THE LIFE and LIGHT of a man IN CHRIST. But covet earnestly the best gifts, and yet show I unto you a more excellent way. 1. Cor. 12.13. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. 1. Thes. 5.21. 1. Cor. 2.1, 2. ver. And I bretheren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech, or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Iesus Christ, and him crucified. Who shall not fear the O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou onely art holy. Rev. 15.4. LONDON Printed by Thomas. Pain, MD. C.X.L.V.I. The Preface. dear child of God, whose soul& body is consecrated& united, unto the true light& love of Christ thy eternal well-being, who saves thee from thy sins. Having had some sad& serious thoughts of the present condition of all sorts of People, but especially of those of the three kingdoms, concerning true Religion, which should be built upon truth. And finding, to the sorrow of my soul( notwithstanding my most charitable thoughts) the doleful discent of the Religion now professed, from truth, I was like unto a troubled and astonished man, who seeth his dearly beloved friend lying upon the deep water, in great danger to be drowned, and can make him no relief, otherwise, then by abrupt thoughts and wishings. Charity did bid me look upon the divided Churches of Gods people, as people following their light; truth did bid me look upon the most part of them; as buyers and sellers in their Temple Religions. Thus was me Soul conflicted, betwixt charity in it's largest extent, and divine truth in it's pure simplicity: But Truth at last overcame my unsoundly grounded charity, as the Sun doth the dark mist, and b●came an ambassador, sent unto me by the King of Love, that I shoul● as a faithful Servant, and lover of truth, not mind my own things, but the things that might do good to my dearly beloved endangered friends, the Lords People, preferring the good of my br●ther, before mine own. Whereupon divine communicative love, like unto new Wine, began to seek a vent in my spirit, and commanded me to writ this little Treatise, for thy sake, and f●●● thy good, as also for the good of any of Gods creatures in these times of contention amongst people, concerning the way of Truth. And here again I had a great conflict, for there did arise a three-fold opposition to dissuade me. The first, was a conscientiou●nesse of my in-abillity, which Moses-like did pled Stammering lips. The second was l●st any one of the divided Congregations should conceive me to be a railer again them. The third was, that this little treatise, should either not be understood or else be branded with the aspersion of error, in regard, that the most part of men, and Proffessors in these times,& especially the persons who out-strip the rest in knowledge,( as they call it) are so in naturalised, and baptized, in the principles of their own understandings, that the true light is little otherwise esteemed of by them, then false light is esteemed of by a Child of true light; which three difficulties, although they did strive each one more then another to dissuade the casting in of this widows mite, into the treasury of this Generation: Yet divine authority did silence their pleading, and convinced their reasons, saying to the first, It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your heavenly father speaketh in you, Math. 10.20. To the second, But with me it is a very small thing, that J should be judged of mans judgement, 1. Cor. 4.3. To the third, my sheep hear my voice joh. 10.27. Thus( dear Reader) am I encouraged and set on work, to present unto thy view, this little treatise, entitled the Life and Light of a man in Christ; if thou be one of those who affect curiosity of speech, rather then the truths of Jesus, it may be, that in stead of being bettered by it, thou mayest be the worse by mocking it, and so it will become a stumbling block to thee, for it cometh to the, not with excellency of speech, or enticing words of mans wisdom, &c, 1. Cor. 2.1, 4. If thou be one of those who without just ground, dost brand truth with error, and so exclaim and chaff against it, take heed that thy exclaiming and chaffing, be not against it, but against the Lord, as Moses said to the People, If thou be one of those, who art sensibly sitting in the region and shadow of death& darkness, and panting after the light, make use of this little Treatise, as a love token sent unto thee, from the Father of Lights, who himself will led the out of the dark pits of the worlds darkness, in due time. But if thou be one of those who through Christ art one with God, this little Treatise can add nothing to thy good, [ supreme good I mean] for thou hast that supreme good, or rather that supreme Good hath the, which this little Treatise testifieth of. Thine in the obedience of truth and love. CHAP. I. That a man in Christ, doth not add unto, nor diminish from, the pure word of God. IT is true, and cannot be denied, but that those who by all means do labour, to have& keep the divine Scriptures, pure and simplo, from human addition, or detraction, are in that particular nearer the truth, then those who do add unto, and diminish from the same: But it is no less true, and no less to be denied, that many who do earnestly vindicate the written word of God, from addition, or detraction, of the mere inventions of men, do grievously, and grossly, both add unto, and detract from the All-truth working Will and Spirit of the God of Scripture, and of all things else; the which thing, that it may evidently appear, and be made good upon abso●ute g●ounds of truth, and not out of a bitter and railing humour[ which in the sight and judgement of the God of mercy, meekness and Love, is no less evil in the railer, then in the deservedly railed upon] I shall entreat in the Bowels of Love, all you whosoever that red this Treatise, that you would as the Disciples of Christ, without disparagement of you Reformation, personal righteousness, and knowledge as you call it, look upon, and learn at a man in Christ, how he doth not add unto, nor diminish from the pure word of the Lord, comparatively with your not adding unto, nor diminishing from the same, and although the truth of Christ, beareth an absolute authority, and invincible proof to& in itself, although it be barely spoken; yet seing your manner is to affect prooffs of Scripture, for what some men speak, and writ,[ and it were very well done, if ye could relish nothing but approved truth] I shall endeavour in the virtue of Christ, to build upon no other foundation, except these two, namely, the divine life of Christ in the holy Scriptures, and the divine word of Christ in the same, in holding out the life of a man in Christ, in this point: As also ●is life in the points following. A man in Christ, is no further a man in Christ, then Christ is, and lives in him, as Christ is, and lives in him, he is and lives in Christ. Even so the body is no further a living body, th●n the living soul is and liveth in the body; as the living soul is, and liveth in the body, the body is active and liveth in the soul; this divine truth, did the truth itself, the Lord Christ teach his Disciples, when he said, Abide in me, and I in you; as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the Vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. joh. 15.4. So that a man in Christ, is no other thing, but a mystical subject or body passive, in which the holy Spirit of God and Christ, in an operative manifestation, fulfilleth all righteousness, leadeth into all truth, subjecteth the subject in which it acteth to itself, whose fruits and effects is most sweetly set forth in the 1. Cor. 13. now this, almighty and divine spirit living in a man in Christ, is no way contradictory to itself, in adding to, or detracting from, its own pure word; either external or internal, the external is the written word, which the holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost, 2. Pet. 1.21. the internal, is the spirit& life of the external,& of all things else which have spirit and life; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, For of him, and to him, and through him are all things, to whom be glory forever, Amen. Rom. 11.5. the end of the external word, is the operative will of the internal word manifesting itself into action, unto which the external word, is a testimony, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they that t●stfy o me. joh 5, 39. The will, mind, and end of the internal operative spirit, and life, is to be a living active Lord God, in a dead passive creature; according to the divine truth of these Scriptures, I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God. Gal. 2.20. And again, For you are dead, and your life is hide with Christ in God. Col. 3.3. This now[ the Lord to be a living active God, in a dead passive creature] is the very substance of Law and gospel; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, For what the Law could not do, in that it was weak through the fl●sh, God sending his own son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us; who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Rom. 8.3, 4. This as Solomon saith, is, the conclusion of the whole matter? fear God and keep his commandements: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecles. 12.13. which place is expounded according to God and truth in Phil. 2.13. thus, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God which worketh in you both to will, and to do, of his good pleasure, this as Christ the truth itself saith, is eternal life; because it is the only true knowledge of the onely true God,& Iesus Christ whom he hath sent, and this is that pure word of God, unto which, and from which a man in Christ, as he is in Christ, doth neither add unto, nor diminish from; therefore in so far as creature man will be more then a dead passive creature, in so far he addeth to the pure word of God: and in so far as by evil and sin, he b●ing but a finite creature, liveth, and acteth in himself, himself not being his own creature, but Gods creature, in so far he diminisheth from the pure word of God. Let every one that readeth this little Book, bring themselves to a true impartial trial here, and if they do, they will find themselves at a farther distance, from the true life of a man in Christ, touching this point, then they were ware of, yea they will hear the holy spirit of God, and their own consciences uttering such speeches with in themselves, against themselves, as they would term madness, bitterness and error, being uttered by the mouth of man unto them. CHAP. II. That a man in Christ doth not approve of sin. AS the Sun cannot sand forth darkness, but light, so the Sun of righteousness and purity in a man in Christ cannot sand forth, or approve of sin, but purity and holiness; for sin is both contrary to purity& holiness, and is the want of purity& holiness. Notwithstanding, as it is possible, that sometimes clouds may inte●ve●n betwixt a man who delighteth to be in the Sun-shine, and the Sun: so it is possible, that sometime, yea frequently, yea ordinarily, the Serpent, and will of man, may insinuate itself, betwixt the soul of a man in Christ, and Christ, and say, yea, hath God said thou shalt be a dead passive creature and he a living acting God? do thou the contrary, be thou a living active creature, for in so doing thou shalt be as God; here now is a battle betwixt Michael and the Dragon, betwixt David and goliath, betwixt the seed of the Woman and the seed of the SERPENT, betwixt the spirit of Christ and the devil. And this is that onely sin, and nothing else, which is sin in the judgement of a man in Christ. And in this point, a man in Christ doth much differ from many who do confess sin, and who profess hatred against it: for he is like unto a chast wife, who for the true love she bears unto her own true husband, would tremble at the very thoughts of lying with a Whore●aster; which act her soul abhor●eth: But those that are not men in Christ, are like unto a lustful deluded woman, who runneth away with another womans Husband, and entereth into a false matrimony with him; and notwithstanding that God and her own conscience doth tell her she liveth in sin; yet through the lust of the flesh, and conceit of marriage, she prostituteth her body to the man, and liveth in whoredom; but if it shall come to pass, that shee fall into whoredom with another man, besides this her falsely conceived husband: then she takes on heavily, and is much convinced; but she liveth in whoredom, although she should not play he whore with others besides this man; because he is not her true but the false husband. and although she conceive a greater evil, in her playing the whore with another then with this man, yet the evil is no less, in playing the whore with this man, then with another. Even so, those that are not with a man in Christ, baptized into a living active God, and a dead passive creatures, but will live and act in, and think that they have warrant and liberty so to do; they are like unto this adulterous woman, often times convinced about this,& that predominant sin( as they call it) when as this predominant sin of theirs, is nothing so grievous unto them, and in their eyes, as their not being baptized into a living active God, and a dead passive creature, is grievous unto, and in the eyes of God and truth; For it is the very fountain and spring, of all their predominants: according to the divine truth of that Scripture, pled with your mother, pled, for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband, let her therefore put away her whoredoms ●ut of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts. Hosea 2.2. CHAP. III. That a man in Christ doth pray ●nd red in the Scriptures. THERE is nothing which doth more move, and unite the affection of a Benefactor ●o the party unto which he is beneficial. then the real, submissive acknowledgement, and hearty sense of benificiency in the party; and his certainly is a figurative spark●e ●f that im-mense and infinite love-justice of the King and Lord of love, shining into,& amongst some men; And there is nothing which is more just and right, then that a person who lives by the benificiency of a benefactor, should in all real submissive acknowledgement,& hearty sense, be affencted with the love of the benefactor,& this certainly is also a figurative sparkle of that same immense& infinite Love Justice of the God of Love, reflecting and manifesting itself to itself, operatively in& among some men. Even so there is nothing, which doth more delight, and unite the God of infinite goodness,& eternal love, to a person who through grace becomes an object of his goodness,& love, then the real submissive acknowledgement, and hearty sense of his infinite goodness, and eternal love, in this object, or rather subject person. And there is nothing which is more just and right, then that this subject person, who lives by the infinite goodness and eternal love of his infinitely good, and eternally loving God, should in all real submissive acknowledgement,& hearty sense, be affencted with, and united unto, this infinite goodness and eternal love. For this manifesteth God, to be God, and the creature to be the creature; God to be infinite goodness, and eternal love, flowing out of himself into this submissive sensible, subject person, as into a tem●le of the holy Ghost and house of prayer; and flowing again into himself out of it, the creature to be only the temple& house,& to be unto God as a house is to a man, that is, God active,& the creature passive. This is the true praise which glorif●●th God; according to the divine truth of that Scripture; Who so o●fereth praise glorifieth me, and to him that ordereth his conversation aright, will I show the salvation of the Lord. Psal. 50.23. Thus the Lord obtaineth his own, so that the creature can give him nothing which is not his own, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Now therefore our God wee thank the,& praise thy glorious name, But who am I, and what is my people, that wee should be able to offer so willingly after this sort, for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee, 1. Chron. 29.13.14. A man in Christ, being baptized into this estate and condition, doth pray, red, &c. and whatsoever he asketh, it is done to him, yea, in him, because he asketh this way truly in the name of Christ? according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the son, if ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. joh. 14.13, 14. there is divine reason for this, for a man i● Christ, doth will, and seek, neither more or less, then that which the father in the son, willeth and seeketh in him; the same is to be said, concerning his reading of the Scriptures,& all his godly desires. Thus doth a man in Christ seek, and he findeth, he knocketh, and it is opened unto him; he asketh and receiveth. But those,( and oh and alas, the most part of men) who are not baptized into the baptism of a man in Christ, ask and receive not, bencause they ask a miss. Iam. 4.3. They are like unto hunting Esau, mourning for the blessing,& Simon Magus that would buy Christ, but a man in Christ hath with Mary chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from him. Luke 10.42. CHAP. IIII. That a man in Christ doth hear the gospel preached. AN honest person, having such a disease, as tendeth to the destruction of ease and life in pain and weakness, so that( as he is moved by God) he would use some means, for mitigation of pain, and prolonging of life, according to the will of God, and not according to the will of man. If this person go out at all to any man of skill, it is certain that it is better to go to such a man, who hath skill in God, then to such as have not their skill in God; now in his thus going our, two things are remark●able, first he hath a real business which moves him to go, secondly, he goeth to one, in and by whom the cause& remedy of his disease is truly discovered. Even so it is with a man in Christ in hearing first he hath a business of God in his spirit, concerning which he is a captive of God, and panteth after the discovery of it, as the sick person, after the discovery of the cause& remedy of his disease, and even as a fit of sickness many times doth purge the body, and preventeth a greater sickness, yea death itself, even so a holy trouble of the mind, being as it were in an eclipse, maketh thee soul of a man in Christ, the more enamoured with, and united unto the true eternal light, and in a divine good spiritual plight after-wards. And even as a sick man discerneth the skill of a man, as the man speaketh the very same things, which he knoweth and feeleth in himself, or otherwise; even so, a man in Christ, discerneth a true Preacher, that is a true disciple of Christ, by his own experience; thus doth a man in Christ hēare, not superficially, but as a sick man heareth a true physician, discover the cause, and remedy of his disease, i● a divine manner. And as a true Ph●sitian, getteth his skill by the tru● knowledge of diseases, in applying such& such physic unto such and such diseases: Even so a man in Christ being an instrumental spiritual physician, in the hand of the eternal physician, getteth his skill, by the working of God in the soul of his brother; being a man in Christ, as well as by the working of God in his own soul; And in this divine sense, a man in Christ, although he be a hearer, may upon conference, be a Physian to a man in Christ, although he be a Preacher according to the divine truth of that Scripture, For I long to see you, that J may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established; that is that I may be comforted together with you, by the mutual faith both of you and me. Rom. 1.11, 12. But it is otherwise amongst hearers, who are not men in Christ, those that are not in Christ, do go out to the creatures, without the business we spake of. Some in stead of this business, go out because it is Sunday, Sabath, or first day, to hear such a rare Divine, such a knowing People, preach and discourse, to participate of such and such Ordinances, &c. Some to be heard and seen and applauded amongst others, how sweetly and soundly they can toss a point, what great insight they have in the word, some to show their goodly apparel, some to make choice of some Godly man( as they call him) for their husband: Some of a woman to be their wife. But and if these Persons were truly baptized in the baptism & religion of a man in Christ namely, God to be a living active God, in a dead passive ceature, that is, not to move, but as they should be moved by God: they would abhor themselves in dust and ashes, and be convinced by the divine truth of these Scriptures, Son of man these men have set up their Idols in their hearts,& put the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their faces, should I be enquired of at all by them? red Ezek. And again, But unto the wicked, God saith, what hast thou to do to declare my Statutes: or that thou shouldst take my covenant into thy mouth, Psal. 50. from 16. to 22. And again, This people draw nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, Mat. 15.7.8. And again, Ye adulterers &c. red Jam. 4.4. Let those who think that those scriptures doth nothing at all concern them, take heed lest the God of truth say to them, as Nathan said to David, thou art the man; Sam. 12.17. CHAP V. That a man in Christ, doth sometime speak to his neighbour. IF a tender and loving father, who cheerfully and diligently employeth his strength and calling, for the sustentation and life of his young children, were demanded, why he should do so, seeing that the young children brought no gains to him, nor profit, he would answer, that fatherly free love moved and constrained him so to do; even because the weak young children, could neither bring profit nor gains to him nor to themselves; and that God and nature required of him so to do,& in so answering, he would speak the very truth. Likewise if he were demanded whether or not it were sufficient enough for him, that he should go abroad, and look upon food and raiment, and then return to his hungry and naked children, and tell them of such good food& raiment as he had seen,& so satisfy their hunger, and cloath their nakedness with the bare rehearsing of such things, or present painted food, and painted raiment, to satisfy their hunger, and cloath their nakedness. He would answer, that there were nothing more ridiculous then that question, seeing that his children would be nothing better, although he should let them see food and raiment, belonging unto other People without proper use of that food,& that raiment to themselves: much less, by the bare telling and speaking of food and raiment which he saw abroad, unto them, or showing the painted forms of food and raiment unto them, which could do them no good. He would say, that no less would satisfy his children, then the real use of real food and raiment, such as God made to be for his own preservation of his life,& in his so answering he would likewise speak the very truth. Now in the speaking of a man in Christ to any person, the spirit of the heavenly father, keepeth this same fatherly nature, so that a man in Christ speaketh to the edyfying of any person, who is desirous to hear him, capable in some measure out of mere free love, because the love of Christ constraineth him, nor can he do otherwise; for the Fire must of necessity sand forth heat, to those who sit near it, and the Candle shine, to those who are where it shineth, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Let your light so shine before men, that they seeing your good works may glorify your father which is in Heaven; Mat. 5.16. This in dwelling word of life& love, in a man in Christ is freely received therefore he freely giveth it, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Freely you have received, freely give; Math. 10.8. A man in Christ, thinketh it to be a sweet reward, with which he is fully content to be a dead instrument in& by which the God of life motion, action, and eternal love: exerciseth pure and mere goodness towards any of his creatures. This is the reward, which the sun in shining the air in moistening, the water in watering, and the earth in production, have, and desire to have no other reward; the same is to be said of the whole university of nature, set man, as man aside. And so speaketh& doth a man in Christ to his neighbour, that is any tractable person, without exception; but those who are not baptized into a living active God, and dead passive creature, with a man in Christ, and yet will take upon them to be leaders of the blind, are those unto whom God and truth, intending their good, directeth these Scriptures,( understand here, as well a disputant of this world, being a talkative person amongst others, and persons whoever they be, he or she, who hath a form of godliness without the power thereof; as a public Preaching man, being a false Prophet) For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again, which be the first principles of the Oracles of God, Heb. 5.12. And again, Son of man prophecy against the Shepherds of Israel, prophecy and say unto them, thus saith the Lord God unto the Shepherds, wo be unto the shepherds of Israel, that do feed themselves, Should not the shepherds feed the flock? Ye eat the fat, and cloath you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flock, Ezech. 34 2.3. Again, a man in Christ, his language and works are spirit and life, because it is not he that speaketh or doth, but the spirit of his heavenly father, which speaketh and doth in him, Mat. 10.20. But those who are not baptized into a man in Christ his baptism, and yet will take the kingdom of Heaven by violence, do weary themselves in an artificial, historical and painted Divinity, concerning which God saith, when ye come to appear before me, Who hath required this at your hands, to tread my Courts; Isaiah 1 12. Some attain to much of this Divinity,( as they call it) by the eye, that is by reading the Books of such and such men, othe●s attain to much of it, by the ear, that is, by hearing this, or that man, or gathering such& such expressions from one another, which they imitate; And others, do attain to much of it by their own conceptions, and self-will interpretations, and this tendeth to divisions& cooling of love amongst them exceedingly. But all of you of this kind, in the meekness, gentleness, and love of Christ, hear what his spirit saith unto you, Behold ye despisers, and wonder, and perish, for I work a work in your dayes, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you, Act. 13.41. But I trust in God that some of you shall believe it; and I would to God that all of you, and I, and all mankind, did believe it aright. CHAP. VI. That a man in Christ, is a true member of the true Church. A Man born in one Country,& traveling through other far Countries, shall always find, and see, that the inhabitants of those countries do differ nothing from the Inhabitants of that Country wherein he was born, in essence& essential properties, either in reasonable or unreasonable creatures: But that there is a fame-nesse,( so to speak) of essence and essential properties, in and amongst all the particular creatures, of every species& kind, whereupon th●s traveller may be, brought to admire the Creator, in his traveling amongst Gods creatures in other countries. Now there are three things considerable in this Travellers life, the first is, he is no settled dweller, or member of any country, and yet in some sense, he is a member of every Country, in which he hath been, and where he is. The second is, as he liveth by the charity of merciful hearted people who contributeth to the relief of his necessity, so he doth( as it becometh him so to do) sometimes contribute to the necessity of a person being in greater want then he. The third is, as he is willing to hear and receive sure and certain knowledge, from well experienced Inhabitants of the country, where he traveleth, so he is willing to communicate what he hath seen, and known in other countries, to them again, or to others who hath not known and seen such things; And so this harmless poor Traveller, is a beggar to some, and sometime a giver to others, a hearer to some, and sometime a speaker to others. Even so, a man in Christ, being a Pilgrim and a Stranger, dear to God. doth find, feel, and see, the internal world in the external,& beholdeth all created essences, and essential properties, to issue out, as sparkles and shadows of the immense, infinite, and eternal essence which is God over all, blessed forever. Whereupon, his soul as ointment is powred out upon the head of his Lord, and his body, as the Box is broken; that is, his soul is protended and carried without the limits of himself and becometh a mystical and spiritual Pilgrim, in and amongst the countries of the internal world, and there are three things considerable, in his happy and divine pilgrimage-life. The first is, he is no settled dweller or member, of any country of the external world, that is, he feeleth& seeth a more excellent way then the most part of professing men do, who are rather settled upon the earth and external world, that is, upon their own petty and particular Idols in the first place, and their own salvations in a mercenary way in the second place, then settled upon Christ; And yet in some sense he is a member of each country, place, or people, as a dear sojourner where ever he be. The second is, as he is traveling amongst Gods creatures, he doth accurately observe and take special notice of God working, and manifesting himself in some People,& with those he will have most dear and intimate unity of spirit,& will receive their amiable and christian ●difying word and work: for it is manifested to him, that it is not they that do so, or speak so to him, but the spirit of their heavenly Father, which doth and speaketh so to him; therefore in all subjection and lowliness of mind, he feeleth God in his love, and heareth God in his light, in and by such, and is so far from thinking it a disparagement to him, to be benefited either in word or work by them, that with the two Disciples, going to Emmaus, his heart burneth within him, and is affencted. The third thing is, by the divine illuminating light, which leadeth into all truth, he is made very sensible of two things, the first is, that all persons into whom he cannot discern God manifesting himself, do stand in need to be brought to know& feel, that either their God must be glorified in them, that is, to work his will& work in them, which is their eternal happiness, or else they are undone; The other thing is, he is obliged, by the virtue and heavenly constraint of the operative love of Christ in him,( himself being converted and a follower of Christ) to become a Fisher of men, that is, to become all right things unto all men, that truth o● God may gain some, according to the divine truth of that Scripture. For though I be free from all men, ye● have I made myself a servant unto all that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a jew, that I might gain the Iewes, to them that are under the law, as under the law, that J might gain them that are under the law, to them that are without law, as without law,( being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ) that J might gain them that are without law; To the weak I became as weak, that J might gain the weak; J am made all things to all men, that J might by all means save some, 1. Cor. 9.19, 20. So that a man in Christ, is a member of any men in the world, either in Christ, or not in Christ; if they be in Christ, he will be a subjected, lowly minded Disciple to them, if they be not in Christ, he will( as a dear sympathysing and pitiful commiserator) do his uttermost endeavours, to do them good, if they would receive it. Thus was Paul and the Disciples true members of the true Church, and thus is a man in Christ a true member of the true Church; but those who are not baptized with a man in Christ, into a living active God,& a dead passive creature, do commonly either make a God of that which is but the creature, that is, they think all is done if they be a member of such a church, as they think salvation belongeth unto, and herein while they do as they do( let none think here that I speak against the holy order and discipline of the true Church of Christ) they are rather like unto young children, who with shells& little stones will imitate a real building, then like true members of the ●●ue Church, that is, called out of the world; for the word Church in the greek language, being rightly interpnted, signifieth a calling out. Or else, they account nothing of that which God accounteth dearly of, that is, they separate from such poor, sinful, ignorant, People, as Christ the Lord God of mercy, free grace and love, did never separate from as they do. For although the Lord Christ did not stand in need of the most choicest Discipline of the creature, to be benefited thereby, far less of their false worships; for then the candle should have given light to the Sun; then man should have been more perfect then his Maker; then the Pot should have framed the Potter; then the blind should have lead the seeing; yet he being the great light, and DAY SPRING, doth shine, to whom? Even to those that sit in the Region and shadow of death and darkness, Luke 1.79. He being the physician, he healeth whom? Even the sick; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And it came to pass, as Jesus sate at meat in the House, behold many Publicans and sinners came and sate down with him and his Disciples; And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his. Disciples, why eateth your master with Publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard it, he said unto them, they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick, but go you and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, for I am not come to call the Righteous, but sinners to repentance; Mat. He being the seeker, he seeketh, whom? Even the lost, according to the divine truth of that Scripture What man of you having an hundred sheep, if he loose one of them, doth he not leave the ninety nine in the wilderness: and go after that which is lost, until he find it, Luke 15.4. It is true then, that those who make so little account of the day of small things, that is poor creatures in their ignorance and infirmities ●et aiming at,& professing christinity, did never learn so at Christ; it may be some will object and say Is it not commanded that Saints should come out of Babel, and be separated?& the like; To which in love& truth I answer; There are two sorts of Saints, the one real, and they will separate from nothing except evil and sin against God; The other nominal, and it is to be feared that they worship that inwardly, from which they think they are separated outwardly, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Ther is a Generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their filthiness, Pro. 30.12. And again And why beholdest thou the moat that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye, Math 7 3. A true Evangelicall Penitent will say here Lord be merciful to me a sinner; but a proud Pharis●e will have much to say for himself. CHAP. VII. That a man in Christ useth the world, that is, Being, Life, sense, Reason, Food, raiment, &c. A Person looking into a looking-glasse, and beholding the image of his face, may be said in the actual use of the glass, not to use it; that is, he is taken up with the image, which he seeth in the glass, and not with the consideration of of the glass itself; and if he consider the glass itself, while he be●oldeth his image in it, if he consider it aright, he considereth it with relation to the reflecting and reverberating virtue which it hath in it, to let him see himself. Even so, a man in Christ, useth all things without which he cannot subsist, as a looking glass, in which he feeleth and seeth God to be the virtue of each of them, as the Being of his own Being, and all Beings else; the Life of his own life, and all lives else; the sense of his own sense and all sense else? the Reason of his own reason, and all ●eason else; the Food of his own food,& all food else, &c. according to the divine truth of that Scripture, For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and God-head, Rom. 1.20. again, look how much a person, looking into a glass, and seeing his image, esteemeth his image inferior to his face, the cause and substance of his image; even so much doth a man in Christ esteem himself, as he is himself inferior to God, the eternal cause and substance, in being life, sense, reason, food, raiment, &c. And herein he is like unto a man, who the more he looks upon the Sun, the more he is dazzled and made impotent in his natural faculty of seeing: Or like unto a poor miserable creature, having committed notorious theft, in his King● intrustments, and is in the power and hands of the King,& the King in stead of rigour and justice, useth all clemency, and liberality to him, receiveth him into his house, giveth him all things good for him. Now, by how much this good King is so gracious to him, and he made sensible of it, by so much this man may, and should stand in submission, and admiration of the King his goodness, and his own unworthiness. Even so is it with a man in Christ, in the enjoyment of necessary things, he thinks himself unworthy of any goodness, and enjoyeth only the use of necessary things, as if he used them not, that is, he enjoyeth and relisheth the virtue of God, in things merely necessary. According to the divine truth of that Scripture, And they that use this world as though they used it not: for the fashion of this world goeth away, 1 Cor. 7.31. But those, who are not baptized with a man in Christ, into a living acting God, and a dead passive creature useth the world, that is, being, life, sense, reason, food raiment, &c. as a lecherous, seducing, and vainglorious Whore useth waters and ointments to beautify her face, for the satisfying her lustful desires. And as she useth a looking-glasse, in which when shee beholdeth her Image, shee falleth in love with that Image, because she thinketh that that Image, and her face, the substance of that Image is her own. And by how much a man in Christ, ascribeth all the virtue and excellency of created natures to God, as the eternal fountain: By so much do those, who are not in Christ, ascribe to themselves, that is, they satisfy and please their own carnal concupiscence in the unjust usurpation of those things which are proper to God. And herein they are like unto a man, who having committed notorious theft in the things which was entrusted to him by his King, and is in the power and hands of the King; and the King in stead of rigour and justice, useth all clemency and liberality towards him, receiveth him into his house, giveth him all good things which are necessary for him. Now, in stead of standing in submission& admiration of the Kings free grace& goodness, and his own unworthiness, he will be king himself, and assume unto himself as his own, the free& lovely conferred mercies of his good King, according to the divine truth of that Scripture. Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away. First, And that man of Sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, for that he as god, sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is god, 2 Thess. 2.3, 4. So then, those that are not baptized with a man in Christ, in a living acting God, and a dead passive creature, are in the sight of God& truth no less thieves and usurping robbers, in being, life, sense, reason, food, raiment, &c. then those who being found guilty by the Jury are in the eyes of the Judge, sitting upon the Bench. And in this unjust wickedness& darkness, the most part of men, yea, the whole world( set a few men in Christ aside,) lieth, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Wee know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness, 1 Joh. 5.19. CHAP. VIII. That a man in Christ, exerciseth himself in a calling. THere is a two-fold Calling in peoples outward conditions, the one is true, the other false. The true Calling is such a calling, as the holy Lord God of truth putteth into the heart and hand of those who are men in Christ: And the end of this Calling is two-fold. First, to do good unto all, but especially to help the distressed, whether they be of the household of faith, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Do good unto all, but especially to those of the household of Faith, Gal 6.10. Or whether they appear not to be of the household of Faith, but mere distressed creatures, whose necessities asketh, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Give to him that asketh, and from him that would borrow of thee, turn thou not away, that is, Give unto him, if thou be able, and he bee in mere necessity, Mat. 5.42. Secondly, to supply the mere necessities of himself and his, in regard that they who are not in Christ, will not do to him as he would do to them; and therefore he is exercised in a Calling by necessity. According to the divine truth of that Scripture, Provide for things honest in the sight of all men, Rom. 12.17. And this Calling is very dear to God, because it is performed as a sacrifice to God. The false calling, is such a calling, as the covetous, self-loving, and false spirit of error, putteth into the heart and hand of those who are not baptized with a man in Christ, in a living active God, and a dead passive creature. And this Calling, although it bear the name of a calling amongst the most part of men; yet in comparison of, and respect to, a true Calling, may be termed a calling, as Judas was termed one of the twelve, or as a false prophet may be termed a Prophet. And the end of this calling is two fold also. First, principally and mainly to covet, love, and seek his own good,& advantage in al the things he hath to do with all men, more then the good and advantage of others; and to grumble and fret at the loss of his own good and advantage, in all the things he hath to do with all men. According to the divine truth of that Scripture; For the desire of money, is the root of all evil, which while some lusted after, they erred from the faith, and pierced themselves thorough with many sorrows, 1 Tim. 6.10. Secondly, to lay up treasures for themselves upon earth, and with the rich man, to say, soul, soul, eat, drink and be merry; never considering, what they are, and whose they are, and who is the true owner of those good things, which they make themselves Lords of; but either with that Epicurean person, which the spirit and wisdom of God calleth the fool, which hath said in his heart there is not a God; are all gone out of the way? they are all corrupt, Psa. 14.3. Or else with Ananias and Saphira, they tempt the Spirit of the Lord in keeping away part of the price, that is, they will not forsake all, and sell all to be baptized with a man in Christ, into a living active God, and a dead passive creature, which is that blessed field, in which is hide, and to be found, the all-rich, and all-glorious, and all-sufficient everlasting pearl, and treasure even Christ, the joy, delight, and well-pleasing of the Father, then which, there is not such a treasure in heaven or earth. CHAP. IX. That a man in Christ doth die, that is, his soul and body are separated. AS there is a vast difference betwixt the life of a man in Christ, and the life of those who are not in Christ, so is there no less difference betwixt their deaths. A man in Christ, as was said before, is no farther a man in Christ, then the Holy Spirit of Christ is in him,( and if Christ be in him then the body is dead, that is, it is passive Rom. 8 10.) Now, as Christ is in him, He is as willing, to return again into the bosom,( so to speak with reverence of the Immense,& glorious Majesty of the Incomprehensible Creator.) of his heavenly Father God, as his heavenly Father God, was willing to sand him into, and set him upon the stage of this external visible, world, into which and upon which he was set, after that he came from, and out of invisibility and silence, which was and is the mind and will of God. To this invisibility and silence,( I say) is a man in Christ, as willng to go as to live in the external visible world, because his happy life is lead, and lived in this internal, spiritual and invisible silence, that is, he is dead, and his life is hide with Christ in God, and herein he is like unto a Kings son, whose father is pleased to sand him to another country, for a certain time to be taught and trained up in such and such noble exercises as becometh the son of such a father, now at the end of this certain time, he is as willing to return again to his father, as his father was willing to sand him to that Country. But those who are not baptized with a man in Christ, in a living active God,& a dead passive creature, are unwilling to leave being, life, sense, reason, belly-god-cheer, Mammon honor, wise, husband, children, friends, &c. because as thieves and robbers, they do make all those their own. And herein they are like unto a miserable covetous merchant, going with a great sum of gold, to a Fair or Market, thinking to be a great gainer in his traffic, and as he is going, there cometh upon him an armed man, whom he is not able to resist, and demandeth of him his gold, which unless he do presently give, he will presently kill him. Now for fear of his life, he will give all his gold: but he doth not give it freely, but because he is terrified by and with the fear of death, and thinketh his life sweeter then death, or his gold, although before he came into this straight, his gold was sweeter to him then his life. Even so is it with those who are not men in Christ, they do leave and part with their life, as the Merchant, giveth his Gold, and if so be they seem to give it freely, yet this is that they may be Gainers, and get their souls to be saved. But the Lord of truth, Christ, saith, Who loseth his soul, that is, who is baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, shall find it, Luk. 9 24. for the divine baptism, comprehendeth the chiefest good of the creature in it. It is like unto, yea, it is that spiritual ark of Noah, that is, Rest, into which, all that are, are preserved, but those that are out of it are miserable. And thus far hath a man in Christ been paralleled with those men, who are Gods Creatures, some whereof, professing Christianity more eminently, then others, and some less, and some little or nothing at all, in those duties and practices of Religion, which they do use to practise. Now by the guidance of the holy Spirit of the God of truth, wee will endeavour to parallel him with the same men in the light of understanding and judgement, concerning the controverted opinions, which are so much in agitation amongst them. CHAP. X. That a man in Christ dearly loveth true understanding, judgments, and opinions, and yet he is united unto the higher Good. HAving formerly compared a man in Christ wi●h professing men, in the duties and practise of such performances, as they do usually exercise themselves into. We will by the virtue of the Spirit of God and truth, compare him with the same m●n in the understandings, judgements, and opinions, which are amongst them. It is true, a man in Christ loveth the knowledge of the truth, because the truth is in him; but yet he is more united and enamoured, in, and with the spirit, life, and will of the truth, then of the notional contemplation of true knowledge. And herein he is like unto a dear son coming to his father, and speaking this language; O my father! for so much as you are the instrument, in, and by which God did beget me, educate me, love me, &c. So that I had, or have nothing of myself, but what I have received of you, I conceive that I, and all that I have, is yours, and not mine, and that it is just and right, that I and all that I have, should be employed and live unto you, and according to your heart& will, and not live unto myself, and according to mine own heart and will, seeing all is yours. Therefore, this is the sum of all my desires, o my father! let me stand and live in the obedience and unity of your will and well-pleasing, for this onely is justice and equity; for whatsoever I desire, or would desire; whatsoever I have or would have; whatsoever I do or would do more then this, cometh of mine own evil, and although I stand and live in the obedence and unity of your will and well-pleasing, and not in my will and well-pleasing, I do no more then that which becometh a son to do to his father, by divine Iustice, yea. I do no more in my kind, then the ox which knoweth his owner, and the ass which knoweth his masters crib in their kind, this language now doth wonderfully endear, and rejoice the loving father, that the son is become so sensible of God his goodness, and his own engagement. Even just so doth the life and language of a man in Christ, speak to God alone. But those that are not baptized with a man in Christ, into a living act●ve God, and a dead passive creature, are in the knowledge of judgements and opinions, as they are in the use of being, life, sense, reason, food, raiment, &c. that is, they are more delighted, and exalted in the notional contemplation of judgements and opinions, as they make for their own glory and excellency of knowledge,( as they call it,) that they may sit at the right& left hand of Christ in all eternity, which is all but self and false christianity, then they are delighted in divine obedience, and self-abhorring, which is the covenant that God by Christ maketh with all true disciples, and is the only true christianity. And hereunto they are like unto a foolish son, coming to his father, and speaking this language, father o how rich are you, and o how rich shal I be, seeing I am your son: Now because I shall obtain so great riches from you, it is sitting that I should have excellent knowledge of you every way; therefore father I pray you let me take a knife and ripp up your belly, that I may know you perfectly how you are within, how your small guts lie, how your joints are coupled and the like. This language now is so ridiculous and contrary to reason, nature and truth, that the father will in no wise either approve or yield unto it. Even just so doth the life and language of those who are not baptized with a man in Christ, into a living active God, and a dead passive creature, speak to God alone. And therefore their clearest knowledge, is but ignorance of God and Christ. According to the divine truth of that Scripture, and though I have the gift of prophesy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and have no Charity, that is, not baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive Creature, I am nothing, 1 Cor. 13.2. But a man in Christ feareth the Lord, and therefore the secrets of the Lord are with him. Psal. 25.14: CHAP. XI. That a man in Christ believeth that there is one God, and this God is unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity, That is, God in Father, Son and Spirit, and Father, son and Spirit, in God. O Thou true eternal Light! whose self manifests thyself to all those who have any true manifestation of thee, even as the Sun,( being a representative sparkle of that immense glorious Light which thou art,) manifesteth itself by itself, to all those who have any true ●anifestation of it. Arise in the lovely Majesty of thy more then excellent splendour, and let the thick misty clouds of sin and ignorance, which stand as a partition wall, betwixt the glory of thy admirable nature and holy God-head, and the blinded eyes of the understandings of thy poor creatures, be dispersed and amnihilated: The clouds of sin and ignorance, I say, O most holy goodness, which they themselves, and not thou, have set up as idols in their hearts,& as stumbling blocks before their faces,& loveth darkness rather then thee, the true everlasting Light which shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth thee not. A man in Christ, as he is man, seeth matter of deep admiration, not onely in the more noble and greater, but also in the meanest and smallest of the creatures which liveth, either in the earth, water, air, or fire; each particular and individual living creature of every species and kind, containing in itself as in a mysterious little world or creation, the earth, water, air and fire, in a corporeal composition, and all of them in a vast variety of virtuous faculties and divers operations. Now if he be dazzled here,(& well may he be) unto what inutterable and absolute admiration shall he be brought into, in comprehending the incomprehensible, in seeing the invisible, in searching the unsearchable, in terminating the infinite and transcendent Creator, who can no more be reached unto, by the creature his comprehensive ability then the sun can be reached unto, by the arm of creature man. And this deep admiration of the creatures, and absolute admiration of the Creator, is caused to him, as he himself is a particular created creature, that is, an individual person, amongst the innume●able and various multitudes of other creatures, wherein the almightiness and boundless largeness of the wonderful Father and Creator appeareth. But as he is in Christ, baptized in a living active God, and a dead pas●ive creature, that is, translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of his dear Son; He i●●oyned to the Lord, and one Spirit with the Lord, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, but he that is joined to the Lord, is one spirit, 1 Cor. 6.17. And this spirit searcheth the deep things of itself, and nothing else, 1 Cor. 2 10, 11. This way he is a fearer of the Lord, and the secrets of the Lord are with him, Psal. 25 14. This way God saith within him and to him as he said to A●raham, shall I hid from my beloved creature, being baptized in the true name of my infinitely dearly beloved son, that thing which I do, Gen. 18.7. that is, what I am according to the divine truth of that Scripture, He that hath my Commandements, and keepeth them,( that is he that is baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature,) he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him, Joh. 14.21. In this divine union, and blessed baptism, doth a man in Christ, by Christ truly feel, know and see these two main things: First, That this whole visible University or World, with all, and every part of it in its beauty& perfection,( and O how beautiful and ●erfect is it) being adorned with such innumerable and various mul●●●udes of several kindes of crea●ures, is a visible representation, of he invisible, incomprehensible, un●earchable and infinite Being of all beings, which is Jehovah, God the ●reator; according to the divine truth of that Scripture: For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and God-head, Rom 1.20. And this whole beautiful and ●erfect University, or world, with every individual part thereof in its formal being and operative faculty ●oth issue and flow out of the Creator, because he is God,( that is, absolute, beautiful, perfect goodness and love,) by a necessity, for goodness must do good, by a necessity, and love must extend this goodness without itself, by a necessity, and cannot do otherwise. Even as the sun doth shine by a necessity, and extendeth its light out of itself, to and for the good of all things, which it produceth by a necessity. And no man truly feeleth, knoweth, and seeth, this eternal power and godhead, of the invisible, incomprehensible, unsearchable, and infinite power, and godhead by the things that are made, but he that is baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, and that is only a man in Christ. Secondly, A man in Christ, doth truly feel, know, and see, that as it is altogether impossible to the rational creature man, as man, to ascend up, and comprehend the Sun, which cannot be comprehended by man, but it comprehendeth man, that is, it extendeth its light unto, and upon man, and so man may be said to comprehend the Sun. Even so, impossible is it to the rational creature man as man, to comprehend the incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable, and infinite Being of all beings, which is God over all, blessed for ever. unless he should manifest his incomprehensiblenesse, invisiblenesse, unsearchablenesse, and infiniteness, into such a manifestation, as the rational creature man may be in some measure capable of him. Now because amongst the rational creatures, Father, Son, and Spirit, which Spirit is life, motion, and action, are most sensible and united relations, the one whereof manifesteth the other, for a Father is not a Father without a Son; and a Son is not a son without a Father; and a Spirit, that is, life, motion,& action, is not a spirit without father and son Therefore the incomprehensible invisible, unsearchable, and infinite Being of all beings, who is the true cause and author of these relations, in and amongst the rational creatures doth make out, or manifest himself in these three relations; that the rational creature man, may by this means be made capable in some measure to comprehend the nature of him, who is the true eternal and essential nature of all created natures& in this he is truly called the father, and eternal Creator. And to comprehend the love of him, who is the true eternal and essential love of all loves, and in this he is truly called the son. And to comprehend the life, motion, and action of him- who is the true, eternal, and essential life, moton and action of all lives, motions and actions; and in this he is truly called the holy Spirit. Now, as amongst mortal creatures, a father is not a father without a son, so the true eternal and essential Nature of all Natures, which is the father, is not the true eternal and essential Nature of all natures, without the true eternal and essential Love of all loves, which is the Son. And as a son is not a son without a father, so the true, eternal and essential love of all loves, which is the son, is not the true eternal, and essential love of all loves, without the true eternal,& essential nature of all natures, which is the Father. And as a Spirit which is life motion, and action, is not a Spirit, without Father and Son; so the true eternal& essential life, motion,& action, of all lives, motions; and actions, which is the holy spirit, is not the true eternal and essential life, motion and action of all lives, motions, and actions, without the true eternal, and essential nature of all natures, which is the Father,& and the true eternal and essential love of all loves, which is the Son. So then, the incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable and infinite Power and God-Head is manfested for the capacity of the rational creature man, into Father, Son, and Spirit; which three Relative manifestations, are unto the incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable and infinite power and God-head, as the external written word is unto the internal Spirit and life, unto which the external written word is a testimony; according to the divine truth of that Scripture Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think to have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me, Joh. 5.39. Even so, this threefold manifestation, is a testimony of the incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable and infinite eternal power, and God-head, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, There are three that bear Record in Heaven, that is, of this incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable and infinite eternal power and God head, the Father; the Word, that is the Son, and the holy Spirit,& these three are one, ●. joh. 5.7. Now by these last words, These three are one, is holden out, That as God is unity in Trinity, that is, God in Father, Son and Spirit, So God is Trinity in unity. And here shineth, as the bright Sun, amongst Moon and stars, THAT GLORIUS MYSTERY of all MYSTERIES, namely, as the Father is in the Son, so the Son is in the Father; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, That they all may be on● as thou father art in me, and I in thee, joh. 17.21. And again, believe me, that J am in the Father, and the Father in me. joh. 14.11. And as the Father and the Son are in the holy Spirit; so the holy Spirit is in the Father and the Son; Even as the heat which floweth out of the essential Fire, acting upon a combustible matter; as the Fire is in the Heat, otherwise it should not be heat: so that Heat is in the Fire, otherwise it should not be heat, that is motion, and action of the essential Fire, acting upon a combustible matter; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And hereby wee know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit that he hath given us, Joh. 3.24. And again, For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the Spirit of a man which is in him, even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God, 1. Cor. 2.11. So then, as the incomprehensible invisible, unsearchable, and infinite eternal power and Godhead, is for the capacity of the rational creature-man, manifested into unity in Trinity; that is, God in Father, Son,& holy Spirit, So he is Trinity in unity, that is, Father, Son,& Spirit in God; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, These three are one, 1. joh. 5.7. And as no man truly feeleth knoweth and seeth the eternal, power and Godhead, of the incomprehensible, invisible, unsearchable and infinite God, by the things th●t are made, except a man in Christ: so there is no man that truly feeleth knoweth, and seeth, the true mysterious manifestaton of one God, to to be unity in Trinity; That is God in Father, Son, and Spirit and Trinity in Unity; that is, Father, Son, and Spirit, in God, Except a man in Christ. All others, that is, who are not baptized with a man in Christ, in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, do make Idols of the creatures and a monster of the God of the creatures; according to the divine truth of these Scriptures, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more then the Creator, who is blessed for ever, Amen, Rom. 1.25. And again, They have set up a King, but not by me, they have made Princes,& J knew it not; of their silver& their gold have they made them Idols, Hos. 8.4. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him: and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon; For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord; for as the Heavens are higher then the earth, so are my ways higher then your ways,& my thoughts then your thoughts, Isaiah 55.7. The meaning of which words, according to God and truth, are to be interpnted thus. Let no wicked and unrighteous man; that is, who is not baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, think, that he can more possibly conceive aright of, or be united to God, who is Unity in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, then it is possible to him, being a heavy earthy creature; to jump up thorough the heavenly sky; But if he forsake his own way& his own thoughts, that is, if he be baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, then he getteth the mercy and grace, to feel, know and see in truth and union, this MYSTERY, which no man knoweth; or can know, but a man in Christ. CHAP. XII. That a man in Christ, is baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and holy Spirit, and believeth that this only, and no other, is the true baptism. A Regenerate man in Christ, in his spiritual life, may be truly compared to a generate man in his natural life; concerning which natural man, observe these three things; The first is his generation, and by his Father. Without which he can neither be a nursed child or a ripe strong man. The second is, his education, that is, his nursed condition, and this is an act of love, acted by the generator, upon the generated, to the advancement of the generated, unto his ripe age and strength of body, without which he cannot be a ripe strong man,& this education is the end of generation. The third is, his mature corroberation, that is his ripe age and strength of body; and this mature coroboration, is the end of his education. Even so,( if we may speak of the truths& holy mysteries of God, by way of similitudes) is a man in Christ baptized in the name of the Father, Son and holy Spirit; and seeing it is of concernment to speak in particular, how a man in Christ is bapti- in each of these three names. O thou true Father, and eternal author of divine Generation! Without whose lovely drawing no man can come unto, or know the Son Christ, and holy Spirit; let the lively influence of thy divine light, and quickening virtue, be a testimony and unerring guide, to discover to thy poor creatures, how a man in Christ is baptized in thy name. A man before he be in Christ, is first, like unto, yea he is that man who neither is, or hath any thing of himself, neither body or members, neither soul or faculties, but is a mere absolute created nature made by the Creator, who is perfect goodness and love; according to the divine truth of that Scripture; Cease you from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be accounted of Isaiah 2.22. Secondly, he is like unto, yea he is that man of sin, who opposeth& exalteth himself above all that is called God; 2. Thes. 2.4. that is, he calleth and accounteth light darkness, and darkness light, all that he doth is better then that which either God or Gods People doth; In his own estimation he is the only thing that is best: and ought to be loved and honoured; If he be made a God by any creature, that is, honoured, loved, reverenced; and yet his own will and delight satisfied, he rejoiceth exceedingly, and maketh a God of that creature, for no other end, but that that creature should make a God of him in every thing, wherein he desireth, to be made a God of; And so he runneth on in this his fierce and deluded course; Either with the prodigal Son, in the lust of the eye, in the lust of the fl●sh, and pride of life; Or in a burning zeal with Saul, breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord; Or in hypocrisy with Jehu, and the Pharisees. But now, whilst this poor mad, deluded creature,( who afterwards by grace becometh a man in Christ) is posting on in darkness and iniquity, there cometh some certain happy moment of time, in the which it is with the soul of him as it is with a young Woman, which in a natural way is wounded and ravished with the love of a comely and proper man, so that there is a holy flamme and divine ecstasy engendered, and this soul is exercised with some unspeakable lovely agony, and yet it cannot well tell, what is the matter with it; and here there is a voice which in majesty, spirit, and life, calleth and saith, stand sinner, and this word stand, is the eternal word of the Father, saying, let there be light in the Micro-chaos, that is, in the sinner possessed with this darkness and iniquity, and there is light; Whereupon is strait presented unto this POOR SOUL its own great misery, and its fathers great mercy; its own abounding sin, and its Fathers superabounding grace; here is presented Heaven and Hell; here is joy and sorrow; here is fire and wax; here is the sinner( like Saul) smitten[ blind] down to the ground, hearing this sound, sinner, sinner, why persecutest thou me? Here is the sense of the swinish food:& the sense of the fathers House; In short, here is such a work in this new foundation: as no man can speak, or think of aright, but only he that hath felt it. Now as every thing which is manifest& produced, tendeth toward its own first matter, and principle again: even so this divine fundamental manifestation of the eternal light, beginneth to tend towards itself, so that the yielding soul incordiall love, beginneth with halting Jacob, tongue tied Moses, and blind Saul, to say, what is thy Name? And who art-thou o Lord? And in this question,( ō admiration!) a certain divine knowledge desiring to know, asketh this question. To which in cordial love is answered, I am the Father, and thy Father, that is, the true eternal Nature of all Natures; all created natures are mine, which are in heaven, earth, and Sea, and by them my eternal power and Godhead, should be understood; by my rational creature man; upon whom I have bestowed more Donations& endowments; then unto all other inferior Creatures, which live either in the earth water, air or fire; and all the created natures of my universal world, abideth in their first estate of their creation; that is, they are all very good, and no way repugnant to my will; that is they call no virtue or faculty which is performed in any of them, their own: nor do they exalt or admire themselves in these donations and endowments, which I have given them, but every one of them spending and changing themselves for the good of another; as if( and it is most true) they were not created for themselves, or for their own good, but for the good of another. This is my will, in this I am glorified, in this I am manifested to be the Creator: and the w●●e of my hands to be the creature; In this all my creatures are and have nothing in themselves, and are and have all, and whatsoever they are and have in me; Thus I fill the heaven, earth, water, air and fire, with my goodness; Thus I AM THE LORD, and there is none beside me, and my glory will I not give to another. But now, ō thou my reasonable creature man! In whom my eternal power& Godhead, should& ought to have been most conspicuously manifested; thou who should have been amongst other inferior creatures, as the Moon, yea, the Sun amongst the stars, as my more noble and more excellent creature who as thou art my creature-man, I have made as a sustemm, or compend of the whole visible world, containing in thyself the Being, Vegitation and Sences of all inferior crea●●●es; And moreover, out of my Fatherly well-pleasing Will, have crwoned thee with the divine faculties of an immortal and rational Spirit, that thou shouldst understand, feel, know, and see my eternal power and Godhead, by the things that are made; that is, the creatures; and that thou shouldst( in a more noble& excellent manner, by how much I have made thee a more noble& excellent creature, then all the inferior creatures) have bidden in me, and have been no way repugnant to my will; that is not to think and call any thing thine own, whether body or soul, or any thing that belongs to either, nor to have exalted and admired thyself, in whatsoever thou art or hath; for whatsoever thou essentially art or hath, is mine and not thine; but with the same air, water, earth, candle, and all other irrational creatures, to have been for the good of others, and not for thyself; thou that shouldst have been the mirror of all the irrational creatures, even thou art most irrational, yea, thou art worse then irrational, for thou art ante-father, that is, against me God the Father, thou wilt be something thyself, yea, thou wilt be the father thyself thou wilt exalt& admire thyself, thou wilt be mainly for thy own proper self, and selfe-good; thus thou art against my will, thus thou derogates from my glory, thus am I not manifested to be the Creator, and thou the creature; thus I am not all, and thou nothing; thus I am not the Lord, but there is some besides me; thus my glory is feloniously usurped by another, and I appeal to thy own understanding,& conscience, whether it be so or not. Now the yielding soul, overcome by the authority of the Father his answer, making the soul in some measure capable of his fatherly nature, weepeth through joy and rejoiceth through mourning, and uttereth this language. O Father and fountain of pure goodness, love and truth; I am overcome, O I am overcome, and convinced; O what wilt thou do with me, who have been a horrible rebel against thy fatherly goodness, love and truth, who have set myself in thy seat, and made myself my God; O what Hell is suffient to revenge thy divine justice upon me? But alas! Why say I so? I feel, know and see now by thy most holy, and pure truth, that my disobedience to thy divine will is the cause and evil of Hell, Oh that I had never been born to myself, Oh what shal I do, Oh mercy, mercy. And thus is this soul brought into a holy agony, and divine indignation, and desperation against itself, so that it abhorreth sinful self,& sweetly embraceth holy truth; and thus, it is baptized in the name of the Father; thus the Father draweth to thee Son, and this is the first divine generation, without which none is, or can be rightly stated in the true filiation, or nursed condition of divine education. Now as the new born infant, when it cometh into this world, standeth in an absolute necessity of food& yet of itself can neither think, speak, or perform any means for its food, but lives by, and upon the food which the tender hearted and loving Parent nurse feedeth it withall, as an impotent passive creature. Even so, a new regenerated child of God, wakened and raised up out of sin and ignorance, by the lovely Majesty, and over-coming truth of the Father; And seeing the Father to be the true owner& possessor of all things spiritual& earthly; and the creature to be nothing, of and by itself; doth now feel, know, and see an absolute necessity, to be baptized in the name of the Father, that is, to let the Father have his own will in all things, and in all conditions; But now by the virtue of this divine baptism, he feeling, knowing an seeing in himself, the diabolical self seeking, and self-loving power, or rather impotency, and delusion of the old Serpent, creature man; He doth likewise feel, know, and see, that of himself he can neither think, speak, or use any means, for the managing of his new regenerated baptism; And therefore the true eternal nature of all natures, even the father, in whose self and name he is now regenerated and baptized becometh unto him the true eternal love of all loves, that is Iesus Christ, to be his nursing Saviour, and teaching Master, who for his sake, AND ALL TRUE PENITENT SINNERS that they might be of his mind, and made capable in some measure of his eternal LOVE, made himself of no reputation,& took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself,& became obedient unto death, even he death of the cross, Phil. 2.7. And again, the soul being re-born and baptized in the name of the Father, becometh a dearly beloved child, and Disciple of Iesus Christ; unto whom all power that is in heaven& earth is given, as he pronounceth himself, Math. 28.18. Here now is his Anchoring-place, betwixt the absolute necessity on the one, hand, and the absolute impossibility on the other hand. And here, as the loving nursing Parent is delighted in feeding& educating the child:& as the child is enamoured& delighted in the feeding upon, and educating of the Parent, by the substance& virtue of whose flesh, and bones, the child liveth; Even so, Jesus Christ, the true, eternal lovely son, and love itself, is delighted and rejoiced in spirit, when the son, which no man knoweth but the Father, and the Father which no man knoweth but the son, is revealed unto regenerate babes Luke 10.21, 22. and again regenerate babes, eating the flesh and drinking the blood, John. 6.54. that is, feeding upon Christ, are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, Ephe. 5.30. But now as it is natural to a child, who is dearly beloved and carefully nursed by the parent, to grow presumptuous, by the indulgency of the parent and extravagant in pleasing its own humours and fancy, as to jump out of the arms of the parent into the fire or water, or to affect things which are not good for itself, and as it is natural to the wise loving parent to moderate indulgency and in wisdom and love to restrain extravagancy. Even so it is incident to a regenerate babe in Christ, to grow exalted above moderate measure, through the abundance of light and love, and extravagant in its desires, and affections to satisfy its own self in spiritual selfinesse. But Iesus Christ the anointed Saviour of his people, and true mortifier of all selfinesse, and exaltation of flesh and spirit in them, as he is the nurse he feedeth, and as he is the master, he teacheth his own dear child and disciple after this manner. O thou the object and subject of the secrets and true light of the Father! O thou the object and subject of my love! who am one with the Father, and in the Father, and the Father in me! Wouldest thou walk worthy of thy Father, who hath made thee his own dear child and son, by grace and favour? Wouldest thou walk worthy of thy son-ship and high calling? Wouldest thou be truly filiated, and make the calling and election of thy divine regeneration, and baptism in the name of the father sure. Then look unto me& my lovely life, who for thy sake and restauration, that thou mightest be baptized in the external love of the father which is in my name, and that the same mind should be in thee which was also in me, although I being the brightness of the father his glory, and the express Image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of my power. And although I being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Yet made myself of no reputation, and took upon me the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man, and being found in fashion as a man, I humbled myself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, holding and pointing out unto thee and all true children and Disciples, that as none can come unto me except the father draw him, so no man cometh to the father but by me. So that the eternal love of and to the Father, must overcome, mortify, neglect, and annihilate, all self-love and exaltation, whether in temporal or spiritual. And shall the disciple be above his master? shall I make myself of no reputation, according to my lovely will which is the will of the father, and shall my disciple bee great in reputation? shall I in assuming a mysterious person like unto, and in fashion as a man, be as it were a shadow in my outward man, in the visible world, Though the complete and full substance of the invisible world in my inward man, and shall my disciple be great in the visible world, in rejoicing in, or united unto, any thing in it? Shall I be humbled and my disciple exalted? Shall I become obedient unto the death, even the death of the cross; and shall my disciple have gloriation and pleasure? Shall my gloriation and divine pleasure, be onely in the resignation and self denial of resignation and self-denial? And shall my disciple live in non-resignation and selfness? Shall I be poor, and my disciple rich? Shal I mourn, through the sense of the sins of others, and shall my disciple laugh, being unsensible of his own sin? Shall my crown bee in the holy cross, and shall my disciple have his crown in lying vanities? Shall I as a Mysterious Man, and Redeemer of man, bee nothing in my Manhood, and shall my disciple be something in himself& manhood? Shall the Foxes have holes, and the birds nests, but I have nothing whereupon to lay my head; and shall my disciple have any thing to lay his head upon? Shall I come not to do my own will; and shall my disciple do his owne-will? Shall I be dead and passive, and shall my disciple be alive and active? Now the regenerate soul being illuminated and baptized before in the name of the father, becometh no less enamoured, endeared, and affencted with this holy and heavenly life, of the sweet and lovely Lord God Christ, then it was with the blessed and joyful illiumination of the Father of lights, and so is baptized in the name of the son, and becometh separated and translated out of the kingdom and element of its own self-something, self love, and self-will, into the kingdom and element of the father his selfe-all-nesse, his self-love, and his self-will, And this true divine food and discipline, being sweetly and kindly relished, and in a divine manner( so to speak,& the Spirit of God speaketh so in the Scripture) made the flesh and bones of the soul and body, causeth the life and language of this dearly Beloved Babe-disciple, to utter and express itself even in such a likeness& sweet same-nesse of mind with Christ, as there is a likeness and similitude, betwixt the natural nursing parent, and the nursed child. So that the same mind is in it, which was also in Christ, and this divine education of Christ, is to be truly baptized in his Name, which baptism is the end of being regenerated of the Father, and without which none is, or can be baptized in the Name of the Holy Spirit. Now as the child first generated, and afterwards nursed and fed, becometh an able strong person, to be employed in and about the affairs and businesses of his parents; even so a man in Christ baptized in the Name of the Father, that is, regenerated of and by the Father, and baptized in the Name of the son, that is, educated and nursed up in the life& love of, and to the Father alone, becometh to bee an able strong person,( in comparison of mere creature man) in, and about the affairs and businesses of the Father and Son. So that he is no more now for himself, but for the good of others, he that was before the object of attendance& education, becometh now an attendant and educating instrument to attend, and educate others. He that was in the way of strengthening before, is now become the strengthener of others, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, therefore when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Luke 22.32. though he bee free from all men, yet he becometh now a servant unto all, that he may win the more, he becometh unto the Jews as a Jew, that he may win the Jews, to them that are under the Law, as though he were under the Law, that he may win them that are under the Law. To them that are without Law, as though he were without Law,( when he is not without Law as petaining to God; but is in the Law through Christ.) That he may win them that are without Law. To the weak he becometh as weak, that he may win the weak. He is made all things to all men, that he may by all means save some According to the divine truth of that Scripture, which w●… cited in the sixth Section. And thus is he baptized in the Name of the holy Spirit, which is the end of his being baptized, in the Name of the Son, as his being baptized in the Name of the Son is the end of his being born of, and baptized in the Name of the Father. But those that with a man in Christ, are not baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, are deluded and deceived, in their being baptized in each of those three Names, for first the false light of the false father deceiveth them, that is, they will not let the true Father have his fatherly prerogative in them, but they will appropriate, will, love, possess, and act something themselves. Secondly, the false love of the false christ deceiveth them, that is, they love themselves better then the Father. Thirdly, the false life of the false spirit deceiveth them, that is, they do not love their neighbour as themselves. And albeit, there be many and divers Religions and baptisms amongst many and divers people of the habitable world: yet to be baptized with a man in Christ, truly and essentially in the Name of the Father, Son,& Holy Spirit, is only the best; all others are not the best. CHAP. XIII. That a man in Christ, hath his eternal well-being in Christ, and believeth that all men in whom Christ is, and they in Christ, have their eternal well-being in Christ. AS the members of the body, and branches of the three, have their original being in the body and three, but their operative foreseeing in the spirit and life of the body and three. Even so a man in Christ hath his original being in God, but his operative well being in the spirit& life of his God: So that albeit a man in Christ, doth feel, know, and see his being in the being of all beings. which is his God and Creator,( and O how unspeakeably good is it to feel know, and see it so) yet is his chief felicity not altogether placed in his original being, but in his operative foreseeing: that is, in the spirit and life of his God and Saviour. It is his ioy and his crown, to be acted as a dead passive creature, in& by the Spirit of God, as the members of the body and branches of the three, which are dead and passive in themselves, and have no motion, action, or fruitfulness, but what motion, action, and fruitfulness, they have in, and by the Spirit and life of the body and three. Thus his salvation and eternal well-being is wrought in him by the spirit and life of his God, who is the only worker of it, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Workout your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure, Phil. 2.13. Now as a man in Christ being baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, hath his eternal well-being in his head and Lord Christ, who saves him without himself, yet in himself; even so he believeth that all men in Christ thorough the whole world, of what Nation or people soever they be, have their eternal well-being in Christ, according to the divine truth of that Scripture; Then Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness; that is, he that is baptized in a living active God,& a dead passive creature, is accepted with him, Ast. 10.34, 35. But he believeth,( and it is most true) that al men thorough the whole world, of what Nation or people soever they be, that are not in Christ and Christ in them, although they have their original being in God, that is, although there being, life, senses, reason, and the like, do all belong to God, the true being of all beings, the true life of all lives, the true sense of all senses, the true reason of all reasons: Yet unless their being, life, senses, reason, and the like be unto God, as the members of the body, and branches of the three,( which are the organs or instruments, in and by which the spirit and life of the body acteth. Its spirit and life-operation, and the spirit& life of the three, acteth its spiritual ●egitation and fruitfulness) are un●o the body and three; they have not their operative foreseeing in God. The reason is, that their operative being unto God, as the members ate unto the body, and the branches unto the three, is their only best, and eternal foreseeing. This is the judgement and divine light of a man in Christ, touching the point called general Redemption, which is so much agitated amongst some persons, and these not of the meanest note of profession; and therefore they shall do well to take heed with all diligence unto the truth of Jesus in this point; for unless they be baptized with a man in Christ, in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, and so be unto God, as the members are unto the body, and the branches unto the three, in stead of holding out general re-Redemption to all others, they may come short of particular Redemption, that is, eternal foreseeing themselves. A man in Christ, Paul by name, thought it no disparagement to say so of himself, in holding out the gospel of Christ to others: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I myself should be a cast-way, 1 Cor. 9.27. And I dare say, that the Apostle was as truly honest, as any in this generation who professeth discipleship. CHAP. XIV. That a man in Christ doth feel, know, and see in himself, that as he is a creature, that is, of himself, he can neither will nor do good. But as he is a creature, that is, himself, he can both will and do evil, and the same doth he believe of all other men, as they are creatures, that is, themselves. again, as he is in Christ, he doth scele, know, and see in himself that he ●… oath can and will do good through Christ, which strengtheneth him, and cannot in complacency, will and do evil, and the same doth he believe of all other men in Christ. AS a mans hand which is altogether without skill in writing, can neither perform mean writing nor good writing of itself, but whilst it is in another hand which is very skilful and leadeth it, it can by its own rude and extravagant motions mar and deface the life and vigour of true writing. And as a mans hand which is altogether without skill in writing, becomes as it were dead& passive, in the hand of a most skilful writer, through the virtuous faculty and skill of the leading hand, performeth a character and shape of letter, according to the life and vigour of true writing. Even so a man in Christ, as he is a creature, that is, as he is himself is like unto a hand which is altogether without skill in writing, and can no more will, or act, divine operations, then the rude hand can perform true writing. And as the rude hand, although it hath motion and action in itself, yet it is so irregular& extravagant in motion, and so be stirring in itself whilst it should be redacted into a cessation& silence in the hand of the most skilful true writer, that it is so far from true writing, that it impeadeth and marreth the true character and shape of the letter. Even so a man in Christ as he is man and creature, that is, himself, is so irregular, and extravagant in all his faculties and operations, that he doth rather impead, and mar divine operation, then otherwise. again, as a mans hand which is altogether without skill in writing, becometh as dead and silent in and to the hand of the skilful writer, as the pen is dead and silent in and to this same rude hand, although his hand be vnskilfull and ignorant, yet by the leading power and skilful faculty of the hand of the powerful and skilful writer, there is performed such writing, as the master writer is well pleased withall. Even so a man in Christ, becoming as dead and silent in and to God, as the dead and silent pen, is in and to the hand, although he be in himself impotent and ignorant, yet he is made to bring forth such fruits in Christ, as is well pleasing to God the Father. And here cometh three questions, shortly and briefly to be propounded and answered. The first is, what the leading hand requireth of the hand to be lead, whether active motion or passive silence. Ans. Passive silence. The second is, what the leading hand affecteth and would be at, when and whilst it is conjoined with the hand to be lead, whether activ●… motion, or passive silence. Ans. Active motion. The third is, whilst the lead hand is agitated, moved and lead in the act of writing, whether is it active or passive? Ans. In regard of itself, it is passive, in regard of the leading hand, it is active, and therefore it is actively passive, and passively active. It is even so in the state of life, and judgement of light of a man in Christ, concerning this point called Co-operation, which is so much agitated and controverted in these times. Some do too much affect to have the pen writ without the hand, and others to have the hand writ without the pen, but none of these is the better way, for Christ the Lord and eternal truth saith, I in you and you in me, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, 〈◇〉 more can ye, except you abide in me, as was cited before in the first Section. CHAP. XV. That a man in Christ doth fee know, and see in himself that Go●… doth love him, forbid him of evil and offereth mercy and health to his misery, sinful sickness and death, and believeth the same of all others. GOd the Father and a man in Christ( if we may speak of the Holy mysteries of God, after the manner of men, and in parables) may be truly compared, as a loving father, who is dearly in love with his own child and son, which son when he is capable to understand good from evil, the bowell-hearted father labours by all means of dearest love to keep and save from evil, and to advance him in God; now there is a whore-house not far off, and the father well knowing the proneness of the beloved son to be such as may easily be ensnared, by the seducing whore, and be not only infected with the contagious and filthy disease which cleaveth unto the whore, and which tendeth to death, but also is grievous and against the fathers heart and will, expresseth& manifesteth his mind and will unto his dearly beloved son, in this manner; O my tender and dear son, for as much as thou art my son, and hath issued out of my bowels, my will and mind is, that thou shouldst be well and stated in good, that is, that thou shouldst stand and live in my will, as becomes the son of such a loving father, and the standing and living in my will is ●hy only best outward foreseeing and chiefest good; now my will and mind is, that thou be employed and exercised, in and about the affairs of my will and mind, and they shal not bee grievous or burden some unto thee, for I shall direct and led thy hand, in every thing which I require of thee, and abstain from the whorehouse which my soul abhorreth, there is nothing which is against my will and mind but whoredom, therfore if thou wouldest walk worthy of my love towards thee, if thou wouldest be well, and stated in good; do not prostitute thy body to an whore, by the infection& contagion of whose filthy disease, thou may be in great danger of( if not lose) thy health of body and life, and engulf thyself in the element and pit of contrariety to my will, mind, and pleasure. Thus I tender my will and mind unto thee, and as the man of God Moses said unto the ancient people, so say I unto thee, I call Heaven& earth to record this day against thee, that I have set before thee life and death, Deut. 30.19. And I myself will be surety for thy good and foreseeing and life in every thing that I require of thee, if so be thou wilt resign and give up thyself to my will and mind, otherwise, neither will I,( nor is it fitting for me to be) bound surety for thy good, health, and life. Now the son although he hear this his fathers divine, and fatherly counsel, yet through the lust of the flesh, and love to please his own humours, he goeth out contra●y to his fathers mind and will, in unto the who●e, with the young man voided of understanding, and behold this whore prevails with him, and he committing fornication with her, catcheth, and is so miserable infected with that contagious, and filthy disease, that he loseth the right use of every member of his body, his eyes are dim, his hands, arms, body, feet, and legs are all festered,& becometh impotent to every function, and here is he lying, in this his miserable and wretched condition, to the grief and displeasure of his loving Father. Now, if any person or persons, should come and lay the cause of the sons misery upon the father, they would be grossly in the wrong, and in unjust judgement; for these th●ee things in the father, namely, Love, forbidding of the evil, grief and displeasure, do vindicate the pious loving father, from all such aspersions of men, yea, he cometh to the son whilst he is in this woeful plight, and expresseth himself in this maner. O my son! What hast thou done? where art thou? hast thou endeavoured to kill thyself, by rejecting my lovely mind and will, and running into that horrid& detestable life, destroying whoredom, which I so carefully in my love forbade thee of? O how am I grieved for thee my son? notwithstanding although thou hast left off to be my son, yet I remain thy loving Father. Wilt thou be made whole? I can cure thee sufficiently and truly. And here am I as ready and willing to cure thy misery, as I was careful to forbid thee to run into it, and as I promised myself to be surety for thy good and foreseeing, if thou haddest remained in my mind and will, so now I promise myself to be security for thy recovery and health, if thou, as a subjected patient wilt resign and give up thyself to my will and mind, in thy cure. And my mind and will is that I shall give,& thou shalt receive these two things; the first is a corrosive which must eat out, and consume all the putrefaction, and invenumed humors of thy infected flesh, and this corrosive in regard of thy vehement disease, may, yea, will seem at the first more bitter and painful to thee, then the disease itself. But notwithstanding, thou must by an absolute necessity have this same in the fi●st place, otherwise it is impossible for thee to recover health and enjoy life. The second is, a comfortable pleasant cordial of a healthful nature, which must by its virtue give vigour and strength, to the restoring of thee into thy well-being and confirmed estate. Now the son must be considered two ways, first, either he su●ject●th himself to the health-giving Father physician, or else he rejecteth his fathers offer and his own recovery. If in obeying his Fathers will and mind he subject and resign himself up into the hands of the saving father, then he expresseth himself after this manner. O Father I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and the sin is more bitter unto my soul, then thy corrosive is or will be unto my body, therfore welcome corrosive, into thy hands O father, I commit myself to be dealt withall according to thy will and mind, be the corrosive how it will! And O what unspeakable and fatherly inward bowels and delight is there in the father here, to see the lost son in the way of finding! there are not only hopes, but certainty here, through the goodness of all good, that this sick patient shal both stand in his recovered health, and in the will and mind of his own father again. But if in rejecting and disobeying his fathers will and mind here, he will not submit and resign himself up into the hands of h●s saving father, then he expresseth himself after this manner. Father, I do greatly desire to be recovered, although I be not in great fear of my life, but if that corrosive which you speak of be more bitter and painful to me then my disease itself, I had rather be as I am, yet this I will do, if you will be pleased to heal me by the comfortable pleasant cordial, I will commit myself into your hands, but as for the sharp and painful corrosive, I will not meddle with it. Here is the father no less grieved and offended for the sons rejecting, resisting, and refusing his cure, then his running into the disease. And this disease doth more and more tend to the debility and death of this self willed and froward patient, concerning whom, cometh these three questions, briefly to be propounded and answered. 1. The first is, what is the greatest outward misery of this infected person? Ans. The want of good, that is, not to stand in his fathers will and mind, nor to enjoy sound health and true use of members, senses, and reason, and the having of evil, that is, to stand in his own will and mind, and to enjoy, or rather to be insorrowed and die into every evil that is contrary to good. 2. The second is, who is the cause of this evil, misery, and death of this infected person, whether the father or the son himself. Ans. The son himself, by his own self-will and mind: 3. The third is, whether the father be not as ready to give health to this infected dyin●… person, as he was willing t●… forbid the evil of his infection? Ans. certainly he is: And the same is to be said concerning God& creature man, as God hath manifested himself clearly in the Scriptures, in which these three things. Namely, Love, forbidding of sin, and( so to speak of God, and he speaks so of himself in the Scripture) grief,( not only for the infectious sin of the creature, but also for the creatures rejecting and slighting such great salvation, as he offereth to restore it,) do most evidently and most sweetly shine. Now, it may be, some will have objections concerning Pharaoh, Esau, ●… nd the like, that God did raise up ●… he one, that his power, might be shewed forth upon him, and that he hardened his heart, and hated the other, that the purpose of God according to election might stand. To which, and all such questions is answered two ways, first, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him; let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man, but every man is tempted when he is drawn a way of his own lusts and enticed, then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death, james. 1.12.13, 14, 15. Secondly, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Behold all souls are mine, as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine, the soul that sinneth, that is, the soul that not only runneth into destructive sin, but also rejecteth the remedy, or the soul which is not baptized with a man in Christ, into a living acting God, and a dead passive creature, which is the substance and end of this treatise, it shall die Ezek. 18.4. And again, he that hath the son hath life, and he that hath not the son hath not life. these things have J written unto you, that believe on the name of the son of God, that you might know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may beleev● on the name of the son of God, 1 Joh. 5.12, 13. And this is the life and light of a man in Christ, concerning this point, which man in Christ, is like unto the son, who becometh a willing patient to his father, according to the divine truth of that scripture, he that believeth in me, that is, he that doth not reject his cure, and his cure is to be baptized into a living active God, and a dead passive creature, though he were dead, yet shall he live. John, 11.25. all others are like unto the son, which wilfully, and obstinately rejecteth his cure, according to the divine truth of that scripture, for God sent not his son into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved, he that believeth on him, is not condemned, but he that believes not is condemned already, because he hath not believed,( that it, because he will not come to Christ, that he may have life, and be baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature) in the name of the only begotten, son of God. John. 3.17, 18. And again, the father loveth the son, and hath given all things into his hand, he that believeth one the son, hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth one him. joh. 3.35, 36. therefore, O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. jeremy. 22.29. Cast away from you al your transgressions, whereby you have transgressed, and make you a new heart, and a new spirit, for why will you die O house of Israel? for I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the Lord God, wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye, Ezek. 18.31, 32. CHAP. XVI. That a man in Christ, through Christ, doth feel, know and see in himself, in some measure, a spiritual Resurrection, which is the true earnest of an exceeding weight of glory unspeakable, and believeth the same of all men in Christ. again, he doth feel, know, and see in himself; that how little a spiritual resurrection is in himself; so little the exceeding weight of glory shall be through all eternity, unless it be prevented, and believeth the same of all men who are in themselves. THE rational creature man, i●… to be considered in a two fold condition first, in his bodily essential being. Secondly, in his spiritual essential being. In his bodily essential being, observe these two things, first, he is very good: because he is made by God, not by himself, for whatsoever God maketh or doth, is very Good, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very Good, Gen. 1.31. Therefore man in his bodily essential being, is a comely good and beautiful creature. Secondly, for as much as he is a bodily essential being, made by the eternal Creator and God of nature, it is impossible that he shall become an abso●… ute nothing, or non-being, he may ●… ndeed be changed, that is, his body may, yea shall go to its first matter, of which it was made, but amnihilated it cannot be, according to the ●… ivine truth of that Scripture, J know that whatsoever God doth, it shall bee for ever, nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it, and God doth it, that men should fear before him. That which hath been, it now, and that which is to be, hath already been, and God requireth that which is past, Eccl. 3.14, 15. Therefore this bodily essential good being, although changed and reduced to its original matter, doth stand in the all-knowledge and sight of its creator through all eternity, either as it hath been the Temple of his own Holy Spirit and life, or hath through violence and injury, been made the Temple of the devil, sin, and death, by the will of man. In his spiritual being, observe likewise the same two things, and moreover observe this especially, A man is either A new creature in Christ, or else he is an old man in Adam; according to the divine truth of these Scriptures, he that is in Christ is a new creature. 2. Cor. 5 17. And again, for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shal al be made alive 1 cor. 15.22. If he be in Christ,& Christ in him, then he will die to his own will, devil, sin, and death, and rise again to the same mind which was also in Christ, that is, to God. holinesse,& everlasting life. If he be in the oldman, and Adam; then he will die to the mind, which was in Christ, that is, to God holinesse and everlasting life, and rise again to his own will, devil, sin, and death. Now as the bodily essence changed, and reduced to its first matter, standeth in the all-knowledge and fight of its creator through all eternity, either as it hath been the Temple of his own Holy Spirit and life, or hath through violence and inju●y been made the Temple of the devil, sin, and death, by the will of man; even so the spiritual essence, after dissolution standeth in the all-knowledge& sight of its Creator, through all eternity, either as it hath been the vicegerent and deputy of his holy Spirit, and life in the body, or the Vicegerent and deputy of the devil, fin, and death, by the will of the creature in the body. And here is to be observed, in a-divine pondering, that as the two-fold nature of a man in Christ, namely his bodily and spiritual being, that is, his body and his soul, doth stand in the operative will virtue, all knowledge and sight of their Creator in the time of this momentany ●… fe, the one, as the Temple, the other as the vicegerent, of his own Holy Spirit and life, they both do and shal arise unto that exceeding weight of glory, through all eternity, which no mortal creature can express. According to the divine truth of that Scripture, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entred into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, but God hath revealed them unto us, by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. 1 Cor. 2.9, 10. again, as the twofold nature of a man in Adam, namely, his bodily and spiritual being, that is his body and his soul, doth stand in the alknowledge; and sight of their Creator, in the time of this momentary life, the one as the temple, the other as the vicegerent, of self-will devil and sin, they neither do, nor can arise, unto that exceeding weight of glory, through all eternity, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, but the natural man, receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. 12.14. CHAP. XVII. That a man in Christ diligently observeth the Lords day, although his whole life be and must be lead and stated in Sabbath, and believeth the same of all men in Christ. IT is with a man in Christ and the Lords day in the spiritual talent life, as it is with rich merchants, and such like men in mammon and public Fairs in the earthly talent life: as into an incorporation, where there is popularity& traffic, there are certain dayes of the year, appoynted, and called fairs, in and to which, traffiquers and tradesman do bring and expose their wears, and outward commodities, to be sold to the advancement of their outward estates, and are very exact and diligent that neither thieves steal any thing from them; nor cozners give them false money, but observeth suspected persons by their eyes, and trieth the gold, and silver of people by their touchstones and weights, and thus are they exercised and employed in those fairs or public market dayes. But now if they got no more traffic and gains through the whole space of the year, but what they get in these few dayes of the year, they were not able to subsist in their so great earthy undertakings, therefore what they do in the day and time of the Faire, they do daily, yea, they think the day too little and therefore they take part, yea a great part, of the night many times, such insatiable and ardent affection, they have to multiply the earthly talent. So that all their earthy substance, and riches, do not altogether consist or depend only in and upon these few dayes o● the fairs, but also in and upon their daily and nightly traffic and diligence, It is even so with a man in Christ, in his spiritual talent-life, in the dayes of the week and the Lords day, concerning whom in this Point red over again, and observe the fourth and fift section. And moreover, observe here in a divine understanding, that a man in Christ believeth that that Sabbath mentioned, by the man of God, Moses, saying, remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy, &c. Exod. 20.8. doth tipify and signify that r●st which remaineth to the people ●f God, Heb. 4 9 which rest is to be ●aptised into a living acting God, ●nd a dead passive creature; without which he can neither keep the Sabbath, nor be a man in Christ, let him observe one day of seven never so strictly, and profess christianity never so eminently, and this may be clearly proved, and confirmed by the true testimony of the out-spoken word of GOD, both before and after Moses as in Cain and Abel, the one being a temporary, the other a sabbatical worshipper, so in jacob and Esau, so in the strict pharisee, and Publican and the like. Therefore whosoever would be as Abel, jacob, and the justified Publican, whosoever would be stated in the true Sabbath, he must be baptized with a man in Christ, into a living active God, and a dead passive creature. Otherwise let him do what he will, he is and willbe as Cain, Esau, and the strict Pharisee, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, he that is not with me, is against me, and he that gathereth not with me, that is, he that is not baptized in a living active God,& a dead passive creature, scattereth Mat. 12.30. CHAP. XVIII. That a man in Christ doth feel, know,& see in himself, that as he is in Christ, Christ both doth& shall reign upon his earth, that is, the will of the Father in the Son shall in some proportionable measure be done in his earthy body and nature to the subjugating and mortifying thereof, as it shall be done thorough all eternity, in the endless spiritual life: and believeth the same of all men in Christ. jehovah, God the Lord, having absolute perfect knowledge what man would do, before ever man was created, doth create him, and giveth him a law, that he should feed upon the three of life, which was, and is God himself: and abstain from the three of knowledge of good and evil, which was, and is man himself; But now man Adam, runneth after the forbidden three, which poisoneth him, and causeth death to have power against him, and so he is miserable, poisoned, and mortal, as was also said in the fifteenth Section. And Jehovah God, the Lord of mercy, in his eternal love, doth find out a way of mercy, health and life, to compassionate his misery, to expel his poison, and to change his mortality into immortality, and everlasting life; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Verily, Verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, hath everlasting life joh. 6.47. And this lovely way, is the Way, Truth, and Life, even the Lord Christ, the Rock of everlasting life; according to this same Scripture, Whom the Father hath ●egotten as himself, from all eternity, to be the salvation and restauration of all that will, and shall by grace, become men in Christ, and this Christ being the very essence of Heaven, and fullness thereof, and the consistence of the earth, for by him all things consist, Coloss. 1.17. As the re-standing of all that falleth, and this is only sinful falling man. And as that everlasting light which shineth in,& upon the darkness of sinful falling man, hath always shined in and upon the man, as the Sun hath always shined upon the Creation; But such hath been, and such is the darkness, that it hath not, nor yet doth, comprehend the light, which shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, as the man in Christ, John saith, Joh. 1.5. And this glorious spiritual heavenly light, is the City set on a Hill, and cannot be hide; it is the bright shining Candle, which is not put under a bushel, but is set on a candlestick, to give light to all that are in the house; The Sun and moon are as sparkling visible figures, of this infinite everlasting light, who giveth their splendour to every creature, that is capable to receive it,& offereth it to the poor and base, as well as to the rich and honourable, as well to the unjust as to the just, according to the divine truth of that Scripture For he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the Good,& sendeth rain on the just and unjust, Math. 3.45. So that the Day-spring, and great light Christ, is risen and come into the world, but men love darkness rather then light, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather then light, because their deeds were evil, Joh. 3.19 But now, unto this Lord Chrsst, the true life and light of men, do all the Prophets and apostles, and all other men in Christ, give witness, and do put to their Seal, that he is a child born to them, a son given unto them, and the government is upon his shoulders and he shall call his name wonderful councillor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the increase of his government& Peace shall have no end, Isaiah, 9.6, 7. And as the man of God Esayas, so also, all the other Prophets, do in a sweet harmony, breath out, the purity and excellency of this spiritual lovely government, and peaceable kingdom of this Prince of Peace, in every Soul and body of every man in Christ, in particular, and in them all in general, wheresoever they be dispersed through the habitable world amongst men, as Wheat amongst the Tares, as Gold in and amongst Fires, as Sheep amongst Wolves. And although as they are men, they may within themselves, Joseph like, have a seducing Where to tempt, and a Potiphar to imprison them; and without themselves Shimeies to curse, Hams to mock, and false Bretheren to murder, and sell them, in a spiritual malignity, and evil eye, and so being considered in the outward man, they hav● trouble both within and without themselves, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, In the world ye shall have tribulation, Joh. 16.33. Yet as they are men in Christ, they have Joseph-like times of refreshment which fl●w from the presence o● the Prince of Peace, Christ, who as in his own person, and mysterious exhibiting of himself, as the Sunconquering King, by goodness, patience, and love, did overcome Devil, Sin and Death: Even so he hath done, doth, and shall do, in all that hath been, are, and shall bee, men in Christ, and members of his mystical body, to the abollishing of the kingdom of Devil, Sin and Death, in his members, and to the magnifying and manifestation of his al-glorious Diadem of Grace, and spiritual kingdom of glory and pre-eminence. But now, as was said before, the carnal worldly mindes of men, having darkness in stead of true light, and being not able to know the glory and excellency of Christ, the Prince of Peace, in his kingdom, because he is spiritually discerned, as was cited in the Closure of the sixteenth Section, have always in seeing, not seen, and in hearing, not understood, the mystery of the kingdom of CHRIST, and therefore it seems the Pharisees having punctually red over the Prophets, concerning the kingdom of Christ, which no carnal mind can know, demanded o● Christ, when the kingdom of God should come; which they by their carnal acute understanding, conceived to come, in an outward human splendour and earthly glory; after the manner of man, as man he answered them and said, The kingdom of Heaven cometh not with observation, Luk. 17.20, 21. In the Greek Language it is {αβγδ}, that is, it cometh not with outward show, neither shall they say, lo here, or lo there, For behold the kingdom of God is within you, yea the very Disciples themselves in Acts 1.6. asked of him saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Jsrael? And he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times& the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power, but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you shall witness unto me, both in jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the utmost parts of the earth; In the Greek language it is {αβγδ} that is, but you shall receive power of the Holy Ghost, coming upon you, so that if the Pharisees would feel, know, and see, the kingdom of Christ, they must not think to feel, know, and see it in outward show, after the manner of men, but in an internal spirituality, and if the Lords People will feel, know, and see, the kingdom restored again to Jsrael; that is, the exalting of the kingdom of Christ in the Saints, that is, in men in Christ they must feel, know and see it, in the power of the Holy Spirit& the power of the holy Spirit,& the power of the holy Spirit in themselves, in an internal spirituality. Some it may be will object, and say. If Christs kingdom, be but a spiritual kingdom, this will be much derogatory to Christ, and contradictory to so many places of Scripture, which holds out such a glorious reign, as Christ must have upon earth, In a visible monarchical kingdom, for a thousand yeares, and the like. To which in love I answer; To say so, doth argue much of that which doth rather savour of the things that be of men, then the things that be of God, unless the Spirit of God and truth, teach the meaning of Scripture. For is it derogatory to the Sun, that it sendeth forth its light, and heat u●to the earth, and causeth it to be a fruitful mother of all vegetive, brute, and rational creatures, although itself be exalted, and distant from the earth, in such a vast and mighty distance? Is it not rather the glory and excellency of that solary created nature, to produce such wonderful effects, as it doth in such a distance? If that glorious created nature were upon the earth, amongst the inferior creatures, then First, this would be derogatory to its glorious and excellent nature, in that its great power and efficacy, should not be manifested, but in-dignifyed and derogated from. And secondly, the earth and all the Creatures in it, being corporal and earthly, and not able to endure the Immense light, and heat, would all melt and be consumed, which is against the order& State of the visible creation, in which, as in an Image and visible representation of the Creator, the invisible things, of him, from the creation of the World, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead. Even so is it derogatory to the Creator of the sun, and whole universal nature, that he, being the Almighty Spirit, and Being of all Beings, Who humbleth himself, to behold the things that are in Heaven, and in the earth, Psal. 113.6. Should manifest his eternal power and Godhead; by filling the Heaven, earth, and Sea, with his goodness in such a manner, as becometh the Al-glorious, and infinite power, and Godhead, and as his creatures, each in their own kind may in some small measure be capable of him, and all of them, and especially the rational creature, to stand in a holy admiration of his immensity,& eternity? For who amongst us shall dwell among everlasting burnings? Esay 33.14. Or who shall, or can teach the Lord to have a glorious reign? Shall poor, vain, witless creature-man, think that the Lord God Christ shall be an exalted King after the manner of the Kings of day upon earth? according to the divine truth of that Scripture, who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his councillor, hath taught him? With whom took he council, and who instructed or taught him, in the path of Judgement? And taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding? Behold the Nations are as a drop of a Bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance; He taketh up the Jsles as a very little thing, and Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the Beasts thereof, for a Burnt Offering. All Nations before him are as nothing, and they are counted to him less then nothing and vanity; to whom then will you liken God, or what likeness will you compare him unto? Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the beginning? Have ye not understood from the foundation of the earth? It is He that sitteth upon the circled of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are ltke grasshoppers; That stretcheth out the Heavens as a Curtain, and spreadeth them out, as a Tent to dwell in Esay 40. from 13, to 19.& 21,& 22. ver. So that the glorious kingdom of the Lord God Christ is infinitely greater, and more glorious, then poor finite creature-man can desire it to be; For his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from genera●ion to generation, as the man of God Daniel, hath it in his 4th Chap. ver. 34. And here is to be observed in a heavenly uuderstanding, that the kingdom of the Lord Christ( if it may be lawful to say so) is twofold; The one is the kingdom of grace, and this kingdom is stated in time; The other, is the kingdom of glory, and this kingdom is stated in eternity. Those that are truly stated in the kingdom of Grace, do through Christ, love Christ their King and Lord, as well as they love the kingdom of glory: And therefore theirs only is the kingdom of glory; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, And every one that hath forsaken Houses, or bretheren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my names sake, shall receive an hundred fold, and shall inherit everlasting life, Math. 19.29. And those that are truly stated in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, do thorough this State, which State is the Fathers drawing) love the will of the Father to be done in them, and not their own, as well as they love Christ, and therefore th●y only are in the kingdom of Grace; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven, Math. 7.21. And again, Then said I lo I come, in the volume of thy book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, thy law is within my heart, Psal. 40.7.8. And now, friendly Reader, having held out the Life and Light of a man in Christ, in judgement and understanding. as well as in practical religious performances, comparatively with other men, for thy sake and for thy good, without wearying and burdening of thy memory any further; Here I shall conclude this little Treatise, committing thee and it, to the growth and grace of God and truth. Only let me entreat thus much of thee; Beware how thou readest it; Thou wilt never red it right, unless thou understand it, and thou wilt never understand it, unless thou be wise in God, and thou wilt never be wise in God, unless thou become a fool in thine own eyes; according to the divine truth of that Scripture, Let no man deceive himself, if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this World, let him become a fool, that he may be wise: for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness; And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain, 1. Cor. 3.18, 19. Therefore in reading this little Treatise, as also in all thy other business, thirst after the wisdom, and Spirit of God, and thou shalt be satisfied, according to the divine truth of that Scripture, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him, but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, that is, let him be baptized in a living active God,& a dead passive creature, otherwise, he is like a wave of the Sea, driven with the wind, and tossed, for let not that man think, that he shall receive any thing of the Lord; a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, Jam. 1.5.6, 7, 8. And again, if ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy spirit, to them that ask him, that is, who is baptized into a living active God,& a dead passive Creature. And this divine baptism, which is the end& scope of this little treatise, and thy chiefest good under the Sun, is here presented unto thee. This divine baptism, what is it else, but the marriage Dinner of the Kings son? And this little Treatise what is it else, but one of the Kings servants, calling thee who are bidden to come? If thy Farm, or thy merchandise, that is thyself, be dearer to thee then this; then Know, that thou art one of those unto whom God and truth saith, The wedding is ready, but thou who wast bidden, art ●●t worthy, Mat. 22.8.& here I dare confidently persuade thee of two things, the First is, if thou knewest the gift of God, and what this Kings son is who bids thee come, thou wouldest come,& he would give thee living water, Joh. 4.10. The second is, if thou wilt not come, that is, if thou wilt not have the life& action of the Lord thy God to live& act in thee, which is his glory,& thy eternal happiness, But will live and act, in thy own will, life, and action, although thou seem never so holy and religious, in the eyes of such as thyself, and sit down at the Table, that is, be never so observative and frequent in hearing, speaking reading praying and the like, yet thou art that man, which had not on a Wedding Garment, and being speechless in the sight of God and truth was commanded to be bound hand and foot, and taken away, and cast into utter darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of Teeth, Math. 22.13. which I desire the to be delivered from. But if thou with joseph, who art called to come out of Prison, that is, out of thyself, unto good King Pharaoh, that is, unto Christ and his baptism, shave thyself, change thy raiment, and come, then thou art as Joseph, that is increasing, unto whom Jsrael his blessing belongeth saying, The blessings of thy Father have prevailed above the blessings of my Progenitors, unto the utmost bound of the everlasting Hills, they shall be on the head of Joseph, & on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his bretheren; That is, baptized in a living active God, and a dead passive creature, Gen. 49.26. And the Spirit& the Bride say come, and let him that heareth say come, and let him that is a thirst come,& whosoever will let him take the water of life freely, Rev. 18.17. Amen. Errata. I am sorry( Reader) that thou shalt meet with some oversights committed in the printing, which lest they should prejudice thy reading, I entreat the to have recourse unto this place, where thou shalt find in order, the particular fault of every page.. In the Title page., for 1. Cor. 12.13. red 1. Cor. 12.31. In the Preface, for to be a railer again, red against. In page. 2. line 17. for is life, red his life. In page. 3. line 6. for when he said, abide in me, red when he said, and saith abide in me. In page. 4. line 18. for, they that testfy o me, red they that testify of me. In page. 6. line 16. for bing, red being. In page. 7. line 15. for but light, so the Sun, red, but light,( for darkness is both contrary to light. and the want of light) so the sun. In page. 10. line 11. for creatures, but will live, and act in, and think, red creature, but will live, and act in, and by their own will, and wil-righteousnesse; the false Husband, and think. In page. 17. line 5. for the discovery, red he true discovery. In the same page., line 13. for thee, red the. In page., 21. line 7. for speak to his neighbour, red speak of God to his Neighbour. In page. 22. line 15. or elsewhere for redilous, red ridiculous. In page. 52. line 9. for the Divine, red this Divine. In page. 53, line 10. for understanding, red understandings. In page. 67. line 2. for moton, red motion. In page. 74. line 17. for generation and, red generation in, and. In page. 75. line 18. for bapti, red baptized. In page. 77. line 6. for yet, red get. In page. 78. line 24. for great, red greater. In page. 83. line 10. for same, red Sun. In the same page., line 18. for Ante-father, red Antifather. In page. 87. line 3. for an, red and. In page. 91. line 14. for external, red eternal. In page. 92. line 17. for spiritual, red spiritual things. In page. 97. line 20 for petaining red pertaining. In page. 100. line 13. for as a loving, red to a loving. In the same page., line 20. for God, red good.