ARTICLES AGREED By the Duke D'ANGVJEN, Lieutenant General of the King's ARMY in Flanders and Luxenburgh, to the marquis De Leden, for the rendition of Dunkirk, and Fort Leon, to the obedience of the King of FRANCE. ALSO, A Letter from Chester; containing the surrender of DENBIGH-CASTLE in North-Wales; to be agreed, to be delivered to Major General Mitton. And the last News from Ireland. OCTOB. the 19 1646. These Papers are examined, and published according to Order of Parliament. London Printed by E. E. 16461 THE COPY OF A LETTER FROM The City of Chester. SIR FOR the Rebels proceed in Ireland, we hear little since the last only that they increase, and that a Siege is feared at Dublin, to prevent which, great preparations are made, and care taken to mend the works and take in such supplies as is needful; Digby is gone to Water ford, to treat with the Pope's Nuntio: intending from thence to pass beyond Sea, probably to act their designs; we hear that they are glad there that he is gone out of the City; it being said, that had he not come thither (by all likelihood) there had been an agreement between the Parliament, and the marquis of Ormond before this. For news here in North-wales it is thus, Major General Mitton hath had a possible denial at Conoway castle, and hath given order to prepare to batter it. Farlish castle will stand or fall with the other 3. it being more considerable, by reason of those within it, then of the place itself. The Major General after a long capitulation with Salisbury, the Governor of Denbigh castle, hath agreed to have it surrendered to him. I hear that there are in Denbigh castle, of Denbigh only one piece of Canon, which was made in the castle since they kept it against the Parliament, and but few Arms, nor any great store of provision. There is with Mr. Salisbury, sir Wil Gerhard, and some 20 Officers, or thereabouts, and about 2 or 300 soldiers, but few horse. The particulars you shall receive more fully by the first opportunity (God willing.) Holt castle is parlying, and there is hopes of the rendition of it also, but no conclusion as yet. On Friday next we are to choose Officers for this city, (God grant that we have good ones.) Sir, This is all at this present, to trouble you, from Chester Octob. 4. 1646. Your very humble servant E, A. Articles agreed by monsieur, the Duke of Anguien, Lieutenant General of the King's Army in Flanders, and Luxemburge, to monsieur the marquis De-Leden, Governor of the Town of Dunkirk, for the rendission of the said Town, and Fort Leon, to the obedience of the most Christian King. 1. IT is agreed that the said Town of Dunkirk, with the Fort of Leon, and all the fortifications, and dependences be restored to his Highness, by the said marquis D●-Leden, on Thursday next the 11. of this present month, in the same condition that all is at present, by 7. a clock in the morning, with all the Ordinance, and Ammunitions of war, and of worth, that are in the said Magazines, of the said Town, and in any other reserve whatsoever; for the defence and conservation of the said Town: At which hour shall issue forth of the said Town the Mr. De-Led● with the Sergeant General of the battle, all the Colonels, and Officers, and generally all men of war that are in the said Town, and Fort Leon, both Horse and Foot, with Arms, Baggage, Matches lighted, Colours flying, and Drums beating, and 2. Peice of Ordinance without any let or molestation under what pretence soever; and that they shall be conducted the same day (in all safety with a good and sufficient Convoy) to Newport. 3. That on Wednesday next the 10. of the said month, at 6. of the clock in the after noon, the gate of the said Town, called Newport Gate, shall be delivered, and put under the power of his Highness to be kept by his forces, which he shall appoint for that purpose. 3. And (for a more easy execration of the present treaty) it is agreed that there shall be (from this present time) a general Cessation, between both parties, until the said day (viz.) Thursday the 11. During which time there shall be no shooting neither from the one party, nor the other: And that all the forces shall (every one) remain in their quarters without working, advancing, or having any communication, but such as shall be permitted by (the generals of) both parties. 4 That (on this present day) Sentinels shall be appointed (by both parties) to stop the further continuation of making works, only what shall be permitted to be prepared, by both parties, and in presence of the Sentinels, they advising with the other party, in case that the works shall happen to fall to ruin. 5. There shall be also a Centinel upon the sea port to take care, and advice of what may pass in; or out of it, to whom it shall be permitted to visit all vessels, boats, that shall pass in or out. 6. It is likewise agreed, that all Officers and soldiers of the Navy, and admiralty, the Councillors, Officers, and other servants of the Catholic King, (which are in the said Town) may go out with the same liberty. 7. As also the said marquis De-Leden shall have liberty to march out with 2. Peice of Ordinance aforesaid, and 6. other small pieces of Cannon of the Baron of Lamboyes Army, with their Horses, Charets, Officers, and Servants. 8. That all the Inhabitants of the said Town (as well Ecclesiastical as others) of what quality, and condission soever they be, shall be concerned in their Estates, Privileges, and Franchises, (which they have hitherto enjoyed) without any new charges or impositions. 9 That all (as well the said Inhabitants as residents) in the said Town, that shall be willing to go forth, with the said Garrison, or 2. months after, may do it freely without any interception, with all their movable Estates: And 2 year's space granted unto them to sell their moveables, and dispose of them, as they shall think fi●. 10. It is likewise agreed, that if within the said time (viz.) before Wednesday next at 6. a clock at night, the said Town shall be relieved by land, by the Army of the Catholic King, and that it shall cause the Army of the most Christian King to retire, that then all the said things agreed upon, shall remain nul: And the said Town remain in the same condition that now it is: And in the mean time the besieged shall not receive any succour, neither by sea, nor land, other then that which sh●ll force the siege to raise; And in case that any shall put themselves in defence, nor shall make any hostile, out in favour thereof. 11. That if (within the said time) any succour (sent from the enemy) shall enter the said Town, that at that very same instant, passports shall be forthwith given them to retire. 12. It is also agreed, that if before the said day: (viz.) Wednesday the 10. a peace (between the two Crowns) shall be published, than both parties shall remain in the same state as at present. And that the present treaty shall not prejudice those at Munster, if published as aforesaid. 13. A passport shall be speedily given unto him who shall be named by the said Mr. the marquis De-Leden to go unto Mr. the Duke D' Amalphi, and to return in all safety. 14. And for the entire execution of the present treaty (which by our faith and peroll we engage) there shall be given (this day) for Hostages, from the Sir marquis De-Ledens part, one Colonel of the Kings, another of Lamboyes, A Captain that commands the Spaniards: two Burgases of the Magistrates, and one Officer of the admiralty: And at the same time that the gate of the loon shall be delivered into the hands of his Highness, there shall also be given by his Highness (for Hostages) 2. Colonels, and 4. Captains. 15. The prisoners of either party shall be set at Liberty. 16. That Charets and Bela●des shall be provided for the sick and wounded, to carry them to Newport. 17. And this present treaty is signed by both parties, one to remain in the hands of highness, and the other in the hands of the marquis De-Leden. Made and agreed in the Camp before DUNKJRKE, the 6. of October 1646. Signed. LOUJS de BOURBON. DE-LEDEN, marquis. There marched out according to the Articles. 20. General Officers, and Colonels. 100 Other Officers. 800. Soldiers, with 40. Carridges. 200. Horse. 8. Peice of Ordinance. 1300. Arms. 30. Colours. There were left in Dunkirk Fort Lion on the River. 50. Barks and Boats: 100 Peice of Ordinance. 500 Arms. Provisions for a month. 20. Barrels of Gunpowder. 200. Soldier's lame, sick and others to pass away after they were conveyed to Newport. FINIS.