TWELVE HUMBLE PROPOSALS To the Supreme Governors of the three Nations now assembled at Westminster, concerning The Propogation of the Gospel, New modling of the Universities, Reformation of the Laws. supply of the necessities of the poor; And many other things of great moment, which may conduce to the honour of God, and the comfort and joy of his people. By M. R. an admirer and adorer of the good providence of God, in making such happy changes in these Nations. Prov. 29.2. When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth Rule, the people mourn. Judges 5.9. My heart is toward the Governors of Israel, who offered themselves willingly among the people. Prov. 28.16. The Prince that wanteth understanding is a great oppressor, but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days, Prov. 22.16. He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich shall surely come to want. LONDON, Printed by Henry Hills, for R. C. and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle, at the West-end of Paul's 1653. To the Right Honourable the Supreme Governors of the three Nations now assembled at Westminster. Right Honourable, WHen I read and consider those sacred Chronicles of the Kings and Governors of Judah and Israel, how variously they acted in their several affairs towards God and man; sometimes finding that the Kings and Governors of those times were not upright with God, but turned aside from him, and consequently, they were of profane and carnal hearts, and then the worship of God was laid aside, and Idols were set up, and their actions were profane and unjust, and every one loved covetousness, and none called for justice; And sometimes again, finding as it were the tide turned, and a good Joash, succeeding a wicked Ahaziah, and Athaliah, and a good Josiah succeeding the most wicked reign of Manosseth, and then a most blessed and glorious change is made in the Nation, and O how greatly is the Lord honoured by such Governors? and how are the hearts of his people made glad? and how doth Justice and Righteousness flourish? and the Nation in General, far the better? I say, when I consider these things, and compare them with the present proceed of God towards these Nations, in laying aside the late Tyrannical King that reigned over them, and putting the Government into the hand of a Parliament, among whom there were many good men, (though too many bad also) who brought in a blessed change, (though not such a reformation as was expected) and gave free liberty to the people of God, to worship God according to his will, and protected them from the oppositions and malice of foreign enemies (though not from the oppressions of some intestine inmates, I mean the Lawyers, and wicked men that oppressed by the Law;) And consider withal, how God hath removed that mixed Parliament, and convened together a company of men, of whom it is to be hoped, that every individual member of them have their hearts upright with God; I do comfortably hope, and am persuaded, that God will now grant such days to these three Nations, as they enjoyed in judah in the days of David, Solomon, Asa, jehosaphat, joash, Hezekiah, and josiah; when Judgement did run down as water, and Righteousness as a mighty stream, and the people were called upon every where, throughout that Realm to cleave unto the Lord, and to walk in his ways, and Justice was duly administered; I will instance but in that good King jehosaphat, of whom it is said, 2 Chron. 19.8, 9 that he did set Judges in all parts of the land, giving them a charge in these words, Take heed what ye do, for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in Judgement, Wherefore now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts. And having this hope, that things will now be carried in such a current among you, I am encouraged to present unto your Honours, these few proposals; being persuaded, that all things of this nature will be acceptable unto you, and that you having the Spirit of God in you, which presseth after Righteousness and Holiness, all motions tending thereto, will be welcome, and also useful unto you, from whomsoever they come; and as for me, I could not choose but communicate those few things, that were upon my heart, by way of proposal to you; though I should have been glad if others had been more forward, and prevented me herein: for so it had been done, I should have been satisfied, and I could wish, if any others had any other thing upon their Spirits, that may be of public advantage, that they would all present them to your considerations: for it being done only by way of proposal, it can be no way prejudicial, but may be several ways advantageous, to you: (if your Spirits be humble, as I hope they are, and will not slight any thing because it is propounded by another) for if it should be so, that the same things are propounded to you, upon solid and good grounds; which you had in your hearts before to do; or if it should be so, that what is, or shall be propounded to you by any of God's people (though a great number should make proposals to you) should come short of what you have already in your heart to do, the Spirit of God, being poured out upon you, to fit you for Government, as it was upon the seventy Elders: Yet this advantage you would have by their proposals, that you would be encouraged, to go on vigorously in the doing of those things, which both God and his people do persuade you to. And thus leaving you to the consideration of the following Proposals, I only desire you (if there be any thing herein that suits not with your inclinations or intentions) to remember they are but Proposals: and may be either waved or improved as the Lord shall guide your hearts. The first four proposals shall be concerning General, and the rest concerning particular things. The first Proposal 1. Proposal. That the Supreme Governors always would remember that they ●hat Rule over men must be ●ust, Ruling in ●he fear of God. And the first thing that I do propound to you in general is, that you labour to keep always fresh upon your Spirits, those last words of David, the Son of jesse, the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of jacob, and the sweet Psalmist of Israel, mentioned 2 Sam. The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and his word was in my tongue, the God of Israel said, the rock of Israel spoke to me. He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God: and he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth; even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. Wherein ye that are called to be Rulers over men, have your great duty, and your very great encouragement thereunto laid down; your duty being to be just, and to Rule in the fear of God, which I hope you will seriously consider daily; for your encouragement thereunto is exceeding great, for if you so be and do, you shall never be put out in obscurity, not but your light shall be glorious: and the fruits that you bring forth in that light shall be precious, for you shall not be unfruitful, (if you be just, and Rule in the fear of God) but you shall be as the tender grass, springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain, which is exceeding to all whom It concerns. Oh therefore let this precious word be always sounding in your ears, and make deep impressions in your hearts! HE THAT RULETH OVERDO MEN, MUST BE JUST, RULING IN THE FEAR OF GOD. 2. Proposal. That they would always remember that Jesus Christ must now reign, & so act as those that are officers deputed by him. 2. Prop. That you would consider, that the time of the reign of Christ is at hand; either personally, or by the glorious powerings out of his Spirit upon his people, which will as visibly demonstrate that he is King and reigneth, as if he were personally on earth, and when he reigneth, he will Judge the world with equity, and the people with his truth. Oh therefore do you strive to be his forerunners! and to give the world a taste, what it is to have Jesus Christ to reign over the Nations of the earth (either immediately in his own person, or mediately by his Saints, making them Princes in all Lands) by doing such Just and Righteous things, as you do know, or may know, Jesus Christ will do when he reigns on earth; so will you do as much as in you lieth to set up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth, and to hasten that glorious time for which the Spirit, and the Bride, the Spouse of Jesus Christ hath so long waited, Saying, come Lord jesus, come quickly. 3. Prop. that you would take up holy resolutions in the strength of the Lord, 3. Prop. That they would make it all their care to do service for Christ in their place, and leave the care of themselves, and their posterity wholly to him. and not your own strength, to lay aside all your own interests, and outward advantages, and to be in a manner careless of your own outward estates, not caring what becomes of them, so you may advance Christ: but resolving with a holy indignation to trample upon any worldly advantages, when they come in competition with doing service for Christ, not taking care to lay up great estates for your posterity, or to gain great estates for yourselves, aiming at being accounted great and honourable among men (leave you that to others that believe not, for how can you believe that seek honour one of another) but knowing that the more careless you are of providing estates for your children, and of seeking the honour of men; upon the account of doing service for, and the honouring of God, whose great name you have taken upon you, and whose servants you profess yourselves to be, the more care will God take for you, and yours, and the more honour shall ye receive from men, said I from men only? I might say from God also, for they that honour God, God will honour. Oh theresore make it your work to honour God and trust him for estates, 4. Proposal. That they would be speedy in doing the work of Christ made haste an● delayed not 〈◊〉 keep thy righteous judgements. Ps. 11● and whatsoever shall be good for you and yours. 4. Prop. That you be quick and speedy in doing the work of the Lord, being diligent in business, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord. I say be speedy (though not without seriousness and consideration) for hope deferred maketh the heart sick, and the tedious delays of your predecessors in authority, made the Commonwealth sick and weary, and (with reverence be it spoken) God himself weary to the spewing them out; They spending commonly but sixteen hours in a week, for the disphatching of those great and weighty things which God called for at their hands, and which they had no heart unto, whereas they had more need to have sitten 16. hours in a day, to have dispatched their work, that so there might have been no complain in our streets. But they accounted only three or four hours sitting in the forenoon, only of four days in the week, sufficient for the doing the work they had to do; as if there were nothing now to be done, but to spin out the time of a perpetual Parliament from age to age, and therefore they would do but a little now, and a little then, consider of an Act for the relief of the poor, or for paying public faith-money one day, and then lay it aside for three, six, twelve months together, and do no more in it this year, than they did the last. But oh that by how much they have been negligent and careless of doing the work which they ought to have done, by somuch the more you would be diligent and resolved, and unwearied in your work, and labour of love for God, and for his people, and for the Commonwealth of the three Nations! I say not this as if things could be all done in a moment, for they will deserve to be blamed that shall be too pressing upon you, and be by and by offended if you make not such haste as some hasty Spirits may expect. But I only propound, that you take up resolutions to be speedy, and if you so resolve, and endeavour it, as you can approve your hearts in the sight of God, you need not care though some troubled and hasty Spirits should be offended, only impute it to their zeal and ignorance: And their zeal being good, therefore despise them not, because of their ignorance of the greatness of your work, and the obstructions that may possibly be sometimes in your way. And thus much for the general Proposals, and now I come to propound some particular work, which may tend very much to the honour of God, and the joy of his people being done by you. 5. Proposal. That they would zealously endeavour to propagate the Gospel. 5. Prop. That it be your earnest endeavour to propagate the Gospel; and this I propose to you not so much as you are Magistrates, but as you are Christians, that is to say, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, and so are become indeed the Sons of God: for it is the duty of every such soul as is indeed not only a Professor, but a Possessor of Christ, to do all that in him lies in his particular place and Station to propagate the Gospel these four ways. First, in praying that the Gospel may run and be glorified. 2. In improving what talents he hath for publishing the Gospel; for no man ought to hid his Talon or Talents, but to improve them for his Master's advantage. 3. In exhorting others whom he finds to be gifted, and fitted to that work, (if he see them to neglect it) to improve their Talents for the honour of their Lord. 4. In administering to the necessities of such as do make it their work to preach the Gospel, but have not any outward estates for the supply of themselves and their families, but what is communicated unto them for that work: for such must live of the Gospel. And these four things Right Honourable, I propound to you, as your duty, not as you are Magistrates, as I said before, but as you are Christians. 1. That you incessantly pray to the great Lord of the Harvest, to send forth Labourers into his Harvest, that so the Gospel may be gloriously published abroad in the world, 2. That although you are Magistrates, and have other great affairs in your hands, yet remember you are also Christians and Saints, and you ought to improve your gifts and Talents this way also to your master's honour as often as you have opportunity. David was a Magistrate and a Saint, and he did the work of a Magistrate in his place, and the work of a Saint also. He ceased not to publish the glorious truths of God in the great congregation. 3. That you do not only so yourselves, but that you exhort and encourage others whom you know to be gifted (but of themselves are and backward) to improve their gifts, and this to do as you are Christians; and you being not only Christians but Magistrates, have a greater advantage in doing of it than other Christians have: for First, you have power to protect those whom you exhort to this duty from the violence of any enemies, if there be any that should dare to oppose them, though it is to be hoped that there are none in these three Nations under your Jurisdiction, at lest none that will openly show themselves to be such enemies of Christ. And Secondly, you have power to command that the doors of the public meeting places be set open, and free to all that are known to be godly and faithful dispensers of the word of Christ, whether Presbyterians, or those commonly called Anabaptists, or Independents, whereas some Presbyterian Ministers have taken upon them very lately, to keep the doors of some public meeting-places shut against all but themselves, or whom they pleased, and would not suffer godly Ministers to preach in those places, 8. Particular things necesary to be done in order to the propagation of the Gospel. no not at such times as themselves did not preach, nor any others for them. 4. That you administer to the necessities of such as out of love to Christ do feed the Lambs and Sheep of Christ, with wholesome food, and make it their work so to do, not having any outward estate for the supply of themselves and their families, but what is administered unto them for that work; and this likewise you may do as you are not only Christians but Magistrates, with a far greater advantage than other Christians may. But under this head I have these eight particulars to propound unto you. 1. That tithes be abolished. 1. That you resolve with all possible speed to repeal the Law of Tithes, which is a great oppression not only to the estates, but to the consciences of many good people. 2. That blind Priests may have no encouragement to misled poor souls. 2. That idle drones that have no acquaintance with Jesus Christ, and know only how to fleeze and not how to feed the Sheep of Christ, may receive no encouragement from you in that work; but rather you should encourage them to leave that work, by inviting of them to some other employment if you think that any of them may be fit for it. But if other private men that are like unto themselves will support them, or maintain them they may, but they should have no encouragement from you in that work. 3. That the Pastors and gifted brethren of all the Churches of Christ in the Nation be desired to preach in public meeting places. 3. That such Preachers of the Gospel as are Pastors of particular Congregagations baptised or others, be desired by you to bring their people into each public meeting place that is most commodious for such a congregation, and nearest their habitations, both in the City and Country, that so the people of that parish, and as many as shall desire to hear the word there, may be made partakers of it freely without any charge. The Church in the primitive times did meet in such places where unbelievers might come to hear them, and by that means be convinced of them all, and converted to the faith, 1 Cor. 14.24. 4. That in the City of London, two or three parishes that have but few people belonging to them, 4. That two or three Parishes be reduced to one 5. That godly Presbyterians and all other godly Preachers may have free liberty alike to preach. may be reduced to one, that so there may be so much the less charge required for the maintenance of Gospel preachers, whereas now one man takes a maintenance from a Parish, where scarce 40. or 50. usually come to hear him. 5. That no Minister, Presbyterian or other, that is of a Godly conversation, be taken from any people that do love and desire his Ministry, unless it be to remove only to the distance of two or three Parishes at most, so as the people that are affected with his Ministry, may hear him if they please: provided that at other times when he doth not preach, the same pulpit may be free for any other godly man to preach there: for there may be other Godly people of the same parish, or Corporation, that may as much desire the Ministry of another, as they of him, and when it is so, the one minister should have liberty in the forenoon, and the other in the afternoon, and so both parties may be satisfied. 6. That such a are Magistrates, and all others that are gifted, and of holy and godly conversations, be desired to Preach. 6. That for the supply of the people's wants of some to dispense the word unto them, you do not only desire Pastors of Churches to preach the word in public places, but you do also desire those great men, and good men that have great estates, that have been shy of going into the Pulpits hitherto (though they are better furnished with gifts, and fitted with abilities; for that work than many that call themselves ministers and Clergy men) to go and preach the Gospel freely, according to those Talents they have received; for it is their duty to do so, and as they are the Servants of Christ (as every one hathreceived a gift, so he ought to minister, as good Stewards of the manifold grace of God) they ought to improve their Talents, and in improving they may increase them. And being sensible of the great blindness people are in for want of teachers, you ought to encourage and invite them thereunto, and for this you have the example of that good King jehoshaphat 2 Chron 17.7, 8. Who in the third year of his reign sent to his Princes, even to Benhaill, and to Obadiah, and to Zachariah, and to Nethaneel, and to Michaiah, to teach in the Cities of judah, and with them Levites, even Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, etc. and they taught in Judah, and went throughout all the Cities of Judah, and taught the people. That good King's heart being lifted up in the ways of the Lord, for 6. that is wonderfully enlarged, and raised up towards God, he therefore went on in the ways of the Lord vigorously, throwing down the false priests, and false worship practised in those times, and knowing that the generality of the multitude of the people were ignorant of the ways of the Lord, He therefore sent to his Princes to go up and down, and teach in the Cities of Judah, not that it may be supposed that all the Princes of Judah were fit for that work, but he sent to such of them as he knew to be holy men, and men having the Spirit of the Lord in them, and therefore they are singled out, and mentioned by name even Benhail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethan●el, and Michaiah, and with them those Priests and Levites also that were fittest for that work, (for many of the Levites might be as bad as the worst▪ of others) even such and such by name. Thus do you desire those that are men of estates, whom you know to be gifted as aforesaid, of whom it may be there may be ten or twelve, or more or less, in a City, or County, to ride abroad into the Country, and improve their gifts among those people 〈◊〉 want teaching. 7. That the Universities be new mod'led. 7. That (for further supply of the people with gospel Preachers, and ●or supply of maintenance for such as are willing to preach the Gospel, but have no outward estates) the Universities be new modelled, And that those estates which were intended by the Donors of them to supposed pious uses, may be wholly converted to such uses as are indeed pious, that is to say, a part thereof, to be for the supply of such Preachers as are able and faithful Ministers of the New Testament, and have not outward estates of their own for their supply; And another part of those University estates, for the supply of such godly Scholars as are to be brought up at the Universities (and their godly Tutors,) and of such of those Scholars only, as whose parents ●re not able to maintain them there themselves, and that others who desire to put their children to the Universities, to study any of the liberal Sciences, do always do it at their own proper charge, and not that things be so corruptly carried as they have been, and yet are; That many Scholars that are men's sons of vast estates, must have fellowships (as they now call them) and those that are mean (though their children are godly) cannot have any thing toward their maintenance, if they should send them thither; Yea and many of those that they call fellows for love of their fellowships, continue in the Universities all the days of their lives, (some of them being ancient gray-headed men) living there an idle life, and never coming abroad to set themselves to any employment wherein they may be useful to Church or Commonwealth. 8. That some ways of maintenance out of the public Treasury be provided for Gospel Preachers, but none by way of compulsion from the people. 8. That besides the maintenance which may come out of the University lands, you take care to provide some other maintenance for the supply of all godly and able Preachers of the Gospel, whether such as are commonly called Presbyterians, Independents, or others who do attend that work, or shall attend that work of Preaching the Gospel, and have not outward estates of their own to live upon: for you have power to employ the public treasure for the public benefit of the Nation, and if for outward benefit, much more for spiritual benefit, which you ought in an especial manner to take care of as you are private Christians, and have the better opportunity to do it as you are Magistrates. But still remember this, that you ought never to presume to take any more authority upon you to do any thing in the Churches of God, in ordering Church affairs, than you may do as private Christians, wherein you may only advise, and desire things may be so and so, but may not impose any thing upon the consciences of Saints by force, for that were to do as the Beast hath done, which I am confidently persuaded you will never do, nor suffer any other under your Jurisdiction to do, by authority from you (though they may desire it of you.) But this let me add further as a caution; that as you take care that tithes be taken away, so that by no means you impose any law upon the people, to pay such or such a rate, for the maintenance of Ministers, for of that course several inconveniences will follow, 1. The consciences of many faithful Preachers will scruple to take that maintenance of you, which you compel from others, who are persuaded that they ought not to have any thing, but what is freely ●●en, neither directly or indirectly: And 2. The consciences of many people do scruple to be tied to give so much, or so much to such a use, but are persuaded that what they give to that use, they ought to give freely. 3. Some that are of such particular Churches as meet not in the Parish or Town wherein they live (if you should rate people severally) would be compelled to pay the rate, although they do contribute to their own officers, which will be unreasonable; for what God makes them willing and able to give of their temporals, they will desire to give it to those that do administer to them in Spirituals, therefore by no means compel any contributions of this kind from any sort of people: for several sorts of people are several ways affected, and will desire liberty to give what they give in this kind, to such as they ●●and most affected to, whether Episcopal, Presbyterians, Independents, or any others, and this liberty they should have, and not be abridged of it. But when I propose it to you to take care to contribute to the maintenance of Godly Ministers, I mean (as I said before) that you do herein but as your duty is to do, being private Christians, viz. to contribute bountifully of your own estates; and the public treasury being in your hands, to dispose a part thereof to this public good work, but by no means (as I said before) by virtue of your authority, to impose any thing upon the consciences of particular people. And thus by inviting those that now preach only in private to their Churches, to preach in public, and encouraging and desiring men of estates to preach the Gospel freely, and by reducing two or three Parishes into one, and abolishing tithes, and silencing idle dreans, and making provision for the maintenance of those Gospel-Preachers that have not estates out of the University lands and otherwise, you will do that which may very much tend to the propagation of the Gospel. 6. Prop. That the poor be seriously considered of, and speedily provided for, being a work the Lord requires special care should be taken of it. 6. That you seriously and in good earnest lay to heart the condition of the poor, and make it your care to provide for the supply of their wants, and that consideration be had of their Condition before any rich man's case whatsoever be taken into consideration, how nearly so ever related to you, or any of you, (for I hope you will lay aside yourselves and your relations, and regard them rather less than more than others) for certainly the crying of the poor, and the sighing of the needy, maketh a louder noise in the ears of the Lord of Sabbath, than the complaints of any rich man whatsoever; and his ear is more open to their cries, and why should not yours? Those passages Deut. 24. from the 10. V to the end of the Chapter, wherein there are several Laws made by God, in which he maketh provision for the poor and needy, have taken great impression upon my heart, especially considering that it is he that requires his people to do so and so in the behalf of the distressed, and tells his people, that when they are compassionate, and show acts of mercy and goodness towards the poor, that he will bless them for it in all the work of their hands, V 19 and that it shall be righteousness unto them before the Lord their God, V 13. which passages are worthy the serious consideration of every Saint, and especially of those that have most power to help the poor, as your Honours have; for certainly this great duty of compassion, and bowels of mercy and tenderness, and doing good to the distressed and needy, is more strongly and eminently pressed in the Gospel, than in the Law: but O how little is it practised (not to say in general in all Nations, but particularly) in England! it being a great scandal to religion in general, and a dishonour to the Nation also, that so many beggars go up and down in all parts of this Nation as there do, some whereof may do it for necessity, because they cannot otherwise live, though most do it out of idleness, because they will not work: wherefore if this course were taken, that every one that goeth up and down begging were taken, and presently carried to some workhouse, where they might be made to work, and allowed but some short allowance for their work, it would make them that are able to work to refrain going a begging, and to set themselves to some work or other whereby they might get more than possibly they may have at such a workhouse. And for such as are poor, and withal known to be weak and sickly, and unable to work, or have more children than their labour can afford bread for, it is a sad thing, that among such as profess themselves to be Saints, they should be exposed to want bread. It is true; the Churches do make provision for all their poor, but must none but those that are of Churches be provided for? as there are many godly people that are not in Church-fellowship, so there may be many goodly poor also that are not in Church fellowship, which should be provided for, and not only they, but others also, for we are to do good unto all, though especially to those who are of the household of saith; and for this end it were necessary that some way were found out for the setting of all poor people a work, even such as do not beg (but will near starve rather) but yet do want work, which they would willingly set themselves unto, if they had but work to do, and then for others that cannot work, some ways should be found out for their supplies, and this might be one way. That the benefit of portage of letters may be converted to the use of the poor. That on the portage of all inland letters a price should be fixed at 3d a letter, or as your Honours shall think fit, and that some faithful men be employed to manage that business, who should be allowed such a certain stipend, for such an employment, and true accounts should be kept of what is received weekly for letters, and what is disbursed quarterly or otherwise for the paying of such as are employed in several places, about the carrying up and down of letters, and the remainder should come in for the use of the poor. And this being a public thing, the benefit of it should not go into any private men's purses, and none of those that are employed about it should have more than they deserve for their pains, and time spent about doing the business that concerns it, and so some thousands of pounds might come in yearly to the poor that way. Another way might be that a seal might be made in every City, Town, and County, wherewith every considerable contract, bargain or agreement, between man and man, should be sealed, for the Ratification of it, and without which it should be of no force, for which seal 6d. should be given which might be of great use to the public, and bring in an insensible income, for the use of the poor, faithful men being appointed to be those Seal-keepers, and to register all persons names, by whom such bargains are made, and sealed, and the time when. Other ways your Honours may also find out for the supply of the poor, as you see occasion. 7. Proposal. That the meaner sort of people may have as much or more favour shown them in Courts of Justice or other wise than the richest sort. 7. Prop. That you having first provided for the very poorest sort, than next that you consider the conditions of such as are next them and are in a mean condition, though not in so mean a condition as to want bread, and to stand in need of alms. And the consideration you are to have of their condition, is to provide that if they be wronged or defrauded by any, that you do them right, or appoint some to do them right, before you do such acts of justice for persons of greater estates. The ground of this proposal is, because it is ordinarily so carried, that the rich man's cause is heard before the poors; but O do you extraordinary things and let not such corruptions be in your proceed! and according to the people's poverty or meaness, wealth or riches, let care be taken for their relief, wherein they are wronged, and let the richest of all be relieved last of all, because that ordinarily they have had relief first formerly: But if this reason be not sufficient then this is, Because the richest are better able to bear delays than meaner people are. But it is sad to consider how contrary to this rule things have been formerly carried. As for instance, several sorts of people did contribute out of their estates in money and plate for the defence of the late Parliament, and the richest were first paid, for they having money by them did double what was due to them, and had all their disbursements in lands, in which many of them had such good pennyworths as it was better to them than ready money: But the poor that had not to double it, they could not have their money to this day, only there was an Act that all whose debts were under ten pound, should be satisfied, by virtue of which Act, there were indeed a small number of poor people whose debts were satisfied. But alas there were many godly poor people that were so zealous for that good cause that then was prosecuted; that they disbursed, some above ten, others above twenty, thirty, fifty pounds for the Parliament, that it now may be, by reason of the wars, and of their great sufferings, have far less estates than many covetous persons that lent but 5 or 10. l. so that satisfaction should be made unto persons, sooner or later, not according to the sum they disbursed, but according to the present condition of meaness, and necessities in which they are. 8. Proposal. That Commissioners be appointed to dispatch all businesses and redress all grievances of people in the respective Counties where they ●●ve.] 8. Prop. That a certain number of persons be authorized by you to sit as Commissioners in every County, to hear the grievances of people, and to dispatch all business for them, that they be not enforced to come to London for every occasion, as they have hitherto done, and yet do (which is exceeding chargeable to all, but especially to those that live in remote parts) to wait upon Commissioners here 3 months, 6 months, and sometimes 12 months together, but that those people may have their business done within a days walk of their own habitations, as it may very well be in some little Counties, if the Commissioners do sit in the most commodious place for situation in such Counties, not so much aiming at the bigness, or largeness, of such a Town or village, as the Situation of it, and in other Counties that are larger, there may be Commissioners appointed to sit in two, or three several places in those Counties, according to the largeness of them, that so it may be as easy for them to dispatch business, as for those that are in less Counties; and business might be thus carried on with less charge to the Commonwealth in general, and be less burthensome to the particular members of it, than now it is, As for instance, The Commissioners for compounding, and the Commissioners for removing Obstructions, and the Commissioners for sale of Lands, do all sit here, and all that have any business in either of these cases, must attend them here, though they live as far as Cornwall and York shire, and here wait several months before their business can be dispatched, whereas were there Commissioners authorized to fit in every County, to dispatch the same businesses, The rules which are prescribed to these here to proceed by, would also serve for all the Commissioners in every County, and business might be far better carried on; for they sitting in every County, would be better enabled to take cognizance of every particular man's case, than these here can; for here they take the oaths of they know not whom, and to those oaths whether true or false they pass the business; whereas in each particular County they might have more clear knowledge what the persons are that swear to such or such a thing, and be able to judge of what credit their oaths are, which here they cannot do: and then for the worth and value of Lands, they might be , and more fully informed than these Commissioners here can; for they trust to their Surveyors, and these Surveyors may be and sometimes are bribed, and lands are and have been undervalved, to the great prejudice of the Commonwealth. In these and several other respects, great inconveniences come, for want of Commissioners sitting in every County, for the relief of the people, and the righting of the Commonwealth. 9 Proposal. That all unprofitable and stris-increasing and substance-devouring laws, and Lawyers be abolished and abandoned. 9 Prop. That you do wholly abolish and repeal those great and tedious volumes of Law, that are either in a strange tongue or otherwise (which serve for no other end, but to enrich the Lawyers, and impoverish others) and prepare instead thereof only some plain brief general rules, which all men may be acquainted with, and appoint only such pious, faithful and discreet men, for the administration of Justice, as never knew what those old laws meant, leaving them to do in matters of justice what the Law of God, and nature guides them to; very much whereof is contained in this, that men do as they would be done unto: for the happiness of a people will never consist in good laws, but in good Magistrates, or administrators of Justice, and you need not fear to abolish those old ambiguous, strife-increasing, and substance devouring laws, for fear that you shall not find men enough fit, and able to judge with more righteous Judgement, than those laws of themselves can guide them to; for blessed be the great God he hath poured out his spirit upon many already, and without all dispute, he will pour out of that spirit of his more and more, upon his people in these our days; for the Kingdom and appearing of Jesus Christ, is now near at hand, it is even at the door * My ground for this are laid down a● large in my Book entitled, New Jerusalem's Glory. , and be you strong and of good courage, and do his work, and your Lord when he cometh will bless and reward you, if he find you so doing. 10. Proposal. That none be henceforth constituted Justice of the Peace or administrators of Justice but ●uch as are ●en fearing God and hatting covetousness. 10. Prop. That you pick out the choicest men in each County for holiness of life, and freedom from covetousness, and for wisdom, prudence and understanding, whether rich men, or mean men, for the managing of your weightiest business, as to be Commissioners, and doers of justice between man and man, & put down these old customs, of making the richest men of the places where they live, Aldermen, and Justices of the Peace, though they be very Dunces, and very profane in their lives, who cannot chastise swearers and blasphemers, because they are such themselves, nor drunkards, because it is a vice they are guilty of themselves; the like may be said of other vices; but let it be your special care that faithful and discreet men be appointed to administer justice throughout the Nation; and then for other employments, as the Custom offices, and the like, if there be not godly men enough to be found for them, they may be disposed of to others, that are of most civil and blameless conversation; but if Godly and conscientious men may be found for all, than such should be chosen before others, and things should not be carried as they have lately been, that enemies and men of vicious lives should be employed, when honest and faithful men that have suffered much for their faithfulness to the Common wealth, could never yet be employed, because they had not so many friends to speak for them, nor did not so eagerly seek after places as others did. 11. Prop. That no officer that serves the Common wealth in such ●mployments as are not hazardous to their lives or ●ealths be allowed more ●han 200 l. ●er annum. 11. Prop. That moderate and reasonable stipends, be allowed unto all those that are employed, that they may have no temptation to do the work grudgingly, or sparingly, but may diligently attend it, as they ought to do, provided it be no such stipend as may enrich men, but that it may be accounted a dishonourable thing for to have it said that such a man was but in a mean condition the other day, and now is enriched by the public treasure, I mean for such men as live at home and in ease, and do not at all hazard their lives, or health, or limbs, for the public welfare; but as for such as so do, it would be ingratitude in a high degree, if they were not well rewarded; but it is no ingratitude to give those men but mean rewards, that do but mean a●d easy services; for to be Commissioner of the Customs is easy service, and to be a Treasurer or the like, is easy service, and ordinary rewards may suffice for them, so that no man for the discharge of such offices, should have more than 150 l. or 200 l. per annum, even they that have most, and are in the most honourable of such employments, and others but 40.50.60. or 100 l. per annum, according to the quality such persons have lived in, and the employment they shall be fit for: for some men of mean parts, may be fit only for mean employments; whereas other employments require men of better parts, learning and abilities for the managing of them, and such men as have been so brought up, and are so qualified, will deserve greater stipends answerable thereunto; but any man though he hath five or six children, may maintain his family very comfortably with 200 a year, though not in outward state and pomp, and needless vanities, in maintaining music and dancing-Masters to teach their children, and decking of them in silks and silver, and the like; men that have estates of their own before, may do in these things what they please, but it should never be said that the public treasure should be so expended, for there are many other more necessary things to be done therewith, and not to bestow a thousand, or five hundred, or three hundred a year either, upon any man that is employed in easy and peaceable employments at home. And some Gentlemen of noble and public spirits, who are men of great gifts for understanding and prudence, and have withal a holy heart, and zealous for God, who have great estates of their own, will be found no doubt ready and free whensoever they shall be desired to officiate in Honourable employments (as in being administrators of justice and Commissioners in other cases, etc.) and will not take any reward at all for it, but do it out of desire to be doing service for Christ, and to be improving their Talents for his use, but will be unwilling that ever it should be said that they were made rich by the Commonwealth's Treasure, (as to the Honour of many noble Gentlemen in the Land, it may be yet said of them they have not meddled with it) even such as Abraham as would not take of the King of Sodom the worth of a thread even to a shoe latchet, lest it should be said he had made Abraham rich. But other men of mean estates being men of large abilities, and of great Wisdom and Prudence, and Piety, being employed in such offices (for want of rich men enough so qualified) should be allowed as aforesaid. 12. Prop. That no more of the lands belonging to the Commonwealth be henceforth sold, but reserved to ea●● the people Taxes & Excise & custom 12. Prov. That you sell no more of those Lands that are forfeited to the Commonwealth, either in England, Scotland or Ireland, than of mere necessity you must, at the least that you do not sell them wholly, but sell them only for seven or ten years' time, that so afterward they may come into the public custody again, and serve to defray public charges, that so taxes, excise, and customs, those great burdens of the people may be taken off. And thus I leave these few Proposals to your Honour's serious-considerations, having great expectations that the Lord will make of you repayers of breaches and restorers of paths to dwell in. And that to this end he will pour out his Spirit upon you, even the Spirit of Wisdom, and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, and the Spirit of Knowledge, and of the Fear of the Lord, that so you may be of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord, and may judge with Righteousness the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the Earth * Isa. 11.2. , as it is said your Lord and Master Jesus Christ shall do when he cometh, is the fervent prayer of. Right Honourable, The unworthy servant of Christ and his people, M. R. London, July 7th 1653.