THE CITY ALARM, OR The Week of our miscarriages, Which have hitherto obstructed our proceed, and will now retard them, if not speedily removed. Whereunto is annexed a Treatise of the EXCIZE. Luke verses. For which of you intending to build a Tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it, begin to mock him, Saying This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Chi dinanzi non mira, di dietro poi sospira. London Printed for joshua Kirton in Forster-Lane next Goldsmith's Hall. 1645. The City Alarm. AS in natural so in Politic Bodies, the ready way to perfection is a frequent and impartial view of their own abilities and defects, & look how much these are usually Supernumerary, so much the more assiduity is required in their search: conservation, which is grounded upon a right understanding of our wants, in the very category of nature preceds acquisition, prevention of imminent danger, the improvement of advantages. Therefore flatterers are worthily exploded, as the moths of virtue and underminers of merit, who by giving men false intelligence of themselves, and corresponding with our hereditary enemy, self love, hinder us from pursuing the most glorious of all Victories, that of our own imperfections. I mean not Princes earwigs, the scene is now altered, court and court parisites vanished together: there is a negative as well as affirmative flattery, by silencing our failings as well as over extolling our merits. Is't not strange that among us who fight for truth it should be malignancy to speak it? We are contented to lie complaining in the mire, rather than strive to rise, every child whispers, no man speaks out our miscarriages, and how think we to be cured if we conceal our wounds, the main part of the cure consisting in the tenting? there's no good fencing without knowledge of the feeble of your Sword, and in fortification we esteem that engineer a traitor, who conceals or lessens a places weakness, first repair breaches, then make a sally. Not many weeks are past since I exchanged foreign air for English. I have heard of a mysterious way of communicating intelligence between persons far distant, by virtue of the Loadstone, sure I am, the same Loadstone, which touched you at home, affected me abroad, and I might well make excursions with my thoughts, but their continual revolution was about your affairs, so that in what Climate soever I was, I felt the air of our English news very catching, more especially it grieved me exceedingly to hear of our home bred jars, animosity and partiality whereby we curtailed our strength more shamefully than Hanun did David's Messengers, exposing our nakedness to the view of all the world, an object of pity to our friends, of scorn and derision to our enemies. The Parliaments friends abroad have hitherto looked upon their party, as upon a goodly well built body, strongly limbed, and fairly proportioned only hindered in its growth and thriving, by some sleeping ill humour whereby it wasted and pined a way no man knew how, so that they commiserated and prayed for us, but thought us irrecoverable by any other Physician, than God and Time. Now that by God's merciful providence this occult evil humour is broken out into botches and boyles all over our body, (one great imposthume already broken, others ready to break, if seasonably crushed,) instead of rejoicing at signs of health, we bemoan our loss of beauty, looking bacl (whiles we should march forward) to our fair armies in the old Model, between whose ceremonious proceed, and those of the new, there is as great difference, as between the Law and the Gospel. And if not the vastest but most spirited body, be the usefullest, I know no reason why we should not make more account of this little army, although but like Naam ans flesh recovered of his leprosy, coming again as a child's, then of all our former brawny armies, Men are to be weighed, not numbered, and to be weighed by their usefulness, a little treasure expended doing more good than a great deal hoarded up. But what advantageth it us to have begun well, if we stop in the middle of the race? Or to have projected a good Plan, if we neglect the superstructure, perchance we think the name of a new Moddell a sufficient spell, without any further provision, or hath not indeed self interest bribed some men's passions to rebel against their reasons, who not able to hinder the make of this engine, now strive to impede its motion, some of these having most unworthily transported what they could out of the ship of the state into their own cockboats, now think to set up sail in a mist undescried, like silly birds who thrusting their heads into a bush think no body sees them, but however they turn away their eyes from their own unworthiness yet others see it, and God will punish it. In the mean time it concerns all men of integrity to rub their eyes, and inquire out the reasons of our restiveness, which hath brought us upon precipices before we were ware, and which will infallibly ruin us, (I speak in a rational sense) if not speedily remedied. I am not so childish as to imagine my eye sight sharper than other men's, yet a boy upon a Theatre may see more than a man in a crowd, and a slander by sometimes you know, sees more than a Gamester. I easily believe, most men apprehend the danger we are in, but either wilfully shun the thoughts of it, as contagious; or amazed with the horror thereof, stand gazing with crossed arms, as if they were metamorphozed into Marble, while the weaker sort of people, like the Sea when moved with a tempest, roar and beat themselves against the rocks, which they should rather strive with united force to eschew, by struggling against the waves, which have cast us upon them. All in general make difficulties, which should be wherstones to their courage, gravestones to their resolutions, wherefore that I may not be guilty of the same sin of omission I condemn in others, I will endeavour a discovery of the chief Remoras, which I conceive to flick in our wheels, with a rude draught of their removal, which wiser men may perfect. The Spaniards reward those Messengers best, who bring worse tidings, whereby their losses being timely redressed, seem rather slips than falls, and they are no sooner downe then up again. I expect no such welcome of my unsavoury intelligence, as mere duty ravished it from my breast, so the discharge thereof, is all my pretended recompense. Yet I confess my satisfaction would be doubled, if by ringing this Alarm, I could awake all those in this City, whom it concerns, to shake off that frozen timidity, which a little winter of adversity, hath caused in them, and revest their wont courage, which now seems to lie bedrid. Now to our Scrutiny. ALL affairs move upon the two hinges of counsel and action, deliberation and execution, whereof that seems to be as the head, this as the feet of every great enterprise, or if you will, the brain conceives, and the hand is the brains midwife. When either of these is out of tune, the consort is spoilt, both pilot and mariners must concur to guide the Vessel. No wonder if our feet sailed us in the beginning, and that our numerous Armies did so little, their joints were goury. The Commander steered by a mere defensive principle, went a way to plaster, not cure our wound, and the common Soldier soon caught with the birdlime of profit, was easily persuaded to keep out of gunshot, contenting themselves to give us once in a year a bit of action to stay our stomaches: whereas in our case not speedily to conquer, was to be conquered; for seeing our strength was then in its flower, the Kings only growing, to expect, was but to give his Forces time to accomplish their growth, and draw a decrepitness upon our own. It's easy traversing the head of a Spring, but now that we have traveled along the bankside, till this Spring is swollen into a mighty River, we find it impassable. 1. I would not have looked so far back, having so much matter before me, were not the same gouty humour, of late especially, crept into the upper Region of our body. Have we not some envious spirits (an infallible indice of self-emptinesse of worth) who sit in the manger, neither doing nor suffering others to do any thing? qui jettent la pierre & cachent le bras. These State jugglers, are the States greatest enemies, who by underboord working conjure up such foggy fumes into our head, that our eyes dazzle: our Counsels rurne round, and such a thick mist hath benighted our understandings, that few see upon what ground we stand. But wherefore all this intricacy? I answer, some gouty old Members now out of joint, strive to slip in again in the dark, which to effect, they have attempted to put the whole body out of frame, wherein they were not a little encouraged, considering there are as many Drones as Bees in the hive, and the Bees more laden with wax then honey, their wisdom miscarrying through abundance of facility. Thus our ague is turned into a Fever, the distemper of our feet, into a distemper of the brain, to teach us that the chain of humane affairs is never complete, either the link of will, or link of power is wanting: for now that we have a gallant and faithful Army, desirous to improve advantages, their wings must be pinioned with expectation of Orders, whiles in the mean time opportunity steals out of sight, which can only be hunted at view, not by scent. Most businesses suffer shipwreck, because occasions are hasty, and men slow, especially in war, occasions once lost are irrecoverable. Hast is the best friend, when time is the greatest enemy, as it needs must now be ours, when as our strength is in its virility and age of consistency, and cannot but in reason expect its decaying age to ensue; wherefore before arrant imbecility seize us, we should do well with all intentness to put out our strength to the uttermost. To which end no means would be more effectual than a standing Committee in our Army, of such as are well affected to our new Model, who as fresh spirits to the body, may add life and motion thereunto: All advantage in war consisting in certain emergencies, which are swift in their passage, admit of no delay, but must be apprehended on the place: and however this hint may seem posthumous, the thing being already done (thanks to the City Petition;) yet I leave to wiser consideration, whether we may not justly fear new rubs and stops in the prosecution of this miraculous success, wherewith God hath blessed us, as long as those who have proclaimed their disaffection by the opprobrious term of new noddell, have any share in its disposal. 2. Some are the backwarder in provision for this Army, because they fear the advantage thereof will rebound upon the Independents, and the heat given thereunto, hatch more of that faction; as if we were still in a condition, to pick and choose. Is not the City exhausted, the Country in most places wasted, every where discontented, our Coffers emptied, our spirits half spent, and all struggling for life, and yet we must cut off the only sound limb we have left, because, forsooth, it goes not so regularly as we could wish. Cannot lines meet all in one point; though they go not all the same way? they may often meet, yet differ. Though speech is necessary for all men, yet not this or that language, so discipline Ecclesiastical is generally requisite, but not material whether the way be left green or paved. It were to be wished Christian charity and discretion had both, had more sway among us, as well Presbyterians as Independants, whose imbittered zeal one against the other hath been so heady and preposterous, as if men thought the only way to be ripe in faith, were to be raw in wit; whereas the only way not to be inveagled by the guileful through skill, is to be skilful against guile. Truth hath no such enemy as likelihood, Satan is never so terrible, as when he appears like an Angel of light, presenting specious, but false appearances, to animate us one against another, and cut asunder all ligaments and sinews of unity, well knowing that the strength of the faggot consists in the bond. Weighty is defined by Plato, that which is made up of most parts of the same nature, light, that which hath fewest; therefore stones sink, when great beams swim. If we desire a true estimate of our strength, we must measure it by our unity. What avails it to overcome others, whiles our dissensions conquer us? Dissension makes us float in uncertainty, Unity only is able to bring us to the ground. I hate irrationability in whom soever I find it, and can wish those Nadabs' and Abihues, who have offered up new and strange fires, no worse punishment then to be still guided by their ignes fatui. But the passion of some, should not make us passionate against all: if we lay aside prejudicacie, and examine the unseasonable reasons, some out of animosity allege against employing active Independents at this time, we shall find them resemble the colours of the rainbow, which are but imaginary, and vanish for want of subsistence in a solid body. And whatever some men conceive of their opinions in relation to the State, were it not madness for fear of a future mischief to make it present? as if for fear of dying so many years hence, a man should presently become his proper executioner: of two evils being not both avoidable, the choice of the less is not evil. Were it not folly in a storm to refuse the aid of some, because their clothes and ours were of a different fashion? thoughts and opinions are the apparel of the mind; and if the greatness of our misery had not deprived us of the sense thereof, we should esteem those our best friends, who first bring us ashore, and employ the forwardest men with what opinion soever clad, as the fittest means to make an end of the work, which else will soon make an end of us. 3. Next to our distractions, nothing hath so much dampt the vigour of our proceed, as our antedated and abbortive hopes of final success, grounded upon presumptuous thoughts of our own strength, and our enemy's weakness; whereby it hath many times come to pass, that measuring our enemies rather than ourselves, and that by the diminutive glass of our simpering intelligence, we have made our Armies, as some bad Tailors do children's clothes, too just to the body of our enterprise; not considering the infinite consequence of a lost battle, whereto we expose ourselves, at least if we win: having not men enough presently to pursue a Victory, a valiant enemy selling it, perhaps, so dear, that our Army is compelled to lose the fruits thereof, we are forced to prolong the war, exhausting men and treasure, till the process, though won, costs more than the thing is worth. The calling back part of our Forces before the work was wholly finished, hath likewise cost us dear, witness the late business of Taunton. He that despises his enemy, puts not out half his force, and that with little intentness, whereas a little wellknit man, by wary husbanding his powers, often casts a mightier, blinded with this passion. The disease is grown epidemical, our ears are so delicate, they are galled with the rehearsal of truth, it's a meat of too hard digestion for our tender stomaches, as if it were not safer to give two false alarms, then neglect one true, petty dangers may sometimes be wisely concealed for seat of uproars, but apparent perils ought to be expounded to the people, lest whereas they are great, they be thought desperate. How can we make an even encounter, when we are ignorant of the length of our adversaries weapon? Yet now a days its malignancy to discover it: who ever makes a true map of the King's strength is reckoned among the Israelitical messengers, who brought up an evil report of the land of Canaan, a disheartner of God's people; Sure they have but Pigmy spirits who dare not stand a relation of the Royal Anakims. But this unevenesse of spirit, is self conceits constant handmaid, the fall is usual from the pinnacle of presumprion to the dungeon of despair. It's observable, how we have always hood winked ourselves with conceits of the king's impuissance till it came to trial, and then finding him stronger than we suspected, we suspect him stronger than indeed he is, it being natural for one contrary to beget another. Hope is the fawning traitor of the mind, whiles under colour of friendship it robs it of its chiefest strength, resolution. This over early expectance of an end of our troubles, disinables us in the means, and is as much before time, as our dilatory proceed are out of time. Hence flow present and tumultuary counsels, without any provision for the future, circumferential deliberations without any fixed centre. No wonder then if every unexpected accident, whereof War is full, sets the sun-dial of our counsels ten degrees backward, since 'tis the nature of sudden and unlooked for danger, to surprise and suspend the use of reason. Experience is the mistress of fools, but distrust the mother of wisdom, because doubting the worst, it represents future mischief as present, and provides against it, if we had begun with doubts, we had ended long ago in certainties, but because we began with certainties, therefore we remain in doubts. There is no prudence without an eye in the forehead, or policy without foresight, neither is foresight available without application of preventive physic. At the first we had undoubtedly a foregame, of late we have been forced to alter our ward, and play an aftergame, which our gamesters have so well managed, that we begin to set up all our sails again. People naturally flow in confidence, ebb in despair, And from the collision of these two waves, arises the foam of impatience: check me this peccant humour and provide for the War, as if it were to continue a hundred years, then with God's blessing, it may end in one: we must work out our salvation here, as well as hereafter, with fear and trembling. 4. A concomitant hereof is our greedy grasping of more business than we are able to wield, this vice hath been predominate both in our Counsels and actions: Our striving to reform all at once hath made us reform nothing, for as it is not good to pass by the least error in an entire Commonwealth, so in a corrupt one to appear too much a good Commonwealths man, is the next way to ruin it; the same weight which preserus in safety an upright pillar, causeth it to fall, if the pillar lean. State alterations are best gradual. Our passionate desire of an end, recoils us from the end, whilst we embrace the most specious not the most feasable designs, Oxford's siege and Licesters' loss. looking more at what should be done, then at what can be done, and weighing only the conveniences of a design effected, but forgetting to put into the balance, the difficulties of the effecting, the inconveniences other parts suffer in the Interim, the gain of the enemy, who like a river overflowing its banks carries all before him, for want of our timely opposing a Digue to stop the torrent. Whereto have so many blockings, served but for stumbling blocks to our friends, bridges to our enemies; who have oftentimes eat the meat, whiles we were knawing the bones. Have we not lost whole countries' while like flies, we were buzzing about some glimmering enterprise, where many times we burned our wings into the bargain? Chi troppo abbraccia nulla strigne, he that will do all, shall do nothing, nay worse than nothing. War is too slippery a way to stand at a stay in, we must either slide forward or backward; and if we stand still, while the King goes forward, may we not properly be said to lose ground? We do worse than stand still, in doing things by halves. It's disadvantageous to a private man to have too great an opinion of his merit preconceived, for Ideas are always perfecter than Existences, and men finding not what they expected, slight what they find: much more dangerous is it to States to occasion a greater expectation in the people, then can be answered, and we occasion it by the multiplicity of our undertake, which hath not only distracted our forces, exhausted the well-affected (whose subventions, as certain, should have been reserved to a time of arrant necessity,) and by both disenabled us to any business of importance, (for which we are always forced to go a begging,) but it draws an inevitable consequence of leaving most things undone and doing all the rest by halves. It's incredible how much this humour of not pursuing the point of our designs, hath diminished our reputation abroad; Picolomini. 'Twas the censure of one of the greatest soldiers this age hath produced, that the King and Parliament were like two ill Gamesters at Chess, who make many remooves to little purpose, neither of both skilful enough to give check mate: how it squares with the Royal party, I know not, but fear he lighted too unhappily on us, we dance about the board, run round like a horse in a mill, and find ourselves at the years end, where we were in the beginning: every man is sensible of this circular mischief, but none mounts up to the cause, I will give you my thoughts thereon, only as they may relate to the future. It's a great secret in war, when there are many gaps to stop, to know, which it imports most to stop first. Herein consists the supreme degree of military prudence, and as it were the precious Elixir, which we must seek out to enhappie this war, by labouring to discern, which ought to be its principal seat, and to bend our powers thitherward, ready to change our conduct, as the war shall change its face. And because this seems to be of no small consequence, give me leave to tell you the Spaniards proceeding herein, which is admirable and thrice worthy imitation. That which makes them possess in perfection this secret, so that they are seldom cozened in the choice of what is most advantageous to their present affairs, is the Symmetry of their government, and subordination of their Counsels, which are divers, according to the several Territories of their domination, where their Armies are employed. For example. For the affairs of Italy, there is one Counsel established in Italy itself, which is form by the correspondence and relation, observed between their Ministers there entertained, especially between the Governor of Milan, Viceroy of Naples, and two Ambassadors of Rome and Venice. In occurrencies then which concern this Country, the first deliberations are taken by these four, who constitute as it were the first Tribunal, where the difficulties are agitated, and the resolutions taken of what is most expedient to be done: the result of their advice, with a faithful relation of the facts whereon it was form, and reasons whereon it was grounded, is sent into Spain to a second Counsel, composed of persons intelligent in Italian affairs, who by having passed through the greatest employments of that Country, have great lights, and exact notions thereof; Here the reasons of the first Counsel are put into the furnace again, and digested anew. And as in the Oeconomie of man's body, the spirits which are formed in the liver, purify themselves in the heart, and discharge themselves there, of what ever they have gross in them, before they come to the brain, where they receive the last degree of subtility and light, whereof they are capable, and obtain a certain vigorous quality, which renders them the most immediate organs of the body's motion, and senses operation: so the resolutions of this second Counsel, are carried to a third, which is the Prince's Counsel of State, there to undergo a third Examen, and see if there be any room for them in the order of his affairs, and whether that, which relates to the good of Italy, (whereat only the two first Counsels aimed,) would not prejudice the general good of their Monarchy. I have been the more punctual in this description, because I judged it applicable to our present way of Eastern, Western, Northern Committees, etc. wherein were there a right subordination settled from those in the Country to those here, and from these to a third grand Committee, we should not tread those Mazes of fortune, wherein we have often wooded. We must resolve to endure small losses in one part, to obtain great success in another, for the branches will whither, when the trunk of the tree is rooted up, and when the vitals are wounded, the other parts die of themselves. We unbend in good success, & prosperity seems to soften and melt our vigour; it's too strong a liquour for our weak vessels. We usually crack till we break, we stop, as it were, to take breath, in the fairest part of our way, and letting good fortune go before us, without having the courage to follow her, we lose the sight of her. Whereas we should never repose less then after success, nor ever be more desirous to fight then after a battle, or to re-enter the career then after having been crowned. What profits it us to have had sometimes the advantage in the race, while the King hath recovevered it in the turn, and when we thought we had him in our arms, he hath slipped away between our legs. 5. Another main obstruction in our Counsels hath been want of secrecy, which is the life of consultation, as expedition is of action, and here I must tell you plainly the opinion of strangers, who think it impossible, the bell of our counsels should sound so loud, if some clappers did not speak on both sides, or that the King should so easily unfold our riddles if he ploughed not with some of our cattles. All is not gold that glisters, and it's feared if some great pretended zealots both to Religion and Liberty were well rubbed they would prove but Alchemy. Our greatest enemies sit at our tables, lie in our bosoms and as the heat which roasts the meat on the spit, is invisible but by its effects; so we feel an unnatural heat, gnaw and consume our very entrails, but either cannot or will not yet discern it. Sure Westminster Hall breeds spiders, although it breed no cobwebs; for the Royalists abroad could inform me better of what passed in Parliament, than the Parliaments Agents. Shall not this be searched out? Poor England, what! Disperited so soon? London, what! so suddenly disanimated? you, whose dread hath been upon foreign nations, what! suffer yourselves now to be mated by a set or sect of home bred achitophel's? shall wicked men dare to offend, and honest men not dare to punish? or will the advantage perhaps not pay your pains? The routing of a traitorous crew may prove as advantageous, as the gain of a battle, since by their treachery, we are liable to the loss of many battles. Besides its more unsufferable to lose by deceit then by force, because cozenage is built by others craft upon the foundation of our inconsiderateness. Neither let consideration of former merit plead pardon for present misdeeds but rather further punishment, as upon those who having shown they knew how to do good, would against knowledge do evil. But pardon this transport which pure zeal to my Nation hath extorted from me, and jealousy of its reputation on wherein I know how much we suffer in foreign parts. When the Venetians suspect any Patrician of correspondence with a foreign state, they at the same time imprison his person, & search his house. For State affairs, like mines, as soon as they take air lose their force, and evaporate into smoke. Therefore the Spaniards, who are their craftsmasters in the art of governing, are as diligent in concealing their designs, as if they wrought in some new found Peru; they seem to repose and sleep, when most busy and broadest awake: They are content to be accused of weakness, and themselves sow abroad apparent reasons, and furnish specious colours, to render this accusation probable. By this means they lull a sleep, and surprise, lightning upon their enemies before they hear the thunder, and both history and experience teach us what incredible advantage they have sometimes reaped hereby, and what prodigious blows they have given. Since we are so far in, it will not be amiss before we come out of this Spanish road, to eye their dexterity in picking the locks of other Prince's cabinets, as well as double locking their own: for since the knowledge of facts, and of the true estate of things is the base of ratiocination, and, if that be lose this must needs be tottering; they provide two ways against this inconvenience. 1. By giving power unlimited to their Agents, to spare no manner of cost to be rightly informed of all passages, and to penetrate the deliberations and resolutions of both friends and enemies, the expense is allowed them, without any examen or restriction, upon a bare note of their presentation. And although this seem to furnish matter of cozenage and to open a field where covetousness may make an unjust harvest, yet they choose rather to run this hazard, which is inconsiderable in respect of the great benefit they may reap thereby, and they believe that any expense well made and one seasonable advice, pays them with interest, for a hundred fruitless disbursements, and improfitable advertisements. 2. Then, never were people in this world so industrious as they, to cherish their correspondencies and those in great number, they affect not only specious ones, and with men of high birth and wisdom; they entertain who ever will be their Pensioners, having found by experience that a man of mean condition and parts, will sometimes disclose unto them an important truth which hath escaped the care and Sagacity of an illustrious personage. So that I have often been astonished at the multitude of their Secretaries, and at the incredible number of letters which their Ambassadors dispatch by all sorts of Messengers. We need not go to Madrit to exemplify this mystery, we may see the consequence thereof in the King's proceed, who hath done more by London Intelligence, then by Oxford force: although he paid dearly for his trust to this Intelligence at Naseby, where the institution of our new Model was sealed from heaven with God's approbation, and our despised army did that, may make envy itself ashamed. Wherefore the miraculous success, wherewith God hath crowned our close uniting in the army, should animate us to search out the accursed thing, which impeaches our union both in Parliament and City: the want whereof bars us of foreign aid as well as good opinion, for when I have pressed upon them in the low Countries, their interest involved in ours, many have expressed great forwardness to assist us, if once they could, for their security see us unanimous, to assist ourselves. And take this by the way, that those people own more for their liberty to their * first General's exact intelligence from Spain, W. P: of Orange. then to all his and their armies: in sense whereof they allow the Prince of Orange every summer a tun or two of gold without examen, for Intelligence. If we weigh the premises, and how much we have suffered by our crazy Intelligence, we shall account it hereafter good husbandry to be prodigal in this particular; or if we will continue to be penny wise, and pound foolish, we must not wonder if our resolutions continue likewise to be uncertain, since built upon uncertainties; for how can the building be firm, which is founded on quicksands? Dall'acque chete me ne guardi Iddio; Che dalle correnti mene guardero Io. 6. And now I have done with the cracks and flaws of the house, give me leave to hint at those of the field, for all reflect upon the public. I need not insist on former abuses, of hurrying the poor willing country people to & fro, as if they had been so many puppetts for our Grandees to play withal Summoning them to appear one month with Horse, arms, and money of their own, and dismissing them the next, tireing them out with continual expectation of action, till they were unfit for action; as if their only design had been by these mock proceed to render them either unable or unwilling to help the State in time of real necessity; to the infinite prejudice and dishonour of the Parliament, who have by this means lost many thousand hands, if not hearts. But that which is instar omnium and the Serpentine abuse that hath devoured the memory of all other, is the licence (for it exceeded the bounds of liberty) of free quarter, in Counties well affected. The rod of Moses was turned into a serpent, and those who were raised to defend us from oppression most oppressed us. The insolency of the soldier banished honest Gentlemen from their own houses, and the Commonalty hereby left like a boat in a storm abandoned by its pilots, let themselves drive, at the mercy of the wind and waves; so that few of note remaining among them besides Malignants, no wonder if the honest were shaken, the wavering perverted, and the Malignant hardened in their obstinacy, by our miscarriages. Whereto if we add the insupportable burdens laid on the shoulders of the well-minded party both in City and Country, with the little care taken for their future case, we need not go far to seek the cause why so few, notwithstanding our conquests, leave the King's shadow to put themselves under the Parliaments wings: for who will be his friend, that treats his friend worse than his enemy? Must the free horse always be spur-galled, and the dull Ass favoured in his opiniatness? shall the most affectionate, be still most squeezed? Patience abused, you know, turns into fury. Popular insurrections, like Mines, cannot be avoided, but by foreseeing them. Our cause stands upon two legs, Religion, and Liberty: if we rub too hard, we may perchance rub off many friends to the latter. Take heed how we irritate these; The taking away their livelihood is the only injury which admits of no oblivion, want being a continual spur unto revenge. As the stomach, which is the seat of natural heat, as long as it hath in it any nourishment, leaves the body in peace; but if altogether without, it than draws nourishment from the head, and thereby often destroys the body: so as long as the people have some matter of subsistence left, they rest satisfied, but when wholly deprived thereof, turn head upon their head, and often ruin the Commonwealth. People are easilier ruled with the snaffle of love, then with the bit of fear: love is a silken thread, soon broken by harsh handling. We ride the people every journey, as if we should never have occasion more to come o'th' back of them: if we ride too hard, we may quickly run them out of breath, then stumble, and both finally fall together. I confess, either my eyes fail me, or I cannot see how the Royalists themselves could have chalked out a broader way to our destruction, then that we have hitherto trodden. For do but consider seriously what a horrid gulf of danger, we had thrown ourselves into by these extemporary courses, if the late insulting enemy had prevailed, as what Patent had we to presume of victory? Having disenabled our trustiest friends, disobliged others, and discontented all, whence could we in reason expect supply? you will say, from heaven. Sure, I know no promise, whereby God hath bound himself to enclose those, who break down their own hedges: Sure I am, the same God who commands innocency, commends wisdom as the others best guardian. I have observed some of opinion, that this work will never be finished with apparent means, because they have remarked God's arm highest lifted up against our enemies, in the lowest ebb of our fortune. The root of this opinion is doubtless sweet, viz. humility, but the fruit, I am sure, is bitter: its like Ezekiels roll, honey in the mouth, but gall and wormwood in the belly: whiles we fear to rely too much upon means, without God, we presume too much upon God without means. Presumption, is the fault of the men, not means; of the workmen, not instruments, which ought no more therefore to be cashired, than the use of physic, because Asa trusted to it more than God. To extrinsecate myself more plainly, this opinion is spawned by ignorance of our condition. For consider first what a thread of time the Germane wars have spun out, beyond all expectation; we imagining long since, that every day would usher in the evening of their troubles: The Protestant cause there, is as good as ours is here. 2. Consider, what difficulty the Scots find, in sweeping away a little rubbish in their Northern quarters, with the force of their whole Kingdom. And tell me now, what cause of confidence we can pick out of our own strength, were it twice as big as now it is: since while we are Actors by winning, we lose and suffer by working, wasting our force with using it, and like Bees, while we hurt others, lose our sting. The evil spirit of war is sooner raised then laid; like the stone Asbestos Pliny mentions, which once fired, can hardly ever be quenched. The waters of the deluge fell in 40 days, but were almost a year in drying; Devastations are quickly made, the reparations slowly. But what talk I of reparations? This is our general fault, we mistake a possibility for a certainty: like a raw gamester, who as soon as he gets his men over the tables, thinks all his own, till a blot fetch him bacl to an after-opinion as well as game. I wish we may not anticipate our happiness, and spoil our game by presuming it too forward. For my part, I think all provision we can make little enough, and, without God's blessing, insufficient. 7. The formerly mentioned are but our working days abuses, now follows our seventh and sabbatical error, wherein we seem to rest, and which completes the week of our miscarriages. The most natural humour in man, is self-love, the most violent, Ambition: that, inclines him to profit, this, to dignity. These two are like Rebecca's twins continually struggling for precedency. Ambition like Esau, nips the other for a time, and presses out first; but (violent things not long subsubsisting) Self-love like Jacob, soon deprives it of its birthright. To men set in office, at the beginning every little authority seems great, while their eyes see double, dazzled with the dignity: afterward every great seems little, time having wrought off the novelty, and turned the view another way: for now having cracked the shell, they seek the kernel. Popularity for a while maintains Integrity, but time corrupts both. Many great Patriots in the beginning, have since byased: Gain hath been to them like the golden ball thrown down before Atalanta, which she stepping aside and stooping to take up, her race was hindered. The Hebrew word for gold is therefore pithy, as derived from a root, which signifies solicitude and distraction. Men naturally go down the hill, and propend to self-Interest, and this passion is so prevalent, it can hardly be mastered, but by that other of fear; as we use to hunt one beast with another. There would be no wickedness, if there were no protectors of wicked men, and permission is protection. Why should a few Accomptants stand up like Hercules' Colomnes, which no man dares outrepasse. You, that have smitten the Lion and the Bear, shall a Cocks crowing affright? Have you lost your courage with your money? and the mettle of your minds with that of your purses? if not, why are not money-mongers called to account? why must the Commissioners of examination for accounts have a lame and curtayld power? why must taxes run on in infinitum, and no body know what becomes of them? It's an old maxim. Acquaint the Commons with, what is done, and they will think it done for common good, otherwise for private profit. If these men were innocent, me thinks, they should be glad to vindicate their innocence, and wipe off the stains, which blemish it: nay, if others were innocent, me thinks, it should concern them, to give the Kingdom this satisfaction. Sure there are Receivers as well as thiefs, who occasion all this tergiversation. What's the reason else, that notwithstanding the imposition of Excise, continuation of all former taxes, addition of new, and turning the stream of the Association money, yet there is such extreme penury, that our Army scarce paid wants recruits, Taunton cannot be relieved without begging for it, nothing of moment done without fresh supplies? Can we see this and not blush to be so notoriously gulled? I say notoriously, since all Europe takes notice of it, and laughs at our simplicity. Ob. 1. Some have alleged formerly, that if we should not connive at petty abuses, we could not be supplied with great sums in time of extremity. Call you those abuses petty, which make us a scorn and derision to all our neighbours? Again, what puts you upon these extremities, but your own supine Carelessness? like some ill husbands, who rather than trouble their heads with care of their estates, remit all unto their Stewards, and if by them they may be furnished for the present (although with spoil of their woods, and other squandring shifts) never dream of the future, till by degrees, they enslave themselves to their own servants, who often buy them out of all with their own money. Were it not better to call your Stewards to a weekly account, and order your expenses according to your incomes? Can we ever look to thrive, until we know upon what ground we build? nay, with what face can we exhaust the Kingdom, under pretence of bringing Delinquents to justice, while we cherish as great Delinquents in our own bosoms? Besides, its folly to imagine we shall always have these Monopolizers of Treasure, within our call: as long as there is hope of further gain, they will inch out our necessities, but in time of extreme danger, what hinders them, their estates being portable, to transport them, and leave us, like men at a low water, upon the sands? for if we think them guilty, we cannot imagine them so silly as to stay a whipping. Ob. 2. Others allow of this motion, but not of this time, as thinking it now unseasonable, and that it would retard the present prosecution of the business. Before the relief of Taunton, many honest active Citizens were forwarding this good work, as rightly apprehending it the only efficacious means, to make straight what was crooked, and recover our pristine strength: but they were staved off with excuses of our then present extremities. Now that God hath blown away our enemies with the breath of his indignation, and blessed us with sufficient leisure to dress our present, and provide against future wounds; we are told this is a time to reap corn, not to pick straws in; a time to chase in the field, not to sit potching at home. Thus the winter being too cold, and the summer too hot; I wonder what time of year, these men would have us work in. We start well, but we pursue not: why did you show your teeth at Guildhall, if you intended not to by't? or if you be, indeed, still hungry, when can you expect more leisure, to make a meal of these alldevouring pikes? can there ever be a fit time to squeeze the sponges in (if any such there be, as it's mainly to be feared) then now, that we want money to complete our victory, with our Army? Search but the Tents of these achan's, and doubt not, you will find golden wedges, and silver shekels, enough to stop the Soldier's mouths one quarter, perhaps encourage them so far, that the work will be half done by the next quarter. It's the property of quicksilver, to erect and set up an end: if the Soldier be quickshod with this mettle, its incredible how airy his spirits will be, and how nimble-handed he will be to every enterprise. Falshood is a Viper which wounds with her teeth, and bears the cure in her belly: Some horseleeches are so full, that if you purge them not, they will die of a surfeit. If I thought all that are in our Israel, were of our Israel, it were bootless to stir you up to such a duty: I would rather sound this Alarm throughout the whole land, that all may come out of the caves and dens, wherein they were hidden, and as one man pursue the enemy. But seeing most refuse to do their duty except hired thereto, and seeing its hard to follow the chase we are in, without continual fresh supplies; I hold it impossible to raise these constant supplies, except the people be first satisfied in this particular. Field action, and City consultation, are not like clock weights, when one mounts the other descends: they are rather incorporated twins, which must always move together. When the soldier is busiest in action, the Senator should be most assiduous in Counsel. To conclude then, there is no so ready mean to untie this Gordian knot, as my Lord Major's Sword, I mean another City Petition, pressed with all modest earnestness upon the Parliament, to Audit the Accounts of the Kingdom with all the speed imaginable, for if you follow not the scent, whiles it is yet warm, the next wind of success blows it quite away. Flatter not yourselves, neither pluck too early, the fruits of your labours: remember from whence we are raised, by whom, and whither we may fall again. What's the reason of that marvellous vicissitude hath been hitherto in our affairs? our crying up man too much, too little crying up to God. Confidence and security are the forerunners of danger: present success hath only freed the passage, and opened the way: we are far yet from our journey's end, if you desire a sudden end, provide for a long journey, if a hasty peace, for a slow War, not to make it so, but as if it were so. This provision cannot be better made then by redressing excise abuses, and so settling it for the future, that the people may be both satisfied and freed by frequent accounts, which would produce rare taxes. The advantage of this redress and settlement would be great. The Parliaments honour would be hereby vindicated, who suffer extremely in the opinion of those, who want the spirit of discerning between sound and unfound. The hands and hearts of our friends would be strengthened, when they should see their money as faithfully distributed, as cordially exhibited. The countenances of all wicked cain's would fall, when they should see us in a constant course of supply no more liable to the shoals of want, or rocks of cozenage. Besides hereby we should be enabled to raise fresh forces in the Eastern association, by suffering the currant of their moneys to resume their proper channel. Neither would this be of small moment, whenas the General discharged from the particular care of those Counties, (whereto his army seems yet tied by receipt of their pay,) should not need eye any other business, than pursuance of the King and the hindrance of his recruits: Then, the virtue of this example would work upon other Counties, and animate them to the like association, by not fearing (as they have hitherto had cause) a diversion of their levies, when they should see a solid establishment for our own. It's incredible what order and due proportion will do in taxes. The united provinces with less than two millions of revenue maintain a hundred thousand men on foot, whereof Amsterdam more than a third part. And if the Dutch frugality be compared with our English profusion, I see no reason why London may not exceed Amsterdams' proportion, or since the Beer excise amounts there to sixty thousand pound a year, why it may not here be farmed at one hundred thousand pound, or if you will say their multitude of Seamen, (who are usually troubled with dry livers) may make them proportionably exceed us in that particular; Sure we exceed them more in other domestic, & frivolous expenses. Unequal and jumping taxes undo us, while no man knows how to proportion his expenses: how much better were it, both for the Commonwealth and us to be at a certainty? Wherefore I will wind up my alarm with a relation of the low Country excise as it was sent me last week out of Holland; which although not altogether so perfect, as I desired, yet may afford some light in things most material, and stir up others to lick this rude draught into better form, which hath been my main intention. But before the voider come give me leave, instead of a Dessert to serve you with one caution more. That as we have new modelized our army, and aught to new modelize our excise, so (if we really aim at a speedy period of our miseries) we must new Modelize something else of greatest concernment. If we look into the Venetian government, we shall find their so much admired durability and prosperity to flow from the frequent redintegration of their several Committees or Counsels by their grand Counsel. Thus precedent Counsels were obscured by the Septemviri, and these again by the Decemviri, who bear an annual magistracy, and are accountable at the years end, to be according to their merits, either punished or rewarded. In the Infancy of the low-Country Commonwealth, their chief Counsel, was that of State, whereto both Governor and General, had and have admittance, but soon after apprehending the danger whereto they exposed themselves, by revealing the mysteries of their State to strangers, and yet not daring openly to disgust the English, they ordained another supreme Council, whereto their General hath no admittance; whereby they satisfied the Earl of Leicester, and secured themselves. When our foreign friends saw us begin the year so resolutely with execution of Delinquents, and removal of remiss Agents, they verily thought the hour of our deliverance come, and expected we should have stopped at no mediums but gone roundly on to the end proposed. What mean then all these rubs and sudden stops, which come upon us like fits of the falling sickness? The ice is broken, and we on the other side of Rubicon, by the cure of our feet and reformation of our armies. The restoration of our withered hands, is the work of another Sabbath, of such a day of rest wherewith God hath now blessed us, and is accomplished by opening the palms of all receivers; whereof enough hath been said, if rightly, too much, if slightly understood. But both these remedies are insufficient, as long as the same evil spirit that possessed heretofore the executive, now torments the directive power. When the feet are lame, there is help by crutches, when our hands fail us, others may feed us, but the distraction of the head, hath an influence upon all the senses: It lies neither in the forepart nor in the hinderpart it is in vertice. The only mean to chase away this evil spirit, is the harp of David, i.e. the slip of unity grafted in the stock of honesty: a true harmony between all the honest both in Parliament and City. Seeing God hath abounded in mercy towards you, be not wanting to yourselves; when God goes before he expects you should remove your tents and follow him, and that not halting but running. Wherefore either let former success animate you, or abundance of future fear drive away all present fear. Relapses are dangerous, and therefore as the disease diminisheth, so care of the patiented aught to be augmented. I desire peace, no man more: yet let me tell you, those who have drawn their sword against their Prince (rational men will understand me in a vulgar sense) I will not say with Alexander of Parma should fling away their scabbard, but surely should be cautious, upon what terms they sheathe it. The Key of the King's Cabinet, as it hath unlocked the mystery of former Treaties, so I hope it will lock up our minds from thoughts of future. A Treatise of Excise. SInce there is no Peace without a previous War, nor war without stipends, neither stipends without taxes; and since this is especially remarkable in the United Provinces, whose several Signories, are bound to a yearly tribute for defence of the common Cause; it will not be amiss to look more narrowly into the Collection of those riches, which have rendered Holland, the miracle of this latter age. Tributes here are of two sorts, some ordinary, others extraordinary. Ordinary are those, which once imposed, are ever after exacted. Extraordinary, such as according to the vanishing or imminent necessity of the Commonwealth, are sometimes exacted, sometimes remitted. I find three sorts of extraordinary taxes; the first is of every head, the second of every Chimney, the third is upon the whole bulk of a man's wealth and possessions balanced together. That is called Head-money, the other Chimney money, and this the two hundreth penny. The Poll-money consists in two shillings, which the Commonwealth hath for every head within it. Which how it swells their Treasury, is easy to conjecture, by the infinite frequency of its Inhabitants. Yet men of meanest condition are exempt from this burden, and those accounted such, who shame not to profess their extreme poverty before the Censors. This hath been but once, that ever I could hear of exacted, with great reluctancy of the people, whereof some apparently withstood it, which may be the reason of its intermission. Chimney-money, is nothing else, but a tribute, which owners of houses, whether in Country or City, pay in behalf of their Chimneys, for every one two shillings. Herein the Spaniards in the Kingdom of Naples preceded the Low-countrieses men, for this Custom is yet there observed. The two hundreth part, is assessed upon the whole bulk of a man's substance, so that whoever is worth two hundred shillings or pounds, pays in one to the Treasury, for four hundred two, and so proportionably: but may some say, How can the Magistrate make a true estimate of every man's private fortunes? Since none easily betray their opulence or indigence; Whence may be inferred, that the Magistrate often declines the way of equity, seeing it cannot be, but that some will pass for poorer, others for richer than indeed they are. This difficulty is prevented by a prudent temper and moderation. For the custom is, that in imposing this two hundreth, the Consuls and other City Magistrates, according to public fame of every one's wealth and fortunes, exact from some more from some less, as they are vulgarly esteemed wealthy or needy: whereby no man is forced to reveal his riches, which are rated at the arbitrement of the Magistrate, and common rumour. Notwithstanding, if any will upon oath affirm himself overrated, what is just and equitable, is detracted. In which proceeding this is observable, that most men being ambitious, and affecting the repute of opulent, many from whom the Magistrate exacts too much, choose rather to pay, then proclaim the slenderness of their fortunes. So that vice itself supports virtue, and real profit is reaped from wealth imaginary. This tribure is for the most part triennial. Ordinary taxes are manifold, I will only hint at the principal. Salt Excise is thus exacted. The City Magistrate useth to view each family, and the persons thereof, and according as the family is less or more numerous, a greater or lesser measure of Salt is presumed to be annually spent, and proportionably a greater or lesser sum imposed. In some Cities there is a certain price appointed to every great and small measure, which the buyer pays in lieu of tribute. Beer excise, whereto all Citizens are promiscuously bound, is of twenty pence a barrel. Only smallest Beer of three shillings the barrel is Excise free, in favour of the poor. Besides the aforesaid, all Alehouses and Innkeepers, pay two shillings three pence the barrel. The excise which Brewers alone discharge, is two pence upon every barrel. So much likewise pay the Mariners or Merchants, who import Beer from England, Germany, and elsewhere. Upon French wines six pence a gallon. Upon Spanish, Rhenish, and other sorts, twelve pence the gallon. Vinegar Excise consists of six shillings eight pence upon every Vessel of 40 gallons, two pence the Gallon. On Strong waters, and Aquavita is imposed ten pence the gallon, if made of Wine; five pence if of Beer, Butter excise, consists of six shillings eight pence upon every barrel of three hundred and twenty pounds, a farthing upon every pound; multitude of pounds supplying the defect of magnitude in the imposition. Oil excise, consists of six shillings eight pence the Pipe; upon each Vessel of Whale Oil, five shillings. Candle excise, both of Wax and Tallow, is four shillings two pence the hundred, half a penny the pound. The impost of round measure, is that which is upon all such Wares as are measured with measures of a round form, as Corn, Salt, Seeds, Lime etc. for every last or load of wheat, one shilling ten pence, of Rye 2s. 1d. of round and small seed, three shillings. For a hundred pound of Salt, three shillings and a penny etc. Now this excise is paid by those Merchants, who buy great quantities and measures of these necessaries. Turf and Coal excise, consists in one penny and a half, the tun of Turf; and one pound ten shillings upon a hundred pound, of great English or Scotch coals. Excise of ruder and harder Wares, vulgarly the Impost of great wares, consists in five pence the hundred of Lead, two pence the thousand of Brick. Wood excise consists in the eighth penny of what it is sold for; so that if it be 8 or 12 shillings the load the Excise is 1 shilling, or 1 shilling six pence. Excise of interweaved with gold, and of all silk, consists in the twelfth penny of every ell, so that if it be sold for twelve shillings, the Commonwealth hath one, etc. Upon every one of their own woollen clothes, ten shillings. Upon English undied, for every piece valued at 12 pound, one pound; and for every piece above 12 pounds' value, one pound six shillings eight pence, upon the coursest , two pence the ell. For Tapestry and guilt leather, and such kind of Wares, etc. the ninth penny of their value. The value is enquired of the Merchant, who lest he should cozen the Farmer of this Excise, by dissembling and diminishing the true price, it is prudently ordained, that paying one Flemish pound, i.e. ten shillings more than the Merchant's price is, the Farmer may (if he think good) retain those. Wares as sold to himself. Upon each Wagon and Boat two shillings: for greater vessels more, according to the number of their Tons. Ten shillings upon every Coach. The Excise of manured lands, consists in four pence half penny the Acre, with whatsoever swoon or planted, to be paid every month; the Months to be counted from the sowing time until Harvest. Upon all sorts of land, the sixth penny of what they are let for. And if any hire not, but live upon their own lands, they are estimated by the Magistrate. Upon houses, the eighth penny of their rent; but because the rent is not always one and the same, therefore their estimate is taken by the Magistrate, and the proprietaries more or less rated. For every servant, the Master or Mistress pays two shillings. Excise of all immooveables, wherein ships are comprehended, consists of the fourtieth part of the price for which they are sold. Which, how much it conduceth to the increase of their Treasury, may be inferred from their frequent sale of immooveables in Holland, testified by that Proverb; Once in three years half the City of Leyden is sold & alienated. The Excise of the great and small Seal, consists in two pence upon every sheet sealed with the lesser, a groat upon every sheet sealed with the greater. For you must know, The States of Holland, for this tributes sake only, have decreed, that no Wills or Contracts, or any other Deeds valnable in law, that no Petitions; and lastly, that nothing which should be admitted into public Courts of Judicature, and Tribunals, aught to be written otherwise then in these leaves stamped with the States Seal. The Seal was made divers, in regard of the greater or lesser moment of what is to be Sealed. Many other species of Excise they have, which would be tedious to describe; Ex ungue Leonem, etc. But when the manner of their Collection was debated by the States; Some judged it most expedient to ordain in every City, some City Magistrates, or other mercenary Officers, who should take care of the Commonwealth's revenue, thinking it unsafe and prejudiciable, to farm out the taxes for a certain sum of money, & that for these reasons. 1. Because public persons are more authoritative than private; and Authority seems wholly necessary in a thing so odious, as is exaction of Tribute. 2. Because the annual profit of some taxes is uncertain, as of those of wine, and beer, etc. for example, in the same City sometimes 100, sometimes one hundred and fifty tons of wine are consumed; therefore the excise of wine cannot be farmed out at a certain rate. For the Farmers will redeem the excise either for more or for less than they afterwards make thereof; If for more, the farmer looseth thereby, if for less, the Commonwealth sustains the damage. 3. They added, that their Cities grew yearly more populous, consequently the taxes would grow more profitable; wherefore if they should be let for any term of years for a certain annual sum, the loss of the Commonwealth would be too sensible. 4. Lastly they affirmed it perilous to intrust private men with public revenues; for what if those Farmer's promise much and perform nothing? how if they therewith patch up private necessities? nay how, if they are found unable to satisfy their yearly pension! wherefore those things which without, the Commonwealth cannot subsist, aught to be in its immediate disposal. Others were of opinion, that the excise ought to be let out to private men, for certain annual sums, they had observed a two fold sort of taxes; some imposed on certain commodities, and so likewise their revenue was certain: As what is imposed on houses and grounds, is as certain, as is their number and quantity. Other taxes are uncertain as the commodities whereon they are imposed; such are those of wine and beer whereof now more, now less is expended: look how uncertain the quantity of these is, so uncertain is the profit of their excise. Wherefore they thought fit, for the collection of the former as assured and constant, to employ a public overseer: but to farm out the latter as uncertain for a certain sum of money, for which opinion they urged these reasons. 1. Because these taxes are subject to infinite fraud and cozenage, whereby the Subjects elude their payment. These deceits will be most diligently enquired into by private farmers, as reaping so much the more profit, by how much the more careful they are to detect and avert those frauds. For men are usualy more solicitous about their private Wealth, then for the Commonwealth. 2. Those private men would be armed with authority sufficient: For after the contract made for exaction of tribute, the Magistrate invests them with convenient power, and they become, in a manner, public persons. 3. They added, because the profit of these taxes was uncertain, they were of necessity to be farmed at a certain revenue; for its more behooveful for the Commonwealth to be assured of something then to have uncertain revenues, for so they might measure their enterprises by the rule of their revenue, If the farmers promise more than they receive, their contract obliges them to solve their annual pension, if the receipts exceed the rents, the profit likewise redounds to the Public. For when the same excise comes to be farmed again the next year at a public auction, either the old farmer caught with the benefit or others tolled on by hopes of the same gain, will proffer a greater sum for redemption of the same taxes. 4. They professed their intention to let out the excise only from year to year, or every six months, that so according to the melioration of the City's condition, the incomes of the Commonwealth might be yearly augmented. Lastly they affirmed the danger was in vain pretended, of intrusting private men with public wealth, for that fear and those mischiefs were easily prevented, by the farmer's presentation of sufficient sureties. It might also be ordained; that a proportionable part of his yearly rent, be by the farmer paid in monthly to the treasury. This last opinion was generally embraced and is to this day followed; for although its impossible to avoid all abuses, since no man can be imagined to undergo the hazard of such an office without great appearance of great gain, yet that loss is but a fleabiting in comparison of what the Commonwealth now suffers by the multititude of superfluous officers, who consume needlessely more than two hundred thousand pound per annum as its easy to demonstrate. Now the manner of letting out the excise is thus, Every year, or six months, the States of every City, by their printed edicts affixed in all public places, seasonably give notice of their intention at such a set time and place, to let out this or that excise to whosoever offers most, with those cautions and conditions contained in their edicts. At the day appointed, the State's deputies by public criers, set upon the wrack the redemption of the foresaid excise. The farmer is presently compelled to bring in sufficient sureties, that the Commonwealth receive no detriment. For if the farmer fail in his payment, the sureties goods are seized for public satisfaction. For prevention of all deceit whereby the Citizen might defraud the farmers two things are profitably instituted. 1. All porters carriers watermen, etc. who carry any wares liable to excise are solemnly sworn to bring no such wares into any private house, before he receive a note from the farmer, whereby he acknowledges himself already satisfied. 2. Extraordinary fines are set upon all such as are found to have never so little deceived the farmer. For offences easily perpetrated, and which are very lucrative, can hardly be prevented, unless by severest punishment. Postscript. THe dying husbandman in the fable willing to engage his sons in a future course of industry, recommended to them a hidden treasure in his vineyard: They encouraged with these hopes fell suddenly to so laborious a digging that although they found no treasure yet their vineyard was hereby soon mannured and fenced: If honest men would be induced to take a little pains in the grand business of accounts, besides the probability, of finding a real treasure, we should at least reap this benefit, that by our digging herein, the fruit of the vineyard would be improved for the future. As we are in our diet, so too often are we in our Counsels; we tie ourselves to beife and mutton, and scorn smaller dishes as french Kick shaws, we look only upon the Gross of a business and think the Beife (as I may say) of affairs only worthy our thoughts, neglecting certain circumstantial points, which are most essential and not considering that in politics accidents are substantial. Because we have the name of an excise among us, we think all is done, whereas until we settle all particulars nothing indeed can be effected. I know no reason why the benefit of all impositions, from the Crown to the ticket office, should not redound to the public; This was impossible perhaps in the beginning; now the harvest is ripe, and its high time to use the fickle. Chi non può dar ál asino dia ál basto. FINIS.