Bibliotheca Curiosa, OR, A Choice Collection OF BOOKS, In English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Hebrew, In all Volumes; being lately the Library of an Eminent Merchant (Deceased,) in the City of London, and many of them Collected in his Travels, Consisting of Divinity, History, Travels, Voyages, Mercantile Affairs, Civil Law, Physic, Architecture, Perspective and Antiquities; particularly here are Antiquitatum Romanarum Cum multis figuris, in 4 Vol. Folio à J. Boissardo. De Bry Historia Orientalis & Occidentalis Indiae Cum multis figuris, in 4 Vol. fol. Liber Rarissimus. To be Sold by Auction, on Monday next, being the 15th. of this Instant November 1697. at rolls Auction-House in Petty-Cannon-Alley in St. Paul's Churchyard. CATALOGUES are Distributed by Mr. R. Parker, under the Piazea of the Royal Exchange, Mr. Bever next Richard's Coffeehouse, Fleetstreet, Mr. Feltham in Westminster-Hall, and at the Place of Sale. The Conditions of Sale. I. HE that bids most is the Buyer; but if any difference arise which the Company can't decide, the Book shall be re-exposed to Sale. II. The Books, for aught we know, are Perfect; but if any appear otherwise, before they are taken away, the Buyer is at his liberty of taking or refusing them. III. That every Buyer shall give in his Name and Place of Abode, and pay also Five Shillings in the Pound for what he shall buy, if demanded, and be obliged to take away his Books within one Week after the Sale is ended; during which time Attendance will be given for that purpose. The Books may be viewed three days before the Sale gins, which will be on Monday Novemb. 15. at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, 1697. ADVERTISEMENT. AT rolls Auction-House, the place of Sale for the Books in this Catalogue, are to be Sold by Retail to any Person that pleaseth to choose what he thinks fit, a Parcel of Books in Dutch and the Germane Language in all Volumes, particularly Martin Luther's Bible in the Germane Language in Fol. and other Miscellaneous Books to be Sold at Reasonable Rates. The Principles of a People styling themselves Philadelphians, discovered in their nicest Points and Matters; accurately handled, showing their Rise, Continuance, and Tenants in Doctrine and manner of Proceeding, etc. Also, a Curious Discourse between an English Dissenter and French Protestant, by way of Dialogue, in Vindication of the Church of England against Novelties in Religion. Price 6 d. to be Sold at the Auction-House. English Folio. 1 THE Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia— 2 Lex Mercatoria, or the Ancient Law Merchant— 3 Lew. Roberts, the Merchant's Map of Commerce— 4 Lord Bacon's Natural History, with the new Atlantis— 5 J. Babington's Artificial Five Works, with Sculptures— 6 Systema Agricultura, or Mystery of Husbandry— 7 Guillim's Heraldry with Figures— 8 Leybourn's Complete Surveyor— 9 The London Dispensatory, Eng. by Culpepper.— 10 Dalton's Office of a Justice of Peace.— 11 Jo. Parkinson's Garden of all sorts of Flowers with Figures— 12 Dr. Featly's Sermons on divers difficult and mysterious Texts of Scripture 13 Tho. Hayne's General View of the Holy Scriptures— 14 Rushworth's Historical Collections— 15 Dr. Fuller's Holy State with Sculptures— 16 Bap Porta's Natural Magic in Twenty Books— 17 Florio's Italian and English Dictionary— 18 Bentivoglios Wars of Flanders, with Maps and Sculptures— 19 Polichronicon an ancient History by the Monk of Chester— 20 Mr. Adam's Sermons and other Discourses Divine and Moral— 21 Prince Arthur, a Poem by Dr. Blackmore— 22 J. Bodin's Six Books of a Commonwealth, treating of Families, the Husband's Power over his Wife, of Sovereignty, and other curious Remarks— 23 Mortlucs Commentaries, viz. of Battles, Sieges, Scaladoes, taking and surprising Towns, in the spice of 60 Years, under the Arms of France— 24 The Duke of Newcastles Complete Treatise of Horsemanship— 25 Veslingius Anatomy of the Bodies of Men and Women with Figures— 26 P. Martyrs Common Places, or Body of Divinity— 27 Ashmoles Institutions, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter with Sculptures— 28 Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, the last Edition— 29 The Alcoran of Mahomet in Eng. with a caveat to the Readers of Italy— 30 Mathematical Collections and Transactions, viz. Gallileus Systeme of the World; Kepler, Foscarius, &c by T. Salisbury Esq;— 31 A new Body of Geography, or a complete Description of the Earth, with Maps of every Country of Europe, according to the latest extant— 32 Parker's Discourse of the Cross and other Ceremonies— 33 Elbon's Sermons on the Colossians— 34 A Systeme of Anatomy, treating of the Body of Man, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Infects and Plants: Illustrated with Schemes, consisting of variety of elegant Figures drawn from the Life in 74 Copper Plates, by Dr. Collins Bound in Turkey Leather guilt Edges. 35 Dr. Mart. Luther's Divine Discourses at his Table— 36 Hollingshead's Chronicle of Eng. Scot and Ireland in 2 Vol.— 37 Dr. Diemerbroeck's Anatomy, Englished by Dr. Salmon, with Sculptures 38 Hall and Grafton's Chronicle— 39 Dr. Willet's Synopsis Papismi, or History of Popery— 40 The Life of Gusman the Spanish Rogue, with the Spanish Bawd in 2 Vol. 41 Dalton's Office of a Justice of Peace 1690— 42 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, by Sir Phil. Sidney— 43 The Works of the Great Albionean Divine Mr. H. Broughton— 44 J. Speed's Maps of the World— 45 Jo. Parkinson's universal or complete Herbal— 46 Lord Coke's Reports complete in French— 47 Purchass' Pilgrims in 5 Vol. complete— 48 Lord Bacon's Advancement of Learning— 49 Stow's Survey of the City of London. Ancient and Modern Monuments, the last Edition— 50 Lord Bacon's Resuscitatio, or his Civil, Histor. Philosoph, and Theological Works— 51 speeds Chronicle, or History of Great Britain, last Ed.— 52 Aphorisms Civil and Military, with Authorities and History, out of Guicciardine— 53 Three Volumes of Acts of Parliament K. Charles II.— 54 Pulton's Collection of the Statutes of England, with Manby's Continuation in 2 Vol. 1667.— 55 Dr. Fuller's Holy War and State with Sculptures— 56 The Cambridge Concordance to the Holy Bible— 57 Sir Walt. Raleighs History of the World.— 58 The Life of Gusman the Spanish Rogue— 59 Trigonometria Britanica, or the Doctrine of Triangles, by J. Newton— 60 The Christian Warfare against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, by Dr. Downame— 61 Cambden's Britannia, or the Hist. of Eng. Scotl. and Ireland, with Maps. 62 Hoylyn's Cosmography, or History of the whole World, with Maps— 63 Colgraves French and Eng. Dictionary and Eng. French— 64 Bish. Andrews 96 Sermons, with the Sermon Preached before 2 Kings— 65 Dr. Brown's Inquiries into vulgar Errors— 66 Mr. Perkin's Works in 3 Vol.— Miscellaneous Books in Quarto. 67 JO. colin's Navigation by the Mariners plain Scale plained— 68 The English Gardener with Cuts— 69 Dr. Taylor's Parable of the Sour— 70 The Gardener's Labyrinth, or a new art of Gardening— 71 Elton's Exposition on the Colossians— 72 Lord Bacon's Essays— 73 Vrsinus sum, or Body of Divinity— 74 Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft— 75 A Dictionary in 8 Languages, per Mart. Ravellum— 76 Brightman's Exposition on the Revelations— 77 Jos. Mede on St. Peter and the Revelations— 78 Swan's Speculum Mundi; or a Glass representing the Face of the World 79 M. Norwood's Seaman's Companion— 80 S. Hartlib's Legacy of Husbandry— 81 lily's Christian Astrology— 82 Dr. Mayer on the Church Cat.— 83 Baxters Divine Life— 84 Description of the World— 85 Lifebury's Body of Chemistry— 86 Blounts Remarks on Poetry— 87 Polhil's View of divine Truths— 88 Charlton's Inquiries into Humane Nature, in 12 Anatomy Praelections— 89 Twelve Plays by the Earl of Rochester, Nat. Lee, Mrs. Behu, Mr. Congreve, etc. 90 Dr. Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of separation— 91 Bish. Sparrow's Collect. of Articles, Injunctions, Canons and Constitutions Eccl. 92 Dr. Person's Varieties, or surety of Excellent and Rare Matters— 93 A Treatise of Spectres, Sights, Apparitions, Visions, etc.— 94 Powells Attorney's Academy— 95 J. Barclays Argenis in English— 96 Rider's Dictionary 1640— 97 French's Art of Distillation, with the London Distiller— 98 Janua Linguarum, Eng. Lat. French, and Spanish— 99 Prinn's Sovereign Power of Parliaments— 100 Wotton's Elements of Architecture— 101 Cambden's Remains concerning Great Britain— 102 Feltham's Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political— 103 Broughton on the Apocalypse— 104 Wright on the Passions of the Mind— 105 Dr. Thomas Taylor's Sermons— 106 Hen. Swinbourn's Treatise of Wills and Testaments 1640— 107 Markham's Master piece of Horsemanship— 108 Peacham's Compl. Gentleman, viz. Heraldry, Poetry, Hawking, etc.— 109 Baxters 5 Disputations of Church-Government— 110 Markham's Works the way to get Wealth, etc.— 111 Taylor's Treatise on the Types and Shadows— 112 Eaton's Honeycomb of Justification— 113 An Harmony of Confessions— 114 Jordan of Baths and mineral Waters— 115 Somner's Treatise of Gavel kind, both Name and Thing— 116 Dr. Thomas Taylor's Sermons on Christ's Victory over Satan— 118 Dr. Featly's Sacrilege of the Church of Rome— 119 Dr. Featly's Vertumnus Romanus, in Answer to a Popish Priest— 120 Dr. Featly's Romish Fisher caught in his own Net— 121 Dr. Featly's Defence of Lynd's Via Tuta— 122 Dr. Preston's Works in 4 Volumes— 123 Dr. Rob. Bolton's Works in 2 Volumes— 124 Bish Reynolds on the Passions, Serm. on Hosea and the Sacrament— 125 Sam Bolton's Arraignment of Error— 126 The Kingdom of Engl. and principal. of Wales exactly described in 6 Maps Miscellancous Books in Octavo. 127 Compl. Coll. of farewel Sermons 128 Sr. J. Narbourough's Voyages and Discovery 129 Bishop Wilkin's secret and swift Messenger 130 Culpepper's last Legacy 131 Grotius of the satisfaction of Christ 132 The Gentleman's Jockey 133 Lambert's Perambulation of Kent 134 The Buckler of State and Justice 135 Secret Intrigues of the Church of France 136 City and Country Purchaser and Builder 137 Kitchin's Jurisdiction of Court 138 Exposition of the Terms of the Law 139 Life of the Emperor Theodosius 140 Rapine on Aristotle's Poesy 141 Comment on Chaucer's Tales 142 Baxter of Witches, Spirits, etc. 143 Carter's Heraldry, with sculpt. 144 Book of Psalms in Four Parts 145 Crofton's Sermons 146 Dr. Potter's want of Charity 147 Treatise of Spirits, Witches, etc. 148 Memoires of the Duke of Rohen 149 Hunt's Argument Concer. the Bps. 150 Pliny's Panygyricks, by Oxford Hands 151 Koran of Mahomet 152 Bp. Wilkin's Mathemat. Magic 153 History of the Wars of Cyprus 154 Bp. Wilkin's Sermons 155 Lucanzy on the Counc. of Trent 156 Bp. Ward's Two Sermons 157 Life of the Countess of Devon. 158 Henshaw's Register for the Air 159 Twisdon Against Needham's Med. Medici. 160 A Welsh Bible, 1689 161 Friar Bacon's Cure of Old Age 162 The Ladies Memoir. of the Court of Spain 163 The English Rogue 164 Montague's Travels in Holland 165 Hornecks Law of Consideration 166 Stillingfleet's Letter to a Deist 167 Euremont's Unfortunate Bean 168 Langbanes Account of the Dram. Poets 169 Tygurine Common Prayer 170 Polhil of precious Faith 171 Said, a Spanish Romance 172 Quevedo's Visions, by Sr. Roger L'Estrange 173 All Mrs. Behn's Histor. and Novels 174 Ovia's Metamorphosis by several Hands, with Sculptures 175 Life of Corn. Van. Trump. 176 History of the Lives and Intrigues of the Monarches of England 177 Derham's Account of Ilmington, Water's 178 Temple of the united Provinces 179 History of the first 14 years of K. James 180 Dyke on the Sacrament 181 Platform for Purchas. and Builders 182 Roberts on the Sacrament 183 Godolphin's View of the Admiralty 184 English Rogue Compl. in 4 Parts 185 The Parson's Law 186 Mathius' Artificial Fire. Works 187 King Charles I, Meditations 188 Chimead on the Globes 189 Almond's Complete Farrier 190 Spurstow on the Promises 191 Shepherd's sincere Convert 192 Stile's Practical Register 193 speeds Maps of Eng. Scot Ireland 194 Sr. J. Suckling's Works 195 Office of a Complete Attorney 196 Culpepper's Physic for the Poor 197 Boscobel, Or the History of King Charles II's miraculous Preservation within the Royal Oak 198 Bothel's Interest of Princes 199 Perfect Polition, or the Life of O. Cromwell 200 Parson's Christian Directory 201 Shepherd's Guide to a Justice of Pe. 202 Brown's Religio Medici 203 Purchasers Pattern 204 Proceed in the Court of Chancery 205 Henshaws spare hours of Meditation 206 Basset's Catalogue of Law Books 207 Burrough's Sovereignty of the Seas 208 Prophecies of Kottorus Dabricus, etc. 209 Herbert's Poems 210 Bacon's Wisdom of the Ancients 211 Complete Justice 212 Brown's Use of the Carpenters Rule 213 Manchester's Almondo 214 Merriton's Guide for Constables 215 Billing hur'st of Bankrupts 216 Merriton of Wills and Testaments 217 Dr. Donnes' Devotions 218 Mercurius Rusticus, Or the History of the Times 219 Elsynge's Method of Parliaments 220 Harwel of Parliaments 221 Secret Hist. of the French King 222 Marius' Advice concerning Bills of Exchange 223 Touchstone of Complexion 224 Turner's Office of Constables 225 Office of Executors 226 Wellwood's Sea Laws 227 Smith's Commonwealth of Engl. 228 Sheppard's Court-Keepers Guide 229 Overbury's Characters and Advice 230 Moor's Arithmetic 231 Young's Vade Mecum Law 232 Markham's Perfect Horseman 233 Dr. Donnes' Poems 234 Lord Bacon's Apothegms 235 Quarles Divine Poems 236 A Dialogue between Doctor and Student 237 Wilkinson's Office of Sheriffs 238 Howel's Instruction for Travel 239 Capel on Temptations 240 Heylyn's Help to History 241 Magna Charta in English 242 Young Clark's Guide 243 Randolph's Poems 244 Fuller's Good Thoughts 245 Howel's Dodona's Grove 246 Office of a Country Justice 247 Featly's Handmaid to Devo. 248 Practice of Piety, large Paper 249 Causin's Christian Diary 250 Trials at Law by Juries 251 A Treatise Concerning the distressed Vadois 252 The Landlord's Law 253 Mills' Account of Nightwalkers 254 Lord Bacon's History of Life and Death 255 Bishop Hall's Devout Soul, Free Prisoner, and Remedy of discontent Forty Volumes in Folio and Quarto, of Trials, Narratives, Cases of the Roman Catholics, Sermons, Plays, Political Tracts, State Poems, etc. a Trials of Coleman, Ireland, Pickering, Green, Bury, Hill; of the 5 Jesuits, Redding, Staley, in all 17 Tracts— b A Plea for Succession, the Parallel, Raviliac Red. vivus, Trials of Ed. Fitzharris, Bish. Planket, Stephen College, Lord Russel, Rouse, Bragg, Hickeringal Collection of Letters relating to the Popish Plor, in all 30 Tracts. c Judge Treby Collection of Letters concerning the Popish Plot Trial of the Lord Stafford, in all 9 Tracts— d Two Trials of T. Oates. R. Charles II. and my Lord Chancellor's Speeches. Lord Stafford's Speech at Execution. Animadversions on the same History of the Succession from Ancient Records. Several State Poems by Mrs. Behn, and M. ●●●●man, in all 34 Tracts— e The Trials of Mrs. Colier and John Giles. Several Letters and other Tracts in all 19— f Trials of Knox, Laur. Tasbrough and Bire, the Speeches of Kid, King, Scot Presbyter, Ministers. The Case of the Earl of Danby, with the Examination of the same. Oats' Discovery of Sir R. L' Estrange, in all 13 Tracts Quarto. g THE Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome, the 1 and 2 Vol.— h The Bishop of Lincoln's Letter. The Ungrateful Behaviour of the Papists which is the True Church, by Mr. Baxter, with 4 Tracts more— i The Bishop of Hereford's 2 Sermons; a Letter in Vindication of the Reformed Church, a Decree made at Rome, in all 12 Tracts— k Three Sermons by Dr. Pelling concerning modern delusions, the Jew turned Christian. Memoirs of Mr. Ja. Wadsworth that Recanted, Cit and Bumpkin by Sir R. L' Estrange, with other Tracts, in all 13 Vol.— l Several Accounts of the Jesuits Policy, with Observations— m A short Answer to a whole Litter of Libels, by Sir R. L' Estrange. Discovery upon Discovery. Discourse of Tangier, with other Tracts, in all 9— n Sermons by Bishop Tenison, Patrick, Stillingfleet, Tillotson, Hicks, Burnet, Lucas, Dr. Calamy, Barnes, Cradock, Barrow, with other Tracts, in all 20— oh Sermons by Dr. Calamy, Sherlock, Sharp, Stillingfleet, Burnet, Turner, a Pindaric Poem by Dryden. Windsor, Castle Oatway, with other Tracts, in all 21 p Absalon and Achitophel, by Religio Laici, the medal Character of a Papist, the Dissenters say, Collins of Salt and Fishery. Attempt to prove the motion of the Earth, with other Tracts, in all 14— q Sermons by Dr. Barrow, Bishop of Excter, Dr. Jane, Bishop of Salisbury, Dr. Sudbury, Cave, Standish, Howard, Durham, at the Funeral of Lord C. Justice Hales— r Four Sermons by Bishop Tillotson, 6 Sermons by Bishop Stillingfleet, Sermons by Dr. Lloyd, Pierce, Bishop Dolben, and the Bishop of Lincoln s Bishop Stillingfleet's Mischief of Separation, with several Answers to it, in all Eleven Tracts— t Sermons by Dr. Dove, Littleton, Bishop of Chester, Tillotson, Sharp, Dr. Hicks, with other Tracts, in all 8— u The Pyrenean Treaty, a Letter to a Friend concerning Dr. Owen. England's Interest and State; a Letter from the Lord Winchelsea concerning Mount Aetna, with other Tracts, in all 13— w Toleration Discussed, by Sir R. L' Estrange, Penn's England's Interest, censure on the History of the Royal Society, Raviliac Redivivus, with other Tracts, in all 11— x Plays, the Lancashire Witches, London Cuckolds, the Female Prelate, Stubs Plus Ultra, and other Tracts, in all 7— y Cardinal Bellarmin's 15 Notes of the Church, with Reflections on the same; Tracts by the Bishop of Condom, and other Gentlemen of the Church of Rome, Answered by those of the Church of England, in 16 Volumes.— Lib. Lat. Child. & Hebra. in Folio. 1 C. Plinii Historia Mundi Naturalis— Franc. 1583 2 J. Scapulae Lexicon Graeco Latinum— Elz. 1652 3 Amb. Calepini Dictionarium Octo Lingu, à J. Passeratio— Lugd. 1647 4 D. Platonis Opera Omnia à M. Facino— Lugd. 1567. 5 G. Agricolae De Re Metallica— Froben 6 Theod. Bezae in Novum Testamentum Gr. Lat.— 1582 7 Hieron Zanchii Opera Omnia in 3 Vol.— Gen. 1619 8 Jo. Scaligert de Emendatione Temporum— Id. 1629 9 Disciplinae Mathematicae Traditae, Anno Insti. Societat. Jesus Cum Figuris 10 Historia De Vita Dom. Nost. Jesus Christi cum Figuris— 11 De Mercatura Decisiones & Tractatus Vatii à Ben. Strache Lugd. 1592. 12 Sigis Scacciae De Commerciis & Cambio— Franc. 1648 13 Jo. Jonstoni Hist. Naturalis de Quadrupedibus Fig.— Amst. 1657 14 Tho. Aquinatis Summa Theologiae— Ant. 1626. 15 Jul. Cassorii Historia Anatomica cum Mult. Figuris— 16 Theoph. Boneti Sepulchretum sive Anatomia Practica— Gen. 1679 17 Pharmacopeia Galeno Chimica Catholica à J. Horstio— France. 1651 18 Dan. Sennerti Opera in 3 Vol.— Lugd. 1650 19 Hieron. Capivacci Opera Omnia— Franc. 20 Erasmi Adagta— Froben. 21 D. Basilii Magni Opera— Bas. 22 Th. Bezae in N. Testamentum Gr. Lat. Excud. à Stephano— 23 Sep. Flor. Tertulliani Opera Omnia à Jac Pamelio Comelin.— 24 Pol. Virgilii Anglicae Historiae Lib. 6— Bas. 25 Epiphanius Contra Haereses— 26 Virgilii Opera cum Notis Servy & Alii— 27 Suarez Metaphys. Disputat.— 28 Walaei Opera Omnia— 29 Novarini Adagia Ex Sanct. Patr.— 30 R. Baxteri Methodus Theologiae Christianae— 31 Kircheri Ars Magnae Lucis & Umbrae Cum Figuris— 32 Hospiniam De Origine Monarchati— 33 Hospiniam De Ritibus Festis Dictum— 34 Vireti Opera Theologica— 35 Legenda Aurea— 36 De Piscipbus & Cetis Cum Figuris— Ib. 1657 37 Corn. Taeiti Opera à Just. Lipsio & Vell. Petarculus— Ant. 1648 38 Tit. Livii Histor. Omnium Romanorum Cum Var. Not. Franc. 1688 39 Vetus Testamentum Secundum 70 in 3 Tomis in 2 Vol. Par.— 1628. 40 Van-Schindleri Lexicon Pentaglotton— Han. 1612 41 Antiquitatum Romanarum, Inscriptionum & Monumentorum quae Romae in Saxis & Marmoribus Visuntur in 4 Vol. à J. Boissardo in 4 Vol. 42 Romae Antiquae Urbis Splendor à Jac Lauro Cum Multis Figuris Rom. 1612 43 Jac. Silvii Opera Medica— Gen. 1635 44 Jo. And. Wenderhagen Rebus Publicis Haureaticis Cum urbium Earum Iconismis, Descriptionibus in 2 Vol.— 45 Tabulae Harmonicae Coelestium Motoum à La Eichstadio Stel. 1644 46 Opera Mathematica à Joan Schonero— Norimb. 47 Cosmographia Universalis a Sebast. Munstero cum Mappis— 48 Aristotelis Opera Omma— Bas. 49 Eusebu Russini, Sueratis Sozomeni, etc. Ecclesiastica Historia— 50 J. Piscatoris Opera in 3 Vol.— 1644 51 Dan. Pare● Opera Omnia in 2 Vol.— 52 A Lexicon Writ in Hebrew in 2 Vol.— 53 De Bry Historia Orientalis & Occidentalis Indiae in 4 Vol. Cum Multis Figuris Liber Rarissimus— 54 Joan. Calvim Opera in 13 Vol.— 55 Wol. Musculi Opera Omnia in 9 Vol.— 56 Jo. Buxtorfii Biblia Sacra Hebraica & Chaldaica Cum Comment Masoreti Tripl. in 2 Vol.— 1620 57 J. Coccei Lexicon & Commentarius Sermonis Heb. & Chal. Amst 1669 58 Jo. Luxtorifit Concordantiae Bibliorum Hebr.— Bas. 1632 59 Jo. Luxtorifit Lexicon Chaldaicum Talinudicum & Rabinnicum— Ib. 1640 Libri Quarto Lat. Syriaca Heb. etc. 61 HEn. Brigii Mirifici Logarithmorum Canones Constructio— Ed. 1610 62 Praxis Juris Civilis, à Fran. Clerk— Dub. 1666 63 Ren. Des Cartes principia phylosophiae & de passionibus— Amst. 1664 64 Corpus Juris Civilis, in 2 Vol.— Col. Ag. 1628. 65 Dan. Angeloeratorem de ponderibus & Mensuris— Franc. 1628. 66 Phil. Honorii Thesaurus politicus hoc est selectiores tractatus Franc. 1617. 67 Mart. Trostii Lexicon Syraicum— Col. 1622 68 J. Boissardi Theatrum Vitae Humanae, cum siguris— 1638 69 Corpus Juris Canonici Emendarum & Notis Illustratis & Append. Lugd. 1622 70 Collegii Complutensis in Aristor. Opera— Lugd. 1637 71 Mart. Trostii Novum Testamentum Syraicè— Col. 1621. 72 Biblia Hebraica Eleganti Charactere Impressa, à Man. Ben Israel Amst. 1635 73 Demonologia sive de Magia Naturali Demoniaca Licit. etc. à Fran. Torreblauca Mog.— 74 Polemographia Auraico Belgica, à W. Baudartio, cum multis figuris— 75 G. J. Vossii de Arte Grammatica— Amst. 1635 76 R. Kuricke Jus Maritimum Hanseaticum— Hamb 1667 77 Jo. Cluverii Historiarum Totius Mundi Epitome— Amst. 1668 78 Des Cartes meditationes de Prima Philosophia— Id. 1658 79 N. Clenardi Grammat. Graec. cum Scholar P. Antisignani— 80 F. Lud. Lopez de contractibus & negotiationibus— Li●● 1694 81 Chr. Clavii Horologiorum— Rom. 1699 82 R. des Cartes de homin. figuris— Lu●d. Bat. 1662. 83 Thesaurus Virtutis & Gloriae sive Illustrium Erudition & Doctrina virorum Effigies & Vitae— Franc. 1628. 84 Imperatorum & Caesarum Vitae cum imaginibus ad vivam effigiem expressis 85 Res Turcicae, sive historia Turcicorum cum figuris— 1632 86 Barn. Brissonii de formulis & solemnibus Pop. Romani Verbis— 1649 87 W. Oughtred hoc est modus computandi triangulorum— 1657 88 H. Grotii de Jure Belli ac pacis cum Annotat. Auth.— 1650 89 Pontificiorum ordinum omnium omnino utriusque sexus, habitus Artificiosissimis figuris, à J. Amanno— 90 Hen. Alfinii Theologia Elenctica— Amst. 1656 91 D. Origani Ephemerideses in 2 Vol.— 1609 92 L. Eichstadii Ephemerideses in 3 Vol.— 1639 Libri Octavo Lat. Syriaca Heb. etc. 93 INstitutio viri publici 94 Bucani Loci Communes 95 Heidfeld Sphin. Theol. Phylos. 96 Bartholini Inst. Anatomicae 97 Ursini Cat. cum Not. Parei 98 Blaeu de usu Globorum 99 Castanaei Celeber. Distinctionum 100 Eustachii sum. Philosophiae 101 Hadrianus Card. de Sermon. Latino. 102 Justini cum Not. Varior. 103 Bucani Historia Scotiae 104 Oughtreds Clavis mathematicae 105 Buxtorfii Heb. Lexicon Lond. 106 Vossii Lat. Grammatica 107 Garneri Grammat. Gal. Lat. Ger. 108 Popmae de Different. Verborum 109 Bet de Ortu & Nat. Sanguinis 110 Gentilis de Legationibus 111 Rhetores select. Gr. Lat. 112 Parci Chronologia Sacra 113 Smith de Gr. Eccles. statu. 114 Grotii Via ad Pacem 115 Les Institutes de I Empereur Justinian. avec Observa. Fr. & Lat. a Paris 1680 116 Ar. Montani N Test. Gr. Lat. 117 D. Chrysostomi Epistola ad Caesarium Monachum Gr. Lat. 118 Herbert de Veritate 119 Lombardi in Sentent. 120 Occhemi Logica 121 Sharrsch de funbus & officiis 122 Tho. Lydiat Canon's Chronologici 123 Salmasii de Helenistica Comment. 124 Melendorpi Academarium Celeb. Univers. 125 Pindari Opera Gr. 126 Spanhemii Historia Imaginum. 127 Biblia Sacra à Louvain. Plant. 128 Causini de Symbol. Egyptior. 139 Horatij Opera à Chabotio 130 Macrobii Opera Lond. 131 Alciati Emblem. figuris 132 Wharton de Episcop. & Decani Londinens. 133 Bodini Methodus Historica 134 Crowaei Elench. Scriptor. in S. Scrip. 135 Sleidani Commentaria 136 Maulii de Rebellion. Anglican. 137 Pierce Corpusculum Theologiae 138 Barclaii Argenis Not. Variorum 139 Oughtred Opuscula Mathemat. 140 Wendelini de Admirand. Nili 141 H. Cardani de Utilitate 142 Jac. Nohaulti Tract. Physici 143 Ch. Sandii Enucleatae Historiae Ecclesiasticae in 3. Vol. 144 Vita & Philosophia Democriti 145 Densingi De Vacuo 146 Heinsii Crepundia Saliana 147 Molinei Morum Exempla seu Characteres 148 Winsemi Sirius cum Not. 149 Galei Idea Theologiae 150 Salmasii Defensio Regia & Adver. Milton in 2 Vol. 151 Bayfield Exercitat Anatomicae 152 Tho. Angli Euclid. Physicus 153 Corn. Agrippae Opera in 2 Vol. 154 Buxtorfii Grammat. Heb. 155 Passoris Lexicon Lond. 156 Ann. Senecae Opea ab And. Scotto 157 Joan. Fernclii Universa Medicinae 158 B. Schun Computus Astronomicus 159 J. Buxtorfii De Abbreu. Hebr. 160 Cambdeni Annal. Eliz. Reginae 161 Armandi De Bello Viso 162 P. Henteneri Itinerarium German. Angliae, Galliae, Italiae 163 Comenii Jan. Ling. Lat. Germ. Galli. Ital. & Grae. 164 P. Peckii Ad Rem Nauticam 165 J. Buxtorfii Gramm. Chal. & Sylli. 166 Supputatio Annorum Mundi 167 Jac. Alting De Punct. Ling. Sanct. Libri Duodecimo Lat. Syriaca Heb. etc. 168 WOllebii Compend. Theol. Christianae 169 Acontii Stratagem. Satanae 170 Oweni Epigrammat. 171 Horatij Juvenal & Persii 172 Lipsii Politic. 173 Flores Bibli. 174 Alstedii Compend. Theologiae 175 ● aremi Geographia Generalis 176 J. Cocceii Advers. Eujodinem 177 Tursellin. Epitome Historiae 178 N. Testament. & Graec. by Daniel. 179 Salmasii Desensio Regia 180 Gerardi Meditationes 181 Tursellini de Particulis Ser. 182 Hobbs De Cive 183 P. Virgilii de Rerum Invention. 184 Paraei de Particulis Ling. Lat. 185 Campanilla De Monarch. Hispan. 186 Zouco de Jur. inter Gentes 187 Guerueri Instit. Juris Civ. & Canon 188 Jonstoni Thaumat. Naturalis 189 Terentii Comed. Farnabii 190 Gerrardi Exercit. Pietatis 191 Enchiridion Physicae Restitutae 192 Loccenii de Jure Marit. & Navali 193 Platmae de Vitis Pontificum 194 Cluverit Introduct. Geograph. 195 Erasmi Colloquia. Elzever 1636 196 Erasmi Apothegmatum 197 Amesii De Conscientia 198 Amesii in Epist. Petri 199 Descriptio Horologii Solaris 200 A. Respubls. Clapmarii de Arcanis 201 No. Testamentum Amst.— De Sapientia veterum 202 Buxtorfii Synagog Judaic.— 203 B. Portae Physiognomon. 204 Clerk Praxes Curiae admiralitatis. Liures François in Folio. 1 LEs Oevures de Mr. André du Laurens— A Paris 1639 2 La saint Bible, avec les Annotations de J. Diodati A Geneve 1644 3 La saint Bible de Jean Calvin avec Figures— Idem 1610 4 Histoire des Tures avec Figures, par Charcondile— A Paris 1620 5 Discourse de la Religion des Anciens Rom. par Guil. de Choul avec Figures. 6 L'Instruction du Roy en l Exercise de Monter à Cheval, par de Plevinel, avec Figures.— 7 Lafoy saint Bible avec Notes— Geneve 8 Navigation de Pierre Alvarez, Deseription de l'Europe, etc.— 9 Histoire des Martyrs persecutez & mis à mort pour la Verité Evangelique. 10 Les Oeuvres de Plutarque en 2 Vol.— Geneve 1627. 11 Les Images ou Tableaux. la Platte Peinture des deux, par Phylostrate, avec Figures.— A Paris 1636 12 Histoire de Fla. Joseph Sacrificateur Hebreu, mice en François. Paris 1631 13 Les Ciugrauges de l'Architecture par H. Hondium avec Fig. Amst. 1620 14 Opera Mathematica, ou Oevures Mathematiq. Geom. perspect.— 15 Architecture, Fortifications, avec Fig. par S. Marolois— Lafoy hay 1614 16 Lafoy Cor saint du R. Pere Nic. Caussin en 2 Vol.— Paris 1645 17 Iconologies de plusieurs Images, Emblems & autres Figures— Id. 1644 18 Les Commentaires de And. Matthiole sur Dioscoride— A Lion 1627. 19 Histoire de France par de Serres— A Roven 1647 20 Nouveau Theatre du Monde, ou Nouveau Atlas par Hondius & Janson en 3 Vol.— Amst. 1642 21 Description & Instruction de la Charge de Maistre de Camp, avec Fig.— 22 Le Blason des Armoiries, Ancien. & Modern. avec Fig.— Cum Vitae Fictoribus Germaniae Icones— 23 Les Oeuvres de J. Sleidan— A Geneve 24 La cosmography Universelle du Monde, par Sebast. Munster avec Fig.— 25 Instruction Chrêtienne en la Doctrine de la Loy & Evangile, par Pierre Virel— Geneve 26 Les Oeuvres de G. de Salustre sieur du Bartas— Paris 1911 27 Inventaire Generale de l'Histoire de France par J. de Serres— 1647 28 Histoire du Pais Bas d'Em. Metorin, avec Fig.— Lafoy hay 1618. 29 Jean Calvin Opera François 11 Vol.— 30 Les Oevures Morales & mêlées de Plutarque— Geneve 1623. 31 Les Etats, Empires, Royaumes & Principautez du Monde Lion 1659. 32 A Book of Perspective in Dutch containing 75 large Sculptures— 33 A Book of Architecture in Dutch containing 25 large Figures— 34 TResor de l'Histoire des Langues de cét Univers— A Londres 1619 35 Tarif General des Droits dependans des Cinq Fermes de France— A Rovan 1650 36 Embles d'Alciat, avec Figures— 37 Les Oeuvres de Lucian— Paris 38 Le Tresor des Trois Langues, Espagnole, Françoise & Italienne— 39 L'Agriculture & Maison Rustic de M. Ch. Etienne & Lebault— 40 Lafoy Science Universelle de Sorel— Paris 1641 41 Le Theatre, etc. Diverses Fables & Histoires avec Fig.— Paris 42 Les Secrets du Rev. Seigneur Alexis— 43 Discourse Politic & Militaire du Seigneur de la Noüe— 44 Pyrothecnie ou Art du Feu par sr. Birniguccio— 45 Lafoy Geomance du Chri. de Catton— 46 Epitome du Tresor des Antiquitez, c'est à dire, etc.— 47 Vrais Medailles des Emperors, tant d'Orient que d'Occident. Lion 48 Le Theatre d'Agriculture & Menage des Champs, par de Serres— 49 De la Verité. Plus la Dioptrique, les Meteors & la Geometrie avec Figures— 50 Les six premiers Liures des elements d'Euclide par Forcadel— 51 Sommaire de la Sphere Artisicielle & de l'usage d'icelle par Host— 52 Declaration de l'usage du Graphometre & Trigometre, avec Figu.— a COnformité de la Disciple Ecclesi. des Protest. de France— 1678 b Histoire Critic du Vieu Testamment, par R. Pere Simon— 1680 c Voyage de France, par de la Val, aux Indeses Oriantales— Paris d Abregé du Parallele des Langues Françoise & Latin— Paris 1635 e Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia di It. Cat. Davila— Ven. 1641 f— Idem— Ibid 166● g Historia Delle Guerre Civile di questi ultimi Tempi del Conte Biscccioni Ven. 1655 h Historia Delle Guerre del Conte Galear. Gualdo. Priorato— i Il Seminerio de Governi di Stato & di Guerra— Gen. 1647 k Del Mercurio overo Histor. de Tempi Correnti di Vittor. sici.— Tom. 2— Geneve 1647 Livres François in Octavo. 53 Corpses de Philosophy par du Plexis 54 L'Evangile de Rome— 55 L'Arithmetique de saint Stevin 56 Histoire de France par Girard 57 Bulienger, Sermon Apocal. 58 Hist. de Claves. Les princ. de Nat. 59 Ordonnance du Roy sur le fait de la Marine & Amirauté 60 Histoire Ecclesiastic d'Eusebe 61 Tresor de Charles, contenant les Tableaux de tous les pays du Monde, avec Figures. 62 Histoire Comic de Françion 63 La Chasse de la belle Roman 64 Les Voyages du sr. de Villamont. 65 Les Genealogies des Ducs de Lor. 66 Livre des Essais de Mr. de Montaig. 67 Histoire des Drogues, Epiceries & de certains Medicamens qui naissent en les Indeses & en la Merique. 68 Familliaire instructions pour apprendre les Secrets de Chiromancy & Phisionomie.— 69 De la Vocation des Pasteurs par du Moulin— 70 L'Etique ou Philosophy Morale par O Pleix.— 71 Les Secrets & Merveilles de Nature par Wecher.— 72 Orloge des Princes par Guevara. 73 Figures de la Bible— 74 Curieux & Rares Secrets touchant la Medicine Metallique & Minerale par du Chêne— 75 Traité de la Cour— 76 Les Fables d'Esopes avec Figures 77 De Clave le Cours de Chymie 78 Histoires Tragiques' de nôtre tems 79 N. Testament Larin & François 80 Dictionaire François & Italien 81 Comment. Revelat. Joel & Ionas, par Lulie— 82 Les Metamorphoses ou l'Ane d'Or avec Figures— 83 Devises Heroiques avec Figures 84 Taffin de l'Amendement de Vie 85 Luther de la Doctrine Chrêtienne 86 Histoire des derniers Troubles de France— 87 cosmography d'Henrion— 88 L'Usage des Ephemerides par Villain 89 La Vayage de France, Flandre & Savoye par le sieur Coulon— 90 Oudin Gram. Espagnole & Françoise 91 De la Demonomanie & Sorceries 92 Histoire de la Papauté par du Morn. 93 Dictio. Latino Gallicum— 94 Les Metamorphos. d'Ovide avec Fi. 95 Lettres de Gombauld— 96 De la Commun. à J. 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Peres— Geneve 1632 116 Memoires de ce qui s'est passé en Suede etc. depuis l'annnée 1649 jusques en l'année 1652, par L. de Vauciennes 2 Vol.— Paris 1675 117 L'Etat de la France dans se Perfection 2 Vol.— Paris 1658 118 Memoires pour l'Histoire du Cardinal de Richelien Cologne 1667 119 Recueil des Pieces servant à l'Hist. de Henry 3 Roy de France 1663. 120— D'Edits, Declarations & Arrests— 1682 121 Histoire du Pontificat de S. Gregoire le Grand— 1686 122 Exament du Livre qui porte pour Titre, Pregugez Legirimes 2 Vol.— Hay 1680 123 L'Imitation de Jesus Christ par Kempis— 124 Dialogue Rostiques— 125 Airs, Ballets, etc.— 126 Les Oeuvres de Bruscambille 127 La Phylosop. Françoise par Moul. 128 Yrosor des Recreations— 129 Le Tombeau de la Melancholy 130 Les Memoires de P. Commines 131 Architecture & Fortisi. avec Fig. 132 Les. Devises Heroiques avec Fig. 133 La vie du Cardinal de Richelieu 134 Les Oeuvres de Rabelais— 135 Description de la France, Italy, & Espagne— 136 Oevures de Tabarin— 137 Lafoy Pratique de Pieté— 138 Le Chasse Ennuy— 139 Le Secretaire à la Mode de Serre 140 L'Ariane de Mr. des Marot. 141 Lafoy chiromancy & Phisionomie par le Regard— 142 Les Oeuvres de Clem. Marot 143 Alphabet de l'Imperfection & Malice des Femmes— 144 Les plaisirs des Dames.— Italian Folio. 145 ORlando furioso di M Lod. Ariosto, The Figures curiously Coloured 146 La Sacra Biblia da Giou. Diodati— Geneva 1641 147 Della fabrica del mondo D. Franc Alunno— Ven. 1584. 148 Lafoy practica de prospettiva de Cau. Loren 20— Id.— 149 Novo Teatro di Machine & Edificii di vil Zonca cum Figuris Pad. 1607 150 M. L. Vitrovii di Architettura cum Figuris— 151 Trattato di Numeri & Misurer di Nic. Tartaglia in 2 Vol.— 152 Arimmetica di Gio Rap. Zachetta— Bres.— 153 Several Volumes in Folio and Quarto Stitched, being Manuscripts, In Heb. Gr. Lat. Engl. Fren. and Itali.— Italian Spanish Quarto. 154 RElationes de Auton. Perez— En Paris 1598. 155 Considerationi politiche & morale sopra cento Oraculi d'Illustri— 156 Personaggi Antichi di Lod. Zuccoli— Ven. 1621. 157 Lafoy Piazza Universal di Tutte le professioni del mondo Tho. Garzono— Ven. 1588. 158 Dodici Libri del Governo di stato del Cav. Cyr. spotone— Ver. 1601 159 della Gerusalemme Conquestata del Torq. Tasso— Pav. 1606 160 del Governo de Regni & Delle Repub. Antiche & Modern del Franc. Sanjovino— 161 Le Imagini di J. dei de geis Antichi cum Figuris— 162 Lafoy Biblia Sacros Libros del Vieio Y. nevo Testamento— 1599 163 T. Livio del'Istorie Roman in 2 Vol.— Ven. 164 Fran. Guicciardin Lottini Sansovini Avertimenti Politici civili Polit. 1598. 165 Florio's proverbs in Italian— 166 De la politica Nvero Scienza del Fel. Figliucc.— Ven. 167 G. P. Gallucci della fabrica & uso di Diversi Stromenti di Astronomia & Cosmographia— Ven. 168 Tutti le Opere di Nic. Machiavelli— 169 H. Decamerone di M. Gio. Boccaccio— 170 Le Navigationi & Viaggi nella Turchia di Nic. de Nicholai— Auv. 171 Petrarcha con l'Expositione Alles. Velutello— Ven. 172 Statuta & Leges Veneta— 1586 173 Le Relationi Universali di gio Botero— 174 Delli Officina Istorica di Gio. Fe. Astolfi— Ven. 1605 175 Il Consolato del mare di Marcantie di Navigatione— Id. 1637 176 Lafoy Sfera del mondo di Alice Piccolomini— Id. 1595 177 Pratica D'Arithmetica, misurar con la Vista. discorsi delle Fortificationi la Declaration di l'Instrument de Seb. Munstero— 178 Discorso del Origine forma leggi ed uso del Officio dell'Inquisitione nella cita, E. Dominio di Venetia— 1639 179 Margarita Filosophica del R P F Greg. Reisch— Venus 180 Libro Marchantile al modo di Venetia di Doo Manzono— 181 Cioe sole della Lingua Santa— 182 della famosisima Campagnia della Lesina. Dialogo Capitoti E Ragionamenti Historia particular delle cose Passate tra'l sommo pontifice Paolo— 5 183 Aritmetica mercantile di Gio. Lando— 184 Delle Historia d'Italia di Franc. Grecciardini— 185 Le Imagini de J. dei de gli Antichi cum Figuris— 186 Opuscol. Moral. di Plutarcho in 2 Vol.— Venus 1614 187 P. deal paragon Politico tratto del monte Parnassus— 188 Il Mercurio Overo Historia di vil. Sylli in 3 Vol.— 1646 189 Deal L'Arte di Pugnali cum Figuris— Lib. Ital Octavo Duodecimo, etc. 190 HIst. deal Rivolut. d'Regno di Potrogallo 191 Anticha di Pozzuolo di S Mazzelli Figur. 192 Il Libro del Cortegiano de Conte Baldear Cas. 193 Di Secreti R. D. Alessio 194 Gli Ornamenti delle Donne 195 Viaggi Fatti da Vinetia 196 De Ragguagli di Parnaso del Boccalini 197 L'Opera di Virgilio 198 Delle Lettora di Ber. Tasso 199 Tariffa Generale de Pesis Emisure d'Asia Africa & Europe 200 De Saluzar Gramat. Espagnol. & Francois 201 J. 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Testament.— Ant. 1540 316 Golsii Thesaurus Rei Antiquariae— Ant. 1618. 317 Sinnibaldi Geneanthropeia sive de Hominis Generatione— Rom. 1642 318 St. Augustini Opera in 10 Tom. 8 Vol.— Frob. 1543 319 Episcop. Synesii Opera Gr. Lat. à Petavio edita— Par. 1612 320 Pererius in Genesin— Col. 1606 321 Pererius Opera Theologica— Ib. 1620 322 Origenis Chronicon Regum— Bas.— 323 Historiae Rom. Epitome per Egnatium— Frob.— 324 Novum Testamentum Gr. Lat. Ex Recognit. Erasmi— 325 Euripidis Tragaediae Gr. Lat. cum Not. Brodaei— 326 Davenant Determinationes, etc.— 327 Xenophontis Opera Gr. Lat. cum Notis— 328 Plutarchi Opera Gr. Lat. in 2 Vol.— Franc. 1628. 329 P. Gassendus in Diog. Laert. de Philosph. Epicuri in 3 Vol.— 330 Bocharti Geographia Sacra— God. 1651 331 J. Lipsii Opera in 4 Vol.— Ant. 1634 Libri Lat. in Quarto. 332 BIblia Sacra Vulgatae Edition Six. Quinti— Parii 1678 333 Aristotelis Organon Gr. Lat. à Pacio— Gen. 1605 334 Bythner Lyra prophetica— Lond. 1670 335 Caussinus de Eloquentia— Col. 336 Cokii Ethica Sacra— Lud. Bat. 1691 337 Vossii Historia Palagiana— Id. 1618. 338 Wallisii Commerc. Epistolicum— Ox. 1658 339 Erpenius in Psalmos Syriace & Lat.— Lusd. Bat. 1625 340 Heereboord Meletemata— Ib. 1665 341 Maccovii Colleg. Theologic.— Franc. 1641 342 Nazianzen. Contra Julian. G. à H. Savil.— 343 Sheineri Fundament. Opticum— Lond. 1652 344 Reginae Palatium Eloquentiae— Mog. 1669 345 Origenes Contra Celsum— Cant. 1670 346 Buridan. in Arristot. Ethica— Oxon 347 Clauburgii Metaphysica— 348 Stierii Logica, Ethica. etc.— 349 Glassii Philologia Sacra Op. Edit.— 350 De Vries Exercitationes de Deo, etc.— Ib. 1685 351 Ignatii Epistolae Gr. Lat. a Videlio— 352 Novum Testament. Interlin. Heb. Gr. Lat.— Par. 1584. 353 Episcop. Pearson Opera Posthuma— 354 P. Gassendi Vita Tychon Brahe.— Hag. 1653 355 Boxhornii Quaestiones Romanae & Plutarch. Id. Argument. Gr. Lat. 356 Noldii Concordantiae & de Particulis Hebraicis— 1679 357 Duke Hamel Opera. Philosophica in 2 Vol.— Nor. 1681 358 Burnet Telluris Theor. Sacra— 359 Vossii annal Hollandiae & Zelandiae— Amst. 1635 360 Molinaeus Advers. M. Amyraldum— 361 Nyli Monachi Narrationes Gr. Lat.— A Rosino 362 Catalogus Librorum a R. Scot— 363 Palladius de Gent. Brachman. Gr. Lat.— 364 Ribadeneira Advers. Machivel— 365 Albi Hemisphere. Dissect. opus Geometricum— Rome. 1648 366 Aristotelis Rhetor. Gr. Lat.— A Gulstono 367 Cinnamin Histor. Imper. Coustan. Gr. Lat.— A C. Tolli. 368 White de Mundo— 379 Gores Catal. Authorum de re Heraldica— 370 Simon Disquisitiones Criticae— 371 Vossii Harmonia Evangelica— 372 Lindeburgii Historia Rerum in Europa gestarum— 373 Parker de Descensu J. Christi ad Inferos— 374 Reginvolskii Histor. Eccles. Slavonicar. Provinc.— 375 Buruet Archilogia— 376 Photii Nomocanon Cum Comment. Balsamon. Gr. La.— 377 Acta Synodi Dordrecht. Nationalis— Libri Latini in Quarto. 378 HErbert de Veritate— 1639 379 Duke Hamel de Meteoris & Fossibus— Paris 1660 380 Ferrarii Lexicon Geographicum— Med. 1627. 381 Prideaux Fasciculus Controversiar.— Ox. 1649 382 Vorstii Anti-Bellarminus Contractus— Han. 1610 383 Dallaeus de Scriptis Dion. Areopag. & Ignatii— Gen. 1666 384 Scriveneri Apologia pro Eccles. Advers. Dallaeum.— Lond. 1672 385 Merceri Grammat. Chald. & Interp. Proverb. Salomonis Paris 1561 386 Godwin's Antiquities complete— 1642 387 Alesbury de aeterno Divini Beneplaciti, etc.— CaIt. 1659. 388 Pocock in Pet. Johan. Jud. Arab. Heb. Lat.— Lugd. Bat. 1630 389 Fuller Miscellan. Theologica— Ox. 1616 390 Cloppenburgii Anti-Smalcius de Divin. Jesus Christi— Franc. 1652 391 Bibliotheca No●folciana— Lond. 1681 392 Coach Sanhedrens & Maccoth— Amst. 1629 393 Busaei Viridarium Christianarum Virtutum— Mog. 1610 394 Camdeni Britannia— Lond. 1594 395 Danesii Gramat. Latina— Lond. 1638 396 Arminii Opera Theologica— Lugd. Bat. 1629 397 Piscatoris Poemat. in Laud. Oliverii— 398 Ogygia seu Rerum Hybernicarum Chronologia— Lond. 1685 499 Voetii Select. Disputation. Theologicae in 2 Vol. Vel.— 1648 400 Stephani Dictionarium Historicum Poeticum, etc.— 1627. 401 Schefferus de Militia Navali Veterum— Vrb. 1654. 402 Sibelii Conciones Miscellaneae— Amst. 1634 403 Vernulaei Epitome Historiarum ab Orb. Conned.— Lov. 1654. 404 Hammond de Jur. Episcop. Adver. Blundel— Lond. 1651 405 Mori Enchiridion Metaphysicum— Ib. 1671 406 Causa Dei seu Alex. Morus de Scriptura Sacra.— Med. 1653 407 Is. Casauboni Epistolae— Hag. 1638 418 Alabastri Tuba Pulchritudinis— Lond. 1633 419 Joan. Balaeus de Scriptor. Britanniae— 410 Pomp. Mela de situ Orbis— 411 Pelargi Bibliotheca Theologica— Franc. 412 Scapulae. Lexicon Grae. Lat.— Gen. 1616 413 Roma Vetus ac Recens ab Alex. Donato cum Fig. Rom. 1648 414 Theses Sedanenses in 2 Vol.— Gen. 1661. Libri Latini in Octavo. 415 BIblia sacra Plant. 416 Monarchia Britannica 417 Tullii Erachiridion 418 Dillinghami Poemata— 419 Batesii Elench Motuum— 420 D. Cartes Meditation. Philos. 421 Stradae prolufiones Acad.— 422 Emani Thesaur. Patriarchae— 423 Molinaei Logica— 424 Baconii Hist. Vitae & Mortis 425 Smetii Prosodia— 426 Aristot. & Xenophon. Gr. 427 Bucani Epigram. & Poem.— 428 Theocritus Gr. Lat.— 429 Calvini Institutiones 430 Speed Epigram. Juvenilia 431 Collec Monument in Belgia 432 Wendelini Admirand. Nili— 433 Priscianus Emb. & Nascens 434 Dounam in Ram. Dialect 435 Cor. Taciti Op. cum Not. Lipsii 436 Porta Linguarum in 3 Lingu. 437 Caesaris Comment à Grypheo. 438— Id.— Plantin. 439 Thesaurus; Ling. Publicum 440 Barlaei Epistolae— 441 Bercheti Catechesis— 442 Fleetwood Inscriptiones— 443 Dictionarium Belgico-Latinum 444 Busbie Gram. Metrica. 445 Robertson Heb. Psalmi— 446 No. Testamen. Gr. Steph. Scal. etc. 447 Vallesius de Sacra Phylosoph.— 448 Optat. de Schismat. Donatist. 449 à Mer. Causabor.— 450 Memor. Philosophor. à Witten 451 Morneus de Veritate Relige. Christ. 452 Priscianus Epebus— 453 Lycophron Gr. Lat. à Cantero. 454 Goventry de Mundo Peripatetico 455 Baronii annal Eccles.— 456 Leusden Compendium— 457 Kotteri Revelat. Divin.— 458 Senecae Opera— 459 Molihaeus de Monarch. Tempor. 460 Aeliani Var Hist. Gr. Lat.— 461 Livii Orationes— 462 Pro Rege à Populo Anglicano 463 Fulgentii Oeconomia Sacra— 464 Row Grammat. Hebr.— 465 Diaconi Logica— 466 Lucretii Op. à Fabro— 467 Ol. Magni Histor. de Gentibus 468 R. de Sabunde Theol. Naturalis 469 Mundy Comment. Physici 470 D. Cartes Examen à Schulero 471 Hall de Bello Trojano— 472 Nigronii Orationes— 473 Hody de 70 Interpret.— 474 Passoris Lexicon Gr. Lat.— 475 Erasmus de libero Arbit.— 476 Motuum Britannicorum Hist. 477 Wilkinson Conciones— 478 Vitae Patrum— 479 T. Mori Opera— 480 Sexcentium errores Pontificum. 481 Stotii Opera— 482 Gardner de Trinitate— 483 Sirmondus de Ecclesia— 484 Vinditiae Cont. Tyrannos 485 Lactantii Opera per Eras. 486 Fulgentii Opera— 487 Usserius de An. Solari— 488 Horn de Usu Authoris— 489 Balaei acta Rom. Pontif.— 490 Grotius & Dodwel de Coena D. 491 Heinsii Orationes— 492 Revel. Jesuit. Vapulans— 493 Hoornbeeck Epistola— 494 Corn. Nepotis Opera— 495 Brockman Ethica— 496 Sanderson de Jurament.— 497 Sinceri Itiner. Galliae— 498 Aristophanes Gr.— 499 Popma de Differ. Vérborum— English Divinity, etc. in Folio. 1 PErkins (Will.) Works complete 3 Vol,— Lond. 1626. 2 Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History in English— 1607 3 A Relation of a conference between Archb. Laud, and Fisher the Jesuit— 1639 4— Another of the same last edit.— 1673 5 Bp. Mortons' Catholic appeal for Protestants— 1609 6 Heylins (Dr. Pet.) Exposition of the Creed— 1654. 7 Augustine's (Will.) devout Meditations— 1635 8 Dr. Lang bains review of the council of Trent— 1638 9 Byfield on the Colossiiant— 1615 10 Smiths Christians Religion appeal— 1675 11 Dr. Fulk on the Rhemish Testament— 1617. 12 Dr. Mark Franks 51 Sermons— 1672 13 Bp. Morton against the Mass— 1631 14 Bp. Tailors course of Sermons— 1655 15 Morneys history of Iniquity or History of Papacy— 1612 16 Lestranges (Hammond) Alliance of divine Offices— 1659. 17 Dr. Crakanthorps' Treatise of the 5th general Council— 1631 18 Rogers on Judges 19 Chillingworths Religion of Protestants a safe way— 1638 20 Faringdons (Ant.) Sermons 1st. and 2d. Vol.— 1657 21 Dr. Hammonds practical Tracts gilded back— 1674 22 Dr. Hammonds Paraphrase and Annotations on the new Testament— 1652 23 Dr. Hammonds Sermons large Paper— 1685 24 Dr. Hammonds Paraphrase and Annotations on the Psalms— 1659. 25 Dr. Comber on the Common Prayer 1684 26 Musc ulus' common places in England— 1563 27 Davis' (Hugh) Rights of Uniformity in Churches— 1669 28 Hieroms Sermons complete— 1624. 29 Mason (Franc.) of the Consecration of the Bps. of the Church of England— 1672 30 Tailors Bp. Jer.) Ductor dubitantium, or cases of Conscience— 1672 31 Eusebius (s ancient Ecclesiastical History with the Life of Constantine— 1663. 32 Marlorate on Matthew— 1570 33 Calvins institution of Christian Religion English 34 Erasmus Paraphrase on the New Testament English, 2d. Tome 35 Marlorate on the Epistles of St. John 36 Bp. Halls works 1 Vol.— 1614 37 Bp. Hackets Sermons— 1675 38 Causins Holy Court— 1663. 39 bp. Reynolds works— 1658 40 Farindons 50 Sermons the 3d. Vol.— 1674 41 Tailors (Jeremy) Doctor dubitaneium— 1660 42— Sermons— 1668 43 Dr. Pearson (John) on the Creed— 1669 44 Dr. Caves Lives of the Primitive Fathers— 1677 45 Goodwin (John) Redemption redeemed— 1651 46 bp. Wilson on the Psalms— 1661. 47 Mortons' Catholic appeal— Lond. 1610 48 nicholson's Sermons— 1661. 49 Field on the Church— Oxford 1635 50 Dr. Sanderson (Robert) 34 Sermons— 1657 51 Dr. Gauden on the Church— Lond. 1659. 52 Recollection of Treatises— 1615 53 Dr. Richard Allestry 18 Sermons— 1669 54 Crook on Hypocrites— 1658 55 Thorndikes Epilogue of the Church— 1659. 56 Chillingworth Religion of Protestants— 1664 57 Cambridge Concordance— 1672 58 Fermin on the Ecclesiastes— 1639 59 bp. Laud against Fisher— 1673 60 Medes works the first and second Volume 61 Dr. Hammonds several Sermons— 1664 62 Heylin (Peter) on the Creed— 1654. 63 hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity 64 Dr. Hammonâs Annotations on the new Testament— 1671 65— Works first Vol.— 1674 66 Burtons' melancholy best edition all the newest Edition. 67 Castlemains Embassy to Rome all the newest Edition. 68 Cooks memorahilia all the newest Edition. 69 Beaumont and fletcher's Plays all the newest Edition. 70 History of the Turks by Knolls all the newest Edition. 71 Stillingfleet rational account all the newest Edition. 72 stapleton's Juvenal with cuts all the newest Edition. 73 Sir William Davenant works complete all the newest Edition. 74 Shakespears plays all the newest Edition. 75 killigrew's Plays all the newest Edition. 76 Pintoes Travels and Adventures all the newest Edition. 77 Sir Tho. brown's works complete all the newest Edition. 78 Baccaces Novels and Tales all the newest Edition. 79 Cudworth against Atheism all the newest Edition. 80 Clarks Lives of modern Divines all the newest Edition. 81 Knox's History of Ceylon all the newest Edition. 82 Lightfoot works complete in 2 Vol. all the newest Edition. 83 Sprats hist. of the Ryehouse Conspir. all the newest Edition. 84 Burlaces History of the Irish Rebellion all the newest Edition. 85 History of the Council of Trent all the newest Edition. 86 Davillas' history of the civ. wars of Fr. all the newest Edition. 87 Parutas history of Venice all the newest Edition. 88 Bp. Andrews Lectures at Cripplegate all the newest Edition. 89 Attersol on Philemon all the newest Edition. 90 Hutchinson on Job all the newest Edition. 91 Braithwaits Engl. Gent. and Gentlew. all the newest Edition. 92 Bailiffs Wall flower all the newest Edition. 93 Diodates annotations on the bible all the newest Edition. 94 hamond's sermons all the newest Edition. 95 Owen on the spirit all the newest Edition. 96 Craddocks' harm. of the 4 Evange lists all the newest Edition. 97 Alcoran of Mahomet all the best edit. 98 Guntons hist. of the Ch. of Peterborough all the best edit. 99 Tailors Cases of Conscience 2 V come. all the best edit. 100— Sermons all the best edit. 101 Day on Isaiah all the best edit. 102 Hakewels Apolegy for the Power and Providence of God all the best edit. 103 Hobbs Leviathan best Edition all the best edit. 104 Mornays' history of Papacy all the best edit. English Divinity in Quarto. 1 WHite on the Sabbath 2 A full declare, of Eccl. Disc. 3 Stephens of Procurations, etc. 4 Pierces divine Philan. defended 5 Ld. Falkland of Infallibility 6 Cleaver on the Proverbs 7 Quarles divine Fancies 8 Buck on the beatitudes 9 Grand Imposture of the Ch. of Rome 10 Reading, Guide to the holy City 11 Pierces answer to Baxter 12 Diodates Annotations 2d. Edition 13 Tailors supplement to his Sermons 14 Ridley View of the Civ. and Ecc Law 15 Senaults Christian man 16 Field on the Church 17 Sparrows Canons 18 Protestancy before Popery 19 Heylin against Bernard 20 Gregorys Notes on the H. Scripture 21 Herlyns antidotum Lincoln 22 bilson's Sermons 23 Gaudens defence of the Ministers of the Church of England 24 Reynolds on the Sacrament 25 Mayer on the Church Catechism 26 Bp. Hall of Episcopacy 27 Tailor on Titus 28 Hoskins Sermons 29 Rogers on the 39 Articles 30 Bayne on the Colossians 31 Gregories Works 32 Featlys Dipper dipped 33 Reynolds 3 Treatises 34 Dod and Cleavers Sermons 35 Swadlins' Script: vindicated 36 Heylin on the Sabbath 37 Nettle against Selden of Tithes 38 Travels of the Patriarches 39 Monntagues new gag for an old Goose 40 bullinger's Sermons 41 Field on the Church 5 books 42 Rouses Greek Antiquities 43 Refuter refuted 44 Godwins Rom. Jew. Antiq. 45 Volume of Sermons 46 Foresters mona tessagraphica 47 Exposition on the Psalms 48 Volume of Sermons and Tr. 49 Vol: of Tr. of the Altar Con. 50 Bancrofts dangerous positions 51 3d Vol. of Tracts 52 2d. part of Reasons of Refusal of subscriptions 53 Reynold on the passions 54 Cottous Concordance 55 bible in English printed by Field 56 2d. Tom of the Homilies 57 Bancrofts survey of pretended holy Discipline 58 Sir Rog. Twisdens' Vindication of the Church of England 59 Defence of reasons for refusal of subscriptions 60 Nicholson on the Church Cat. 61 Sympson on Peeer 62 bp. Tailor's Life of Christ 63 Carryl on Job comp. in 12 v. 64 Dr. Cosias hist, of the Can. of the Scr. 65 Senauts Christian man 1650 66 Dr Gaudens Hyperas pisteson defence of the Ministers 67 Potters Number 666 Oxford 68 widdrington's last rejoinder 1619 69 Flavels Fountain of Life Lond. 1673 70 Senaults corruption of nature by Sin 71 Pierce (Thom.) sinner impleaded 72 Baxters Reason of Christian Religion 73 Delechamps Christ. hospitality with ot. 74 Manton on Judas 75 A book containing several Sermons 76 Gibs (Charles) 31 Sermons 77 Arrowsmiths chan. of principles. 1659. 78 Rogers 39 Articles 79 Smith (John) select discourses 80 goodwin's (John) auth. of the Script. 81 Conflag. of London with other Treat. 82 Thorndikes Weights and Measures 83 Heylins history of the Sabbath. 1636 84 Montagues appeal to Caesar 85 Dr. Stillingfleet Irenicum & orig. sacrae 86 Dr. Heylins' history of Episcopacy, etc. 87 Dr. heylin's Antidotum Lincolniense 1637 88 Pierce (Thom.) divine Philnnthropie 89 Mount Calvarie 1618. 90 Questions concerning Liberty, etc. 91 Stumbling block by P. H. 1688 92 Verstegans antiquities 1634 93 Miltons' Paradise lost 1608 94 Penitent pardoned 1657 95 Vines several Sermons 1658 96 A book containing several Treatises 97 Jackson (Tho.) of the divine Essence 98 Swans speculum mundi 1635 99 Copies of certain Lett. with Branchalleys Presbytery 100 Tenison of Idolatry 1678 101 Madens Sermons wanrs the Title 102 Moulins Vind. of the Protest. Relig. 103 heylin's Sermons 1659. 104 Pierce (Tho.) answer to Baxter 1659. 105 Dr. Collins Eppheta 1617. 107 Ownes Mystery of the Gospel. 1655 108 Featleys Dipper dipped 1646 109 Apology for the Church 1659. 110 Bp. Ushers power of the Prince 111 Bp. Lucy against Hobbs 1663. 112 Europae Speculum 1632 113 Falkland of Infallibility 1651 114 Goodwin (John) of Justification 115 Leshes Sermons, etc. 1625 116 Dighy of bodies 1658 117 Pierce (Tho.) collection of Sermons 118 King on Jonah 1611 119 Bats Harmony of the div. attributes 120 Pierce (Tho.) Christian rescue. 1658 121 A book containing several Tracts 122 Coll. of the Reasons of the penal Law 123 A book containing several Treatises 124 Manton on James 1653 125 Baxters Saints everlasting Rest 126 Treatise of peace 1660 127 goodwin's Moses and Aaron 128 Fuller's Lives of the modern Divines 129 Beaumont's observations on Moore 130 Nicholson on the Church Catechism 131 Tailors Episcopacy asserted Oxford 132 Dr. Hammonds several Tracts 1646 133 Canons and Injunctions 1661. 134 Reasons of the University of Oxford 1647 with others 135 Heylin of the Western Churches 136 sydenham's Sermons 1636 137 Treatise of Justification Lov. 1569 138 Dr. Jackson (Tho.) of justifying saith 139 Dr. Jackson (Tho.) 7th book on the Creed English Divinity in Octavo. 1 heylin's Examen Historieum 2 Bunyans Pilgrims progress 3 Patrick's singing Psalms large Letter 4 Brevint on the Sacrament 5 Norris Poems 6 Gaudens Sermon an Brounrigs Funeral 7 History of the Arminians 8 hamond's Review of his Annotations 9 Hoards Gods Love to mankind 10 Fuller's Sermons 11 Fowlers Prin. and pract. of mod. Diu. 12 Tailor of Repentance 13 Wolsey of Atheism 14 Sparrows Rationale 15 Walsh Let. to the Cath. of Irel. 16 Government of the Tongue 17 Decay of piety 18 Ladies calling 19 Art of Contentment 20 Gentlemen calling 21 Causes and Remed. of the distractions of the times 22 New Testament worthies 23 Christian rules of a virtuous soul 24 Castigations of Mr. Durel 24 Caves primitive christianity 26 Common prayer in large octav. inter. 27 Bramhals vind. of the Church of Eng. 28 Devout communicant 29 Merit and Hon. of the old Eng. Cler. 30 Maninghams' two discourses 32 Lowths Catechism 31 Smiths unjust man's doom 33 Fort Royal of the holy Scripture 34 Waterhouse piety of eld. times 35 Squire against the Romanist 36 Persuasive to Peace and Un. 37 Principles of Faith 38 Halls Meditatious and Vows 39 Floyds fair warning 40 Charact. of the En. of the Ch. 41 Animadversions on fiat Lux 42 Rosses view of all Religions 43 Tailor on the Sacrament 44 Thorndikes religious Assemb. 45 Deus just. God's goodn. vind. 46 White of Relig. and Reason 47 Hawards sanct. troub. soul 48 laud's Devotions 49 Hattons Psalter 50 Cousins devotions 51 History of Jansenism 52 Spelman de non temerandis Eccles. 53 Ellis' gentile sinner 54 Carpenters Achitophel 55 Lythers reform Presbyter. 56 Herbert quadrup. devotion 57 Wolleys Devotions 58 Hammond of Hell Torment 59 Enter into the Closet 60 Sparrows Rationale 61 Addison on the sacrament 62 bagshaw's select discourses 63 Spirit of Prophecy 64 Faith vind. from a possib. of Falsehood 65 Hammon of Confirmation 66 Tailors golden Grove 67 Wollebius compend. English 68 Andrews devotions 69 Grotius discourses 70 Philanax Anglicus 71 Answer to Parker's ecclesiast, policy 72 Religio Stoici 73 Farewell sermons 2d. Vol. 74 Appendix to the 3d part of friendly debate 75 Eikon Basilike 76 best way to mend the world 77 Disc. of period, of hum. Life with defence of it. 78 Sanderson cases of Conscience 79 Herbert poems 80 14 old English books, black Letters imperfect. 81 The Countermine 82 Hales several Tracts 83 The causes of the decay of Christian piety 84 The unreason. of Atheism 85 bp. Ushers Judgement 86 Quakers quibbles 87 Dr. tillotson's Sermons 88 Patrick's two witnesses 89 Ferguson on the 1 Ep. of Paul 90 hamond's disc. of God's grace 91 Cottoni Posthuma 92 durham's funeral sermon 93 Longs history of the Donatists 94 Beverly soul of man 95 Ward (Rich.) of wit and wis. 96 Withy discourse of Idolatry 97 Thorndike of the prim. Church 98 Calvinus redivivus 99 Massinghams' review of Horns Catec. 100 Thorndike right of a Christian state 101 Dr. Wi. kins Ecclesiastes 102 Stopford Pagano-Baptismus 103 Shelton of superstition 104 Bramhalls vindication of the Church 105 Bramhalls against Baxter 106 Traherns' Christian Ethics 107 a friendly debate bet Con and Non. 108 a defence of the continuation of the knowledge of Christ 109 a serious Inquiry of the contempt of the Protestant Religion 110 a discourse of Christ's come. by Gale 111 Starkeys apology for the Eccl. Laws 112 Bishop of Episcopacy 113 Wolsely Scripture belief 114 Persons (Rob) Christian directory 115 Liberty of Conscience 116 Bright of Prayer 117 Stillingfleets defence 118 sanderson's cases of Conscience Oxf. 119 Patrick's mersa mystica 120 sherlock's discourse 121 A brief reply to the answ. to Moor. 122 Animadvers. by S. C. to Stillingfleet 123 History of the Savourites 124 Gale Anatomy of Infidelity 125 Mainards' harmony of Faith 126 Worthington of self resignation 127 Ridleys view of the civil Law 128 jagelo authority of the scriptures 129 Dr. sanderson's lively walks 130 Caves primitive Christianity 131 Fowlers principl. oct. large 132 Combers comp. to the Tem. 133 Patrick's 2 witnesses 134 Dr. Tailor of Repentance 135 Wilson (John) of the Script. 136 P. Dumoulin Peace of Mind 137 Whithie (Dan) Christ. Faith 138 Baxters true Religion 139 Conf. of the Minist. of unit. Prov. 140 Hutchinson on the Covenants 141 Starkeys apol. for the ecclesiast. Laws 142 The project of peace 143 Pools Nullity of the Romish Faith 144 Catholics no Idolaters, against Dr. 145 Sandys Europae speculum 146 Addisons present state of the Jews 147 Dr. Hammond practical Catechism 148 Dodwels two Letters of advice 149 Dr. Stillingfleet 2d. vind of Faith 150 The government of the Tongue 151 Dr. Stillingfleet answer to Gressy 152 bp. Wilkins prin. of natural Religion 153 Howes delighting in God 154 Combers companion to the Altar 155 Stillengfleets answer to sev. Treatises 156 Dr. Wilkens Ecclesiastes 157 Ridley view of the civil Law 158 Furgason on the Thessalonians 159 The highest end and work of a Chr. 160 Bernard's Life of bishop Usher 161 Fond blessedness in being bountiful 162 Bp. William's manual 163 Bp. Wards Sermons against Antis: 164 Dr. Stillingfleet 6 sermons 165 Advice to the conforming Minist. 166 Bramhal defence of the ch. of Engl. 167 Mystery of Jesuitism 168 Catalogue of writers on the old and New Testament 169 Burthogges causa Dei 170 Observe. on the cont. of the Clergy 171 Dr. Sanderson de Juramento 172 Directions for young Ministers 173 Sparrows rationale 174 Essays Theological moral 175 Smiths 2 Sermons 176 Barrow of bounty 177 Vindic. of the service of the Church 178 Treatses of ancient Cerem. 179 Senault on Job 180 tillotson's rule of Faith 181 a Discourse of Eccles. Polity 182 Dr. Hammonds Queries 183 Dr. Fearnes discourses 184 Examination of Tilenus 185 Dr. Stuarts Sermons 186 Advice to a Friend 187 Philosophical Essays 188 Traps Treasure 189 Religio Medici 190 Epirotes Poems 191 goodwin's return of mercies 192 The Vanity of mortal Life 193 Tailor answer con. orig. sin 194 Treatise of ancient Cerem. 195 Brent of Eternity 196 Tailors golden grove 197 herbert's poems 198 Hallywels acc. of Familisme 199 Discourse of humane Reas. 200 Grounds of consempt of the Cler. 201 Apology for Nonconformists 202 bp. Hall's cases of Conscience 203 Dr. Hammond of Fundamentals 204 The Liberty of the Britannic Chur. 205 Kighteous man's evidence 206 Patrick's hearts ease 207 Kidder of the Sacrament 208 Goodwin (John) 4 Sermons 209 Treatise of judging one another 210 Hoffman's principle of Religion 211 Baylys Life of bishop Fisher 212 Division between the English and Romish Church 213 Ld. Brooks nature of Truth 214 Bramhal Victory of Truth 215 Owen of mortification 216 Hall (Tho.) Schools guarded 217 Parson's character and life 218 bp. Hall soliloquies 219 The whole duty of man English Miscellany, &c in Folio. 1 FOulis (Hen.) history of the Romish Treasons and Usurpations— Lond. 1681 2 FOulis (Hen.) Of the Plots and Treasons of pretended Saints— 1674 3 Father Paul's history of the council of Trent— 1629 4 Josephus' works in English— 1640 5 Dr. Heylins' Cosmography best edition— 1677 6 De Serres (Jean) history of France, impersect 7 Rycauts (Sir Paul) royal commentaries of Peru— 1688 8 Heylins (Dr. pet.) Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts— 1687 9 Heylins (Dr. pet.) Aerius Redivivus or history of the Presbiterians— 1672 10 Heylins (Dr. pet.) Cyprianus Anglicus, or Life of Archbishop Laud— 1668 11 Heylins (Dr. pet.) Ecclesia Restaurata, or the history of Reformation— 1661. 12 Hammond L' Estrange history of King Charles I.— 1655 13 Fougassss history of Venice, English by Shute— 1612 14 Epirotes (Edward Ld.) History of Hen. VIII.— 1649 15 The Estates, Empires and Principalities of the world, Englished by Grimston 16 Raleighs (Sir Walter) history of the world— 1614 17 Annals of Cor. Tacitus eng. by Greenway, and Sir H. Savil.— 1626. 18 brown's (Sir Tho.) pseudodoxia epidemica or vulgar Errors— 1646 19 Colsection of Scotch acts of Parliament with skene de verbor significatione 20 Barrets (Ric.) Theory and Practic of modern wars— 1598. 21 Barns (Barnet) book of Offices— 1606 22 Grimstone (Ed.) History of the Netherlands, with the continuation.— 1609 23 Duburtas divine Weeks and Works 24 Maimbourghs History of the Crusade— 1685 25 Ld. Bacon's natural history in ten centuries— 1631 26 Fumees history of the troubles of Hungary— 1600 27 Bp. William's Treatises— 1665 28 Fabians Chronicle of England— 1559 29 Rastals collection of statutes— 1608 30 Daniel and Trussels History of England, 2 Vol.— 1626. 31 Dr. bradies Introduction to the old English History— 1684 32 Howel (James) Life of Lewis the 13th of France— 1646 33 hooker's Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity and Sermons 34 heywood's (Tho.) History of Women 35 nalson's (John) impartial collections 2 Vol.— 1682 36 Ld. Bacon's history of Henry VII. with goodwin's Annals 2 Vol,— 1637 37 Rycauts (Sir paul) History of the Turks, from 1623. to 1677— 1680 38 Dr Howels history of the world in 3 Vol. G. B.— 1680 39 Ld. Bacon's Resuscitatio— 1657 40 Polibius' history, englished by Grimstone— 1634 41 General collection of the Virtigo of France 42 Phesiolgia Epicuro-Gabendo Charle 1st. part— 1564 43 Caesars commentaries in English wants the Title 44 Bacons natural History— 1938 45 lloyd's Memoias' and Lives of famous men— 1668 46 Cooks memorabilia 47 Goralbo a Romance 48 Beaumond and fletcher's plays best edition 49 Dugdales view of the troubles of England 50 Dugdales' Summons of the Nobility to Parliament 51 Goads Aphorisms of the weather— 1686 52 nalson's collections of affairs of state, 2 Vol. 53 Davenant works complete 54 Shakespears plays last edition 55 Killegrews plays complete 56 Pintoes Voyages, Travels, Adventures, etc. 57 History of the Turks comp. 2 Vol. last edit. 58 History of Don Quixot the best edition— 1674 59 Plutarch's Lives of the ant. Grec. and Romans 60 Scheffers history of Lapland 61 Walshes History of the Irish Rebellion 62 Chardins Trau. into Persia, East In. etc. with fig. 63 Tarsis and Zelia an excellent new Romance 64 Nostrodamus' prophecies comp. with exposit. 65 The Alcoran of Mahomet— 1688 66 rushworth's historical collections— 1682 97 Greenwoods entire piece of Astronomy— 1679 68 wilson's history of King James— 1653 69 Monks military discipline— 1671 70 Marvels Miscellany Poems, 1st. 71 Lightfeet works complete in 2 Vol.— 1684 72 Josephus antiquities and wars of the Jews— 1674 73 Bp. Reynolds works last edit. gilt back— 1679 74 hooker's Laws of ecclesiastical policy, last edition— 1682 75 Livys Roman histovy in english last edition— 1686 76 Bible in Folio, Turkey Leather— Oxon 1686 77 Sibaldi historia Scotiae— Edin. 1674 78 Dugdales history of the Fens with figures 79 Annals King James, and K. Ch. I.— Lond. 1681 80 rushworth's historical Collections in the time of K. James, and K. Ch. I.— 1682 81 Church history of Britain, from the beginning. of Chr. to the Nor. conq.— 1668 82 John smith's Christian religions appeal— 1675 83 Anatomy of an Horso by And. Snape, with 49 copper plates— 1687 84 Duke of Newcastles new method of dressing Horses— 1667 85 Chardins Travels into Persia, and the East-Indies with outs— 1691 86 Almahide or the captive Queen, an excellent Romance— 1676 87 Dr. Rob. Gells notes on several select Script. of the new Testament— 1676 88 History of the council of Trent, by P. Paulo Suave— Lond. 1640 89 Greenwoods Astronomia Anglicana, containing an entire piece of Astronomy 1689 90 Ogilbies history of China, wish outs— 1673 91 Ogilbies Asia, being a description of Persia, Mogol, etc.— 1673 92 Dugdales (Sir William) Barronage of England, 1st. Vol. 93 bp. Hackets Sermons on several occasions 94 Lucian's Dialogues Englished by Joseph Main and Hicks.— 95 Lord Bacon's Natural History, best Edition.— 96 Parutas History of Venice, Englished by Honywood. 97 Chillingworths Protestants Religion, safe way to Salvation. best Edition. 1684 98 Pembles Works.— 99 Bishop Wilkins Essay towards a Real Character.— 1677 100 Adam's Index villaris.— with additions.— 1689 101 English Atlas in three Vol.— 102 History of the Romans by Ammianus Marcellinus, etc.— 1609 103 History of Ceylon in the East Indies by Robert Knox, with Figures. 1681 104 History Origines Britan. or Antiquities of the Ch. of Britain, by Stillingsleet. 1685 105 History Of Lapland, their Manners, Conjurations, etc. with Figures. 1674. 106 History of Q. Elizabeth's 4 last Parliaments, by Tounsend. 1680 107 History of Europe, more particularly of the Repub. of Venice, by Nani 1673 108 History of the Barbadoss Island, by R. Ligon, with Figures.— 1673 109 History of Ethiopia, by Job Ludolphus with Figures. 1682 110 History of the Travels of Peter Delavalle into the East Indies, etc. 1665 111 History of Ancient Time, or Chronology thereof, by Cary. 1677 112 History of Scanderbag King of Epirus. 1596 113 Issaacksons Chronology, or series and Succession of 4 Monarchies— 1633 114 Lomatius of Painting, Carving and Building, with Figures, 1598. 115 Leybournes Complete Surveyor. 116 Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, by Plutarch.— 1676 117 Mercators Atlas, Minor, with maps, by Hondius.— 1635 118 Markham's 5 Decede of Epist. of Honour and War. 1622 119 Manilius' Sphere Engl. by Sir Ed. Sherbourne, with Cutts.— 1625 120 Nostrodamus Prophecies, or Prognostications, with Annotations.— 1672 121 Nero, Caesar, or Monarchy depraved, an Histor. Work.— 1624. 122 Ogilbies Aesop Fables, with Annotations and Sculptures. 123 Ogilby's Virgil with Sculpt. and Annot. best Edition.— 1654. 124 Ogilbies Homer's Illiads with Sculpt and Adnotations. Red Turkey leather. 1660 125 Purchas his Pilgrimage of Religion and Travels, etc. 1613 126 Ship of Eools, or the Folly of all States, with Fig. Lat. and Engl.— 1570 127 Silhons Minister of Estate, Complete. 2 Vol.— 1658 128 sanderson's Graphice, or the excellent Art of Painting.— 1658 129 Saunders Phisionamy and Chyromancy.— 1671 130 Turner's (Sir James) Military Essays.— 1683 131 Sir H. Wotton's state of Christendom.— 1657 132 Crooks Description of the Body of Man.— Lond. 1616 133 Christ. Wirtzung's General Pract. of Phyfick.— 1598. 134 Willoughby's Treatise of Birds, with their Nature and Cure, with Figures. 1678 135 Reas Flora Ceres & Pomona, or complete Floriledge.— 1676 136 Reb Dodoens new Herbal or Hist. of Plamts.— 1619 137 Bartholomew of the Propriety of things.— 138 Franklands Annals of K. James, and K. Charles the 1st. 139 Keebles Assistance to Justice of the Peace.— 1683 140 Collection of States of Ireland. Complete. 1678 141 A Complete Set of Year Books in 6. Vol. last Edition Lettered. 142 Almahide or the Captive Queen, a Romance, by Monsieur Sceudery.— 1677 143 Lord Bacon's Natural History, best Edition.— 1678 144 Lord Bacon's Advancement of Learning, large Print. 1647 145 Lord Bacon's Resuscitatio, Letters of state, etc. Complete. 1671 146 Bentivolio & Urania, in six Books, by Dr. Ingelo. 1682 147 Camerarius, Historical Meditations. 1621. 148 K. Charles' Declaration against the Tumults in Scotland. 1639 149 Churchil's Divi Britanici, or Remarks on all the Kingsses of this Isle. 1675 150 Cotgraves Dictionary, French and English. 1611 151 Clelia an excellent Romance in 5. parts, by Monsieur Soudery. 1678 152 Cawleys Exposition of the Laws of Q. El. K. J. and K. Char. against Recusants. 1680 153 Chaucer (Sir Goe) his Works, best Edit. 154 Antonio Guevara, his Dial of Princes. 1619 155 Duke Bartas his Divine Weeks and Works by Silvester. 1640 156 Dodonas Grove, or the Vocal Forest ' by Howel. 1640 157 Devout Contemplations on all the Quadrag Gospels, by Fonseca. 1699 158 elton's Military Discipline for War, with Figures. 1668 159 Evelins Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-Trees. 1679 160 Fuller's Holy War and state, 2 Vol. 1651 161 Pisgah sight of Palestine, with all the Cuts.— 1662. 162 Gusman of Alsnche, or the Life of the Spanish Rogue. 1656 163 Guilims Display of Heraldry, with Additions and Figures, best Edition. 1679 164 Heylins History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 1674 165 Grimstone's General History of France to the Year. 1598. 166 Grimstone's General History of France by Phil de Comines. 1600 167 Grimstone's General History of the Cardinals of the Roman Church. 1670 168 Grimstone's General History of Italy in its Original Glory, Ruin, etc. by Warcup. 1661. 169 Grimstone's General Antiquities of Ancient Britain, with Figures, by Samms. 1676 170 Grimstone's General Antiquities of the Church of Scotland, by I. Knox. 1644 171 Grimstone's General Antiquities of Germany, by Cornel Tacitus, with S. H. Savils ' Notes. 1598. English Miscellanies in Quarto. 1 Ssomners' Antiquities of Canter. L. 1640 2 Verstegans Antiquitiei. Lond. 1618. 3 A Volume of Tracts.— 4 Heylins History of St. George. 1631 5 Godwins Catalogue of Bishops of E. 1601 6 Papists Ac. of Christ. not subject to the Pope 7 Ellesmores' Speech touch. the Post Nati. 1609 8 Rous's Greek Antiquities, best Edit. 1662. 9 Fortescues Collection of Histories. 1576 10 A Volume of Old Plays. 11 Ashton's Books of Entries. 1661. 12 K. James' defence of the Right of Kings 13 A Volume of Miscellaneous Tracts. 14 Several Tracts, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. 15 Terence, Latin and Eng. by Bernard. 1641 16 Shepparded Touchstone of Common Assurances. 1651. 17 Perfect Conveyancer. 1655 18 A Discour. against Darels ejecting Devils 19 A Volume of Miscellaneous Tracts. 20 Lord Bacon's Advancement of Learning. 21 Cabala or Mysteries of State and Gou. 22 Lord Bacon's Essays. 23 Hist. of Independency, 1st. & 2d. pts. 1650 24 B. p Bilson of Subjection and Rebel. 1625 25 K. James' Apol. for the Oaths of Sup. 26 Symons Vindication of K. Charles. 1648 27 A Volume of Tracts. 28 Merbury of Royal Monarchy. 1581. 29 Hartwell's Hist of the Ws. of Turk. & P. 30 The Royalists Defence. 1648 31 Weldon of the Orig. of Dominion. 1650 32 Reasons of the Sanguine. Ls. against P. 1664 33 Dr. Heylin's Survey of France. 1656 34 Dr. Godolph. Abridg. of Eccles. Laws. 1680 35 Selden's History of Tithes.— 1618. 36 Tillesley against. Seld. Hist. of Tithes. 1621. 37 Bp. Mountagu against Seld. of Tithes. 1621. 38 Sclaer against Seld. of Tithes.— 1623. 39 Sir H. Spelm. larger Works of Tithes.— 40 French Academy, fitst part. 1594 41 Warren against Burnet's Theory. 42 Parker's Law of Nature. 43 Morning Exercise against Popery. 44 Stillingfleet's Irenicum. 45 Caballa, or mist. of State 3 parts. 46 Simon's Crit Inquiries Edit of the Bible 47 Wilson's Christian Dictionary. 48 Charleton of Humane Nature. 49 Charleton Anatomical Lectures. 50 Claud's Defence of the Reformation. 51 Du Moulin's Defence Prot. Relig. 52 Falconers Discourses and Sermons. 54 Brandon of Hell Fire. 55 Prideaux Introduction to Hist. 56 Flavel of the Soul. 57 Marrow of Astrology. 58 Baxter of Episcopacy. 59 Baxter Saints Rest. 60 History of the Destruction of Troy. 61 Father Sonians Crit. Hist. New. Test. 62 Clarendon against Hobbs. 63 Baxter of Episcopacy. 64 Norwood's Sistem of Navigation. 65 Travels of the Paariarches. 66 Stafford of Happiness. 67 Baxter of Noneonformity. 68 Dodwell of Schism— 69 brown's Travels Complete. 70 Dumoulins Vind Prot. Rel. 71 Phirovants Secrets, last Edition. 72 Verstegans Antiquities, with Cutts ' 73 Barlow on the Bull of Pope Pius the 5th. 74 Walkers Benefit of our Saviour. 75 Beaumond on Moor's Mist. Godliness. 76 Boils Experiment on Cold. 77 Donns Poems, Betters, etc. 78 Fitz Herbert of Policy in Religion. 79 History of Hen. the 4th. of France. 80 Thornedike of Weights and Measures. 81 Kettlewell of Christian Obedience. 82 Tennison of Idolatry. 83 Gregory's Works Complete. 84 Sir Ionas Moor's Works in 2 Vol. 85 Weems on the Moral. Cer. & Judical Law. 86 Smithy's England Improvement. 87 Digby of Bodies, and Man's Soul. 88 Walkers Essays of Nar. Experim. with Fig 89 Goodall on the College of Physicians. 90 Cambdens Remains. Lond. 1650 91 charlton's Ternary of Paradoxes. 1650 92 Charron of Wisdom. 93 Donnes Lettres. 1657 94 Sprats History of the Royal Society. 95 Bacons Elements of the Law. 96 Culverwells Light of Nature. 97 Collection of divers Treatises. 98 Dr. Brown's Vulgar Errors. English Misellanies in Octavo. 1 IL Pastor Fido in English. 2 English Rogue, 1st. part. 3 England's Black Tribunal. 4 Bramhall against Hoobbs. 5 Boil of Gems. 6 Boil of Forms and Qualities. 7 Reproof to the Rehearsal Transprosed. 8 Consideration concerning the Romanists. 9 Hales of the Torricellian Experiment. 10 Hues use of the Globes. 11 Pools English Parnassus. 12 An Answer to a Friendly Debate. 13 denham's Poems. 14 Grotius Tragedy with Notes. 15 Balzacks Letters. 16 Brome's Horace. 115 Spencer of Prodigies. 116 The Horn Exalted. 117 Gentleman's Calling. 118 More of the Immort. of the Soul. 119 Heylins Letter Combat. 120 Discourse of Euthusiasm. 121 Observations Occonomical. 122 Private Conference. 123 Primrose Vulgar Errors. 124 Chambre of the Passions. 125 Leighs choice Observations. 126 Poems, Elegies, etc. 127 Whitlocks Observations. 128 Hobbes State of Nature. 129 Hymnus Tabaci, by Thorus. 130 Moral Gallantry. 131 Moral Philosophy of the Stoics. 132 Boyles Reflections. 133 Wings Art of Surveying. 134 Great Law of Nature. 135 Tutor to Astrology. 136 Epictetus Junior. 137 Method for Learning. 138 Dodwels Advice to Clergy. 139 Philips Principles of Lrw. 140 Poems and Elegies. 141 Entertainment at Rutland house. 142 Moral Discourses. 143 Rainolds Orations. 144 Plain Dealing. 145 Balzacks Aristippus. 146 Modern Policies. 147 Hobbs of Liberty. 148 Whites Grounds of Obedience. 149 Raleighs Remains. 150 Balzacks Roman Conversation. 151 Reads Anatomy. 152 Ross's Mystagogus Poeticus. 153 Festeau's Grammar. Fr. Eng. 154 Phrases Wintonionses. 155 Blunts Eng. Dictionary. 156 Rehearsal Transprosed. 157 Sage Senator. 158 Lilies Grammar. 159 Clarks Adages. 160 The Observator Rescued. 161 Fulke of Meteors. 162 Panegyr. to the K. & Q. of Swethland. 163 Present State of England. 164 Davenants Gondibert. 165 Smiths Common Wealth. 166 Tailor of Friendship. 167 Dr. Donnes' Paradoxes. 168 Harvey's Anatomical Exercises. 169 Oshourn's Reflection on the Turks. 170 Bacon's Essays. 171 Wren of Monarchy. 172 Barclay's Mirror of minds. 173 Herls Worldly Policy. 174 Balzack's Prince. 175 Reliquiae Wottonianae. 176 Help to Discourse. 177 Beaumont's Loves Missives. 178 Dr. Martin's Letters. 179 Dr. Comber's Advice. 180 Fuller's Good Thoughts. 181 Causin's Entertertainment for Lent. 182 Bp. Sanderson's Cases of Conscience. 183 Church's cheap Riches. 184 Discourses of Ceremonies. 185 Plain man's Worship. 186 Grotius' Discourses. 187 Tears on the Passion. 188 Duppa's Devotions. 189 Treatise of Temples. 190 History of the Bible. 191 Practice of Piety. 192 Donnis' Devotions. 193 Le Grands man without Passion. 194 Grotius' of the highest Powers. 195 Grelot. Voyage to Constantinople. 196 Hudibrass, compl. 3 part. 197 Hobbs' Homer, complete. 198 Homer Allamode, both parts. 199 History of the Treaty of Nimeguen. 200 Holder's Element of Speech. 201 Hales' Tract of the Sin agst. H. Ghost. 202 History of Magic, by Naudeius. 203 History of the Russian Impostor. 204 History Of Hen. the 7. by Allen. 205 History Of Jewels. 206 History Of Pet. D'aubuson Grand Mr. of Rhodes 207 Hobbs Dialogues of Nat. Philosophy. 208 Hobbs History of the Civil Wars. English Divinity; History, Miscellany; etc. in Folio. 1 MAson (Fran.) of the Consecration of Bishops— 1613 2 Art of Navigation— 1581. 3 Burton (Will.) Commentary on Antoninus— 1658 4 Sandy's Travels, best Edit.— (Wants Title) 5 Pembroke's Arcadia: By Sir Philip Sidney— 1617. 6 Boccalin's Advertisement, from Parnassus— 1656 7 rastal's Collection of Statutes— 1621. 8 Fulk (Will.) his Confutation of the Rhemish Testament— 1601 9 Grafton's Chronicle of England— (Wants Title) 10 The treasury of ancient and modern times— 1610 11 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam— Lond. 1596 12 Suetonius' Lives of the Caesar's English— (Wants Title) 13 Barry's Military Discipline, in 3 Books— 1634 14 Pintoes Travels, Voyages and Adventures— 15 Civil Wars of Great Britain and Ireland— 1061 16 Manleys' continuation of Poulions' Statutes to— 1667 17 The works of Seneca, englished by Lodge— 1667 18 The annals of Cornelius Tacitus, with savil notes— 1640 19 Jesuits morals, englished by Dr. Tongue— 1670 20 King Charles I. large declaration of the tumults in Scotland— 1639 21 The history of the wars of Christendom, englished by the Earl of Monmouth. 1641 22 sanderson's life of King Charles I.— 1658 23 The memoirs of Philip de Comines Lord of Argenton— 1601 24 Fowls history of the plots and conspiracies of the pretended Saints— 1662. 25 Symsons history of the Church since the days of our Saviour, to— 1634 26 Cook upon Littleton, the 4th Edit. with a table— 1639 27 Poulton, de Pate Regis & Regni— 1623. 28 The whole works of Mr. Joseph Mede in 2 Vol.— Lond. 1666 29 nalson's Translation of Mainbourghs history of the Crusade— 1685 30 Grimstons Imperial history— 1623. 31 The third and last Volume of Hackluits Voyages— 1600 32 Fuller's appeal of injured Innocence against Heylin— 1659. 33 The works of Josephus in english— 1609 34 Bishop Sprats account of the Rye-house Conspiracy— 1685 35 Floyds lives and actions of excellent Personages— 1688 36 Tailors Collection of polemical and moral Discourses— 1657 37 Plutarch's morals in english— 1603 38 Babington's works complete— 1637 39 The Journal of Monsieur St. Amour— 1064 40 Moors enquiry into the mystery of Iniquity— 1664 41 The works of Dr. Thomas Jackson, first Vol.— 1673 42 A Recollection of Bishop Hall's Treatises— 1617. 43 Fowls history of the popish usurpations and treasons— 1671 44 Coxes history of Ireland— 1689 45 Jonson's excellency of the English Monarchy— 1686 46 Monks military discipline— 1671 47 The works of King Charles the Martyr, large paper, 2 Vol.— 1662. 48 Gaudens Sighs and complaints of the Church of England— 1657 49 Du. Bartas' works, in Turkey-leather, gilded leaves— 1641 50 The Comedies, Histories and Tragedies of Shakespeare— 1663. 51 The Roman history, by Titus Liv. in english— 1657 52 Combers works in four parts complete— 1684 53 Tailors Life of Christ, with the best Cuts— 1657 54 Dugdales view of the troubles of England— 1681 55 Malvezzi on Cornelius Tacitus— 1642 56 Laud against Fisher the Jesuit— 1673 57 nalson's Trial of King Charles I.— 1684 58 selden's Mare Clausum in english— 1652 59 History of the Caribdy Island, with Cuts— 1666 60 The works of the learned Dr. Bramhall— 1676 61 Moors Collection of philosophical writings— 1662. 62 evelyn's Sylva, or Discourse of Forest Trees— 1664 63 Isaacsons Chronology complete, with an Appendix— 1633 64 Bishop Andrews 96 Sermons, published by his Majesty's command— 1641 65 Baxters Cathol. Theology, for pacificat. of the dogmatical word Warriors 1675 66 Calvins Institution of Christian Religion— 1561 67 Common-prayer Book in the welsh tongue— 1674 68 cradock's harmony of the Four Evangelists— 1668 69 Fisher of Baptism before or after Faith and Repentance— 1669 70 Farindons thirty Sermons— 1657 71 Homes (Nath.) works in Divinity complete— 1669 72 Homes (Nath.) Resurrection revealed— 1651 73 Homilies of the Church appointed to be read by Q. Eliz.— 1683 74 Critica Sacra, explanat. of the Hebr. and Gr. words of the O. and N. Testam. 1650 75 Moors Mystery of Iniquity— 1664 76 Scriveners (Math.) Course of Divinity— 1674 77 William's Chariot of Truth— 1629 78 Williams Great Antichrist revealed— 1660 79 Whites Works against Fisher— 80 Bishop saunderson's Sermons— 81 L'Estranges Alliance of Divine Offices— 82 Bakers Chronicle, last Edit.— 83 Thorotons Antiquities of Nottinghamshirc.— 84 nalson's Collections, 2 Vol. complete.— 85 Chardins Travels into Persia, East-India, etc.— English Divinity, Miscellany, etc. in Quarto. 1 Parkers' Law of Nature 2 Baxter of Knowledge and Love 3 Hawards Henry 4th.— 1599 4 Heylins Stumbling-block of disobed. 5 Dyke on the Heart— 1634 6 Braithewaites English Gentleman 7 Fitz-Herbert of Policy and Religion 8 Whithy against Cressy— 1664 9 Baxters Reason of the Christ. Relig. 10 Trials of the Gunpowder Traitors 11 Casus Thesaurus Occonomia. 12 Luther on the Galathians 13 Montague's Devout Essays 14 Burroughs of Contentment 15 Sandys Europae Speculum 16 L'Estranges Memento 17 A Collection of several Tracts, from 1644. to 1648. 18 Roman Antiquities— 1642 19 Dod on the Lords Prayer— 1635 20 Bruells Praxis Medicinae 21 3 Treatises concerning Scotch Discipl. 22 Du Moulins Vind. of the Prot. Relig. 23 Heylins History of St. George 24 Patrick's Parable of the Pilgrim— 1665 25 Gumbledens Christ tempted 26 Walkers History of Independency 27 Smiths (Hen.) Sermons complete 28 Clarks Lives with Cuts, 2d. Edit. 29 Weldons Doctrine of the Scriptures. 30 calvin's Institutions English 31 Pierces Sermons, first Vol. 32 Bohuns Address to the Freemen, &c of the Nation, complete 33 Barrow on the Pope's Supremacy 34 Hist. of the Church of Gr. Brit. 1674. 35 Pierces Sinner impleaded 36 Du Plessis Truth of Christ. Religion 37 Hubbards Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians 38 Clarendon against Hobbs— 1676 39 Survey of the pretended holy Discipl. 40 Boyles Experimental Philosophy 41 Moor on the Revelations 42 Lucy against Hobbs' Leviathan 43 Glanvil of Witches, with his Seepsis Scientifica 44 Pierces Decade of Caveats— 1679 45 jean's mixture of Scholastical Divinity, 2d. Part— 1660 46 Tailors Dissuas. from Popery. 2d. part 47 Moor on Daniel English Divinity, Miscellany, etc. in Octavo. 1 SAlkeld of Angels 2 Records Arithmetic 3 Bussinguis Catech. of the Lo. Count 4 Sibbs Souls Conflict 5 Parker's Case of the Chur. of England 6 Patrick's Reflections on the Devotion of the Romish Church. 7 Balzacks Letters in English, complete. 8 Unheard of Curiosities 9 Walker on the Epistles 10 Baxters Holy Commonwealth 11 Goodman's old Religion 12 New Heresy of the Jesuits, 2 parts 13 Fiat Lux— 1661. 14 Private Conference between a rich Alderman, and poor country Vicar. 15 Craggs Cabinet of spiritual Jewels 16 Catalogue of Compounders— 1655 17 History of the Cardinals of Rome 18 Sherbourns Rape of Heylin 19 New Suru. of the Turkish Emp. 2 par. 20 Fleetwoods' office of Justice of Peace 21 Augustine's presumptuous Man's mirror 22 L'Estranges Toleration discussed 23 Goue's sooner. salve for wound. spirits 24 Montrosses Life 25 Corbets Poems 26 Sandys Christ's Passion 27 Diego de Stellas, contempt of the world 28 Tailors Deus Justificatus 29 Quintilliani Orat. lib. 12. 1625 30 Linguae Lat. Exer. Lod. Vivey. 31 Livii Opera Dec. 3.— 1634 32 Defensio Faust. Socini. 33 Elsmers Office of Lord Chancellor 34 England's faithful Monitor 35 Stapletons Loves of Hero and Leander 36 Herbert's Life and Letters 37 Sir Thomas Moor's Life 38 Grand Case of the present Ministry 39 Europe a Slave, except England break her Chains 40 Bacon of Life and Death 41 cleaveland's Idol of the Clowns 42 Proceed of the House of Lords 43 Griffiths Sermon, God and the King 44 Dodwell against the Romanists 45 Withers Britain's Remembrance, etc. 46 Andrews Pattern of Cathol. Doctrine 47 Survey of the United Netherlands 48 Castlemains Acc. of the siege of Candia 49 laud's seven Sermons 50 Inquisition of Spain 51 The Mass in english, with Notes and Observations 52 Experienced Angler 53 Andrews Devotions large 54 Plot in a Dream 55 Spiritual Duel between a Christian and Satan 56 watson's Historical Collections of the Affairs of Scotland 57 Mackenzies Moral Gallantry 58 Lifords Principles 59 Answer to the Contempt of the Cler 60 Evil Eye plucked out 61 Life and Death of Pope Joan 62 Rehearsal Transprosed 63 Moulins Anatomy of the Mass 64 Castlemains State of Candia 65 Halls jacob's Ladder 66 Boremans' Antidote against Swearing 67 Journal of the Siege of Vienna 68 Examine. of Tilenus before the Tryers 69 The Mystery of Jesuitism, with additions, 3 Vol. 70 Wrens Monarchy asserted 71 Life and Philosophy of Epictetus' 72 Hobbs Philosophical. Rudiments concerning Government and Society 73 Popery destructive to Monarchy 74 Voyage to Mauritania 75 Clifford's Divine Services and Anthems of the Church 76 Life of Cardinal Wolsey 77 Advice to Conformist and Nonconformist Ministers 78 Dignity of Kingship asserted 79 Clarks Narrat. of the Spanish Invas. etc. 80 Tailors Holy dying— 1655 81 Combers Advice to Roman Catholics 82 Ellis' Genteel Sinner 83 Parkers Ecclesiastical Policy 84 Jones of the Heart and Sovereign 85 Lytlers Reform Presbytery 86 Pools Dialogues 87 Defence of the Cont. of the Clergy 88 Sarah Whights Life 89 Dominion of the British Seas 90 Dr. Patrick's Translation of Grotius, of the truth of Christian Religion 91 Bernard's Life of Usher 92 Trumans Endeavour to rectify some prevalent Opinions 93 Harvey of Rebellion 94 Baxters Cure of Church Divisions 95 Tailor of Artificial Beauty 96 A Catechism, Church of England 97 Amyraldus of Religions 98 Tombs Theodulia 99 Erastus Nullity of Church Censures 100 Kings Psalms of David 101 Truman of not. and moral Impotency 102 Causabon of Credul. and Incredulity 103 Triumphs of Rome over Disprotesta. 104 Comparison of Plato and Aristotle, Alexander and Caesar 105 Partridges description of the double Scale. 106 Sallust in English 107 Smith of old Age 108 Walker of Education 109 Life and Death of Vavasser powel 110 Squire against the Romanists 111 Baxters direct. for weak Christians 112 Stillingfleet of Idolatry 113 Buckler of State and Justice 114 Magistrates Authority in matters of Religion 115 Cressys Answer to Dr. Pierces Serm. 116 History of Henry iv of France 117 Davenant against Hoard 118 2 Tales of Chaucer, with Comments 119 Craggs Royal Prerogative vindicated 120 Stillingfleets defence of his Idol. 121 Stillingfleets against Cressy 122 Du Moulin of Contentment 123 Wards Collection of Sermons 124 Histor of the Inquisition, by P. Paulo 125 Instructions for the Art of Oratory 126 Coles' Life of our Saviour 127 Life and Actions of Athanasius 128 Life of Gusman de Alfrage 129 Ashton of Scandal 130 Rosses Mystagogues Poetious 131 Hereford against Burnet's Theory 132 Boyles occasional Reflections 133 Valdessos Divine Considerations 134 Wilkins Gift of Prayer 135 Hoards Souls Misery and Recovery 136 Voitures Letters, complete 137 Causabon of Enthusiasm 138 Life of St. Austin 139 Goves Saints Honeycomb 140 Moors Epistle to the 7 Churches 141 Leighs Description of England 142 Charletons' Wits of Men, etc. 143 Patrick's Jewish Hypocrisy 144 Combers Advice to Roman Catholics 145 Wingates Arithmetic 146 Featleys Fountain of Tears 147 Tompkins against Crofton 148 Discourse of miraculous Prodigies since our Saviour 149 Etchard against Hobbs, complete 150 hamond's Review of his Annotations 151 Stillingfleets Letter to Deists 152 Animadversions on Cressy, by the Lord Clarendon 153 Antoninus' Meditations by Causabon 154 Hows Blessedness of the Righteous 155 Interest of Princes 〈…〉