The Electronic Journal of Oncology [Report] Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Summer 1999 DOI:10.5062/F43T9F6S URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active; if a new site could not be identified, the broken link was removed. Journal Reviews and Reports The Electronic Journal of Oncology {} Charles Dumontet, M.D., Ph.D. Editor in Chief Pierre Benite, France The Electronic Journal of Oncology is a non-profit, exclusively Internet-based journal containing original publications in the fields of oncology and hematology, freely accessible to physicians, paramedics and researchers having an interest in cancer. It contains peer reviewed original publications (reviews, clinical trials, fundamental research, case reports) in English which can be downloaded by readers. Comments can be submitted and incorporated in the journal's database, after editorial review. The EJO project was inititated in Lyon, France in 1997 by a group of young oncologists. After having constituted an international editorial board of researchers in clinicians and an advisory board, and having developed the appropriate software, the site was opened to the public in January 1999. The site is located on the server of Claude Bernard University in Villeurbanne, France. The project is currently sponsored by the French Federation of anti Cancer Centers and the Ligue contre le Cancer du Rhone. The aims of EJO are to provide physicians and researchers with easily available, validated, original data in the field of oncology. To guarantee the quality of the data included in the database, all publications, designated as "e-scripts", are peer reviewed, following a standard editorial procedure. After validation, e-scripts are integrated in the database and consultable either from the home page (for recent submissions) or using a key word search. Original publications have virtual volumes and page numbers, in order to be easily cited in standard journals. The EJO site has also recently opened an oncology portal, called "Oncolynx", listing approximately 800 oncology links. Oncolynx lists major databases, on-line journals, oncology and hematology groups, as well as pharmaceutical and laboratory reagent companies. The EJO aims to combine the quality of peer reviewed data with the advantages provided by an internet based database. These advantages include a) faster editorial procedure and publication times, b) access to larger amounts of data (primary patient data and clinical trial protocols, results from multiple experiments instead of "reprensentative experiments"), c) interactivity between authors and readers, thanks to the comments which may be submitted by readers, d) incorporation of movie sequences (not yet available). It will be necessary for EJO to be indexed in the major medical databases (planned for sometime early in the next millennium). We welcome your comments about this article.