❧ His majesty's Message sent to both Houses of Parliament. January 20. 1641. HIs majesty perceiving the manifold distractions which are now in this Kingdom, which cannot but bring great inconvenience and mischiefs to this whole Government; In which as His majesty is most chiefly interessed, so He holds Himself by many Reasons, most obliged to do what in Him lies, for the preventing thereof; Though He might justly expect (as most proper for the duty of Subjects) that Propositions for the Remedies of these Evils, ought rather to come to Him then from Him; Yet His fatherly care of all His people being such, that He will rather lay by any particular respect of His own Dignity, then that any time should be lost for prevention on of these threatning Evils, which cannot admit the delays of the ordinary proceedings in Parliament; doth think fit to make this ensuing Proposition to both Houses of Parliament: That they will with all speed fall into a serious consideration of all those particulars, which they shall hold necessary, as well for the upholding and maintaining of His majesty's ●ust and regal Authority, and for the settling of His Revenue; As for the present and fu●e establishment of their privileges; The free and quiet enjoying of their Estates and fortunes; The Liberties of their Persons; The security of the true Religion now professed in the Church of England; And the settling of Ceremonies, in such a manner as may take away all just offence. Which when they shall have digested, and composed into one entire body, that so His majesty and themselves may be able to make the more clear judgement of them; it shall then appear by what His majesty shall do, how far He hath been from intending or designing any of those things, which the too great Fears and jealousies of some Persons seem to apprehend; And how ready He will be to equal and exceed the greatest Examples of the most indulgent Princes in their Acts of Grace and Favour to their People. So that if all the present Distractions (which so apparently threaten the ruin of this Kingdom) do not (by the blessing of Almighty God) end in an happy and blessed Accommodation; His majesty will then be ready to call Heaven and Earth, God and Man to witness, that if hath not failed on His part. ¶ Imprinted at York by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: And by the assigns of JOHN BILL. 1642.