STRANGE NEVES. At London printed for G. Vincent and W. Blackwal and are to be sold at Guildhall gate. To the Reader. WHAT Credit this strange Report may purchase (Gentle reader) is a thing I greatly respect not, and much less contend for: yet, thus much let me tell thee, it had th'approbation of some, both of good judgement, and staid discretion, and of such Place and Condition, as may superseede all suspicion of vain or idle impositions. And for my part, this I dare assure thee, it agreeth in all points, with the High Dutch Copy, whence it was translated: first printed at VIENA in Austria, which for my better satisfaction I caused to be brought unto me, and diligently conferred them together, before resolved Opinion, being no less scrupulous than any to give furtherance to any matter, either of false or frivolous import, a thing neither suiting the state of these times, not sorting mine own condition. Now for my opinion herein; The plainness of the Style wherein it ●● written, void of Ambages, Amplifications, and all other. Vain flourishes (such as nimble wits, might very easily have invested such a Subject withal) is to me no small argument of the verity thereof: The prodigjes themselves also, just as well in matter as manner sorting the nature and disposition or these times, both touching their generation and form, and apt representation of the Events by them presignified. But admit the verity and strangeness too (as indeed it is both strange & horrible) yet so long, hath been the conti●…ante of happy and acceptable times, without any great or notable taste of contrariety, that we think they will never have end, neither fearing change, nor crediting any thing that may give occasion of such doubt: not much unlike the Isralites, (God in mercy a little differing the'xecution of his judgements denounced by the Prophets jeremy & Ezekiel) growing into so constant conceit of settled security, that they neither credited vision, nor feared the event thereof: holding for undoubted truth, that neither was such visions of any effect, nor any such thing should happen unto them, or like those in the Apostles time, who because they saw neither change, nor likelihood of change of times, before or after them, could hardly entertain the credit of such things as was spoken touching the mysteries of man's redemption. But this is to abuse times bounty, & the long suffering of the great God of heaven, who a● he answered the one, the days are at hand, and the effect of every vision: there shall be no more such a proverb amongst you, for no visions shall be any more in vain, nor divinations miseffectuall: Th'other. There was an age before them, for like sin and corruption destroyed and perished by the general deluge, so will he quit our misconstruction of his loving kindness & good patience with some sudden & imminent vengeance, an argument whereof may be this, & many more prodigious Ostenrs partly past and many more yet to come, & some now imminent. & surely this I dare be bold to say. If these mundane & movable bodies be mutually impressive & impressible, nature constant in her Periods & reason experience & jugment in man, be of any power or credit. The great conjunction of the two superior bodies Saturn and jupiter, constipated with so many several conjunctions and radiations of other planets, and in the same place very near, in parley together as it were for some strange decree of great consequence. The Earth's and moons late and horrible obscurations, the frequent Ecclipsations of the fixed bodies; by the wandering, the fixed stars, I mean with the planets, within these few years more than ordinary, shall without doubt (salved divine inhibytion) have their effects no less admirable, than the positives' unusual. Which PEUCER with many more too long to reharse out of continual observation and the consent of all Authors noted to be, new Leagues, Traitorous Designments, Catching at Kingdoms, translation of Empire, downfall of man in Authority, emulation, Ambition, Innovatious, Factious Sects, Schisms and much disturbance and troubles in religion and matters of the Church, with many other things infallible, in sequent such orbical position and Phaenomenes. Examples and instances whereof he setteth down many both out of his own experience and histories of divers ages, wherein Mirald us also is so constant, that he peremptorily concludeth, Regnorum fatales mutationes, effectus grandes, et casus notabiles nunquam contigisse, quin causa aliqua coelestis, et praemonstratio ceu de classico ill●s notis ante ce●inerint, et quasi digito ostenderent, & MANILIUS nunquam futilibus excanduit ignibus aer. Seeing then that so many praemonstrations of fearful event, as these strange dispositions of mundane bodies, this and many more prodigious ostents, some past, & more to come (as I said (are yet as it were before our Eyes, it shall not be amiss with the provident & vigilant Ant, whilst it is yet Summer & Harvest, to provide for the necessity of Winter, lest, with salomon's idle fool, whilst we sleep and slumber, and fold our hands: yet a little, and yet a little, in the affiance of our misconceived security, misery come upon us, as one traveling by the way, & necessity like an armed man. And thus commending all to thy best construction, I rest From my house the George next Dyers Hall in Thames street. London February 11 1605. Thine in all honest offices, Ed. Gresham. STRANGE fearful & true news, which happened at CARLSTADT, in the kingdom of CROATIA. DECLARING HOW THE Sun did shine like Blood nine days together, and how two Armies were seen in the Air, the one encountering the other. And how also a Woman was delivered of three prodi gious sons,, which Prophisied many strange & fearful things, which should shortly come to pass, All which happened the twelfth of june, last, 1605. which is the 2 day of the month, according to our computation. Translated out of the Dutch Copy, Printed at VIENNA in Austria. LONDON, Printed by R. B. for G. Vincent and W, Blackwall, & are to be sold over against Guildhall Gate. NEWS From Carlstadt, in the Knigdome of Croatia in Germany. MARK and consider well with yourselves dear Christians (both Rich & Poor) of what estate or degree s●●●●● you ●e, and sake all the mean ●● that possible y●●●an to a 〈…〉 and ●our li●es: for that the Lord ab●●●, 〈…〉 ●●yl●●hr●●ten us more and more, and showeth us his 〈…〉 h●●●y ●●d which he intendeth to punish us withal, for our most foul and wicked sin● which we continually 〈…〉 to more and m●●e, but we reg●●d it not any ●●ing at all. I 〈…〉 Y●●●● of 〈…〉 GOD, 160●. Th● Inhabitants of Carl●●adt were much 〈…〉 in great perplexity: for t●●t the Sunny bank ri●● and 〈…〉 d right ●●●● their Church, ●he sa 〈…〉 about (as it plainly appeared 〈…〉) 〈…〉 〈…〉 and fearful sight, w●s 〈…〉 of many people. Oh, dear brethren and Christians all, l●t v● h●●●●●spect to 〈…〉 ●hic● GOD hath 〈…〉 days together, as it were in red blood, having on the one side Moons & Turkish S●bells: and on the other side great Ordinance. The Citizens of Carlstadt were mightily afraid at the sight hereof, which happened on a Sunday, (being the t●elfth of june as aforesaid) On which day also, was seen too great Arms of men of war, encountering one another in the Air, with such wonderful noise, that the same was heard upon the Earth, as sounding of Trumpets, and such like. And had their Ensigns and Standards with Stars and half Moons as the Turks do use. The whole Commonalty both great and small, did wring their hands at the sight hereof, so did they also, that dwelled far of, & then presently was seen a great Army of Christians in the air, ready to resist the Turks. No Emperor or King, did ever fight such a battle as there was seen in the Air: There were Spiritual men seen in the Christian Army, and many slain of the Turks and Infidels. There a man might have seen such running & Riding of the Turks, that the people were all astonished, for all the Turkish horses did run up to the knees in the Christians blood. But behold the wonderful works of Almighty God, for when the battle began, [which was from the Evening, till thr●e of the Clock in the Morning] and then the Moon did lose her light and the Horsemen vanished quite away. But yet mark what happened more. A Woman was heard in the same Citiy to travel in 〈…〉 ear-ring of child 〈…〉 together: And then a strange thing was seen in the Air, for she was delivered of three Sons, as in the Picture is to be seen. The first of these Prodigious Children had four heads, which spoke and uttered strange things. The second Child was black like a More, & the third Child like unto Death. The Child with four heads, began to cry a loud, and many women ran to hear it, one of the heads said with high voice: There shall shortly many Hungarians be slain by the Turks. The second head said: All the wonders of the Turks which you have seen in the Air: Shall all come too pass. The Turk with many Tartars, shall overcome all Hungary, even to Austria, and Moravia. The third head said. The Emperor, King's Earls and Lords, shall then arise, and shall put the Turk to flight. The fourth head said, before that come to pass, strange wonders shall appear. The black Child began to cry a loud, a time of dearth is at hand, both here and in other places, which shall not escape you, men shall perish for hunger, and great want shall be of corn and grain. The third Child began to cry, repent and amend your lives, before death do catch hold on you, this Child was like unto Death to see to, and said for certain great death and mortality shall come over poor and Rich. Come hither both young and old, said the black child, remember these words here spoken and conceals them not, many great wonders shall be seen, before one thousand & ten be written: Shall all come to pass. These three Children, having spoken these things, died anon after. Every man wondered, and the people were altogether astonished, and moved to the heart, with the strangeness of this Prophecy. Let us pray to God for grace, and call upon his holy name, both early and late, that we abstain from sin, and amend our lives, for the d●y of the Lord is at hand. FINIS.