College and Research Libraries T h e new rare East book library of Har- vard University will be opened early in 1942. Preparations are now being made for the transfer from the Widener Library to the new building of some one hundred thousand of the li- brary's rare volumes. T h e trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N . H . , Nathaniel L . Goodrich, librarian, have authorized the construction of a new wing and an addition to the stacks of the Dartmouth College Library. W o r k will begin immediately. T h e Franklin D . Roosevelt Library was formally dedicated by the President of the United States at Hyde Park on June 30. A m o n g the material recently added to the library are stenographic re- ports of the President's press conferences from 1933 to 1940, a collection of pamph- lets and other printed materials pertaining chiefly to the United States N a v y in the nineteenth century, and additional files of presidential papers. T h r o u g h the efforts of the staff of the Princeton University Library, Julian P. Boyd, librarian, the Princeton Archives of American Civilization have been es- tablished. T h e purpose of the organization is the collection and preservation of rec- ords relating to all aspects of American civilization, including the enormous doc- umentation of radio, industry, dramatic arts, public affairs, history, and literature. Committees representing the various fields have been appointed. T h e diaries, letters, and other manuscripts collected will be housed at Princeton. A readers' advisory service was begun in the Hamilton Smith Library, Univer- sity of N e w Hampshire, Durham, in Sep- tember. David Jolly is librarian. News from T h e Library of South Congress and the University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, are spon- soring a cooperative project designed to enable the two libraries to complete their collections of the legislative journals of the American colonies, states, and terri- tories. Professor W . S. Jenkins of the University of North Carolina is in charge of the project, and, during the fall of 1941, will be on special appointment with the Library of Congress, directing the copying on microfilm of these printed and manuscript documents wherever they may be found. T h e Western Carolina Teachers Col- lege, Cullowhee, M r s . Lilian B. Bu- chanan, librarian, has completed a survey of the circulation of all books and maga- zines used during the year 1939-40, and is using this survey as a guide in the selec- tion of books and other reading materials. T h e charging system devised by the staff of the Woman's College Library of the University of North Carolina, Greens- boro, G u y R. Lyle, librarian, has brought inquiries from many interested librarians. T h e system or adaptations of it are now in use in several institutions, including the Joint University Libraries of Nashville and the University of Georgia. It was de- scribed in the Library Journal, January I, 1940. T h e new University of South Carolina Library, Columbia, was dedicated on June 2. T h e building cost $570,000, and has an estimated capacity of three hundred thousand volumes. R . H . Wienefeld is acting librarian. A retirement plan for North Carolina 92 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the Field state employees was made effective on July I, 1941. It includes college and uni- versity librarians in state-supported insti- tutions and is based on a fifty-fifty contribution by state and individual. Northland Col- Middle West lege at Ashland, Wis., Kate S. Kep- ler, librarian, dedicated its new library on June 14, 1941. T h e building, which is a replica of the Wakefield, Va., birthplace of George Washington, was constructed under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Contracts have been let for a new li- brary building at Macalester College, St. Paul. T h e new building will house one hundred thousand volumes, will have seat- ing space for 250 students, and should be ready for occupancy in June 1942. Helen A . Stratte is librarian. Microfilm copies of several important professional library journals are being pre- pared for the M a r y Reed Library of the University of Denver, according to Joe Hare, librarian. Among the journals al- ready filmed or in process are Revue des Bibliotheques, Internationale Bibliographie des Buch und Bibliothekswesens, Jahr- buch der Deutschen Bibliotheken, and Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. T h e new Henry Pfeiffer Memorial Li- brary of M a c M u r r a y College, Jackson- ville, 111., was dedicated on M a y 24. Charles H . Brown, president of the American Library Association, delivered the dedicatory address. T h e librarian is Ellen Cheek. T h e Indiana University Library, Bloomington, has received the private li- braries of Samuel B. and Theophilus A . W y l i e . T h e latter was a member of the faculty of the university from 1837 t o 1886 and was the institution's first li- brarian. T h e collection is typical of pri- vate libraries of middle nineteenth century scholars. Among the conferences held at Indiana University during the past summer was a library conference on books for youth, which featured Lou L . L a Brant, profes- sor of English and education at Ohio State University, Columbus. A comprehensive bibliography of official Colorado publications has been started by Lorene Ashton, junior librarian in charge of documents at the Colorado State Col- lege Library, Fort Collins. T h e University of Southwest N e w Mexico Li- brary, Albuquerque, is making a special effort to bring together basic source materials on the history of N e w Mexico and of the Southwest. Some 250 volumes of documents have been pho- tostated and cataloged and are now availa- ble in the university library. T o these have been added recently microfilm copies of 180 bundles of Santa Fe archives relating to the period between 1685 and 1846. T h e Oregon State Far West C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Corvallis, Lucy M . Lewis, librarian, has been enlarged by the addition of a three-story wing which was completed in M a y . T h e seating capacity has been doubled and space provided for more than one hundred thousand addi- tional volumes. W i t h the acquisition of the first issue of McCormick's Almanac, the Portland ( O r e . ) Library Association, Nell A . DECEMBER., 1941 93 Unger, librarian, now holds the only known complete file of this well-known almanac which was published by S. J. McCormick of Portland from 1855 to 1881. Among the gifts recently received by the Los Angeles Public Library was a collection of Susan B. Anthony manu- scripts and books given to the library by the Susan B. Anthony Memorial Library of California. Another significant gift was the T o l e r manuscript, the log of the Mexican W a r ship, "Savanna." Under the direc- Canada tion of C . F . M c - Combs of the N e w Y o r k Public Library a survey of the Ca- nadian research libraries is being made. T h e survey is sponsored by the Rocke- feller Foundation. W a y n e S. Yena- Personnel wine, formerly as- sistant to the di- rector of libraries, University of Illinois, Urbana, has been made associate librarian at the University of Georgia, Athens. Gerald H . Sandy, until recently head of the exchange division at the University of Illinois, has been appointed librarian of the Kansas City, Kan., Public Library. Thomas A . Meade, of the Queens Bor- ough Public Library, has been appointed librarian of the Joseph Schaffner Library of Commerce, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Henry E. Coleman, Jr., formerly ref- erence librarian, Western Washington College, Bellingham, is now librarian of Washington College, Chestertown, M d . Felix Eugene Snider of the Southeast Missouri State Teachers College Li- brary, Cape Girardeau, has been appointed librarian at East Carolina Teachers Col- lege, Greenville, N . C . M r s . Rachel W o o d , who has been li- brarian of the Railroad Retirement Board, was appointed chief of the Division of Reading and Reference Services in the United States Department of Agriculture Library, effective July 1. Joining the staff at the same time were Mildred Benton, who will serve as coordinator of bureau libraries, and Mrs. Mildred B. Williams, who will be chief of the Division of Field Library Services. Arthur M . M c A n a l l y , formerly assist- ant librarian at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., became librarian of Bradley Polytech- nic Institute, Peoria, 111., on September 1. Helen Hagan, M . A . , School of Library Service, Columbia University, became li- brarian of Coker College, Hartsville, S.C., effective September 1. D r . Hans H . Atkinson Bernt, School of Library Service, Columbia University, has been appointed law librarian of the University of Newark. M a r y Louise Alexander has resigned as director of the Philadelphia Biblio- graphical Center to join the Office of Civilian Defense in Washington. She was formerly with Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn in N e w Y o r k City where she organized and directed the research de- partment for many years. She has served as president of the Special Libraries As- sociation and held various other profes- sional offices. Miss Alexander will act as a special research assistant and will advise on library activities within the Office of Civilian Defense. B E N J A M I N E . P O W E L L 94 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES A.C.R.L. Committees and Directors, 1941-42 Standing Committees 1. Committee on Budget, Compensation, and Schemes of Service (Subcommittee, A.L.A. Board on Salaries, Staff, and Tenure) Louis Shores, director, Library School, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., chairman Mary Vick Burney, librarian, University of Tennessee Junior College, Martin John S. Richards, University of Washington Library, Seattle Fremont Rider, librarian, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Eugene H. Wilson, assistant librarian, Iowa State College, Ames Ralph M . Dunbar, chief, Library Service Division, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 2. Committee on College and University Library Buildings (Subcommittee, A.L.A. Committee on Library Architecture and Building Planning) Ralph E. Ellsworth, director of libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder, chairman Francis L. D. Goodrich, librarian, College of the City of New York Edna Ruth Hanley, librarian, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Edward A. Henry, director of libraries, University of Cincinnati John S. Richards, University of Washington Library, Seattle Frank K. Walter, university librarian, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Blanche P. McCrum, librarian, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. 3. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws Samuel W . McAllister, associate librarian, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, chairman Mary H. Clay, librarian, Louisiana State University, Junior College Division, Monroe Edmon Low, librarian, Oklahoma State Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater Emily Garnett, reference department, White Plains Public Library, White Plains, N . Y . Charles V. Park, librarian, Central State Teachers College, Mount Pleasant, Mich. 4. Committee on Importations (Joint committee with the A.L.A.) Thomas P. Fleming, medical librarian, Columbia University, New York City, representative 5. Committee on Publications Guy R. Lyle, librarian, University of North Carolina Woman's College, Greens- boro, chairman Special Committees 1. Committee to Apply to Certain Institutions a "Study of the Use of Books in the Different Courses of the College Curricula" Charles H. Brown, librarian, Iowa State College, Ames DECEMBER., 1941 95 2. Committee to Consider with a Joint Committee from the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation the Project for the Publication of an Encyclopedia of Sports and Games Wilson M . Ranck, Hackley Public Library, Muskegon, Mich. Dorothy M . Black, University of Illinois Library, Urbana George Pettengill, Reading, Pa., Public Library Elizabeth Scott Richardson, University of Colorado Library, Boulder 3. Special Committee on National Defense Services Charles M . Mohrhardt, Detroit Public Library, chairman Directors Directors of A.C.R.L. Winifred Ver Nooy, reference librarian, University of Chicago Libraries (1942) Etheldred Abbot, librarian, Ryerson and Burnham Library of Architecture, Art Institute, Chicago (1943) Willard P. Lewis, librarian, Pennsylvania State College, State College (1944) Section Directors College Libraries: Fina C. Ott, librarian, Alma College, Alma, Mich. Junior College Libraries: Lois E. Engleman, librarian, Campbell Memorial Library, Frances Shimer Junior College, Mount Carroll, 111. Libraries of Teacher-Training Institutions: Mary Floyd, librarian, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond Reference Librarians: Luther H. Evans, Assistant Librarian of Congress, Wash- ington, D.C. University Libraries: Donald Coney, librarian, University of Texas, Austin C O R R E C T I O N S Miss Ruth E. Schoneman, whose ar- ticle " T h e Union Catalog in the A r t Field" appeared in the September 1941 issue, was reported as cataloger in the University of Chicago Library. Miss Schoneman is now editor of the Union Catalog of A r t Books in Chicago. Miss Rea J. Steele was noted (June 1941, p. 284) as librarian, State Teachers College, Mansfield, Pa. Miss Stella Doane is college librarian, and Miss Steele is librarian of the Laboratory Schools of the State Teachers College, Mansfield, Pa. 96 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES