A Brief Description of Jerusalem and of the Suburbs thereof, as it flourished in the time of Christ. Whereto is annexed a short Commentary concerning those places which were made famous by the Passion of Christ, and by the Acts of holy men, confirmed by certain principal Histories of Antiquity. Very profitable for all Christians to read, for the understanding of the sacred Scriptures and josephus his History. Hereunto also is appertaining a lively and beautiful map of Jerusalem, with Arithmetical directions, correspondent to the numbers of this Book. Translated out of Latin into English by Thomas Tymme Minister. LONDON, Printed by Peter Short for Thomas Wight. 1595. To the right honourable Sir john Puckering, Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, Thomas Tymme, wisheth increase of honour here, to God's glory; and perpetual felicity in the world to come. FOrsomuch as (right honourable) Jerusalem, the city of our God, even upon his holy mountain the joy of the whole earth, and the City of the great King, that fair and most ancient City, by a special prerogative is by God himself beautified above all other Cities: and was therefore the chief, most noble and famous City of the world: Many travelers and Pilgrims, have at sundry times both in Maps and histories, described the same. By the advantage of whose labours therein, now of late one Christien Adrichom, hath performed a most lively description, and in the Latin tongue enriched with divers antiquities. The profit that might come hereby to my countrymen of the vulgar sort, both for the better understanding of the story of the Bible, where Jerusalem and the parts thereof are often times mentioned, and also for the ready conceiving of Josephus his history, moved me to translate it into the english tongue: And the book thus translated, with the charts expressed in natural colours, I have presumed to dedicate unto your honour. And because the master workman in this new plat of old decayed Jerusalem, hath left behind him sum rubbish and relics of the Romish superstition, I have in some measure purged and swept the streets and corners of the same, with the broom of truth, and carrying them out by the Scouregate have laid them on the Leystall of oblivion. My pains herein taken, though not so great, as the laying of jerusalems' foundation, or the raising of a chief corner stone or the squaring & finishing any part of this exquisite plat: yet such it is, as even in the meanest degree of a poor labourer, that doth but sweep the streets, I most humbly beseech your honour to accept as a small mite of my good will: The which I gladly offer, to the end, that amidst the great burdens of your most weighty affairs, your honour beholding this most brave city, adorned with so glorious a temple, and contemplating the passion of our saviour Christ therein, may be delighted and recreated: And further, that viewing this terrestrial city, whose glory is now vanished, may think still as the Apostle did say, Non habemus hîc manentem civitatem, and so aspire to that heavenly Jerusalem, garnished and full stored with all manner of delights which abideth for ever: wherein I do most humbly and heartily wish your good Lordship a most happy residence, after you have performed your most honourable course in this life, in the service of your country, the pleasure of your prince, the general benefit and comfort of your own soul. Your honours most dutiful to command, Tho: Tymme. The Preface. FOrsomuch, the truth of history, is the foundation of faith, and of spiritual understanding, (Christian Reader,) and the history of things done, blind and imperfect, without the knowledge of places, the which knowledge giveth much light, both to the truth of history, and also to the spiritual interpretation thereof: therefore I have thought good to observe two things with great diligence in this work. First that I might portray and set forth the true and lively Image of jerusalem, of all other cities the most glorius and famous throughout the whole world, whereof mention is made in sacred and in profane histories, as it flourished in Christ his time; and also the form of the temple, (the fame whereof hath been extolled above the heavens, and was worthy of eternal memory) by the sacred Scriptures, by approved writers, and by ancient tradition of faithful and trusty men, in a lively plot, or map, most equisitly drawn, together with the names, originals, situations, and forms of every place, and the most worthy histories concerning the same, with all brevity. Secondly, that I might rightly dispose the places of Christ his passion, and represent every thing which he suffered in every place, even as if they were now done before our eyes: and so represented that I might, explain it with plainness and brevity. For hereby, all those things which he suffered for our sakes, willbe both more plainly understood, and also more profitably remembered. But per adventure there willbe some which will mislike this our endeavour, and the rather because we have many things by tradition of elders: to whom I answer out of Saint Hierom where he saith, That ecclesiastical traditions, which are no hindrance to faith, are so to be kept, as they were delivered by the ancients. In the mean time I will not say, that they are too rash & too too wicked, which will deny that thing, Hier. to. 1. which hath been godly received at all times and of all men. Epist. 28. ad Lucinium. So many of us therefore as washed with the blood of Christ, do bear his name and are called Christians, if our faith be answering to our name, and our life not disagreeing from the truth, hoping to be saved by the merits & grace of Christ our saviour, let us believe that, which incorrupt and reverend antiquity hath left, let us in no wise depart from those things which our ancestors have celebrated without superstition, and which by the consent of the whole world, are come even from them to our hands, and with thankful godliness, and godly thankfulness, let us call to mind those places oftentimes, which may put us in remembrance of the passion of Christ: to which places this map will lead us, as it were by the hand: and with the eyes of faith and of our mind let us look upon the same son of God, and inwardly behold him, who being urged with the great love of our salvation, having finished his last supper in the parlour of Zion and being come into the Garden of Olivet, prayed and sweat blood, through the anguish and grievous consideration of the Imminent afflictions. Immediately he was betrayed by the most wicked judas; he was taken, bound, and thrust forward by the jews, even as a lamb by the wolves, most cruelly amidst the noise of clamours and weapons, and then was led to the house of Anna the high priest: There he was stricken: From thence he was drawn to the palace of Caiphas: in the same, he was falsely accused, condemned, spit upon, blindfolded, buffeted with fists, and sundry ways all the night scorned and afflicted. In the morning he was violently carried through the midst of the city to the house of Pilate. From thence he was led to the palace of Herod and accufed again, despised of him, mocked, & appareled like a fool in a white garment, & brought back again by another way of the city to Pilate. There again he was accused of many faults, stripped, and grievously whipped, clothed with purple, crowned with thorns, diversly derided, spitted upon, buffeted with fists and stricken with a reed▪ and being thus misused, was made a gazing stock to the people and adjudged to death. Then he was laden with a heavy cross, and in the sight of all the people, with grievous and bloody steps he was drawn, punched: and urged by the furious violence of the soldiers, through a great part of the city, and by the gate of judgement out of the city, by a hard and stony way, even unto mount, Caluarie. And being come thither he was stripped again, and being both faint and weary, was refreshed with gall in stead of drink: and about high noon he was fastened to the cross, & so lifted upon high. And hanging on the cross by the space of three hours, was derided with taunts & reproachful words: being thirsty, they gave him vinegar to drink. Finally he which could save the world with one drop of his blood would needs bestow upon us by the five Rivers of his wounds, his life, with all his blood. A figure hereof was that brazen serpent, Cant. 3. which moses caused to be exalted in the wilderness. To this spectacle also our heavenly father calleth every faithful soul, Come forth (saith he) ye daughters of Zion, and see king Solomon, Nay one far greater than Solomon. Lament. of jeremy 3. In like manner Christ hanging on the cross crieth out O all ye which pass by the way, behold and see, if there be any sorrow & grief like mine. And not only to the consideration and meditation of these things, but also to the Imitation, God in the holy Scripture exhorteth us in these words (spiritually interpreted) saying, Look, & make all things according to the example or fashion which was showed thee in the mount. Exod. 25. For all the precepts of life, which our saviour taught all the time of his preaching, Heb. 8. as well by word as by example, the same he expressed in himself in one day of his passion: Wherefore if we would follow Christ, not only in word but also in work, we may, by his lively crucified Image on mount Caluarie, as it were out of a golden book entitled with the noble title of three most principal languages, written with the quills of the spear, of the nails of the thorns, and of the whips, in the most pure parchment of the Immaculate lamb, and with the purple blood of the same, both learned and unlearned, learn easily & briefly, perfect theology, the most wholesome remedies of Physic, the full knowledge of Law and of justice, the science of liberal arts, of true humility, of obedience, of piety, of charity, of patience, finally of all manner of virtues, and of things most perfect: and may also be inflamed and drawn to love and to follow Christ. Thus the blessed virgin, standing near to the cross of Christ, did not only with bodily eyes, but also in heart, through faith (which wavered not in her) behold the wounds of her son and seriously thinking thereon, was so comforted, that now, as Ambrose saith she was prepared also to die for the good of mankind. Ambrose in Luc. ca 23. So saint John both seeing the side of Christ opened with a spear, john. 19 blood with water coming forth of the same, and also giving testimony thereunto, did by the meditation thereof so greatly profit, that at the last he became a most perfect divine, and a soaring Eagle to behold the most holy Trinity. Luk. 23, Hier. to. 1. So the Thief, when he saw and heard Christ jesus crucified, Epist. 13. ad Paulinum. in continently turned unto Christ, and confessing him, he made the punishment of murder martyrdom, and changed the cross for Paradise. So also the Centurion by this spectacle, Mar. 15. received so great strength of faith, that under the cross he was made a famous confessor of Christ, and further (as Chrysostome saith) was afterward crowned with martyrdom. Chrisost. in Mat. ca 27. Moreover Thomas beholding & touching the wounds of Christ crucified, was so illumined with faith, that he plainly and openly professed Christ, to be both his Lord and his God. This being so, and love procuring love, even as the loadstone draweth Ironne: who is he, I pray you, whom so vehement love of Christ, nay rather a heat and flame will not affect, kindle, and set on fire? Who is he when at the death of Christ all creatures do suffer with him, the Sun darkened, the vail of the Temple rend in sunder, the earth quaking, Rocks breaking, graves opening, and the dead arising, who and what is he (I say) that will not wonder, and that will not be abashed? Only Adam's children, for whose cause he died are not moved with this so great a benefit. The Adament, that most hard stone, is mollified with the blood of a goat: Iron with the heat of fire is made soft: Heb. 6. 10. but the hearts of Christians more hard than Adamant or Iron, are not mollified with the blood and fire of Christ▪ but do crucify a fresh unto themselves the son of God, and do tread under their feet the blood of the testament. What I pray you can be more beseeming, more meet, more just, and more profitable for us, then to love again him that so loveth us, and Imitate him whom we love? For if any thing herein seem hard, if any thing grievous, that thing, love, the sweet yoke of the Lord, maketh light and easy, for all labour is light, to him that loveth, according to that notable sentence of that ancient father saint Gregory, Nihil adeo grave est quod non aequanimiter toleretur, si Chrsti passio, ad memoriam reduca tur. There is nothing so heavy & burdensome but the same is willingly borne, if so be the passion of Christ be remembered. For we will endure all things with patience as light and easy, if we call to mind what hard words, harder stripes, and most hard pains and afflictions, he suffered for us, whose head was crowned with thorns, his eyes blind folded, his ears filled with reproaches, his mouth with gall and vinegar, his face polluted with spitting, his cheeks bruised with buffeting, his knees shaking, his shoulders laden with the cross, his heart replenished with sorrow his body torn with whips, his members racked, his hands and feet bored, Exod. 15. to be brief from the crown of the head to the soles of the foot, he sustained an Innumerable sort of wounds and sorrows. Wherefore as the waters Mara, being sometimes bitter, were made sweet by Moses, at what time he cast wood into them: even so all our tribulation, if we patiently endure the cross of Christ, will wax sweet, and the gall thereof will: turn into honey. For by the meditations of these afflictions of our saviour, faith is illumined, hope strengthened, charity inflamed, and all virtue increased. Wherefore saint Augustine a light of the Church, no less truly then godly, provoking us by very forcible words thereunto: saith thus, Behold the wounds of him that hangeth, the blood of him that dieth, August. in lib de virgi nitate. the price of the redeemer, the scars of him that riseth: His head boweth to kiss thee, his heart is opened to love thee, his arms stretched abroad to embrace thee, his whole body set forth to redeem thee. Consider what and how great ●hese things be, weigh them in the balance of your hearts, that he may be wholly fastened in your hearts, who for us was wholly fastened on the cross. Thus far Augustine. So that it is not enough to meditate of these things once: but it is profitable to think upon them often: yea the oftener, the more they avail and profit. In the wholesome contemplation of whose passion, although we profit much, yet we shall never attain to the perfit knowledge thereof, but there will remain still somewhat that we may seek for, the full knowledge whereof is reserved to our heavenly country. In the mean time, let us contemplate in these things day and night, in these things let us recreate and busy ourselves. In these let us watch, in these let us sleep, yea to die in the meditation of these things, is most Christian, and available to everlasting salvation. Places of holy Scripture to the praise of JERUSALEM. Lamenta. II. Is this the city of perfect beauty, the joy of the whole earth. Ezech. V. This is JERUSALEM, I have set it in the midst of the nations & countries, that are round about her. II. Cron. VII. I have chosen this place for myself, to be a house of sacrifice. Isaias. II. Micheas. FOUR The Law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from JERUSALEM. apocalypse XXI. I saw the holy Citiie, new JERUSALEM, come down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride trimmed for her husband. Tobit. XIII. O JERUSALEM the holy City, many nations, shall come from far to the name of the Lord God, with gifts in their hands, even gifts to the King of heaven: all generations shall praise thee, and give signs of joy. Cursed are all they which hate thee, but blessed are they for ever which love thee. Rejoice and be glad for the children of the just: for they shall be gathered and shall bless the lord for the just. Blessed are they which love thee, for they shall rejoice in thy peace. Blessed are they which have been sorrowful for all thy scourges. For they shall rejoice for thee, when they shall see all thy glory and shall rejoice for ever. Let my soul bless God the great King. For JERUSALEM shall be built up with sapphires & Emeralds, and thy walls with precious stones, and thy towers & thy bulwarks with pure gold. And the streets of JERUSALFM shallbe paved with Berall, and Carbuncle, and stones of Ophir. And all her streets shall say, Halleluiah, and they shall praise him saying, blessed be God which hath extolled it for ever, Thomas Newton to the loving Reader. THat stately place, that princely bower that seat of mighty King, That flower of Benjamin his tribe, whose fame through world did ring, Ennobled with such royal styles, and titles of renown, And over worldly cities all most meet to wear the crown; Lo, here presented is to View in such good currrant sort; As no pen heretofore performed or made thereof report. So that we need not now to run or gad from place to place, In dangers great, through countries staunge to try or know this case. That brave estate which erst it had, is now (alas) defac'de. King david's house, and temple now is quite and clean disgrac'de. Yet sitting still with book in hand we here may plain behold The state of each thing as it was, in times that were of old. Where Christ did preach, where Christ did sup, where Christ did fast and pray, Where Christ was caught, where christ was whipped, where thieves did him betray: Where he a precious ransom paid for man who had offended; Where he was buried; where he rose, and eke where he ascended. Where Annas kept his pompous court, where Caiphas palace stood; Where wicked Pilate dwelled, that did condemn most guiltless blood. This and much more is here discoursed by him that both had read And seen with eye, full thirty years, where he his life had lead. Whose work and pains as they deserve much thanks and hearty praise. So Timme his guerdon well deserves of all men in these days. Aswell for here acquainting us with this rare work of skill, As also for his other pains that passed have his quill. Who like a candle wastes himself in giving light to others? More such God grant to take like care, to help their Christian brothers. Thomas Newton. ❧ A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF JERUSALEM AND THE SUBURBS THEREOF AS IT FLOURISHED IN THE TIME OF CHRIST. 1 Jerusalem the elect City of God, The original places from whence this commentary is taken and where more is to be red. holy and most glorious, built upon the holy mountains, excelling all the cities of the world, as well by the loftiness of the seat, as by the moderation and temperature of the heavens, Psalm 47. and 86. and fruitfulness of soil, was situated in the midst of the whole world, and of judaea, as it were in the very centre and heart of the earth. Math. 4. 5. And being as a Queen amongst all other neighbour cities, Psalm. 73. had the pre-eminence as the head over the body, Ezech. 5. and shined as the sun above others in sumptuousness and glorious buildings: having such surpassing excellency, joseph. lib. 3 de bello judaico. cap 2. she was by a certain singular privilege in time past, the only place which God had chosen to himself: and was a figure not only of every faithful man's soul, but also of the elect Church of Christ militant upon earth, Deu. 16. 17 and of that blessed triumphant Church in heaven. Psal. 47. A city of perfect beauty: Trens. 2. the virgin of the world, the paragon of all the east, and the joy and rejoicing of the whole earth. This city was builded about the year from the creation of the world, Gen. 14. two thousand twenty and three, in the time of Abraham, Ios. l. 7, an. jud. cap. 7. & l. 7. Bell. by Melchisedech the King. In Hebrew it was called SALEM; and in Greek SOLYMA: and it seemeth that he possessed the same fifty years. jud. ca 18. The which afterwards the jebusites enjoyed, Gen. 10. who sprang from jebusi, josua. 10. 15. & 18. the son of Chanaan: of whom it was called for a time jebus, and jebusaeum at what time josua slew the King thereof. judg. 1, 19 And the jebusites held the same, 2. kings 5. eight hundred and twenty four years, 1. Cron. 11. who trusted so much to the strength of their city, Ios. l. 7. an. cap. 3. that when king David assailed the same; in contempt of him and of his army they placed upon their walls, the blind, the halt, and the maimed, saying that these were sufficient to beat back the enemy. But when David through Gods help enjoyed the city, Hier. to. 3. de loc. Heb. lit, 1. the jebusites being expulsed, he re-edified the same round, fortified it with a castle, dwelled therein, and made it the Metropolitan city of the whole province of judaea, Eus. evang. praep. li. 9 and the head of all the kingdom, and from thence forth called it jerusalem, 3. Reg, 3. 5. 6. 9, 10. 7. as it were jebussalem the letter b. (to make the better sound) turned into r. Notwithstanding there are some which writ, that it is called jerusalem, of the magnificent temple which Solomon built therein, as it were Hieron Salomonis. josep. lib. 8. For the Greeks' call a temple 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Ant. cap, 2, & 5. In continuance of time Solomon and other kings of judaea greatly enlarged the same, and so fortified it with most strong gates, towers, walls, and trenches, and so adorned it with a temple, with palaces, and with most exquisite buildings, that among other cities it was a miracle of the whole world, and is therefore more honoured with silence, then with all that can be said concerning the same. In this glory and excellency, Ios. con. Api on lib, 1. jerusalem flourished four hundred seventy and seven years, as if it had been an earthly paradise, Strabo. geograph. li. 16. being in compass round about, six miles and two hundred and fifty paces. And by the wall and circuit of the city, there was a stony trench or vault threescore foot deep, and in breadth two hundred and fifty, wherein was abiding, about one hundredth and fifty thousand men. 4 Reg, 16. 21. 24. 25. But when the wickedness of the Princes and people not only had profaned the temple with the abominations of Idols, 2. Cron 28. 33. 36. but also had filled the city even to the full with innocent blood most cruelly shed, the city together with the temple, Princes, and people by the just vengeance of God, Mich. 3. was by Nabuchodonoser king of Babylon (but God's whip) so utterly overthrown, jerem, 25. 26. 29. and desolated threescore and ten years, that Zion was ploughed up like a field, and jerusalem was become as a heap of stones, Hier. tom, 3 trad. Heb. in 2, par. 15 and the mountain of the temple, as it were the height and top of woods, so as in the mean time (as Hierom witnesseth) that neither so much as a bird, 1. Edr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nor a beast, could fly, or pass through the same. Neem. 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Afterwards the temple only being with much a do and very hardly builded, wanting gates, towers, and walls, was inhabited again by the jews (returning out of the captivity of Babylon) threescore years. Moreover within the space of two and fifty days, Nehemia enclosed it in compass three miles and seven hundred and fity paces, 1 Mach. 12. 13 & 14. with gates, towers & a strong wall: Ios. 6. be. 6. and afterward, the same being beautified by the Maccabees, Ios. be. 13. &ce. by Herod, and by others very stately, with public and private buildings, Psal. 37. recovered the former dignity, Isai. 2. being very famous and populous by the space of five hundred and four and twenty years: Mich. 4. having in it many narrow streets, Acts. 1. by reason of the exceeding number of houses therein. Mar. 16. At what time there, Psal. 18. as in a Theatre, Ios. 6. bell. 13, and 7. be. 14. 17. and 18. jesus Christ wrought our salvation: and from thence as from a centre, the apostles spread forth the evangelical doctrine throughout the world. But Titus Emperor of Rome, being brought by the just judgement of God to take vengeance for the Death of Christ, the thirty and eight year after his passion, besieged it round, casting a bank about it, & shut up the jews in the City as in a prison, which came out of every Tribe to cellebrate the feast of passover there. Whereupon that City, the wonder of the world, was made a den of thieves, and a sepulchre of dead men. For by reason of civil murders, famine, pestilence, and sword, there perished in the same, eleven hundred thousand jews. And as for the City itself, Titus did so utterly subvert it, that men which came unto it, would scarce believe that ever it had been inhabited. Nevertheless, he left three principal Herodian Towers, that is to say Hippic, Mariam, and Phasel, which were more notable than the rest, aswell for greatness as for beauty, and that part of the cities wall, Luk. 19 which compassed them from the West, unshaken; to the end, that both it might be a Castle for the Roman soldiers which should be left there for a Garrison, and also to show unto posterity what manner of City, Eu. in Cronic. et hist. & how well fortified, the force of the Romans had subdued. Eccle. lib. 4. cap. 6. But after threescore and five years, the jews rebelling again, A Elius Adrianus the Emperor slew many thousands of them, and utterly subverted those Towers with the remainder of the wall, Hier. in lo. Act. Apo. lib. H. and commanded the City to be strewed with salt: whereby it came to pass according to the prophesy of Christ, that there was not left one stone of the City upon a stone. And building the City again in less compass, Neceph. 3. Histo. Eccl. 24. he excluded mount Zion, with the palace of Solomon, and that of the Queen, and the house of the forest of Libanus, also the gate of the North corner, Broca. in descrip. loco rum terrae sanctae itinere. 6. and the tents of the Assyrians, and all the north part, even to the dung gate and to the gate of Ephraim: but the mount of Calvary, and the sepulchre of the Lord, which were aforetime without the walls, he enclosed with the North walls of the city; and set the picture of a sow cut in Marble upon the forefront of that gate, by which men go to Bethleem, thereby giving to understand, that the jews subject to that law of swine's flesh, were under the power of the Romans': whom by an Edict he forbade never more to enter into that city, Wil Tyr. histo. bell. sac. lib. 14. cap. 12. or look into the same from the top of any higher place, and from thenceforth commanded it to be called AEliam Capitoliam, after his own name. jacob. vit. cap. 55. But after this, being inhabited of the Christians, and dignified with a patriarchal seat, receiving again in continuance of time the name of jerusalem, flourished five hundred years in Christian religion, And in the year after the birth of Christ six hundred thirty and six, Onuphr. in chron. Ecclesiast. it was taken by the Saracens which reigned in Egypt, and so possessed four hundred three score and three years. After this in the year of Christ, Wilhelm. Tyriarch. hist. bell. sa. lib. 8. cap. 5. 18. 19 20. 21. & l. 9 c. 1. 2. 9 1099 the city jerusalem was recovered by the Christians having for their Captain, Godfrey of Bullion, who was the first that entered upon the wall of the city with great courage and most fierce assault, the Ideses of july, the very same day and hour, wherein Christ died: And so great slaughter was made, throughout all the streets, lanes, jacob. de vitria. cap 20. and corners of the city, that no man could pass but over the dead bodies of the slain: and so exceeding was the effusion of blood, that men went over their shoes in the blood of the dead: B. Salig. in epist. ad joan. a Lotharing card. insomuch that the conquerors themselves were from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head imbrued with blood. Who when they enjoyed the city, putting off their armour, and cleansing themselves from their blood, visited the places of Christ's passion, resurrection, and ascension (which the faithful that dwelled in jerusalem showed unto them) and beheld them with reverence. The eight day after with one conssent they elected Duke Godfrey, and created him the king of jerusalem. But the man being full of Godliness and humility, would not be crowned with a crown of gold after the manner of Kings, in the holy city, but contented himself and reverenced the like crown of thorns, with the which the emperor of mankind was crowned in the same place, when he went to be crucified for our salvation. jerusalem therefore being recovered by the Christians was so held and enjoyed by them fourscore and eight years. Bas. Hero. bell, sacri. contin, lib, 1 cap. 7. & l, 6, cap, 10. Afterward namely in the year, 1187. the second day of october, the Christian princes (woe and alas) disagreeing among themselves, jerusalem was delivered up to Saladine the Soldan of Egypt, Matt, Palmerius in Cronic. upon this condition that it should be lawful for the Christians to depart with bag and baggage: the which Saladine held it three hundred and thirty years. Mossaeus in Cronic. But in the year of our Lord, 1517. it was invaded by Selimo the emperor of turques, & is at this day in the same compass of walls possessed by the Turks: Onaphr, in cronic. who name it Cusumobarech or Codsbarich, that is to say, a holy city. So that from the first foundation thereof unto this present year one thousand, five hundred, ninety four are passed three thousand, five hundred, thirty and one years. THE FIRST PART OF THE CITY. THE PLACES WITHIN THE CITY. 2 MOUNT ZION, which is called the mount of the Lord, and the Holy Mountain, is much more higher than other mountains and larger: Psal. 2. 25. after the fashion of a Theatre in the form of a half circle compassing the city on the south part. joel 2. 3. And being set as a looking glass on a high place, josep. 6. bell. 6. et. 15. antony's 14. founded by God upon a firm rock, Nicep. S. hist. eccl. 30 on every side broken off, had a plainness thereon like to a town, and being very pleasant and recreative, it represented the excellency and delights of heaven. Brocard. itiner. 6. Whose top the jebusites first of all fortified with a strong castle, and the compass thereof with firm and lofty walls, with gates, Salig. tom. 6, cap. 6. and with towers. Whom when David the king had expulsed, he made the castle and the walls round about, Isa. 14. 20. the gates and the towers, much more defensible, Bas. Hero. bell sa. ri. cout in. lib. 1 cap. 8. and made the top and plainness of the hill into streets and lanes, and builded there for himself, for his nobles and worthies, houses, and called it the city of David: which now also josephus calleth the higher city, and the holy part. The Maccabees re-edifying the same mountain in compass, 2. King. 5. made it most strong with many walls, 1 Para, 11. &, 15. and lofty towers, in such wise as notwithstanding any force, it was invincible, only by famine it might be surprised: where were many strait and narrow passages, and many houses of citizens placed. From this mountain, Psal, 47. 86 according to the foretelling of the prophets, Ios. 6. bell. 6 & 1. bell. 1. a law, and an evangelical light came forth, 1 Macab. 4. and as it were from the head itself, it was spread forth into the whole body of the world, for the saving health of all nations. Iose. bell. 15. & 16. The which when the Romans by the judgement and will of God, against all hope of man, and without bloodshed had taken (the seditious within the City being stricken with a sudden fear, and roaming here and there from the wall, and hiding themselves in their sinks) being dispersed in all corners and streets with their naked sword, slew all that they met withal, Isai. 2. having no regard of persons or sex, Mich. 4. and set fire on the houses burning them and all those that were fled into them, Isai. 49 and destroying many houses whereinto they entered for pillage sake, Luke. 2. where finding whole families dead (whom the famine had consumed) they so abhorred the sight thereof that they returned back again empty, Actor. 13. running thorough with their sword all that they met, Ioseph. 7. bell. 16. and so filling the streets with dead bodies, that the whole City flowed with blood in such abundance, that (as josephus witnesseth) many things burning, were quenched with the plentiful blood of the slain. But night coming on the slaughter began to cease, but the burning increased. The next day following, Titus being entered into the City wondered at the fortifications of the City, and at the rocks of the towers, which the Tyrants through folly had willingly forsaken. To be brief, when he had seen their substantial altitude and invincible force, we have fought (saith he) by the manifest help of God, and it was God which drove out the jews from these holds. For what hands of men, or what engines of war might have prevailed against these? Many such words spoke he to his friends. This mountain though it were excluded out of the city, yet afterward it was builded again and inhabited. But now being in the Suburbs most ruinous, it lieth waste. THE PLACES OF MOUNT ZION. 3. THe Castle of Zion being ancient and strong, was set on the very top of mount Zion, round like a crown, and was a sure defence and beauty both of the City and Temple, 4 king, 13 and was as the capital or chief place of so great a city. 2 king, 5 7, 11. Herein the jebusites dwelt at the first: whom David casting out by force, 3 king. 1 enjoyed the castle, and receiving from Hiram king of Tyrus, stones, wood, and artificers, builded out of the same a strong palace for himself, 1 Chron. 11, 17 and a house of Cedar with a kingly throne. In the which castle afterward, David himself and other kings of juda inhabited, and used the same for the kings seat. And for this cause it was continually kept with a strait guard of soldiers. Iose. 6. bell. 6 And in process of time it was called the king's castle, jeremy 17 and the house of David, the seat and throne of David, Luke 1 also the Court and king's house. In this castle the most cruel of all tyrants Antiochus king of Syria, Aristaeas' li. de 72. in't which in Greek was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, 1 Mach, 1 that is to say renowned, 1 Mach, 13 14. (but more truly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is Mad, he deserved to be called) placed a garrison of Gentiles: whereby in the time of the Machabes he afflicted the jews very much a long time. The which when Simon Machabaeus had enforced to yield through famine, and had cleansed the castle from the pollution of Idols, they entered thereinto with palms in their hands with Cymbals, with psalterions, with hymns and songs: and he placed therein men of the jews to defend the City and country, yet now there is nothing to be seen but the ruins thereof. 4. THE KING'S PRISON with a lofty Tower, Neem, 3 which overlooked the king's house. jeremy 23 39, 40 Into this prison jeremy was cast, because he prophesied that the City should be taken: and at the last was delivered out of the same by Nabuchadonezer, when the City was taken. 5. CAESAR'S and AGRIPPA'S hall, Ios. 15, ant. 11. & 1. bell 16. & 6. bell. 6. was the king's house, which Herod the Ascalonite builded for himself in the uppermost city: for he builded in his palace two great and fair houses of polished marble and fine gold, whereunto the Temple itself was not comparable, and calling them after the names of Caesar Augustus, and of Agrippa his son in law, his friends, he named the one CAESAR'S, and the other AGRIPPA'S. 6. THE PARLOUR OF ZION was situate about the midst of mount Zion, Mat. 26. being large, paved, Mark, 14 and very fair: Luk. 22. wherein Christ in his last supper did eat the paschal Lamb with his disciples, john. 13. washed their feet, and instituted the sacrament of his most blessed body and blood. Luke 24. In the fame, on the day of his resurrection (when he was entered, john▪ 20. the doors being shut) standing in the midst of his disciples, he showed unto them the wounds of his side, of his hands and feet, and did eat before them: after that, breathing upon them, john: 20 he gave them the holy ghost, and therewithal power to remit, and retain the sins of all manner persons. The eight day after this, here he offered unto Thomas the Apostle the prints and scars of the spear and nails to see and feel. Acts 1, 2 Here, after the Lord's ascension, Hier. to. 1 epist. 27 ad Eustoc. vir. & to. 3 epist. 1. ad Paulin: Niceph. lib. 2. hist. eccle cap. 3. Mathias was by lot chosen into the Apostleship of judas the traitor. Here on the day of Pentecost, the holy Ghost came down in a great sound, and in the form of fiery tongues, lighted upon one hundred and twenty believers: and at the first sermon of Peter, three thousand jews were converted and baptised. In this place james the lords brother surnamed Just, Act. 6, 15 was by the Apostles created the first Bishop of jerusalem: and Stephen with six more, were ordained Deacons. Hear the Apostles entered into the first consultation, or council, and set down the twelve Articles of Christian faith. 7. THE CYPRESS trees of Mount Zion, Eccles. 24 which were very excellent, whereof the book called Ecclesiasticus maketh mention. 8. THE HOUSE OF Annas, john. 18 the chief priest, the father in law of Caiaphas, Thren. 3. wherein Christ was examined of Anna's concerning his Disciples and his doctrine, at what time he answered that he had taught openly before all men, for the which he received a blow on the cheek by a servant. 9 THE HOUSE OF THE worthies, wherein the strong men, and valiant peers of king David dwelled: Neem, 3 where also as in a wrestling place, the chief wrestlers and champions, for exercise sake, used to try masteries. 10. THE HOUSE OF THE VIRGIN MARY, Niceph. 2 hist. eccle. 3 & 21. wherein after the death of her son she dwelled with john the Apostle. 11. THE HOUSE OF VRIA, 2 king. 11, 23. one of the most valiant soldiers of David, whose wife Bethsabe, bathing herself in a fountain of her Garden (which also is to be seen in the map) by her beauty alured David to adultery, beholding her from a gallery of the kings house. 12. THE UPPER MARKET, Ios. 6, bell. 6, by reason whereof, the upper city also, was called sometimes the upper market. 13. THE STAIRS OF THE CASTLE, Acts, 21 and 22 or prison, whereon the Apostle Paul stood, when he made answer for himself. 14. THE STAIRS OF ZION , Neem. 3, 12. by which men went up to the city of David. Ios. 15, ant. 14. 15 THE kings GARDEN, 4 king. 21 the which also was called the garden of Oza, Neem, 3 wherein Manasses and Amon kings of juda were buried. 16 melo, a valley or dale, very deep and wide, which lay between mount Zion and the lower city, Bas. Hero. 1. bell. sa. 8. and extended itself from the water gate to the fish gate. Bro. itin. 6. David builded and compassed mount Zion round about from this valley: 2. King. 5. the concavity and bottom whereof Solomon did make level and plain, 1. Chro, 11 that it might be a convenient street: 3. Kin. 9 11. and from thence forth it was called the street of the water gate. Neem. 8. He also beautified the same with buildings, 2 Chro, 32. which being decayed, was repaired by Ezechias. In this place it was that joas king of juda was slain by his servants in the way down to Sela. 4, king, 12. But in josephus time, this valley was called Tyropoeon, Ioseph. 6. bell. 6. and was very large and full of dwelling houses. Brocord. itinere. 6. At this day this valley is so filled up with earth and stones, that there remaineth only a small show of the former concavity & deepness. 17 THE PALACE OF CAIPHAS; belonging to every high priest, large and square: wherein sometime dwelled Eliasib the chief priest. Neem. 3. In this palace the princes of the people being gathered together, Matt. 26. & 27. consulted among themselves what policy they might use to catch jesus, Mar, 14, 15 and to kill him: Luk, 22. 23 to whom he was there sold by judas for thirty pieces of silver. joan. 18. Afterwards also he was thrice denied by Peter: and was by false witnesses of the jews, accused before Caiphas in the counsel of the priests and elders, to whom when he answered nothing being straightly charged by the high priest, to tell whether he were Christ the son of God, the which when he confessed, he was convinced as it were of blasphemy, the chief priest calling for the sentence of the counsel, threescore and six elders condemned him to be worthy of death, and answering said, He is worthy to die. Whereupon the servants and soldiers, did presently spit in his face, they blindfolded him, buffeted him with their fists, commanding him to prophesy, scorned him all the night with sundry mocks, and vexed him with many blasphemies, and that I may speak much in few words, no mortal man in this life is able to express, what and how much he endured this night. And in the morning following, the rulers of the jews assembled together in this place again, to deliver him up to death: and leading him bound, they delivered him to Pilate the deputy. 18. THE FOUNTAIN OF ZION, the which was made with great labour and cost. 19 THE BRIDGE OF ZION, Ios. 15, ant. 14, and 7 bell. 13, 15 by which men went through the valley out of the upper city unto the Temple. 20. THE GATES OF ZION, Psal, 86. which the Lord loveth more than all the Tabernacles of jacob. 21. THE UPPER GATE, 2 Cron. 23, by which joas when he was crowned king of juda in the Temple, and guarded with the princes of the jews, was led into the palace of the kings of juda. 22. THE SEPULCHRE OF DAVID, 3 kin. 2, 11 together with the field wherein the kings were buried, 2 Chron. 24, and 26 the which very stately was placed aloft in the city of David: Neem, 3 wherein David himself, josep, 7. ant. 16, and 13 Solomon, and other kings of juda, also joyada the chief priest were buried. Into this monument of David's sepulture, Ant. 15, & 16, ant. 7 Solomon brought great treasure at his burial. The which Hircanus the high priest & captain opening, brought from thence 3000. talents of silver. Acts. 2 Not long after this, Herod the Ascalonit king of jews, Niceph. hist eccle. 3 went about also to bring much treasure out from thence, Breid. 12 jul. but a flame of fire breaking forth and consuming two of his soldiers, he left off his enterprise, Sal. to. 7. cap. 2 and to make satisfaction for himself, he adorned the same monument with fair shining Marble, Pasch. d. 184 which continued there a long time after. Where the Saracens afterward builded a church for themselves which standeth as yet; which place they greatly reverence, and suffer not any christian to enter into the same. 23. THE SEPULCHRE OF STEPHEN, Acts, 8, 5▪ 22 the first Martyr; of Nichodemus, and of Gamaliel, Paul's schoolmaster. 24. THE TABERNACLE OF ZION, 1 Chro, 6, 7 covered with skins which king David made, 2 king. 9 and placed the same in the little hill of Mount Zion which is called Gabaon, 2 Chron, 5 and with great reverence he put the Ark of God therein, Ios. 7 ant. 4 and appointed priests and Levites continually to Minister from day to day by turn, which remained there twenty and four years, Breid. 12. jul. pasch. d. 184. until it was carried by Solomon into the temple. In the same, David sorrowing for his adultery with Bethsabe, and murder of Urias, made certain psalms of repentance. 25. THE KING'S PRESSES, zach. 14. wherein the king's wine was pressed. THE SECOND PART OF THE CITY. 26. THE DAUGHTER OF ZION, Psal. 9, 72 so called, zach. 9 because it seemed to grow from mount Zion, the which was also called the lower city, being another part of the city, whereof there is often mention made in the holy scriptures and in josephus. THE PLACES OF THE DAUGHTER OF ZION. 27. THE MOUNTAIN OF ACRA, Iose. 13. antony's 9 & 6. bell. 6. 7, & bell. 13, 16. was sometime in the lower city very lofty and steep, the height whereof afterward Simon Machabaeus abated and made plain by the continual labour of the people, which he employed herein by the space of three years day and night, that the Temple alone might be higher than all other places of the city. 28. THE amphitheatre, Iose. 15, ant. 10. that is a place environed with scaffolds and stages, capable of fourscore thousand men, where the people were wont to behold their games, which Herod the elder first of all other builded in the field at jerusalem with great labour and cost. Wherein, to recreate the beholders, wrestlers and sword players, showed many feats of activity: and sometimes, Lions, Leopards, Bulls, Bears, Boars, Wolves, and other exceeding wild and fierce beasts, fought one with another, and sometime condemned men were cast unto these to be devoured, and captives taken in war. At which time of their games, the place beneath was strewed with sand, to the end that neither the sword players should fail in their footing, nor the fighters might be defiled with the blood of the slain, nor yet that the sprinkling of the blood should bring horror to the lookers on. 29. THE CASTLE ANTONIA, Ios. 15. ant. 14. & 18. strong and well fortified, Ant. 8. lying near to the North side of the Temple, which was builded in time passed on a high rock fifty cubits high, Item. 1. bell. 3, & 4. 16, & 6. bell, 6 & aliâs sape. and very steep round about, and the tower was called Baris. In this the chief priests which came of the Maccabees even till Herod's time inhabited: where in a Cell made for that purpose, the sacred stole of the chief priest was kept, the governor of the Tower lighting a candle there every day. Herod the greater having gotten the kingdom, and seeing that this castle was conveniently scituat to command the Citizen's; that they might not seek innovation through sedition, repaired the same to his great cost, and fortified it within with a royal palace, even like a city, and with four lofty towers at each corner, whereof three were fifty cubits hie, and the fourth threescore and ten, from whence the whole temple might be seen: and for the favour which he bore to Marcus Antonius his friend, he called it ANTONIA In this castle the Roman soldiers, kept always watch with their soldiers, having an eye and principal care lest the people should work any innovation in the Temple on the feast days. And so the Temple belonged to the city, and the castle Antonia to the temple. 30. THE COURT OF RECORDS, which we commonly call the court of Chancery, or of the Rolls: that is to say, a house wherein the act of the city, and of the citizens, and also their public records, and the account of creditors were kept: Iose, 2, bell. 17. &. 7. bell 13. the which the seditious burned, the keepers thereof flying from thence to the end they might destroy all the evidence of the creditors, and join unto them all the debtors. 31. THE CASTLE OF ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANIS, Iose.: 12. ant. 6. both high and strong, the which, after the slaughter of many citizens, 1. Mac. 1. the spoil of the city and temple, Dan. 8. 11. 12. and the burning of most fair houses, he builded upon the mountain Acra, and fortified it with strong walls and towers, and placed a Garrison of Macidonian soldiers there mingling with them certain of the most rascal fugitive jews, by whom the continual sacrifice was taken away by the space of three years and the city itself vexed more than six and twenty years. But after this Simon Machabaeus wan and destroyed this castle. 32. THE COMMON PRISON OF THE CITY, Act. 4, 5. wherein the Apostles being shut up, Iose. 6. bell. 6. by the rulers of the jews, were in the night time brought forth by the angel. josephus seemeth to call this prison Betiso. 33 THE CORNER PARLOUR, Neem. 3. belonging to the corner house, where the public suppers were kept. 34. THE VAULTED CAVE, leading from the castle Antonia into the Temple, Iose. 15, antony's 14. which Herod the elder made, setting a tower thereon, Breid. 14. that by the same he might pass privily into the temple, jul. if so be the people intended to make any insurrection against the K. the which remaineth as yet very wonderful & large, insomuch that six hundred horses may very conveniently be placed therein. 35 THE covert, josep. 6, bell. 6, et, 7 be. 13. In Hebrew called Gasith. Which in the inner city was joined to an old wall thereof. Exod. 18. Wherein were three score and ten Senators and ordinary judges, Hier. to, 3. epist. 25, ad. Fabiol. which were called of the jews Sanhedrim, in Greek Synedrium, that is to say in English, mars. 11. The counsel of the Elders, and Seniors of the people. Num. 11. These dealt in the affairs of the common wealth, gave Laws, and determined the doubtful and weighty causes, yea even of other Cities also, they ended strifes and controversies, and gave the sentence of death, Deu. 17 generally they dealt in all capital causes, except only in the difficulties and mysteries of God's Law and of the jews Religion, the which the priests only determined. In this consistory the Apostles were examined, Acts 4, 5 whipped, and forbidden to preach, and yet went rejoicing from the Council, because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of jesus. Acts 6, 7 Hear it was that Saint Stephen standing before the Council, and his countenance shining like an Angel, lifting up his eyes, saw the heavens open, and the glory of God, and jesus standing at the right hand of GOD, from thence he being cast with violence out of the City, was stoned. 36 THE HOUSE OF ANANIAS THE HIGH PRIEST, josep. 2. bell. 17. which the seditious at the length fired. 37. THE HOUSE OF SAINT ANNE, Breid. 26, the Grandam of Christ, jul. Sal. to. 8. cap. 6 wherein she with Ioacim her husband abode when the feast was at jerusalem, where they both died. jac, vitri. cap. 58 Hear the blessed virgin Mary was conceived (as some conjecture) and abode there during the passion of Christ. 38 THE HOUSE OF THE RICH GLUTTON, Luke. 6 which burneth in hell according to the evangelical story. Breid. 14. In the which house that he dwelled, jul. it is reported by some antiquities, Sal. tom. 8 cap. 6 a high wall whereof is showed at this day to Christian travelers. 39 THE HOUSE OF MISSA, 4 king. 11 whereof mention is made in the fourth book of Kings. 40 THE HOUSE OF THE NATHINAEANS, Neem. 3 which carried wood and water into the Temple. 41. THE HOUSE OF THE PRINCE OF THE PHARISEYS, Luke. 14 in the which Christ touched the man sick of the dropsy and healed him. 42. THE HOUSE OF THE FOREST OF LYBANUS, 3, kin, 7, 10 in length one hundred cubits, 2. Par. 9 in breadth fifty, Isai. 22 and in height thirty cubits: the which Solomon builded most brave and glorious of polished marble, josep. 18 ant. 5. 6, 7. of Cedar trees, garnished with silver and gold, having a flat roof with walks and galleries: (according to the fashion of Palestine) and within lively counterfeits of sundry trees and plants most artificially made, Hier. to. 3 epist. 33 ad Suniam. that the leaves thereof seemed in some sort to shake. And near unto the same he planted a grove and a green arbour, Eccles. 2 made of all manner of trees, and watered with fountains: also he made parks and fish pools, wherein it is like were all manner of wild beasts, birds, and fishes. This house was a storehouse of meat, an armory for weapons of war, a house wherein ointments, paintings, and sweet perfumes were laid up and preserved. Beside these, two hundred shields of gold for horsemen, and three hundred large targets of gold for footmen which Solomon made, were in this house by him laid up. All other vessels also of this house, were of gold. To this house the king and his peers came when the weighty affairs of the Common wealth were ended, and recreated their minds, with banquets, with plays, and with pleasant walks. 43 THE HOUSE OF SIMON THE PHARISIE which is at this day to be seen: Luk. 7. wherein Christ sitting at the Table, forgave unto Mary Magdalen the sinful woman (bewailing her sins, and washing his feet with her tears, wiping them with her hair, kissing them, anointing him, and much loving him) many sins. 44 THE HOUSE OF THE COMMON PEOPTE wherein they exercised themselves with dartings & other exercises of the arm, jeremy 39 and with feasts, with plays and walks refreshed their minds. 45 THE GREAT MARKET, Iose, 13. ant 20. &. 1. bell. 3. which was in the midst of the city, and near adjoining to the Castle Antonia, Iose. 14, antony's 22. item. 1. bell. 7. & 11: wherein Alexander the king of the jews, and the chief priest, crucified eight hundred jews, killing also the Wives in the presence of their husbands, and the children in the sight of their mothers: the which spectacle himself with his Concubines beheld, at what time they were banqueting in the castle Antonia. For the which cruelty he was surnamed Crucida. In the same market place, Herod the greater, fought a great battle with the Parthians, which went about to bring again Antigonus into the kingdom. Iose. 6. bell. 14. & 7. bell, 7. & 8. Furthermore when the famine through the Roman siege was exceeding great in jerusalem, in such wife that it consumed whole families, and replenished the tops of houses with fainting women and children, and the ways with the dead carcases of old men (in which extremity they did eat leather, their girdles, their shoes, hay, and mothers, their own children) than a man might have seen lusty young men which afore time were most flourishing, pass through this market place, like shadows of dead men. And when those which remained alive, were not able to bury the dead, by reason of their exceeding multitude, and could not endure the stink of the bodies unburied, they cast them over the wall into the valleys of the city. The which when Titus saw as he went about the walls, full of dead bodies much putrefied, he fetched a great sigh, and holding up his hands to GOD, protested that it was not his deed, for the obstinate jews refused peace, to them often times offered. 46. THE MARKET OF WARES, the which was in the upper part of the lower city, Acts 12. in the which, Euseb, 2. hist. eccle. 9 fish and sundry other things were fold. In this market S. james the greater, Neceph, 2. hist. eccl 12. the brother of john, suffered his martyrdom by the tyranny of Herod Agrippa. 47. THE UPHOLSTERS MARKET, Neem. 3. wherein all manner of old garments that had been worn aforetime of others, were to be sold. 48. THE SCHOOL OF GENTILITY, 1 Mach. 1. and 2. which jesus, the false high priest of the jews (who after the manner of the Gentiles would be called jason) and other jews apostatas, Mac. 4. by the permission of Antiochus Epiphan, set up even under his castle overagainst the temple: wherein the people were taught the laws and fashions of the Gentiles, & the youth instructed in the studies and disputations of the Greek philosophers. Where they being naked and anointed with oil, exercised themselves in feats of activity, in martial actions, and in interludes. Furthermore in the same place, the said Apostatas set up EBHEBIAM, that is to say a Stews of fair young boys, wherein they committed most filthy things against nature, By reason thereof many fell from the law of God, to the manners and abominations of the Gentiles, being as it were sold to commit monstrous wickedness: insomuch that some of the priests forsaking the temple and worship of God, gave themselves to the exercise of feats of activity: here hence also there sprang up among the jews divers sects, namely the pharisees, the Saduceis, the Esseys etc. 49 THE HOUSES OF THE PRIESTS, Lyra in Neem. 3. and of the Levites whose houses were shut up by the outward part of the wall: but from the former part they had a prospect toward the temple. 50 THE HABITATION OF THE TARGET BEARERS, 4. King. 11. was builded before the west gate of the temple: Ioseph. 20. where first the jews, Ant. 15. than the Roman soldiers, upon the solemn feast days had the stations for the guard of the temple. 51 THE lists, Ios. 15, antony's 10. & 17. ant 9 10. OR TILT, which was placed overagainst the South part of the Temple, wherein horses, by running, agility, and swiftness were exercised. And the wrestlers and champions did contend before the people, who should rnnne swiftest on foot, with chariots diversly drawn, who should break most spears, and in other masteries, and fears of valiancy. Where Herod the king for the honour of Augustus Caesar ordained the game and prize, of five years continuance; appointing unto the victor's great rewards. the same Herod when he should die, called all the more noble sort of the jews of all places within his dominion, by an Edict threatening death to such as should not obey, and caused them to be shut up in the lists, to the end that after his death they all being there slain, every house might have cause to wail even in despite of all judaea. 52. THE MOUNTAIN MORIA, the which in another place is called the land of vision, Gen. 22. and the mountain of the temple, Mich. 3. and the mountain of the daughter of Zion, 1 Mach. 13 & 16. lying near unto the east wall of the city, Isa. 10. 16. being very high, stony, and very steep round about. josep. 15. antony's 14. & 6. bell. 6. In this mountain Abraham being ready to offer up his son Isaac, in steed of him offered up a Ram which was taken, by the horns in a thicket. This was the very same mountain which David bought of Streuna or Ornan the jebusite for six hundred sickles of gold: and erecting an altar in his threshing flower, he offered a burnt offering unto the Lord, 1, Cron. 21. which the fire from heaven consumed. Afterward in the same mountain Solomon builded unto the Lord a most excellent Temple both for largeness and beauty; whereof mention shallbe made hereafter. 53. THE FIRST WALL, Iose. 6, bell, 6 7, etc. the which was called the old wall, both in regard of the valleys, and a hill which was aloft above them, and also in regard of threescore towers whereinto it was divided, the which made it very defensible and strong. 54. OPHEL, 2. Cron. 27. 23. which josephus calleth Ophlam, was a tower of an exceeding height, whose top seemed to reach unto the clouds; it was fortified with a castle, and compassed about with a firm wall, near unto the Temple, notwithstanding it was without the wall, which shut off the habitation of the priests. Herein dwelt the Nathenims. Into this Manahemus the tyrant flying, was taken and slain. This same was at the last burned by the soldiers of Titus. 55. THE PALACE OF THE MACCABEES, builded by them on a very lofty place on the west side of the Temple, 1. Mac. 13. from whence they which would behold the city and those things which were done therein, Iose. 17, ânt 14. had a most pleasant and delectable prospect. The which king Agrippa afterward exceedingly enlarged and made it a Court for himself: from whence out of his parlour he might behold whatsoever was done in the temple. For the which cause the rulers of the jews builded a very high gate between that and the west part of the inner Temple, to hinder the king's prospect. This thing both king Agrippa, and Festus also the Lieutenant of the country took in very evil part, who also commanded them to pull down the said gate. But the rulers entreated, that they might have leave to send ambassadors to Nero the emperor concerning this matter, saying that they could not live if any thing were casted down of the buildings of the temple. The which liberty when they had obtained; they sent Ishmael the chief priest, and Helchia the treasurer, and with them ten of their chief rulers. And Nero at the earnest suit of Poppea his wife, a godly woman, which she made for the jews, pardoned the building of the said gate, and permitted the same so to stand. 56. THE PALACE OF PILATE, Psal. 37, et. 72. and of the Lieutenants of Rome, adjoining to the Gallery, which lieth on the North side of the castle Antonia: Isa. 1, 50▪ 53, 63. which palace, Math. 27. was much more large, lofty, and fairer, Mar. 15. than all the buildings of the city, and had an ascend or mounting, Luk. 23. of twenty and eight steps of Marble. joan. 18. Here when Christ was falsely accused, and required to be crucified, by the princes and people of the jews, for (that as they said) he perverted the people, forbade tribute to be given to Caesar, said that he was Christ a King, and therefore approved himself a seditious person, Pilate condemned him to be whipped under the form of this sentence▪ which was found in a most ancient chronicle, Breid 21. jul. Sal. tom 8. cap. 7. as followeth, jesum Nazarenum virum sediciosum, et Mosaicae legis contemptorem, per pontifices et principes suae gentis accusatum, expoliate, ligate, et virgis caedite. That is to say, Take ye jesus of Nazareth accused by the chief priests and rulers of his own Nation to be a man seditious, and a contemner of Moses Law, strip him, bind him, and whip him. Whereupon the soldiers of Pilate led him into the judgement haule, stripped him before the whole band of soldiers and other people, tied him to a pillar, beat him most cruelly with rods, and rend and tore his most tender body. After this, they put on him a purple rob, plaited and in forcible manner, broided on his head a crown of sharp thorns, delivered into his right hand a reed, and in scorn saluted him as a king bending the knee before him, many ways mocked him, they did spit on him, they did buffet him, and strike him upon the wounded head with a reed. 57 THE Queen's PALACE, 3 Reg, 7. 9 which Solomon most royally builded of precious and polished stones, Cro. 2. 8. 9 for the habitation of his wife which was Pharaos' daughter. 58 salomon's PALACE, 3 kin. 7, 10 exceeding great and fair, the which he builded in thirteen years magnificently and most sumptuously on the south part of the mount Moria, of bright marble, and cedar trees, supported with many pillars, for his own habitation: this he wonderfully garnished with gold and silver round about, and made all the vessels thereof of gold. In the same place afterward, the Christian kings of jerusalem had their palace, where first began the order of the Templars. 59 THE CASTLE PISAN, Sal. to. 7. cap. 1. compassed about with deep trenches, & towers; the which was builded on the west part of the city, by the Christian inhabitants of a town in Italy belonging to the Pisans, at what time they had the dominion of the holy land. Where first the Pisans, after them the Saracens, and now the Turks, do exact of the pilgrims of the holy land sacrilegious tribute. 60 THE INNER FOUNTAIN, 2. Reg, 20. which king Ezechias made in the midst of the city at the North side of the temple. 2 Cron. 32. For he brought into the city the waters of this fountain, Eccles. 48. from the higher fountain of Gition, by conduct pipes which were under the earth, and made them to issue forth in this fountain. This fountain he compassed about with a well to water the whole city, that the people in time of siege might not be distressed with the want of water. 61 THE POOL PROBATICA, john. 5. that is to say the sheep pool, wherein the sheep and other beasts were washed that were appointed for sacrifice. In Hebrew it is called Bethesda, (and corruptly Bethsaida) that is to say, the house of effusion because the rain waters ran into the same. It was situate between the gate of the valley and the temple. Sol. to. 8. cap. 5, 6. It was the largest and most principal pool or water of the whole city, having five porches, which king Solomon made for the service of the Temple. And this josephus calleth salomon's lake or Pool. For in this pool the Nathenims washed the oblations which they delivered unto the priests to be offered in the Temple. The Water hereof was moved at certain times by the Angel of the Lord, and who so after the stirring thereof went first into the water, he was healed, whatsoever disease he had. And therefore there lay a great multitude of languishing people in the porches thereof, as blind, lame, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. Among which number Christ healed a man which had languished thirty and eight years. 62 THE OLD FOUNTAIN, Isai. 22. together with a River, jese. 7, bell. 24. which issuing out of the same runneth through the whole City into the brook Cedron. 63 THE BRIDGE, Iose. 14. and porch with gates, by which men went from the gallery, Ant. 8, et 15. and from the Castle Antonia, over the valley of Cedron into the Temple, the which at the first the favourites of Aristobolus against Pompey, Ant. 14, et 1. Bel. 5. and afterward the seditious against Florus, Item. 2, bell 15, 16, etc. cut off, least by the means of the Castle Antonia, the Temple should be gotten. 64 THE WARDERS GATE, Neem: 12 so called, because certain of the kings guard warded there, at such time as the king entered into the Temple. 65 THE HORSE GATE, Lyran, in Neem. 3 so named, because men might ride so far as that place: but then leaving their horses, they went on foot into the temple. At the which place began the habitations of the priests. 66. THE GATE OF THE ESSENS, Ios. 6, bell, 6 was situate in the old wall of the City. 67. THE FIRST GATE, Zach. 14 whereof the Prophet Zacharie maketh mention. 68 THE PORCH OF PILLARS, 3 king. 7 situate before salomon's palace, the which was fifty cubits long, and thirty cubits broad, and supported with strong pillars. 69. THE BEAST MARKET, Ioh, 5. called Probatica, where sheep, oxen, and other beasts for sacrifice were sold in the open market. 70 THE PALACE OF QUEEN BERNICE, Act. 25. 26. sister of king Agrippa, Ios. 2, bell 15 16, et, 17. who with her brother at Caesaria heard Paul's supplication before Festus. And afterwards paying her vows to God at jerusalem, she came bare foot before Florus sitting in his judgement seat tyrannizing against the citizens, whom she beseeched in vain as concerning them. 71. THE PALACE OF GRAPTA, Ios. 5. Bel. 9 the niece of Izata king of the Adiabens, which she built for herself. Wherein afterward, John the Captain of the seditious abiding, left there his money and spoils of tyranny. 72. THE PALACE OF HELEN, Ios. 20, ant. 2. & 6. bell. 7 & bell, 13. Euseb. 2 hist eccle. 12. which exalted itself in the midst of the mountain Acra. She being the Queen of the Adiabens which dwelled beyond Euphrates, was converted from Gentilism, to the religion of the jews, Acts 11. and came to jerusalem, to dwell. Where she being become a Christian, at what time that great famine, (whereof Agabus prophesied) in the days of the emperor Claudius, pinched the whole world, but specially the land of judaea, this good Queen (I say) at her proper costs and charge sent for great store of corn out of Egypt which she distributed among the poor and needy at jerusalem. 73. THE PALACE OF MONOBAZ, Ios. 6, bell. 7. king of Adiabens, the son of Helen, which was situate in the east part of the city. 74. THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD, King. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 2 Chro. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7 otherwise called, the lords house and the sanctuary. The which Solomon the peaceable king builded of the matter prepared by David his father, and of elect, hewn, and polished stones, and of timber cut from mount Libanus, by the labour of more than a hundred fifty three thousand men in the mont Moria, without any sound of axe or hammer, in seven years, so sumptuous and magnificent both within and without with shining gold, that it was counted the miracle of the world. Concerning the wonderful excellency whereof nothing can be sufficiently spoken. When Solomon dedicated this Temple, the cloud and glory of the Lord filled it, & the fire which came from heaven consumed the sacrifices which were offered therein. As concerning the entrance of this temple, the same was contrary to the fashion now used, being Eastward, and the back part tended west; whereupon the priests, and people prayed turning to the west, and worshipped God herein with great reverence, until through the Impiety of the kings and people of the jews, 4. King. 25. it was profaned with the pollutions of Idols often times. 2 Chro. 36. Therefore four hundred forty and one years after the first foundation thereof, by the just judgement of God, Nabuchodonozer king of Babylon burned the same, and so destroyed it, 1 Es. 3, 5, 6. that it lay desolate threescore and ten years. But after that, 2 Mac, 3 Zorobabell repaired the temple again in excellent sort with squared stones, josep. 2, bell. 17, &, 7, bell 10. and the best timber in the same mountain, within the space of forty and six years. 1. Mach. 1. 4, 6. 13. And this also was of so great estimation that it was honoured throughout the whole world, and was from all parts enriched and beautified with the greatest gifts and honours of kings and princes. The which after three hundred, fifty, and four years, was spoiled by Antiochus Epiphan king of Syria, and polluted with Idols. In the third year of the contamination thereof, the most valiant Captain of the jews judas Machaboeus, purged it, and restored to the same again, the golden vessels, and the worship of God. And that it might never more be defiled, he did wall it about in manner of a castle with deep trenches, Iose. 14. antony's 8. et 7. bell. 4 9 with strong and high walls, and with gates and towers both forcible and fair. Wherein he being besieged a long time with one hundred and twenty thousand Gentiles, could not be commanded. But about one hundred year after this when that famous Captain of the Romans' Pompey the great fought against it, Strabo. Geo gra, lib. 16. he wan it with main force, 1 Mac. 6, and in the entering thereof he slew therein twelve thousand jews; and Pompey himself with his peers entering into the most holy place, and beholding the Table, the Candlestick, and other things there, of shining gold, and finding also two thousand talents of the holy treasure, this heathen Prince moved as it were with a certain godliness, would not so much as touch any of them but the next day after the siege commuanded the keepers of the temple to cleanse the same, and to celebreate their lawful and solemn sacrifices. This self and same temple being afterwards decayed, Herod the Ascalonit king of the jews, by the space of nine years and a half, repaired and beautified it, with sumptuous buildings. And according to the prophesy of the prophet Aggei (even as the Church is preferred before a Synagogue, Agge, 2, and the blood of the gospel is more precious than the gold of the law) greater was the glory of this second temple, Luke, 2. than was that of the first: because Christ, Math. 4. with his presence, doctrine and miracles, joan, 7. 8. 10, et, ce. glorified this. For in this, when he was a child he was offered. In this he sat in the midst of the doctors; In the pinnacle of this Temple he was tempted of the Devil, when he fasted forty days and forty nights. In this likewise he preached often times, and was vexed by the jews. All which things, as they make much for the glory of the temple, so they did nothing avail, but that the very same Temple, in the year from the foundation thereof under Zorobabell five hundred eighty and six, by the army of Titus Caesar, after a doubtful and bloody battle, Iose. 7. bell. 9 10. 18. was won with great force and violence, and so great a slaughter of jews made about the altar for burnt offerings, that the blood of the slain ran like a river by the stairs of the Temple: and the Temple itself in the first brunt and fury of the battle was set on fiere, by a certain soldier, moved by divine motion, not attending to the command of any, even without the emperors consent: And by this burning, a work of all that ever was seen or heard of, the most wonderful, and the ornament of the whole world, the tenth day of the month of August, En, in chr, et 4, hi. eccl, 6. was consumed into ashes: to wit, even the very same day and month, whereon aforetime the temple was burnt by the Babylonians. Niceph, 3. hist, eccle. 24. Yet for all this after threescore and five years, the jews rebelling again, and going about to restore the Temple in the same place where it was afore, AElius Adrian the Emperor, slew of them in one day five hundred and four score thousand, and utterly razed the rest of the buildings of jerusalem, and leveled the mountain Moria whereon the Temple was builded, and made it even, casting the rubbish and earth thereof into the vale josaphat, and into the brook Cedron, left the city trusting to the defence of the mountain and Temple, should rise up and rebel any more against the Romans'. He wasted also with fire and sword nine hundred and four score villages. But the emperor julian the Apostata, after two hundred and twenty seven years, to make the oracle of Christ false, Ruffin. in Euseb, hist. which he had prophesied concerning the temple that there should not be left one stone upon another, Eccls, lib, 10 cap, 37, 38. 39 gave unto the jews money out of the common treasury, and commanded them to build a new the temple and to sacrifice there according to the law of Moses. Theodoret. 3, hist, eccle. 17. The jews glad of this, came from all parts of the world to jerusalem, Zozo. 5. hist eccle, 21. and threatening grievous things against the Christians, Niceph. 10. hist, eccle. 32, 33. they prepared & got unto them skilful workmen, stones, timber, mortar, and all other things necessary for the building: also they caused to be made silver mattocks, spades, and baskets: and thoroughly purged the place where the Temple stood, with such speed and willingness, that their women also bestowed all their ouches, taches, bruches, and other jewels, for the building, and carried out from that place all the rubbish in their laps. And when the foundations were opened and cleansed, the day following they should have begun their foundation, but the same night there came such an exceeding and vehement tempest, that it carried away and scattered abroad their stone, timber, and mortar, with other their necessaries. Over and beside this, a great earthquake, shook all the stones of the old foundations of the temple and dispersed them, disordered the houses next adjoining to the temple by a downfall, and killed many jews. And when they which remained, in the morning enterprised again to build; a fire falling from heaven, a flame also breaking forth from the foundations of the temple, destroyed more jews than before, which either were busy about the work, or which came thither to see and look on: and all that day burnt and consumed into ashes, their maules, hammers, axes, spades, and all other working tools, that nothing was left. The jews being yet obstinately bend, the next night following, a bright sign of the cross appeared in heaven, and the garments of all the jews were marked as it were from heaven with figures of the cross, and replenished therewith as the firmament with stars; which when the day appeared they seeking to put out, could not by any manner of means do it. And thus being astonished and confounded, they left off both their vain enterprise and also the place. So that by their wicked endeavour, the divine oracle, was not only not made frustrate, but also more fulfilled and confirmed. The jews being in this sort beaten from their enterprise, the Christians nevertheless were not afeard to build in the same place. For they erected a temple there in a round form, made of great hewn, and polished stones, covered with a leaden roof, very large high and beautiful to behold. The which in process of time, was honoured with the patriarchal seat, and became famous by reason of the true and pure worship of God which was therein maintained. Wilh. ty, lib. 8, hist, bell. sacri, c, 20. et. lib. 9, cap 9 At the length being invaded by the Saracens, it was contaminated four hundred threescore and three years, with the filthy worship of Mahomet. Finally in the year of Christ, Broc. iti, 6. 1099. the very same temple, Breid. 14. jul. though it was fortified with a wall, with towers, and with strong gates by the Christians, yet was it violently won by Godfrey of Bullion, a valeant man; who killed within the circuit of the temple, ten thousand Saracens, in such wise that the upper face of the earth was covered with the blood of the slain. In the which place the said Godfrey erected a College of divine service, giving continual maintenaunc to the same, furnishing it with necessary habitations, which so continued by the space of four score and eight years. The which expired, the same was possessed again by the Saracens, through the pernicious discord of Christian princes: who in the top thereof, (according to their manner) set up the figure of the half moon: and in the courts thereof they planted figs, and olive trees. The same being now possessed of the Turks, is defiled with the detestable worship of Mahomet. And all Christians are commanded by an Edict, not to enter thereinto, upon pain of death. For if any Christian be known to have entered therein, he is by and by either compelled solemnly to deny the faith of Christ, or else publicly to lose his head. THE FIRST part OF THE TEMPLE. 75. THE HOLY OF HOLIEST, Exod. 26. the which is so called because of the singular holiness of the place. Leu, 16. 23 It is also named the Oracle, Numb. 29. 19 and the Inner house. 3. King. 6. For it was the secretest part of the temple, 2 Cro. 3. 4, 5. whereinto few did come: being twenty cubits long, and as many in breadth; the height whereof was one hundred and twenty cubits. Whose floor was paved with marble, Heb, 9, 13. and laid over with fir boards, joseph, 6. bell 6. covered with plate of gold. The gates were made of polished stones inwardly framed with boards of cedar, and covered with golden plates: the which being fastened with nails of gold shined most gloriously, as if it had been a divine work. Whereon were graven Cherubims, precious stones, palms, flowers, Imbosements, and pictures of diverse sorts, representing the celestial beauty. The roof also was covered with golden plate, the very top whereof was set full of golden prickets, or sharp spits to fray away birds, lest by sitting thereon, it might be polluted. Into this sacred holy of holiest, the chief Priest, for the divine majesty thereof, entered but once every year alone, Heb, 9 13. in the feast of purgation: on which day the jews did fast and afflict themselves. And then that great and chief priest of God, prefiguring the person of Christ, offered the blood of a calf burnt without the host, for his own sins, and for the sins of the people. Who if he wear but somuch as in sleep polluted, entered not in in his own person, but by his substituted vicar. THE PARTS OF THE MOST HOLY PLACEs. 76. THE ARK OF THE COVENANT, Exo, 25. 27 et 40 the which by the commandment of God was made of Sethim wood, Num. 17. which corrupteth not, Deut. 31. by Moses in the desert, covered within and without with plate of pure gold, being set in the midst of the holy of holiest, Heb. 9 shining like the sun with the glittering brightness of gold. Ios. 3, ant, 8 Whose surpassing beauty is rather to be wondered at, then with words to be expressed. In this Ark the two tables of stone, containing the ten commandments written with the finger of God, were kept with a singular care and holiness: also the Pot wherein was Manna: and Aaron's flourishing rod, and the book of Deuteronomy. The Ark abode in this place about four hundred and thirty years. 2. Mac. 5, 2. It is written in the book of the Maccabees, that in the time of the captivity of Babylon, the Prophet jeremy by the commandment of God, hid the same privily together with the Altar of Incense, and the perpetual fire, in a cave of the mount Nebo. 2 Chro, 36. But the Hebrues conjecture, Dan. 1. that it was carried by Nabuchodonozer into Babylon: 1. Esd. 1. & that it was never returned again, 3. Esd. 1. but another made by the jews in stead thereof after the return from the captivity. Hier. in joel cap. 3. Other some think that Nabuchodonozer carried away the same with five thousand and four hundred vessels of silver and gold, Iose. 10, antony's 13. which belonged to the temple of jerusalem, Sucton. in vit. vespasi. and put them into the temple of Bell his god, Rodolph. lan gius de urbis Hirosol templique origine et excidio. lib. ●. cap. 15. but preserved by God's providence (as it was sometime in Philistaea) after threescore and ten years of the captivity, they think (I say) that it was restored again to the jews, at their return by Cyrus, together with the said vessels. But after the besieging of jerusalem Titus and Vespasian, carrying out of the temple to Rome, the Ark of the covenant, the two tables of the Law, with both the rods of Moses and Aaron: also the golden table, and some of the show bread: the golden Candlestick also, and the four pillars; made these to be carried among other spoils, by the jews themselves round about the city in an open triumph, wherein with great pomp they triumphed over that nation: Simon Giora Captain of the seditious, and seven hundred jews captives (which were selected from among the rest for youth and comeliness) going before the triumpher half naked, with their hands bound. This triumph being ended Vespasian, laid up all the vessels of jerusalem, in the Temple of Peace at Rome, which he in most sumptuous manner had builded: But the law of the jews, and the purple veils of the most secret places, he commanded to be safely laid up in his palace. 77. THE TWO CHERUBIMS, Ex. 25, 37. of glory, the which, as it appeareth by the Hebrew text of Paralippomenon, 2. King. 6. are like unto young boys, Heb. 9 made of the wood of the olive tree, Ios. 8, ant, 3. ten cubits high, and covered with plates of gold, and shining with angelical brightness, stood at each end of the Ark with wings spread, one couple covering the propitiatory, and with the other couple touching the gate on both sides: Whose faces were directed toward the uttermost house: and looking one towards the other, they beheld both themselves, and also the propitiatory. 78. THE PROPITIATORY, otherwise also called the oracle, the which being above the Ark, between the wings of the two Cherubims, and shining with most pure gold in brightness above the sun, representing the divine majesty, was as it were the seat of God speaking: from whence he gave oracles and answers. THE SECOND part OF THE TEMPLE. 79. THE HOLY PLACE, Exo. 26, 29 so called for the dignity of the place. Levit. 10. It was also called the Sanctuary, 3. King. 6 the outward house of the Lord, 1 Cro. 23, 24. and the priests Court. 2. Paralip. 3. This is the other part of the Temple, forty cubits long, Ezech. 44. and twenty broad, in hight one hundred and twenty cubits. Luke 1, The doors hereof were of gold. Heb. 9 The floor made of fir boards was covered with plate of gold. Ios. 8, ant, 3. et 15 an. 14. The gates were made of polished stones, and being within lined with boards of Cedar, were covered outwardly with plates of gold. Whereon was graven Cherubims precious stones, palms, flowers, and sundry carved works and pictures, which wonderfully delighted men to behold. Above it was covered with a fair roof, shining as if it had been fire. From the entrance hereinto, such as were not clean, were forbidden by the Law. Only the priests, which King David reckoned to the number of thirty eight thousand, and distinguished them by Lot into four and twenty orders, entered daily thereinto. All which being without vice, according to David's ordinance, weakly by turn, from Saboth to Saboth abstaining from their wives, from wine and from all other strong drink, their privities covered with linen breeches, outwardly clothed and girded with a linen garment, wearing a silk mitre on their head, in a wonderful order, and with the greatest reverence that could be, they worshipped God, they offered sacrifices and made their prayers. 80. THE ALTAR OF INCENSE, Exo. 30. 37 of gold, Levit. 2. which by God's commandment was placed over against the vail hanging before the most holy place, 1. Mac. 4. called the holy of holiest: Whereon the Priests, Luk. 1. every day morning and evening offered unto God for a sweet savour, Frankenscence and sweet perfumes. The angel Gabriel standing sometime at the right hand of this altar, told unto Zachary, as he was offering Incense, the conception of john Baptist. 81. THE GOLDEN candlestick, the which having seven branches, Ex. 25, 26. 27. 37 and so many Candles, was placed on the South side of the Temple: the which being lamps of most pure oil, Levit. 24. burned continually, and gave light as well by day as by night, Ios. 3 an, 10. to all the holy place. 82. THE FOUNTAYN, Ezec. 47. of water which issued forth on the right side of the temple the water whereof Solomon derived into the sea of brass, joel 3. and into the copper Laver: Aristeas li. de 72 anter pret. the which being carried from thence by Conduit pipes under the earth breaking forth half a mile from the east side of the citrie ran into the brook Cedron. 83. THE GOLDEN TABLE, Exo. 25, 26 37. the which stood on the North side of the temple, Levit. 24. whereon were set twelve loaves made of the most pure and fine flower of wheat. 1 King. 21. The which being stolen, Mar. 2. remained to the use of the priests, Ios. 3, ant, 9 and then new were supplied again every Saboth day, upon the which were laid two golden cups full of Frankincense. 84. THE CHIEF PRIEST his Image, Exo. 28, 39 and holy apparel, Levi. 8, 16. every part whereof show forth unto us, a divine and heavenly magnificence. For when he went to offer sacrifice, or to enter into the most holy place he put on not only the under garments spoken of before under the number seventy nine, but also above upon them a Tunicle of hyacinth with sleeves down to the ankells, at the lower hem whereof there did hang threescore and two golden bells, and in another border as many pomegranates. The Tunicle was girt with a girdle four fingers broad, woven with silk, gold, precious stones, and flowers of sundry colours. Aloft above this, he did wear an Ephod or Superhumeral, that is to say, a most fair cloak, made of gold, of hyacinth, of purple, scarlet and of fine silk most curiously woven together, dazzling of the eyes by reason of the variety & glittering brightness of the colours and flowers. Upon each shoulder whereof there were several Onyx stones included in gold, which josephus calleth Sardonichs: in either of which stones six names of the children of Israel were graven. Beside these, he had the Reasonable of judgement, which he carried upon his breast, wherein was doctrine and truth. The Reasonable was a square thing about the breadth of a man's hand, woven and made of gold, lacinct, purple, scarlet, and fine silk, whereto were fastened twelve precious stones of diverse sorts, having engraven in them the names of the twelve sons of Israel, according to the order of their nativity. Moreover on his head he ware a long round cap, in form of a Mitre, made of hyacinth and fine silk; upon the front whereof was set a brooch of gold in form of a half globe, which figured the ineffectable name of God, Tetragrammaton, with these four Hebrew letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thereon engraven, setting forth by the wonderful brightness thereof the excellency of the divine majesty: Also the golden Censer in his hand: by which he offered unto God the most fragrant odor of Frankincense, is a part of his ornaments. All which things as they are full of mysteries, so some of them excelled the rest in divine power. For that stone which the high priest did bear on his right shoulder, so often as he had pleased God with sacrifices, did so wonderfully shine, that they which stood a great way off might perceive it. And (which is no less wonderful) the twelve stones which were on the Reasonable, did foreshow unto them which went to the war, victory. For before the army should move itself, there came so great a brightness from them, that it gave all the people to understand that God was present, and that he would help all those that call upon him. But now God being angry with the wickedness of his kings, both the Reasonable and the Onyx also have ceased one hundred and five years before the nativity of Christ to give their wont shine and brightness. 85 THE vail, Exod. 26. 36. was woven of hyacinth, purple, scarlet and fine silk in most beautiful variety; and was adorned with Cherubims and all manner of flowers embroidered thereon, 2 Cron. 3. which hung at the gate before the most holy place, Math. 27, and at the death of Christ was rent from the top to the bottom even in the midst, THE THIRD part OF THE TEMPLE. 86 THE JEWS I'll . The which also is called the entry, 3. King. 6. the haul, 2 Cron. 4. 6 the Holy Secular, & salomon's Porch, being the third part of the temple. Ezech. 40. Into the which men went up by four steps. Heb. 9 Whose pavement chequered with marble of sundry sorts, joseph. of't 3. 14. et 6. bell et 7. bell 4. 16. et l. 2. cont: Apionene. was open to the air, and uncovered, and was compassed about with a wall made with three degrees of stones of sundry colours. To the which were annexed great porches, broad, and above threescore and ten cubits high, born up with marble pillars of single stones which were twenty five cubits high, the roof covered with Cedar. The inset gates covered with gold, shined most gloriously. And it had three high gates: whereof the first tended toward the east, the second toward the South, and the third toward the North: every of the which gates were shut with two silver doors thirty cubits high, & fifteen broad: but the west part had no gate but was enclosed with a whole wall. And this was called the jews Isle or Haule because only the jews being clean and chaste made their prayers there, Luke 1. and heard the words of the law. john. 10. In the which place, Act. 3. 4. 5. Christ taught the people often times: Iose. 15. antony's 14. et. 2. be 16. et. 6. 7. and where the jews would have stoned him: and Peter when he had healed the lame man spoke unto the people: and converted five thousand men. Before this haul enclosed with alattice, there was a Table set, containing this law engraven with letters of Greek and Latin, Every stranger that shall enter into the holy place shall die. And the Romans' had given authority to the jews to put to death as well Romans' as jews, which transgressed this law. THE PARTS OF THE JEWS I'll. 87 THE ALTAR OF BURNED OFFERING OF BRASS, Ex. 27. 38. the which stood in the midst of the isle open to the air and uncovered. 1 Corn. 4 Wherein that perpetual fire was daily maintained by the putting to of wood which fire in old time, Levit. 9, 6 et. 1. the Lord sent down from heaven, when Aaron at the first time offered sacrifice in the desert. On the which altar, the priests every day morning and evening, burnt sundry sorts of Male beasts which were clean and without blemish, as Sheep, Oxen, and Goats, turtles, Pigeons, and such like, which were consumed with this holy and perpetual fire, for a burnt offering and Odour of sweet favour unto the Lord. But in the time of the Captivity of BABYLON, this perpetual fire was hidden by the Priests in a dry pit or well and being sought for by Neemia the priest, 2. Mac: 1. threescore and ten years after the same, there could be no fire found in that place, but a certain thick water which by divine power, at the prayer of Neemia was set on fire. 88 BOOZ and JACHIN, 3. King. 7. 2 Cron. 3. two pillars of brass of wonderful beauty, thirty two cubits high, whose circumference or circuit comprehended twelve cubits, which Solomon caused to be made artificially, and placed them in the porch of the temple, one at the right hand, which he named jachin, and the other at the left hand which he called Booz. 89. THE LAVER OF BRASS, 2. Kin. 7. 2 Cron. 4. a vessel of great capascitie, full of water, placed by Solomon on the North side of the temple, whereon were carved the pictures of cherubims, Lions, and Oxen. In this the priests washed the beasts which should serve for burnt offerings, which nevertheless were first washed in the sheep pool called Probatica. 90 THE HOUSE OF COUNSEL, 1 Cron. 26 at the South side of the temple, where was the assembly of the elders of the people. 91 THE CLOSETS, 1 Cro. 9, 2. jerem. 35. Ezech. 42. or vesteries, were side houses, long, broad, and high, like towers. In the which, the Priests when they should enter into the holy place, did put off their woollen garments, laying them up till the service was ended. 1. Mac. 4. Wherein also they did eat the parts of the peace offerings. 92. THE SEA OF BRASS, Exo. 30, 38 containing very great store of water, 3. King. 7. which Solomon made, and placed on the South side of the temple, 3. Cron. 4. upon twelve oxen of brass; wherein the priests entering into the temple to serve at the altar, washed their hands and their feet. 93. THE NEW GATE, jere. 26, 36 the which was in the isle of the temple toward the south where jeremy foreshowing that the citrie and temple should be destroyed, was taken. And where Baruch red before the people the prophesy of jeremy. 94. THE HOLY GATE, 3. Esd. 9 otherwise called the brazen gate, which being in the Inset part of the temple, opened toward the East: before the which Esdras read the law of God before the people: and where the rulers of the jews, a long time after that, exhorted the seditious unto peace. 95. THE PORCH OF THE TEMPLE, 3, King. 6. builded by Solomon before the Sanctuary, 2 Cron. 3. the which was twenty cubits long, and ten broad. 96. THE RINGS SEAT, Hier. in 2 Cron. 3. the which was very lofty, the which Solomon prepared for the kings. 97. THE LOFTES OF THE SINGERS, where divine praises were song with voice, Ezec: 40. and with divers instruments. 98. THE PLACE OF ZACHARIAS, 2 Para. 24. where he was stoned between the temple and the altar. Mat. 23. 99 THE PLACE, where the jews would have stoned Christ. john. 10. THE FOURTH part OF THE TEMPLE. 100 THE I'll, Ezech. 40. which belonged to the Gentiles, Ios. 15, ant. 14, et, 6, bell. 6, et, 7, bell. 10, et, lib, 2. contra Apionem. being also called the out set Court, which is the fourth part of the temple, into the which men ascended by many stars. Whose inset space open to the air paved with all manner of beautiful stones, had four excellent gates opening towards the four parts of the world, which were shut with doors of brass. This being a square porch much like a cloister, uphoulden with pillars of Marble, & seeled over with cedar, was thirty cubits broad. The whole circuit and compass of which porch, was five hundred paces. Into this Court or porch all sorts of jews and Gentiles might enter, both clean and unclean: where upon it was called the Court of the Gentiles. Here hence it was that Christ did cast out twice the buyers and sellers: and suffered not any man to carry so much as a vessel through the same. Here he discharged the woman taken in adultery. Here he taught often times. Here also the jews would have stoned him. Finally here it was that he was glorified before the Gentiles with a voice from heaven. THE PARTS OF THE covert OF THE GENTILES. 101 THE GOLDEN EAGLE, Iose. 17, an't 8, et, 12. was of great waigth, set up by Herod the greater over the greatest gate of the Temple, Item. 1, bell. 21, et, 2, bell, 1. and was at the last pulled down by the jews and cut in pieces, where upon arose a great tumult, and many were slain. 102. THE TREASURIE ; Mar: 7. in Hebrew called Corban, a chest wherein was offered and kept such money, Mar. 27. as served for the necessaries of the sacrifices, 4. King. 12. for the sustentation of the poor, and for the repairing of the Temple. When Helidore, who was sent by the king of the Syrians, sought to take the spoil of this treasury, 2 Cron. 24. he was scourged by angels from heaven. And when Pilate by the like temiretie would have bestowed this holy treasure for the bringing in of waters he was let and hindered by a general uproar of the people: 2 Mac. 3. the which nevertheless the Romans' when they had won the city took and carried way. Iose. 18. ant. 5 Also we read that Lysimachus was slain near unto this place: Iose. 17. bell. 11. Here it was that Christ taught himself to be the light of the world, 2 Mac. 4. and said that he should be lifted up upon the cross by the jews. joan. 8. Christ sitting here, Mar. 12. pronounced that the poor widow offering two mites, Luk. 21. had given more than all the rich. Iose. 18. aut 13, et, 19 Over this treasury, for a monument of his adverse fortune turned into prosperity, king Agrippa hanged up that golden chain, which the Emperor Caius gave unto him: being equal in weight to that Iron chain with the which his hands were bound by the commandment of the emperor Tiberius. 103. ACHAS DIAL, 4. King. 26. the king, which he made, wherein the king Ezechias being sick, Isai. 38. for a sign of recovering his health, the shadow of the sun by divine miracle, went backwards ten degrees. 104. THE NORTH GATE, 1. Cron. 26. whereof mention is often times made in the Scripture and in josephus. 105 THE SOUTH GATE, 1. Cron. 26, mentioned often times in Scripture, and in josephus. 106 THE WEST GATE, 1. Cron. 26 the which also in the book of Chronicles, 1 Cro. 23. is called the gate of foundation. 107. THE EAST GATE, the which also is called the gate Sur, 1. Cr. 9, 26. otherwise Seir: also the kings gate, and the Beautiful gate: Neem. 3. because of all the rest it was the greatest, 4. K. 11, 15. highest, 2. Cron. 27 and fairest: by which also there was the principal entrance into the temple. Acts. 3. This being decayed was repaired by king joatham. And near unto this gate the Apostle Peter, with his word, healed the man which was lame from his mother's womb and sat there begging of alms. 108. THE TOWERS OF TROMPETORS, Num. 10. which were erected aloft in the west corners of the temple. Ios. 5. hell. l 9 In the tops whereof, the priests, wanting the use of bells, with two silver trumpets, called the people unto the temple. Fron thence also they told the people of Festival days, of sabboth's, of fasts, and of solemn feasts. 109 HERE Christ writing with his fingar on the ground made the accusers of the women taken in adultery ashamed and set her free. john. 8. 110 HERE Christ making a whip of cords, cast out the buyers and sellers, john. 2. together with their marchandis. Matth. 21. Thus far we have spoken of the Temple, and of the parts thereof: and now me will prosecute the other parts of the daughter of Zion. 111. THE THEATER, Iose. 15. the which was builded in form of a half circle by Herod the Ascalonite king of the jews, Ant. 19, et. 20. near unto the palace of the Maccabees. In the circuit whereof in Imagery was set forth the tittles, Ant. 15. the victories, and spoils, of Augustus Caesar; shining with silver and gold: where the better and more worthy sort sitting upon stairs and seats made round in compass, and the rest standing therein, beheld the players, and actors, and musicans, playing their comedies and tragedies, and other plays. THE PLACES OF THE DAGHTER OF ZION. 112 THE THRONE OF SALOMON . 3. King. 10. It was a very great throne of ivory, 2 Cron. 9 covered over with shining gold, Iose. 8, close and round in the top like a judgement seat, having six steps or stairs, at each end whereof were twelve Lions set. In this throne king Solomon sat, when he heard the controversies of the people, and pronounced judgement, and capital sentences, appointing laws and statutes. Herein also he sat, when in royal manner he would show forth his pomp, Lyra. in, 3. glory and Riches, and when he intended to bestow upon his faithful servants rewards. King. 7. 113 THE PASSAGE which King Solomon made of strong timber, 2 Cron. 9, to go from his palace into the temple. 114. THE TRIBUNAL, was a public place, set before the house of Pilate, john. 19. and appointed for judgement, Mat. 27. where the Lieutenants of Rome were wont to give sentence, Mar. 15. which in Greek, Luke 24, was called LITHOSTROTOS, that is, a place of pavement, and in Hebrew, GABATHA: because it was high and lofty. Pilate sitting in this judgement seat, and having good will to free jesus standing before him, took water and washed his hands before the people, saying, I am innocent from the blood of this just man. But all the people crying out Crucify him, Crucify him, his blood be on us and on our children: and further laying treason to his charge in that he made himself a king, he condemned Christ to the death of the cross, in this form of words, even as we found them in certain antiquities, from whence we faithfully report them. jesum Nazarenum subversorem Gentis, contemptorem Caesaris, et falsum Messiam, ut maiorum suorum testimonio probatum est, ducite ad communis supplicij locum: et cum ludibrio Regiae maiestatis, in medio duorum latronum cruci affigite. I lictor, expedi cruces. That is to lay, carry ye to the place of common execution jesus of Nazareth, a subverter of his nation, a contemner of Caeser, and a false Messiah, as is proved by the testimony of the elders of his own people, and crucify him between two thieves in reproach & scorn of his kingly majesty. Go hangman, & make ready with speed the crosses. The which sentence pronounced he delivered him to the soldiers to be crucified. Who brought forth jesus, Isa. 53. deprived of all beauty and comeliness, and more like to a leper, then to himself, by reason of the pains which they had laid on him, but that he might be known unto the people, they put on him again his own garments, and carrying his cross, with two thieves through the gate of judgement, to be crucified in mount Calvary. Pilate sitting in this Tribunal seat in time of an Insurrection for bestowing the holy treasures of the temple, Iose. 18, ant, 5, et, 2, bell. which were called Corban, 8. Euseb. 2. gave a secret sign to the soldiers which were privily armed under their clothes, Hist. celc. 6 that they should not use swords but clubs, Niceph. 2. to beat down the tumultuous jews. Hist. ec. 10. By which means many of them were slain, many sore wounded, and very many trodden under foot, even to death by their own company in the tumult. After this Florus the Lieutenant, sitting in the same judgement seat, Io. 2, bell, 15. caused many of the Noble men and gentlemen of the jews, to be beaten and torn with rods and whips, and to be fastened on crosses: who also caused many other massacres about the city, nothing sparing neither women, children, nor sucking babes. The which were certain beginnings of vengeance taken by almighty God upon the obstinate jews for the shedding of the Innocent blood of Christ. 115. THE TOWER OF STRATO, Ios. 13, ant. 18, et, bell, 3 in Greek called Pyrgus Sratonis, situate between the castle Antonia and the temple: it was a hollow & an obscure passage where Antigonus was slain by the soldiers of his brother. 116 THE VALLEY OF CEDRON, Sopho. 1: Ios. 14, ant. 8, et, 15, an. 14. broad, deep and dark, which in manner of a ditch or trench compassed the temple round about. And because it was disposed after the fashion of a mortar, it was called in He brew Macthes, Item. 1, bell. 5, et, 6. bell. 6▪ 7. et. 6, jos, 20. ant, 16. and in Latin Pila. This was so exceeding deep, that men could not look down from the roof of the temple into the bottom thereof but their eyes, would dazzle and their heads seem to turn with giddiness. Euseb. 2. Herein Merchants, and all sorts of chapmen dwelled. Hist. eccle. 1 et, 23. Into this valley james the brother of the Lord, first Bishop of jerusalem, for professing jesus the son of God on the feast of passover was cast down headlong from the battlements of the temple at the commandment of Anani a Saducei chief priest, and was immediately knocked on the head with a fullers club, & was there buried near unto the temple, his monument remaining there along time after. 117 THE WAY OF THE CROSS, by which Christ having received his judgement to be crucified, went forward with painful and bloody steps to mount Calvary. For beginning at the Palace of Pilate he made six and twenty steps (which make threescore and five foot) unto the place where the cross was laid upon him. D. Petrus Potens & M. Mattheus Stenberch did measure the city of jerusalem long since, by whose report this Description is made. From whence (all the city gazing on him) carrying his cross on his sore shoulders, he came towards the West, or rather Northweste, fourscore steps, which make two hundred foot, to the place, where men say, that he fell down under his cross. From thence going forward, by threescore steps and three foot (which make a hundred fifty and three foot) he came to the place where the blessed virgin mary with john the Apostle met with him. Also petrus call entinus in his book entitled the way of the cross. And proceeding from hence by threescore and eleven steps, and one foot and a half (which make a hundred seventy and nine foot) he came unto a certain cross way, where Simon of Ciren was compelled to bear the hinder part of the cross with Christ. Taking his way hence by one hundred ninety and one steps, and half a foot, (which cometh to four hundred and seventy foot) he came to the place where a certain woman met with him. And from thence going three hundred thirty six steps and two foot, (which amount to eight hundred forty and two foot) he came to the judiciary gate where once again he fell with his cross. From thence he ascending faintly a very heard and stony way towards the North, he gained three hundred forty and eight steps and two foot (the sum eight hundred seventy and two foot) which brought him unto a two fold way, where certain women weeping spoke unto him: And from hence labouring forward threescore steps and one and half a foot, (which make four hundred and four foot) he fell down the last time, at the foot of the mount CALVARIE. From thence he wearily and faintingly went forward eighteen steps, or forty five foot to the place where the hangemen drew off his clothes, where they gave him to drink wine mixed with myrrh and gall. Then he went on twelve steps, or thirty foot even to the place where he was nailed on the cross on mount CALVARIE. So that from the Palace of Pilate, unto the place where jesus was crucified, the distance is a thousand three hundred and seven steps: or by another account, three thousand two hundred sixty and eight foot, We have made such exact descripion and demonstration of the way of the cross (as also the way of the Captivity hereafter expressed under the number of two hundred and seven) to the end that every Christian man, in all places, even in the doors of his house, or walking often times in his garden, or being in a journey, or in the Temple, either lying in his bed, may by the Imaginination of his mind conceive the like way, and with godly affection of the heart may meditate upon the passion of Christ: the which no doubt is both acceptable unto God, and for our own soul's health most profitable as the holy Scriptures, and the writings of good men by their often exhortations do testify. 118. THE WAY OF ENTRANCE EOR THE HORSES, 4. King. 11. which was between the palaces of Solomon, 2. Cron. 23. and of the Queen. Ios. 9, ant, 7. By which Athalia the Queen being brought out of the horse gate, was slain in the valley of the Brook Cedron. 119 THE GALLERY, made in form of a stone bridge, with many arches, extending itself with ample largeness over the common street, adorned with open walks upon the same. From the which there was a passage from the palace of Pilate, into the castle of Antonia, and so from thence into the Temple. Fron this place, being very safe, the Lieutenants of Rome were wont to speak unto the people. joan. 19 Whereon Pilate standing, exhibited jesus to the Princes and people of the jews to be looked on, being very soar scourged, spit on, clothed with a purple cloak, and wearing a sharp crown of thorns upon his head, Breid. 14. saying unto them Behold the man; jul. that he being thus afflicted, Sal. tom, 8. cap. 7. they might have compassion on him. But they with confused voices cried, Ios. 2, bell, 1. 6, Item, 5. bell. 9 crucify him, crucify him. Whereas yet an arch of stone is to be seen, and is showed unto strangers, with this Inscription: Tolle, Tolle, crucifig— the rest cannot be red, by reason antiquity hath worn it out. From this Gallery king Agippa pronounced an eloquent oration to pacify the seditious people, exhorting them to obey the Romans', josephus maketh mention many times of this Gallery. 120 THE CROSS OF CHRIST, which was laid on his shoulder, Pasch. d. 207. was fifteen foot long, and eight foot over, as we have received by tradition of the elders. 121 HERE it is said that Christ fell the first time under his cross. Pasch. d. 207. 122 HERE also by tradition of some fathers, Breid. 14. it is said, that the blessed virgin mary with john and certain godly women stood, jul. as Christ passed by with his cross. 123. CHRIST, being come to these two ways, Math. 27, and being wearied with the heavy burden of his cross, Mar. 15. is said to have fallen. Luke. 23. For the which cause, Breid. 14. the soldiers and jews, jul. fearing that he would faint, before he could be crucified, Sa. 1, 8, c, 7. took a certain man coming out of the country, Pas. d, 20 8. named Simon of Cyren, and compelled him to carry the cross after jesus. THE THIRD part OF THE CITY. 124 THE SECOND CITY. 4 King. 22. This is the third part of the city, 2. Cron. 34 the which also had many narrow ways whereof mention is made sometime in the Scripture wherein among others many prophets and noblemen dwelled. Sopho, 1. This when the Romans' had gotten, Hiero. in 2. they were by the seditious again driven out of the city. Cron. 34. Io. 6, bell, 10 THE PLACES OF THE SECOND CITY. 125. THE LAKE AMYGDALON, Ios. 6, be, 12. near unto the which Titus erected a Bulwark. 126. THE HOUSE OF MARIE, the mother of john, and of Mark, Acts. 12. one of the seventy and two disciples of Christ, wherein the faithful of the primitive church, were wont to assemble themselves, & to pray. Where also after the martyrdom of james the Apostle, Peter being cast into prison by Herod Agrippa, Sal. tom. 8. cap, 4. they prayed without ceasing for his deliverance. Who at the last being brought out of prison by the angel, and knocking at the door of this house, was by a damsel brought into the same. In the which place afterward a church was builded which was the first of the Christian Greeks. And is an episcopal seat, which the Syrians hold unto this day. 127. THE HOUSE OF OLDA THE PROPHETS, the wife of Sellum; 4. King. 22. a famous nobleman the great uncle of the prophet jeremy: 2 Cron. 34. whose counsel being asked by the king josias, she foretold him of the destruction of jerusalem. 128. A CONDVIT, and fountain, which by pipes sent forth water aloft: Ios. 2, be, 18 & 6, bell. 6. and by the like pipes derived water into Herod's palace, and about the same, filling the cisterns thereof. 129 THE WOOD MARKET which Cestius set on fire. Ios. 2, be 24. 130. THE HABITATION OF THE RECHABITES : Jere, 35. who living religiously according to the commandment of their Father, possessed neither fields nor vineyards, and like pilgrims of this world, dwelled not in houses but in tents, and wholly abstained from wine. Wherefore when through the necessity of war they were compelled to come into the city, jeremy drinking unto them by the commandment of God, they would drink no wine. By which example of their obedience, the same prophet reprehended the disobedience of the obstinate jews, neglecting the commandment of God; and therefore he did set before the one a punishment, and before the other a reward. 131 A LAKE, which was situate between two walls of the city, Isai. 22. whereof mention is made in Isai the prophet. 132 THE MIDDLE TOWER, jos, 6, bell, 9 which was in the middle wall. 133 A MONUMENT of Allexander jannaeus the high Priest and king, jos 13, antony's 21, et, 6, bell, 8. wherein he was buried by the authority of the Pharasies very sumptuously. 134 A MONUMENT of johannes Hircanus, Ios. 6, bell, 7. high priest and Captain: of whom mention is often made in josephus. 135. THE SECOND WALL, 2 Cro. 32, the which is also called the middle wall, Neem. 3, 12 beautified with many gates, Ios. 6, bell, 6. and divided with fourteen towers▪ the which wall Ezechias the king repaired, and made more strong and higher. 136 THE PALACE OF HEROD, Ios. 6, be 6. the which was builded by HEROD the Ascalonite king of the jews, (who killed the Innocents') with sundry sorts of polished marble stones near unto the west wall of the city, from the old wall, even to the middle wall: being most singularly beautified with silver and gold most strongly fortified with an iron gate, Acts 12. and three most excellent towers, jos, 2. be, 17 to wit, Hippic, Mariam, and Phasel, which in greatness, strength and beauty, excelled all the towers of the whole world. Within was the king's haul, which being builded on high and very lofty with unspeakable magnificence, was wholly compassed about with most beautiful towers, Luke. 23. parlours, chambers, galleries, porches, & with pillars, with the which there was an enclosed court open to the air. In this haul, Christ was presented to Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee, who killed john the Baptist; which Herod, asked Christ many questions, who was there constantly accused by the jews. Whom, when he answered nothing, Breid. 14. the same Herod and his whole rout despised and scorned: jul. and so sent him to Pilate clad in white, as if he had been a fool, or a jester. But now this palace is a school for children of the Infidels. 137. THE MIDDEL GATE, jerem. 39 & 52. of the second wall, wherein the uttermost walls being broken, the princes of the king of Babylon did sit. 138. THE UTTERMOST covert, compassing the haul of Herod round about, Io. 2, be, 17. where the king's soldiers did watch and ward. Wherein was the king's prison whereinto malefactors were put. In this prison Saint Peter was shut up by king Herod Agrippa, Act. 12. who had slain james the greater. Which Peter being bound with two chains, & most safely kept by four quaternions of soldiers all the days of sweet bread: But in the night before the day whereon he should have been put to death, he was by the Angel of the Lord loosed from his chains, and by him brought forth through an iron gate, by the first and second watch, into the city. 139 THE LAKE, CALLED STRUTIUM, which was the middle Lake. Iose. 6, bell, 12. Here also Titus caused a bulwark to be made. 140. THE TOWER HIPPIC: The which being four square, Iose. 6. bell. 5. 6. 7 was builded in the second wall, upon a high hill. It was four score and five cubits high, and having two tops was to be seen a far off. It was marvelous strong, builded by Herod the elder: who having in the war lost his friends the Hippics, called this tower after their name Hippic. 141. THE TOWER MARIAM, Iose, ant, 9 & bell. 16. & 6. bell. 6, The which being fifty cubits high stood aloft in most beautiful manner, upon a high hill of the old wall, the which Herod builded for a memorial of Mariam his best beloved wife, whom he had slain, and called it after her name Mariam. And because it carried the name of a Queen, therefore it was more beautiful in show then the other. 142. THE TOWER PHASELUS, jos, 14. ant. 22. et 16. which being four-score & ten cubits high, set upon a high place of the old wall, and made aloft in form of a ball was of wonderful height and exceeding strong. ant 5. et 17 antony's 14. et 1 bell, 11. et 6. bell. 6. et 7. bell, 18. Which Herod builded after the fashion of the tower Pharus in Alexandria. And in the honour of his brother Phaselus called it Phaselus, who being taken prisoner by the Parthians, and having no liberty to use neither weapon nor hands: ran his head against a stone and so killed himself. How this and the other two towers were left standing after the destruction of jerusalem, read under the number of (1.) going before. 143. HEROD'S PARK, which had in it an orchard & a garden, Ios. 6, bell. 6. watered with ponds, rivers, & fountains: replenished with sundry wild beasts, fishes and fouls: having many large walks, & round about the same, many towers of tame doves. 144 THE HOSPITAL, Ios. 13, ant. 15. which Hircanus the high priest founded, with the money which he got out of the sepulchre of David. Egesi. 1, hi. wherein pilgrims, poor men, and such as were Impotent were sustained and kept. judaic, 1. 145. THE WRESTLING PLACE, Io. 6, bell, 6 the which was placed in Herod's Pallas. It was large, serving in the winter time for wrestlers, and for other exercises, and pastimes, wherewith men recreated themselves. THE FOURTH part OF THE CITY. 146. THE NEW CITY, called in Greek Caenopolis, the fourth part of the city; Ios. 19, an. 7 & 2. be. 15. & 6. bell. 6. the which was severed as the other parts of the city were with walls, and many narrow ways, which went cross, extending to the walls of the city. Wherein dwelled wool sellers, Carpenters, Smiths, and other workmen and artificers. THE PLACES OF THE NEW CITY. 147 BEZETHA, a mountain, Ios. 6, bell, 6.. the which having many houses built thereon was inhabited by the common sort of people. 148 THE castle OF THE ASSYRIANS, Ios. 6, bell, 8 & 13, near unto the which Titus pitched his tents, at such time as he had gotten the wall of the city. This castle stood more than an arrow shoot from the second wall. 149. THE THIRD WALL, the which also is called the outset wall, which king Agrippa made upon the common charge of the citizens, jos 19, antony's 7 Item, 2. bell. 10. & 6. bell. 6. extending it more broad and high than it was before. This wall was very firm and strong, five and twenty cubits high. It had four score and ten square and lofty towers which were of great force, distant one from the other two hundred cubits; whose building and beauty in stone work, was nothing inferior to that of the temple. 150 THE BROAD STREET: Neem. 3. 8. the which also was called the street of the gate of Ephraim. 151 THE kings CAVES, Ios. 6, bell. 6. upon the which the third wall of the city was builded in length. THE GATES AND TOWERS ABOUT THE CITY. 152 CAPHETETA, 1 Mach. 12. the east wall of the City upon the brook Cedron, which jonathas Machabeus repaired. 153 THE CORNER STONE, Isa. 28. which was most hard, being the firm foundation of mount Zion. Psal. 117: This was a figure of Christ, Neem. 3. Acts. 4. who is the strong and stable foundation of his church. Rom. 9 1 Pet, 2. 154 THE GATE OF THE CORNER, so called because it was situate in the northeaste corner of the city, 4 King. 14. next unto the brook Cedron. 2 Cron. 25. The which also was called the gate of Benjamin, Jere, 31. 37▪ 38. because the way led through the same unto the tribe of Benjamin. By this gate, zach. 14. wood was brought into the city out of the desert. Broc, itin, 6. In this gate also jeremy the prophet was apprehended, Sal. tom. 8. cap, 5. whose ruins are now to be seen a great way out of the city. 155 THE GOLDEN GATE, situate between the gate of the valley and the gate of the fountain, so called because it was gilded with gold: Eze. 43. 5 It was also called the east gate, Broc, itin 6. because it was builded on the east side of the Temple. Sal. to. 9 cap. 4 And because it led by a very short way, from the temple of mount Olivet, it was rather a gate of the temple then of the city: Breid. 14 pasch die. 184. and therefore Neemias maketh no mention thereof. By this gate Christ came riding upon an ass into the city of jerusalem at what time men cut down palms and strewed them in his way, crying Hosanna before him. 156 THE GATE OF EPHRAIM, 4. King. 41. which now of some is called Saint Stephen's gate, 2. Cron. 25 situate on the north part tending toward the way which leadeth unto the tribe of Ephraim, Nee. 8, 12, where upon it was called the gate of Ephraim. From this gate unto the gate of the corner joas king of Israel, Ios. 9, ant, 10. beat down the wall of jerusalem by the space of four hundred cubits, Broc, itin 6 shall. tom. 8. cap, 5, and in triumphant manner he being carried into the city in his chariot through that breach, became Lord of the city. The which wall together with the towers thereof, Ozia king of juda afterward restored again. 157. THE WATER GATE, Ne, 2. 3. 8 the which was situate between mount Zion, 2 Cro. 23, and the mount Moria, jere 19, 31. in the valley called melo, Broc, itin, 6. sa, tom. 8, c, 5. toward the east. It was called the water gate, because it opened a passage, unto the fountain of the water of Siloe: and because horses were carried through the same to be watered in the brook Cedron. And for this cause it was called the east horse gate and it tended toward the valley Gehennom. 158 THE GATE GENATH, or the gate of king Herod's Garden, Ios. 6, bell. 6. 7. 8. which was not far from the second wall of the city. By which, water was brought up into the Tower Hippic. By this gate the seditious privily sallied out many times upon the Romans'. 159 THE GATE OF THE kings GARDEN, 4. King. 25. which in mount Zion was placed between two walls of the castle: by which king Zedechias fled in the night. 160 THe gate of the high priests palace, Neem. 3. at the south side of the city. 161 THE FISH GATE, 2 Cro. 33. the which was situate next to the tower of David in the valley melo, Sopho. 1. between mount Zion, Neem, 3, 2. and the lower city, towards the west: and by the vault adjoining to the same, Broc. itin, 6, Sal, to. 8. cap. 1, 5. it gave a convenient passage too and from the city to every man. And it was called the fish gate, because through the same, fishes were brought into the city from joppes, and from other towns of the sea cost. This also had other names, as the gate of David: and the merchants gate. David's gate, because it was next to David's tower: & the merchant's gate, because by the same much merchandise were carried into the city from Bethelem, Hebron, Gaza, from AEgipt, and from AEthiopia. By this gate strangers that came from the west, were wont to enter into the city. 162. THE DOVNG GATE, Neem. 2. 3. 12. on the east side of the city, toward the corner gate, on the north-east, carried all the dung and filth of the city which the rain gathered together, into the brook Cedron. Where upon it was rightly called the dung gate. 163. THE GATES OF women's TOWERS . Broc. iti. 6. On the north end of the city, Sa. t, 8c. 5. by which the seditious brake forth upon the Romans', Ios. 6, bell. 2. & 5. when they besieged the city. 164. THE VALLEY GATE, 2 Cron. 26. so named, Neem. 2. 3. 12. because it made way into the valley of josephat, situate in the midst between the dung gate, Broc. itin, 6, and the golden gate, and not far distant from the sheep market, Breid. 14. and the pool called Probatica. jul. The which also for this cause deserved to be called the drove gate, Sal. to, 8. cap 5. because the flocks of cattle which were sold in the sheep market and were to be offered for sacrifice in the temple, were brought in by this gate. But now it is called Saint Stephen's gate of the first martyr Stephen, which was stoned to death not far from the same. 165. THE OLD GATE, which being on the west part of the city, Ne, 3, 12. was called in time passed by the jebusites the gate jebus. Deut. 22. It was also called the judgement gate, because in old time, Ruth. 4, the judges did sit there in judgement. john 19 For then the Seniors did exercise justice and judgement in the gates of their cities. Heb. 13. And such as were condemned to die, went out at this gate. Broc. iti. 6. Where upon Christ was led out of the same to be crucified. Sal, tom 8. cap, 7. Of this gate, there are at this day some old remainders and ruins to be seen. 166 THE ROCK : which was very high, going along from the tower Psephina unto mount Zion, Broc, itin, 6 upon the which the whole west wall of the city stood. 167 THE TOWER ANANEEL, Jere, 31. the which being not far distant from the corner gate, Zach. 14. towards the east and by north, Nee. 3, 12. was very strong and notable: whereof the holy scripture maketh mention often times. 168 THE CORNER TOWER, 2 Cron. 26. standing aloft upon the corner gate, which king Ozias did strongly repair, and made it one hundred and fifty cubits high. 169 THE TOWER OF DAVID : Vuil. Tyr, 9 be, sac, 3. strong and lofty, the which was builded by king David in a corner of two deep valleys, Broc. itin, 6. on the top of a broken rock, with four square stones most firmly joined together with Iron and lead: whose singular fortitude, and notable beauty, for the commendation of Christ's spouse (which is the Church) is spoken of by Solomon when he saith. Thy neck is like the tower of David, builded with bulwarks, where upon there hang a thousand shields; Cant. 4: yea all the weapons of the Giants. 170 THE HIGH TOWER, 2 Cron. 26. which was builded upon the gate of the valley. Ios. 9, an, 11 The which also king Ozias repaired, and that it might be seen beyond mount Olivet, he made it one hundred and fifty cubits high. 171 THE LANTERN TOWER, situate on the North end of the city, which men think was so called, because fire was continually kept there, Nee. 3, 12. to serve as a mark both for land and seafaring men, to direct them the right way. 172. THE GREAT TOWER, Neem, 3. which standing near the wall of the temple was higher than the rest. 173. THE TOWER MEAH, Nee. 3, 12. otherwise Emat, that is to say of one hundred cubits, which was not far from the temple. 174. THE TOWER PSEPHINA, Ice. 6, bell, 2. 5, 6. which was eight square, of seventy cubits high, founded at the Northweste corner of the city, Broc. Itin, 6 upon a very high rock: being like a strong tower, which by reason of the exceeding height thereof was fearful, from whence on a clear day, men might behold Arabia, the sea, and the uttermost borders of the Hebrues. The ruins whereof are as yet to be seen. 175 THE TOWER OF SILOE, Luk. 13. which falling in Christ's time slew eighteen men. 176 THE DEEP VALLEY, Broc. itin, 6 which compassing mount Zion on the North and south part, went all along the west side of the city, even to the gate of Ephraim, making a fit and convenient ditch for the City. THE PLACES WITHOUT THE CITY. THE PLACES AT THE EAST PART OF THE CITY. 177. THE WATER, Aristaeas. lib. de 72. interpretibus. which was brought out of the temple by conduit pipes under the earth, issued forth here with great noise, Mat, 21. 26 and so ran into the brook Cedron. Mar. 11. 14 178. BETHANIA, the noble castle of Marry and of Martha the sisters of Lazarus, having many houses, the which was situate beyond mount Olivet, Luk. 10. 29 distant from jerusalem fifteen furlongs, joh. 11▪ 12. that is, two Italian miles. From which place, though it were but a little way off, yet by reason that mount Olivet lay between, the city jerusalem could not be seen: except from a little hill from whence part of mount Zion might be seen. Christ often times lodged in this house of Martha: where he preached the word of God to Mary sitting at his feet. Here he raifed up Lazarus to life, after he had been buried four days, and began to stink. Here, he sitting in the house of Simon the leper, at the table together with Lazarus, Martha serving them Mary anointed him with a most precious ointment. 179. BETHPHAGE, Math, 21. a little village, belonging to the priests situate at the east foot at the mount Olivet, Mark 11. from whence Christ sent two of his disciples unto the Castle Opposite, Luk 19 or over against them, john. 12. to fetch the Ass and the Coulte. The which brought, and the disciples clothes laid on the Coulte, he road on the same into jerusalem. But coming down from mount Olivet, and seeing the city, he wept on her, and prophesied her utter ruin because she knew not the day of her visitation. 180 THE CASTLE OPPOSITE, Mat, 21. or which lieth over against you (to use the words of Christ) when he sent his disciples to fetch him the Ass. Mar, 11. It was a village right over against Bethphage. Luke 19 181 THE WELL, john 11. near unto Bethanie, where when the Lord came to raise up Lazarus, Martha first met with him, and afterward called forth her sister Mary. 182 THE LITTLE HILL, at the foot of mount Olivet, Ios. 6, be. 13 near unto the Dove-house a little above the valley of Siloe. 183. THE WITHERED FIGTREE, planted beside the way of Bethanie, Mat, 21. the which bearing no fruit, but garnished only with leaves, was cursed of Christ and so presently withered. 184 THE DRAGON FOUNTAIN, which doth springe even at this day, Neem. 2. which was between the valley and the dung gate. 185. GEHENNOM, the which also was called Benhennom, josu. 15, 18 that is to say, the valley of the sons of Ennom. It was a place which was situate in the Suburbs of the city of jerusalem toward the Southeaste. 3. King, 11. In which place of Benhinnom was the tabernacle and the Idol Moloch: Acts. 7, the which Idol as it was chief and principal among all the other Idols, so the same being the greatest abomination and most hated unto God, he often times forbade the same in the scriptures. It was an Idol the matter whereof was brass; made in the likeness and similitude of a king, it was hollow within, and had a head like to the head of a Calf, the other parts or members of the body having the shape and fashion of a man, the arms whereof were stretched out: whereto the children that should be offered were made fast, with the vehement and extreme heat of the Idol were burned and utterly consumed being so holden as it were of the same between his arms. For when the Idol was made red hot with the fire which they had put into the hollowness of the same, than the most wicked parents of these children in most cruel and barbarous manner, delivered up their sons and their daughters to these detestable and devilish embracings of the Idol, that so they might be burnt. And this they did of a certain devilish devotion, offering them up to the Devil Moloch for a burnt offering of most filthy savour. Amidst these horrible torments where with they were thus tormented, the miserable Clamour of the children could in no wise be heard, whereby the parents might in any sort be moved to pity or compassion, for that the priests of this Idol Moloch, during the whole time of the sacrifice, 4. King. 16. &. 21 did usually make an exceeding great noise both with the trumpets and drums. Whereupon that place was called also Tophet. In this abominable manner, 2 Cro. 28 33. Achaz, and Manasses also, 4. King. 23. kings of juda, being even as mad as the Common people, offered up their sons to the Devil Moloch. The which detestable madness, the godly king josias seeking at the length to redress, broke in pieces the image of Moloch, cut down his Groves, and defiled the place thereof with the filthiness of dead Carcases, of bones, and of other unclean things, and appointed it to be a perpetual dunghill for ever. In this valley jeremy at the commandment of GOD, jere 7, 19, 32. breaking an earthen pot in pieces against the ground, Isai. 30. before the Elders of juda: prophesied that GOD would after the self-same manner, break and destroy both the City and the people. According to which prophesy, there was so great and mighty a multitude of people slain there, because they had filled this place with the blood of Innocent children, that this place was called no more the valley of Tophet, but Poliandron, that is to say a heap of many dead bodies, whose Carcases lying there unburied, became meat for the birds of the air and for the beasts of the field. 186. GETHSEMANI, a farm place, at the foot of mount Olivet. Math. 26. This had many fruitful olive trees. When Christ intended to go unto the garden that was in mount Olivet, Mar. 14. he came from his last supper into this place, heavy and sorrowful unto the death. 187 THE GARDEN OF OLIVET, in the mount of Olivet, Mat. 26. where Christ prayed unto his father three times, Mar. 14. that the cup of his passion might pass from him. Luke 23, And being in an agony, as he continued in prayer, john. 18. he sweat blood which fell drop by drop unto the earth: Hier. in loc, at what time he was comforted by an angel from heaven. Heb, lib, G. In Hieroms time there was a Church builded on this place, Broc, itin 6. which is as yet to be seen. Bre. 14. jul. 188 THE KING'S GARDEN, the which also was called the enclosed garden. 2. King. 25. It was in the Suburbs of jerusalem, 3. King. 1. walled round about. And like to a paradise it was planted with trees, Cant. 4. of all sorts of fruits, 4 Kings 25. with herbs, jere. 39 52 with flowers of most sweet savour, and what soever else that might delight the senses. Iose. 7, ant. 15. et. 9 antony's 11. It had also most pleasant and convenient walks. In this was that famous fountain Rogel, & the stone Zoeleth, of both which there is often mention made in the Scripture; where Adonias when he purposed to reign, offered oblations, and with his followers made a feast. 189. THE GROAVE OF MOLOCH, 4. King. 23. consecrated to the Idol Moloch: Hieron. in Ier, 19, et, in Mat, 10. where the worshippers thereof, after they had ended their sacrifice, committed fornication under the shadow of the trees. 190 THE MOUNT OF OFFENCE ; 3. King. 11. it was a very high mountain, 4. King, 23. situate on the south side of the kings garden. Where the most wise Solomon being now old, was seduced & made foolish by his strange wives, building a temple to Melchom the Idol of the Ammonites, which also he worshipped. 191 THE MOUNT OLIVET ; or mount of Olives, so called by reason of the great plenty of olives which grew there: called also in Greek Elaeon, which otherwise also is named the famous, and holy mountain. It was situate on the east side of jerusalem. It was separated from the high city, the valley of Cedron lying between, distant from the city a Saboth days journey, according to the Scripture: but according to josephus, Dan. 11. it was distant five furlongs: who also addeth that the top of the hill was six furlongs from the city. Zach. 14. For it was of so great height, Acts. 1. that from the same, not only almost all the streets of jerusalem but also the dead sea, broach. itin. 5. might easily be seen. And besides the olives it abounded with palms, Breid. 14. jul. pines, mirtells, and other fruitful trees. In the top of this hill, the holy king David fleeing from the face of his son Absolom, weeping, and barefooted worshipped God. 2. King. 15. In this mountain also his son Solomon forgetting all godliness, 3 King. 11. erected a temple to Astaroth the Idol of the Sidonians, 4. King. 23. right over against the temple of jerusalem (from whence every one that committed Idolatry might beeseene.) The which also with all other places dedicated to Idols, josias utterly destroyed. Christ often times came up into this mountain, both for quietness sake and also to pray, Luk. 21, 22 24. tarrying there all the night. john. 18. 8. Also from the top of this mount, he ascended into heaven, Act. 1. in the presence of his disciples standing there and beholding him, after he had blessed them. 192. THE MOUNT OF OFFENCE, a high mountain, on the other side of the brook Cedron, and on the North side of the mount Olivet, 3. King. 11. distant from jerusalem four furlongs. 4 King. 23. Whereon Solomon by the motion of his heathenish wives, Broc, itin, 6. builded a Temple to Chamosh the Idol of the Moabites. Sa. 6, cap, 5 This also josias broke down. In the time of the Maccabees a Castle was builded on this mount, some tokens whereof are to be seen at this day. 193 THE FULLER'S MONUMENT : the which was not far from the Corner gate, Iose. 6, bell, 6 in the Northeaste. 194. THE PALM TREES, Neem. 8. whereof mention is made in Neemias, john. 12. and in Saint john's Gospel. 195 THE DOVEHOUSE, on the South end of the mount Olivet; Ios. 6, bell. 13. It was made of stone, round, lofty, and fashioned like a tower, wherein were store of doves to the number of four or five thousand. 196. THE BRIDGE OF CEDRON, Bre. 14. jul. made of stone, with one arch erected over the brook Cedron, which Helena the Emperes caused to be made in that place. 197. THE SEPULCHRE OF THE VIRGIN MARY, joan. Damasce de dormitione Deipar. which was in the valley of josaphat near unto the farm place of Gethseman, at the foot of mount Olivet wherein the body of the most holy and blessed virgin, was decently buried by the Apostles. 198. THE COMMON PLACE OF BURIAL, 4. King. 23. which was in the velley of josaphat, jerem. 26. where the common sort of people were buried. 199. THE FOUNTAIN OF SILOE, Isai. 8. 22. whereto was joined the pool of Siloe, Ne, 3. the which also is called the lower pool, lying on the west side of the valley of josophat, and springing from the root of mount Zion. The water thereof being clear, sweet, and plentiful, ran with a still and calm stream into the brook Cedron. This fountain king Hezechias repaired. In the pool of this fountain the man which was borne blind washing his eyes which Christ had anointed with clay and his spittle, jobn 9 received his sight. Broc, itin 6. josephus testifieth that Siloe, Breid. 14 jul. and all other waters which were without the city, did so fail and vanish away before the coming of Titus Caesar, pasch die. 197. that water was sold hard by them. Io. 6, bell, 11 And after his coming, they did so abound to him and his host, that they had water enough for them and for their cattle. Concerning the virtue of this water, the most diligent Surveyor of this place Saligniacus, writeth in this sort. The water of this fountain is of great price at this day, even among the Saracens themselves. For whereas naturally they be rammage and stink like Goats, Sa. t. 10. c. 1 they washing themselves and their children therein, do mitigate the evil savour thereof. The Turks also make great account thereof, for that they find by experience, that the use thereof is good for the sight of their eyes. 200 STEPHEN, Acts. 7. the Deacon, in the very flower of his youth, was stoned to death, praying to God for them that stoned him, whose garments the young man Paul kept. This man, was the first that triumphed with the palm of martyrdom. 201 THE BROOK CEDRON ; is a river on the east side of jerusalem between the same and mount Olivet, 1. King. 3. which being increased with divers springs issuing from all parts out of the mountain, Jere, 31. and pools, Ios. 8, ant. 1. et 6. bell, 13. ran through the valley of josaphat, Ezech. 47. and Gehennom with a silver stream, and so passed through the plains of the wilderness into the dead sea. On the banks of both side this river, there grew many fruitful trees: the pleasant show whereof, together with the gardens near adjoining which were watered with the crystal streams of Cedron, Broc, itin, 6. greatly delighted the eyes and minds, Sal. tom. 9 cap, 1. of such as walked by the same. King David passed over this river bore footed, 2. King. 15. bore headed, and with watery eyes, accompanied with his most trusty friends, fleeing from the face of his son Absolom. Christ also went over the same, with his disciples when he went to the garden of mount Olivet. 202 THE VALLEY OF JOSOPHAT, Ios. 6, bell. 3. the which also is called the valley of Cedron, Hieron. in loc. Heb. litt. C. and the valley of Mountains. It is a wide and deep valley between jerusalem and mount Olivet, zach. 14. compassing the city on the east part, Broc, itin. 6 sal. tom. 8. cap, 8. the which is made very fruitful by the passage of the brook Cedron. The great deepness of this valley was much filled by Titus and Adrian the Roman Emperors, 3 King. 15. casting into the same great store of earth with the ruins of the temple and city, 4 King. 23. yet it was not therewith any thing near leveled. 2 Cron. 15. 2. 9 30. In this valley, the godly and religious kings of juda, Asa Ezechias and josias, burned the Idols of the temple, and cast their ashes into the brook Cedron. This valley was the common place of burial for the whole city, joel. 3. where all the common sort of people were buried. Sal, tom. 9 c, 2. For it was the manner of the jews to bury their dead courses out of the city. And in the same place, the Turks are now buried. 203. THE VALLEY OF SILOE, Iose. 6, bell, 13. so named of the fountain of Siloe: Salig. to. 8. cap. 2. wherein the jews which at this day dwell at jerusalem, are buried. 204 THE WAY OF THE FULLER'S FIELD, 4 Kings 25. lying between the water of Siloe and the Southeaste corner of the city. Isai. 7. 36. Here the Prophet Isaias foretell king Achaz, that Christ should be borne of a virgin. 205 THE WAY OF THE CAPTIVITY . joan. Pasc. in pereg. s. die. 190. 193. 194. 197. 200. et 207. These small pricks traced forth in length (as you see) do demonstrate the way, by which Christ was led captive for the redemption of mankind. For being come into the garden of mount Olivet to pray after his last supper in the parlour of mount Zion, and having offered to GOD his Father the holy sacrifice of prayers, Isai. 53. returning from thence he met with his enemies which came to take him, jere. 11. to whom he yielded himself. Who had scarce gone forty steps from the place where he prayed, but the soldiers which were sent from the high priests and rulers of the people, laid hands on him, took him, and bound him. From whence he was presently carried as a meek Lamb by those ravening wolves, armed with weapons, Psal. 109. over the brook Cedron, to the house of ANNA, which was distant from the place where he was taken, two thousand three hundred and sixty paces. And from hence he was carried to the Palace of CAIPHAS three hundred and thirty paces. And so afterward he was conducted by the soldiers and by the people to the palace of Pilate, which was distant from that of CAIPHAS a thousand paces. And from thence to the palace of HEROD which was distant three hundred and fifty paces. Lastly from thence again to the palace of Pilate he was carried by another way than that which he came, the distance of six hundred else which make about the length of half a mile and more. The paces whereof we speak here, contain two foot and a half. 206 THE WAY, TO ANATHOT, Broc, itin 6. to Bethel, and to the wilderness. 207 THE WAY TO JERICO, and to ENGADDI, Luke 10. of the which there is mention made in some of the Evangelists. Mar, 11. 208. HERE THE THREE APOSTLES, Mar. 14. Peter, james, and john, Luke 22. sat while Christ prayed in the Garden, being about a stones cast from the self same place. 209 HERE the other eight Apostles tarried being distant about a quarter of a mile from the other three places. Mat, 26. 210. HERE CHRIST, Mat, 26. to make us free, was betrayed with a kiss by the Traitor judas, Mar. 14. and was bound with hard and strait bands (as if he had been an evil doer) by the jews, whom he beat down backward to the ground by the word of his mouth. Luk. 22. There Simon Peter moved suddenly with great fervency, john. 18. struck the servant of the high Priest whose name was Malchus, and cut off his right ear: which christ immediately restored again. But the rest of the Apostles being afeard left the Lord and fled. 211. IN this place of mount Olivet right over against the temple near to a certain water, Mat. 23, et. 25. Christ sat with his disciples, Mar. 13. making a long sermon concerning the destruction of jerusalem, Luk. 21. the afflictions of the godly to come, the coming of false prophets, the signs of the end of the world, and concerning the manner of the last judgement. In the which place, there was afterward builded a temple which is now desolate. 212. THIS WAY Christ came to jerusalem, Mat. 21. sitting upon the Ass' colt, Mar. 11. waited on with a great company of men, Luk. 19 some going before, john. 12. and othersome following after him: where unto also a great number which came out of the city joined themselves. So that he seemed to be received of all men with so great favour, that many spraed their clothes in the way, some cutting down the bows of palms, olives, and other trees, to honour him there withal, strewed them in the way. And the voices of such as rejoiced was heard in every place as he went resounding with these cries, hosanna in the highest, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. With this pomp and triumph the true king and humble triumpher, entered in at the golden gate, and road about the temple, and the greatest part of the city. With this new spectacle, the whole city was moved saying, Who is this? The multitude which followed him answered, This is jesus the Prophet of Nazareth a City of Galilee. Then the cry of those that rejoiced and were glad increased more and more, and men and women, young and old, yea which is wonderful) the very infants, which came from all parts, cried out together, hosanna to the son of David, Blessed be the king of Israel, which cometh a king in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the kingdom that cometh in the name of him, that is Lord of our father David: peace in Heaven, and glory in the highest, Osanna in the highest. With these joyful voices and cries, they proclaiming their Messiah, followed him even into the Temple. Where this new king happily beginning his kingdom, presently healed the blind and the lame. In the mean time the wicked and envious pharisees, the chief priests and Scribes, do fret and fume, who seeing the great marvels which he did, and the children crying in the temple, hosanna to the son of David, said among themselves, Do ye not see how we profit nothing? Behold the whole world goeth forth after him. Psal. 8. Whereupon they begin with jesus himself saying, Master, dost thou hear what these say? Rebuke thy Disciples. To whom he showing that this was long before prophesied of by the Prophet, answereth, Why should they not? Have ye not read, Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise? I say unto you if these hold their peace, the stones shall presently cry. THE PLACES ON THE SOUTH PART OF THE CITY. 213. ABACUC. Dan. 14. Here the Angel of the Lord taketh up the prophet Abacuc by the hair of the head, Breid. 14. Iul, as he was carrying to the reapers in the field their dinner, and carried him with the same meat into Babylon to feed Daniel, Salig. t. 10. cap. 2. being shut up in the lions den. Who being fed, he brought Abacuc hither again. 214 ACELDEMA, or Haceldemach, Zach. 11. that is to say the field of blood. Mat. 27. It was a potter's field situate at the South part of mount Zion having behind it a hill of the same name. Act. 1. This field, Niceph. 8. by the counsel of the jews, Hist ec. 13. was bought with the thirty pieces of silver for the which judas sold Christ, Broc. itin. 6 that it might serve to bury strangers in, Breid. 14 jul. the middle part whereof the Empress Helen caused to be enclosed with a four square wall in length seventy and two foot, and in breadth fifty. Salig. tom, 6 cap, 5, et, t. 10, cap, 1. And the same to be covered over with a roof having seven loop holes by which the dead bodies of Christians might be let down. Pas. d. 197. The virtue of this earth is reported to be wonderful, and almost incredible, to wit, that it bringeth and consumeth into dust, the bodies of the dead men within the space of twenty four hours, leaving nothing but the bones. 215 THE FULLER'S FIELD, 4 King: 18. which lay all along at the South end of the city, Isai. 7. 36. even from the valley of Siloe east ward unto mount Gihen, towards the west and between the wall of the city and the water. In this field the Fuller's did scour their clothes in the brook next adjoining, and did set them on tainters, and so dry them. 216. THE DEN, OR CAVE, of james the less, wherein he is said to have hid himself by the space of three days, Hie. to. 1. in cattle, scrpt. Eccle. having vowed not to eat bread until Christ was risen again. For the which cause the Lord appeared to him a part, 1 Cor, 15. after his resurrection. 217 THE CAVE OF PETER THE APOSTLE, Breid, 18, jul. wherein after he had denied the Lord thrice, he repent him and mourned with many tears. 218 THE TENTS OF THE ASSYRIANS, of whom for a revenge of their blasphemy, the most strong to the number of 185000 in the very first night of the besieging jerusalem, 4. King. 18. 19 were slain by the Angel of the Lord, 2 Cron, 32. and (as Augustine reporteth) their bodies were brought into dust, August, t. 10 ad fratres in ere serm. 25. that they might not infect the air: their garments, armour and weapons notwithstanding remaining whole and sound, that the people of jerusalem might have the spoil. 219 THE HOUSE OF ELIAS, Breid. 14. jul. wherein it is said that the prophet Elias sometime dwelled. Where afterward also a Church was builded. 220. THE MOUNTAIN EROGE, otherwise called the South Mountain, josu. 15, 18 being very high and lofty, 4 King. 15. bowing a little toward the west. 2 Cron. 26 Concerning this mountain this is worthy to be noted; Amos 1. That, when Ozias king of juda presumed to put on him the priest's attire, zach. 14. entered into the sanctuary of the Temple, Ios. 9, an. 11 and offered upon the golden altar, the incense of sweet savour unto God: by and by there came a great earthquake, Adam Reisne rus et joan. Herdenus in descrip. urbis Hiero sol, lib. 7. c, 2. (whereof also Amos and zacharias the Prophets make mention) whereby the upper part of the Temple was shaken, and this mountain cleft in the mids, with so great and terrible violence, that one part thereof falling and tumbling down was rolled and carried by the space of four furlongs even right over against the East mountain (which is called the mount of offence) where at the length it stayed. King Ozias himself in the mean time, blasted and terrified with lightning, was stricken in the forehead with a Leprosy. For the which cause he being presently cast out of the Temple and City, languished all his life long, and was shut up in his house and separated even till the day of his death. 221. A FOUNTAIN . Mat, 2. At this Fountain, the Star, which vanished away when the three wise men, Breid. 14. jul. which came from the East, were entered jerusalem, Sal, tom. 10 c, 2. appeared unto them again: and led them unto Bethlehem. 222. THE CAVE OF the Prophet jeremy: Lamen. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. wherein he sitting with a grieved and sorrowful mind, wept, mourned, Necep. 8. Hist, ec. 30. and bewailed the destruction of jerusalem, with sobs and sighs. Where Helena, the Empress (as Nicephorus testifieth) builded a notable monument. 223 ISAIAS . Argum. in Isaiam. Here that notable Prophet Isai, when he prophesied in jerusalem about threescore and ten years, Hierom tradit. Heb. iu. c. 2. Pa, 33. Broc. itin, 6. Breid. 14. jul. by the commandment of king Manasses, was split through the body with a saw, and was buried under an Oak, whose sepulture is to be seen at this day. 224 THE CAVES OF THE APOSTLES . There are many Caves, wherein eight of the Apostles (as it is reported) hide themselves, during the time of the Lords passion. 225 THE MONUMENT ABSOLOM, 2. King. 18. is a marble pillar, jos, 7. an, 10 with an Inscription on the same, distant from jerusalem two furlongs: which Absolom being alive set up to himself for a monument in the king's valley: where there is as yet to be seen a great heap of stones, which daily is increased more and more. For the Pagans and strangers passing by that way, use this for a custom, that every man cast a stone at the pillar, and challenging as it were, according to the law, Breid, 14. jul. his rebellion against his father David, they curse him with this malediction, Cursed be the Parricide Absalon, and accursed be all they for ever, which unjustly do persecute their parents. Pas. d. 191. 226 THE RIVER OF THE UPPER FOUNTAIN, situate on the South part of mount Zion (which Hieron calleth the Fuller's fountain) the which the noble king Ezechias repaired with the conduct thereof also. 4. King, 18. This he choked with earth, 2 Cron. 32. at what time the Assyrians besieged jerusalem. Isai. 7. 36. Hier. in loc. Heb. lit. T. 227 THE SEPULCHRE OF ZACHARIAS, the son of Barachias, whom the jews slew between the temple and the altar. THE PLACES ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE CITY. 228. BAALPARASIM, is a field in the valley of Raphaim, wherein David the king, 2 King. 5. at the first time, overthrew the Philistians, 1 Cron. 14. and buried their Gods which he found in their tents. 229. HEROD'S TENTS, Iose. 14. antony's 24. et 1., bell 12. which as josephus witnesseth, he pitched on the west part of the city. 230. THE FOUNTAIN GIHEN THE LOWER, 2 Cro. 33 which sprang up in the end of the fullers field, Broc. itin. 6. the waters whereof Ezechias brought unto the upper ountaine. 231. THE FOUNTAIN GIHEN the higher, 4. King 20. springing from the mount Gihen, 2 Cron. 32. which afterwards Ezechias stopped up, Eccle. 48. and cutting deeper into the rock, he brought the waters thereof unto the west part of the city of David, Broc. itin, 6, by conduct pipes under the earth, by which he brought it through the midst of the city, into the innermost fountain, least when the city should be besieged the people might want water. 232. JUDAS, Mat. 27. who of an Apostle being become a traitor, hung himself upon a wild fig tree: Acts. 1. And being hanged burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. 233. THE MOUNT OF CALVARIE, jere. 31. a rocky mountain of mean height, Mat, 27. called in the Hebrew tongue Golgatha; Mar. 15. which was next to the Northwest part of the city. Luke 23. In the which place offenders condemned in open judgement, john. 19 were put to death. Where at all times, 2 Cor. 5. a man might see the bones and bowels of men hanged, or otherwise put to death. Here, Christ jesus our saviour, which knew no sin, became (as the Apostle saith) sin for us, that is to say, was made a sacrifice for our sins, and as if he had been an evil doer was hanged between two thieves, and for our salvation crucified. So that now mount Calvary, which aforetime was a place most infamous, by the passion and blood of Christ, is now made famous and honourable. 234. MOUNT GIHEN, Broc, itin. 6 sal. tom. 6. cap. 5. a mountain full of stones, high and long, which running along by the West part of the Cytty, growing less and less towards the gate of judgement, is severed from the City by a deep valley. In this mountain, at the commandment of David, 3. King. 1. Solomon was anointed king, by Sadoc the chief priest, and by Nathan the prophet with the holy oil. To whom immediately all the people cried, God save king Solomon. 235 THE MONUMENT of Anani the chief priest, of which josephus maketh mention, in his sixth book, and thirteenth chapter of the jews war. 236 THE PEAR TREES of the valley Raphaim, 2. King. 5. the which josephus calleth the wood of weeping, 1 Cron. 14. near unto the which David assisted by God from Heaven, gave a second overthrow to the Philistines, pursuing them a great way. 237 THE SEPULCHRE OF CHRIST, Isai. 11. was a new Monument, Mar. 25. eight foot long, distant from Mount Caluarie, Mat. 1. 6 one hundred and eight foot, and from mount Zion about a mile: which joseph of Arimathea, a noble Senator, Luke 23. had hewn out in the rock for himself, john. 19 in the Garden near unto mount Caluarie. In the which Sepulchre he together with Nichodemus, Nicep. 8. and the virgin Mary, Hist ec. 30. with other godly women, buried the body of jesus, Beda in Mar ca 16. being with the consent of Pilate taken from the cross, Broc. itin, 6. and then trimmed with myrrh and Aloes, Breid. 12 jul. and wrapped in a fine linen cloth, was put honorably into the same, the head laid toward the west: And rolling a stone of exceeding weight to the mouth of the monument, Sal, tom. 7 cap, 3. et 6. he went his way. But in the mean time, the chief priests and pharisees, going about to hinder the resurrection of Christ taking unto them a strong guard of soldiers, watched the sepulchre, and sealed the stone which shut up the mouth of the sepulchre, lest the keepers and watchmen being corrupted with money should deal deceitfully. But this diligence of the jews, by which they went about to hold Christ in the grave from rising again, increased the miracle, and confirmed the faith of the Resurrection. Mar, 16. And there he first of all appeared to Mary Magdalen, john 20. at the monument as she was weeping, in the likeness of a Gardener. 238. A WOOD, near unto the city, as is to be gathered by josephus in his sixth book and fourteen chapter of the jews war. 239 THE BROOK, OR RIVER GIHEN, 2 Cron. 32. at the south-west corner of the city: which king Achas had begun to bring from the lower fountain Gihen into the upper fountain: the which king Ezechias at the last finished. 240 THE VALLE OF DEAD CARCASES, jere. 31. which lay between mount Caluarie, Lira, ibid. and the walls of jerusalem: so called, because the dead carcases, bones, & ashes, of such as were put to death or burnt on mount Caluarie were cast thereinto. 241 THE VALLEY OF THE FOUNTAIN GIHEN: 2 Cro. 33. whereof mention is made in the book of the Chronicles, Ios. 6. be, 13▪ et 15, et 18, and in josephus. 242. THE VALLEY Raphaim, 2. Kin. 5. 23 that is to say, of Giants. It a is valley on the west side of the city very large & great,, 1 Cro, 11. 14. which beginneth at the north part, and extendeth unto the South; Isai. 17. bringing forth most plentifully in time past excellent wheat, wine, oil, and all other fruits. In this valley David by the help of God, twice overcame the Phillistines which sought to invade him with a great army. 243. THE WAYS TO BETHLEHEM, Emaus, to Gaza, and to joppa, Actor. 8. Broc. itin. 6 which Solomon made with flint and stone, even as he did other ways, which led to jerusalem, both to make the passage more easy, and also to show forth the magnificence of his kingdom in this point. 244. THE WAY TO SILOE, and to Gabaon, whereof Brocardus in his sixth book of his travail maketh mention. 245. HERE CHRIST fell again; Pas. d. 10. as according to the tradition of the fathers of old. 246. HERE JESUS turning himself about to the women that mourned and wept, Luke 23. said, Breid. 14 jul. ye daughters of jerusalem, Salig. tom, 8 cap, 7. weep not for me; but weep for yourselves and for your children, because the day shall come, etc. 247. HERE CHRIST FELL DOWN the third time under his cross: Breid. 13. Iul, as the fathers of old time have affirmed. Pas. d. 181, et 212. 248 HERE CHRIST WAS STRIPPED OUT OF HIS GARMENTS; Psal, 38, et 68 whose body being all to torn with whips, Isai. 63. could not but be very soar, whereunto his bloody garments cleaving gave new occasion of pain, Mat. 27. when they were violently pulled off. Mar. 15. And standing there naked all the while that the cross was a preparing, Breid, 12. in the could & wind, he sat down at the length upon a stone, where he drank wine mixed with gall & myrrh. 249 HERE CHRIST BEING LAID ON HIS BACK ON THE CROSS, Psalm. 21. and stretched out upon the same, zach. 13. his hands and feet was nailed thereunto with Iron nails: john. 20. and his tender members were with such force strained and racked upon the cross, Salig. to. 7. cap. 4. that the very arteries and sinews were loosened, Pas, d. 214. and all his bones might be told. 250 THIS IS the most notable and memorable place of the whole world, Mat. 27. even the clift of the Rock of mount Caluarie, Mar. 15. wherein the Cross bearing the body of Christ, Luk. 23. was fastened about high noon of the feast day of Passover. john. 19 Upon the top of which cross, a white table was fastened, expressing the cause of his death, written with Pilat's own hand in these words of Hebrew, Greek and Latin. JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS Further it is to be remembered, Math. 27. that the jews did in such manner erect and set Christ upon his cross, Mar. 15. that his back parts might be toward jerusalem, and his face towards the west. For they deemed him unworthy to have his face toward the holy city. Luk. 23. But we must think, that this was not done altogether by fortune, or without a mystery: but rather by the singular dispensation of God, his miseries seem to be no false prophets of our felicity, john. 19 by this means, and by this deed forewarning them of that which the Prophet jeremy had prophesied should come to pass, saying I will scatter them with an East wind before the enemy, Beda in Luc, cap, 23 I will show them the back and not the face, Breid. 12. in the day of their destruction. jul. For as saint Hierom saith, seeing they are dispersed throughout the whole world, and do call upon God night and day in the synagogues of Satan, Salig. to, 7. cap, 5. God showeth unto them his back, and not his face that they may know that he is always going from them, Jere, 18. and not coming towards them: Hieron. in Jere, cap, 18 And that even in the day of their destruction, that is to say, during all the time after the passion of our saviour, Psal. 58. unto the very end of the world: Isai. 10. that when the fullness of the Gentiles is come in,, the remnant of the people of Israel may be converted at the last, Rom. 9 and. 11. and be saved. And I verily conjecture that by this their cruelty, they were foretellers of our felicity. For in that they did set the most sweet and amiable face of our saviour toward the west, it seemeth unto me to note no other thing, but the very same which the kingly Prophet long before had told should come to pass saying, His eyes behold the gentiles. For he having the eyes of his mercy opened and fixed upon us, Psal. 65. from the time of his passion, will not cease to look upon us with a favourable countenance even unto the end of the world. Therefore, Christ being on this manner hanged on the cross, three hours naked, bloody, wounded, crowned with thorns, did hang between two thieves in most grievous torments, partaker with them of the pain and punishment, as if he had been a companion with them in their wickedness: The which thing the prophet Isaias foreshowed should come to pass, saying, He was reputed among the wicked. Whom in the mean time, the jews, the high priests, together with the Scribes and elders of the people passing by, yea the common soldiers also, and the thief that was crucified with him, in steed of consolation, which belongeth to all that are afflicted, in most reproachful manner scorned him, shaking their heads, and saying, Thou which destroyest the temple of God, and buildest the same again in three days, save thyself: if thou be'st the son of God, come down from the cross, He saved others, himself he cannot save If he be Christ the king of Israel, let him come down now from the cross; and we will believe him. He trusted in God, Let him deliver him now, if he will have him. For he said I am the son of God. jesus most patiently suffering all these things more bitter than the cross, was so far from revenging them that he prayed for them that mocked him saying, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. And to the other of the thieves requiring mercy he promised Paradise, saying, Verily I say unto thee, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. And then beholding his well beloved mother, and the disciples also whom he loved, and commending a virgin to a virgin, said unto his mother, Behold thy son. And then he said to his disciple, Behold thy mother: who from that hour forward took her for his own. While these things thus proceeded, the sun abashed at those passions which the creator of all the world suffered on the cross, as it were mourning hid his face: and was darkened from the sixth hour, (at what time it shineth in greatest glory) until the ninth hour. Then jesus complaining that he is forsaken of his father, cried out with a strong voice saying, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? This done, to the end all things that were spoken of by the prophets, might be fulfilled, he said, I thirst. Strait way one running, Psalms, 68 as though he would do him some good, when he had taken a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, he put it upon a reed and gave him to drink. jesus wonderfully thirsted for the salvation of men: but the jews offered him nothing but gall and vinegar. And so soon as jesus had tasted the vinegar, he said, It is finished, giving thereby to understand, Heb, 5. that the sacrifice was truly ended according to the will of his father. And once again crying out with a loud voice and with shedding of tears, he saith, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit: And so bowing down his head (a man of flourishing age) he yielded up his breath, the ninth hour of the five and twentieth day of March, and in the three & thirtieth year of his age and three months. But in the year from his Incarnation, the thirty and four. By this sacrifice, the most high and everlasting priest inflamed with most singular and unspeakable love, offered himself a sacrifice and a peace offering to God his father, and by his death destroyed death, overcame Satan, broke a sunder hell gates, restored life, and opened unto all believers, the everlasting kingdom of heaven. For this cause, the fathers of old time, engraved in silver these words of the psalm in Greek, and set it in the circumference of the hole which was made on the top of mount Calvary, and wherein the cross of Christ was fastened, but now they are engraven in copper thus. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is to say, Here God our King before worlds wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. The which one and only bloody sacrifice most truly and lawfully made, Pas. d, 223. et, 224. he would not by and by so soon as he was dead be taken from the cross, but even as when he was alive, so when he was dead, by the space of three hours he hung as a spectacle to all men: and as he spared no one member from torment so his will was to shed all his blood, even to the very last drop of his most precious heart, and to open the fountain for the washing away of our sins, Zach. 13. the which we may use to our endless comfort. Isai. 12. Therefore one of the soldiers perceiving and opening his side and heart, Zach. 12. presently there issued forth blood and water as from a most lively springe, to the sanctifying and salvation of his Church. In the mean season all things gave testimony to their Lord and makers death. The vail of the Temple rent asunder in two parts: the earth was shaken and quaked, the graves opened, the dead bodies of men arose again, and the stoanie rocks, (to the shame and reproach of the jews for the hardness of their hearts) clave a sunder & burst in pieces. 251 HERE the blessed virgin Marie, john. 19 accompanied with john, Luk. 2. with Marie Magdalen, & with other women, stood with a firm mind and constant faith, Breid. 12. where according to the prophesy of Simeon, jul. Salig. to, 7. cap. 5. the sword of sorrow pierced her soul. Pas. d. 225. 252 HERE the soldiers which crucified Christ, parted his garments among them and cast lots for his seameles coat who should have it, john. 19 that the saying of the prophet might be fulfilled, Psal. 21. They parted my garments among them, and for my Vesture they did cast lots. 253. HERE the dead Corpses of Christ, being taken down from the Cross, Breid. 12. was delivered to the blessed virgin Marie to be buried. 254 HERE Christ meeteth with the women, Math. 28. which returned from his Sepulchre toward jerusalem, and saluteth them, who embracing and kissing his feet woorshiped him. 255 HERE Christ in the form of a stranger, Luk. 24. went with the two disciples toward Emaus: Mar. 16. and in the way as they went together, he interpreted Moses, and the Scriptures of all the prophets, which he proved to be fulfilled in him. THE PLACES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE CITY. 256. THE tents of the Chaldaeans. On this North part of the city, 4 King. 25. Nabuchodonozer king of Babylon, and the Chaldaeans, jere 1, 39, & 52. scaled the walls of jerusalem, and won it. 257 THE TENTS of the Romans', the which were pitched between the Woman's towers, Ios. bell, 2. 3, 5, 6. 7, 8 9, 10 et 7. bell 1, 2. 4. 9 10, 15, 16. and the tower PSEPHINA. On this part, although enclosed and fortified with a triple wall, Titus and the Romans assailed jerusalem. For on this part only, the city was sauteable. And albeit the other parts were compassed round about with one single wall only, yet the same being very strong, and set upon stony and cragged rocks, and having also deep valleys or trenches Impassable, were inexpugnable. Therefore they began to scale the first wall, which was the outermost and third wall of the city. After that they took in hand the second wall: And then the third wall of the city, which wall also called the old wall. Next they took the castle Antonia: And so the temple, which was fortified like a castle and last of all they entered mount Zion, of all the rest, Wtl, Tyr, bell sac. lib, 8, cap 5 et 18, the most strong. At what time also the Christians took this city in hand to win it, they began their enterprise on this part, anong whom Godfrey of Bullion was the first that entered the wall, near unto the gate of Ephraim, whose soldiers following the assault like men, opened immediately the said gate, and so won the city. The which also the Saracens besieging on the same part, won from the Christians. 258 THE HILL GAREE, Jere, 31. the which was near to jerusalem one the north. 259 EREBINTH was a little village on the north. Ios. 6. be, 13 260. GARDENS AND FEARMES, Ios. 6, be. 2. 4. 7. enclosed with walls and hedges: where Titus taking a view of the city was in danger. 261 THE SEPULCHRE of Helen Queen of the Adiabens (who victualed jerusalem in the time of the famine with wheat) the which she most sumptuously builded with three pinnacles, Iose. 20. antony's 2. 3. et 6. bell 2. 5. 6. about three furlongs distant from the city. Euseb. 2. hist eccl, 12 Wherein she was buried with her son Isates: Hie. to. 1. epist. 23. ad Eustoch. the which also was standing in the time of Eusebius and Hierom. 262 THE NORTH MOUNTAIN, jos, 6. be. 13 where Pompey pitched his tents. 263 THE MONUMENT of Herod Agrippa: Act. 12. who for his intolerable pride being stricken by the angel of the Lord, Ios. 19, ant. 8. et 6, bell, 4. 13. and consumed of worms, died. 264. SAPHA, in Greek called Scopos, that is to say, A place of espial, situate toward the north, distant from the city about seven furlongs. jos, 11. ant, 8. et 2. bell. 24. et 6. bell 3. 4. It was so named, because from thence both the city and temple might be seen. Here jaddus the chief Priest, and the rest of the priests, in their priestly attire, and all the people clad in white garments, went forth to meet Alexander the great, king of the Macedonians, when he came with his army to destroy jerusalem. Whom when Alexander saw by and by suppressing his fury, in humble sort worshipped the name of God, which shined in golden letters in the Reasonable of the high priest, and gave reverence to the high priest. Then entering into the City and Temple, he offered sacrifice to God, and granted great privileges unto the jews. 265. THE FRVITEFULL WOOD, Ios. 6, bell, 4. et 7, which Titus caused to be cut down. 266 THE LAKE OF SERPENTS, Ios. 6. bell, 4. which in old time was called Bethara. 267. THE WAY, Broc. itin, 6, by which men went into Samaria and Galilee. 268. THE VILLAGE near to jerusalem, Neem. 3. whereof Neemia maketh mention. THese (Christian Reader) are the most notable and famous places of the City and Temple of jerusalem. By the placing whereof, the situation of the rest may easily be known. Therefore if we have made a true description, let the praise be given to God, the giver of all good gifts. But if otherwise there be any defect, impute that to my want of skill, and not to my ill will: who for that I was not able to give towards the furnishing of the Temple, gold, silver, or precious stones, have notwithstanding offered a little oil to lighten the Church; trusting that the same will be acceptable, both to Christ, who allowed the two mites which the poor Widow offered: & also to those that be good Christians, whom it becometh well to be like unto their head CHRIST. FINIS. The names of the Authors out of whose works and travels this Description of jerusalem is taken and made. THE HOLY BIBLE, of the old and new Testament. FLau josephus, a priest of the jews: who flourishing in the 70. year of Christ, exactly described the situation, the form, and the besieging of the City of jerusalem. EXemplars of the famous Doctor of the church S. Hierom, as well printed as written. Who lived in the year of Christ. 380. IAmes of Vitriac, who traveled into the Holy land, and and returning was made Bishop of Acon, who wrote a Book, concerning the Holy land, and the wonders which he saw there. He flourished in the year of our Lord. 1231. IAmes pantaleon a Frenchman, Patriarch of jerusalem, his book concerning the Holy land. Who was famous in the year of Christ, 1247. THe exact Description of jerusalem, and of the places of the holy land, made by Brocardus a monk, published at Basil by Heruage, and at Antwerp by Stelsius. Who in the year of Christ, 1283. after great search and diligent survey of that City and land, and the view of the ancient ruins thereof, described the same most carefully. THe Description of jerusalem and of the holy places, by john Mandeville Englishman, who finished his peregrination in the year of our Lord, 1322, and diligently described the same: printed at Antwerp by Nicol. Wou●er, in Anno. 1564. A Table of the City jerusalem, and a very ancient description of all the Holy land, portrayed one hundred year since and more in parchment, which john Huls procured from the Library of the College of saint Hierom at Delft in Holland. THe original of the City of Jerusalem and of the Temple in the same, described by Rodulph Langius, Anno 1476. and printed at Colen, Anno. 1517. THe Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and to mount Sinai, of Bernhard Breidenbach, Deane of the Church of Mentz, which he, accompanied with others more, finished, Anno 1483. and most diligently described the same. Adding thereunto a portraiture of the most principal places of the holy land and of his travel, which he caused a cunning painter to make upon the view of every place, whom he had in his company for that purpose: Printed at Mentz, An. 1486. A Description of the voyage to Jerusalem, published in the year 1520. by M. Gerard Kuynretorff and others. A Delineation of the City of Hierusaiem, which master john Schorrel with the help of a skilful painter drew forth by the view of the eye, sitting on mount Olivet. 1521. THe Description of Jerusalem and of the holy places, by joan. Heuterus Praetor of Delft, which he set forth in An. 1521. THe like Description was made by Bartholomew of Saligniac Knight, and professor of both laws. 1525. A Peregrination, with an exact description of Jerusalem and of the holy places, made by john Pasch Doctor of Divinity, printed at Lovane in the year, 1563. THe Histories of the Holy war, whereof there were three and twenty books, showing how in the year 1099 Jerusalem and the whole land of promise, was recovered again by the Christians, and so possessed of them 84. years by William, archbishop of Tyren, Chancellor of Jerusalem: printed at Basill in the year. 1564. Fix books of History concerning the holy war, set forth by john Herold, printed at Basil in the year, 1560 A Delineation, or Map of the City jerusalem, and of the holy places of all the land of Palestine, by Herman Broculoo, printed at utrict in the year, 1538 Bonaventur of Mirica his Description of Jerusalem, and of the holy places thereof, who made three voyages thither, and dwelled there a long time, in the years 1538. and 39 The universal Cosmography of Sebastan Munster. THe Description of the City of Jerusalem, and of Palestine, by Wolfgang Weyssenburch: Printed in the year, 1542. A Diligent Description of the places of the old & new Testament gathered out of many authors: as, out of Ptolemy, Pliny, Pomponius Mela, Strabo, Herodotus, Hieron, joseph Egesippus, Stephanus, Raphael volateran, Lyra, Bocas. And out of the morelater, as james ziegler, Wolfang Weyssenburg, and Andrue Althamer, men that herein have taken great pains: and printed at Paris. A Delineation and description of the City jerusalem, and of the land of promise, most exquisitely done by Bonaventure Broccard, in the year, 1544. A Description of jerusalem and of the places thereof, by M. Gerard joan of Leiden, in the year, 1556. A Map of the City of jerusalem, and of the whole land of promise, made by Tilmannus Stella in the year, 1557, and printed at Anwerp. A Topographical description of the City of jerusalem by Fabian Licinius a Venetian, printed at Venes in the year, 1560. A Map of jerusalem set forth by Adam Reiszner, exhibited to the Emperor Ferdinando in the year, 1559. THe way of Caluarie, written in Latin, by Laurence Surius. THe way of the Cross, from pilate's house to Mount Caluarie, published by Peter Calentine, and printed at Lovane in the year, 1561. THe itinerary of john Godscalci of Delft which he finished in the year, 1561. A Description of Jerusalem and of the places thereabout by Isbrand Godfrey, which he finished in the year, 1563. THe voyage of the noble knight, Baptist van der Muelen of Mechlin, who by word of mouth described unto me oftentimes Jerusalem, & all the places thereof, which he surveyed in the year, 1567. THe Description of the old and new Jerusalem, made by Peter Lackstein, and painted in a map by Christian Sgrothen in the year, 1570. A Topographical delineation of the City of Jerusalem made by Antony de Angelis a minorite, who dwelled a long time at Jerusalem, set forth in the year, 1578. A Very large map the City of Jerusalem, and of all the holy land, drawn in parchment with the hand of Byron a Frenchman with lively colours, & beautified with Gold, and described in the French tongue, which Map, MICHAEL EYZINGER of Austria, a most diligent historiographer, delivered unto me. THese are for the most part the chief Authors among them, which of set purpose have handled this Argument, and of whom I make special mention, I have used many, of whom I have nothing spoken: And to make mention of all such writers, which having another purpose, and have yet given me matter to write of, year to make a tedious Catalogue. A Table Alphabetical, whereby the Reader may find the principal matters contained in this book. A ABacuc, 213 Aceldema, 214 Anani his monument, 235 Annas his house, 8 amphitheatre, 28 Antonia his Castle, 29 Ark of the Covenant, 76 Altar of Incense, 80 Altar of burnt offering, 87 B BAalpharazim, 228 Bethania, 178 Bethphage, 179 Broad street, 150 Bridge of Cedron, 196 Bridge of Zion, 19 Bridge from the castle antonia, 63 Brook of Cedron, 201 Brook Gihen, 239 Booz and jakin, 88 Bigness of Christ his cross, 120 C CAesar and Agrippa's hall, 5 Caiphas palace, 17 Castle Antonia, 29 Castle of Antiochus, 31 Castle Pisan, 59 Castle of the Assyrians, 148 Caves, called the king's caves, 151 castle opposite, 180 Cave of james, 116 Cave of the Apostles, 224 Cave of Peter, 117 Caluarie, 233 Cave of jeremy, 222 Capheteta, 152 Cherubims, 77 Candlestick of gold, 81 Christ his cross, 120 Christ rideth to jerusalem, 211 Christ falleth down under his cross 245, 247, 121. Christ speaketh to the mourners, 246 Christ stripped out of his clothes, 248 Christ racked and nailed on the cross, 249 Christ delivered to the virgin marry, 253 Christ's garment parted by lot, 252 Christ speaketh to the women after his resurrection, 254 Christ talketh with his two Disciples going to Emaus 255 The court, 35 Court of Records, 30 Corner parlour, 33 Corner stone, 153 Court of Herod's palace, 138 Conduct, or fountain, 128 Closets, 91 Common place of burial, 198 Cypress trees, 7 D Dial of Achas, 103 Dovehouse, 195 E ESsens gate, 66 Eagle of gold, 101 Erebynth a village, 259 F The Fountain of Zion, 18 Fountain the innermost, 60 Fountain old, 62 Fountain in the temple, 82 Fountain, 128, 221 Fountain dragon, 184 Fountain of Silo, 199 Fountain Gihen the lower, 230 Fountain Gihen the higher, 231 Fruitful wood, 265 Fuller's field, 115 Fig tree withered, 183 G The Garden belonging to the king, 15 and 188 Gardens enclosed, 260 Garden on mount Olivet, 187 Garments of Christ parted by lot, 252 Gates of Zion, 20 Gate, called the upper gate, 21 Gate of Warders, 64 Gate called the horse gate, 65 Gate belonging to the Essenes', 66 Gate the first, 67 Gate, called the new gate, 93 Gate called the middle gate. 137 Gate called holy gate, 94 North Gate, 104 Gate South, 105 Gate in the West. 106 Gate of the corner, 154 Golden Gate, 155 Gate of Ephraim, 156 Gate called the water gate, 157 Gate Genath, 158 Gate of the king's garden, 159 Gate of the high priests palace, 160 Gate called the fish gate, 161 Gate called the dung gate, 162 Gate of women's towers, 163 Gate called the Valley gate, 164 Gate called the old gate, 165 Grove of Moloch, 189 H The House of Annas, 8 House of the Worthies, 9 House of the Virgin Mary, 10 House of Vria, 11 House of Ananias, 36 House of S. Anne, 37 House of the rich glutton, 38 House of Mesa, 39 Houses of the Nathinaeans, 40 House of the prince of Phariseiss 41 House of the forest of Lybanus, 42 House of Simon the pharisei, 43 House of the common people, 44 Houses of the priests, 49 Houses of the target bearers, 50 House of counsel, 90 House of Mary the mother of john, 126 House of Olda the prophetess, 127 House of Elias, 219 Hill Garee, 258 Hole where the cross stood, 250 Hill which is little, 182 Herod's park, 143 Hospital, 144 Holy place, 79 Holy of holiest, 75 I The I'll of the jews, 86 Isle of the Gentiles, 100 Isaias martyred, 223 judas hanged on a tree, 232 L The lists or tyltyard, 51 Laver of brass, 89 Lofts of the singers, 97 Lake, 131 Lake Amigdalon, 125 Lake of Serpents, 266 M The MArketplace, 12, 45, 46, 47, 69, 129 Mary and john behold Christ as he passeth by with his cross, 122 melo, 16 Moloch his Grove, 189 Mount Zion, 3 Mount Moria, 52 Mountain Bezetha, 147 Mount of offence, 190, 192 Mount olivet, 191 Mountain Eroge, 220 Mount of Calvary, 233 Mount Gihen, 234 Mountain in the north part, 262 Monument of Alexander, 133 Monument of john, 134 Monument of the Fuller, 193 Monument of Absolom, 225 Monument of Anani, 235 Monument of Herod, 263 N The NOrth mountain, 262 North gate, 104 New City, 146 O The Ophel, 54 Olivet, 191 P PArlour of Zion, 6 Parlour in the corner, 33 Palace of Caiphas, 17 Palace of the Maccabees, 55 Palace of Pilate, 56 Palace of the Queen, 57 Palace of Solomon, 58 Palace of Queen Bernice, 70 Palace of Grapte, 71 Palace of Helen. 72 Palace of Herod, 136 Palace of Monobaz, 73 Passage of the temple from salomon's palace, 113 Palm trees, 194 Pear trees, 236 Place of zacharias death being slain, 98 Place where the jews would have stoned Christ, 99 Place where the woman taken in adultery, was absolved, 109 Places of Christ's fall, 121 Place where the three Apostles sat, while Christ prayed, 208 Place where the 8. Apost. tarried, 209 Place where judas betrayed Christ with a kiss, 210 Place where Christ preached of the destruction of Jerusalem, 211 Place where Mary with others stood at Christ his death, 251 Porch of pillars, 68 Porch of the temple, 95 Prison, called the king's prison, 4 Prison common, belonging to the city, 32 Pool, called Probatica, 61 Priest, called the high priest, 84 Propitiatory, or mercy seat, 78 R The REchabites habitation, 130 Rock of the West Wall, 166 River of the upper fountain, 226 S The SApha, 264 Zion. 3.26, 27 Sepulchre of David, 22 Sepulchre of Stephen, 23 Sepulchre of Christ, 237 Sepulchre of Helen, 261 Sepulchre of the virgin Mary, 197 Of zacharias, 227 Stairs of the castle, 13 Stairs of Zion. 14 School of Gentility, 48 Sea of brass, 92 Seat appertaining to the king, 96 Singers seats aloft, 97 solomon's throne, 112 Simon of Cyren, beareth the cross, 132 Second city, 124 Stephen stoned, 200 T The TAbernacle of Zion, 24 Temple of the Lord, 74 Table of Gold, 83 Tents of the Assyrians, 218 Tents of Herod, 229 Tents of the Chaldeans, 256 Tents of the Romans, 257 Theatre, 111 Throne of Solomon, 112 Tribunal seat, 114 Towers of the trumpeters, 108 Tower Strato, 115 Tower in the middle, 132 Tower Hippic, 140 Tower Mariam, 141 Tower Phaselus 142 Tower Ananael, 167 Tower in the corner 168 Tower of David, 169 Tower called the high tower, 170 Tower called the Lantern, 171 Tower called the great tower, 172 Tower Meah, 173 Tower Psephina, 174 Tower of Siloe, 175 Treasury, 102 V The VAlley called the deep valley, 176 Valley of josaphat, 202 Valley of Siloe, 203 Valley of dead carcases, 240 Valley of the river Gihen, 241 Valley of Cedron, 116 Valley of Raphaim, 242 Vaulted cave, 34 vail of the temple rend, 85 Village near to jerusalem, 268 Vria his house, 11 W The Wine press belonging to the K, 25 Walls, first 53, 2. 135, the third, 149 Way of the cross, 117 Way of entrance for the horses, 118 water issuing forth of the temple, 177 Way of the Fuller's field, 104 Way of the captivity, 205 Way to Anathot, 206 Way to jericho, 207 Way to Siloe, 244 and to Bethlehem, 243 Way to Samaria, and Galilee, 267 Well, 181 Whipping of the buyers and sellers, 110 A Wood, 138 Z Zacharias place where he was slain between the temple & the Altar, 98.