assignFAST: An Autosuggest-Based Tool for FAST Subject Assignment Rick Bennett, Edward T. O’Neill, and Kerre Kammerer INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2014 34 ABSTRACT Subject assignment is really a three-phase task. The first phase is intellectual—reviewing the material and determining its topic. The second phase is more mechanical—identifying the correct subject heading(s). The final phase is retyping or cutting and pasting the heading(s) into the cataloging interface along with any diacritics, and potentially correcting formatting and subfield coding. If authority control is available in the interface, some of these tasks may be automated or partially automated. A cataloger with a reasonable knowledge of Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST)1,2 or even Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)3 can quickly get to the proper heading but usually needs to confirm the final details—was it plural? am I thinking of an alternate form? is it inverted? etc. This often requires consulting the full authority file interface. assignFAST is a web service that consolidates the entire second phase of the manual process of subject assignment for FAST subjects into a single step based on autosuggest technology. BACKGROUND Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST) Subject Headings were derived from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) with the goal of making the schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use while maintaining the rich vocabula ry of the source. The intent was to develop a simplified subject heading schema that could be assigned and used by nonprofessional cataloger or indexers. Faceting makes the task of subject assignment easier. Without the complex rules for combining the separate subdivisions to form an LCSH heading, only the selection of the proper heading is necessary. The now-familiar autosuggest4,5 technology is used in web search and other text entry applications to help the user enter data by displaying and allowing the selection of the desired text before typing is complete. This helps with error correction, spelling, and identification of commonly used terminology. Prior discussions of autosuggest functionality in library systems have focused primarily on discovery rather than on cataloging.6-11 Rick Bennett ( is a Consulting Software Engineer in OCLC Research , Edward T. O’Neill ( is a Senior Research Scientist at OCLC Research and project manager for FAST, and Kerre Kammerer ( is a Consulting Software Engineer in OCLC Research, Dublin, Ohio. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2014 35 The literature often uses synonyms for autosuggest, such as autocomplete or type-ahead. Since assignFAST can lead to terms that are not being typed , autosuggest seems most appropriate and will be used here. The assignFAST web service combines the simplified subject choice capabilities of F AST with the text selection features of autosuggest technology to create an in -interface subject assignment tool. Much of a full featured search interface for the FAST authorities, such as searchFAST ,12 can be integrated into the subject entry field of a cataloging interface. This eliminates the need to switch screens, cut and paste, and make control character changes that may differ between the authority search interface and the cataloging interface. As a web service, assignFAST can be added to existing cataloging interfaces. In this paper, the actual operation of assignFAST is described , followed by how the assignFAST web service is connected to an interface, and finally by a description of the web service construction. assignFAST Operation An authority record contains the Established Heading, See headings, and control numbers that may be used for linking or other future reference. The relevant fields of the FAST record for Motion Pictures are shown here: Control Number fst01027285 Established Heading Motion pictures See Cinema See Feature films -- History and criticism See Films See Movies See Moving-pictures In FAST, the facet of each heading is known. Motion pictures is a topical heading. The See references are unauthorized forms of the established heading. If someone intended to enter Cinema as a subject heading, they would be directed to use the established heading Motion pictures. For a typical workflow, the subject cataloger would need to leave the cataloging interface, search for “cinema” in an authority file interface, find that the established heading was Motion Pictures, and return to the cataloging interface to enter the established heading. The figure below shows the same process when assignFAST is integrated into the cataloging interface. Without leaving the cataloging interface, typing only “cine” shows both the See term that was initially intended and the Established Heading in a selection list. ASSIGNFAST: AN AUTOSUGGEST-BASED TOOL |BENNETT, O’NEILL, AND KAMMERER 36 Figure 1. assignFAST typical selection choices. Selecting “Cinema USE Motion pictures” enters the Established term, and the entry process is complete for that subject. Figure 2. assignFAST selection result. The text above the entry box provides the fast ID number and facet type. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2014 37 As a web service, assignFAST headings can be manipulated by the cataloging interface software after selection and before they are entered into the box. For example, one option available in the assignFAST Demo is MARCBreaker format.13 MARCBreaker combines MARC field tagging and allows diacritics to be entered using only ASCII characters. Using MARCBreaker output, assignFAST returns the following for “ ”: =651 7$aBrazil$zS{tilde}ao Paulo$0(OCoLC)fst01205761$2fast In this case, the output includes MARC tagging of 651 (geographic), as well as subfie ld coding ($z) that identifies the city within Brazil, that it’s a FAST heading, and the FAST control number. The information is available in the assignFAST result to fill one or multiple input boxes and to reformat as needed for the particular cataloging interface. Addition to Web Browser Interfaces As a web service, assignFAST could be added to any web-connected interface. A simple example is given here to add assignFAST functionality to a web browser interface using JavaScript and jQuery ( These technologies are commonly used, and other implementation technologies would be similar. Example files for this demo can be found on the OCLC Developers Network under assignFAST.14 The example uses the jQuery.autocomplete function.15 First, the script packages jquery.js, jquery- ui.js, and the style sheet jquery-ui.css are required. Version 1.5.2 of JQuery and version 1.8.7 for jquery-ui was used for this example, but other compatible versions should be fine. These are added to the html in the script and link tags. The second modification to the cataloging interface is to surround the existing subject search input box with a set of div tags.
The final modification is to add JavaScript to connect the assignFAST web service to the search input box. This function should be called from ASSIGNFAST: AN AUTOSUGGEST-BASED TOOL |BENNETT, O’NEILL, AND KAMMERER 38 function setUpPage() { // connect the autoSubject to the input areas jQuery('#existingBox').autoc omplete( { source: autoSubjectExample, minLength: 1, select: function(event, ui) { jQuery('#extraInformation').html("FAST ID " + ui.item.idroot + " Facet "+ getTypeFromTag(ui.item.tag)+ ""); } //end select } ).data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { formatSuggest(ul, item);}; } //end setUpPage() The source: autoSubjectExample tells the autocomplete function to get the data from the autoSubjectExample function, which in turns calls the assignFAST web service. This is in the assignFASTComplete.js file. In select: function, the extraInformation text is rewritten with additional information returned with the selected heading. In this case, the fast number and facet are displayed. The generic _renderItem of the jQuery.autocomplete function is overwritten by the formatSuggest function (found in assignFASTComplete.js) to create a display that differentiates the See from the Authorized headings that are returned in the search. The version used for this example shows: See Heading USE Authorized Heading when a See heading is returned, or simply the Authorized Heading otherwise. WEB SERVICE CONSTRUCTION The autosuggest service for a FAST heading was constructed a little differently than the typical autosuggest. For a typical autosuggest for the term Motion picture from the example given above, you would index just that term. As the term was typed, Motion picture and other terms starting with the text entered so far would be shown until you resolved the desired heading. For example, typing in “m t” might give Motion pictures Motion picture music Employee motivation INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2014 39 Diesel motor Mothers and daughters For the typical autosuggest, the term indexed is the term displayed and is the term returned when selected. For assignFAST, both the Established and See references are indexed. However, when typing resolves a See heading, both the See heading and its Established Heading are displayed. Only the Established Heading is selected, even if you are typing the See heading. For assignFAST, the “m t” result now becomes Features (Motion pictures) USE Feature films Motion pictures Motorcars (Automobiles) USE Automobiles Motion picture music Background music for motion pictures USE Motion picture music Motion pictures for the hearing impaired USE Films for the hearing impaired Documentaries, Motion picture USE Documentary films Mother of God USE Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint The headings in assignFAST are ranked by how often they are used in WorldCat, so headings that are more common appear at the top. To place the Established Heading above the See heading when they are similar, the Established Heading is also ranked higher than the See for the same usage. assignFAST can also be searched by facet, so if only topical or geographic headings are desired, only headings from these facets will be displayed. The web service uses a SOLR16 search engine running under Tomcat.17 This provides full text search and many options for cleaning and manipulating the terms within the index. The particular option used for assignFAST is the EdgeNGramFilter.18 This option is used for autosuggest and has each word indexed one letter at a time, building to its entire length. The ndex f “c nem ” w then c nt n “c,” “c ,” “c n,” “c ne,” “c nem,” nd “c nem .” SOLR handles UTF-8 encoded Unicode for both input and output. The assignFAST indexes and queries are normalized using FAST normalization19 to remove punctuation, diacritics, and capitalization. FAST normalization is very similar to NACO normalization, although in FAST nor malization the subfield indicator is replaced by a space and no commas retained. assignFAST is accessed using a REST request.20 REST requests consist of URLs that can be invoked via either HTTP POST or GET methods, either programmatically or via a web browser.[query]&queryIndex=[queryIndex]&qu eryReturn=[queryReturn]&suggest=autosuggest&rows=[numRows]&callback=[callbackFun ction] ASSIGNFAST: AN AUTOSUGGEST-BASED TOOL |BENNETT, O’NEILL, AND KAMMERER 40 where parameter description query The query to search queryIndex The index corresponding to the FAST facet. These include name description suggestall All facets suggest00 Personal names suggest10 Corporate names suggest11 Events suggest30 Uniform titles suggest50 Topicals suggest51 Geographic names suggest55 Form/Genre queryReturn Information requested list, comma separated. These include: names description idroot FAST Number Auth Authorized Heading, formatted for display with—as subfield separator Type alt or auth—indicates whether the match on the queryIndex was to an Authorized or See heading Tag MARC Authority tag number for the heading—100= Personal name, 150 = Topical, etc. Raw Authorized Heading, with subfield indicators. Blank if this is identical to auth (i.e., no subfields) breaker Authorized Heading in marcbreaker format. Blank if this is identical to raw (i.e., no diacritics) indicator Indicator 1 from the Authorized Heading numRows headings to return maximum restricted to 20 Callback the callback function name for jsonp Table 1. assignFAST web service results description. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | MARCH 2014 41 Example Response: uggestall%2Cidroot%2Cauth%2Ctag%2Ctype%2Craw%2Cbreaker%2Cindicator&suggest=autoSu bject&rows=3&callback=testcall yields the following response: testcall({ "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":148, "params":{ "json.wrf":"testcall", "fl":"suggestall,idroot,auth,tag,ty pe,raw,b reaker,indicator", "q":"suggestall:hog", "rows":"3"}}, "response":{"numFound":1031,"start":0,"docs" :[ { "idroot":"fst01140419", "tag":150, "indicator":" ", "type":"alt", "auth":"Swine", "raw":"", "breaker":"", "suggestall":["Hogs"]}, { "idroot":"fst01140470", "tag":150, "indicator":" ", "type":"alt", "auth":"Swine--Ho using", "raw":"Swine$xHousing", "breaker":"", "suggestall":["Hog houses"]}, { "idroot":"fst00061534", "tag":100, "indicator":"1", "type":"auth", "auth":"Hogarth, William, 1697-1764", "raw":"Hogarth, William,$d1697-1764", "breaker":"", "suggestall":["Hogarth, William, 1697-1764"]}] }}) Table 3. Typical assignFAST JSON data return. ASSIGNFAST: AN AUTOSUGGEST-BASED TOOL |BENNETT, O’NEILL, AND KAMMERER 42 The first response heading is the Use For headin Hogs, which has the Authorized heading Swine. The second is the Use For heading for Hog houses, which has the Authorized heading Swine-- Housing. This Authorized heading is also given in its raw form, including the $x subfield separator, which is unnecessary for the first heading. The third response matches the Authorized heading for Hogarth, William, 1697–1764, which is also given in its raw form. The breaker (MARCBreaker) format is only added if it differs from the raw form, which is only when diacritics are present. CONCLUSIONS Subject assignment is a combination of intellectual and manual tasks. The assignFAST web service can be easily integrated into existing cataloging interfaces, greatly reducing the manual effort eq ed f g d s bject d t ent y nc e s ng the c t ge ’s p d ct v ty. REFERENCES 1. Lois Mai Chan and Edward T. 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