College and Research Libraries T h e L o c a l His- East tory and Genealogy Reference Section of the L i b r a r y of Congress has acquired an eight-volume typewritten index of mar- riages reported in the Massachusetts Cen- tinel and the Columbian Centinel f r o m M a r c h 24, 1784, to A p r i l 29, 1840. T h e value of the list lies in the fact that the Centinel copied marriage records from all newspapers received in exchange f r o m various parts of the country, including many f r o m the South and W e s t . T h e list was compiled w i t h W . P . A . aid by the A m e r i c a n A n t i q u a r i a n Society and in- cludes about eighty thousand names. A n excellent collection of the w o r k s of W a s h i n g t o n I r v i n g has been given to the University of Rochester L i b r a r y by M r s . C . Schuyler D a v i s of Rochester. T h e g i f t consists of about seventy-five titles, most important of w h i c h is a complete set of the first edition parts of the Sketch Book. W i t h f e w exceptions, the run of I r v i n g firsts is complete. A n I r v i n g letter is also in the collection. M r s . C h a r l e s H o e i n g of Rochester has given the library of the U n i v e r s i t y of Rochester a fund f r o m w h i c h first editions of eighteenth century English authors are being purchased. D r y d e n , Pope, G a y , S w i f t , and D e f o e items are the specialties which have been acquired, together w i t h other material of significance to the liter- ary history of the period. John R . Russell is librarian of the U n i v e r s i t y of Rochester. T h e F r a n k l i n D . Roosevelt L i b r a r y at H y d e P a r k has recently received the cor- respondence of President Roosevelt cover- ing his activities as a leader in N e w Y o r k State politics d u r i n g the years 1913-20. O t h e r papers received include a diary cov- ering the first three years of his service as Assistant Secretary of the N a v y , 1 9 1 3 - 1 6 . News from A m o n g the new collection of papers of G e n e r a l W i l l i a m T e c u m s e h Sherman pre- sented to the L i b r a r y of Congress by Elea- nor Sherman Fitch, of N e w Y o r k C i t y , granddaughter of G e n e r a l Sherman, are a d r a f t largely in G e n e r a l Sherman's o w n hand of his Memoirs and a group of copies of letters w r i t t e n by G e n e r a l Sherman to other military leaders during the memor- able march f r o m Tennessee through G e o r - gia and the Carolinas, 1862-65. A l s o included are more than eighty letters from G e n e r a l G r a n t to G e n e r a l Sherman, most of them autograph letters, signed, contin- uing f a r beyond the w a r period through G r a n t ' s presidency. Since M a y 1942 the L i b r a r y of C o n - gress has been issuing in mimeographed form a Monthly Public Information Bul- letin. I t contains notes about exhibits, important acquisitions, library publica- tions, library schedules, and other infor- mation of interest to the public. Copies of the Bulletin may be obtained free upon application to the Publications Office of the L i b r a r y of Congress. A library of t w o thousand volumes and more than four thousand unbound books and pamphlets dealing w i t h significant so- cial legislation of the past f i f t y years in the U n i t e d States, P u e r t o Rico, and G r e a t Britain has been given to the C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y Libraries, C . C . W i l l i a m s o n , director, by Samuel M c C u n e Lindsay, professor emeritus of social legislation. Unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, and reports are also included in the col- lection, w h i c h relates to the official and unofficial activities of Professor Lindsay during half a century of teaching, re- search, and public service. 84 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the Field A Netherlands studies unit has been established in the L i b r a r y of Congress under the auspices of the Foundation for Netherlands-American C u l t u r a l Activities of N e w Y o r k C i t y . T h e new project w i l l prepare special bibliographies and w i l l act in a consultant capacity, surveying the li- brary's collections and answering difficult inquiries in this field. D r . Bartholomew Landheer, of the Netherlands Information Bureau, N e w Y o r k , has been appointed director. T h e A t l a n t a Jun- South ior M e m b e r s have compiled a Georgia Authors' Bibliography, 1900 to J940, which includes books w r i t t e n by Georgians during this period. I t is mimeographed and copies may be secured f r o m T e r e s a W . Atkinson, Insurance L i b r a r y Association, 534 H u r t Building, A t l a n t a . T h e Presbyterian C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , W i l - lard Jones, librarian, has been completed and is now occupied. It was constructed as a W . P . A . project costing $130,000 and is owned jointly by the city of C l i n t o n , S . C . , and the college. It has a book capacity of one hundred thousand volumes. T h e C a r r i e r M e - Middle West m o r i a l B u i l d i n g which houses the C a r r o l l C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , W a u k e s h a , W i s . , w a s dedicated on M a y 17 w i t h C a r l M . W h i t e , University of Illinois L i b r a r y , as the speaker. It is modern in design and w i l l house seventy-five thousand volumes. H a n n a Elsa K r u e g e r is acting librarian. T h e informal Conference of C o l o r a d o C o l l e g e Librarians has now completed t w o of its projects and has a preliminary re- port on the third. T h e completed projects a r e : ( 1 ) A compilation of all periodicals currently received by the various Colo- rado college libraries; ( 2 ) A list of the course offerings of the various institutions by subject field, which has been rechecked by all the institutions and which w i l l be turned over to the Association of C o l l e g e Presidents in the near future. A pre- liminary fifty-two-page report on coopera- tive cataloging has been prepared and w i l l constitute the basis for the discussion of the conference this year. T h e C h a p m a n M e m o r i a l L i b r a r y of M i l w a u k e e - D o w n e r College has received a g i f t of four thousand volumes f r o m M r s . G . E . W h i t e , of M i l w a u k e e . T h e col- lection is particularly rich in books of art, travel, and Shakespeareana. M a u d e M i t c h e l l is librarian. T h e U n i o n C a t a l o g of A r t Books in Chicago, in process of compilation since A u g u s t 1940, n o w offers assistance in lo- cating books in the fields of art, archaeol- ogy, book arts, landscape architecture, numismatics, etc. I t contains some f i f t y thousand main entries, representing the art material in the A r t Institute of Chi- cago ( R y e r s o n and B u r n h a m ) , C h i c a g o Public, Field M u s e u m , John C r e r a r , N e w b e r r y , and University of C h i c a g o li- braries. T h e catalog, sponsored by the D e p a r t - ment of A r t of the U n i v e r s i t y of C h i c a g o and housed in the art building on the university campus, was assisted by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of N e w Y o r k to provide an editor for three years and by the C h i c a g o P u b l i c L i b r a r y ( W . P . A . ) O m n i b u s P r o j e c t which sup- plied a number of workers. T h e editor, R u t h E . Schoneman, w i l l be glad to an- swer inquiries. DECEMBER, 1942 85 T h e R o c k y W est M o u n t a i n Screen C l u b has presented an endowment of five thousand dollars for a library of M o t i o n Picture A r t s and Sciences to be housed in the M a r y Reed L i b r a r y . T h e principal books and jour- nals in the field w i l l be bought, together w i t h stills, programs, and other miscel- laneous items. T h e library of the G r a d u a t e School of Business, S t a n f o r d University, has re- ceived as a g i f t the m a j o r portion of the account books, minute books, and cor- respondence of the Pacific Improvement C o m p a n y and its subsidiaries. T h e col- lection consists of 2 7 9 ledgers, journals, and minute books, 42 transfer cases of correspondence, and 150 drawers of vouch- ers. T h e period covered is f r o m 1868 to 1925. T h e Pacific Improvement C o m - pany is the successor to t w o earlier com- panies formed by Stanford, H u n t i n g t o n , Hopkins, and C r o c k e r : the construction and finance company w h i c h built the C e n - tral Pacific and the W e s t e r n Develop- ment C o m p a n y w h i c h was organized to construct the Southern Pacific Railroad. L o i s E . Engle- Personnel man, f o r m e r l y li- brarian of Frances Shimer C o l l e g e , M o u n t C a r r o l l , 111., has been appointed librarian of C o l b y Junior College, N e w L o n d o n , N . H . , to succeed M r s . M i l d r e d Peterson M c K a y , w h o has joined the staff of the Springfield, M a s s . , C i t y L i b r a r y Association. M a r s h a l l S t e w a r t , for the past t w o years in charge of the W . P . A . library project in Tennessee, has been appointed librarian of the State T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e in Memphis. James T . R u b e y , assistant professor, School of L i b r a r y Science, Simmons C o l - lege, has been given leave of absence for the school year 1942-43 to accept the posi- tion of supervisor of training of the H o o d Rubber Company, the footwear division of the B . F . G o o d r i c h C o m p a n y , W a t e r - town, M a s s . L e o t a Johns, formerly librarian of the Consumer Education L i b r a r y of Stephens College, has been appointed librarian of the general library and assistant coordi- nator. B . L a m a r Johnson continues as librarian and dean of instruction. W i l l i a m H . Carlson, for several years librarian of the University of A r i z o n a , was appointed associate librarian of the U n i v e r s i t y of W a s h i n g t o n , Seattle, ef- fective A u g u s t 15, 1942. Frederick C r o m w e l l , assistant librarian of the U n i - versity of A r i z o n a , T u c s o n , is now acting librarian. L e r o y C . M e r r i t t has been appointed librarian and associate professor of library science at V i r g i n i a State T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e , F a r m v i l l e . D a v i d J o l l y , librarian of the U n i v e r - sity of N e w Hampshire f r o m 1940-42, became librarian of H a m p t o n Institute, H a m p t o n , V a . , on September 1. T h e l m a Brackett, for several years librarian of the N e w Hampshire State L i b r a r y , is the new librarian of the U n i - versity of N e w Hampshire. O d e l l a N a t i o n , librarian of the Kansas State T e a c h e r s College, Pittsburg, f r o m 1903-42, retired as librarian in June. R a l p h A . F r i t z , professor of education, succeeded M i s s N a t i o n as librarian. G u y R . L y l e , librarian of the W o m a n ' s C o l l e g e , U n i v e r s i t y of N o r t h C a r o l i n a , has been granted a leave of absence to accept a position for the year 1942-43 in the University of Illinois L i b r a r y School as assistant professor of library science. 86 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES The Encyclopaedia of Sports, Games, and Recreations T \ U E TO T H E P R E S E N T W O R L D c o n d i - ^ tions, active w o r k on the proposed Encyclopaedia of Sports, Games, and Recreations is being suspended. A c t i o n to this effect was taken at the M i l w a u k e e meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association of C o l l e g e and Reference L i - braries, on the recommendation of the en- cyclopaedia committee. T h i s action has the unofficial approval of the A m e r i c a n Association for H e a l t h , Physical Educa- tion, and Recreation, the cosponsors. W h i l e completion of the plans for this project are thus postponed, it in no sense means that the project w i l l be dropped. T h e committee is being kept intact w i t h the definite purpose of maintaining the organizational setup so that progress may continue at the earliest possible favorable moment. T h e status of the project at the time it w e n t on the inactive list w a s this: Pre- liminary plans, including a tentative budget, estimate of length, details of edi- torial supervision, and an outline of scope and procedure were in the hands of the f u l l joint committee at the time of P e a r l H a r b o r . Before replies and criticisms w e r e returned to the general chairman for consolidation, events took place that made material changes necessary. It is hardly necessary to add that rising prices # and priorities—both as to materials and personnel—made it desirable if not neces- sary to delay final plans. T h e whole- hearted support that this project demands and which it had had previous to Pearl H a r b o r , is for obvious reasons not present today. W h i l e w e regret our inability to pro- ceed at this time, w e feel that the project is w o r t h y of the best and therefore w o r t h y of delay. T h e general chairman and others of the joint committee w i l l devote such time and effort as w a r conditions permit to perfecting the plans and w o r k - ing out kinks of procedure w i t h the view to having the final plans ready soon after peace is obtained. It is believed that the need for an Encyclopaedia of Sports, Games, and Recreations w i l l be even greater w h e n the w a r is over. Interest and participation in these activities, as after the last w a r , is expected to increase materially. Persons desiring more complete details regarding the project or w h o have sugges- tions or criticisms to offer are encouraged to communicate w i t h the undersigned. W I L S O N M . R A N C K , General Chairman Encyclopaedia of Sports, Games, and Recreations DECEMBER, 1942 87 Association of College and Reference Libraries Publications Committee TH E P U B L I C A T I O N S C O M M I T T E E o f t h e A . C . R . L . , appointed by President C o n e y , consists of the chairman, a repre- sentative f r o m each of the six sections of the A . C . R . L . , and the editor of College and Research Libraries ex officio. T h e representative of the A . C . R . L . on the A . L . A . Editorial Committee is also an ex officio member of the publications com- mittee. A t present he is a member of the U n i v e r s i t y Libraries Section. T h e committee wishes to emphasize at the outset that it does not contemplate an elaborate program of publication planning. If the times w e r e normal, it might prop- erly begin its activity by circularizing a select group of the membership f o r an opinion regarding fundamental needs in publication. T h i s in itself is not a diffi- cult or expensive task but w i t h o u t an in- tensive follow-up, w o r k may have a w a y of becoming buried in the chairman's files. Furthermore, if the committee w e r e to em- bark on an extended program of initiating publications and research now it w o u l d probably have to find funds f r o m some external source. Such funds as are n o w available f r o m internal sources should be devoted to the support and development of College and Research Libraries. T h i s is not to say that the committee is opposed to individual or organized research at this time. T h e r e is opportunity in a number of fields of the Association's activities for individual research and publication and there are also many desirable publication projects beyond individual resources which must necessarily be planned and carried out w i t h the help of adequately equipped and financed organizations. Since this is true, it w o u l d seem that the publications committee, representing all sections of the Association, w o u l d be the logical body to aid in planning and c a r r y i n g out coopera- tive projects. F o r a trial period, at least, the commit- tee feels that its immediate task is to con- sider projects or publications that may be presented to it, either by individuals or organized groups of the A . C . R . L . , and to report such publications w i t h its recom- mendations to the A . L . A . Editorial C o m - mittee. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the Association to com- ment on proposals w h i c h should be under- taken or on projects n o w under w a y . T h e committee w i l l normally meet once a year at the annual conference to discuss projects or publications w h i c h have been presented to it. I t is understood, of course, that much of the committee's plan- ning activity, consideration of outlines, manuscripts, etc., w i l l likely be done by mail and that decisions w i l l not have to a w a i t a f u l l meeting of the committee at midwinter or annual conferences. R U T H B I R D E T H E L M . F E A G L E Y A R D I S L O D G E W H A R T O N M I L L E R C L A R E N C E S . P A I N E R A L P H R . S H A W C A R L M . W H I T E G U Y R . L Y L E , Chairman 88 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES MJNUTES OF THE M E E T I N G OF T H E A.C.R.L. B O A R D OF D I R E C T O R S A T M I L W A U K E E . T h e members of the Board of Directors met at luncheon in Parlor B of the Schroeder Hotel on June 23. T h e directors present were President Donald Coney, Vice Presi- dent Mabel L . Conat, Past-President Rob- ert B. Downs, Secretary Benjamin E. Powell, A . C . R . L . Directors Etheldred A b - bot and Winifred V e r Nooy, Section Direc- tors: Fina C . O t t , College Libraries, Lois E. Engleman, Junior College Libraries, M a r y Floyd, Libraries of Teacher-Training Insti- tutions, and Robert A . Miller, University Libraries. Section chairmen present w e r e : Lucia Haley, Agricultural Libraries ( T h e Agricultural Libraries Section meeting was held on Monday, June 22), Anna M . T a r r , College Libraries, Maysel O ' H . Baker, Junior College Libraries, Charles V . Park, Libraries of Teacher-Training Institutions, Fanny A . Coldren, Reference Librarians, and Harold L . Leupp, University Libraries. Others present by invitation were Charles F. McCombs, A . C . R . L . representative on the A . L . A . Council; Ralph E. Ellsworth, chairman of A . C . R . L . Committee on College and University Library Buildings; Samuel W . McAllister, chairman, A . C . R . L . Com- mittee on Constitution and B y - L a w s ; Thomas P. Fleming, A . L . A . Committee on Importations; Wilson M . Ranck, chairman of Committee on Encyclopaedia of Sports and G a m e s ; C a r l M . White, editor in chief, College and Research Libraries. In view of publication in the June 1942 number of College and Research Libraries, the minutes of the last meeting were not read but approved as published. Thomas P. Fleming, of the A . L . A . Com- mittee on Importations, reported on the status of foreign importations and especially on the work of the joint committee. Axis publications held by the British in Bermuda have been released and await transportation to this country, where they must be passed by the State Department before being re- leased to subscribers. T h e joint committee has prepared its report to libraries seeking to secure through it certain Axis technical journals and is ready to inform these li- braries of their share in the $250,000 per- mitted by the State Department to be spent in A x i s countries. M r . Fleming reported that payment must be made in Swiss francs, which at present are 30 per cent higher than normal. Some discussion followed this re- port. Ralph E. Ellsworth gave a brief report on the work and plans of the A . C . R . L . Com- mittee on College and University Library Buildings. Wilson M . Ranck next reported the progress his committee had made on the Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games. He was authorized to prepare a similar state- ment for publication in physical education and library journals. T h e committee was continued. T h e chairman of the A . C . R . L . Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, Samuel W . McAllister, presented a proposed amend- ment to the By-Laws of A . C . R . L . as fol- lows : Article V. Chapters State, regional, or local chapters of the Association of College and Reference Li- braries may be established by the Board of Directors on the petition of twenty mem- bers of the Association of College and Refer- ence Libraries resident in the territory within which the chapter is desired and according to the following regulations: ( 1 ) Each chapter may establish its own constitution and by-laws. (2) Chapters may be discontinued by authorization of the Board of Directors of the Association of College and Reference Libraries. (3) A t least one meeting shall be held each year. (4) Each chapter shall send a report of its meetings to the Secretary of the Associa- tion of College and Reference Libraries at DECEMBER, 1942 89 least two months before the annual confer- ence of the American Library Association. Article VI. Vacancies (Number of the article changed from V to V I . ) Article VII. Years (Number of the article changed from V I to V I I . ) Article VIII. Rules of Order (Number of the article changed from V I I to V I I I . ) A f t e r discussion, it was VOTED to strike out "twenty" in the first paragraph and substitute "a sufficient num- ber of." A f t e r more discussion, it was VOTED to strike out "authorization" in item (2) and substitute "action." T h e amendment was approved in this form for presentation at the general session. It was the feeling of the board that chapters might levy and collect local dues. Chairman McAllister next presented a proposed amendment to the Constitution of A . C . R . L . as follows: Article VI. Board of Directors. Section 2. Members. T h e board shall consist of the president, vice president, retiring president, secretary, treasurer, three directors-at-large, the di- rectors elected by sections, A N D T H E A S - S O C I A T I O N R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S O N T H E A M E R I C A N L I B R A R Y A S S O - C I A T I O N C O U N C I L W H O A R E S E R V I N G T H E L A S T Y E A R O F T H E I R T E R M S . 1 T h e chief officer (or, in his absence, the vice chief officer or the retiring chief officer, in this order) of each section is an ex officio member without vote. T h e Board of Directors indicated its ap- proval of the proposed amendment and recommended that it be presented at the general session for vote of the membership of A . C . R . L . In the absence of the Treasurer, the fol- lowing financial report was read by the President: 1 T h e text in capital letters above is the proposed change in the Constitution and B y - L a w s . Period 1942 Jan. 1- Iticome Budget June 16 Balance Jan. 1, 1942 $1532.69 $1532.69 Allotment from A . L . A . 1500.00 1566.20 Additional section choice 25.00 2.00 East Lansing State Bank—Liquidation dividend 70.00 T o t a l s $3057.69 $3170.* Expenditures College and Research Libraries $ 800.00 $ 400.00 Sectional expenses (500.00) Agricultural Libraries 50.00 College Libraries 50.00 Junior College Li- braries 62.00 Reference Librarians 85.00 Teacher-Training In- stitutions Libraries 70.00 13.50 University Libraries 75-00 Unallocated balance 108.00 Committee expenses (300.00) Budget, etc. 100.00 Encyclopaedia of Sports 50.00 6.28 Other committees 150.00 27.932 Officers' expense (300.00) President 75-0O 21.37 Secretary 150.00 70.98 T r e a s u r e r 75-00 3.19 T o t a l s Unallocated balance Cash balance, June 16, 1942 $1900.00 $ 543-25 1157.69 io.oo3 $ 553-25 $2617.64 C a r l M . White, editor in chief of College and Research Libraries, asked whether the Board of Directors would be willing to allocate an additional $150 to permit a ninety-six-page September issue of the jour- nal instead of an eighty-page one. It was 2 Periodical exchange $18.31 Joint meeting with Cataloging and Classi- fication D i v i s i o n — S t e n o g r a p h e r 9.62 $ 2 7 . 9 3 3 Council of National L i b r a r y A s s o c i a t i o n s — Contribution to expenses $10.00 90 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES moved and seconded that an additional $150 be allocated. Upon motion, it was VOTED that the motion be tabled. Consideration was next turned to the mat- ter of increasing permanently A . C . R . L . ' s support of College and Research Libraries. A f t e r discussion, it was moved that the President be authorized to use up to $1000 for the support of the journal and given dis- cretion to utilize the full amount needed as conditions warrant. T h e motion then was revised to read, $1200. A substitute motion that A . C . R . L . take over the entire cost of College and Research Libraries was made. A f t e r further discus- sion, it was VOTED that beginning January I, 1943, A . C . R . L . should take over the entire cost of publishing College and Research Li- braries. T h e board agreed that John S. Richards, who recently transferred from the Univer- sity of Washington to the librarianship of the Seattle Public Library, should continue to serve as an A . C . R . L . representative on the A . L . A . Council. A petition for an A . C . R . L . section of Engineering School Libraries was received from Harold Lancour, chairman of the or- ganizing committee for the group. T h e pe- tition was signed by twenty-five members of A . C . R . L . It was VOTED to accept the group as a section and the Secretary was authorized to so notify M r . Lancour. O n December 28, 1940, the Board of Directors voted to "admit to A . C . R . L . , A . L . A . life members joining prior to 1939 and institutional members without charge or allotment in 1941." A t subsequent meet- ings of the board this decision was renewed. A f t e r brief discussion it was, upon motion VOTED to continue this decision for the present (1942) and to appoint a committee to study the matter and bring recommenda- tions to the board relative to the permanent status of A . L . A . life and institutional mem- bers in A . C . R . L . It was the consensus of the board that J. Periam Danton and Charles F. McCombs, A . C . R . L . representatives on the A . L . A . Council, who were drawn for one-year terms last December by the Committee on Council Terms, should continue in office until successors are elected in 1943. ( T h i s action is, of course, subject to the approval of A . L . A . ) It was suggested that in order to keep the terms in line, the successors to Danton and McCombs be elected for three- year terms or, if the election is for a four- year term, it should be retroactive to June 1942. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 3 : 3 0 P.M. G E N E R A L SESSIONS BUSINESS M E E T I N G Arena, Auditorium, Milwaukee June 23, 1942. 8:30 P.M. President Donald Coney introduced Her- bert A . Kellar, of the McCormick Library, in Chicago, who spoke on "American Refer- ence Libraries in the Postwar Era." T h e second speaker was Robert W . M c E w e n , librarian, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. M r . M c E w e n spoke on "American College Libraries in the Postwar Era." Chairman McAllister, of the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, was intro- duced and presented the following amend- ment to the By-Laws of A . C . R . L . providing for the establishment of A . C . R . L . chapters: Article V. Chapters State, regional, or local chapters of the Association of College and Reference Li- braries may be established by the Board of Directors on the petition of a sufficient number of members of the Association of College and Reference Libraries resident in the territory within which the chapter is desired and according to the following regu- lations : ( 1 ) Each chapter may establish its own constitution and by-laws. (2) Chapters may be discontinued by ac- DECEMBER, 1942 91 tion of the Board of Directors of the Asso- ciation of College and Reference Libraries. (3) A t least one meeting shall be held each year. (4) Each chapter shall send a report of its meetings to the Secretary of the Associa- tion of College and Reference Libraries at least two months before the annual confer- ence of the American Library Association. Article VI. Vacancies (Number of the article changed from V to V I . ) Article VII. Years (Number of the article changed from V I to V I I . ) Article VIII. Rules of Order (Number of the article changed from V I I to V I I I . ) T h e amendment was approved by the membership (Article I X , Section I of the B y - L a w s provides that the B y - L a w s may be adopted, suspended, or amended by a ma- jority vote of the members of the Association present at any general session of any annual conference, upon a written recommendation of the committee on Constitution and By- L a w s appointed by the President). T h e proposed amendment to the Constitu- tion of A . C . R . L . was next read by Chairman M c A l l i s t e r : Article VI. Board of Directors. Section 2. Members. T h e board shall consist of the president, vice president, retiring president, secretary, treasurer, three directors-at-large, the direc- tors elected by sections, A N D T H E A S S O - C I A T I O N R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S O N T H E A M E R I C A N L I B R A R Y A S S O C I - A T I O N C O U N C I L W H O A R E S E R V - I N G T H E L A S T Y E A R O F T H E I R T E R M S . 4 T h e chief officer (or, in his absence, the vice chief officer or the retiring chief officer, in this order) of each section is an ex officio member without vote. It was approved by the membership and, as required in Article X , Section 1, of the Constitution, will be presented at the next annual conference for final approval. T h e Secretary reported the election of officers for 1942-43 as follows: President (one-year term) : M a b e l L . Conat, reference librarian, Detroit Public Library, Detroit. Vice President (one-year term) : Charles B. Shaw, librarian, Swarthmore College Li- brary, Swarthmore, Pa. General Director (three-year term) : Willis H . Kerr, director, Claremont College Libraries, Claremont, Calif. BENJAMIN E . POWELL, Secretary 4 T h e text in capital letters above is the proposed change in the Constitution and B y - L a w s . 92 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES M I N U T E S O F THE MEETINGS O F THE SECTIONS OF A.C.R.L. AGRICULTURAL LIBRARIES SECTION Business Session, June 22, 1942 Dorothy M . Reuss, Ohio State Univer- sity Library, reported as chairman of the Committee on a Clearing House for Dupli- cate Public Documents that a questionnaire had been sent to the thirty-six libraries rep- resented in the section asking if they would be interested in cooperating in the docu- ments exchange plan under consideration by the committee. So few affirmative replies were received, it was recommended that the plan be delayed for the present. T h e recom- mendation was adopted. Louise O . Bercaw, chairman of the Com- mittee on Cooperative Bibliographical Aid, said that little work had been done by the committee during the year and recommended that it be discontinued. T h e recommenda- tion was adopted. Eugene H . Wilson, Iowa State College, announced that the recommendations of the Committee to Continue the Study of Dupli- cation of Agricultural Experiment Station Publications had been submitted to the Com- mittee on Experiment Station Organization and Policy of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. T h e recom- mendations were discussed by experiment station directors during the Land-Grant As- sociation meeting in Chicago last Novem- ber, and they agreed that the policies should be adopted insofar as they were in line with the policies of the institutions con- cerned. T h e election of officers by a mail ballot was made the policy of the section. T h e fol- lowing officers were elected for 1942-43: Chairman: Lucia Haley, Oregon State College Library, Corvallis. Secretary: Emily L . Day, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture Library, Washington, D . C . Director: Janice Stewart Brown, U.S. Department of Agriculture Library, W a s h - ington, D . C . E M I L Y L . D A Y , Secretary COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Business Session, June 23, 1942 Prior to the program, a short business meeting was held in Room 100, Science Building, Marquette University. In the absence of Secretary Foster E. Mohrhardt, Washington and Lee University, Chairman Anna M . T a r r , Lawrence College, ap- pointed Hanna Elsa Krueger, Carroll Col- lege, acting secretary. Miss T a r r announced that there were 537 members of the section. Officers for 1942-43 were elected as fol- lows : Chairman: Julian S. Fowler, Oberlin Col- lege Library, Oberlin, O . Secretary: Nellie M . Homes, Beloit Col- lege Library, Beloit, W i s . H A N N A ELSA KRUEGER, Acting Secretary JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Business Session, June 25, 1942 Following the afternoon program in Room 100, Science Building, Marquette University, a short business meeting was held. Maysel O ' H . Baker, retiring chairman, announced that there were 105 members of the section. Following a policy established in the sec- tion last year, the secretary succeeds the chairman as director of the affairs of the sec- tion. T h e officers for 1942-43 are: Chairman: W a v e L . Noggle, Virginia Junior College Library, Virginia, Minn. Secretary: M a r y H . Clay, Junior College Division Library, Louisiana State Univer- sity, Monroe. W A V E L . NOGGLE, Secretary DECEMBER, 1942 93 REFERENCE LIBRARIANS SECTION Business Session, June 23, 1942 T h e section met in the Museum Lecture H a l l of the Milwaukee Public Library at 2:30 P.M. Following the program the of- ficers for 1942-43 were elected as follows: Chairman: M a r y N . Barton, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore. Secretary: Jack Dalton, Alderman Li- brary, University of Virginia, Charlottes- ville. E D N A J . G R A U M A N , Secretary LIBRARIES OF TEACHER-TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SECTION Business Session, June 25, 1942 A breakfast meeting at the Schroeder Hotel was given over to the business affairs of the section. In the absence of Secretary Frances G . Hepinstall, State Teachers Col- lege, Buffalo, Lyndal Swofford, Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, was appointed acting secretary. Chairman Charles V . Park, Michigan Central State Teachers College, urged li- brarians of teacher-training institutions belonging to the American Library Associa- tion to designate the Association of College and Reference Libraries as their division and the Libraries of Teacher-Training Institu- tions as their section when paying dues. He announced that during 1941-42 a " W h o ' s W h o " of members of the section was com- piled and has already been found serviceable. Upon motion, the section voted to provide some continuity of officers by having the sec- retary succeed the chairman each year as the presiding officer of the section. T h e following officers for 1942-43 were elected: Chairman: Eleanor W . Welch, Illinois State Normal University Library, Normal. Secretary: Barcus Tichenor, Ball State Teachers College Library, Muncie, Ind. L Y N D A L SWOFFORD, Acting Secretary UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION Business Session, June 24, 1942 A short business meeting was held fol- lowing the program in the Arena of the Municipal Auditorium, at which time the following officers were elected for 1942-43: Chairman: John J. Lund, Duke Univer- sity Library, Durham, N . C . Secretary: Harry Clemons, Alderman Li- brary, University of Virginia, Charlottes- ville. Director: Charles E. Rush, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. W I N I F R E D V E R NOOY, Secretary 94 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES A.C.R.L. Committees 1942-43 S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S 1. Com?nittee on Budget, Compensation, and Schemes of Service. (Subcommittee, A . L . A . Board on Salaries, Staff, and T e n u r e ) L o u i s S. Shores, director of library school, G e o r g e Peabody College for T e a c h e r s , N a s h v i l l e , T e n n . Chairman. M a r y V i c k Burney, librarian, University of Tennessee Junior College, M a r t i n . R a l p h M . D u n b a r , chief, L i b r a r y Service Division, U . S . Office of Education. F l o r a B . L u d i n g t o n , librarian, W i l l i s t o n M e m o r i a l L i b r a r y , M o u n t Holyoke College, South H a d l e y , M a s s . P a u l N o r t h Rice, chief, Reference Department, N e w Y o r k Public L i b r a r y . John S. Richards, librarian, Seattle Public L i b r a r y , Seattle. F r e m o n t Rider, librarian, O l i n L i b r a r y , W e s l e y a n University, M i d d l e t o w n , C o n n . Eugene H . W i l s o n , assistant librarian, I o w a State College L i b r a r y , A m e s . 2. Committee on College and University Library Buildings. (Subcommittee, A . L . A . Committee on L i b r a r y Architecture and B u i l d i n g P l a n n i n g ) R a l p h E . E l l s w o r t h , director of libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder. Chairman. Francis L . D . Goodrich, librarian, College of the C i t y of N e w Y o r k . E d n a R u t h H a n l e y , librarian, A g n e s Scott College, D e c a t u r , G a . E d w a r d A . H e n r y , director of libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. W i l l i a m H . Jesse, assistant director, University of Nebraska Libraries, Lincoln. Richard Logsdon, librarian, M a d i s o n College, Harrisonburg, V a . Blanche P . M c C r u m , librarian, W e l l e s l e y C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , W e l l e s l e y , M a s s . F r a n k K . W a l t e r , librarian, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws Samuel W . M c A l l i s t e r , associate librarian, General L i b r a r y , University of M i c h i - gan, A n n A r b o r . Chairman. M a r y H . C l a y , librarian, Junior College Division L i b r a r y , Louisiana State U n i - versity, M o n r o e . E m i l y G a r n e t t , chief, Reference Department, Public L i b r a r y , W h i t e Plains, N . Y . G u d r u n M . Hoidahl, assistant librarian, State N o r m a l School L i b r a r y , Fredonia, N . Y . Edmon L o w , librarian, O k l a h o m a State A g r i c u l t u r a l and Mechanical College, S t i l l w a t e r . 4. Committee on Importations. (Joint Committee w i t h the A . L . A . ) T h o m a s P . Fleming, medical librarian, C o l l e g e of Physicians and Surgeons L i b r a r y , C o l u m b i a University, N e w Y o r k C i t y . Representative. 5. Committee on Publications. G u y R . L y l e , librarian, W o m a n ' s C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , University of N o r t h Carolina, G r e e n boro. Chairman. R u t h Bird, assistant librarian, Junior C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Kansas C i t y , M o . Ethel M . Feagley, associate librarian, T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , C o l u m b i a U n i - versity, N e w Y o r k C i t y . DECEMBER, 1942 95 A r d i s L o d g e , U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a at L o s A n g e l e s L i b r a r y . W h a r t o n M i l l e r , director of libraries, Syracuse L i b r a r y , Syracuse, N . Y . Clarence S. Paine, librarian, Beloit C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Beloit, W i s . R a l p h R . S h a w , librarian, U . S . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e L i b r a r y . C a r l M . W h i t e , editor, College and Research Libraries, University of Illinois L i b r a r y , U r b a n a . Ex officio. S P E C I A L C O M M I T T E E S 1. Committee to Apply to Certain Institutions a "Study of the Use of Books in the Different Courses of the College Curricula." Charles H . B r o w n , librarian, I o w a State C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , A m e s . Chairman. 2. Committee to Consider with a Joint Committee from the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation the Project for the Publication of an Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games. W i l s o n M . R a n c k , librarian, H a c k l e y Public L i b r a r y , M u s k e g o n , M i c h . Chair- man. D o r o t h y M . B l a c k , U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois L i b r a r y , U r b a n a . G l a d y s E . L o v e , P u b l i c L i b r a r y , Rochester, N . Y . G e o r g e Pettengill, P u b l i c L i b r a r y , Reading, P a . E l i z a b e t h Scott Richardson, U n i v e r s i t y of C o l o r a d o L i b r a r y , Boulder. 3. Committee on Wartime Activities. Charles H . B r o w n , librarian, I o w a State C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , A m e s . Chairman. Lois E . Engleman, librarian, C o l b y Junior C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , N e w L o n d o n , N . H . Florence M . G i l f o r d , C l e v e l a n d Public L i b r a r y , C l e v e l a n d . M a r g i e M . H e l m , librarian, W e s t e r n K e n t u c k y State T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e , B o w l i n g G r e e n . Clarence S. Paine, librarian, Beloit C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Beloit, W i s . F r a n k K . W a l t e r , librarian, U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 4. Subcommittee to A.L.A. Committee on Revenues. G . F l i n t P u r d y , librarian, W a y n e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y , D e t r o i t . Chairman. W i l l i a m H . Carlson, associate librarian, U n i v e r s i t y of W a s h i n g t o n , Seattle. Ermine Stone, librarian, Sarah L a w r e n c e C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , B r o n x v i l l e , N . Y . 5. Nominating Committee Blanche P . M c C r u m , librarian, W e l l e s l e y C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , W e l l e s l e y , M a s s . Chairman. M a r y F l o y d , librarian, Eastern K e n t u c k y State T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Rich- mond. B . L a m a r Johnson, librarian, Stephens C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , Columbia, M o . C h a r l e s F . M c C o m b s , superintendent, M a i n R e a d i n g Room, N e w Y o r k Public L i b r a r y , N e w Y o r k C i t y . Robert A . M i l l e r , director of libraries, Indiana U n i v e r s i t y , Bloomington. 6. Committee on Periodicals Exchange Union. D o n a l d A . T h o m p s o n , acting director, U n i v e r s i t y of A l a b a m a L i b r a r y , U n i v e r - sity. Chairman. O s c a r C . O r m a n , director of libraries, W a s h i n g t o n U n i v e r s i t y , St. Louis. V i r g i n i a T r u m p e r , W o m a n ' s College, U n i v e r s i t y of N o r t h C a r o l i n a , Greensboro. 96 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES