¶ A compendious form and sum of Christian doctrine, called the Testimony of a true Faith, meet for well disposed families, for the more knowledge in God, and better nourishing up, and confirming of all such, as love salvation in jesus Christ. Gathered, corrected, and newly augmented, by Christopher Shut, Master of Art, Seen and allowed. Psal. 34.11. Come ye children, hearken unto me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. ¶ Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, dwelling at the three Cranes in the Vinetree. 1579. To the right Honourable, and his singular good Lord, George, Earl of Cumberland etc. Christopher Shut wisheth all increase of grace in the holy Ghost, & long continuance of life in all happy health and prosperity. AFter that I called to mind (Right Honourable, 1. Re. 2.1. Pro. 4.1. 2. Re. 23.1. and my very good Lord) the diligent care, and prudent provision, which David and other good Princes and rulers of Israel had, for planting true religion in their Families, for their better conversation and good government, according to the law and rule of faith: and had been also often entreated and earnestly invited by some, my very friends, and such as love the salvation of the faithful, to contract some compendious and Christian form of godly instructions and sweet prayers much requisite in well disposed families, whose godly demand I was not willing to deny, 1. Luc. 214. both because I see the lack thereof in many families, to require so needful a labour, and also, because I would not abridge my duty to my brethren and fellowship of the faithful, if it were but, with the poor widow, to cast two mites into the treasury: And weighing also with myself, how many busy brains are occupied, to quarrel without a cause with truth itself. I thought your honours Godly Patronage to be a sure asyle, to support and defend against the sting of carping Zoilus, whatsoever in godly wise herein I should propound. And therefore I have boldly presumed too rest upon your honours hoped protection, as the chiefest anchor hold I had herein, and take effect, to the end my labours might the better proceed. Whereto (my good Lord) I was diversly incensed. First by your honours good liking and procuration of good literature from time to time which, never happened to any without deserved praise and just commendation. Secondly, I was moved by your Honour's good acceptation of my studies in the Lord, and other good remembrances towards me, both of your honour, unto whom I recount myself most deeply indebted, and also of my good and most virtuous Lady, whom the Lord hath joined, as a most comfortable delight and help, unto your honour. Whose faithful society and happy fellowship, importeth an evident argument of God's great goodness towards you, in blessing you with the fellowship of such a one, as few or none excel or go beyond in true godliness, honesty, and virtue. To whom for her honours good affection to Christian religion, I recognize myself much bound with all obedience. Thirdly, I was provoked hereunto, specially, because such is and aught to be the zeal and love of all nobility, (whereof your honour is a most towwarde Branch) always with main and might, to defend the cause of true Religion to the glory of God, and salvation of his people, for which cause the Lord hath stirred up most noble men and godly Magistrates, to be as patrons, and protectors to the Ambassadors of his word, for the better proceeding of religion. So he raised up Moses to Aaron, josua to Eleazar, David to Nathan, Asa too Azariah, jehosaphat to Micha, Ezechias and others to Esaie and jeremy, Zerubbabel to jehoshua, and finally, the Emperor Constantine to the council of Nice. All which were rightly termed Nobles, for the zeal and love they had to true religion. And albeit, by sinister and crooked means some were ennobled, and so crept into the careful chair of worldly dignity, yet none were ever rightly and in very deed accounted noble, but such as undertook the patronage and aid of Christian religion, which thing I humbly crave upon your Honour. For even in this wise, Deut. 4.4. Moses doth call the Israelites a precious and a noble generation, so long as they observed the commandments of the Lord. Upon the like condition, Psal. 89. &. 132. the Lord established his mercies with king David his Servant: that the throne of juda should not be destitute of one to reign upon the same for ever. 1. Reg. 2.1. To which thing David had respect, when he lay upon his death bed, and thereupon counseled Solomon his son, (to whom the kingdom was promised,) to walk in the way of truth, wherein he had been brought up: to the end he might prospero and have good success. Fox Page 125 To like purpose, Romanus a man of great nobility, being carried to the place of martyrdom for the profession of Christian religion, (a rare thing in Nobles to behold) boldly avouched, that his nobility rested not so much in the blood of his Ancestors, as in the profession of the Christian faith, and other virtues thereto agreeing. And therefore he said, Non progenitorum sanguis, sed Christianae pietatis professio me nobilem facit, that is, Not the blood of my progenitors, but the profession of Christian religion, maketh me noble and renowned. Rom. 11.17. And in deed if we should with a single eye, look to the Prosapie of Adam, Eph. 2.23. and wild olive tree, out of the which all flesh was taken, there would be no great cause of triumph to any, of any thing which we have of nature: Ro. 6.5. &. 8.15 16. But this is and aught to be man's chief nobility, that he is graffed in Christ jesus by faith, adopted to be the child of God, made by faith partaker of his graces, Theodorit. lib. 5. ca 17. and fellow heir of his kingdom, and this is very nobility. Wherewith Saint Ambrose being moved, advertised the Emperor Theodosius (and in him all nobility) to consider his nature to be frail, least happily principality should blind him, and make him quite forget himself, and his obedience towards God. Whereupon, it may be gathered (right honourable) that not only the Potentates of all sorts, aught well to remember their calling, but specially, to address themselves in all obedience, to serve the Lord, to foster his church, to promote and defend his true religion: For therefore are they called to nobility, Psal. 2.11. Isa. 49.23. wherein, I would to God it might well please even all degrees of such as be exalted on high and governors of families, deeply to acknowledge and confess, that the Lord hath made them Fathers for his truth, patrons to maintain religion, and lights of godly life for others to follow. For, like as the son in the firmament, Plato. giveth light to all the regions round about him, and by his bright appearing expelleth the darkness, comforteth and cheereth the world: Semblably, should nobility banish sin and corrupt religion, and be a lantern of Godly life to comfort and shine to others, that they might direct their lives after their good ensamples, Philip 2.15. as the Apostle wisheth the godly to be without rebuke, in the midst of a naughty and crooked generation, among whom they should shine as lights in the world. For as the Philosopher Plato saith, such as the Heads and Rulers be, such commonly be the rest of the common multitude. Isocrates Upon the which consideration the Athenians Orator Isocrates wisheth all men of nobility, to propose their lives, as a pattern for others, to follow, knowing, that the manners of a whole town or country do resemble the ways and doings of the higher sort. Lib. 3. Ca 1. To the like end sayeth Enagrius in the ecclesiastical histories. that the life of a noble man should be an image of virtue, for his subjects to follow, Contra Donaristas. that they might the sooner be alured to virtue and godliness. Thus Saint Augustine saith, that rulers aught to serve GOD, not only in living godly and modestly themselves, but also in bringing others to virtue and true Religion. Thus it was said to Arcadius the Emperor, that godliness was sufficient to the salvation of the noble men, without the which their Pomp and outward strength was nothing worth. Whereupon (my very good and virtuous Lord) I may conclude and define with Sozomenus, Sozo. lib. 9 Cap. 1. that godliness or love of true Religion, Lib. 1. Ca 1. is the greatest honour and renown of true nobility. And therefore as Constantine said sometimes to Sapours king of Persia, Theodorit. lib. 1. Ca 25. so say I to all such of high degrees, which fear the Lord: like as in keeping of the sacred faith, they are partakers of the light of truth: so in following the light of truth, as a guide, they attain strait to the sacred faith: which thing may well enkindle in the loving and zealous hearts of noble men and all others a fervent mind, to the embracing and spreading abroad of true religion. Niceph. lib. 4. Ca 34. And even as Cyprian let no day pass, without the reading of Tertulian: nor Alexander without the reading of Homer: nor finally, Apelles without some line proportioned: so were it meet that no degrees, should loose any opportunity or occasion granted to the meditation of Christian religion: but rather being taught by the example of the Emperor Constantine, would repose their whole study in the word of God And as for other things in the world, they are but vanity and vexation of spirit. For all flesh is grass, Eccle. 1. Isa. 40.6. and all the glory of man is as the flower of the field, which standeth beautiful to day, but tomorrow is cut down, dried up, and withered. And what harm were it then, if some good man would put all degrees in mind, as the Macedonian did Philip, 1. john. 2.16. and say: remember man, that thou art but mortal, and that nothing is in the world, but the lust of the flesh, 1. Cor. 7.31. 2. Cor. 5.10. the lust of the eyes and pride of life, & that the figure of this world vadeth fast away, that we must also all appear before the tribunal seat of God, that every one may tender an account for that which he hath do ne in the body, be it good or evil. Were it not a means, to make every one more watchful in his office? wherein than aught man's delight to be? surely as the Prophet saith: Let not the wiseman glory in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength, jere. 9.23. nor the rich man in his riches: but let him that rejoiceth, rejoice in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me: For I am the Lord, which show mercy, judgement, Eccle. 11.9.10. &. 12.2. and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, saith the Lord. To the like purpose, is the good and wholesome counsel of the Preacher, Rejoice (O young men) saith he, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee, in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes, but know that for all these things, God will bring thee to judgement: therefore take away grief out of thine heart, and 'cause evil, to depart from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, whiles the evil days come not, nor the years approach, wherein thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. O would to God that this godly counsel might prevail in princely and noble hearts, and in every high and low degree, and especially in heads of households, which best becometh their personages: Than would they inquire after the Lord, and make his truth, their chief delight, and lay a sure foundation in the way of righteousness, than should this be their joy and triumph: To know the Lord to be their GOD, and themselves to be his people, and to have the testimony of a good conscience. Than should they make answer to their obedience rightly to the word of GOD, 2. Cor. 12. than should they do the duties of faithful and loyal subjects, and satisfy her majesties desire. Finally, than would they tender the state of Church and common weal, and show themselves careful for the salvation of Israel. And because there is no good beginning for the accomplishing of these things, but in the wisdom, fear, and knowledge of the Lord, the seed whereof is sown in your honours heart, to my great comfort and happy hope of help, that your honour will set forward and maintain the truth of jesus Christ in this poor country, and Labyrinth of ignorance & sin, I here most humbly commend unto your honours godly zeal, a short form of Christian Religion, and godly government, most meet in well disposed families to be observed. Wherein is to be seen the sum of Christian doctrine, faith, and godly prayers, most meet for this our present estate: beseeching your good Honour, in am of better, to accept the same in good part, at my willing hands, recognizing myself much bounden unto your Honour, with all obedience for ever. And therefore knowing the knowledge of true Religion, to be the delight and comfort of the godly, Psla. 119.24.105. Ro. 10.8. Isa. 11.4. john. 1027. 2. Cor. 2.16 the light unto their paths, the doctrine of faith unto salvation, the sceptre and protection of God's kingdom, the mark and badge of God's Elect, and savour unto life, I here do present, the sum thereof unto your Lordship, in token of a thankful remembrance of your honours courtesy towards me, and in hope of favourable acceptation thereof, Wishing no less unto your Lordship, then increase of all heavenly graces and perfect happiness thorough the mediation of the Lord jesus: in whom I bid your Honour most heartily far well. Your good honours most humble to command C. Shut. The Testimony of a true faith, containing short questions very necessary to all Families for the more knowledge of God, and better bringing up of children in his faith and fear. 1. Question. FOrsomuch as our Saviour Christ in the Gospel admonisheth his elect, a. Matth. 6.33. first to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, and thereto adjoineth the promise of other, blessings to ensue: I would gladly understand, how the same might be performed, which he requireth so necessarily. Answer. There is no way so expedient to the attaining of God's heavenly graces, as to lay a good foundation of true religion in the fear of God. Forasmuch as a. Deut. 28. toto Psal. ●. 15.22. obedience to the Law of God, is he readiest & only way, to the fountain of all perfect happiness. And for this cause b. Deut. 6.6. 2. Sam. 6.11 Reg. 2.3. Act. 4.23. Luke. 19.9. the godly men of all ages, provided always from time to time, that they might nourish true religion in their Families, to the end, both they and theirs might be instructed better in the Law of God, and have good success in those things which they went about. 2. Question. Dost thou than think, that those households are disordered, and not rightly ruled, where there is no daily meditation of religion kept? Answer. Such Families may rather be accounted a sink of sin, where the people are careful of worldy profits and vain delight, & careless of the word of God, and true religion. a. 1. Sam. 2.25. And therefore they are in this case often times nearer to destruction. 3. Question. How dost thou order and govern thy house in Christian religion. Answer. a. Deu. 6.6 As Moses commanded the people of Israel, to teach their children the Law of the Lord, that in all their affairs they might have an eye unto the same: so am I careful, that my whole Family fear God and know his word by some daily exercise, and meditation thereof. So as b. 1. Pet. 3.15. they may be the better able to tender a reason of their faith. c. Act. 4.23. They pray and give thanks together in all their doings. d. Tit. 2.12. They live godlily, soberly and righteously. e. Luke. 19.9 They make restitution, to whom they have done wrong. And finally whatsoever they do, they do all to the glory of God, f. Ios. 1.8. and so they prospero, to God be praise therefore. 4. Question. Well than I pray thee show me the sum of that religion, which thou dost keep in thy Family? For it is the duty of a true Christian, always to be ready a. 1. Pet. 3.15. to tender an account of his faith, to the end it may appear, that he is not b. Mat. 10.32. Rom. 10.10. ashamed of Christ and his doctrine. Let me therefore hear what thou canst say of the principal points of Christian Religion. Answer. There be three special parts thereof, the first is a. john. 17.3. 2. Cor. 13.5. to know God and my elf: the second is, b. joh. 5.24. the means whereby my salvation is wrought: the third, c Mat. 6.9. and 26.26. what helps God doth further me withal unto life everlasting. 5. Question. What sayest thou of the knowledge of God? Answer. The same is of two sorts: the one is universal, and known a. Rom. 1.19. Psal. 19.1. by the creation of heaven and earth, wherein God offereth himself to be seen and known of me, as the only fountain of all goodness, who alone b. Deut. 6.13. aught to be worshipped. For his c. Gen. 1.1. Act. 17.24. eternity appeareth in the making of the world: his d. Psal. 36. goodness in preserving the same: his e. Psal. 107. Act. 17.28. Psal. 115.3. providence in the tokens which are seen and felt, whereby what pleaseth his godly will cometh to pass, and not by blind fortune: his f. Psal. 104.24 wisdom in ordering of the things created: his g. Rom. righteousness in delivering the godly, and punishing the wicked: his h. Ezec. 18.32 mercy in patiently forbearing sinners, and calling them to repentance. So that what may be known of God, is manifest in the things created, which universal knowledge taketh away i. Rom. 1.20. all excuse from the ungodly, which worship not God aright: but to me, it is a k. Psal. 19.1. ready way to bring me to the true worship of God. The other knowledge is special, and only proper joh. 17.3. jere. 31.34. to the elect, whereby, thorough faith poured into my heart by the holy Ghost, I am assured that my salvation is wrought by Christ the son of God: by whom m. Rom. 8.16. I am made the child of God thorough grace, and heir with Christ of his kingdom: which knowledge only cometh of n. Luke. 10.21 grace, and so is given to me, but it is restrained from the wicked, because of their o. Math. 13.14 sin and hardness of heart. 6. Question. What sayest thou of the knowledge of thyself? Answer. By creation I was made in Adam, according to the a. Gene. 2.27. Image of GOD (I mean not any bodily shape, for God is a b. john. 4.24. spirit, and without body) in true righteousness and holiness, Ephe. 4.24. that is to say, in all perfection and happiness of nature, both in right judgement, reason, will and strength. In which happy state, if Adam had continued, both I and all his posterity had been blessed for ever. 7. Question. How diddest thou fall from this grace. Answer. My fall appeareth, in that a. Gene. 3. toto. Adam who had this blessing for me, thorough the enticement of the Serpent broke the commandment of God, in eating of the forbidden fruit, and by the same deprived himself of his former happiness, and brought sin, death, hell, the wrath of God, and all kind of miseries into the world, Rom. 5.12. as just punishments for his deserts. In which his sinful act, his pride, disobedience, lack of faith, unthankfulness to his creator, and light credit to the Devil appeared. In which offence, both I and all his offspring are wrapped, in as much as in him we all have sinned, for he had the blessing given to keep or lose for him and his. Wherefore I and all others descending of him, by him, & in him, have fallen from grace, and are infected with his corruptions, b. Psal. 51.5. conceived in sin, borne in iniquity, and c. Ephes. 2.3. by nature the children of wrath, Rom. 3.10. and utterly undone, without the grace and mercy of God. 8. Question. What is man's free will, his power, strength, wisdom, and such like virtues lost by this his fall in Adam, all which he had in the beginning? Answer. Concerning man's will, before his fall the same was free, but afterward not so, a. john. 8.36. but as the same is freed by grace. For b. Psal. 14.2.3 his judgement is unperfect and often deceived, his will in many things hindered, and his strength decayed, c. john. 3.5. & 15.4. 2. Cor. 3.5. Phillip. 1.6. &. 2.13. that of himself, he cannot perceive the things which belong to the kingdom of God. So that as now to will aright is the gift of grace, so, to will & choose amiss, is the lack of grace: And yet this will of man not regenerate, in some respect may be termed free, because d. Eccle. 13.9. a man doth evil by his own consent, and not by compulsion. And as for other his virtues and good gifts, which he had before his fall, like as in a ruinous house, there remain certaines relics of an house, although nothing comparable to their former excellency: so after Adam's fall, man not egenerate e. Isa. 29.4. 1. Cor. 1.19. Ro. 8.7. &. 10.3. hath a certain kind of wisdom, carnal knowledge, show of religion and holiness, and yet the same so imperfect, both by his natural corruption, & by the tyranny of the Devil, that f. john. 3.5. till he be regenerate and sanctified with grace from above, he can not please God. 9 Question. How art thou restored to grace again? Answer. My restoration cometh thorough a. Tit. 3.5. Ephe. 2.4. the free mercy and favour of God, who after this my fall in Adam, raised both him and me up again with the comfortable b. Genes. 3.15 &. 12.2. &. 22 18. promise of a Saviour, who by his c. Rom. 3.25. Col. 1.22. 2. Cor. 5.21. death should pacify the wrath of God, and bring me into his favour again: d. Rom. 5.19 by whose obedience I am made righteous: which my regeneration cometh thus to me, whilst e. Matth. 3.2. Luke. 24.47. by the preaching of the Law, I am brought to the feeeling of my sins, and raised up with the comfortable promises of the Gospel, f. Act. 15.9. 1. Cor. 3.16. received by faith. My heart is lightened, purified, and governed by the holy Ghost: g. Ephe. 4.24 my will and mind reformed, & the Image of God renewed again in me. 10. Question, Why did God regenerate thee, and not rather get himself glory, by condemning thee according to thy sins. Answer. Although the Lord a. Rom. 3.10. & 9 toto. Deut. 7.8. Ezech. 36.22. joh. 15.16. Ephe. 2.4. 2. Tit. 1.9. Tit. 3.5 might justly have condemned all Adam's posterity, by reason of their sins, yet notwithstanding some of them according to his just judgements, he leaveth in their own corruption, devoid of all grace, and Vessels of his wrath unto damnation: Othersome he embraceth in his great love unto salvation, whom he accepteth in mercy without any deserts of their own. Of which number, my conscience doth persuade me that I am one. And therefore he hath regenerate me, b. Eph. 14.5. 1. Pet. 1.3. john. 3.16. Rom. 8.29.30. first to declare his great love, mercy & everlasting kindness towards me, whom he chose in his son Christ to salvation. And therefore in an happy time, he hath called me by the preaching of his word, and justified me by my only faith in Christ's death: c. Matth. 5.16. Rom. 6. toto. Ephes. 2.10. 2. Pet. 1.10. Secondly, that I being thus borne anew, may bring forth the fruits of righteousness to glorify him withal. d. 1 Pet. 1.3.4. Act. 26.18. Rom. 6.22. Thirdly, that all the end of my regeneration is life everlasting: so at the Lords good time, I may receive the same among his Saints. 11. Question. Show me what be the means, whereby thy salvation is wrought? Answer. The ordinary means commonly are two, that is to say, a Luk. 24.47. Rom. 10.17. the word of God, and faith. 12. Question. What is the word of God? Answer. It is those Canonical scriptures a. 2. Tim. 3.16 2. Pet. 1.21. written by the spirit of God, & commended to man both in the old and new Testament, wherein are contained b Deut. 4.2. & 12.32. Galat. 1.8. Luke. 16.29. all things necessary to our salvation, according to the which, the Lord will have all his religion measured, without either adding or diminishing. 13 Question. How canst thou know the true religion, in so many sundry opinions of the same, as be in the world? Answer. a. Act. 17.11. First, I try the religion taught me by the word of God, and by his spirit given me to understand the same. john. 5.39. Secondly, b. 1. john. 4.1.2. I know this spirit to be a right spirit, because it confesseth Christ to be come in the flesh, that is to say, ascribeth the whole work of my salvation to him, and to no other thing. Thirdly, c. Rom. 3.31. I expound one place of Scripture, as it is not contrary to another. And thus I try the truth, d. john. 12.48. making the word of GOD to judge and determine what I aught to follow. 14. Question. What is the cause why the word of God is preached to many, and yet taketh place but in few? Answer. The causes are many, a. Ro. 10.16. & 11.7. first mans own disobedience and contempt of the word, through want of faith, b. 2. Cor. 4.4. Secondly, the malice of Satan, who blindeth and hardeneth the hearts of the unfaithful, that they should not see and believe the truth. c. 2 Thes. 2.11. Rom. 1.14. Apoc. 13.8. &. 14.9. Thirdly, the just judgement of God: Who, because they refuse to receive and believe the truth, doth give them up into a reprobate mind, and sendeth strong delusion among them, that as they do delight in lies and m unrighteousness, so the same may be their destruction. 15. Question. How is the word of GOD divided? Answer. Into the a. Mat 3.2. Luke. 24.47. Law and the Gospel. 16. Question. What is the Law.? Answer. It is the ten commandments of God, requiring of every one a Deut. 27.26. most pure perfect, and perpetual obedience, b. Levit. 18.5. Rom. 10.5. Mat. 19.17. promising salvation to them which fulfil the same, threatening death and damnation to the transgressors thereof. 17. Question. Rehearse the same to me. Answer. 1 a Exod. 20. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me. 2 Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth: thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, and visiteth the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me, and keep my commandments. 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guilteles, that taketh his name in vain: 4 Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day: six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy GOD, in it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man servant, and thy maid servant, thy cattle, & the stranger within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it. 5 Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 6 Thou shalt not kill. 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8 Thou shalt not steal. 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his Ox, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is his. 18. Question. What sayest thou of the first commandment? Answer. The Lord therein requireth a. 1. Sa. 15.22. Deut. 10.12. true obedience to his word, the fear and love of his name, b. john. 3.15.16. a sure faith and trust in his promises, c. Psal. 50.15. and 23. the right invocation upon his name, with thanksgiving for his benefits, whereby his true worship may be known aright: which things as he doth command, so doth he forbid d. Deut. 4.15. all manner of superstition and idolatry, e 2. Thes. 1.8. 2. Tim. 4.4. the contempt and denial of his word, f. Rom. 3.18. jacob. 2.14. 1. john. 3.10. the lack of fear, faith and love towards him, g. Apo. 13.6. & 19.10. &. 22.9. calling upon other creatures, and finally, whatsoever polluteth his service, or our consciences in whose presence all our doings do appear. 19 Question. What sayest thou of the second? Thou shalt not make. etc. Answer. God doth therein declare how he will be worshipped. For seeing that his true worship a Deut. 6.13. Rom. 14.23 Matth. 5.16. is work or service commanded in his word, proceeding of faith, and tending to his glory; as he is a b. john. 4.24. spirit, so he will be woorshiped in spirit and truth, without c. Levit. 18.3 Deut. 7.25. & 12.2. &. 14.3. any mixture of Idolatry or superstition. And therefore he forbiddeth d. Deut. 4.23 Esay. 40.18. the making of Images, to express him by e. Exod. 34.14. Psalm. 97.7. all manner devotion or reverence giving to them, either in looking at them, or in bowing the knee before them in prayer: he is the Lord our God, and will not have his power to be contemned: f. Exod. 34.14 1. Cor. 11.2. he is jealous over us, and will not suffer either our souls or bodies to be defiled with any filthiness of Idolatry: which if we do, he will revenenge the same to the third and fourth generation. Briefly he forbiddeth hereby g. Deut. 12.2. all representations and tokens of Idolatry, h. Esay. 29.13. all strange worship devised by man, i. Apoc. 13.15 and 14.9, & 18 4. all antichristian Decrees and whatsoever corrupteth the true service and spiritual worship of God. 20. Question. What is commanded in the third? Thou shalt not take. etc. Answer Herein the Lord commandeth a reverend use of his name, a. Deut. 6.13. truly to swear and testify the truth, not b. jerem. 4.1.2 only in truth, judgement, and righteousness, but also c. josu. 2.12. 2. Cor. 1.23. for necessity's sake, especially when the glory of God, and the salvation of our brethren is sought: requiring also herein a faithful zeal and d. Deut. 6.5. Act. 2.42. love towards his word and Sacraments, and whatsoever e. 1. Cor. 10.31 may set forth his glory, forbidding f. Deut. 28.58. the indiscrete and unreverende use of his name in vain and frivolous things, all rash oaths, all g. Psalm. 15.4. oaths made for favour, lucre, and fear, rather than for trial of truth, all h. Levit. 19.12. perjury, all oaths made i. Deut. 10.21 jerem. 5.17. Amos. 8.14. by Saintes, Idols, meat, or other creatures, k. Deut. 18.10 all conjurations, Sorceries, Charmings, south sayings, witchcraft, l. Ehpe. 4.31. cursing and banning, m. Rom. 16.17 Apoc. 14.9. all false doctrines, and corruptions of true religion, and whatsoever n. Rom. 2.24. causeth the name of GOD to be evil spoken of. 21. Question as they obey his word, from whence when they decline, d. Dan. 3.18. Act. 4.19. they are no longer to be obeyed, forbidding also e. Levit. 20.9. all disobedience and ingratitude of children towards their parents, f. Num. 16. toto 2. Sa. 15. &. 17. all contempt and rebellion of subjects against their Magistrates, also g. Exod. 22.28 to blaspheme them, and to h. 1. Reg. 14.16. obey them in matters contrary to the truth. 24. Question. What canst thou say of the sixth, Thou shalt not kill? Answer. God in this commandeth a. Math. 5.23. john. 13.34. Rom. 13.8. Ephes. 4.2.31. faithful love, mercy, kindness, compassion, reconciliation, and mutual embracing one an other in peace, aswell of our enemies as of those which love us, forbidding b. Galat. 5.20 Ephes. 4.31. 1. Cor. 3.1. and .10.10. Rome 13 8.9. 1. john. 3.10. all unlawful murder and quarreling outwardly, all feigned love, unmercifulness, hatred, malice, anger, reproaches, taunts, slandering, murmuring, contentions, desire of vengeance, and whatsoever is repugnant to Christian love. 25. Question. Proceed to the seventh, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Answer. The Lord commandeth not only a. 1. Cor. 6.15 1. Thes. 4.4 perfect chastity both in soul and body, whether it be in marriage or in single life, that all our parties may be sanctified unto him: but also he forbiddeth b. Galat. 5.20 Apoc. 21.8. all manner of adultery and fornication, c. 1. Tim. 4.3 Eccles. 5.5 the restraining of lawful marriage in any calling, and the rash vowing of single life, d. Math. 5.28. Rome 6.12. and 7.7. unlawfulll lusts, e. Esay. 3.16. 1. Ti. 2.9 1. Pet. 3.5. light behaviour, and unseemly adorning of the body, f Ephe. 4.29. and .54. Collos. 4.6.7. Gal. 5.20.21. filthy talk and idle pastimes, drunkenness, minstrelsy, dancing, and what beside tendeth to impurity and lecherous lust. 26. Question. Declare the eight, Thou shalt not steal. Answer. Herein God commandeth a. Psalm. 15.2. Tit. 2.12. Rom. 13.8 righteousness and true dealing in every calling, and that every man be content with his own state, giving to every one what of right he aught to have: forbidding also b. Ephe. 4.28. 1. Thes. 4.6. all robbing and falsehood, c. Luke. 12.15 Psalm. 15.5. prover. 11.1. covetousness, usury, oppression, buying and selling with false measures, d. 2. Thes. 3.10 idle living, e. Luke. 15.13. unhonest wasting of goods or substance, and what else doth savour of deceit, the same is stealing. 27. Question. Show the sense and meaning of the neinth? Thou shalt not bear false witness, etc. Answer. God commandeth herein, a. Ephes. 4.25. Isai. 33.15. in court and judgement, and in all our words and covenants, that truth may flourish, to save our neighbours harmless, b. Deut. 1.16. Isai. 10.15. forbidding wrong judgement, or any respect of persons therein, the making of wicked laws and decrees, also c. Deut. 19.16. Ephes. 4.25. 1. Cor. 13. toto. false witness, and lying tales, flattery, suspicions, false accusations, and whatsoever impaireth the good name of our brethren. 28. Question. What sayest thou of the last, Thou shalt not covet & c? Answer. In this the Lord commandeth a. Deut. 6.5. Matth. 22.37. Luke. 10.27. the whole heart to be possessed with love, that whatsoever man doth wish or desire, may be free from lust and corrupt affections, and serve to the glory of God, and profit of his neighbours, forbidding hereby b. Genes. 6.5. Matth. 5.28. Rom. 6.12. all wicked thoughts and unlawful desires both of soul and body, although our consent be not thereto, c. Ephe. 2.24. all corruption of original sin by Adam, all lack of grace, and whatsoever wanteth of the integrity & perfection wherein man was made. By all which precepts, it may appear, that d. job. 15.14. Deut. 27.26. Levit. 18.5. Luke. 17.10. nothing but true righteousness and innocency can please God. 29. Question. By this I understand, that thou art not able of thyself, a. Rome 8.3. because of thy sins, to fulfil these laws: why therefore did God command that, which thou canst not do? Answer. First, hereby he declareth how that his image in me a. Ephes. 4 23.24. is corrupted with sin, for nothing is here required, which I could not have done before my fall in Adam. Secondly, b. Deut. 27.26 here is nothing commanded which I am not bound to do. Thirdly, c. Deut. 6.25. he doth not respect what I of myself can do, but what his justice doth require. Last of all, it setteth forth the d. Rom. 4.15. and .7.7. wrath of God, and bringeth me to the feeling of my sins. 30. Question. Why, God is merciful to thousands, & will not surely punish sin so sharply, as thou thinkest. Answer a. Exod. 20.6. God in deed is merciful to them that love him, and truly repent, but he is a b psalm. 7.6. and. 11.7. Deut. 32.35. just judge, and a God of vengeance, to punish the wickedness of the ungodly, which break his commandments. 31. Question. By this I gather, that many are in a woeful case. Answer. Concerning the wicked, which be void of faith and of the mercy of God, a. 1. Tit. 1.9 Deut. 27.26 the curse of the Law hangeth upon them: But touching the elect, of which company I am persuaded that I am one, b. john. 3.16 2. Cor. 5.21. Rom. 3.25 jesus Christ the son of God in mine own nature hath suffered, to deliver me from sin, and the punishments thereof, and hath brought me into favour of God again, of which benefit I lay hold c. Rom. 1.16 Act. 15.11 with a true faith, d. Rom. 10.17 which cometh by the preaching of the Gospel. 32. Question. What is the Gospel? Answer. It is the a. Rom. 10.8 doctrine of faith, b. Math. 11.28 john. 5.24. containing the promises of God unto salvation, c. Luke. 24.47. john. 3.15. and 6.47. to all which truly repent, and lay hold of Christ's merits, by a sure trust in the same. 33 Question. Why callest thou the Gospel the doctrine of faith? Answer. First because a. Rom. 10.17. faith cometh, and is nourished by the preaching of the Gospel: Secondly b. john. 3.16 because the promises thereof, must be received only by faith. 34. Question. What do the promises of the Gospel mean: Answer. First they teach me that the Law of God is fulfilled for me by Christ, a. Rom. 5.19. Ephe. 2.15 Galat. 3.13. by whom I have my sins forgiven, and with b. 1. Cor. 1.30 2. Cor. 5.21. whose righteousness I am clothed, and may now boldly stand before the judgement seat of God. Secondly that my salvation c. Rom. 3.24. and .4.5.16. cometh only of the free mercy of God, without my merits or good deeds. Thirdly d. Matt. 22.14. although they be offered to all, yet they take effect in none to salvation, but only in the elect, whose hearts GOD lighteneth with faith. 35. Question. Show me what faith is. Answer. There is a kind of faith, called a. james. 2.14. Act. 8.13. a dead faith, believing the word of God to be true, and all things therein contained, and goeth no farther: but the true faith is b. john. 17.3. the sure knowledge of the fatherly good will and mercy of God showed towards man in Christ, c. Ephes. 3.17. and a sure trust in the same, which d. Rom. 6. toto. in due time bringeth forth the fruits of good living. 36. Question. What dost thou learn hereby? Answer. First I learn to know God, who is made a. Rom. 8.16. my Father by Christ, thorough adoption and grace. 2 Secondly, b. Galat. 2.20. I apply to myself by this my faith, all the merits of Christ as fully, as if I had done the same myself. 3 Thirdly, c. Rom. 4.19. Hebr. 4.16. and 10.22. I have a sure trust in his merits and mercy, and boldness to offer up my prayers to GOD the father by him. 4 Last of all I know his promises to d. Heb. 11.1. be faithful and true, and that he will perform them, when it pleaseth his godly wisdom. 37. Question. Whence cometh faith? Answer. It is the gift a. Math. 11.25 27. &. 13.11. Act. 16.14. Rom. 12.6 Galat. 5.22. Ephe. 2.8 of GOD, wrought in my heart by the preaching of the Gospel, and by the holy Ghost. 38. Question. What is the sum of faith? Answer. I believe in God the father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in jesus Christ his only son our Lord, which was conceived by the holy Ghost, borne of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Poncius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, he descended into Hell, and rose again the third day from the dead, he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty: from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the holy Ghost: the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. 39 Question. What art thou taught hereby? Answer. 1 First, what to believe of God my father and creator: 2 Secondly, of Christ my redeemer: 3 Thirdly, of the holy Ghost my sanctifiour: Last of all, concerning the church of God: 40. Question. What canst thou say of God? Answer. God is a. john. 4.24 a spiritual nature, b. Rom. 16.26. everlasting, c. Sam. Rom. 3.4 almighty, d. Psalm. infinite, e. Psalm. 119.137. true, f. Matth. 19.17 good g. Psalm. 11.7. righteous, and merciful, h. Exod. 34.6. who hath made the world, and i. Genes. 1.1 hath begotten the Son of himself from everlasting. k. john. 1.1. The son is the l. prover. 8.23 Hebr. 1.3. Apoc. 1.8. wisdom and image of the father, begotten of the father, very God of very God, m. john. 1.14. Galat. 4.4. who, in his time appointed, became man. The holy Ghost is n. john. 14.16 26. the power and virtue proceeding from them both, which three, although they be o. Ma●h. 3.16 27. distinct in persons yet are they p. Deut. 4 6. equal & all one in Godhead, a. john. 1.1. & .5.18.21. 1. john. 5.7 eternity, dignity, and power. 41. Question. What sayest thou of the first part of this faith? Answer. I believe, that God is not only the a. Math. 3.17 Rom. 8.16. natural father of his son Christ, but also that he is by grace my father, by whose wisdom as heaven and earth, and all things therein contained, were made, so the same by his b. Psalm. 145.15. Heb. 1.3. Mat. 10.28. power is governed and preserved. 42. Question. What thinkest thou of the second? Answer. I believe that a. Heb. 5.15. the son of God become man, in all things like unto me, only sin excepted, and in my nature wrought what was needful to my salvation, b. Matth. 1.21. Act. 4.12. wherefore he is named jesus, that is, a Saviour. 43. Question. How is thy salvation wrought. Answer. This word Christ, doth teach the same, for first it signifieth him to be a king, and to have purchased to himself a. Act. 20.28. Luke. 1.33. by his blood, the spiritual kingdom of his Church, b. john. 8. 1. john. ● all the enemies thereof conquered. Which kingdom now he governeth c. Ephe. 1.13 1. Cor. 6.19 by his word, and by his spirit, whereby he reigneth in my heart, and in the hearts of his elect. Secondly, it teacheth that he was a d. Heb. priest to offer up himself once for all, a sweet sacrifice, to take away my sins, and to be a e. john. 14.13. Rom. 8.34 mediator, by whom, and in whose name I may offer up my prayers to God my heavenly father, and through him be heard. Thirdly, it putteth me in mind that he was f. Act. 3.21 a Prophet, sent to preach the will of his heavenly father, whom g. Math. 17.5. alone I must hear and obey, as my Lord: who being thus appointed of his father, h. Mark. 14.10 & .15.15.24 john. 19.38. was betrayed of judas, condemned by Pilate, crucified by the jews, buried by joseph of Aromathia and Nicodemus, suffered i. Esay. 53.4. Collos. 1.2.20. in his body, not only the punishments due to my body, but also k. Math. 27.46. in his soul, the punishments due to my soul, that was the very torments of hell and death, and separation from God, l. Rom. 5.19. Col. 2.14 1. john. 3.8 Apoc. 20.14. by whose death my obedience is wrought the malediction of God's Law canceled, the Devil, and his power subdued, the wrath of God appeased, and I set in his favour again. And thus is the death of Christ, the only and full ransom for my sins, by virtue whereof, sin also dieth and is killed in me. 44. Question. It is very needful to keep this excellent benefit always in mind: tell me therefore, how thou canst meditate the same aright. Answer. First a. Isay. 53 toto Rom. 4.25. Galat. 3.13 Ephe. 2.14. I consider, how great the wrath of God was toward my sins, which could be appeased with nothing, but only with the dear bloodshedding of his son: and thereby, I begin to hate and eschew sin evermore. Secondly, b. john. 3.16 &, 10.17 herein I do behold also the great love of GOD, c. john. 4.10 which spared not his son for my sake, and likewise the great love of his son, that vouchsafed to do so much for me. Thirdly, I c. Gallat. 2.20. apply and appropriate the same unto myself, whatsoever jesus Christ herein hath done: for I am fully assured, that he did it for me. 45. Question. What sayest thou of his resurrection? Answer. As he died for my sins, so he rose again for my justification, b. 1. john. 3.8. having gotten the victory over sin, death, hell, and damnation, and giveth me power through his spirit, c. Rom. 8.10.11. to rise unto newness of life, assuring me, that my bodily death shallbe no destruction, but that I shall rise again at the last day, to life everlasting. 46. Question Show thy mind of his ascension. Answer. He ascended a. act. 1.9. and 3.21. Mat. 28.18.20. with his body into heaven, where he remaineth, having all power given him of his father, but with his spirit he is present with his people: b. john. 14.2. Tit. 2.5 Collos. 3.1.2. by which his ascension, he hath taken possession for me in heaven, where he also continueth a mediator to make intercession for me to his father, and finally, teacheth me to set mine affection upon heavenly things. 47. Question. What meanest thou by his coming to judgement? Answer. I believe, that he which is my saviour a. Mat. 24.31. 2. Thes. 1.8.10. Luke. 21.35. shall come to clear me and all his elect in judgement, and to condemn the wicked, which in their life time refused him, to follow their pleasures. 48. Question. What sayest thou of the holy Ghost? Answer. I believe that a. 1. Cor. 6.11. he is the spirit of sanctification, b. 2. Cor 4.6. given to lighten my mind, c. 1 hn. 16.13 and to lead me into all truth, he is d. 2 Cor. 1.22 the earnest of mine inheritance in heaven, e. Ephes. 1.13. the seal to imprint God's promises in my heart, f. john. 7.36. Esay. 55.1 the fountain of grace, and the water which purgeth me from mine uncleanness, and g. Rom. 8.10.11. maketh me to die to sin, and to be holy unto God. 49. Question. Show thy mind concerning the Church. Answer The Church is a. Rom. 8.29. Ephes. the society of all faithful people, whom God in Christ hath chosen to salvation before the world was made, of b. 1. Cor. 15.55 which number I believe that I am one. 50. Question. What, is there no salvation without the Church? Answer. Not, a. john. 16.4. for as the branch, except it abide in the Vine, cannot bring forth fruit, but dieth and withereth, and so is cast into the fire: even so, except a man be graffed into the body of Christ, which is the Church, & therein continued, he can not be saved. And therefore not every religion shall save the professor thereof, but only the truth of jesus Christ. 51. Question. What be the marks thereof. Answer. a. john. 8.47. and. 10.27. The sincere word of God, b. Matth. 28.19 the right administration of the Sacraments, c. Matth. 18.17 1. Cor. 5.1. and Ecclesiastical discipline, 52. Question. Why is the Church called holy? Answer. Because God will have his people to live a. Tit. 2.12. holily, soberly, & righteously in this world, and not b. Ephes 4.30 to grieve the holy Ghost by any uncleanness, by whom they be sanctified, and by whom, whilst they suffer themselves to be led, they c. john. 16.13. cannot err in matters of faith and salvation. 53. Question. I pray thee herein by the way, what thinkest thou of the church of Rome, whose doctrine hath been received many years, hath she erred and been deceived. Answer. The Church of Rome in the beginning and long after the Apostles time, was a true Church, and so long as she followed a. john 14.16.17. the word of God, and suffered herself to be guided with his spirit, she was free from eroure in matters of faith. b. 1. Tit. 6.5. 2. Tit. 3.2. Apoc. 18.11. But when she began to abound in wealth, she forgot her former husband Christ jesus, and committed fornication with strange Gods, c. Galat. 2. Tit. 4.5. 2. Pet. 2.4. leaving the doctrine of Christ and his religion, and devising a new worship of her own, wherein d. 2. Thes. 2.11. Apoc. 14.8. according to the just judgement of God, she flourished a long time, and therewithal, polluted and made drunken the most part of the world, whilst so many embraced her laws and religion, yea, even all those which were not e. Apoc. 7.3. &. 13.8. &. 17.5. chosen to salvation, and sealed by the spirit of faith. f. 2. Tit. 4.3. And of this her departing from the faith, sprang that great darkness, and ignorance of true religion in these latter days. 54. Question. What meaneth the communion of Saintes? Answer. It signifieth a. Rom. 12.5. 1. Cor. 12.12. the fellowship which all the elect have one with an other, b. 1. pet. 4.10. Galat. 6.2. communicating according to the measure of faith, all spiritual graces amongst themselves, c. Ephes. 4.3. & the studying to keep the unity of the spirit in the bound of peace. 55. Question. What believest thou of the forgiveness of sins? Answer. First, I believe that before my sins be forgiven me, a. Rom. 5.8.10. Ephes. 2.1.2. 1. C●r. 6.11. there is nothing in me but mere wickedness. Secondly, I believe that all my sins, and the punishment thereof be taken away b. P●t. 2.4. Esay. 53.5. 1. Cor. 1.30. 2. Cor. 5.21. by Christ's death, and I made partaker of his righteousness. Thirdly, I believe c. Rom. 3.25. that faith alone, without any worthiness of myself, doth make me partaker of these graces, and this my righteousness before God. 56. Question. What sayest thou of the rest, the resurrection of the body, & life everlasting? Answer. I believe when this life is ended, that a. Eccle. 12.7. Apoc. 14.13. Luke. 16.22. Phillip. 1.23. my soul shall go to God, and my body, to rest in the earth till the last day, when they shall both join together again b. 1. Cor. 15.53. incorruptible, and remain with God for ever in the kingdom of heaven. 57 Question. How knowest thou, that thou hast such a faith as this? Answer. First, I know the same a. Ro. 8.16. by the testimony of the holy Ghost, which assureth my conscience, that I am the child of God, and which maketh me cry, Abba father, in full and perfect assurance thereof. Secondly, I know b. Rom. 8.9.10. Gal. 2.20. Rom. 6. toto. by the works and fruits of faith, which jesus Christ being united and joined unto me, bringeth forth in me, by the virtue of his spirit, kill my corrupt and sinful nature and quickening me, to righteousness of life. 58. Question. Than cannot such a faith as this be fruitless, and without good works. Answer. Not, but good works do follow faith, as the a. Mat. 7.17. jacob. 2.24. 1. Pet. 1.12. testimonies and fruits of my thankfulness to God, whereby my faith is known, and approved of men: b. Galat. 5.6. wherefore it is called faith, which worketh by love. 59 Question. What works must thou do? Answer. Such as be commanded me in the a. Mat. 19.17.18. law of God, b. 1. Cor. 1.8. Ephes. 2.10. which as they come of grace given me, and not of mine own power, so must they needs be done: for first c. 1. Pet. 1.16. God hath so commanded. Secondly, his d. Rom. 6. toto. Tit. 2.14. benefits bind me thereto. Thirdly, e. Colos. 2.12. my baptism doth teach me to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness. Fourthly, f. Mat. 5.16. 1. pet. 2.12. I must glorify God by my well doing. Last of all, g. 2. pet. 1.10. I must make strong my faith and election, and learn to avoid the wrath of God. 60. Question. What reward shalt thou have for thy good deeds? Answer. The works, which I do before I be justified before God by Christ, a. Rom. 14.23. Heb. 11.6. john. 3.36. can not please him, because they be done without faith. The works which follow my regeneration, b. Apoc. 7.14. Math. 25.40. Luke. 17.10. 1. Cor. 15.58. do please GOD, not because of any worthiness of mine in them, but God accepteth them, because of my faith in Christ, through whom they are not done in vain, so that the reward which is given unto them, cometh only of c. Apo. 22. the free mercy and favour of God whilst he rewardeth not my deserts, but crowneth his gifts of grace in me. 61. Question. But the Scripture maketh mention often, of reward to good works. Answer. It is true a. Cor. 15.58. Luke. 17.10. that my labour is not in vain in the Lord, yet my good works are not such, that of themselves they can deserve any such thing. For there be three things required to the nature of merits: First, that the good works be man's own, for but to bestow and repay again the same which he had lent him, what reward can he have. But as b. 1. Cor. 4.7. Eph. 2.10. Luke. 16.2. & 19.13. for man's good works, they be not his own, but the gifts of God lent him to use, & he himself God's instrument to occupy the same. Secondly, it is required, that a man do the work of his own accord, without constraint, or respect of duty, for he that is bound to do the same, cannot well plead of merit, for he doth but what of duty he ought to do. But whatsoever the righteous do, c. Psal. 115.1. Rom. 8.12. it is of duty, for he is infinite ways indebted unto God. Thirdly, to the nature of deserving, it is required, that there be a just proportion between the thing given, and the thing received: but d. Rom. 8.18. Apoc. 22.17. none of man's works are comparable to everlasting life. And therefore, I confess, that I can not deserve any thing of the kingdom of heaven by mine own works, for the reward which God giveth unto my works, is the free gift of grace, given to me only for my faiths sake in Christ, in whom my works please God. Wherefore, if man be never so virtuous in the sight of the world & have never so fair a show of good deeds, and not being graffed by faith on jesus Christ, they are altogether unfruitful and vain. 62. Question. With what helps doth God further thee to salvation? Answer. Besides that the word of God, a. 2. Thes. 3.3. doth help to uphold my faith, the sacraments and prayer are also helps to me, for by them the Lord helpeth mine infirmity, by b. Mat. 28.19 1. Cor. 11.23. Genes. 11.17. outward signs representing to me spiritual graces. 63. Question. Do the Sacraments serve thee to any other purpose? Answer. They serve not only to a. Exod. Mat. 26.26. 1. Cor. 11.23.26. 1. Cor. 10.17. teach me heavenly things, but also to kindle a desire of God's promises in my heart, to stir me up to thanksgiving for my redemption, to knit me in love with the Godly, and as marks of religion to testify how. I differ from the heathen and wicked. Wherefore, such as refuse to use the same, do b. Mark. 8.38. Luk. 14.18.24. not only deny God, but are also arrogant and proud. And therefore not to be accounted Christians, because they refuse in using of the Sacraments, to make open profession thereof. 64. Question. What is a Sacrament? Answer. It is an holy sign, instituted of a. Mat. 21.25. john. 3.5. Act. 2.38. Rom. 4.11. God to confirm my faith, and to seal in my heart the promises of God's mercy towards me, for the forgiveness of my sins and salvation in Christ. 65. Question. Whether do the Sacraments give grace to the receiver, or no? Answer. They a. john. 1.33. Act. 8.18. 1. Cor. 10.5. Ro. 2.29. 1. Pet. 3.21 neither of themselves nor in themselves include or give grace, for that is the gift of the holy Ghost, but they be holy signs, whereby, as by an instrument, God doth work and seal grace in my heart by faith received, and yet they be not bore or naked signs, but grace is truly present to my faith, when I receive the same aright. 66. Question. Who aught to minister the Sacraments? Answer. a. Gen. 6.14. & 17.23 Mat. 28.19. None but such as be ministers too preach the word, for these two offices in the scriptures, concur and go together, and therefore to none, but to such as may lawfully minister the word, appertaineth the ministering of the Sacraments. And hereby women are forbidden to minister baptism. 67 Question. How many Sacraments be there? Answer. Two, the one is Baptism, wherewith I am received into Christ's church. The other is the Supper of the Lord, wherewith I am nourished in the same. 68 Question. What is Baptism? Answer. It is a Sacrament, wherein, as water washeth away the filthiness of my body, so Act. 2.38 1. Pet. 3.21 the blood of Christ sprinkled upon my soul, by the hand of faith washeth away my sins, and the punishment thereof, whereby Rom. 6.5. I am incorporate into his body, and made partaker of his benefits, to die unto sin, and to live unto righteousness, and this is the right use of baptism, that we be sure that our conscience be clean, and that we show it to others by our good works, in mortifying our affections & in doing the will of God. 69. Question. Why are children to be baptised? Answer. Because by a. Ephe. 2.3. Rom. 5.12. Act. 2.39. Gen. 17.7 nature they be the children of wrath, by Adam's sin, to whom also the promise of God's free mercy and favour reacheth. So that being inhetours of Gods free graces, they must be baptised, and when they come to age, be instructed, what the meaning of baptism is. 70. Question. What is the lords Supper? Answer. a. Mat. 26.26. It is a Sacrament of redemption die the death of Christ, wherein by the mystical receiving of bread and wine, thorough a true faith, I am made b. 1. Cor. 10.16 Luke. 21.19. john. 6.51. partaker of all the benefits of Christ's passion, for as bread broken doth feed and nourish my body, and wine refresh my heart, so the c. Luke. 22.19 john. 6.51. body of Christ was torn upon the cross, and his blood shed, to wash away my sins, and to feed and refresh my soul, to life everlasting, 71. Question. Whether is the bread changed into the natural body of Christ or no? Answer. The Sacraments of bread and wine a. Mat. 26.29. john. 1. Cor. 10.16.17. & 11.24. remain still in their former nature and substance, nevertheless there is a great change, for those things which before were but as common meats, are now made the Sacraments or holy signs of Christ's body and blood, b but so that we must seek Christ's body in heaven, and not in the Sacrament. 72. Question. How dost thou eat Christ's body, or drink his blood? Answer. a. john. 6.35. Rom. 4.24. Spiritually by grace, whilst I believe that he died for my sins, and rose again for my justification, for it is faith that maketh me partaker of his benefits, and goodness which are sealed to me, by his Sacraments. And therefore by faith I am made one with him, for by his spirit he dwelleth in me, and is joined with me, as the head with the members. So then by this conjunction, I may be partaker of his graces. 73. Question. Do all men, which receive this Sacrament, receive the spiritual grace alike? Answer. As in baptism none a. 1. Pet. 3.21. Act. 2.38. & 8.18. Mark. 16.16. but the faithful receive remission of their sins, b. 1. Cor. 11.28.29. so in the Lord's supper, none but such are partakers of the grace, and benefits of Christ's death. The wicked in deed receive the outward elements of bread and wine, but because they lack true faith, they are not partakers of the spiritual grace. 74. Question. Wither must thou once a year, as some do of custom, or often, come to the lords supper? Answer. Although the benefit rest not in the often, but in the worthy receiving thereof, yet must I so often as I can conveniently, do the same, ever more and more to be thankful for my redemption wrought by Christ. 75. Question. How must thou frame thyself, to receive this Sacrament worthily? Answer. First I must a. Mat. 26.75. jere. 24.7 joel. 2.12.13. Rom. 6. toto. consider the grievousness of my sins, & from my heart unfeignedly, hate and detest the same, and ever after give myself to godliness and virtue. Secondly, b. 1. Cor. 11.28. & 2. Cor. 13.5. I must try and examen myself, whether I have a true faith in the promises of Christ. Thirdly, c. Mat. 5.24 & 22.39. I I must reconcile myself to all men, and continued in Christian love. 76. Question. What thing is required, that thou mayest do these things the better? Answer. a. Mat. 3.1. & 26.21 Act. 31.14 & 20.7. 1. Cor. 11.28 2. Par. 23.19 It is very expedient, that as in the primitive Church the word of God was preached before the administration of the Sacraments, which thing is the life of the Sacrament, and also an examination taken of the communicantes, before the Lords supper was eaten: So is it I say, necessary, that the word be preached, and the people instructed in this mystery, that they may show forth the lords death until his coming again. 77. Question. Now remaineth the other help given thee of God, that is to say prayer? Tell me what it is. Answer. Prayer is the Mat. 6.6. john. 16.23. 1. Tit. 2.8. lifting up of my heart to God and ask in Christ's name, of things needful to me and the whole Church, b. Phillip. 4.6. Colos. 4.2. with thanksgiving, for his benefits, and goodness. 77. Question. To whom must thou pray? Answer. To a God alone: first, because I b believe in him alone. a. Psal. 50.15. john. 16.33. Secondly, he alone c. 1. Reg. 8.39. knoweth my heart: b. Rom. 10.14 thirdly, d. Esay. 42.8. he will not give his glory to any other, and therefore I am forbidden to pray to Saintes. 79. Question. How canst thou, which art a sinner, pray to God that hateth sin? a. joh. 14.13.14. & .16.23 Act. 4.12. 1. Tit. 2.5.6. 1. john. 2.2. Answer. I pray not in trust of mine own righteousness, but in the name of Christ, who is the b. john. 14.16. way for me to come to the father, who c. Rom. 8.34. 1. Tit. 2.5.6. 1. john. 2.2. continueth my Mediator at the right hand of the Father, d. john. 13.34. loveth me and hath e. Colos. 1.22. reconciled me to the Father, f. Matt. 3.17. and in whom the Father is well pleased. 80. Question. For whom must thou pray? Answer. For all men living, for a. 1. Tit. 2.1.2. Math. 5.44. Luke. 6.27. kings, magistrates, ministers, yea and for my enemies: but for the dead I have no commandment to pray, neither can I help them after they be gone hence, for as they be found at the day of their death, so shall they rise again, only this can I do, to give God thanks for their deliverance out of this world. 81. Question. How must thou prepare thyself to pray? Answer. First, I must a. Rom. 8.26. 1. john. 5.14. be touched with the necessity of those things which I pray for, my mind must be devout, b. Mat. 6.7. and not carried to and fro with vain thoughts. I must appear before God c Psalm. 51.17. jacob. 1.6. in true repentance and faith, d. Mat. 5.23. being at love with all men, e. Esay. 1.18. & .59.2. framing my life righteously, & f. 1. john. 5.14. 1. Cor. 14. toto. Mat. 6. Luke. 11.1. ask in such a tongue as I understand, according to the will of God. 82. Question. How must thou pray? Answer. According to the form prescribed of our Saviour Christ, in these words: Our Father which art in heaven: hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever, and ever. So be it. 83. Question. What is the meaning of this prayer? Answer We pray to God in the first petition that a. psal. 89.5.6 1. Cor. 10.31 josu. 24.14.15 his glory may appear, and that b. Rom. 2.24. our lives and conversation may set forth the same. In the second, we pray that God would c. john. 16.13. Rom. 8.10.11 govern the kingdom of his Church, kill sin, and the lusts thereof in the same, and to renew it to righteousness of life. That he would also d. Rom. 16.20. 1. john. 3.8. tread down Satan and all his power, and that he would shortly e. Apoc. 22.20. accomplish the number of his elect, and hasten the coming of Christ to judgement. In the third we pray f. Luke. 22.42 that all our doings may be agreeable to his will, without contradiction or murmuring. In the fourth, we desire him g. Psal. 14.1.15 to grant us what soever is needful to the sustenance and preservation of our life, and that all our doings may be to his glory, and the profit of our neighbours. In the fifth, we pray h. Psal. 51.9 1. john. 2.12. & 18.35. Mat. 5.45. for the forgiveness of our sins and the punishment thereof, for his mercy's sake, even as we shall pardon others their offences done to us, without bearing malice, or hatred towards them. In the last we pray that God i. Ephes. 6.10. Rom. 16.20. would guide us with his spirit, that we may get the victory over Satan, sin, and hell, and be defended from all evils. After we conclude with these words: For thine is the kingdom etc. To set forth our desire to his glory, his honour, and praise, whose power is also infinite, and therefore he can grant our requests. k. Ro. 11.36. Act. 4.9.11. Psal. 114.7. 1. Chro. 29.10. We make an end with this word, Amen, both desiring, that what we have asked may be fulfilled, and also assuring ourselves, that our requests shallbe fulfilled accordingly as they be agreeing to the will of God. 84. Question. What if God do not grant thy petitions at the first? Answer. That may be a. Luke. 11.12. 1. john. 5.14. either because I have not asked in assurance of faith and according to the will of God, or else by differing the grant of my requests, he will try and exercise my faith more in calling upon him, that I might continued in prayer & depend upon his merciful goodness, who notwithstanding at the first he doth not grant my requests, yet in his good time he will accomplish the same. 85. Question. Is there any help for thee to pray more devoutly? Answer. Yea truly, a. 1. Pet. 5.11. Act. 13.3. fasting is a special preparative to the same. 86. Question. What is a Christian fast? Answer. It is not only an a. Esai. 58.3. joel. 2.12. Psal. 35.13. Zach. 7.5. abstinence from meats, and drinks, to chastise my body but also from sin and the delights thereof, which hurt the soul, to the end thorough true repentance, faith, Godly prayer, and renouncing of evil, the Spirit may have dominion in me. 87. Question. What is the right use of fasting? Answer. a. 1. Cor. 9.27. First to chastise my body, and to bring it into subjection to the spirit. b. joel. 2.12. Secondly, to be a witness of my true repentance and submission to the will of God. c. M 26.41. Thirdly, that my spirit way be more ready to prayer. 88 Question Is there any abuse in the exercise of fasting? Answer. Yea, many, a. Esai. 58.3. Zach. 7.5. first to fast longer than the body may endure, & after to tare more deliciously. Secondly, b. Colos. 2.16. Galat. 4.10. 1. Tit. 4.3. to put holiness in fasting one day more than an other, or in abstaining from one meat more than from another. Thirdly, c. Esai. 58.3. Rom. 3.24. to think by fasting to purchase forgiveness of sins: whereas the same cometh only of the free mercy of God in Christ, without any man's worthiness or deserving. Last of all in abstaining from meats, & not to d. Galat. 5.24. Tit. 2.12. abstain from sins, and all things which cause or nourish the same. 89. Question. Hitherto thou hast answered very well to all points of thy faith, yet one thing further I desire to know, which is, why all men be not of this opinion in religion, that thou art of? Answer. Although there be but one true God, a. Eph. 4.5. and one perfect religion, yet must you not think that all men will ever agreed together in one religion, for there b. Gene. 5.13. is and hath been always a continual hatred between Christ the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. And therefore many are professed enemies to the way of truth. 100 Question. What way than thinkest thou best, to win such as be out of the way, and to bring them to the embracing of true religion? Answer. As it is specially required in building of an house, first to remove away the impediments, and than to a. Mat. 7.24. 1. Cor. 3.11. lay a sure foundation, and afterward to uphold the building: likewise those things which tend not to the glory of God, b. 2. Re. 18.44. but which men have abused must be rooted out, as all relics of papistry & superstition, & in stead thereof a good foundation laid by the word of God, c. Exod. 25.40. 1. Reg. 23.3. by which all reformation must be made. Secondly, d. 1. Re. 2.35. Tit. 1.5. Prou. 11.14. it is specially required, that a good and godly preaching minister be placed in every congregation, for where such a one wanteth, the people perish. Thirdly e. Mat. 18.15. Act. 14.23. Rom. 12.8. that there be a right and perfect use of ecclesiastical censure and correction, to the end the congregation may be better kept in awe of duty and obedience, so that the best may be afraid to offend. 101. Question. To be short, dost thou think it sufficient, only to know these things aforesaid? Answer Not, but a. Mat. 7.21. Phillip. 1.27. Colos. 1.23. jacob. 1.22. it is required, that I join good life and conversation with knowledge, and therefore I pray daily that I may have grace given me, that I may live godlily righteously and soberly, in this world, and so be confirmed in the truth, that I may proceed from faith to faith, and be so comforted with the good spirit of God, that my whole delight may be reposed, where true joys are to be sought, that when I shall finish this mortal race, I may end the same in the faith and true profession of jesus Christ my only redeemer and saviour. To whom with the father and the holy ghost, three distinct persons and one eternal God, be all glory & praise for ever. So be it. A prayer to be said, before the receiving of the lords Supper. O Most merciful God, which of thine everlasting kindness, haste wrought our redemption by the mediation of thy only son our Saviour jesus Christ, and also sealed the same unto us, for the more confirmation of our faith, by the heavenly and mystical banquet of his last supper, instituted and ordained as a pledge of his endless love towards us, that we in using the same, from time to time might keep a continual remembrance of his death and passion, and testify our thankfulness for our redemption: We most humbly beseech thee in thy tender mercies to look upon us, and to pardon us all our iniquities, our incredulity, and hardness of heart, and to pour into us thy heavenly grace, that we being watered with the same, and purified by faith in thine everlasting promises, may be arrayed and clothed with the excellent righteousness of jesus Christ, to the end having upon us our wedding garment, we may be welcome guests, by thy grace, to thy holy table, Where our souls may be nourished with the precious merits of thy son our saviours death and passion, and that we also through faith in the same, by thy grace may be fed unto immortality and life. O Lord we beseech thee to nourish and sustain our hungry souls, with the spiritual graces of thy son, quench the thirst of our hearts, with the dew of thy holy spirit, that we may feel our sins clearly to be forgiven us, and our consciences assured by faith of all the benefits of thy sons sufferings, even so fully to be done for us, as if we had done the same ourselves. Good Lord for his sake, give us grace to proceed from faith to faith, and more and more to be confirmed in the way of our salvation, by the reverent and godly use of these thy holy mysteries, give us a right judgement and understanding thereof, and ever hold us from all Popish corruptions of the same, unite us more and more through thy grace unto thy Son, that he may devil in us and we in him, that he may be one with us & we with him to the end that being graffed and planted in him, we may be thankful, and bring forth the fruits of all holiness of life, to the honour and glory of thy holy name, through jesus Christ our Lord. So be it. 1. Cor. 11.28. Let a man examen himself, and so let him eat of this bread, and drink of this Cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh his own damnation, because he discerneth not the lords body. ¶ The form of the confession of the Christian faith, meet for all well governed households, and necessary for every one to confess, which sincerely profess Christ and his truth. I Believe and confess my Lord God, the only true, eternal and almighty God, incomprehensible, infinite, righteous, and merciful, being but one in nature and substance, but distinct in three persons, the father, son and holy Ghost. Which God by his wisdom and almighty power, made heaven and earth, and all things therein, and now by his fatherly providence, governeth and preserveth the same. I believe & confess that jesus Christ the son of God, equal to the father and the holy Ghost, at the time appointed of the father, become perfect man, yet without sin, borne of the virgin Mary, the Godhead and manhood being united and joined together. Who in mine own nature sanctified by his grace, fulfilled the Law of God for me, and suffered in his body and soul, the punishments due to my sins, and made full satisfaction and payment for the same, with his sacrifice upon the cross, done once for all. And delivered me from the curse of the Law, from sin, hell, death, and damnation, reconciled me to God the Father, washed me from my sins, clothed me with his righteousness, and renewed me to righteousness of life. And as by his death my sins are taken away, and I set in the favour God, so by his resurrection, death was conquered, and righteousness restored unto me, wherein the victory of my faith consisteth. I believe and confess, that jesus Christ ascended into heaven with my flesh, where he hath taken possession for me, & where he maketh intercession for me. And yet nevertheless, is present with me, and all his elect, by his spirit and grace, and at the end of the world, shall visibly come to judgement. I believe the holy Ghost equal with the father and the son, who regenerateth and sanctifieth me, from my uncleanness, to live holily, and righteously in this world, assuring my conscience, that I am the child of God, and heir with jesus Christ of life everlasting. I believe and acknowledge the universal Church of Christ, even all the company of the elect, agreeing together in the unity of spirit and truth, which church is not seen to the eyes of man, but only known to God, of which number I am persuaded that I am one. I acknowledge also a visible Church of God in this world, wherein first, the sacred word of God is taught unto his people, being sufficient to instruct them in all things necessary to salvation. Wherewith together with the ministery of the spirit, he ruleth the same. Secondly in this Church, the two Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper are rightly and sincerely ministered. Wherein, as by Baptism I am regenerate and received into the household and fellowship of Christians, my sins being washed away through faith in Christ's blood: So by the Supper of the Lord, wherein spiritually by faith my soul is fed with the graces and benefits of jesus Christ I am nourished and sustained in the church being one with Christ, and Christ with me, dwelling also in him and he in me. Thirdly, there is in this Church due punishment and correction for offences, the end whereof is excommunication by the consent of the Church. Lastly, I believe and confess, that only in this Church there is salvation, and free forgiveness of sins to me & all the elect of God, through faith in Christ, by whose obedience we be made righteous, and by whom we are chosen to an inheritance immortal and everlasting in heaven. Which I most humbly beseech my Lord God to confirm and strengthen in me, and shortly to make an end of these sorrowful days, & to translate me to everlasting glory, through jesus Christ my redeemer and Saviour. Amen. O Lord increase our faith. ❧ Imprinted at London, at the three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Dawson. (1579.)