Come, come all you that are with ROME offended, Come now and hear from whence the Pope descendedâ–ª THE LINEAGE OF LOCUSTS OR THE Pope's pedigree Beginning with his prime ancestor the devil, plainly set forth to be noted of all good Christians and true Catholics, for the avoiding of those subtle snares continually laid for them by his insinuating Agents. THE pedigree. 1. THe devil begat darkness. 2. And darkness begat ignorance. 3. And ignorance begat error and his brethren. 4. And error and his brethren begat freewill and self love. 5. And self-love begat merits. 6. And merits begat forgetfulness of God's grace. 7. And forgetfulness of God's grace begat mistrust. 8. And mistrust begat satisfaction. 9 And satisfaction begat sacrifice of the mass. 10. And sacrifice of the mass begat Popish priesthood. 11. And Popish priesthood begat prayer for the dead. 12. And prayer for the dead begat sacrilege of souls. 13. And sacrilege of souls begat superstition. 14. And superstition begat hypocrisy the king. And these are fourteen Generations. 1. ANd hypocrisy the king begat lucre. 2. And lucre begat purgatory. 3. And purgatory begat foundation of irreligious houses. 4. And foundation of irreligious houses begat patrimony of the Church. 5. And patrimony of the Church begat mammon of Iniquity. 6. And mammon of iniquity begat abundance. 7. And abundance begat cruelty. 8. And cruelty begat domination. 9 And domination begat pomp. 10. And pomp begat ambition. 11. And ambition begat intrusion into the Church right. 12. And intrusion into the Church right begat simony. 13. And simony begat universal superintendency. 14. And universal superintendency begat the Pope, the Cardinals and all his brethren. And these are fourteen Generations, in the transmigration of abomination. 1. ANd the Pope begat the mystery of iniquity. 2. And the mystery of iniquity begat divine sophistry. 3. And divine sophistry begat rejection of the Scripture. 4. And rejection of the Scripture begat tyranny. 5. And tyranny begat murder of the Saints. 6. And murder of the Saints begat the despising of God. 7. And the despising of God begat dispensation. 8. And dispensation begat licence to sin. 9 And licence to sin begat abomination. 10. And abomination begat confusion. 11. And confusion begat travel in the spirit. 12. And travel in the spirit begat disputation. 13. And disputation begat matter to write of: By which writing the son of perdition Antichrist specified in so many places of Scripture was revealed. The Protestants Conclusion. THe Pope, himself (the simple to beguile) Servum servorum Dei doth instill, The servant of God's servants, who (we find) To seem his masters better is inclined, Christ humble was, humility requiring, The Pope is proud to honour still aspiring, Christ was content to wear a crown of thorns, But the Pope's head a crown of gold adorns, A triple crown which hardly him sufficeth But of his foul ambition what ariseth? Hunc capit infernus, quem deserit ordo supernus. Forsaken by the choir supernal, he's taken by the fiends infernal, For let false Catholics say what they can he's neither God nor angel, nor a man, But a prodigious beast or monster fell With all his brood hatched or begot in hell, And so I leave him.