Hutchinson This study focuses on the adoption and use of wireless technology by medium-sized academic libraries, based on responses from eighty-eight institutions. Results indicate that wireless networks are already available in many medium-sized academic libraries and that respondents from these institutions feel this technology is beneficial. W ireless networking offers a way to meet the needs of an increasingly mobile, tech-savvy stu- dent population. While many research libraries offer wireless access to their patrons, academic libraries serving smaller populations must heavily weigh both the potential benefits and disadvantages of this new technol- ogy. Will wireless networks become essential components of the modern academic library, or is this new technology just a passing fad? Prompted by plans to implement a wireless network at the Houston Cole Library (HCL) (Jacksonville State University’s [JSU’s] library), which serves a student enrollment close to ten thousand, this study was conducted to gather information about whether libraries similar in size and mission to HCL have adopted wireless technology. The study also sought to find out what, if any, problems other libraries have encountered with wireless networks and how successful they have perceived those networks to be. Other ques- tions addressed include level of technical support offered, planning, type of equipment used to access the network, and patron-use levels. � Review of Literature A review of the literature on wireless networks revealed a number of articles on wireless networks and checkout pro- grams for laptop computers at large research institutions. Seventy percent of major research libraries surveyed by Kwon and Soules in 2003 offered some degree of wireless access to their networks.1 No articles, however, specifically addressed the use of wireless networks in medium-sized academic libraries. Many articles can also be found on wireless-network use in medical libraries and other insti- tutions. Library instruction using wireless classrooms and laptops has been another subject of inquiry as well. Breeding wrote that there are a number of successful uses for wireless technology in libraries, and a wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) can be a natural extension of existing networks. He added that since it is sometimes difficult to install wiring in library buildings, wireless is more cost effective.2 A yearly survey conducted by the Campus Computing Project found that the number of schools planning for and deploying wireless networks rose dramatically from 2002 to 2003. “For example, the portion of campuses reporting strategic plans for wireless networks rose to 45.5 percent in fall 2003, up from 34.7 percent in 2002 and 24.3 percent in 2001.”3 The use of wireless access in academia is expected to keep growing. According to a summary of a study con- ducted by the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR), the higher-education community will keep investing in the technology infrastructure, and institu- tions will continue to refine and update networks. The move toward wireless access “represents a user-centered shift, providing students and faculty with greater access than ever before.”4 In an article on ubiquitous computing, Drew provides a straightforward look at how WLANs work, security issues, planning, and the uses and ramifications of wire- less technology in libraries. He suggests, “Perhaps one of the most important reasons for implementing wireless networking across an entire campus or in a library is the highly mobile lifestyle of students and faculty.” The use of wireless will only increase with the advent of new portable devices, he added. Wireless networking is the best and least expensive way for students, faculty, and staff to take their office with them wherever they go.5 The circulation of laptop computers is a frequent topic in the available literature. The 2003 study by Kwon and Soules primarily focused on laptop-lending services in academic-research libraries. Fifty percent of the institu- tions that responded to their survey provided laptops for checkout. The majority indicated moderate-to-high use of laptop services. Positive user response and improved “public reputation, image, and relations” were the great- est advantages reported with laptop circulation. The major disadvantages associated with these services were related to labor and cost.6 A study of laptop checkout service at the Mildred F. Sawyer Library at Suffolk University in Boston revealed that laptop usage was popular during the fall semester of 1999. Students checked out the computers to work on group projects. A laptop area was set aside on one library floor to provide wired Internet access for eight users. However, students wanted to use the laptops any- where, not one designated place. The wired laptop areas were not popular, Dugan wrote, adding that “Few stu- dents used the wired area and the wires were repeatedly stolen or intentionally broken.” An interim phase involved providing wireless network cards for checkout Wireless Networks in Medium-sized Academic Libraries: A National Survey Paula Barnett-Ellis and Laurie Charnigo Paula Barnett-Ellis ( is Health and Sciences Librarian, and Laurie Charnigo (charnigo@jsucc is Education Librarian at Houston Cole Library, Jacksonville State University, Alabama. WIRELESS NETWORKS IN MEDIUM-SIZED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES | BARNETT-ELLIS AND CHARNIGO 13 14 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2005 to encourage patrons to use their own laptops, and, when a wireless network was put into place in the fall of 2000, demand exceeded the number of available laptops for checkout.7 � Method A survey (see appendix) was designed to find out how many libraries similar in size and mission to HCL have adopted wireless networks, the experiences they have encountered in offering wireless access, and, most impor- tantly, whether they felt the investment in wireless tech- nology has been worth the effort.8 The National Center for Education Statistic’s Academic Library Peer Com- parison Tool, a database composed of statistical informa- tion on libraries throughout the United States, was used to select institutions for this study. A search on this data- base retrieved eighty-eight academic libraries that met two criteria: full-time enrollments of between five thou- sand and ten thousand, and classification by the Carnegie Classification of Higher Education as Master’s Colleges and Universities I.9 The survey was administered to those thought most likely to be responsible for systems in the library; they were selected from staff listings on library Web sites (Lib- rary Systems Administrator, Information Tech-nology [IT] staff). If such a person could not be identified, the survey was sent to the head of library systems or to the library director. The survey was divided into the following sections: implementation of wireless network, planning and instal- lation stages, user services, technical problems, and bene- fits specific to use of network. Surveys were mailed out in March 2004. An Internet address was provided in the cover letter if participants wished to take the survey online rather than return it by mail. An e-mail reminder with a link to the online survey was sent out three weeks after the initial survey was mailed. All letters and e-mails were personal- ized, and a self-addressed stamped envelope and a ball- point pen with the JSU logo were included with the mail surveys. In the e-mail reminder, the authors offered to share the results of the project with anyone who was inter- ested, and received several enthusiastic responses. � Results A total of fifty-three completed surveys were returned, resulting in a response rate of 60 percent. The over- whelming majority (85 percent) responded that their library offered wireless-network access. Even if the thirty-five surveys that were not returned had reported that wireless networks were not available, more than 50 percent would still have offered wireless networks. Survey results also pointed to the newness of the tech- nology. Only four of the fifty-three institutions have had wireless networks for more than three years. The major- ity (73 percent) has implemented wireless networks just within the last two years. When asked to identify the major reasons for offer- ing wireless networks to their patrons, the three responses most chosen were: (1) to provide greater access to users; (2) the flexibility of a network unfettered by the limitations of tedious wiring; and (3) to keep up with technological innovation (see table 1). Least signif- icant factors in the decision to implement wireless net- works were cost; use by library faculty and staff; to aid in bibliographic instruction; and use for carrying out technical services (taking inventory). Somewhat to the authors’ surprise, wireless use in bibliographic instruc- tion was not high on the list of reasons for installing a wireless network, identified by only 9 percent of respon- dents. The benefits of wireless for library instruction was stressed in the literature by Mathias and Heser and Patton.10 In addition to obtaining an instrument for gauging how many libraries similar in scope and size to HCL have implemented wireless networks and why they chose to do so, questions on the survey were also designed to gather information on planning and imple- mentation, user services, technical problems, and per- ceived benefits. � Planning and Implementation Although Tolson mentions that some schools have used committees composed of faculty, staff, and students to look into the adoption of wireless technology, responses from this survey indicated that the majority (60 percent) of the libraries did not form committees specifically for the planning of their wireless networks.11 In addition, 49 percent of the libraries took fewer than six months to plan for implementation of a network, 37 percent required six months to one year, and 15 percent reported more than one to two years. Actual time spent on instal- lation and configuration of wireless networks was rela- tively short, 98 percent indicating less than one year (see table 2 for specific times). One of the most important issues to consider when planning to implement a wireless network is extent of coverage—where wireless access will be available. Survey responses revealed varying degrees of wireless coverage among institutions. Twenty percent had cam- pus-wide access, 55 percent had some level of coverage throughout the entire library, 37 percent provided a lim- ited range of coverage outside the building, and 20 percent offered access only in certain areas within the library. According to a bulletin published by ECAR, institutions vary in their approaches to networking depending on enrollment. Smaller colleges and univer- sities with fewer than ten thousand students are “more likely to implement campuswide wireless networks from the start. Larger institutions are more likely to implement wireless technology in specific buildings, consistent with a desire to move forward at a modest pace, as resources and comfort with the technology grow.”12 Questions on the survey also queried respon- dents about the popularity of spaces in the library where users access the library’s wireless network. Answers revealed that the most popular areas for wireless access are study carrels, tables, and study rooms. Nineteen per- cent indicated that accessing wireless networks in the stacks is popular. Of particular concern to HCL, a thirteen-story build- ing, was how the environment of the library would accommodate a wireless network. A thorough site sur- vey is important to locate the best spots within the library to install access points and to determine whether there are architectural barriers in the building that might interfere with access. The majority of survey respon- dents indicated that the site survey conducted in their library for a wireless network was carried out by their academic institution’s IT staff (59 percent). While library staff conducted 35 percent of site surveys, only 17 per- cent were conducted by outside companies. � User Services An issue to be addressed by libraries deciding to go wireless is whether laptop computers should also be provided for checkout in the library. After all, it might be hard to justify the usefulness of a wireless network if users do not have access to laptops or other hardware with wire- less capabilities. While one individual reported working at a “laptop university” in which campuswide wireless networking exists and all students are required to own laptops, not all college stu- dents will have that luxury. In order to provide more equal access to students, checking out laptops has become an increasingly com- mon service in academic libraries. Seventy percent of this survey’s respondents whose institutions offered wireless access also made lap- tops available for checkout. Comments made throughout the survey seemed to imply that while checking out laptops to patrons is an invaluable complement to offering wireless access, librar- ians should be prepared for a myriad of hassles that accompany laptop checkout. Wear and tear of laptops, massive battery use, cost of laptops, and maintenance were some of the biggest problems reported. One partici- pant, whose institution decided to stop offering laptops for checkout to patrons in the library, wrote, “It required too much staff time to maintain and we decided the money was better spent elsewhere. The college now encourages students to purchase a laptop [instead of] a full-sized PC.” One participant worried that the rising use of laptops in his library would lead to the obsolescence of its more than one hundred wired desktops, writing, “Our desktops are very popular and we think having them is one of the reasons our gate count has increased in recent years. What happens when everyone has a laptop?” The number of laptops checked out in the libraries varied. The majority of libraries had purchased between one and thirty laptops available for checkout (see table 3). Three institutions had more than forty-one laptops avail- able for checkout. One library could boast that it had sixty laptops available for checkout with twelve pagers to notify students waiting in line to use laptops. When asked about the use of laptops in libraries, 46 percent Table 1. Main Reasons for Implementing a Wireless Network in Absolute Numbers and Percentages Reasons for Implementing Total Number of Percent of Responses a Wireless Network Responses out of Total Number Provide greater access to users 36 67 Flexibility (no wires, ease in setting up) 29 54 To keep up with or provide technological innovation 28 52 Campuswide initiative 21 39 Requests expressed by users 16 30 Provide greater online access due to shortage of computers-per-user in the library 15 28 Other 7 13 Offer network access outside the library building 6 11 Aid in bibliographic instruction 5 9 For use by library faculty and staff 5 9 Low cost 5 9 To carry out technical services (such as inventory) 4 7 WIRELESS NETWORKS IN MEDIUM-SIZED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES | BARNETT-ELLIS AND CHARNIGO 15 16 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2005 observed moderate use, while 32 percent reported heavy use of laptops. Only 3 percent indicated that they hardly ever noticed use of laptops in the library. For those stu- dents who chose to bring their own laptop to access the library’s wireless net- work, half of the institu- tions surveyed required students to purchase their own network-interface cards for their laptops, while 19 percent allowed students to check them out from the library. In addition to laptops, personal digital assis- tants, (PDAs) were listed by 37 percent of respon- dents as devices that may access wireless networks. One librarian indicated that cell phones could access the wireless net- work in his library. Fifty- six percent of respondents indicated that users are able to print to a central printer in the library from their wireless device. An important consid- eration for implementing a wireless network is how users will authenticate. Authentication protocol is defined by the Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking as “any protocol used for validating the identity of a user to determine whether to grant the user access to resources over a net- work.”13 Authentication methods listed by the institutions surveyed varied greatly and the authors could not identify all of them. Methods mentioned were Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), virtual private net- work (VPN), and Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, Bluesocket, Remote Authentication Dial in User Service (RADIUS), pluggable Graphical Identification and Authentication (pGINA), Protected Extensive Authen- tication Protocol (PEAP), and e-mail logins. Out of the thirty-nine responses to this question, seven individuals indicated that they do not require any type of authentica- tion at the present. Although some individuals noted that they are planning to enable some type of authentication in the future, one participant suggested that there were ethi- cal issues involved in requiring users to authenticate. This person argued that “anonymous access to information is valued” and praised his institution’s current policy of allowing “anyone who can find the network” to use it. A concern about offering wireless network access in the library is how library staff will be prepared to handle the flood of technical questions that are likely to ensue. The level of technical support offered to users varied among the institutions surveyed. More than half of the respondents indicated that users receive help specifically from IT staff or from the campus computer center. Thirty- nine percent of users received help from the reference desk, while 19 percent received help from circulation staff. Thirty-three percent of the responding institutions offered technical help from a Web site, while 7 percent indicated that they did not offer any type of technical support to users. Technical Problems The technical problems most often encountered with wire- less networks centered on architectural barriers that cause black-outs or slow-spots where wireless access fails. This confirms the importance of carrying out thorough site sur- Table 2. Total Length of Time Taken to Completely Configure and Install the Wireless Network Time to Install and Total Number of Percent of Responses Configure Wireless Network Responses out of Total Number Less than one month 12 28 One to two months 11 26 More than two months to four months 10 23 More than four months to six months 4 9 More than six months to one year 5 12 More than one year 1 2 Table 3. Total Number of Laptops Available for Checkout in the Library Total Laptops Total Number of Percent of Responses Available for Checkout Responses out of Total Number One to five 8 26 Six to ten 5 16 Eleven to fiften 1 3 Sixteen to twenty 5 16 Twenty-one to thirty 8 26 Thirty-one to forty 1 3 More than forty 3 10 veys and testing prior to installation of access points. Site surveys may be carried out by companies specially equipped and trained to determine where access points should be installed, the most appro- priate type of antennae (directional or omnidirec- tional), and how many access points are needed to provide the greatest amount of coverage. Con- figuration of the network was the second most highly reported problem associated with installing wireless networks, seem- ing to suggest the need for librarians to coordinate their efforts and rely on the knowledge provided by the IT coordinator (or simi- lar type of personnel) within their institution. Lack of technical support available to users, slow speed, and authentication were also indicated as technical problems most encountered (see table 4). Integrating the wireless network with the existing wired network was the least-mentioned problem associated with wireless networks. Although security problems, particularly concerning Wired Equivalency Protocol (WEP) vulnerabilities, have been pointed out as one of the major drawbacks of a wire- less network, the majority of users had not as yet experi- enced security problems. Although one participant wrote, “Don’t be too casual about the security risks,” another individual wrote, “Talk to your networking department,” as many of them are overly worried about security. Perceived Benefits Respondents reported that the number-one benefit of offering wireless access was user satisfaction. Giving patrons the ability to use their laptops anywhere in the library and do multiple tasks from one machine is simply becoming what more and more users expect. The second- largest benefit revolved around flexibility and ease of use due to the lack of wires. Thirty-five percent indicated that allowing students to roam the stacks while accessing the network was a significant benefit. Although a few studies have suggested the promise of wireless networks for aid- ing bibliographic instruction, only 9 percent of respon- dents indicated this as a benefit of wireless technology. Use of wireless technology for instruction, it might be recalled, was not a significant factor noted by respondents in the decision to implement a wireless network. Likewise, use of this type of network to carry out technical services (such as inventory) was also low on the scale of benefits. Seventy-three percent of users claimed that wireless net- works have thus far been worth the cost-benefit ratio. While 70 percent indicated moderate to heavy use of the wireless network, 27 percent reported low usage. When asked what advice they would give to others considering adopting wireless networks in their libraries, the overwhelming majority of responses were positive, recommending that HCL take the plunge. As one indi- vidual wrote, “Offer it and they will come. It has really increased the usage of our library.” Other individuals noted that it is simply necessary to offer wireless access to keep up with technological innovation, and that students expect it. The most significant warning, however, revolved around checkout and maintenance of laptops, which, from the results of this survey, seems be both a big advantage and a headache. Several individuals echoed the importance of doing site surveys to test bandwidth limitations and access. One particularly energized partic- ipant, using multiple exclamations for emphasis, shared a plethora of advice. “Throttle connection speeds! Allow only http access! Block ports and unnecessary protocols! Secure your network and disallow unauthenticated users! Use access control lists! Establish policies that describe WIRELESS NETWORKS IN MEDIUM-SIZED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES | BARNETT-ELLIS AND CHARNIGO 17 Table 4. Technical Problems Encountered Problems Total Number of Percent of Responses Encountered Responses out of Total Number Architectural barriers 15 28 Configuration problems 12 22 Not enough technical help available to users when needed 10 19 Slow speed 10 19 Authentication problems 10 19 Blackouts 6 11 Problems installing drivers 6 11 Security problems 6 11 Difficulty signing on 6 11 Problems with operating systems 5 9 Other 3 6 Problems integrating the wireless network with an existing wired network 2 4 18 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2005 [wireless fidelity] Wi-Fi risks and liabilities on your part!” Useful advice on wireless-access implementation gleaned from this survey fell under the following categories: � Be aware of slower speed � Create a policy and guide for users � Do it because more users are going wireless, it is nec- essary to keep up with technological innovation, and because students love it � Provide plenty of access points � Install access points in appropriate places � Ensure continuous connectivity by allowing overlap between access points � Purchase battery chargers and heavy-duty laptops with extended warranties � Get support from IT staff for planning and mainte- nance � Offering wireless will increase library usage � Perform or have an expert perform a careful site sur- vey and do lots of testing to locate dead or slow spots in the library due to architectural barriers � Enable some type of authorization � Be aware of security concerns � Although the majority of participants’ networks (70 percent) support 802.11b (which allows for through- put up to 11 megabits per second), a few participants suggest using the 802.11g standard (up to 54 megabits per second) because it is “the fastest” and “backwards compatible to 802.11b” � Conclusion Though it is a relatively new technology, this study found that a surprisingly large number of medium-sized aca- demic libraries are already offering wireless access. Not only are they offering wireless access, but they are also pro- viding patrons with laptops for checkout in the library. Although actual use of the network by patrons was not determined through survey responses (as individuals were only asked about their observations of network use), the comments and answers were overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic about this new technology. Problems that have been encountered with wireless networks largely revolve around configuration, slow speed, and laptop checkout. Although much of the literature focuses on secu- rity issues that accompany wireless networking, few indi- viduals reported problems with security. College and university students, like the rest of soci- ety, are becoming increasingly mobile. More often, they want access to library networks and the Internet wher- ever they happen to be studying or working on group projects, not merely in computer labs or designated study areas. The majority of the libraries in this study are accommodating these students’ needs by offering wire- less access. According to Breeding, wireless networking is a rapidly growing niche in the networking world, and mobile computer users will become a larger and larger part of any library’s clientele.14 To encourage patrons to continue visiting them, academic libraries, large and small, should attempt to meet the demand for wireless access if at all possible. References and Notes 1. Myoung-ja Lee Kwon and Aline Soules, Laptop Computer Services: SPEC Kit 275 (Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries Office of Leadership and Management Services, 2003), 11. 2. Marshall Breeding, “The Benefits of Wireless Technolo- gies,” Information Today 19, no. 3 (Mar. 2002): 42–43. 3. Kenneth C. Green, “The Campus Computing Project.” Accessed Mar. 3, 2004, 4. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, “Respondent Summary: Wireless Networking in Higher Education in the U.S. and Canada.” Accessed Dec. 4, 2003, ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ERS0202/ekf0202.pdf. 5. Wilfred Drew, “Wireless Networks: New Meaning to Ubiquitous Computing,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 29, no. 2 (Mar. 2003): 102–106. 6. Kwon and Soules, Laptop Computer Services, 11, 15–17. 7. Robert E. Dugan, “Managing Laptops and the Wireless Networks at the Mildred F. Sawyer Library,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 27, no. 4 (Jul. 2001): 295–98. 8. Questions on the survey did not distinguish as to whether wireless network installations were initiated by IT or library personnel. 9. National Center for Education Statistics, “Compare Acad- emic Libraries.” Accessed Mar. 10, 2004, surveys/libraries/academicpeer/. 10. Molly Susan Mathias and Steven Heser, “Mobilize Your Instruction Program with Wireless Technology,” Computers in Libraries 22, no.3 (Mar. 2002): 24–30; Janice K. Patton, “Wireless Computing in the Library: A Successful Model at St. Louis Com- munity College,” Community & Junior-College Libraries 10, no. 3 (Mar. 2001): 11–16. 11. Stephanie Diane Tolson, “Wireless Laptops and Local Area Networks.” Accessed Dec. 11, 2003, magazine/vault/articleprintversion.cfm?aid=3536. 12. Raymond Boggs and Paul Arabasz, “Research Bulletin: The Move to Wireless Networking in Higher Education.” Accessed Dec. 4, 2003, 13. Mitch Tulloch, Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking (Red- mond, Wash.: Microsoft Pr., 2002), 122. 14. Marshall Breeding, “A Hard Look at Wireless Networks,” Library Journal 127, no. 12 (Summer 2002): 14–17. 1. Has a wireless network been implemented in your library? __Yes __No 2. If your library has not adopted wireless networking, are you currently planning or seriously considering it for the near future? __Yes (Please skip to question 4) __No (Please fill out questions 2 and 3 only) 3. What are your primary concerns about implement- ing a wireless network? Check all that apply. __The technology is still new __Unsure of its benefits __No need for one __Questions regarding security __Cost __Would not be able to provide technical support that might be needed __Funds must primarily support other types of tech- nology at the moment __Have not noticed many users with laptops in the library __Slow speed of wireless networks __Other 4. How long has a wireless network been implemented in your library? __Fewer than 6 months __6 months to 1 year __More than 1 to 2 years __More than 2 to 3 years __More than 3 years 5. What were the main reasons for implementing a wireless network? Check all that apply. __Provide greater access to users __Campuswide initiative __Offer network access outside the library building __Provide greater online access due to shortage of computers per user in the library __Flexibility (no wires, ease in setting up) __Requests expressed by users __Low cost __To keep up with or provide technological innovation __To carry out technical services (such as inventory) __Aid in bibliographic instruction __For use by library faculty and staff __Other 6. Please describe the coverage of your network. Check all that apply. __Campuswide __Library building and limited range outside the library building __Inside the library (all areas) __Select areas within the library 7. What areas of the library are most popularly used for access to the wireless network? Check all that apply. __Reference and computer media center areas __In the stacks __Librarians and staff offices __Carrels, tables, reading or study rooms __Area outside the library building 8. Please list standards your wireless network supports. Check all that apply. __802.11b __802.11a __802.11g __Bluetooth __Other Planning and Installation 1. Was a committee established to plan the implemen- tation and service of the wireless network? __Yes __No 2. How long did it take to plan for implementation of the wireless network? __Fewer than 6 months __6 months to 1 year __More than 1 to 2 years __More than 2 years 3. How long did it take to install and configure the net- work? __Less than a month __1 to 2 months __More than 2 to 4 months __More than 4 to 6 months __More than 6 months to 1 year __More than 1 year 4. Who performed the site survey? Check all that apply. __An outside company or contractor Appendix. Survey: Implementation of Wireless Networks WIRELESS NETWORKS IN MEDIUM-SIZED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES | BARNETT-ELLIS AND CHARNIGO 19 20 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2005 __Institution’s own information technology coordi- nator or computer staff __Library staff with technical expertise __No site survey was conducted 5. If the site surveyor was an outside company or con- tractor, please list their company name and whether you would recommend them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ User Services 1. How are users authenticated? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Does the library check out laptops to users (for either wired or wireless use)? __Yes __No 3. If laptops are available for checkout, do they have wireless capability? __Yes __No 4. How many laptops do you have for checkout? __One to five __Six to ten __Eleven to fifteen __Sixteen to twenty __Twenty-one to thirty __Thirty-one to forty __More than forty 5. How would you describe use of laptops in your library on the average day? __Heavy—very noticeable use of laptops __Moderate use of laptops __Low use of laptops __Not sure __Hardly even notice laptops are used 6. How do users obtain wireless cards for the network? Check all that apply. __Check out from library __Purchase from library __Purchase from the campus computer center __Must purchase on their own 7. If the library checks out wireless cards, how many were purchased for checkout? __One to five __Six to ten __Eleven to fifteen __Sixteen to twenty __Twenty-one to twenty-five __Twenty-six to thirty __More than thirty 8. What type of technical support does the library pro- vide to users? Check all that apply. __Help from reference or help desk __Help from the information technology staff or campus computer center __Circulation staff __Other library staff __From a Web site __No technical help is provided to users 9. Has the library created a policy for the use of wire- less networks? __Yes __No 10. Are users able to print from the wireless network in the library? __Yes __No 11. Which of the following may access the wireless net- work? Check all that apply. __Laptops __Desktop computers __PDAs __Cell phones __Other Technical Problems 1. What technical problems have you or your users encountered? Check all that apply. __Blackouts __Architectural barriers __Slow speed __Problems integrating the wireless network with an existing wired network __Configuration problems __Security problems __Authentication problems __Problems with operating systems __Difficulty signing on __Not enough technical help available to users when needed __Problems installing drivers __Other 2. Have you experienced security problems with the network? Check all that apply. __Have not experienced any security problems __Problems with unauthorized people accessing the Internet through the wireless network __Problems with restricted parts of the network being accessed by unauthorized users __Other 3. How were security problems resolved? Benefits of Use of Network 1. What have been the biggest benefits of wireless tech- nology? Check all that apply. __User satisfaction __Increased access to the Internet and online sources __Flexibility and ease due to lack of wires __Has improved technical services (use for library functions) __Has aided in bibliographic instruction __Provides access beyond the library building __Allows students to roam the stacks while access- ing the network __Other 2. How would you describe current usage of the net- work? __Heavy __Moderate __Low 3. In your opinion, has this technology been worth the benefit-cost ratio thus far? __Yes __No __Not sure 4. What advice would you give to librarians consider- ing this technology? (Editorial continued from page 3) design and implementation of complex systems to serve our users. Writing about that should not be solitary either. I hope to publish think-pieces from leaders in our field. I hope to publish more articles on the management of information technologies. I hope to increase the number of manuscripts that provide retrospectives. Libraries have always been users of information technologies, often early adopters of leading-edge technologies that later become common- place. We should, upon occasion, remember and reflect upon our development as an information-technology profession. I hope to work with the editorial board, the LITA Publications Committee, and the LITA board to find a way, and soon, to facilitate the electronic publication of articles without endangering—but in fact enhancing—the absolutely essential financial contribution that the journal provides to the association. In short, I want to make ITAL a destination journal of excellence for both readers and authors, and in doing so reaffirm the importance of LITA as a professional division of ALA. To accomplish my goals, I need more than an excellent editorial board, more than first-class referees to provide quality control, and more than the support of the LITA officers. I need all LITA members to be prospective authors, prospective referees, and prospective literary agents acting on behalf of our profession to continue the almost forty-year tradition begun by Fred Kilgour and his colleagues, who were our predecessors in volume 1, num- ber 1, March 1966, of our journal. Reference 1. Walt Crawford, First Have Something to Say: Writing for the Library Profession (Chicago: ALA, 2003). WIRELESS NETWORKS IN MEDIUM-SIZED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES | BARNETT-ELLIS AND CHARNIGO 21