The Loves of Damon and Sapph: OR: The Shepherd Crowned with good success. You Lovers all that would successful be; Be not too bashful, but in Love be free: Time but your passion and you'll never fail, There is a time when you'll be sure prevail. Maid's will deny, its true, but soon will yield, If once you charge, they soon will lose the Field: Though they deny, it is but for a fashion, For when they do, they have the greatest passion. A pleasant New Playhouse Song, To the Tune of, Hail to the Myrtle Shades. COme turn thy Rosy face, leave blushing at me my Dear, Let's kindly now embrace, whilst Cupid does banish all fear: The Neighbouring Swains are gone to water their Flocks you see: And now we are all alone, in pleasure let us be free. I fancy now to be like Adam in Paradise; Then let me taste the Tree of pleasures, and be not nice: For Beauty fades away, Old Age it will waste it quite: And time for none will stay, then let's pursue Delight. Under this Spreading Shade, all near to this Chrystial Spring, Our vows they shall be paid, while th' Birds do pleasantly sing: A yielding in your Eyes, my Sapph I do behold: Then let us act our joys, before that our passion's cold. THe blooming Spices smell, and Summer is in her Pride, Come let us sport a while, and Sapph shall be my Bride: With Flowers I'll Crown thy brow, thou shalt be Queen of the Field: Where all plenty does grow, Oh then my fair Sapph yield. See Earth Embroidered smiles, and all things do gay appear: While time our Love beguiles, come blush no more my dear: Let's search for joys unknown, and each of us trade in bliss: Fair Nymph we are alone, in you shall no more resist. Alas, my Damon, fie, do not a poor Nymph betray: A Virgin I will die, Diana I will obey: Then think, kind Swain, no more to flatter yourself with Love: God Cupid I'll ne'er adore, nor rank him with powers above. O say not so my joy, for Beauty's ne'er made in vain: Not use is to destroy what the powers above ordain: Hark how the Birds invite, and Love with their Song do charm Alluring to delight, while thus we hold arm in arm. No more sweet Damon spare, my blushes that do arise: O fie kind Shepherd forbear, and do not a Maid surprise. I am too young for Love, and must not as yet be won: Oh help ye Powers above, or I shall be quite undone. In vain fair Nymph you strive, for passion wilt have its way: And he that did love contrive, in these shades you must obey. Alas, I resistance loose, and now can resist no more: What coy I did refuse, Loves pleasures do overpow'r. Witness this pleasant Grove, I to denial was bend: Had not you forced my love, but now I shall ne'er repent: No, never my Dear, for we our mutual joys will increase: So happy we will he, and live in an endless peace. FINIS. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, I. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger.