26 inFoRmation tEcHnoLoGY anD LiBRaRiEs | junE 2008
Preparing Locally Encoded Electronic Finding Aid
Inventories for Union Environments: A Publishing
Model for Encoded Archival Description
Author ID (to come)
Plato L. Smith II
This paper will briefly discuss encoded archival descrip-
tion (EAD) finding aids, the workflow and process
involved in encoding finding aids using EAD metadata
standard, our institution’s current publishing model for
EAD finding aids, current EAD metadata enhancement,
and new developments in our publishing model for EAD
finding aids at Florida State University Libraries. For
brevity and within the scope of this paper, FSU Libraries
will be referred to as FSU, electronic EAD finding and/
or archival finding aid will be referred as EAD or EADs,
and locally encoded electronic EAD finding aids invento-
ries will be referred to as EADs @ FSU.
n What is an EAD finding aid?
Many scholars, researchers, and learning and schol-
arly communities are unaware of the existence of rare,
historic, and scholarly primary source materials such
as inventories, registers, indexes, archival documents,
papers, and manuscripts located within institutions’ col-
lections/holdings, particularly special collections and
archives. A finding aid—a document providing informa-
tion on the scope, contents, and locations of collections/
holdings—serves as both an information provider and
guide for scholars, researchers, and learning and schol-
arly communities, directing them to the exact locations
of rare, historic, and scholarly primary source materi-
als within institutions’ collections/holdings, particularly
noncirculating and rare materials. The development of
the finding aid led to the institution of an encoding and
markup language that was software/hardware indepen-
dent, flexible, extensible, and allowed online presentation
on the World Wide Web.
In order to provide logical structure, content pre-
sentation, and hierarchical navigation, as well as to
facilitate Internet access of finding aids, the University
of California–Berkeley Library in 1993 initiated a coop-
erative project that would later give rise to development
of the nonproprietary SGML-based, XML-compliant,
machine-readable markup language encoding finding
aid standard, encoded archival description (EAD) docu-
ment type definition (DTD) (LOC, 2006a). Thus, an EAD
finding aid is a finding aid that has been encoded using
Encoded Archival Description and which should be
validated against an EAD DTD. The EAD XML that pro-
duces the EAD finding aid via an extensible style sheet
language (XSL) should be checked for well-formed-ness
via an XML validator (i.e. XML Spy, Oxygen, etc.) to
ensure proper nesting of EAD metadata elements
“The EAD Document Type Definition (DTD) is a stan-
dard for encoding archival finding aids using Extensible
Markup Language (XML)” (LOC, 2006c). An EAD finding
aid includes descriptive and generic elements along with
attribute tags to provide descriptive information about
the finding aid itself, such as title, compiler, compilation
date, and the archival material such as collection, record
group, series, or container list.
Florida State University Libraries has been creating
locally encoded electronic encoded archival descrip-
tion (EAD) finding aids using a Note Tab Light text
editor template and locally developed XSL style sheets
to generate multiple EAD manifestations in HTML,
PDF, and XML formats online for over two years. The
formal EAD encoding descriptions and guidelines are
developed with strict adherence to the Best Practice
Guidelines for the Implementation of EAD Version 2002 in
Florida Institutions (FCLA, 2006), Manuscript Processing
Reference Manual (Altman & Nemmers, 2006), and EAD
Version 2002. An EAD Note Tab Light template is used
to encode findings down to the collection level and cre-
ate EAD XML files. The EAD XML files are tranformed
through XSL stylesheets to create EAD finding aids for
select special collections.
n EAD workflow, processes, and publishing model
The certified archivist and staff in Special Collections and
a graduate assistant in the Digital Library Center encode
finding aids in EAD metadata standard using an EAD
clip and EAD template library in Note Tab Light text
editor via data entry input for the various descriptive,
administrative, generic elements, and attribute metadata
element tags to generate EAD XML files. The EAD XML
files are then checked for validity and well-formed-ness
using XML Spy 2006. Currently, EAD finding aids are
encoded down to the folder level, but recent Florida
Heritage Project 2005–2006 grant funding has allowed
selected special collections finding aids to be encoded
down to the item level.
Currently, we use two XSL style sheets, ead2html.xsl
and ead2pdf.xsl, to generate HTML and PDF formats,
and simply display the raw XML as part of rendering
EAD finding aids as HTML, PDF, and XML and present-
ing these manifestations to researchers and end users.
The ead2html.xsl style sheet used to generate the HTML
versions was developed with specifications such as use of
FSU seal, color, and display with input from the Special
Collections department head. The ead2pdf.xsl style sheet
used to generate PDF versions uses XSL-FO (formatting
plato L. smith ii (psmithii@fsu.edu) is Digital Initiatives Librarian
at Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee.
pREpaRinG LocaLLY EncoDED ELEctRonic FinDinG aiD invEntoRiEs FoR union EnviRonmEnts | smitH 27
object), and was also developed with specifications for
layout and design input from the Special Collections
department head. The HTML versions are generated
using XML Spy Home Edition with built-in XSLT, and
the PDF versions are generated using Apache Formatting
Object Processor (FOP) software from the command line.
EAD finding aids, EADs @ FSU, are available in HTML,
PDF, and XML formats (see figure 1). The style sheets
used, EAD authoring software, and EADs @ FSU origi-
nal site are available via www.lib.fsu.edu/dlmc/dlc/
n Enriching EAD metadata
As EAD standards and developments in the archival
community advance, we had to begin a way of enrich-
ing our EAD metadata to prepare our locally encoded
EAD finding aids for future union catalog searching
and OPAC access. The first step toward enriching the
metadata of our EAD finding aids was to use RLG EAD
Report Card (OCLC, 2008) on one of our EAD
finding aids. The test resulted in the display
of missing Required (Req), Mandatory (M),
Mandatory if applicable (MA), Recommended
(Rec), Optional (Opt), and Encoding Analogs
(relatedencoding and encodinganalog attri-
butes) metadata elements (see figure 2).
The second test involved reference Online
Archive of California Best Practices Guidelines
(OAC BPG), specifically Appendix B (CDL,
2005, ¶ 2), to create a Formal Public Identifier
(FPI) for our EAD finding aids and make
the EAD FPIs Describing Archives Content
Standards (DACS)–compliant. This second test
resulted in the creation of our very first DACS–
compliant EAD Formal Public Identifier.
The RLG EAD Report Card and Appendix
B of OAC BPG together helped us modify our
EAD finding aid encoding template and work-
flow to enrich the EAD document identifier
metadata tag element, include miss-
ing mandatory EAD metadata elements, and
develop FPIs for all of our EAD finding aids.
Prior to recent new developments in the publishing
model of EAD finding aids at FSU Libraries, the EAD
finding aids in our EADs @ FSU inventories could not
be easily found using traditional Web search engines,
were part of the so-called “deep Web,” (Prom & Habing,
2002) and were “unidimensional in that they [were]
based upon the assumption that there [was] an object
in a library and there [was] a descriptive surrogate for
that object, the cataloging record” (Hensen, 1999). EAD
finding aids in our EADs @ FSU inventories did not
have a descriptive surrogate catalog record and lacked
the relevant related encoding and analog metadata ele-
ments within the EAD metadata with which to facilitate
“metadata crosswalks”—mapping one metadata stan-
dard with another metadata standard to facilitate cross-
searching. “To make the metadata in EAD instance as
robust as possible, and to allow for crosswalks to other
encoding schemes, we mandate the inclusion of the relat-
edencoding and encodinganalog attributes in both the
and segments” (Meissner, et al.,
2002). Incorporating an EAD quality checking tool such
as RLG BPG and EAD compliance such as DACS when
Figure 1. EAD finding aids in hTML, PDF, and XML format
Figure 2. RLG EAD Report Card of XML EAD file
28 inFoRmation tEcHnoLoGY anD LiBRaRiEs | junE 2008
authoring EADs, will assist in improving EAD encoding
and EAD finding aids publishing model.
n Some key issues with creating and managing EAD finding aids
One of the major issues with creating and managing EAD
finding aids is the set of rules used for describing papers,
manuscripts, and archival documents. The former set
of rules used for providing consistent descriptions and
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR) bibliographic
catalog compliance for papers, manuscripts, and archi-
val documents down to collection level was Archives,
Personal Papers, and Manuscripts (APPM), which was
complied by Steven L. Hensen and published by the
Library of Congress in 1983. However, the need for more
description granularity down to the item level, enhanced
bibliographic catalog specificity, MARC and EAD meta-
data standards implementations and metadata standards
crosswalks, and inclusion of descriptors of archival
material types beyond personal papers and manuscripts
prompted the development of Describing Archives: A
Content Standard (DACS), published in 2004 with the
second edition published in 2007. “DACS [U.S. imple-
mentation of international standard for the description of
archival materials and their creators] is an output-neutral
set of rules for describing archives, personal papers, and
manuscripts collections, and can be applied to all mate-
rial types ”(Pearce-Moses, 2005). Some international
standards for describing archival materials are General
International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G)
and International Standard Archival Authority Record for
Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families [ISAAR(CPF)].
Other issues with creating and managing EAD find-
ing aids include (list not exhaustive):
1. Online presentation of finding aids
2. Exposing finding aids electronically for searching
3. Provision of a search interface to search finding
4. Online public access catalog record (MARC) and
link to finding aids
5. Finding aids linked to digitized content of
EADs @ FSU exist in HTML for online presenta-
tion, PDF for printing, and XML for exporting, which
allow researchers greater flexibility and options in the
information-gathering and research processes and have
improved the way archivists communicated guides to
archival collections with researchers as opposed to paper
finding aids physically housed within institutions. EADs
@ FSU have existed online in HTML, PDF, and XML
formats for two years in a static HTML document and
then moved to Drupal (MySQL database with PHP) for
about one year, which improved online maintenance
but not researcher functionality. However, the purchase
and upgrade of a digital content management system
marked a huge advancement in the development of our
EAD finding aids implementation and thus resolutions to
issues numbers 1–3.
Researchers now have a single-point search interface
to search EADs @ FSU across all our digital collections/
institutional repository (see figure 3); the ability
to search within the finding aids via full-text
indexing of PDFs; the option of brief (thumb-
nails with EAD, HTM, PDF, and XML manifes-
tation icons), table (title, creator, and identifier),
and full (complete EAD finding aid DC record
with manifestations) views of search results,
which provides different levels of exposures of
EAD finding aids; and the ability to save/e-mail
search results.
Future initiatives are underway to enhance
EADs @ FSU implementation via the creation
of EAD MARC records through Dublin Core to
MARC metadata crosswalk, to deep link to EAD
finding aids via 856 field in MARC records, and
to begin digitizing and linking to EAD finding
aids archival content via digital archival object
EAD element. is “linking element
that uses the attributes ENTITYREF or HREF
to connect the finding aid information to elec-
tronic representations of the described materi-
als. The and elements allow
the content of an archival collection or record Figure 3. Online search GUI for EAD finding aids and digital collections within IR
pREpaRinG LocaLLY EncoDED ELEctRonic FinDinG aiD invEntoRiEs FoR union EnviRonmEnts | smitH 29
group to be incorpo-
rated in the finding
aid” (LOC, 2006b).
We have opted to
create basic Dublin
Core records of EAD
finding aids based
on the information in
the EAD finding aids
descriptive summary
(front matter) first
and then crosswalk to
MARC, but are cogni-
zant that this current
workflow is subject
to change in the pur-
suit of advancement.
However, we are
seeking ways to improve the EAD workflow and EAD
MARC record creation through more communication and
future collaboration with the FSU Libraries cataloging
n Number of finding aids and percent of EADs @ FSU
As of February 16, 2006, we had 700 collections with
finding aids in which 220 finding aids are electronic and
encoded in HTML (31 percent of total finding aids). From
the 220 electronic finding aids, 60 are available as HTML,
PDF, and XML finding aids (20 percent of electronic find-
ing aids are EADs @ FSU). However, we currently have
63 EAD finding aids available online in HTML, PDF, and
XML formats.
n New developments in publishing EADs @ FSU
Current EADs @ FSU include the recommendations from
test 1 and test 2 (RLG BPG and DACS compliance) which
were discussed earlier and the digital content manage-
ment system (i.e. DigiTool) creates a descriptive digital
surrogate of the EAD objects in the form of brief and basic
Dublin Core metadata records for each EAD finding aid
along with multiple EAD manifestations (see figure 4).
We have successfully built and launched our first
new digital collection, FSU Special Collections EAD
Inventories, in DigiTool 3.0 as part of FSU Libraries DLC
Digital Repository (http://digitool3.lib.fsu.edu/R/), a
relational database digital content management system
(DCMS). DigiTool has an Oracle 9i relational database
management system backend, searchable Web-based GUI,
a default EAD style sheet that allows full-text searching of
EADs, supports MARC, DC, METS metadata standards,
JPEG2000 (built in tools for images and thumbnails)
as well as Z39.50 and OAI protocols which will enable
resource discovery and exposing of EADs @ FSU.
You can visit FSU Special Collections EAD Finding
Aids Inventories at http://digitool3.lib.fsu.edu/R/?
National, international, and
regional aggregation of finding aids
RLG’s ArchiveGrid (http://archivegrid.org/web/index.
jsp) is an international, cross-institutional search consti-
tuting the aggregation of primary source archival materi-
als of more than 2,500 research libraries, museums, and
archives with a single-point interface to search archival
collections from across research institutions. Other inter-
national, cross-institutional searches of aggregated archi-
val collections are:
n Intute: arts& humanities in the United
Kingdom www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/
cgi-bin/browse.pl?id=200025 (international guide
to subcategories of archival materials)
n Archives Made Easy www.archivesmade
easy.org (guide to archives by country)
There are also some regional initiatives, which pro-
vide cross-institutional search of aggregations of finding
n Publication of Archival Library and Museum
Materials (PALMM) http://palmm.fcla.edu (cross-
Figure 4. EAD finding aids in EAD (default), hTML, PDF, and XML manifestations
30 inFoRmation tEcHnoLoGY anD LiBRaRiEs | junE 2008
institutional searches in FL - FSU participates, FL)
n Virginia Heritage: Guides to Manuscript and
Archival Collections in Virginia http://ead.lib
.virginia.edu/vivaead/ (cross-institutional searches
in Virginia)
n Texas Archival Resources Online www.lib.utexas.
edu/taro/ (cross-institutional searches in Texas)
n Online Archive of New Mexico http://elibrary
.unm.edu/oanm/ (cross-institutional searches in
New Mexico)
Awareness of regional, national, and international
aggregation of finding aids initiatives and engagement in
regional aggregation of finding aids will enable a consis-
tent advancement in the development and implementa-
tion of EADs @ FSU.
FSU Libraries Digital Library Center and Special
Collections Department, Florida Heritage Project funding
(FCLA), Chuck F. Thomas (FCLA), and Robert McDonald
(SDSC) assisted in the development, implementation, and
success of EADs at FSU.
Altman, B. & Nemmers, J. (2006). Manuscripts processing ref-
erence manual. Florida State University Special Collections.
California Digital Library (CDL). (2005). OAC best practice
guidelines for encoded archival description, appendix b. for-
mal public identifiers for finding aids. Retrieved October 6,
2006 from www.cdlib.org/inside/diglib/guidelines/bpgead/
Digital Library Center, Florida State University Libraries.
(2006). FSU special collections EAD finding aids inventories.
Retrieved January 5, 2007 from http://digitool3.lib.fsu.edu/
Florida Center of Library Automation (FCLA). (2004). PALMM:
publication of archival library and museum materials, archival
collections. Retrieved January 7, 2007 from http://palmm.fcla
Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA). (2006). Best
practice guidelines for the implementaton of EAD version
2002 in Florida institutions. (John Nemmers, Ed.). Accessed
April 21, 2008, at www.fcla.edu/dlini/OpeningArchives/new/
Fox, M. (2003). The EAD cookbook — 2002 edition.Chicago:
The Society of American Archivists. Retrieved October 6, 2006
from www.archivists.org/saagroups/ead/ead2002cookbook
Hensen, S. L. (1999). NISTF II and EAD: The evolution of archi-
val description. Encoded Archival Description: Context, Theory,
and Case Studies (pp. 23–34). Chicago: The Society of American
Library of Congress (LOC). (2006a). Development of the
encoded archival description DTD. Retrieved October 6, 2006
from www.loc.gov/ead/eaddev.html.
Library of Congress (LOC). (2006b). Digital archival object—
encoded archival description tag library—version 2002. Retrieved
January 8, 2007 from www.loc.gov/ead/tglib.
Library of Congress (LOC). (2006c). Encoded archival descrip-
tion —version 2002 official site. ETD dtd version 2002. Retrieved
April 19, 2008 from www.loc.gov/ead/ead2002a.html.
Meissner, D., Kinney, G., Lacy, M., Nelson, N., Proffitt, M.,
Rinehart, R., Ruddy, D., Stockling, B., Webb, M., & Young, T.
(2002). RLG best practices guidelines for encoded archival
description (pp. 1-24). Mountain View: RLG. Retrieved January
5, 2007 from www.rlg.org/en/pdfs/bpg.pdf.
National Library of Australia. (1999). Use of encoded archi-
val description (EAD) for manuscript collection Retrieved
January 4, 2007 from www.nla.gov.au/initiatives/ead/eadintro
OCLC. (2007). ArchiveGrid—open the door to history.
Retrieved January 4, 2007 from http://archivegrid.org/web.
OCLC. (2008). EAD report card. Retrieved April 11, 2008
Pearce-Moses, R. (2005). A glossary of archival and records
terminology. Chicago: Society of American Archivists. Retrieved
January 8, 2007 from www.archivists.org/glossary/index.asp.
Prom, C. J. & Habing, T. G. (2002). Using the open archives ini-
tiative protocols with EAD . Paper preserted at the International
Conference on Digital Libraries Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Portland, Oregan, USA, July
14-18, 2002. Retrieved October 6, 2006 from http://portal.acm
Reese, T. (2005). Building lite-weight EAD Repositories,. Paper
presented in the International Conference on Digital Libraries
Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital
Libraries. New York: ACM. Retrieved January 5, 2007 from
Special Collections Department, University of Virginia. (2004).
Virginia heritage guides to manuscripts and archival collections
in virginia. Retrieved January 7, 2007 from http://ead.lib.virginia
Thomas, C., et al. (2006). Best practices guidelines for the
implementation of EAD version 2002 in Florida institutions.
Florida State University Special Collections.
University of Texas Libraries, University of Texas at Austin.
(Unknown). Texas Archival Resources Online (TARO). Retrieved
January 4, 2007 from www.lib.utexas.edu/taro.