❧ A most pithy and Excellent epistle to animate all true Christians unto the Cross of christ/ Translated out off ffrenche into english by Robert Pownoll. With a preface to the Reader. Mark. 9 ¶ Every man shallbe salted with fire: and every sacrifice shallbe seasoned with salt. ¶ Imprinted. An. M.D.LVI. ¶ Robert Pownoll unto the Christian Reader wyssethe the grace/ mercy/ & peace off God the ffather to be multiplied/ by the merits off jesus Christ/ truth the communication off the holy Ghost. Amen. How necessary the cross yo unto christian. AS there is no thing more requisite, necessary, & profitable for the confirmation off a Christian life (O here Reader) than the Cross & persecution: So is there no thing, in these days, more feared, shouned & avoided, & that off those that would becounted constant christians & earnest gospelers, shuche is their imbecillite, weakness & folymnes: much like unto little children, who customably do desire the sweet meatte that doth annoy them, & i'll from the bitter thing that may do them good. For truly the Cross & persecution (if we will put chyldyshnes apart, The worthiness of the Cross expressed by dyvers similitudes. & wisely way the worth●nes thereof) It is that sovereign tried treacle, that quencheth the deadly digested poison, off self love, worldly pleasure, fleshly felicity & carnal security. It is the only worthy worm poison, off ambysion, covytousnes, fornication, dronckenes extortion, uncleanness, lysencious liberty, gluttony, wrath, strife, sedition, sects, malice, & shuche other like wretched wayward worms. It is the only profitable plowght whosse property is, not only to Rote up all briars, brambelles, Thysielles, Thorns & weeds, out of the earthly heart & concupiscence off mortal men, but also to prepare & yield the same apt to ressayve the seasonable seed of Christ's sowing in his gospel preaching. It is the hard hamuier that beateth off the Rotten Bust from the excellent Anchor off a Christian fight, preparing the same to all good excercises, which other ways would consume away. It is that fiery flaming ffor●ace that puryfyethe the good gold, in burning up all the drowsy dross off man's dyssayvable lusies. It is the proynige knife where with the rotten, dry & dropping branches off the the vine of a christian life is cute away, which by continuance might utterly waste, & yield the same unfruitful. It is that savorye salt that consumeth away the corruption off Christians, in seasoning their lyffes ●o all profitable uses. It is that true touch stone, that trieth gold from copper, the true from the counterfeit, & the fine, from that which is base. ffynaly to conclude. The cross & persecution is that flourishing flayse & fan, that pourgethe & delyverethe the good corn off a Christian life, from all chaff off corruption, wherewith before it was covered, O profitable Instrument. The Cross can not be spared. O necessary Towel, O excellent exercise that cannot be spared in a christianlyffe. For if a poisoned person, maywant treacle? if Iron may want the hammet? The earth the ploughte? The gold the furnace? And the corn the ffayle & fan? Then may a Christian man want the cross & tribulation? or else not. Wherefore these things well considered, with what alacryete off mind? jere. 16. Math. 20 Marc. 10. With what desirous affection? And with what earnest zeal? Ought we to embrace this incomparable jewel, this sovereign medicine, this comfortable cup off the Cross and tribulation? The comodentes that the cross brinegeth unto christians. wherein with out all doubt the lord hath prepared a draft for his saints to drink (all thought some what tart & bitter unto the flesh) yet is it most comfortable & pleasant unto the soul. For it is unto her a most profitable purgation off power able to purge away the pampered pleasures off the filthy flesh ready to infect her. Yea it is the only comfortable conservative that doth conserve her from all infective eayres, deadly poison, & contagious sickness off sin, the only destruction off man kind. Eccle. 38. Math. 9 Marc. 2. Luc. 5. For look how necessary the physician is unto the sick, the bytting corsive unto the festered sore, the sharp lancere unto the molyfyed matter. Even so with out all comparison the cross & tribulation, is more necessary unto a christian. Forby it the sickness off sin is removed, the festered sore of fleshly lust is cured, & the superfleous humours of earthly pleasure are cut a way. wherefore if we were not all together void off understanding, & more insensible than the brut besies, yea if we were not more carnal than spiritual, more worldly, then heavenly, we would not forsake so wholesome a salve, as serveth for all diseases. For by it the world is crucified unto us, Galat. 6. Roma. 8. Roma. 5. & we unto the world, by it we are made like unto the image off the son off God. By it our fight is increased, our patience excersysed, & our hope augmented. By it we are known both within & with out, to ourselves & to other men. By it we are ascertained of our salvation, Roma. 8. for if we suffer with christ, we shall reign with him. Fynaly to conclude, by it we most enter into the kingdom off God, for it is written, by many tribulations we most enter into ●h● kingdom off heaven. Act. 14. Math. 7. It is that only narrow straight way that leadeth unto life. Wherefore my ffrind, if thou desire to live & not to die. if thou desire to be saved & not to be condemned. Math. 10. if thou desire to have christ to confess thee, & not to deny thee, before his father & his angels. if thou desire to follow the son off God into his kingdom, & not to be expulsed thence. give ear then unto this sentence for therein he teacheth thee, the only way unto the same, saying, he that will follew me let him take up his cross & follow me. Math. 16. Marc. 8. Luc. 9.14 how we should follow christ Whereby it is apparent that we can not follow christ, but by bearing a Cross, not the cross off the tower off gold & silver, nor yet the papistical cross of idolatry which so many now a days do follow. But the cross off persecution aflyction & mortification, johan. 14 For if Christ be our way (as he sayeth he is) unto his father & that beside him there is none other but buy ways tending to perdiction. The onljs narrow waije 〈◊〉 Then is it off necessity, if we will come unto eternal glory, that we do travayll that way that he hath gone before us, in pasing his fotsteppes. The kijngdom of heaven, die the cross and tribulation. For if he our head be entered into the kingdom off God by non other way, but by cross & tribulation, can we his members enter any other ☜ way? Who ever saw the head go into a place one way, & the members another way unlese they were divided & cut of? Math. 27 Marc. 15. Luc. 23. Act. 1.2. jesus christ entered into the kingdom of his father, by Ignomyne, Reproffe, shame, slander, reviling persecution. affliction & Cross, and can we his members, (if we do continue the members of his body) enter any other way? no truly. For than were there away besides the little narrow way, which he hath showed us. Then were these his saymges tried untrue. Whereas he said unto his disciples & in them to us. if they have persecuted me, joh. 15 Math. 10. joh. 16. 〈◊〉 Reg. 22 Psal. 80. Psal. 30. Psal. 44. they shall also persecute you. if they have called the master off the house Belzebub, how much more shall they call the household servants so. Dure porsion in this life is to weep & morn. To taste the bread off adversity & the water of trouble. To be as sheppe appointed to the slaughter. Thesse's are the dainty dishes that God hath prepared for his chyldrin to ffede on in this world, To th'end that in the world to come, joh. 16. Apoc. 7.22. they may laugh & rejoice, having all tears wiped a way ffrom their eyes, & ffede with the celestial manna & water off life, in triumphing over their enemies. For in this world (as sayeth S Paul) we are judged & afflicted, 1. cor. 11. All thoughts we are in this world condemned. jet in the world to con we shall be glorified Luc. 16. be cause we should not be condemned with the world. Whereby it is manifest that to seek to enjoy the quietness off this world is no thing else but to seek to be condemned with the ungodly, whosse por●●●n is here to laugh and rejoice, & here after to weep & wail. As it appeareth by the history of Dyves, to whom Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy life time ressayvest thy pleasure, & wise Lazarus ressayved pain, but now is he comforted, and thou art punished. So that to live here in pleasure & security with delectasion in the same, is no thing else but to ressayve pain with out comfort in the life to come. wherefore dear reader i'll from all earthly joy & pleasure, as from a most pestilent poison, for all thought the present taste thereof be pleasant, yet is the end thereof eternal damnation to as many as delight there in. Be ware of the vain Stop thine ears at the sweat singing of these byssevable Sereneses Lest thou being lulled a sleep there by, Psu●●●on of wordlj men to ●ijxe thij heart on ertlij thijng. Dani. ●. Apoc 18. Math. 7. thou perish everlastingly. Be ware, be not dyssayved with the melodious music & pleasat harmony of this world which serveth for no thing else but to allure the from God, unto the devil, from the narrow path off salvation unto the broad way off damnation, From the true honouring off God, unto all kind off idolatry, and from the right religion, unto servile superstition. Learn to be warned (as sayeth the proverb) by an other man's harm. Let the woeful traged ye off our first father Adam serve to admonish us: for the old serpent the devil hath not forgotten his accustomed tricks to temple us as he tempted Adam, with the apple off worldly pleasure, security & case, Gene. 3. the which all thought it have a pleasant taste in the mouth, it is it very bitter & damnable to the soul. And therefore our head and master jesus Christ the second Adam & fountain off all wisdom would give no place unto shuche subtle assaults off the devil, Math. 4. but said unto him, heus from me Satan thou adversary & tempter. O that we would learn of this our scholmaste●, The world js no longer to be embraced, then to bide the world farewell, when as we cannot enjoy the same with a pure consyente in the fere off God, whi●lles we may pocesse christ with the same. and obediently to bend our backs to bear the borthen off Christ's cross in the confession off his word. And to th'end thou mayst the better he incorraged patiently to bear the cross that it shall please christ to charge the with all. I have (according to mine accustomed rudeness) translated this excellent epistle out off the french into our Inglyshe tongue. The contented of this Epic t●ll. The Author's name, I know not. To commend it, I need not, for good wine needeth no banner. first read, & then judge. Off this I am sure, that in it thou shalt learn (if truth may teach thee) to throw done thyself under the mighty hand of god in willingly submitting thyself unto his will, which is the first principle off true chrystianyte. Thou shalt also serve, what is the will off God towards his church, & how he hath entreated her from time to time. Finally, because I will a void prolyxite, (beside plenty off other pyththy matters) in it thou hast a breffe Somacye and gathering together of all the comfortable places of the scriptures, that may serve to induce us patiently to suffer affliction for the testimony of the truth, in what sort it shall please the eternal God, our most dear & loving father to lay the same upon us. if thou art any thing thereby comforted & strengthened (as I am sure thou shalt be, if thou read the same with a single & pure mind, & not by cause thou wouldest be counted a reader off many new books, but because thou desirest to be edified by them) give the glory unto God, Red not for novelties sa●●e but to be edified. who hath wrought shuche worthy works in his creatures. And I doubt not but here in thou shalt find thine expectation, to thy singular consolation. The name off the Lord be praised who hath made both heaven and earth, and in despite off his enemies hath prepared a resting place for his church. AMEN. ¶ THE EPISTEL. AMONGST OTHER NEcessary things that jesus Christ the alone Savioure off the world, & the only true & perfit master of the universal church, hath commanded us to ask of God his father & ours through him, we find written that he hath expresilly commanded us all ways to say (Dure father thy will be done) And as this prayer ought not to proceed from the mouth only, Math. 6. Luc. 11. so is it necessary that the mouth do all ways speak off the abundance of the heart, Math. 12. that is to say not feignedly, but perfectly & intyrlye, all wares desiring the accomplishing off the good will off God our celestial father. Being all ways ready to give thanks & to rejoice when we shall see the will off God accomplished, either upon us, or upon any other, either in prosperity or adversyte, the which all ways the flesh doth abhor. For that prayer that is void off this unfeigned desire, being presented unto God, is not only a mere Ipocresye, but also a plain mocking off his majesty. Math. 6. But on the other side this devyne & chrystean desire doth yield our prayer all together, impoluted and perfy●e before the lord. For all things duly considered, there are dyvers urgent causes, that aught all ways to move us, to besyre the performance off the will off God our most benign father. Do we not know perfitly, that the lord hath made all things according to his own pleasure, Gene. 1. Eccle. 39 for himself? So not we understand that all things were created by the will off the lord God only? if it be so then that all things were made by the only will off God? What other thing ought we to desire, but only that this his will be accomplished & performed? The which can be none other, but good & just. if we were wise I nought to understand this perfit lesson, that the lord God doth preach unto us, by the example & ministration off all his other creatures. Then would we most willingly & gladly desire to see the accomplishment off this his will upon us, in all things that it pleaseth him to do with us. We are not ignorant off this, that God hath not created his creatures, to th'end they should be subject to vanity (that is to save) to mutation & corruption, & to the abus off the unbelievers. For it is most certain that all the creatures on their behalf do rather desire not to be subject unto ifydeles, Rom. 8. then to be subject, for naturally they do desire all together, to enjoy their perfit state wherein they were created. But, when as (after their fashion) they do consider, that God hath so ordained it, that for a time they should serve the wicked & unbelievers, they bear with out repining this miserable servitude, for the honour off him that hath subjecteth them there unto, in hoping most certainly that once they shallbe delivered from that bondage, all thought they do neither for see the time, when, not the means, how. Now than I would demand off you, brethren most dearly beloved, not in Adam, 1 Cor. 15 in whom is no thing but perdyction, but in jesus christ in whom only is oire perfit salvation, Act. 4. Hebre. 2 standythe it with any equity or reason that all other creatures obaing the good will of God the lord, that we should gainsay & obstinately with stand the same, when as he doth with us according as it best pleaseth him? Truly God is more unto us, than he is unto all other his creatures, for he is our father, and we are more unto him, than all his other creatures, for we are his children, and we are his heirs, we ought them to love him more than all other his creatures, we ought to have in him a more lyvely hope & confidence with greater effycace, than all other creatures, So that by good consequence we ought more willingly to submit ourselves unto his good pleasure then all other his creatures, in saying all ways, Thy will be done. But what suppose we to be the will & ordinance off God? S. Paul do the notably teach us the same, where as he saith. Rom. 8. Thosse whom God hath know en from the begining, he hath predestinated them, to th'end they should be made confirmable to the image off his Son. This breffe sentence off the holy apostle well understanded, doth plainly exprese unto us, what the will and ordinance off God is to us ward. The which doth this much signify unto us, that God hath immutably ordained that all those whom he hath chosen before the constitution off the world should be made like unto jesus christ his son. I appease here unto all your consyences (D ye christians) and do demand off you, is there any riches, is there any honour, is there any glory, is there any tryvn●phe like unto this? ●amly to be made confirmable unto the son off God? No truly, judge ye yourseldes, wherefore praised be the eternal name off the Lord our God, who truth his infinite bounty, with out any off our deserts, Ephes. 1. hath chossen us, & made us worthy off this incomparable felicity and honour. But this avay lethe no thing unto him that understadeth not the same. Wherefore it behoveth us diligently to way & consider what the scripture mean the when it affirmeth unto us, that it is the will of the lord God our father, that we should be like unto the image off his son, who is the natural and only son off God, even jesus Christ in whom we do believe, & of whom we do bear the holy name off christians. And where is he now? he is living & raining with God his father in immortality most happy, Rom. 8. whosse will is that we should be confirmable in glory to the image off his son, as wytnesethe. S. Paul, in the place before recited. To the which also agreeth. S. john, 1 joh. 3. when as he sayeth, when know that when he shall appear, we shalde like unto him. Whereby it is manyfese, that we shall us live & reign with him, the which thing most certainly shall come to pass, for he himself doth make us there off a most perfit promise, Luc. 12. in these words, fear not lytiell flock, for it hath pleased your father to give you a kingdom. Shall not we then have it? Truly, we shall have it. for as saith Mardocheur, Est●r. 13. The lord is an almighty king, & all things are in his power, & there is no man that can resist his will, wherefore if he have purposed to deliver Israel, who shall let it? shall we not then be all saved? yes, shall we not all live and reign with christ? who will comunycate unto us his glory & immortality as the first borne a 'mongst many brethrens, & that our God hath willed it so to be, & hath ordained it to be so? There is no doubt theroff. And truly I suppose, there is none off us all that would not gladly be partaker with jesus Christ in this respect. For we all delyre to be saved, we all desire to be happy, we all desire to live & reign with jesus Christ: but how then? If we do no thing else but reign with high, we shall not then in all respects be like unto the Son off God. For the Son off God doth not only reign but before he ascended into his glory, he was a servant, he was a subject, he suffered. Math. 10. he was crucified & all for us. Wherefore if we desire to be made perfitly like unto jesus Christ, then most we bear his cross, for if we should reign with him, with out being trucyfyed with him, we should be (as it were) but in one respect like unto him, but God hath willed that we should be confirmable & like unto him, not in half or in part, but in all things. Ephes. 1. Then is it off necessity that we suffer with him, and that once ended, we are certain that we shallbe glorified with him. So that there is none other way to enter into the glory off God, but only that way whereby jesus christ his son is entered. And this way is the cross. For if we do directly consider how Christ entered into the glory off his father, weighing therein the immutable ordinance off God & the infallible verity off his holy word we may say, & say truly, that it was off necessity that jesus Christ did enter into his glory by cross, affliction and death, for other wise the ordinance of God had been all together infringed and broken, & the holy scriptures fo●●●de false. For God by his eternal counsel had before determine that he should be put to death, Math. 16.20.28. & the scriptures likewise did before testify the same, the which thing to be true, namely that God hath before ordained that jesus his son should suffer death, he himself doth wyines unto us the same, when as in. S. Luc he sayeth. Truly the son off man doth go, according as it is determined off him, etc. Lykwysse. S. Peter speaking unto the jews o● him, doth manifestly declare the same, by these words, ye have (saith he) killed him, Act. 3. in affiyeting him by the hands off unrighteous men, after he was delivered by the determyvate counsel and fore knowledge off God. Also the primitive church in a prayer written in the Acts, wherein they make rehearsal off those things that the son off God did suffer, they do evidently declare unto us, that all that ever happyned unto him, canto pas, Act. 4. by the only will, pleasure & ordinance off: God his father, for they say, truly Herode & Poncius Pilate with the gentiles & the people off Israel have gathered themselves together in this city against thy holy child jesus, whom thou hast anoyncted. But where to came they together? For to do what so ever thy hand & thy counsyll had before determined to be done. Is it not now apparent before your eyes, how that the holy ghost who speaking by the holy scriptures doth attribute all the suffering off jesus christ unto the determinate counsel & immutable ordinance off God his father? Lykwisse jesus christ himself being entered into the deep & perfit consideration off this immutable determination, said unto his dyssyples, Luc. 9 it behooveth the son off man to suffer many things & to be reproved off the elders & off the high priests, & scribes, & be slain, & the third day to rose again. But wherefore, (O lord jesus) behoved it so to be? It behoved it so to be, for as much as God had so ordained it, who sayeth by the mouth off the prophet Esaias, truly it shallbe, as I have determined, isaiah. 62.50. and shall come to pass as I have purposed it in my mind. The lord off hosts hath decreed it, & who is he that can cansell that decree? My counsel shall take place & a bide, sayeth the lord God, & all my will shallbe accomplished. For as much then as God hath willed that jesus his son should be put to death, having so ordained it by his eternal counsel. Was it not then off necessity that it should so come to pass? hit could be none other wise. Wherefore to prow that the holy scriptures did testify before that jesus the only savyoure of the world, should be put to death, shuche as have but a little perused the word off God, are not ignorant off the same. sooth not he himself say? Math. 26 Marc. 14 Luc. 22. johan. 5. Esa. 30.52. The son off man goeth as it is written off him? if we would take the pain (as we ought to do & as we are commanded) to search directly the scriptures, we should find that not only they have prophesied his death, but also they have prophesied (yea & that partycularely) all other things that he hath suffered for us. So that it behoved him off necessity, to suffer all that he hath suffered. And therefore he said unto his dyssyples, it behoved me to accomplish all that was written of me in the law off Moses, Luc. 24. in the prophets, & in the psalms. And again he said unto them, thus it is it written, & thus it behobed christ to suffer. And a little before that, he said unto tow off his dissyples which were going unto Emaus, Luc. 14. O folles & slow off heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken, was it not requisite that christ should suffer these thynghe, & so enter into his glory? He sayeth that it is requisite & necessary, that by the cross he should enter into his glory. But wherefore was it so requisite & necessary? It was necessary, first, for as much as God had so ordained it, Secoundly, by cause it was so written & prophesied off him. But for all that it behoved high necessarily to suffer beathe, yet not with standing he did not suffer the same by coaction and constraint or against his will, but he did willingly obey the most merciful ordinance off God his father, & with a free consent off heart did accomplish the holy scriptures, to th'end he might render unto God his father the glory off all truth. And to prove that Ies● Christ hath both willingly & obediently submitted himself unto the will off God his father, the holy scripture testifieth every where, & it is evydently apparent unto all those, to whom God hath given grace to know perfectly what is jesus christ, for he is properly that true david, who hath fully accomplished the will off his lord God, (that is to say) he hath done all that he would have him do. But no man can accomplish the will off God, if he do it not willingly & with all his heart, for the law is spiritual as sayeth. O. Paul, Rom. 7. that is to say it the spirete & the free consent off the heart, & can none other wise be accomplished, but by doing willingly the thing that it commandeth: yea a man must have his whole delight in the law off God (as sayeth the prophet) other wise it is no thing else but mere Ipoerysye & a plain mocking off God. psal. 1. But jesus Chrisre which is the verity itself, could bens hypocrite. Then did he willynglye accomplish the will off God his father in all thing, & namlye in suffering. It is evident then, that he hath willingly, gladly, and with all his heart suffered, that he did suffer, yea & if we will narrowly examine the matter, we shall find that he never desired any thing so earnestly as to accomplish the good will & pleasure of his father, or rather to speak more truly we shall find that he never desired any other thing. The which thing to be true he himself doth evydently witness the same unto us, joh. 4. in these words. My me ate is to do the will off him that sent me, & to finish his work. That is to say. I desire non other thing, but to accomplish the will off my father, and to bring to effect the work that he hath given me in charge. But what work was it that his father had given him in charge? Truly amongst other things he gave him in charge to suffer death for his elect. Whereby it is apparent that he desired no thing so much as to die for the salvation off the children off God, the which thing he himself declareth evidently by the pen off. O. Luke, in these words. Luc. 12● I must be baptized with a baptism, & how am I pained till it be ended? Which signifieth as much as if he had said, God my father hath ordained that I shall die, wherefore it be hoveth off necessity that I do die, the which thing truly I do must desire with all my heart, saying it so pleaseth the benignity of my father, & I shall never be in quiet & at rest till it be accomplished & ended. Thesse's words well considered, do they signify, that jesus our savioure did die unwillyngly or with repening? No teuly. But contrarywyffe they do signify that willingly & with a good will, he did obey the determinate ordinance off God his father, even unto the death. The which thing he hath not expressed unto us by words only, that he would die for us in obaing the will off his father: but also he hath declared the same by other gestures & signs. As when he comoning with his apostles the first time, off the order off his death, saying, that he must go up to jerusalem, Math. 16 & there suffer dyvers things of the elders, high priests & scribes, & must be killed, & raised up again the third day. Then Peter took him aside and begave to rebuke him, saying, master, favour thyself, this shall not happen unto the. As who would say, master for gods sake beware off them, & take heed lest they put the do death. O cursed wisdom off the flesh, & human under standing? But let us hear what the lord did answer him. Did he say unto him? Peter my friend, the counsel that thou givest me cannot proceed but from good will and hearty love, yea it proceed the from that great & persyte amity and friendship which thou bearest unto me, wherefore I will believe thee, and follow it, yea I will beware off this generation, and will not come at jerusalem. jesus Christ did not make him this answer. But what then? Be said unto him, as it were in a great collar. Go after me Satan, thou art offencyve unto me, for thou saborest not the things that are off God, but those that are off men. Bear we may see how that he calleth his own dissyple. Satan, & adversary to God, by cause he went about to dissuade him that he should be not die, as God his father had ordained it, & the prophets testified. Is not this then a most certain sign and token that he went willingly unto the death for us? The which thing the prophets did prophesy that had written off him. And a 'mongst other, if ye list to hear a certain & true testimony, hearken what the king off jerusalem the prophet David sayeth, Psal. 40. speaking in the person off Christ. Sacrifice & oblations thou wouldest not have (sayeth he) but mine ears hast thou opened (that is to say) thou hast made me obedient unto the. Burnt of feinges & sacrifice for sin thou hast not required, then said I, Lo, I come, in the volume off the book (that is to say in the law off God) it is written off me, that I should fulfil thy will, O my god, I am content to do it, & thy law is with in my heart. This is the testimone that David beareth off the Messiah. The like thing viterethe the Prophet isaiah, the true Bomere off the prophets. isaiah. 50. The lord God (sayeth he) hath opined myneare, (that is to say he hath given me the gift off true, perfit & voluntari obedience), & I cannot say nay, nor with draw myself (that is to say I have not striven against his will) but I have offered my back unto the smiters, & my cheeks unto the nippers, I turn not my face from shame and spitting and from them that would scratch me by the same, for the lord God is my helper, and therefore shall I not be confounded, I have hardened my face like a flint stone, for I am sure, I shall not come to confusion. Behold my deer brethren & faithful friends, be hold, in how few words, the perfect & voluntary obedience off jesus Christ is directly declared as will by David as by Esaias. But it is no thing to consider & know that jesus the anointed off the lord hath volunfarely and willingly suffered all things, eya even death itself, if we do not also narrowly consider, one thing, 1. Pet. 2. whereof S. Peter doth admonish us. And what ye that? jesus Christ (sayeth he) hath suffered for us, levinge us an example to follow his fo●steppes. That is to say, that ye do as he hath done. It was requisite & necessary that jes Christ should suffer. But wherefore was it requisite? By cause God had some ordained it. And the holy scriptures so testified it. Wherefore to obey the ordinance of god, and to accomplish the holy scriptures he did suffer, & that gladly & willingly. But what then? The ordinance off God doth it tend no farther but only over the person off jesus Chrisit? Ephe. 1. 1. Cor. 11. Truly the ordinance & providence of God doth extend over all things universally, but chiefly owe ᶜ us that are the members of jesus Christ. And as the scriptures do speak principally off jesus Christ, Rom. 10. who is the accomplishment & end off the law, even so also do they consequently speak of us, Collo. 1. Ephe. 2. who by grace are made one with him. But what is the ordinance off God over ve? He hath ordained that we do first suffer with Christ before we shallbe glorified with him. For he hath predestinate us to be like unto his son, in that by the cross he is entered into his glory, & not otherwise. And therefore. s. Paul having respect unto this immutable ordinance, writing unto the Romans, sayeth. Roma. 8. The spiret of god rendereth testimony unto our spiret that we are the childerin off God, if we be children then are we also heirs, the heirs I mean of God & coheriters with Christ, if so be (saith. s. Paul) that we do suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together with him. Consider I pray you herein the mind off. S. Paul. who plainly affirmeth that we have no part with Christ in glory, unless we do participate with him in misery. And again witting to Timothe, 2 Tim. 2. It is a true saying (saith. S. Paul) if we die with him, we shall also live with him, if we be patient, we shall also reign with him if we deny him, he shall also deny us. This is the ordinance & determination of God over us. But now let is see what the scripture speaketh off us, that scripture (I say) which in all things is confirmable to the ordinance of God, the which also (to speak more properly) is no thing else but an expressive register off the divine & all mighty ordinance off the lord. 1. Tim. 2. But what saith this scripture concerning us? It saith. Marc. 9 Every man shallbe salted with fire, & every sacrifice shallbe sesoned with salt. What is that to say? I take it, as if the lord had said. God said in the law off Moses, all thy sacrifices shallbe sesoned with salt, Leuiti. ●. neither shalt thou take a way the salt off the covenant off thy God from off the sacrifice, but thou shalt offer salt on all thine oblations. Whereby it is apparent that it was requisite in the law that every sacrifice should be sesoned with salt. Even so is it necessary, sayeth our savioure jesus Christ. that every man, who is also a sacrifice. be salted with fire, that is to say, it behoveth every man that doth dedicated high self unto god, or with out feigning doth truly embrace the christian religion, that he be sprinkled & salted with tribulation, I mean, that he be persecuted & bear his cross. This is it truly that Christ teatethe when as he said, joh. 16. ye shall have affliction in this world. 2. Tim. 2. This is it, that. S. Paul by express words declare the saying. All those that will live godly in Christ jesus must suffer persecution. This is that purgatory whereof. s. Paul doth admonish us in his epistle to the Corynthes, 1. Cor. 3. in these words. Every man's work shall appare, for the day off the lord (that is to say, the time off affliction) shall declare it. Which shallbe showed in fire, & the fire (that is to say the cross) shall try every man's work what it is. For this cause also, the Author off the book that we call Ecclesiasticus, sayeth. Eccle. 2. My son when thou comest into the service off God, keep thyself in righteousness and fere, & prepare thy soul to suffer temptation. Where unto is to be refarred the saying off jesus Christ, if any man will follow me, Luc 9 let him renounte & forsake himself & take up his cross and follow me. For as he sayeth in. S. Matthew, Math. 10. be that doth not take up his cross, & follow me, is not worthy off me. What is that to say? He is not worthy off me? It is to say, as witnesseth. S. Luc, he cannot be my dyssyple, he cannot be a chrystean. For a chrystean believe the a christian hopeth, a christian loveth, a christean suffereth gladly for the glory off God, and who so ever doth not so, he is no thing less than a christian. Behold here trow, my brethren & most dear friends, behold I say the ordinance of God, behold also what the most certain & holy scriptures doth teach conserving our estate. And truly all vertyous and godly men that have been sins the begining, have perfectly tasted and felt, the efficacy & power of this divine ordinance, which is all together void off mutation. And they have known by experience, the truther off Gods word, which promiseth unto us in this world no thing but the cross, Act. 14. saying that by many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom off heaven. But how and wherein have they felt the power off this his providence? How have they experimented the effect off this his holy word? Well I nought. For all they together with out any exception have been afflicted & ill entreated off the wordlynges. The which thing to be true, Judith. 8. the holy woman judethe doth witness the same unto us in her book, where as she sayeth: All the fayght full that in time past have pleased God, have passed by many tribulations. And if ye ly●e to behold the examples off their life, Ye shall find no thing more certain. Gene. 4. Math. 23. Tell me I pray you? Abel, whom jesus Christ calleth righteous, was he not persecuted? When as his own brother did most cruelly murder him. Noye, who a whole year together was enclosed in the ark upon the waters, Gene. 7. with all manner off beasres, & a none after was derided off his own natural so●ne, Rom. 4. Gene. 23. Gene. 19 had he no tribulation? Abraham, whom. S. Paul calleth the father (that is to say the example) off all believers, tasted he no adversyte? Alas he never had here any other thing. Loath also his ●●weu, suffered he no injure 11. Sodom? Isaac, had he not a great and marvelous temptation when as at the comaundment off God, Gene. 22. Abraham his father, who loved him so tenderly, took him & bound him, Gene. 27 to make him a sacrifice? jacob, was he not molesied & affacted by his brother Esau, when as he thrratened to ●yll him? Gene. 37.39. And joseph, how was be entreated off his brethren, what injure ressayyed he by a lassyvyous woman, who falsely accused him off adultery? But this cross was the means off his exaltation and preferment. And of Moses, what shall we say, it shall suffice to rehearse, that which is written of him in the epistle to the 〈◊〉 breus. To wit, Hebr 11. Exod. 12. when Moses was great, by fayght he refused to be called the son off Pharaos' daughter, & chosse rather to suffer adversity with the people off God, then to enjoy the pleasures off sin for a season, & extemed the rebuke off Christ greater riches, than the treasures of egypt O Moses, the true servant off God, thou didst then consider, that thing, which sins the holy ghost hath uttered by the mouth off Solomon king off jerusalem, namely, prover, 16 It is better to be persecuted with the humble, then to part the spoylle with the proud & arrogant. O that thou wart then byrectly led with that spiret, who sins thy time hath said unto us. I had rather be a door keeper in the house of God then to dwell in the tabernacles off the unrighteous, that is to say I had rather bear the cross with the people off God, then to reign & triumph with his enemies, O godly mind, O divine and christian affection. But let us return to our matter. josua the successor off Moses, josua. 1.10. (to whosse voice the lord God obeyed when he stayed the course off the Son) did he enter into the land off promise with out cross & tribulation? judh. 4. The scriptures record the contrary. And Deborah being a most virtuous woman, & most justly governing the people off God, had not the adversity, as well as the other? Yea that she had, and yet not wit standing she showed her self more virtuous & worthy, than the men off her time. The lord give now unto women, the heart of Sebora. Also jerobaal other wife called Gedeon, judg. 6. was he exempted from adversity? I report me to the book off the judges. Lykwyffe Samson whom the lord had blyshed, judg. 16. was not he afflicted by the philistians, who putting out his eyes, they made their foul off him? Saint Paul in the .13. chapter off the Ac●es bear the witness, that God found David a man after his own heart. And yet not withstanding all the life of David well considered, 1. Sam. 19 20 21.22. 2. Sam. 15 was no thing else but trouble, affliction & adversity. What suffered he at the hand off Saul? What suffered he by his son Absalon, whom he loved so entirely? Yea he suffered so many things & so grievous to be borne, that it cannot be expressed. And yet in this perpetual cross, in these quotidian afflictions, in these contynevall torments as well of the soul as of the body, how did David behave himself? What said he? He said, I am ready, that the lord do with me, as it seemeth unto him best. I am ready to bear patiently & with a good will all that it shall please him to send me. O saying worthy off recordation in the heart off a christian. O voice all together heavenly. O fl●sse perfitly beaten down, or rather all together mortified by the mighty mallet and power off the spirit, able to overthrow mountains. To the which saying agreeth the words of Hely the priest. 1. Sam. 3. To whom when Samuel had showed the ruin off his house, he answered, He is the lord, let him do, what it best seemeth unto him. O that the Souls off those men are most fortunate, whose carnal affections and fleshly cogitations, the fire off Gods spirete hath so perfitly consumed, and brought to this pas, that they can willingly say unto the lord there God, O God thou art master do with us what so ever is pleaseth thee, thy will be done. But these men before mensioned, did they for all their persecutions, at any time forsake the lord, or be came slack in well doing? No truly, Tob. 3 whereunto I appeal as a witness the good Tobias who divers ways was afflicted, & yet not withstanding all his afflictions, did never forsake the way off verity and truth. I produce also to witness the faithful job, off whom ye have hard the affliction and patience. job. 23. What say ye also to all the prophets who have borne a bout the word off verity? We will say off them that which jesus Christ doth teach us, when as he said unto his dissiples, and in them to us. blessed are ye, when men revile you, & say all manner off evil sayings against you for my name's sake, Math. 5. rejoice & beglad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. But what? did they persecute some of the prophets, and left other some un afflicted? No. They have universally persecuted them all, with out any exception. The which thing to be true, is evident by the words off. S. Sthephen. Act. 7. Which off the prophets is there (saith he) whom your fathers have not persecuted, from the first unto the last. And not only the prophets, but john also, who was more than a prophet, even such a one (as witnesseth jesus Christ) as there was not a greater borne a 'mongst the children off women. Math. 11 There was no prophet greater than john Baptisie, and yet was he persecuted. But how was he persecured? They did unto him all together what so ever they would, and yet was he that Helias as testifieth jesus Christ that was promised to come. Math. 17 Here we have no small occasion to stay ourselves, & diligently to consider the profound and admirable judgement off the lord. For. S. john was a most holy and virtuous man, he sought in all things the glory off God, he never did injure to any man living, he was a man all together inreprehensible. And yet all this not withstanding, the lord gave him over into the hands of his enemies, to erecute their tyranny upon him, Math. 3. Marc. 1. john. 1. the which thing also he most patiently suffered. Ought we then to be abashed & marvayll if he suffer us wretched sinners to fall into the hands off our adversaries & capital enemies? Or rather how much ought we highly to thank him, for his gentle correction, & patiently endure the same. Truly my friends it is our duty so to do. But it is but a small thing that the enymes off the faygh did unto saint john, all thought they did what so ever they could. For they did unto jesus Christ the son off God, what so ever they would, As he himself prophesied before in saint Matthew, saying, Math. 17 I say unto you, that Helias is come all ready, & they knew him not, but have done unto him what so ever they lusted, in likewise also shall the son off man suffer off them. But who is this son off man? The son off man in this place is to say the son off God, Math. 1 the only & true Messiah, that is to say the only & true savioure off the world, to be breffe, it is jesus Christ himself who spoke it, who only a 'bove all other is most worthy to be called man, or the son off man, not by cause off his humility and abjection, not by cause he is not borne off man and woman as other ate, but for by cause that he only (who is both God and man) is the honour, the glory, and the perfit savyoure off the human nature, for it is he only that hath repaired and restored the same again into his perfection, it is he that maketh men, perfit men, for with out him, man is, no ma●, that is to say, the image of god, but a beast & worse than a beast, yea the perfit image of the devil. And this man, this son off man, who only is the perfit man, Math. 1. and also (Emmanuel) that is to say God with us, and consequently the glory of man, was given into the hands of sinners, to th'end that they might do with him what so ever they would, that is to say, what so ever God his father had before ordained off him to be done: and they did it. Now my brethren and friends I do demand off you? if God the eternal father hath not spared his own proper son, as sayeth Gaynt Paul, but hath abandoned him to the will off sinners. Ought we to think it strange if he do give us into the hands off sinners, (we which are also sinners) to th'end we may be made confirmable and like unto his son, Rom. 8. according to his determination before the fondatious off the earth. And tell me, I beseech you, is a sholler abone his master, or a servant greater than his lord whom he serveth? Or rather ought not the scholar to be contented when as he is entreated as his master, and the servant as his lo●de. give ear I pray to a worthy sentence that a certain christian hath spoken in our time. O servants, do ye think, that it behove the you to rest and take your ease, when as the lord doth travail & take pain? Truly all the faughfull servants and good christians that were in the time off jesus christ, and also sins his death, have had no rest, but have all ways trabyled: they have all been persecuted, as was their master: whereof he warned them also beforre hand, Marh. 10. Mar. 13. saying, if they have persecuted me, even so will they persecute you. Wherefore if the world did make war against the master, is it reason that we his servants live 〈◊〉 peace and pleasure? Or rather is it possible that we should not suffer, saying the master hath suffered? Who ever knew the members in health, & the head sick? who ever hard off any shuche shing? And further more if the prince himself go unto the wars for the comen wealth off his country: is he not altogether a coward and a dastard, that seeketh his ease at home, and will not accompany his prince, who willingly the the abandon himself to eminent danger for the utility off the comen wealth. Bow much more, if the son off God, Ebr. 12. who is our only prince be in his own person in the battle, armed at all points, are we fayghfull servants, are we worthy soldiers, are we true christians, if we do not accompany him? And if all over companions be about our prince, bearing the brounte off the battle with him, and we tarring behind, do we not merit to be erpulsed his band & felowsbyppe, to be razed on't off the book off life, and to be reprobated and accursed for ever? Truly, we deserve no thing else, and then so shall it happen unto us. Barken I beseech you, what the angel off the lord God sayeth in the book off the judges. Curse ye the Light of Meros' (sayeth the angel of the lord, curse the inhabiters thereof, by cause they came not forth to help the lord, neither to help the mighty. Here may ye see a most certain malediction and curse upon shuche as are slack and neclegent to assist the lord in the time off tribulation. In time passed also when Gedeon made war against the Madianites, he left be hind him and did not call the men off Ephraim to assist him, where for they were grevouslye offended with him, judg. 7. & kendlyd in shuche indignation, that it wanted little that they had not outraged & destroyed him. Why hast thou served us thus (said they) that thou calledest us not with thee, when thou goest to fight with the Madianites? Ye may see that the men of Ephraim, did not desire to tarry at home & seek their ease, when as their captain Gedion with his army was in peril and in danger off the ennymes. likewise we read in the book off Samuel, 2. Sam. 11 that when David king off jerusalem, was advertised that Harsabe the wife off Vryas was with child. He sent unto his chief captain joab, & commanded him, to send him Vryas, who was as then in the camp amongst the other captains & soldiers off the king. When Vryas was come, and after the king had inquired off him the estate off his army, he said to Vryas, go into thy house, & wash thy fet. And Vryas (as sayeth the history) departed out of the kings house, and there followed him a service ffrom the kings table. But Vryas slept at the gate off the kings palace with other off his lords servants, and went not down into his house: off the which thing, when king David was informed, he said to Vryas, are not thou come from the field? why then dost not thou go down into thy house? But now I beseech you brytherens, give ear and consider diligently, the worthy answer off Urias, the which truly is worthy off perpetual commendation, and never to be forgotten. But what said he? The ark off God & Israel & juda dwell in the tents (sayeth he) my lord joab, and the servants off my lord, lie upon the face of the earth, and shall I then go into mine house, to eat and drink, & to lie with my wife? for thy health and for the health of thy Soul I will not do this thing. O most excellent, whorthy, and vertious man. O constant mind never weary off trouble and pain. O saying never to be forgotten. For he would not take his case, when it was time to travayll: but would go with the rest, & bear his part off the burden. Is it lawful them, for us, brethren, to seek our ease, and to refuse to suffer, saying that all our companions have suffered, and do suffer, & also our only head jesus Christ with them? There is no apparent excuse why we should do so. Iphe 2.4 Iom. 12. Wherefore David in his time speaking in the person off Christ, & off his mystical body, that is to say, of us, he said, I am ordained to be wypped and beaten. And. S. Peter in his first epistle sayeth the like. 1. Pet. 2. if for well doing (sayeth he) ye suffer wrong, and take it patiently then is there thank with God, for there unto verily were ye called. Consider earnestly, dearly beloved these. 2. sentences. David affirmeth that we are ordained to be afflicted, and G. Peter sayeth that we are called to suffer. namely to suffer patiently, & that for righteousness sake. Math. 5. Is there any excuse then, why we should refuse patiently to suffer for righteousness sake, saying we are there unto ordained and called of god? Ought we to refuse, willingly to drink off that cup that God our father hath ordained and given unto der that were no perfit obedience to the divine ordinance. Math. 2●. That were no direct following off our vocation. That were no true expression off the example off the son off God our only hope. 1 Tim. 1. Ti●●. 2 That were no thing confirmable unto this order of prayer, Our father thy will be done. To conclude, that were no way to declare out selves to be christians, but rather to manifest ourselves enymes and adversaries to the most holy and tyghtons will off God: Yea it were no thing else but directly to mourmure against God. It is written in the book of judgethe, how that those that resayved not the temptatione, judg. 8. with the fere off God, but put them self forth with unpaciencye and murmoring against God, perished off the dystroyer, and were slain off serpents. Do we think then to escape the extermination and punishment off God if we become murmorers & repyners against his determinate ordinance & pleasure? In seeking means to avoid the cross, which he doth present unto us, for the glory of his name, and our commodity? Alas O lord, Act. 5. Gal 6. 2. tim. 4. so miserable is our estate & condyssion, and so greatly doth it differ from our Ancestors and fathers. For the apostles and first christians, did rejoice, when God did them this honour, as to suffer injury & persecution for the name off jesus Christ. And they did not rejoice with out a cause, Math. 5. for as myth as the scripture say the. blessed are ye, if ye suffer any thing for righteousness sake, eya blessed are ye when men revile you, and persecute you, and shall falsely say all manner off evil sayings against you for my sake, rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, that is to say, the kingdom of heaven is yours, as he said a little before. blessed are these that suffer persecution for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom off heaven. Thesse's comfortable words & sayings of our savyoure jesus Christ, being fyrinly embraced and credited off the apostles and primitive christians, moved them boldly and stoutly to embrace the cross, in willingly submitting themself under the same. For they had a mest●eltayne assurance founded upon the omnipotent veritable word off the son off God. 1. Cor. 3. That in so doing they were happy and blessed, and that they should have part in the consolations, & glory off jesus Christ, as they had participated with him in his tribulations. But are we christeans of these days, come to this issue? Have we avansed ourselves so far? or do we as they did? Alas, no. The lord be merciful unto us. For that cursed love of ourselves, surmounteth in us the love off God. And the affection that we have unto frivolous and transitore things that are permanent and eternal) do cause us to have in hatred, Math. 10.16.20. Mat. 8. Luc. 9 the persecution and cross, which the son off God himself hath with saffed to bear, before us, and for us. And what may be the cause heroff, I pray you? But only our incredulity for that we do not firmly believe the word off God, which his own son hath most fayghtfully testified unto us. This vicious love, and this damnable affection, which doth so draw us, from the things where unto we are called, can they proceed from any other thing, then from a diffidence and mistrust that we have in the sayings and promises of the son off God? I report me to your consyerces: Truly the apostles and primitive church who were perfit christians. And did fayghtfully believe the sayings of the son of God. They did not govern themselves on this sort, but suffered gladly for jesus Christ, and for the testimony of his gospel, when it pleased the good will off God, that they should be afflicted. They did never dissuade one another to suffer, but wise, they did animate & bolden one another even to the very death. Peradventure ye will answer me, and say, all this is true, we acknowledge. But the cross off the Apostles and off the first chrysteans, was not so hard, so cruel, nor so evil to be borne: As is the cross that God layeth upon our shoulders in these days. Wherefore they bare their cross easily, and we with more pain. O unadvised saying, O objection worthy off reproof. Do we supposse that the cross off the Apostles and primitive christians, was easy to be borne? I pray you, let us take the pain, to consider what was their cross, and that done, we shall easily deserve which is the more grev user. truly if we would with a single eye consider all things, we should find that we all together did new suffer the tenth part of the pain & trouble that. S. Paul himself only did taste and endure. And therefore doth he boast himself, that he is a better servant off jesus Christ, than were, a certain kind off falls prophets amongst the Corrinthians, off when he maketh mension. Wherefore if it please you, let us here himself speak. 2. Cor. 11. They are the ministers off Christ (sayeth he) I am more, in labours more abondant, in stripes above measure, in prison more plentiouse, in peril off death often, off the jews fyve times ressayved I forty stripes save one, thrisse was I beaten with rods, I was once stoned, I suffered thrysse shipwreck, night and day have I been in the deep see, in journeying often, in perils off waters, in perils of robbers, in ieoperdes of mine own nation, in ieoperdes amongst the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea in perils amongst falls brethren, in labour & travayll, in watching often, in hunger & thirst, in fasting often, in cold & nakedness, beside the things that outwardly happen unto me. Here may you see, what saint Paul did suffer for the testimony off jesus Christ. 2. Cor. 1. And in an other place he sayeth. Britherin I would not have you ignorant, off our trouble which happened unto us in Asia, for we were grieved out off measure passing strength so greatly that we despaired even off life. Also we ressayved an answer off death in ourselves, that we should not put our trust in ourselves, but in god, which raiseth the dead to life again, and which delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver, on whom we trust, that yet here after he will deliver, by the help off your prayers for us, that by the means off many persons, thanks may begive off many on our behalf, for the gift given unto us. Here may ye see (my friends) here may ye see the cross off Saint Paul, here may ye see what he hath suffered, and yet this is not all. For he hath suffered many other things as witnesseth the book off the Acts off the Apostles, and finally be suffered death for the witnessing off jesus Christ. For there more. S. Paul hath not only made mention, off that which he did suffer himself, but also he hath made rehearsal off the estate off the other apostles off his time. Wherefore, for Gods sake hearken what he sayeth off them to the Corinthians, 2. Cor. 4. Truly I believe (sayeth he) that god hath set us forth, (we which are the last apostles) as it were men appointed to death, for we are a gazing stock unto the world, and to the angels & to men, we are folles for Christ's sake, but ye are wise through christ. We are weak, but ye are strong. Ye are honourable, but we are despised. Even unto this time we hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffyted with fists, and have no certain dwelling place, and labour working with our own hands. We are reviled, and yet we bliss, we are persecuted, and suffer it, we are evil spoken off, and we pray, we are made as it were the filthiness off the world and the off, scouring off all things even unto this day. That is to say we are no less detestable unto the world, than were those that the gentylles did customably throw into the water for the preservation off the comen wealth. And in another place he saith. We are troubled on every side, yet are we not forsaken, we are in poverty, but yet not utterly with out some what, We suffer persecution, but are not relynquythed therein. We are cast down, nevertheless we perish not. We all ways bear about in our bodies the mortification of the lord jesus, that the life off jesus might appear in our bodies, for we which lied, are all ways delivered unto death for jesus sake, that the life off jesus might also appear in our mortal flesh. Now have ye hard what. S. Paul testifieth off his estate and off the other apostles. Now I beseech you gyne ear unto that he writeth off the estate off all the saints in general, that is to say off all the elect & true chylderin of God by jesus Christ. Through fayght (sayeth he) they have subdued kingdoms, Hebr. 11. wrought righteousness, obtained the promise, stopped the mouths off lions, quenched the violence off fire, escaped the edge off the sword, out off weakness they were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the arms off the aliens, the women ressayded their dead to life again: Other were racked & would not be delivered, that they might inherit a better resurrection: Again other were tried with mockings and scornings, more over with bonds, and prisonment, were stoned, were hewn a sunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, walked up and down in shepskyns, and gotskyns, being destitute, troubled and vexed, they wandered in wilderness, in mountains and in caves off the earth, off which men, the world was not worthy off. Behold the life, behold the estate and intreting off the childerin off God, during the time they were in this world, Is there any greater temptations, than these which we have hard rehearsed? And yet never the less jesus Christ and his membres before us have suffered them. But in all these extreme temptations how did they behave themselves? Were they at any time astonied or discomforted? No, truly. As witnesseth. S. Paul, saying. blessed be God the ffather off our Lord jesus Christ which is the father off mercy & God off all consolation, 2. Cor. 1. which comforteth us in all our tribulations in so much that we are able to comfort them that are in any manner of trouble, even with the● same comfort, that we ourselves are comforted off God, for as the afflictions off Christ are plenteous in us: even so is our consolation plenteous by Christ. Cor. 12. I●em he sayeth in another place. Therefore will I very gladly rejoice in mine infirmities that the strength off Christ may dwell in me, Therefore have I my delectation, in infirmities and in rebukes, in necessities, in persecutions and in anguishes for Christ's sake, for when I am weak, then am I strong. Here by it is apparent that G. Paul was not dyseomforted not dyscorraged in the mids off his tribulations, but suffered all things very gladly & quietly, even very death for the testimony of the truth: he would not also that his friends should be moved or troubled for any thing that might happen unto him, but rather that they should rejoice with him. The which comfortable lesson he truly learned in the most flourishing skolle off his master jesus Christ, who said unto his dyssiples, Let not your hearts be greved, neither fere, ye have hard how I said unto you, joh. 14. I go and come again unto you, if ye loved me ye would verily rejoice, because I go unto my father. The which thing truly the dissiples did show in the end, that they did love him unfeignedly: For after that he was visibley departed from them as touching his bodily presence, and ascended up into the heavens, whereas he remaineth resedent unto this hour, living and reigning & praying for us. They returned unto jerusalem with great joy and gladness as testifieth G. Luc. Act. 1. But did Paul and the other apostles only rejoice in tribulation? All the other christians who have suffered for the verity sake, did not they also rejoice in bearing their cross. yes, truly, thanks be given unto our god. The which thing. G. Paul, spekinge as well of other as of himself doth sufficiently declare, saying. We do not only glory, in the glory off the son of God, but also we do glory in tribulation. As who would say, we christeans are not off that opinion, that the worldly men are of, for worldly men do hate and detest all tribulations, & call them evelles, Thinking it an evil, odious & shameful thing to suffer▪ persecution. But contrariwise the true christians, do glory and rejoice in all their persecutions. That is to say they are assured that their persecutions, make for their glory, honesty, wealth, utility, and singular profit: For the which cause they do glory in suffering, jam. 1. and do rejoice. For. G james in the name off God doth comannde them to do so, saying. My brethren esteem it an exceeding joy, when you fall into divers temptations. 1. pet. 4. G. Peter also exhorteth them unto the same thing, when he sayeth, dearly beloved marvel not that ye are proved by fire (which thing is to try you) as thought some strange thing happyned unto you: But rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's passions, that when his glory appeareth, ye may be merry and glad. For truly all christians, if they be in very de de christians, do not only rejoice & glory in their tribulations, but also they give hearty thanks unto God, & therein praysse his holy name. In which doing they follow the example off the three chylderin that being thrown into the furnace, bound, Dany. 3. walking in the mids off a great fire, did give thanks, praise and glorify the lord. They also follow the example off job, job. 1. who said, if we have ressayved good things at the hands off God, why not e●ell also? The lord hath given, and the lord hath taken away, even as it pleaseth the lord, so is it come to pass, blessed be the name off the lord. S. Peter also doth give them in comandment to do the like, saying, 1. Pet. 4. if ye be railed upon for the name off Christ happy are ye, for the glory and the spirit off God resteth upon you, but see that none off you do suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or an evil doer, or as a busy body in other men's matters, if any man suffer as a christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God on his behalf. But wherefore is it, that the christians, do so greatly rejoice in their tribulations? And do give thanks and praysse the name off God in the mids off their afflictions? G. Paul in his epistle to the Romans doth give us a plain resolution thereof in these words We know (faith he) that tribulation bringeth patience, Roma. ●. patience bringeth experience, experience bringeth hope, & hope maketh us not ashamed, by cause the love off God is shed a broad ●n cure hearts, by the holy ghost which is given unto us. What meaneth this say Tribulation bringeth patience? is) it the nature off tribulation to make all men patient indifferently, that are afflicted and troubled? (No truly.) For if tribulation naturally did work patience in all them that are troubled, them should be all men generally patiently hear their tribulations. But every one doth not so. For we do see at this time the most part off men mourmer and grudge with out a cause, and folyslye complain in their afflictions and adversities. What have I done (say they)? Wherein have I offended? Lan these words proceed from a patient heart that willingly doth submit himself under the most just judgement off God? It is certain that it can not. And therefore it seemeth that the apostle, here speak the against the experience that we have off things. But on the otherside if we do diligently way to who me he here speaketh, namely unto the christians, he being also a christian, we shall easily gather, where unto the tendeth. For it behoveth us to consider and understand that the tribulations whereof he now treateth, are not the tribulations off the worldings. But rather they are the tribulations off the elect and true childerin off God, whosse properiyes he here declareth, and sayeth. What tribulation (that is to say) the tribulation off o christean, bringeth patience. But, which way? A christian man that seeth himself troubled and afflicted, understandeth forth with that his tribulation doth not happen to him by fortune or chance, for he is not off that unhappy and dainnable feet off infideles that bare deny the divine providence off God, laying as we read in the book of jeremy's lamentations That from the mouth off the lord prose death neither good not evil. Lament. 3. The lord seeth us not, Ezech. 9 he hath forsaken the ear the. And as it is written in the book of job. Tush, how should God know? doth his dominion reach beyond the clouds? job. 22. Tush, the clouds cover him that he may not see, for he dwell the above the scyrcie off the heavens. All these words or rather blasphemes, signify no thing else, nor tend to none other end, but to make us believe, that God, that hath made heaven and ear the doth not entermedel with human and earthily things, And that it is not he that sendeth unto man good and evil, prosperity & adversity, which we taste in this life. But a true christ and doth not give any credit unto so pestilent and diabolical a lie. For, to think off God, a thing so much unworthy his majesty is not the work off a christian, but off an Epicurian or of an Aristoteler. A christian man gyvethe reverence unto the word off God, in believing & firmly dwelling upon the same, all thought all the universal world would contensiouslye affirm the contrary. And the word off God sayeth. Tua pater providentia ab initio cuncta gubernat. O father (sayeth the scripture) thy providence governeth all thing from the begyving. And again if sayeth. Who is he there that sayeth that any thing is done, with out the comandment off the lord. Further more the lord our God speaking by the mouth of the prophet Esaias say the. isaiah. 45. I am the lord, and there is none other beside me, fforming the light, and creating the darkness, making peace, and creating evil, yea I am the lord that doth all these things sayeth the all mighty God. Deut. 32. And in Seutrend he sayeth, behold, I am the God alone, and there is none but I. I kill and will make alive again, I wound and I will heal again. And also Tobias having respect unto this sentence, said unto the lord, Great art thou (o sorde) for ever more, and thy kingdom world with ont end, for thou skourgest, & healeste thou leadest unto hell, and bringest out again, and there is none that may escape thy hand. Where unto agreeth the author off the Ecclesiasticus saying, Eccle. 11. prosperity & adversity, life and death poverty and riches, come all off the lord. And to that end doth the prophet Amos inquire saying, Doth there any evel hap in the city, Amos. 3.8. that the lord hath not wrought? Use thy riches in the days off prosperity (sayeth jesus the son off sirach) and have patience in the time off adversity, for even as God hath made the one, even so hath he made the other. All these texts, and other infinite contained in the holy scriptures declare sufficiently, that the world is not governed by forture and chance, as the infideles dare affirm, and that against the evident testimony and judgement off their own consyences, which witnesseth unto them that the world is all together governed by the only providence off God: And that as well riches, as poverty, good and evil, that is to say●, all tribulations, persecutions, losses, afflictions, torments, and miseries that we suffer, doth only proceed from God, and that by the will, ordinance and commandment off God, who doth all in all things, according to the counsel off his own will. Wherefore when that a man, that is a christian, doth persayve him self in any respect afflicted, in what sort so ever it be, he doth not doubt, but is certainly persuaded that it is god himself that doth afflict him. In sending him that same tribulation that he hath: and that all the wicked men off the world, yea even the develles and all other creature, that seem to afflict, are no thing else but the rods and ministers off his divine will and ordinance, as it is written in the prophet Esaias, isaiah. 10. Assur, is the rod of my fury, and my staff. Also in the▪ 54. chapter the lord sayeth, Behold I create the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and he maketh a weapon after his own handy work, and I mak● also him that killeth to destroy. A christian man now is sufficiently assured that his tribulation is all together a work off God, and doth not only consider, that it is God that afflicteth, but also the end where unto he tendythe by afflic●●̄ge him. But which way should he know it? By the scriptures only, for the scriptures doth not only most certainly assure him, that it is God, that afflicteth, But also when that God afflicteth, he doth it not off hatred, nor for any pleasure that he taketh in our affliction, as signifieth the book off wisdom, which sayeth, Sap. 1. That God hateth no thing of that he hath made, neither taketh he pleasure in the destruction off the living. The which thing also Tobias confesseth in these words, Lord, Tob. 3. thou takest no pleasure in our perdiction. The which thing also the lord himself confirmeth by the mouth off his prophet Ezechiel, I will not the death off a synnet (saith he) but rather that he torn and live. Ezech. 18. A christian man then, that belevethe all that the scripture teacethe, doth not think that God doth afflict him for any pleasure that he taketh to see him suffer, (for that were the affection off 〈◊〉 tyrant) neither yet by cause he hateth● him in any respect, but rather he is pe●fytly persuaded that God afflicteth him, by cause he loveth him. For he sayeth himself. prover. 3 Ebr. 12. Ego quoscunqe amo, arguo et castigo, that is to say, I do reprehend and chasten, all them that I love. I is necessary then that all those that god loveth, Apoc. 3. and chiefly those that he loveth in jesus Christ, be chastyned. But wherefore doth he chastise thence Because that he loveth them. But how much doth god love them? How much less doth he love them, than he loved his only son jesus Christ? He loveth them as his chi●derin for Christ's sake, and he that belevethe not that, doth deny the verity spoken by jesus Christ, who speaking off those that through the preaching off the apostles should believe in him, said to his father. O father thou hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. And jesus Christe● how much doth he love them? joh. 17. hearken what he sayeth in the gospel of. S. john. As my father hath loved me, joh. 15. (sayeth he) even so do I love you. O assured promise, O saying off great consolation, to all those that fayghtfully believe the same. O comfortable words which being well understanded and surely fixed in a christian man's heart by the excellent and supernatural hammer off fayght, is able with one only blow to subdue our corrupt nature, and natural inclination, in making the same willingly obedient, to the good will off God, who hath so much loved us, and of his mere goodness hath done so much, and hath suffered so much for us. But now, saying that love, yea & that an infinite love, is the only cause, why God our loving father doth so afflict us. To what end then tendeth he, in this his affliction, & to what purpose doth he so often afflict us? S. Paul in his first epistle to the Corrinthe ans doth express unto us the cause wherefore, 1. Cor. 1●. in few words, saying, When we are judged off the lord, we are corrected, to th'end we should not be damned with the world. That is to say, God doth send us affliction and tribulation, but he doth not send them to destroy us, but rather to chastise us, to th'end there by we might amend, & be provoked to i'll unto him for mercy and pardon. By we might not be condemned with the wicked wordlynges. 4. Esd. 16 Esdras hath the like saige in his four book the. 16. chapter. Behold (sayethhe) hunger and plague, trouble & anguy the, are sent as scourges, for amendment. Where unto is to be refarred the worthy saying off the holy woman judethe. judith. 8. Let us not seek to be avenged (sayeth she) for the thing that is done unto us: but consider that all the se ponyshentes are far less than our sins and misdeeds, believing also that this correction cometh unto us, (as to the seruates off God) for amendment and not for our destruction. Now it y● manifest, that when we suffer any tribulation, it proceed the from God, an● that for our salvation. The which thing when a christian man doth fayghtfully consider, he is moved forth with pari●ly and gladly to be are all his adversities in rendering hearty thanks to God his sat her for the same. And so come the it to pass, Rom. 5. as sayeth. S. Paul. That tribulation bringeth patience, not off his own proper nature, but by a more livenly knowledge off the good will off God to wards us. And this patience, bring the experience (sayeth. S. Paul) that us to say, patience do the try and prove our fayghte, yea patience doth perfitly witness, evidently declare, and surely assure us, that the fought off that person, that is patience in his adversity, is no vame, feigned or dead fight, but firm, true and lyvelye, in that it endure the the fire off tribulation with out either weariness or repynymge. It is a common saying amongst us, that a man doth not certainly know his own stomach and boldness, tylshuche time as he is returned from the battle. For after a man hath felt himself stout and valiant at the pinch, and willing to do his duty to the uttermost off his power, and that not for all the injures, incomodites, calamities, and miseries off the wars, he never found himself dyscorraged from the fayghtful ●erninge of his prince, but hath all ways patiently and valiantly supported all hassardes and troubles, in corraging contynewallye his companions, & all ways showing a good contynance and lusty courage. That men than know the how hardey he is, them he knoweth that he is in the number off them that are meite soldiers to serve the king and the comen wealth. And he is known off all his companions, yea and off the king himself. But what thing hath tried him? what thing hath made him known? For so the the constancy and patience that he had in adversity. For before this patience, neither was he known to the king, neither yet to his companions, what manner a man he was, no he was not known to himself. Eccle. 34 For as sayeth the Ecclesityke, he that was never tempted, what knoweth he? And he that was never proved, whereof hath he experience? Be meaneth that with out cross and persecution a man shall never know himself certainly. The which thing is most true. For till shuche time as we have been tempted, and till such time as god hath laid upon us his cross that it pleaseth him to have us bear. We may esteem, Math. 26. or rather presume off oureselves, than other wise, as S. Peter, extermed and presumed off himself, when as he said. Thought all men be offended because off thee, yet will not I be offended, & all thought I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee, yea I will give my lyff● for the. Whe● Peter uttered these words, he knew not very well what he said, neither knew he as yet himself. And wherefore? By cause he had as then never been tempted nor proved. So wise we, if before we have been tempted or afflicted do utter the like sayings, truly, we speak off no cersayn●ye for as much as we never have been proved, & sherfor are all together ignorant off ourselves. But when as God our father, hath sent us tribulations and hath given us grace in the same to continue constantly, and to behave oursewes valiantly, that is to say, we were never discomforted nor astonied nor denied our fight, but have boldly confessed the same before the face of our enemies, no thing exteming our lyffes with. S. Paul. But have will lyngly dyspyced and abandoved the same for the verities sake, according to the doctrine of jesus Christ our only master, & most perfit exemplar. Then are we proved, then do we persayve and know by experience that our fight is good & lyvely, them doth ouren companions know us, and then doth God himself know us, as he sayeth to Abraham. Gene. 22. Now I know that thou fearest God, So that there is no doubt but that this probation and experience off our fight to be good & godly, cometh off the patient constancy, & constant patience that God hath given us, in our tribulations. For truly the reprobate and unbelievers, have never patience in their adversities. But they mourmer all ways against God & blaspheme his majesty. Which thing consider, noved. S. Paul to say, patience bringeth eyperience (to wit) experience off our fight, that is to say, patience doth give us experience that our fight is good, as a good souldioure that hath diligently done his indevoure in the battle, consayveth a certain and sure hope, that his prince for whom he hath fought & hazarded his life, will give him thanks, recōper●se him, & give him preferment, charge, and credit in his real me. Even so when as by constant patience our fight hath been proved, and found good, then doth our hope increase more than ever it did, and do conseve a fyrine assurance, and sure certitude off our salvation. Then begin we (as it were) partly to know and lyvely to feile, that we cannot be damned, but that we shall be most certainly saved, Tob. 3. as witnesseth the good Tobias, Who so ever loveth God (sayeth he) and serveth him a right, is sure off this, that if his life be tempted and proved, it standeth in trying, and if he continue in patience, he shall have a reward, and be highly crowned. To the which agreeth the holy apostle. S. james, saying, jam. 2. blessed is that man that endure the temptation, for after that he hath been proved, he shall ressayve the crown off life, that God hath promised to those that love him. And this is it, that the apostle teacethe us, when as he sayeth, probation, Rom. ●. that is to say, the experience that through patience we have off our strong and invinsyble fight, worketh (or rather engendrythe) hope. But upon what thing is this our hope founded and builded? if it were founded and stayed upon the force & worthiness off our patience, them should it have, but a slender foundation, much like unto that edifice that is builded upon the sand, But where upon them, is it situated? upon the only certayntey off the veritable promises off the lord, who sayeth in. S. Matthew. blessed are all those that suffer persecution for righteousness sake, Math. 10 for theirs is the kingdom off heaven, and again he sayeth. He that will go about to save his sowll, that is to say, his carnal and temporal life, he shall loss the same, but he that shall loss his fowl, that is to say, he that shall willingly abandon his life for my sake & for the gosples, he shall surely save it. Upon these promises and other like, which are infinite in the scriptures, is our hope all ways founded & builded, as the only foundation thereof. And not upon our own works, patience or worthiness. And this hope, is not confounded sayeth saint Paul, that is to say, that all those that do firmly hope after the things that God hath promised them, they shall never be dyssayved not frustrated off their expectation and attent: They shall never be confounded before the ungodly & unbelievers their enemies: It shall never repent them, neither shall they be ashamed for that they have believed in the promises off God. For assuredly they shall have, that they have hoped for, namely that which God hath promised them. And on the other side, the unbelievers and ungodly shall have no occasion, to laugh them to scorn. For out off all doubt they shall be saved, as signifieth the prophet Esaias. isaiah. 28. Whosoever belevethe in him, shall not be confounded. Also it is written in the psalms. blessed is the man that hopeth in the lord, Psal. 33. for God saveth those that trusiethe in him. But what need I here to allege the sayings off these two prophets, David, & Esaias, seeing that all the scriptures tendythe to none other end, and all most reacethe noneother doctrine, but only that all those that unfeignedly do reposse their confidence in God, shallbe delivered from all their tribulations, and shallbe saved trought the grace and mercy off the lord jesus Christ. And there for give ear unto the lyvely and puissance consolation, that the aposiell doth give unto us in his epestell to the Ebrieus, & else where, Hebr. 12. saying. Wherefore let us also (for as much as we are compassed about with so great a multitude of witnesses) that is to say, so great a number off them that are gone before us. Say a way all that presseth down, and the sin that hangeth so fast on, let us run with patience unto the battle that is set before us, looking unto jesus the captain and finisher off our fight, which for the joy that was set before him, abode the cross, and dysspyced the shame, and is now set down on the right hand off the throne off God, Consider therefore and consider again, how he endured such contradiction off sinners, lest ye should be wearied & faint in your minds, for ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin, and have forgotten the exhortation that speaketh unto you as unto childerin. My son despise not thou the chastening of the lord, neither faint when thou art rebuked off him, for whom the lord loveth, him he chastynethe, yea, he skorgethe every son that he resayvethe, if ye endure chastening God offereth himself unto you, as unto sons. What son is he whom the father chastynethe not? if ye be not under correction (whereof all are partakers) then are ye bastards and not sons. Therefore saying we have had fathers off our own flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence, shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father off spirits and life? And they verily, for a few days nortered us after they●e own pleasure, but he norterethe us for our profit, to th'end that he may minister off his holiness unto us. No manner chastening for the present time seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, never the less after ward it bringeth the quiet fruit off righteousness, unto them that are excercised thereby. For thought our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day, for our tribulation, 2. Cor. 4 which is momentany and light, prepareth an exceeding and an eternal weight off glory unto us, whylles we look not on the things that are seen, but on the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the ●higes which are not seen, are eternal. For we know, that if the earthly mansion of this body were destroyed, 2. Cor. 5. we have a byldige of god, an habitation not made with hands but eternal in heaven. My friends and brethren, these worthy sayings are written for our doctrine, to th'end that we through patience and consolation off the scriptures might have hope. Rom. 15. comfort yourselves then, in these words, have patience, be thankful all ways unto our particular and general father. if at any time it pleaseth him to make you partakers off the healtfull sufferings, of jesus Christ his only son, and off all the faithful christians that here to fore have suffered for his name sake. Have a sure hope, that if you suffer wish the son off God, ye shall also reign with him. And if ye do communicate with him, patiently bearing his cross in this world, be cause you would be found obedient unto the good will off God his father, ye shall also be made like unto him, living & reigning in heaven, in immortality most happy. And all ways remember and fayghtfully consider this one thing, whereof the holy ghost by the pen off saint Paul doth admonish us, saying, The afflictions off this world, are not worthy off the glory to come, the which shallbe revealed on us. In this firm confidence, commit yourselves holy, to the more than fatherly providence off our God. And say unto him with a good will and earnest mind with out all dissimulation. Our ffather thy will be done. And then say also. With a sure confidence, as sayeth. Hebr 13. Psal. 55. Psal. 117. S. Paul. The lord is my helper. I will fere no thing that man can do unto me. Fere not that God will forsake you, in what so ever miserable state it pleaseth him to bring you. For he hath said, Ios. 1. I will not forsake thee, nor abandon the. Ye would not relynquyshe, not forsake a man that hath suffered any thing for you. And do ye think then, that god who only is good, will forsake us, who only have suffered for his name sake? O friends let it never enter into your hearts, for it is not possible assure yourselves. And further more, be ascartayned that no thing shall happen unto you, but that which God hath eternally ordained for you. And all thought all the tyrants off the world, and the whole world itself, should conspire against you, they are not to be feared. For you can drink nothing else, but that cup that God hath prepared for you, from the beginning. Ye can suffer no more, nor none other wise, nor at non other time, than God hath ordained. Do not ye know, that the kind off death off the son off God, was before determined? It behoved him to be exalted, as he himself tescifie the in S. john, that is to say, it behoved him to be ceucifyed, joh. 3. he could not die off any other death. And the time also wherein it be hoved him to die, was it not certain lie ordained and apoynied? yes truly, as witness the Daniel in his. 9 chapter. How often times have ye read, in the history of the life off jesy Christ, that his ennymes sought divers means to take him, and yet they could not, by cause that his hour was not come? that is to say, joh. 19 that the time was not them come, that God his father had determined that he should be taken. But when his hour was come, they took him at their pleasure, truth the inevitable ordinance off God, who then did deliver him into their hands, and gave them power over him, as he said to Pilate. Thou shouldest have no manner off power over me, if it were not given unto thee, from a hove. Lykwysse he said unto the jews, Ye are come forth as it were against a theaffe, with sword & staves for to take me. When I was daily with rou in the temple, ye sireched forth no hands against me, Luc. 22. but (sayeth he in. S. Luke) This is even your very hour, & the power off darkness. The place likewise whereas he should suffer, was it not also determined? Be himself declareth unto us, that yes. For he sayeth, It is not possible that the prophet, that is to say, the Alessias, or the anointed of god, should perish, but at jerusalem. And of those that should comdemne him, Math. 20 & put him to death, was there no thing determined in the secret counsel off he deite? What should we doubt thereof, for he himself said, Behold, we go up to jerusalem, and the son off man shall be delivered into the hands off the high priests and scribes, and they shall comdemue him to death, and shall deliver him to the gentiles to be mocked, and to be scourged, & to be crucified, & the third day he shalrysse again. And off him that did betray him, what? was there no thing determined before? Math. 26 Barken what he himself sayeth, Verily, I say unto you, that one off you shall betray me etc. The son off man goeth as it is written off him, but woe unto that man by whom the son of man is betrayed, It had hyn good for that man, if he had not hyn borne. Then judas, which betrayed him, said master, is it I? jesus said unto him, thou hast said, that is to say, thou hast said the truth, it is even thou, that was ordained for this purpose from the beginning. This may ye see, how all things concerning jesus Christ was guided by the providence and determination of god his father. Truly there happyned no thing unto him, that was not certainly ordained and appointed before. Whereby we may easily gather, that no thing shall happen unto us his members, that God hath not ordained for us, thought all the men off the world would conspire together, and with them all the develes in hell, or in the air, with all their iniquity crafts, treasons, wickedness, threatenings, strength and condemnations, yet can they not abridge our course, not prolong our life, one moment. How great then is our pusillanimite & weakness? When as all things depending entirely upon the only providence of god, in whosse sure safgard and protection. we are and have our being, and yet for all that we fear a mortal man, and that more is, a weak woman, that to day is grieve as the gross, and to morrow shallbe cast into the furnace. Continewally (as sayeth the prophet Esaias) we stand in fere, off the fury off them that trouble us, and in the mean time do forget the lord that hath created us, that hath siretched on't the heavens, and hath laid the fondations of the earth. O that we are people off little fight. But some man peradventure will reply and say unto me. We are not jesus Christ, therefore it is not certain whether god hath ordained the thing that happyneth unto us, as he did unto jesus Christ, & whether he hath charge and care over us, as he had over jesus Christ? wherefore not with out a cause we do fere the imaginations and entrepryses off our enemies, against us. O saying all together mired with infidelity, this is that I spacke off before, alas, we have no fight, for wherein can we more show our incredulity, then so to restrain the eternal providence of god, as to tend no further than over the only person off jesus Christ? So should god be the God off jesus Christ only, & not our God also? Wherefore then do we believe in him? Wherefore then do we reposse our whole trust and confidence only in him? Wherefore then do we call him, our God, our father, & our savioure? if the providence off God do not tend over us also, and if he have no solicitude and care over us, then hath the spiret off god abused us with a notable lie, when as by the pen off. 1. pet. 5. S. Peter he said, last all your care upon God, for he careth for you. But truly the lord might justly say off us now, that which some time he spoke off Ephraim in the. 11. chapter off the prophet Oreas, Oze. 11. I bore Ephraim in mine arms as he that nourish the them, & yet they would not know that I had care off them. O to much ingratitude? O infidelity incomparable? Tell me I pray you, are not tow sparrows off les walewe with God, than we are? Truly God hath not so much esteemed them, Math. 10. for he died not for them, as he hath done for us, and yet jesus Christ testifieth unto us, that a sparrow shall not fall upon the ground, without the will off our heavenly father. Luc. 12. And what then? Shall we fall without his providence & determinate decree? No truly. Do we not know that even the hears off our head are all numbered? Do we not know that god hath disposed all things by number, weight, and measure? Are we ignorant off this, that all things have their appointed time? and that all thing that is under the heavens passeth by his course? as sayeth the Lcelesiastike. Do we not know that God hath given to man, time, and number off days? Have we not seen written that there is a time off byrte. Eccle. 3● and a time off deaths Have we forgotten, or rather do we not understand, that which is written in the book off job, & that we hear so often song in the church. job. 14. The days off man surely are deter mined, the number off his months are only known unto thee, thou hast appoited him his bounds, which he cannot go beyond. What is that to say, God hath apponynted bounds and limits unto the life off man? It is to say, that God hath ordained every man a certain time to live, the which time we cannot over pass nor go beyond. But this is not all. For it behoveth us also to tarry the appointed time and as it were to touch the limited bounds. Wherefore if we will directly understand this place off job, we must diligently consider what is to say a bound or a limit. Truly when a piece off ground is limited and bounded, it doth not only signify that it goeth no farther, but also that it tendeth and stretcheth to the bound. Wherefore it is not inought to consider that we shall not pass the time that God hath limited, & determined us to live, but also we must assuredli persuade oureselves that we shall live as long as he hath ordained us to live. And truly so shall we do in the despite off all our enemies, all thought they would swelled their hearts. And tell me further more, have men given us our life? No forsooth. No more can they take it away from us. God, with out any other hath given it us, and God only doth take it away. For he is the lord off death, as well as off life, wherefore when the appointed time off our death is come, let us assure oureselfes that it is god only, and none other that doth kill us. For he sayeth. It is I that kill, and make a live again. And therefore when it shall please him to kill us, that is to say, to take away this miserable life off the fless: let us say with job. The lord hath given, and the lord hath taken it away, blessed be the name off the lord. Let us consider, and follow the example off Isaac, who so patiently permitted himself to be bond off his father, being ready to put him to death. Oesyring the infinite bounty off our God, so to bind our members and affections, that there appear in us no manner of thing, that may resist, gainsay or reply in any respect against his good will and pleasure. But before all thing let us follow the example of jesus Christ our only savioure and master, who saying his death approaching said to god his father, My father, not as I will, but as thou wyllt, thy will be done and not mine. Let us then offer unto God the father, oureselfes for a sacrifice, whose savour all thought it be evil and stinking in the nose off the world, yet it is good & agreeable unto God by jesus Christ his son, upon whom, that is to say, in the fight and confidence off whom, we do dedycat. and offer ourselves, when we persayve our hour to approach. And in the mean time let us not tempt God, let us not search out, & provoke our enemies, that is to say, those that with out a cause would us evil, but rather in following the example off Christ and his apostles, let us with draw ourselves thither, whereas it shall please the providence off our God and father to address us. And what so ever betide, let us not fere men, no, let us not fere them, for God doth inhibit and for bid us the same, saying by his prophet, isaiah. 41. , Fere them not, for I am with you. And saying that god doth forbynd us to fere men, can we fear them with out sin? No truly. But to what purpose do we fear them? Men off themselves are no thing: Men off themselves can do no thing: and if at any time they have any power, the same power come the only unto them from God, and is given unto them only to accomplish & execute the will off God. Wherefore they can not at any time, do any thing but that, that God will have done, by their ministration. Wherefore then do we fear them? Geying we are only under the protection and safgard off God, who is all mighty. Tell me I pray you, if we had an enyme in Ingland, & the Quiene, who is but a woman had promised us to protect and defend us against our enyme, would we then fear him? I suppose, no. And yet we are not ashamed to fere our enemies, Gene. 15. after that God who only is all mighty, and off power to preserve, hath said unto every one off us, Fere not, for I am thy protector, thy defence, and thy reward shallbe exceeding great. if after this certain promise and divers other like, we do yet fear men, our enemies, It must off necessity follow that we do doubt off the power, goodness, & almighty help off God. Is this the honour that we bear unto his divine majesty? Can we do him a grea●er iviure, than not to credit and obey his word? Why rather do we not say with he prophet David, and that with unfeigned lips void off all Ipocrysie. My hope and confidence is only in the lord God, I fear not what man can do unto me? Why then should we fear the death, which these worldly wise men (and yet in very deed folles) do make appear unto us so horrible and expoventable. For truly that man that now fear the death, doth great injure unto jesus Christ which hath over come the same. And seemeth, that he doth despair off eternal life, that jesus Christ, by his death hath purchased for us. But peradventure ye will say unto me, that jesus Christ himself in the time off his cross, did fere death, and therefore it is no marvel, thought we do fere it, in whom there is no shuche perfection and constancy? Truly the flesh doth always abuse her self with the example off jesus Christ, she doth abuse it, for she cannot rightfully use it, in as much as the flesh is all ways repongnant unto the spiret and the good will off god. And for as much as you will heri follow the example off jesus Christ, well I am contented, fere death: But fear it, as jesus Christ did fere it. if you will say, that jesus Christ had fere off death, consider the same also to be on shuche sort, as the fere theroff did not keep him back from the voluntary obedience off God his father, and from saying with unfeigned lips, My father thy will be done: nor (his hour being come) from the offering of himself willingly into the hands off his enemies, to be crucified and put to death. So thou so (o thou flesh) for if thou do otherwise, then dost thou not follow the example off jesus Christ in fearing death, but thou wouldest cover thy pusyllanimyte and imperfections with the example off the son off God, in whosse life was never found any imperfection. Ye will answer me, and say, we fear not death, for any fere we have to be damned, neither for any diffidence that we have off eternal life: But do believe and are certainly assured, that our God, in whom only we have our confidence, will not damn us, but off his mercy, will give unto us eternal life for the righteousness and merits sake off his son our savioure jesus Christ: But we fear the death for the human understanding that we have, of the great pain that some do suffer in deyinge, and especially, in dying by fire, for we suppose that pain to surmount all patience. O fond flesh, thy voice is all ways full off the love off thyself, and off a secret diffidence and mistrust off the all mighty power, wisdom and goodness off the lyding God. I am sure, thou dost not comprehend it, nor understand it, neither thou wilt not, nor cannest not. And therefore I will no more indevoure myself to speak unto thee, for it were but lost labour. But I will derecte my words, unto all the childerin of God, who (as. S. Paul sayeth) are led with the spiret off God, Rom. 8. & them will I now arm against all the difficultes, that this cursed flesh had wont to object, when as it behoved us to bear the cross off Christ for the glory off God. the great number off martera that lately have been borne in Ingland do testify the contrary. And namely against that, which she lately objected saying, that the pain that a 01 christian doth suffer by deyeing in the fire, doth surmount all patience. O saying saying, O shameful blasphemy, that aparently denieth the infinite power, and the incomparable bounty of god, O ye christians? Will ye give credence unto this abominable and wicked flesh, which seeketh no thing else but to pull us from the cross off Christ: and so consequently from our salvation, unto the which it pleaseth our father so benignly to call us? O how can you abide to hear this with patience? For if it be not possible for a christian man patiently and constantly to suffer the torment off fire, as this wicked flesh (all weighed rebelling against god) woloe persuade ver I pray you tell me then. What meaneth jesus Christ by this saying which he teacheth his dissiples, Mar. 9 That there is no thing impossible to him that believeth? Wherefore if all things are possible to the belever, (as sayeth the verity) then is it possible for a man that believeth patiently to suffer death, and that by fire. Whereby it is apparent that the torment off fire doth not surmount all patience. And further more, what meaneth. S. Paul, 1. Cor. 10. when he affirmeth that god is fayghtful, & will not suffer us to be tempted a above our powers, but shall in the mids of the temptation make a way, that we shallbe able to bear it? Doth this text offer unto us, that the torment of fire doth surmount the patience off a christian? No truly, but rather the contrary. Further more the scriptures do witness, isaiah. 53. Hembr. 4. that the son of God is shuche a man as was full of sorrows, and as hath good experience off infirmities. For in that he suffered and was tempted, he is off power to help those that are tempted. For we have not an high pressed, which cannot have compassion off our infirmities. Wherefore then, if the son off God, in whom we do believe, & for whom we do suffer afflictions, have experimented in himself, our sorrows, & not only is able to help us, but also suffereth with us, as the head with the members▪ Is there any pain now that we are not able to bear with all patient constancy, and constant patience? For if we should fere that God would forsake us, when as for his holy name, men do throw us into the fire, what assurance then can we have that God will give us eternal life? How dare we then boast ourselves, that we are certain, and void off all doubt, off our salvation? Can we offer a greater injure to God, then to fere that he will forsake us when as we suffer for the testimony off his truth? No truly. For a man, that is evil off nature, will not abandon another man that suffereth any thing for his sake, (as I have said before) how can it then enter into the thought off a christian, that God (who only is good), will forsake him, when he is tormented for his word? Sapi. 1. Were this a good opinion off the lord as the holy scripture commandeth us to have? No truly. Even so never entered it into the heart off a faithful man. But what (a 'mongst other things) ought a christian man to think, when he cometh to the fire to be borned? He ought truly to remember that which is written in the xvi chapter off the book off wisdom, where as we read this saying, The fire forgot his own strength by cause the righteous might be nourished, for thy creature that serveth thee (which art the maker) is feirse in ponyshing the unrighteous, but doth assuage itself, and is easy and gentle to do good unto shuche as put their trust in the. Thesse's words do not declare that the torment of fire is an intolerable pain unto a christian, but wise, that the pain is light and easy to bear for as much as by the power off the confidence that we have in God the lord creator off all things, the violence off the fire is so tempered and assuaged unto us, that whereas the unbelievers do burst out by impatience, and mourmer against God, we do suffer patiently and willingly in giving praises unto the lord in the mids off all our extremites. In following therein the example off the three young men, who beyn bound in the mids off a flaming fornes, did sanctify and prayffe the ford God, who performed and accomplished then unto them, that which he before promised by the mouth of his holy prophet, saying, if thou walkesie thorough the fire, isaiah. 43. it shall not borne thee, and the flame shall not kendyll upon thee, for I am the lord thy God, the holy one off Israel, thy Savioure. Is there now any apparent reason or cause, why a christian, who only hath his confidence in God by jesus Christ, should fere the fiery flame, wherewith men do threaten them? The fire is not noyful. unto a christian man, but very profitable, for as witnesseth the scripture, Sapi. 3. Pro. 11.17 Psal. 65. 1. per. 1. It worketh the like effect in a christian, that it doth in gold or silver, that is to say, It doth prove him, it doth purify & purge him, with on't consuming. And truly is way the thing directly, a christean man thrown into the fire, may worthily he compared unto the fiery bush that Aloyses' saw in the mount Dreb, Exod. 3. which bush for all that it was on a flambye fire yet did it not consume. Be may also be compared unto the chining worm, that being in the fire, doth not perish, nor consume, but contrariwise is thereby purged from filth, & made more beautiful than if it were washed with all the water off the world. Wherefore let us then assure ourselves, and from hens forth let us never fear the fire that so soon vany●het away, for I am sure that when we have passed through the fire, we shall say with jesus the son off Syrache, I was not bornte, no, not in the mids off the fire. Let us not fere men, that work no thing else universally, but vanity. Let us not also fere death, for to fere death (as sayeth a certain wise man) is no thing else, but to seem to be wise, and yet in very deed to be no thing less. Finally let us not stand in fere off any manner off crcatures. Let us fere God only, let us give over ourselves unto him, and abide under his protection, and that done, let us not care for, nor pass off any thing, for so the spirit off go admoni heath us by. S. Paul saying, 1. Cor. 7. I will that you be with ont all solicitude. And again, care not for any thing. And by the mouth off S. Peter, 1. pet. 5. he sayeth, Last your care upon God, for he careth for you. But peradventure you will obiecie against me. How dare you now go a bout to persuade us, that we should not care? Was there ever in all our lyffes a greater occasion off care ministered than there is at this present. Who doth not see how some are exiled out off their native coutrye, compassed a bout with misery, poverty and sundry afflictions, void off all comfort and consolation: on the other side some impresoned, shut up from all friends, acquaintance, and kindred, abiding every moment the sentence off comdemnation, to be given over into the hands off the hung men to be executed. Some other have lost all their goods and lands their houses sealed up, their wifes & children lying upon their hands void off all releffe and forsaken off the world, being be come an obloque and a laffyngstocke unto all people, and as it were pointed at with the finger. And yet you say unto us, that we should not care for any thing. Is it now time to say, care not at all? Truly my friends I have in very deed so said unto you, & do so say again, for as much as God, who is your God, & will show himself to be your God, hath commanded you to do so, for he sayeth plainly, Lare not for any thing. Lan ye now then take care for any off your affairs, be they never so great with on't offending and dysspleasing off your God and father? It is not possible. Wherefore I would consayll you to depend wholly upon him. Who hath said, Cast your care upon the lord, and he will help in the time off need. And on the other side all thought you might justly be careful for your affairs with out offence, tell me if it please you, whereto serveth all your care? What commodity doth it bring Truly none at al. Know ye not that of many cares & great thought taking, there cometh no thing but dreams? Galomon spekinge in the sprirete in the v. chapter of the Ecclesiastic. doth plainly testify the same unto us, Lykwysse if we had diligently engraven that divine and fruitful lessou that the son of God doth leave unto us in the end off the vi chapter off. S. Matthew, ye should well persayve that all our care and thought taking cannot in any respect further the lest bysoves that we have. Will you the for no thing dysquyete yourselves & break your heed, and in so doing offend your father, in quenshing thereby his fatherly providence and great care that he hath over you? Ye allege that ye are out off your native country, who seeth not how vain this your allegation ye. if ye thought yourselves rahter the childrin off God, than the sons off mortal men after the fresh, ye would consider that where so ever you become upon the face off the earth that you are in the country and kingdom off your father, for doth not the scripture plainly teach us, that the earth is the lords etc. Which thing, if it be true, as there is no thing more certain, then are we not out off our own country where so ever we become, for that land or country wherein we dwell, is our fathers, by creation, pocession and gift, and it is ours by promise given unto us his childerin. Are not these sayings then the blossoms off incredulite? Yes truly, for if we did not more savour of the flesh, than of the spiret, if we were not more worldly than heavenly they should new proceed out of our mouth. Further more if our love were but as perfectly fixed upon our spouse jesꝯ, as the love of a faightful wife is upon her husband, we would be contented for his sake to abandon all, & go where as he is. For what faithful honest woman is there, that having her husband in a strange country, & sending for her, doth not forth with forsake father-and mother, friend and acquaintance, goods and lands, no thing regarding neither peril, nor poverty that may happen unto hy● so that she may be in the folowshype and company off her husband. And wherefore? By cause she loveth him, and hath her confidence and trust in him, and is sure that she shall participate with him, what so ever he hath. And ought not we christeans, (unless we would be reputed unnatural branches, unkind lovers, and insolent persons) to abandon and forsake for the love off our heavenly spouse jesus Christ, (who hath married us unto himself with the ring off fayght) all worldly & fleshly pleasure, what, and how many so over they be, yea and our lives to. As dyvers vertious women have done in time passed as the histories testify, for the love off their husbands. Wherefore now if your celestial husband jesus Thriste for your salvation and commodity, and be cause he would make, you like unto himself, doth now call you out off your own country, do ye refusse to follow him, which is the author of life, the preserver from perils, the giver off all good gyfftes, and the most faithful lover off our souls, whereas a weak woman would not refusse to follow her vukind husband who is no thing else but earth ashes, flesh, blond and corruption, having no certainty off his life, nor no full assurance of his person nor presence. O to mychs' ingratitude, O love imperfete, or rather utterly quenched, or else bestowed upon strange lovers, the very enemies off thy loving spouse. Can there be a greater injure then this. No truly. But ye will answer me and say, It were but a small matter to be out off our country, if we had any certain dwelling place whereunto we might repair, but we know not where to be come, nor whither to go. We never traveled so far, and the country & people is utterly unknown unto us? My friends let it suffice that god of his goodness hath hitherto given you howsses to dwell in, for in that respect truly he hath done more for you then he did for his own natural son, who never had any. The foxes (sayeth he) hath holes, Math. 8. Luc 9 and the birds off the air have nests, but the son off man hath not whereon to rest his head. Do you not see how that the son off God himself had no earthly mansion nor dwelling place off his own, and yet not with standing he did not complain off any thing, he did not discomfort himself. Neither yet was he at any time destitute off lodging, for his father in whom he only trusted did provide for him, wherefore, if that you now being in strange countries are with out habitation off your own, rejoice therein, for in that respect you are confirmable and like unto the son off God. Behave yourself in this estate, as you know he did govern himself, and it shall happen unto you, as it did unto him, that is to say, Content yourselves with things present, trust in God, and he will never leave you, nor forsake you. jesus Christ also your celestial husband will never forsake you, did ye ever knonwe any good husband, that in lime off need did abandon his espoused wife. in suffeinge her to range at riot with out having any respect unto her. jesus Christ is that only good husband, for he hath gyden his life for his wife. Were it possible, now, that he would forsake her in leving her destitute off help? In mine opinion, it were not possible, his infinite goods could not suffer it. Wherefore no doubt he will provide lodging for you, assure yourselves off that: and truly it is an easy thing, for him to do it, for all the houses and dwellings off the world are his, as wytnesset he the prophet David, who sayeth, The earth and all the plenitude thereof is the lords. For it is with God, as with a husband that hath divers mansion places, the which also by the common right off marriage belong unto his wife, who causeth his wife to dwell in which house it pleaseth him, and when he list he causeth her to remove and to change habitation as he thinketh best, and all ways the wife us contented, being an honest woman & belyting in the company of her husband. Then so, jesus Christ, who is the lord off the universal world, who also by fight hath espoused you, Ole. 2. will have this prerogaty●fe also, namely to place you in which of his houses it pleaseth him best: your part is to obey, & willingly to dwell in that place where he will have you. And there to remain, in leading a christian life, till shuche time as he call you thence unto some other place. The which thing if ye are contented to do, them do ye patiently follow your vocation, in giving him thanks for all things, having all ways a sure confidence that he will never leave you unprovided, & that ye shall new want a howffe to lodge in, saying that for his sake, you have left that which was your own. For he hath so promised us in his gospel, saying, I say unto you off a truth, there is no man that doth forsake his house, parents, brethren, Math. 19 Mar 10. Luc. 18. wife or childrin for the kingdom off God, that shall no. ressayve much more in this world, & in the world to come, everlasting life. Are ye in doubt, that jesus Christ will not perform unto you this his promise? Doubt it not, for whereas you, do forego but one house for his sake, ye shall find a great many off howsses off your faithful brethren open ready to ressayve you. The lord will provide for you as he did for his prophet Elias fleeing from the face off Achab, 9 Reg. 17 out off his country, a widow off Gerepta, a friend in a strange land that shall minister unto your necess●●●s: yea he will provide for you, as he did for his servant Paul, a true Aquila and a very Pryscills, who will not only be ready to ressayve you Into their houses, but also instruct you in a more ample knowledge off the truth as they did Apollo. Wherefore my deer brethren & faithful friends I most heartily exhort you, that during the time off your exile, and whylle it pleaseth the lord ye dwell in strange countries, as it were in places off progress, that you do live ryghtouslye, holy, and as it be cometh the chyldrin off God: to wit, in all honesty, in true humility, in perfit verity, in an unfeigned peace, in prompt obedience, incharite not feigned, in labouring with your habes and in serving one another, according to the ability that the lord hath given you, & in so doing take no thought how you shall live in time to come, or where with you shallbe feed and clothed, leave this damnable and unprofitable care and thought taking unto the infidels & idolaters. God your father knoweth far better than you, whereof you have need, and he will give it you, in time & place, doubt you not: for he doth nourish and preserve the yerbes off the earth, the birds off the air, & the beasts off the field, which all are no thing in comparison off you: Yea he doth also norythe his adversaries for whom the world was not made. Wherefore let it new enter into your thoughts that he will forfake you, but be off this most certainly assured, that he will all ways provide for you, all though you are not able to foresee and consider the time, when, nor the means, how. For if it please him he will assist yonre necessity by the ministration off some off his creatures. if it please him, he will help you, with out using any off his creatures, as an instrument there unto: for his almighty power is not annexed nor bound unto his cre, atures. And therefore my dear friends, the scriptures often times recordeth unto to us, that the help off man is all together vain as sayeth the prophet Savid, psal. 59 that is to say it is all together unprofitable & serveth to no use of itself, with out the lord with safe to bliss the same. And therefore the scriptures doth often times forbid us, not to put our confidence in men, and namely in princes, who truly are but men. psal. 117. That is to say, they are no thing. For the holy ghost sayeth plainly, that every one that trusteth in man, jere. 17. is accursed. Wherefore we may not seek for help at men, for there is none. We may not have our confidence in men, all thought they be kings and princes, and the governors of kingdoms and countries: for if we trust in men, then do we no thing else but lean upon a broken reed, Eze. 29. which will make us fall, & in breaking, wound our hand and maim us: that is to say, it cannot be chossen, but that some myschyffe shall there by happen unto us. for it lieth not in men, no not in prints, any thing to succore your calamity, and all though they can, yet will they not. And all though they could, & would: yet may they not, for as much as they have vowed the contrary namely, neverto help you, as long as you seek the glory off God in his gospel: that is to say, tylshuche time, as before them you deny your God, your profession and fight, to save thereby your carnal life. The which thing in very deed, is no help. but a ruin: is no commodity, but a hindrance: is no pleasure, but a pain. for what should it profit us, my dear friends, to win all the world, Math. 16. & then to lose our own souls? Last a side, cast aside then all confidence in man, never desire their help, saying that we can not use the same with out the prejudice of the glory off our lord and God. That is to say, with out eternal damnation. With draw your cogitations from all creatures, come a way, and departed with a sure and perfit fayght. Enter into the protection off the eternal God your father. Behold him only, as it were, a part and separated from all creatures. Let it never enter into your thoughts, that ye should anexe and bind, the infinite bounty, wisdom and power of your eternal God & creator, unto things created. Cousyder that he was God with out begining, before he created & made the word, being only all mighty, all wise, and all goodness. And that by making off the world, he is not become more mightier, wiser, or better than he was before. Consider then, that all though all the creatures off the world did fail you, at your need, yet god remaineth yours, who will all ways help you, and that as well without the help off any creature, as with the aid off all his creatures together. Be assured off that. And let our trust be no less in God alone, then if he were accompanied with all those things that he hath created. This is the true Arch and pillar of a christian fight, and thesame taken a way, fayght must needs quayll. Wherefore my dear friends put in practysse this faithful consideration and I ensure you that you shall find therein shuche a consolation as hither to ye never tasted, and your affairs shall prosper better, then if ye heaped all the cars off the world together for the same. The lord God, by jesus Christ his son, comonicate unto you all, his holy spirete, that in these abysmes off wickedness, and palpable darkness, which now is happyned amongst you, he may so conduct you, that by a strong fight, & sure hope ye may abide in God, and in the profession of his holy word unto th'end. wishing no thing so much as the off the will off god, all thought it be with the prejudice of the whole world. Amen. FINIS. 1 Timoth. 2. ¶ It is a true saying: if we be dead with Christ, we shall also lied with him. if we be patient, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he also shall deny us. though we believe not, yet abideth he fayghtful. For he cannot deny himself Hebr. 12. ¶ Stretch forth therefore again the hands that were let down, & the weak knees & see that ye have straight steps unto your feet, lest any halting turn ye one of the way. Hebr. 13. ¶ Remember them that are in bonds, them as though ye were hound with them. Be mindful of them that are in adversity. As ye which are yet in your bodies. Be not carried a bout with diverse & strange le●nynge. Anno. 1556.