Wussukwhonk En Christianeve asuh peantamwae INDIANOG, Wahteauwaheonaount Teanteagquassinish, Nish ENGLISHMANSOG Kodtantamwog Indianog Wahteaunate kah Ussenate, En michemohtae Wunniyevonganit. Wussukwhosik nashpe Cotton Mather, Englishmanne Nohtompeantog, nampoohamunate kodtantamoonk Edward Bromfield Englishmanne Nanawunnuaenuh, no ukkodanmnumau you womoausue Magooonk en Indiansut. MUSHAUWOMUK, Printewn nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen. 1700. Wussukwhonk EN INDIANSUT, Neeg wehquetogeeg oowesuong Jesus Christ, Nullordeumun, wuttaieyevoh kah Nenawun. Kitteamonteanitteaonk apehtunko●k kah wunohteaonk wutch Godut kooshinonut kah wutch nulLordeumun Jesus Christ. KOOwehquetumonumwoo, Neematog, nashpe ummonaneteaongash God, unnantamoe natwontamunate ●ish wunnamuhkuteyevash yewt wussukwhonganit Ut wabesuoga●n it kah womoausuonganit God yeush 〈◊〉 w●●●mook: Yeush Noowaongash quttauwemocutch ut kuttahhoowout. Kuppey a●numwoo paudtanunnate you nehtamoonk; Webe wuttinneum bkook Lord Jesus Christ nashpe mamusse kuttahhoowoash; newutche, natwontamook uttoh an mogagish kutusseanshuken. Wunnamuhkut woh kussimwoo, Jehovah, kummishanakausuwehtunkqun. Ne Q●oshowaonk God, Nag nuttinnoog, matta wamissiminneumeoneg, ken nummissinninneum, kah nag gish noowaog, keen Nummanittoom. Ut kuhhogkaout, Christiane Indianog, nenawun Christiane Englishmansog, nashpe monchanata●w● wekontamoonk nunnaumumum ne Quoshodtuonh pakodche nnih. Kah sunnamatta kenaau kummonchanatamumwoo you wutuffeeonk God? Tohsohke kenaau mat peantamoog, kenishkeneunkqussimwoo kah kukkittumunkeyeumwoo kah kuppogkenumwoo kah kapposkissimwoo; Qut God ut wunnana wontamooonganit wogl●ouunum Englishmansog Womoausuonk kukkuhkootomunkqunaout wahteavonk, no webe wunnamuhkuttee Manit kah Jesus Christ no anoonut, nnoh sampoi wahteaunnate ne micheme pomantamoonk Asquam kenootamumwoo Sobsumoe Wunaunchemokaonk God, na ahquompak won koo-Christeumumwop, won annoosey●g kah won Manittoemeyog, u● muttachkit Neit apeyog ut wuttahpebannit Mattannit, mafinobteamukeeg nashpe nagum ussenate wuttenantammoonk. Na abquompak kenaau kummattamagoemumwoo, matta kenoswehtamumwoo kutasoekekodteamumwos, kah kutussemwoo moocheke matchekedtant amoong ash, kuppomantamumwoo ishkavanittuonganit, kussekene asimwoo kah kussekenaattimwoo ishkavanittuonganit, kussekeneasimwoo kah kussekenaattimwoo Kuppomantamumwoo ut pohk●nahtu●kah asootuonganit; nux, kenupmwoo, ash p●mantam●g; kah moochcke kenuppooonganoo kukketeahogkounooog avog en muttae pohkenaiyewt, kah awakompanae ayevonganit. Missi ukkitteamonteanitteaonkaneuoo ut Englishmansog, matra we be kuttinninnumunkqunaout monataih mutraohkee wanegukish, qut koowahteauwahikqunaout may ne sagkompagunuomocuk en micheme pomantamoonganit. Matta pahtoooog Englishmansog weenauwetuonk wutche kenaau; wamut onkquatunk oadich●caog Englishmansog wu●che nishnoh teag ne a●●●munumopanneg wutche Indianog; Matta, qut kukkuhkootamunkoopanneg Wanaunchemooka●●● Christ, atquam ne kukkodtantamumwoo, kah ayi●● wog Wunaunchemook ●onk Christ more ●ohunnoadti●nooudt, tohkonogque malishadtavog moocheke muttanongane poundtooooash, on● kenaau woh kutahtomwoo Wunaunchemookaonk God. Monatash ennomaiyeuteaon gash, you waj woh kuttabuttantamumwoo womoausue Englishmanog, newutche naumoh●ttit Indiansog poshkino●g, noochumwehtahwhoog, kah naken nuppooog; ukkitteamonteanumouh kah wunnanauwanumouh. Englishmanog missi ketompaog: y●● waj woh koowomonomwoo Englishmanog neane kooshoowong, kah k●mattooog: Toh n●it kenaau marwaweyog ayewhkone Englishmansog; asuh tohneit kummagumwoo aninnumoad●uonk en nummatwomunonut, neit kutonkquadtausimwoo machi●k wutch wanegik; kah neit kutogqueneunkqussimwoo Askook togqùodchit, neh howae Indian pasooont en nootaut mahche Askook nano kussoppissu, chohkoohwhau nnoh Indianoh kah wunnushoun. Qu● mat wohkukquoshinnue missi kitteamonteanitteaouk mistugkenuk God, wekontamwaheonate Englishmanog k●nohtinukqunate you womoausuonk Jehovah. Missuglten God annoonont Wunaunchemookaonk en kuhhogkaout, woh kussimwoo, Honane K●s●kquie Ketas●oot natinneaham? nuppooe Atium? asuh Papekq? Mahc●e ku●ohtomwoo Wunaunchemook●onk, Missinninnueg apitcheg pohkenaiyewt naumwog missi ●●qu●i; kah apb●ttit wutohket kah wutonkouchtom Nuppooonk, wequai speemoo. Newaieh you wunnetoonk God, mishontoowagk, Vttoh unne wunnegen God? kah you oonenehuwaonk God woh usluwehteamoo en aiu●koianatamunate. Tob unne wum●egen God? no kuttinninumunkqun Wus●ukwhongash, nish tapenunmoougish koowaeantamwahikqunnaou en wadeha●i●tuongani●, Vpbookum God, pomantamo●Vpbo●kum, Vpbib●eum qushkinnumuk en Indiane unnontoowaonganit. U● kenugke wame muttanonganogkuss●og Indianog wu●ohtimoneash, ut you missi chippis muttaohke●; matta howae Indiane wutohtimoin webe kenaau, ohtoog Upbibleum nehenwonche unnontowaonganit, kenaau kummithetteamwoo en kesukqut. Kah kutahtomwoo ukkatechizaongash kah onkatoganash upbookumash ut nehenwonche Indiane unnontowaonganit kattaninnumonkqunaount wohtamunate Upbiblcum Kukkunkootomonteamwoo onk pasuk nont webe God, nashpe nagum wame teanteagquassinish; yevoh JEHOVAH wunnamubkuttee God kah pomantamwae God. Onk missugken kum-Manittoomun, kah mishe menuhkesu; oowohwohtamoonk matta wohkukquoano: kah God womoausu kah numwohtea kitteamonteanitteaonk, chehcheke musquantam, kah monat Vmmonaneteaonk? Kah Jehovah sampweussu ut wame ummayut, & wunnetupanatam wame wittanakausuonganit. O●k ut pasuk Manittoout ne Wutooshimau, Wunnaumonniin & wunnetupanatamwe Nashavanit, & yeug nishuog pasukooooog. Onk negonne kuhquttum God ummissinninneumoh en wunnaumonakononate mukki●g nashpe Jesus Christ, & no ●ezteunk wame neane weogkontog ut nehenwonche wuttenantamooonganit. Onk we●ke kutchissik ayim God Kesuk & obke, & wunnaumun G d nishnoh teag mahche kezteunk & kusseb more ahche wunnegen. Onk kogkounum (asuh quaquanunnum) God wame ceanteagqussinish nas●pe ummenuhkesue wuttinnoowaonk. Onk nnihyevog Angelsog, neg wuttenn●●●●●● Nashavanittooog, annoonooog nah wunnanaunonaount neg pish ●ump●nukeeg wadchanittuonk; Kah apoog onkatogkeeg Angelsog neg matta wadchanumoogeg wunnegonappuonganoo, qut nukkodtumwog wutappuonganoo kah wadchanoog michemohtag Chainsash agwe pohkenahtu en wussittumooonganit ne mohsag kesuk●d. Onk God kezheop wosketompuh neaunak nehenwenche wuttinnussuonk Onk nashpe pasuk wosketomp, nashpe Adam kah ummittamwussoh Evah, nag meechwog ummeechummuonk Mahtug ne God ukquhtinouh, Ma●eheseonk petutteau mutta●hket kah Nuppooonk nashpe Matcheseonk kah nemehkuh Nuppooonk nuhkuhkavau wame missinnin●uog newutche wame matchesebettit. Onk God wus●aumowomontam muttaok, newaj maguk Wunnukquttegheonob, onk howan wunnamptavont, matta wob awakompanau, qut woh ohtau micheme pomantamooonk Onk Christ no wutche Israelitsog nashpe weyans, no aneukausit wame Manit micheme wunniyeu. Onk, Jesus Christ neemunum en wuhhogkat neyanayewnate wuttinneumunat, kah namhet netatuppe wosketompaut, hohpaheau wuhhogkuh kah noswehtamwae Nupp●o pummetenkapunae Nuppooonk Newajeh God qunnunkqueu misheheop kah oowesuonganukavopoh aneuk●m●●moo wame Wesuongash. Onk God missohham K●suk uttoh ad● pish Wussittuk mutta●k u● sampweusseonganit, nashpe neh wosketompuh (L●rd Jesus Christ) anonobeh, you wame wosketompaog w●h wunnamuhkut oowabtineau, newutche wutomuhkinub wurch Nuppunate. O k Hour peraumoo, na ut wame ut wenohkeit apiteh●eg pish nootamuneau oowadtavatonkqussuonk Lord Jesus Christ, kah pish sohhamwog, neg wunne●sseecheg eu omohkenate en Pomantamoconganit & neg mateh●secheeg omohkena●s en Awakompanaonganit. O●k noowadchanitteamun, nashpe Kitteamonteanittu●nk nashpe Wunnamptamooonk & matta nashpe nehenwonche nenawun, ne ummagooonk God. Onk nashpe Jesus Christ kohkotomouteaog abquoantamoadtin matcheseongash, & nashpe ●●uoh wame Wanamptogeeg sampwanumoog. Onk Wunnamptamwe imnoowaonk onk nag Wanamptavoncheg God, woh abchue usseog wunanakausuongash, newutche yeush wunnegenash & wutchaiyevong anooooash wutch wosketompaog. Onk no nooche usseit wunanakausuonk ut nuhhogkanonut, pish upkodehe ussen no pajeh ukkesuk●dtumus Jesus Christ. Woi kuttumunge Indianog; Ketassoot Kesukqu● & ohkeit adtahtunk yeush sohsumoe teanteagquaffinish wutche onkatoganash wutohtimoneash ut muttaohket (neg paguanoog, newutche quenauhikquog wohwchtamoonk) qut Koowabteauwahitteanash Yevyeu missi ne kutanakaufuonganoo, att●●unum●enate wunnamuhkuteyewk ut womonittuonganit. Wimnamptamog wunamuhkuteyewk, ne● kenunnook asuh menuhkenook ne Kitteamonteanittea● Wuunoowaonk ne God ayik weeche ummissinuinneumoh nashpe Jesus Christ. Unnok. W●i Schsumoe Jehovah, pasuk God, Wutooshima●, Wunnaumoniin & wunnetupanatamwe Nashavanit; Nanous Kukkitteamonteanitteaonk yevyeu noowekonta●wahikqun kittinninnumaunate nuhhog, onk woh nutoheo wnnnaiye●onk webe ut Kuhhogkat, nnoh Nummanitt●om & Nussampoiyeum (asuh nutahtoonk) micheme. Kah nuhhog nummagon en Wunnaumonuh God abtawnate Samp●●usseonk & wadchanittuonk & quiunupp●● peyaonaonk en Watooshimau, nashpe Nagum: Kah nuhhog nummagon en Wunnashavanis God, onk wo● noowahtedh Wunnaum niin & o●womononate & ootinninneumuhkovonate, & wek ntamoe metahuc ussenato Naumatuongash Nuppo●qu●chwussueneum Ku●tumunge Indian! Ponush Ku●tah ka● k nutch●g you Wunnoowaonganit. Ogk ●aman kah nootaman you wunnoowaonkan● Kut●●oongash, U, Lord, Noowek●●itam; Lord! noo● elcontum Y●u Wunnoow●onk le●dtantamup God as imunate weeche mona●g li d●●nog ●u●oh●imou●ash ●keratrean●u●gano●: qu● ma●a wuttapen●●noounneau. Kah newu c●● ma●● wo●●p neamoounn au you waj paguanoog na●hpe U kqu●●u●q●e W●ss●tumooongash God, n●an●●●●u●q●ash ut Tovohkomuk Mohtuttaash nas● p● N o●au Nullordeun ● I ●us Christ kuhquwm Baptizaonk menu●kereahac K●nkinn●●su●nk you Wunnoowaonk. Neg me●ahhoowac n●munuke ●●eu Wunnoowaonk l●shnon● Baptiz●og nashp● Ukku●koo●umwetenenuh Jesus Christ N●htomp●antog lok●nuk Nip ut kuhhogkat, ut o●w●su●nganit Wutooshimau, Wunnaumon●●kah won upanatamwe Nashavanit, wussin God, Kitunnumawnun ●●henwonche nuhhog kah Nuk i ●eamont●ani●●eaonk kah 〈◊〉 quoantamoadtuonk kah K●suk; K●h ku●sh●●nt neil kussim, Lord, neen kutta●h●, wudchanen! Lord wekon●amwe neen kittinninn●um. Kah ●euyeu manul ke usseck noswehtamunate Wuum●u●●ma●uong●sh kui-Lordeumwoo kum-Manoohoowaeneum. N●wu ●●e annoonau God en kuhhogkaout wekontmo● Wunaunchemokaonk, onk neetu wutch kena●u wadchanuwaenin, ku●shnont kuttabuttanmavomwoo God, kah wahteauwaheuk kuttabuttantamoonk nashpt Nosw●htamoonk Ahque cheketok Jehovah kesukque Ketassoot, no wunnanumukqueog nashpe Nashavanhtue Wunnanittuongash ut kesukque ayevonganehtu nashpe Jesus Christ Nullordeumun! Woi mattammagwe & asooge missinninnuog, toh neit you kuttin oadtuhkavoneau Jehovah. Plukquodtash wutannoo●eamoongash God, kah yeush wame wunnetupanatamweyevooash, sampoi●euash & wunnegenuooash. Nish piuk wutannooteamoongash God kukkuhkootomunkqun, Woi Indian Netomp! Womononate Jehovah kum-Manittoom weeche wame Kuttah & wame Kukketeahogkou & wame Kuttenantamoonk & womonnonate ketatteamung neane Kuhhog. Natwontash yeush Piuk wutannooteamoongash ne ahhuttahshe kenaum pluk Kuppohchanutchegash. Negonne Wutannooteamoonk ne, 'em Manittomuhkon onkatogkeeg Manittooog ut anaquabeh, You nauwuttamun, Sohsumwah ne webeyeve wunnamu●kuttee Jehovah, webe Lordut J●sus Christ & Wowussumau nagum, nashpe Kukketeahogkou & Kuhhog, & matta howan onkatog qut webe nagum. W●ekontash nnoh ut, yevoh Pabuhtanum, yevoh Womous, yevoh Peantamau, wuttinnoowaonk Nootas●, & Ketoohamau Waenomaonk. N●h●h osu wutannooteamoonk, ne A●imauuhkon Kuhhog Nunnukontunk, you nauwuttamun, Kunkinneasish & nanaeihteash wame ukkuhkoowaongash ut wowussumaonganit God kah matta onkatoganash, qut yeush w●be nish ku●quttum God nagum. Nishwe wutannooteamoonk ne, Neemunumoohkon OOwesuonk Jehovah kum-Mani●toom tahnooche, you nauwuttamun, U wame wauflumaonganit God, nahnaunne ut chadch●ke●euaonganit nanawontamwe avish, kah nagwu●teae quttianumo● auwohteash nishnoh teag n● nashpe God noowahteauwahikqun Wuhhog, OOwesuongash, Wuttinnoowaongash kah Wutanak●usuongash Y●ue tahshe Wu●annoot●am●onk, ne Mehquoantash Sabbath day kuppahketeawnate, you na uwuttamun, chip ponush Manittoe ukk sukodtum wutche Wauss●maonk God Kah momansh nanawehteaush mamusse Ukkesukod●um wutche Peantamooonk & momansh mamusse ukkesukodtum wutche Tabu●●antamoonk. Na panna ta●she Wutannooteamoonk, ne Quttianum Koosh & Kookas, You nauwuttamun, nishnoh Howan quttianum ut ayevonganit, Wessukiin kah Ummittamwussin, Wutchetuonganog & Mukkielog, Wussontimominneunk & Wu●tinneuminneunk, Nananuacheg & agwopehtavoncheeg, Noht ompeantogeeg & neg Nootoge●g, kuttinne womonittinneaout kah kuttinne quttianittinneaout. Nequtta tanshe Wuttannooteamoonk ne, Nushehteohkon, You nauwuttamun, Auwohteash nishnoh wunnegen Aninnumoadtuonk wadchanumunate nukketeaonk, nuppomantamoonk & noonohteaonk kah onkatogkeeg uppomantamooonganoo. Nesiusuk tahshe Wutanooteamooonk ne, Mamussehkon; You nauwuttamun, Ahqueteaush wame nishkeneunk●ussuonk ut metahnut, ut kuttoowonganit, ●ah ut uss●onganit. Akodchish ut nishnoh teag. Swos●k tanshe Wutannooteamooonk ne, Kummoo●ubkon, You nauwuttamun, Ussish sampwutteahae ut antuhamavaonganit kah ut wadchanumooonganit maumachiash, kah won teag mat sampweusseae neemunush wutche howan, enninnumau nanouwe Magooongash neg ut quenauhikqutcheeg. Paskoogash tahshe Wutannooteamoonk ne, Pannoowae wauwaonuhkon ketatteamung. Nagwutteae sampwe unnounch kah menuhke ussegk onkatogkeeg wosketompaog sampwe unnonate: Nanawehteaush kukquehtianumoonk kah quehtianum onkatogkeeg missinninnuog. Piuk tahshe Wutannooteamoonk ye●, Ahchowonwontogkon, You nauwuttamun, Tapantamook meta●hoowae ne ut unnihyevonganit ne God kuhquttumungqueong. A●que ishkavoush onkatogkeeg wunnaiyevonk. Nootamook, Woi kenaau kuhkootomauwutcheeg Indianog. Tohneit Koonamptamumwoo ut wunnoftamooonganit Lord Jesus Christ en Godut, onk woh Kussampweusseahitteamwoo nashpe wunnoswehtammoonk Lord Jesus Christ; neit God kupponumunkou wekontamwe Metah ussenate neaunak sampwe wutuhshuwaonk Christ, kah asuhkavonate God neane wcmonitcheeg Noswehtamoe Mukkiesog. Wunnamuhkut Nunnoswehtamoonk nogque en wunnetupanatamwe Godur, webe peasin: You waj asekesukokish Aiuskoiantamoe wussumook kuhhogkaoog an●quabit Lord, newutche ne wussaume peasin. Qut tohncit matta kenoswehtamoomwoo wuttenantamoonk God ut Jesus Christut, neaunak wame Watanno●teamo●ongash, neit kenaau asq Wunnamptamoogeeg kah ummusquanittea●nk God kutapehtunkumwoo. Kah tohneit kenaau matta Wunnetupanatamwaenuog, kah matta kukkodtantamumwoo Wunnetupanatamweyevinnate nishnch ut unnibyevonganit, matta kuttapenumo●mwoo obtawnate wussam poiyeu●● W●●netupanatogeeg ut wequaiyewt. Ha, ahche womonogeeg Indianog, Vnnok Lord, nootowontam wame Kittinoowa●ngash papaume wame teanteagquassinish sampoiyewt kah nussekeneam nishnoh pannoowae ma●. Newutche, wunnamuhkut woh nuffim, Wann● wunnetupanatamoonk, matta h●wa● wosket●mp w●h navoou Godoh. Qut Neetompaog! Toh waj neit monaog ut kenugke kenaau matcheseog nashpe Kogkeissippamoonk netatuppe nikku●me, neane wosketomp pomushadt ut pohkenahtu nikkumme penushau ut pahsahtheganit? Kogkeissippamoonk ne Matcheseonk ayewhkone nishwe tahshe Wutannooteamoonk; Newutche ne nashpe wunnegen Teag matcheseae auwohteamuk. Kah ne matcheseonk ayewhkone wame piuk Wutannooteamoongash: newutche Kogkeissippamwaen, qutchehuk Mattanitto, wahteurk pokquenum wame Piuk Wutanncoteamoongash. Uttoh unne ku●tumunge kah nishkencunkqussu K●gkeissipamwaen, ogque Hogsut oyomweu pusseogquanit. Woi kuttumungeyeve lndianog, Sun kukodtauwompasimwo Christ wutche peasin wuttattamooonk? Sun pish kummagumwoo kukketeahogkounoog wutche peasin Rum asuh Cider. Wananetamoohteok ne unkqueneunkque Wuttinnoowaonk God; ne ogque mishontoowau Padtohquohhanit, Kogkeissippamwaenuog matta pish ahtavouog Wutassootamoonk God. Kah, Tohwaj monaog ut kenugke kenaau matta sampwe won nananumooog wutteateashiyevonganooash? Kuhkootomok Kummukkiesumog, nanavanumook Kummukkiesumog; menuhke ussegk, onk Kummukkiesumog woh Peantamunneau en Godut. Matta ne nanoog, neit nashpe napanna tahshe Wutann ottamoonk pish Koosumitteamwoo? N●shpe swosuk tahshe Wutannooteamoonk pish koosumitteamwoo pomantamog ut Sasekeneamooonganit. N g matta anakauseog, nananweseog Tohwajmatta ku●ahtooomwoo Wetuomash, kah wuttittannohketeaong●sh & Orcha●dsash & Netasuog & tumhowae N●h●oanakausuongash netatuppe wonk Nenawun. Naumog nu●uhshuwaonganun, woh kutakodchimwoo; kah wogkownook kuhhogkaoog menuhke Ana kausinate. Ahquompi, you nagwutteac menuhke kutussemwoo matta wuttameheonate asuh God asuh wosk●tompaog, Neit neg Wunnetowog woh moacog en Moeuwehk●monganit. Qut asquam ayik Motuwehkomunk, negonne mo● Kuppeantamumwoo weeche matmetseonk & mos Kenatootomumwoo ukkenoosoowaonk onkatoganash Moeuwehkomonganash nanceswe Englishmansog kab Indiansog. Neit woh kuppetutteam wunnetupanatamwe Wunnoowaonk kah Quoshomuaonk, you unne. Metahboowae nummagumun nuhogkanonog en webeyeve wunnamuhkutee God, JEHOVAH, no Wutooshiman, Wunnaumoniin, kah wunnetupanatamwe Nashavanic, kah nuppogkodtantaminnun nashpe aninnumoadtuonk God, wuttinneumuhkavonate micheme: Kah nukquoshavomun moae wowussumonate God kah aninnummeadtinate wame neemalog you ut Mooeuwehkomonganit pumushonate ut Sampwe ummayash Lord Neit pepenamook Nohtompeantog, you mos Wunn●tou, Tap●nuk kah w●kontog kukkuhkootomunkqunaout Wahteawnate Lord, kah woshwunnumunato kah Auwonteanate Vkkuhkootomwehteaongash God, en wame missinninnutu, kah no mos Askuhwheteau kah Mamtunissu & muttae Peantog keme 〈◊〉 weeche onkatogeeg, kah no won Nanawanum nehenwonche Week; kah no Waenomukqussu kah Kesukquie Uppomushaonk. Netatuppe Nohtompeantog kusnunt Konoswetamumwoo, newutche Nanawunnuwaen kah Askuhwheteaenin wutche Kukketeahogkounouh, no pish nampooham en Godut wutche Kukketeahogkounouh. Kah woh kuppepenamumwoo Eldersog, neg pish won Wunnanawunumunneau Vmmoeuwehkomonganit; kah en netatuppeyeve Eldersut magook anew Quttianittuonk, kah en onkatogkeeg wosketompaog Wonk Deaconsog woh ohtoog ut Kummoeuwehkomonganuout, quoshai●amunate nish quenauhikoongash wutche Nohtompeantogecg kah wutche wut-Tableumut Lord. Ut Wuttableeumut Lord, Pastorsog asuh Nohtompeantog neit pish magou en kuhhogkaout, Sohqunum●e Petukqunnunk kah Wine ut Wuttattamwaitch, ne nauwuttamun, Wuhhog kah OOsqheonk Lord Jesus Christ, ne Sephausu Christ wu●ch kenaau. A●quam kummoookomoomwoo Sacrament, Natootomook Kuttahhoowoash kah kuppomantamooonganoooash, kah aiuskoiantamoe sampooagk kumma●cheseonganoo ayewhkone wame Piuk Wutaennooteamoongash, kah pean●amo●k God wutche ahquoantamoad●uonk nashpe wunnuppooonk Jesus Christ. Kah apeog Sacramen●ut, a●quompi kuttatumunumumwoo Petukqunnunk kah Wine, Anomitteahae unnok, Lord! Nuttattumunum koo-Christeum! Lord! Yeu●eu nunneemunum Christ! kah Lord newutche Christ napuk, yeuwaj nuppoomooutch nummatchese●uk k●● 〈◊〉 mantaj Nukketeahogkou M●hehe you, match●sean, neit anew matchi● kummatahes●onk, onk orkatog●eg missinninnuog matcheseong. Wunnetupanatamwe Manit moocheke moomoosqheau neg matchesecheg mahche mooohkomwog Sacrament. Howan ut kenugke kenaau yevyeu matcheseit, nnoh Aushkomook, kah nnoh ayimook sampoounate ummatcheseonk kah aiu●k●ianatamunnate Qut tohneit Howan nagwuteae aushkomut matta aius oianatamoo, neit Pogkenook wutch kenugke kenaau no matcheseanuh. Womonogkeeg Indianog! Nukkodtumog ummayash Lord J●sus Christ, Nummenuhke wanwon pish papquanne Kummahtissimwoo. God pish wutuhque paguanau kenaau nashpe ummusquanittamoe wussittumooongash: Kah ut Chepiohkomukqut pish kummishontoowam, Nutawakompanam, Nutawakompanam! wutche anew moocheke kodtumwaeu onk wunnepagwash kenaum ut Mehtugqut. Qut, toh neit kuppomushaumwoo ut ummayut Lord Jesus Christ, pish kutahtomwoo anew Nashavanittue weenauwetuongash moocheke onk neg ahtongeeg wame muttaohkee teanteagquassinish Kah nuppooog, God pish neemunau Kukketeahogkounouh we●chauonate Angelsog. Lord Jesus Christ pi●● Omol●kinnau kuhhogkaoog wutch Nuppunnate en michemohtae Pomontamoonganit, Wussituumwae K●tukodtut. Pish koonanumitteamwoo weoche Lord Jesus Christ anew mooch●ke kodtumwaeu onk kenaumumwoo anogqsog ponkokqut, asuh quslukquanash ut ohkeit, asuh nip padtipp●shinsh ut Seippuut. Yeuveu Natwontash toh Ancowai kah Lord aninnumnnksush wohwohtamoonk nishnoh ut. WOHKUKQUOSHIN. An EPISTLE To the Christian INDIANS, Giving them A Short Account, of what the ENGLISH Desire them to KNOW and to DO, in order to their Happiness. Written by an English Minister, at the Desire of an English Magistrate, who sends unto them this Token of Love. BOSTON, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. 1700. An EPISTLE To the INDIANS Who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their Lord and ours. Grace be unto you, and Peace, from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ. I Beseech you Brethren, by the mercies of God, that you consider seriously the true things, Which my Epistle shall tell you. In the Fear, and the Love of God, consider them. Let these say sink down into your Hearts. I come to you, with this M●ssage; Only serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all your Heart, for, consider how great things he hath done for you Truly, you may say, The Lord hath done great things for us It was the promise of God, I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people, and they shall say, Thou art my God. In you Christian Indians, we Christian English, do with wonder and gladness behold that promise accomplished. And will not you wonder at it? While you were in your Ignorance, you were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, & naked; But God in his providence hath stirrid up the charity of the English, to bring you the knowledge of Him, who is the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent, whom to know is Life eternal. Before you heard the Glorious Gospel of God, you were at that time without Christ, having no Hope, and without God in the world. Then y● were, in the snare of the Devil, taken Captive by him, to do his Will. Then ye were, foolish disobedient, deceived, serving divers Lusts and pleasures, living in malice, and envy, hateful and hating one another. You lived in Darkness, and madness, while you lived: yea, you were Dead while you lived; And when you Died, your Spirits went into utter Darkness and the place of Torment. It was great compassion in the English, not only to offer you many comforts of this Life, but also to show you the way that leads to everlasting Life. The English did not expect any Benefits from you; they have given you a good price, for all that you Communicate unto them; No, but they have Preached unto you the Gospel of Christ, even when you, being asleep, did not ask for it; and in doing so, they have made the Gospel of Christ without charge to you, though they put themselves to the charge of many thousands of pounds, that you might enjoy that Favour of God. You have cause to be thanklul unto the Charitable English; who saw you stripped, and wounded, and Half Dead; but when they saw you they had compassion on you, and took care of you. The English have been your great Friends; you must be for them, as for your Fathers, and your Brothers; If you be their enemies, or help their enemies, you will Requite Evil for Good, and you will be, as if an Indian should bring to the fire side a Snake frozen and starved, and the Snake after he is comforted should sting the kind Indian, and kiil him. But infinitely g●ea●er was the compassion of the great God in moving the English, thus to show you the kindness of the Lord. When the great God sends his Gospel to you, you may say, After whom does the King of Heaven seek? After a dead Dog, after a Flea. Since you have the Gospel, The people which Sat in Darkness, See a Great Light, and unto them which sat in the Region and shadow of Death, Light is sprung up. Let this goodness of God, cause you to cry out, How Good is God? and let it lead you to Repentance. How good is God, who hath given you the Scripture, whereby you may be made wise unto Salvation! God's Book, the Book of life, the Bible, is translated into your language. Among all the thousands of Na●ions of Indians, on this mighty half of the Wo●ld, there is not one besides you, so Lifted up to Heaven And you have Catechisms, and other Treatises, in your own language, to help you in understanding of the Bible. You are Instructed, That there is but one God of whom are all things, even JEHOVAH, He is the True God, he is the living God. That great is our Lord, and of great Power, His understanding is Infinite, And, The Lord is Gracious, and full of compassion, slow to Anger, and of great Mercy: And, The Lord is Righteous in all His ways, and Holy in His works That in the one God, there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and, These three are One That God hath predestinated His People unto the Adoption of children by Jesus Christ, and works all things after the counsel of His own Will. That in the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth, and God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. That God upholds all things, by the word of his Power. That there are Angels, who are Ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them, who shall be Heirs of salvation; And there are other Angel●, who k●p● not their first Estate, but left their own Habitation and be Reserved in everlasting Chains under Darkness, unto the Judgement of the great Day. That God created man in Hi● own Image. That by one man even by Adam, and his wife Eve, ea●ing the F●uit of a Tree forbidden by God unto th●m Sin entered into the world, and Death by Sin: and so Death is come upon all men, for that all have sinned. That God so loved the world, as to give His only Begotten Son, that whosever Believeth on Him show d not perish but have everlasting Life. Tha Christ, who is of the Israelites as concerning the flesh, is, God over all Blessed forever. That Jesus Christ took upon Him the form of a Servant, and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled himself, and became obedient unto Death, even the Death of the Cross. Wherefore God hath highly ex●lted Him, and given Him a Name above every Name. That God hath appointed a Day in which He will Judge the world in Righteousness by that Man the Lord Jesus Christ whom he hath Ordained, whereof He hath given Assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the Dead. That the Hour is coming, in which all that are in their graves, shall Hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and shall come forth, they that have done Good, unto the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done Evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation. That we are saved by Grace, through Faith and this not of ourselves, but it is the Gift of God. That through Jesus Christ is Preached unto us the forgiveness of Sins, and by Him all that Believe are made Righteous. That it is a Faithful saying, That they who Believe in God, should be careful to maintain good Works, for these things are good and profitable unto men That He who hath begun a good Work in us, will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ. Poor Indians; The Lord of Heaven and Earth, has hid these Glorious things, from other nations of the Earth, (who are destroyed for the lack of knowledge) and has Revealed them unto you. It is your main Duty now, to Receive this Truth in the Love of it. If you do Receive it, Let it appear, by your consenting to that Covenant of Grace, which God hath made with His People, through Jesus Christ. Say, O Glorious Jehovah, One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Thy Free Grace, does now help me to give myself unto thee, That I may be happy in thee alone, as my God, and my Portion forever: and to give myself unto the Son of God that I may obtain Righteousness and Salvation, and be brought Home unto the Father th●ouh Him; and to give myself unto the Spirit of God, that I may know the Son, and Love Him, and serve Him, and have an Heart to keep the Laws of my Redeemer. Poor Indian, Let thy Heart, and thy Hand, be put unto this Covenant Wh●n thou Readest and Hearest the Words of this Covenant, Let thy Tongue say, Lord, I am Willing, Lord, I am Willing. This Covenant of God, was offered unto many Nations of your Neighbour's, but they Refused it. And because they Refused it, they are destroyed by the Dreadful Judgements of God, just as one would Burn up the Trees in the Wilderness. The Lord Jesus Christ, hath appointed Baptism, to be the Seal of this Covenant. When you hearty lay Hold on the Covenant, you must then be Baptised, by a Minister of Jesus Christ. When a Minister pours Water on you, In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, God says, I give you myself, and my Grace, and Pardon and Heaven; and you must say, Lord, I am thine, Save me: Lord, I am willing to be thy servant. And now, it must be your endeavour to keep the Laws of your Lord Redeemer. Because the Lord hath sent you good Tidings of great Joy, that unto you, there is born a Saviour, you must be thankful to Him, and show your Thankfulness by your Obedience. Will you be Rebellious against the King of Heaven, who hath Blessed us with Spiritual Blessings, in Heavenly Places, through Jesus Christ our Lord? Oh, Foolish people and unwise, If you so Requi●e the Lord. God hath given you Ten Commandments, which are all Holy, and Just, & good. Those Ten Commandments require, thee, my Indian Friend, To Love the Lord thy God, with all thy Heart, and all thy Soul, and all thy Mind, and, To Love thy Neighbour as thyself. Look upon these Ten Commandments, as often as upon thy Ten Fingers. The first Commandment is, Thou shalt have no other Gods before my face. That is, Glorify the only True God, Jehovah, only in the Lord Jesus Christ, Let thy Love, thy Trust, thy Joy be placed on Him, and pray to Him, and Hear His word, and sing His Praise: And worship Him, with Soul and Body: And none else besides Him. The second is, Thou shalt not make to thyself any Image. That is, Observe such Ordinances in the Worship of God, as God Himself hath ordained; And None but such. The third is, Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. That is, In all the Worship of God, and especially in Swearing, be very Serious. And, Neither Irreverently nor unprofitably make us of any thing whereby God makes Himself known unto us; as, His Names, His Words, and His Works. The fourth is, Remember the Sabbah day to keep it Holy. That is, When the Lords day comes, wholly set it a part for the Service of the Lord. And keep Solemn Days of Supplication, and solemn Days of Thanks giving, when there is occasion for them. The fifth is, Honour thy Father and thy Mother. That is, Let every man be respected in his Place; Let Husbands and Wives, Let Parents and Children, Let Masters and Servants, Let Rulers & Subjects, Let Pastors and People, Show suitable Respects to one another. The sixth is, Thou shalt not kill, That is, Use all due means, to preserve our own Life, and Health, and Peace, and the Life of others. The seventh is, Thou shalt not Commit Adultery. That is, Eat all unchaste Filthiness, of Heart, and of Speech, and of Action: Be Modest in every Thing. The eighth is, Thou shalt not Steal. That is, Be Honest in increasing, and preserving our Estates, and unjustly take away nothing of another man's, but give Alms to them that are in want. The ninth is, Thou shalt not bear False witness against thy Neighbour. That is, Evermore speak the Truth ourselves, and Labour that the Truth may be spoken by others; and particularly, be Tender as of our own Credit, so of other men's. The tenth is, Thou shalt not Covet. That is, Let our Heart be content with what condition God shall order for us, and Let not our Heart burn with any Envy against the prosperity of others. Hear, O Instructed Indians. If you Believe in the Obedience which the Lord Jesus Christ yielded unto God, that you may be Righteous by the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ, then, as a sign of it, God gives you an Heart to imitate His exemple as far as you can, and be Followers of God, as Obedient Children. Indeed it is but little Obedience that you can yield unto the Holy God: And you must with daily Repentance, Loath and Judge yourselves before the Lord for its being so little. But if you don't Obey the will of God in Jesus Christ, with Respect unto all His Commandments, you are unbelievers, and the wrath of God abideth on you. And if you be not Saints, and persons who Desire and study to be Holy in all manner of conversation, you will not be meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Come then, Say, my dear Indians, O say, Lord, I count thy Precepts concerning all things to be Right, and I hate every false way. For indeed I must tell you, Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. Is it so, my Indians? How comes it then to pass that many of you fall into the sin of Drunkenness, as easily, as a man going in the Dark, falls into a Pit? The sin of Drunkenness, is against the Third Commandment; for it abuses the Good creatures of God. And it is against all the Ten Commandments; For a Drunken man, Tempted by the Devil, will soon break all the Ten Commandments. How miserable do you make yourselves, even like a Swine wallowing in the mire, when you make your s●lves Drunk? Unhappy Indians! will you sell Christ, for a little Drink? Will you truck away your souls, for a little Rum, or Cider? Don't forget the Terrible Word of God, which sounds like the Thunder, Drunkards shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. And, Why have so many of you, so Little Order in your Families? Teach your Children, Rule your Children, do what you can, that your Children may pray to God. Else the Fifth Commandment will condemn you. The eighth Commandment will condemn you, if you Live in Idleness. They that work not at all, do walk Disorderly. What ails you that you can't have your Houses, and Orchards, and , and gainful Trades, as well as We? Let our enample shame you, & spur you, into Diligence? When you exercise yourselves to keep a Conscience void of offence, towards God, and towards men, Then 'tis time for your Godly Men, to Gather a Church. But when you Gather a Church, you must Pray with Fasting over the undertaking, and ask the Advice of other Churches, both English and Indian. You must then Enter into solemn Covenant, and promise after this manner. We heartily give up ourselves to the Only true God, JEHOVAH, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Resolving by His Help, to Serve Him forever. And we give ourselves to one another, promising, that by the Help of God, we will Worship Him together, and Help one another in the Right ways of the Lord. After this you must Choose a Pastor, who must be a Good Man, Able and Ready to feed you with the Knowledge of the Lord, and Open and Apply the Oracles of God, unto the whole Flock, and a Watchful, and Sober man, and a man much in Prayer, bo●h by himself, and with you, and one that Ruleth well his own House, and a man of Good Report, and one of an Heavenly conversation. When you have such a Pastor, you must Obey him, as having the Rule over you, and watching for your Souls, being to give an Account of them. And you may Join to him, Elders that shall Rule well; and unto such Elders you must give more Honour than unto other men. Deacons also should be in your. Churches, to Provide Necessary things both for the Pastor, and for the Table of the Lord. At the Table of the Lord, your Pastors will then administer unto you, Bread Broken, and, Wine in a Cup, to signify the Body, and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which were once offered unto God for you. B●fore the Administration of that Sacrament, you must spend some time, in searching your Hearts, and Lives, and in mourning over all your sins against the Ten Commandments, and in crying to God, for the pardon of them, through the Death of Jesus Christ. And, at the Sacrament, when you Receive the Bread and the Wine, you must with all seriousness, inwardly say, Lord! I Receive thy Christ! Lord, I Receive thy Christ! And, Lord, Because thy Christ did Die, therefore let my sin Die, and let my Soul Live. If after this, you fall into Sin, your sin will be worse than other men's The Holy God will be very Angry at them, that sin after the Sacrament. If any of you do now sin, you must Reprove one another, and bring the sinful to Confession and Repentance. But, if they are Incorrigible, you must put away that wicked Person from among you My dear Indians, If you do forsake the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ, I earnestly testify unto you, That you shall utterly perish God will kill you, with one Thunderstroke of His wrath after another. And in Hell, you shall cry out, I am Tormented! I am Tormented! for more years, than you now see Leaves upon the Trees. But, if you do follow the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be Rich above those people that have Money, and all Riches. At your Death, God will take your Souls to be among the Angels. The Lord Jesus Christ shall Raise you from the Dead unto everlasting Life, at the Day of Judgement. You shall be Blessed with the Lord Jesus Christ, infinitely more years, than you see stars in the Sky, or stones on the Earth, or Drops of water in the Rivers. Now, Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding. FINIS.