THE TESTIMONY Of that Dear and Faithful Man, JOHN MATERN, Who had Lived Six Years and Faithfully served the Lord in his Vocation in the Family of C. T. now Dwelling at Edmonton in Middlesex. ALSO, Other Blessed Testimonies concerning Him, and the TRUTH itself; With something concerning his Blessed Condition in the time of his Sickness, and when He was near his Departure. WITH Several Testimonies of Sensible Children who had been under His Tuition. Published that God may have his Glory in Preserving his Faithful ones Faithful to the end. A. P. LONDON, Printed, and are to be S●●d by Ben. Clark in George-Yard in . 1680. TO THE READER. DEar Friends, to whose Hands these following Testimonies may come, here you may see the wonderful deal of the Lord God, whose faithfulness fails neither Young nor Old, who Travail in their measures for the prosperity of his blessed Truth, both in their own particulars, and that the Increase thereof may be great in the Earth. These Testimonies both of that faithful Servant of the Lord J. M. as also of others who are considerable members of this Family, together with the sensible children's Testimonies concerning the aforesaid Man, We thought good to Publish, that the Goodness, Mercy, and Loving, Kindness of our tender and Compassionate Father, may be Proclaimed in the Ears of many, that through the Travelling Birth in others, who at any time may have the occasion to peruse them, there may Praises ascend even on this account to the God of Heaven; this I believe will be the Effect, that they will have in the Hearts of all Zions' Favourites. And not only so, but the Love of God constrains us to send them abroad, as so many Messages and Invitations to others, who may have been under the profession of Truth for some time, and yet Strangers to the Life and efficacy thereof, as to leaven their Hearts and Souls, with its Savoury and Soul refreshing virtue, that they may be awakened and alarmed to bestir themselves, to make their Calling and Election sure, while it is called to Day; as the Deceased Person had done. There are Subjoined some Testimonies, of the more serious and sensible Children; concerning their Deceased Guardian, which I know will be Serviceable where they come, especially amongst young ones, and may also be of some use to some Teachers and Instructers of Children. The unprejudiced and Impartial Reader may feel and savour the Power of Truth, even in these children's Testimonies, who are but young in Years, neither can it be in any probable manner supposed, that they could frame such things by their own acquired Abilities, but must with me confess that it is the Lords work; and who can stop it, or who can shut when the Lord opens; and how can we sit silent, and not invite others to come and share with us of that Heavenly Food the Father is pleased to hand forth unto us, and that in a plentiful manner, for which I render and return, the Praise the Honour, and the Renown of all, unto Him who is Worthy, God Blessed for ever. Amen. A. PATERSON. THE TESTIMONY OF john Matern, etc. I Cannot but Praise and Magnify the Lord our God, who in the abundance of his Love and tender Mercies, hath oftentimes, (even to this very day) Graciously & Powerfully visited my Soul with the Dayspring from on high, and hath livingly Refreshed my Soul, with many others in our Family, who in Sincerity of Heart and Mind, in his Fear and Dread, have quietly and patiently waited for his Loving, Glorious, and Powerful appearance; more than they that watch for the Morning; O how hath he often broken in upon our Hearts, with his Holy, Heavenly, Almighty Power, and hath tendered our Spirits before him, that in the sense of his overcoming, and quickening Power, I have been constrained to Speak forth his Praises, even admiring his goodness and mercies unto my Soul, who when I was a Stranger to his Heavenly Truth, going astray like a lost Sheep without a Shepherd, not knowing the way to his Blessed Fold, and to the Pastures of Life, where he makes his flock to rest at noon, watering and refreshing them with the Water of Life, he was pleased in his everlasting mercy, and endless goodness to follow me, as the good Shepherd seeking that which was lost, and not giving over, till he found me wandiring from Mountain to Hill, and from Hill to Mountain, dry, barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; I say, the Lord in his everlasting Love, and tender Bowels of compassion followed me, and found me, revealing himself unto me in my lost and undone State and Condition, not knowing whither to go, or where to rest, till he opened and enlightened the Eyes of my mind, in and through his Heavenly Light, which he commanded to shine out of darkness, by which I came to see and to know myself, and him who I had often pierced with my Sins and Iniquities, unto which the enemy of my Soul did lead me Captive at his will, till the good Shepherd and Bishop of my Soul did unstop my Ear, that I could hear his voice and knockings at the door of my Heart: Yea, in and through his Heavenly Almighty Power begot in me a willingness to forsake the Evil of my ways; and to deny my former Teachers and Leaders that caused me to Err from his Holy Heavenly word of Truth, which was, and i● nigh in the Heart, and in the Mouth, and directed me to outward things; seeking the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, which was to be revealed within, not in outward observances and Ceremonies, one crying, lo here, the other lo there▪ leading away from the Principle of Life and Truth in the inward parts, by which my Soul should have been quickened and made alive unto God▪ Thence it came to pass, that even in the strictest observation of such things as I was directed unto, having a ●e●l for God, but not according to the knowledge of God, that I myself also directed others to the sa●●, when according to the wisdom of Man, and acquired natural Learning in Colladges, where I was bred up, I had got Learning, intending to be a Priest, a guide for the Blind, a Light to them which are in Darkness, an Instructor of the Foolish, a Teacher of Babes, as having got the form of the literal knowledge, but destitute of the Power, Life, and Spirit, without which I myself was Blind and Foolish, Dead in Sins and Trespasses, till it pleased the Lord to reveal his Son in me, in his holy, pure and Heavenly Light, by which I came to see out of Obscurity and Darkness, which was in my Heart; and the vail of Iniquity which was over my Mind came to be rend by his Almighty Power, that so I came to behold him whom my Soul loved, not afar off, but nigh in me, in and through his Holy. Heavenly, Quickening Spirit, by which my Soul was quickened and turned from Darkness to Light, and from Satan's Power to his pure and Holy Power, Grace and Truth in my inward parts, in and through which he taught and enabled me to deny Ungodlyness and worldly Lusts, and to live Soberly, Righteously and Godly in this present World; Glory and Honour be to his Name for evermore. Now as the Lord God in his Love and Mercy, hath reached unto my Soul and redeemed me out of the Hands of my Enemies through the power of his strength: he also made me willing to deny myself every way and respect, as to out ward Honour and Preferment, which I could have enjoyed, if I would have conformed myself to their way, and Worship, and vain customs and manners, in life and conversation: but the fears and dread of the Lord being upon my Heart, I could no longer conform myself unto them, but I freely gave over my School-office and employment in Teaching Children, trusting in the Lord, he would not leave me and forsake me, if I did faithfully follow him in the Regeneration, which Work I felt begun upon my Soul in and through his Holy Heavenly Spirit of Grace, and Truth manifested within me, because of which I counted all my former knowledge and Honour as Dung and Dross, for the excellency of the Truth and knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whose power I felt Operating in me, to destroy the Works of the Devil, to serve him in Holiness and Righteousness, according to the measure of Grace which he had given me, and enabled me withal. And seeing myself with some others, were like a Pelicane in the Wilderness, and as a Sparrow alone upon the House top, sojourning in Mesech and dwelling in the Tents of Kedar, amongst a Crooked and Perverse Generation, covered with Grose Darkness, hating the peaceable way of the Lord, which according to that ability and knowledge I had then in the Lord, I made known to them, the Lord raised a desire in my Father-in-law, who was a Priest to go out from amongst them, and to go to the People of the Lord which he had Raised, Gathered, and Chosen for himself in England, to enjoy his Holy Living, Powerful presence in their Meetings, and to partake of the quickening and refreshing virtue of the Life and Love of the Lord in his Light, where the Saints Communion stands. And as soon as he made it known to us, his Wife and Children, we found the same willingness, and freedom also in us to go out from our Father's House, and Kindred, not consulting with Flesh and Blood what would become of us: But being freely resigned and given up into the will of the Lord to dispose of us as he pleased, we chose rather to suffer afflictions with the People of God, and to undergo all Trials and Exercises which the Lord might suffer to come upon Them and Us, then to enjoy the pleasures of Sin, and Vanities of this World for a Season. And after we had made known our Desire and Intent to some of our Dearest Friends, which several times did Write to us on the behalf of Truth, and we understood that they were willing to receive us in the Love of the Lord, we left all for the love of Truth, and went away to save ourselves from that Perverse Generation; in all our Journey the Lord was with us, and brought us safe and well, with Joy and Gladness of our Souls, to his Beloved People here in England, where I now have been these six years employed according to the Lord's, good will and providence amongst tender Children, to instruct them in Languages, and other necessary Sciences appertaining to this outward Life. What troubles and exercises within and without I have met withal, I willingly pass by, as being light and momentary, in comparison of that inward comfort & blessing of my Soul which I have received of the Lord. For he in his endless Love and Mercy hath in a very great measure satisfied the Travail of my Soul, and answered the earnest desires and breathing of my Spirit for the Children of our Family, that he in his goodness would be pleased to appear unto their Souls, and to manifest himself in his Holy Everlasting Power, by which they might feel their Hearts melted, tendered, and broken before him, the Almighty God their Creator, to Fear and Dread him in their Youth, that at length that rough and perverse, disobedient and stubborn Spirit, which reigned in some of them, to the grief and sorrow of our Hearts, might be wrought out, and a meek, low, and humble Spirit might be created in them, through the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we also in the Lord's time have seen brought to pass, in and through the Almighty, Heavenly, Blessed appearance, and powerful opeperation of his Heavenly Spirit in our Family-meetings, whereof we have formerly born our Testimony, and do bear the same at this present time, that the Power of the Lord is still self and experienced in and amongst us, in our Meetings; O the Glory of that first great and notable day of the Blessed, Glorious, and powerful appearance of the Lord God, in and amongst the little ones of our Family! The Remembrance whereof makes glad my heart, and rejoices my Spirit, blessed be the Name of the Lord forevermore; we cannot be still, but are constrained in his Love, which he hath shed abroad in our Hearts, by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us, but speak well of his Name, because of the Saviour of his Life, which we still seel in the midst of us. For the Lord hath not been with us as a Stranger, that stays but for a night, but we can say it of a truth, that he hath hitherto made his abode with us, the blessed effect upon the Hearts and Spirits of many Witnesses confirmed it. For instead of the thorn comes up the Fir-tree, and instead of the Pryer, comes up the Mir-tree, in as many as have Subjected their Souls unto the power of God, bearing Fruits of Sobriety, Righteousness, Meekness and Godliness, in and through the Blessed Operation of his Holy Spirit, which he hath blessedly poured forth, and is pouring forth upon them, to the Glory and Honour of his name, and for an Everlasting Sign that shall not be cut off. Now the Lord hath been and is gracious unto our Souls, and in his Grace and Love he daily renews his goodness unto us, manifesting himself in his Love, Life and Power, when we meet together in his Holy, Heavenly Fear. O how doth he shed abroad his Love in our Hearts! O how doth he receive our Spirits, that many times we are even Ravished with his Love, and so filled with his Power, that our Cups are made to overflow with Praises and Thanksgivings unto the Lord. The desire of my Soul is, that I and every one of us, that have tasted of the good Word, and Power of the World to come, by which we witness, our Hearts, and Minds in some measure changed, into the Holy and Righteous Image of the Son of God, who is the Light and Life of our Souls, may never forget it, nor give him any occasion to Withdraw his Love and Mercy from us, but that his Holy and blessed Work of Regeneration, and Renovation of our mind, as it is begun by his Holy and Glolious Power; it also may be carried on by the same, that daily we may Witness an increase with the increase of the Lord, and a thorough change in our inward Man, from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord, that thus his Praises may be perfected out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings, unto which he hath made known himself in his Heavenly Light and Life, Mercy and Power, Grace and Truth; by which many of them are come to know the things of God, and of his Spiritual Kingdom revealed within them, in his Holy power, Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, which things are hid from the Wise and Prudent of this World, because they hate and despise the Light of Jesus Christ, in and through which alone they should receive the true and Saving Knowledge of God, and his Son Jesus Christ whom to know is Life Eternal; wherein also the operating virtue of the Living Blood of the Son of God, is only effectually felt, and Witnessed, cleansing away all Sin and Iniquity unto the saving of the Soul from the Wrath to come; that so an entrance may be administered unto it abundantly, into the Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, wherein the Righteous live with God, in unspeakable Joy and full of Glory. O that many of the young and tender ones here with us, may be kept in the Life and Virtue, Wisdom and Power of the Lord God, to the confusion of many in their Earthly Wisdom, and the conversion of them, from their Evil ways, O thou Shepherd of Israel lead them on Gently and Tenderly, and go before them out and in, as a Shepherd goes before his Flock, and lead them to the Green Pastures of Life, that Feeding there they may have Light and Life in them, and that, they may have it more abundantly, and by it become an Eternal Excellency to thee, and a Joy of many Generations. O Lord I humbly beseech thee, Bless our Godly undertake, and endue us with thy Heavenly Wisdom, that we may bring them up in the nurture and admonition of thee! O Bless this Family here, and all the Families of thine inheritance every where, with Heavenly and Spiritual Blessings in thy Son Christ jesus! O Lord keep, keep and preserve me, & every one of us, that have tasted of the sweet Love and Heavenly Power, by which our Souls have been reached, convinced and converted, faithful unto thyself, keep us always in a Living Sense of thy manifold mercies and tender Love to us, that we may live in thy holy Fear, and never return to folly any more, but walk low and humble with thee our God, and tender Father in Christ jesus. O Lord establish our Hearts with thytruth, that we may never departed from thee; Season our Souls with thy Holy Powerful Word of Grace, that all our Words and Works may be Savoury, and good for the use of Edifying; strengthen our inward man with might by thy Spirit, that under thy banner of Love we may fight the good fight of faith, and keep a good Conscience, and finish our course with joy, and receive the Crown of Righteousness, which is laid up for all them that love thy appearance in thy Heavenly Light. So, O Lord, for all thy goodness and mercies and benefits, both Temporal and Spiritual bestowed upon me and our Family, my Soul praises and glorifies, exaltes and magnifies thy holy Name, Glory and Honour, Wisdom and Power, be unto thee, who art God over all, blessed for ever and for evermore, Amen. Edmonton the 24th. of the 6 Month 1680. J. Matoi●. He died about 7 Days after that he brought in his Testimony, and caused it to be read amongst the Scholars. My most Loving and Endeared Friend and Colleague John Matern, being taken ill of a Fever the 24th. of the 6 Month 80. was called out of this Life the 1st. day of the 7 Month, a little after the 7 hour, in the Afternoon. THis is my Testimony and belief concerning him, that he is entered into everlasting favour with the Lord, who in his life-time much regarded the Honour of his Maker, and it was the delight of his Soul to be employed either amongst young or old in his Father's business; it was his heart's delight and Souls great joy, to have the opportunity to benefit others. He was a Man very much Dead to the World, the sense whereof I felt Livingly upon my Spirit at present, and I hope the comfortable fellowship and Heart-gladding society, that I have had with him for these three years and more, and that wherein we have mutually enjoyed in one another, shall never be forgotten by me, but shall be matter of Praise and Thanksgiving to the God of true unity, who was pleased to bless us together, and work up our Spirits into an oneness, so that I may truly say, my Dear Friend (to my knowledge) was never exercised one way or another, with sorrow or grief, but my Soul was engaged to sympathise with him, and to feel the weight of his Burdens, and then we both breathed together to the God of Grace, whose Mercies are infinite till he in his tender Bowels of compassion was pleased to afford ease and Relief. And as in his Life-time we were Indisolveably knit together in our Spirits, so that at his Death our Loves were not abated, but much more Large than ever. About Four hours before he departed, we kept our Family Meeting in the room where he Lay, i● being his desire, and there Lovingly together, we enjoyed one another in the Lord, to the melting and tendering of (I believe) the hearts of all that were present; And in the time of the Meeting, he was filled with Divine praises and Heavenly Hymns and a Heavenly presence was felt supporting his Spirit all the time of his Sickness, but more especially during the time of the Meeting, so that he was first exercised in Singing Praises to the Lord, and in magnifying his great Power, evidenced in himself, and in this Family; his cries were strong tha● the Lord might carry on his Blessed work begun in this Family, and he besought the Lord to prosper his truth daily more and more, every where till all were Subjected thereunto, which he declared should come to pass, he likewise confessed the many Singular favours he had Partaken of in this Eamily and as it were with regret bemoaned his absence from it so long, that he should have so long wandered not knowing his place and service in the Body When the Children were all sitting round about him in the Meeting, his Heart was open, and large towards them, in exhorting and beseeching of them, to persevere and go on in the name and authority of the mighty God, and that they might be faithful unto him in their measures, and not to despise the day of small things; but as they were faithful in a little, more should be added; his Mouth and Heart was full of Praises to the Highest for many particular mercies, but more especially that he had received the knowledge of the everlasting Truth; and had walked in it for some time perfectly and uprightly, in his measure, for which at that time he declared he had the Testimony of a good Conscience, and was entered into Eternal Peace with the Lord, which I do firmly believe, and without doubting, am persuaded that it is true; and it is the desire of my Heart, that I may so walk in my Generation, that in the end I may enjoy but such a comfortable Death as he did. It was as hard a Trial as ever I met with, I may say, which I desire may be sanctified of the Lord; but now am well satisfied that he is gone into everlasting bliss, to be with the Lord for ever. And it is the belief of my Heart, that when ever it shall please the Lord to call me out of the body, that as we were lovely together in this Life, that forever we shall be joined, (as I am preserved faithful,) and that in a more nearness than could be enjoyed here, we shall sing Praises to God and the Lamb for ever. So in this belief, I rest myself contented with my condition at present. Edmonton the 2 of the 7 Month, 1680. A. Paterson. DEar John Matern Died not as a Fool Dieth, that feared not the Living God, but his Heart was bend to seek after a City, whose Builder and Maker is God; He made his Calling and Election sure, and a good Savour he has left behind him, and his Works follow him; he was a diligent Man in his Vocation, and very zealous for God's Glory, his aim was at Eternity, and through the mercy of the Lord he miss not of it; so that when he lay on his Deathbed, the Glory of the Lord over-shadowed him, and his Innocent cries were unto him, that all might be kept faithful that professed his name; and more particularly, that both small and great in our Family might be preserved to the Lord, and his Heavenly Sounds of Praises to God, with a raised up voice by the Assistance of the Power and Glory of God upon his Spirit. I believe I shall never forget, me thinks mine Ears are full of them still; hearing the sound of that sweet Harmonious melody, with a raised up voice, when otherwise, if God's power had not enabled him, confessed he was scarce able to move his Tongue, he have Heavenly Exhorations to the young ones, to persevere and go on in obedience to the Lord, in that truth they had received; and encouraged his honest and faithful companion, and assistant to go on in the work of the Lord. I dearly loved him because of his simplicity and lowliness of Mind, his faithfulness and diligence in his place, and because his Heavenly care was entirely to do good; when I remember his dear simplicity, how like an Innocent Child he was in his place, my Soul breaks within me, and I am melted even into great tenderness and love unto him, more than can be uttered; Tongue cannot utter, nor Pen set down the excellency and eminency of this love, which is so overcoming, he was a very wise and learned man, as to outward Learning; but how he denied himself, and how humbly he behaved himself, and how free he was from priding himself, because of his Great parts and natural endowments as a man, I can say according to my Judgement he went before many; well he is gone, and in the name of the Lord he blessed the Family he had lived in, and praised God that he had placed him in it, such blessed things, he acknowledged he had been partaker of in it, and after he had done his work, he went to his Father, even as an Innocent Lamb unconcerned about his Death, as fearing it not, but on the contrary praising God, for the certain trust he had in his Power, telling us how certain he was of Eternal Salvation; the Glory of the Lords power rested upon his Spirit, and sweetly did he give up the Ghost. O blessed, art thou my dear companion, my Soul loved thee, and embraced thee, and I love thee still, and thy life is with us, I pray God as that sincerity that was in three, may remain in Thousands, and Ten Thousands, that God's Host in this day may be innumerable, Amen. God is with us, and we know though we may be taken out of this Life according to his pleasure, yet his Truth and Faithfulness, departs not from the Families of his faithful ones, who can truly say, they seek his sweet Face and countenance, and Glory in all things; and we can say that the secret hand of the Lord, works not against us, but for us, Oh! my Soul be glad in the God of thy Mercies, everlasting praises be to thy name for evermore. Edmonton the 8th. of the 7th. Month, 1680. C. T. DEar Friends and Children, but especially you Children of this Family, it is upon me to relate something unto you of my exercise, which I have gone through since the Lord did put it into our Hearts, to take upon us the exercise of Educating of Children; and indeed the very first step into it was with fear and trembling, but though I was very tender, the Lord hath called me to a blessed Work, and had blessedly assisted us by his mighty power and outstretched Arm to this very day. O the days of Sighing and Mourning that I have gone through amongst disorderly Servants and Children, that sometimes I did not well know how it was with me, or whether I went backwards or forwards in my condition, O the travel the Travel that was in my way to Zion, that indeed some times I was almost ready to despair; but it did please the Lord sometimes, to arise in his mighty power to strengthen, and encourage, and uphold me in his blessed work, and when his Glorious Light shone round encouraged to walk in his way, and then I thought I should run swiftly; when Exercises came again, and when the Fogs and Mists did arise again, and the Sun was Darkened again that I could not see which way to go; then did I cry unto the Lord, that he would be pleased to keep me in the measure of his blessed Truth, for I said in my Heart, that it should be my reasolution, that I would never turn back again to folly; Thus I passed on through much Difficulty, and the Lord did mightily uphold me, but sometimes I knew it not; and indeed when I have beheld others Eating of the Dainties of God's House, I have been ready to murmur, and say, O Lord why do I far so hardly, my meat being bitter Herbs, and of an unsavoury taste; Thus I Traveled in Sorrow, through a long Winter, and in the Lords blessed time, he was pleased to arise with healing under his Wings, and did scatter the Clouds, by his mighty Power, and outstretched Arm, and what we have been Travaling and Labouring for amongst Children; we have seen a blessed increase, and I can truly say it is God's Heavenly Interest; Praised be to his name for evermore. For he hath made his work pleasurable, easy, and delightful unto us, for his arm is about us day and night, and his Sun is arisen upon us, and our days are very sweet unto us, and we can look back upon our exercises and dark places, where we have stuck and behold them with delight, for the Lord hath been, and is abundantly kind unto us, praises be to his name for ever more. O a blessed time, and happy it is for all them that fear the Lord, for thou O Lord hast made our days, sweet, and thy blessed work easy unto us, for we can sing of thy mercies all the day long, and behold the work of thy own right hand to prosper, and the fruits of our Labours to flourish as a Rose, and we can glory in thee for evermore; and when the work of our day is pleasently spent, in the fear of the Lord at evening tide, when Shiloh's Brook runs softly, as it is in our wont practice, we do assemble together before the Lord, with our Family and Children, to magnify his power, and Speak well of his name, and to crave a blessing upon us, and his tender Plants, and then he ariseth in his mighty power, and his bedewings descend, and his fatness drops from Heaven, and over-comes our hearts, and enliveneth our Souls and Bodies, that every member may magnify his Holy Name; O blessed day indeed, can we desire more than we have, or ask more than we receive, Oh! no, no, the Lord hath been abundantly kind, and hath filled our hearts with his Heavenly Treasure; for now we can gather Grapes off our own Vines, and they are Pleasant to our taste; O what shall we render unto thee O Lord, for thou art worthy of all Honour and Praise, and with all that we have and are; We give the Glory unto thee for ever and evermore. Now I have a Testimony lives in my Heart, for dear John Matern whom the Lord hath taken away, a dear Man indeed, one that truly feared the Lord, and was a faithful Steward; and when he came to lie upon his Death Bed, he had Reaped an hundred fold, and he brought in his increase with much rejoicing into the store-house of the Lord, yea with great joy and rejoicing, for the Lord embraced him, and kissed him with his lips, this was the last day of his appointed time, and I myself was pretty much with him, he was a weak man as he confessed, and scarce able to stir his Tongue, but the Glory of the Lord shone round about him, and did raise up his pure life, that he lay praising the Lord, and the harmony of Heaven was in his Mouth, that his weakness was pressed down, and the sting of Death not regarded; we had a sweet meeting with him, as other Testimonies will further relate, with many of the Children, and a part of the Family, so when he found himself almost spent with the blessed Exercise that was upon him, he held up his hands, and we caused them to departed the Room, so than he lay still and Slumbered a little time; and when he stirred I went to him, he desired me not to speak, except to praise and magnify the Lord; but I asked him if he knew me, and he smiled upon me, & said yea; and I said thou liest sweetly; he again answered yea, as I remember these were the last words he Spoke, so he lay a little time, and went sweetly away. Frances Taylor. My Testimony Concerning my lately deceased Master John Matern. HE was a man that truly feared the Lord, and was an instrument in his hand in his day, for the help of others. He laboured daily for us his Scholars, both for our Souls and Bodies; he taught us with diligence, that we might not frustrate the intent of our coming to the School, as to our learning, and prayed continually to the Lord, that we might be Edified as to our inward condition. O what a blessed end he made! O he was full of Praises and Songs of joy to the Lord. And I am satisfied that his reward was the greater, for his labour and prayers for us; he is with the Lord, and blessed of him for ever. The 10th. of the 7th. Month, 1680. William Penington. 15 years old. My Testimony concerning my dear Master John Matern, is as followeth. HE was a just and an upright man in his generaration, fearing God and hating evil, he cherished the good, and purished the evil in whomsoever of his Scholars he found it, without respect of Persons, which caused him on his deathbed to enjoy peace unutterable. He hath fought the good fight of faith, and kept his Garments clean from the spots of this World, & is entered into rest and joy with his maker for ever, which no man can deprive him of. Edward Penington. 13 years old. This Testimony do I bear for my Teacher John Matern. THat he was a just and an upright man, one that feared God and eschewed evil, in his day, and generation, and the Lord was with him in his doing, and he did that which was right in the sight of ●he Lord, and the Lord supported him, and carried ●im through all Trials, and he had done the Lord's work faithfully in his day and age, and now he is ●one to his rest prepared for him in Jesus Christ, he ●ath been saying up a treasure, and now he enjoys it, ●e hath heard the joyful sentence, well done thou good ●nd faithful Servant, thou hast been faithful in a few ●hings, I will make thee Ruler over much, enter thou into be joy of the Lord. So now he is entered into the joy ●f his Lord, and is happy for ever, and magnified be is name for redeeming him out of the Jaws of Sa●●n, and I wish all may make such an end as he did, then will they be blessed of the Lord to all eternity, world without end. John Crouch. about the age of 12 years. I have a Testimony concerning my dear Schoolmaster John Matern, Who is departed out of this Life, and lives with God for evermore. OH he was a blessed Man, one that I believe in his measure feared God and eschewed evil; as Job did, Oh he was a good Man, I believe the fear of the Lord was always before his Eyes; Oh I can say he is in Heaven with the Lord, Oh he is in a better place than we are yet in, for he is with God the Father, where the fullness of all joy and comfort is; Oh that we may all be as faithful to the Lord in our places as he was, and then God will gather us to himself, and then we shall be blessed of him and receive the sentence; Well done thou good and faithful Servant, thou hast been faithful in a few things, ● will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of the Lord, Oh it is a blessed sentence to al●● them that receive it, as he hath; Oh how sorry h● used to be if he saw any of us do amiss, I can say i● would very much grieve him, but when he saw an● of us do well; Oh he would be glad, and encourage us to go on in the way of the Lord, so I cannot bu● give him the Glory, the Honour, and the Praise both now for ever and evermore. Ezekiel Wooley, Jun. 11 years old. This I have to Speak to the Praise of the Lord God and his Truth, as concerning our dear Teacher John Matern. HE was a man that feared the Lord and walked in his path, and I can truly say the Lord was with him, and the last day that he lived, he lived to the praise of his name, and it was his endeavour and intent as long as he lived, to fear the Lord his maker, and the name of the Lord was praised by him, as long as he breathed in this World. O that all People would arise for the name of the Lord, that none may stick in the deep pit of Darkness, but that they may come and fear the Lord, that none may stay behind, but come on with the Lord's people, and walk on hand in hand with them, and so press forward to the mark Christ Jesus, as this man did, who is gone to his rest in peace. O Lord it hath pleased thee to take away one of thy Servants who served thee in uprightness of heart, O Lord I humbly of thy Children, thy presence ●s with us at this time, and Oh pluck up the root of iniquity, and throw down the great Tree, of Wickedness, that is growing in the hearts of Peo●●●, that thy work may prosper, and the light of thy countenance may shine through the Nations. Oh raise up yet more Witnesses for thyself; tha● all may fall down before thee, and magnify thy name who art God over all blessed for evermore. William Loosvelt 12 years old. O Lord thy love is unspeakable, when th●● scatterest the Clouds and makest the Ram 〈◊〉 descend as upon the tender grass, and visitest us with the day Spring from on high, then are we constrained to praise thy name; Oh thou refreshest u● from time to time, for we have none in Heaven bu● thee, nor in the Earth in comparison of thee; O● we have fresh encouragement to follow hard after thee; O thou hast often broken our heart's befor● thee the living God, and haste caused abundance o● melting tears and Soul-ravishing gladness among us, and a remnant can say that one day in thy Court is better than a thousand elsewhere, and it is better to be a doorkeeper in thy house, then to dwell i● the Tents of Wickedness; Oh Lord what shall w● say unto thee, or what shall we render unto thee fo● thy mercies; for thy Arm of power hath been about us to this very day. Thy Hand is not slackened, nor thy Ear dull t● bear the Sighing of the needy, thou lookest dow● upon them with an Eye of pity and compassion, an● thy love is the same that ever it was unto thy Children, and thy allseeing Eye is every where, and in every place to watch over them, who art the watchman of Israel, who never slumbers nor sleepest, but feedest thy sheep, and makest them to lie down in the green pastures of Life. O that when we depart out of this world, we may lay down our head in peace with thee, as the blessed man John Matern hath done who is deceased; Oh he is gone to his resting place, who was faithful to the end of his days; and when he had finished his course in this world, the Lord took him into himself, Oh how pleasantly ●e lay upon his Bed, praising the Lord whom he served in his life time, he made his Calling and Election sure, and is at rest with the Lord his maker, who aboured for our good every way, and is gone to a very pleasant habitation, where he will have joy for ever. Marry Taylor. 10 years old. This is my Testimony concerning my Dear Teacher John Matern. THat he was a man that feared God, with the uprightness of his heart, and his greatest Travel was to do the will of God, making it manifest amongst us, and telling us what the Lord would have us to do, and exhorting us to leave off the evil of our do & to follow the Lord & to fear him, and it was his greatest joy if he saw any of us bring forth a Testimony for the Lord, O how would it refresh him, yea that he could nor forbear but must praise the Lord before he went out of the Meeting, and if there were any that did grieve the Lord Spirits, and Rebel against him, than he would be so grieved and troubled, that he could scarce take his rest upon his Bed, I can truly say that he was a man that sought the welfare of our Souls and Bodies too, and he taught us with all the might he had, and that faithfully, and if he found out a nearer way, he told it us, and if there be any that have not improved their time, I can truly say that the fault is theirs, and nor his, for he did as much as he could for us; and when he was upon his Death bed, he exhorted us to fear God; and he Praised and Glorified the God of Heaven, unto the last breath that he fetched in this world, so that the Lord hath taken this good man out of this world, and he is gone to his rest in peace, with the Lord Jesus Christ, where is joy for ever and evermore. Thomas Green. 16 years old. This day the Spirit of the Lord giveth me utterance that I can bear a Testimony for my deceased Teacher John Matern. THis I can say of a truth, he was an upright man in his generation, serving God with his whole heart, he had a very great care that he might teach faithfully, that so he might not bring any guilt upon his conscience; and moreover he had a great Travel in the Lord for us, who were under his tuition, that we who felt the Power of God in us, and had in some measure regenerated and changed us, that we might walk uprightly and according to the truth▪ he also had a Travel for them that had not felt the Power of God to change them, but were yet in rebellion against God's Spirit, that they might come to feel themselves in some measure changed, and his Travel was great for the prosperity of truth every where (and we whom he taught find a great want of him, but the Lord supplieth it;) and this can I say for him, that the very same day about four hours before he Died, we had a meeting with him, where he being raised up by the Power of God, (though very weak in body, but of Perfect understanding) ●e exhorted us even with a mighty Power that most, (I believe I may say all,) were broken, and tendered before the Lord; and all the while I was with him he did Sing Heavenly Praises unto the Lord, in the inward man, and died in the Faith of Christ Jesus the Son of God, and then his Soul ascended up to the God of Heaven, and now he enjoys pleasures without end, and at this time considering the manner of his Death, my Soul cannot but render to the God of Heaven, Glory and Dominion for ever, Amen. The 13th. of the 7th. Month 1680. Philip Dymond. 14 years old. A Testimony concerning my late Decensed Master John Matern. HE was a man that feared the Lord, and wa● very serviceable in his place, and I can trul● say he was a fit Instrument in the hand of th● Lord, and taught us his Scholars with all the diligence as could well be expected; In his life time h● laboured through hardships that we might be educated in the truth, as well as in other things. and believe he died in the Lord, and his reward follows him; for assuredly the Lord did bless him, an● will bless all others that lived as he did. Oh that we may all walk as he did, in the wa● of Christ, and follow his steps for ever▪ I can sa● with many more of my Schoolfellows that we ne● desired a better Tutor than he was. When I hea● he lay upon his sick bed, many times I have cried the Lord, in my heart to raise him up again; but hath been the will of the Lord to take him awa● and now he is at peace to all eternity. John Woolley. 10 years' ol● This is my Testimony concerning our Dear Teacher John Matern, who is lately departed out of this Earthly Tabernacle. THat he was a righteous Man, walking uprightly with the Lord his Maker and Creator; he was a man with whom the Lord was, both in his go out, and come in; this can I truly say in living experience: He was an adversary to all manner of evil, but he cherished the good as the apple of his Eye; wherefore I am sensible that he is departed in peace, and though I was not here at the day of his death, yet my Soul was sensible of the goodness of the Lord towards him on his Deathbed; as praising and magnifying the name of the Lord; and now I am sensible he is at rest and peace with the Lord his Maker and Creator, in that desired Heaven, wherein never any unclean can ever enter. This was the Lord pleased to put in my heart to Write concerning our dear and well beloved Teacher, who is departed, and entered into the blessed rest with the God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, world without end. John Butcher. 14 years old. I have this to say for my Dear Teacher John Matern. HE was one that lived in the fear of the Lord; and when he lay upon his Deathbed, he Glorified the Lord, and made a sweet melody in his Soul; and at the present time we had a blessed Meeting, and the presence of the Lord was amongst us, and he also pleased the Lord, and made a happy end, for surely he made a Covenant with the Lord, and I am sure he was filled with the presence of the Lord; Oh, he was a blessed man indeed, he had made it manifest, for in his life-time it was his greatest joy to see any of his Scholars grow up in the fear of the Lord; and if at any time he saw the enemy to prevail over any, he would with grief of heart admonish them to return, and repent, that they might find mercy with the Lord, and beseech them to have a care least the Enemy should prevail again, he also was greatly exercised, if any of his Scholars did not mind their business and Learning, as to the outward, and would encourage them that minded the same, assuredly he Preached Righteousness in his life and conversation, assuredly he hath made his calling & election sure, & now he is at rest with the Lord, for he hath left a good Savour behind him, and the remembrance of him is blessed, he is gone to the Lord, and is at peace with him, for ever and evermore. Margaret Rouse 12 years old. This I have to say for my dear Teacher John Matern. THat he was an upright true honest man, one that feared God and eschewed Evil, one that laboured for the good of the Souls of them that he taught, he taught them inward as well as outward knowledge; he was a man that spent himself much for the Lord, he was a true labourer in the Lord, and one that Preached his Holy name unto us, and made it known, but now he is gone out of this Body of Flesh; O he hath laid down his Head in Peace with the Lord, and is at rest with the highest in the Holy Jerusalem, the City of the everlasting God. I can truly say that he hath been much troubled when any of the Boys had been disorderly, and he would often exhort them to fear the Lord. O he was a Man that spent himself much for us, but now he is repaid for it; he would often cry unto the Lord for us, that we might all fear the Lord, from the least to the greatest, and the last day he lived he praised the Lord; and we had a Meeting in his Chamber which he desired, and he did exhort us, and pray the Lord for us. He was a righteous man, the Lord hath blessed him, blessed be his name for it. O how he would fight against the Devil, to the praise of the Lord, and honour of his name, in whom he trusted and had his life and being, Thomas Hutson 14 years old. I have a few Lines to Write concerning my Dear Husband. HE was an upright hearted man in his do, he served the Lord with all his Heart, and was faithful in his place to every one that he was concerned with, to do them good, and it was his greatest delight to see truth prosper, especially amongst the young ones, with whom he was concerned, it was his greatest joy and satisfaction to see the Lords power breaking in upon them, so that he could not but Praise and Glorify the Lord many a time for it, often upon his very Deathbed he lay praising and glorifying of the Lord for his great mercies bestowed upon him. And although I lost a dear and tender Husband, who was very dear to, and tender over me, yet (being in the Lords will,) I am content with the will of God, being also that he now reaps the reward, which many a time he traveled for; and in forsacking his country, and his Father's house, to come amongst a people that served the Lord with uprightness of heart, he had his desire answered, and what great joy and peace he departed this Life, and is gone into everlasting happiness, to be with the Lord for ever and evermore. Rosina Matern. THE END.