A Sermon, Preached at Edinburgh, in the . November 17th. 1700 Before His GRACE, JAMES, Duke of Queensberry, HIS MAJESTY'S HIGH COMMISSIONER; AND Many of the Nobility, Barons, Burrows, Members of the High Court of PARLIAMENT, BY David Williamson Minister of the Gospel, at West-Kirk. EDINBURGH, Printed by George Mosman, and are to be Sold at his Shop in the Parliament-Closs, in the Year 1700. Good Reader, THE Author being urged, by several Persons of Honour and others, To Print his Sermon, found it to add a few things, He intended to have delivered; but was prevented by a mistake of the Time. PREFACE before Prayer I would speak that word to this honourable Assembly, which Paul hath Rom. 10 1 My heart's desire and prayer to God for you all, is that you may be saved, could I obtain onething of these present, to believe that there is a God, and that the Scriptures are the Truth and Word of God; I would hope this should not be a lost but blessed occasion. I have charity towards the most part, but fears of some; For there is no age wherein Atheism and Profanity have been more rife, than in this of our time: Many saying in their hearts, with the Fool, there is no God Psal 14, verse 1. their corrupt and abominable Practices say, the fear of God is not before their eyes: Their folly will be reproved, when they feel what they fear not. We must not shun to tell you God's mind from his Word, which you would notice with Reverence, for by this word you must be all judged at the last Day. John 12 48. The Prophet sayeth, Psal. 119 46. I will speak of thy Testimonies also before Kings and not be ashamed. Right Honourable, I will tell you what Binds us, God sends Jerimiah to Great Men. and sayeth Jer. 1.8 17. be not afraid of their faces for I will be with thee to deliver thee sayeth the Lord. Be not dismayed at their faces; lest I confound thee before them. I know not what the design of all may be in coming here; but I have heard, I have read, I have known in experience some come to hear a Preaching who might have been supposed Preaching proof, and to have no good design, curiosity the best of it, and God fastened a nail of conviction in their Consciences, and they could never lose the Grip, what the Lord will do this day, I know not, but if the Lord would lay his word in about all your hearts, it might give a lift to the interests both of Church and state, and God even our God might dwell amongst us and bless us, and our Land yield her increase. Be ware of drowsiness lightness and wandering, and let us call on God for his Countenance blessing and assistance. A SERMON on Luke 19.41. And when he was come near, he beheld the City, and wept over it. 42. Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy Peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. Isa. 1.3. The Ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass his Master's Crib: But Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. I intent not to be tedious in Introduction. Explication, or Division of the Words nor curious in Method, but to offer a few plain Truths; Both the Prophet and our Saviour speaks to the Rulers, and the people ruled, Isatah: 9, 16. The Leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed, and our Saviour says Matth. 15, 14. The blind are Leaders of the blind, and both shall fall into the Ditch. The Prophet jasiah: in verse 2d directs his Speech to the senselcis Creatures, (hear O Heavens, and give car O Earth, The more to awaken and affect the Isrelites, his covenanted and professed people, he challenges them as below the dullness of Bruits, that acknowledge and obey their Owners who provides them, and in their Way shows respect to their masters but my people Israel are more stupid than bruits; they do not own nor acknowledge me. There is a sort of people in this Generation, called Deists, but I call them Aitheists, who arrogat the name of wit's they cry down revealed Religion, despise their Souls, refuse Instruction, reject a Saviour, and deny future Rewards and Punishments, They live like Beasts, and are worse than Beasts, they do not own and reverence their Master; And I may say are worse than Devils, Jam: 2, 19 They believe and tremble; It may be many here never believed, never trembled. In that Text of Luke, our Lord foreseeing the woeful day of Desolation coming upon Jerusalem: was affectionately concerned with their deplorable condition, and wept over them. And breaks out in this abrupt and emphatic Speech, If thou even thou hadst known, or O that thou hadst known, or happy had thou been if thou hadst known in this thy day, Id est that is the time of his preaching to them which they slighted; they shut their eyes, and God Judicially plagued them with blindness. To know signifies here, to acknowledge, bend the Mind, lay to heart, and improve for practice. By things belonging to their peace is understood, things that belong both to their happiness inward and outward Their peace with God, peace in their Consciences, and peace with the Creatures There be five things in their words. 1 That there are some things that belong to a people's peace, in all these respects. 2dly That we are bound to study a heart affecting knowledge of these things. 3dly That the present time and day would be thus improven. 4tly The advantage that redounds to these that thus improve time. It would prevent Misery. It is employed that people smart for neglect of time. 5tly. Slighting time, lossing the season, may never be recovered again. Doctrine. The point I offer is this, That it is the Interest of all who would be approven of God and their own Consciences; and escape a challenge and Ruin, to know and take to heart the things that belong to their peace, to their Soul's peace, the peace of the Church and Land. I will not insist to prove so evident a point. I shall first speak a Word of God's Peace, which is the Spring of all other true Peace. 2dly Of these thing to be known, that belongs to the Souls peace, to the peace of a Church and Land. For the Peace of God I give these 6 Things. 1 it is not common to all, It's Christ's Gift and Legacy, to His peculiar people, John 14, 27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. 2dly It is the purchase of Christ's Blood, Ephes: 2d 13 14. Ye are made near by the Blood of Christ. for He is our peace. 3dly It is a sure peace, Isiah 54 10 The Covenant of my peace shall never be removed sayeth the Lord. 4tly. It guards the Believers heart and Mind in all cases. Phil. 4.7. 5tly It's the great end and errand of the Ministry, 2 Corinth 5 20 We are Embassaaors for Christ as though God, did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconeiled to God. 6tly. They make a good Testament at Death, who are found with him in peace at his Appearing. It is a precious peace, prise it highly, i We may not want it, nor can we stand under the Lords fade, be tender of it and afraid to lose the sense of it. 2ly I come to speak of things that belong to your peace, that ye are to study the heart affecting knowledge off. And 1st. What belongs to your Soul's peace as Christians, 2dly. What belongs to the Churches and Lands peace. I begin with that, What belongs to the Peace of Believers as Christians: For if ye be good Christians, ye will be the better Rulers. I confess the Sovereign Lord, can make the Earth help the Woman. Rev. 12.16. Men of Earthly and Sensual Minds and Designs, but these will not be fast Friends, when the Wind blows in an oath erairt they alter Jehu made his Zeal a stirrup to mount the Throne. I give you account of these things, That ye would study Haeart-affecting practical. knowledge of, in order to your Peace. I offer you Ten Heads here. You must know God. 1. That he is, Heb. 11.6. He that comes to God must believe that he is; This is the Fountain of all true Knowledge, and the Spring of all true Peace and Comfort. 2ly. That we must know what He is, what is His Name, what the the Word declares Him to be, Moses says, Exod. 33.18. I beseech thee show me thy Glory And the Lord proclaims His Name, Exod. 34.6, 7. The LORD, the LORD GOD, merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and Truth. Keeping Mercy for thousands, forgiving Iniquity, Transgression and Sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty. O what advantage redounds from this, it relates to our Peace, and the right ordering of our Spirits, And making the Stream of our Affections run in the right Channel; To know Him in His Infinite Excellent and Glorious Perfections, They that know His Name faithful and true, will put their Trust in Him, Psal. 9.10. If we knew Him in His Holiness, Power, Justice, and Love, than should we readily Fear, Love, and Obey Him; If we knew Him in His Goodness and Mercy, it would draw out our desires and delight after him, If we knew Him in His Sovereignty, then should we acquiesce in all his disposings of our lote: If we knew Him in His Omnisciency, that would keep our Hearts in awe: All these relate to our Peace. 2d. Head, We must study to know Christ, if we regaird our Peace; And first in the Statelyness of His Person, Heb. 1.3. who is the brightness of the Father's Glory, the express Image of his Person, This is a sweet consideration, that we have such a Noble Redeemer. 2. It relates to our Peace to know him in his Natures, God, Man, a meek Mediator to deal between God and Man. To know Him in His Human Nature, Flesh of our Flesh and Bone of our Bone, our God who has right to redeem, and has paid our Debt in our Nature, he has dignified our Nature, in assuming our Nature to a personal Union, with his Godhead, he will never lay it down again Heb. 7.24. This Man continueth ever. Then we must know him in his Divine Nature Isah 7.14. Immanuel the Mighty God Isah 9.6. I have laid your help sayeth the Lord upon one that is Mighty Psal. 89.19 he trod the Wine Press of his Father's wrath alone, and speaks in Righteousness mighty to save Isah 63.2.3. His Godhead sustained the human nature, that he sunk not under sufferings, and gives an infinite meriting value to his sufferings by virtue of his Godhead he risen from the deed Rom: 1.4. 3. We must know him in his name, which is as an ointment poured forth Canon: 13: The Lord Jesus Christ, every letter sweeter than another Lord of Lords King of King's Rev. 17.14. This is a Quieting consideration, when we have many Lords who would impose on our Consciences, we have one Lord and Lawgiver James 4.12. No Law can bind the Conscience but what is consonant to his Law. Jesus O but that has a sweet sound to a sensible lost Sinner. he gets his name from his errand, thou shalt call his name Jesus said the Anegl, for he shall save his People from their Sins thus he is the Prince of Peace, Isaih 9.6. Christ idest anointed. it first imports he was God's choice for a Saviour Isah. 42.1. Behold my servant whom I uphold, mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth, God never spoke such a word of another, than it imports he was well furnished for all his Offices anointed with the Oil of joy above his Fellows Psal. 45.7 Full of Grace and Truth, John 1.14. Having the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily, Coloss. 2.9. Holy Angels, have a fullness of sufficiency, enough of Grace to serve themselves, but none to spare but Christ hath a fullness of redundancy, a running over fullness, for as many as have been at the Wells of Salvation Isah. 12.3. These Five Thousand Years and more the Well is, as full now as ever, his fullness being infinite it can not be diminished. 4ly We must know him in his Offices 1st. As the Anointed Well qualified Prophet who has compassion on the ignorant Heb. 5.2. And instructs with a strong hand, Isah. 8 11. We have weak hands, he is meek and lowly in heart Math. 11.29. We need not scar: to learn of him, he has all the Treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Colos 2.3. He has the tongue of the Learned, to speak a word in season to a weary Soul Isah. 50.4. he leads the blind by a way they know not, Makes darkness light them, Isah. 42.16. he has a prerogative that none else can pretend to he teaches his People to profit gives an Engine and capacity to take up the Lesson, Isah. 48.17. he is the Master of Assemblies that fastens the nail in a sure place Eccie; 12.11. Then secondly We must know him in his Priestly Office 1. as to his satisfaction who has paid a competent price for our Ransom 1. Timoth. 2.6. he has obtained a discharge, In sign and token whereof it is said Rom. 4.24. he died, for our sins to pay our debt and rose for our Righteousness. to prove the payment was accepted and accounts cleared else he had not got out of Prison, thus God's Righteousness is declared, that he is just to justify them that believe in Jesus, Rom. 3.26. having gotten payment of the Cautioner, he will note rave it overagain at the Beleivers hands. O What a cordial is this, to these weighted with the sense of guilt. Then as to his Intercession, we have a friend in Heaven before us who is called the Angel, haveing a Golden Censure with much incense that he should offer it with the Prayers of all Saints upon the Golden-Alter which is the Throne Revel. 8.3. He Compears God for us, when Law, Satan, and Conscience, accuse, he rises up and appears for the poor Sinner to answer what can be charged upon him. Heb. 9.24 And this is sweet that he never loosed a cause he took in hand John 11.42, The Father hears him always he was never denied a suit. Then we should know him in his Kingly Office a Glorious King Psal 24.7. who choises the Officers of his own house Ephes. 4. 11. 12 he subdues and captivats Souls to his obedience Cor. he rules by his Word and Spirit and defends by his power, and can dash the Pot-Shards in pieces that are his Enemies, Ps. 2.9. We most receive whole Christ in all his Offices, if we be not ruled by his Law, we cannot be saved by his death, Some will not have this Man to reign over them. Luke. 19.14. 5ly we must know him in his Love 1st in the freedom of it. We have nothing to engage his love, but much in us to provock his Loathing. He loved Jacob freely Rom. 9.11.14. 2ly. The speciality of this Love in two respects 1st. in respect of the kind. Men chosen and loved, no fallen Angels Heb. 2.16. he took not on him the nature of Angels, their execution was as quick as their fall cast out of favour for ever. 2ly. in respect that he makes a choice among fallen Men and loves not all alike although all be of the same mass. This makes every Beleiver a wonder to himself and to say what wonder he made choice of me, 3ly in the antiquity of it, from everlasting. every Beleiver is the birth of eternal love before he made the Earth or the World; or laid the foundations thereof his delights were with the Sons of Men Prov. 8.29. etc. then in the duration of it his mercy and love is everlasting Ps 103.17. As it had no beginning it knows no end whom he loves, he loves to the end outthorrow Jo. 13.1. I have loved thee with everlasting loving kindness, Jerm, 31.3. and we would know wherein his Loye appeared especially in his death which though it was a painful shameful cursed death, yet was he a volunteer in it, not forced to it, he had power to lay down his Life and power to take it up again. Yea he was earnest to give a proof and vent his Love thus Luke 11.50. I have a Baptism to be Baptised with meaning of his doth, and O how! am I straitened or pained till it be accomplished, and Ps. 40. verse 8. I delight to do thy will. as if he had said. Father I will not debate nor prig anent the Ransom of the Elect, I will come in your will for what you can charge on them: I am willing to undergo, We are ready to prig with him; so much we would do, but no more, so far we would go in his way, and no further, if he had stood so in our matters, we had perished eternally. 6ly. We should know the purchase of his Death. 1. Justification, He has procured a Righteousness to cover us, and that is our peace Rom. 5.1. We have no covering of our own, but that which is too narrow to wrap us in, Isa. 28.20. If we should walk in the light of our own Fire, and the sparks of our own kindling, Isa. 50.11. We should lie down in sorrow. 2dly. He has procured the Noble privilege of Adoption to all that embrace him, Jo. 1.12: which secures God's Peace, Pardon and Love. 3dly. Sanctification, 1 Cor. 1.30. which is the Image of God, 1 Pet. 1.16. 4ly. Salvation is the purchase of the Blood of God shed as man, Acts 20.28, doth not the heart affecting knowledge of all these tend to our peace. 3. Head. We must have the knowledge of the Spirit of Jesus, there is a necessity for it Rom. 8.9. If any man have not the Spirit of Chest, he is none of his. We must know him in his Influences. 1. His inlighting influences revealing to us the deep things of God making us know the things freely given us of God, 1 Cor. 2.10, 12. 2dly. In his comforting influences, he bears this Style, the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, Jo. 14.26. and Psal. 94.19. In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts shall delight my Soul. Then in his Mortifying influences whereby he mortifies the Deeds of the Body, That our Souls may live, Rom. 8.13. how desirable is this to these wrestling with the power of Lust. Then in his assisting influences, to the Exercise of all Graces and Duties, He is called the Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 4.13. The Spirit of Holiness and Obedience, Rom. 1, 4.5. The Spirit of Prayer and Mourning, Zecha. 12.10. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Council and might, the Spirit of knowledge, and of the fear of the Lord, Isai. 11, 2: He makes Ordinances Lively, without whose shining, they signify no more, than a Dyal where the Sun shines not, it is he who by his power decides controversies as that. 1 Kings 18, 21, etc. We should crave and cherish this Spirit, who is freely given to the poor, as well as to the Rich, who seek him in earnest, Luke 11, 11. etc. 4 Head, We should know the Covenant of Grace in the Blessed terms of it, 1st. To know it in its freeness, God was not hired to make it, no Money, nor price required, only Hunger and Thirst Isai. 55, 1. Secondly, in the fullness of it, all that the poor Sinner needs, Ephes. 1.3. All Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly places in Christ, all things pertaining to Life and Godliness, 2 Pet 1.3. And what can be more desired. Thirdly, The Sureness of it, the heart affecting knowledge of it tends to peace; First, No one promise shall fail, because He is Faithful, he will not break his Covenant, nor alter the thing that's gone out of his Lips, Psalms 89, 33, 34. Josua 21, 45. Appeals to the People that there failed not aught of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the House of Israel; all came to pass it is a well ordered Covenant, and is a Cordial at Death, David among his last words had this, 2 Samuel 23, 5. He hath made with me an Everlasting Covenant, well ordered in all things, and sure, and this is all my Salvation, and all my desire. Secondly, It is sure, the Stock is in a good hand, Jesus' Hand, the surity of the better Testament, we would soon have played the Bankrupt, but Christ makes all good. 2 Cor. 1.20. all the promises are in him yea and Amen. Thirdly. This Covenant smells the more of Grace, in that Christ engages to help us; to do our part, Heb. 8.10. He puts His Laws in the minds of his People, and Writs them in their Hearts. Ezekiel, 26.27 The Lord Saith I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my Judgements and do them, Fourtly, consider the influence that the knowledge of this Covenant should have upon our Heart and Life, not to make us lose and wanton, but having these precious promises we should cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord, 2 Cor. 6.16. and 7.1. as you tender your Peace get this bargain made, This is the first and best way to peace, some spend their time tampering about duties, not putting a close to this on every new emergency of trouble, They are in hazard to raze the Foundation: It would be a strong Pillar of peace to have that to say I know my Covenanted God is faithful and hates putting away. That is a brave word Isai. 44.5. One shall say I am the Lords, another shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and another shall Subscrib with his Hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel, I know not if ye have taken time and lasure, to consider and put this great matter to a point, upon reflection on your own sinful self destroyed case, and the offer of Christ in Gospel terms to say it from your heart and subscrib it with your hand, that you are and will be the Lords and his Christ's, a back look of this I know has been a Cordial in a dying hour, when they have thought upon the time, place, and manner of their Covenanting with God, I wish you would all without delay lay, this matter to Heart. 5. Head. We should know the rule of the Commands, Gal: 6.16. As many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy and upon the Israel of God, first, we should know the Commands and extent of them first as to the object, his Commands are exceeding broad, Psalm. 119.96, they reach to all stations, relations and conditions Secondly as to the subject they reach the whole Man, Soul and Body, we must obey from the Heart, Rom. 6.17. Thirdly we must know we daily break the Commandments Jam. 3.2. in many things we offend all and every breach deserves death Deut. 27.26. Rom 6.23. this tends to peace, chassing the Sinner into a Mediator, the Prince of Peace who is the end of the Law for Righteousness Rom. 10.4. Fourtly as you regaird your peace, allow not yourself in the breach of any Command, say not it is but this, it is but that, if it be a Sin, it's that which may cost your Life, and and may go betwixt you and your part of Heaven, Psalms 66.18. if I regaird iniquity in my heart says he the Lord will not hear my Prayer, and sayeth Christ Math. 5.19. whosoever breaks one of these least Commandments, and shall teach Men so, he shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, we showld have equal respect to all the Commands, Psalm. 119, 6, 6. 128, Fifthly, we should know the Command is in the promise, there are many severe Commands and as many sweet promises, O how much tends this to peace; sayeth the poor Sinner he hath Commanded us to love him, and he has promised to Circumcise my Heart to love him Deut. 30.6. he has Commanded me to fear him, and he has promised to put his fear in my heart; That I may not departed from him, Jer. 32.40. he has Commanded me to repent mourn and obey, and Pray, and he has promised his Spirit to all these effects Ezek. 26.27. Zechariah 12.10. he has Commanded me to believe, and he is the author and finisher of that Grace: So we must look from the Command to the promise and turn the promise to a Prayer, God will turn it to a performance, who works in hit People both to will and to do of his good pleasure Philip 2, 13. let us say Lord give what thou Commands, and Command what thou wilt. 6. Head. We must know Graces, and duties Graces I call them as they come from God, duties as exercised by us, and in the exercise of them, first we would be fervent cordial and affectionate, the heart is the fat of the Sacrifice, without which the Lord abhors it, Rom: 12.11. Be fervent in Spirit serving the Lord, And David sayeth. Psalm: 25.1. Unto thee O Lord do I lift up my Soul, and Hanna 1 Samuel 1 15. Was a Woman of a sorrowful Spirit, povering out her Soul unto the Lord. 2dly. We should be frequent in performance of Duties. Psalms 62 8. Trust in him at all times. Proverbs. 28 14. Happy is the Man that feareth always. 1 Thess: 1.15. Pray without ceasing, which imports 1st We should have set Meals for prayer, David had three times a day for ordivar, Psal: 55 17. Evening and Morning and at noon time of Day will I pray and call aloud, Danul. 7.10. Thrice a day was his use and Want. David had his extraordinaries seven times a day. Psal. 119.164. 2dly. It imports we should have our hearts ay in frame, ready to pray on all occasions. 3dly. That we should by frequent in Ejaculations, which would hinder no Bussiness. 3dly. We should be denied to Duties when done, when we have done all things which are commanded: We should say we are unprofitable Servants, and have done but our Duty Luke 1710 a spice of conceit spoils the Best Duties, as the dead flee doth the precious ointment, Eccles: 10 1, Paul who abounded more in labours than others laid not strels on them. Philip. 3 7 8. 1 Cor: 1510 There is no peace to be expected otherways. 4tly. We must know that it is not Conscience, but the Word of God, that is the Rule of Duty. Isiah 8.10. To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because they have nothing of light in them, 'tis not what you think must order you that you have an Impulse of mind James and John mistook themselves in this when they would have called for Fire from Heaven to consume the miscourtious Sammaritants, it was not a good Spirit that did bear in that motion upon them Luke 9 52, &c Therefore Christ rebuked them. There are these particular duties you would exercise as you would have peace. First you must be mourners and penitent as sure as I speak none will get peace but who lay the foundation in sorrow, Isai 61.2. he Comforts all that mourn Math. 5.4. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Secondly you would be in the exercise of Faith which works by love Rom. 15.13. peace and Joy comes by believing Habbac. 2.4. The Just shall live by Faith. Isai. 26.3. The Lord will keep his mind in perfect peace whose heart is stayed on him, because he trusts in him. Thirdly, we should be in the excrcise of Love to God, and Love to our Neighbour which is the Sum of both Tables, He that loveth not knoweth not God, For God is love 1 John 4.8. We should love all persons and things that belong to God, We should love all men, with the Love of Benevolence, the Saints with the Love of Delight. Psal: 16.2. Had we this love to God, and for His Sake love to one another: It would clear our Claim to two great Promises, Rom: 8.28. All things work together for Good to all that love God, even the Cross pays a Custom of Advantage to them, and Christ's says, John 14.21.23. He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him, and we will come, and make our abode with him. 4tly. We should exetcise ourselves to Godliness, 1 Tim: 4.7.8. This would clear our Title to the Promises of this Life. and of that which is to come. Which would yield much peace. 5tly. We should be in the Exercise of Heavenly Mindedness, and have our Conversation in Heaven. Philip: 3, 20. And our Affections above, Col. 3.2. The greatest Serenity is in the highest Regions, Clouds and Storms are below. 6tly. We should be in the Exercise of a well grounded hope, which would make us rejoice in Tribulation. Rom: 2, 3. This is the Anchor of the Soul, that keeps the Vessel calm in a Storm. Heb: 6 19 The Helmet or Head-piece, that wairds off the Strokes of Satan's smarting Temptations, Ephes: 6 17. 7tly. It conduces much to our peace to have the sense of our Spiritual Poverty. Psal: 9 18. The needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the Expectation of the Poor perish for ever. And David sayeth, Psal: 40 17. I am poor and needy but the Lord thinks on me, Math: 5 3. Blcssed are the poor in Spirit. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, The word is, Beggars in Spirit who are put oft to the throne of Grace for an Alms, Proverbs 1823 The poor use Entreaties. Heb: 4 16. Through Christ we have Access with boldness. to the throne of Grace, that we may sinned Mercy, and obtain Grace, Philip: 4, 6.7 Who make their Request known to God, get the peace of God which passeth natural Understanding to guard their Heart and Mind, and Hanna 1 Samuel 1, 15, 18 Who povered out her Soul to the Lord, went away and her Countenance was no more sad. 8tly. We would study Sincerity in the performance of all Duties, which makes much for peace, both in the greatest Extremity of our Life, 2 Cor: 1, 9, 12. When they had the Sentence of Death against them, this was their rejoicing, the Testimony of their Conscience, That in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity, not with fleshly Wisdom they had their Conversation in the World, and it yields peace in the last Extremity of Death: Ezekiah sayeth, Isiah 38, 3. Lord Remember how I have walked before thee in Truth, and with a perfect heart. 7 Head. We should know and consider some things, in Reference to Crosses, and Afflictions, as we would consult our Peace. 1st. That they are covenanted Mercies, and no token of Fead, but consistent with God's Loving Kindness, Psal: 89, 30, to the 34. Psalm 119, 75. I know O Lord that in Faithfulness thou hast afflicted me, that quiets the heart; The Saints bear not the Cross alone, Christ takes the heavy lift that makes the Yoke easy, Isiah 63, 9 In all our Afflictions He is afflicted, and is still a Simpathser. 2dly. The Saints have had their best days; under the Cross, as John when banished to the Isle of Patmoss, Revel: 1.10. Paul and Silas were made to sing in the Stocks, Acts 16 24. The Lord cohses some in the Furnace of Affliction, Isiiah 48 10. There was a Godly Minister in this Nation, I heard him say upon Deathbed his Suffering times were sweeter to him, than his most solemn Communion Days. 4tly A well improven Cross, is a piece of a Saints happiness, Psal: 94.12. Blessed is the Man whom the Lord chaftiseth, and teacheth out of his Law, 5tly The Cross is needful to prevent Sin Hosea 2: 6. To purge out and take away Sin, Isia 27 9 To make us more like God in holiness, Heb: 12 10. To give us Errands to the Throne of Grace, Psal: 50, 15. And to make us walk in fear, and be watchful to discover the Truth and Strength of Grace to stir up Grace to Exercise, in order to the producing of the peaceable fruits of Righteousness. Heb: 12 11. The Lord's design is to distinguish betwixt the Wilderness and Canaan, and that we may Glorify His rich and free Grace, upholding and delivering us, and to make us Instrumental to Comfort others. 2. Cor. 1 4. And to draw our heart Heavenwards, to know these things tend to peace. Head 8. We should know the way how the Lord brings in poor Sinners, to Christ. first he kills, and then makes alive, wounds and then heals, Deuter: 32, 39, 1 Sam 2 6. Hosea 6, 1. He convinces of the lost undone Self-destroyed Case, by nature and course; a law work in some degrees passes on the Soul. Gal: 3 24. The Law is a Schoolmaster to lead to Christ, thus the Sinner is made to inquire after a Deliverer, Rom: 7 24 Who shall deliver me says Paul. 2dly. A new light is broken up, that discovers Sin in its black Colours, smelling rank of Hell and a Beauty in Holiness and discovers the Necessity, Excellency, Willingness and Ability of Christ to save to the uttermost all that come to God in him, Heb: 7 25. He is seen to be the Chief of ten Thousands, and altogether lovely. Cantic: 5 10 16, Him hath God the Father sealed John 6 27. Paul tells us, he was sent upon this Errand to open people's eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they might receive the forgiveness of Sins, and Inheritance among them, which are sanctified by Faith. that is in Christ, Acts 26 18. Thus Sinners are called from darkness to his marvellous light. 1 Peter 29. 3dly. Then the heart is prepared by the Arm of Jebovah to receive the Impressions of Mercy in a through Renovation, the stony heart is removed, a pliable melting frame is given. Hezek 26, 26. 4tly The Soul is brought over to give Consent to the Bargain, and to take Christ on Gospel Terms, and say, Cantic: 2 16. My beloved is mine and I am his: In all which the exceeding greatness of his power cyths, workinging in them that believe. Ephes: 1 19 Head 9 If you would have peace, you must have a practical knowledge of the ways these aught to walk in that come home to Christ, I fear many mistake it first in the difioulty of it, some think nothing but they may go easily to Heaven, and yet plump in to the Pit, lying down with a lie in their right Hand, Isas' 44.20. The Apostle says the Righteous are scarcely saved, 1. Pet. 4.18, and Christ says the way is straight Matthew. 7.14. therefore we should suive to enter in at the sttrait Gate; for many will seek to enter in, that shall not be able. Luke 13.24. Secondly this way is mistaken in the Singularity of of it: It's not the common Road and Broad-Way, the whole World lieth in Wickedness. 1 John 5 19 Be not conform to the World says the Apostle, Rom 12, 2. Fellow not the multitude to do evil says Moses, Exod: 23 2. And Christ sayeth except your Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharesees you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Math. 20. The Pharesees said John 7 48. Have any of the Rulers of the Pharesees believed on him, and the Apostle says. 1 Cor. 1 26, Not many wise Men after the flesh, not many Mighty, not many Noble are saved, Blessed be God it is not said not any, but not many: Because Christ has but few Friends and Followers among that Sort of People. 10. Head Who consult their peace, would have a heart affecting knowledge of some things in reference to Death and Judgement. 1st. The certainty of it, it's appointed for all Men rich and poor noble and ignoble once, and but once to die, Heb 9 27 and after this to Judgement. There is no Discharge in that War. Eccles: 8 8. 2dly To know the uncertainty of it as to time, place and manner, that we may may be upon the Watch-Tower. Math: 24, 42, 43. 3dly It is our great Concern, to be prepared for Death and Judgement: It is a Worlds-Wonder, that many die without strange Terrors, not being prepared for Death, yet many graceless have no Bands in their Death. Pialms 73, 4. But sad is their awakening, they are like a Man thirst out at a slit of a high Tower in a dark night, we hear no din of the rich Gluttons Death, Luke 16 22 But the first news after is, that in Hell he lift up his eyes, and cried O for a drop of cold water, to cool my tongue for I am tormented, in this Flame. Right Honourable and well Beloved, if peace of Conscience be your Concernment, if to die with Comfort be your Concernment, if everlasting Well and Woe be your Concernment, if to be in Heaven, and to shun Hell be your Concernment, than preparation for Death and Judgement, is of greatest and everlasting Concernment. You have need to be ready and prepared, for Death will not wait one Moment for your readiness; When that Messenger comes, there is no retaining of the Spirit. Eccles: 8 8. It is vain then to wish, O for another hour! For another Day. I will tell you what is the best preparation for Death and Judgement, it's to live in Christ, and die in Christ Rom: 147. Gal: 2 20. 1st This is the way to get the sting taken out of Death, and Death swallowed up of Victory, 1 Cor: 15 54 55. 2dly This is the way to be delivered from the fear of death. Heb: 2 14 15. 3ly This is the way to to be blest in your Death, Revel: 14 13. 4ly. This is the way to be made welcome to your Master's joy with his Blessing. Mash: 25 23 24. Applications Right Honourable and well beloved, I earnestly beceech you, as you regard peace wsth God, peace of your Souls, seriously to ponder in order to practiece, all the aforementioned Heads, as your greatest Concernment: for the last of death and Judgement, I must tell you who are called Gods, ye must die like Men Psalm. 82.7. And all lie down alike in the dust, and the Worms cover you Job 21. 26. your dust will not be known from the Beggars. 2 Cor: 5 10. you must all appear before the judgement Seat of Christ, the Word is be manefested, and lajd open be fore him who judges without respect of persons. 2. Pet. 1.17 and if you die without sound knoweldge and understanding tho' now you be in Honour you will be like and worse than Beasts that perish Psalm. 49, 20. We read of a King, Jerem: 22 18.19. Who died unlamented, and was buried with the Burial of an Ass. You that now sit on Benches, must stand at the Bar that Day: Satan has prevailed so far with many to put the Thoughts of Death far away, and to obliterate the Belief of Judgement, making them more Atheist than himself, James 2 9 The Devils believe and tremble. I remember near forty years ago, when the Flood Gate of Profanity was cast wide open in Scotland [and no shut to this Day] which paved the way to Prelacy, that gave too great Scouth to Profane Inclinations: There was a profligate person of no mean quality, being admonished by a noble Friend to mind Death and Judgement, for he behoved to reckon for his Debauchery, he said if he thought on that he would go mad: But these who will not hear Admonition, now and Conscience now will be tied to endure his Reproof; who will tear them in pieces, when there is none to deliver. Psal: 50 21, 22. There will be a huge cry at that Day among these who hold their heads high now; Kings of the earth, great Men, Rich Men, Chief Captains, and mighty Men shall cry to the Mountains, and to the Rocks to fall on them, and hid them from the Face, of Him that sits on the Throne, and from the Wrath of the Lamb: For the Great Day of his Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand. Revel: 2 15. etc. Your Character then will not cover you. Faithful Ministers are despised by many, were we of a Soul betraying temper to deal with people according to their hearts desire, to forbear right things, and speak smooth things. Isiah. 30, 10. And flatter them to their Ruin; They would embrace us, but because we warn plainly having our Souls at the stake. Ezek 34 Being tender of God's Glory, their Souls good and our own, they hate us in doing our Duty, and reproveing, which the Scripture expounds a kindness. Psal: 141 5. And it imports a defect of the rational Faculty and brutish temper to hate reproof. Proverbs 12 1. What will such say in the Day of Visitation, when wrath seizes on them. If ever God bring you to a sense of your Condition, that word will be verified by you. Proverbs 28 23. He that rebukes a man shall find more favour afterwards, than he that flatters with the tongue: I doubt not there are in Hell this day, who are Cursing their Ministers that flattered them in their Sins. I put two Questions to you, First, how will you answer for this, that ye do that which ye condemn others, and Judge the Comitters thereof worthy of Death. And enact Laws against Sabbath-breaking, Swearing, Drunkeness and Uncleanness: you mock God, and are self condemned; Rom. 1.32. and 2. 21.22. Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself, thou that teachest a man not to Steal, dost thou Steal, thou that sayest a Man should not commit Adultery; Dost thou commit Adultery. Thou that abhorrest Idols; dost thou commit Saerilige: Secondly, how will any answer for this, that they Glory in what they cannot endure, the name of drunkard, would thou be called by that name, or the Swearer, or Whoremonger; Would ye be content to have it Written upon your Tombs, or dwellings: here Lies, or here dwells, the Drunkard, the Swearer, or Whore Munger. The Lord tells there is a Day coming when People shall know whose Word shall stand, his or theirs Jerem. 44.28.29. They shall know that his Word shall stand against them for evil, I do here in the name and and authority, of my Great Master Jesus, whose Ambassador I am. Warn and Charge, all that hear me this Day, to compear before the Tribunal, and answer to their charge for unrepented of Drukenness, Uncleanness, Fornication, Adultery, Swearing Lying, Perjury, Covenant-Breaking, Testing or being Gallios' unconcerned in God's Matters and your Souls; Sabbath-Breakers, Prayerless and you who have had any hand in the Late Persecution of God's Servants and People, make you ready make haste, and strive to get accounts cleared by Christ's Cautionry, I cannot set a Day, but it may be a few Hours, sister some of you before the Judge: Think on it, be not abused when you come to Die by Carnal Friends, or your own deceitful Hearts: I have known some when they have come to die call for the Ministers, they hated and persecuted before, and cried out of their Sins with tears. I have known others that neither they nor their carnal Friends would suffer the Faithful to come near them, but the Montibank, who sent them over the Border with the fig Leaf of a smooth absolution: O betray not your own Souls, nor let others do it, thuart not your own Consciences to please Men, as Pilate who found no fault in Christ, yet over the Belly of Warning ordered to scourge and crucify him, to please Caesar and the people. Right Honourable, There has not been a Session of Pariament, but before a next some members have gone off the Stage, and some of the most Honourable for quality and best for piety are gone within these few Years. 'tis hard to know who goes next, make you ready, I must tesl you a wrong Step in Death can never be mended Eccles. 11.13 In the Place where the Tree falls there it lies; What ever changes may be in a Man's life, after Death there is none, but eternal well or eternal wo. Now there be several things we should know and consider in reference to the peace of the Church and Land, and herein both Rulers and People should Act their part. First, we should have our hearts, affected with reflection on the crying Sins of the Land, our iniquity like the Wind; has taken us away Jsai. 64.6. That of Hosea may be applied 4. Chap. 1.2. The Lord hath a controversy with the Inhabitants of the Land, because there is no Truth nor Mercy, nor Knowledge of God, in the Land, by Swearing and Lying, and Killing and Stealing, and commiting Adultery; they break out, and Blood, toucheth Blood: And People become impudent. As if they would give God a defiyance, they commit Abominations and are not ashamed, neither do they blush Jerem 8.12. They despise a saviour in Gospel ordinances. Secondly we should consider, that there is a dark and thick Cloud of wrath and judgement, hanging over us, the Lord threatening as Liviticus 26.24. to heat the Furnace yet Seven times more, have we not had sad Strokes, decay of Trade, Dearth, Famine, Mortality of Man and Beast, and something of Fire and Sword. I look upon all these as the beginning of sorrows if matters mend not amongst us; Let us hearken to that word. Zephamach 2 1. 2. Gather yourselves together, yea Gather together a Nation not desired before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord, come upon you etc. 1, Therefore I would, press, 1. That ye wrestle with God by Prayer at the Throne of Grace Psalm. 46.7. It's said the Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge; whence got Jacob the new name Israel, he prevailed as a Prince by supplication, let us cry mightily to God, that he would rend the Heavens, and come down; Andthe Mountains flow down at his presence. Isai 64.1.7. That the Lord would come with healing to Souls and awaken the Consciences of small and great, that are fast a sleep in damnable security. For there are few that call on God, or stir up themselves to take hold of him. 2ly. Know it is our part to study, mourning and amendment, Lament. 3.40, 41. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again unto the Lord: Let us lift up our heart with our hands, to God in the Heavens. Zechariah 12.13. Persons a part, and Families a part mourning, that would be a Door of hope in the Valley of Anchor, Reformation and mourning, must begin at Persons, come to Families, and spread through the Nation, then might we say as Ezra 10.2. Now is there hope in Israel, concerning this thing. 3ly. Study Zeal and courage for the way and work of God, never be ashamed of it. Be Zealous and repent says Christ Revel. 3.19. Be of good courage, lay out yourselves as you are called in your sphere to contend forth faith, inde 4ly. Study unity and love, and beware of undue contendings unite in what is true and, good if ye by't and devour one another ye may be consumed one of another Gal. 5.5. The beginning of strife is like the opening of Waters to overflow. Proverbs 17.14. leave off contention, before it be meddled with, I confess there is a lawful contending not only for truth, and the Faith of the Gospel, but even for inferior things. Job 31.13. etc. having the Dread of God on his Heart, admits his hirelings to offer their Grievances and reason their cause, but the rise of debates would be examined, if from Pride and envy, than confusion and every evil work, would be the consequence Jam. 3.16 there be due, seasonable and right methods and measures, that would be followed, a mistake in these may mar a very cleanly design, and in stead of bringing Water to quench the Fire, may prove oil to encreass the Flame. Abraham, his commendation will never die Genes. 13. who though he was Superior and Elder than Lot, yet to avoid unseasonable contendings when the Canaanites, were in the Land, yielded to Lot, whose choice proved his punishment: and if it be no disparagement to the highest to condescend to these below them, even supposeing a transgression it is their Glory to pass it over Proverbs 19.11. far more is it the bound duty of inferiors to yield and not unmannerly to prig with those above them, where, yielding may be without manifest prejudice to Truth and Peace, There be two things supposed to have influence on division and Faction, which is a work of the Devil, a work of the Flesh, Galat. 5.20. There is a Defect and an Excess. First, a defect of singleness and sincerity, If Men were all! single-Hearted, sincere, self-denied, and sound , they would meet unite, and close without clashing or noise. Secondly, there is excess the excressence and knottisness of humour and interest that makes Men uneasy and to dash upon, and grate one another, but these who lay the foundation, and sow the Seeds of division; or are abatters of it, either in Church or State, do the abominable thing which the Lord hates, Prov; 6, 16, 19, And cannot be long hid. Nemo potest diu sustinere Personam fictam Prov. 26.26. He that covereth his hatred with deceits his wickedness shall be made known before the whole Congregation, such mars, Suits and Proposals to them, and by them; being jealoused of mixed interests and and designs, which the simpler sort cannot understand and discern. 2. Samuel 15.11. Application, We may take up a Lamentation, and regrate there be few that know the way of peace, Isai. 59.8. They neither desire nor apply themselves to know these things. Hesea 8.12. I have Written to them sayeth the Lord the great things of my Law, and they counted them as a strange thing, how many live without God, and without Christ in the World, and have lost the sense of God, and pulss of Conscience, it were easy to prove the greatest part to be Fools, and ignorant of these things that belong to peace. I shall give you sour notes of a Fool, First he that prefers Husks to wholesome Food, as the Prodigal Luke 15. Secondly, he that wants senses to discern; and makes choice of a broken Cistern, forsakeing the Fountain, Jerem. 2.12.13. 3ly. he that wants foresight to provide for time to come Math. 25. The foolish Virgins had empty Lamps. 4ly he that puts a Knife to his own Throat Prov. 8.36. he that Sins against me says Christ wrongs his own Soul, all they that hate me love Death, there be Four sorts of Persons that the Scripture proves, to be arrant Sots and Fools. 1st, the Persecuter God calls him a Feol who eats up his People, as they eat Bread Psalm. 14.1.4. they know not God has discharged Persecution, and is concerned in the wrongs done to his People Psalm. 105.14.15. 2ly The Lord resents what wrongs are done to his People, as done to himself Acts 9.4. Saul Saul why Persecutest thou me, They pierce Christ through the sides of his Friends 4ly they are Fools because they are Prayerless and Scriptureless, they call not upon the Lord Psalm. 14.4, they cast the Law behind their back, and therefore they Persecute, Nehem. 9.26. 5ly they come Foul off with it as the instances of Pharorh, Herod Haman. Darius, Courtiers. They proved all Fools in the end Exad. 14. Esther. 8. Acts. 12. Dantel. 6. Secondly, the Proud Man he is a Fool, he gets the same name with the Fool, 1. Tim. 6.4. the word, in the Original, signifies Smoke, which says the Proud Man is puffed up with Stinking Air, First, he considers not that God has prohibit Pride, and that Pride hinders many a good turn. Jerem. 13.15 and prompts to many an ill turn, the Cursed Proud are from God's Commandments. Psal. 119.21. and the wicked through the Pride of his countenance persecutes the Poor and will not Seek God Psalm. 102 4. Pride is the dead Flee in the A pothecaries Ointment, it spilt all the Pharasies' duties Luke 18. such Perclaim War against the God of Heaven and makes him an Enemy 1. Pet. 5.5. it has brought many low, and proved them Fools in the end Proverbs 16.18. Thirdly the Scripture makes the covetous Man a Fool, he knows not that covetousness is a heinous transgression in God's account, no less than Idolatry. Col. 3.5. such Persons are abhorred of the Lord. Psalm. 10.3 Their temper hinders profiting under means, their care choacks the Seed of the Word. Math. 13. They are in hazard of a sad surprise Luke 21.34. they hinder their own, thriveing, There is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty. Proverbs 11.24. He makes a Fool's bargain, and losses-more than he gains, when he losses his Soul. Math. 26.26. Luke 12.18. The Voluptuous and Luxurious they are Fools, they are plagued and prove a Prognostic of the evil of the last times. 2 Tim: 3 4. They are dead while they live 1 Tim: 5 6. There pleasures are short lived like the crackling of Thorns under the Pot. Eccles: 7 6. Heb: 11 25. There is a song to follow that will eat out all the Remembrance of their former Joy. Isiah. 47 8. etc. Revel: 18 7 8 etc. Their way brings both poverty and pain, which they dream not of. Proverbs 21 17 23 29.. And they shall mourn at the last, Proverbs 5 11. When they feel what they feared not, is it not for a Lamentation that the greatest part befool themselves? 1st, how many grossly ignorant have their hopes to be saved: Yet Isiah 27 11. The Lord says he has no favour for them, 2 Thess: 1 8. Christ at the Last Day will take, Vengeance on them. 2dly. How many live in black Atheism and Profanity. Drunkards, Swearers, Liars, Unclean and think to be saved, and yet the Lord says because of these things his Wrath comes (on the Children of Disobedience, and such shall be cast in the Lake, Revel: 21 8. 3dly. Many never had a night Sense of Sin and Lostness, and yet hoped to be saved, whereas the right hope of Heaven never lodged in him, who never saw he was in hazard of Hell, John 16 9 Conviction is the first Step of turning to God. 4tly. Many are altogether taken up with the World unconcerned in God's Glory or their own Salvation, and yet hope to be saved: Whereas the Lord says Philip 3 19, Their end is Destruction. 5ly. There are some have got many Warnings, and heard many Preach and never were touched with any of them like these. Deuter: 29 19 20. When they hear the Words of the Curse, they bless themselves in their Hearts, saving they shall have Peace, although they walk after the Imagination of their own heart, and add Drukenness to thirst, But the Lord says He will not spare His Anger, and Jealousy shall smoak against that Man, and all the Curses that are written in this Book shall be upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name under Heaven, should not this his Alarm secure Souls; I will give you one Mark of them, they love the flattering cheat who claps their head in their Sins, and hates the Faithful searching Preacher, who is their best Friend. But how comes it that people befool themselves and sets not their Minds to know things that belong to Peace. 1st They are in the Visible Church, and enjoy the common Benefits of the People of God, such may have Heaven's door closed on them. Math: 7 22 23. Some that heard Christ prophesre in their Streets, he boasts them to departed. 2ly they paint A God all mercy and consider not that he is just and tender of his honour they Shape A God to their own mind, that is as well pleased with their way as they themselves the Lord sayeth Psalm 50.21. 2, these things hast thou done, and I kept silence, thou thought that I was altogether such an one as thyself, but I will reprove thee, and set them in order, before thine Eyes. Now consider this ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, while there is none to deliver. He will draw up in Battle array, the Sins of such, and every Sin as it were dipped in the Vinegar of his Wrath, that shall pierce like a Dart through the Heart and the Liver. 3ly some dream all will be well with them. for they thrive in the World, they have health and wealth and credit. yet God may give thee thy Hearts desire in these things and send Leanness to thy Soul, Psalm. 106. 15. 4ly some think if they Perish they will have many marrows, It will be no ease to you to go to Hell in a throng. every one there will kindle another's Fire, and make it the hotter, Math. 13 30. says Christ bind them in bundles and Burn them, pack them to together, the Unclean, the Drunkard's, the Drunkard will curse his Companions that ever he saw their Faces, so will the Whore-Munger and Harlot. Would you have the tokens of these that know the things that belong to their peace, and are made wise by Christ. unto Salvation. First, such are overawed with apprehensions of God, he is their Fear, and he is their dread, Isai. 8.13 Psaim. 111.10. Genes. 39.9. Joseph was truly wise 2ly they who prise things according to their worth, and and make right choice as Paul. Philip 3.72 8, who counted all things lofs and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ his Lord; and David Psalm. 4.6.7. who preferred the lifting up of the Lord's countenance on him to any other good. 3ly such will not prig with Christ, but will Sell all for the Field, where the Pearl is Mat. 13 44. 4ly such will manage time well, that is a note of a sound understanding to consider the Latter end Deut. 22.29 so teach us to number our Days says Moses Psalm. 90.12. that we may apply our Hearts to wisdom, Job was wise. 14.14 all the Days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come. I know not when I rise at Morn if ever I see another Day, it is wisdom to redeem time Ephes. 5.15.16. we have no more time we can call our own but the present time this Day, yesterday is not ours it is gone and will not return, and we are not sure of to Morrow Proverbs. 27.1. we should the rather consider time because much work lies undone, and slighting of time puts many to the Fool's repentance out of time, they who know what belongs to their peace will study sound obedience, and reduce knowledge to practice, Psalm. 111.10. A good understanding have all they that do his Commands John 13.17. If ye know these things says Christ, happy are ye if ye do them, this is the best proof, a fruitful and shineing conversation. Now I would speak to all, Especially to Rulers and Judges, as you would evidence your Knowledge and Consideration, of what belongs, either to your Soul's Peace, or the Peace of the Church and Land, there are some things you would beware of, and some things you would have and do 1. Beware of Rigour Tyranny, and Oppression, or Inyeighing with bitterness against People, where there is no cause, by inflicting punishment, either unjustly where there is no Fault, or immoderately, unseasonably and basely, where there is a Fault, There is an obligation on Rulers, thus to make Conscience of Duties to inferiors, he Rules with most Comfort and Confidence, who keeps most room in People's Affections; and weakens them not, and they are most likely to be the Men of the Promise, to Build the Old waste places; to raise up the Foundation of many Generations, to be called the Repairers of Breaches, the Restorers of Paths to dwell in, who lose the Bonds of Wickedness, undo heavy burdens, and let the Oppressed go free, and break every Yoke, and ease People of just grievances, and impose not, nor continue, what is forbidden or condemnemned, Isa. 58.6.12. 2ly. Be not too Credulous, Try before ye Trust, a near Relation may whisper, what is dang rous and proves a snare 2 Chron. 22.3. Achasiach his Mother councilled him to do wickedly. Saul harkened to false deceitful Sclandarous Doeg Psalm, 52. a great Persecutor of David, who had taken great Ventures for him. 3ly. Beware of Selfseeking Baruch, Jer. 3.45. a Good Man is reproved for seeking great things to himself, when the Lord threatened Desolation, Paul's Complains Philip. 2.21. All seek their own things, and not the things of Jesus Christ, this made Judas betray Christ, and that with a Kiss, and Pilate to Crucify Him, It is a mark of dishonour and Brand of Infamy, Especially in Great Men to be Self-Seekers, to live wholly to themselves, like the Grave, wherein all that is gotten is buried, and nothing brought forth to public benefit; It may be written on the Tombs of these, such a Man sought himself while he lived, and lossed himself when he died: For this Self, does spirits Men, making them cold and cowardly in God's Cause, and becomes a Master, for the Lords Cause, shake off its Government, resist its Reasonings, disobey its Commands, follow not its inclinations, to satisfy its Lusting. 4ly. Prefer not secular Affairs to the Lords, such were reproved. Hagai 1. when the Lords House lay waste. 5ly. Beware of Pride and upliftedness of Spirit; The Lord laid the Pride of Pharoch, Hamon, Herod, and the King of Assiria, True Wisdom humbles and advances to Honour, Proverbs 15.33. 6ly. Overlook not persons of a dangerous complexion by cruel Indulgence, one Achan, endangered the wholeCamp of Israel, such would be put out of Capacity to hazard Church or State, I am not of the cruel temper of that Man, who exhortd the Lords of Justiciary at Jedburgh. To die their Scarlet Robs in the fanatics Scarlet Blood. We hear of some intending to address this Honourable Court, as if Men should be exempted from Church Censure, who are Supinely negligent, Coutumacious, Erroneous or guilty of Immoralities, We hope, they will not find a shelter in this Honourable Assembly: They plead, that because they have qualified themselves, and has a Protection of His Majesty that will exeem them: 'Tis true, some of them have qualified themselves in process of time, at the end of Days, as Cain brought his offering, Gen. 4.3. After several Years out-standing: One more ingenuous than others, Confessed, he never intended it, till he lost hope of the return of a New Patron: How dissaffected they are and how much they foster the disaffected, who are their most Bon-Companions, and continue the Schism is well known, and I fear they and some others are not that length in Loyalty, that Ephraim was in Religion, to be a Cake not turned warm in the one side, Hosea 7, 8. And that in this respect, many are a step out of the Road to Heaven, If they have sworn deceitfully, and not spoken truth in their hearts, (Psalm. 15.2. Psalm 24.4.) If their heart and hand, and heart and tongue have not corresponded, they have taken God's Name in vain, and such are reckoned Gods Enemies, Psalms 139.22. It is a grieunace, that the Intrusions of such should be tolerate, and then setting up Meeting-Houses to mar Legal Establishments, and especially where there are Legal Establishments: We hope this Honourable Court will Redress it, as ye would not appear to cast down with one hand what ye Build with another. Positively as you would prove your understanding in these things that belong to your Peace 1st. You would have a good foresight, and not be wilful in what may be dangerous, Princes and Magistrates in their Resolutions and Purposes would have a Reserve to change Measures on second Thoughts, especially in secular Concerns; So did David when provocked by an unmannerly Clown, Nabal 1 Samuel 25. But in things concerning God's Glory, Constancy is a Commendation, David never changed his purpose to pay his Vows, Psal. 66 13 14. And to build the House of God, Psal: 132 4 2dly. Study a right ordering of the State in Civil Affairs, for it will never be well with the Church, if not well with the State, The wicked walk on every side when vilest Men are exalted, Psalm: 12 8. When the Righteous are in Authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked bear rule the people mourn. Proverbs 29 2. There be four Sorts of persons dangerous to Crowned-Heads to run them on precipeces. 1sl. Sycophants and Flatterers as Ahabs false Prophets, 1 Kings 22. 2ly, The Envious as Darius' Courtiers Daniel 6 3dly The selfish, ambitious, and covetous as Haman. 4ly Heady and young Counsellors like Rehoboam who occasioned the Revolt, 1 Kings 12. It is people's part to pray that Kings make a choice of Favourites as Exodus 18 21. 1st Able Men for Greatness, Courage, Resolution and Constancy of Mind. 2dly Men fearing God. 3dly Faithful Men that love the Truth. 4tly Men hating Covetousness and Bribes, which blows dust in the eyes of the Wise 3dly. It speaks understanding in Magistrates their care that Justice be dispensed discreetly, speedily, expeding Causes [not fretting Spirits by undue delays) Impartiality universally to all, resolutly, courageously, righteously, exactly soberly and diligently, thus Judgement shall return to Righteousness, and all the Upright in heart shall follow it. Psal. 94 15. Good Laws which are the Sinniews of Societies would be enacted the greatest perfection whereof stands. 1st. In their conformity to the prime and Eternal Law of God. 2dly. In their vigorous Execution, the failing whereof is a great Grievance, written Laws are for direction, and the Living Law (which is the Magistrate) is for action to see these Laws obeyed, and in your Laws it were very meet there were a provision, with respect to the Sufferers of the late times, Especially the most eminent of them, who have suffered in their persons and posterity, 〈…〉 be a redress of Wrongs and injuries they have endured. But Rulers would bend their Understanding and Consideration chief in their care about Religious Concerns, to promote Piety and Zions' Welfare. Psalm: 132 and 137 1st. By their Commands. Asa commanded Judah to seek the Lord God of their Fathers. and do his Law and Commandments, 2 Cron. 14 24. 2dly By the Example of their Persons and Families as David and Joshua. 3dly By encourageing and maintaining a pious and faithful Ministry, men according to God's heart, Jerem. 15 4ly. To promote the true Worship of God and abolish false Worship, Superstition, and all Monuments of Idolatry, there are some in Scotland presume upon an intolerable Innovation to make use of the Service-Book which hath no edge, I have heard some of the hearers of it say it would be long before the hearing of it would make a sore heart for Sin, This Church could never endure it, nor durst Prelates in their greatest height Adventure upon it: It is known how much of it is copied out of the Popish Breviary; I will not comment upon the Verdict of a great person who called that Service an ill said Mass, for the ridiculous Absurdities and Falsities of it 1st They may be seen at large in Baxter's Life. 5tly. There would be a special Care to visit, and settle Seminaries of Learning with pious and learned men. It is an old Trick of Rome to poison these Fountains. 6tly. Magistrates would have a special care to preserve the true Government in Christ's Church by Presbetry, which differs as much from Prelacy as a stone Wall doth from a Mudwall; We own this Government to be of Divine Right, and for the Churches intrinsic Power and Privileges we hold them of no secular power, but of Jesus Christ the head of the Church, and owned as such in our Confession of Faith, which is ratified in Parliament; This Government and the Power thereof depends not upon the Suffrages of Men which are alterable, no Man's Will being a Standard in this Matter; It would import Christ an imperfect King, if he had left it to men's Arbitrament to come and go upon, Moses might not alter a pin from the Pattern shown in the Mount, Exod 25 9 And if Moses was faithful in the House of God as a Servant, much more Christ as a Son, whose House we are, Heb. 3.6. Christ will not deny Caesar his due; nor will he want his own, nor be pleased with the pairing of the Privileges of his Church, for the Liberty and Exercise of our Government, we have reason to bless the Lord for the Countenance and Encouragement we have from our Gracious, Christian, and Protestant King and we are hopeful he will not impair but enlarge the same. It is true the Church exercised their power given of God some hundreds of years before there was a Christian Magistrate to own her, which power as far as we could reach we used in times of Persecution, and Church-Officers must use, when Magistrates are Enemies, but blessed be God we are not under that Temptation. I have before other Sessions of Parliament proven our Government in all respects founded on the Word of God, and most answerable to the Ends of an established Ministry. To hold out the wild Boar that would corrupt both Doctrine and Manners, and guard best against Vice and Error, and keep Ordinances best from pollution, and the Church from Infection, and we may venture the Trial as the Prophet did. 1 Kings 18. When the people halted between two Opinions, doubting whether God was God or Baal was God, the Prophet ventured the Matter upon this that God that answers by fire let him be God, and he carried it, that it was acknowledged the Lord He was God, that did bear Witness by fire from Hheven, and Baal was found to be but a dead and a deaf God that could not answer the Expectation of his Worshippers. Now if the Government which we own be not most witnessed to from Heaven by the Spirit in his Operations of Conviction, Conversion and Consolation of Souls: Let God and the World judge: Had we not been persuaded of these things, what fools had we been to have suffered one year, let be so many Years severity on that Account. I judge few in Scotland sober judicious and Inegnuous will spond their breath against this Interest and if any, it is mostly these who indulge themselves and love to be indulged in their Lusts, and loves Elbow-Room to Sin without Control. Right Honourable and wellbeloved ye would be wise to yourselves to befriend the Church in all her Concerns, for the Arks sake, God blessed Obededom in his person, Family and Friends. 1 Cron: 13, You would be careful the Church's Revenues be neither embazled misimproven or missaplyed. That Rulers of all Ranks should endeavour knowledge and understanding to discern Good and evil, rightly to time and circumstantiat Actions is clear Deut 1 13. Eccles: 8 5. And it is threatened as a Judgement when Princes are Babes in Understanding Isiah 3 4 5 David prays for Understanding to Solomon 1 Cronities 29 19 And likeways Solomon for himself. 1 Kings 3 9 There be Three Reasons why Magistrates should labour to have Understanding, 1st, The figure they bear by their Office imported in their Styles, being called Gods, Saviour's, Fathers. Eyes, Pillars, heads of the Body and Overseers. 2dly. God severely threatens Magistrates that misbehave, as being neither above Instruction nor Correction if they fail. Job 12 21. He pours Contempt upon Princes and weakens the Strength of the Mighty. Psal 110 5. He strikes through Kings in the day of his wrath Psal. 76 12. He is terrible to the Kings of the Earth, he shall cut off the Spirits of Princes. 3dly Because they are liable to many Difficulties and Dangers, great is their Task, to know the State of the People, to repress the Insolences of the proud, to minister Justice to all. I would warn both Magistrates and people to know and watch against these evilly which threatens both Church and State with Judgements, as namely, 1st When Men loathe not their own hearts for unprofitableness under Ordinances, but weary of them 2dly. When Men professing the fear of the same God, are mutually contentious. 3ly Breaking of Vows to the Lord, not cleaving to his Ordinances. 4ly. People's going to Ordinances, and not going to the God of Ordinances for the Blessing. 5tly. When Christ is not received in Ordinances, nor the Motions of his Spirit cherished. 6tly When people are grossly profane in Talk and walk, and come to that height of Sin as to cast off all reproof, all Dread and Aw of God. 7tly People's frequent, familiar, and needless haunting with persons perverse, in Principles and Practices, whereby they partake of their Sins, receive of their Plagues, and get a Snare to their Soul, Revel. 84. Proverbs 22 24.25. This has been the neck-break of this Generation especially to the younger sort. Companions of Fools shall be destroyed, Proverbs 3 20. Solomon sayeth Eccles. 10 8. He that breaks an hedge, a Serpent shall by't him, there is a hedge of a six fold Prohibition. Proverbs 4 14 15. Enter not into the path of the Wicked and go not in the way of evil Men, avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away: They who leap over this hedge may lay their account to smart for it. I would add a few things people should know as their Bond Duty to Magistrates 1st. To pay them all due Respect and Honour. 2dly. All due obedience in the Lord. 3dly Fidelity to their persons and Authority. 4tly Aid and Help. and that 1st. By Faithful Counsel and Advice when called, and the Discovery of secret Enemies and Plots. 2ly By rich Rebates, without a grudge paying Custom and Tribute, and giving all needful Re●●●●●● for the Safety of the King, the Security of the Government, the safety of the Common Wealth, which was long since reckoned a Law above all Laws. 3dly. We should give Aid by our persons both against Country Rebels and foreign Enemies, venturing our Lives for them both in Peace and War. 2. Samnel 21 16: and 23 6. 4tly. By our prayers. 2 Tim: 2 2. That we may live under their Government a peaceable and quiet Life in all Godliness and honesty, for Magistrates neither stand nor fall to themselves, especially Sovereigns, because they are the Pillars of the Kingdom. Let me smite King Saul but this once said Abishas and the Kingdom shall be thine, and the Victory thine 1. Samuel 26.8. so said Achitopbel, let me Smite King David and all Israel shall be gathered unto the and 2, Samuel 17.2.3. When Alexander Died the Army was but on Man less, but it was compared by the wise, to the Cyclops, which had its only Eye Bored out, the Supreme Magistrate carries about, not only his own Life, but the Life of Thousands depends on his safety, 2. Samuel 18.3 2. Samuel 21.17. Thou shalt not go forth any more with us to battle, said the People lest thou quench the light of Israel, for thy life is worth a Thousand of ours. Shall not our Hearts be enlarged in blessing of God, for our Gracious King; whom he sent to be a deliverer, to save these Lands from Popery and Slavery, and us also from Prelacy a yoke which neither we nor our Fathers were able to bear, and shall not our Souls be lifted up in servant supplicatious to God for him, in whose Safety the safety of the three Kingdoms is so much bound up, who ventured his all for us, when we were upon the brink of Perishing, It is good our part to beg of God, to give him a large and understanding Heart, and to multiply blessings of all sorts upon him, blessings both of the right and left Hand, to give him length of Days. and make him a lasting blessing, to those Nations, to give him both the upper and nether Springs, and that his Crown may flourish on his head, and all his Enemies Clothed with shame, we are concerned to Pray for the King, and Magistrates of all ranks. that they may be truly religious, because of the power os their example to good or evil, their vices pass current for virtues, and soon becomes a fashion, be their Commands never so great, they Command most by their example Exhort. My last Exhortation to you all Right Honourable and well Beloved, is that ye acquaint yourselves with the Word of God, which makes the simple wise, many of you are too great Strangers to it, some are branded Jerem. 10.6. the Word of the Lord is to them a reproach, they have no delight in it, they mock Piety and the Scriptures the rule of piety such are in the highest Class of Sinners in the Seat of the scornful Psalm. 1.1. Which is rendered by the Septuagint the seat of Pestilence, such are plagued in their Spirits, and are the Plague of their Generation, and alas! too rife amongst us, God will make their Bonds strong Ilas 28 22. he will cast a chain of his wrath about them, which if mercy and repentance prevent not, will grip, and smart them to all Eternity. You would observe the Word in all the parts of it, 1. In the promises to believe them, to encourage you to Piety and Virtue, such as these, Psalm: 84 11. The Lord God is a Sun and Shield, he will give Grace and Glory, and withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly, Jerem: 32 40. This is the Covenant that I will make with you, I will never departed from you to do you good, and I will put my fear in your hearts that you shall not departed from me. Rom: 8 28. All things shall Work together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to his, Purpose, 1 Cor. 3.22.23. whether Paul Appollot, or Cephas, or things present or things to come, or Life or Death, all are yours and ye are Christ's, and Christ is Gods. 2. Corinth: 6 16. I will dwell in you and walk in you sayeth the Lord, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people. Heb: 13.5. I will never leave you 〈…〉 forsake you. 2. Observe the Commands to obey them, such as that to love God and His Truths. Interest, and people for his sake, and to believe on the Name of the only begotten Son of God, that ye may have Eternal Life. 1 John 3 23, 3 Observe Heavenly Directions and Warnings to receive them, such as these, Luke 13 24. Strive to enter in at the straight Gate, for many will seek to enter in that shall not be able. Heb: 12.14 Fellow peace with all Men and Holieness without which no Man shall see the Lord, whatever his Figure and quality be. 2 Pet: 1 10. Give Diligence to make sure your Calling and Election: It is a foul Shame that men should content themselves with a groundless Conjecture as to Eternity, whether they be saved or damned, they neither know nor care, and yet labour to be sure of the meanest petty Interest in the World. 4. Observe the Reproofs of the Word to improve them, for the Rod and Reproof gives Wisdom. Proverbs 29 15. God reproves by the Rod by Dispensations, By Conscience, by his Spirit and his Word, some will have none of his Reproof, which is a black Mark of approaching, Smarting Strokes. 5. Observe the Examples of the word the good Examples for Imitation, and the bad to shun them. Good Examples. Enoch who lived three hundred sixty five years, and walked with God. Genesis 5, 22, 2. Abraham who instructed his Children and Household, Gevesis. 18.19. 3. Joshua who served God, and his House served God. Joshua 24.15. And it took nothing away from their Gallantry. 4. The Centurion Cornelius who was a Devote Man and feared God and all his house. Acts 10.2. 5ly. Nehemiah, valiant for the Truth who rebuilded the Temple in despite of Fraud and Force, and was zealous for observing of the Sabbath. 6. Mordecas who sought not his own but the wealth of his people, Esther 10 3 7ly. David who was upright before God, Psal: 18 231 A Man according to Gods own heart. 1 Sam: 13 14. Who would have the Faithful of the Land to dwell with him, and suffered no wicked person to be about him Psal: 1.01. For bad Examples to shun. 1. Beware of cain's, Genesis 4. Who first cast down his Countenance upon his brother, and then slew him. 2dly Beware of Joabs' Example, who under the Covert of a courteous Salutation wounded Amasa to Death. 3dly Beware of the Examples of Pharaoh, Haman, and Herod, who were Persecutors of the servants and people of God, and all of them made a black Hinder-end. 4tly. Beware of Absoloms' Example, who used his Politics to ruin his Father. 2 Samuel 15. O! that I were judge said he, I would see all Causes go right. 5tly. Beware of the Example of Tobias and Sanballad, who under the fair colour of pretended Friendship, to concur in building of the Temple, sought to undermine and ruin the Work of God, Lord think on them said Nehemiah, 6 55. etc. 6. Beware of their Example that profane the Sabbath against whom the Lord threatens to kindle a Fire, that shall burn up the places of Jerusalem, and shall not be quenched. 7. beware of Hiel, his example who incurred the curse of God, Joshua 6.26. made the People Swear both for the present and succeeding Generationes, and to confirm their oath, by a Curse before the Lord, Intimating that he doth utter this not in a Passion, but by Divine Inspiration as appears. 1. Kings, 16.34. God would have the Ruins of the City of Jericho, to remain as a standing Monument of his Justice, that who builds it, shall lose all his Children in the work, the first born in the beginning, others in the progress, and the youngest in the close of it: There is an instance of Divine predictions and comminations fulfilled: Hiel, he would choice this place for his building, not so much for his own advantage as out of contempt of the true God and of his threatening, which he designed to convince of falsehood by his own experience, and out of an ambitious desire to advance his own reputation and interest: by his sad experience he found the truth of God's Word, and how vain it was to contend with him, he was made an eye witness of his children's untimely death, as some observes, several Hundereds of Years after the threatening I warn you all to beware of harbouring any thoughts of Building the Jericho of abjured Prelacy, which Scotland has been so Solemnly and frequently Covenanted and sworn against, a weed that never agreed with this soil but always nipped the tender and wholesome plants. What losses, affronts, and smartings of Mind have many, had and some of no mean Account endured in their Persons end Posterities who were abetters of that Interest, I forbear to speak of all which I have observed near these Forty Years, I well remember of two of no mean Account, who were among the chief Contrivers of introducing Prelacy, and both of them in their dying had severe smartings and horror of Conscience, one of them, the last Sabbaths of his life would suffer none of his old Brethren to Preach in his Pulpit, but engaged three honest men, who had some connivance for the time to Preach in his pulpit, and took the last of the three engaged, that whether he lived or died, he should Preach the third Sabbath, there are living Witnesses of this at this day, This Account I had from one of the Ministers, a near Relation of his own, to whom he ackowledged, he went over the belly of his Light, and said to one of the Contrivers; we could never set up Prelacy in Scotland unless B. Sanderson should write a Retraction of his Book De Juramento, by which he was convinced of the indispensible obligation and binding virtue of the Oath of the Covenant, the Brother he then spoke to laid his Head to the wall, and sat silent for a time, yet both of them thortured their Consciences and complied with the design I wish all may beware of meddling with that which has given a Scad, and brunt others, as by Arrows of the mighty, and Coals of Juniper, I would advise all, that have leisure and are disposed without bias and prejudice in this point to Read and peruse what it written by the R. Principals Rule, and Forester, and Mr. Jamieson, who wrote without consert, and hardly knew of one another's setting about the work, to Answer that great Champion for Prelacy Dr. Monro, who appeared as if he would give a Defiance to the Armies of Israel, but they have turned the Enemy in the Gate, and made him return ashamed, and it is observable, that Mr. Jamieson a blind Man, who in the World's account might be thought a stripling in comparison of the great Dr. Yet hath he felled him in the Head, and gone near to cut off the Golia's Head, with Golia's Sword 8 Beware of their Example who are compared to bruit beasts, haunting Harlots Houses, Jerem. shall not my Soul be avenged on such a Nation as this saith the Lord, shall I not visit for these things, I dread a vengeance from Heaven, for the shameless abounding uncleaness of Scotland. A Whore is a deep pit, who are abhorred of the Lord fall into it, and few or none return to the path of life. Prov. 1.2.19. Prov. 22.14.9. Beware of their Example who has a flying Roll of Curses broad and long following them to their Houses Zechariach. 5.2.3. etc. They are called Theives, and false Swearers, Oppressors are greatest Theives, and Perjury is a great Sin in Scotland, there's an outcry for frequent imposing Oaths in Civil Accounts it proves a suare to many and occasions perjury it's expected and desired it be Remeided, we look here and there for causes of Disasters, and Thuarting and Crossing of honest Designs, but let every one look in to their own bosom who is free to cast a Ston at another, but I will tell you my Mind anent God's great Controversy with Scotland by three Scriptures which will Answer three Objections, Deut, 29.24.25. All Nations shall say wherefore hath he Lord done thus unto this Land, what meaneth the heat of this great Anger, Then men shall say they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord God of their Faithers, the Children were bound as Moses tells from the 10 verse down ward Wives and little Ones, and these absent were under the Oath, what meant the three years' famine in the days of David 2 Samuel 21. It was breach of Covenant with the Gibeonites which they obtained by a Cheat, yet was the Lord avanged for the breach of it three hundred years after upon saul's Sons, what meant the Lord to stigmatize Zedekiach, as a 〈◊〉 that should never thrive nor have a day to do well, It was the breach of Covenant he swear to Nebuchadnezar, The Lord calls it his Covenant his Oath, that he had broken, and he would recompense it upon his Head, he did not willingly engage in this Oath Nebuchadnezar made him swear by God. 2. Chron. 36.13. 10ly. Beware of their Example, against whom the Lord denounces a woe Habbac. 2.15.16. who press others to drink to Excess, a cursed Custom, for the Lords sake forbear it henceforth. Take warning all of you, and warn your Friends to flee out of the way of God's Curse, out of the way of wrath to come, which is the Hell of Hell, If you plump into the pit when you have lain among the flames Millions of Years, It is ay wrath to come, wrath to come, I Charge you all to think on it, and if not, I take Heaven and Earth, the Timber and Stones of this House, and every one witness against another, and your own Consciences which are as a Thousand witness, I am free of your Blood: It is like when your eye strings are a breaking, you will clear me and condemn yourselves, Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding in all things, Jerusalem was as dear to God as Scotland is, had the Rulers and People known what belonged to their Peace, and managed Gospel Opportunities, the City had not been Ransacted, nor the Streets run with Blood, nor the Temple overthrown, and all come to wrack, O that Scotland would take warning, we have our lesson by their dear bought Experience. If there be any that fret, and have Heart rising at what is said I am not anxious, for I fear God, and have my Conscience to bear witness, I neither designed to Irritate nor Flatter: I have a due deference to Men, in their Respective spheres in Subordination to God, but to no Man the greatest in Competition with God, who is the alone Judge and Law giver to the Conscience, who alone. can Save and Destroy the Soul: That this God, who is now your witness and mine, and will at last be your Judge and mine, may by his good Spirit Guido you in the Paths of Righteousness, for his Names sake, and be your exceeding great, and Eternal reward, Is my Hearty Prayer, And to his Name Father, Son, and Spirit be Eternal Praise. FINIS.