lib-s-mocs-kmc364-20141005045237 223 Cumulating the Supplements to the Seventh Edition of LC Subject Headings Roy B. TORKINGTON: Central Library and Documentation Branch, In- ternational Labour Office. 0 At the time of writing, the author was head, Library Systems Department, University of California, San Diego. A description is presented of the project of the University of California Library Automation Program to cumulate the 1966 through 1971 supple- ments to the Library of Congress Subject Headings. The University of California Institute of Library Research MARC processing soft- ware, BIBCON, was used, with specially written programs. The resulting cumulation was edited, printed in book form, and made available to li- braries. The final task involved merging six MARC files into one file of over 125,000 records and then printing that file in a format similar to that of LC Subject Headings. The project was a cooperative effort with partici- pation by people from several UC campuses. INTRODUCTION The seventh edition of Subject Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalogs of the Library of Congress was published with a cutoff date of June 30, 1964. The first supplement covered additions and changes from July 1, 1964 through December 31, 1965. Subsequent supplements were issued an- nually, with each annual cumulating quarterly over a one-year period.1• 2 By 1972, when the supplement for 1971 was issued, it was necessary, when assigning or verifying subject headings, to use seven supplements ( 1964/ 65, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971) in addition to the seventh edition. The Supplement Cumulation Task of the University of California Li- brary Automation Program aimed at alleviating that problem by merging the 1966 through 1971 annual supplements into one cumulation. Through the courtesy of the Library of Congress we were able to obtain unedited magnetic tape files of all supplements except the 1964/65; these files were in the LC internal format. The University of California Library Automation Program undertakes cooperative automation programs which will benefit UC libraries. The cu- 0 The views expressed in this document may not be considered those of the Inter- national Labour Office. ~ I ·u~· tc:J-[ ci ··o· l3 ..... l.CMo101N' ...,. 00 ""~'"'·" .o ........ ""IT '•,())' S....CJ;.tj'td eii·10\.'C A MUll ' ' ,~-. p'!... ~' ' .. ~ ... " .. .---.L'-' ...,' }" , I ~ ... , ... '' ',,, 0: ~/ J:.yM l111fc~lt.d ed-~41C~tmu&.~ ' ' .. .,. ...... ··.,o / UMLIM flt-'l\1~1'<11*"' Fig.l. Preliminary cumulation production and editing. ' ' , ' , ' ' 'tf 't5 ',b Edited. KerN ! dorM Sori!Hl f:llt.1UC\I~atien. M-,-llCu hitiSoM JC.,..tldltMI ... ,.C~)t,-.., . 'd \5' ~ ;:L, ~__J L:=_j '@),, ,/' ' l '@• / ....... ..... AIVIUal 0 b' ~ L:;:-J Fig. 2. Annual supplement cumulation cycle. ...... .. ,... ..... .,_, N•w ~ .... ~ ""'" I a. .a t"-1 .... I r ~ ~ ~ ~ t::;j (1) ~ 0" ~ 1-' ~ Cumulating Supplements to LC Subject HeadingsjTORKlNGTON 225 mulative supplement task was seen as a low-cost project which could result in a product useful to UC and other libraries. We intended to use soft- ware already available at UC as much as possible. The available software was BIBCON, a group of MARC processing programs developed and used by the UC Institute of Library Research, Berkeley, and UC Santa Cruz, for production of the 1963-1967 UC Union Catalog Supplement and the UC Santa Cruz book catalog.8 The BIBCON programs to be used were: SKED, a sort key creator and editor; BIBLIST and BIBPRINT, record, column, and page formatters; and FIX, a record corrector. Essentially we considered the problem of cumulating the supplements as one of produc- ing a book catalog by cumulating several annual catalogs. Thus we needed a program to convert the LC internal format to UC MARC (SUPCON) and a merge program ( SUPMRG) (see Figures 1 and 2) . MERGE TRANSACTIONS A special merge program was necessary, because merging the supplement files is more complex than merely interfiling entries. Frequent matches or