College and Research Libraries Current Reference Aids C OMPILED by the Subcommittee on Current Reference Aids of the Association of College and Reference Libraries, covering the quarter, April I-June 30, I94L Titles are arranged by broad D.C. classification, with citations to reviews and annota­ tions in many instances. The committee: Louis Shores, chairman; Frances Neel Cheney, secretary; Etheldred Abbot; Mabel L. Conat; Jack Dalton; Judith W. Hunt; Louis Kaplan; Charles F. McCombs; Robert Orr; James T. Rubey; Harold Russell; Anne M. Smith. Please address all communications to Louis Shores, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tennessee. OIO (General only, including periodical indexes) Bennett, Whitman. A Practical Guide to American Book Collecting (I663-I940). Bennett Book Studios, I94I. 254P· $7.50. P.W. 139:1784·8s, Apr. 26, 1941. (Favorably re­ viewed by R. W. G. Vail.) Annotations and full bibliographical information on the first printings of nearly a thousand outstanding American books. Besterman, Theodore. Early Printed Books to the End of the Sixteenth Century: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Quaritch, I940. 309p. 2Is. Hervias, E. Varela. lndice de la Hemero­ teca Municipal de Madrid. Fasciculo I. Section de Cultura e Informacion, Artes Gd.ficas Municipales, Madrid, I941. I50p. 25 pesetas. 1oughlin, G. Louis. Basic Reference Forms. Crofts, I94I. 94P· So¢. Martin, Laura K. Magazines for High Schools; An Evaluation of a Hundred Titles. Wilson, I94I. I6Ip. $1.75. Winchell, Constance M. Reference Books of I938-I940. A.L.A., I94I. w6p. $1.25. 020 Library Science Schone, Walter. Deutsche Zeitung des siebzehnten 1ahrhunderts in Abbildungen. Harrassowitz, I940. 432p. RM 20. (Deutsche Zeitung im ersten 1ahrhunderts ihres Bestehens, I609-I700.) Deutsche Literaturzeitung, column I30, Feb. 2, I94I. I oo Philosophy Bibliotheca Esoterica: Catalogue Annote et Illustre de 6,707 Ouvrages ... des Sci­ ences Occultes et des Societes Secretes. Dorbon aine, I940. 668p. 8o fr. (French) 300 Social Sciences Adler's Directory; A Compilation of Pas­ senger Steamships Sailing from European Ports and Arriving in the Eastern Ports of the U.S. from I899 to I929 Inclusive. Steamship Directory Publishers, I940. 3I2p. $10. Arranged first by year, then by country, steamship line, day of the month, and name of steamship. Designed for the use of immigrants seeking citizen­ ship, but also valuable for the historian. Anuario Ercilla, ano I, I940. Sinopsis Gen­ eral de Chile. . . . Paises Latinoameri­ canos. Ercilla, I940. I992p. Apply. Statistics on government, economics, etc. 1ohnson, Charles S. Statistical Atlas of Southern Counties. University of North Carolina Press, I941. 355P· $4. Has bibliography of over 6oo books, doctoral dis­ sertations, and special reports on counties. Schapera, I., camp. Select Bibliography of South African Native Life and Problems. Oxford University Press, I94I. 250p. IOs.6d. Nature 147:525, May 3, 1941. 330 Economics Chapel, Charles E. Fingerprinting; A Man­ ual of Identification. Coward-McCann, I94I. 299P· $4.75. COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 76 History with chapters on technique, fingerprint patterns, and classification. For the layman, but quite detailed in treatment. Clarke, Helen I. Social Legislation, Ameri­ can Laws Dealing with Family, Child, and Dependent. Appleton-Century, I940. 655p. $4.50. Am. Pol. Sci. R. 34:1205, Dec. 1940; Ann. Am. Acad. 213:216, Jan. 1941. Poel, D. C. van der. Economische Encyclo­ pedie. ·w. de Haan, I940. 700 columns. 3-95 guilders. Ratti, Luis P. Diccionario Razonado de la Legislacion Comercial, Occidental Busi­ ness Agency, Buenos Aires, I940. 539P· Apply. Social Security Year book for the Calendar Year I939· Annual Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin. Federal Security Agency, I940. 27Ip. 50¢. First issue. Covers 1933·39­ U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com­ merce. Atlas of Wholesale Dry Goods Trading Areas by Elma S. Moulton. Government Printing Office, I94I. I07P· 30¢. (U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Do­ mestic Commerce. Economic Series, I2) Forty-six selected metropolitan areas. Market data coverage incomplete. U.S. Temporary National Economic Com­ mittee. Monographs. Government Print­ ing Office, I940-I94I. 44 vols. $I6.5o. Charts, diagrams, and statistical data. Wer leitet? Die Manner der Wirtschaft und der einschlagigen Verwaltung. Hop­ penstedt, I940. IOI2p. RM 72. Gives for each man: date of birth, occupation, ad· dress, companies with which affiliated, and society membership. 370 Education Baez Allende, Amadeo. U niversidades Latino-Americanas. lmprenta N acional, I94o. 40p. Apply. Contains brief histories. Beals, Ralph A., and Brody, Leon. Litera­ ture of Adult Education. American As­ sociation for Adult Education, I94I. 493P· $2. DECEMBER, 1941 Brainard, Alanson D. Handbook for School Custodians. University of Nebraska, Ex­ tension Division, I94I. I 70p. $1. (Con­ tribution to Education I6.) Cattell, ]. McKeen, Cattell, Jaques, and Ross, E. E., eds. Leaders in Education­ A Biographical Directory. 2d ed. Sci­ ence Press, Lancaster, Pa., I94I. I I34P· $7. First revision in eight years. Engelman, Lois E., and Eells, Walter C. The Literature of Junior College Ter­ minal Education. American Association of Junior Colleges, 7 44 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C., I94I. 322p. $2.50. (Terminal Education Monograph 1.) L.J. 66:607, 626, July 1941. Annotated bibliography of more than 1500 titles. Holmes, Ruth M. Sources of Free Teach­ ing Aids. State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa., I94I. 50¢. Lehman, Maxwell, and Yarmon, Mormon. Guide to U.S. Government Jobs. Home Institute, I09 W. I9 St., N.Y., I941. 39P· I5¢· Small, George D. Dean of Men's View­ point--:-An Annotated Bibliography of References of Interest to Deans and Ad­ visers of Men. National Association of Deans and Advisers of Men, I94I. 200p. Apply. Traxler, Arthur E., and Seder, M. Ten Years of Research in Reading-Summary and Bibliography. Educational Records Bureau, 437 W. 59 St., N.Y., I94I. I95P· $1.25. (Bulletin 32.) 400 Philology Goldman, Stanislaw. Dictionnaire Fran~ais­ Polonais et Polonais-Fran~aise. Edit. Franco-Polonaises, I940. 508p. 36 fr. (French) Wilhelm, Hellmut. Deutsch-Chinesisches Worterbuch. Pt. 1. Nossler, Shanghai, I940. 208p. RM 40 (complete) 77 500 Sciences National Research Council. Industrial Re­ search Laboratories of the United States. 7th ed. National Research Council, 1940. 372p. $3.50. (Bulletin 104.) Am. Chern. Soc. News Ed. 19:598, May 25, 1941. 530 Physical Sciences Ellis, Carleton, and Wells, Alfred A. The Chemical Action of Ultraviolet Rays. Reinhold, 1941. 961p. $12. Am. Chern. Soc. News Ed. 12:548, May 10, 1941; Am. Chern. Soc, ll. 63:1773, june 1941; Jl. Datry Sci. 24:A129·3o, May 1941. Jackson, Mary L. Guide to Mineral In­ dustries Literature. Pennsylvania State College Library, State College, 1940. 18p. 50¢ (Pennsylvania State College, Library Studies 2.) Patterson, Austin M., and Capell, Leonard T. The Ring Index. A List of Ring Systems Used in Organic Chemistry. Reinhold, 1940. 661p. $8. (American Chemical Society Monograph 84.) Am. Chern. Soc. News Ed. 19:278, Mar, 10, 1941. 570 Biological Sciences Chamberlin, Willard ]. Entomological Nomenclature and Literature. Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1941. 103P· $2.60. Clute, Willard N. American Plant Names. Willard N. Clute & Co., Indianapolis, 1940. 285p. $3. A list of vernacular names of plants in North· eastern America. Cushman, Joseph A. Foraminifera, Their Classification and Economic Use. 3d ed., rev. and enl. with An Illustrated Key to the Genera. Harvard University Press, 1940. 535P· $6. Bibliography: p. 335-94. Hambidge, Gave . Hunger Signs in Crops. Judd & Detweiler, Washington, D.C., 1941. 327P· $2.50. Am. Soc. Agron. ll. 33:579-80, June 1941. Hayman, R. W., and Holt, G. W. C. The Families and Genera of Living Rodents. Vol. I, Rodents Other than Muridae by ]. R. Ellerman. Quaritch, 1940. 689p. 35S. Hering, Martin. Lepidopterologisches Wor­ terbuch. Kernen, 1940. 123p. RM 5.6o. Hortus Second; A Concise Dictionary of Gardening, General Horticulture and Cultivated Plants in North America. Camp. by L. H. Bailey and E. Z. Bailey. Macmillan, 1941. 778p. $12. Flower Grower 28:286, June 1941. 6oo Useful Arts Brown, Harry P., and Panshin, Alexis J. Commercial Timbers of the United States. McGraw-Hill, 1940. 554P· $5. ll. Forestry 39:492, May 1941; Mech. Engr. 63:390, May 1941; Southern Lumberman 162:32, Feb. 15, 1941. Haven, George B. Handbook of Industrial Fabrics. 3d ed. Wellington-Sears Co., 65 Worth St., N.Y., 1941. 789p. $2. Am. Chern. Soc. News Ed. 19:548, May 10, 1941. Limited to cotton fabrics manufactured by one company. Useful to purchasers. 610 Medicine Allen, Edgar van N uys, ed. Specialties in Medical Practice. Nelson, 1940. 2 vols., loose-leaf. $22. Great Britain. War Office. International Nomenclature of Blood Groups. Special Army Order 41. H.M. Stationery Office, 1941. Id. Hiron, Peter. Knaurs Gesundheits Lexikon. Knaur, 1940. 575P· RM 2.85. Johnson, Bascomb, camp. Digest of Laws and Regulations Relating to the Preven­ tion and Control of Syphilis and Gonor­ rhea in the Forty-eight States and the District of Columbia. American Social Hygiene Association, 1940. 438p., loose­ leaf. $4.50. (American Social Hygiene Association Publication A-274·) Merck & Co., Inc. [Annotated Bibliogra­ phies] Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J., 1940-41. Free. Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E). 1940. 138p. COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 78 Nicotinic Acid. 1940. 142p. Pantothenic Acid. 1941. sop. Riboflavin. 1941. I73P· Sulfapyridine (2-sulfanilyl aminopyridine). 1940. 144P· Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride). 1940. 97P· Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). I 941. 64p. Vitamin K. 1940. 91p. Mitchell, Albert G. Pediatric Bibliography. National Research Council, 1941. 1 Igp. 75¢. (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development VI, No. I.) Sollner, Roland. Index Therapeutique de Medecine Dentaire. Poyot, 1940. 191p. 8 fr.(Swiss) Von Oettingen, Wolfgang F. Toxicity and Potential Dangers of Aliphatic and Aro­ matic Hydrocarbons: A Critical Review of the Literature. Government Printing Office, 1940. I35P· 20¢. (Public Health Bulletin 255.) Bibliography: p. 58-65, I25-35. Obstetrics & Gynecology Guide. Vol. 1­ Obstetrics and Gynecology Guide, 3313 qth St., Washington, D.C., 1941- . $g. a year. 620 Engineering Anderson, Edwin P. Audels Millwrights and Mechanics Guide. Audel & Co., 49 W. 23rd St., N.Y., 1940. I 167p. $4. Crosby-Fish-Forster Handbook of Fire Pro­ tection. R. S. Moulton, ed. gth ed. National Fire Protection Association, 6o Battery-March St., Boston, 1941. 1308p. $4-50. Engr. News Rec. I26:79-8o, Mar. 27, I94I; Heat­ ing, Piping, Air Cond. I3: I34-35, Apr. I94I. " ... represents the work of more than IOo au­ thorities." Motor's Factory Flat Rate Manual. 14th ed. Motor, 572 Madison Ave., N.Y., 1941. 12ogp. $ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Concrete Manual. 3d ed. U.S. Bureau of Re­ clamation, Denver, 1941. 466p. $1. DECEMBERJ 1941 Engr. News Rec. I26:6I6, Apr. 24, I94I· " ... brings concrete knowledge up to date and outlines bureau practices...." Vine, Davis. The Reference Book of Air­ craft Wheels. Pitman, 1941. 61p. Is. Welded Steel Tubing Handbook. Formed Steel Tube Institute, 1621 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, 1941. 86p. $1. Prod. Engr. I2:332, June I94I; Refrig. Engr. 4I :330, May I94I. Welding Encyclopedia. Stuart Plumley, ed. 10th ed. Welding Engineer Publishing Company, 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 1941. 712p. $5. In addition to technical material, it contains in­ formation for buyers of welding supplies and equip­ ment. Who's Who in Engineering, 1941. 5th ed. Lewis Historical Publishing Co., N.Y., 1941. 2107p. $10. 700 Visual Arts Almanach du Cinema, 1941. Film-Press- Service, Geneva, 1940? I 14p. 2 fr. (Swiss) First issue. Also published under the title Film­ Kalender, I94I. Bunim, Miriam S. Space in Medieval Painting and the Forerunners of Perspec­ tive. Columbia University Press, 1940. 261p. $s. Art Bull. 23 :I78-8o, June I94I; Parnassus I3 :I8I, May I94I; Technical Studies 9:I76-8o, Jan. I94I­ Bibliography: 207- I 6. Douglas, Frederic H., and Harnoncourt, Rene d'. Indian Art of the United States. Museum of Modern Art, N.Y., 1941. 218p. $3.50. Art. Bull. 23:I67-69, June I94I; Art Digest I5:27, Mar. I, I94I; Mag. of Art 34:2I6, Apr. I94I; Parnassus I3 :u7, Mar. I941. Selected bibliography: 2II-I8. Kobbe, Herman. Housing and Regional Planning. Dutton, 1941. 233p. $3. Arch. Rec. 89:28, Apr. I94I. National Society for the Study of Education. Fortieth Year book; ... Art in American Life and Education ... ed. by Guy M. Whipple. Public School Publishing Co., Bloomington, Ill., 1941. 81gp. $4. Parnassus I3 :I83, May I94I. 79 Thomas, Mary. Dictionary of Embroidery. Hodder and Stoughton, I94I. 6s. Wheeler, Joseph L., and Githens, A. M. American Public Library Buildings. Scrib­ ner, I94I. 484p. $4. Booklist 37 :s39, July IS, I941. 780 Auditory Arts Panum, Hortense. The Stringed Instru­ ments of the Middle Ages: Their Evolu­ tion and Development. Rev. and ed. from the Danish by ]. Pulver. Wm. Reeves, I941. 520p. 22s.6d. 8oo Literature Allen, Gay, and Clark, Harry H. Literary Criticism; Pope to Croce. American Book Co., I94I. 66gp. $4. "Collected writings of the main literary critics of the western world since the seventeenth century." P.W. Bentley, Gerald E. The Jacobean and Caroline Stage; Dramatic Companies and Players. Oxford University Press, I941. 2 vols. $I5. Booth, Bradford A., and Jones, Claude E. A Concordance of the Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Johns Hopkins Press, I94I. 225p. $ Bryan, William F., and Dempster, G. C., eds. Sources and Analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. University of Chi­ cago Press, I94I. 765p. $10. Dumesnil, Rene, and Demorest, D. L. Bib­ liographie de Gustave Flaubert. L. Giraud-Badin, I940. 36op. 65 fr. (French) Grismer, Raymond L. A New Bibliography of the Literatures of Spain and Spanish America. Partial Report of W.P.A. Proj­ ect II O.P. I65-I-7I-I24. Taylor-Made Perine Book Co., Minneapolis, I941. V ols. I-2. $3 each. Hispania 24:248, May I94I. Lists everything printed in Spanish. Covers the letter "A." Haas, Robert B., and Gallup, Donald C. A Catalogue of the Published and Unpub­ lished Writings of Gertrude Stein, Ex­ hibited in the Yale University Library, 22 February to 29 March, I94I. Yale Uni­ versity Library, I94I. 64p. 50¢. P.W. I39:I232-3s Mar. IS, I94I (Reviewed favor­ ably by R. F. Roberts). Hangen, Eva C., comp. A Concordance to the Complete Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt. University of Chicago Press, I94I. 545P· $5. Hill, Raymond T., and Bergin, Thomas G., eds. Anthology of the Proven<;al Trouba­ dours; Texts, Notes, and Vocabulary. Yale University Press, I941. 363p. $5. (Yale Romanic Studies, I7.) Langenbucher, Hellmuth. Volkhafte Dich­ tung der Zeit. Junker und Diinnhaupt, I940. 653p. RM 10? Includes portraits, brief biographies, and biblio­ graphical references. Lewis, Benjamin R. The Shakespeare Documents; Facsimiles, Transliterations, Translations and Commentary. Stanford University Press, I941. 330p. $35. Matthiessen, Francis 0. American Renais­ sance; Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. Oxford Univer­ sity Press, I94I. 702p. $5. Ostrom, John W. A Checklist of Letters to and from Poe. Alderman Library, University of Virginia, I941. 57P· $2. (University of Virginia Bibliography 4.) A mimeographed checklist of all known letters written to or by Edgar Allan Poe. Picon Salas, Mariano. Formacion y Proceso de la Literatura Venezolana. Cecilio Acosta, I 940. 27 I p. 8 Bolivars. Contains a bibliography of Venezuelan literature for I930-40. Steinhauer, Harry, and Walter, Felix. Om­ nibus of French Literature. Vol. I, From the Renaissance to the Revolution; Vol. II, The Nineteenth Century. Macmillan, I94I. $3.50 each. Tannenbaum, Samuel A. John Webster; A Concise Bibliography. The Author, 6oi w. II3th St., N.Y., I94I. 48p. $3.25­ ( Elizabethan Bibliographies, I g.) COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 80 Tannenbaum, Samuel A. Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice; A Concise Bib­ liography. The Author, I94I. 150p. $6. (Elizabethan Bibliographies, I 7.) Tannenbaum, Samuel A. Thomas Kyd: A Concise Bibliography. The Author, I94I· 34P· $3.25. (Elizabethan Bibliographies, I8.) Walch, J. L. Nieuw Handboek tot de N ederlandsche Letterkundige Geschie­ denis. Afl. I-2. M. Nijhoff, I940. 208p. 8.50 guilders (complete) Waxman, Meyer. History of Jewish Lit­ erature from the Close of the Bible to Our Own Days. Bloch, I930-41. 4 vols. Vol. I, $2.50; vol. 2, $4.; vol. 3, $4.50; vol. 4, $5.50. B.R.D. 1931, p. 1oo8; 1934, p. 991. Fourth volume completes this scholarly and favor· ably reviewed history of post-Biblical literature. Wiley, Autrey N ., ed. Rare Prologues and Epilogues, I642-I700. Norton, I941. 403p. $4.50. An index to first lines and appendix, an introduc­ tory history, and critical essays. goo History Maliniemi, A., and Kivikoski, E. Suomen Historiallinen Bibliografia, Igoi/25. I940. 527, I07P· Apply. (Suomen Historiall. Seura. Kasikirjoja, 2.) N abholz, Hans, and Klaui, Paul. Quel­ lenbuch zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft und der Kantone. H. R. Sauerlander, I940. 376p. 6 fr.(Swiss) N ederlanders over de Zeeen; 350 J aar N ederlandsche Koloniale Geschiedenis. Onder redactie van J. C. de Haan [et al]. W. de Haan, I940. 351p. 6.50 guilders. Neue Propylaen-Weltgeschichte; Heraus­ geber: Willy Andreas. Band I: Urge­ schichte, Friihzeit, Altertum. Propylaen, I940. RM 30? To be complete in 6 volumes and an index volume. Index volume to contain chronological tables. Pro­ fusely illustrated. gio Geography and Travel Herrmann, Albert, ed. Die Altesten Karten von Deutschland his Gerhard Mercator; 22 Tafeln in Faksimile mit ErHiuterndem Text. K. F. Koehler, I940. 24P· RM I8. (Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Jan. 5, I94I, column 35-39.) MacFadden, Clifford H. A Bibliography of Pacific Area Maps. Institute of Pacific Relations, I94I. I30p. $1.50. (Studies of the Pacific, 6.) Puerto Rico. Reconstruction Administra­ tion. Puerto Rico, a Guide to the Island of Boriquen, comp. . . . in cooperation with the Writers' Program of the W.P.A. The University Society, N.Y., 1940. 409p. $2.75· Includes material on the history/ government, ~co­ nomics, and social and cultural h e of Puerto R1co. Serial Map Service. Sept. I939- (month­ ly). Blackwell, I939- . $6. a year. Unger, W. S. Topografische Prenten en Teekeningen. J. C. & W. Altorffer, I940. 308p. 2.50 guilders. (Catalogus van den Historisch-Topografischen Atlas van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschap­ pen, II.) 920 Biography Diccionario Biografica de Chile. 3d ed. "La N acion," I940. 1o8op. Apply. DECEMBER~ 1941 81