College and Research Libraries Current Reference Aids COMPILED BY the Subcommittee on C u r r e n t R e f e r e n c e A i d s of the Association of C o l l e g e and R e f e r e n c e Libraries, c o v e r i n g the quarter, J a n u a r y I - M a r c h 3 1 , I 9 4 1 - T i t l e s are arranged by broad D . C . classification, w i t h citations to r e v i e w s and annota- tions in many instances. T h e c o m m i t t e e : L o u i s Shores, c h a i r m a n ; Frances N e e l C h e n e y , s e c r e t a r y ; E t h e l d r e d A b b o t ; M a b e l L . C o n a t ; J a c k D a l t o n ; J u d i t h W . H u n t ; L o u i s K a p l a n ; C h a r l e s F . M c C o m b s ; R o b e r t O r r ; James T . R u b e y ; H a r o l d R u s s e l l ; A n n e M . Smith. Please address all communications to L o u i s Shores, Peabody L i b r a r y School, N a s h v i l l e , T e n n . 010 (General only, including periodical indexes) American Council on Public Affairs. The American Labor Press, an Annotated Di- rectory. The Council, Washington, D.C., 1 9 4 0 . I 2 0 p . $2. Dynamic America 12:26, Feb. 1941; M.L.R. 52: 266, J a n . 1941. Bibliografi over Periodiske Skrifter i Norge inntil 1920. Aschehoug, 1940. i7op. 4.48 Norwegian Kr. Bibliograficky Katalog. Literarni tvorba z roku 1939 vyjma dila period. Red.: V. Foch. J . Drtina, Praha, 1 9 4 0 . 4 4 4 p . Apply. Cole, Arthur, ed. A Finding List of Royal Commission Reports in the British Do- minions . . . Harvard University Press, 1 9 3 9 . I 3 4 P - $ 1 . 5 0 . Dansk Bogfortegnelse for Aarene 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 3 9 . 1. Haefte. Gad, 1940. 32p. 3 Danish Kr. Demaree, Albert L. The American Agri- cultural Press, 1 8 1 9 - 1 8 6 0 . Columbia University Press, 1941. 430 p. $4. (Co- lumbia University Studies in the History of American Agriculture, No. 8.) Evola, Niccolo Domenico. Richerche Sto- riche sulla Tipografia Siciliana. L. S. Olschki, 1 9 4 0 . 2 5 5 p . Apply. (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana, xv.) Fumagalli, Giuseppe. Vocabolario Biblio- g r a f i c o . L . S. O l s c h k i , 1940. 45op. L.180. (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Ital- iana, xvi.) Lehmann, P. and Glauning, Otto. Mittel- alterliche Handschriftenbruchstiicke der Universitatsbibliothek und des Georgi- anum zu Miinchen. Harrassowitz, 1940. 187P. RM20. (Zentralblatt fur Biblio- thekswesen, Beiheft 72.) McMillen, James A. The Works of James D. B. DeBow; a Bibliography of DeBow's Review with a Check List of His Mis- cellaneous Writings Including Contribu- tions to Periodicals and a List of Refer- ences Relating to James D. B. DeBow. Book Farm, Hattiesburg, Miss., 1940. 36p. $1.50. (Heartman's Historical Ser- ies, No. 52.) Marinis, Tammaro de. Appunte e Ricerche Bibliografiche. Hoepli, 1 9 4 0 . i 6 o p . L. 3 5 0 . Meurs, H . van. Literatuur-overzicht over het J a a r 1939 van de Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde en Geschiedenis van Neder- landsch-Indie. Nijhoff, 1 9 4 0 . I 0 4 p . Fl. 1.50. Raabe, Gustav Elisar. Anonymer og Pseu- donymer, 1 9 3 1 - 1 9 3 5 . C.B., 1940. 48p. 5.60 Norwegian Kr. Review Index. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1941-. Follett. $ 3 . 5 0 yearly. Reviewed in this issue. Severance, Henry O. Handbook of the Learned and Scientific Societies and Insti- JUNE, 1941 259 tutions of Latin America. Library of Congress, 1940. I23p. $2.50 (mimeo- graphed). Tveteras, H . L . Horske Tidsskrifter. Bib- liog. over periodiske skrifter i Norge inntil 1920. Univ.-Bibl., 1940. i7op. Apply. U.S. Library of Congress. Division of Bib- liography. Cooperative Bibliographies. No. 1-. Library of Congress, 1941-. Free (mimeographed). No. 1 is Bibliography of T a n k s and O t h e r Military Track-laying Vehicles, by Douglas W . B r y a n t , De- troit Public L i b r a r y . T h e Woman's Collection. A Bibliography of Material in A l l M a t t e r s Pertaining to Women's Interests Added to the W o m - an's College Library of North Carolina, 1937-40. Prepared by the Library . . . Woman's College, Greensboro, N . C . , 1941. 55P. $.75. " A n n u a l mimeographed supplements will follow." 020 Library Science Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft. Band 3 : Geschichte der Bibliotheken. Bearbeit. vom Aloys Bomer [et al]. Harrassowitz, 1940. 105 ip. RM80. Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association. Proceedings of the T h i r d Convention. Wilson, 1941. 37ip. $5; $3 to members. (Publications, Series II, Vol. 3.) Special Libraries Association. Financial Group. Banking and Financial Subject Headings for Bank Libraries and Finan- cial Information Files. T h e Association, 1940. 98p. $4. R.I. 1:27, M a r . 1941. 100 Philosophy Riedl, John O . , ed. Catalogue of Renais- sance Philosophers (1350-1650) ; compiled by Robert A . Baker [and others]. M a r - quette University Press, 1940. I79p. $2.50. 150 Psychology Bartlett, Frederic O . Political Propaganda. Macmillan, 1940. i58p. $1.25. Rutgers University, N e w Brunswick, N.J. School of Education. Mental Measure- ments Yearbook, 1940. Rutgers Univer- sity Press, 1941. 674P. $6. Reviews about five h u n d r e d tests and three hun- dred books on testing. 200 Religion Foote, Henry W . T h r e e Centuries of American Hymnody. Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1940. 4i8p. $4. B.R.D. 36:19, J a n . 1941. Guide to Catholic Literature, 1880-1940. W a l t e r Romig & Co., Detroit, 1940. 124OP. $ 1 5 . 2 5 , s u b s c r i p t i o n . P.W. 139:1220, M a r . 15, 1941. Author-subject-title index of books and booklets, in all languages, by Catholics or of particular Cath- olic interest. Idaho. Secretary of State. Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations of Idaho . . . Prepared by the Idaho His- torical Records Survey, Boise, 1940. I29p. Apply. Lowenthal, Rudolf, and others. Religious Periodical Press in China; with 7 Maps and 16 Charts. Synodal Comm. in China, 1-A Kwantungtien hutung, Peiping, China, 1940. 2v. Paper $2.75. (Sinological Series, N o . 57.) Rumball-Petre, Edwin A . R. America's First Bibles; with a Census of 555 Ex- tant Bibles. Limited ed. Southworth- Anthoensen Press, Portland, Maine, 1940. 1 8 4 P . $ 4 . 300 Social Sciences Allen, Henry J. Ve ne zu e l a —a Democracy. Doubleday, Doran, 1940. 289P. $3.50. " C o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t i o n on retail prices, cost of living, working conditions in the oil fields." M.L.R. 52:270, J a n . 1941. Hancock, W i l l i a m K . Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs. Vol. II. Prob- lems of Economic Policy, 1918-1939. Part I, O x f o r d University Press, 1940. 324P. $ 4 . 5 0 . T.L.S., p. 382, Aug. 10, 1940; Int. Affairs 19:124, Oct. 1940. T h e Inter-American Statistical Y e a r b o o k ; 1940. Macmillan, 1941. $6. 260 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES L a n d r a , Guido. Piccola Bibliografia R a z - ziale. C a s a Editrice Vlpiano, 1938. 77p. Apply. ( R a g g u a g l i Bibliografica, I V . ) Shotwell, James T . , ed. Governments of Continental Europe. Macmillan, 1940. 1 0 9 2 P . $ 4 . 5 0 . R.I. 1:13, M a r . 1941. Statistisk A a r b o g , 1940. Copenhagen, Sta- tistiske Department, 1940. 3o6p. Apply. M.L.R. 52:270, J a n . 1941. 320 Political Sciences Brandon, L e r o y D . P l a t f o r m s of the T w o G r e a t Political Parties, 1932 to 1940. Government Printing Office, 1940. [ i 0 5 ] p . Free. H a l e , M r s . C a r o l y n L . Sources of C u r r e n t Information on State Government Func- tions. University of California, 1939. 113P. ( M . A . thesis, University of C a l i - fornia. T y p e w r i t t e n , annotated list.) H v e m , H v a d , H v o r . Politikens A a r b o g 1941. R e d a r k t 0 r : H e l g e Larsen. D a g - bladet Politiken, 1940. 592p. 4 Danish K r . Public Administration O r g a n i z a t i o n s ; a D i - rectory of Unofficial Organizations in the Field of Public Administration in the United States and Canada, 1941. Public Administration C l e a r i n g House, Chicago, 1941. 187P. $1.50. Robinson, E d g a r E . T h e Presidential V o t e , 1936; Supplementing the Presidential V o t e , 1896-1932. Stanford University Press, 1940. 9 i p . $2. R.I. 1:24, M a r . 1941. U . S . C i v i l Service Commission. Federal Employment under the M e r i t System. Government Printing Office, 1940. H2p. 50. Zeitlin, Josephine V e r Brugge, comp. Ini- tiative and R e f e r e n d u m ; a Bibliography. John Randolph Haynes & D o r a Haynes Foundation, 2324 S. Figueroa Street, L o s Angeles, 1940. 97p. Paper, 750. , . R e c a l l ; a Bibliography. Haynes Foundation, 2324 S. Figueroa St., L o s Angeles, 1941. 4 i p . 500. 330 Economics American Public W e l f a r e Association. T h e Public W e l f a r e Directory, 1941, a Listing of State and L o c a l Public Assistance and W e l f a r e Agencies. T h e Association, 1313 E . 60th St., Chicago, 1941. $1. Survey 77:96, M a r . 1941. Combines f o r m e r directories issued by the associ- ation. Geographical a r r a n g e m e n t . No index. Birren, Faber. T h e Story of C o l o r . C r i m - son Press, Westport,- Conn., 1940. 344P- $7.50. T.B.R.I. 6:111, Feb. 1941; Modern Packaging 14:82, J a n . 1941. Appendix summarizes the color symbolism of the m a j o r hues of the spectrum and contains index and a bibliography of over 250 volumes. Commerce C l e a r i n g House, Inc. United States M a s t e r T a x Guide, 1 9 4 1 ; Based on the Internal Revenue Code and Regu- lations, Rulings and Decisions to I94 1 * Commerce C l e a r i n g House, Chicago, 1941. 256p. $1. Fabricant, Solomon. T h e O u t p u t of M a n u - facturing Industries, 1899-1937. N a - tional B u r e a u of Economic Research, Inc., 1941. 685p. $4.50. Frederick, John H . Keeping T a b s on T a x e s in the 48 States. Revised to Jan. 1, 1941. Distribution and Warehousing, 100 E. 42d St., N e w Y o r k , 1941. 23 + p . $2. ( O n e copy free with each subscription to Distribution and Warehousing.) Digest of state corporation laws. M a n u f a c t u r i n g Chemists' Association of the United States. Chemical Facts and Fig- ures. Annual Statistics of the American Chemical Industry. V o l . 1. T h e Associ- ation, Washington, D . C . , 1940. 2 i g p . 65^; west of the Mississippi 750. Chem. & Met. Engr. 48:169, Feb. 1941. " T h e growth of the chemical industry is traced, tabularly, f r o m 1849 to the p r e s e n t . " Massey, Philip. Industrial South W a l e s — a Social and Political Survey. G o l l a n c z , 1940. 288p., maps. 9s. M.L.R. 52:519, F e b . 1941. JUNE, 1941 261 M o t o r T r u c k Red Book, 1940, an Encyclo- pedia of the L a w s , Rules, Regulations, Principles and Practices of M o t o r T r u c k Transportation. Compiled by W . T . Ashby and others. T r a f f i c Pub. Co., 100 6th Ave., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 925p. $10. Railway Age 109:991, Dec. 28, 1940. Research Institute of America, Inc. Sales T a x e s and Use T a x e s ; an Analysis of the T r e a t m e n t of Each State and City of the Problems Arising from Its Particular Sales or Use T a x L a w , with Special Em- phasis upon Those Created by Interstate Shipments. Research Institute of A m e r - ica, 1940. 34P. Apply. U . S . Bureau of A g r i c u l t u r a l Economics. Economic Analysis of the Food Stamp Plan. Government Printing Office, 1940. g8p. 20^. (Special Report of the Bureau of A g r i c u l t u r a l Economics and the Sur- plus M a r k e t i n g Administration.) U . S . Bureau of Internal Revenue. Statistics of Income for 1938; Preliminary Report of Corporation Income and Excess-Profit T a x Returns Filed through December 31, 1939. Government Printing Office, 1940. i 8 p . S t U . S . T e m p o r a r y National Economic Com- mittee. Concentration and Composition of Individual Incomes, 1918-1937. Super- intendent of Documents, Washington, D . C . , 1940. 112p. 15^. (Investigation of Concentration of Economic P o w e r Monograph, N o . 4.) 3 4 0 L a w Dominion-Provincial Conference, O t t a w a , 1941. Dominion-Provincial Conference. Plenary Session, Nos. 1-2, T u e s d a y , Jan. 14, 1 9 4 1 — W e d n e s d a y , Jan. 15, 1941. King's Printer, 1941. 2v. Apply. Reitzel-Nielsen, Erik. Dansk Juridisk L i t - teratur, 1939. N y t Nordisk Forlag, 1940. 96p. 4 Danish K r . 350 M i l i t a r y A f f a i r s Commerce Clearing House, Inc. Conscrip- tion, L a w and Regulation; including Se- lective T r a i n i n g and Service A c t of 1940, National G u a r d and Reserve Officers M o - bilization A c t , Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief A c t of 1940, Regulations, Question- naire. Commerce Clearing House, Chi- cago, 1940. 147P. $1. H a r t z , Louis, and others. C i v i l - M i l i t a r y Relations; Bibliographical Notes on A d - ministrative Problems of Civilian Mobili- zation. Public Administration Service, Chicago, 1940. 77p. $1. Soc. Ed. 5:80, J a n . 1941. Kenderdine, John D . Y o u r Y e a r in the A r m y ; W h a t Every N e w Soldier Should K n o w . Simon and Schuster, 1940. 204p. $1. Lawson, Cecil C . P. History of the Uni- forms of the British A r m y ; from the Be- ginning to 1760. Saunders, 1940. 2v. $15- T.L.S., p. 299, J u n e 22, 1940. U . S . Selective Service System. Index to Se- lective Service L a w , Regulations, and Forms. Government Printing Office, 1 9 4 0 . 3 4 p . io?L U.S. W a r Dept. Compilation of W a r D e - partment G e n e r a l Orders, Bulletins, and Circulars. Sept. 1, 1940. Government Printing Office, 1940. 277p. 35^. 370 Education Encyclopedia of Educational Research; ed- ited by D r . W a l t e r Scott M o n r o e . M a c - millan, 1940. 1344 p. $10. Sponsored by American Educational Research As- sociation. Institute of W o m e n ' s Professional Relations. Fellowships and O t h e r Aid for Advanced W o r k . T h e Institute, 1940. 35ip. $1.50 ( M i m e o g r a p h e d ) . 400 Philology Goodridge, G e r a l d W . F., comp. Practical English-French Dictionary for English- speaking Countries. O x f o r d University Press, 1940. 295p. 5s. K a t a r a , Pekka. Finnisch-Deutsches T a s c h - 262 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES enworterbuch. W e r n e r Soderstrom O s - keytio, 1940. 844P. Apply. Kettridge, Julius O . French for English Idioms and Figurative Phrases. Rout- ledge, 1940. 278p. 6s. Vangassen, H . Dialect-atlas van Vlaamsch- Brabant. N i j h o f f , 1940. 2 portfolios. F l . 60. (Reeks Nederlandsche Dialect- atlassen.) 500 Sciences American Association for the Advancement of Science. A Brief History of the A s - sociation . . . Its Present Organization and Operation, Summarized Proceedings . . . and a Directory of M e m b e r s as of July I, 1940. T h e Association, Washington, D . C . , 1 9 4 0 . 1 1 0 9 P . $ 3 . 5 0 . National Research Council, Canada. Sur- vey of Scientific and Industrial L a b o r a - tories. Available from the Council or from the Bureau of Statistics, O t t a w a , Canada, 1940. 89P. $1. News Ed., Am. Chem. Soc. 19:230, Feb. 25, 1941. Pledge, Humphry T . . . . Science Since 1500; a Short History of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry [and] Biology . . . H . M . Stationery Office [printed by W . C l o w e s and sons, L t d . ] 1939. 36op. 7s6d. ( B o a r d of Education. Science M u s e u m . ) T.L.S., p. 69, Feb. 10, 1940. 530 Physical Sciences G r e a t Britain. Ministry of Home Security. A i r Raid Precautions Department. T h e Detection and Identification of W a r G a s e s ; Notes for the U s e of G a s Identi- fication Officers. Chemical Publishing Co., 1 9 4 0 . 5 2 p . $ 1 . 5 0 . Internationale Meteorologische O r g a n i s a - tion. Bibliographie der Aerologischen L i t e r a t u r . V o n K a r l Keil, Jg. 7, 1939-40. J. Springer, 1940. 82L. R M 3 . Lester, Reginald M . W e a t h e r Prediction. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 256p. $4-25- T.B.R.I. 6:119, Feb. 1941; R.I. 1:18, M a r . 1941. Smith, Donald M . , comp. Bibliography of Spectrochemical Analysis. 2d ed. British N o n - F e r r o u s M e t a l s Research Associa- tion, London, 1940. 55p. 3s. R.I. 1:26, M a r . 1941. T h o m a s , E d w a r d . Handbook for Chemical Patents. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 28op. $4. R.I. 1:28, M a r . 1941; T.B.R.I. 6:106, J a n . 1941. 570 Biological Sciences Abrams, L e r o y . Illustrated F l o r a of the Pacific States. 2d ed. Stanford Univer- sity Press, 1940. V o l . I. $7.50. T.B.R.I. 6:89, J a n . 1941. To be published in f o u r volumes. Canada. Department of M i n e s and Re- souces. Lands, P a r k s and Forests Branch. Dominion Forest Service. N a t i v e T r e e s of Canada. O t t a w a , T h e Department, 1939. 21 op. 5O0. (Bulletin 61.) Revised edition of work first published in 1917- Griinwoldt, F r a n z . D i e Dokumentation in der F o r s t w i r t s c h a f t . J. Neumann, N e u - damm, 1940. 87P. $2.10. ( Z e i t s c h r i f t f u r W e l t f o r s t w i r t s c h a f t , Band 7, Bei- heft.) / / . Forestry 39:i74"S. J a n . 1941- Imperial Forestry Bureau. Forestry Abstracts. V o l . 1, N o . I-, 1939-. Q u a r - terly. Imperial Forestry Bureau, O x f o r d , l939~• Subscription 25s; parts, 7s6d each. I o w a . Academy of Science. Plants of Iowa, Being a F i f t h Edition of the G r i n - nell F l o r a Revised and Enlarged . . . by Henry S. Conard. Athens Press, I o w a City, 1939. 95P- Apply. ( I o w a Academy of Science, Biological Survey Publication, N o . 2.) M c F a r l a n d , John H . , and others. M o d e r n Roses I I : a U n i f o r m Descriptive List of A l l Roses in Commerce or of Historical or Botanical Importance. 2d ed. M a c - millan, 1940. 256p. $5. Landscape Arch. 31:89, J a n . 1941. Naturalists' Directory. 32d ed. Cassino Press, Salem, M a s s . , 1940. 292P. $3. Directory of n a t u r a l i s t s in North and South America. Contains list of n a t u r a l history periodicals, list of n a t u r a l history museums, etc. JUNE, 1941 263 Oppenheimer, Carl. Die Fermente. Sup- plement. Bibliographie 1 9 2 4 - 3 8 . W . Junk, 1 9 3 9 . I 2 8 p . Society of American Foresters, Appalachian Section, comp. Second Cumulated Index for Journal of Forestry. The Society, Washington, D.C., 1940. 97p. $1. Jl. Forestry 39:73, J a n . 1941; T.B.R.I. 6:125, Feb. 1941. 600 Useful Arts Bauen im Nationalsozialistischen Deutsch- land. Ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis. Eher, J940. 39P- RM.80. (Schrifttumsbeit- rage zur Weltanschaul. Schulungsarbeit. H. 19.) Canada. Government Purchasing Stand- ards Committee. The Canadian Govern- ment Editorial Style Manual. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1939. I77P- $1.50. Modern Plastics Catalog. Breskin Publish- ing Corp., 122 E. 42nd St., New York, 1 9 4 0 . 4 7 6 p . $ 3 - 5 0 . Aero Dig. 38:101, Feb. 1941. Peterson, Donald G., and Tinker, M . A. How to Make Type Readable; a Manual for Typographers, Printers, and Adver- tisers. Harpers, 1941. $2.50. T.B.R.I. 6:122, Feb. 1941. Simon, Andre L., ed. A Concise Encyclo- pedia of Gastronomy. Sect. 2, Fish. Wine and Food Society, 1940. 4s. Section 1, Sauces, published 1939, 72p. 2/6. Special Libraries Association. Trade- Names Index. The Association, 1941. 1 7 4 P . $4. Spec. Lib. 32:18, J a n . 1941. 610 Medicine Bernth, O., and Hagens, E. Medicinsk Kompendium. 3. Udg. 2. Halubind. Store nordiske Videnskabsboghandel, 1940. 3 3 o p . 1 2 Danish Kr. Foust, Harry L. Anatomy of Domestic Animals; Atlas and Dissection Guide. Iowa State College Press, Ames, 1940. 64P. $1.75. Am. Vet. Med. Assn. Jl. 98:167, Feb. 1941. " R e a l anatomy portrayed by color plates, sketches, and the necessary legends." Harry, Ralph G. Modern Cosmeticology; the Principles and Practices of Modern Cosmetics. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 288p. $5. R.I. 1:15, Dec. 1940; B.R.D. p. 32, Dec. 1940. Kricker, Gottfried. Schrifttumsnachweise der Medizin; Ubersicht uber Handbucher, Bibliographien, Referatenblatter und Son- stige Literaturquellen. J . A. Barth, 1940. 8op. Apply. Classified; also contains a subject index. Krogman, Wilton M . A Bibiliography of Human Morphology, 1914-1939. Univer- sity of Chicago Press, 1941. 385P. $3. Sonnenschein, Curt. Verzeichnis in Deutschland Erschienen Neuerer Disser- tationen und Habilitationsschriften aus dem Gebiet der Tropenmedizin und Tropenhygiene. . . . J. A. Barth, 1940. 63P. RM3.80. Covers publications of 1930-1938. 620 Engineering Abbott, Arthur L. National Electrical Code Handbook, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1940. 5 9 5 P - $ 3 - Power 85:122, Feb. 1941. American Foundrymen's Association. Gray Iron Division. Alloy Cast Irons; a Hand- book. The Author, Chicago, 1940. 27op. $ 3 - T.B.R.I. 6:89, J a n . 1941; Metal Progress 38:815, Dec. 1940. American Society for Testing Materials. Index to A.S.T.M. Standards. The So- ciety, 260 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, 1940. I 5 2 p . Free. Alphabetical index to 952 s t a n d a r d s and tentative s t a n d a r d s available at the end of 1940. Camm, Frederick J . A Dictionary of Metals and Their Alloys, Their Com- position and Characteristics, with Special Sections on Plating, Polishing, Hardening and Tempering, Metal Spraying, Rust- proofing, Chemical Colouring, and Useful Tables. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 2 4 5 P - $ 3 - R.I. 1:11, Dec. 1940; T.B.R.I. 6:4, Sept. 1940. 264 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Camm, Frederick J., ed. Radio Engineer's Vest-pocket Book. Newnes, 1 9 4 0 . i 6 o p . 3 s 6 d . Craver, Harrison W., and von Urff, H . A. Engineering Defense Training. A.L.A., Chicago, 1940. I3p. 25^. Gyngell, Eric S. Applied Chemistry for En- gineers. Longmans, 1940. 336p. $4. R.I. 1:14, M a r . 1941; T.B.R.I. 6:77, Dec. 1940; News Ed., A m . Chem. Soc. 19:226, Feb. 25, 1941. Highway Research Board. Highway Re- search, 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 4 0 . Highway Research Board, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 1 9 4 0 . I 3 3 p . $1, paper. International Electrotechnical Commission. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. 2d ed. American Standards Association, 1 9 4 0 . 3iop. $ 2 . 5 0 . T.B.R.I. 6:97, J a n . 1941. Janecke, Ernst. Handbuch aller Legierun- gen—Nachtrag. Robert Kiepert Verlag, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1 9 4 0 . I 2 3 p . RM16. Met. and Alloys 13:110, J a n . 1941. Nelson, Douglas H . Glossary of Aero- nautical Terms. Newnes, 1940. H2p. 3 s 6 d . New York State Society of Professional En- gineers. 1941 Year Book. The Society, New York, 1941. $10. Engr. News Rec. 126:72, Feb. 27, 1941. Standard Steel Spring Co., Research Labora- tory, Coraopolis, Pa. Bibliography on Corrosion Protection Coatings. Micro- film ed. Available from American Docu- mentation Institute, Washington, D.C., 1940. 134P. $1.50. ( D o c u m e n t 1436.) Met. and Alloys 13:238, Feb. 1941. Steel Castings Handbook. Steel Founders' Society of America, Cleveland, 1941. 5 0 3 P - $ 2 . Met. and Alloys 13:110, J a n . 1941. Talbot-Booth, Eric C. Aircraft of the World. 2d ed. Ryerson Press, 1940. 1 0 9 7 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . U.S. Central Statistical Board. Construc- tion, Housing, and Real Property—a Survey of Available Basic Statistical Data, by Jean H . Williams, 1940. 169P. 35^ paper. U.S. Civil Aeronautics Authority. Pilots' Radio Manual. Government Printing Office, 1940. g8p. 25^. U.S. Civil Aeronautics Authority. Practical Air Navigation. Government Printing Office, 1940. 245P. $1. (Civil Aero- nautics Bulletin 24.) U.S. Federal Power Commission. Direc- tory of Electric Utilities in United States, 1940. The Commission, Washington, D.C., 1940. 8oop. $2. Power 85:122, J a n . 1941. U.S. Naval Observatory. American Air Almanac, 1941, January-April. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1 9 4 1 . 24OP. chart. $1. (U. S. Naval Observatory. Nau- tical Almanac Office.) World Directory of Electric Current Char- acteristics. Comp. by E. S. Moore. 1st ed. Published by E. S. Moore, c/o Cen- tury Electric Co., 1806 Pine St., St. Louis, 1940. 62p. $5. Heating, Piping and Air Cond. 13:191-2, J a n . 1941. 630 Agriculture Brett, Walter. Home Gardening Encyclo- pedia. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 4 4 8 p . $ 2 . 5 0 . 640 Home Economics Skinkle, John H. Textile Testing, Physical, Chemical and Microscopical. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. 267P. $3. R.I. 1:26, Dec. 1940; T.B.R.I. 6:42, Oct. 1940. 700 Visual Arts Adressbuch Internationaler Artistik. Ausg. 2, 1940/41. Ritter, 1940. 399P- RM2.50. Appleton, Marion B., ed. Who's Who in Northwest A r t ; a Biographical Directory of Persons in the Pacific Northwest JUNE, 1941 265 Working in the Media of Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, Illustration, De- sign, and the Handicrafts. Frank Mc- Caffrey, Seattle, 1941. 87P. $1. Brazer, Esther S. Early American Decora- tion; a Comprehensive Treatise Revealing the Technique Involved in the A r t of Early American Decoration of Furniture, Walls, Tinware, etc. Pond-Ekberg Co., Springfield, Mass., 1940. 273p., il., plates (part colored). $15. Chicago. Art Institute. T h e First Century of Printmaking 1400-1500; a Catalogue Compiled by Elizabeth Mongan and Carl O. Schniewind. An Exhibition . . . Jan. 3 0 - M a r . 2, 1941. I52p. $1. Art. Dig. 15:24, Feb. 1, 1941. Bibliography. Cresswell, Keppel A. C. Early Muslim Architecture . . . P a r t 2. Early 'Abbasids, Umayyads of Cordova, Aghlabids, T u l u - nids, and Samanids. A.D. 751-905 . . . Clarendon Press, 1940. Pt. 2 , I 2 3 p . Vols. 1-2. £10/10/0. Roy. Inst, of Brit. Arch. Jl. S.3, 39:808-9, 1932. P a r t I U m a y y a d s A. D. 622-750. Published 1932. Burlington Mag. 61:187-8, 1932; Art and Arch. 33:327-8, 1932. Deutsches Jahrbuch fur Numismatik. Jg. 2, 1939. Kress and Hornung, 1939. 172D. RM10. Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak Refer- ence Book. T h e Company, Rochester. N.Y., 1 9 4 0 . 3 8 0 loose leaf. $ 2 . 7 5 . Camera Craft 48:112, Feb. 1941. Harvard University. William Hayes Fogg Art Museum. Drawings in the Fogg Museum of A r t ; a Critical Catalogue by Agnes Mongan and Paul J . Sachs. H a r - vard University Press, 1940. 3v. $25. Mag. of Art 34:34-37, J a n . 1941; Parnassus 12:23, Dec. 1940. Vol. 1 contains list of w a t e r m a r k s ; Vols. 2-3 con- tain 404 illustrations. Jannasch, A. Die Niederlandischen Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts. Propyliien, 1940. 44p. (text) RM34. (Propylaen-Kunst- geschichte. Bd. 12, Neue Bearbeitung. Contains 48 plates and 266 illustrations. Laughlin, Ledlie I. Pewter in America; Its Makers and Their Marks. Houghton Mifflin, 1940. 2v. $25. A p p e n d i x e s : I. Checklist of American makers of pewter, Brittania, or block tin. I I . Representative inventories of American pewter shops. Bibliography 3op. Swift, Emerson H . Hagia Sophia. Colum- bia University Press, 1940. 265P. Plates included in paging, front., xlvi pi., plans. $10. Mag. of Art 34=47, J a n . 1941. " M o s t a u t h o r i t a t i v e and up-to-date study available in the English language of one of the greatest architectural m o n u m e n t s of all t i m e . " Parnassus 13:118-21, M a r . 1941. Symonds, Robert W . Masterpieces of Eng- lish Furniture and Clocks; a Study of Walnut and Mahogany Furniture, and of the Associated C r a f t s of the Looking- glass Maker and Japanner, Together with an Account of Thomas Tompion and Other Famous Clock-makers of the 17th and 18th Centuries. B. T . Batsford, Lon- don, 1940. il., I 7 i p . , plates (part colored) £2/3/3. Apollo 32:158-9, Dec. 1940; Burlington Mag. 77: 203-4, Dec. 1940. T r a u b , H., and Lavies, H . W . Das Deutsche Filmschrifttum. Ein Bibliogra- phic der Biicher und Zeitschriften . . . Hiersemann, 1940. 247p. RM24. 780 Auditory Arts Arvey, Verna. Choreographic Music. Dut- ton [ 1 9 4 1 ] 523P- 25pl. $3.75. Theatre Arts M. 25:320, A p r . 1941. An i n t r o d u c t o r y manual including an index of musical compositions and bibliography and glossary of ballet terms. Biichen, Ernst. Worterbuch der Musik. Dieterich, 1940. 487P. RM6.25. (Sammlg. Dieterich, Bd. 20.) Ford, I r a W . Traditional Music of America. Dutton, 1940. 48op. $5. Gives scores, calls, and directions f o r early dance tunes. Classified index. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians . . . supplementary volume. Macmillan, 1940. 688p. $5. Wilson Lib. Bui. A p r . 1941; R.I. 1:13, M a r . 1941. Hall, David. T h e Record Book. Smith, Durell, 1940. 77 ip. $3.50. Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:587, M a r . 1941. 266 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Hughes, Anselm, comp. Liturgical Terms for Music Students. McLaughlin, Reilly [1940] 4op. 50/ (pamphlet). Moore, Elizabeth C. An Almanac for Music-lovers. Holt [1940] 382P. $2.50. Includes anecdotes, quotations, musical curiosa, and a musical calendar. Stengel, Theo, and Gerigk, Herbert. Lexi- kon der Juden in der Musik. Mit eine Titelverzeichnis jiid. Werke. Hahnefeld Verlag, 1940. 38op. RM4.80. (Verof- fentlichungen d. Instituts d. N S D A P zur Erforschg. d. Judenfrage.) % Work, John W . American Negro Songs. Howell, Soskin, New York [ 1 9 4 0 ] 2 5 9 P . $3-50. 230 folk songs, religious and secular. 800 Literature Bandeira, Manuel, ed. Antologia dos Poetas Brasileiros da Fase Parnasiana. 2a. ed. Ministerio da Educagao e Saude, Rio de Janeiro, 1940. 294P. $8 (Bra- zilian). Includes biographical and critical notes. Bandeira, Manuel, ed. Antologia dos Poetas Brasileiros da Fase Romatica. 2 ed. Ministerio da Educagao e Saude, Rio de Janeiro, 1940. 379p. $8 (Bra- zilian). Contains "biographical and critical notes. Bateson, Frederick N. W., ed. The Cam- bridge Bibliography of English Literature. Macmillan, 1941. 4v. $32.50. Notes and Queries, 18:89-90, Feb. 1, 1941; T.L.S. 2029:648, Dec. 21, 1940; 2030:660, Dec. 28, 1940. Brenner, Rica. Poets of Our Time. H a r - court, Brace, 1 9 4 1 . 4 2 3 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . Sketches of nine poets ( A u d e n , Eliot, Stephen Vincent Benet, MacLeish, Lindsay, Spender, Teas- dale, Wylie, Yeats) with critical evaluations and bibliographies. Bruncken, Herbert. Subject Index to Poetry. A.L.A., 1941. 20ip. $3.25. A subject index to the poems contained in 215 anthologies, which will also be u s e f u l in identifying poems when only a f r a g m e n t of a line is known. Canfield, Arthur G., and Patterson, W . F., eds. French Poems. Holt, 1941. 699P. $2. " A revised and enlarged edition of French Lyrics." Combs, Homer C., and Sullens, Zay R. A Concordance to the English Poems of John Donne. Packard and Co., Chicago, 1940. 4i8p. $7.50. P.W. 139:851, Feb. 15, 1941. Donovan, Frank Pierce. The Railroad in Literature; a Brief Survey of Railroad Fiction, Poetry, Songs, Biography, Essays, Travel, and Drama in the English Lan- guage, Particularly Emphasizing Its Place in American Literature. Railway and Locomotive Historical Society, c/o Baker Library, Harvard Business School, Bos- ton, 1940. I38p. $3; $2 to members. Ehrsam, Theodore G., comp. A Bibliogra- phy of Alfred Edward Housman. Faxon, 1941. 44P. $1.25. (Useful Reference Series, No. 66.) P.W. 139:935, Feb. 22; 1236, M a r . 15, 1941. " I n a c c u r a t e , incomplete and without pretense to proper bibliographical f o r m . . . Gives an imposing a r r a y of material written about H o u s m a n . " C. A. Stonehill. English Institute Annual, 1939. Columbia University Press, 1940. 164P. $2. F i r s t collection of papers of the institute whose " p r i m a r y purpose is to consider essential problems of literary and linguistic r e s e a r c h . " P a r t i a l c o n t e n t s : Choosing a Topic f o r Research, by Carl Van D o r e n ; Biography in America, by Townsend S c u d d e r ; The Search f o r English L i t e r a r y Documents, by J a m e s M. Osborn. Fifty Years of German D r a m a ; a Bibliogra- phy of Modern German Drama, 1880- 1930; Based on the Loewenberg Collection in the Johns Hopkins University Library. Johns Hopkins Press, 1 9 4 1 . I 2 0 p . $ 3 . 7 5 . P.W. 139:1055, M a r . 1, 1941. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James, comp. The Ox- ford Book of Spanish Verse, Eighteenth Century-Twentieth Century; 2d ed., by J . B. Trend. Oxford University Press, 1 9 4 1 . 5 7 6 P . $ 3 . Goedeke, Karl. Goedekes Grundriss zur Geschichte der Deutschen Dichtung; herausgegeben von G. Minde-Pouet. Lfg. I [for period 1830-1880] Ehlermann, 1940. i-2o8p. Apply. Gove, Philip B. The Imaginary Voyage in Prose Fiction; a History of Its Criticism and a Guide for Its Study, With an An- JUNE, 1941 267 notated Check List of Two Hundred and Fifteen Imaginary Voyages from 1700 to 1800. Columbia University Press, 1941. 4 5 6 p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Grieve, Christopher M . The Golden T r e a - sury of Scottish Poetry. Macmillan, 1 9 4 0 . 456p. 8s6d ( $ 2 . 5 0 Toronto). T.L.S. 2037:78, Feb. 15, 1941. Harbage, Alfred B. Annals of English Drama 9 7 5 - 1 7 0 0 ; an Analytical Record of All Plays, Extant or Lost, Chrono- logically Arranged and Indexed by Au- thors, Titles, Dramatic Companies, etc. (Published in cooperation with the Mod- ern Language Association of America.) University of Pennsylvania Press, Phila- delphia, 1940. 264P. $3. Should prove to be of more general use than Greg's Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration because of longer period covered and excellent a r r a n g e m e n t of material. T h e infor- mation on latest modern edition should make it a u s e f u l buying guide. A title by title check with Greg f o r the letters A through C discloses no omis- sions in H a r b a g e . Index to Early American Periodical Litera- ture, 1 7 2 8 - 1 8 7 0 . P a r t I. The List of Periodicals Indexed. Pamphlet Dis- tributing Co., 1941. I2p. Single copy 350; 10 or more io0 each. Jackson, Daniel, comp. Anthologie de Poesie; an Anthology of European Verses, Classic and Modern, in the Original; with French Translations. Stechert. 582p. $4. Jenyns, Soame, tr. Selections from the Three Hundred Poems of the T'ang Dynasty. Dutton, 1 9 4 1 . I i 6 p . $1.25. (Wisdom of the East Series.) Jong, Dirk de. Onze Letterkundigen. Bio-en bibliographisch woordenboek der Nederlandsche, Vlaamsche en Zuid- Afrikaasche letterkundigen van 1 8 8 0 - 1 9 4 0 . Brill, 1941. 15 guilders. Miller, Edmund M . Australian Literature; a Bibliographical and Descriptive Survey of Books Published by Australian Authors from 1795 to 1935 in the Class-divisions of Poetry, Fiction, Drama, Essays, Criti- cism and Anthology; and Including Bio- graphical and Literary Sketches. . . . (Melbourne University Press) Stechert, 1 9 4 0 . 2 v . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . O'Neill, Edward H . A Description and Analysis of the Bibliography of American Literature . . . Prepared by Edward H. O'Neill. Pennsylvania Historical Survey, Harrisburg, Pa., 1941. 25p. Free. Rogers, Paul P. The Spanish Drama Col- lection in the Oberlin College Library; a Descriptive Catalogue. Oberlin College, 1 9 4 0 . 4 6 9 P . $ 4 . 5 0 . P.W. 139:262, J a n . 18, 1941. 7400 dramatic works covering period 1675 to iga^, listed with exact recording of title-pages a n d place and date of first p e r f o r m a n c e . Sola, Otto d'. Antologia de la Moderna Poesia Venezolana. Impresocres Unidos, 1940. 2v. Apply. I n c l u d e s biographical notes. Summers, Montague. A Gothic Bibliogra- phy. Fortune Press, 1 9 4 0 . 6 2 0 p . 4 2 s . Tannenbaum, Samuel A. Shakspere's King Lear (A Concise Bibliography.) The Author, 601 W . 113th St., New York, 1 9 4 0 . ioip. $ 5 . 5 0 . (Elizabethan Bibli- ographies, No. 16.) Tyler, Moses C. The Literary History of the American Revolution. Barnes and Noble, 1 9 4 1 . 2 v . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . (Facsimile Li- brary.) A r e p r i n t of an old s t a n d b y . Uslar Pietri, Arturo, and Padron, Julian, ed. Antologia del Cuento Moderno Venezo- lano ( 1 8 9 5 - 1 9 3 5 ) . Taller de Artes Graficas, 1940. 2v. Apply. Williams, Edwin E. Racine depuis 1885; Bibliographie Raisonnee des Livres—Ar- ticles—Comptes-rendus Critiques Relatifs a la Vie et l'Oeuvre de Jean Racine 1885- J 9 3 9 - Johns Hopkins Press, 1 9 4 0 . 2 7 9 P . Apply. (Johns Hopkins Studies in Ro- mance Literature and Languages. Extra Volume X V I . ) 900 History Cambridge History of the British Empire. Vol. 2. The Growth of the New Em- 268 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES pire, 1 7 8 3 - 1 8 7 0 . Macmillan, 1 9 4 1 . i o 8 o p . $ 1 0 . 5 0 . T.L.S. p. 15, J a n . 11, 1941. Koch, Rudolf. Zeichenbuch, Welches alle Arten von Zeichen Enthalt, wie sie gebraucht worden sind in d. friihesten Zeiten . . . 3. Aufl. Insel-Verlag, 1940. I 0 9 p . R M 5 . Lautenschlager, Friedrich. Bibliographie der Badischen Geschichte . . . Jahrgang 1939. Braun, 1940. 63P. RM1.50. (Zeitschrift f u r die Geschichte des Ober- rheins. N.F. Bd. 53, Beil.) Maier-Hartmann, Fritz. Dokumente des Dritten Reiches. Hrsg. von Adolf Dres- ler. 2. Aufl. Eher, 1940. 575p. RM6.50. (Sammlung Rehse. Bd. 2.) Wattenbach, Wilhelm. Deutschlands Ge- schichtsquellen im Mittelalter: Deutsch. Kaiserzeit. Hrsg. von Robert Holtz- mann. Bd. 1, H.3 Ebering, 1940. 359- 6i7p. RM6.40. The World Over in 1940; ed. by Leon Bryce Bloch and Lamar Middleton. Liv- ing Age Press, 1941. 914P. $4. Commentary and chronology, nation by nation, and day by day throughout the year. 910 Geography and Travel Gregory, Cecil A. Atlas of the Discovery, Settlement, and Exploration of Australia. The Author, 30 Margaret St., Manly, Sydney, N.S.W., 1940. 64P. 2s. 920 Biography Lansing, Marion. Liberators and Heroes of South America. L. C. Page, 1940. 320p. $2.75. Contains 15 biographical sketches. Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt Cyclopedia; ed. by Albert Bushnell H a r t and Herbert Ronald Ferleger; foreword by William Allen White. Roosevelt Me- morial Association, 28 E. 20th St., New York, 1941. 674P. $6. South African Woman's Who's Who. Bi- ographies Pty. Ltd., Johannesburg, 1940. 497P- 52s6d. Yaben, Jacinto R. Biografias Argentinas y Sudamericanas. Tome 5. "Metropolis," 1940. I445P- Apply. JUNE, 1941 269