CHRONOLOGIA SA●●● By the high 〈◊〉 Doctor PHIL. NICOLA 〈◊〉 de regne Christi. Shortly collected and augmented by Niels Michelsone. C●● Privilegio S. R. Maj. Newly translated out of the German● and Dence tongue into the English, By DAVID FORBES. Perused, and accompanied with a short treatise and exhortation tending to repentance. MATH. Chap. 3. verse. 2. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Vitae finem prepend, de ●rastino haud ullus securus. EDINBURGH Printed by john Wreittoun, 1630. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, THE RIGHT REVEREND AND WORTHY, ●H● LORD PROVEST, BAILIFFS MINISTERS, and remnant ●●●selers of EDINBURGH: All ●●●●se of grace here and glor●● hereafter, etc. RIght Honourable, right Worthy, renowned Senate, and Pastors: I Finding myself somewhat bound unto your benevolent favours, therefore I in mind did decree to give out the first fruits & proof of my labours, under the tuition and defence of your Honourable wisdoms; and seeing I found this brief and compendious Germane work to be fit for my purpose, especially in those times when men are most secure, & sleeping in worldly vanities, I was in a manner incited, through conscience for to lay on my Talon, unto the benefit of mine own native Country, & being obliged, for to approve that which I did publicly profess, before your worthy Senate, and within your renowned City. Therefore I could see none more meet to dedicate the proof of my labours, as unto the conspicuous & public censure of your Honourable Senate: Right Honourable, the Author of this little work is a Germane Doctor in divinity to Hanburgh, Doctor Philip. Nicolaj, now in the LORD, who appearantly hath been graced, and endued with a gift of prophecy, as experience and event of time, hath testified in his travels, & who is the right fundamental ground of this work and prophecy, written by him 33. years since, namely in the year of CHRIST 1596, which was found extant presently after him in Latin, and thereafter translated in the German tongue by Mr. Gothard Artus to Da●ssick, namely in the year of CHRIST 1598. whereout a Dence Professor called Niels Michelsone hath gathered this brief work, and translated again in Dence and Printed lately Anno 1628. The substance is a brief analogy of times conferred with Scripture, out of Ezekiell, Daniel, and Revelation of john, containing a Prophecy and success of the Gospel to the world's end, & concluded with the Author's protestation, which I thought good to translate, and accompany with an exhortation to repentance, and benefit mine own Nation with the same. Herewith persuading myself of acceptance, I do thrust this poor mite of my travels into the treasury of your Christian and charitable dispositions, recommending it unto the protection and tuition of your Honourable wisdoms, and you and your doings unto the grace of GOD. Yours in CHRIST JESUS David Forbes. TO The Christian READER. GEntle Reader I have thought good to benefit thee with this little work, de regno CHRISTI; and to translate it in our own commoun language, that it may come in public view of all: which I have out of love and for thy spiritual well perused: accompanied with a brief treatise, and exhortation to repentance, requesting thee, as a spiritual friend, to cover my weakness and imperfection therein with the veil of charitable censure: but as for the translation itself, I shall approve it before all censures whatsomever: my Master may well pretend it not to be decored with the ornate phrase of language, but yet I hope he must subscryve it to be the true translation, according to the Germane and Dence phrase itself, which we ought receive in good part, seeing the Histories and Prophecies both of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation of john have (as it were) hitherto been dark; but now in the end daily more and more opened and cleared so well by faithful Preachers, as also by daily experience, which the Prophets do testify clearly, that men shall be enlightened in those mysteries at the end, as you can remark in the Authors warrant for searching of the Scriptures, wherein we see plainly a special illumination of the Spirit, prophesied unto some, for opening of all hid prophecies, and parts of Scripture: yet albeit it is no ways the Author's meaning absolutely to determine and appoint unto GOD the time and end of these things, which secret the Father hath reserved for himself only, as he protesteth here in the end, for the year, day, and hour we may not know: but yet of all tokens which our LORD JESUS hath revealed unto us, as likeways the experience of our times, conferred and compared with these Prophecies, we can easily discern, that all these prophecies are most fulfilled; and that the world will soon take an end, and therefore should admonish us to have the lamps of our hearts prepared, that we may convoy our Brydgroome the LORD JESUS into that blessed Heaven of all happiness: To whom with the Father, and the holy Ghost be all praise and Dominion, AMEN. Thine in the LORD DAVID FORBES. THE AUTHORS WARRANT for searching of Scripture. DANIEL. 12. verse 4. BUT thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book till the end of the time: many shall run to and fro, & knowledge shall be increased. Verse 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up, and sealed, till the end of the time. Verse 10. Many shall be purified, made white & tried: but the wicked shall do wickedly, & none of the wicked shall have understanding: but the wise shall understand. JEREMIAH. 23. Verse 20. In the latter days ye shall understand it plainly. REVELATION. 10. verse 7. But in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel, when he shall begin to blow the trumpet, even the mystery of GOD shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets. Verse 11. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again amongst the people and nations, and tongues, and to many Kings. IWP CHRONOLOGIA SACRA, THE CALLING TIME OF THE JEWS. 41 ½ Years. Year after the birth of CHRIST 29 john Baptist began to preach repentance, and to baptise. And in the said year began the time of the jews merciful calling, which containeth in itself 41 ½. years, Apoc. 14.15. Anno Christi 30. Christ was baptised, and then discovered himself to the people whom he was, and that by his preaching and miracles. Anno Christi 31 john Baptist is cast in prison. Anno Christi 32 he was beheaded. Anno Christi 34 Christ was crucified, stood up, and ascended into Heaven. The calling time of the Gentiles 1600 years. ANno Christi 70 endeth the calling time of the jews, when their chief City, and whole policies were destroyed to the ground: and in their place goeth on the calling time of the Gentiles, of the which Christ gathereth now his Church, which merciful calling of the Gentiles endureth 1600 years, as it is written in the Revelation chap. 14. verse 20, and is understood by the 1600 furlongs: add unto this 1600 this 70, so is the end of the Gentiles calling finished anno Christi 1670. Gog's, Magogs', or the Turks Kingdom began anno Christi 335, and endureth 1335 years. ANno Christi 335, is that evil and damnable heretic Arrius, who for his heretical learning was excommunicate by a general assembly; yet to Synodo and jerusalem was accepted, and made free again with his doctrine, which Arianish doctrine was the first beginning unto the Gogs and Mahumets' absurdities, which were accepted and believed in the ruined city of jerusalem: and especially heerefra anno Christi 335, began the Gogs 1335 years, and endeth anno Christi 1670, Daniel 12. verse 11.12: and here is the beginning on that two times, and an half time, Daniel, 12. verse 7. Anno Christi 366, Damasius and Vrsatius had great contention and diversity about the seat of the Pope, heerefra began the time of the two witnesses clothed in Sackcloth, who should prophesy 1260 days. Revel. 11 3. THE POPE'S BEGINNING. ANno Christi 410 Rome is taken and burnt by Alaricus King of the Goths, never was the City of Rome vanquished any time before, neither given over unto any stranger, and out landish, since the beginning of the fourth Monarchy, & at that time Sozimus was Pope, who ardently stood after the Occumenick style, that is, that he might be called the common and head Bishop above the whole clergy, every where else through the whole world: This Sozimus gave such a law that no doings in the Kirke should stand in full power without it was approved, and consented by the Bishop of Rome, after as it was prophesied that the son of perdition should then begin his governament when the Roman Kingdom began to bow, for certainly that overthrow of the Romans, which was done by Alaricus, hath been a beginning hithertil: Therefore that the Papists time which is 1260 years, or the 42 months, every month reckoned to 30 days, and every day for a year, hath here his beginning of this 410 years of Christ, which 410 years added to 1260 the sum is 1670. when the Popedom with all things will only take an end. Anno Christi 452. The Hunners' King Attila is come in Italy, who spoilt and destroyed many Cities, and towns, from this 452 years falleth in the God's secret days whereof Ezek 38.14. Anno Christi 520, Anastasius Emperor began to banish and root out all heriticques, with all their heretical doctrine, whereunto the Roman Pope helped with all his uttermost power: & which attained unto a prosperous success; whereby Satan the father of lies, and all heretical doctrine, was bound from this 520 years a thousand years. In the which the Dragon that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, is said to be bound by the Angel with a great chain, whereof Apoc. 20.2. Anno Christi 597 is Gregorius Magnus made Pope, who would not let style him with the Oecumenick title over the East land, yet nevertheless shown his ambition & avaritiousnesse, in this he subdued under him the Kirks of Spain and Britain, to his jurisdiction. In this year Mahumet was 26 years old; and then doubtless gave himself to reaving and murder. Therefore beginneth the hour, day, month, and year, whereof Apoc. 9.15. Anno Christi 636, Hereto endureth the time of the Gogs, Now after followeth his time Daniel 12.7. and then is jerusalem come under the Saracines power right in the 300 years after the clergy consented unto that most absurd learning of Arrius. Anno Christi 1450, beginneth the new Testaments joyful years, and about that time is Constantinople with the whole East-landish Kingdom, and Emperordome subdued by the Turks and becometh the Gogiers stall and stinking den. Hear beginneth the 7 angelical months, which the Scripture giveth unto Gog's spiritual burials Ezek- 39.11. Anno Christi 1522. Hereto endureth the set times, now after followeth the half time Dan. 12.7. This same year Doctor Martin Luther went to Worms, and answered his cause before the Emperor. In the mean time Carolostadius made uproar, and stormed to Wittenbergh, and the locusts came up, of the which Apocal. 9 verse. 3.4.5. Anno Christi 1625. here endeth the 1290 years, whereof Daniel speaketh in his 12 chap. verse 11. and the 45 years beginneth here. Right so endeth the same year the year of the two witnesses, which when they are ended, then shall the Pope inarme himself with his greatest power, and that shall be his greatest tyranny, which shall stand three years and an half, Apocal. 11.9. until anno Christi 1629, in the which year the spiritual time beginneth, which shall continue 41 years and an half. Anno Christi 1663., the 7 months have their end. Anno Christi 1664, the last 7 years begin, of the which Ezek. But anno Christi 1670, then have all the years which the Prophets have spoken of their only end, both the Heathen, Gog's, and Popes, as afterwards the Author himself cleareth, yet his protestation excepted, that he will not preceeslie determine such things; but referreth time, and hour into the Fathers own hands. A short interpretation, and clearing of the register of the new Testament. THE whole age of the New Testament, according to the meaning of the Prophets, are divided in 4 times. The first is the calling time of the jews. The second is the Gentiles 1600 furlongs. The third is Gog's, Mahumets', or Turks tyme. The fourth is, the Popes tyme. The first: Namely, the called time of the jews. WE read in the book of the Revelation 14. v. 15, is cried and said, THE TIME IS COME TO REAP. Now is a time or an hour, the four and twentieth part of a whole day: night and day reckoned to 24 hours. An Heavenly day containeth a thousand years, as it is written 2 Pet. 3. v. 8. (a thousand years as a day) divide this 1000 with 24, so cometh there about 41 years and an half. Remark now the groundless mercy of the Almighty GOD, how he did visit and call his people the jews, of the seed of Abraham, and offered them his grace by john the Baptist, who began his calling with the preaching of repentance; and Baptism, in the 29 year or thereby, after the birth of jesus Christ, of the Virgin Marie: which merciful calling of the jews, Christ with his Disciples continued after the beheading of john the Baptist unto one or two and forty years, and did begin in jerusalem, and gave them time enough of repentance, in the space of this 41 years, but when they remained in their hardness, and condemned God's Son, the blessed seed, which particularly, and especially was promised them in Abraham, and so wittingly proceeded in their sin, against the holy Ghost. Then GOD took his scourge in hand, Titus Vespasian, and therewith strooke them so hard, in the end of this 41 years, or 41 and an half years after the beginning of john's preaching, which was Anno Christi, 29. so that jerusalem their head City is destroyed, and their whole polices undergone, and never shall come up again. Lay now together 29 with 41, so cometh thereof 70. Namely, in the same year after the birth of CHRIST, in the which year Titus destroyed jerusalem, and the policies of the jews, and this is the time of the jews calling Apocal. 14.15. The other time of the New Testament: namely, the Gentiles, which should endure 1600 years. SACRA, AFter as the jews, GOD'S own people, had contemned his Fatherly offerings of grace, in his Son JESUS CHRIST, and would not accept of grace, yet GOD would have his glorious Kingdom after this life replenished, and therefore by his Word, Sacraments, and powerful presence of his Spirit, ordaineth here in the world a Kingdom of grace for poor Gentiles, that were not of Abraham's blessed seed as the jews, which Kingdom of grace should reach itself out 1600 furlongs, as it is written Apocal. 14 19.20, with which furlongs are understood years, as hereafter shall be spoken of. This 1600 furlongs, stadia, or years, which remaineth now again for the Heathens to repent; and thereby to be in gathered in the Kingdom of grace, that they thereafter should inherit his Kingdom of glory, and there see him as he is. In this 1600 years the third Angel ripeth the vineyard, as john sayeth, and casteth it in the great winepress of GOD'S wrath: and the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress unto the horse bridals, by the space of 1600 furlongs. Revel. 14.19.20. The three Angels with the Son of man that sat on the white cloud, is, GOD Father, Son, and holy Ghost: Revel. 14.14. GOD'S Son is called the Son of man, for the humane nature he hath taken unto the union and unseparabilitie of his person, the heavenly Temple, verse 15. the Heavenly Altar, verse 18: the white cloud, v. 14. signifieth all one; namely, the same man JESUS CHRIST, In whom dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Coloss. 2.9. The wine grapes in the 18 verse that are cast in the press of the wrath of GOD, are the jews, who were so pressed by Titus Vespasian, that there were slain eleven hundreth thousand jews, as josephus writeth, lib. 7. These who were pressed without the city, verse 20, and without the town's community, who were Burgesses and indwellers, Christ advertising them, they listened, and gave ear to his advertisement, who departed in safety unto Pella: in the mean time the other wine grapes were pressed by the army of Titus. The blood that ran from the press betokeneth, that the wrath of GOD'S vengeance should reach without jerusalem, and stretch itself unto such contemners of GOD, and hardened sinners, and that unto 1600 furlongs, that is, 1600 years. The horse unto whose bridles the blood ran, betokeneth the furious and untamed Heathen, and tyrants, that set them-selves up against CHRIST'S Kirk. Psal. 2. Which tyrants are like Horse & Mules, in whom are no knowledge of salvation. Psal. 32.9. who should be cast in the great press of the wrath of GOD, until so long they let tame them by the bridle of the Evangel, and let them be teached and shown by the servants of the Word, to serve the LORD, and kiss the Son. Psal. With 1600 Stadia, or furlongs is not understood, the length of place, but of time whereunto is given three causes. First: CHRIST saith, (Luke. 21.24) That jerusalem shall be trodden under the feet of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled: Hear speaketh JESUS of the Gentiles, that they should have a time, and that the Gentiles time should begin when jerusalem was destroyed, which time of the Gentiles is not found written in no place of the holy Scripture, how long it shall endure except only in this place. Secondly: This secret of 1600 stadia if it should be understood according to the letter, and as the words are in themselves: then this 1600 stadia or furlongs, maketh no more than 50 miles: but now the cup of GOD'S wrath hath poured itself more at large than 50 miles about jerusalem: yea in all the corners of the whole earth: therefore this 1600 stadia, is not understood of the place, but of the tyme. Thirdly: It is commonly the form of the holy Ghost, that he opneth appointed times, (definita tempora) with some dark kind of speech. Daniel 4. he calleth the seven years, seven times. Ezek. 4. Dan. 9 he giveth to understand years with days. Ezek. there is measured 4000 cubits, until the Evangelicall fishing, where undoubtedly is understood with 4000 cubits 4000 years: namely, from the first promise of the woman's seed, until the Evangelicall fishing began with the fishers of JESUS CHRIST: The holy Apostles hereof can be understood in this place, with 1600 stadia, right so many years. So endureth the Heathing appointed time after this calculation until the Son of man come in his white cloud, who with his Angels will reap and gather the children of men, the good and fruitful grapes in his own city, but will cut off the wild grapes with his sharp sickle till the 1670 years. The third time of the New Testament: Namely, Gog's, Magogs', or Mahumets', and Turks Kingdom: and that for the space 1335. years, which is ended anno Christi 1670. according to the prophecy of Daniel. 12. v. 12. and Dan. 7. ver. 8. IN the foresaid chapters of Daniel is written, that this little horn of Gogs or Mahumets', which came up with a little beginning, and stood up amongst the ten horns, the ten Kingdoms of the Romish Monarches who did pluck away three of the first horns, and held wars against the Sanctuary, and was for them too strong, verse. 11 This little horn came up Anno Christi 335: when that Arianish heresy spread forth in denying of the Godhead of JESUS CHRIST, in that public assembly of Bishops, and learned till Synodo, of all was consented and approved, and that in the ruined City of jerusalem, which false doctrine of Arius was the first cause, and beginning, till Gog's and Mahumets' success in the world: so shall the end of this Gog's, Magogs', or Turks, and Mahumets' fall, after this calculation in the year 1670. for 1335 added until 335. makes in sum 1670. Secondly: There is written in the Revelalion 9 verse 14. of the four Angels that were bound in the river Euphrates: that they should be made louse, which were prepared at one hour, at one day, at one month, and at one year to slay the third part of men, which doubtless is under stood of the Mahumets' tyranny, which he executed on the poor Christians in the East Lands, and how he changed laws, and times: for Euphrates flood is not fare from Babylon. The four Angels that are said to be bound in this flood, or the four Patriarches in the East land, the one to Constantin, the other to Antiochia, the third to jerusalem, the fourth to Alexandria, which four helped, and much assisted the Kingdom of the son of perdition. These are said to be loused, and many ways spread abroad, and that by the heresy of Arius and Nestorius, concerning the absurd doctrine of CHRIST'S person, that when they had consented in the same heresy, then are they forced to give themselves under Mahumet, and then were prepared till the hour, day, month and year, to slay the third part of men. Let now one hour be the 24 part of one heavenly day which continueth almost 42 years, for one whole day is reckoned for a thousand years: the Heavenly month 30 year's space, this year being a common year: so extendeth the sum 1073. years. Now when the end falleth in Anno Christi 1670 then is the beginning anno Christi 579, in the which time, as the Gothers that were in Spain turned from that Arianish, and Mahumetish doctrine, which then long time was allowed and approved of the four Patriarches: and therewith took such an end, that Mahumet trod himself, who till in this 597 years was in the bloom of his youth, about 26 years of age: Moreover in this same year the Pope's ambition show itself, and avaricious flood Euphrates in the Pope Gregorius Magnus, who sent his Ambassadors in England, and by power of an army forced them to embrace the Romish religion: In like manner the Pope had the victory above the Churches of Spain. Thirdly: Ezekiel chap. 39 verse 11 doth prophecy, that GOD shall give Gog a burial place towards the East, which shall be called the valley of the multitude of Gog, where Gog with his armies shall be buried, and cleanse the land in seven months, and shall burn off their weapons, and put the shields and bucklers upon bows, and upon arrows with fire seven years, verse 9 when there is made of the seven Angelical months Angelical days, 30 days in every month, and days to the year, so cometh of it 210 years: add unto this seven years, in the which the weapons were burnt in, Summa 217 years: Let now the end of this 217 year's fall in 1670, and then 217 substracted from this 1670, the beginning falleth anno 1453. In the which time Mahumet 11 of the name took in Constantinople, and made herewith an end of the Romish Emperourdome in the East land: so is then Constantinople Gog's burial place, and the valley of the multitude of the Gogs, or that place Hamona, verse 16, that lieth toward the East unto the sea, verse 11, which Constantinople is not longer the Christians head city in the Eastland, as before; but Gog's den, and spiritual dead stinking grave of the Mahumets'. That these armour arrows should burn seven years, signifieth that the Mahumetish laws, statutes, ceremonies, Kirkes' service, and deceit should be burnt to nothing, by the fire of the true spiritual word of GOD. This is now of Gog's, Mahumets', and Turks Kingdom, how long it will endure: namely, as long as the time of the New Testament endureth. The fourth time of the New Testament: namely, the Popes. IN the book of the Revelation, 13 chap. there is written of the seven headed beast, that it should continue 42 months, that is, the Popedom to Rome shall endure 42 months. Rome is builded on seven heads, high tops, and mountains: Make months to days 30 days in every month, and reckon every day for a year, so proceedeth 1260 years, when the end of this 1260 years falleth in anno Christi 1670. and then beginneth the same 1260 years, anno Christi 410: from which time hitherto Rome hath had the empire and victory almost over all the borders of the jews: then first subdued and taken in by Alaricus King of the Goths, than began the first Romish Monarchy to be feeble, and begat weak legs. Now when such ways the policies and mighty government of Rome began to diminish, than began the Romish Antichrist to increase in the government of the Church, and the Pope took unto himself the power, and superiority above the whole world, in all Churches, and clergy, even as the Apostle Paul had prophesied before 2 Thess. 2. v. 6 saying so. And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time: namely, that man of sin, and son of perdition, setteth himself against: verse. 7. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he which now withholdeth shall let, till he be taken out of the way: which Paul's prophecy, Chrisostomus, and many others understood this of the Romish Monarchy, & Emperourdome, which then hindered the son of perdition, and man of sin his ambition, that he could not come up as he would: and which could not be done, until the time, the same Imperium and Emperourdome began to bow, which was accomplished by Alaricus King of the Goths. II. In the Revelation 18, john heareth of proud Babylon, whose plagues, death, and sorrows shall one day fall upon her. verse 8, and in an hour shall her judgement be, verse 10, And in an hour shall the desolation of her riches come. verse 17. And in an hour shall be made desolate. verse 19 So will GOD then pour his wrath on the seed of the Romans in one day, & 3 hours. Now one day is 1000 years, one hour 41 and an half years, add together, so is the sum 1124. and an half years, when this 1124. and a half years endeth An. Christi 1670. then falleth their beginning in Anno Christi 546. in the which time, that the Gothers' King Totilias, that said himself to be the scourge of GOD, set fire in Rome, and brunt the greatest part thereof. From this 546 year of Christ, until Luther departed in the Lord, is likewise 1000 years one Heavenly day, for he died Anno Christi 1546. and is that day of the which before: therefrom and till 1588., when as the Papists contracted themselves against England, and there got a terrible defeat, went out the first hour of the three, therefrom and till Anno Christi 1629. When as the Papists tyranny shall be weakened, and must undergo, and the two witnesses shall come on feet again, is the other hour from 1629. until 1670. is the third hour, when all things will seem to take their only end. III. In the Revelation 9 The Apostle seethe, a star which had the key of the bottomless pit, and was fallen down from Heaven on the earth, wherewith nothing is understood, except only this son of perdition, who opened the bottomless pit. v. 2. whereout there arose much heretical smoke damp and reek, which darkened the righteous beams of the Sun of JESUS CHRIST, and his Evangelicall doctrine, and out of that smoke came Locusts on the earth, v. 3. Wherewith is understood the pestilentious heretics and false teachers, who do nothing else but bring in amongst the ground & seed of the Christian Kirk the greatest mischief. These damnable locusts (faith john) shall vex the people 5 months, that is, 150 Heavenly days or years: for five times thirty is 150, when this 150 years taketh their end, anno Christi 1670. then the calculation concludeth that they begin anno 1521. In the which time that Carolostadius wakened up that great uproar, with storming of images, from whence proceeded in the Church's diversities of opinions. Fourthly: In the Revelation, chap. 11. we read of the two witnesses, clothed in sackcloth, who prophesied 1260 days: and when 1260 days endeth, than they shall be killed by the beast, and three days and an half lie unburied, but thereafter shall have life of the Spirit, and ascend to the clouds of Heaven, and the enemies of the Evangell shall behold it; then shall there be a great Earthquake, which shall continue an hour, in the which Earthquake the tenth part of Babylon shall fall. By the two witnesses is understood the old and new Testament, which beareth witness of the truth in murning weed and sackcloth, that is, under croces and persecution: If we will add and lay together with this three and an half days, or three and an half commoun years, the heavenly hour namely 41 a and half years, then is the sum 1305, then followeth it the beginning of this 1305, to be Anno Christi 365 on the which time that Damasius & Vrsicinus did contend to Rome for the Popedom, which of them should be Pope, who carried a bloody war in the holy house against others. And then hath this son of perdition gotten his kingdom, consecrated and anointed unto him by murder, and shedding of much blood. When we begin from the foresaid year Anno Christi 365, to reckon to the 1260, then end they just Anno Christi 1625. Now how those two witness the Old and New Testament with all true preachers, who hath holden with those two witnesses, hath been killed and rend, it is enough known unto all men, for not only Papists, but all other sects rend so on those two witness, and so killeth them, every one to turn and revert them unto his own heretical meaning, which is enough known unto every true Christian, but now most of all those two witnesses are now killed with their confederates in this 3 and an half years: Namely, from Anno 1625 until Anno Christi. 1629. whereof the well learned man Master Meynelaus Poulsone Preacher to the Castle of Copemanhaven, hath set out on our Dens tongue the foresaid Philippi Nicolai his words which likewise I will rehearse following in this manner. Comment. de regno CHRISTI, lib. 2. capit. 2. fol. 6. 196. sequent. seeing now the holy BIBLE is translated in English, French, Dutch, Dence; and other tongues and languages: and is used and read with all diligence, both of learned and unlearned: So understandeth the Pope, that Scotish English, Fleames, Dence, Norwish, Swedens', Poles, Bohemish, and Vngarish; with no deceit or subtility can be brought again under his power, so long as the books of the old and new Testament have the upper hand: and therefore he shall strive after also to take from these two witnesses all their prerogative, and bring so to pass, that they may have no place in the Roman Church; but to loss their shine altogether, and by the permission of GOD, seeing Godliness is very rare besides us, so can it lightly event, that the Romish Antichrist shall have once success. This proud and devilish victory will continue three years and an half, which is from the year 1625. until 1629, so long shall the Christian Kirk endure this persecution, and shed her blood in great quantity, for confessing of the truth: and together in these times men shall see the books of the old and new Testament to be whole contemned, and to lie as dead bodies in the streets, and they shall be trod with feet, yet some godly compassioners, and the Evangelish true confessors shall not suffer them to be whole buried. But thereafter from anno 1629 until anno 1670, the whole heavenly hour, or forty one years and a half, so shall kith itself, that the holy Scripture, and holy minister calling, with the two witnesses, which is the old and new Testament, shall powerfully come before again, and with great jubilerens, and especial joyful crying, compass about the godly, and ascend up into the clouds of Heaven. Apoc. 11. ver. 12. this shall be a great honour and glory, and can not be hindered. This the Papists shall see, and over all measure therethrough be terrified, seeing they can not trod more the holy Bible under their feet; neither turn the people with their anathemata, or curse and cruel persecution, from the diligent reading, and godly meditation: yea, there shall be such a great Earthquake, so that the tenth part of the great city, Apocal. 11. ver. 13 that is, the ten Kingdoms of the Papistical dominions shall condescend together: namely, the Germanians, Hungarians, Bohemians, Polonians, Swedens', Dence, Norwish, English, Scottish, and French, who shall be moved, and shall knit themselves together, and wholly denunce themselves off from the Papists: yea, they shall hold together with such a special zeal, and that for the cruel persecution of the Christians, as likewise for the cause of the untolerable pride of the Roman Antichrist: And shall fall in Italy or Welshland with mighty power, and burn up with fire that great City Rome, great Babylon, Revel. 18. verse 8. That Babylon's whore can be paid, and get her right reward, who tyrannously hath persecuted the spiritual members of Christ's body, Revel. 17. verse. 6. and drunk herself drunk with the blood of Saints, and blood of the Martyrs of JESUS. And that there can come such a reward upon her, as on jerusalem, who slew CHRIST JESUS himself, and is come since the beginning on all persecuters of CHRIST'S Church. After this time is the heavenly hour 41 and an half years, whose end are fulfilled anno Christi 1670. Herewith it aggregeth with that which our foresaid author setteth in his exposition, of the 12. chapter of Daniel, lib. 2. de regno Christi. pag. 121. saying, It may be that Anno Christi 1625. will come up some new Motus, and tumult, that the Christistian Church will suffer cruel sorrowful tempests again, but how it shall be Daniel cleareth not, except that which he heareth of the Angel, blessed are they that waiteth thereafter: that is, who are patiented as yet, until the 45 year are past. Now every one knoweth that patience is no ways without crosses and sorrows, whereby may be judged that Anno 1625, there will burst out a hole on a devilish and pestilentious boil, which now Anno Christi 1596, when Philip Nicolai wrote this book, the enemies of the true Christians, are making ripe, in their secret counsels and concealed pratickes, that the Elect may be weary of those troublous times. Wherefore of this ineluctabilis and future time of sorrows shall come on that time: until the which we have as yet from this year 1579 28 year, then should the souls of true Christians, after the counsel of Daniel, prepare themselves to patience: and herewith remember this cruel persecution, shall not for ever endure, but shall undergo, within a short space, and come to an end within few years, And therefore especially should we pray GOD, that he from Heaven will send us the strength of his spirit, that we could grow in true faith, and stand constant in the revelation of the truth. V And moreover this undoubtedly agrieth well, namely, this last time of the new Testament, with the times that proceeded before the flood came, seeing that CHRIST prophesieth hereof himself. Math. 24. & Luk 17. That right as it was in the world before the flood, the people gave themselves to drunkenness, filthiness and lusts of the flesh, and that until the same day that Noah entered into the Ark: So likewise the people should give themselves secure unto such vices against the last times. Seeing there is now reckoned from the world's beginning unto the flood 1657 years: subtract 1657 from 1670 so hast thou again 13 years, when CHRIST was 12 years, and in his 13 when he disputed with the learned in the Temple of jerusalem. Lay now together the first Adam with the second, and then the earthly with the Heavenly. 1. The first had earthly Paradise, the other the Temple of Jerusalem, and that after the commandment of his Heavenly Father: Shall I not be about my Father's business, Luke 2. ver. 49. 2. As Adam show obedience unto GOD in Paradise, so did the other in the Temple. 3. Adam was counselled of the woman, that he should eat of the tree of the forbidden fruit: CHRIST could not be counselled of his mother to desist from that which was his Fathers. 4. As from Adam's fall until the flood proceeded 1657 years, likeways from Christ's active obedience (obedientiae activae specimine) example which he show in the Temple, when he was 12 years full, and in his 13, until the only end and revelation of time will proceed 1657 years: add hereunto the 13 years of his age, so falleth in the end anno Christi 1670. V And for the last, it is neither to disallow between the agreement of the years of Christ's age, that he lived & conversed visibly in this world with so many of the New Testaments jubilee, every commoun jubilee year reckoned to 49, Levit. 25. ver. 8. for 7 times 7, maketh 49. the next following 50 year was both a jubilee year, and the first year to begin in: in the next following jubilee years reckoning. Now is Christ dead, risen, and ascended in the 34 years of his age: begin now to tell these jubilee years, from the 29 year of CHRIST'S age, for than began john the Baptist to sound with the trumpet of the new Testament, so falleth in this 34. this new Testaments jubilee years, beginning Anno Christi 1646 from this, to 1670, is about 25 year, an half jubilee year, because CHRIST lived not out his 34 years. Now to a conclusion of this little book, I will bring in two prophecies of our Authors. I. Of the diminishing of CHRIST'S Church against the world's end. Pag. 223. THIS may well be, that as Christ did not show himself after his resurrection to the unthankful jews' priests, and Scribes in jerusalem, but removed North unto Galilee, and there revealed himself before his disciples: so in like manner, that the clear learning of the Evangel, which once is driven from some parts in Dutchland, and Romish dominions, shall not come their again: in the same places, but make his dwelling away, North in Germany, and in other Northlandish places, in Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Iseland, etc. And as CHRIST after his resurrection preached not, and learned publicly in Jerusalem where he was crucified, but secretly revealed himself to his disciples, who were gathered within locked doors for fear of the jews: so that in like manner before the ●ast day, the Heavenly sincere doctrine ●n Churches and schools from whence she is banished, not more there to have such success, but shall sound quietly within some poor folk's doors, who shall read the holy BIBLE in their ●ouses, with Luther's Catechism and E●istles, and other writings of true ●earned teachers, and with their household profit themselves in the exercise of true religion. What success Spain hath to expect here in the Sound. pag. 99 lib. 1. circa finem. cap. 2. IF Spain out of ambition, for augmenting of his kingdom come in our seas, and will stay or hinder the handling and merchandise of the English, Dence, Swedens' and Muscoviters, unto the damnage of the Norwish dominions, than it shall not prosper with him, he may try much, but carry nothing home, but shame and discommodity with him. This is now briefly set forth and extracted by the honourable and enlightened Doctor Philip Nicolaus, which is taken out of his second book of the Kingdom of JESUS CHRIST, concerning a prophecy of the world's end. If any hereby will conclude, that the last day precisly should fall in this 1670, and think hereby that I should presume more than the holy Scripture giveth place. Thereunto I answer (saith the Author) in this manner, Of that day and hour no man knoweth; yea, not the Angels in Heaven, saith CHRIST, Math. 24.42. Mark. 13.32. For this cause I protest here, and do witness, that I Philip Nicolaus will know nothing of the mysterial things, which GOD hath preserved only for himself in secret, and will have no man to know it, neither decree this nor deny this: it may well be that the last day give himself to know in the same 1670 years, it may likeways be thereafter, as the people lest think of, and living in their fleshly lusts and appetites, that the same day stealeth suddenly over them, it may well be that the last day cometh sooner for the cause of the elect, who fervently and heartfully think long thereafter, that they could once attain an happy end of all sin, and of all their sorrow, which both the world, and the Devil afflicteth them with: for that which GOD hath preserved in secret for himself, it becometh us not to search therein: and therefore I abide alone by the revealed word, and the holy prophetical and Apostolical writings, what the events are on the last day is found written after GOD'S own commandment, Revel. 11. ver. 11. and ver. 19 and chap. 10. ver. 11. which I in the fear of GOD red with great diligence, and deep meditation, herewith praying the Almighty GOD, who hath spoken by his holy Prophets, and Apostles mouth, that he for his godly goodness, mercifully will assist some of his true Christians, to reveile and clear the secret mystery of times, that are written in Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. Therefore when I see narrowly unto the Heavenly Evangelicall harvest, the Heavenly hour, and heavenly Stadia, or furlongs: then I can not otherways as precislie consider & meditate of the revealed times, if we will reckone over the involued things which are enfolded in the holy BIBLE: yet nowayes concluded hereby, what shall follow hereafter. Where fore this that I writ here, I set them not as Articles of belief, but only as the thing that a Christian should desire and seek after, recommending this unto the event of time: seeing there is no surer interpretation, and clearing of Prophecies as when they are fulfilled. O everlasting good GOD, the spring of all wisdom and grace, enlighten our spirits and dark understanding, with the light and clearness of thy godly wisdom, with the spring and fire of fervent charity, that in us all worldly vanities, lusts of the flesh and spring of pride, may be extinguished and quenched by the holy lamp of thy light, and that we may rejoice in our only and most excellent jewel that thou hath given us, namely, our only Saviour and Redeemer and be true obeyers all the days of our life, yea in the midst of death: to whom with thee, and the holy Ghost be praise and Glory for ever Amen. FINIS. Qui paenitentiae dulcedinem libat, Sacrificium pro peccatis libat. A BRIEF TREATISE AND EXHORTATION TO REPENTANCE. MATH. Chap. 3. verse. 2. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. IN this book we may see the long patience and suffering of GOD, towards his own people the jews, who in the last times of their visitation, did send his own Son, the Saviour of mankind, and that of the seed of Abraham, to stretch forth his hands and arms, to save and embrace the remnant of the lost sheep of the house of Israel: but when they did contemn God's Fatherly visitation, and were offended with CHRIST JESUS, & had crucified the King of Glory, as lykewayes thereafter did persecute in the same manner all his disciples, Apostles, and servants of GOD: then GOD left them, and gave them over unto themselves, and did begin his merciful calling with the Gentiles, who were strangers and aliens from the house of Israel. By whose visitation likewise, we may learn of the mercy and justice of God: for those Gentiles of Asia, and East-landish Dominions, have had their own times of GOD'S merciful visitation, but after many sins committed, together with the persecution of saints, and contempt of the word, GOD hath removed his Candlesticks from them, and hath given them over unto vanities, and lies, and is gone from them, and now in this last hour and time of the world, it hath pleased him to erect his Church, and candlestick within this Nation: And there fore, O happy, and thrice happy are we, if we will acknowledge the times of our merciful visitation, and day of our calling, for the LORD of glory is standing at the door of our souls: and within this Nation we have had our own times, where GOD hath knocked long with the hammers of his Word: and appearantly seeing the word is contemned, and beareth no fruit in men's consciences and conversations, that GOD is departing from us unto another people, and yet streatching forth his arms, and calling unto him all true Christians, who will turn unto him and repent them of their sins, for certainly there is no sin which hath abounded in those foreign Churches, but those and more doth abound besides us, and give the Church and Saints of GOD within this Nation be not persecuted with public Tyrants, yet let the wise Christian see how she is persecuted, rend, and divided within herself, which doth prognosticate a fearful departure of our kind GOD, and a terrible judgement to hang over our heads, and would to God I say that our judgement be not worse of all, if we take not heed in time: Therefore let us be wise, and learn of the fig tree, and of these tokens, to prepare ourselves for our Bridegroom the LORD JESUS second coming in the clouds. john the Baptist a forerunner of the Messiah, the first trumpet of the Gospel, is here crying out, according to the Prophecy of Isaiah, Prepare the ways of the LORD, make his paths straight, against the first coming of the Messiah. Amend your lives for the Kingdom of grace is at hand, and is to be offered in the LORD JESUS to every true penitent, and believer of the Gospel. Now in those days our only high Priest and Prophet, is crying unto us, and learning us by the Parable of the fig tree in the Gospel, that the Kingdom of glory is at hand. Mat. 24.32. And that we should lift up our heads, working our salvation in fear and trembling, waitting for the day of the LORD, for he being the first trumpet of the Gospel in those days, his only matter and aim was, in respect of the great defection, and diversity of religion amongst the jews: as likewise their true worship of God, was turned into a Pharisaical and self love of themselves; therefore he was busy preparing the first way and coming of the LORD, and importing unto them a Kingdom of grace to be at hand, and therefore did exhort them unto repentance, that they might enter and go in into that Church militant here on earth by this Kingdom of grace, now to be offered, and reveiled unto them in the Messiah, that thereafter they might be found worthy against the second coming of the Lord, to enter into the Church triumphant, and Kingdom of glory .. Our john the Baptists, and preachers in our times, have greater occasion, yea all preaching stools whatsoever, being now the last trumpets of the Gospel, have matter enough to cry out in those words: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: even that Kingdom of glory, where the Messiah is not in his first coming, in the likeness of a servant, and in the baseness of his flesh, to offer more the Kingdom of grace and mercy, in errecting a Church militant here on earth, as in the days of john the Baptist: But now certainly coming in his second coming in the clouds, convoyed of all the Angels, and troupes of HEAVEN, as a powerful judge, in full majestical glory, to rander every man according to his works, where grace and mercy shall cease to be more offered, and where all happy Saints and blessed Elect, who were partakers of that Kingdom of grace, in the Church militant here on earth, shall be gathered in that triumphant, and glorious Church in the Heavens for ever. O blessed and thrice blessed is that soul, who findeth and approveth himself by the touchstone of repentance, to be a member in this Kingdom of grace, and Church militant here on earth: he shall be preferred and linked so fast unto this blessed happiness and endless joy of all Saints: also that no creature in Heaven nor in earth, no, the gates of hell can separate him from it. Therefore how diligent should we be to embrace this Kingdom of grace, in these latter times: seeing the world is sunken into mere sin and vanity, and all abominations have taken upper hand, yea all signs and tokens prophesied in Scriptures are fulfilled, so that there resteth nothing, except only the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds to judge the world, and take account of our actions, and which we may as sure expect daily to come, as we are certain of things past: For Heaven and earth will perish, but one jote or one word of the LORD shall not perish. This spiritual echo resembleth well in our ears, as john the Baptist would say, I exhort you to repent, because of those miserable times, in that godliness amongst you is thin, and Pharisaical decisions, and other diversities is in your Church, as likewise all sin, and wickedness aboundeth amongst you, and the Kingdom of grace is at hand, now to be offered in the Messiah, and Son of GOD CHRIST JESUS, and which Kingdom of grace, who so receaveth by faith and repentance, now in this last time of your calling, shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and Kingdom of glory, and which Kingdom of Heaven, no man can attain unto, without this true repentance, and amendment of life, and which notable trumpet of repentance, may very well be applied unto this age: Therefore thou who readest this, and thou who bearest this, repent, amend thy life, in regard of those evil and latter days, in that true godliness is thin amongst us, and true religion, is rend and covered with all sort of schisms, and diversities in the Church of GOD, and the whole earth is overladen with wickedness, and senseless security: Let us now lift up our heads, and light up the lamps of our hearts, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, where once grace shall rest to be offered, at which time all true penitents shall be gathered, and inherit that blessed glorious, and everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. The spiritual meaning of this text, importeth a circumstance and necessity of this repentance, as if he would say, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: and therefore it is necessare that ye repent, and amend, for who so desireth to be partakers of this Kingdom of Heaven, he can not come without this repentance: Also that this repentance is such a necessare thing, that thou canst not attain unto salvation without it; yea, thou canst not be more saved in the day of the LORD without repentance, than Noah was saved without the Ark from the Flood. O happy is he and thrice happy, who attaineth unto this sanctified repentance, it is the prick of conscience, it is the very sacrifice and faith of Abraham: it is the sacrificing knife to mortify the outward man. It is the fiery and fervent burning zeal of the soul, accompanied and endued with the spirit of prayer, and godly sorrow, quenched with the tears of true repentance, and with a comfortable joy, and feeling of the mercies of GOD, yea, it bringeth us unto the very sacrifice itself, unto the which Isaac was a type: namely, unto true faith in the Blood of JESUS. It is the budding rod of Aaron, which shall bring forth such blossoms of a godly life, and joy in the holy spirit here in this earthly tabernacle, and in the morning in the Tabernacle of the testimony: that is, when the evening of thy time is past, and thou art brought unto the morning of thy endless rest, either by death, or the day of the LORD: then shall it bud and blossom unto thee such fruits of endless and unspeakable happiness, as no tongue can be able to express, nor heart to think of. It is the strong hand of jacob, who by faith will wrestle, and take such hold on CHRIST, that it will never leave him, until the time he be blessed. Therefore good Christian let us consider, what excellent times, and occasion, we have as yet to day to repent, while that the gates of grace are open, let us run to this throne of grace, so long as it is offered in the Gospel, and not delay the time of our repentance. Now is the Kingdom of Heaven at hand, even that glorious Kingdom of JESUS, when the gates of grace shall be shut, and never offered no more, when no repentance, tears or prayers will prevail. Now I say, in this last evening and hour of the world, so long as CHRIST is standing knocking with the hammer of his Gospel at the door of thy soul, refuse not to open, lest the time of his standing be now out, and thou then be left and locked without the doors of his mercy, as a wretchfull and woeful reprobate for ever: then unhappy man that ever thou was borne, thou shall then repent, but too late, and all thy repentance is then but aggravating of thy sorrows, and never dying torments in hell for ever. The rich Glutton and reprobate, already there, would give the whole earth if they did possess it, to have the time, place, and means of grace offered unto them, as now we have: but they can not redeem this time with thousands of worlds, & mountains of gold; not so much therefore be eased as for a minute of an hour out of their never dying torments. Therefore I would request the reasonable man, who in some sense hath gotten a sight and taste of the mercies of GOD, and of thy effectual calling in JESUS CHRIST, to consider, meditate, and ponder with thyself of the fearful event, and end of the world now at hand: and therefore to press with all diligence to frame thy life and conversation according to the prescript word of GOD, and let our minds be so occupied about heavenly things daily and hourly, attending the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who assuredly finding the lamp of thine heart prepared, with the oil of grace, and tears of sanctified repentance, will at that day transform, and metamorphose thine earthy tabernacle into an immortal body, where both soul and body shall enjoy that joy of all joys, which is to behold the most comfortable sight of GOD himself: yea, that blessed contemplation of the holy Trinity, wherewith thy glorified soul shall be filled so with such an unexpressible and unspeakable blessed joy coming from this main Ocean, and fountain of all happiness, that it shall overflow with joy, that it can not be able to conteane more joy of itself, than the presence alone, and contemplation of GOD, which he himself shall fill it with: yea, ever enjoying and rejoicing, and never wearying; but ever praising and gloriefying GOD in all eternity, which blessedness is the joy of all Saints, and Elect, and will be motion enough unto them, to rouse and waken God's children, for attending the LORD JESUS second coming in the clouds, and not to delay the time of their repentance: but as for the secure man, who hast not atteined unto a sense of this joy, neither knowest thou what this meaneth, it shall be little help unto him, because he is sleeping in senseless security, he may well dream of these joys, but he hath no benefit of them, because he accounteth more of worldly things, and hath a benumbed conscience, that he hath eyes and sees not, ears and hears not, a heart and yet can not understand. He is like Adam new made, lying before GOD, created with his whole members, and yet hath no use of them, until the LORD breath in a living soul & spirit in him, then shall he be brought to conceive of spiritual things, and so consequently to this repentance. Yet I hope there is none so void of knowledge, albeit unregenerate, but he shall be driven to learn and consider with himself, either by the law and order of nature, or by the law of conscience: this one object especially, the end of his being or creation, which I think there is no man, albeit he would forget GOD, and not once dream of him, yet he will have a regard of himself, and seeing he findeth himself to have a being and life, for if it had pleased God thou hadst not been at all, therefore seeing thy being and life is not with the beasts, unreasonable; but such a reasonable life and soul, as that thou considerest that all other things, whatsoever in the world created, Sun, Moon, stars, elements, tree, herb, beasts, and every living creature, are all subject, and made for thy service, therefore thou canst not but conclude, albeit thou hadst no other teachers, as the light of nature or the light of conscience, but that the end of thine own creation must be to serve GOD, the only Maker, mover, and governor of all things: and so having considered that thou hast a GOD and Master to serve, thou canst not have such a base estimation, but that thou must give account of thy service, and the good servant will often meditate the day and time of account in his Master's absence, and will calculate and press with all diligence to have his count clear against his Masters coming, especially not knowing the time of his coming: which consideration, albeit thou wert an Atheist, thou shall be driven unto it, either by the light of nature, or light of conscience: but dear Brother we are more abundantly taught, as by these especially in this our age, who are borne under the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, which great mercy of GOD towards us is unexpressible. Art thou therefore a man into whose heart this mercy is not as yet impressed? and that thou hast not regarded nor considered, what GOD hath learned thee out of his Word, nor dost not mark how GOD this long time bygone hath stand knocking with the hammers and trumpets of his Evangell, at the door of thy soul, so that thou resemblest no more a Christian, yet I pray thee resemble the Heathen herein, and let either thy own conscience tell thee, or the law of nature teach thee, that all things serveth for thy use and service; and so consequently thou for the use of GOD, and to his service: that is, either for a vessel of his glory in the Heavens for ever, or for a spectacle of his justice in the pains and torments of hell for ever; and that thou must make account of thy actions at the great day of account. Wilt thou neither imitate Christian nor Heathen herein? not letting teach thee by the Word of GOD, law of nature, or light of conscience, yet reject not fear with the unreasonable beast, for all beasts whatsomever have a kind of fear, and will avoid (if they can) any pain or torment, therefore have some fear of thyself, else what shall become of thee hereafter at death: and if thou reject not this fear, yet thou shall be brought so fare as to consider the end of thy being and creation, which is to serve GOD, and which service thou must make account of one day, that is, at the day of judgement, which albeit it should be prolonged some hundreth years, yet we see by daily experience, how death without exception, and expectation of many, doth violently compel all estates, young and old unto this account, so that no man is certain of the end of his life. But what shall I say, this death is so commoun, little feared, and nothing regarded; also that worldly men promise unto themselves length of days, and time of repentance before death come. The young man in respect of his youth and ability will dream of a long life, and yet often cut off before he expect. The old man going in the brinck of his grave, doth promise himself no sudden death, and the time of his repentance to come soon enough, in respect GOD is merciful, and yet, before that ever he expect, he is so choked, and cruelly beset, and environed lykewayes with the pangs of death, that in no manner of way once is he able to meditate upon repentance, in respect of the sudden sorrows, and of the cruel passions of death, which mightily ever-whelmeth the whole body of him in an eye blink: yea, in a very moment of time, and dryveth the soul by violence out of the body, unto the Maker thereof, and there for to render account of its doings, whether it hath been good or evil: and therefore O Christian, seeing that repentance is such a precious jewel, study by all means to work out thy salvation in fear and in trembling. And yet the worldly man: I say not only the worldly man, but when I look and consider the doings of men, that the whole world for the greatest part are sleeping in such senseless security, that they are rather dreaming with the Atheist of no death, and if death, yet no resurrection, no judgement no pain, no torment, no bless, nor endless joy unto themselves, and leading such a negligent and careless life; that I am assured they do not once think of the last day, much less of any account to make of their doings at the day of judgement: But I will assure thee that the day of the LORD is coming, to rander every man according to his works: Well, thou may sleep secure in the bosom of worldly vanities, such a short space as thou canst, but the day is at hand, when thou shall be fearfully wakened with the trumpet of Angels, and troops of Heaven, when thou shall be in a moment metamorphosed from a mortal creature, into an never and ever dying vessel, and spectacle of GOD'S wrath, where thou shalt stand naked in the sight of all creatures, when as thy doings neglegence and secure life, with all thy sins that thou small accoumptest of before, shall be raised as mountains in the view and presence of thy conscience, and shall bear witness against thee: yea, shall overwhelm thee with endless sorrows in the bottomless pit of despare, and gulf of Hell, where they shall torment thee for ever: thou being forsaken, and put out of the presence of GOD, as a woeful reprobat, subject unto devilish torments: For if nothing move thee, yet let fear move thee, and hast thou so much as fear of thyself, with the unreasonable beasts? then fear GOD, fear his Majesty, fear his infinite power and justice, and repent and amend thy life, without the which thou canst not be fred from hellish torments. Wilt thou not fear GOD! yet fear because of the Devil, in that he is appointed for a tormenter of all unpenitents, fear Hell, fear never dying pain and torment, fear the devil's malice, and thou shall be brought at last to some practice of repentance: Art thou so fare come that thou art affrayed of thyself, it is something, I pray thee then, let this fear move thee so fare, as to hear diligently GOD'S Word, partake the sacraments, use the means of grace, pray to GOD albeit thy prayer be imperfect, and but lip labour, lie and wait at the pool of Bethesda: which will, and obedience of thyself, this fear may work in thee, and yet thou being a unregenerat man, it can help nothing in the inward work of this repentance, but yet art thou thus well exercised: Now in the time of grace, and lying at the pool of Bethesda, and gates of grace. Hast thou attained so much as a desire of this repentance; then I am assured the LORD shall pity thy hard case, and the Angel shall come down and move the water, and thou shall be washen from thy sin and leprosy. Wilt thou thus thrust thyself in where CHRIST is, and thirst after this repentance, then assuredly some time there shall go one virtue or other from him, which shall alter and change thy hard heart into an heart of wax, so that it shall melt with the sorrowful tears of repentance, and CHRIST shall give them of the Well of the water of life freely, who thirsteth after it, which when thou hast a teined unto a kind of repentance, then mark well it be this, which briefly hath these infallible tokens, and method in itself, true and sanctified repentance indeed, that is, (I say) after a sensible sight and confession of thy sin, thou art accompanied with the tears of true repentance, out of a contrite and broken heart, where thou dost reap faith in the mercies of GOD the Father, through JESUS CHRIST, and joy in the holy GHOST, budding forth in the fruits of a godly life, and holy conversation, these are infallible tokens of the true children of GOD, and are so fast linked together, that they can not be separated from others. Art thou therefore unregenerate, yet sleeping in dead security? Hast thou not gotten a sight and sense of thy sin? Thy case is fearful, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, when the devil shall lay all thy sins before thee, where thou shall be wakened with a fearful and terrible sight of thy misery. Hast thou not as yet confessed thy sins in private before thy GOD, and accused thyself of thy transgressions? thy estate is to be pitied, the day of the LORD is at hand, when thou must confess them publicly against thy will, where the Devil shall accuse thee: yea, thy own conscience shall tell thee that thou art justly condemned and cast away for ever. Hast thou not sorrowed with the tears of true repentance? The time is at hand, when thou shall with a desperate sorrow so lament and bewail thy miserable estate, that thou shall never be comforted out of thy endless misery, and never dying pain. Hast not thine heart as yet conceived a certain joy in the holy GHOST, and faith of the mercies of GOD in his Son CHRIST JESUS: then O poor soul, and caitiff creature, albeit thou wert a Monarch, and had the riches of Croesus, yet thy case is most miserable and lamentable: then I say O desperate creature, I pray thee delay not the time of thy repentance, but go and sell all that thou posessest, for this precious jewel, and arlepennie of thy salvation, for the day of the LORD is at hand, when thou shall be shut out of that endless joy and rest for ever, and then shall reap no faith in the mercies of GOD; but such a doleful and miserable desperation out of the justice of GOD, that thou shalt curse the very day of thy birth and nativity. Hast thou not hated the Devil and thy sin here in this life, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, when as the Devil and thy sin, shall so hate thee with a perpetual hatred, and torment thee in the Hell for ever. Hast thou not kithed here in this life, the fruits of true repentance, in glorifying GOD, and in charitable and merciful works unto thy brethren, I will assure thee, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, when as God shall be glorified in thy endless ruin and destruction, where no mercy nor charity shall be kithed on thee, but most horrible and tyrannous torments executed by the Devil and his Angels: O misery of all miseries! O pain of all pains▪ and never dying torments, how horrible and fearful is thy remembrance? Oh Father Abraham, who in thy life-time was a pattern of mercy and pity, on the poor and indigent, how art thou thus disposed, as not to pity the poor caitiff, and tormented Dives in Hell fire, and send Lazarus unto him, that he may dip the top of his finger in water to cool his tongue, in such fire and unquenchable flame? or how dost thou not comfort him in his misery, that it shall either end from him, or he from it, which would have given this poor damned and tormented Dives some contentment: but I see thou dost rather rejoice as to have pity in that it tendeth unto the glory and justice of GOD, and that his pain is endless, and never shall be eased, how terrible should the consideration be unto a good Christian of the straightness of this torments, and perpetuity of pain for ever. But on the contrary, art thou a soul who hast repent of thy former transgressions, and dost repent daily of thy infirmities, who hast attained unto this sanctified sorrow, out of the which thou hast conceived the honey of true repentance, namely joy in the holy GHOST, faith in the mercies of GOD in his Son CHRIST JESUS, it is a certain token thou art a child of God▪ and the Kingdom of Heaven, which thy soul thirsteth after is at hand, where thou shalt enjoy that fullness and sum of all blessed joy, with all the Saints and Angels in the Heavens for ever: which glorious, blessed, and everlasting Kingdom of GOD is so furnished with joys, that no creature in Heaven nor in earth can think of, much less express this eternal happiness laid up in store for the elect, where the just shall shine like the Sun, Math. 15. This is the promised crown of glory, this is the Paradise and place of pleasure, and joy of all Saints, this is the hidden Manna which no man knoweth, but he who enjoyeth it, and with DAVID, Happy are they that live in thy house O LORD, Psal. 8. 3. for they shall be drunk with the river of GOD'S divine pleasures, and with the abundance of GOD'S house, Psal. 3.5. where we shall see GOD which is our chief happiness. Augustine speaking of this Kingdom, sayeth, O joy above all joys, passing all joys, and without which there is no joy: when shall I enter into thee, when shall I enjoy thee, to see my GOD that dwelleth in thee? O everlasting Kingdom! O Kingdom of all eternities! O light without end! O peace of GOD, that passeth all understanding, in which the souls of the Saints do rest with thee! O Kingdom of everlasting bliss, where thou O LORD the hope of all Sancts art, and the diadem of their perpetual glory, rejoicing them on every side, with thy blessed sight: In this Kingdom there is infinite joy, mirth without sadness, health without sorrow, life without labour, light without darkness, felicity without abaitment, all goodness without evil, where youth floorisheth that never waxeth old: life that knoweth no end, beauty that never fadeth, love that never cooleth, health that never diminisheth, joy that never ceaseth, where sorrow is never felt, complaint is never heard, matter of sadness is never seen, nor evil success is never feared for that they possess thee O LORD, which art the perfection of their felicity. Oh dear brother into this very moment of life, whereon dependeth all eternity, why should we delay our repentance, when I look unto the world with my spiritual eyes, I wonder to see how the most part of men, weary themselves in vanity, and in the trifle of worldly things, neglecting this Heavenly treasure and Kingdom of all happiness: why doth not rather now all men, in the last moment of times, run after this Kingdom in buying this pure and tried gold of CHRIST JESUS: It is a lamentable and inward grief of true Christians, to see almost the whole world so busied, and exercised in buying straw in Egypt, where as they could buy fine gold with less labour, and at a lower price: is it not now time for worldly men, to follow the doctrine of CHRIST, and sell all that ever they have to purchase this Kingdom? and the example of Paul, who esteemed all the world as dung, in respect of this jewel, and Ignatius, who saith, fire, gallows, beasts, breaking of my bones, quartering of my members, crushing of my body, all the torments of the Devil together, let them come upon me so I may enjoy this treasure of Heaven: and Augustine who was content to suffer torments every day, yea the very torments of Hell itself to have this joy. Oh how few considreth this Kingdom of Heaven to be at hand, and how many are they who bestow their time in vanity, pleasures, and delyts of the world, so that men all most are bend to wickedness, and abomination, which is an infallible token, that destruction is imminent, and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: and seeing all tokens and prophecies are fulfilled in the Scripture, whereby it is most certain that the day of the LORD is at hand, so is the hardness of the heart and wickedness of mankind likewise a true token and a note of imminent destruction, as is evident by all examples of the holy Scripture, how it hath been the form of worldlings and reprobate persons to harden their hearts, and double their sins against the day of vengeance: So was it in the days of Sodom & Gomorrah, who could not be warned of Lot's exhortations, but hardened their hearts and doubled their iniquities: judas wicked resolution could not be changed by his masters forewarning presently before his imminent destruction, neither the jews would take heed unto all the prophecies, or plagues hanging over them, but hardened their hearts against all exhortations, preachings, promises, and thunderings made by Prophets, proceeding in such an excess in sin, and defection from GOD, hard before their utter ruin, and destruction executed by Titus. And when we confer to these former examples, those of our days and latter times how mercifully and abundantly is GOD warning, and crying us to repentance and amendment of life, by faithful Preachers of his Gospel. But who heareth and repenteth, where is the worldly and avaricious man, who hath amended his life, and turned from his avarice, or where is the prodigal man who hath left his prodigality, and is clothing the naked and feeding the hungry, or where is the proud and ambitious man, who is become humble and lowly, or where is the false usurer and deceitful man restoring it again unto the poor with Zacheus in the Gospel: but rather all sins are prevailing in their highest degrees, drunkenness, adultery, pride and avarice, especially are become so usual and followed of all men that they are rather accounted virtue than vice: so that the Elect of this age may now sigh and cry out with that holy Martyr Policarpus, O Domine in quaenam tempora nos reservasti: O LORD what perilous, sorrowful, and miserable times lettest thou thy Elect live in those days, what time or age in the world, since the creation of Adam, hath more sin and wickedness abounded, or what time hath there been in old, whereinto charity and truth hath been so cold, and wholly departed from the hearts of men, as now in those days: and if the ground of election were not sure, what a hard thing is it, and a matter of great difficulty for a Christian soul, to attain unto the work of his calling, and persevere in true faith and obedience, into those dangerous and latter times: seeing how rare they are to be found, who by a godly life and conversation, showeth a good example to others, and the Devil hath got such victory in this age, that he hath almost all dominions, and powers of the world under him, as Ambassadors: yea, most of all creatures, are very instruments for enlarging the Kingdom of Satan, who certainly goeth about like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour: seeing he feareth his hellish torments draweth soon to a beginning, and therefore striveth with all diligence, if it were possible, to lead and carry all souls borne on the earth unto endless perdition, and destruction with him: will we look unto all the estates of men, both civil and eclesiastical, from the rich Monarch unto the poor beggar, from the learned doctor and prelate, unto the lowest deacon, from the aged father, unto the very infant, we shall see now in those days the hearts of Kings moved, and induced more by Ambassadors of Satan, than by the counsel of the godly, embracing rather the counsel of subtle and treacherous Achitophel, who standeth after the destruction and ruin of a Commonwell, than the counsel of the old & wise favourer of land and policy, and that in those last times. How pitiful a thing it is to see such a consort of traitors to intrude themselves in the company of potentats and superior estates, who by their deceiving prctaickes have brought to pass such fearful events, in whole Europe, as miserable experience by loss of life, wife, children and goods, hath proved unto many thousands, within those few years begun: Behold how nobles and men of State, how their hearts and ears are locked up from the cries of the poor, and repel their cries without help, as the stony rocks repelleth the vaves of the Sea without sense: look unto the lower estate of men, thou shalt find nothing more to abound than pride, in imitating the footsteps and form of apparel of noble men, lust of the flesh, in abusing the Temples of the holy Ghost with incest, adultery, and fornication: drunkenness in spending of their own life and means; behold the very beggars, who as men would say, in troubles, in necessities, and want should work and seek that everlasting riches in the LORD, waiting for the coming of the LORD JESUS; thou shall mark no hungering nor thirsting after righteousness in them, but a main consort of ignorance, lewd and vicious creatures, who are more exercised and busied in time of divyne service in tippling and secret places, and about their own bodies, rather as to find them in GOD'S house begging grace unto their souls: will we look unto the common course of youth, thou shalt find and hear the first lesson they learn, is pride, cursing, and profaning of GOD'S Name, even from their very infancy: again from their youth to their age, running from one vice to another, and where then we see commonly they are more addicted unto the world's avaritiousnesse. and lewdness, than with any godliness, or goodness, and so most part ending their days without repentance, they die miserable without any sense of their sins, and are swallowed up at the hour of death into the horrible pit of despare, where their torments do begin with never dying pain. Behold the Ecclesiastical government, thou shall see avarice and ambition so to have intruded themselves amongst many of them, so that they seem rather to dig earthly than heavenly treasures, resembling well the workmen of Noah, who were good biggers, but not possessers: so that many Kirkmen are good edifiers in the word, but are evil example givers: who are so possessed, part with ambition, and other with avaritiousnesse of the world, that they seem to neglect their own salvation. Fare be it said from the worthy Divine, and faithful Preacher of the Gospel, who seeketh not their own glory and advancement, but the advancement of GOD'S glory, and edifying of souls unto GOD, all which spait of iniquity, and senseless security, are evident tokens I say of imminent ruin and destruction: for this our age liveth as secure of ourselves, as in the days of Noah, Sodom, and Gomorrha, and as the jews before the destruction of jerusalem, but how came it to pass in these days, when they were most sure, and expected least any destruction, presently the floods of Heaven opened, and the waters overflowed the whole earth with her creatures; the elements conjoined themselves in fire and brimstone, and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha: and when the jews cup of abomination was full, GOD stirred up instruments amongst themselves, who presently were the cause of their own destruction in jerusalem, and the whole land of judea. It is to be feared therefore, that it will likewise so event in these last days, when all sin taketh the upper hand, and when men live most negligently, and careless of themselves, that then the LORD JESUS will come in the clouds, and take account of the wickedness of mankind. The wicked abomination of man's heart, made GOD in his wrath cry out, and say, I repent that ever I made man, Genes. 6.6. And certainly, if we will view and consider now in those times the tragedy of the world, it is placed in very wickedness itself, and when we look unto conscience of religion, how many wondrous cursed and damned sects and opinions are spread on the faee of the earth, and every man affirming Scripture for upholding their heretical opinion, wresting the Word of GOD unto their own wills and inventions: O thou religion! how art thou changed and disfigured, yea, rather abused, how can the simple soul knew thee, or to what hand shall he turn, when so many miserable opinions are at strife, 2 Cor. 4. It is only the humble heart that the truth is manifested unto: it is not without cause that the spirit of GOD prophesieth in the Revelation, that thou shouldest be clothed in sackcloth, Revel. 11. yea thou art surely disguised, and most by the great comfort of Antichristians, who are dispersed amongst all Nations. Now is the mother of whoredom mounted upon the seven headed beast, that ten horned monster, yea that old Dragon the devil hath given him his power, and hath printed on his fore head the name of blasphemy, he spueth out now a days unclean spirits, who are ambassadors to enlarge the Kingdom of Satan: so that the Church may now lament in the prophet jeremiah: Have you no regard, all ye that pass by this way, behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, and that GOD is forced now to speak, I have long time holden my peace, I have been still and refrained myself, now will I cry like a traweling woman, and I shall destroy and devour both at once. O wicked and abominable age! O sinful and miserable generation! what other object dost thou bring before our eyes, but sin and wickedness: are not Kings opposed against Kings, and Nation against Nation, so that the one triumpheth over other men's spoil: yea, subjects mutiny against their own natural Prince, and all sins & wickedness are conquerors, and drunken in by men as water of a thirsty stomach: what lying and deceiving, what slander and shameless villainy, is done by all the estates of men in all places, the general voice of the people is nothing else, but vanity, bawdry, whoring, detraction, and backbiting, pride, envy, deceit, drunkenness dissimulation, wantonness, flattery, lying, swearing, perjuring and blaspheming, so that all abomination and wickedness is grown to a certain perfection and maturity in those days, and that the shoulders of this universal globe, is overlaiden with the wickedness of mankind: The trumpets of GOD may now cry out with the Prophet jeremiah, O ye Heavens, be astonished at this: be afraid and utterly confounded, saith the LORD. And lastly, will we look unto GOD'S creatures and unto the elements, what comets, signs, and wondrous tokens hath been seen, and heard within those few years, I doubt not but it is well known unto the diligent searcher, as experience hath well taught, albeit not to all in those parts, yet in sundry parts in Germany, Italy, Denmark, and Norvay, are kithed fearful tokens, as untimely birth, and Monsters borne in Denmark, blood reigned from the Heavens on the earth one half foot deep, ash, stones, and fire reigned from the Heavens in Island, the pitiful crying thrice of a child in the mother's womb in Berone in Norvay. All which I have seen approved and heard by experience, and many more visions, and terrible tokens seen in Europe, both by earthquakes, overflowing of waters, and fearful visions seen and heard in the elements, and witnessed by sundry: all such things may very well teach us that the latter days are imminent: Therefore he that is let him be still, (saith CHRIST) Revel. 22. let the wicked man dwell in his abominations, and triumph in all kind of wickedness, for behold (saith Christ) I come shortly, and my reward is with me, to render every man according to his works. O would to GOD we could consider attentively the prospect of all GOD'S creatures, how they teach us daily, that all things draweth to their end, all things wax worse and briefer, the earth giveth not her wont fruits but worse: men sinneth with new sins, GOD plagueth again with new sickness, and the life of man commonly attaineth not unto former and wont age, and commonly cut off in her first prime, the waters give not their wont abundance of creatures: the sun and Moon misseth their wont shine, and virtues, the stars of Heaven are, turned into comets, for preaching of GOD'S vengeance: the Air and all elements are moved with fearful and unacquainted tempestuousstormes, and all things as it were wish to be dissolved, so that the earth is waerie, worn, and overburdened with the wickedness of her creatures, also that she fainteth, trembleth, and wisheth to be fred, and disburdened of her most untolerable birth, all which prophecies fulfilled, and conferred together with the experience of this our age, there is no spiritual man, but of necessity must conclude, that the day of the LORD is at hand: and if any learned Divines have aught to pretend, as yet not fulfilled, yet I persuade myself there is none of them, but will subscryve to CHRIST'S own words, that the latter times shall be shortened for the Elects sake. Math. 24. and that all the Saints in Heaven are now rejoicing, and hoping for the accomplishment of the fullness of their joy, when that soul and body may be coupled and united together, and enter with all the blessed Elect into that glorious and triumphant Church, and Kingdom of glory. Therefore to conclude, I say, Will nothing move thee unto this repentance, no the mercies, patience, and long suffering of GOD can move the●? neither the benefits, and temporal blessings of GOD bestowed upon thee; nor the prospect and defection of elements and creatures, neither the abomination and wickedness of mankind; no not the daily experience of violent death can move thee; yet let the fear of imminent justice and day of the LORD, that glorious Kingdom of Heaven now at hand move thee to repentance, and amendment of life, I pray thee consider with thyself, if there be any creature created in Heaven or in earth, who can by any evident argument assure thee, that when thou sittest down to thy table, that thou shall rise before CHRIST come in the clouds, and ask account of thee: or when thou goest out of thy doors about thy worldly respects, to turn back to thine house, but that thou may be caught into the clouds of Heaven, before the justice seat of GOD, either when thou liest down in thy bed with thy mortal body, but that thou shall be in an eye blinck in thy sleep exchanged, into an immortal creature, and presently presented before the glorious throne, and Majesty of CHRIST JESUS, to give account of thy works. Good LORD! when I do meditate with myself of the imminency of this Kingdom of Heaven, and of the former works of mankind in this age, it troubleth my thoughts, and unquyeteth my spirits, and maketh my bones to quake, and my flesh to tremble for fear, to think how that the LORD of Glory shall find the whole world in such damnable and pitiefull estate, and how few they are who are prepared with the oil of grace in the lamps of their hearts: shall he not rather find men busied about the vanities of the world, and lusts of the flesh, then attending the coming of the LORD JESUS: O doleful and miserable experience! O wicked abomination and sinful generation of mankind! What fearful justice art thou prophesying to be imminent. Oh how doleful, lamentable, and sorrowful will the event prove to many, who are sleeping in senseless security in the lap of worldly vanities: awaken O secure man, and harden not thy heart, nor delay not the time of thy repentance, abuse not the long patience and suffering of GOD, accept of grace in this very last moment of grace, for now the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, where the gates of grace and mercy shall be closed, and never opened nor offered again. O miserable, wretched, damned, and forlorn creature art thou, if thou repent not in time, how pitiful shall then thy estate be, when thou shall be forced with perpetual shame, infamy, and confusion, to stand naked in the presence of all creatures, and before the justice throne of GOD, where thou shalt hear that horrible sentence, of the KING of all Kings, and judge of all the whole world, Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. O terrible and fearful sentence once pronounced, how fearful and unexpressible shall thy pain be, where no repentance, no tears, no treasures, no friend, no foe, no grief, no sorrow, will then help thy miserable, damnable, & desperate soul, out of her endless quail, and never consuming torments. And on the contrary, how joyful shall that soul be who hath repent here in this life, when they shall be promoted in the Heavens, to live as Kings in that everlasting happiness and joy of all Saints. The LORD of his mercy make us prepared against the coming of the LORD JESUS, to whom with the Father and holy Ghost, be praise and glory for ever. AMEN.