prognostication of Maistre john Thibaulte Astrologyen/ to the Emperors Majesty/ and to my Lady. etc. The year of our Lord god, M. calculed Upon Thorizont of the town of Antwerpen containing the four parties of the year/ and the influences of the new Moans/ with their quarters/ first and last/ and of peace/ of W●●●/ & of sicknesses of this year/ & of divers countries/ and the revolution of the kings/ and princes/ and the influence of. two. Eclipses of this present year, & cetera. depiction of astrologer with measuring tool ¶ Salut au Lecteur. FOr to judge well the influence of this present year. M. CCCCC. and. thirty. It must be well considered/ moche upon the revolution of the entering of the Sonne in the sign of Aries/ that upon these. two. Eclipses/ that is to say the Son & of the Moon/ there where it is well for to discuss their influencꝭ that they show. divers there be that by strong opinion holdeth this purpose (because that Ptholomeus in this manner write) that one Eclipse giveth th'effect of his influence after the point paste of the Eclipse: this is no less/ but a thing contrary to natural reason. Dei bi gratia. An eclipse is to compare to two men/ that cometh one ayenft an other: threatening & looking the one upon the other with evil and angry looks/ this hanging than that they come one against the other/ & all them that see them feryth not their looks/ unto the time they shall be departed/ the one 〈◊〉 movable/ and about the end greater pe●●s of winds with thunder & fyghtnyn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 u●●s places/ and reigning divers s●ec●ne●●● with death of gentlemen: as 〈◊〉 of Justice and of war/ dtscorde bet Been Lor● tem●●●esses and spirituelles/ and other sycones that we declare in a chapter hereafter/ is a cause that jupiter is ●opposit● of Mar●● ¶ Of the prime tyme. ¶ The prime time of this year shall be actr●● beginning moiety/ and unsteadfast ty●● obscure and cold/ with frost. And abou● the end great cold/ frost/ and snow/ so 〈◊〉 that manner by the cold & moyfte that shall, d●stroye the wines oyses/ and fruits in man● divers places. ¶ Of Summer. ¶ The summer of this year shall be fortunabl●● and meetly temperate/ & in divers placis grea●● winds/ & horrible tempests/ than in diver places shall be by the tempest throne down many trees and edifices. ¶ Of the time of harvest. ¶ The time of harvest this year shall be meet ¶ janyvere. In the month of january cometh the●it●● quarter the thursday the vi day. ●. hour & ● vi. my●utes at night/ wind mutable/ scure/ & in some places snow. ¶ The full one the thursday the xiii day vi hour and ●●iii. minute at night/ cold/ obscure/ with ●●ste & moyfte. The last quarter the friday xxi. day i hour four minute after none/ buyste/ obscure & windy. ¶ Thene we mo●●●e saturday xxix day viii hour l mynu●●●●●fore none/ obscure/ black frost/ windy 〈◊〉 snow. ¶ Feveryere. In Feveryere cometh the first quarter the ●●rday the .v. day iii hour xxxix minute ●●●ore none/ obscure/ black frost and wyn●●● with snow. ¶ The full moan the satur●●● the xii day. vui. hour lvi minute before 〈◊〉 me/ obseure cold/ snow/ and in some pla●●●●●hond●●, The last quarter sunday the twenty 〈◊〉 iv. ●ome xxi minute before none/ cold/ noyste and meetly fair. ¶ The new moan the sunday xxvii day ix hour xxiiii mynu●●● 〈…〉 merid●● circa eius principium ty●●●. cum afiquafi venditate. if'ft auran distp qt●●● grandic. D●tīa quarta die xxi ho xu mi xxi post meridiem distꝑata frida. Mutatio circa xu xvi. xviii. nineteen. ●erem tu●batā. xxii. plwia ventus ad seq̄●● ten diem xxvii plwia. ¶ Nova sua die. xxviii ho. xviu. mi. xlviu. post meridien. Eteriteclipsis folis ix punctorum cum al●q̄bus minutis prius noinatis. in xviii ariesis gradu. Euius eclipsis qnntitatem inveni ꝑ modum seqnntem sine tabul● Al fonsi. sequendo johannem demonte te vi epito. Prio qnsivi diametrum solis ad medium eclipsis. quam dtuisi ꝑ xii & ꝑueniebant innunero quetiēte puncta eclipsis. q̄ seruavi ad part. dein subtraxt latitudinem linie ad medium eclipsis de utrisque semidiametris solis sez & lune sil iunctis. & residuum divist ꝑ quamtitatem puncti prius seuat●. & nunerus quotiens o●dit mihi qntitatem, puncti prius positan. Habitis punctis eclipsis processi ad inuentendum minuta casus hums eclipsis: latitudinem lune ad medium eclipsis duxi in seipsan quadrate. Similir utramque semidiametrum simul collectum: duxi in seipsum q̄●●●