100 iNForMaTioN TECHNoloGY aND liBrariEs | JuNE 2009
Tutorial Andrew Darby and Ron Gilmour
Adding Delicious
Data to Your
Library Website
Social bookmarking services such as
Delicious offer a simple way of devel-
oping lists of library resources. This
paper outlines various methods of
incorporating data from a Delicious
account into a webpage. We begin
with a description of Delicious
Linkrolls and Tagrolls, the simplest
but least flexible method of dis-
playing Delicious results. We then
describe three more advanced meth-
ods of manipulating Delicious data
using RSS, JSON, and XML. Code
samples using PHP and JavaScript
are provided.
ne of the primary components
of Web 2.0 is social bookmark-
ing. Social bookmarking ser-
vices allow users to store bookmarks
on the Web where they are avail-
able from any computer and to share
these bookmarks with other users.
Even better, these bookmarks can
be annotated and tagged to provide
multiple points of subject access.
Social bookmarking services have
become popular with librarians as a
means of quickly assembling lists of
resources. Since anything with a URL
can become a bookmark, such lists
can combine diverse resource types
such as webpages, scholarly articles,
and library catalog records. It is often
desirable for the data stored in a
social bookmarking account to be
displayed in the context of a library
webpage. This creates consistent
branding and a more professional
Delicious (http://delicious
.com/), one of the most popular social
bookmarking tools, allows users
to extract data from their accounts
and to display this data on their
own websites. Delicious offers mul-
tiple ways of doing this, from simply
embedding HTML in the target web-
page to interacting with the API.1 In
this paper we will begin by looking
at the simplest methods for users
uncomfortable with programming,
and then move on to three more
advanced methods using RSS, JSON,
and XML. Our examples use PHP,
a cross-platform scripting language
that may be run on either Linux/
Unix or Windows servers. While it
is not possible for us to address the
many environments (such as CMSes)
in which websites are constructed,
our code should be adaptable to most
contexts. This will be especially sim-
ple in the many popular PHP–based
CMSes such as Drupal, Joomla, and
It should be noted that the pro-
cess of tagging resources in Delicious
requires little technical expertise,
so the task of assembling lists of
resources can be accomplished by
any librarian. The construction of a
website infrastructure (presumably
by the library’s webmaster) is a more
complex task that may require some
programming expertise.
Linkrolls and Tagrolls
The simplest way of sharing links is
to point users directly to the desired
andrew Darby (adarby@ithaca.edu)
is web Services librarian, and ron
Gilmour (rgilmour@ithaca.edu) is Science
librarian at Ithaca college library, Ithaca,
new York.
Figure 1. delicious linkroll page
aDDiNG DEliCious DaTa To Your liBrarY wEBsiTE | DarBY aND GilMour 101
Delicious page. To share all the items
labeled “biology” for the user account
“iclibref,” one could disseminate the
URL http://delicious.com/iclibref/
biology. The obvious downside is that
the user is no longer on your website,
and they may be confused by their new
location and what they are supposed
to do there. Linkrolls, a utility avail-
able from the Delicious site, provides
a number of options for generating
code to display a set of bookmarked
links, including what tags to display,
the number, the type of bullet, and the
sorting criterion (see figure 1).2 This
utility creates simple HTML code that
can be added to a website. A related
tool, Tagrolls, creates the ubiquitous
Delicious tag cloud.3
For many librarians, this will be
enough. With the embedded Linkroll
code, and perhaps a bit of CSS styling,
they will be satisfied with the results.
However, Delicious also offers more
advanced methods of interacting
with data. For more control over how
Delicious data appears on a website,
the user must interact with Delicious
through RSS, JSON or XML.
Like most Web 2.0 applications,
Delicious makes its content available
as RSS feeds. Feeds are available at a
variety of levels, from the Delicious
system as a whole down to a par-
ticular tag in a particular account.
Within a library context, the most
useful types of feeds will be those
that point to lists of resources with a
given tag. For example, the request
bref/biology returns the RSS feed
for the “biology” tag of the “iclibref”
account, with items listed as follows:
Darwin’s Dangerous
Idea (Evolution 1)2008-04-
This epi-
sode interweaves the
drama in key moments of
Darwin's life with
documentary sequences of
current research, linking past
to present and introducing
major concepts of evolutionary
theory. 2001biology
To display Delicious RSS results
on a website, the webmaster must
use some RSS parsing tool in com-
bination with a script to display the
results. The XML_RSS package pro-
vides an easy way to read RSS using
PHP.4 The code for such an operation
might look like this:
foreach ($rss->getItems() as
$item) {
echo “
This code uses XML_RSS to parse
the RSS feed and then prints out a list
of linked results.
RSS is designed primarily as a cur-
rent awareness tool. Consequently, a
Delicious RSS feed only returns the
most recent thirty-one items. This
makes sense from an RSS perspec-
tive, but it will not often meet the
needs of librarians who are using
Delicious as a repository of resources.
Despite this limitation, the Delicious
RSS feed may be useful in cases
where currency is relevant, such as
lists of recently acquired materials.
A second method to retrieve results
from Delicious is using JavaScript
Object Notation or JSON.5 As with
the RSS feed method, a request with
credentials goes out to the Delicious
server. The response returns in JSON
format, which can then be processed
using JavaScript. An example request
might be http://feeds.delicious
. c o m / v 2 / j s o n / i c l i b r e f / b i o l o g y
. By navigating to this URL, the JSON
response can be observed directly. A
JSON response for a single record
(formatted for readability) looks like
Delicious.posts = [
“d”:“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
(Evolution 1)”,
“n”:“This episode interweaves
the drama in key moments
of Darwin’s life with docu-
mentary sequences of current
research, linking past to present
and introducing major concepts
of evolutionary theory. 2001”}
It is instructive to look at the
JSON feed because it displays the
information elements that can be
extracted: “u” for the URL of the
resource, “d” for the title, “t” for a
comma-separated list of related tags,
“n” for the note field, and “dt” for
the timestamp. To display results in a
webpage, the feed is requested using
102 iNForMaTioN TECHNoloGY aND liBrariEs | JuNE 2009
Then the JSON objects must be
looped through and displayed as
desired. Alternately, as in the script
below, the JSON objects may be
placed into an array for sorting.
The following is a simple exam-
ple of a script that displays all of the
available data with each item in its
own paragraph. This script also sorts
the links alphabetically.
While RSS returns a maximum
of thirty-one entries, JSON allows a
maximum of one hundred. The exact
number of items returned may be
modified through the count param-
eter at the end of the URL.
At the Ithaca College Library, we
chose to use JSON because at the time,
Delicious did not offer the convenient
Tagrolls, and the results returned
by RSS were displayed in reverse
chronological order and truncated at
thirty-one items. Currently, we have a
single PHP page that can display any
Delicious result set within our library
website template. Librarians gener-
ate links with parameters that desig-
nate a page title, a comma-delimited
list of desired tags, and whether
or not item descriptions should be
displayed. For example, www.itha-
logy,biologyI¬es=yes will return a
page that looks like figure 2.
The advantage of this approach
is that librarians can easily gener-
ate webpages on the fly and send
the URL to their faculty members
or add it to a subject guide or other
webpage. The PHP script only has to
read the “$_GET” variables from the
URL and then query Delicious for
this content.
Delicious offers an application pro-
gramming interface (API) that
returns XML results from que-
ries passed to Delicious through
HTTPS. For instance, the request
recent?&tag=biology returns an XML
document listing the fifteen most
recent posts tagged as “biology” for
a given account.
Unlike either the RSS or the
JSON methods, the XML API offers
a means of retrieving all of the posts
for a given tag by allowing requests
such as https://api.del.icio.us/v1/
posts/all?&tag=biology. This type
of request is labor intensive for the
Delicious server, so it is best to cache
the results of such a query for future
use. This involves the user writing
the results of a request to a file on
the server and then checking to see
if such an archived file exists before
issuing another request. A PHP util-
ity called DeliciousPosts, which
provides caching functionality, is
available for free.6
Note that the username is not
part of the request and must be sup-
plied separately. Unlike the public
RSS or JSON feeds, using the XML
API requires users to log in to their
own account. From a script, this can
be accomplished using the PHP curl
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_
URL, $queryurl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_
USERPWD, $username . “:” .
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_
$posts = curl_exec($ch);
This code logs into a Delicious
account, passes it a query URL, and
makes the results of the query avail-
able as a string in the variable $posts.
The content of $posts can then be
processed as desired to create Web
content. One way of doing this is to
use an XSLT stylesheet to transform
the results into HTML, which can
then be printed to the browser:
/* Create a new DOM document
from your stylesheet */
$xsl = new DomDocument;
/* Set up the XSLT processor */
$xp = new XsltProcessor;
/* Create another DOM docu-
ment from the contents of the
$posts variable */
$doc = new DomDocument;
/* perform the XSLT transfor-
mation and output the resulting
$html = $xp-
echo $html;
Delicious is a great tool for quickly
and easily saving bookmarks. It
also offers some very simple tools
such as Linkrolls and Tagrolls to add
Delicious content to a website. But to
exert more control over this data, the
user must interact with the Delicious
API or feeds. We have outlined three
different ways to accomplish this:
RSS is a familiar option and a good
choice if the data is to be used in a
feed reader, or if only the most recent
items need be shown. JSON is per-
haps the fastest method, but requires
some basic scripting knowledge and
can only display one hundred results.
The XML option involves more pro-
gramming but allows an unlimited
number of results to be returned. All
of these methods facilitate the use
of Delicious data within an existing
1. Delicious, Tools, http://delicious
.com/help/tools (accessed Nov. 7, 2008).
2. Linkrolls may be found from your
Delicious account by clicking Settings >
Linkrolls, or directly by going to http://
delicious.com/help/linkrolls (accessed
Nov. 7, 2008).
3. Tagrolls may be found from your
Delivious account by clicking Settings >
Tagrolls or directly by going to http://
delicious.com/help/tagrolls (accessed
Nov. 7, 2008)
4. Martin Jansen and Clay Loveless,
“Pear::Package::XML_RSS,” http://pear
.php.net/package/XML_RSS (accessed
November 7, 2008).
5. Introducing JSON, http://json.org
(accessed Nov. 7, 2008).
6. Ron Gilmour, “DeliciousPosts,”
h t t p : / / r o n g i l m o u r. i n f o / s o f t w a r e /
deliciousposts (accessed Nov. 7, 2008).
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