The Glory of these Nations. Or, King and people's happiness, being a brief Relation of King Charles' royal progress form Dover to London, how the Lord general and the Lord Mayor with all the nobility and gentry of the Land, brought him thorough the Famous City of London to his palace at Westminster the 29. of May last, being his majesty's birthday, to the great comfort of his loyal Subjects. The Tune is, When the King enjoys his own again. where's those that did Prognosticate, And did envy fair England's State; And saidKing Charles no more should reign; T●●●● Predictions were but in vain, F●● the King is now returned 〈…〉 fair England mourned. 〈…〉 〈◊〉 es Royally him entertain, 〈…〉 ●●essed be the day ●●●s do his Subjects say, That God hath brought him home again. The twenty second of lovely May At Dover arrived Fame doth say, Where our most Noble general Did on on his knées before him fall. Craving to kiss his hand. So soon as he did land Royally they did him enertain With all their power and might To bring him to his Right, And place him in his own again. Then the King I understand Did kindly take him by the hand, And lovingly did him embrace, Rejoicing for to see his face; He lift him from the ground With joy that did abound, And graciously did him entertain, Rejoicing that once more, He was o'th' English shore, To enjoy his own in peace again. From Dover to Canterbury they passed, And so to Cobham-Hall at last; From thence to London march amain, with a Triumphant and glorious Train, Where he was received with joy His sorrow to destroy. In England once more for to reign, Now all men do sing God save Charles our King, That now enjoysses his own again. At Deptford the Maidens they Stood all in White by the highway, Their Loyalty to Charles to show, They with sweet flowers his way to strew; Each wore a Ribbin blew, They were of comely hue; With joy they did him entertain With a clamations to the sky, As the King passed by, For joy that he receives his own again. In Wallworth-Fields a gallant band Of London-Prentices did stand All in White doublets very gay, To entertain King Charles that day, With Muskets, swords and Pike, I never saw the like, Nor a more youthful gallant train, They up their Hats did fling, And cry God save the King. Now he enjoys his own again. Dieu ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT x MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms At Newington-butts the Lord Mayor willed a famous Booth for to be builded, Where King Charles did make a stand And received the sword into his hand, Which his Majesty did take, And then returned back Unto the Mayor with love again; A Banquet they him make, He doth thereof partake, Then Marched his Triumphant Train. The King with all his Noblemen, Through Southwark they marched then. First marched Major general Brown, Then Norwich Earl of great renown With many a valiant Knight, And gallant men of might, Richly attired marching amain. Th●se Lords Mordin, Gerard and The good Earl of Cleauland, To bring thee King to his own again. Ne●r sixty flags and streamers than Was born b●fore a thousand men, In Plush Coats and chains of gold, These were most rich for to behold With every man his Page, The glory of his age, With courage bold they Marched amain, They with gladness they, Brought the King on his way For to enjoy▪ &c. Then Liechfield's and Darly's Earls, Two of fair England's royal Pearls; Major general M●ssey then Comman●●d the Life guard of men The King for to defend, If any should contend, Or seem his coming to restrain, But also joyful were That no such durst appear, Now the King, &c. Four rich Maces before them went, And many Heralds well content. The Lord Mayor and the general Did march before the King with all, His Brothers on each side, Along by him did ride; The Southwark-Waits did play amain, Which made them all to smile and to stand still a while, and then they marced on again. Then with drawn swords all men did ride, and flourishing the same than cried Charles the second now God save. That he hi● lawful right may have, and we all on him attend, From dangers him to defend: and all that with him doth remain Blessed be God that we Did live these days to see That the King, &c. The Bells likewise did loudly ring, Bonfires did burn and people sing, London Conduits did run with Wine; and all men do to Charles inclineline, hoping now that all Unto their Trades may fa●l, Their families for to maintain and from wrong be free, 'Cause we have lived to see The King enjoy his own again. FINIS. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London Bridge.