〈…〉 OR An Answer to the questions of a Gentlewoman (a professor in the Antichristian Church of England) about Hearing the Public Ministers: where it is largely discussed and proved to be sinful and unlawful. ALSO A Just Apology for the way of Totall Separation (Commonly but falsely called Brownisme) That it is the truth of God, though lightly esteemed in the eyes of the blind world. With A Challenge to Dispute with them publicly before King & Counsel: to prove whatsoever I said at the Pillery against them. Viz. That the Calling of them all is Jure Diabolo: Even from the Devil himself. By me JOHN LILBURNE. Close Prisoner in the Fleet for the Cause of Christ. JOHN 10. Ver. 27.5. My Sheep hear my voice. For they know not the voice of strangers. Printed in the year of hope, of ENGLAND'S purgation, & the Prelate's dissolution. ANNO 1639. The Publisher to the Reader. COURTEOUS READER: IT pleaseth the Lord in this latter age of the world to give us sundry helps, whereby the man of sin, (with all that bloody Crew) is more and more discovered: and Gods elect lead (as it were) by the hand out of Babylon. If any therefore (shutting their eyes against the light) remain notwithstanding under the yoke of Antichrist: they must make account to feel for it, the sorer and heavier wrath of God. Touching this Treatise what it is, I shall leave it to thy trial and censure, and as thou findest profit by the reading thereof, so bless God for it, and be ready to communicate the good which thou receivest, unto the profit of others. Farewell and pray for me. Who is thy truly loving friend and Countryman. Always give praise to God, and let him have the glory of all. KInd and Loving Christian Friend; I kindly salute you in our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ, Beseeching him, that his enlightening spirit, the Spirit of Truth, may both now and ever be with you, and remain with you, and all those that desire to serve and worship God, in all his commandments, according to his revealed will, & not according to men's precepts and devices, which is odious and abominable to him; Math. 15.9. Col. 2. Gal. 4.9.10. Esay. 66.3. But now to give an answer to that which you desire, I say, and that in the words of truth, that the thing, as it is to me expressed, is very false, and therefore I have wrong done me by them that do report it; and I would desire you to know of my respected Friend the party that told you who they are that did report it. It seems they say, that I have said, that I would as soon hear the devil, as Doctor Stoughton, or M: Walker, which thing is very false, for I never said it, nor meddled with any particular persons; But yet thus much I have said, and still do affirm and maintain, and will at all times be ready to make it good, and seal it with my blood: That the Prelates all of them are Limbs of the Beast, spoken of Rev. 13 2. and also, that all those Officers and Ministers, that are made by them, are all of them Antichristian; the best as well as the worst; And we have as good warrant to hear or give ear to the worst, as well as the best; For I proved in my speech, that the best of the Ministers calling is as bad as the worst of them; for they are all sent by the Prelates, Christ's professed and known enemies, and they do preach by virtue of their instituting of them, into the Office of Preisthood, unto whose power they submit and take an Oath of Canonical odedience; And this do the best among them, (as well as the worst) that take upon them a Parochial charge, for they are not sent from Christ, to preach the Gospel, or by virtue of his power, which he hath left in the bodies of his particular (not Nationall) Churches, to choose or ordain Officers to preach the Word; But by virtue of Antichrists' power and authority, from whom they have as really their calling and power given them to preach, as those Officers that were ordained and instituted in the New Testament to preach Christ's Gospel, had their power from him; and this ere long you shall see fully proved, though I be never hereafter able to set pen to paper. Some thing concerning this I said in my speech, as in it you may read, but it was but a little for the main thing and strength of my Argument, was behind, which I could not make known, by reason of the Gag; But I look and expect to come there again, or to a worse place; and by the strength and might of my God; I will, come life, come death; speak my mind freely and courageously; for I am studying to fit myself for it, and I doubt not but by the might of the Lord of Hosts, who is my strength and refuge, to read them such a Lecture, that shall make the Beast roar, and blaspheme the God of Heaven for madness, though I be hewn in pieces when I have done; For I fear neither the Devil, nor his Agents the Prelates, in this cause of my God, and the Lord hath sheltered me under the shadow of his wings, Psal. 91. under whose protection I am secure and safe from all danger and harm, for though it seize upon me, yet shall it not overcome me, therefore will I not fear what man can do unto me, for God is my salvation, I will trust, and not be afraid, for the Lord jehovah is become my salvation, Esay. 12.2. Exod. 15 2. I have in part, in a brief way, since I was whipped, declared my mind and judgement to some friends, because I did fear false reports, and I am always ready, according to the command of the Holy Ghost, to give an answer to every man that shall ask me a reason of the hope that is in me, with meekness & fear, 1 Pet 3 15. And I now desire to impart a little of my mind unto you, but for my own part I will persuade no man to believe me, nor no man whatsoever, but only to believe jesus Christ, speaking in the Scripture, it being the entire and absolute rule of Faith, and that unerring touchstone, that is able to try gold from dross, neither would I have any to take upon them the profession of that way, the truth of which I am fully convinced off; and am able to any man breathing for my judgement to give a reason, and grounded answer; But for others my advice is to them, as one wishing well to the souls of all my Fellow Brethren and Sisters, Fellow heirs of the same Kingdom with me, that they would not take up things lightly and slightly, but labour to get inward principles in their own souls. And to get a ground and bottom for their own spirits, for these things they profess and hold, that so they may not build upon the sand, but upon the unmoveable Rock, the Lord jesus Christ, that shall never be shaken, that so they may, though all the power of darkness set themselves against them, yet that they may cleave close to God, & our Saviour Christ, and the purity of his Gospel, for we must look for fanning and sifting, and for the fiery trial; therefore let us sit down and reckon, what it will cost us, and if we be not willing to lose all for his sake, yea and to hate all even Father and Mother, riches & life, etc. if they stand in our way to keep us from him, we are not worthy of him. Math. 10.37. and 16.24. Mark. 8 34. Luke 9.23.24. and 14.26.27. And for my own part, the Lord himself hath so firmly by his own enlightening Spirit so fully convinced me, and settled my soul so unmovably in his truth, that I assuredly know, that all the power in Earth, yea and the gates of Hell itself shall never be able to move me or prevail against me, for the Lord who is the worker of all my works in me and for me, hath founded and built me upon that sure & unmoveable foundation the Lord jesus Christ, and I know if ten thousand deaths for my conscience and the cause of my God, (for which with courage and rejoicing I now bear witness to, and am close prisoner in bonds, lying day and night in Fetters of Jron, both hands & legs) should be inflicted upon me, I should sing, rejoice & triumph in them all; For my God makes me glory in my tribulation, and my soul is filled so full of that sweetness and joy, that it finds in my God alone that my tongue and pen is never able to the full to express & utter it, (to his praise I desire to speak it,) and I do believe, that it is not possible for any man in any condition whatsoever (whose neck in the best doth stoop to the yoke of Antichrist) to have his heart and spirit elevated and lifted up above itself in that high degree, with spiritual joy and comfort, divine and heavenly strength and supportation that mine is, for the Holy Ghost saith, they have no rest night nor day who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name; And I do believe it to be true, as I am able to speak by my own experience; For they may have some spirit of rest and peace, and sudden Flashes of joy and comfort, but when a storm or Tempest doth arise, they are so possessed, with base and cowardly fear and distraction of spirit, that they are like men without hearts, and are ready to run into every hole, to hide their heads from the face of man, a poor worm, being ready to say (when a tempest ariseth) with them in the 6. Rev. 16.17. Let the Mountain and Rock fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand; When as on the contrary, the Righteous is as bold as a Lion, though the wicked fly when none pursueth, Prov. 28.1. & 18.10. The name of the Lord is a strong Tower, the Righteous runneth unto it and are safe. And Psal. 91. he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, and he shall be safe from the fear of all danger, as the Holy Ghost there doth declare; So that we see the fear and terror that possesseth the hearts and spirits of all those whose necks are either in part or in whole under the spiritual yoke and bondage of the Beast; And also the rest and peace, and holy security that they are in that submit alone to the Lord jesus Christ, for their spiritual Lord and King; And are willing to follow him, whersoever he goes, not loving their souls to the death, Rev. 12. but keep close and hold fast the name and faith of Christ, even where Satan hath his Throne, Rev. 2.13. for he hath said and promised unto his people that keep close to him, because thou hast kept the word of my patience; I will also keep thee from the hour of Temptation, which shall come upon all the World, to try them that dwell upon the Earth, Rev. 3.10. And this have I found by experience, since the Lord in great mercy and rich loving kindness, by his strength and power enabled me to withdraw my soul totally and finally from the greatest spiritual yoke and bondage, that ever any mortal man groaned under, namely the spiritual yoke and bondage of the Beast, or Roman State, unto which, whosoever is hated of the Lord, and doth not belong unto him, do submit & yield, Rev. 9.4. and 12.7.9. & 13.8. But the Lord from all eternity hath loved me with his everlasting love, hath delivered my soul from it, and set me at liberty, and in a large place, and hath given me rest and ease, and hath put a song of prayer and thanksgiving into my mouth, unto the Lord of glory and the Lamb that sits upon his Throne, who is blessed for ever and ever, and my God hath filled my soul so full of Heavenly matter, that had I but a current vent, I could ex tempore writ an hundred Sheets of paper to you, filled full of Heavenly expressions of the Lords goodness, faithfulness, loving kindness and Truth, for my soul is ravished with that fullness, sweetness, aimeablenesse, and beautifulness, that I find in my God; Oh that my soul were altogether with him, that I might be satisfied with his fullness, and might solace my soul face to face, which I most confidently know I shall in his due time; But, Oh I say again and again, that I were with him, for he hath crucified the World, and all things here below unto me, and hath enabled me to account and esteem all things besides himself, as dung and dirt, not being worthy of casting any affectionate eye upon them, Philip. 3.8.9. and he hath pitched my soul upon himself, as a naked and a single object, in whom alone the quintessence of delight, beauty, and satisfaction is to be had, enjoyed, and possessed, and for my shackled condition that I am in, it is most sweet and 〈…〉 I am as merry, yea more cheerful, then ever I was in any condition in my life, and can sleep as sound in my Boots and Irons, as Peter did between the two Soldiers, when he was in prison, who when the Angel of the Lord came to him, to deliver him; He was fain to smite him, before he awaked, Acts 12.6.7. And I do sing Psalms, and I am as merry as Paul and Sylas were, when they were in the Stocks, and in prison, who sung Psalms and Praises at midnight, so that the Prisoners heard them, Acts 16.24.25. for the Lord hath so strengthened me with divine power and strength, for the Lord of Hosts is my confidence; And in the Lord jehovah there is everlasting strength; And there is no torments, that the greatest Tyrant's in the World can inflict upon me, that can make me miserable, sad, or discontented, for I know all my torments make but way for a greater degree of glory, which I am confident one day I shall be possessor off, and I long with Paul to be dissolved and to be with Christ, not out of any trouble or burdensomeness, that I find or see in my present afflicted distressed condition, (according to the flesh) but to me it is sweet and joyful in the Lord, and I know when the Lord hath fully tried me, and done his good pleasure with me, and by me, I shall come out of the Furnace purified and cleansed from my dross filth and corruption, job 23. for the Lord already in part hath refined me, but not with Silver, for he hath chosen me in the furnace of affliction, Esay. 48.10. This by way of Preface or Apology for myself; And now I come to the matter. And for my own judgement, it being matter concerning the glory and praise of my God, although I know it will be very unpleasing unto the Pallets of many, yea of my near and dear friends, from whom I have received expressions of love and kindness, whose loving affection, it may be, may be turned to a distaste to my person, and my suffering, which if it be, I shall patiently bear it, for the sincerity of my heart is known unto God, who is the searcher of the heart, and the tryer of the reines, Rev. 2.23. jer. 11.20. and 17.10. And I will call him to record, and to bear witness, that the glory of his great and holy name, is the single object of all my actions, undertake, and proceed; And if I shall incur hatred therefore from my friends, I shall comfort myself with that which my saviour hath said, which is that he came not to send peace on Earth, but a sword, for I am (saith he) to set a man at variance against his Father, and the daughter against her Mother, and the daughter in Law against her Mother in Law, Math. 10.34.35. Luke and with that which Paul comforted himself with, if he could approve his heart to God, he did not care what man said of him, for saith he, do I seek, to please men, for if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ, Gal. 1.10. But now for my judgement, for my own part, if I should never hear a Sermon while I live, yet I should never dare to hear one from any man, good or bad, that is made a Minister by the Prelates, or any of their Creatures, or by virtue of any of their muddy Antichristian Laws, neither dare I have any spiritual communion with them; so long as they stand in their calling, in regard I am persuaded that he that heareth them sinneth, having no warrant out of the book of God to do it, and by undeniable consequence I will prove it, that whosoever hears them so long as they Officiat by virtue of their calling and power, which they have received from the Bishops, to preach, doth hear the Devil; for the Holy Christ saith, Rev. 13 4. the subjects of the Kingdom of the Beast worshipped the Dragon, (that is to say the Devil, which gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the Beast, saying, who is like to the Beast, who is able to war with the Beast. Now, let us not think that they did fall down to the Devil himself, and do homage to him, face to face, for we never read of any that did this, but the Holy Ghost doth here declare, that all those that stoop or yield in the least to the Laws of the Beast doth worship & serve the Devil, from whom he hath received his power. But all the Ministers do stoop unto is Laws, which none of them are able to deny, there o●e they are as really his servants and subjects, all the time they do so a they can be. And we have no ground out of the Scripture to judge better of them; As they are not the subjects and servants of Christ, that intyrely do not stoop unto his Laws and Scepte●●; For is he, or can he be said to be a subject to the King of England, that stoops, submi●ts, & yields to the Laws and Sceptre of any other King, his greatest and professedst enemy upon the Earth. No, without doubt; But they do stoop to the Laws of Antichrists' Kingdom, who is the greatest and professedst enemy that ever jesus Christ had in the World, as I will be ready to prove to the faces of the best of them in any public disputation's. Therefore they are real and truly his servants; for his servant you are to whom you obey. Now, jesus Christ saith to his Disciples, he that hears you, heareth me, and he that heareth me heareth him that sent me. So on the contrary, he that hears the Ministers, hears the Prelates that made and sent them. And he that hears the Prelates, hears the Pope, that authorised & gave them their authority; And he that hears the Pope, hears the Devil, that gave him his power; So that I say we can not partake with them in hearing, or in any administrations of Gods sacred things, but we must of necessity partake of their calling and institution, by virtue of which they officiat and administer; And that I prove from Paul's words in the first of the Cor. 10.18. Are not they which eat of the Sacrifice partakers of the Altar; Even so I say, are not they which partake of their administration, partakers of their institution? Yea without doubt or question. Now, for their institution, it is not from God (as I will maintain against them all) therefore we are not to hear them, nor in the least to partake with them or their administration. And for your better satisfaction seriously read and weigh the 10. of john: And to me it seems so clear and plain, that I do not doubt but that we are not to hear any Ministers but those that are made by virtue of the Laws and power of Christ, which he hath left to his Church, in his last will and Testament, which Laws are unalterable and unchangeable to the end of the World, Acts 1.3. 1 Tim. 6.13. 2 Tim. Heb. Math. 28.19.20. But they are not made by virtue of the Laws and power of Christ, but by the Laws and Authority of Antichrist, and therefore we are not to hear them, for saith Christ, my Sheep hear my voice, & I know them, and they follow me, and a stranger they will not follow, but will fly from him, for they know not the voice of strangers; Here you see Christ lays it down, as a sign and a mark to know his Sheep by, that they will not hear, nor give ear to false Shepherds. But so are all the Ministers, for they come not in by the door, but by a false power and Authority; namely, by the power of the man of sin, Christ's implacable enemy. Therefore it is not Lawful for any of God's people, to hear them; For when the Prelates by virtue of his power, bids them, and Authorise them to preach, they do preach; And when they command them to hold their peace, they are silent, and let their flock run at random, when as a good and true Shepherd layeth down his life for his Shepherd. Object. But many object and say, it is true, that their calling as it comes from the Prelates, is unlawful, but they have an inward calling, for they are fitted for the work of the Ministry. Answ. To which I answer and say, I read of no inward calling, that any of those Officers had, that Christ or his Apostles did institute in the New Testament, for the Apostles had their calling from Christ, and the other Officers had their calling from the Churches, where they themselves were members, and over which, by the Laws and power of Christ, they were made Officers. But if the Ministers of Antichrist have an inward calling, I desire to see it proved by the Scripture; And as for their qualifications and fitenesse for the Ministry. I deny, and say, that they are not qualified according to the command of Christ, by Paul to Timothy & Titus; And I do affirm and will maintain it, that no man ought to be Elected for the work of the Ministry, unless he have all those qualifications that is by the Holy Ghost set down in the 1 Tim. 3. and the first of Titus. Now, there is none of them, yea the best among them, that hath the qualification for a Bishop, a Pastor, or an Elder, which is all. One must not be a Novice, least being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the Devil. Also he must hold fast the faithful word as it hath been taught, that he may be able by sound Doctrine, both to exhort and convince the gainsayers; But none of them have either of these, for they are so fare from being able to convince gainsayers by sound Doctrine, that they are but novices in many things, and either wilfully or ignorantly are blind of the naked ways of God, being darkened with the smoke which came out of the bottomless pit, Rev. 8.2, and I will justify it to the faces of the best of them, that they are enemies to the Kingly Office of jesus Christ, and the right government of his Church, both in practice and in judgement; and therefore are not fit (take them at the best) to be Pastors over Christ's Sheep; Neither can any of them say as Paul did, Acts 20. That he was clear of the blood of all men, in that he ceased not to declare unto them, the whole Counsel of God, which every faithful Pastor ought to do; but none of them have done it, nor are able, for as I said before, they are ignorant, of it, and are enemies to it, as they do witness in their Pulpits, where they preach against the naked and pure ways of God, and the Professors of it, but none of them dare to enter the list of a Public set dispute. Object. I but say others they preach the Word of God, and that cannot be corrupted by their calling, but remain the Word of God still, therefore we may Lawfully hear it from them. Answ. I answet, they preach the outside of the Word, it is true, but the marrow and pith of it, they meddle but little with, for the best of them are yet ignorant of the marrow, of many choice Truths of God, for their understandings are so overspred with the Foggy Mists of the dark and black Kingdom of Antichrist, that they want spiritual eyes to see it; And behold it until the Lord in mercy if so he please to open their eyes; And what though they do preach the Word, they have no authority from God so to do, if they have, let them stand up and show it, and prove it; Not with human learning, but by the authority of the Scripture. It is true, the Devil himself preached Christ, and made a glorious confession of him, saying: I know that thou art jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Mark 1.24. This if it had come from one of Christ's own servants, it had been most acceptable, and well pleasing to him, but in regard it comes from the Devil, he will not own it, but commands him to hold his peace. It is very true, the Word of God is good and sweet, and a comfort to the souls of his servants, if it be preached by any that hath authority from Christ, we are bound to hear it; But the best of the Ministers have no authority or warrant from Christ to preach the Word, nor we to hear it from them, john. Hoses 9.4. Psal. 50.16. But to the wicked saith God, What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth. Now, look upon all of them to be such as God here speaks off, in regard of their institution and standing, being visible members of Antichrists' Kingdom; I do not, nor will not meddle with their persons, nor no man's else, but only with their sinful and wicked station and standing; Which as I am a subject to Christ's Kingdom, and a prisoner in bonds and fetters of Iron, for his cause, I am bound in conscience for to do it, judg. 5 23. Curse ye Meroz (saith the Angel of the Lord) yea curse ye bitterly the inhabitants therein, because they came not forth, to the help of the Lord against the mighty Yea the Spirit of God saith; That they are blessed and happy that takes Babel's Bats, and dash them against the stones, Psal. 137.8.9. But they are all Sons and Children of Spiritual Babel or Babylon, Rev. 11.8. and 14.8 and 18.2. Now, by virtue of their being members of his Kingdom, we have no ground or warrant out of the Word of God, to hear them, for it is impossible to be a servant and a subject both to Christ and Antichrist; But they are subjects to Antichrists' Kingdom; Therefore cannot be said truly to be subjects and servants to Christ. For is not he properly a subject to the King of Spain, that submits to his Laws, and bears Office under him, by virtue of his authority; And can such men, while they do so; be said and truly to be esteemed to be subjects to the King of England, unto whose Laws they do not submit; Without doubt they cannot. Even so can the Ministers or Priests (for so is their institution) who submit unto the Laws of Antichrist, and bear Office under him, and execute their Office by virtue of his power and Authority, and therefore are his Servants and Subjects, and cannot truly be said to be the Servants and Subjects of Christ, unto whose Laws they do not submit. Therefore we are not to hear them, or to have any thing to do with them, Rev. 18.4. 2 Cor. 6.17. Again, Mount Zion, that is to say, the Church of God is the place which God hath chosen, and hath promised his presence and blessing, Psal. and 88.17. 2 Cor. 6.16. Now, I would know where any of his people hath any warrant to seek his presence and blessing any where but where he hath promised it; But he never promised it in the visible Assemblies of Antichrists' Kingdom; Therefore we have no ground or warrant to seek it there, or come there at all; Much more concerning this I have and am able to say, but I am above measure straightened, for want of a fitting opportunity; And therefore for your further satisfaction, repair to the perusal of a little thing, called a declaration, where the people of God are to seek his presence and blessing, only in Mount Zion, the City and Church of God, Psal. 46 4. and Esay 60.14. and 62.11.12 and not in the Assemblies of Antichrist, being Cages of unclean Birds, Rev. 18 2. Esay. 13.21.22. Again, I see no ground or warrant, that any of God's people have, to have any spiritual communion with them, in regard God hath commanded his people, at all times, very strictly, that they shall have no communion with Idolaters, nor their Idols, as the whole Book of God doth declare; and I desire you to read the seventh of Deut: and there you shall see Gods strict command to that end. But the Ministers all of them are Idolaters, yea Idols themselves; Therefore we must have no communion with them. Now, that they are Jdolaters, is as clear as the Sun, that shines at noonday; And that they are Idols, I am able to prove it to their faces, For an Idol is nothing else according to the Scripture but a Creature or Creatures set a part, or instituted to worship God with or by, which he himself never ordained for that end and purpose; But such are all the Prelate's Ministers, for they were never of his ordaining or instituting, but of his greatest enemies, the Pillars of Antichrists' Kingdom, by virtue of whose power they officiate. Therefore they are Idols, whom all God's people, that are faithful Soldiers and liege Subjects, aught to be a means, and a help, to root up and pull down. Now, this definition of an Idol is not only according to the Scripture, but is given by the foundest Nonconformists themselves, as you may read in their Books, where they have strongly proved the Surplice, and the Cross in Baptism, and kneeling in the Act o● receiving the Communion; And the rest of the Prelates instituted sacred Ceremonies, as they call them, saying in their Reasons before the Common-prayer, for the retaining of some Ceremonies, and the abolishing of others, that they are apt to stir up the dull mind of man, to the remembrance of some duty to God, by some special signification, whereby he might be edi●yed. Now, if you read the Scots Dispute, which was printed at Leyden, in Holland, the last Summer, you shall there find strong reasons, to prove the Ceremonies Idols; and his main Argument is, because they are not of God's institution, but of sinful man's ordaining. Also that No●le and worthy Doctor (whom I so much honour and respect) Doctor Bastwicke in his Book, called The Vanity and Impiety of the old Lettany, doth prove it to be an Idol, yea and calls it a damnable soule-murthering jdol; And that upon the same ground, because it is not of Gods us of man's institution, without any ground or war●ant from God; and therefore is an Idol, and is to be detested as an abominable Idol. Now, what they say of the Ceremonies, and of the Service, the same I say o● the Prelates, and all the Ministers that are made by them and have their calling from the Bishops, they are Creatures set a part to worship God with or by, but were never of his instituting, or by virtue o● his power, but by man's institution, and by virtue of the power of the greatest enemy that ever jesus Christ had, or his Kingdom ever had on Earth, namely Antichrist, or the Kingdom of the Beast, Rev. 9 and and 12 And therefore they are Idols, whom so long as they stand in their places and callings under the spiritual Antichristian authority, which they all submit to and subject themselves to, I shall not dare to have any spiritual communion with them, either in public or private, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness; Or what communion hath light with darkness; And what Concord hath Christ with Beliall? Or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel? Or what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols? Surely, none at all. Wherefore come you out from among them, and be you separate, saith the Lord, and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my Sons and Daughters, saith the Lord Almighty, 2 Cor. 6.14 to the end. Esay. 62.11. jer. 51.6 7 Rev. 18.4 5. Besides this, though I am, and do respect them as men, being the Creatures of God, and do reverence them as they are privy Counselors, and Head-members of the State; though it be not suitable in the least to their false pretended spiritual calling. But as they are Bishops and Officers in the Kingdom of the Beast, my knee and submission and reverence, shall by the strength of my God, be as little to them, as Mordecay was to proud Haman, who was King Abashueros, Chief Favourite, being above all the Princes that were with him, Hest. 3.1. Y● Mordecay would not so much as bow to him, or do him any reverence, verse the 3. though it do procure me as much wrath from them, as it did Mordecay from Haman of whom the Holy Ghost saith he was full of wrath, seeing Mordecay would not reverence him, Vers. 5.6. Neither will I ever give bail to them, or part with any money, either to them or any of their Creatures, for any thing whatsoever, unless it be merely for Temporal and Earthly things, in regard I do believe it is the duty of all God's people, who desire to glorify him in their lives and conversations, and to shine as so many burning Lamps in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation, as they ought and should do; Neither to bow finger, knee, or hat unto any of them, or to do them any reverence, as they are Bishops and Chief Pillars in the Kingdom of Antichrist, for by virtue of their calling and Office, they are the deadly and implacable enemies of God, and are so many pernicious and damnable Idols (by which God is exceedingly dishonoured) set up by the Devil in the Kingdom of the Beast, Rev. 9 3 and 13.2.4. and 16.13.14. And I can prove it, that it was as Lawful for the 3 Children, to worship or bow to Nebuchadnezars' Idol, as for God's people to bow and do homage to them. And for my own part, if they require of me any such, my answer shall be to them, as the 3 Children was to the King. Dan Be it known to you Bishops and Doctors, I fear you not; or the God whom I serve and fear, is able to deliver me out of your hands, and from your Tyrannising cruelty; But if he do not, be it known unto you, Oh ye Prelates, that I will not serve you, nor worship you, nor yield nor submit in any spiritual things unto you; And if I were at liberty, I would profess those Truths of God surely without fear, which he himself hath made known unto me; And if I were at any time taken by any of their Officers, I would not go to prison with them, unless they carried me by force; Yet if it were the meanest Officer in the Kingdom that took me, that were made an Officer by virtue of the King's Authority and power, I would submit unto him, and go with him, whether he would have me, for I know the King's Authority is from God; And if I should disobey it, I should disobey God, and sin against God, and break his Command, Rom. 13. And therefore I will obey him, his Laws, and all those that bear his Authority, in all things they command or enjoin me; without any the least resistance at all, hearty from my heart, either actively or passively; for if they command me any thing that is not contrary to the Word of God, I will obey them actively; But if they command me any thing that is dishonourable to God or his Truth, I dare not in the least obey them actively, but say with the Apostle, whether it be fit to obey God or Men, judge ye, for we ought to obey God rather than Men, Acts 5.29. Yet I will submit my body to them, and suffer cheerfully, without any grudging any thing they shall inflict upon me, for I do hold it unlawful for any of God's people, in their greatest Oppression by the Magistrate, to rebel or to take up any Temporal arms against them, whether the Oppression be in Spiritual or Temporal things, but only to pray and make use of Gods two edged Sword, Heb. 4.12. Rev. 19.15. and wait upon with patience for redress and deliverance, and to seek unto him for strength, that they may willingly and courageously suffer any Terrors or Torments that they will inflict upon them, for standing close to God, and his naked Truth and cause. But to the Kingdom of the Beast, these members of which the Prelates are, will I never stoop by the might of the Lord of Hosts, nor have any spiritual communion with them, for the Lord hath expressly commanded me and all his people to have nothing to do with Idols, nor with Idolaters, 1 Cor. 10.14. 1 john 5.21. Exod. 23.32. Deut. and 12.3. Now, they are the greatest Idolaters that ever were in the world, and the most pernicious Idols, that are upon the Earth. Rev. 9.20. & cap: 17. for they have a golden Cup put in their hands, it is full of abomination & filthiness, & with it they dazzle the eyes of the world, & make it to commit close & hidden fornication, & Idolatry, which is the greatest and most dangerous Idolatry that is, for they cover their wickedness and deceivableness over with the Name of the Lamb, but for all that do the deeds of the Dragon. Rev. 13.11. john 8.44. But if they professed Idolatry openly to the eyes of the World, the people would detest them, but they do it closely and covertly, and therefore are not so easily discerned, but deceive very many, Math. 24.5. And therefore the Beasts Kingdom is called, as it is indeed, the Mystery of iniquity, 2 Thess 2.7. Now, I will maintain it, that the Kingdom of the Beast is the greatest Idol that ever was in the World, and the greatest plague that ever God sent into the World, as the Revelation of Saint john doth declare, and as appears by the expressions of the Spirit of God, in the 8. Chapter, where we may read, that when the 4. First Angels had sounded their Trumpets, mighty and horrible plagues than followed them, worse and more great were to come after, as appears by the vehement expressions and calling out of the Holy Ghost, with a loud voice, Verse the last; Saying, Woe, Woe, Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth (reitterating 3 times together) by reason of the other voices of the Trumpet of the three Angels which are yet to sound. For why the fifth Angel in the first Verse of the next Chapter sounded, then followed a mighty & horrible plague to all the inhabitants of the world; The like whereof was never heard off before, and that is the smoke that came out of the bottomless pit, which was that horrible darkness, and spiritual blindness and sottish ignorance that seized upon the World, dureing the time of the Beasts Kingdom, which was so great, that the visible face of a Church of Christ could not be found upon the Earth, for the heavens departed as a scroll together, Rev. 6.14. And out of this smoke or darkness came the Locusts the beasts officers or Clergy, which are a multitude in number, there being in the Kingdom of Antichrist at this day above an hundred several Officers; Whereas in the Kingdom of Christ there is but 5. Namely, Pastor, Teacher, Elder, Deacon, and Widow, Rom. 12.7.1. Ephes. 4.11. Phil. 1.1. 1 Tim. 3.1.2. and 5. Titus 1.5.7. Again, the Spirit of God pronounceth another woe to the inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea, for the Devil is turned down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time, the like expression we read not of in the whole Book of God, nor that there were any such plagues since the beginning of the World; As those were which came along with the Kingdom of the Roman Beast, as the Stories of all ages, since his beginning, is able to witness and prove, for men worshipped the Devil, and committed such horrible wickedness, for which God sent such mighty plagues upon them, as the like before was never heard off before in the world, as the whole Book of the Revelation doth witness; Therefore of all Idols that ever were in the World, God's people have most cause of all to detest, abhor, and abominate the Idolaters and the Idols in the Kingdom of the Beast, & whosoever the Lord loves he will deliver from them, Rev. 20.4. But those that are his enemies, and hated of him, shall continue in subjection to it Rev 9.4. and 13.8. and and 19.20. Pro. 2.18.19. and 5.5. and 7.27. and 9.18. Now, the time of the reign and durance of the Kingdom of the Beast, in the 11. Rev. 2. is said to be 42 months; and in the 12. Rev. 14. it is called a time times and half a time, which is three years and a half; And in the first Verse of this Chapter, it is termed to be 1260 days, which is just 42 months, reckoning 30 days to every month, and it makes also three years and a half, accounting 12 Months to every year; and this is the time of the Reign of the Beast, or the durance of Antichrists' Kingdom; Which if we reckon each day for a year, as the Lord himself in Scripture doth, as we may read when the Spies that went from the Tents of Israel, at the Lords command, to search the Land of Canaan, which they were a doing 40 days; And at their return they gave out an evil report of it, which made the people to sin and rebel against God, and not to give credit to his word, Oath and promise, which was to bring them into the Land of Canaan, to give it to them, notwithstanding the greatness and potency of the Heathen, for the Lord himself had promised to cast them out, but because they believed him not, but rebelled against him, fearing the strength and power of the Heathen, the Lord would make them to wander in the barren and desert Wilderness 40 years. For saith he, after the number of the days, in which ye searched the Land even 40 days, each day for a year, shall you bear your iniquities, even 40 years, and you shall know my breach of promise, Numb. 14.34. Ezek: 4.5.6. where God saith thus to the Prophet: I have laid upon thee the years of iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days, so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the House of Israel; and when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of judah 40 days, I have appointed each day for a year. So that if we expound the 1260. by these 2 places of scripture, reckoning as God himself doth each day for a year; which I verily believe is the right meaning of the Holy Ghost; We shall find that the Beasts Kingdom shall endure from the beginning to the end 1260. years; For I see no ground that these places should be expounded literally for three years and a half, and no more, for it is impossible that Antichrist should do all these strange things, in so short a time, that is said, he he shall do & fulfil, therefore without doubt it must be expounded each day for a year, for the man of sin was a working in the Apostles time, but the Emperor who letted him, kept him out of his seat till he was taken away, 2 Thes. 2.7. Now, during the time of Antichrist, the Holy City, or the true Church of God, is to be trodden under foot, Rev. 11.2. and to be in a sad and afflicted condition, and to be persecuted by the beast, and the members of his state & Kingdom all that time, Rev. 13.7.15. and Chapt. 12. though now and then she should have some breathing and refreshing times; And when Antichrists' Kingdom grows to an end, (which blessed be God doth hasten apace,) the Foggy Mists of darkness, blindness and ignorance, which is the smoke that the Holy Ghost saith, came out of the bottomless pit; Rev. 9 shall in some measure be dispeld, and the Beams of Truth and spiritual light, shall break and shine out, as is plain in the 10.14, and 16. Chapters; for then the Book of Life the Holy Scripture is opened, which in former ages lay altogether hid, and in a manner shut up in obscurity & darkness, as appears plainly out of the 11. Chapt. Therefore let us not wonder, nor think it strange that the eyes of spiritual understanding, (which is to know, see & embrace the naked Truths of God,) is opened of so few of the great and famous men, in the eye of the World, but continue still enemies to the bare & naked Truths of God, for the Kingdom of the Beast is not yet destroyed, & the smoke of the bottomless pit hath so darkened the Sun & the air, that the spiritual eyes of few men's understandings, are opened to see & take notice of the entire Truths of God; yet notwithstanding let us take heed, that we be not offended & stumble to our destruction; Luke. 20.17.18. 1 Pet. 2.8. at the naked ways and clear and pure Truth of Christ, because they are but few and mean in the estimation of the World, that doth embrace them and profess them, for the Church of Smirna, though she were but poor and mean in the eye of the World, yet she was rich in God's account, because she kept close to his naked ways and Truths, Rev. 2.9. whereas on the contrary proud and haughty Laodicea, who was full of outward riches and treasures; And wanted nothing that might make her glister & shine in the eyes of the world, yet notwithstanding is odious in the sight of God, because she was luke warm and neither hot nor cold, for he threatens to spew her out of his mouth; do you yourself make the application; Likewise let us take notice of that thanksgiving, which Christ gives to his Father: I thank thee oh Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to Babes, even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight, Math. 11.25.26. The naked purity and Truth of the Gospel of Christ, is too homely a thing, for the great learned Doctors of the world, to embrace, stoop and submit unto; for Christ hath said, that the professors of it shall be hated of all men, yea of their parents, kindred, and Friends, Luke 21.16.17. Mark 13.12. and are accounted as Sheep to the slaughter, all the day, 1 Cor. 4. whose condition is to be afflicted and persecuted here by the men of the world, john 15.18.19, and 16.2. ●. 33. Heb. for there must and will be to the end of the World enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent, Gen. 3.15. and therefore false Teachers and seducers, though they come in the name of Christ, and preach part of his Gospel Math. 7.5, and 24.5. yet they are enemies to Christ, the purity of his Truth and people, though they make a flourishing show in the flesh, yet because they love not the Cross of Christ, which always goes along, and is inseparable from the zealous and strict profession of him and his Truth, Prov. 3.11.12. Heb. 11. Rev. 3.19. nor will they part with their ease pleasure and fat morsels, Esay. 65.10, 11, 12, nor suffer persecution with the people of God, for the Truth of God, as Moses did, Heb: 11: 25. Therefore they will neither embrace the purity of the Truth, nor willingly let those that would, Gal: 6: 12. Yet for all that though they will not, yet all those that desire to approve their hearts and spirits unto God, and to glorify him both in their lives & deaths, must not forsake his Truth, for fear of persecution, or losing of their kindred, or Friends, Gal: 5: 11: Math: 10: 33: Mark 8: 34: 38: Luke 14: 26: for here Christ himself saith, that he that loveth Father or Mother, or his own life, or any thing else more than him, shall never possess nor enjoy him, neither here nor hereafter; For he saith: He that denies him or his Truth before men, him will he deny before his Father which is in Heaven. Therefore in regard the Gospel of Christ, in the strict profession of it, is so mean, contemptible and burdensome a thing in the blind and dark eyes of the World, and lies under the reproach and ignominy of the men thereof, the great Rabbis do stumble at it, and do not embrace it, 1 Cor: 1: 19: 20, for it is written saith God, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nought the understandings of the prudent, where is the wise, where is the scribe, where is the disputer of this world: hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world Isa: 29.14. & 33, 18. Oba: verse 8. Therefore in regard the great Doctors of the world do not embrace the ways of God: the multitude stumble at them, likewise, being ready to say with them Io: 7, have any of the Rulers or of the Pharises believed on him, but this people who knoweth not the law & are accursed. Even so say men in these days, of the naked truths and ways of God: do any of the Rulers or Nobles, or do the great & learned Doctors & famous Divines: embrace and practise these strict and rugged ways, but only a company of Brownists, who are the base and obscure fellows of the world, and a company of foolish singular people, contemning and censuring all besides themselves, as though none should be saved but they only. To you: Oh ye spiritual blind people, whose understandings are darkened with the smoke of the bottomless pit, and whose brains are intoxicated and drunk with the glittering and gilded Cup of spiritual fornication & abomination, of the scarlet whore Revel 17. To you I answer, and know you that the way to heaven is narrow and straight, and Christ's fold and flock, but a small & little company in comparison of the world, Math: 7.14. Luke 13.24. Also know that God hath not called many wise men after the flesh, nor many mighty, nor many noble, but God hath chosen the foolish things of this world, to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of this World, to confound the things that are mighty; and the base things of the World, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are; And he himself gives the reason of it, that no flesh should glory in his presence, 1 Cor. And james tells us, that God hath chosen the poor of this World, rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom, which he hath promised to them that love him, James 2 5. And what though the Rabbis and great Doctors be learned, yet it is but Earthly and humane learning, which Paul had before his conversion, for he was a Pharise brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, a great learned Doctor of the Law had in reputation among all the people: Acts 5.34, and 22.3. But yet when he came to the true spiritual knowledge of true spiritual learning indeed, which is taught to all Christ's Scholars, less or more, that are brought up in his School, he renounced his humane Scholarship, and accounted it no better than dung or dirt, Phil: 3.5.7 8. But besides him, we read of none of the Apostles, that were learned in that learning, which the blind world accounts learning and Scholarship, for they were all or most of them poor men, brought up in obscure and base callings many of them being no better then poor Fishermen; yet when Christ called them, he endued them with spiritual learning, which is the true learning indeed; Acts 2.1. etc. And those in the new Testament, that are commended for their learning, it was because they were filled with the gifts of the Spirit, and were mighty in the Scriptures, john 7.38.39. Acts 18.24. 1 Cor. and 14. By all which places of Scripture we see, that the learning which made the Apostles famous, was not human learning, (for none of them had it but Paul, and he renounced it,) but it was heavenly learning, which came from God, being the gift of his Holy Spirit. And for all the rest of those which they ordained (by the power and Authority which they had from Christ) to officiat in the Churches, and to administer the sacred and holy things of God, to his chosen and sanctified ones, (for none but them have true right to Christ's ordinances,) it was spiritual knowledge, divine learning, and insight into the Scripture, which are the gifts of the spirit of God, as is before proved; which made them fit for those Offices, that they were chosen to by the Church, and ordained by the Apostles, for they were not to be Novices in the Mysteries and ways of God, but sound in the Faith, and also of a holy and Godly life and conversation, which the Apostle calls a good report, and to have the rest of those qualifications, which he lays down in 1 Tim. 3. and 5. Chapters, and Titus 1. And whosoever have not these qualifications, are not fit (according to the Apostles command there) to bear Office in the true Church, which is the spiritual Zion, City, & House of God; Psal. 87.2.3. and 132.13.16. Esay. 3●. 20.21. and 52.1. Heb. 12.22. Rev. 20.9, and 12.2. Now, that Heavenly learning, and gifts of the spirit, which the Lord under the time of the Gospel, doth bestow upon his chosen and holy ones, doth fulfil the Prophecies of the Prophets in old time, who Prophesied of the same things, Esay. 44 3.4, and 54.13; jer. 31; joel 2.28; saying: And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions, and also upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. Oh! the simplicity, sweetness and pleasantness of the ways of God, if we had but enlightened spiritual understandings, to see, behold and look into them, which if we had, they would ravish our souls, rejoice our spirits, and fill our hearts full of gladness; But they are sealed and will be hid from us, till the Lord in his rich mercy & loving kindness, be pleased to anoint our eyes with spiritual Eyesalve, and take away these Foggy Mists of darkness & scales of ignorance that hang upon our understandings; 1 Cor. 2. Oh! that the Lord would be pleased to deal so graciously with us, that we might be fools & Idiots empty & vile in our own eyes, that so we might nakedly lie at the footstool of jesus Christ, and seek for wisdom & spiritual understanding, from him, & him alone, according as it is our duty & the the command of wisdom; Prov. 1.4.8, and 9 Chapters. But alas, alas, we have haughty hearts & proud spirits our own, and seek to be something in ourselves, and do not labour to be weaned from all things, in ourselves, as is our duty, for we should nakedly go out of ourselves; and this we shall know to be true if ever the Lord come truly and throughly to instruct and teach us in his spiritual, heavenly wisdom; It is the grief of my soul, to see people take such pains, for that which will not profit; And to lay out their silver for that which is not worth the buying; Esay. 55.2. Being very zealous in professing the seeming way of God, and yet are full of ignorance & blindness, in the true ways of God, wanting that true spiritual sanctified knowledge, and clear insight into the Scripture, which is taught by the spirit of God, that being true of them, which is said in Esay. 59 That they grope for the brickwall like blind men; yea and grope as if they had no eyes, stumbling at noonday, as in the night, being in desolate places, as dead men, not knowing that a deceived heart hath turned them aside; being not able to say, that there is a lie in their right hand, as the Prophet in another place speaks: But unto all such in the words of the spirit of God, I say, behold all you that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks, walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that you have kindled; But saith God, this shall you have of my hands; Ye shall lie down in sorrow, Esay: 50.10. Because that it is a shame even in the eyes of the World, for a man to be of no Religion; Therefore people take upon them the outward form of Religion, but are destitute of the inward power of godliness, going on in a formal way of Religion, with muddy, earthy, and unsanctified affections, but do not strive, study & labour, as they ought to get inward principles, & true grounds in their own souls, that so they may be built upon that sure & unmooveable foundation, that never can be shaken; But build upon sand, hay and stubble; as the Apostle speaks; And therefore that building will come to ruin, when storms & Tempests doth arise, as too true experience, hath, doth & will manifest declare, for when men are not sound settled in the true ways they cannot possible have that true inward peace, which God hath promised to his faithful ones; But their spirits & hearts are full of fears & distractions, in time of danger and calamity, I appeal even to the hearts and spirits, even of people themselves that are not as yet convinced and settled in the right and true ways of God. Sure I am, I am able to speak it by myself, and do speak it in the presence of my God, who knows my heart, and trieth my reines, Rev: 2.23. that I have found it true, by former experience; for the Spirit of God saith, there is no peace to the wicked, Esay: 48.22, and 57.21. Now, while a man is out of the true ways of God, and is in the byways of sin and wickedness, he cannot truly according to the revealed will of God, be termed any otherwise, than a wicked man; Though notwithstanding his soul may be precious to God; But we are not to judge according to the secret will, but only to judge according to the revealed will of God, for secret and hidden things belong to God, but revealed things to us and to our children, as Moses saith. But all those that are members of the Kingdom of Antichrist, (as all that submit to the Prelates and their Laws are) are out of the true ways and paths of God, and are in the buy and crooked way of sin and wickedness; And therefore we have no grounded warrant out of the Scripture, the revealed will of God, to judge or esteem of them any otherwise but as wicked men, who in that estate cannot be possessors of that true and settled peace and spiritual comfort and joy, that God doth bestow upon his faith servants. Now as for the proof of this argument, 'tis every branch & part of it proved in the foregoing discourse; but on the contrary I can truly speak it, that my soul had never before, that true rest, quietness, and sweet inward spiritual peace: that I have been and am still possessor of, since my God gave me strength, might & power, to shake of that Antichristian yoke, and all communion with his laws & subjects. And my soul is filled so full of true rest and peace, that all my torments and sufferings, and the greatness and potency of my adversaries, the chief of which is the Devil the prince of this world, (working in and by his son the Prelate of Canterbury) doth not in the least terrify or trouble me, but I am merry and cheerful in the midst of the variety of my sufferings, for the Lord makes me to triumph over them all, and I know and believe: that if all the Devils in hell, and all his Limbs upon the earth: do bend themselves against me to overthrow me, yet they shall never make me sad, for the Lord hath given me a cheerful and merry heart, which whosoever hath, Solomon saith, hath a continual Feast, Prov: 15.15, nor make me fear or be afraid of them, for God is my salvation, I will trust add not be afraid of them, for God is my salvation, the Lord jehovah is my strength, and my song, he also is become my salvation, Esay. 12 12. And though the youths do faint and be weary, and the young men utterly fail, yet they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk & not be faint, Esay. 40.30.31. For the Lord is a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible one is as a storm against the Wall, Esay. 25.4. and the spirit of God saith: that he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him, therefore in the Lord will I trust for ever. For in the Lord jehovah is everlasting strength Esa: 26.3.4. and the Lord saith, he keeps his Church and will water it every moment lest any hurt it, yea I will keep it night and day saith he. Now I am a true member of it, and therefore have right and share of the benifitt of this promise, and assuredly know that the Lord will so keep me (though I be in the midst of the fire) that mine enemies shall not prevail nor hurt me, & though all men forsake me, yet he will take care of me and provide for me: the young lions shall want & suffer hunger, but they that love and fear the Lord, shall want no good thing. But my loving friend, am I become your enemy (because in public) I have spoken the truth, let not your anger and displeasure be further incensed against me, when you have read this that is here written; I hope you would not have me, who have begun in the spirit, to be made perfect in the flesh; Oh God forbidden that ever I should so much as entetaine the least thought of that, and therefore know that this is my settled resolution, which the Lord hath wrought in my heart. And for this I will spend and be spent, and be pulled in ten thousand pieces: before I will in the least deny my God, and his naked truth, or the least tittle of that which he himself by his holy spirit hath made known unto me 1 Cor: And further know that all my kindred according to the flesh, hath deserted and forsaken me, in my present condition. But if all my friends (yea and Christian Brethren also) in the the world, should be offended with me, for sticking close to my good cause, and if they should all forsake me and leave me naked to the world, yea though I starve & rot in Prison, (as I know I shall not) for as long as there was a piece of bread in the bakers street, jeremiah wanted not in his distresses, and I know jeremiahs' God is my God, & will do the like for me as he did for him, if need require. But if I should be like to starve in Prison, yet will I never in the least, by the strength & might of my God, fear my enemies, or love my friends: so much as to deny the least of his truths, for their threatenings or cruelty, or for their fauning, flattering, and deceivable persuasions, for I know if my friends do leave me and forsake me: yet the Lord will stand by me, support, and uphold me, in the midst of the greatest of my trials, distresses and afflictions, and in due time deliver me from the mouth of the Lion, for he did thus with Paul, when he was to answer before Nero, for his and Doctrine, at which time all forsook him, yet the Lord stood by him and delivered him, 2 Tim. 4 16.17.18. And I know he will do so for me too, for he hath filled my soul so full of his strength, to strengthen me in my greatest trials; and of his presence & comfort, to comfort me in my present afflictions, that I know I can live by faith in every condition, whether in hunger of nakedness in want scarcity, in prison or in dungeon, or exile or in banishment. And in my present afflicted and chained condition, I have and do possess all that my soul can desire: for I have God & Christ & his holy spirit, and have rest, true peace and ease, and though I be in bonds & fettered with Irons, locks and chains, yet I am at liberty, for my heart & spirit is mightily enlarged, also I have full satisfaction, contentedness, yea the world & all, 1. Cor: 3.22.23. & for my outward condition, I have not a troubled thought about it, for it doth not in the least molest me; for I can truly with Withers, in the beginning of his Motto; say; Nec habeo, Nec careo, Nec curo. I neither have, nor want, nor care for. When I have the least, than I have a feast; and I having that, I know God will cotinue it, and for my own part, I neither long for, nor earnestly desire more dainties & varieties then there is at a feast, and I feast every day; and therefore have no want of good things, yea did but my enemies truly know in how rich and plentiful a condition I am in, they would bite off their finger's ends, for to hear of my prosperous and happy estate, in the midst of their cruelties, for I have found and got such riches since I came to Prison, that I think the like is not to be got abroad in the world. And of all conditions under heaven, in my judgement (a prison and an afflicted condition, for the truth and cause of Christ, and the testimony of a good conscience) is the most happy and rich condition: for than God's holy ones grow in I grace and Godliness, like tall Ceadars in Libanon, and get great & large experience of God's goodness, faithfulness and kindness, as I am able to speak it, by grounded experience. And though my Adversaries are learned in the Phariseicall, Philofical, deceivable learning of the world Act: 5.34. & 22.3. compared with Phill: 3.5.8. Coll: 2. and have studied and beat their brains, in their Universities and else where, for many years together, yet in one six months, in a Prison and fettered condition: I have got more true spiritual learning and and knowledge, in the mysteries of Godliness, then is amongst them all; therefore when they sent me to Prison, they did more for me, then if they had given me ten thousand pounds, for they have sent me to a heaven upon earth: for so I have found it. And so far I am from being overcome, by their unheard of cruelty (to submit and make a base recantation, as they would have me) which they have & do still exercise upon me, in a high degree, that I am ten times stronger than I was at the first, and the next act of cruelty that they shall inflict upon me, will make me twenty times as strong as I am, and the next act of cruelty after that, will make we as unmovable as Mount Zion; which cannot be moved, but abideth for ever Psal: 125. 1. Pro. 10.30. And as the hatred & dispeasur of my friends (which is the greater trial of the two) which I have incurred from them by reason of my judgement and Conscience, I will carry myself by the help & assistance of my God, like an innocent & harmless lamb of Christ; yet will I never in the least, either for their love or displeasure, forsake or renounce the least Truth, that the Lord in great mercy hath manifested and made known unto me; since I came to prison. For before I was not only a Novice, but a very Idiot in the right ways of God, having muddy affections, but wanted inward principles, having fiery zeal, but it was without grounded spiritual knowledge; But now the Lord hath made known to me, by his spirit, the way wherein to serve and worship him; And he hath made me by his power and strength as unmoveable as an Iron Pillar, or a Brazen Wall; And if they do not in matters of Religion return unto me, I shall I hope fulfil that command of God given unto jeremy in the 15. Chapt: 19 that I shall not in the least return unto any of them, though I be ever accounted by them as an allien and stranger to them. Again, I desire to let you know, that upon the pillary I challenged all the Bishopps in England to dispute with them, upon this proposition, to prove the Pope's power and authority from the Devil, and that their power, authority, and jurisdiction and calling, in which they stand at this day, is from the Pope, and so originally from the Devil as well as his. But these Episcopal Rabbis, who are Chief members of the Kingdom of Darkness, had no other Argument to convince me with, then to put a Gag in my mouth, lest I should have shaken the foundation of their Antichristian Kingdom, publicly at the Pillory, and lest the people (forsooth) should be infected with my speeches, which in their account and estimation, are no better then scandalous, factious, and seditious; when as indeed they were the words of nothing but the naked Truths of God, and did not in the least meddle with the persons of any, or with any temporal state matters, with which I have nothing to do and say unto; And therefore they could neither factious, nor seditious, unless the Book of God be faction and sedition, which were blasphemy once to think; But indeed with the Prelates every thing that is said or written against their spiritual Babylonian wicked Kingdom, is counted faction and sedition; for indeed they have no other arguments, to maintain their tottering and languishing Kingdom, but Club Law, that is to say, tyranny, bloodthirstiness and cruelty; But take that Argument and Weapon away, and then a Child will disarm them, and bear them, and take away their Weapons from them; And then to ruin and destruction will their decaying Kingdom come, and also the Weapons that I exhorted and persuaded the people of God, to draw out against the Prelates, those Spiritual Adversaries of the Kingdom of the Lord jesus Christ; was not any temporal sword or Weapon, but only the two edged sword of God's Word, spoken off Hebrews 4 12. And they are more described in the sixth of the Ephes. Also the next day after my sufferings, by Mr. Ingram the Warden of the Fleet, I sent this Challenge in particular to the Bishop of Canterbury, and earnestly entreated him, to deliver is to himself, that I would dispute with him before all the Nobles and Peers of this Kingdom; And if I were not able to prove that his calling and power is from the Devil, I would be willing to lose my head. But I pray you, take notice of his great learned Arguments, which he used to confute me, and defend himself, which were these: Let him be locked up close prisoner, in the basest place in the Wards of the Fleet; for so run the words of the Order; and let none come at him, lest he should infect any of the people with his errors, and so be a means to bring ruin and destruction upon his spiritual Kingdom. Oh! Scholastical Arguments indeed; Alas! poor man, are your eyes so sore, that they cannot endure to look upon the Sun, or your back so gawled, that you cannot endure to be touched; it seems they are, or else you would never have been afraid to have met a young man in the open field, to have tried out the goodness of your cause, who desires no other Weapons against you but the Bible, the Word of Life, and infallible judge of all Controversies, and the Liberty of my Tongue, to speak freely without any gagging; And yet you are afraid, and dare not mere me in a public dispute; As poor, weak and feeble men, let me speak in the words of the spirit of God unto you, Ier: 12. if you have run with Footmen, and they wearied you, then how can you contend with Horses; And if in the Land of peace, wherein you trust, they have wearied you, how will you then do in the swellings of Jordan; That is to say, if you be afraid of me a young beginner in the ways of God; Or if you dare not venture in the Land of peace, where you have the Temporal power and sword at command, to encounter with me a stripling, that never studied Philosophy, Logic, Rhetoric, nor ever was at any University, to learn any Latin, Greek, or Hebrew. How will you do in the swelling of jordan, when your temporal power shall be taken away from you, and strange men of great parts fall upon you, and make open spiritual war against you. Surely, you will never be able to stand, for already your Pillars that hold up your Kingdom, are grown so rotten; that they cannot endure to be roughly handled or touched; And therefore without doubt ere long your building must needs fall, and therefore look to your heads, and take notice, that I have given you warning of it, lest you repent when it is to late. Again, upon Thursday, the 17. or 18, of May last, I was had before Sir john Banks, and Mr. Littleton, the King's Attorney and Solicitor General, to be examined what I said at the Pillory, before whom I expressed my mind so freely, that they were willing and desirous that I should hold my peace, and laboured with me by fleshly Arguments, as Peter did with Christ, to save myself. But before them I made this challenge, and desired them to tell it to the Bishops, that I would dispute with them all before my Dread Sovereign, (whose faithful, loyal, and humble subject I am) to prove their calling so fare from being of God, (as they affirm it is) that is is from the Devil; And if I were not able to prove it, (or if I delivered any thing in the proof of it, that deserved death,) I would not refuse to dye, or if I held any errors, if they could by the Authority of the Scripture, confute me, I would publicly recant them. But their Arguments & replication to this my challenge, was: Lay him fast in Iron chains, Arms, and Legs, coupled together: And let him lie in them night and day; And let neither gold nor money, nor books, nor writings, nor any other thing be brought unto him, from his friends; And let none come to him, to speak with him; And if any come to ask for him, take notice of their name and place of habitation, that so we may overcome him with cruelty and Tyranny, and make him submit, for if we do it not by these means, he will hardly be brought unto it; And therefore Warden of the Fleet look to it, have a special care of him, that none come to have any talk with him, or give him any thing, that so we may by Tyranny, Cruelty and Torments, overcome him, for he leads away a multitude of people, and causes them to follow him; And he is of such a lofty high spirit, that if he go on in the way, he will spoil our tottering Kingdom; And therefore put to your best assistance, to see if by any means you can overcome him, to get him to submit. This was the effect of their speech. Oh! Brave Episcopal Arguments indeed. But I pray you, did ever Christ or his Apostles, or any of his Servants, use any such Arguments, to overcome or convince those that were opposite to them in judgement? No verily; in the whole New Testament, we do not read that any of Christ's servants, for spiritual things, used any such Weapons, or Club Arguments as these; for they used nothing but spiritual Weapons, to overcome their enemies; And with the sharp two edged sword of God's Word; Heb. 4.12. Rev: 19.15; they fought against their Adversaries, by this and by this alone, they did overcome them; And Peter with this one Weapon did strike down three thousand of them at a blow, and made them yield subjection to the Kingdom of Christ; Acts 2. And we never read of any temporal Weapon that they made use of to defend themselves against their Opposites; For, saith Paul, the Weapons of our warfar are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, and casting down imaginations; and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, & bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ; 2 Cor. 10.4.5. These be the Weapons, and these alone of the servants of God; But on the contrary, the servants of the Devil, their Weapons are Tyranny, cruelty, and shedding of blood, Rev. 9 and 11.7.8. and where the Holy Ghost saith, that the Beast (the chief members of whom the Prelates are) should make war with the Saints, & should overcome them; & cause them as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast, should be killed; and that none might buy or sell, save he that had the mark of the Beast, or the number of his name; And whether the Prelates do not in every thing make good this portion of Scripture (for I know some that are excommunicated by them, and that they must neither buy nor sell, nor eat nor drink with any man) let their constant cruel unheard of bloodthirsty practices, declare, witness & manifest; and therefore, Oh you Prelates, you do plainly show whose sons & servants you are; namely, the sons & servants of the Devil himself, as Christ himself doth prove & declare who hath given a lively & true description of the childred & servants of the Devil, saying unto the jews, who sought to kill him, (as the the Prelates do his faithful people & servants,) who boasted that they were Abraham's sons & Children; But, saith he, if you were the Children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham, but ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning & abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it; john 8.39.40. Here (Oh you Prelates) Christ doth show how his people & servants may assuredly know you to be sons & servants of the devil; for he describes & sets you forth by two marks; first, the Devil is a murderer, so are you; therefore you are his sons, & he is your father, for have you not taken away the lives of Gods faithful people & servants. Witness those that went to Tyburn by your procurment & means, in Queen Elizabeth's time, who were neither Traitors nor Rebels, but faithful subjects, & servants to her Majesty; but only they were opposite to your Antichristian & Babylonian Kingdom, and therefore you caused them to be murdered; and more you would have murdered, but her clemency & mercy was such, that she would not to the full satisfy your bloodthirsty murdering desire. Also have you not kept others in prison, till you have undone them in their outward estates, & means, that you have made them to pine away with hunger & want; which the Holy Ghost saith, is a torment worse than to be put to death by the sword; Lament. And some have lost their lives by your means in prison; And also have not ye, even ye, shed the blood of those three worthies of the Lord only for spiritual things, who were neither Traitors nor Rebels, (but faithfuller subjects than your selus, as they have proved in their crosse-bill against you) and did write nor teach, neither treason, sedition, nor rebellion, but only opposed themselves against your ungodly wicked Kingdom; The memory of that unpareleld act of cruelty, is yet fresh both in your eyes & ears, the like whereof in any Christian state, where the gospel hath been professed, was never heard of in the world; I know others have had too deep a hand in, being your assistants, and have condescended too much to your wicked desires; But with them I will not, nor do not in the least meddle, nor have nothing to say to them, but pray, and desire God to open their eyes, and to give them true repentance for their sin, if it be his will & pleasure, & so I leave them. But you & you only have been the original fountain & true cause of all the righteous blood that hath been shed in this land or Kingdom, for matters of Religion & conscience, ever since the days of your first predecessor, Austin the Monk, (even unto this present hour,) who came from the bloody City of Rome, Rev. 17. with Antichrists' Authority & Law, the foundation of his & your Kingdom, with exceeding much blood, as we read in Francis Godwins' Cattalogue of Bishops, from the 37. page to the 48. And it hath been by you & your forefathers maintained & upheld by Tyranny & blood, ever since to this very time, as I will justify it & maintain it before your faces, age after age, even unto this very day. And the foresaid Author in that Book, who was a Bishop, & one of your own Creatures, for his book of Metres doth in part prove it; and therefore know assuredly, that the Lord will require the righteous blood of all his Saints & servants at your hands, which you & your murdering Predecessors, have spilt in abundant manner. And to me that am but a poor, weak & young stripling, little above 20. years of age, who you have cast into prison, for a thing I was not guilty off, as I declared before the faces of the Chief of you; & yet you have condemned me upon two false oaths, in which the party, as I am able to prove, hath sworn flatly against himself; for in his first Oath he sweareth, that I & Mr. Wharton had printed Doctor Bastwicks' Books together; and then in his second Oath he swore, that I did them alone; And upon these grounds you have exercised upon me such unheard of acts of cruelty, that the like whereof Paul himself among all those tyrants & strange Beasts, Heathens & Pagans, with whom he had to deal, had never exercised & inflicted upon him, though he was the greatest sufferer, 2 Cor. 11. that ever I read off; but only Christ, who for the sake & the salvation of his elect, underwent the wrath of God himself, which no abstracted Creature was able to stand under. But first, in all Paul's sufferings, I never read that ever his mouth was gauged, but you have gagged me, for speaking neither lies, faction, nor sedition, but only the naked Truth; (the space of an hour & half) whereas if I had uttered any errors, or untruths, you being (as you say you are) spiritual Fathers, you ought there publjckly to have confuted me, in the presence of the people, you cannot say but you heard of it, for two of the Chief of you were in the Starr-Chamber at that time, being hard by where I stood. Again, the Heathens and Pagans would not condemn Paul, as you may read Acts 25. till his accusers were brought face to face, to justify & prove their accusation; but you have caused me to be condemned, and my accusers were never brought face to face, to justify any thing against me. And you William Laud, Prelate of Canterbury, for so I call you, and will not in the least revile your person, by calling you out of your name; You, I say, know very well, that in the making of my defence before the honourable Lords, I to your face did silence you in the presence of the open Court, that you had not one word to say unto me, but sat down as it seemed to me, in a great chaff & rage, your face being as red as the face of him, whose countenance did declare, your heart thirsted after my blood, and part of it you have got, but you are never the better for it, nor I nothing the worse for leaving of it, but much the better; for it hath been a means the Lord working with it, to purge my soul from a great deal of corruption, & dross, hath mightily cleared up my understanding, that I have got a more true insight by many degrees, into the true ways of God than I had before; for I was very ignorant of them before, the stripes purged out my ignorance; for the eyes of my understanding were like the eyes of the man in the Gospel, who when Christ had opened them, did see men walking as trees afar off; even so, and no better did I, for I saw the truths of God but darkly & afar off, in a hidden manner; but since that the Lord hath taken away the scales of ignorance & blindness that did hang upon my understanding, and hath anointed my eyes with true & spiritual eyesalve, so that I see very much clearer into the pure ways of God, than I did before, for they were hid from my eyes, but now the Lord himself hath revealed them unto me; but know ye that the Lord will one day in flaming and burning fire (if you repent not, but I think some of you are passed it, Matth: 12.31.32. Mark: 3.29.) render you a recompense, for your bloodthirsty Tyranny, inflicted upon me, his poor, young and weak servant; But unto him I commit myself and my cause, knowing that vengeance is his, and he will repay it one day upon your heads and pates. Again, Paul when he was a prisoner in the Custody of the very Pagans, that had nothing but the light of nature, to guide them in the ways of God; yet notwithstanding Felix the Governor gave command to the Centurion, who kept Paul, that he might have liberty, and that he should forbid none of his acquaintance and Friends to come to him, and minister to his wants and necessity; Acts 24.23. also when he was going to Rome, prisoner, julius the Centurion, in whose Custody he was, yet though he were but a Heathen, gave him liberty to go to his friends, to refresh himself; Acts 27 3. Yea when he was come prisoner to Rome, yet the very infidels had so much humanity, courtesy and mercy in them, as not to lock up Paul close prisoner, in a base & obscure place, so that none might come to him, to speak with him, or bring him any thing; And yet Tertullus the Orator (one of the Prelate's Brethren had accused him for a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the jews throughout the World, and a ring leader of the Sect of the Nazarens; Yet they let him dwell by himself, with a soldier that kept him, two whole years, in his own hired house, where he had liberty to receive all that came unto him, Acts the last Chapter. Oh! Paul, it was well for thee, and happy wast thou that thou hadst to deal with Pagans, in whose eyes I am sure thou didst find more favour and mercy, then if thou wast alive, and wert now in England in the like case, shouldst find at the hands of those that are Christians, in name and boast; And say of themselves, that they are thy successors, but are indeed & in truth, the Disciples of the Devil & Antichrist, as I have already proved, for though all the Prelates in England were not able, having no grounded ca●e to make such an accusation against me as Tertullus did against Paul; Yet for all that have they caused me to be laid in fetters and locks of Iron, in a close room locked up close prisoner, from the society of any; Commanding that none should be admitted to come to me, to speak with me, nor to bring me any thing; Also they are so fare from letting me to have liberty to go and see my friends, as Paul had; That they will not so much as with a Keeper suffer me to walk a little in the prison-Yard, to take a little air for my refreshing; my health being impaired for want of air, and stirring myself, which I cannot in the least do, without much trouble, by reason of my Irons; And I have been locked up close prisoner about 4 Months, and not suffered in the least to stir out of my lodging; but when they had me forth before the Magistrate; Yea the Warden of the Fleet hath denied me pen, ink and paper, only to write a short petition to the Lords of the Counsel, (in the presence of my Keeper) that I might have but so much liberty as to take a little air in the narrow Yard, in the common jail, for my refreshing. Oh! all you Christian ears that hear of these things, stand amaized and wonder at the bloodthirsty, unparaleld cruelty and tyranny of the Bishops, which they have caused to be inflicted upon me, and had no grounded cause originally for to do it, but only hearing that I set my ●ace towards Zion, as one of the Lambs of Christ: therefore these devouring wolves Math. 7.15. & crafty subtle foxes Cant. 2 15. Ezek. 13 4. have hunted and thirsted after my blood, part of which they have got and yet are not satisfied, but long to pick my carkeises & bones. Now we do not read of the like cruelty inflicted upon any of the Apostles or their followers, in all the New Testament, by any of those (Tyrants, Pagans, Infidels & Heathens) that persecuted them, which they have caused to be inflicted upon me; whom they are not able justly to accuse, of the breach of the least Commandment or laws, of God or the King; though I do confess with David, that I have secret sins Psalm 19.20. and with Paul that I have a body of sin within me Rom. 7.23.24. Yet I can say in the presence of my God, and speak the words of truth, that I do desire and labour to be cleansed from them all. Also I have challenged them to dispute with them for my life, before the King, to prove their Calling to be from the Devil, and if I were erroneous, & if they by God's word could confute me, I would recaunt publicly. But their surest play and infallible Arguments to convince me, was Clubb-Law, that is to say, take him jailor, and lay him in Irons, in the obscurest and basest place in your prison, and let the stone Walls and iron grates convince him, for we dare not meet him in the plain field, in a public dispute, though he be but an unlearned youth; And if it be possible, keep him in darkness and obscurity; And if you can do it handsomely, that the World can take no notice of it, starve him, for we command you to let nothing be brought unto him. Oh! you Satyrs, Vultars, Owls, and Screech-owls, for so the Holy Ghost calls you, Esay: 13. two last verses. Esay: 34.14.15. Rev: 18.2. The Roman spiritual State, being that Cage of filthiness, that holds you, who are, as the Holy Ghost there speaks, a Company of Dragons, Devils, and foul Spirits. Oh! you Night-Owles and Birds of Darkness, and uncleanes, that dare not come to show your crooked faces in the bright Sunshining light and clear Crystal glass of God's sacred and unspotted Truth; It showeth & demonstrateth to all the World, that you are a Company of deformed Creatures, and Sons of Darkness, impiety, wickedness & ungodliness; Or else you would lay aside your Cowardly Clubb-Arguments, and come into the face of the open Sun, that there you may be seen, whether you be rotten or sound, or whether you be true gold or nothing but dirt & dross, which is good for nothing but the dunghill, or whether your Kingdom be the Kingdom of Christ, or the Kingdom of the Devil, for of necessity it must be one of these, for there is no more spiritual Kingdoms in the world but these two. Or whether you yourselves be servants of Christ, or the servants and true subjects of the Devil. But your hating of the truth and blaspheming of it, calling it the Refuge of Heretics, as you did in your open Court, at the Censure of that worthy Doctor, Doctor john Bastwicke. And also your hating and bloody persecuting of them that love it, doth undeniably declare and manifest what you are, and of whom your Kingdom doth depend. For Christ saith every one that doth evil hates the sight, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved john 3.20. Truly you plainly show, that you are men of darkness, and workers of wickedness and iniquity, for you cannot endure the light, for it is too clear & too bright for you, to come nakedly and openly and show yourselves before it; because you are men of darkness and evil doers, and therefore you hate the light; but if you were men that were workers of righteousness, and walked in the ways of truth, you would not be afraid to be tried by the light of it, but would desire to be brought unto it. And in the former place Christ saith, he that doth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God; and therefore to conclude this point, I will say no more than Christ saith, you may know the tree by the fruit, for a bad tree doth not bring forth good fruit, nor a good tree corpupt fruit Math. 7.18. Luke 6.43. But to go back again to john 8. In the second place, Christ saith, The Devil abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, when he speaketh a he speakth it of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. Here Christ shows that the Children of the Devil abide not in the truth, but have their souls filled with lies. And whether you the Prelates be not such, I appeal even to your own writings, sayings & do, the most of whose writings are stuffed with many untruths, having almost as many lies in them as pages. And for the untruths delivered in your Court Sermons, Worthy Doctor Bastwicke in the third part of his Litany, hath painted out in there colours, yea what damnable Doctrines are there taught (saving some few) agreeing with the Filthy Whore & Strumpet of Rome, as that forenamed Doctor doth prove in the second part of his Litany, with which he doth most truly parallel you, that you are in a manner both of one corruption, yea among all the rest he there proves; that you hold and maintain that monstrous and horrable Doctrine of Transubstantiation, that is to say: That the Body of Christ, is really, corperallie, and essentially in the Sacrament of his Supper. And this also may be proved out of the great Prelates speech, made before the honourable Lords, at the Censure of the three late worthies. Yea whole Volumes may be made, of those damnable Doctrines that you hold, & are not ashamed to publish them to the view of the whole world (Cum Privilegio) especially in your late printed Books. By all which you prove & make good this portion of Scripture; that you are of your father the Devil, because you do not abide in the truth, but speak, preach, writ and maintain false lies, wicked and damnable Doctrines. Thus have I by the strength of my God, a little deciphered you in a brief way. But it may be, you will be like a nest of Wasps, which being stirred will fly about my ears, with your Scorpion stings, but if you do, it will manifest you to be part of those Locusts (as you are indeed and in truth) that came out of the bottomless pit Revel. 9.2.3. of whom the Hoy Ghost saith; that they had tails like Scorpions, and there were stings in there tails, and they had power to hurt men verse 10. But be it known unto you, that I am not in the least afraid of you, for I neither fear an Axe at Tower hill, nor a Stake in Smithfield, nor a-Halter at Tyburn, nor Whipping at a Carts-arfe, nor a Pillory in the Pallice-yard nor Gagging, nor Cutting of ears and nose, nor Burning in the forehead or cheeks, nor yet Banishment with john to Pathmos. For I verily believe if you should send me thither, I shall there find Christ, which by his spirit will unfold the Revelation unto me, and then I would write it and send it abroad into the world, and it would vex you as ill, as Samson did the Philistines, & prove as fatal to your decaying, tottering, spiritual Babylonian Antichristian Kingdom, as his Foxes with firebrands at their tails, were to the Philistines Corne. And therefore as you love your almost ruinated Kingdom, look to it, and know that the faster you kick, the harder I will spur you, & the more you fling, the closer will I stick & cleave fast unto you; for you are plants (which I groundedly know) the Lord never planted, & therefore undoubtedly he will pluck you up Mat. 15.13. And therefore by the might, power and strength of my God, Psal 118.14. Esa. 12.2. who is the worker of all my works in me and for me, Esa. 26.12. For I am resolved come life, come death, seeing you by force & cruelty have called me to it, to show myself valiant for the truth of God, jer. 9.3. I already made three Challenges to dispute with you, but you are so Cowardly, that you dare not to come into the plain and open field, but you fight with tyrantlike weapons, namely: with cruelty. And therefore to see whether you have any manhood in you or Noah, I make & send forth this fourth Challenge, to you Bishops & Prelates, which is this. That I will (if you please) dispute with you all, face to face, before the King and State, for life and liberty; upon these ensueing Propositions. First, To prove that the Pope's Power is from the Devil. Secondly, That your Calling, Power, Authority & jurisdiction, is from the Pope. Thirdly, That all God's people, are bound under pain of eternal damnation, to withdraw their spiritual obedience and subjection, from your spiritual law and Kingdom. Now unpon these propositions will I dispute with you all, and venture life for life, before the King and State, upon these terms. First, That you shall lay aside Club-Arguments, which is take him jailor, and lay him in Irons, and lock him up close Prisoner, and keep him in safe custody. Secondly, That the Book of God, which is an infallible truth, shall be the sole judge of the Controversy Thirdly, That I may have liberty, without being Gagged, to speak my mind freely and boldly. Fourthly, That I may have the use of some books which I shall choose. And if you dare grant me these 4 things, if I be not able to prove all the fore said Positions, by demonstrable and undeniable arguments, that you shall not be able in the words of truth to gainsay or deny them. I will be willing to lose my head and life, therefore take notice of what I have now the fourth time said and challenged you to your faces, (for I intent to send you this) that in the presence of the King and Nobles you will make it good, and therefore if you be not Cowards, fit yourselves to come into the open pitched field face to face. Also be it known unto you, that I will at Paul's Cross, dispute with all your Priests and Deacons, upon these Propositions. First, That they are all of them, Servants & Ministers of Antichrist. Secondly, That in the place and standing they are now in, at this present, they have no authority from God to preach his word, nor administer any of his sacred ordinances to the peole, nor the people any ground or warrant out of the word of God, to hear the word from, or partake with them. Thirdly, That the Church of England as at this day it stands, is Antichristian, both in Power, in Matter, in Ministry, in Form and in Woshirppe. Fourrhly, That all God's people are bound in duty & conscience, to separate away from it, & to have no communion with it. All which things, if I be not able to prove against them all, laying aside (as I said before) all Club law, and letting the word of God be the sole Judge of the controversy; I will be bound to preach a Recanting Sermon in every City in the Kingdom. JOHN LILBURNE. FINIS.