id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0146 Brett Bonfield A Useful Amplification of Records That Are Unavoidably Needed Anyway 2008 .html text/html 3488 123 47 Further Reading: E-science Talking Points for ARL Deans and Directors Data Audit Framework Development Project Agenda for Developing E-Science in Research Libraries The Institutional Challenges of Cyberinfrastructure and E-Research Much appreciation to Kim and Derik from ITLWTLP for their invaluable editing skills, and to Annette Day, Honora Eskridge, and Marcus Helfrich for providing thoughtful feedback on drafts of this post. e-research, E-science, team-based science Sticking it to Instruction A Useful Amplification of Records That Are Unavoidably Needed Anyway 9 Responses Nate 2008–11–12 at 10:56 am Fascinating post. Libraries who are already dabbling at the cutting edge are positioning themselves to get in on the act by creating jobs to support E-science that don’t require an MLS/MLIS.They are turning library services on their head and hiring people who can collaborate with scientists at the lab bench, in the grant proposal process and in the classroom. cache/pipe-0146.html txt/pipe-0146.txt