u n c i l on E d u c a t i o n , W a s h i n g t o n , 1 9 3 9 . 1 6 9 P . $ 1 . 5 0 . This is a report prepared f o r the American Youth Commission and is based on a study of almost 5,000 young people and 500 institutions of higher education. " T h e information derived is reported primarily f o r the purpose of assisting colleges to appraise their own student health problems with the hope that the administration and operation of health programs will profit from the implications of the study." H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y . S p e c i a l C o m m i t t e e A p p o i n t e d by the P r e s i d e n t . R e p o r t on S o m e P r o b l e m s of P e r s o n n e l in the F a c - JUNE, 1940 28.7 ulty of Arts and Sciences. Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1939. 165P. Apply. The report deals with questions of policy and procedure concerning tenure, promotion, and general status of the younger members of the teaching staff. Inauguration of Rufus Carrollton Harris as President of Tulane University and a Series of Symposia on Current Trends in University Education, January 16, 17, and 18, 1938. Tulane University, New Or- leans, 1939. Apply. Knight, Edgar W . What College Presi- dents Say. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1940. 377p. $3-50. Statements from addresses, reports, and writings of more than 200 presidents of higher institutions in the United States during the past seventy-five years. McNeely, John H . Higher Educational In- stitutions in the Scheme of State Gov- ernment. U . S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1939. io8p. 15c. ( U . S. Office of Education. Bulletin 1939, N0.3) This bulletin deals with the legal status of govern- ing boards, the effect of state government reorganiza- tion on governing boards, and general powers vested in state executive officials over governing boards. Miller, Alice D . and Myers, Susan. Bar- nard College; the First F i f t y Years. Co- lumbia University Press, 1939. I94P- $2. National Society for the Study of Educa- tion. General Education in the American College. Public School Publishing Com- pany, Bloomington, 111., 1939. 382p. $2.75. (Thirty-eighth Yearbook, Part I I ) Russell, John Dale, comp. and ed. The Outlook for Higher Education. Univer- sity of Chicago Press, 1939. 256p. $2. (Institute for Administrative Officers of Higher Institutions. Proceedings. Vol. X I ) Ryan, W . Carson. Studies in Early Gradu- ate Education. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, New Y o r k City, 1939. (Bulletin N0.30) Apply. This study covers the Johns Hopkins University, Clark University, and the University of Chicago. U. S. Office of Education. Educational Di- rectory, 1940. Part I I I , Colleges and Universities, Including All Institutions of Higher Education; Part I V , Educational Associations and Directories. U . S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, 1940. ioc ea. ( U . S. Office of Education. Bulletin 1940, N o . i , Part I I I and Part I V ) Warren, Constance. A New Design for Women's Education. Stokes, 1940. 277P. $ 2 . The president of Sarah Lawrence College de- scribes the newer educational methods which have been followed in that institution f o r ten years. Works, George A. and Morgan, Barton. The Land-Grant Colleges. Prepared for the Advisory Committee on Education. U . S. Government Printing Office, Wash- ington, 1939. 141P. 25c. ( U . S. Advisory Committee on Education. Staff Study N o . i o ) This study "attempts to outline the main features of the land-grant institutions with particular refer- ence to the relationships to them of the Federal Government and of the states in which they are lo- cated."—Introduction. Bibliographies on Higher Education Good, H. G . "Higher Education." Review of Educational Research 9:347-51, 4 1 5 - 1 7 , Oct. 1 9 3 9 . A survey of recent publications on the history of higher education in America and a discussion of the variety of types of studies in this field. There are 56 references, including books and periodicals. Other references on this subject are included in the bibliog- raphy on the history of education in the Review of Educational Research, Oct. 1936. M c G r a t h , E a r l J . " A Bibliography in Gen- eral Education." Educational Record 2 1 : 9 6 - 1 1 8 , J a n . 1940. Four hundred and twenty-one selected references, books and magazine articles, are classified as follows: general readings; issues involved; the content of general education; instructional methodology; the psychological basis; evaluating the results; student personnel problems; the organization of general edu cation; experiments in general education; general education f o r the professions. Russell, John Dale and Hayes, Dorothy S. "Selected References on Higher Educa- tion." School Review 47:775-84, Dec. 1939- Includes books and magazine articles published largely during the year J u l y 1 , 1938 to J u n e 30, 1939. 2 290 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Readings in Business Administration MARIAN C. MANLEY, business branch librarian, Newark Public Library, supplies the following annotated list of recent articles in the field of business administration which have marked application to libraries. Bibliography Amos T u c k School of Administration and Finance. Reading List on Business Ad- ministration. Dartmouth College, 1939. 5 4 P - 30c. A faculty-selected, annotated list of books useful to executives, prepared at the request of the alumni. A well-balanced selection. Magazine Articles Dean, Joel. "Demand for Professional Management Counsel." Journal of Business of the University of Chicago 1 1 : 2 i 7 - 3 i , J u l y 1938. An analysis of the different types of management consultants, the services they offer, the conditions that have made con- sultation advisable, and the groups in which clients are found. Maledon, W . J . "Research in Retail Distribution: Its Methods and Prob- lems." Journal of Marketing 4:238-48, J a n . 1940. Since many department problems in li- brary and retail store administration are similar, such a thoughtful discussion of the benefits of an administrative research as- sistant is of practical value. Smith, George H . "Building the Junior Marketing Executive." Journal of Marketing 4 : 1 6 8 - 7 7 , Oct. 1939. A s problems of developing administra- tive ability are pressing, the specific, sympathetic, and progressive program here outlined deserves attention. Books Heyel, Carl. Human Relations Manual for Executives. M c G r a w - H i l l , 1939. 2 5 3 p . $2. A stimulating, practical collection of notes on getting along with people, de- veloping the working force, paying people, and other pressing executive problems. Free from cant and constructive in ap- proach. Walker, S. H., and Sklar, Paul. Business Finds Its Voice. Harper, 1938. 93p. $ 1 . 2 5 . Discussion of some fundamental prob- lems in putting public relations of business on a sound basis, indicating many library applications. JUNE, 1940 28.7 Current Reference Aids THIS checklist of 1 9 3 9 reference books published in English has been compiled by a committee of which Frances Neel Cheney, M a b e l L . Conat, Charles F . M c C o m b s , J a m e s T . R u b e y , H a r o l d Russell, and A n n e M . Smith are members and the under- signed is chairman. Undoubtedly, this first list has omissions. Y o u are invited to call them to the com- mittee's attention f o r inclusion in subsequent issues. W e w i l l also welcome suggestions on the f o l l o w i n g points: 1. Continuations: Standard yearbooks have not been listed unless the 1939 issue contained fundamental changes. 2. Government publications: T h e committee proposes to canvass carefully for reference tools in 1940. Only a few 1939 items are here included. 3. Society publications: Much needs to be done with university and learned society pub- lications. These will be included during 1940. 4. Foreign language reference books: These will be listed in the next issue. 5. Ephemera: T h e committee invites the aid of reference workers. 6. Local reference aids: Reference librarians are invited to submit for listing any local bibliographies or reference tools developed. Please address comments to the chairman at the L i b r a r y School, G e o r g e Peabody College f o r T e a c h e r s , Nashville, T e n n . Louis S H O R E S , Chairman Abbott, Maude E . S., ed. Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Sir William Osier's publications (based on the chrono- logical bibliography by Minnie W . Blogg) Medical Museum, M c G i l l University, Montreal, 1939. 163P. $2.25. Agnew, Janet M . , comp. A Southern Bibli- ography; Fiction 1929-1938. Louisiana State University Library School, Baton Rouge, La., 1939. 63P. 75c. (Louisiana State University Library School. Biblio- graphical Series, No. 1 ) A i r c r a f t Calendar: an Authoritative Dic- tionary of A l l Aeroplanes Currently M a n - ufactured in Every Country in the W o r l d ; giving particulars of engines, construction, and performance, together with numerous comments on design and history. Eric Sargent, ed. Appleton-Century, 1939. 144P. $2.50. Allen, Arthur A . T h e Golden Plover and Other Birds . . . with seven color plates by George M . Sutton, and 240 photo- graphs. Comstock, Ithaca, N . Y . , 1939. 324P- $3- 2 292 American Painting T o d a y ; with an essay by Forges Watson. American Federation of Arts, Washington, 1939. I79P- $4.50. American Women; the Standard Biographi- cal Dictionary of Notable Women. V0I.3, 1939-40; D u r w a r d Howes, ed. M a r y L . Braun, Rose Garvey, associate eds. American, Los Angeles, 1939. 1083P. $ 1 0 . Ash, Edward C. N e w Book of the D o g ; a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to their history, pedigree, breeding, exhibit- ing points, ailments, etc. Macmillan, 1939- 534P- $5- Attwater, Donald, ed. A Dictionary of the Popes, from Peter to Pius X I I . Burns, London, 1939. 343p. 10s. 6d. , comp. Names and Name Days. Burns, London, 1939. 124P. 5s. Barnouw, Erik. Handbook of Radio W r i t - ing; an Outline of Techniques and M a r - kets in Radio Writing in the United States. Little, 1939. 3o6p. $2.50. Bauer, H a r r y C., comp. Indexed Bibliog- raphy of the Tennessee Valley Authority. COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES The Authority Library, Knoxville, Tenn., I939- !5P- Gratis. (Mimeographed) Baumgartner, Leona. John Howard (1726- 1790), Hospital and Prison Reformer; a bibliography. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1939. 79P- $ 1 . Beadnell, Charles M . Dictionary of Scien- tific Terms, as Used in the Various Sci- ences. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1939. 235P- $3- Bennett, Harry. Standard Chemical and Technical Dictionary. Chemical Publish- ing Co., New York, 1939. 638P. $10. Besterman, Theodore. A World Bibliog- 'raphy of Bibliographies. Vol. 1, A - L . Printed for the author at the Oxford Uni- versity Press, and published by him at 98 Heath St., London, N.W. 3, 1939. Sub- scription Vols.1-2, $50. Beutel, Frederick K. Bank Officer's Hand- book of Commercial Banking Law. Lit- tle, 1939. 388p. $4. Bieber, Margarete. History of the Greek and Roman Theater. Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1939. 465P. $7.50. Bitting, Katherine G . Gastronomic Bibli- ography. A. W . Bitting, 1030 Green St., San Francisco, 1939. 7i8p. $8. Block, Andrew. The English Novel 1740- 1850; a catalog including prose romances, short stories, and translations of foreign fiction. Grafton, London, 1939. 367P. 3 s - Book of Fishes; J . O. LaGorce, ed. with 443 color portraits, 102 biographies and 162 photographs. National Geographic Society, Washington, 1939. 367P. $3.50. Book of the States, 1939-40. V0I.3; pub- lished under the supervision of Public Administration Service. Virginia S. Lan- ahan, ed. Council of State Governments, 1 3 1 3 E. 60th St., Chicago, 1939. 454P. $3.50. Booth, Bradford A., and Jones, C. E., comps. A Concordance of the Poetical Works of William Collins. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1939. I26p. $1.25. Boswell, Peyton, J r . Modern American Painting. Dodd, 1939. 200p. $5. Bradbury, Dorothy E., and Skeels, E. L., comps. Bibliography of Nursery Educa- tion; including references published between Dec. 1, 1934 and Jan. I, 1939. National Association for Nursery Educa- tion, Detroit, 1939. 64P. 40c. Breycha-Vauthier, Arthur C. von. Sources of Information; a handbook on the pub- lications of the League of Nations. Eng- lish ed. Columbia University Press, 1939. Ii8p. $ 1 . Brown, Karl, comp. American Library Di- rectory, 1939. Bowker, 1939. 53ip. $ 1 3 . Burke, William J . The Literature of Slang. New York Public Library, 1939. i8op. $ 1 . 5 0 . Carlen, Sister Mary, comp. A Guide to the Encyclicals of the Roman Pontiffs from Leo X I I I to the Present Day (1878- 1937). Wilson, 1939. 247p. $2. Certain, Casper C., ed. Handbook of Eng- lish for Boys and Girls, prepared by a committee of the National Conference on Research in English. Scott, Foresman, 1939. I28p. 60c. Chemical Formulary; a collection of valua- able, timely, practical commercial formu- lae and recipes for making thousands of products in many fields of industry. V0I.4. H. Bennett, ed.-in-chief. Chemical Pub- lishing Co., New York, 1939. 638P. $6. Coleman, Laurence V. The Museum in America, a Critical Study. American As- sociation of Museums, Washington, 1939. 3v. $7.50; to members, $6. Collins, Archie F. Simplified Household Mechanics; being a simple explanation of how the mechanical and electrical equip- ment of your home is made, how it works, and how it is serviced. Appleton-Century, 1 9 3 9 . 3I7P- $ 2 . 5 0 . Commodity Y e a r Book. 1939. Commodity Research Bureau, Inc., New York, 1939. 6i6p. $7.50. Comstock, Anna B. Handbook of Nature- Study. 24th ed. rev. Comstock, Ithaca, N . Y . , 1939. 937p. $4. Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Lit- erature. Oxford, 1939. 567P. $2.50. Condit, Lester. A Pamphlet about Pam- phlets. University of Chicago Press, 1939. 104P. 75c. (Chicago University. Stud- ies in Library Science) Craven, Thomas, ed. A Treasury of Art Masterpieces, from the Renaissance to the JUNE, 1940 28.7 Present Day. Simon and Schuster, 1939. 59IP- $ 1 0 . Culver, Dorothy C., comp. Crime and Criminal Justice 1932-37. Wilson, 1939. 400p. Service basis. Davis, Wayne. H o w to Choose a Junior College; a directory for students, parents, and educators. Harpers, 1939. 249P. $2.50. Deferrari, Roy J . ,Sister M . Inviolata B a r - ry, and McQuire, M . R. P. A Con- cordance of Ovid. Catholic University of America Press, Washington, 1939. 2220p. $ 2 0 . Dent, Ellsworth C. T h e Audio-Visual Handbook. Society for Visual Education, Chicago, 1939. 21 ip. $1.50. Depew, Arthur M . , comp. Cokesbury Game Book. Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn., 1939. 41 ip. $ 1 . 7 5 . Dictionary of National Biography. Founded in 1882 by George Smith; the concise dic- tionary from the beginnings to 1930; being an epitome of the main work and its sup- plement to which is added an epitome of the 20th century volumes covering 1901- 1930. Oxford, 1939. 1456, 184P. $7. Downs, Robert B., ed. Guide for the De- scription and Evaluation of Research M a - terials. American Library Association, l939- 49P- 50c. (Mimeographed) Encyclopedia of Occult Sciences; introduc- tion by M . C. Poinsot. McBride, 1939. 496p. $ 3 . English, George L . , comp. Descriptive List of the N e w Minerals, 1892-1938. M c - G r a w - H i l l , 1939. 258p. $3. Fahey, James C., comp. Ships and A i r c r a f t of the U . S. Fleet, 1939. Herald-Nathan Press, N e w Y o r k , 1939. 47p. 50c. A Field Guide to the Birds; giving field marks of all species found east of the Rockies. Rev. and enl. by R. T . Peterson. Houghton Mifflin, 1939. i8op. $2.75. Forbush, Edward H . Natural History of the Birds of Eastern and Central North America; rev. and abr. with the addition of more than 100 species, by John B. M a y ; illus. in color by Louis A. Fuertes, Allen Brooks, and Roger T . Peterson. Hough- ton Mifflin, 1939. 554p. $4.95. French Costumes, Designed by Lepage- M e d v e y ; with a preface by Andre V a r a - gnac. M a r y Chamot, tr. A r t Books Publications, N e w Y o r k , 1939. 23p. $4. (Hyperion A r t Books) Funk and Wagnalls Standard High School Dictionary. Frank H . Vizetelly and Charles E . Funk, eds. Row Peterson, 1939. ioo8p. $2.08. Gardiner, Horace J . Happy Birthday to Y o u ! Complete party programs for every age, silhouette illustrations and poems by Katharine Haviland-Taylor. Lippincott, 1939. I28p. $ 1 . Gaul, John J . Reclamation 1902-1938; a supplemental bibliography. Denver Pub- lic Library, 1939. g8p. $ 1 . (Regional Checklist N0.6) (Photoprinted) Germany, Auswartiges Amt. German White Book; documents concerning the last phase of the German-Polish crisis. German Library of Information, Room 1923, 17 Battery Place, N e w Y o r k , C1939. 48p. Gratis. Paper. Goode, Gerald, ed. T h e Book of Ballets; classic and modern; 3 1 colored illus. by Matisse, Picasso, Berard, etc.; 200 half- tone illus. Crown, 1939. 246P. $3. Gore, Challis. How to Get a Job. Win- ston, 1939. 134P. $1.50. Graumont, Raoul, and Hansel, John. En- cyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work. Cornell Maritime Press, N e w Y o r k , 1939. 6i5p. $ 1 0 . Great Britain. Secretary of State. Docu- ments Concerning German-Polish Rela- tions and the Outbreak of Hostilities between G r e a t Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939. British Library of Information, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, N e w Y o r k . 30c. (Command Paper 6106) Grismer, Raymond L . , comp. A Reference Index to 12,000 Spanish American Au- thors; a guide to the literature of Span- ish America. Wilson, 1939. I50p. $4.50. (Inter-American Bibliographical and L i - brary Association Publication Series 3, V o l . i ) Grose, Clyde L . A Select Bibliography of British History, 1660-1760. University of Chicago Press, 1939. 507p. $9. Hamilton, William J . American M a m m a l s ; their lives, habits, and economic relations. 2 294 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES M c G r a w - H i l l , 1939- 434P- $3-75- Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration. Baker Library. Kress Library of Business and Economics. Vanderblue Memorial Collection of Smithiana; an essay by Charles J . Bul- lock, and a catalogue of the collection pre- sented to the Harvard business school by Homer B. Vanderblue, in memory of his father, Frank J . Vanderblue, and depos- ited in the Kress library. Baker Library, Boston, 1939. 53p. Gratis. Paper. (Publication N o . i ) Harvey Cushing Society. A Bibliography of the Writings of Harvey Cushing; pre- pared on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, April 8, 1939. C. C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1939. io8p. $5. Henney, Keith, and Dudley, Beverly, eds. Handbook of Photography. M c G r a w - H i l l , 1939. 8 7 i p . $ 7 . 5 0 . Hiler, Hilaire and Meyer, comps. Bibli- ography of Costume. Helen G . Cushing, ed., assisted by Adah V . Morris. Wilson, 1939- 9 n p . Service basis. Hill, Richard L., comp. A Bibliography of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, from the Earliest Times to 1937. Oxford, T o - ronto, 1939. 2i3p. $6. Horrabin, James F . An Atlas of Current Affairs. 5th ed. rev. Knopf, 1939. I49p. $ 1 . 5 0 . Hughes, Rupert, comp. Music Lovers' En- cyclopedia. Completely rev. and newly ed. by Deems Taylor and Russell Kerr. Garden City Publishing Company, 1939. 877P- $ 1 - 9 8 . Hungarian Economic Yearbook. Gustav Gratz, ed. V o l . i . Grill, Budapest, 1939. I76p. $ 3 . Hutchinson, Lois I. Standard Handbook for Secretaries. 2d ed. rev. M c G r a w - H i l l , 1939. 6 i 6 p . $2.95. International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. Oscar Thompson, ed. G . W . Harris, associate ed. Dodd, 1939. 2237p. $ 1 2 . 5 0 . International Institute of Agriculture, Rome. International Directory of Agri- cultural Libraries and of Libraries Specialized in Subjects Related to Agri- culture. The Institute, Rome, 1939. 3 i i p . $ 1 . 2 5 . Ireland, Norma O. and D. E. An Index to Monologs and Dialogs. Faxon, 1939. I27p. $2.50. (Useful Reference Series. N 0 . 6 5 ) Jones, Silas P., ed. A List of French Prose Fiction from 1700 to 1 7 5 0 ; with a brief introduction. Wilson, 1939. I50p. $3.50. Kaplan, Louis. Research Materials in the Social Sciences; an annotated guide for graduate students. University of Wis- consin Press, Madison, 1939. 36p. 60c. Kurath, Hans and others. Handbook of the Linguistic Geography of New Eng- land. Linguistic Atlas, Brown Univer- sity, Providence, 1939. 240P. $5. . Linguistic Atlas of New England. Linguistic Atlas, Brown University, Prov- idence, 1939. 3v. Vol.i in 2 pts. $60. Kurtz, Albert K., and Edgerton, H. A. Sta- tistical Dictionary of Terms and Symbols. Wiley, 1939. I9ip. $2. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, in collaboration with Ruth S. Grannis and L . C . Wroth. Book in America; a history of the making, selling, and the collecting of books in the U.S. Bowker, 1939. 453p. $6. Luquiens, Frederick B., comp. Spanish American Literature in the Y a l e Univer- sity L i b r a r y ; a bibliography. Y a l e Uni- versity Press, 1939. 335p. $ 1 0 . McClelland, Ellwood H., comp. Review of Iron and Steel Literature for 1938; a classified list of the more important books, serials, and trade publications during the year; with a few of earlier date not previously announced. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, 1939. 2gp. Gratis. Macmahon, Arthur W . , and Millett, J . D. Federal Administrators; a biographical ap- proach to the problem of departmental management. Columbia University Press, 1 9 3 9 . 524P- $4-50. Macmillan, Dougald. Catalogue of the Larpent Plays in the Huntington Library. San Marino, Calif., 1939. 442p. $4.25. (Huntington Library Lists, N0.4) Magriel, Paul D., comp. A Bibliography of Dancing; second cumulated supplement 1 9 3 6 - 3 8 . W i l s o n , 1939. 62p. $ 1 . 1 5 . Paper. JUNE, 1940 28.7 Major, Mabel, Smith, R. W., and Pearce, T . M. Southwest Heritage; a literary history with bibliography. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1939. i 6 5 p . $ 2 . Mann, George C. Bibliography on Con- sumer Education. Harper, 1939. 286p. $ 4 . _ Mansion, Jean E., ed. Heath's Standard French and English Dictionary. Harper, 1 9 3 9 . P t . I , $ 1 4 ; P t . 2 , $ 1 5 . 5 0 . Marie, Joseph S. F. English, French, Italian, and Spanish Medical Vocabulary and Phrases. Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1939- 358p. $3- Mather, Kirtley F., and Mason, S. L. A Source Book in Geology. McGraw-Hill, 1 9 3 9 . 702P. $ 5 . Mawson, Christopher O. S., and Robson, J . W. The Complete Desk Book. Crow- ell, 1 9 3 9 - 374P- $ 2 . 5 0 . Medsger, Oliver P. Edible Wild Plants; illus. with eight pen and ink drawings and 1 9 photographs. Macmillan, 1 9 3 9 . 3 2 3 p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Menke, Frank G. Encyclopedia of Sports. Frank G. Menke, 235 E. 45th St., New York, 1939. 319P. $2. Paper. Miller, Bruce, comp. Sources of Free and Inexpensive Teaching Aids. The com- piler, Box 222, Ontario, Calif., 1939. 77p. $1. Paper. Moffett, M'ledge. When We Meet Socially, a Guidebook to Good Form in Social Conventions. Prentice-Hall, 1939. 167P. $ 1 . 2 5 . Mudge, Isadore. Reference Books of 1935- 37; an information supplement to Guide to Reference Books. 6th ed. American Library Association, 1939. 69P. 90c. Paper. Muenscher, Walter C. L. Poisonous Plants of the United States. Macmillan, 1 9 3 9 . 2 6 6 p . $ 3 . 5 0 . ( R u r a l Science Series) National Council of Women of the United States. Biblioteca Femina; assembled by Grace Thompson Seton, chairman of let- ters of the National Council of Women of the U . S . , 1 9 3 3 - 3 9 - C h i c a g o , 1 9 3 9 . Gratis. (41 No.i) National Law Library. Collier, 1939. 6v. $9.75. (Special library price for limited time only) Naval Calendar: an authentic handbook of the navies of every nation, providing the leading particulars of each vessel of fight- ing value, with the addition of full details concerning the auxiliary and supply ships attached to each navy. E. C. Talbot- Booth, ed. Appleton-Century, 1939. 272p. $ 2 . 5 0 . New Standard Encyclopedia of Art: archi- tecture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts; based on the work of Louis Horticq and translated under the supervision of J . Leroy Davidson and Phillipa Gerry; with the assistance of the staff of the Index of Twentieth-Century Artists Col- lege Art Association, N.Y. Garden City, N . Y . , 1 9 3 9 . 2 v . in 1 . $ 3 . 9 5 . New York (city). Municipal Reference Li- brary. New York Advancing; the result of five years of progressive administration in the city of New York, F. H. La Guardia, mayor; together with an official guide to the city of New York exhibit building. Rebecca B. Rankin, ed. The Library, 2230 Municipal Bldg., New York, 1 9 3 9 . 2 7 0 p . 50c. Newill, Mrs. Phyllis K. Good Food and How to Cook It; a comprehensive modern cookbook of practical, easily followed recipes, with suggestions that help plan every meal. Steele Savage, illus. Apple- t o n - C e n t u r y , 1 9 3 9 . 5 5 5 p . $ 2 . 5 0 . O'Neill, Edward H. Biography by Ameri- cans, 1658-1936, a Subject Bibliography. University of Pennsylvania Press, Phila- delphia, 1 9 3 9 . 4 6 5 P . $ 4 . Opdycke, John B. Don't Say It; a cyclo- pedia of English use and abuse. Funk and Wagnalls, 1939. 85op. $5. Palfrey, Thomas R., Fucilla, J . G., and Holbrook, W. C., comps. A Bibliographi- cal Guide to the Romance Languages and Literature. Chandler's, Evanston, 111., 1 9 3 9 . 82p. $ 2 . Parsons, Wilfrid, comp. Early Catholic Americana; a list of books and other works by Catholic authors in the United States, 1729-1830. Macmillan, 1939. 2 8 2 P . $ 1 0 . Perrin, Porter G. An Index to English; a 2 296 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES handbook of current usage and style. Scott, Foresman, 1939. 68op. $1.50. Reynolds, Mary T . Interdepartmental Committees in the National Administra- tion. Columbia University Press, 1939. J77P- $2.25. (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public L a w , N o . 4 5 0 ) Roberts, Arthur D. Guide to Technical Literature. Grafton, London, 1939. 28op. 1 5 s . Rounds, Joseph B. Research Facilities of the International Labour Office Available to American Libraries. American Library Association, 1939. 8op. 75c. Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. South-eastern Europe, a Politi- cal and Economic Survey; in collaboration with the London and Cambridge economic service. The Institute, London, 1939. 205p. 5s. Rumball-Petre, Edwin A. R. Money for Old Bibles. Bibles of Yore, New York, 1 9 3 9 . 14P. 25c. Schapiro, Waldemar. Russian-English, Eng- lish-Russian Pocket Dictionary [Soviet orthograpy]. Crofts, New York, 1939. 384P. $ 1 . 5 0 . Shores, Louis. Basic Reference Books; an introduction to the evaluation, study, and use of reference materials with special emphasis on some 300 titles. American Library Association, 1939. 472p. $4.25. Shrader, James H. Food Control: Its Public-Health Aspects; a manual for regulatory officers, food technologists, and students of the food industry. Wiley, 1 9 3 9 . 5 I 3 P . $4- Snell, Foster D., and Snell, C. T . Chemi- cals of Commerce. Van Nostrand, 1939. 5 4 2 P - $5- Sobel, Bernard, ed. The Theatre Hand- book and Digest of Plays. Crown, 1939. goop. $3. Spargo," John W., comp. Bibliographical Manual for Students of the Language and Literature of England and the United States; a short-title list. Packard, Chi- cago, 1939. igip. $1.75. Special Libraries Association. Chemistry Section. Union List of Scientific Periodi- cals in the Chemical Libraries of the Chemistry Section, Science-Technology Group of the Special Libraries Associa- tion. 2d ed., rev. by Betty Joy Cole. Special Libraries Association, 1939. 77p. $ 2 . 5 0 . . National Financial Group. Hand- book of Commercial and Financial Serv- ices. Dorothy Avery, chairman of the revision committee. Special Libraries As- sociation, 1939. 7op. $2. . San Francisco Bay Region Chapter. Union List of Serials of the San Fran- cisco Bay Region. Stanford University Press, Stanford University, Calif., 1939. 283p. $5- Stedman, Thomas L., and Garber, S. T . Stedman's Practical Medical Dictionary. 14th rev. ed. Williams and Wilkins, *939- I3C>3P- $7." $7-50 with thumb in- dex. Survey Graphic. Calling America; a special number of Survey Graphic on the chal- lenge to democracy; foreword by Paul Kellogg, ed. Harper, 1939. I22p. $1. Sweet, Frederick A., comp. Handbook for Writers, Editors, and Typists; a universal style book. Dutton, 1939. 189P. $1.50. Tannenbaum, Samuel A. Robert Greene: a concise bibliography. Tannenbaum, J939- 58p. $3.50. (Elizabethan Bibliog- raphies, No.8) . Shakespeare's Macbeth: a concise bibliography. Tannenbaum, 1939. 165P. $7. (Elizabethan Bibliographies, N0.9) . Thomas Heywood: a concise bibli- ography [bound with: Thomas Dekker: a concise bibliography]. Tannenbaum, 1939, 43, 46p. $4.50. (Elizabethan Bibliogra- phies, Nos.6-7) Thompson, Oscar, ed. International Cyclo- pedia of Music and Musicians. Dodd, M e a d , 1 9 3 9 . 2287P. $ 1 2 . 5 0 . Thonssen, Lester, Fatherson, Elizabeth, and Thonssen, Dorothea. Bibliography of Speech Education. Wilson, 1939. 8oop. Service basis. Thurston, Ada, and Buhler, C. F., comps. Check List of Fifteenth-Century Printing in the Pierpont Morgan Library. Pier- pont Morgan Library, New York, 1939. 348p. $7.50. Time. Background for War; reprinted JUNE, 1940 28.7 from recent issues of Time [May i-Aug. 14, 1933]. 30p. Gratis. Tobin, James E. Eighteenth-Century Eng- lish Literature and its Cultural Back- ground; a bibliography. Fordham University Press, New York, 1939. igop. $ 2 . Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Scien- tific Publishing Institute of Pictorial Sta- tistics. U.S.S.R.: an album illustrating the state organization and national econ- omy of the U.S.S.R. [No place, publisher or date] 140P. U. S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Index of Publications of the Bureau of Chemis- try and Soils. . . . 75 years—1826-1937, Vol.i, prepared by H. P. Holman, V. A. Pease, K. Smith, M. T . Reid, A. Cregassa, under the direction of W. W. Skinner, assistant chief, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. The Bureau, Washington, 1939. 546p. U. S. Office of Government Reports. United States Government Manual, October, J939- Charts. Office of Government Re- ports, 1939. 55op. Annual subscription, 3 eds. Cloth, $ 3 . 5 0 ; single ed., $ 1 . 2 5 ; paper, $2; single ed., 75c. Volume Library; an encyclopedia of prac- tical and cultural information, brief, con- cise, clear, topically arranged for ready reference and home study, now completely rewritten and rev., modernized and en- larged. 25th ed. Educators Association, N e w Y o r k , 1939. 2422P. $ 1 1 . 7 5 . Walsh, Thomas, ed. Catholic Anthology: the world's great Catholic poetry. Mac- millan, 1939. 584P. $ 1 . 6 9 . Walter, Frank K. Periodicals for Small and Medium-sized Libraries. American Library Association, 1939. 93p. 75c. Watters, Garnette, and Courtis, S. A. A Picture Dictionary for Children; a first guide to the meanings, spellings, and use of words and a fascinating introduction to the adventure of building a vocabulary. Grossett and Dunlap, 1939. 478p. $ 1 . Wheeler-Holohan, Vincent, ed. Flags of the World, Past and Present, Their Story and Associations, rev. and illus. F. W a r n e , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 3 9 . 245P. $3.50. Who's Who among Women Lawyers, 1939. Fiona Hale Cook, ed.; foreword by Flor- ence E. Allen. The author, 60 State St., Boston, 1939. I27p. $ 3 . Williams, Franklin B. Elizabethan Eng- land. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1939. Ltd. ed. 32p. 41 plates. $5. (Museum Extension Publications. Re- constructing the Past; Illustrative Set No.i) Paper in portfolio. Woellner, Robert C., and Wood, M. A. Requirements for Certification of Teach- ers and Administrators for Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, Junior Col- leges. 4th ed. University of Chicago Press, 1939. n.p. $2. The World Over: 1938; a chronological and interpretive survey of the year of tension. Harrison-Hilton Books, New York, 1939. 59op. $4. Wright, Lyle H., comp. American Fiction, 1774-1850; a contribution toward a bibli- ography. Huntington Library, San M a r i n o , C a l i f . , 1939. 246P. $3.50. (Huntington Library Publications) Wurzburg, Dorothy A., comp. East, West, North and South in Children's Books; an annotated regional bibliography for use in grade and junior high schools. Faxon, 1939- I58p. $2.50. ( U s e f u l Reference Series N0.64) 2 298 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES