Crumbs of Bread FOR The DOVE in the Clefts of the Rock, and the secret places of the Stairs, Cant. 2.14. Or HELPS to MEDITATION, On Conversion, Mortification, Sanctification, the Christians daily walk, Communion with God, etc. With Directions for profitable Reading the Scriptures, and good practical Books; For a Friend, By J. T. My Friend, ACcording to your deserts and desires, I here present to you some broken Thoughts, directions, remembrances, references, for the better improvement of your Solitudes and retirements for Meditation and Reading. I have ranked them under several heads, given you but brief hints, leaving the enlargements to your own thoughts; what more might be required, you may supply from the Scriptures, your Sermon-Notes, and those good books, to which I have referred you: Each SECTION (after that you have perused the whole) affords you matter enough for one Solitary season at the least; and when you have done with this, you may have more, as God gives opportunity. I begin with the subject of Conversion, Regeneration, and the first work, if it suit not your concition, you may commend it to such as you love and know may need it. I leave it with you as a token of my respects for you and your Spiritual concernments. God give his blessing to it, and if it any way help you in your Meditation and Reading, I shall desire no more than your remembrances of me at the throne of Grace. J. T. SECT. I. Of Conversion, Regeneration, etc. IT is to be presupposed in order to the improvement of the following Sections, that as you have been under the means of Grace, so, you are indeed in a state of Grace; if you are not, Consider, 1. That Conversion, Regeneration, Obs. a state of Grace and interest in Christ by faith are of absolute necessity unto salvation. The Scriptures do abundantly prove it, Proof. turn to read, and take these few for a trial, John 3.3 etc. Heb. 12.14. Mat. 18.3. Joh. 3.16. etc. All good Reason is for it. 1. Reas. Without an interest in Christ thou hast no title to salvation. 2. Without regeneration thou hast no fitness for it; And 3ly, Eph. 2.12. Heb. 12.14 Pro. 3.3. Hab. 1.13. Without such terms God is resolved that he will not. 4. His nature is such in Wisdom, Holiness and righteousness, Appl. that he cannot give it: resolve then for it, and set about it speedily, seriously, and to the purpose, sue and seek to God for the grace, and apply thyself to the use of the means, with hungrings, and thirstings after righteousness, with humility, faith, prayer, and diligence; Prov. 1.7. In order to it take these Directions. Direct. 1. Math. 16.26. Heb. 1.13. Rom. 10. Rom. 7. Joh. 5.28.29. Rom 3.23 Gal. 3.10. Eph. 2.1, 2.3. Eph. 2.12. Pro. 15. 2 Cor. 5.18. 1 Tim. 1.15. Rom. 3.25. Heb. 10.15, 16, 17. John 3.16. Mark 1.15. Consider, Thou hast a precious and an immortal soul, there is a God that is Holy, Just, and Good, he hath given thee his Law, and Gospel; Heaven, and Hell, in endless eternity are before thee, death and judgement hasten a pace, a world of sin both of nature and of life may be charged upon thee, the law is against thee, the curse and wrath of God is over thee, thou hast no hope nor help in thyself, nor in all the creatures, and without a Christ and Grace, and a changed state thou wilt be undone for ever. For thy encouragement to thy duty, understand and believe, That God is in a way of grace and mercy; Christ Jesus came into the World to seek and save sinners; as a surety and sacrifice he hath died, satisfied God's law and Justice; established a Covenant of Grace and salvation on terms of faith, repentance, and new obedience; Heb. 5.9. Prov. 12. makes the tenders of grace, and reconciliation in the ministry of the Gospel to thee; hath along time been calling upon thee; 2 Cor. 5.18, 19, 20, 21. Prov. 1.23. is still waiting, wooing, and beseeching thee to accept of him and grace: his spirit is ready to help thee; there is nothing wanting, but thy free and full consent, Heb. o continue not (as too long thou hast done already) in a state of sin and enmity, unbelief and unregeneracy, to the disappointments of Grace, 2 Cor. 6.1. the abuse of the Gospel, Heb. 2.3. Heb. 10.29. Mark. 16.16. 2 Thes. 1.8. the grief of the spirit, the reproach of the blood of Christ, and the remediless destruction and damnation of thine own soul: Repent and believe the Gospel, receive Christ and Grace, apply thyself unto thy duty in faith, repentance, and new obedience, and thou shalt not miscarry: Pro. 3.16. Rom. 8.1, 2, 3. thy sins shall be pardoned, thy person shall be justified, thy nature shall be changed, thy soul shall be saved, John 3.36. 2. Understand what is required of thee, and expected from thee, in the terms of the Gospel, faith, repentance, and new obedience: in short 'tis thus: John 17.3. Pro. 3.33. Rom. 10.10, 11. Rom. 1.5. 1. By faith thou art 1. To apprehend. 2. To assent unto. 3. To apply unto thyself, and 4. To improve the discoveries made unto thee, 1. Of sin and wrath in the Law of God. 2. Of Grace and mercy through Christ in the Gospel of Salvation. 2. Lam. 3.40. By Repentance thou art, 1. To search and find out the sinfulness (in some good measure) of thy nature, and of thy life; Rom. 7.13. 2. Through the consideration of the sinfulness of sin, which is the greatest evil in itself, as against God and the greatest good; Eph. 2.2, 3. the consideration of thy sad condition, because of sin according to the Law of God, the greatest judgement in this life and that to come; Ezek 16.60, 61. Jer. 3. and the consideration of the abundant grace and mercy set before thee in the good will of God to thy salvation. 1. The death of Christ, the blessings and promises of life and of salvation tendered to thee, Ps. 51. to Humble thy soul with grief of heart and brokenness of spirit. D●rt. 9: 3. To cast thyself at God's feet before the throne of grace, in free and full confession, in earnest prayer and supplication for grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. 4. Rom. 7. Ezck 33.11. Is. 1.16. Ezek. 18.31. To set thine heart against all manner of sin whatsoever, to hate it and abhor it, in the strength of God to resolve the utter destruction of it in thy nature, the avoidance of it in thy life and Conversation, Rom. 7. together with all the temptations and occasions that lead thee to sin from without, and all the corrupt motions, dispositions, workings of it that are within, according to the prohibitions in the word, the convictions of the spirit, and the checks of thy conscience, and this both in thought, word, and deed. 5. Thou must be sure to give proof of all in the course of thy life and conversation, Matth. 3.8. Mat. 3.8. and if through weakness and infirmity, thou be'st at any time overtaken, to reflect upon thyself, Ps. 51. and renew these actings of repentance with particular application to that transgression, And 7. Every day, whether sin be known or not known to be searching, humbling, confessing, praying, resolving, labouring to root out and destroy the remainders of thy Corruption. Ps. 19.12. 3. New obedience calls thee 1. To Consider the obligation that lies upon thee by nature and grace to know and to do the will of God. 2. Rem. 12.1. Rom. 14.9. To acquaint thyself with the mind and will of God revealed in his word as the rule of thy duty. 3. Ps. 1. Psal. 119. Acts 9.6. Deut. 39: Is. 56.8. To give up thyself in the sense of thy duty and God's mercy through Christ in a Covenant of sincere, free, full, universal, and constant obedience: 4. Making Christ thy strength, and the Word thy rule, God's Glory and thine own salvation thine end, and the spirit thy guide, and a good conscience thy principle, to apply thyself to the exercise of every grace, Psal. 50.4. Rom. 6.12. and the performance of every duty, which God requireth of thee, towards himself, thine own soul, and others in thy place, condition, Phil. 3.8. 1 Pet. 2.5. and capacity. 5. Making up thy defects (when sensible of them) by presenting thy person and thy duty to God's Gracious acceptance, according to the Covenant of of Grace, through the mediation of Jesus Christ: In so doing, Com. for thy Comfort understand, that God will accept, and Christ will help, grace shall be thy state, God, Christ promises, pardon, peace, privilege shall be thy portion whilst thou art here; death, judgement, hell, curse, wrath, and real evils shall not come nigh to hurt thee; Heaven, blessedness, and glory, eternal life and joy shall be thine inheritance, and possession, to all eternity. And if thou wouldst not miscarry in this great work, Caut. Luk. 19.42 Mat. 11.6. take heed (1) of delays, demurs, put offs, 2. of taking offence, at the strictness of duty, at the low condition of Christ and Christians, and the scandalous lives and actions of Hypocrites and professors, who shall bear their burden. Acts 2.40. 3. of evil company. 4. Of discouragements from carnal friends. 5. Heb. 3.12. Of an evil heart of impenitency and unbelief, 6. Of Temptations from Satan, 7. Acts 26.28.29. Of being but almost a Christian, resting in convictions, confessions, humiliations, vows and promises, profession, partial change and reformation, good esteem with others; till the work be perfectly done, and thine heart subdued unto God in Christ, in faith, repentance, and new obedience, according to the Gospel and the directions now set before you. 8. Rom. 14.1. Of troubling yourselves with needless disputes and questions about things of small moment in Religion, or above your reach. 9 Of Spiritual pride upon the one hand, or unnecessary calling in question your condition upon the other, where this work is sincerely done, or God's Grace and mercy for your pardon, and acceptance in Jesus Christ. 10. Take heed of Apostasy and backsliding in whole or part, to corrupt opinions and errors upon the one hand, or to sinful practices and courses upon the other. When this work is done, Coun. give grace the glory, 1 Tim. 1.14 Mat. 18.3. adore its freedom, and magnify its power, believe its constancy, and live upon its fullness till brought to glory. 2. Be daily practising and perfecting this blessed work, and think not that all is done till thou getst to Heaven. 3. For further direction and thy better progress be much in Holy exercises, Acts 9.11. praying, hearing, meditating, conferring with good Christians, reading the Scriptures, and Sermon notes, and good books, especially about Conversion and Regeneration. Some Sermons I have purposely preached on this Subject in Abington on the several instances of conversion in the new Testament: in Exeter on Joh. 3. at Petrocks on Acts 26.18. at Mary-steps and edmond's on Matth. 18.3. at Mary-moores &c. besides collateral applications: had I been more in this work and method, success would have been through grace proportionable. These following are choice Books, though not all that may be read upon this subject, get and read what you can of them. Baxters Call to the unconverted, Baxter Of Conversion. Baxter's Directions to prevent miscarrying in conversion. His Saint or a Brute. His Sermons on Death and Judgement. His Everlasting Rest. Whately of Regeneration. Hooker's Souls preparation for Christ. soul's Humiliation: with several other Treatises of his, contracted in Ambrose his prima, or first things. Dike, of Repentance: morning Exercise at Giles, London. Morning exercise at Cripplegate, the Sermons in them on this Subject. Ob: Sedgwick on Rev. 3.20. his treatise of faith, etc. SECT. II. Of Mortification. HAving seen the Conversion of the Sinner, let us proceed to the work and exercise of the Saint: and the first thing that presents itself to our consideration, for the improvement of his conversion, is the Mortification of his corruption: and therein note, 1. That there is an indwelling Body of sin and corruption that remaineth in the converted and regenerated person. It is perfectly pardoned, but not perfectly purged out, and destroyed, while in this body of flesh. See Romans 7th. per tot. 2. It is the duty and property of every truly converted and regenerated person, to proceed in the mortification of corruption, and to endeavour through grace the complete destruction of that body of sin that is about him, and every branch and member of it. See Rom. 6. & 7. & 8. Col. 3. Gal. 5, etc. throughout. R. 1. Remaining sin is remaining enmity to God and to the Christian himself, Rom. 8.7. 1 Pet. 2.11. Gen. 17.1. and must not be let alone. 2. Conversion and true Repentance is only sincere and true, as it intends perfection. 3. It must be perfectly done by Grace upon us, 1 Cor. 15.50. ere we can be fit subjects of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rom. 6.6. 4. The Death of Christ intends our perfect freedom and deliverance, by degrees, and in due time: as from the guilt of sin, and the punishment of sin, so from the dominion of sin in our conversion, Rom. 6.12. Rom. 7.25. Gul. 5.26. the abiding power of sin in our progressive mortification, and at last the presence and being of sin in our dissolution: what Christ's death intends in its Merit, Example, Argument, and Influence, the same should we intent in our purpose and progress for communion with him, and conformity to him, in his death and crucifixion. Take these Directions for it, 1. by way of COnsideration: 2. by way of Operation and Practice. 1. Ps. 16.8: Ps. 119.11 Gen. 39.9. Ps. 18.21, 22. Rom. 7.13. Set before thine eyes continually (especially upon the motions of sin and temptations unto sin) the Holiness of God in his Name; Nature, Word, and Will; his Holy Eye, his Holy Law. 2. Set before thine eyes the sinfulness of sin, and that especially in its own nature, as most contrary to God, his nature, his will, his works, his designs, his glory. For this see at large Burroughes treatise of the Evil of Evils, or the sinfulness of Sin. Dr. Reynolds of the Sinfulness of sin. etc. 3. Set before you the evil effects and fruits of sin, upon the fallen Angels, Mankind, thine own person; Rom. 6.22. and those either already felt, or that hereafter may be feared. 4. Set before you the Blood of Christ, 1 Pet. 1.19. Rom. 6.1, 2 Psal. Rom. 7.24. that precious blood, which is the price of your Redemption from the least of sins. 5. Set before you the sad complaints of the Saints and servants of God because of sin, and against their sin. 6. 2 Cor. 7.1. Set before you the gracious promises for your encouragement in the mortification of your corruption, Ezek. 36, 26, 27. together with the promises in the covenant of Grace for your assistance in this undertaking. 7. Set before you your own resolutions and vows against it in your first conviction and conversion, Rom. 6.3. Ps. 119.106. renewed in times of affliction, and in Sacraments, and in Prayers put up to God for peace and pardon. Practical and operative Directions. 1. Ps. 4.4. Lam. 3.39. Acquaint yourselves, as with the general corruption, so with the particular corruption in your nature: search and find them out. Examine your hearts and lives, your dispositions, and conversations, by the rule of the Word, and Law of God, in its purity and perfection, and by the light of the spirit of God in its teachings and convictions: Job. 34.32 pray to God to discover you unto yourselves: improve all ordinances and providences also to that purpose: consider your Constitution, Education, Calling, Company, and Condition in this present world: make use of the wholesome admonitions of others skilful, and faithful, and acquainted with you, and their observations on you; the daily motions and workings of your hearts upon carnal and sensual objects, and upon the approaches of temptations, will discover much unto you, if but well observed: the failings and the falls of others read or heard, and discerned by you, may give you occasion of reflection on yourself: and strict enquiry may find out more than otherwise might have been suspected. 2. Be much at work about the root of sin, and digging it up. Rom. 6.6. Jer. 4.14. Content not yourselves with the particular branches, the lopping them off, or cutting down the trunk itself; the root will be every day new sprouting. 3. Spare not at all your beloved sin, of which Divines speak much. It's found, Ps. 18.23. they say, and known, by our special respects unto it, and favour for it, our impatiency of reproof from Minister, or private Christian on that particular: we most wish and desire that it were not accounted a sin: and are apt to find out reasonings for it, to defend it, or at least to lessen our apprehensions of its sinfulness: it returns most often upon us, with observation above any other in particular; but not without frequent checks of conscience, and convictions of the Spirit: it much follows us in our retirements, and when alone, the mind will work upon it, though perhaps we are not willing to be found in the actings of it: some say it lies down with us in our beds, converses with us in our dreams, and rises with us in the morning: if it distract us not in our holy duties, we own the more to Grace restraining: several others depend upon it, to feed or serve it. O down with this. 4. Neglect not the little creepers: they may grow bigger: Rom. 7. Ps. 19.12. their number may prove not only formidable, but fatal: the least is sin, in its nature evil, and according to God's law, without repentance and faith in the blood of Christ, is damnable. They will certainly make way for greater; and if not destroy, yet disturb your souls etc. 5. Ps. 19.13. Infirmities, Incursions, Imperfections, must be bewailed etc. but scandalous evils, and presumptuous sins may not so much as be thought upon without an horror; how much less in their temptations entertained, and least of all committed. The smallest tincture of them must be speedily washed away in the blood of Christ; otherwise your souls and consciences will not dare to come into God's presence. 6. 1 Cor. 5. Contract not upon your Souls the guilt of national transgressions, either past or present, by not mourning for them; much less by commission of them, and communion in them: it would stain our Paper once to name them. 7. Find out and destroy the achan's, Job. 34.31 etc. the sins for which in an especial manner God now or at any time may strike and enter into judgement with you: the Lord direct you in that Enquiry, and assist you in that Undertaking. 8 Let spiritual sins, 2 Cor. 7.1. though least discerned and enquired after, have their discovery, humiliation, repentance, and crucifixion: as spiritual pride, self love, Ps. 77.10. Heb. 3.12. worldly mindedness, estrangement from God; and more especially your Gospel's sins, as Unbelief, Impenitency, hardness of heart, unthankfulness, etc. 9 Whatever they be, intent not only the knowledge of them, humiliation under them, restraint upon them, correction, Rom. 8.13. or suppose some signal punishment. but complete destruction and abolition. And for this purpose, 1. Ps 119. get deep impressions made upon your spirits by the foregoing considerations. 2. Ps. 119.11. Especially let the word of God be hid in your hearts, and written upon them. 3. Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. Gal. 5.16. 4. 1 Cor. 9.27 Make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof, but rather keep it in subjection. 5. Jer. 17.9. Job. Be always jealous of your deceitful hearts. 6. Keep a tender conscience. 7. A narrow watch over your senses. 8. Take heed in things lawful, lest you be unlawfully ensnared. 9 Improve affliction to the mortification of corruption: and 10. call in the influences of the Covenant of Grace, and of the blood of Christ by faith and prayer. 11. Improve every Ordinance according to its nature and tendency to mortification. Eph. 6.12. 12. Stand out stiffly and resolutely in the hour of Temptation, and the stirring of corruption: then call in all your strength about you, then urge your considerations from reason, and Scripture, Law and Gospel. Set yourselves under the eye and sight of God, let God's terrors make you afraid to sin against him: suppose that Death and Judgement were at your heels, and that you heard the shrieks of the Damned for those very transgressions. Behold Christ Jesus upon the Cross as bleeding, dying, for those very sins. Urge home the grace of God, and the love of Christ, your holy Profession, your Baptismal vows, your Sacrament-renewed-ingagements, the mercies received, the Glory expected, and all to shame you from it, if there be any thing of holy ingenuity to be found upon you: at lest what sin hath cost you in repentance and affliction: and that you may farther suffer, though Hell be not your final portion. Then call in by saith and prayer the help of God, and all the virtues of the blood of Christ: maintain your ground against its first assaults, and you have more then overcome. 13. If at any time it have surprised you, Ps. 51. play an aftergame of Repentance, recruit your strength, improve your skill and strength, and deliver your souls. O lie not under it, much less subject yourselves unto it, and renounce thereby as by an after-free and full consent your Sovereign and Saviour Jesus Christ. 14. Watch the more against it, and fortify yourselves for the time to come. 15. When one corruption or temptation is over and disappointed, conclude not your work is done; there are innumerable more behind, and while life lasteth, there will be no end of this warfare. 16. Ro●. 7.24. Be always groaning under the invincible remainders of the body of death, and long for your deliverance 17. Take heed of Apostasy and backsliding; a sin not altogether unpardonable, but dangerous, Hos. 14. and that may cost you dear you recover. 18. Rom. 7.25. Give all the glory of your Conquests to Jesus Christ, and to the power of grace. 19 Enjoy the comfort of Believers that keep their ground and conquer. Rom. 8.1. For 1. you are in a state of pardon and salvation. 2. Rom. 7.20. No corruption of nature, no transgression in your life is imputed to you to your particular condemnation, when disowned, resisted, repent of, and carried by saith to the blood of Christ. 3. The old dominion of Sin, Rom. 6.14 once truly broken, shall never be recovered: you are not under the Law, but under Grace. 1 Tim. 4.8. 4. Your particular Conflicts shall be rewarded, if through Grace they proceed to Conquest. Eph. 5.26. 5. At length the body of Sin and Death shall be destroyed. 1 Cor. 12. 1●. 6. In the mean time the grace and strength of Christ is sufficient for you, and when sought by faith, humility, and prayer, 1 Cor. 15.50. etc. it shall not be denied. 7. In Heaven there will be no sin, no sorrow, but perfect holiness and purity, with everlasting songs of Joy and Triumph. Rev. 22.20. Therefore (20) pray, believe, and look, and long for the coming of Christ: even so come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Much of this was preached at Mary Arches, on Rom. 6 6. Read more in Dr. Owen of Mortification. Burrougheses Evil of Sin. Love of Mort. Morning Exercise at Giles and Crypplegate. Ambrose Media. goodwin's works, etc. Reyner's rules, etc. SECT. III. Of the Exercise of Grace, Spiritual activity, growth, progress, and perseverance in sanctification, and holy conversation. WE have seen the Convert in his exercise and progress of Mortification, in the next place it is meet to consider him in his exercise, progress, and perseverance in Sanctification, and holy conversation. For in that also the Word which is accordng to Godliness doth represent him to us. See Gen. 17.1 Eph. 2.10. Eph. 4.20, 21, 22. etc. Eph. 5.8, 9 etc. Phil. 1.27 2 Pet. 3. 1 Cor. 15. Rom. 2.7. Heb. 12.14. Rev. 22.14. and reason good; Eph. 1.4. Titus 2.14. Eph. 2.10. Gal 5.15. Rem. 8.1. 1 Pet. 1. Rev. 22.14 etc. Eph. 1.4. Heb. 8.10. Eph. 5.25. for to this he is elected, redeemed, called, anew created, and made partaker of the spirit of holiness. This is the evidence of his Justification, the quality of his Adoption, his way, and walk towards the Kingdom and Salvation. This is the design of the methods of Grace towards him, the covenant of Grace established with him, the means of Grace bestowed upon him, the word of grace without him, the principle of grace within him. Gal. 5.15. 1 Pet. 1.14. Eph. 5.1. Rom. 6. 1 Cor. 5.7, 8. Rom. 12.1. Heb. 12 10 Gal. 4.19. 2 Cor. 5.14. 2 Cor. 6.17 Ps. 119. 1 Joh. 3.3. 1 Joh. 1.5, 6. This, the Relations whereinto he is entered, the Profession he hath made, the sacraments of which he hath been partaker, the mercies he hath received, the miseries that he hath felt, the pangs of the new Birth which he hath passed through, the tokens of Divine Love vouchsafed, the separation of his soul from Sin and Sinners, the dedication of his person and all to God and Godliness, the hopes and promises of everlasting life and blessedness, the tenor of the Gospel, all his privileges, and particularly his union and communion with Jesus Christ by faith, do call for all at his hands. Is. 6.3. Besides, Holiness is no less lovely than necessary. It is in its original the glory and perfection of all the Divine Attributes, essential in each person of the holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the Character of the name, Gen. 1. Eph. 4. Psal. 15. Rev. 21. 2 Cor. 1.12 1 Joh. 4. 1 Joh. 1. begin: Is. 56. nature, will, word, and works of God; the beauty of man's first Creation, the intention of the second; the delight of God, the state of Heaven. Add, the blessed fruits, effects, and comforts of it are no less ; as the evidence of the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the communion of the holy Ghost. How doth it fit us (through Christ) for access to God, converses with him, Ps. 50. u●●. etc. Joh. 14.21. Rev. 2. more abundant tokens and testimonies of love and favour from him: the peace of conscience, the joy in the holy Ghost, and the foretastes of blessedness and glory that do attend it, who is able to express them? but we may not enlarge in such discourses on it. It is to be supposed, that our Regenerate person is abundantly convinced of its necessity, Ps. 110.3. Cant. 1.4. and that he hath felt its powers, and tasted its sweetnesses, and been attracted by its beauties, and is resolved for its exercises here, and full enjoyments hereafter, and needs only some directions for it. Accordingly these that follow may be improved in general, and in particular 1 Get the Habit of Grace and Sanctification (infused in regeneration,) 1 Pet. 2.2. Ps. 42. & 84. & 63. the new creature to be fed, nourished, and preserved: by the use, and blessing of God on the use of the means of grace, by removing out of the heart whatsoever might afflict or hinder it, weaken it or disturb it, 1 Pet. 2. Math. 13. Rev. 12. much more what hath immediate tendency to murder it and destroy it; and that is Sin, the World, and Satan. Add faith, and earnest prayer to the God of all grace for the renewed influences of the spirit of grace, Ps. 119. the accomplishment of the promises in the covenant of Grace, Is. 35. Ezek. 36.26. Joh. 1.18. and a liberal communication from Christ Jesus the fullness and treasury of grace. 2. Be well acquainted with the compass of the activity of Grace: Eph. 5.17. what is expected from you in your capacity, both in heart and life, towards God, and man, and your own souls, Tit. 2.12. the several ways of duty, and the exercises of grace, in every relation, condition, Ps. 119 calling, time, and place, etc. especially, set the law and word of God, as the rule of life and of the new creature before you, that it may direct you; seeking earnestly withal to God for his Holy spirit to guide you, Ps. 43.3. Rom. 8.14. and lead you according to his word into ways of holiness and obedience which are well pleasing to him, and in his sight. 3. When you have sound out the will of God, Math. 6.10 Exod. 20. 2 Cor. 5.14. 2 Cor. 7.1. and the way of duty, and the work of grace, resign yourselves both soul and body, and all that you are and have, to God, and to his pleasure: considering his authority over you, his love to you, and his promises before you, for acceptance, reward, and help: and as souls devoted to his pleasure, inflamed with his love, and overpowred by his spirit, apply yourselves to the exercise of graces, and the performance of duties, without delays, demurs, Psal. 119. Ps. 110.3. Gen. 17.1. Ps. 119.6. Epp. 5.15. 2 Pet. 1.5. 1 Cor. 15. 1 Cor. 10.31. Gal. 6.16. Gal. 5.15. 2 Cor. 7.1. Rom. 12.2. reluctancy, exceptions, reasonings, most freely and readily, most sincerely and faithfully, most fully and unreservedly, most exactly and accurately, most diligently and industriously, most reselvedly and constantly. 4. In every undertaking, remember the end God's glory, the rule God's word, the principle God's Spirit, the encouragement, God's promise, the manner, as unto God well pleasing; and in a word, the all in all Christ Jesus, to direct and strengthen you, Col. 170. Col. 1.28. Joh. 15.5. and to render perfect and acceptable to God, both your person and performance in his own mediation and intercession, without him you can do nothing. 5. In the exercise of Grace, these following are Especially to be intended, though none neglected, As 1. Pro. 17.3. The vital and fundamental graces towards God and Christ, as knowledge, faith, love, repentance, Mal. 3.16. obedience, etc. Act and exercise your knowledge, in holy and honourable, Ps. 1.2.3. right and reverential, Rom. 4.20. 1 Pe. 1.24. filial and fiducial thoughts of God; your faith on the truth of his being, the greatness of his power, the fullness of his blessedness, the treasures of his mercies; the infiniteness of his wisdom, but especially his Grace in Christ, with the freeness, fullness, Joh. 14.1. Ps. 23. firmness of his promises; the extent, power, and tenderness of his providence, and so towards Christ. Your Acts knowledge and Faith in thoughts on him, Gal. 2.20. choice of him, resignations to him, dependence upon him. Ps. 84. Ps. 37. Ps. 40.8. Ps. 73. Ps. 77. Ps. 19 Ps. 31. Luk 15. Fsal. 119. Lord's ●rayer. 1 Sam. 15. Luk. 22. Brou. 4.23. Act your love, desiring his presence, his blessings, his honour and glory; devoting your souls to him, and delighting in him and in his service, etc. Act your repentance, in Grief for sin (yea even of infirmity, and imperfection, and that in your very graces.) Abhorrency of evil, Humiliations in the sense of vileness and sinfulness, renewed and that hourly Conversions to him. Act your obedience in frequent subjections unto his will revealed in his word or works. 2. Have a special heed to the Government of the several powers and faculties of your souls, Heb. 9.12. their Dispositions and their operations; that all may be regular. 1. In the sight of God, the searcher of the heart. Rom. 7. 2. According to the rule of the Word, which commands not only the outward, but the inward man. 3. Within is the principle seat of all sanctifying grace, and from thence gives it forth its commands and influences throughout the whole man. It is an excellent subject, and but little insisted on, the government of the understanding, conscience, will, memory, affections etc. their proper actings in a way of grace and duty. For your help in this, See Ball of Godliness, something also there is to this purpose, in Penner on Conscience and the Affections, and as I take it, in Reyner's Rules, think well upon it. 4. Rom. 6.19. What if we add to this the government of the senses, and to them of the whole man, and all the members. 4. Look to the acting of those graces, which are next to the vital and fundamental Graces; or, if you will, Col. 1.10. Col. 2.6. the branches of them, and attendants upon them, that so you may abound. 1. In every Grace; 2. In the various actings of the same Grace. 3. In the connexion of graces, and 4ly, Their actings in several cases. as Humility, Meekness, Patience, Heavenliness, Charity, Selfe-deniall, Hope, etc. Give all and every grace its place and order, its time and season, its life and power, it's measure and manner: Cant. 2.14. Cant. 4.7. this makes a beauty spiritual and glorious in the Countenance of the Christian, whether in the frame within, or in the form of the life and conversation without; That within to the eye of God, that without to the eye of God, Angels, and men. 5. Eph. 9 Rom. 13. 1 Pet. 2.12. Titus 2.10. Next to this, have a special respect to the proper Actings of the Graces in your relations, public or private; these are your duties, these will be your ornaments, will set forth the Gospel, and return unto you a gracious entertainment (through Christ) with God, as well as man. 6. Act your graces in Common converses, those particularly between man and man in dealing and trading, 1 Pet. 2.12. 1 Pro. 3 See Love's table of buying and trading. buying and selling, and all transactions: few consider the extent of the second table, with the obligation that it lays upon them, and how straight it's bound on by Christ and his Apostles in the new Testament, as by Moses and the Prophets in the old. 7. Mat. 0.0. Look to yourselves and the actings of grace even in your lesser matters, Rom. 13. as your eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. apparel, recreation, etc. learn not only, in these to do nothing sinful, but also to Act your Graces, and to Glorify your God, and to approve yourself a Christian. 6. 1 Cor. 10.31. Dir. Labour not only to preserve grace, and exercise it, but to grow in Grace and to Abound in it, both for the habit of grace, and for the exercise of grace, by this you will more abundantly glorify God, every your evidences, increase your comfort, and greaten your reward: 1 Cor. 15. 2 Pet. 3. Pro. 15. 2 Pet. 1. Isa. 35. 1 Pet. 2.2. Pro. 1.18. For this you have promises in the Gospel, advantages in the ordinances, and helps from Christ; there's a fullness with him, you have interest in him, you may apply yourselves to him, and there need no question, but you shall receive abundantly from him: only you must enlarge your desires, and heighten your faith, and use the means: cherishing the spirit, weeding out corruptions, and exercising your graces. Be much in prayer, Mat. 25. put in suit the promises, beg for influences; take heed of pride, and be humble, take heed of worldly mindedness, and be heavenly, Phil. 3.20. be not careless in duties, but servant in spirit, serving the Lord: Rom. 12. Converse much with the Scripture; warm, and enlarge your hearts with the sense of the love of God and Christ, 2 Cor. 5. Rom. 5.5. Heb. 11. lock often towards the promised reward, keep in your eye the examples of the best Christians, Heb. 12.1.2. but especially Christ Jesus, as your great example; rest not in measures, Phil. 3.10. intent towards perfection and the state of the resurrection from the dead: Neglect the improvement of no grace, Judas 20.21. but especially lay out in vital graces; and for others, be most careful for the most needful, in your capacity and condition; the like where you are most weak: Be nothing in yourselves be all in Christ: Rev. 3.2. Phil. 4.13. This is the way to increase it in the habit; only further know, Eph. 1.21.22. that as grace abounds in the heart, so it need to do in the life. 1. In the frequent actings of the same graces, Eph. 4.7. as they are required. 2. In the divers actings of several graces, as the case may command it, Col. 1.10. And in the lively and vigorous actings of all. You have a reward enough to encourage all, 1 Cor. 15. you have ways enough to put forth all, you shall have grace of influence to furnish all: Heb. 13.20, 21. ● Thes. 1.11, 12. you have engagements enough from the love of God, the grace of Christ, the gift of the spirit, the promises of the Gospel, the privileges of Grace, the hopes of glory to provoke to all. Such things considered, and such means used, will also serve to keep up your hearts in a lively frame of spirit, and readiness for duty and service, this will quicken you when dull, enlarge when straitened, and set all the wheels of your souls on going. Lastly, Look to your standing and perseverance: 1 Thes. 3.8. Pro. ●ep. Heb. 6. Rev. 2. Heb. 10. Ps. 51. Apostasies are dangerous; some are desperate, the least is too bad though you lose not your crown, yet lose not your comfort, your communion with God, your evidences, your earnests, no nor your graces themselves, Ps. 51.29. thougst in the least degrees: you may lose your Jewels, though not your crown; and the sparks of diamonds the shing of gold, and the minute degrees of grace are too precious to be lost. Therefore reglect not the means, Rev. 3.1. tak● he●a of omissions, watch against your temptation, sit 〈◊〉 lose from Christ, abate not in your exercise: here withal remember, that you stand not by your own strength, Rom. 11. 1 Pet. 1.25 3, 4, 5. but by the love of the father, the blood of the 〈◊〉, the power of the spirit, and the performance of the promise. For this reflect on S●rmons of regeneration, John 3. at Petrocks; Walking in the light at Mary-Moores on Joh. 12.35. and on Phil. 3 2. last v. and Noah's walking with God on Gen. 6 at Mary Arches, etc. you may find much more in Ball, of Godliness: Love, of grace; Burges his Spiritual refinings: Burroughs gracious spirit: Burroughs Conversation becoming the Gospel, and his Heavenly Conversation. Bolton's Walking with God. T. Tailor circumspect walking, and Bishop Tailors Holy living. Gouge Of Relative duties, whole duty of man. Ambrose Media. goodwin's growth in grace, etc. Cripplegate Exercise, Reyner, Henner. Reynolds life of God. SECT. iv Of the Christians daily walk. EVery day hath its duty in Common and ordinary, Heb. 3. and some days in extraordinary actings of grace, and performance of duty; to the Glorifying of God, and to the working out of our salvation: for this take and practise these directions following: the word be your rule, the spirit be your guide, and Christ Jesus be your strength. 1. Psal. 5.3. In the Morning, when you awake, lift up your heart to God; be thankful for the mercies of the night, desire the guidance, grace, mercy, and providence for the day; send up some Holy Ejaculations: Consider what may be most likely the duty and temptation of the day, set your spiritual watch, engage your hearts with God, and warm it with the thoughts of his love, and the hopes of his kingdom. 2. Psal. 1.2. Season your hearts with some portion of his word, read first what may next come to your hands, proceed then in your ordinary course for your morning reading of the Scriptures: work what you have read, upon your heart, Ps. 5.3. by serious meditation, and then address yourself to God, as you have place and opportunity in solemn prayer: from thence in fit season (ere the occasions of the world fall in) discharge the duties in your family, 3. Rom. 12.11. Eph. 6.7. Apply yourself with diligence to the duty of your Calling, in the fear of God, with a good Conscience, depending on his presence, favour, and blessing. 4. Keep upon your hearts, Gen. 17.1. the sense of the eye of God, that sees all, the ear of God that hears all, and the hand of God that records all, especially the word of God that is to rule all, and his providence to bless all: do nothing that may displease him, do every thing according to his will, and to his glory. 5. In temporal employments and secular occasions act spiritual graces, mind eternity, your spiritual concernments, Phil. 3.20. send frequent, holy ejaculations towards Heaven, and so maintain Communion with God throughout the day, and in the midst of your employments. 6. Watch against the temptations of the day, the occasions to sin, and the first motions and stir of corruptions, and those either rooted in thy disposition, 1 Pet. 5.8. 1 Pet. 2.11. or occasioned in thy calling: 1 Pet. 5.8. & 2.11. Take heed of sinning. 7. Take not only care of sinning, but be found (as occasion is offered) in all well-doing. Is. 1.16. Tit. 2.12. Mica. 6.8. Adorn the Gospel, and approve thyself a Christian by acts of Righteousness, Justice, and Equity in all thy deal, and withal of mercy and charity, as it lies before thee. 8. Take care of thy words; let none be profane, Math. 12.36.37. 1 Pet. 3.10. sinful, frothy, uncharitable, but true, and seasoned with grace, administering grace to the hearers: use not too many words in buying and selling; hear few stories that little concern you, and tell less. Think before you speak; remember there is an account to be made of words, by these also thou shalt be justified, Math. 12.37. and by them thou mayest be condemned. 9 1 Cor. 10.31. Tit. 2.12. In all refreshments of food, or recreation, be sober, serious, and spiritual. 10. Upon rovings and wander call in thine heart, Eccles. Prov. and let not thy thoughts be too far dispersed, or too long disengaged from communion with God, soul-concernments, and matters of Eternity. 11. Eph. 4.26. Take heed of passions, rash anger, sudden surprisals or provocations, that may be offered. Do no wrong: take notice of little, forgive much, forbear retaliation in words or actions: in great affronts be not too much disturbed, and commit events and returns to God. 12. Eph. 6.1. Eph. 5.22. Fill up Relations with relative duties, whether as superior, or inferior, or equal: be obedient to the commands of Superiors according to the will of God; be respectful, kind, and friendly to equals; be moderate, tender, and gentle to inferiors. Do evil to none, but good to all. 13. Beware of your company: Eph. 5.7.11. Ps. 15. have no more to do with wicked persons, then of necessity you must: let their presence be your burden, and their profaneness your abhorrency: let them know that you do not like them. Let the good be welcome, entertain them as Christians; receive from them or give to them what may be spiritual. Let your time be precious, Eph. 5.16. and little or none be wasted; fill up all with necessary duties that belong unto it, or find out something good and commendable to improve it. On moments of time depends eternity: let not spiritual and temporal duties interfere, but let each have their proper seasons; run not from thy particular calling to exercises of the general, when unseasonable; neglect not the general for the particular, when thou hast thy freedom. 15. Let not the world, or the things of the world be too earnestly desired, eagerly pursued, 1 Joh. 2.15 Phil. 4.11. affectionately embraced: be thankful for, and content with necessaries; what's more, let it be improved in the cheerful service of God, in works of piety and charity. Keep thine heart at a distance, and lose from all, and be contented to part with all, Heb. 10.34. when called to it; knowing that Heaven is thine inheritance, and God himself thy portion. 26. Observe the ways and methods of God's providence towards thee from day to day: consider the graces to be exercised on such occasions: Live the life of dependence on God's providence, and subjection to his will: be thankful for his mercies, and endure his chastisements. Let extraordinary dispensations have extraordinary observations. 17. Remember to walk with God humbly, Mica 6.8. Tit. 2.12. cheerfully, obediently, and believingly. Carry yourselves to men respectfully, righteously, friendly: demean yourselves soberly, gravely, prudently: bear all injuries patiently, receive all Kindnesses thankfully, do all Courtesies readily. 18. Suffer no guilt contracted to lie long upon you, but be often examining yourselves; Ps. 19: Ps. 32. beg. on sense of sin renew your repentance, and faith on the blood of Christ, and return to Duty. 19 Tit. 2.13. Do something every day towards the last, in mortifying corruption, strengthening graces, increasing knowledge, furthering your assurances, drawing nearer to Heaven in thoughts on it, desires after it, preparations for it. 20. In the evening of the day, Ps. 4.4. reflect on what hath past, cast up accounts, be humble for defects, repent of transgressions, be thankful for mercies, renew your acquaintance with God as you have opportunity in solemn duties of prayer, meditation, and reading the Scriptures, or some good Books: perform these duties, as also your family duties, in good season. Ps. 3.5. Ps. 4. ult. see Ps. 1 & 42. & 16. When all is done, remember Mortality and Eternity. Act repentance and faith, and commit your souls, and bodies, and family to God, and to his keeping. SECT. V Of Communion with God. THE Convert may no●● advance to a more especiali 〈…〉 God; and that not only as 〈…〉 privilege, See 1 John 1.3. etc. 〈…〉 20. Job 22.21. R For such as have into 〈…〉 God, Rom. 5.1. access to God, accepta●●●●ith God are beloved of him, may 〈…〉, and derive from him. This 〈…〉 partly presupposeth, and partly requireth what we have in these following particulars, and it may be in some other. 1. Heb. 10.19, 20. It presupposeth reconciliation with God through the mediation of Christ, apprehended by faith, answered in repentance, pursued in obedience, and maintained in walking before him. 2. It immediately follows union with Christ, Eph. 2.18. relation to God, and inhabitation of the Spirit. 3. It supposes the qualification of the person in conformity to God, Ps. 15. and assimilations to him. 4. Joh. 14.21. It is maintained, on God's part, by teachings of the Spirit, influences of grace, Rev. 3.20. Cant. 5.1. Ps. 25.14. testimonies of Love, and earnests of his glory. On the Christians part, by what here followeth. 1. Addresses to God in holy duties, Ps. 73.28. Ps. 100 solemn or occasional, through Christ, and by the Spirit. 2. Apprehensions of God, his glory, Joh. 17.3. his grace, love, and goodness revealed in his word through Christ, and applied by the Spirit. 3. Adorations of God, high thoughts of him, with humble worshippings, praises, Ps. 100.4. and acknowledgements. 4. Affections to God in Christ, Ps. 42.1. Ps. 63.1. running out in love, desire, delight, and joy. 5. Ps. 36.7. Cant. 8.5. Affiance in God through Christ in his grace, goodness, truth, faithfulness, power, and providence. 6, Activity of grace in holy duties, Cant. 4.16. proper, in times seasonable, in manner spiritual, in measure fruitful. 7. Ps. 16.8. Cant. 2.7. Actual intentions of God and of his glory, and of being well pleasing to him, in the frame of our hearts, in the course of our lives, and especially in our holy duties. 8. Applications of his love, Cant. 1.2. etc. Rom. 5.5, 6 etc. upon the discoveries of it in his word; the shedding of it abroad in our hearts by his Spirit, the evidence of it in his graces, and the experience of it in his mercies. 9 Acquainting him with our necessities, Phil. 4.6. Cant. 2.14. desires, cases, and conditions from day to day: provided it be humbly, hearty, believingly, it may be freely, and with holy familiarity, as a friend with his friend, a child with his father, and the spouse with her husband: and this whatever be our distresses, and dangers, troubles, and sorrows, wrongs and injuries wants and weaknesses, temptations and infirmities. 10. Attendance to the methods of his providence, Job. Ps. 8. Cant. 5.4. and the motions of his spirit; with the observation of his works, and the opening of our hearts unto his word, harkening to his whispers, sensible apprehensions of his approaches to your souls, not suffering ourselves to be unmindful of him, estranged from him. 11. Attributing all our mercies, and refreshments, Eph. 3. ult. spiritual and temporal, with the hopes of eternal, to his free grace and mercy in Jesus Christ: giving him the glory of all that's done before us, or upon us. 12. Acquiescence in him as our God in Christ, Ps. 116.7. our God in Covenant, our All in All: resting ourselves in our relation to him, Ps. 73.25. enjoyment of him: whatever else we want, and whatever our condition be, Ps. 17. ult. Ps. 16. ult. till we come to glory, to see him as he is, to be perfectly like unto him, and for ever with him. Read Mr. Strong of Communion with God, and Dr. Owen of Communion with God. Brinsly. SECT. VI Of Assurance. THat you may not want any needful directions for the heightening of your Comfort, peace of conscience, and joy in the holy Ghost, excuse the brevity, and take these notes of Assurance. 1. It is the ordinary, as the privilege of holy persons, mortifying corruptions, exercising graces, 1 Pet. 1.8. Ps. 36.7. Rom. 5.5. walking daily before the Lord, and in communion with him, to have comfortable assurance of the love of God, interest in Christ, 1 Pet: 1.3, 4, 5, 6. pardon of sins, state in grace, title to the promises, and their inheritance in the Kingdom. 2. If it be otherwise with any, 'tis probable, Ps. 51. Cant. 5.2. there are some unmortified corruptions, neglected graces, disordered conversations, estrangements from God, or something extraordinary in the way of God's dispensation, Is. 50.10. the prevalency of temptation, distemper in constitution, which are to be enquired after. However it be, 1. 2 Pet. 1.5. Practise the methods in the former Directions with care and diligence, in truth and in sincerity. 2. Ps. 51. Rom. 16.16. Eph. 1.17, 18. Beg the spirit of Adoption to enlighten our understandings, shine upon our graces, and make the application. 3. Reflect upon yourselves, your state, and your exercise, Rom. 16.16. 1 John 3.19, 20. Gal. 2.20. and comparing them with the word in the light of the spirit, your consciences bearing witness in the holy Ghost of sincerity upon the trial, accordingly pass the sentence for your Assurance, and make the application, cast off your doubts, give glory to grace, and make progress to glory. 4. Where things are doubtful upon enquiry, Hab. 2. Is. 50.10. Cant. 5. the best way is to put it out of doubt by practice, in the actings of the graces, and performance of the duties; waiting God's time, and keeping his way, and trusting in his mercy through Christ Jesus, till he be pleased to answer your doubts, to rebuke your temptations, to give his spirit, and to cause the light of his countenance to shine upon you. 5. Learn moreover not to question the goodness of the father, the merits of the son, the power of the spirit, 1 Joh. 5.11 12. the truth of the promises, the probability of your interest (if any way likely) much less the hopes of arriving safe to glory, being found in the sincere discharge of duty, Cant. 8.7. leaving the wilderness of the world and sin in our affection and conversation, and leaning on our Beloved. 6. Expect not considerable measures of comfort, but in proportions of Duty, Ps. 84.7. and some progress made in practical Christianity. 7. 2 Cor. 1. beg. 1 Pet. 1.5, 6, 7, 8. There are special seasons for special Assurances: as entrance upon, of discharge of some great undertake in the life of Religion, or some great trial and exercise (suppose) of suffering: and the best is always reserved for the needful and proper season. 8. Having gotten it, keep it, and that with humility, thankfulness, and diligence, Judas 20, 21. Cant. 5.2. with progress in the way where in you got it. Take heed of abusing it by security, wantonness, or worldliness. 9 Look and long for heaven, Rev. 22.20. there all is perfected. Most Sermons have somewhat towards this in their Uses of Examination and Consolation: and some more especially on this subject; search out your Notes and study them. Besides these there are divers Treatises: a● Baxter's Directions. Bolton's Instructions, Sibbes his Souls Conflict. Symonds desert●● Souls case and cure. Robert's Evidences. Ambrose middle things. Ford of Adoption. Cripplegate Exercise. SECT. VII. The Life of Faith. 1. IN the life of Faith are considerable 1. the purposes: 2. the object: and 3. the actings of Faith. 1. The purposes of it are usually for justification, mortification, sanctification, consolation, and salvation. 2. The Objects are God's love, truth, power etc. Christ's person, relations, offices, life, death, resurrection, and ascension etc. 3. The Acts of faith are, apprehension of the object, assent to the truth, consent to the gift, application of the whole, with affiance and working in love and obedience, as at first in closing with Christ. 2. Rom. 4.20. The life of faith is highly acceptable with God, comfortable, honourable, and necessary to the Christian. 1. Gal. 2.10. Phil. 3.9. Act. 3.19. To live the life of faith for justification. 1. Renew thy repentance daily, for commissions of sin, and omissions of duty: in sorrow, confession, and supplication to God in Christ. 2. Rom. 3.25.26. Rom. 5.12. etc. Let Faith first apprehend the grace of God; and look on Christ as thy Second Adam, Head, Surety, and Sacrifice, meditate his perfect obedience, and his death; therein, Gal. 3.13. the pacification of wrath, the satisfaction of Justice, the removal of the curse, Dan. 9.24. Heb. 10.16. Heb. 9.24. 1 Joh. 2.2. Luk: 22. Rom. 3.25. Gal. 2.20. Joh. 3.3. sin taken away in its guilt, everlasting righteousness brought in, and a Covenant of Grace established: see this pleaded in his intercession, and tendered in the Gospel, sealed in the Sacraments, and to be applied by faith. 2. Apply it. 3. Assent unto it. 4. Rest upon it. 5. Speak peace to thy conscience. 6. If the sense of it make thee thankful, cheerful, and fruitful to God and Christ. Rom. 5.1. Heb 10.2. Psal. 103.1, 2. 2 Cor. 5.14. etc. Ram. 8.34. etc. 1 Cor. 15.55, 56. Acts 3.19. Rom. 7.13.14. 7. Reject the temptations of Satan to unbelief, silence the accusations and condemnations of thy conscience, lay aside the slavisn fears of the wrath of God, the terrors of death and judgement. And 8. Long for the public and solemn declaration of all in the last day. 2. Live the life of faith for Mertification of sin. 1. Set home upon thine heart the sinfulness of sin, Rom. 7.13, 14. and the necessity of its destruction. Be willing to it, and resolved for it. 2. Be sensible of thine own weakness and inability to perform it. Rom. 7.24. Rom. 7.25. Rom. 6. beg. 3. Act faith on Christ for it. 1. Let faith behold Christ Jesus upon the Cross, procuring and purchasing thy freedom, Rom. 7. Ezek. 36.26. from the dominion, power, and presence of sin, in God's time, and God's way. 2. Let faith see the promises of Mortifying and cleansing grace in the blood of Christ established. Rom. 6.9, 10. Psal. 51.7. Rom. 6.12. Rom. 8.34. Gal. 5.25.26. 3. Let faith apply them. 4. Let Prayer sue out Mortifying influences from the death of Christ. 5. Let faith set thee in the way, wherein those virtues are to be experienced, as before in the Section of Mortification. 6 Let faith consider, the guilt removed, the dominion broken, Heb. 12.14 2 Cor. 3.5. the power restrained, the rest not imputed where not allowed, strength against sin vouchsafed, and in conclusion the destruction of it. 3. Gal. 3.13, 14. Let faith for perfect sanctification. 1. Affect thine heart with the consideration of the necessity, Eph. 2.5. excellency, and beauty of it. Rom. 6.4.5 2. With the sense of thine own in sufficiency, for the acting, continuing, evereasing of it. Eph. 4.7.8. Eph. 1.22.23. 3. Act faith on Christ. 1. Let faith look upon Christ in his word prescribing in his life directions, in his death procuting, whatever might be needful for it, Gal. 3.13, 14. Eph. 2.5. Rom. 6.4, 5 Eph. 4.7, 8 Eph. 1.22.23. 1 Cor. 1.30 in his resurrection arising as your head, to quicken your souls to newness of life; in Heaven possessing all gifts and graces, and having the fullness of the spirit, with power to dispense it. 2. Apply it. 3. Assent unto it. 4. Make it your choice. 5. Sue it out by Prayer. 6. Look up to him by faith, for virtue. 7. In the expectation of his influences, apply yourselves unto the exercising of your graces. 4. Live the life of faith in Temptations 1. Let faith look upon Christ as having been tempted, though without sin, and knowing how to compassionate. 2. Heb. 2.18. Look on Christ in his death, taking away the foundation of your temptations, Heb. 2.14. and breaking the serpent's head, purchasing your redemption from his dominion, though not disturbance, establishing the promises for your relief: Gen. 3.15. In Heaven look on him, as interceding for you, and exalted in power to help you. Phil. 2.9. 2. Apply it. 3. Assent to it. 4. 2 Cor. 12.8 Rest upon it. 5. Eph. 6.12, 13, etc. Sue out the virtues of Christ by Prayer. 6. In his strength resist your temptation, in the way of his direction, and putting on the spiritual armour, using it in its place and season. 7. So doing, doubt nothing of your acceptance, assistance, deliverance, Rom. 16.20. reward, and triumphs. 5. For Worldly troubles do the like. 1. John 16.33. 1 Joh. 5.4. Gal. 1.4. Let faith see Christ in his death removing the evil, which is the sting of trouble, as the guilt of sin, the curse of the law, and the wrath of God; procuring the graces and comforts in the promises, providence and spirit of God: Eph. 1.19, 20, 21, 22. in his resurrection and ascension, look upon him above all trouble, as your head, assuring you of conformity to him in his exaltation hereafter, Hos. 6. beg. as you have with him in his humiliation here: To this add the comforts from the same, 1 Cor. 15.55. Heb. 2.14. Is. 26.19. Zach. 1.12. Phil. 2.9. Is. 54.5. 1 Pet. 1.5. in Christ, against death and the terrors of it— mutatis mutandis: the like for the Church of God in her distresses. Fellow it to his intercession, and his government of the world by his power and providence, having a care of his spouse in all troubles, intending only probation, Ps 73.23. Ps. 28. ult. Gal. 6.14 etc. at most correction, not at all destruction. 2. Let faith Apply this and the like. 3. Assent. 4. Rely. 5. Perform the duties of such conditions. 6. Confidently from Christ expect acceptance, assistance, and deliverance. 6. Live the life of faith for eternal life. 1. G. l. 3.13. Look on Christ in his state of Humiliation as removing the hindrances, sin, law, curse and wrath, death and Hell. 1. Purchasing the title and all advantages; Heb. 9.15. establishing the covenants and all the conveyances: in his exaltation advancing towards it, entering into it, Joh. 14.1. Heb. 6.18. Col. 3.1. and taking possession of it, not only for himself but for all believers, as their forerunner; keeping it for them, appointing their mansions, securing their title, Gal. 4.4. and taking order for their Adoption, qualification, preservation, Joh. 17.24 Rev. 22.20. Heb. 11.1. Heb. 10.34 comfort here, and at last their assumption, that according to his desire, Prayer, and promise, they may be for ever with him, etc. 2. Let faith apply it. 3. Assent unto it. 4. Rely upon it, And 5. Carry out to duty and ways of Holiness. And 6. 1 Pet. 1.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Resolvedly pass through your trials, difficulties, dangers, and deaths, according to the will of God: Committing your souls unto him, nothing doubting, but in the end, you shall receive the end of the faith, 2 Cor. 4. ult. 2 Cor. 5.1. etc. the salvation of your souls. 7. Live much upon it and the fore-thoughts of it, it is Glorious, it is yours, it is certain, it is safe, it will be Eternal. Christ hath procured it, Christ doth possess it, 2 Cor. 5.5. Eph. 1.14. Phil. 1.23. the promises assure it, the sacrament seal it, the spirit is the earnest, your graces are the evidences for it, and all your dangers and deaths do but prepare you for it, or enter you into it. 7. Live the life of faith on Christ Jesus for faith itself: Heb. 12.2. 2 Thes. 1.14. take his directions, follow his example, bottom on his his' undertaking; depend upon his fullness, yield to his methods, and expect his influences. This life of faith is necessary, comfortable, sure, practicable, influential, honourable. Study it, use it; and for further directions, I commend you, besides your own meditations and sermon notes on Gal. 2.20. or other Scriptures, to the reading of these Books. Balls Life of faith. Lawrence life of faith. Cuiverwell Life of faith. Ward life of faith. Ambrose his Middle things about the life of faith. Psal. 9.10. More particularly acquaint yourselves with the Attributes of God, the offices of Christ, the relations wherein he standeth, his several states of Humiliation and exaltation, 1 Cor. 2.3. with the intentions of all and their improvements: for this, I refer you to Sermons, on God's Attributes and providence, and to good Books, as Preston Of God's Attributes, and particularly his All-sufficiency. Stock, Of God's Attributes. Wilkins on Providence. Gearing of Providence. Obad. Sedgwick on Psal. 23. and Providence. Dike on God's Name, etc. and for that of Christ to T. goodwin's Works. Especially Christ exalted as the object of Faith. Study it throughly with the piece of Christ's heart in heaven, etc. Ambrose his looking unto Jesus. Robinson's Similitudes, your Sermon Notes on Christ, etc. the Lectures, on the four Evangelists in harmony on Christ. 2 Sam. 23.5. Study likewise in order to this life of faith the Covenant of Grace, the nature of it, the contents of it, the foundation of it in the blood of Christ, Heb. 9.15, 16, 17. the confirmation by the oath of God, and by sacraments; the several dispensations of it, Heb. 1.1. gradually revealing Christ and Grace. First to Adam Gen. 3.15. then to Noah Gen. 6. then to Abraham several times, Gen. 12. and 15. and 17. etc. then to the patriarchs, to Moses, Exod. 3. to Israel on the mount Exod. 20. and 24. to David, 2 Sam. 23.5. and in many of the Psalms, Ps 89. etc. Psal. 2. Ps. 110. etc. after that enlarged in choice promises in the Prophets. For Israel in captivity, Jer. 31. Jer. 32. Ezek. 11. and Eze. 36, etc. So in Zach. 9 etc. and at last the New Testament by Christ, Heb. 8. Heb. 10. read your Sermon Notes upon this subject and those Scriptures, many of them at M. Arches and other books, as Ball of the Covenant of Grace, Bulkly, Rutherford, Morning exercise, Giles: Roberts, Cotton, and others. Leigh, promises. SECT. VIII: Of Temptations: THe best of God's Saints and Servants may be subject to Temptations, Gen. 3.15. and those of all sorts, not only to doubtings sinnings, Luke 22.30.31. and such sometimes the most abominable and diabolical. For Satan is their enemy; because they belong to God, are gotten out from his Kingdom, and are irreconcilable enemies to his interest; Satan is an Old, Malicious, Subtle, Powerful, 1 Pet. 5.8. Cruel, and deadly enemy to them, their graces, their comforts, and their persons: and God suffers it so to be, for his own glory, and his people's good; in the exercise and evidence of their graces, in the supports of their souls, and experience of his favour; for their conformity to Christ, and in order to the reward, when they overcome. Their comfort in, that their Temptations without their consent are not their sins, Heb. 2.18. 2 Cor. 12.5. Rev. 2.10. Christ himself hath been tempted; God and Christ compassionate them, God is with them to help them; their temptations are limited; Satan's headplot is broken; Heb. 2.14. their souls shall besaved, and their conquests rewarded. Their duty is to be acquainted with the nature of temptations, 2 Cor. 2.11 Eph. 6.12. etc. to watch and pray against them, to resist them, to put on and use their spiritual armour, to live upon Christ by Faith, and to look and long for their deliverance. Remember Math. 4. and discourses on Christ's Temptation. Bishop Hall: Capell of Temptations: Downams' Warfare: Gouge, Robinson, and Gurnal's Spiritual armour: Dr Owen of Temptation, and Bridges, Brooks, etc. Ball of Faith, etc. SECT. IX. Of Divine Desertions. GOds people may be sometimes for a time and in part deserted, Psal. 22.1. Is. 63.17. 2 Sam. 11. Ps. 51. as to illuminations, influences, and comforts: they may not see their way, may fall into sin, lose much grace, want comfort, Ps. 88.6. be sorely tempted, Ps. 8.9. and feel sensible impressions of Gods fatherly displeasure. This is sometimes for the punishment of their sins, Ps. 7.7. Cant. 5. Cant. 3. and sometimes for the trial of their graces; God hath also therein a design for his own glory and their good; in preventing and mortifying of sin, provoking to duty, enriching their experience, and for the discovery of the freedom of his grace, the worth of his love, and the necessity of his presence, Psal. 22.1. Jer. 31. Heb. 8. John. 10. etc. Their comfort is, they are not alone, they are never totally nor finally rejected, God is still their God in covenant, and Christ is their head in union; and the Spirit their sanctifier, supporter, if not actually their comforter in Communion; Cant. 5. beginning. Christ leaves sweetness behind him, and though absent yet draws them towards him, in good time will be found of them, and in Heaven at last abide forever with them. Their duty is to shake off security, Cant. 5. throughout. to inquire into the causes, to hear Christ's voice, to relish his sweetnesses, to desire his favour, to follow after him in all good means, to speak well of him, to cleave to their Choice, to take God's way, and to wait God's time for their comfort and recovery; and when they find him to be more careful to please him, Cant. 6. and for ever to beware of wand'ring from God, parlying with Temptation, Spiritual pride, and security under Gospel's enjoyment. Read Symonds Deserted souls case and Cure. Sibbes Souls conflict. Boltons' Instructions: rutherford's Christ's Dying, etc. And for Church-desertions in the visible tokens of God's presence: Read Sermons on Luk 19.42. Rev. 2.4.5. Rev. 3.1, 6. John 12.35.36. and Cant. 5.2 etc. The Epistles in the Revelation to the Churches of Asia: Brinsleyes' Watch, Burroughes on Hosea: Cripplegate Exercise. 26. and apply to them the foregoing comforts and counsels. SECT. X. Of Afflictions, and Trials. AFflictions and Troubles, Joh. 16.33 are the lot of Gods chosen: for correction or probation, or purification, or testimony: Heb. 12.6. or it may be altogether. Zach 13.9. etc. 1 Pet. 4.12.17. 1 Pet. 1.5 6. etc. Rev. 2.10. Psal. 42. Psal. 102. Heb. 12.6. They may be manifold great, lasting, and sometimes inward and outward both together. Their Comfort is; They are from God, their God, their Father, in love though with displeasure: their good is intended together with God's glory; in purging out sin, Is. 26. trying and exercising their Grace, weaning them from the world, and conforming them to Christ: 1 Pet. 4.13. they have special promises; God order them, Mal. 3.3. 2 Cor. 12.9. Rom. 5.5. 1 Pet: 5.6. proportions them to strength, gives sufficient grace, sheds abroad his love, is present with them, will preserve them, deliver them and bring them home to Glory, 1 Cor. 4. latter end, 1 Pet. 1.5, 6. Rom. Lam. 3.39. Ps. 51. 8.17. Phil. 1.29. 2 Thes. 1.8. etc. Their duty is (if for sin) to inquire the cause, to humble themselves, to justify God, to return to him, 1 Sam. 15. to submit to his will, and to seek his favour, to mind their duty, and to live by faith. And for trials, to expect them, prepare for them, and approve themselves in them, giving glory to God by the exercise of grace, and submission to his will. And in Testimonies to Truth; 1 Pet. 4.12. Cant. 8. Matth. 16.24. Heb. 12.2. 1 Pet. 4. ult. 2 Cor. 4. ult. 2 Cor. 5. be. Heb. 10.38 2 Pet. 1.1. etc. Prov. 142. to strengthen their faith, to inflame their love, and to manifest their obedience, to deny themselves, to take up the Cross, to look to Christ their example, comfort, and strength, and to refer all to God, committing their souls to him in well doing, and to live by faith, Heb. 11. Heb. 12.1. etc. Read Cases, Correction, instruction: Burroughes Moses choice and self denial and courage. Hugh's dry rod. Strongs' Submission to Gods will: Histories of the Church. In sufferings see 1. That you have a good cause, and suffer not as evil doers in Church or state see 1 Pet. 2.20. 1 Pet. 4.15, 2. A good call, Math. 10. 3. Exercise a good conscience, Mark 5.43. and 4. keep then a good courage, Math. 10.28. SECT. XI. Of Spiritual Retirements. REtirements are sometimes from necessity, through the providence of God, Cant. 2.14. Is. 26. ult. the rage of Satan, and the malice of the World, Rev. 12.6, 14. and sometime from choice, for privacy in duty, and freedom from distraction: Math. 6.5, 6. Improve such for meditation, prayers, reading, and maintaining communion with God. Leave the world behind you, desire God's presence, and believe his promise. SECT. XII. Of Meditation. MEditation is necessary, comfortable, but difficult. Take these Directions for it. 1. Make conscience of the duty, Ps. 1. Ps. 119. not only occasionally, but solemnly, and frequently. 2. Take the fit and freest times for it. 3. Lay aside for that time worldly occasions and thoughts. 4. Set yourself in God's presence. 5. Begin with Prayer to God for direction, presence, and blessing. 6. Pitch your thoughts on some suitable and seasonable heart-affecting subject: as the excellency and use of the Scriptures: the Attributes of God: the state of Innocency, Sin, state of nature, covenant of grace; Christ his Offices, excellencies &c. death, satisfaction, etc. the love of God, the love of Christ, faith, and other particular graces etc. Meditate often of the sinfulness of sin, the vanity of the creature, the love of God, the excellency of Christ, death, the resurrection, judgement, heaven, and hel● sometimes. When you would meditate on these, understand first the doctrine of them, and what is considerable in them: for that purpose read in some doctrinal book on such a subject: and after that, by meditation, consider and work upon your hearts to affect them: without this help you will be able to do little on most subjects. For subjects, and books on those subjects, Dr Wilkin's Ecclesiastes, may direct you for this use, as others for another. 7. Observe, if you can, a good method: for which see directions in books. If you cannot follow their methods, follow david's in the Psalms. Ps. 116.5. Ps. 42. Sometimes let it be prayerwise, sometime by way of soliloquy, or discourse with yourselves: or take some good bock, and work what you read upon your heart, till you have discerned the truth, tasted the sweetness, and felt the power of it. The brief Notes in these Sections are intended for your help on those heads, and are left to your inlargements on purpose: or take the Scriptures, and meditate on what you read. 8. Keep your hearts to the work, quicken them when dull. 9 Intent heart-work especially in this exercise, the quickening of grace, strengthening of faith, and stirring of affections. 10. Close up with prayer, and as opportunity is afforded, solemn, and with respect to the subject of your meditation. Read Bp Hall's directions for meditation, and Baxter in his Everlasting Rest; and Whites, and Ambrose in his Middle things. SECT. XIII. Of Prayer. I Need not set before you its necessity and excellenny; Rom. 8.15, 16. the spirit of Adoption will reach you to cry Abba Father. Gal. 4: 6. 1. 1 Thes. 5.17. Be frequent in prayer, often in solemn, and even constantly in ejaculatory, and occasional. 2. Be fervent and spiritual. Rom. 8.26. Rom. 15.30. 3. Be humble and lowly. Gen. 18.27. Ezr. 9.6 4. Believing. 5. Importunate. Luk. 18. More particularly. 1. Keep your hearts in a praying frame. Eph. 6.18. Ps. 5.3. Math. 6.9. 2. Mind the occasions and opportunities. 3. Prepare yourself to it by meditation. 2 Sam. 7.27. 4. Take right apprehensions of God: as your father in heaven, as a spirit, great and glorious, but your God and Father in Christ: take up suitable apprehensions to your occasion, as God shall direct. 5. Humble your souls in sense of sin to be confessed. 6. Affect your hearts with the mercies to be desired. 7. Jacob. Hos. 12.3, 4. Wrestle with God with Arguments proper. 8. Content not yourself with the bare performance, without affection of heart, and enjoyment of God. 9 Keep close to the duty, as near as you can, without distraction. Math. 6.7. Eccl. 5.2. Rom. 8.26. Phil. 4.6. Math. 6. Eph. 6.19. 10. Affect not words, nor length. 11. Join praises with prayers. 12. Be not private spirited in prayer, but remember others, especially the Church of God. 13. Take delight in this duty. 14. rest not in prayer, but in Christ, Eph. 3.12. John 14.13 through whom present your person and prayers unto God, with faith. 15. Look after your prayers, Ps. 5.3. and God's answers to them. Read Cobbet of Prayer Gee of Prayer. Ambrose his Directions jam his middle things. T. goodwin's return of prayer. Ford of Adoption. Cripplegate exercise. 14.17.19. SECT. XIV. Of Sanctification of the Lords day. 1 BE settled in the doctrine of the Morality of the Sabbath. 4th Comm, For this purpose read Sermon Notes and books, especially Cawdry and Palmer. Shepheard and Whites appendix to his directions for reading the Scripture. 2. Prepare for it, desiring the day, Exod. 20. composing your worldly affairs, and laying them aside in the evening before, set your heart in order towards a Sabbath, and desire God's presence and blessing for the day approaching. 3. In the morning awake with God, proceed to private and family duties, be more large and solemn in them then at other times, spend intervals in meditation, holy conference, reading, and prayer. 4. Is. 2.3. Ps. 122.1. Ps. 100 Hasten to public ordinances, lay aside prejudices, and take care to give God your hearts. See Burroughes of Gospel's worship, and other treatises of that Nature. 5. Leu. 26.42 If you want public opportunity, inquire into the cause: if sin be in it, humble your souls, justify God, and accept of the punishment of your sin, pray for pardon, act repentance with faith in the blood of Christ: lament after the Lord. 1 Sam. 3. Ps. 42.84.63. 6. Rev. 12.14. Ps. 42. Make up your want in private worship 1. Begin with prayer, confession of sin, and supplication for a blessing, with praise to God. 2. Read much of the Scripture, Psalms, Old and New Testament. Meditate upon it, draw your observations, and work them on your hearts, observe God's teachings, and impart them to any with you. 3. Pour out your hearts more largely in prayer. 4 Take some good Sermon Notes, or some choice book, and spend a Sermon time in it; and suppose you were hearing it in the public congregation. 5. Close up with prayer and praises, desiring a blessing. In intervals of time take refreshments natural with spiritual affections, thoughts, discourses. Let the rest of the time be spent as in the morning, in meditation, reading, Is. 56.6. Is. 58.13. conference, and prayer. In the afternoon, at the solemn time, do again as in the morning. After that, as in the intervals, reflecting on what you read, observed, and were taught of God that day, renew your family and your closet duties, as in the morning; and be much in Thanksgiving. Let the day be improved for God, and with him. Keep out the world. Get some special acquaintance with God, with Christ, and Heaven. Do good to the souls and bodies of others, as you have opportunity, especially in your family. Bless God much for Christ, and the work of Redemption, and look and long for Heaven. See Goodwin of sanctifying the Sabbath. Expos. or 4th Comm. Shepheard, etc. SECT. XV. Of Fasting and Humiliation. 1. AS necessity requireth, and opportunity is offered, be often in the duty of self-examination, soul-humiliation, with fasting and prayer. 2. Improve public days for that purpose. 3. Keep some private in your family, and in your Closet, because of family and personal necessities. Zach 12.12. And for direction in it, (having considered your necessities, set a fit and free time apart, put your heart into a posture, and sought God's presence,) set about the work. 1. Jach. 12.12. Dan. 9 Lam. 3.39. Let your private and family duties, of daily course look towards it. 2. Sat down and examine your hearts and lives, and find out your special sins and transgressions in every age, in every relation, place, etc. 3. Dan. 9 Having found them out, set them home upon your hearts, in the consideration of their nature, number, and aggravations. 4. Draw up against yourselves the sentence of the law of God. Gal. 3.10. 5. 1 Joh. 1.9. Put yourselves into the presence of God, and make large free and ingenuous confessions of sins, both of nature and life. Ps. 51.17. 6. Get your hearts humbled under them in God's sight, and desire him to work you to it. 7. Dan. 9.7, 11. Acknowledge your deserts of death and damnation, and of your particular affliction. 8. 2 Cor. 7.11 Work your hearts to hatred and abhorrency of your sin, and express it sincerely. 9 Look upon God in Christ as gracious, Exod. 34.6 and merciful, willing to pardon sin. 10. Dan. 9.19. Plead hard for pardon in the blood of Christ. 11. Present Christ Jesus as your sacrifice, Levit. Rom. 3.25. once offered upon the cross, ever presented in Heaven; let faith apprehend it, apply it, and present it unto God. 12. Ps. 51.7. Beg God's cleansing and sanctifying grace. 13. Ps. 51.13 Renew your covenant for better obedience in the blood of Christ, with a sincere heart, and desire God's acceptance and grace. 14. Pray for the removal of the judgement, with submission to Gods will: Dan. 9.16. effectually pray for the sanctification of it, and for support under it, with patience to bear it: pray then too for the blessings to be desired, as it may be for your good and God's glory. 15. Remember then your family relations, friends, those that have desired your prayers; the needy, sad, tempted, and afflicted servants of Christ. 16. Ps. 51.18. Dan. 9 Ezek. 9 Enlarge in your prayers for the whole Church, for the Land, King, Magistrate, Ministers, and People. Confess Nationall sins, considering your share in them, mourn for them, strive with God for mercy, etc. wrestling with God in Christ. 17. Towards the close, confess your failings in the present duty, John 14.13, 14. beg acceptance through Christ, and conclude with blessings. If it may be, continue in this order, while strength lasteth, but be sincere, fervent, and affectionate in all. 18. Then read some portion of Scripture to the purpose, Ezra. or as God shall direct, spend some considerable time in so doing, with reflection and meditation upon what you have read. 19 Proceed again to Prayer, bewailing your defects in the duty of the day; looking over your confessions, and making them up in renewed acknowledgements. The like in the other parts of the duty. Ex. 33.4, 5, 6. Jona 3.6. Joel 2.15, 16. 20. Abstain from ornaments, accommodations, and refreshments, as long as you are able, to help you in Humiliation, or to express it, and to quicken you to prayer. 21. Is. 58.7, 10 In the close devote yourselves to God; and give something, as you are able, to the poor. 22. Be often in such duties, Dan. 10.2, 3. as occasion requireth, and while God is afflicting you or his people, walk humbly, and lay aside your ornaments, and abate your refreshments, and be much in prayer. SECT. XVI. Of Spiritual feasting on Christ. CHrist Jesus his body broken, and his blood shed, affords spiritual nourishment, with plenty, life, and sweetness to the soul, that is interested in him, Joh. 6.51, to 63. and lives upon him. There is a Spiritual and a Sacramental feeding on Christ. For the Spiritual, see Joh 6.54. for the Sacramental, see 1 Cor. 11.23. 1. As often as you can, receive and improve the Sacrament. There are many good and Books to direct: as, Roberts, Dike, Bolton, Pemble, Bradshaw, etc. 2. When you cannot Sacramentally, see that spiritually you feed on this body and blood of Christ. For Directions take these. 1. Rom. 3.2, 3. Consider your necessities, sins, wants, and weaknesses, to sharpen Hunger and Thirst for Christ. Joh. 17.3. 2. Call forth at solemn times for that purpose your know ledge of Christ, especially in his death; Zach. 12.10. Is. 53. tot. Ps. 22. Math. 27. 1 Cor. 2.3. 3. Let ●aith set a dying Christ before you in your thoughts and meditations, with your sins, and God's wrath upon him. 4. Put in practice by godly sorrow what is set before you, Zach. 12.10 Zach. 12. while you look on him whom you have pierced: let sin then appear exceeding sinful, because besmeared with the blood of Christ. 5. Apprehend and apply by faith the love of God, and the love of Christ in dying for you. Gal. 2.20. Rom 5.6, Gal. 2.2. and John 3.16. and 1 Joh. 3.16. 6. Look upon Christ in dying as your surety, Heb. 7.22. Eph. 5.2. and as your sacrifice in your name and steed. Rom. 6: 7. Gal. 3.13. Rom. 3.25. Dan. 9.24. Look on Christ in his death as answering the Law, satisfying justice, taking away sin, bringing in everlasting righteousness, establishing the covenant of Grace, and making a purchase of grace and glory, Heb. 9.15. Eph. 1.14. Rom. 6.6. giving a deadly stroke to sin, and breaking the Serpent's head etc. Heb. 2.14. 8. Draw by faith all manner of virtues from him, to mortify sin, to quicken grace, to strengthen faith, and refresh your souls. 9 Eph. 1.3, 4. Be much in thanksgiving to God for his Son, and adore the Love. 10. 2 Cor. 5.14. Improve all to Argument against corruption, temptation, and the world. See Rom. 6.3. Titus 2.14. 2 Cor. 15.14. 11. 1 Cor. 6.20 Give up yourselves again in an everlasting Covenant to be the Lords, to live to him, and if need be to die for him. 12. Depend upon the satisfaction of Christ, Heb. 9 ult. and expect the virtues of his Death, till he come again in glory, and take you up with himself, that you may be for ever with him. Long for his immediatee presence, and hasten to it. See Bp Taylor, Rev. 22.20 latter end of his treatise on the Sacrament. SECT. XVII. Of reading the Scriptures. 1. SEttle your faith in the Divinity, 2 Pet. 1.19 Authority, and Verity of the Scriptures. And for that consider 1. that God is: 2. that God in his name, 2 Tim. 3.16. Joh. 1.1. &c nature, and will cannot be known, without revelation of himself: 3. such is his goodness (not to say his justice) that he will not expect that we should know him, believe in him, worship and serve him, not having given the world a sufficient discovery of himself. 4. there is no other, Act. 4.12. but this of the Scriptures, sufficient for that purpose. Heb. 1.1. 2 Tim. 3.15, 16, 17. 5. This hath been delivered from God, from time to time: and 6. is a sufficient discovery of God, and of his will. 1. The Scriptures affirm it. 2. Nothing rational can be objected against it. 3. The Contents prove it, it carries selfe-evidence with it, and all divine characters necessary to it: Heb. 2.4. 4. It hath been sealed from heaven by a continued series of Providence; by miracles, by the powers of the Holy Ghost upon the first writers and publishers, Heb. 4.12. by spiritual and divine operations on Hearers, some to Conversion and Consolation, on others to Conviction and Confusion. 5. It hath been confirmed and sealed by the blood of Christ and many thousand Martyrs. Heb. 9.15. 6. It is wonderfully preserved in the world; 1 Tim. 3.15 and handed in the Church from one generation to another, and is still the same, notwithstanding all attempts to deface it. 7. 1 Joh. 5.10 Every true Believer hath the witness to it within himself, lives upon it, Rev. 12.11 and would die many a death rather than deny it, lose it, or the comforts of it. 2. Be conversant with it, Psal. 1.1, 2. and much in reading it, hearing it, and meditating upon it. joh. 5.45. Ps. 1. & 19 & 119. 2 Pet. 1.19. 2 Tim. 3.15. Rev. 1.4. &c: with faith, love, humility, diligence, obedience, constancy. 3. Read sometime occasionally, Act. 8.28, 29. for your instruction and consolation, as you shall be guided to it by God's spirit and providence, and your best understanding: but often solemnly, have your set times for it in your retirements, besides the family and public opportunities: sit close at it, be not long absent from it. Read for spiritual refreshment as God shall direct you: be much acquainted with the Psalms, Esay, the N: Test: Read for particular purposes on special places: Read for the general knowledge of the Scripture, the Bible in order; and for quantity at a time, as your opportunity will give leave. 4. when you are to read solemnly, 1 Pet. 2.1. lay aside sinful lust, and worldly thoughts, quicken your affections to the duty, set yourself in God's presence, beg his spirit, take the Book in hand with reverence, read with faith, fear, diligence, and understanding: and that you may the better understand it, Act. 8.30, 31. use such helps as God hath afforded. 1 Consider the connexion and scope, comparing it with other places: 2. Refer it to an enquiry, when you meet with a good Annotator, or an able Minister: 3. Pass on to what you may more easily understand, and remember, that places concerning salvation, and the necessaries to it for saith and life, are generally plain, and easy to be understood. What you understand, consider, Ps. 119. that it may affect your heart, and take place in your memory, and give you such obvious observations, as it naturally affordeth for instruction or consolation: take special notice of what may increase your spiritual knowledge, rebuke your corruption, direct and quicken you to duty, answer temptations, and refresh your souls: and more especially, of what the spirit of God in reading sets home upon your hearts, with evidence and power. If you would not willingly lose the observations, set a note upon the place, and if need be refer it to your Notebook for that purpose. When you have done, reflect upon the whole by meditation, and commend it to God in prayer, bringing forth the fruits of it, in an holy life and conversation. Helps to the understanding of the Scriptures may be such as these. 1. Read books directing you about the Scriptures, as Ambrose Middle things. Whites Directions for Reading. Robert's Key to the Bible. 2. When you meet with a difficult place, Note it, refer it for an enquiry when you meet with an able Minister, or a good Expositor. 3. Have some choice Annotations on the whole Bible, and on particular books: if the English Annotations in Folio be costly, Get Bishop Hall's Paraphrase, or Deodates' Annotations: For the particular books; there are several, as caryl on Jobe. Burrougheses on Hosea. Greenhill on some part of Ezekiel. Hutchenson on the lesser Prophets. Dickson on the Psalms. 1. Dixon on Matthew and Hebrews, and all the Epistles. Hutchenson on Saint John's Gospel. Manton on James and Judas. Jenkins on Judas. Sclater on Thessalonians. Baine on Ephesians. Bifield on Collossions, etc. Ainsworth on Pentatench, Psalms, and Canticles, with many others: if you cannot get all, get such as you can. 4. Acquaint yourselves with the General Contents of the several books. In Scritpure the Five Books of Moses, show the Creation of the World, and the foundation of the Church; at length settling it on Abraham's family, with Gods proceeding with them in Egypt, and the wilderness, under the conduct of Moses, etc. Joshua, and other Historical Books show the progress of God and his providence towards the Church, in several ways, and persons, and times. The Psalms are full of spiritual Meditations: Proverbs full of instructions for Holy Wisdom. Ecclesiastes shows the vanity of the creature. Canticles communion between Christ and his Church, and that as some think Prophetically. The Prophets contain not only Prophecies, that concerned the Jews and other Nations, but many promises of Christ and Grace, etc. The Evangelists give you the History of Christ his person, doctrine, miracles, life, death, resurrection and ascension. The Acts show the foundations of the Christian Church, among Jews and Gentiles. The Epistles are for the edification of those Churches, and our instruction, occasioned mostly by Heresies and persecutions. The Revelations, Prophetically set forth the state of the world in general, and the Church in special, from St john's days till the end of the World. Be most conversant in plain and practical Scripturess neglect not others Doctrinal, or Historical. For the prophetical, especially Daniel, and the Revelations, they are beyond the reach of famous Divines, much more common Christians: Providence is the best expositor on Prophecies: and to a good understanding in them, there needs much knowledge of History and Chronology, yea the most profound and abstrusest parts of learning: only somethings in general may be easily understood, as that such and such places concern the description and condition of the Church, in her pure or degenerate, in her prosperous or suffering condition; and such and such the enemies of God and of his people: and so may be read with profit. In sum, believe the truth of the Scripture, Adore the Majesty of God in them, acquaint yourselves with their matter, make them the ground of your faith, and the rule of your life and practice, bless God for them, and wait till Heaven give an absolute and perfect understanding of the whole. SECT. XVIII. Of Reading good Books. IT hath been God's wonderful care of his people to provide, as the Scriptures, so good books for them; there are many such, both doctrinal and practical. Get and read the best, but in a good method, and with diligence. 1. For Books scriptural: they are such as these. 1. Expositors as before: Sermons, of them make choice. Concordances: newman's and Cottons are large but useful, downham's are brief, and it may be may serve a private Christian. A Book of Scripture references perhaps in English may be wanting, the Catechism in quarto with the Scripture references may be a present supply till a larger may be had. Directive, for reading of the Scriptures you had in the former Section, as Ambrose and Bifield, etc. And for the reading of expositors; some, as the brief Annotations must be consulted on difficulties, others, as larger expositors may be read in order throughout, as other choice books. Doctrinal, Bishop Ushers Body of Divinity. downham's sum. Leighs Body of Divinity. The morning exercise at Giles, and the Assemblies large Catechisms with other Catechisms, will be a good introduction, to them you may refer your other reading. From some good Catechism understand the principles of Religion, and then having gotten a knowledge of the heads in Divinity, proceed to other books: observing the point of doctrine, with its proof from Scripture, and sound reason, It's several branches for Amplification, and its uses in Application. For sentences and illustrations, you may look upon them as profitable or pleasant, but not so necessary. For Controversall you need not trouble yourself with most of that nature: get advice for such from an able minister. For practical, there are many on particular subjects: I have referred you to not a few. Others are on mixed subjects: get and read the best. Such as these I would commend, besides others you may meet with, and at present I may let slip. Shepherd's sound convert and believer, and others of his. hooker's works. Baxters, Gurnhalls, Loves, Preston, Sibbes, Perkins, Downham, Harris, Tomas goodwin's Works, Reynolds, Symonds, Mor●i Exercises both Ball. Read well Ambro●● looking unto jesus, etc. In reading practical books, observe these directions. 1. Acquaint yourself with 〈◊〉 best books. 2. With the general conte● of the book. 3. Then read it over in ●●der; for time, as opportunity gives lea●● 4. Observe the principal heads more 〈◊〉 enlargements. 5. Incorproate the ma●●ter into your understanding. And 6, the●● get it wrought into your hearts, and upon your affections by meditation. 7. take special notice of what particularly concerns you, especially what is set home upon your hearts by the spirit of God in your reading, either by way of conviction, instruction, or consolation. 8. make an end with one good book before you begin with another in your ordinary course. Let your books be few, choice, sufficient and read them well. Get a well chosen and composed closet of books: A fair Bible, Deodates' Annotations: a Concordanc●● Ushers Body of Divinity: and for practic●●● Books, as you can procure them. FINIS.