A BREVIATE OF Saving Knowledge, OR The Principles of Christian Religion methodically digested into short Questions and Answers. Purposely composed and published, for the use and benefit of such as have good desires, but weak memories. By I. B. Prov. 19 2. that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good. Eccles. 12 9 The more wise the Preacher was, the more he taught the people knowledge. Psal. 34.11. Come children harken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 1 Cor. 3.2. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat, for hitherto ye were not able to bear it. LONDON, Printed by G. M. for John Burroughes, at the Golden Dragon near the Inner-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, MDC.XLIII. To all that desire to be instructed in the Truth which is according to godliness. IT is not scarcity of catechisms that hath brought this Tract to light; nor yet the novelty either of the matter, or expressions therein contained. Both these, for the most part, you may happily meet with elsewhere, scattered in Treatises of like nature. That which commends it unto your purusall, is the brevity and perspicuity of it. Both these I have purposely affected, having therein a special regard to the capacities and memories of Children, whether in age or knowledge. For their sakes, proceeding in a methodical way, I have contracted both Questions and Answers, into as few words as conveniently I could, that so both might be the more portable. Hereof, who so shall please to make use, committing these few leaves to head and heart, comparing the proofs with the Text, I doubt not but in a short time (through the blessing of God) he may come to be a good proficient in that most excellent and necessary knowledge, the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ; which unfeignedly wishing to all, specially to those of my own charge, for whose sake at the first this manual was composed, I rest, Yours and the Churches JOHN BRINSLEY. A Breviate of Saving knowledge. Q. WHat is the chiefest and most necessary Knowledge? A. To know a Joh. 17.3. Phil. 3.8, 10. God, and Jesus Christ. Q. What is God? A. God is a b Joh. 4.24. Spirit having his c Exod. 3.14. Being of himself. Q. How many Gods are there? A. There is but d 1 Cor. 8.4, 6. one God. Q. Are there not more Persons in that one godhead? A. Yes, there are e Mat. 28.19. 1 Joh. 5.7. three Persons, the Father, the son and the Holy Ghost. Q. How is this God made known to us? A. By his f Exod. 34.6, 7. Properties, and by his g Rom. 1.20. Works, Q. What are the Properties of God? A. He is most h Rom 16.27. Wise, most i Isa. 6.3. Holy, k Isa. 44.6. 1 Tim. 1.17. eternal, l Psal. 139.7, 8, 9 Infinite. Q. What are the works of God? A. m Prov. 8.22, &c. Creation, and n Psal. 145.17. Providence. Q. What is Creation? A. That whereby God at the o Gen. 1.1. beginning made p Exod. 20.11. Joh. 1.3. all things of q Heb. 11.3. nothing in r Exo. 20.11. six days s Gen. 1. last. very good. Q. How did God make all things? A. Only by his t Psal. 248.5. Word. Q. To what end did God make all things? A. For his own u Rev. 4.11. Pro. 16.4. Glory. Q. What is Providence? A. That whereby God doth w Psa. 36.6. preserve, and x Mat. 10.29. Pro. 15.3. govern all things which he hath made. Q. What are the principal Creatures made and governed by God? A. y Psal. 8.5. Angels and Men. Q. In what estate did God make man at the first? A. He made him in his own z Gen. 1.27. Image, marvelous * Eph. 4 24. Eccl. 7. last. holy and a Psal. 8.5. happy. Q. Did man continue in that good estate? A. No, but he b Psal. 49.12. fell from it through the c 1 Tim. 2.14. 2 Cor. 11.3. enticement of Satan. Q. How did he fall? A. By d Eccl. 7.29. Rom. 5.12. sinning wilfully against God, and so breaking that e Heb. 8.7. Psal. 78.10, 37. Covenant which was betwixt God and him. Q. What was that Covenant? A. That if he f Lev. 18.5. Gal. 3.12. obeyed he should live, but if he g Gen. 2.17. Ezek. 18.4. transgressed he should die. Q. How did Adam break this Covenant? A. By h Gen. 3.6. eating of that fruit which was forbidden, for a trial of his obedience. Q. What followed upon this his transgression? A. i Rom. 5.12, 17. 1 Cor. 15.21, 22. Death came upon him, and upon all his posterity, being then in his k Heb. 7.9, 10. loins, and * Rom. 5.19. sinning in him. Q. What then is the state of all men now by nature? A. It is very l Ephes. 2.23. Rom. 7.24. miserable, and in no wise to be m Eph. 5.14. Ezek. 18.31. rested in. Q. What maketh it so miserable? A. n Isa. 59.2. Rom. 7.24. Sin, and the o Ro. 3.23. Lam. 3.39. punishment due unto it. Q. How many kinds of sin are there? A. Two, p Psal. 51.4, 5. Rom. 7, 17. original, and q 1 Joh. 3.4. actual. Q. What is original sin? A. It is that r 2 Pet. 1.4. corruption of s Rom. 7.18. nature, wherein t Rom. 3.23. Rom. 5.12. all men are u Psal. 51.5. conceived and borne. Q. What part of man is thus corrupted? A. The x Gen. 6.5. 1 Thes. 5 23. whole man, in every part both of soul and body. Q. How doth that appear? A. In that of ourselves we are altogether y Rom 7.18. 2 Cor. 3.5. unable to good, and * Gen. 8.21. Rom. 7.21, 23. prone to evil continually. Q. What is actual sin? A. Every a 1 Joh. 3.4. breach of God's Law, in b Eph. 2.3. thought, c Rom. 3.13. 1 Cor. 15.33. Mat. 12.36. word, or d Col. 1.21. deed. Q. What punishment is due unto sin? A. The e Gal. 3.10. curse of the Law, even all woe and f Lam. 3.39. Rom. 6. last. Ro. 5.12. misery, temporal, spiritual and eternal. Q. What must a man do in this estate? A. g Luk. 23.28. bewail his misery, and h Heb. 3.7, 8. Eph. 5.14 hasten to get out of it. Q. Is any man able to free himself from this estate? A. i Rom. 5.6. Rom. 8.3. No, for by nature we are all spiritually k Eph. 2.1. Col. 2. 1●. dead in sin and wickedness. Q. What means then of deliverance is there? A. l Acts 4.12. Joh 3.16. only by Jesus Christ. Q. What is Jesus Christ? A. The m Ps. 2.7. eternal Son of God, n Rom. 8.3. Gal. 4.4. made man in time. Q. Being God before all time how was he made man? A. He was o Luk. 1.35. conceived by the Holy Ghost, and p Gen. 3.15. Isa.▪ borne of the Virgin Mary. Q Was it necessary that Jesus Christ should be both God and man? A. Yes, for he was to make a q 1 Tim. 2.5. 2 Cor. 5.18.19. reconciliation betwixt God and man. Q. By what means did he make this reconciliation? A. By r Ro. 5.19. doing, and s 1 Pet. 2.21. suffering in our nature, what the t Heb. 7.22. justice of God required at our hands. Q. What hath he done for us? A. He hath fulfilled the u Mat. 3.15. righteousness of the w Gal. 4.4. Law for us. Q What hath he suffered for us? A. The x Gal. 3.13. curse of the Law, even manifold y Heb. 5.8. evils in his life, in the end the z Isa. 63.3. Rev. 19.15. Mat. 27.46. Luk. 22.44. wrath of God with that * Phil. 2. 7, 8. 1 Pet. 2.24. accursed death upon the cross. Q. What hath he obtained for us hereby? A. Deliverance from a Col. 1.13. Heb. 9.26, 28. sin, and b 1 Thes. 1.10. death; with c Rom. 5.18, 19 Jer. 23.6. righteousness and eternal d Joh. 3.16. Rom. 6.23. life. Q. Shall all men than be made partakers of these benefits by Christ? A. e Lu. 13.23, 28. No, only such as f Mar. 16.16. Joh. 3.16. Act. 16.31. believe, and g Luk. 13.3, 5. Act. 2.38. 3.19. Mar. 1.15. repent. Q. What is Faith? A. It is a h 2 Chro. Isa. 50.10. resting upon i Joh. 3.18. Act. 16.31. Eph. 1.12. Christ alone for k Lev. 1.4. 1 Joh. 1.7. pardon of sin, and eternal l Rom. 5.9, 10. salvation. Q. What is the ground of Faith? A. The free m Act. 2.39. promise of the gospel, offering Christ with all his benefits, to all such as will n Joh. 1.12. receive him. Q. What is it to receive Christ? A. To take him as a o Lu. 1.47. Saviour, and as a p Joh. 20.28. Lord. Q. Can a man thus beloeve of himself? A. q 1 Cor. 2.14. No, it is the r Eph. 2.8. Phil. 1.29. gift of God. Q. How is Faith wrought? A. By the s Act. 16 14. 2 Cor. 4.13. Spirit, through the t Rom. 10.14, 17. Word. Q What is Repentance? A. It is such a u 2 Cor. 3.18. change of the w Eze. 18.31. heart, as bringeth forth x Mat. 3.8. Rom. 6.4. Isa. 1.16. new obedience in the life. Q. How is the heart changed in Repentance? A. It is y Acts 3.19. turned from z Eze. 18.30. 33.11. all sin unto * Isa. 55.7. Jer. 4.1. Acts 26.20. God. Q. What is it to turn from all sin? A. To be heartily a Act. 2.37. 2 Cor. 7.10. sorry for it, to b Psa. 97.10. Rom. 7.15 hate and abhor it, c Joh. 5.14. Psal. 19.13. resolving to shun and avoid it. Q. What is it to turn unto God? A. To d Luk. 7.47. love him, to e Act. 11.23. cleave unto him, resolving to f Deu. 5.27. Neh. 5.9. Psal. 86.11. walk according to his commandments. Q. Whence cometh this change? A. Chiefly from the apprehension of God's g Luk. 7.47. 1 Joh. 4.9, 19 mercy towards us in Christ. Q. What is that new obedience which followeth upon this change? A. A h Act. 23.1. 24.16. conscionable, and i 2 Cor. 7.11. careful k Ro. 7. last. Rom. 12.1. endeavour to lead a l 2 Cor. 5.17. Eph. 4.17. new life, according to the m Psal. 119.6. Rom. 7.25. Law of God. Q. Wherein is the sum of the Law contained? A. In the n Deu. 4.13 ten commandments. Q. How are those commandments divided? A. Into o Deu., 2 two Tables. Q. Which are the commandments of the first Table? A. The p Ex. 20.1, 2, 3. four first, containing our duty towards q Mat, 22.36, 37. God. Q. Which are the commandments of the second Table? A. The r Exo. 20. six last, containing our duty towards our s Mat. 22.39. Neighbour. Q. What is the first commandment? A. Thou shalt have none other gods before me. Q What is required in this commandment? A. That we t Josh. 24.15. take the u Joh. 17.3. true God to be w Gen. 28.21. Josh. 24.18, 24. our God, x Deu. 6, 5. Ps 31.23. loving, y Deu. 6.13. 1 Pet. 2.17. fearing, z Mal. 1.6. honouring him * Mat. 10.37. Lu. 14.26. above all other things whatsoever. Q. What is the second commandment? A. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image. Q What is required in this commandment? A. That we a Ex. 34.14. Mat. 4.10. worship this true God b Joh. 4.22. aright, according to his c Deu. 12.8. 13.18. will revealed in his d Acts 24.14. word. Q. What is the third commandment? A. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That we use the e Deu. 28.58. Titles, f Ps. 8.1. Properties, g Ps. Word, h Ps. Works and i Isa. 66.2, 5. Ps. 5.7. Eccl. 5.1, 2. Ordinances of God in an k Exo. 3.5. Lev. 6.18. holy manner. Q. What is the fourth commandment? A. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day, &c. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That l Ex. 34.21. Isa. 58 13. resting from our own works, we set apart the Sabbath day to the m Ibid. worship and service of that true God, Q. Which is the fift commandment? A. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, &c. Q What is required in this commandment? A. That we perform such o Rom. 13.7. duties to our Neighbour, as we owe unto him in respect of his place and degree. Q. What is the sixt commandment? A. Thou shalt not kill. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That we endeavour by all p Ro. 3.7, 8. lawful ways and means, to preserve our q Pro. 9, 12. own and r Mat. 5.21. 1 Cor. 10. last. neighbour's life, both of s Pro. 16.17 soul and t Eph. 5.29. body. Q. What is the seventh commandment? A. Thou shalt not commit Adultery. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That we keep ourselves u Rom. 13.13. chaste and w Jam. 1.27. pure in x Pro. 6.25. Mat. 5.28. soul and y 1 Thes. 4.4, 5. body, both in respect of z Gen. 38.7, 9 ourselves, and * 1 Thes 4.3. Ezek. 18.6. others. Q. What is the eighth commandment? A. Thou shalt not steal. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That by all, and only a Eph. 4.28. lawful ways and means, we further our b Pro. own, and c Gal. 6.10. Neighbours estate. Q. What is the ninth commandment? A. Thou shalt not bear false witness, &c. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That by all and d Job 13.9. only lawful ways and means, we e Pro. 22.1. Eccl. 7.1 procure, and f Job 27.5, 6. maintain our own and g Ps. 15.3. Neighbours good Name. Q. What is the tenth commandment? A. Thou shalt not covet, &c. Q. What is required in this commandment? A. That being inwardly h Phil. 4.11. Heb. 13.5. 1 Tim. 6.8. Luk. 3.14. contented with our own outward condition, we desire the good of our i 3 Ep. Joh. 2. Phil, 2.20. Neighbour as our own. Q. Is any man able perfectly to keep this Law? A. k Rom. No, for in many things we l Jam. 3.2. sin all. Q. Shall our obedience then be accepted, being imperfect? A. Yes, if it be m 2 Cor. 8.12. 1 Cor. 15. last. sincere and unfeigned, God will n Gen. 4.7. accept it, in and through * Mat. 3.17. Eph. 1▪ 6. 1 Pet. 2.5. Christ. Q. May we then rest ourselves contented with this our imperfection? A. * Heb. 5.12. No, but being o Rom. 7.24. humbled for it, we must strive towards p Mat. 5.48. Phil. 3.12, 13, 14. Heb. 6.11, 12. 2 Pet. 3.18. perfection. Q. How must we strive? A. By a q 2 Pet. 1.10. diligent use of the r 1 Pet. 2.2. 1 Thes. 5.19, 20. means appointed by God for our increase in Grace. Q. What are those means? A. They are principally three, viz. the s 1 Pet. 2. 2. Jam▪ 1.21. Word, t Rom. 4.11. Sacraments, and u 1 Thes. 5.17. Prayer. Q. What is the Word? A. The w Deut. 29 29. revealed will of God, contained in the x Heb. 1.1. 2 Pet. 1.19. Scriptures. Q. How must we use that Word? A, By y 1 Tim. 4 13. reading, and z Rom, 10.14. hearing it * Deut. 31.11. Acts 13.27. read, and a Acts 15.21. 1 Cor. 1.21. Titus 1.3. preached. Q. How must we read and hear it, that it may be effectual unto salvation? A. We must read and hear it, with b Isa. 66.2. reverence, c James 1 21. meekness, and d Heb 4.2. Faith, e 1 Pet 2.2. desiring to learn, and f Deu. 5.27. Isa. 2 3. purposing to obey. Q. What is a Sacrament? A. A g Gen. 17.7, 9, 10. Rom. 4.11. seal of the covenant of grace: or a h Isa. 7.14. Mat. 21.25. divine Ordinance, wherein by outward visible signs, i John 1.14. 1 Cor. 10.4. Christ with his benefits are k 1 Cor. 11.26. represented, l Rom. 4.11. assured, and m 1 Cor. 10.16. conveyed unto us. Q. What are the parts of a Sacrament? A. Two, an outward visible n Gen. 9 v. 11. to 18. Isa. 38.7, 8. sign, and an inward spiritual o Gen. 17.7. Mat. 26.28. Grace. Q. How many Sacraments are there in the new Testament? A. only p 1 Cor. 10.2, 3, 4. two, q John 1.26. Mat. 28.19. 1 Pet. 3.21. baptism, and the r 1 Cor. 11.20. Mat. 26.26. Lord's Supper. Q. What is baptism? A. It is a Sacrament of our s Rom. 64, 5. Gal. 3.27. engrafting into Christ, and t 1 Pet. 3.21. entrance into the Church. Q. What is the outward sign in baptism? A. u Acts Water, wherewith the party baptised is w Mat. 3.16. Acts 8.38. washed, by dipping or sprinkling, into the x Mat. 28.19. Name of the Father, son and Holy Ghost. Q. What is the inward Grace signified thereby? A. The washing and cleansing of our y 1 Pet. 3.21. souls by the z 1 Pet. 1.2. Act. 2.38▪ 3.19. blood, and * Tit. 3.5. Spirit of Christ, from the z 1 Pet. 1.2. Act. 2.38. 3.19. guilt, and * Tit. 3.5. power of sin. Q. Who ought to be baptised? A. They who in charity may be thought to be within the a Gen. 17.7, 10. Covenant. Q. Who are they? A. All that b Acts 10.47. profess the Faith of Christ, and their c 1 Cor. 7.14. Acts 2.39. children. Q. What is the Lord's Supper? A. It is a Sacrament of our d Joh., 5. continuance in Christ, and e Eph 4.15. growing up in him. Q. What are the outward signs in the Lord's Supper? A. f Math. 26.26, 27. Bread and Wine, with the sacramental actions which by the ordinance of Christ are done about them. Q. What doth the Bread and Wine signify? A. The Body, and blood of Christ, Mat. 26.26, 28. Q. What are the sacramental actions done about them? A. The Actions of the Minister, or the Receiver. Q. What are the Actions of the Minister? A. To h Ibid. 1 Cor. 11.23. take, and i 1 Cor. 10 16.11.24. consecrate the Bread and Wine, to k 1 Cor. 10.16. break the one, and pour out the other, and to l Mat. 26.26. 1 Cor. 11.24. deliver both unto the people. Q. How are the Bread and Wine consecrated? A. By the m 1 Tim. 4.5. Mat 4.4. word of Institution and Prayer. Q. What is thereby signified? A. God's n Exod. 12.5, 6. Hebr. 2.10. setting of his son apart for our Redemption. Q. What doth the breaking of the Bread, and pouring out of the wine signify? A. The o 1 Cor. 11.26. Death and Passion of Christ, wherein his Body was p v. 24. broken, and his blood q Mat. 26.28. Isa. 53.5. shed. Q. What doth the Ministers giving of the Bread and wine to the people signify? A. God's r John 3.16. offering and giving his son s 1 Cor. 10.16. Christ, with his benefits to all penitent sinners, t 1 Joh. 3.23. commanding them to believe on him. Q. What are the actions of the Receiver? A. To u Mat. 16.26, 27. 1 Cor. 11.23, 24. take the Bread and Wine delivered, and to eat and drink thereof, Q. What is signified hereby? A. Our w John 6 35. 1 Corinth. 10.16. receiving, and applying of Christ with all his merits and benefits, unto ourselves by faith. Q. To what end serveth this Sacrament? A. To put us in x 1 Cor. 11.24, 26. remembrance of the death of Christ, and to strengthen our z Mat. 26.28. Faith with all saving graces in us, Q. Who may partake of this Sacrament? A. Such as having been * Exodus 12 43, 48. baptised, are rightly a 1 Corinth. 11.27, 29. Matthew 22.12. qualified, and duly b 1 Corinth. 11.28. prepared thereunto. Q. How must he be qualified that cometh to the Table of the Lord? A. He must be endued with c Pro. 19.2. Knowledge, d Acts 2.38. Repentance, e Acts 8.37. Faith, and f Mat. 5.23. Love. Q. Being so qualified how must he be prepared thereunto? Q Renewing his g 1 Cor. 11.28. Exod. 12.8. Psal. 126.6. Zach. 12.10. sorrow for sin, and resolution against it, he must come h Mat. 5.6. Luk. hungering and thirsting after Christ and his righteousn●sse. Q. Being so prepared, what must he do in the act of receiving? A. he must i Isaiah 64.7. stir up his k 1 Cor. 14.15. heart, together with the signs, to receive and apply the thing l John 6.63. signfied, so m John 6.53. to 58. feeding upon Christ n John 6.63. spiritually by o v. 35, 47. Faith. Q. What must he do after he hath received? A. With all p 1 Kings 8.66. Matthew 26.30. thankfulness q psalm 116.12, 14. give up r Rom. 12.1. 2 Chron. 30.2. himself a s 1 Cor. 5.7, 8. Gal. 6.15. new unto God, to t Luk. 1.71. serve him in holiness and righteousness all the days of his life. Q. What is Prayer? A. It is a u 1 Sam. 1.15. Psal. 42.4. 143.8. pouring forth of the soul unto w Psal. 55.16. Psalm, 50.14, 15. God in the x Joh. 14. v. 6, 13, 14.1 Cor. 1.2. Name of Jesus Christ. Q. How many ways is the soul poured forth unto God? A. Three ways, viz. by way of y Ezra 10.1. Dan. 9.1. Confession, z 1 Tim. 2.1. Petition, and * Psal. 116.12, 13. Thanksgiving. Q. What is Confession? A. It is a part of Prayer, wherein we a Dan. 9.4.1 Joh. 1.9. acknowledge our * Lev. 26. v. 41, 42. sins unto God, and his b Psal. 51.4. Luk. 23.41. righteous * Lev. 26. v. 41, 42. judgements against them. Q. What is Petition? A. It is a part of Prayer, wherein we desire of God the c James 5.13. Psalm. 50.15. removal of some evil, or the d James 1.5. Phil. 4.6. obtaining of some good, for ourselves or e Joh. 17.9, 20. 1 Tim. 2.1, 2. others. Q. How must we make our Petitions unto God so as we may be heard? A. We must pray with f Ezra 10.9. Eccl. 5.2. Reverence, g 1 Sam. 1.10. Mat. 11.28. Feeling, h James 5.16, 17. Luk. 11.8. fervency, and i Jam. 1.6, 7. 1 Tim. 2.8. 1 Joh. 5.14, 15. Faith. Q. What is Thanksgiving? A. It is a part of Prayer wherein we k Psalm. 136.1. 117.1. praise God, and l 103.1. to 5. bless him for his benefits. Q. Have we any rule of direction to guide us in our Prayers? A. Yes, generally the Word of God; more specially the m Mat. 6.9. Luk. 11.2. Lord's Prayer. Q. What is that Prayer? A. Our Father, &c. Q. How many things are to be considered in this Prayer? A. Three, the preface, the Prayer itself, and the conclusion. Q. Which is the Preface? A. Our Father which art in Heaven. Q. What are we taught in this Preface? A. To come unto God with n Heb. 4.16. c. 10. v. 19, 22. confidence and boldness, as to a Father, and yet with o Eccl. 5.2. Psal, 95.3, 6. reverence of his Majesty as being in Heaven. Q. What is there contained in the Prayer itself? A. Six Petitions and a Thanksgiving. Q. How may these Petitions be divided? A. Into two ranks; three of them concerning God's glory, and three of them our own and Neighbours good. Q. Which concern God's glory? A. The three first, to show that we ought to p Exod. 32.32. 1 Cor. 10.31. prefer God's glory before our own good. Q. Which is the first Petition? A. Hallowed be thy Name. Q What is desired in this Petition? A. That God may be q Isa. 26 8. Psalm. 40.16. John 12.28. glorified and magnified by us, and all other r Psalm. 103.20, 2●, 22. creatures. Q. Which is the second Petition? A. Thy kingdom come. Q. What is desired in this Petition? A. That the s Psal. 2 Thes. 3.1. Church of God may be daily enlarged and increased, till it be perfected in Heaven. Q. Which is the third Petition? A. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Q. What is desired in this Petition? A. That t Exodus 24 7. Heb. 10.7, 9 Act. 21.14. Ephes. 6.6. obedience may be yielded unto God, by ourselves and others upon earth, as it is by the u Psalm. 103.20. Isa. 6.2. Saints and Angels in Heaven, Q. What is the fourth Petition? A. Give us this day our daily bread. Q. What is desired in this Petition? A. That God would w Prov. 30.8. bestow upon us all things necessary and convenient for this life. Q What is the fift Petition? A. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them, &c. Q. What is desired in this Petition? A. That God of his x Isa. 43.25. free grace and mercy in Christ, would fully y Ps. 51.2. Acts 8.22. pardon all our sins, as z Mat. 6.14, 15. 18.35. we desire to forgive the wrongs and injuries done unto us by others, Q. What is the sixth Petition? A. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver, &c. Q. What is desired in this Petition? A. That we may be delivered either from * Mat. 26.39. 2 Cor. 1●. 7, 8, 9 temptations themselves, or at least from the a 2 Tim. 4.18. evil of them. Q. Which is the Thanksgiving in this form of Prayer? A. For thine is the kingdom, &c. Q. What is herein acknowledged? A. That GOD hath absolute b 1 Chro. 29.10, 11. dominion, and c v. 12. power over all creatures, and therefore is for ever to be d v. 13. glorified by us and e Psal. 148.13. them. Q. Which is the Conclusion? A. Amen. Q. Whatdoth Amen signify? A. f 1 King. 1.36. Jer. 28.6. Jer. 11.5. So it is, or so be it. Q. Wherefore is this word added? A. To testify our g 1 King. 1.36. 1 Cor. 14.16. assent unto, h Jer. 11.5. 28.6. desire of, i 1 Joh. 5.14. Faith, for obtaining of all things before mentioned. Q. What benefits shall redound unto them who thus endeavour to grow in Grace? A. Very k 1 Tim. 6.6. great l 4.8. Mat. 19.29. both in this life, and that which is to come. Q. What in this life? A. m 2 Cor. 1.12. Peace of conscience, which is n Phil. 4.7. better than life, with o 2 Pet. 1.10. assurance of perseverance unto death. Q. What in the life to come? A. p Mat. 25.34. eternal happiness and blessedness. Q. Wherein consisteth that happiness? A. In a perfect q Rom. 8.21. freedom from all r Rev. 21.27. sin and s v. 4. Isa. 25.8. misery, with a t Psal. full fruition of all good. Q. When shall this happiness begin? A. At the day of u Isa. 57.2. death, when the w Eccl. 12.7. souls of the faithful being separated from their bodies, shall be conveyed by the x Heb. 1.14. ministry of angels into y Luk. 16.22, 2●, 43. Abraham's bosom. Q. When shall it be consummate? A. At the day of the general z Luk. 14.14. resurrection and * Math. 6.27. Rom. 2.5, 6. 2 Thes. 1.10. judgement, when bodies and souls being a Job 19.25, 26, 27. joined together again, shall be fully b Col. 3.4. Rom. 8.17. 2 Thes. 1.10. glorified with Christ. Q. What then shall the estate of wicked men and unbelievers be? A. * Psal. 11.6. Luk. 12.46. They shall be c Mat. 25.41. Rev. 22.5. Mat. 8.12. separated from the d 2 Thes. 1.9. presence of God, and e Luk. 16.24, 25. Rev. 20.10. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9 Rom. 2.8, 9 tormented both body and soul with the g Mat. 25.41. devil and his angels for evermore. Glory be to God on high. PSAL. 119.125. I am thy servant, Lord give me understanding that I may know thy testimonies.