A Word from the Lord, Unto all the faithless Generation of the World, who know not the Truth, but live in their own imaginations; with a true Declaration of the true faith, and in what it doth differ from the World's imagination: written in obedience to the Lord, that all may see what faith is owned by the Saints, and what faith is denied. And also a few words unto all Professors of the World, who worship not the true God, but their own imaginations and conceivings instead of the true God: Also a Call from God unto all the World to Repentance, that all may turn unto him, lest the Lord destroy both Root and Branch of them that repent not. Also a few words unto you that scorn Quaking and Trembling, which all the holy men of God witnessed that spoke forth the Scripture, and also the holy men of God justified, and all you denied that scorneth such as witness such things now, as ever was in all the Generations of the Saints. With a word to those that are called Anabaptists, Independants, Presbyterians, Levellers, and Ranters, that they may turn to the Lord, by yielding obedience to the light in their Consciences. By those whom the World knows by the names of George Fox, & James Nailor. Printed in the Year, 1654. To all the faithless generation of the world, and to all who desire to know what faith and hope we live in and what faith and hope we deny. THat Faith we own and witness, is that which stands in Jesus Christ in the everlasting Covenant of light, John. 1.9. who is the light of the world and hath enlightened every one that cometh into the world, and this light we believe and follow, and by this are we led out of all the ways, works, and worships, john. 8.12 of this dark world, and the effect of this light we witness by faith. And by this faith we deny all who say this light is not sufficient without the teaching of man to guide in all the ways of God, and all such we deny, john. 10.4.5. Tim. 4.5. for those are they who know not the voice of Christ, and therefore here a stranger and hireling who heap up teachers having itching ears who cannot endure sound doctrine, and in this Christ we believe, who is our life and Salvation; and all them and their faith we deny, who say they have faith, and their lives is not the life of Christ, but live in sin, and worldly pleasures, and say they cannot be saved from their sins in this world, but in part, and this faith we deny and them, 1. john 3.8. Heb. 7.25. 1. Timo. 1.9. for these deny the end of Christ's coming in the flesh who cannot believe he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto him, and this faith is reprobate, and these deny the Lord that bought them, and have made shipwreck of faith and a good conscience and makes the blood of Christ of no effect to them who are not cleansed by it, and all them and their faith we deny who say they believe and know the will of God, but they have not power, Rom. 1.4.16. for that Christ in which we believe is the great power of God unto Salvation in all that believe, and who hath this Christ hath power, and in him we have power to do the will of God, but these are they that know not Christ nor his power, 2. Tim. 3.5. but run into notions and forms but deny the power, and from such we turn away, for such know not him in them who is greater than he that is in the world, but are to serve sin and be led Captive at the devil's will, not minding the light and power of Christ to be guided by it, and then would seem to cast the fault on God, as though he had given a Christ that was not able to set free till after death, & these put him to open shane whose faith & profession we deny, Rom. 5.17. Rom. 1.22. Rom. 10 3.4. & we deny all who say they have faith in Christ, and yet their righteousness is not perfect, but this faith we witness which receives the righteousness of God, even the free gift of righteousness by Jesus Christ, and this is perfect which is the righteousness of faith, and all who have not this righteousness are in the false righteousness which is not perfect, and these are short of the righteousness of God, and would establish their own righteousness, and these are the Boasters who would justify themselves and despise others, Rom. 1.27. but by the righteousness of faith is boasting excluded, and here is no justifying of self, but denying self and self righteousness & exalting the righteousness of God, which is perfect which is in Christ Jesus, Phil. 1.9. Phil. 1.11. who is made unto us righteousness & sanctification, & by this faith we deny all who say they have Christ, and have not this righteousness, but whose righteousness is unperfect, and that Christ and that righteousness we deny which is not perfect, and witness that Christ in which we are made the righteousness of God, and this Christ is our righteousness and perfection, and this faith we own and witness, which is not a talk of faith, as the world's professors, who say they have faith but are dead in sin and cannot witness the work of God in them, Jam. 2.26. Eph. 2.10. 1. john. 5.4. Gal. 1.4 .. but that faith we own which is lively by which the work of God is witnessed in us working out sin, and by which we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, and this is our faith by which we overcome the world, and the Devil, and all you we deny who have a profession in the world, and in whom the works of the Devil are brought forth, and their faith and hope we deny who say they hope to be saved but live in sin making a profession, and this is the hope of the hypocrite which shall perish, and not the hope of Christ, for he that hath this hope of Christ purifies himself even as he is pure, 1. john 3.3. Heb. 6.19 and this faith and hope we own which purifies the heart and enters into the place of holiness within the veil, but that which is without holiness, we deny which is not in Christ, but in a vain mind, Ro. 10.8. and we deny all who say they have faith and Christ, and yet their word and light is without them, and that word we witness which is nigh in the heart, and this is the word of faith, which the Apostles preached, and he that hath Christ or faith, hath this word, which is Christ the light not in letter but in spirit, and all them we deny whose law is without and moral, and that law we witness which is spiritual written in the heart, and this law is perfect and endures for ever, Heb. 8.10.11. Heb. 7.19. and all the Changeable laws we deny, and all whose Law is without we see to be in the old Covenant of works, which made nothing perfect, and the self righteousness which is filthy rags, and by the light of Christ are we convinced of that righteousness not to be of faith, therefore whose faith and works stand here, them we deny and see them all worshipping without the new covenant in the oldness of the letter, whose law is without, 1. Cor. 12.13. 1. Cor. 14.13. their light without, their Church, without, their Baptism, prayers, and Sing without, their Christ without, their righteousness without, and so their faith without, all which we witness to be within, and within we worship in newness of spirit, and by this spirit we do see all that are without God and his righteousness, to be in the world, and strangers to the covenant of grace, joh. 4.23.24. and that faith and worship, we deny and God denies, who seeks such worshippers as worship in spirit and truth, and this faith and worship we own not known to the world, and therefore hated. J. N. To all the World's Professors and People, that you may see where you are and Repent. THe word of God is not known to the world, nor worldly wisdom; he that hath the word hath life, he that knows the word knows God, and here's life manifest, and the word hath quickened him and raised him out of death and dead works, he that hath but the letter heareth the sound, but knows not where or what it is, and as he received it in the air, he declares it, and death speaks light words without power, and dead works and lightness is brought forth, and the power of death raines, and the life of that is but an imitation and not the life itself, the chaff but not the grains tossed in the wind, and the Prince of the air is fed and ruleth, and here vanity is exalted, the light mind is fed with airy notions, would be wise but the colt is at liberty, not subject to the yoke but kicks against the pure, and the obedience is not, and the cross is despised, but the nature who feeds here whose end is for destruction and for the fire, for the nature knows not the living word but the letter, and is without God in the world, but he who hath the word hath God and is come into the Covenant by which all things stand, for he is come into the beginning out of the fall to the first fruits, and witnesseth the word spiritual, invisible, powerful, pure, and sharp, a divider and discerner by it he is sanctified and made clean, by it he is established and unmooveable and is fed daily, it is his life, his joy and delight, and the word is not to fetch from above nor from below neither is it to seek it in a chapter or a steeplehouse without, but it is nigh in the heart, and in the mouth, by which word he is kept at all seasons, it is his counsellor & he inquires at it, as at an Oracle, and thereby he is brought to live the life of Godliness and from which is spoken words of life and power to others, and he speaks not his own words, nor brings forth his own works: but hath ceased from his own works as God did from his and is entered into his rest, and is come into the eternal Sabbath, and is comprehended into the word which is Christ, and is no more his own, for now Christ speaks in him, acts in him, and works in him the will and the deed; now Christ and he is one married to him, and Christ is his head and husband, and now the head speaks prayeth and praiseth, and prophecies, and is uncovered and here is the Church of the first borne the pillar and ground of truth, where the woman must be covered and kept silent and is not to speak in the Church, is not to usurp authority, but is to be in subjection, and if she would know any thing let her ask of her husband at home, and he is to her a covering of the eyes forever. Now all you Priests and People that talk of these things without you from the letter, this is a parable to you and you read the outside in the letter and from that you imagine and so set up a form or likeness or image of those things, and here you worship, and for this you contend and would compel all to worship your image you have set up, and you go about to persecute and destroy all that will not worship and bow down to it with you, but it is the form you have, but not the substance, and you put the dead letter for the living word, and your meanings of it arising from the brains, and first wisdom and natural learning, thus you declare and call it prophesying and put off your hats which is carnal, but the head you know not, and it is the woman that speaks and the head is covered, and so you dishonour your head and honour yourselves, neither are you subject to your head, but your own will rules in you, and you live in the pleasures of the world, and are become wanton, and have set your eyes upon many lovers, and you are adulterated from your husband nor live not with him, nor is he a covering to you neither can you witness him in you nor you in him, nor the pure seed of God is not brought forth in you, but the seed that is accursed, neither is the pure language brought forth in you, but as to God you are smitten with barrenness and brings forth nothing but words, winds, shows and shadows, imitations, inventions, imaginations and conceptions, and you never look to bring forth better fruit, never come to holiness and perfection, and your first fruits, and that estate wherein you were created, and you will not know you are departed from your first fruitfulness, and have lost him in whom your life stands, and in whom your fruits is found, and are become widows, and desolate as to your first husband, and have been running after other lovers, and worshipping under every green tree, and the holy flesh is departed from you, and you are doting upon the Egyptian and the Assyrian for wisdom and strength, whose flesh is as the flesh of horses, and have been as fed hoses living in the lust of the flesh as it is at this day. Now all people stand still a while and see from whence you are fallen, and the cause of all your unfruitfulness and return to your first husband from whence you are fallen, that you may bring forth your first fruits; for till then all you do is abomination to the Lord, and he cannot accept it, for what you bring forth is the seed of the adulterer and of the whore, a generation of evil doers, and yet you make a profession in out side as to righteousness and holiness, but the power is to act righteousness, you have not but in your actions brought forth but the image of the Devil, for all sin bears his image, and he is the father of it, let no man deceive you through fair words, he that sins is of the Devil, and is doing his work, and upon this image where it is, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven in flames of fire, here is your portion you workers of iniquity. THe word of the Lord God to all you that scorn trembling and quaking▪ and scoff at them, and scorn at them, and throw stones at them who own trembling and quaking, and ●●●ere that you might be seen to be strangers from all the Apostles and Prophets in the generation that stoned them, mocked them then in that age, and those ages and those times, but now ye are the scoffers that are come in the last times whom they spoke of, be ye witnesses against yourselves, to the light in all your consciences, I speak, that with it you may see yourselves to be from the life of the holy men of God: Moses who was a judge over all Israel, he feared, trembled, and quiked, when the Lord said unto him, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob; then he trembled and durst not behold, at this which makes to tremble now: ye teachers and people scoff at and scorn them now in your streets, who witness the power of the Lord. And Moses forsook the pleasures of the world which he might have enjoyed for a season, he might have been called the son of Pharahoes' daughter, he refused it and forsook Pharaoes' house who was no vagabond. And David he trembled, he was mocked, they made songs on him, they wagged their heads at him, will you profess David's words, Moses words, who are in the generation of your fathers, mockers, scoffers, wonderers, and despisers, who are to perish; Oh! blush and be ashamed of all your profession: Job trembled, and their flesh trembled, and they mocked him, so do you now where the same power of God is made manifest, and do not you mock and yet you profess Jobs words? Oh! deceitful Hypocrites, will ye not own the Scripture, Solomon who was a King said when the keepers of the house shall tremble and the strong men of the house should bow themselves, & at this Priests & Magistrates, and people scoff at, where this power makes the keepers of the house to tremble, & the strong man to bow himself, Oh! for shame never profess Solomon's words & deny the power, for with it you are judged (with the power and life) Jeremiah he shaken, his bones quaked, he reeled too and fro like a drunken man, when he saw the deceits of the Priests, and Prophets, who were turned from the way of God and they were not ashamed, neither could they blush; such were gone from the light, and such were the women that ruled over the people, and he was brought to cry oh foolish people who had eyes and could not see! they had ears and did not hear, that did not fear the Lord and tremble at his presence who placed the sands for the bounds of the Sea for a perpetual decree, that the waves thereof cannot pass, and said a horrible and filthy thing was committed in the Land, the Priests bate rule by their means, and the Prophet's prophecy falsely, shall not I visit for these things saith the Lord? shall not my soul be avenged upon such a Nation as this? such did not tremble at the word of the Lord, therefore he called them a foolish people, hear all ye the word of the Lord, ye foolish People who scorn trembing, and quaking, and quaking, and shaking; give over Jeremiahs' words and making, a trade of them, for with his words ye are judged to be among the scoffers and scorners, and stockers, for he was stocked by your generation, and so you stock (who are the children of your fathers) them that tremble now at the word of the Lord, at the power of the mighty God, which raises up the seed of God out of the fall, and throws down the earth which hath kept it in the fall; so you that are in the fall where death reigns enemies of the truth, despising the power of God as ever your generation did; woe and misery is your portion except you speedily repent. And Isaiah said hear ye the word of the Lord, all ye that tremble at his word, and said, this is the man that God regards, that was of a broken and contrite heart & tremble at his word, when their brothers hated them, and persecuted them, and cast them out saying, let the Lord be glorified he shall appear to your glory but they shall be ashamed. Now to all scoffers & scorners that despise trembling, you regard not the word of the Lord, they are not regarded with you that trembles at the word who are regarded of the Lord, therefore ye are contrary to Isaiah his words, therefore never for shame profess him nor his words, nor make a trade of his words, ye who seek for your gain from your quarter, ye greedy dumb dogs that never have enough, ye are they that despise trembling, you are they Isaiah cried against who witnessed trembling, and here be you witnesses against yourselves, that with the light in your consciences you may see you are out of the Prophet Isaiahs' words and are such as hate them that tremble, that the Lord regards but such you do not regard, but hate, and persecute, mock and rail against, but it is manifest that you walk in the steps of your fathers who persecuted the Prophets, Habacuck the Prophet of the Lord, and Joel the Prophet of the Lord, blew the trumphet in Zion and let the inhabitants of the earth tremble, the people shall tremble, and all faces shall gather blackness and the people shall be much pained, and now this trembling is witnessed by the power of the Lord, this power of the Lord is come, the trumpet is sounding the Devils are trembling, the earth is shaking, the dead is raising, and the living is praising God, and the world is raging, and the scoffers are scorning, and them who witness trembling and quaking, can scarce pass up and down the streets, but with stones, and blows, and sticks, and fists, or mocks or dogs, or reproaches, and thus you vent forth your malice against them who witness the power of the Lord, as the Prophets did, to come to the broken heart and contrice spirit, and tremble at the word of the Lord whom the Lord regards them you stone, them you stock, them you set your dogs at, and scoff, and scorn, revile and reproach, but the reproaches are our riches, and praised be the Lord who hath given us power above all, and if you see one as Habac●uck whose lips quivered, whose belly shaken, who said rottenness entered into his bones, who trembled in himself, if you see such an one in this age now, you say he is bewitched, here again you show yourselves strangers to that power, to that life that was in the Prophet, and so for shame never make a profession of his words, nor a trade of his words nor of Joels who witnessed trembling, that which ye scoff and scorn. Ye proud scoffers and scorners, ah! misery misery is your end, except you speedily repent. And Daniel a servant of the most high God, he trembled, his strength and his breath was gone, he was imprisoned, he was hated, he was persecuted, they laid baits and snares for him, in whom the Holy Spirit of God was, now for shame all you that make a profession of daniel's words, give over your profession Priests and people who scoffs and scorns at trembling, with the light you are seen to be out of daniel's life and by the same power, you are threshed, for it you scorn and scoff, and so here again be witness that you are scorners and scoffers against the truth, and with the Scripture you are judged to be contrary to the life of the holy men of God, and Paul a minister of God made by the will of God, a messenger of the Lord Jesus, a vessel of the Lord to cause his name to spread abroad in several Nations, when the dark blind world have got some of his words and epistles, and you filthy teachers make a trade of them and gets great sums of money for it, and so destroys souls for dishonest gain, and making a trade of his words, and the rest of the Apostles and Prophets and Christ, but denying that Spirit and life that they were guided by, and that power that shaken the flesh and the earth which the Apostles witnessed who said when he came among the Corinthians he was then with them in weakness, and fear and in much trembling, that their faith might not stand in the wisdom of the world, but in the power of God, in that power which made him to tremble, at this power the world and all the scoffing teachers scoff at in the towns, in your villages, in your assemblies, in your alehouses, for shame lay away all your profession of the Apostles words and conditions, and some scoffs at the power and call it of the Devil, and some persecute them, stock, stone, imprison, and whip, in whom that power is made manifest, and loads them with reproaches as not to walk on the earth, the off-scowring of the world hated & persecuted, here you may see you are in the steps of your forefathers who persecuted the Apostles and acted so against them, stocked them, mocked them, imprisoned them, stoned them, whipped them, hailed them out of the Synagogues, reproached them, shamefully entreated them, do not you here fulfil the Scripture and Christ's sayings, who saith if they kill you they think they do good service, and yet you make a profession of Christ's words, the Prophets and Apostles words, and calls yourselves Churches and ministers of the Gospel; I command you and charge you in the presence of the living God, to be silent who acts such things, scoffers and scorners, mind the light in your consciences, which Christ hath enlightened you withal, that by it you may see yourselves what you act and what you have acted, for who act such things shall never inherit the Kingdoms of God, for all such things with the light are condemned, and who come to witness trembling and quaking, the powers of the earth to be shaken, the lustful to come to be destroyed, the scorning and scoffing come to be judged with the light in it, wait, to receive power, who shakes the earth, this power we own and faith stands in it, which all the world scoffs at, the lusty ones, the proud ones, the presumptuous ones, who live in presumption, and yet make a profession of the Scripture as your Fathers the Pha●ses did, who were painted Serpents, and the Scribes who had the chiefest places in the assemblies, stood praying in the Synagogues, called of men Masters, which Christ cried woe against, who are not come so far as the trembling of D●vels, which believed and trembled, let that Judge you the light and life of the Scripture is seen and made manifest, that with it all you scoffers, and all you scorners, & all persecutors & railers are seen; take warning all ye powers of the earth how you persecute them whom the world nicknames and calls Quakers, who dwells in the eternal power of God, left the hand of the Lord be turned against you, and ye be all cut off, and to you this is the word of God, to fear and to tremble and to take warning, for this is the man that the Lord doth regard, who trembles at his word, which you who are of the world, scoffs and scorns, stocks, persecutes, imprisons, here you may see you are contrary to God, contrary to the Prophets, and are such who hate what the Lord regards, whom we own, whom the world scorns; and calls Quakers, and set up that power, & honour that power that makes the Devils to tremble, and shakes the earth and throws down the haughtiness of man, and which makes the beasts of the field to tremble, and makes the Earth reel too and fro, and cleaves the Earth asunder, and overturnes the wo●ld, this power we own and honour and set up which the world scornfully calls Quakers; but all scoffers & persecutors and railers, & scorners, & stockers and whippers, we deny with that power which throws down all that nature, as seeing all who act such things are for destruction and shall never inherit the kingdom of God, so rejoice all ye righteous ones which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for great is your reward in Heaven, rejoice ye that suffer for well doing, for ye shall not lose your reward; and wait you in the light that you may grow up in the life that gave forth all the Scriptures that with it you may see all the Saints conditions, and with it you may see all that which they testified against, & therewith it you will see them that did reproach & scoff them & mock them, & persecute them, & whip them, & stock them, & hail them out of the Synagogues, before magistrates, so to you who are in the same light & life, the same things do they unto you now, that they may fill up the measure of their fathers, so with the light now they are seen to act where the light & life & power of God is made manifest, for as they did unto them, so shall they do unto you, & here is our joy and the Scripture fulfilled & fulfilling, & with the light which was before the world, which is now made manifest in the children of light, with it they see the world & comprehends it, & all things in it, & the actions of it, & with the light we see it to be for the fire, and all the works of it; for he that loves it and turns himself from the light is an enemy to God, he turns into wickedness for the whole world lies in wickedness, he turns into the works of evil, who turns from the light, he is with the light, which is of Christ testified against, & to this light being made manifest, all the works of the world are seen and made manifest, & here is joy and unity & light, rejoice in Trembling and rejoice above all the world. This is to go amongst the scattered ones, and amongst all the world. G. F. A word to those that are called Anabaptists, Independants, Presbyterians, Levellers, and Ranters. THe word of the Lord God to you, which are called Ranters, you had a pure convincement, I witness, which did convince you, but having fled the Cross, and now to it are become enemies, which turns the grace of God into wantonness, and follows drunckenness, and cursed speaking, sporting yourselves in the daytime, following oaths & swearing, you never come into the Son's doctrine, had a convincement under the law, then start up to be as Gods and never came through the Prophets, nor Moses house, nor Christ who is the end of all oaths, for you that are in the oaths, and your drunckenness the law of God is cast behind your back, and you that are in your wantonness kill the just, and you that live in pleasures are dead while you live, and you that swear are out of Christ's doctrine, with the light which was before the world was, with it I do you comprehend, which is your eternal condemnation who be in the liberty of the flesh in your hot burning lusts, but all such are beggarly acted in that nature contrary to the light, and with the light to be condemned and to you this is the word of the Lord. And the word of the Lord to you who are called Levellers, you had a flash in your mind, a simplicity, and your minds run into the earth and smothered it, and so got up into presumption, and you would had unity and fellowship there, before life was raised up in you, so that withers, and much of it is withered as it is manifest and with the light, that is condemned, in which light is the unity of both those conditions. The word of the Lord to you who are called Anabaptists, you take up a command from the letter, and say Christ commands it which Christ did not, you command; but the letter commands it, you are not led with the light, which gave forth those commands to observe them, but saith Christ hath commanded them in Scripture, here you are them which use their tongues which the Scripture speaks of, but I have not spoken to them saith the Lord, here with the light you are comprehended, to be the witches which takes up commands as they did in the Galathians, which the Apostle speaks of which did bewitch them, who draws from the spirit within them, to hearken to your outward commands, them that did observe the commands was led by the spirit, and Christ bid them go preach, he sent them and bid them go preach the Gospel to every Creature, they did not go at the command of the letter, but at the command of Christ, and they was led by the light which did comprehend the world, and the Prophets they did not go because other Prophets had gone and take their words, and make a trade of them nor used their tongues, and say he said when the Lord had not spoken unto them, but with the light they did them comprehend, and cry against, and the Lord bid them cry aloud and spare not, lift up their voice like a trumpet, and show them their sins and transgressions which walked contrary to the light, with the light they are comprehended, & all you who are turned from the light, and saith Christ saith so and so, and the Prophets and Apostles said so in such a Chapter and such a verse, and God said so, and the command is in such a Chapter and such a verse, here with the light you are comprehended and seen to be them who use their tongues, and say he saith it, when the Lord never spoke to you, here you are comprehended with the light, and seen to be liars, and are for the lake where all liars must go, and to you this is the word of the Lord. The word of the Lord God to you that are called Independants, your zeal it without the knowledge of God, with the life of God I bear you record that you depend upon your imaginations, you depend upon the letter, your minds are turned from the light of Christ within you, and that zeal and knowledge with the light which never changes, which comprehends the world with it, it shall be condemned, your knowledge, wisdom and zeal: for the zeal, wisdom, and knowledge which stands, is in the light, which condemns that knowledge, wisdom and zeal in that nature that acts contrary to the light, which changeth not, and to you this is the word of the Lord God, all your fruits will whither, and all your knowledge will perish, and all your expectations and hopes will perish, to you this is the word of the Lord God, no pillows under your armholes I sow, but to the light in your consciences I speak, which will let you see your prayers and your praises, and all your imaginations of the Saints words will whither, and is to be condemned, to be froth, in the nature of the Sea, forming forth shame, I see come forth from you, with the eternal light which comprehends the world, which light shall never change, with which light all your ways and actions is to be condemned, which light will teach you how to walk, if you love it, remember you are warned, in the time of your life, and to you this is the word of the Lord. The word of the Lord God to you, who are called Presbyterians, and to you who read the common prayer, you are wholly in darkness given up to it, and so your dark minds have the common prayer, and such would have a King to reign, for there is that nature that would have an earthly King to reign, in which nature lodgeth the murderer, dear dear is the love of God to all the world, in sending his only begotten into the world, that whosoever do believe on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Who doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, and if you did own the Son of God, you would own the light which he hath enlightened you withal, than you would own him to be Lord and King, and this light would lead you our of darkness, and from all your common prayers, and would teach you how to pray, and condemn all your set form of prayers, and set times, and this light will teach you how to pray, if you love it, there is your teacher, and if you hate it, there is your condemnation, when you are in the pit and in the lake, to the light in your consciences, I speak which Christ Jesus hath enlightened you withal, which is your condemnation that hates it, and when you are in the Lake, Pit, and ditch remember you were warned in your life time, than all your common prayers, and all your set ways, and all your customary teachings, and all your private interpretations, and all your meanings of Scripture, your Presbyterian form, Independent, and Annabaptist, Ranter and Leveller, who are in any forms whatsoever, following your beggarly lusts of the world, with the light that never changeth, you are seen, with the light, who lives in your notions turned from the light, and erred from the spirit and commands of God, all your profession which hath not the life, will stand you in no stead, no more than the chief Priests, Scribes, and Pharises, who was a separated people: and no more than the Sadduces or any other which had not the life, when Christ came woe was the end of their profession, who hath a profession but hath not the life, with the light that comprehendeth the world, you are all seen which comes from Christ, who is the same to day, yesterday, and forever, and changeth not, and to you all this is the word of the Lord God. G. F. ERRATA. Pag. 2. line 5. read Christ the Pag. 6. line 13. read grain Pag. 7. line 27. read brain Pag 8. line 17. read horses FINIS.