College and Research Libraries 1939-40 R E P O R T O F T H E A . C . R . L . C O M M I T T E E O N R E V I E W O F S C H O L A R L Y B O O K S A s this committee stated in its report for x938-39, further action was delayed until the results of investigations of book reviews in a number of subjects were completed at Columbia. W e have insisted from the first that no valid conclusions could be drawn without a thorough investigation of the sit- uation in the various fields. So far only five subjects have been covered in the Col- umbia studies, which rate the book reviews in four or five professional journals in each field over a period of one or two years ac- cording to certain criteria, and determine the time lag between the publication of a book and the appearance of a review. Useful as these studies are in any con- sideration of the desirability of a new book- reviewing medium, it is obvious that re- sults of examination of the situation in five fields are insufficient to validate conclusions regarding the whole field of knowledge in general. Moreover, there are indications of improvement in some sections, instigated and carried out by specialists in those fields. D r . C a r l White has summed up the situa- tion for the committee as follows: 1. W e seem limited by a circle which is difficult to break. On the one hand, the task is one which ought to be handled jointly by librarians and scholars in subject fields, and this could best be done by representatives of various professional organizations, includ- ing the American Library Association. T h e desirability of such joint action was pointed out in N e w Y o r k back in 1937 and the rea- son why a committee was not set up repre- senting the interests of those outside the library field was due presumably to the fact that some spade work needs to be done be- fore other learned bodies could be interested. T h e circle, in other words, is this: T h e work that seems to need doing requires joint ac- tion, and the joint action seems to await doing enough preliminary work to show that the need is real, not fancied. 2. T h e preliminary work that needed to be done when we began was, as we recog- nized in the beginning, too much for the com- mittee working alone. W e have needed facts, not theories. Since we, ourselves, could not do the work and since we have, of course, had no money with which to employ assist- ance or to provide fellowships, we have had to depend on chance studies at Columbia and Chicago. These have been helpful, but they have not enabled us to turn in at the end of the year very impressive evidence of progress. 3. In the meantime, progress is being made which tends gradually to remedy the situa- tion and, as further progress is made, a frontal attack upon the whole field of learn- ing becomes progressively more questionable. Every time a new field succeeds in improving its current bibliographical facilities, the diffi- culty of thinking of a current service cover- ing all fields becomes progressively more grandiose. W e have concluded that the best approach is to work with existing reviewing and abstracting organs, to eliminate duplica- tion where possible, and to encourage new efforts where necessary, but to discard the notion of an organ which would serve a whole block of subjects such as the humani- ties or the social sciences. It has been interesting to have the validity of the idea with which we have been grap- ling as best we can confirmed by the inde- pendent efforts of scholars in subject fields. One of the most interesting examples of the way in which the idea has taken hold in other places is illustrated by the report which M r . M c M u r t r i e made in 1939 to the chairman of the committee on historical source ma- terials of the American Historical Associa- tion. T h e report is called, " A Suggested Program for Augmenting Materials for Re- search in American Libraries." A f t e r speak- ing of the desirability of preparing subject bibliographies, he goes on to say: "Subject bibliographies, once prepared, will give us a conspectus of the printed materials available at the date of their compilation. W h a t about the material from then on?" " I t should be obvious, but perhaps is not, that every field of serious scholarship needs DECEMBER, 1940 x 73 a current abstract catalogue of its materials in all languages. . . ." There is no doubt about it: someone is working on the very problem with which we ourselves have been concerned. W e are, therefore, more than willing for such groups as the American Historical Association to take the lead. They have better entree to research ability and to money for financing new undertakings than we. All of these comments seem to point in about the same direction. One of the most valuable forms of service librarians can give the world of learning is to assist in provid- ing bibliographical tools and one of the greatest bibliographical needs has been that of providing current information about learned books in various subject fields. As slow as our committee is obliged to be with our facilities for research, and in view of the interest apparently gradually increasing on the part of scholars in themselves making provision for up-to-date bibliographies, we believe it would be better for us to defer to them. The committee therefore asks to be dis- missed. S A M U E L W . M C A L L I S T E R C A R L M . W H I T E E F F I E A . K E I T H , Chairman Substitution of College and Research Libraries for A . L. A . Handboo\ and Proceedings At the Cincinnati meeting of the Ameri- can Library Association its Council author- ized the substitution of College and Research Libraries f o r the A.L.A. Handbook and Pro- ceedings. This action was taken upon the recommendation of a special committee, Matthew S. Dudgeon, chairman, appointed to investigate the question. The Council approved this plan for an experimental two- year period beginning January I, 1941. Under this plan A.L.A. members paying fees of $5 to $10, i.e., Classes D-G, can substitute College and Research Libraries f o r the A.L.A. Handbook and Proceedings on their regular membership. Class A mem- bers will receive the A.L.A. Bulletin on their regular $2 membership and can receive College and Research Libraries by paying an additional $2. This action on the part of the Council should be of considerable interest to librari- ans who are employed in college, university and large reference libraries for it will mean that they can now receive their special professional journal on their regular A.L.A. membership as a substitute for the Hand- book and Proceedings. Moreover, the same substitution is open to institutional member- ship in the A.L.A.—A. F. K. Junior College Library Section to Assist Commission on Junior College Terminal Education A committee of the American Library As- sociation and the Association of College and Reference Libraries is to cooperate with the Commission on Junior College Terminal Education in studying the library problems involved in semiprofessional, vocational, and general education on the junior college level, has been announced by Carl H . Milam as Executive Secretary of the American Library Association. Foster E. Mohrhardt of the Washington and Lee University Library is chairman of the committee. Other members are as fol- lows: Lois E. Engleman, Frances Shimer Junior College Library, M t . Carroll, 111.; M a r t h a Gladys Johnson, M a r s Hill Col- lege Library, M a r s Hill, N.C.; Wave L. Noggle, Virginia Junior College Library, Virginia, Minn.; Helen F. Pierce, Modesto Junior College Library, Modesto, Calif. The specific objective of the committee will be to develop a supplementary list of books desirable for junior college libraries in the field of terminal education. M r . 74 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Mohrhardt, chairman, was editor of A List of Books for Junior College Libraries published by the American Library Associa- tion in 1937. A supplementary compilation is desired to extend this list, especially in the direction of vocational and semiprofessional education. T h e Commission on Junior College T e r m - inal Education is a subsidiary of the Ameri- can Association of Junior Colleges. The Hayes Memorial Library (Continued from page 59) sideration a project to put on film bibliographies that have proved uneco- nomical to publish in the usual way. M a n y of these are in the hands of in- dividual compilers, institutions, societies, and such agencies as the Historical Records Survey. Only those in the field of Ameri- can history will be considered, and the work could only be done on the under- standing that the films would be made available to libraries and scholars, gen- erally on the basis either of loan or sale. Suggestions and comments on the project are earnestly invited. T h e Hopkins Transportation Library (Continued from page 62) In 1870 the Board of Immigration of I o w a issued Iowa, die Heimath fiir Ein- wanderer. T h i s was also published in English and Dutch. In the Stanford copy of the German edition is laid a leaf ad- dressed (in G e r m a n ) to all Germans who wish to come to America, and signed by Ebenezer Cook, vice-president and land- commissioner of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad. O n the recto of this leaf is a map showing the route from Chicago to Council Bluffs. Probably the most outstanding item of the Pacific railroads material is the report of the chief engineer, William J . Lewis, of the Pacific and Atlantic railroad com- pany dated December 13, 1851. T h i s report is accompanied by a folded map of the route between San Francisco and San Jose as located by M r . Lewis, September- November, 1851. T h e r e are also extensive manuscript correspondence files of M a r k Hopkins dating from 1863-1885 dealing with the Central Pacific, W e s t e r n Pacific, and Southern Pacific railroads in matters of construction and administration. These include a large file of letters from Collis P. Huntington. T h e comment may be made that em- phasis has been placed on the earlier litera- ture. It is true that the demand is more likely to come for contemporary material, but the historical background must not be neglected. T h a t there is interest in historical ma- terial is shown in M r . T h o m a s R. T h o m - son's Check List of American Publications on Railroads before 1841, galley sets of which several university and private libraries received for checking. It is to be hoped that the publication of this will prompt the compilation of similar check lists on canals, bridges, roads, etc. DECEMBER., 1940 75 Current Reference Aids COMPILED by the Subcommittee on C u r r e n t Reference A i d s of the Association of C o l -lege and Reference Libraries, covering the quarter, J u l y I — S e p t e m b e r 30, 1940, plus a f e w books published earlier this year. T i t l e s are arranged by broad D . C . classification, w i t h citations to reviews and annotations in many instances. T h e com- mittee : L o u i s Shores, C h a i r m a n ; Frances N e e l Cheney, secretary; Etheldred A b b o t ; M a b e l L . C o n a t ; Judith W . H u n t ; L o u i s K a p l a n ; C h a r l e s F . M c C o m b s ; Robert O r r ; James T . R u b e y ; H a r o l d R u s s e l l ; A n n e M . Smith. Please address all com- munications to L o u i s Shores, Peabody L i b r a r y School, Nashville, T e n n . 010 (General only, including periodical indexes) Canadian Periodical Index, 1938. Cumula- tion. Ontario Department of Education. Toronto, 1940. $1. (Off-print from On- tario Library Review.) Metzdorf, Robert F. Catalogue of the Autograph Collection of the University of Rochester. University of Rochester Li- brary, 1940. I76p. Paper $1; cloth $2. Sch. & Soc. 52:144, Aug. 31, 1940. Nafziger, Ralph O. International News and the Press; communications, or organi- zation of news-gathering, international af- fairs and the foreign press; an annotated bibliography. Wilson, 1 9 4 0 . I 9 3 p . $ 3 . 7 5 . B. R. D. Sept. 1940, p. 42. Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography. New series: Vol. 1. nos. 1 and 2. English ed. Chinese National Committee on In- ternational Cooperation and National Library of Peiping, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 1 9 4 0 . 2 4 4 P . 50 f . Sch. & Soc. 52:272, Sept. 28, 1940. Selective List of Periodicals of General In- terest Published in Latin America. Pan American Union, Washington, D.C., 1940. 28p. Apply. Sch. & Soc. 52:208, Sept. 14, 1940. Universidad de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales. Biblioteca Publica "Joaquin V. Gonzalez." Cata- logo General de Obras y Autores. Tall. Graf. Das Neves Hnos., 1939. n o 5 p . 100 Philosophy Hope, Richard. A Guide to Readings in Philosophy. Edwards Brothers, 1939. I 7 3 P - $ 3 - 300 Social Sciences American Association of Port Authorities. Committee on Standardization and Special Research, comp. A Port Dictionary of Technical Terms. The Association, New O r l e a n s , 1940. 200p. $1.50. Contains over 1000 definitions pertaining to water- borne transportation. Dale, Edgar and Vernon, Norma. Propa- ganda Analysis, an annotated bibliography. Bur. of Educational Research, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1940. 2gp. 25/. Sch. & Soc. 52:208, Sept. 14, 1940. Gallup, George H. and Rae, Saul F. Pulse of Democracy, the Public Opinion Poll and How It Works. Simon and Schuster, 1 9 4 0 . 3 3 5 P - $ 2 . 5 0 . Sat. R. of Lit. 22:7, J u l y 27, 1940. Linton, Ralph, ed. Acculturation in Seven American Indian Tribes. Appleton- Century, 1940. 526p. $4. Nation 150:430, M a r c h 30, 1940. Morse, Frank P. Cavalcade of the Rails. Dutton, 1 9 4 0 . 3 7 o p . $ 3 . 7 5 . Sat. R. of Lit. 22:25, May 25, 1940. P o p u l a r but informative treatise. Public Policy: a Yearbook of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard University. Harvard University Press, 1 9 4 0 . 3 9 i p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Ann. Am. Acad. 209:213, May 1940. 76 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Robertson, Archibald T . Government at Your Service: a Handbook of Federal Help for the Citizen. Houghton Mifflin, 1 9 3 9 - 3 4 0 P . $ 2 . 7 5 - Boston Transcript J a n . 13, 1940, p. 2. A r r a n g e d by k i n d of service offered r a t h e r t h a n by d e p a r t m e n t . U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Commercial Travelers' Guide to Latin America; pt. I l l : Mexico, Cen- tral America and Caribbean Countries. Government Printing Office, 1940. 238p. 40^. (Trade Promotion series no. 208.) Wissler, Clark. Indians of the United States, Four Centuries of Their History and Culture. Doubleday, Doran, 1940. 3 1 9 P . $ 3 . 7 5 . (American Museum of Na- tural History Science series Vol. 1.) Times (London) Lit. Sup. Feb. 13, 1940, p. 18. 330 Economics Stein, Emanuel, and Davis, Jerome, eds. Labor Problems in America. F a r r a r and Rinehart, 1940. gogp. $3.50. Booklist 36:377, J u n e 1, 1940. S u r v e y i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r s t u d e n t s . M a n y tables and c h a r t s . U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Market Research Sources, 1940; a guide to information on domestic marketing. Government Printing Office, 1940. 236P. 25ff. (Domestic Commerce series no. 110.) Withers, William. Financing Economic Se- curity in the United States. Columbia University Press, 1939. 2iop. $2.75. Pol. Sci. Q. 55:312, J u n e 1940. 340 Law Borges, Milo Adrian. Manual de la Legis- lacion Colombiana, Anos de 1935 a 1938. Imprento Nacional, 1940. cxlv, 247, xli. 350 Military Affairs U. S. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography. List of Speeches, Addresses, etc., on National Defense as Printed in the Congressional Record, 1933-1940; Com- piled by Anne L. Boden under the direc- tion of Florence S. Hellman. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1940. 39p. Gratis. 370 Education Canton Rosado, Francisco. La Instruccion Publica en Yucatan Desde la Independ- encia Hasta el Fin del Siglo X I X . Com- pania Tipografica Yucateca, 1940. 29p. Marsh, Clarence S. American Universities and Colleges; 4th ed. American Council on Education, Washington, D.C., 1940. I I20p. $4. Wilson Bui. Oct. 1940; Sch. & Soc. 52:80, Aug. 3, 1940. P a r t 1: H i g h e r e d u c a t i o n a l t r e n d s ; 2: A u t h o r i - tative i n f o r m a t i o n on 725 a c c r e d i t e d colleges and u n i v e r s i t i e s ; appendices a n d indices. 391 Costume Cordry, D. B., and Cordry, D. M . Cos- tumes and Textiles of the Aztec Indians of the Cuetzalan Region. Puebla, Mex- ico. Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, 1940. 6op. $1. (Southwest Museum Papers, no. 14.) 500 Science De Vries, Louis. French-English Science Dictionary. McGraw-Hill, 1940. 546p. $ 3 . 5 0 . De Vries, Louis. German-English Science Dictionary for Students in the Agricul- tural, Biological and Physical Sciences. McGraw-Hill, 1939. 473p. $3. Q. Rev. of Biol. 15:120, M a r . 1940; Jl. of Chem. Educ. 17:199, A p r . 1940. H a n d y book of 48,000 e n t r i e s . A u t h o r states t h a t it is the first of its kind. Russell, Henry N., and Moore, Charlotte E. The Masses of the Stars. University of Chicago Press, 1940. 236p. $3.50. Pop. Ast. 48:285-86, M a y 1940. T h e most complete a n d a u t h o r i t a t i v e discussion of stellar masses and dynamical p a r a l l a x e s now ex- t a n t . I t should be a s t a n d a r d r e f e r e n c e f o r all stu- d e n t s of t h e s e s u b j e c t s . Tweney, C. F., and Hughes, L. E. C., eds. Chambers' Technical Dictionary. Mac- millan, 1940. 957P. $5. Eng. News Rec. 125:70, Aug. 29, 1940. 510 Mathematics Karpinski, Louis C. Bibliography of Mathe- matical Works Printed in America through 1850. The University of Michi- gan Press, Ann Arbor, 1940. 697P. $6. L. Q. 10:609, Oct. 1940. T h e bulk of the bibliography deals with textbooks, b u t j o u r n a l s , p r i n t e d lists, college theses, books of DECEMBER, 1940 x 77 surveying, navigation and biographies of mathemati- cians a r e also included. Title-pages reproduced in facsimile as illustrative material. E n t r i e s a r r a n g e d chronologically. Project for Computation of Mathematical Tables. Tables of the Exponential Func- tions ex. Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration for the City of New York as a Report of Official Project No. 765-97-3-10. U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, 1939. 5 3 5 P - $2. Communications 20:15, Aug. 1940; Mech. Eng. 62:627, Aug. 1940. 530 Physical Sciences Arthur, Paul. Lecture Demonstrations in General Chemistry. McGraw-Hill, 1939. 4 5 5 P - $ 4 - (International Chemical Series.) Am. Chem. Soc. Jl. 62:1632, Tune 1940; Chem. & Ind. 59:289, Apr. 27, 1940; Chem. & Met. Eng. 47:136, Feb. 1940. This laboratory manual covers every phase of work in general chemistry. T h e lecture demonstrator given full instructions for more t h a n 1000 experi- ments grouped u n d e r topical headings. Detailed in- structions include class handling of experiments f o r large groups. Callendar, Hugh L. 1939 Callendar Steam Tables; Compiled and ed. by G. S. Cal- lendar and A. C. Edgerton; published for the British Electrical and Allied Indus- tries Research Association. Edward Ar- nold and Co., 41-43 Maddox St., London, W . i . (U.S. Agent, Longmans, Green & Co.), 1 9 3 9 . I 2 s . 6 d . (with thumb index) 15s. Mech. Eng. 61:839-40, Nov. 1939. Chamot, Emile M . and Mason, Clyde W . Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. 2d ed. 2 vols. Wiley, 1 9 3 8 - 1 9 4 0 . Vol. 1, 4 7 8 p . , $ 4 . 5 0 ; V o l . 2, 438P., $ 5 . Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl. 62:1632-33, Tune 1940; Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:640, J u l y 25, 1940; Can. Chem. & Proc. Ind. 24:380, Tuly 1940. First volume covers principles and use of micro- scopes and accessories, also, the physical methods f o r the study of chemical problems. Second volume t r e a t s chemical methods and inorganic qualitative analysis. Detail full enough to guide experienced analyst in- terested in micro procedure. R e f e r e n c e s to original sources. Egloff, Gustav. Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons. 2 vols. Reinhold Pub. Corp., 330 W . 42nd St., New York, 1 9 3 9 - 4 0 . V o l . 1, 4 i 6 p . , $ 9 ; V o l . 2, 6 o 8 p . , $12. (A.C.S. Monograph series no. 78.) Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:560-2, J u n e 25, 1940; Can. Chem. & Proc. Ind. 24:380, J u l y 1940; Chem. & Met. 47:443, J u n e 1940; Rayon Text Mo. 78 21:92, J u l y 1940; Franklin Inst. Jl. 230:271-2, Aug. 1940. Critical review of the physical constants of all classes of pure hydrocarbons to be followed by two others. Much new i n f o r m a t i o n to the advanced chem- ist. Source l i t e r a t u r e f u l l y listed. Emmons, William H. The Principles of Economic Geology. 2d ed. McGraw- Hill, 1 9 4 0 . 5 2 9 P . $4. Min. & Met. 21:8, Aug. 1940. Follows previous edition in presenting the classifi- cation and development of ore deposits, but geologic setting and s t r u c t u r a l control of mineral deposits is emphasized. Entirely r e w r i t t e n and reset. Feigl, Fritz. Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests; inorganic and organic applications; tr. from the 3d German ed. by Janet W . Matthews. 2d rev. ed. Nordemann Pub. Co., Inc., Clarendon Bldg., 215 4th Ave., New York, 1 9 3 9 . 4 6 2 P . $ 7 . Chem. & Met. 47:202, M a r . 1940. N u m e r o u s corrections and new results added to this edition. Spot tests given for the identification of h u n d r e d s of organic and inorganic compounds. British spelling used by the t r a n s l a t o r may be un- familiar but book is important to laboratories. Huebner, Walther. Geology and Allied Sciences; a thesaurus and a coordination of English and German specific and gen- eral terms. 2 pts. pt. 1, German-English. Veritas Press Inc., 250 W . 57th St., New York, 1 9 3 9 . 4 2 4 P . $ 7 . 5 0 . 25,000 geological and related t e r m s r e p r e s e n t i n g fifteen years of research. M a j o r portion consists of words in actual use but special attention given to local expressions in m a n y parts of the world. German- English section includes technical as well as common phrases. Kingzett, Charles T . Chemical Encyclo- pedia; a digest of chemistry and its in- dustrial applications ed. by Ralph K. Strong. 6th ed. Van Nostrand, 1940. i o 8 8 p . $ 1 4 . Chem. Trade Jl. 106:346, May 31, 1940; Gas Jl. 230:619, J u n e 19, 1940; Chem. & Ind. 59:463, J u n e 29, 1940; Text. Col. 62:563, Aug. 1940; Ind. and Eng. Chem. News Ed. 18:831, Sept. 25, 1940. Slightly enlarged f r o m its previous edition but retains all the popular f e a t u r e s of the original work. Brought up-to-date and several entirely new items of i n f o r m a t i o n added. Large number of tabulations now included dealing with production and imports of the widely used chemical commodities by v a r i o u s countries. Frontispiece has a table of chemical ele- ments with details of their symbols, atomic weights, etc. Lange, Norbert A., and Forker, Gordon M., eds. Handbook of Chemistry; a refer- ence volume for all requiring ready access to chemical and physical data used in laboratory work and manufacturing. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Handbook Publishers, I n c . , 1 9 3 9 . I 5 4 3 P - $ 6 . COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Chem. & Met. Eng. 46:642, Oct. 1939; Can. Chem. 24:100, Feb. 1940; Rayon 20:98, Oct. 1939; Text. Col. 61:705, Oct. 1939; Text. Wld. 90:92. May 1940. The tables of atomic weights have been extensively revised. New tables added and the entire volume brought up-to-date. Long, John S., and Anderson, Harold V. Chemical Calculations. 4th ed. rev. Mc- Graw-Hill, 1 9 4 0 . 2 6 6 p . $ 1 . 7 5 . (Inter- national Chemical Series.) Chem. & Met. 47:379, May 7, 1940; Chem. Trade Jl. 107:44, J u l y 19, 1940. New material of a less theoretical n a t u r e added and some of the old r e a r r a n g e d . Less important prob- lems f r o m the previous ed. omitted and others added. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Spectroscopy Laboratory. Wave Length Tables with Intensities in Arc, Spark or Discharge Tube of more than 100,000 Spectrum Lines . . . Wiley, 1939. 429P. $15. Of value to students interested in both the pure and applied fields of spectroscopy. Mellon, Melvin G. Chemical Publications; their nature and use. 2d ed. McGraw- Hill, 1 9 4 0 . 284P. $ 2 . 7 5 . (Int. Chemical Series.) Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:598-99, J u l y 10, 1940; Chem. & Met. 47:580, Aug. 1940; Ind. &• Eng. Chem. News Ed. 18:598, J u l y 10, 1940. S u r v e y of all types of available chemical informa- tion, where to find them, how to locate and use them, like previous edition. New problems included and lists of periodicals and books added. The Merck Index. An Encyclopedia for the Chemist, Pharmacist, Physician, Dentist. 5th ed. Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J., 1940. io6op. $3. Brewer's Dig. 15:89, Feb. 1940; Amer. Perfumer 40:62, J a n . 1940; Amer. Chem. Soc. Jl. 62:236, J a n . 1940; Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:469, May 25, 1940. Contains i n f o r m a t i o n and scientific data on the physical, chemical and medicinal properties and the various uses of drugs and chemicals. Formulas, tables and 5900 descriptions of individual substances. Miall, Stephen, ed. New Dictionary of Chemistry. Longmans, Green, 1940. 5 7 5 P - $15 (42s.) ; (Toronto) $12.50. Brit. Plast. 12:32, J u n e 1940; Chem. & Ind. 59:462-3, J u n e 29, 1940; Chem. Trade J I. 106:408, J u n e 28, 1940; Faraday Soc. Trans. 36:1794, J u l y 1940. Includes brief explanations of terms used in chem- istry and chemical engineering, accounts .of many chemical substances and operations. I n t e n d e d to f u r - nish concise i n f o r m a t i o n not only to teachers, stu- dents, and professional chemists, but also to engi- neers, druggists, and others. Newitt, Dudley M., ed. Chemical Indus- tries. 14th ed. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 443p. $4. - DECEMBER, 1940 Ind. and Eng. Chem. News Ed. 18:734, Aug. 25, 1940. Organic Synthesis. Vol. 20. Wiley, 1940. I I 3 P . $ 1 . 7 5 . Chem. & Met. 47:379, May 1940; Can. Chem. 24:322, Tune 1940; Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:560, J u n e 25, 1940. Rice, C. Mabel. Dictionary of Geological Ter m s ; exclusive of stratigraphic forma- tions and paleontologic genera and species. Edwards Bros., 1940. 46ip. $6. L. Q. 10:617, Oct. 1940. The first really inclusive geological dictionary in English. Thorpe, Thomas E. Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th ed. by Jocelyn F. Thorpe and M . A. Whiteley, assisted by eminent contributors. 4 vols. Longmans, Green, 1937-1940. ea. $25. Chem. Trade Jl. 106:392, J u n e 21, 1940. New volume of the latest edition of Thorpe is fulfilling the schedule of one volume a year since 1937. Each article or monograph written by an au- thority and follows the dictionary f o r m . Covers the field of general chemistry and includes the applica- tions of physical chemistry to industry. Vol. I V contains an outstanding treatise of one h u n d r e d pages on explosives, outlining the chemistry, m a n u f a c t u r e , properties and testing f o r military and industrial use. Chemist, specialist, and lay r e a d e r will continue to accept it as an outstanding r e f e r e n c e work. 570 Biological Sciences Carpenter, Thorne M . Tables, Factors, and Formulas for Computing Respiratory Exchange and Biological Transformations of Energy. 3d ed. Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1 9 3 9 . I 4 2 p . Gratis. Deam, Charles C. Flora of Indiana. Indi- ana Dept. of Conservation, Division of F o r e s t r y , 1940. 1236P. $3.50. Notable because of its accuracy. Series of unique distribution maps showing not only location but the time of the occurrence of various seasonal changes. Eales, N. B. The Littoral Fauna of Great Britain. A Handbook for Collectors. Macmillan, 1 9 3 9 . 3 0 i p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Fassett, Norman C. A Manual of Aquatic Plants. McGraw-Hill, 1 9 4 0 . 3 8 2 P . $4. Makes possible the identification of aquatic plants in sterile as well as in flowering or f r u i t i n g condi; tion. Covers region f r o m Minnesota to Missouri and eastward to the Gulf of St. L a w r e n c e and Vir- ginia. Fox, Irving. Fleas of Eastern United States. Iowa State College Press, Ames, 1940. igop. $3. x 79 Gurney, Robert. Bibliography of the Larvae of Decapod Crustacea. Quar- itch, London, 1939. I23p. 12s. 6d. Hanstrom, Bertil. Hormones in Inverte- brates. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1939. i g 8 p . 12s. 6d. (Monographs on Animal Biology. Not numbered.) Extensive bibliography, pp. 147-185. Harvey, E. Newton. Living Light. Prince- ton University Press, 1940. 328p. $4. Extensive bibliography on bioluminescence, pp. 227- 56. Henderson, Mrs. Isabella F. A Dictionary of Scientific T e r m s ; pronunciation, deriva- tion, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, em- bryology, physiology. 3d ed. rev. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, London, 1939. 3 8 3 P - $ 7 - Q. Rev. of Biol. 15:78, M a r . 1940. Holmes, Francis O. Handbook of Phyto- pathogenic Viruses. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1 9 3 9 . 2 2 i p . $2. Concerned primarily with viruses affecting seed plants. Bibliographies. Illinois. Natural History Survey. Field- book of Illinois Land Snails by Frank Collins Baker. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois, 1 9 3 9 . i 6 6 p . $1. P r i m a r i l y f o r the use of a m a t e u r students of n a t u r e who wish to learn the names and something of the habits of the snails in Illinois. Based on a collection of more than 20,000 specimens of Illinois mollusca, obtained principally by a detailed survey of the state. Lagerberg, Torsten. Vilda Vaxter I Nor- den. Bokforlaget Natur Och Kultur, Stockholm, 1 9 3 7 - 3 9 . 3 vols. 1 8 6 Kr. T h e wild flora of Norway, Sweden, D e n m a r k , and Finland. Some 750 species described in detail. Contains 804 colored photographs of plants taken in the milieu in which they grow. Laubmann, Alfred. Die Vogel von Para- guay. 2 vols. In progress. Strecker und Schroder, Stuttgart, 1939. Vol. 1. 27 M . I m p o r t a n t contribution to studies on South Ameri- can f a u n a . McCoy, Elizabeth. The Anaerobic Bacteria and Their Activities in Nature and Dis- ease; a subject bibliography. Vol. I. Chronological author index; Vol. 2. Sub- ject index. University of California Press, 1939. 2 vols. $10. Subject index (approximately 120,000 entries) of about 10,500 original j o u r n a l articles, monographs or other published reports. Covers the years 1816 to 1938. Mackenzie, Kenneth K. North American Cariceae. New York Botanic Garden, 1 9 4 0 . 2 vols. $ 1 7 . 5 0 . Muenscher, Walter C. Poisonous Plants of the United States. Macmillan, 1939 2 6 6 p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Extensive bibliography, pp. 241-252. Muller, H . J . Bibliography on the Genetics of Drosophila. Oliver and Boyd, Edin- burgh, 1939. 132p. 5s- Neave, Sheffield A., ed. Nomenclator Zoologicus; a list of the names of genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus 1758 to the end of !935- 4 vols. 1939. In progress. Zo- ological Society of London, 1939. Vols. 1 - 3 , A-P. £8 8s. 5d. set. Q. Rev. of Biol. 15:92, M a r . 1940. Pilsbry, Henry A. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico). 2 vols. In progress. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1939. Vol. 1. $25 set. (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia. Monograph no. 3.) Pope, Clifford H . Turtles of the United States and Canada. Knopf, 1 9 3 9 . 343P- $ 4 . 2 5 . Concerns primarily the habits of turtles, but keys and diagnostic descriptions a r e included so that na- tive and Canadian species may be identified. Rehder, Alfred. Manual of Cultivated Trees and Herbs Hardy in North Ameri- ca, Exclusive of the Subtropical and Warmer Temperate Regions; 2d ed. rev. and enl. Macmillan, 1940. xxx, 9g6p. $ 1 0 . 5 0 . A thorough revision of a m o n u m e n t a l and u s e f u l work. 2,536 species f u l l y described, with about 2,685 varieties; also about 25 genera, 1,400 species and 540 hybrids briefly described. I n d e x contains 14,300 plant names. A u t h o r is C u r a t o r of the H e r b a r i u m , A r n o l d A r b o r e t u m , H a r v a r d University. Snyder, Emily E. Biology in the Making. McGraw-Hill, 1 9 4 0 . xii, 539P. $2.80. A u t h o r i t a t i v e introduction to biological science; modern in its style, bibliographies, illustrations, and f o r m a t . Designed f o r high-school students, but serves as a r e f e r e n c e source for laymen. 80 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Stejneger, Leonhard. A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. 4th ed. Harvard University Press, 1939. 2 0 7 P . $ 4 . U. S. Forest Experiment Station. Southern, New Orleans. German-English Diction- ary for Foresters. 1939. 346p. C o m p i l e d by O r a n R a b e r , U . S. F o r e s t S e r v i c e . 600 Useful Arts American Paper and Pulp Association. Dic- tionary of Paper; including pulps, boards, paper properties and related papermaking terms. The Association, 122 E. 42d St., New York, 1940. 3 6 5 P . $5- Amer. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 1 8 : 3 1 5 , A p r i l 10, 1940; Mod. Lithographer 8 : 5 1 , J u n e 1940; Mech. Eng. 6 2 : 5 6 6 , J u l y 1940; Chem. &• Met. 4 7 : 5 7 9 , A u g . 1940. F o u r m a i n d i v i s i o n s : I . P h i l o s o p h y of d e f i n i t i o n s ; I I . C l a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d d e f i n i t i o n s of p u l p s ; I I I . Classi- fication of w a s t e m a t e r i a l s u s e d i n t h e p a p e r a n d b o a r d i n d u s t r i e s ; I V . D e f i n i t i o n s of p a p e r s , b o a r d s , a n d p a p e r m a k i n g t e r m s . Crispin, Frederic S. Dictionary of Tech- nical Terms. 3d ed. Bruce Publishing Co., M i l w a u k e e , 1940. 327p. $2.25. Radiocraft 1 2 : 1 0 0 , A u g . 1940. T r a d e n o m e n c l a t u r e f o r t h e w o r k m e n i n t h e field of a e r o n a u t i c s , w o o d w o r k i n g , a n d b u i l d i n g t r a d e s , e l e c t r i c a l . . . m e t a l w o r k i n g , p r i n t i n g , c h e m i s t r y . D o e s n o t i n c l u d e all t h e t e c h n i c a l t e r m s i n a n y field b u t m a n y of t h e w o r d s listed n o t f o u n d i n a t e c h n i c a l t e x t n o r in t h e a v e r a g e d i c t i o n a r y . Ellis, Carleton. Printing Inks, Their Chem- istry and Technology. Reinhold Pub. Corp., 330 W . 42d St., New York, 1940. 56op. $7. Am. Chem. Soc. News Ed. 18:598, J u l y 1940; Can. Chem. 2 4 : 2 6 8 , M a y 1940; Chem. & Met. 4 7 : 4 4 3 , J u n e 1940; Chem. Ind. 4 6 : 7 4 0 , J u n e 1940; Rayon Text. Mo. 2 1 : 9 2 , J u l y 1940; Text. Col. 6 2 : 4 1 5 J u n e 1940. I n c l u d e s v a r i o u s a p p l i c a t i o n s of s y n t h e t i c r e s i n s i n t h e p r o d u c t i o n of i n k s a d a p t e d f o r p r i n t i n g p u r - poses. C o n s i d e r s p r o b l e m s of t h e e n g r a v e r a n d p r i n t e r . Ponce de Leon, Nestor. Technological Dic- tionary, English-Spanish and Spanish- English; or words and terms employed in the applied sciences, industrial arts, fine arts, mechanics, machinery, mines, metal- lurgy, agriculture, commerce, navigation, manufactures, architecture, civil and mili- tary engineering, marine, military art, railroads, telegraphs, etc. 2 vols, in 1. Isaac Mendoza Book Co., 15 Ann St., New York, C 1 9 3 9 . 1 7 4 4 P . $ 1 5 . E a c h s e c t i o n of t h i s e d i t i o n h a s a n 84-page supple- m e n t of n e w m a t e r i a l . T h e a u t h o r h a s b e e n a com- m e r c i a l t r a n s l a t o r f o r m a n y y e a r s a n d h a s d e f i n e d s c i e n t i f i c , t e c h n i c a l , i n d u s t r i a l a n d b u s i n e s s w o r d s , t e r m s , a n d p h r a s e s f o r u s e i n e x p o r t t r a d e . DECEMBER, 1940 Stewart, Jeffrey R. National Paint Dic- tionary. Stewart Research Laboratory, Alexandria, Virginia, 1940. 154P. $5. Chem. & Chem. Eng. N.—News Ed. 18:261-2, M a r . 25, 1940. Bakers Digest 15:39, A u g . 1940; Paint Tech. 5 : 1 7 3 , J u l y 1940. M a t e r i a l a p p e a r e d m o n t h l y i n Drugs. Oils and Paints, M a y 1937 t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 1939. I n c l u d e s d e f i n i t i o n s of t r a d e n a m e s a n d r a w m a t e r i a l s u s e d in t h e i n d u s t r y , a s well as a g l o s s a r y of m a t e r i a l s a n d t e c h n i c a l d e v i c e s u s e d i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of p r o t e c t i v e a n d d e c o r a t i v e c o a t i n g s . 6io Medicine Barr, David P. Modern Medical Therapy in General Practice. William Wood & Co., 1940. 3 vols. $35. Baumgartner, Leona. John Howard ( 1 7 2 6 - 1790) Hospital and Prison Reformer: a bibliography. Johns Hopkins Press, 1939- 7 9 P - $ 1 . Black, Arthur D. Index of the Periodical Dental Literature Published in the Eng- lish Language. Vol. 1 5 , 1 9 3 6 - 3 8 . Ameri- can D e n t a l Association, 1939. $7-50. Bothman, Louis. Fundus Atlas; stereo- scopic photographs of the fundus oculi. Year Book Publishers, Inc., Chicago, 1939- 5° leaves. $17. Carter, Gladys B., ed. The Midwife's Dic- tionary and Encyclopedia. New ed. Faber, London, 1 9 3 9 . 5 7 6 p . 4 s . 6 d . Chemist's Dictionary of Medical Terms. 6th ed. Chemist and Druggist, London, 1 9 3 9 - 3 ° 4 P - 8 s . 6 d . Clinical Abstracts. Vol. 1, 1939- $15 per yr- Day, E. M., ed. Cassell's Modern Diction- ary of Nursing and Medical Terms. Cas- sell, London, 1 9 3 9 . 3 9 4 P - 3 s . Directory of Clinics, Including Child Health Services in New York City. Vol. 1. New York Tuberculosis and Health Associa- tion, 1939. 50 .̂ Directory of Medical Specialists Certified by American Boards, 1939; Paul Titus, directing editor; published for the Ad- visory Board for Medical Specialties. Columbia University Press, 1 9 4 0 . I 5 7 3 P - $5 (buckram). x 81 Ergebnisse der Physikalish-Diatetischen Therapie, Vol. x- Steinkopff, Dresden, 1939- 36 R M . Galdston, Iago. Progress in Medicine; a critical review of the last hundred years. Knopf, 1940. 37op. $3. Holfelder, Hans. Atlas des Rontgenrei- henbildes des Brustraumes auf Grund der Auswertung von iiber 900,000 Rontgenrei- henschirmbildern. G e o r g Thieme, Leipzig, 1939- 95P- 17-65 R M . (Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen . . . erganzungsband 59.) Holzapfel, A . Dental-Lexikon. W o r t e r - verzeichnis. Dictionary. Dictionnaire. Diccionario. Dental-erzeugnisse und V e r - wandtes. Medizinische Verlagsanstalt, Mainz, 1939. 640P. 10.50 M . Kleitman, Nathaniel. Sleep and W a k e f u l - ness as Alternating Phases in the Cycle of Existence. University of Chicago Press, 1939. 638P. $5. Bibliography of 1,434 titles. National Tuberculosis Association. Com- mittee on Medical Research. Tubercu- losis ; a bibliography of articles published as part of a cooperative investigation be- tween the National Tuberculosis Associa- tion, United States Public Health Service, and certain universities and institutions. U . S. Public Health Service, 1939. 52p. N e w Y o r k Heart Association. Criteria Committee. Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart. 4th ed. Tuberculosis and Health As- sociation, N e w Y o r k , 1939. 282p. Oakes, Lois, comp. A N e w Dictionary for Nurses. 6th ed. Livingston, London, 1 9 4 0 . 4 2 8 P . 3 s . Pearce, Evelyn C . A Short Encyclopedia for Nurses. Dutton, 1939. 686p. $3.50. Springer, Adalbert. English-German and German-English Medical Dictionary. Part 1 : English-German. 5th ed. Deu- ticke, Vienna, 1939- 20ip. 6 M . Stiimke, Hans. Bibliographie der Interna- tionalen Medizinischen Kongresse und Verbande. Vol. 1- In progress. Harras- sowitz, Leipzig, 1939. Vol. I. 30 M . Vade-mecum Medico-chirurgical Frangais- Anglais: 12,000 mots et expressions en usage dans les services de sante des armees frangaise et britannique. 3d ed. Guides: Militaires Plumon, Dinard, France, 1940. 3 5 0 p . 25 f r s . Weiskotten, Herman G . and others. Medi- cal Education in the United States, 1934- 1939. American Medical Association, 1940. 259p. $1 (paper). W h o ' s W h o in W o r l d Medicine. B . U . E . Limited, London, 1939. Vol. 1- £5. 620 Engineering Aerosphere, 1939; including W o r l d ' s air- craft engines with aircraft directory. A i r - craft Pub., N e w Y o r k , 1940. i,420p. $15. Aviation 39:105, J u n e 1940; Automotive Ind. 82:433, May 1940; Mech. Eng. 62:690, Sept. 1940; Steel 106:81, May 6, 1940; U. S. Air Services 25:22, May 1939. Emphasis on the engine section both f r o m the his- torical and engineering viewpoint. Over 1,200 de- signs f r o m this c o u n t r y and abroad described and illustrated with photographs and cross-section draw- ings. Airplanes and a i r c r a f t of 26 countries listed alphabetically by c o u n t r y . Specifications, construc- tion, equipment and p e r f o r m a n c e for private, com- mercial and a few military planes. Includes statistics and directory i n f o r m a t i o n . American W a t e r W o r k s Association. Index, 1881-1939, to its Proceedings, Journal, and other publications. T h e Association, N e w Y o r k , 1940. 285P. $2 to non- members; $1.75 to members. Eng. News Rec. 125:80, J u l y 18, 1940. Baughman, Harold E. Aviation Dictionary and Reference Guide. Aero Pub. Inc., 315 Security Bank Bldg., Glendale, Calif., 1940. 6o8p. $5. Aero Digest 36:159, May 1940; Aero Digest 37:156, Sept. 1940. T h e author spent years of research to assemble the data f o r the i n d u s t r y ' s first t h e s a u r u s . I n f o r m a - tion on practically every phase of the a i r c r a f t indus- t r y . Dictionary section covers in detail the nomen- clature f o r words, phrases and expressions used in aeronautics. R e f e r e n c e guide section contains direc- tory of m a n u f a c t u r e r s , airports, schools, C.A.A. regu- lations, weather b u r e a u data, illustrations of flight m a n e u v e r s , charts, and tables f o r design, materials, and mathematics. 82 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Brown, Victor J., and Runner, Delmar G. Engineering Terminology; definitions of technical words and phrases. 2d ed. Gillette Pub. Co., 330 S. Wells St., Chi- cago, C 1 9 3 9 . 43 9p. $4- Civil Eng. 9:12, J u l y 1939; Eng. & Min. Jl. 140: 56, Sept. 1939; Military Eng. 31:318, July-Aug. 1939; Power PI. Eng. 43:628, Sept. 1939. A u t h o r s have solicited definitions f r o m prominent sources in the engineering fields. Alphabetical ar- rangement of m a j o r portion of the book followed by eight appendices: English-Spanish and Spanish- English w o r d s ; German-English w o r d s ; Aeronautic symbols; Symbols f o r hydraulics, s t a n d a r d classifica- tions of pumps, materials f o r pumping various liq- uids; Abbreviations f o r scientific and engineering t e r m s ; Symbols f o r mechanics, s t r u c t u r a l engineer- ing and testing materials; Weights and measures, conversion factors, chemical elements, symbols used f o r radio, etc. Jackson, Dugald C. Present Status and Trends of Engineering Education in the United States; a report prepared on re- quest of the Committee on Engineering Schools of the Engineers' Council for Professional Development. Committee on Engineering Schools, Engineers' Council for Professional Development, New York. [ i 9 3 9 ] I 7 7 P - $ 1 . Eng. & Min. Jl. 141:83, M a r . 1940. 679 engineering curricula in 138 institutions graphically analyzed and c u r r e n t t r e n d s in engineer- ing education discussed. Johnson, John B. Johnson's Materials of Construction Rewritten and Revised by M . O. Withey and James Aston. 8th ed. Wiley, 1 9 3 9 . 867P. $6. Amer. Mach. 84:39 Aug. 7, 1940; Civil Eng. 9:14, Dec. 1939; Eng. News Rec. 123:76, Nov. 23, 1939; Mach. ( N . Y . ) 46:298D, Dec. 1939. Law, Bernard A. Fighting Planes of the World; illustrated by Barry Bart. Ran- dom House, 1940. 66p. $i. Sat. R. of Lit. 22:11, Sept. 21, 1940. Handbook to the principal military types of the world with illustrations in color. Lawyers' & Merchants' Translation Bureau. New Automotive Dictionary. Pt. 1. Eng- lish-Spanish. Stechert, 1 9 4 0 . I 5 4 p . $2.50. Aut. Ind. 83:139, Aug. 1, 1940; Aut. Eng. 30:208, J u l y 1940. Molesworth, Guilford L. and Molesworth, H. B. Pocket-Book of Useful Formulae and Memoranda for Civil and Mechani- cal Engineers. 31st ed. By A. P. Thurs- ton. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1 9 4 0 . g 6 8 p . $3. O'Rourke, Charles E., ed. General Engi- neering Handbook. 2d ed. McGraw- Hill, 1 9 4 0 . 1 , 1 2 0 p . $4. Combustion 12:12, Aug. 1940; Power 84:134, Sept. 1940; Eng. News Rec. 125:70, Aug. 29, 1940. Parsons, William B. Engineers and Engi- neering in the Renaissance. Williams and Wilkins Co., 1939. 661 p. $8. Eng. News Rec. 124:68, Feb. 29, 1940; Mech. Eng. 62:335-36, Apr. 1940; Prod. Eng. 11:336, J u l y 1940. Represents a history of engineering achievement and devotes eighty-odd pages to an account of the engineering contributions of L e o n a r d o da Vinci. S t r u c t u r a l and military drawings reproduced f r o m the f a m o u s " N o t e books." Radio Annual, 1940; ed. by Jack Alecoate. Radio Daily Corp., New York, 1940. 988p. S u b . Reid, Charles T . Un Diccionario de Aero- nautica; espanol-ingles, ingles-espanol. Aviation Press, 580 Market St., San Francisco, C 1 9 3 9 . 207p. $ 3 . (Cadet series.) Aero Dig. 35:123, Nov. 1939. The assistant chief d r a f t s m a n of the Douglas Air- c r a f t Co., I n c . has compiled these notes f o r his own use in making English-Spanish translations of sales literature, parts catalogues, maintenance manuals, specifications, etc., in the airplane m a n u f a c t u r i n g business. Also including terms pertaining to mathe- matics, chemistry, physics, machinery, mechanical parts, etc. Definitions not exhaustive and have no claim to educational or literary merit. Slang included f o r its practical value. Tables of aeronautic symbols illustrated with line drawings divide the two sections of the book. Rubey, Harry and others. Engineering Sur- veys. rev. ed. Macmillan, 1940. 32ip. $ 3 . 5 0 . (Engineering Science series.) Civil Eng. 10:548, Aug. 1940; Min. & Met. 21:16, Sept. 1940. Includes tables and a sample set of field notes f o r students. Urquhart, Leonard C. Civil Engineering Handbook. McGraw-Hill, 1940. 877P- $5- Eng. News Rec. 125:63, Aug. 29, 1940. Who's Who in Railroading. 10th ed. Sim- mons-Boardman Pub. Corp., 30 Church St., New York, 1 9 4 0 . 7 i 6 p . $ 7 . 5 0 . Eng. News Rec. 125:72, Sept. 26, 1940. 630 Agriculture Bibliotheques Agricoles dans le Monde et Bibliotheques Specialises dans les Sujets se Rapportant a l'agriculture. Impr. Ch. Colombo, Rome, 1939. 31 IP- 25 L. DECEMBER, 1940 x 83 International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, International Bibliography of Agricul- tural Economics. International Inst., 1 9 3 8 - 3 9 . 2 vols. 3 0 L. 700 Visual Arts Bell, J . Munro. The Furniture Designs of Chippendale, Hepplewhite, and Sheraton. McBride, October, 1940. 300 ill. 460P. $ 4 . 5 0 . Antiques, Oct. 1940, p. 184. Hamlin, Talbot. Architecture through the Ages. Putnam's, 1 9 4 0 . 6 8 o p . $6. Arch. Forum 73:20, Aug. 1940; Parnassus 12:31, Oct. 1940. Excellent critical survey of architecture. Cor- relates the c u l t u r e of t h e people with the buildings they produced. More illustrations would have en- hanced its u s e f u l n e s s . Addition of Pre-Columbian A m e r i c a n buildings and Islamic buildings is note- worthy. Bibliography. Harris, Enriqueta. The Prado; treasure house of the Spanish royal collections. New York Studio, 1940. 136 pi. 84P. $ 4 . 5 0 . Parnassus 12:33, Oct. 1940. Fine photographs with m a n y details of this ex- t r a o r d i n a r i l y important collection. London University. Courtauld Institute of Art. Annual Bibliography of the History of British Art. Macmillan, 1940. 164P. $ 2 . 5 0 . Covers archaeology as well as art. New York, Museum of Modern Art. Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art. Mu- seum of Modern Art, 1 9 4 0 . I 9 9 p . ill. $2.75; $1 ( p a p e r ) . Newcomb, Rexford. Old Kentucky Archi- tecture; colonial, federal, Greek revival, Gothic and other styles erected prior to the W a r Between the States. William Helburn, Inc., New York, 1 9 4 0 . I 3 0 p . $ 1 0 . Arch. Forum 73:20, Aug. 1940. Excellent photographs of exteriors and interiors, plans, and measured drawings with a brief authorita- tive text. Indispensable book f o r any library or in- dividual interested in the early architecture of the U n i t e d States. Ogg, Oscar. An Alphabet Source Book. H a r p e r , 1940. 199P. ill. $3.50. Approved by I n s t r u c t o r in L e t t e r i n g , School of the A r t I n s t i t u t e , Chicago. 780 Auditory Arts Boyd, Morrison C. Elizabethan Music and Musical Criticism. University of Penn- sylvania Press, 1 9 4 0 . xi, 363P. $ 3 . 5 0 . Bibliography of " P r i n t e d T u d o r and Jacobean music and musical t r e a t i s e s , " p. 323-47. Christy, Van A. Glee Club and Chorus; a handbook of organizing, conducting, and maintaining glee club and choral organiza- tions, with selected, graded, and classified lists of octavo music and texts. Schirmer, 1 9 4 0 . iii, I 4 9 p . $ 2 . 5 0 . Guide f o r the inexperienced, as well as experienced, choral director. I n c l u d e s suggestions f o r a r r a n g e r s of radio programs, supplementary music f o r motion pictures, and r e f e r e n c e s f o r f u r t h e r study. Ewen, David. Pioneers in Music. Crowell, 1940. viii, 28op. $2.75. W h o these pioneers are, how they first invented the f a m o u s f o r m s or first brought these f o r m s to general acceptance, how they paved the way f o r the masters. Grant, Margaret and Hettinger, Herman S. America's Symphony Orchestras, and How They Are Supported. Norton, c i 940. 3 2 6 p . $ 3 . Harrison, Sidney. Music for the Multi- tude. Macmillan, 1 9 4 0 . 3 8 3 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . Musical appreciation for the layman, including the high points of music history f r o m "music and magic" to swing. Comprehensive index. Lloyd, Llewelyn S. The Musical Ear. Ox- ford, 1 9 4 0 . 87p. $ 1 . 7 5 . Wier, Albert E. The Piano, Its History, Makers, Players and Music. Longmans, Green, 1 9 4 0 . viii, 467P. $3-50. Special f e a t u r e s include: " L i s t of two-piano m u s i c " ; " D i c t i o n a r y of p i a n i s t s " ; and " T h e piano in r e c o r d s . " 800 Literature Holmes, Thomas J . Cotton M a t h e r ; a bibliography of his works. Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1940. 3 vols. Am. Bookfinder 4:3. Oct. 7, 1940. Masterpiece of bibliographical publishing as to care, wealth of notes and to its printed f o r m a t . Millett, Fred B. Contemporary American Authors; a critical survey and 219 bibli- ographies. Harcourt, 1940 (rev. ed.). 7i6p. $3-75- 84 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 900 History Canete y Dominquez, Pedro Vincente. Po- tosi Colonial; Guia Historica, Geografico, Politica, Civil y Legal del Gobierno e Intendencia de la Provincia de Potosi. Imp. Artistica, 1939. 207p. (Biblioteca Boliviana, no. 5.) Langer, William L., ed. Encyclopaedia of World History, Ancient Medieval and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. A rev. and modernized version of Ploetz's "Epitome." Houghton Mifflin, 1940. M 5 5 P - $ 5 . 5 0 . Myers, William S. Foreign Policies of Her- bert Hoover, 1929-1933. Scribners, 1940. 259P- $2.50. Springfield, Repub. J u l y 9, 1940, p. 8. Finland. Blauweiss-Buch der Finnischen Regierung. Dokumente iiber die Ent- wicklung des Finnisch-russischen Kon- flikts. . . . (Ubersetzung der Finn. Originalausgang. . . ). Verlag Birk- hauser, 1940. I20p. 2.80 fr. (Swiss) (Dokumente und Urkunden zum Kriegs- ausbruch, 6.) France. Ministere des Affaires etran- gers. Gelbbuch der Franzosischen Regie- rung. Diplomatische Urkunden 1938- 1939. . . . (Ubersetzung der Franzos. Original Ausgang. . . ). Verlag Birk- hauser, 1940. 445p. 3.80 f r . (Swiss). (Dokumente und Urkunden zum Kriegs- ausbruch, 4.) Germany. Auswartigen Amt. Weissbuch der Deutschen Regierung. Dokumente iiber die Entwicklungen der Deutsch- Polnischen Beziehungen und die Ereignisse von 1933 bis zur Gegenwart. Verlag B i r k h i i u s e r , 1940. 595P- 3-8o f r . (Swiss). (Documente und Urkunden zum Kriegsausbruch, 5.) Horrabin, James F. Atlas History of the Second Great W a r . Knopf, 1940. 99p. $1.50. Sat. R. of Lit. 22:6, A p r . 27, 1940. Vol. 1. covers Sept. 1939 to J a n . 1940. T e Velde, Johan C. Modern Latin Ameri- ca: a popular bibliography. Central Y.M.C.A. College, Chicago, 1939. 3ip. 10/. (Good Neighbor Series no. 1.) Ragatz, Lowell J . A List of Books and Articles on Colonial History and Over- seas Expansion Published in the United States 1900-1930. Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, 1939. 45p. 910 Geography and Travel Fallex, M . and Gibert, A. Nouvel Atlas Classique; neuvieme ed. iii cartes et cartons. Index alphabetique. Librairie Delagrave, 1940. 79p. 38.50 frs. Philips' International Atlas; a series of i6op. of col. maps and plans . . . with an index of over 65,000 names; revisions to political boundaries up to December 1939. Philip, 1940. i6op. 45s. DECEMBER, 1940 x 85 T h e L i b r a r y General S e r v i c e D i v i s i o n , Office of Education, in W a s h i n g t o n , has under w a y a nation- w i d e collection of statistics from the libraries of the institutions of higher edu- cation. T h e w o r k is in charge of R a l p h N . D u n b a r , Chief of the L i b r a r y Service Division, and is the first comprehensive gathering of data from college and uni- versity libraries since 1929. M o n t c l a i r , N e w East Jersey, Public L i - b r a r y , M a r j o r i e Q u i g l e y , librarian, during the spring months carried on a study of cost account- ing for public libraries and, as a basis for this, prepared a test for scoring the refer- ence-department resources of libraries of medium size. T h e reference division of the Rochester, N e w Y o r k , Public L i b r a r y has worked out a simple plan of instruction in library tools for adults. T h e project w a s started for the benefit of student hospital nurses w h o used the general reference division for w o r k on their assignments. St. John's U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y , Brook- lyn, N e w Y o r k , R e v . John W . D u n n , director, has acquired an unusually valu- able collection of several thousand volumes giving the history of Ireland. Extensive remodeling of the college buildings w i l l provide space for additional thousands of volumes. D u k e University, South D u r h a m ; T u l a n e U n i v e r s i t y , N e w O r l e a n s ; and the U n i v e r s i t y of N o r t h Carolina, Chapel H i l l , have received a special grant f r o m the Rockefeller F o u n - dation to purchase books dealing w i t h the life and literature of L a t i n Americans. It News from was agreed that D u k e w o u l d take as a special province all Portuguese literature including B r a z i l i a n . T u l a n e University w i l l emphasize the influence of literature of the U n i t e d States on Hispanic-Ameri- can literature and the relation of the Spanish and Indian languages. T h e U n i - versity of N o r t h C a r o l i n a w i l l devote spe- cial attention to bibliography, folklore, and constitutional history. U n d e r the agreement, D u k e w i l l be responsible for the literature of B r a z i l , Colombia, Bolivia, and E q u a d o r ; T u l a n e , for the C e n t r a l A m e r i c a n region and V e n e z u e l a ; and the University of N o r t h C a r o l i n a for A r g e n - tine, U r u g u a y , and P a r a g u a y . A leather dressing prepared by D r . T . F . W h i t e h e a d , professor of chemistry, University of G e o r g i a , Athens, has proved successful in preserving many reference books at the university library. T h e papers of Sir Middle West H e n r y C l i n t o n , British Commander- in-Chief in A m e r i c a during the R e v o l u - tion, n o w in possession of the W i l l i a m G . Clements L i b r a r y , A n n A r b o r , M i c h i g a n , Randolph G . A d a m s , librarian, are being extensively used by C a r l V a n D o r e n in preparation of his book on the treason of Benedict A r n o l d . C e n t r a l C o l l e g e , Pella, I o w a , M a r y L . Reed, librarian, is establishing a six-weeks library course required of all new students. E a c h week for six weeks the freshmen w i l l meet in the library during one of their English periods for instruction in refer- ence material. A separate English reading room w a s opened by the U n i v e r s i t y of I o w a L i b r a r y 86 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the Field in September w i t h a collection of five hun- dred books which are required reading for English majors and honors students. T h i r t y - f i v e hundred alumni of the U n i - versity of M i c h i g a n have during the past year received reading lists prepared by the library extension service of the university. T h e r e are over six hundred different lists on a wide variety of topics ranging from technical subjects like " N o i s e Elimina- tion" and the " T e c h n o l o g y of Paint and V a r n i s h , " to economic and political topics on " W a g e s , " " U n e m p l o y m e n t , " etc. B o y c e H o u s e , Southwest T e x a s author and poet, has recently given the University of T e x a s L i b r a r y , A u s t i n , D o n a l d Coney, librarian, a com- plete 1939 file of his newspaper column, " I G i v e Y o u T e x a s , " and the notebook from which he w r o t e his oil boom story, " W e r e Y o u in R a n g e r ? " University of T e x a s L i b r a r y , A u s t i n , D o n a l d Coney, librarian, has begun the assembly of a political science library which w i l l include handbills, signs, broad- sides, etc., relating to all f u t u r e election returns in T e x a s . T h e collection of politi- cal material received its start when samples were collected of publicity devices used by student office seekers in the campus elec- tion. University of T e x a s L i b r a r y also pos- sesses a 17,ooo-volume textbook collection including R a y ' s Arithmetic and M c G u f - fey's Reader. T h e oldest textbook is a L a t i n and G r e e k parody on the Book of Job which w a s in use in 1637. Pasadena Public Far West L i b r a r y has set aside a special section of its reference depart- ment for books and pamphlets to be used by the Pasadena Committee on Public Education for National Defense and W e l - fare. T h e f o l l o w i n g officers have been elected for the Reference Librarians C o u n c i l of San Francisco B a y region: M i s s Josephine D e a v i t t , O a k l a n d Public L i b r a r y , presi- d e n t ; M i s s A n i t a L e v y , San Francisco Public L i b r a r y , vice president; and M i s s Christine Staats, A l a m e d a C o u n t y L i - brary, secretary. J u l i a S t o c k e t t , Canada reference librarian, V a n c o u v e r , B . C . , L i b r a r y , is in charge of the V a n c o u v e r L i b r a r y Staff Association W a r Service. T h i s service includes preparing and send- ing out soldiers' libraries to huts, recrea- tion centers, and outposts. M i r i a m A l l e n , Personnel D e n v e r '39, for- merly assistant in the G r i n n e l l College L i b r a r y , became an assistant in the U n i v e r s i t y of I o w a L i - brary, in the Documents and O r d e r D e - partments, June 1. M r s . C r y s t a l Bailey, O k l a h o m a , has been placed in charge of the Engineering Reading Room at the Pennsylvania State College. Helen R . Belknap, W e s t e r n Reserve '39, became librarian of the University of I o w a A r t L i b r a r y in June, 1940, succeed- ing Frances Rogers, w h o resigned to be- come assistant in the reference department of the Ryerson L i b r a r y , A r t Institute, Chicago. Katharine Berthold, Columbia, has been appointed acting head of the circulation department, T e m p l e University L i b r a r y . DECEMBER., 1940 87 H a r o l d E . Boisen, assistant librarian, U n i v e r s i t y College, N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i - versity, has been appointed librarian of the G e o r g e A . B u n t i n g L i b r a r y , W a s h i n g t o n College, Chestertown, M a r y l a n d . M a r g a r e t Borg-Breen, Minnesota '40, has been appointed assistant in the U n i - versity of I o w a Education L i b r a r y . M a r t h a C o n n o r , D r e x e l , acting head of the catalog department, T e m p l e U n i v e r - sity L i b r a r y , has been promoted to be head of the catalog department. Pauline C o o k , M i n n e s o t a '34, formerly reference assistant in the U n i v e r s i t y of I o w a L i b r a r y , has been appointed librarian of the University of I o w a Foreign L a n - guage L i b r a r y . John M . C o r y , G r a d u a t e L i b r a r y School, U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago, w a s ap- pointed on September 1, director of li- braries at the U n i v e r s i t y of A l a b a m a . M r . C o r y w i l l have charge of the new G o r g a s L i b r a r y B u i l d i n g which w a s dedicated in M a y . Lois G e y w i t z , D r e x e l , has been ap- pointed circulation assistant at the Penn- sylvania State C o l l e g e L i b r a r y to succeed A n n i s U n d e r w o o d , Simmons, w h o re- signed to be married. R a l p h H a g e d o r n , Wisconsin '37, for- merly of the staff of the U n i v e r s i t y of T e x a s L i b r a r y , A u s t i n , has been appointed assistant in the periodicals department, T e m p l e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y . R u t h M . H e r r i c k , Illinois '40, became circulation assistant at the U n i v e r s i t y of I o w a L i b r a r y June 1. D a v i d J o l l y , Peabody '37, has been ap- pointed librarian of the U n i v e r s i t y of N e w Hampshire at D u r h a m . M a r g a r e t K n o l l , P r a t t Institute, as- sistant circulation librarian, Pennsylvania State C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , has been advanced to circulation librarian. E d m o n L o w , librarian, B o w l i n g G r e e n University L i b r a r y , B o w l i n g G r e e n , O h i o , accepted in September the librarianship of O k l a h o m a A g r i c u l t u r a l and M e d i c a l College, S t i l l w a t e r , O k l a h o m a . Nicoletta M a r k e t o s , M i c h i g a n , has re- signed as assistant in the catalog depart- ment of T h e University of M i c h i g a n L i - brary to become assistant in the catalog department of T e m p l e University L i b r a r y , Philadelphia. Katharine Patterson, Columbia, has re- signed as head of the circulation depart- ment at T e m p l e University, Philadelphia, J. P . D a n t o n , librarian, to be head of the circulation department at S w a r t h m o r e C o l - lege L i b r a r y , Charles B . S h a w , librarian. R u t h E . P a u l , Illinois '40, succeeded Sarah F . C o c k e y as assistant supervisor of the reserve department, U n i v e r s i t y of I o w a L i b r a r y in June, 1940. M i s s Cockey resigned to accept a position in the periodi- cals department of the U n i v e r s i t y of N o r t h C a r o l i n a L i b r a r y , Chapel H i l l . Eugenia Raymond, formerly librarian at Cincinnati A r t M u s e u m has been ap- pointed head of the fine arts division of the Seattle Public L i b r a r y . M a r y Reed, Columbia, w a s appointed September I as librarian at C e n t r a l C o l - lege, Pella, I o w a . D o n a l d O . Rod, assistant in the catalog division of University of M i c h i g a n L i - braries at A n n A r b o r , has been appointed assistant librarian and head cataloger of L u t h e r C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Decorah, I o w a . Joseph B . Rounds, University of M i c h i - gan, w a s appointed assistant professor of library science, U n i v e r s i t y of B u f f a l o , Sep- tember, 1940. M r . Rounds w a s formerly librarian of E a r l h a m College, on the staff of O b e r l i n C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , and the Inter- national Relations Office L i b r a r y , G e n e v a , S w i t z e r l a n d . 88 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES M r s . M a r y Scott has been placed in charge of the newly opened Physics Read- ing Room at the Pennsylvania State C o l - lege L i b r a r y . Robert Severance, Peabody '33, has been appointed librarian at Baylor U n i - versity, W a c o , T e x a s . Sally Smith, Columbia, of the catalog department of Pennsylvania State College L i b r a r y , has recently been married to Robert C a r e y , member of the engineering faculty of Pennsylvania State College. Katharine Stokes, Simmons, circulation librarian, Pennsylvania State College, has been advanced to be second assistant li- brarian in charge of readers' service. Elizabeth U l r i c h , Carnegie, serials as- sistant, Pennsylvania State College, has been appointed assistant reference li- brarian. She has been succeeded as serials assistant by Robert G r a z i e r , W e s t e r n Re- serve. Bernard V a n H o m e , formerly librarian of Hayes M e m o r i a l L i b r a r y , Fremont, Ohio, has been appointed to succeed M r . Boisen at University College, N o r t h w e s t - ern University. O l i v e I. W e b b , M i c h i g a n '36, senior assistant, Rochester, N e w Y o r k , Public L i b r a r y , has been appointed assistant in the circulation department, T e m p l e U n i - versity L i b r a r y . V e r a Y o w e l l , Illinois '40, w a s appointed June 1 as librarian of the University of I o w a Chemistry L i b r a r y , succeeding M a r i o n Sladky w h o resigned to be mar- ried. R u t h Schley, Y a l e , was appointed as- sistant in the order department of the University of I o w a L i b r a r y in September. M a r j o r i e C o x , Y a l e , has been appointed assistant in the reference and order de- partments of the University of I o w a L i - brary. W I L L A R D P . L E W I S Note: T h e editors of College and Research Libraries will be v e r y glad to receive c u r r e n t items relating to college, university, a n d r e f e r e n c e libraries f o r publication in the j o u r n a l . Such items should be sent to W i l l a r d P. Lewis, secretary, Association of College and R e f e r e n c e Libraries, P e n n s y l v a n i a State College L i b r a r y , State College, P a . DECEMBER, 1940 x 89 N e w Periodicals and Serials THE following annotated list of recently launched periodicals and serials has been contributed by Carolyn F . Ulrich, and in this issue when so initialed, by Wyllis E. W r i g h t , chief cataloger, N e w York Public Library, and Fred B. Rothman, chief, Serials Department, N e w York University Library. Academia Dominicana de la Lengua, C o r - respondiente de la Espanola. Boletin. Cuidad T r u j i l l o , Dominican Republic. V o l . I, N o . I, O c t . 1939. Frequency and price not given. T h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n , f o u n d e d originally as the Do- m i n i c a n A c a d e m y of L a n g u a g e , was later recognized by t h e S p a n i s h A c a d e m y of L a n g u a g e . I t s object is t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n of the p u r e S p a n i s h idiom as well as the s t u d y of f o r m s peculiarly D o m i n i c a n . Agronomia Lusitana. Published by Estacao Agronomica Nacional, Edificio D o s J e r - onimos, Belem, P o r t u g a l . V o l . 1, N o . 1, I939- Q u a r t e r l y . Price not given. Morphological s t u d i e s in t h e field of e x p e r i m e n t a l a g r i c u l t u r e . A r t i c l e s in F r e n c h , G e r m a n , E n g l i s h , L a t i n , as well as P o r t u g u e s e . T h e P o r t u g u e s e articles a r e accompanied by a s u m m a r y in a n o t h e r l a n g u a g e , usually E n g l i s h . E a c h article is followed by a bibliog- r a p h y . I l l u s t r a t i o n s , photographs, detailed scientific d r a w i n g s a n d sketches t h r o u g h o u t . American Aviation D i r e c t o r y ; aviation offi- cials and companies United States and Canada. Published by American A v i a - tion Associates, Inc., Earle Building, Washington, D . C . V o l . 1, N o . 1, Spring 1940. Semi-annual. $5 a year. A periodical d i r e c t o r y c o v e r i n g a e r o n a u t i c a l in- d u s t r i e s a n d organizations. C o n t a i n s a code system of c o n t e n t s , also a complete alphabetical i n d e x of all i n d i v i d u a l s m e n t i o n e d in t h e d i r e c t o r y . " F u t u r e issues will c o n t a i n l i s t i n g s of c h a r t e r oper- a t o r s , of financial u n d e r w r i t e r s of a v i a t i o n securities, of export r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , of air c a r r i e r s in S o u t h A m e r i c a a n d o t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n . . . . " A r t et Archeologie; recueil de legislation comparee et de droit international. Pub- lished by Institut International de coopera- tion Intellectuelle, 2 rue de Montpensier, Paris. N o . 1, 1939. I r r e g u l a r . Price not given. F i r s t issue is devoted to t h e p r o t e c t i o n of n a t i o n a l collections of a r t a n d h i s t o r y . F u t u r e issues will also discuss the protection of m o n u m e n t s a n d w o r k s of a r t in t h e p a t h of a r m e d conflict a n d the i n t e r - national c i r c u l a t i o n of works of a r t . T e x t in F r e n c h , some articles with E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n . B a b e l ; a multi-lingual critical review. Bowes and Bowes, Ltd., 1 & 2 T r i n i t y Street, Cambridge, England. V o l . 1, N o . 90 COLLEGE 1, 1940? 5 issues per volume, is. 6d. a copy. " C r i t i c a l s t u d i e s in the principal E u r o p e a n L i t e r a - t u r e s o t h e r t h a n E n g l i s h . " S i g n e d book reviews. Biblioteca del Estudiante Universitario. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de M e x - ico, C a l l e del Lie. V e r d a d N u m . 2, M e x i c o , D . F . N o . 1, 1939. I r r e g u l a r . Price not given. . . . " T h e r e p r i n t i n g of those w o r k s of l i t e r a t u r e a n d history which s t u d e n t s ought to know a n d of which t h e r e exist f e w e x a m p l e s in l i b r a r i e s a n d book-stores. Chosen a n d p r e s e n t e d by the p r o f e s - sors of the U n i v e r s i t y . . . . " " E a c h y e a r t h e r e will be e d i t e d : a work prior to t h e C o n q u e s t , a book of its chronicles, some pro- ductions of t h e epoch of S p a n i s h d o m i n a t i o n and successively u n t i l we a r r i v e at the books of con- t e m p o r a r y a u t h o r s . " A section of e x p l a n a t o r y notes a n d a s h o r t bibliography a r e a p p e n d e d to each vol- ume. Burroughs M e m o r i a l Lectures. Nisbet & Company, London. Ser. 1, [1940]. F r e - quency and price not given. " T h e late Bishop of Ripon, A r t h u r B u r r o u g h s , be- q u e a t h e d . . . a t h o u s a n d p o u n d s t o t h e A n g l i c a n Evangelical G r o u p M o v e m e n t . . . . I t was decided to e n d o w a t r i e n n i a l l e c t u r e s h i p . . . associated with t h e U n i v e r s i t y [of L e e d s ] , T h e y may, and no doubt will, r a n g e over a large field."—W. E. IV. C . E . D . A . ; [ C e n t r o Estudiantes de A r q u i - tectura]. Florida 1472, Montevideo, U r u - guay. N o . 1, 1939? Frequency and price not given. A publication of the A r c h i t e c t u r a l S t u d e n t s C e n t e r affiliated with the F e d e r a t i o n of U n i v e r s i t y S t u d e n t s of U r u g u a y d e v o t e d to a r t a n d a r c h i t e c t u r e . Illus- t r a t e d . C a l i f o r n i a H o r t i c u l t u r a l Society. Journal. San Francisco, C a l i f . V o l . 1, N o . 1. Jan. 1940. Q u a r t e r l y . $1 a year. Il- lustrated. Common G r o u n d . Published by the C o m - mon Council f o r American Unity. 222 Fourth Avenue, N e w Y o r k . Louis Adamic, editor. V o l . 1, N o . 1, A u t u m n 1940. Q u a r t e r l y . $2 a year. A m o n g c o n t r i b u t o r s a r e : R o b e r t M. H u t c h i n s , p r e s i d e n t , Chicago U n i v e r s i t y , A r t h u r M. Schlesin- ger, p r o f e s s o r of A m e r i c a n history, H a r v a r d U n i v e r - AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES s i t y ; V a n W y c k Brooks, a u t h o r ; Oswald G a r r i s o n V i l l a r d , j o u r n a l i s t a n d a u t h o r ; M a r y Ellen Chase, p r o f e s s o r of English, S m i t h College. " T h i s organization ( f o r m e r l y the F o r e i g n L a n g u a g e I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e ) h a s these p u r p o s e s : T o help c r e a t e a m o n g the A m e r i c a n people the u n i t y a n d m u t u a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g r e s u l t i n g f r o m a common citi- zenship, a common belief in d e m o c r a c y and t h e ideals of liberty, t h e placing of the common good b e f o r e the i n t e r e s t s of a n y g r o u p , and the ac- ceptance, in f a c t as well as in law, of all citizens, w h a t e v e r t h e i r n a t i o n a l or racial origins, as equal p a r t n e r s in A m e r i c a n society." . . . C o n t a i n s signed book reviews. Current Issues; an undergraduate journal of the social and political sciences. Pub- lished by students of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Vol. i , No. i , Dec. J8, 1939. Five times a year. $1 a year. " A m a g a z i n e dedicated to t h e development a n d expression of s t u d e n t t h o u g h t . " A r t i c l e s chiefly de- voted to c u r r e n t t h e o r i e s and problems in the social sciences. Bibliographies with most articles. C o n t a i n s book r e v i e w s . — F . B . R . Dairy Science Abstracts. Published by the Imperial Bureau of Dairy Science, Shin- field, Reading, England. Vol. 1, No. 1, M a y 1939. Quarterly. 25s. a year. " A c o m p r e h e n s i v e collection of a b s t r a c t s of c u r r e n t l i t e r a t u r e d e a l i n g with milk a n d d a i r y p r o d u c t s . . . . " Educacion; revista de pedagogia y orienta- cion sindical. Brasil 60, Apdo. 8061, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, No. 1, M a r c h 1940. Monthly. $1 a year. E d i t e d by I T E , t h e E d u c a t i o n a l W o r k e r s I n t e r - national, devoted to pedagogical articles, a n d to n e w s a n d problems of o r g a n i z a t i o n s of t e a c h e r s in t h e Americas. Reviews books and periodicals. Historical Studies; Australia and N e w Zea- land. Published by Melbourne University Press, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1940. Semi-annual. 10s. 6d. a year. " T h e scope will i n c l u d e w o r k on A u s t r a l i a n a n d New Z e a j a n d history u n d e r t a k e n by h i s t o r i a n s in all p a r t s of the w o r l d , t o g e t h e r with r e s e a r c h e s in o t h e r fields u n d e r t a k e n by t e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s within t h e two d o m i n i o n s . " "Historical Studies is m e a n t to serve both t h e specialist s t u d e n t and the g e n e r a l r e a d e r s of h i s t o r y . " Contains signed book reviews. Indiana University Publications. Humani- ties series. Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Ind. No. 1, 1939. Irregular. Price varies. " . . . F o u n d e d f o r the publication of occasional papers a n d m o n o g r a p h s by the f a c u l t y m e m b e r s and s t u d e n t s . " Interchange. 307 Progress-Bulletin Build- ing, Pomona, Cal. Vol. 1, No. 1, M a y 1940. Fortnightly. $5 a year. " . . . to record, q u e r y and discover i m p o r t a n t , un- u s u a l a n d little k n o w n i n f o r m a t i o n . " Ireland-American Review. Edited by Maurice Leahy, connected with the Uni- versity Catholic Society ( P a x Romana group) in London under Presidency of Hilaire Belloc and Vice-Presidency of G . K . Chesterton. Dublin, Ireland. Vol. 1, No. 3, [1940]. Frequency and price not given. " T o promote c u l t u r a l r e l a t i o n s between I r e l a n d a n d the A m e r i c a n people." A review of l i t e r a t u r e and history with some political c o m m e n t r e l a t i v e to I r e l a n d a n d its people. Journalism Monographs. Published under the auspices of the National Council of Research, American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, Louisi- ana State University, Louisiana. No. 1, 1940. Frequency and price not given. " T h e m o n o g r a p h s will be exclusively p r o d u c t s of r e s e a r c h by t e a c h e r s of j o u r n a l i s m . T h e y a r e spon- sored . . . with the view to a d v a n c i n g j o u r n a l i s m as a p r o f e s s i o n a n d of assisting t h e n e w s p a p e r in- d u s t r y with n e w a n d h e l p f u l d a t a and solutions to p a r t i c u l a r problems. . . . I t is anticipated t h a t f u t u r e v o l u m e s will relate to some of the sociological aspects of j o u r n a l i s m . " — W . E . W . Libro Italiano nel M o n d o ; rassegna biblio- grafica. Published by the Societa Edi- trice del Libro Italino, Piazza Poli, 42 Rome. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. Month- ly. 60 L . a year. Designed to give the f o r e i g n r e a d e r a t h o r o u g h k n o w l e d g e of I t a l y ' s l i t e r a t u r e a n d book p r o d u c t i o n . C o n t a i n s a classified bibliography. Mexicana Review. Published by the N e w Y o r k Archives of Mexico. Jesse J. Dos- sick, c/o N e w Y o r k University, Washing- ton Square, N e w Y o r k . Vol. i, No. 1, June 1940. Semi-annual. 60