Letter from the Editor: Reviewers Wanted LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Reviewers Wanted Kenneth J. Varnum INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2021 https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v40i1.13xxx Together with one of the other journals published by ALA’s Core division, Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL) and Library Leadership and Management (LL&M) invite applications for peer reviewers. Serving as a reviewer is a great opportunity for individuals from all types of libraries and with a wide variety of experience to contribute to scholarship within our chosen profession. We are seeking the broadest pool of reviewers possible. Reviewer responsibilities for both journals are to have an interest/experience with the journal’s topics, as described below. Reviewers should expect to review 2-4 articles a year and should provide thoughtful and actionable comments to authors and the editor. Reviewers will work with the editor, associate editor, and/or editorial board of the corresponding journal. See the job description for ITAL reviewers for more details about this new role. We welcome applications from individuals at libraries of all types, levels of experience, locations, perspectives, and voices, especially those from underrepresented groups. Reviewers will be selected to maximize the diversity of representation across these areas, so if you’re not sure if you should apply, please do! Increasing the pool of reviewers for Information Technology and Libraries is part of the Editorial Board’s desire to provide equitable treatment to submitted articles and will enable us to follow a more typical process for peer-reviewed journals: a two-reviewer double-blind process. That will be a welcome and, frankly, overdue change to ITAL’s current process, in which submitted articles are typically reviewed by one person. Expanding the number of reviewers across the breadth of subject areas our journal covers will foster a more rigorous yet more open review process. Should you be more interested more in the policy side of this journal, please watch out for a call for volunteers for the ITAL Editorial Board. That process will start in April. * * * * * * * As this issue of the journal goes online, COVID as a global health crisis has just entered its second year. I’m constantly reminded of the duality of our collective ability to show resilience and exhibit fragility as we continue to endure this period. When I wrote the Letter from the Editor a year ago, I focused on the imminent vote to establish a new ALA division, Core, as the most important question facing me. How quickly things changed! By the time the March 2020 issue was published, everything was different. Wherever you are, however you have adapted to the situation, I hope you are well and, like me, are turning from wondering when this period will end, to wondering what “normal” will be in the post-pandemic world. Kenneth J. Varnum, Editor varnum@umich.edu March 2021 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7fxjjk6vWuTE5pWXWPU_UDxjrYgpAtKpqu4FzIb9lj08SNA/viewform?usp=sf_link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7fxjjk6vWuTE5pWXWPU_UDxjrYgpAtKpqu4FzIb9lj08SNA/viewform?usp=sf_link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTgQ8fCfM9UX2u0eLvhjrDlM6vxUt7YBU6CYTqw-nz4/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTgQ8fCfM9UX2u0eLvhjrDlM6vxUt7YBU6CYTqw-nz4/edit?usp=sharing https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ital/about/editorialTeam https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v39i1.12137 mailto:varnum@umich.edu