THE VINDICATION OF THE royal COMMISSION OF KING JESUS. MAT. compared with MARK. 16.15.16. AGAINST THE ANTICHRISTIAN FACTION OF POPE INNOCENSIUS the third, and all his favourites; that enacted by a Decree, that the baptism of the Infants of believers, should succeed circumcision. Deret. Gre. l. 3. which doth universally oppose the Commission, granted by King Jesus, Mat. 28.19. go teach and baptize &c. by giving Authority to all his priests, that receive Ordination from him, to go, and first baptize the Infants of believers born within the Parish, and then teach them. WRITTEN( BY FRANCIS cornwall Mr. of Arts, and sometimes Student of Emanuell college in Cambridge) out of his love and sinceare affection, he beareth to his native countrymen; who with him have taken a Protestation, and solemn Covenenant to oppose all Poperey, and Popish Innovations; And to stand for a Reformation in England, and Ireland according to the Word of God; that his and their consciences may be freed from that guilt, misery, and curse, that otherwise is falling on them: as Mr. Case a Learned Synodian testifieth in his Sermon styled, A Covenant renewed for the pacification of the quarrel: viz. that the Sword shall go through the Land to avenge the quarrel of the Covenant page. 27. 28. I am come in my Fathers Name, and ye receive me not: if an other shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5.43. Approved of by the Church of Jesus Christ; that is called, and preserved by the Power of King Jesus according to his Promise. Mat. Printed An. 1644. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE House of Commons assembled in Parliament. Right Honourable THE sad and unnatural bloody Tragedies of our times may not unfitly be compared, to the two Women striving for a Child, 1 Kin. 3. ch. one claimeth it as her own; the other saith, Nay; but it is mine: the contention is so hot, that King Solomon calleth for a sword; giveth out the Word of Command; Divide: Content saith the Harlot, let it be neither mine, nor thine, but divide it: but the true Mothers bowels yearned upon her son, and said, oh my Lord, give her the living child: shee could endure no division: Such( Right Honourable) is the controversy in our Land. The malignant party pretend to fight for a Christ, and in their blind zeal they will die too, but they will enjoy him. And you( thrice worthy Patriots) in all your Declarations say so likewise. Now the Lord to decide the controversy, permitteth the Sword to come, and crieth aloud in our Land; Divide. Content, saith the Antichristian and malignant party: Christ, and their Arch-Bishops, Arch-Deanes, deans, priests and Deacons, and all ecclesiastical persons depending vpon them: Christ, and their devised worship, Temples, Alters, tithes, and Offerings: Christ, and the residue of their Fore-fathers Traditions: thus let them but enjoy a divided Christ, and there will be an end of controversy. But they( Right Honourable) that are holy, synceare, faithful and true Covenanters with you( according to the light they have received) even in all the three islands, will have an whole Christ, or no Christ; their faithful souls cannot endure to run division: a Christ, they must have in all his Offices: Christ to be their King, and his Commission to be maintained, Mat. least otherwise he make good his Word against us, Luke 19.27. Christ their Prophet, whom they will only hear( as the Father from Heaven chargeth us to do, Mat. 17.5. And Moses truly said to the Fathers, him shall ye hear in all things, he shall say unto you: And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from amongst the People, Act. 3.22.23. And all Traditions of men, to be rejected, as holy Paul recordeth, Gal. 1.8.9. Christ their priest; and no mediator, but him only, 1 Tim. 2.5. that the Lord Jesus may be one, and his name one, in the three kingdoms; that we, and our posterity after us may live in faith and love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of vs. Now the chief cause and roote of all our division, is from the Roman hierarchy, who have made a Law, that whosoever shall interpret, or give the sense of the holy Scriptures, contrary to their determination, they must remain Anathema; and the Furnace did burn then hottest against the Saints, when the Civill Magistrate( that is appoynted of God for the praise of them that do well 1 Pet. 2.14.) joined their power with Romes proud Bishops and priests, to persecute, and kill all them, that would not submit to the Roman Jurisdiction: Hence arose all the Martyrdoms in England, from the time of Richard the second, in whose time, the prelates obtained a Law to kill the English Subjects, that would declare the whole truth( so far as it was revealed t● them) and keep a good conscience to God and man. Thus by penal Statutes, the popish English prelates, and priests did long tyramnize over the consciences of the godly and faithful in the Land, that would not subject to their Decrees and humane Traditions and corrupt Interpretations of the holy Scriptures: Hence it was that the thrice Noble and ancient warlike Nation, our Brethren the Scots; when they contended for a Reformation according to the light they had received from the Lord, and casting of Romes proud, papal, and prelatical Government, with all her devised forms of Worship, they must die: yea and the English Bishops with their High priests will give large sums of money towards the levying of an army; and incense the King and Nobility to kill, and destroy them: yea when the Lord opened your eyes, with the eye-pleasing of his spirit( Thrice dear and Noble Patriots) to make a solemn Protestation, to oppose all Popery, and Popish Innovations, and to extirpate Episcopacy root and branch: Then evil counsel prevailed with the King to withdraw from his Parliament, and under pretence of a Guard to protect his Person, to make way against you, that you might die: But our faithful Nobles, and true hearted Commons in England reply; shall our Jonathans die, who have in part freed our consciences from Roman Traditions; and Covenanted with us for a pure Reformation according to the Word of God and preserved our estates, and liberties from an Arbitrary Government: shall they die, that have wrought such a deliverance in the Land? They shall not die; we will bleed ourselves( before an hair shall fall from your heads) if either we with our persons, prayrs, counsels, states, or swords can prevent it. Even so your poor Petitioner( Right Honourable) by eating a little of the honey of Gods eternal truth his eyes have been opened to see and understand, that the royal Commission of King Jesus extendeth no further, but to believers, that are instructed in the faith by the gospel, and they only to be baptized, mark 16.15.16. opposing the Decree of Pope Innocentius the third, that appoynted, that the baptism of the Infants of believers should extend as far, as Circumcision; thereby establishing national Churches, and overthrowing the particular Churches of Jesus Christ, that are called out of the World by the preaching of the gospel, mark 16.15.16. for the denying of which popish consequence( as my ensuring discourse will more largely demonstrate) J must die, and be deserted of my friends, and allies; ye and also J have received much injustice from some, that would be counted the Ministers of Christ, which have received my Arguments from under my hand fairly written, this 14. or 15. monthes, with a promise, that if they should convince me from the word of God, that I was in an error, I would willingly recant; yet I never received any satisfactory Answer from them. Wherefore( Right Honourable) you are the Sanctuary( next under Heavens protection) to fly unto for Justice: Seeing you are joint Covenanters with all them, that stand for Reformation according to the Word: For it is not the voice of the Assembly, but Christ only in the assemblies, we have covenanted to listen to; as Mr Case testifieth in his Sermon styled, the Covenant renewed, pag. 43. Oh consider! what a dangerous thing it is to praevaricate the least from the Covenant your Honours have made: as Mr. Thomas Goodwin once admonished you in his Sermon on Zach. 4. v. p. 43. line 30.31, pag, 44. line 1.2. 3. viz. For if you should build the least hay and stubble, you will not only suffer loss; but lay a Foundation of a new rent, and division in the age to come. David not carrying the ark according to the due order of the God of Israel caused breach vpon uzziah, 1 Cron. 15.12.13. For God is so jealous of his Glory, that he cannot endure his Worship to be corrupted with the least mixture of man, Levit. 10.1, 2. If the Reformation begun in the time of King Edward the sixth, and queen Elizabeth of happy memory, had been established according to that order, that King Iesus the great Prophet hath left us a pattern for, in his Word; I am confident England had never seen this bloody day: Is not England like Egypt( you grave religious Patriots) almost destroyed;( Exod. 10.7.) because the laws and Orders of Jesus Christ, the Great King of his Church is not observed: The Lord put it into your hearts to be like minded to noble Cyrus and Darius according to your Covenant to give liberty of Conscience, to all such as know the Lord Jesus, and are ashamed of the abominations, that they have done in the Land of their spiritual Captivity under Antichrist, to build the spiritual House according to the pattern( the Lord Jesus hath left us) in his eternal truth, that we may pray for your peace, and the Kingdoms prosperity, Tim. And as for them that know not the Lord Jesus Christ, let them alone( as the Lord Jesus informeth you, Mat. 15.14.) until God call them forth out of mystical Babylon, Rev. 18.4. For none can persuade a poor Japhet( a poor gentle, who is alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in him, Ephes. 4.17.18.) to dwell in the Tents of Shem, but a God alone, Gen. 9.27. least that judgement befall the kingdom, that Mr. Case hath threatened in his Sermon, called a Covenant renewed, page. 27.28. Your Honours humble Servant, and soldier, that hath hazarded his life for his countries Liberties; that is willing to be reformed, if he shall from the word of King Jesus, be rightly informed, that he is in an error; and humbly submit himself to your Honours Censure. FRANCIS cornwall. THE VINDICATION Of the royal Commission of KING JESUS. He which saith J know him, and keepeth not his Commandements,( believe, and be dipped, mark 16.16.) is a liar and the truth is not in him, 1 John 2.4. HE which doth any thing doubtingly, is condemned in himself: For whatsoever is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14.23. You therefore that are strong, ought to inform the weak, ye that are mighty in the Scriptures, ought to instruct the ignorant: Least through your neglect you destroy him, for whom Christ dyed, Rom, 14.15. Oh that the learned of the Ministry( that are in Covenant with our Parliament Worthies, and the whole English Nation, for a Reformation agreeable to the Word of our good God: And to Extirpate Popery, Prelacy, superstition, schism, Heresy, and whatsoevr shall be found contrary to sound Doctrine, and the power of godliness) would rightly inform me, and resolve me this case of conscience, before it be condemned for schism, and Heresy; and myself for holding of it, be adjudged an heretic; least for the neglect, that judgement befall the kingdom( that Mr. Case a member of the Synod threatened) viz. that the Sword should go through the Land to avenge the quarrel of the Covenant: as his Sermon in print testifieth, pag. 27. That which God hath joined together, no man ought to separate. But Faith and baptism( or more properly Dipping) God hath hath joined together. Therefore Faith and baptism( or Dipping as the original renders it) no man ought to separate. mayor is evident, Mat. 19.6. what God hath joined together let no man put asunder. To this Mr. Perkins subscribeth( in the case of the unlawfulness for private persons to Baptize) in his commentary on Galat. 3. c. 27. p. 262. n. Minor is evident, Mar. 16.16. believe, and be Dipped. Acts ●… Gal. 3.26.27. Ephes. 4.5. Oh that the learned English ministry would inform me( least my blood like Abels cry loud to heaven, for vengeance for not satisfying a troubled conscience, that long hath laboured under this burden) How J shall admit, or consent to the admittance of the Infant of a believer to be made a visible member of a particular Congregation of Christs body; and Baptize, viz. dip it, before it be able to make his confession of his Faith and Repentance: Least J consent to separate what God hath joined together; and make myself accursed, Gal 1.7.8. And be rejected of all the Churches of Jesus Christ as eclesiastical, Rom. 16.17.18. mark them which cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them: For they are such as serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellys, and by good words and faire speeches deceive the hearts of the simplo: For J speak only of visible receiving in of Members of particular Churches of Jesus Christ; and not of invisible; secret things belong to God, revealed things to us, Deut. 29.29. It is acknowledged, and confessed; that faith is required of men of yeares, that are to be admitted into a particular Congregation of Christs Body: But not in Infants who come from the loins of believing parents. For they argue thus; As Abraham and his seed were circumcised, so the believer and his seed must be baptized. Now I do earnestly desire the Learned and faithful in the Land( that are in( Covenant for a Reformation) to show me what word of Christ they have to warrant this their consequence( seeing the Word of Christ according to our Covenant ought to dwell richly in us, to decide this controversy, Col. 3.16.) For my part I know none; though Antichrist hath, instance the Decree of Pope Innocentius the third, Decret. Gregor. lib. 3. tit. 42. c. 3. as Dr. Willet in his Synopsis Baptismi, de baptismo Infantium citeth. That whereas Circumcision( by the Commandement of God) was conferred vpon the Infants as well as the Elder sort: So baptism also which succeedeth in room thereof, and is more general to men and women must be conferred to both: vid. Infant, as well as Elder sort. Now because I have taken a Protestation, to oppose all Popery, and popish Innovations, I do deny this popish consequence, for these ensuing Reasons. 1 For the circunctsing of Infants, there was a precept from God to enjone it, Gen. 17.11. An example that Abraham circumcised Isaac the eight day, as God commanded, Gen. 21.4. 2 A prefixed day, to wit, the eight day, Gen. 17.12. he which is eight dayes old shalbe Circumcised. 3 A penalty imposed, the uncircumcised man-child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shal be cut off from his people: He hath broken my Covenant, Gen. 17.14. But for the baptizing of Infants into the spiritual House of the new Testament whereof Jesus Christ is Lord, Heb. 3.6. and Head, Ephes. 1.22.23. yea, and King, Mat. and Prophet, Mat. 17.8. Act. 3.22.23. For it is not the voice of the Church, but Christ in the Church, that we have covenanted to harken unto, as Mr. Case his Sermon testifieth, pag. 48.43. Now there is no precept from this glorious Head, King, and Prophet to command it, nor any example in all the New Testament of any believers Infant Baptized or Dipped; if there be, let the most learned in the Land show it, and I will aclowledge I am in an error and recant it. 2 Neither is there any day appoynted when it shall be Dipped. 3 Nor any penalty imposed( for it is Election saveth the Infant dying yongue and not baptism as Papists fonly teach, Rom. 9.11. For the Children being not yet born neither having done good nor evil, that the purpose of God according to Election may stand, not of works, but of him that calleth. 11. It was said the Elder shall serve the yonguer: 13. As it is written Jacob have I loved, and Esaw have I hated. Thus then I argue against Pope Innocencius the third and all his favourites. That which is not of faith is a sin to the Church that doth it, But the Baptizing( or rather the sprinkling) of the Infants of believers( as it is used) is not of faith. Ergo the baptizing( to wit, the sprinkling) of the Infants of believers is a sin to the Church that doth it. mayor is evident, Rom. 14.23. Whatsoever is not of faith is sm. Minor thus. That which hath no precept, nor example out of the Scriptures for the doing of it, is not of faith. But the Baptizing( or sprinkling rather) of the Infants of believers hath no precept, nor example out of the Scriptures for doing of it. Ergo, the baptizing( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers is not of faith. mayor is evident: Mat 15, 19. ip Jo. 14.23. In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrine the Precepts of men. If any man love me he will keep my words. Gal. 1.7. If I or an angel from Heaven preach any thing, save that ye have received, hold him accursed. 1 Joh. 2.4. To this subscribeth Mr. Perkins in his Coment: Galat. 3.27. in the case of the vnlawfulnesse of private persons to baptize: pag. 262. lin. 48. 49. 50. 51. to wit, whatsoever is not of faith is sin,( now the Administration of baptism by private persons is without faith; for there is neither precept nor example for in the Word of God. The Minor I do earnestly desire the godly learned, and faithful in the Land, to show me; or else let them glorify God in acknowledging the truth, as Mr. Marshall hath lately done in his Sermon Rom. 4.34. that the Sword may not may not go through the Land for the avenging the quarrel of the Covenant, as Mr. Cases Sermon in print testifieth, pag. 27. 28. 2 Reason, why I oppose this popish consequence of Innocencius the third is this; That consequence which opposeth many of Gods divine truths contained in the inspired Scriptures is not of faith. But the popish consequence of baptizing( or rather sprinkling) the Infants of believers opposeth many of Gods divine truths contained in the Inspired Scriptures. Ergo, the popish consequence of baptizing( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers is not of faith. mayor is evident: Esa. 8.20. To the Law and the Testimony; If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them Ro. 16.17.18. Gal. 1.7.8. 1 Tim. 2 Joh. 9.10.11. Minor is evident: 1. Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers doth put an Infant into a state of grace and remission of sins, before calling: whereas calling in the Scriptures is the first means, by which God doth evidence to his Elect( whom he loved in Christ before the world began, 2 Tim. 1.9.) the riches of his love in pardoning their sins, and in giving them an inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus Ac. 26.18. Ro. 8.30. Heb, 9.15. Because this popish consequence of the baptizing( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers doth constitute them visible members of the paricular Congregation of Christs body before calling, which opposeth the written Word, 1 Pet. 2.9. ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy Nation, a peculiar people, that you should show forth the virtues of him that hath called you out of darkness into this marvellous light. 10. v. which in time past were not a people, are now the people of God; which were not under more y, but now have obtained mercy, Ro. 1.6.7. 1 Cor. 1.2. 3. Because this popish consequence, of the baptism( or sprinkling) of the Infant of believers doth make the materials of the spiritual House of the New Testament whereof Jesus is Head, Ephe. 1.22.23. to consist of dead stones; which opposeth the Inspired word, 1 Pet. 2.5. Ye as lively stones are built up a spiritual House, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. 4 Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or sprinkling) of the Infants of believers upholdeth a national Chucrh-state( as Circumcision did of old) which opposeth the Scriptures, Rev, 1.20. The seven candlesticks which thou sawest, are seven Churches. To this Mr. Thomas Goodwin subscribeth: instance his Sermon preached before the Parliament on Zechary 4: 6. Natinall Church but one candlestick, the particular Churches seven candlesticks, &c. 5. Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers doth instate all the Infants of the believing Gentiles to be born in a Covenant of grace, and to have a right to a promise of life in Christ Jesus: as Mr. Tho: Wilson affirmed in his Sermon at Maidestone, that the Covenant made Gen. is a Covenant of Grace, which is a greater privilege, then belonged to the seed of Abraham and Isaac after the flesh; and is opposite to the eternal truth of God, Rom. 9.9. For they are not all Israell, which are of Israell, v. 7. Neither because the seed of Abraham are they called children: But in Isaac shall thy seed be called, 8. v. that is, they which are the children of the flesh they are not the children of God, but the children of the Promise they are accounted for the seed, Gal. 3, Rom. 6 Because this popish consequence of the Baptizing( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers declareth that grace is entailed to generation, and not to regeneration; which doth contradict the word of Christ, John 3.5.6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit; marvel not that I say unto you, that you must be born again. 7 Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers holdeth forth, that all the Infants of the believing Gentiles have a right to a promise of life in Christ Jesus before faith received, which opposeth the written Word, Gal. 3.21. The Scriptures concludeth all under sin, that the promise by the faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe, Joh. 1.12. as many as received him to them he gave power to be called sons of God even to them that believe in his name: 13. which were not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 8 Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers holdeth out, that the Infants of believers may be saved by their parents faith, which is opposite to the sacred word, Heb. 2.4. The just shall live by his faith, Gal. 3.11. 9 Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling of the Infants of believers endangers to bring the Administrators of Infants baptism under a dreadful curse for entituling the word seed, or children to have right to baptism, that God hath not added, Rev. 11.28. If any shall add to this thing, God shall add to him the plagues written in this book. Gal. 1.9. If any preach unto you any other gospel, then that ye have received, Mar. 16.16. let him be accursed: and so discovereth him to be of the evil one, a liar Joh. 8.44. As wise Agur admonisheth, Pro. 30.6. add not thou to his wods, least he reprove thee; and thou be found a liar. 10. Because this popish consequence of baptizing( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers( as the Pope enjoineth all his priests, that receive power and jurisdiction from and under him) first to Baptize( or rather sprinkle) them) and then to teach them: which doth flatly oppose the Commission granted by King Jesus to his Disciples, Mar. 16.15. go ye into all the World, and preach the gospel unto every creature: He which believeth, and is Dipped, shalbe saved. 11 Because this popish consequence of the baptism( or sprinkling) of the Infant of a believer declareth, that the Infants of believers are the subjects of baptism before faith and repentance is manifested, and confess, which contradicteth the inspired Scriptures, Act. 2.38. Repent, and be Dipped every one of you in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins. Act. 8.36. See here is water, what hindereth, but that I may be Dipped. 37. If thou beleivest with all thine heart, thou mayst. He Answered, I believe Jesus is the son of God, &c. 12. Because this popish consequence of the sprinkling of the Infants of believers doth universally oppose the order of Christ Jesus granted by his commission, Mat. 28, 19. go ye and Disciple all Nations, Dipping them in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit,: And the practise of the apostolical Churches, Act. 2.41. they which gladly received the Word, were Dipped, Act. Act. 13. Because this popish consequence of the Baptizing( or sprinkling) of the Infants of believers upholdeth that unsound doctrine of universal Redemption, to wit, that all baptized persons are saved: or else it will necessary follow, that some may be in a state of grace in their minority, and fall away from grace in their seniority, which is opposite unto the sacred Word, Psal. 92.13. Such as be planted in the House of the Lord, shall flourish in the Courts of our God, and they shall still bring forth fruit in old age, and be fat and flourishing. 14. Because this popish consequence of the baptizing( or sprinkling) of Infants of believers upholdeth the accursed doctrine of Rome: to wit, that the Sacraments confer grace ex opere operato by the work done: Ber, the Minister acknowledgeth, before he sprinkled it( that it was born in sin, and a Child of wrath, which is as clear a truth as any in the Scriptures, Psal. 51.5, Joh. 3.6. Ephe. 2.3.) But when he hath prayed over it, and taken it up in his arms, and blessed it, and sprinkled it in the name of the Father, and of the son, and the Holy Spirit; then it is regenerate, and born a new of water: and of the Holy Spirit, and grafted into the body of Christs Congregation, and made a lively member of the same. 15. Because this popish Consequence of the baptizing( or sprinkling) of the Infants of believers opposeth the Kingly and prophetical Office of Jesus Christ in faith and Order. First, Christ requireth, that the subject that is to be dipped, be a believer; that is, to be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel, Mar. 16.15. go ye into the World, preach the gospel to every Creature: He which believeth and is dipped shal be saved, Act. c. Secondly the Order of Jesus Christ was, that the believer, that manifested his faith, and repentance should be dipped, Mat. 28.19. Disciple the Nations Dipping them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Act. 2.38. Repent and be Dipped every one of you in the name of &c. Act. Ephes. 4.5. one faith, one dipping. Oh that the Learned English ministry would timely consider,( what a dangerous thing it is to hault betwixt two) and remember Elijah speech, If God be God follow him, if Baal then follow him, 1 Kin. 18.21. Knowing what the Lord Jesus saith; No man can serve two Masters, he will love the one and hate the other, Luke 26.13. to this Paul admonisheth to take heed: For there is no agreement betwixt light and darkness, Christ and Belial, the Temple of God and Idols. Oh that you had an heart to obey the voice that followeth, Come out from amongst them my people, touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, 2 Cor. 15.16.17. Least for contemning the eternal Commission of Jesus Christ( Matth. ye hear that dreadful voice, Luke 19.27. These mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring them hither, and slay them before me. As also for contemning his prophetical Office. Seeing the Father from Heaven commandeth us to hear his son, Matth. 17.5. The Apostle Peter tells us the extent: how far we should hear him, In all things whatsoevrr he shall say unto you. The danger followeth. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, that will not hear the voice of that Prophet, shall be destroyed from amongst the people, Acts 3.22.23 Oh let us not fear them that can kill the body, they can do no more. But let us( my dear countrymen) fear to displease this Great King and Prophet Jesus Christ, that can cast Body and soul into Hell, Mat. 10.28. My third Reason( why I deny this popish consequence) is this. That Consequence which is upheld by the Traditions of men, is destructive to the national Covenant of England, and Scotland ratified by an Ordinance of Praliament. But this popish Consequence of the baptism( or rather sprinkling) of the Infants of believers is upheld by the Traditions of men. Ergo this popish Consequence of the Baptizing( or rather sprinkling) the infants of believers is destructive to the national Covenant of England and Scotland, ratified by an Ordinance of Parliament. mayor is evident: Pecause the national Covenant bindeth us to stand for a through Reformation in Religion in England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, according to the Word of God, and the Example of the best reformed Churches, which is the primitive pattern founded on the Word of the eternal truth, Ephe. 2.20. As Mr. Thomas Wilson a member of the Synod affirmed, when he preached, and pressed, the taking the national Couanant at Town-mauling in Kent. And to exterpate Popery, Prelacy, Superstition, Heresy, schism, and whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound Doctrine, and the power of godliness, that the Lord may be one and his name one in the three kingdoms. To confirm the truth of this Covenant, these select portions of holy Scripture beareth record, Esa. 8.20. Rom. 16.17.18. Gal. 1.7.8. 1 Tim. 6.34.8. 2 Joh. 9.10.11. Minor is as evident, that the baptism or sprinkling of the Infants of believers is but a Tradition of men, August. de Bap. contra Donat. l. 4. ch. 23. Origen in Levit. Hom. 8. in Epist. ad Rom. lib. 5. Erasmus lib. 4. de ratione concionandi; saith, That they are not to be condemned, that doubt whether Infants baptism were ordained by the Apostles. The Papists themselves from whom we derive the original of the baptism of the Infants of believers, openly profess, that the baptism of the Infants of believers is grounded on Traditions, and not on the Scriptures, Bellar. lil. 4. he verbo Dei cap. 9. Mr. Dan. Rogers in his practical catechism on the two Sacraments saith thus, I take the baptizing of Infants to be one of the most reverend, general, and uncontrolled Tradition( which the Church hath) and which I no less doubt of, then the Creed to be apostolical, although I confess myself yet vnconvinced by demonstration of Scripture for it. Now seeing it is confessed by the Learned on both sides, that it is but a Tradition; Oh let it never be said of the Covenanters of England, nor of the Learned ministry of our Nation( as Christ said of old of the pharisees) full well ye reject the Commandements of God, that you may keep your own Traditions, least the sword go through the Land to avenge the quarrel of the Covenant: Levit. 26.25. that was made to stand for a Reformation in Doctrine and Worship in England and Ireland according to the Word of God. 4 If baptism succeed Circumcision; then to the same persons, vpon the same Commandement, vpon the same day, and under the same penalty, or else it is no succession. Then it will necessary follow. 1 That none but males must be Dipped, so all females are excluded, which opposeth the scared Word, Act. 8.12. when they believed Phillips preaching the things concerning the Kingdom of God, and the name of the Lord Jesus, they were Baptized both men and women. 2 They must be Dipped the eight day: or else the penalty will follow; the vnbaptized or vndipped Infant shal be cut off from his people: he hath broken my Covenant, Genesis 17.14 To reform any error crept into the Churches of the Old and New Testament, it was their holy custom to reduce all things to their first Institution, quod primum virum, according to Tertullians judgement: As David in the miscarige of the ark, 1 Cro. And zealous Josiahs rule( whom the spirit of God so commendeth in Scriptures, that none was the like before him for his Reformation, 2 Cron. 34.31. And as Nehemiah did after his return from the Babylonish Captivity, Nehem. 10.29. They clavae to their Bretheren, their Nobles, and entered into a Curse, and an oath to walk in Gods Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe, and do all the Commandements of the Lord our God, and his Judgments, and his Statutes. So is the reforming of the particular Churches of the New Testament, whereof Jesus is head, King, and Prophet; and( if ever she be rightly brought out of her spiritual Babylonish Captivity) we must reform as the Lord Jesus hath left us a rule, about the regulating of that long spread error of Lygamie, and polygamy; refuting the pharisees( though he had a Toleration by a Law from Moses) with a non fuit fie ab initio, from the beginning it was not so, Mat. 19.7.8, yea and we must so follow the Apostle Paul( as he followed Christ, 1 Cor. 11.1.) in reforming the abuses crept into the Church of Corinth, reducing all to the first Institution, with a what I received from the Lord, that I delivered unto you, 1 Cor. 11.23. And not be carried away with the corruptions of evil times, under the specious pretence of Antiquity, universality, unity; the three great Pillars of the Roman hierarchy; looking more after Pope Gregories resolution, that he gave to Austen the monk and Arch-Bishop of canterbury, that in case of necessity the Infant might be baptized as soon as it were born, An. Christi 599. as Mr. Fox in his book of Martyrs relateth. Or what Pope Innocentius the third decreed, Detret. Greg. lib. 3. tit. 42. c. 3. as Dr. Willet in his Synopsis Papismi de Baptismo Infantium recordeth. Then what the Lord Jesus( that royal King of the New Testament( by his Commission hath commanded: Mat. 28.28. All power is given me in Heaven and in Earth. 19. go ye therefore; and disciple all Nations, dipping them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit: 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always unto the ends of the world. Amen. This Commission is explained by King Jesus himself: How his Apostles should disciple the Nations, Mar. 16.15.16. go ye into all the World, preach the gospel unto every Creature: 16. He that believeth, and is dipped, shalbe saved. To this exposition Mr. Perkins agreeth in his Coment. on Gal. c. 3. v. 27. on the form of baptism; Make them disciples: to wit, Teach men to believe and repent, and when men believe and repent, then baptize them. They which despised Moses Law, and refused to conform according to the pattern God left them by the hand of his servant Moses( who was faithful in all his House, Heb. 3.) were ruined, both their Kings and kingdoms, as appeareth, 1 King, &c. The like hard thing befell Judah, for her corrupting the pure worship, 2 Cron., &c. How shall we escape,( if we neglect so great salvation) which at the first began to be spoken of by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us, by them that heard him: God bearing them witness both with signs and wonders; and with divers miracles, and gifts of the holy Ghost, according to his own will, Heb. 2.3.4. Seeing the father from Heaven commandeth us to hear him, Mat. 17.5. And Peter saith, Moses truly said unto the fathers, the Lord your God will raise up a prophet from the midst of your brethren like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things, whatsoever he shall say unto you: And it shall come to pass, that every soul, that will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from amongst the people Acts 3.22.23. Therefore I say unto you( my dear countrymen) choose you, whom you will serve, and obey; I and the Saints united with me, will serve the Lord Jesus only: as Joshuah told Israel, Josh. 24.15. My Reasons are these. 1. If the Lord Jesus be not my Prophet to teach me, and the Saints united; he will not be our King to protect us, Mat. 28.19.20. 2. If he be not our Prophet to teach us: he will not be our priest to intercede for us, John 17.20. I pray not for these alone, but for them also that shall believe in me through their Word. 3 If he be not our prophet to teach us: he will not be our Judge to acquit us, He which rejeteth me, and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him, the words that J have spoken, the same shall judge him in the Last Day. John 12.48. But if I, and the Saints united confess him, he will confess us before his father, in Heaven: Mat. 10, 32. But if we shall be ashamed of him, and his words, in this sinful and adulterous generation: he willbe ashamed of us, when he cometh in the glory of his father with his holy Angels, Mar. 8.38. And what will it profit a man, or any of us then; if we should gain the world, and loose our own souls? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul, Mat. 16.26. For I am assured, it will be said of me( whose eyes God hath opened to discern this popish corruption,) if I should altogether hold my peace, and for filthy lucre sake, betray the liberty of the gospel, despising the Kingly and prophetical Office of Jesus Christ, as Christ said once of Judas Iscariot in an other case, Mat. 26.24. go thy ways, it had been good for this man that he had never been born: And because I received not the love of the truth that I might be saved: for this cause the Lord in Justice will give me up to strong delusions to believe a lye, that I might be damned, who believed not the truth, that I might be saved but had pleasure in unrighteousness, 2 Thes. And so justly perish with the Antichristian Synagogue, that denieth that Jesus is the Christ, to wit, the eternal King, priest, and Prophet: For they are the Antichrist, that denieth the father and the son, 1 John 2.22. Thus then I argue in the defence of Jesus my King, and Prophet. 1. That way that Jesus Christ as Head and King hath constituted his Church, that is the way for all believers to take up, and walk in. But by teaching the gospel and Dipping, Jesus Christ as Head and King hath constituted his Church. Ergo, teaching the gospel, and Dipping is the way for all believers to take up and walk in. mayor is evident, John 14.6. I am the way, the truth and life, no man can come to the Father but by me, John 10 9. I am the door, by me if any enter, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. Minor is as clear, mark 1.14. Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God: 15. Saying repent ye and believe the gospel. 16. He called simon and Andrew: Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Their faith was manifested. v. 18. they streight way left all, and followed him. 20. John 4.1. The pharisees heard, that Jesus made and Dipped more Disciples then John. That way the Apostles constituted their Churches, that is the way for all believers to take up and walk in, But by teaching the gospel and Dipping, as Jesus by his Commission commanded, mark 16.15.16.) the Apostles constituted their Churches. Ergo, teaching the gospel and Dipping( as Jesus by his Commission, Mar. 16.15.16. hath commanded) is the way for all believers to take up, and walk in mayor is evident, 1 Cor. 11.1. Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ. Phil. 3.17. Brethren be ye followers of me, and mark them that walk so as ye have us for an ensample. Minor as evident, go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. Mar. 16.16. He which believeth, and is dipped, shall be saved. Acts 2.38. Repent and be Dipped every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit. 39. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are a far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Now that neither the Jew, nor his children hath a right to the the promise of life in Christ before calling; it is clear, if you compare this first Text, Acts 2.39. with Heb. 9.15. And for this cause Jesus is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal Inheritance, Rom. 8.30 Acts 2.41. Then they which gladly received the word were Dipped, and the same Day were added to them( to wit, the 120. persons, Acts 1.15.) three thousand souls. 43. And they continued in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread and prayres, &c. Acts There were women in the first constituted Church after the Apostollicall Order: Acts 1.14. and had a right to the breaking of bread as well as the men. 3 Thus I oppose the Antichristian faction that denieth that Jesus is the Christ, 1 John 2.22. They which enter into Church fellowship other ways, then Jesus Christ and his disciples entered, are thieves and robbers. But Pope Innocentius the third and his followers entered into their fellowship otherways, then Jesus and his Disciples have entered. Ergo, Pope Innocentius the third, and his followers, that are entered into their Church fellowship are thieves and robbers. mayor is evident, John 10.1. He which entereth not by the door of the Sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way; the same is a thief and a robber. Minor as evident. They which enter not into their Church-fellowship by teaching the gospel and Dipping( as Jesus and his Disciples entered) are thieves and robbers. But Pope Innocentius and his followers are entered into their Church-fellowship not by teaching the gospel, and Dipping as Jesus and his Disciples entered. Ergo, Pope Innocentius and his followers that are entered into their Church-fellowship, are thieves and robbers. mayor is evident, Mat. 3, 16. And Jesus when he was Dipped went up streight way out of the water; And lo the Heavens were opened unto him: and he saw the spirit of God Descending like a Dove, and lighting vpon him: And lo a voice from Heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. John 1.3.1. J knew him not: but that he should be made manifest unto Israell, therefore am I come Baptizing with water: 32.33. Acts 2.41. Then they which gladly received the Word were dipped, and the same day were added to them( to wit, to the 120. persons amongst which were divers women with Mary, the mother of Jesus Acts 1, 14.15.) three thou-sand souls, and they continued in the Apostles in breaking bread and prayers, Acts doctrine, and fellowship Minor. I do desire my dear and native country men with their learned ministry( that are in covenant with our Parliament worthies, for a through Reformation according to Gods Word; And to extirpate all popery, superstition, schism, heresy; and whatsoever is found contrary to sound doctrine and the power of godliness, seriously, and timely to consider with themselves, whether the Congregations in England be constituted by the preaching of the gospel, and Dipping? as the Lord Jesus the great King and Prophet by his Commission hath commanded and established, Mar. 16.15.16. Mat. or not rather, as the Antichristian popish faction in corrupt times decreed. That by bethinking themselves, they never side with Antichrist any more, to oppose them that stand up for the gathering of Churches according to the Commission of King Jesus, Mat. as learned Gamaliel advised, least we be found fighters against God, Act. 5.34, but rather to become protectors of all such as are resolved to keep their Protestation and covenant according to the oath they have taken( that God may make good his word to our Parliaments, as he promised to Asa, and they in part have found it, 2 Cron. 15.2.) and to depart out of the spiritual and mystical Babylon according to Gods call, Rev. 18.4.5. And be unequally yoked no more, 2 Cor. that God may be a father to us, and to our distressed and distracted Land in these bloody dayes; and we may be his sons and daughters: And let us never forget the words of our dear redeemer, John 14.23. If any man love me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him: Least we bring our souls under a dreadful Anathama, Maranatha, 1 Cor. 16.22. Your poor despised countryman that is willing to be reformed of any error; if he shall from the word of the inspired Scriptures be rightly informed( from under the hand of any learned pen) that he is in an error: Otherwise he is resolved to hold forth this truth in practise, and to stand for a Reformation according to Gods holy word in his native country: And to extirpate all heresy, and schism with the pruning knife of Excommunication( that is not according to sound doctrine, and the power of godliness, Rom. 16.17. out of the particular Congregations of Christs body: Though for the maintenance of the said truth, he suffer many hard things by his own country men, as in part he hath done already: yet I am persuaded, that none that love and fear King Jesus will ever consent unto it: For I am confident, If I should altogether hold my peace at this time, light would bring up to the poor scattered Saints in England( that have long lay under spiritual Babylonish Captivity) an other way: but I shall perish, and who koweth whether my life were preserved for the discovery of such a popish error( as Mordecai told Hester in an other case, Hest. 4.14.) as this. Search and see, you noble and Hierical English Covenanters, who cause divisions and offences amongst you, Rom. 26.17.18. Gal. 3.8.9. 1 Tim. 2 John 3.10.11. And from such withdraw: Least ye incur the high displeasure of Great King Jesus, Luke 10.27. FINIS.