Science Documentaries at Your Library: Two Penn State Programs Previous Contents Next Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Summer 2008 DOI:10.5062/F4XG9P2W URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active; if a new site could not be identified, the broken link was removed. Science Documentaries at Your Library: Two Penn State Programs Emily Rimland Information Literacy Librarian Nancy J. Butkovich Head, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library Linda Musser Head, Fletcher L. Byrom Earth & Mineral Sciences Library The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania Copyright 2008, Emily Rimland, Nancy J. Butkovich, and Linda Musser. Used with permission. Abstract Two science branch libraries at Penn State's University Park campus hosted film series centered on scientific documentary films. Although the reasons for starting the series differ, both have been successful in meeting their goals. Patron responses have been favorable, and the series have focused attention on the collections and services offered by the libraries. Introduction In this technology-driven age, libraries are faced with a multitude of challenges. One of the most critical is enticing patrons to come to the library in person. Having a clean, attractive facility with electronic access is essential (Carlson 2005). Offering services that patrons want is also crucial, but beyond traditional services, such as reference and circulation, what else can be done? There is a growing body of literature that describes innovative services being offered in libraries and in particular, science libraries. The University of Rochester's Carlson Library has a popular science alcove with books, magazines, and games designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming place for students (Cass & Clark 2005). Georgia Tech offers a series of lectures by faculty members who discuss their research. The library also publishes a one-page newsletter designed to be posted on the inside of restroom stalls (Axford et al. 2006). Wake Forest hosts a video game night (Sutton & Womack 2006), and MIT uses blogs, RSS feeds, orientations, and workshops (Duke et al. 2006). At Penn State two of the science libraries have gone yet another route by offering film series. Public libraries have a long tradition of feature film nights, and the National Science Foundation Library has a very successful program combining feature science fiction films with presentations by scientists on the depiction of science in the films (Bianchi 2003). Unlike the examples above, however, the film series described here are focused on documentary productions. The Video Series In the late 1990s when the University Libraries at Penn State became responsible for the operations of a large media services unit, librarians became responsible for the selection of audio-video materials. The Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) Library video series was launched in the spring of 2000, shortly after the creation of an internal 20-seat instruction lab with video projection capability. The series was seen as a way to raise awareness of the change as well as the Library's newly-acquired audio-visual collection. Since its inception, over 275 videos have been shown in the EMS Library. Earth science and related titles in the Libraries' collections are selected for the series, which features weekly showings year round while classes are in session. While the day of the week and time of the video showings varied initially, the EMS Library video series is now shown on Wednesdays during the noon hour. Titles are selected so that they can be shown in their entirety during a one hour time period. The other series, Friday Flicks, was established for an entirely different reason. For three years, patrons attempting to use the chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, and statistics collections had to endure a merger of two libraries, shifted and stored collections, minimal public seating, and the dust, dirt, and noise associated with renovations. When the new Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PAMS) Library was finally dedicated in August 2005 a film series seemed to be a good way to entice people to come back to the library and explore the new facility, its collections, and its services. Despite the success of the EMS Library video series, starting a film series in the PAMS Library was a collection development gamble. PAMS Library patrons had never expressed much interest in having scientific documentaries available for their use. With a tight collections budget, could the purchase of these documentaries be justified, particularly since public performance rights would also need to be purchased? The potential benefit seemed worth the risk, so the first documentaries were ordered in fall 2005. By the spring of 2006 enough videos had arrived to have a seven week trial run beginning after spring break and running through the end of the semester. Like the EMS Library, the new PAMS Library had an instruction lab with projection facilities that would be an excellent venue for the series. Deciding on the day and time was more problematic, but finally Friday afternoon from 3:30-4:30 pm was chosen for several reasons. It fit in an established Monday-Wednesday-Friday class period and, by that time on Friday, most classes were finished for the week and the potential audience might be ready to ease out of the week's intensity with a little light science before dinner. Also, most, if not all of the films originally aired on television, where the typical time slot is one hour. A few documentaries run two hours but can usually be split into two segments, while occasional 30-minute programs can be shown as double features. Marketing: Advertising Pays Both series exemplify the importance of advertising. The EMS Library video series initially played to very small audiences; as the marketing campaign expanded, so did the audience. The same has been true with Friday Flicks in the PAMS Library where, due to time constraints, the first two films were shown with essentially no advertising beyond flyers at the circulation desk. Audience size increased dramatically as soon as the advertising campaign started. Advertising was accomplished through a two-pronged approach. The University Libraries Public Relations and Marketing Office was extremely helpful in coordinating much of the advertising. This department also prepares advertising copy and a variety of customized posters for the film series. Because of their expertise in this area they were vital to getting information about the film series into a variety of news outlets in the area. Specific areas where they assisted include: Monday Messages: a weekly e-mail announcements newsletter for library staff Weekly news and events listings in the Centre Daily Times and the Daily Collegian (community and student newspapers) and Town and Gown, a free monthly community magazine Preparation and coordination of paid advertising in community and student newspapers (see Figure 1) Preparation of custom made posters and flyers(see Figure 2) University event calendars Another marketing boost came in the form of two articles written by student reporters for the Daily Collegian. One article consisted of interviews, facilitated by the Public Relations and Marketing Office, which highlighted some of the films in the Friday Flicks series (Labuskes 2006). The other focused on the EMS Library video series (Cherundolo 2006). In addition to the work done by the Public Relations and Marketing Office, library staff and students were also involved in preparing and distributing information about the film series. Outlets that were tapped directly include: Library web pages, which featured the full schedules for both series ( and Weekly publications and announcements by the colleges (e-mail and print) listing that week's activities Flyers placed around the libraries, particularly at reference and circulation desks Handouts distributed in library instruction and orientation sessions Posters on bulletin boards in the libraries and around campus, particularly the science buildings and the student union Announcements sent directly to departmental faculty (particularly undergraduate and graduate program coordinators) and student organizations Patron Responses Both video series have met their goals. Friday Flicks at the PAMS Library averaged approximately 10 people per week in the Fall 2007 semester, up from seven during the Spring semester 2006 trial run, and use of the facility in general has increased. While the weekly attendance at the EMS Library video series is generally less than that of Friday Flicks, average attendance has grown and use of video materials (and requests for them) is up. Attendance does vary from week to week and may be attributed to things as basic as the weather, other events on campus, and the topic of the video (see Appendix 1). The video series have had the added benefit of raising the libraries' profiles in the local community, since both libraries are seeing community members as well as Penn State faculty, staff, and students attending. These series also support the instruction and outreach missions of the University. Faculty members attend because a film relates to a course that they are teaching and want to see if it is worth using in their class. Alternately, faculty may make attendance at the film series a part of their courses, either as a requirement or as an extra credit option. The general public is also an important component of the audiences and these series generate good publicity for the University and its libraries. The series have impacts beyond their attendance figures. People attending ask questions about other aspects of the libraries. For example, those unable to attend inquire about the availability of the videos for check out which opens the conversation up to talk about other library-related items. Thus, the series have become vehicles for introducing people to the facilities, collections, and services of the University Libraries. Lessons Learned While every series will present its own unique set of challenges, here are some lessons that can be applied across the board. Know your audience and select your titles accordingly. Some film titles sound great but aren't quite right for a college audience. (See Appendix 2 for a selected list of sources of science films and film reviews). Make sure you have appropriate performance rights. Not all videos come with the same performance rights. Be as consistent as possible in scheduling. If people get in the habit of coming,they'll be less likely to forget to come. Publicity is crucial; lots of publicity is even better. Advertise in every venue possible. Get the next season's titles scheduled as early as possible. Some advertising venues have long lead times. Check your advertising copy after it is published as well as before it is distributed. In spite of everyone's best efforts,ads sometimes get placed on the wrong week. Get the video in hand two weeks ahead of the air date. If the videos are part of your circulating collection, there is an excellent chance that the one you want will be circulating when you need to show it. Preview the programs before you show them. A worn soundtrack or shaky picture can make viewing difficult. Knowing this two weeks in advance of the showing provides enough time to clean,repair, or obtain another copy. Put a sign on the door of the viewing room inviting late-comers to "come on in!"Many people seem to be shy about entering after the program has started; in some cases they may not be certain that they are in the right place. Have copies of the series schedule available to distribute to attendees. Solicit feedback from the audience, either formally or informally or both. Conclusion A film series provides many benefits to the host library. It allows the library to present a positive image to the public and to reach out to its various constituencies by showcasing the collections and services offered by the library. Although hosting a series requires the investment of staff time for planning and logistics, and money for content and advertising, the rewards can be significant. References Axford, Mary, et al. 2006. Creating a BUZZ: Attracting SCI/TECH Students to the Library! Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship No. 45 (Winter). [Online]. Available: [Accessed 7/18/08]. Bianchi, Stephanie. 2003. It's Amazing! It's Astounding! It's Sci-fi in the Library! Sci-Tech News 57, no.1 (Feb.): 4-5. Carlson, Scott. 2005. Thoughtful Design Keeps New Libraries Relevant. Chronicle of Higher Education 52, no.6 (Sept. 30): B1-B5. Cass, Diane; Clark, Katie. 2005. Establishing a Science Browsing Collection for Undergraduates: A Success Story. In "Better Understanding Your Users," SLA Web Conference, 18-31 July; Cherundolo, Gina. 2006. Films focus on pollution. Daily Collegian Online (1 March) (} Duke, J. Darcy; Hartman, Stephanie; Locknar, Angela. 2006. Reaching the Engineering and Science Communities: New Technologies and Approaches at MIT. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship No. 45 (Winter): 1-9. (online at Labuskes, Brianna. 2006. Series offers documentaries on astronomy, math. Daily Collegian Online (6 April), {} Sutton, Lynn; Womack, H. David "Giz". 2006. Got Game? Hosting Game Night in an Academic Library. C&RL News 67(March): 173-176. Appendix 1 A selection of some of the more popular programs that have been shown in the two series. ASTRONOMY Bye-bye, Planet Pluto (DVD). [England]: BBC Active; Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2006. (50 min.) The Death Star: Hypernovas and Stellar Nurseries (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2004. (50 min.) Exploring Space: the Quest for Life (DVD). [Alexandria,VA]: PBS Video; c2006. (120 min.) From Here to Infinity: How Will the Universe Die? (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2003. (50 min.) Is Anybody Out There? (DVD). Lawrenceville, NJ: Cambridge Educational, c2006. (27 min.) BIOGRAPHIES The Best Mind Since Einstein (DVD). Boston, MA: WGBH-Boston; Arlington,VA: PBS Video, [2006], 1993. (56 min.) Einstein's Wife: The Life of Mileva Einstein-Maric (DVD). Alexandria, VA: PBS Video, 2003. (60 min.) Richard Feynman: Take the World from Another Point of View (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2003. (28 min.) The Uncertainty Principle: Making of an American Scientist (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, [2003]. (Approx. 54 min.) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Albert Einstein and the Theory of Everything (DVD). Princeton,NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2005. (50 min.) The Copenhagen Interpretation: Physics vs. Relativity (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2006. (59 min.) Einstein's Equation of Life and Death (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2005. (50 min.) Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2003. (28 min.) Femtosecond Spectroscopy: Beyond the Naked Eye (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2004. (30 min.) A Life of Time: Physics and Cosmology (DVD). Princeton,NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2005, 1999. (30 min.; from the series The Physical World). The Search for Reality: the Story of Quantum Mechanics (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2003. (30 min.) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Atmospheric Hole: The History of the Ozone Layer (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2006. (28 min.; from the series Late Lessons from Early Warnings: the Ongoing Need for Vigilance.) Common Ground: the Battle for Barton Springs (VHS). [Austin, TX?}: Watershed Productions, c1993. (28 min.) Homeland: Four Portraits of Native Action (VHS). Berkeley,CA: Katahdin Productions: Orchard Pictures, 2005. (88 min.) The Johnstown Flood (VHS). Alexandria, VA: PBS Video, c1991. (58 min.; from the series The American Experience). Our Precious Water (VHS). Auburn, MA: KPS Video Productions; Ben Lomond, CA: Video Project, c1997. (27 min.) MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Logic: The Structure of Reason (DVD). Princeton,NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2004. (43 min.; from the series Great Ideas of Philosophy). The Math Life (DVD). Princeton,NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c2002. (51 min.) Music of the Primes: Math's Greatest Riddle, Math's Greatest Minds, pts. 1-3 (DVD). Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2007. (83 min. for the 3 parts.) The Story of 1: How a Single Digit Created Math and Changed the World (DVD). Lawrenceville, NJ: Cambridge Educational, c2006. (60 min.) Understanding the Odds in Life (DVD). Princeton,NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2003. (53 min.) Appendix 2 Selected Resources for Identifying and Selecting Films in the Sciences and Technology Producers URL Notes History Channel Discovery Channel National Geographic Society Films for the Humanities& Sciences Cambridge Educational films are also available at this site Hawkhill Science Science Bullfrog Environmental films National Audiovisual Center Films produced by government agencies Distributors Library Video Company Moonbeam Publications A&E, History Channel,Discovery Channel, etc. Independent films Public Broadcasting Service Includes NOVA series; the"shop pbs" site is the general home video site; the "" site eliminates many of the videos without public performance rights The Video Project DocUSeek Film & Video Finder Search engine for eight independent producers/distributors Amazon Review Sources Science Books and Films Educational Media Reviews Online Note: Be sure to purchase Public Performance Rights if you want to be able to show the film/video in your library. 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