A Loyal Song of the Royal Feast, kept by the Prisoners in the Tower, in August 1648. with the Names, Titles, and Characters of every Prisoner. By Sir F. Wortley, Knight and Baronet, Prisoner. GOd save the best of Kings, King Charles, The best of Queens, Queen Mary, The Ladies all, Gloster and York, K. Henry of France the fourth. Prince Charle's so like old Harry: God send the King his own again, His Tower, and all his Coiners, And bless all Kings who are to reign From Traitors and purloiners. The King sent us poor Traitors here (But you may guests the reason) Two brace of Bucks to mend the cheer, Is't not to eat them Treason? Let Selden search Cotton's Records, And Royley in the Tower, They cannot match the precedent, It is not in their power. Old Collet would have joyed t'ave seen Keeper of Records. This precedent recorded, For all the papers he ere saw Scarce ā—uā—ā€¦ an one afforded. The King sent us, etc. But that you may these traitors know I'll be so bold to name them, That if they ever traitors prove, Then this record may shame them: But these are well tried loyal blades (If England ere had any) Search both the Houses through and through, you'd scarcely find so many. The King sent us, etc. The first and chief a Marquis is Mar. Winton. Long with the State did wrestle, Had Ogle done as much as he, They'd spoiled Will. waller's Castle: Ogle had wealth and title got, So laid down his Commissions, The noble Marquis would not yield, But scorned all base conditions. The King sent us, etc. The next a worthy Bishop is, Bish. Eely. Of Schismatics was hated, But I the cause could never know, Nor see the reason stated: The cries were loud, God knows the cause, They had a strange Committee, Which was a foot well near a year, They would have had small pity. The King sent us, etc. The next to him is a Welsh Judge Judg. Jenkins Esq Durst tell them what was treason, Old honest David durst be good, When it was out of season: He durst discover all the tricks The Lawyer's use, and Knavery, And show the subtle plots they use To enthral us in slavery. The King sent us, etc. Frank Wortley hath a jovial soul, Knight & Baronet. Yet never was good clubman, he's for the Bishops and the Church, But can endure no Tub-man: He told Sir Thomas in the Tower, Gen. Fairfax. Though he by him was undone, It pleased him that he lost more men, In taking him then London. The King sent us, etc. Sir Edward Hails was wondrous rich, Knight & Baronet. No flower in Kent yields honey In more abundance to the Bee, Then they from him suck money: Yet he's as cheerful as the best, Judge Jenkins sees no reason That honest men for wealth should be Accused of High-treason. The King sent us, etc. Old Sir John Strangwayes he came in, Knight & Baronet. Though he himself submitted, Yet as a traitor he must be, Excepted and committed. Yet they th'exception now take off, But not the sequestration, He must forsooth to Goldsmiths-Hall, The place of desolation. The King sent us, etc. Honest Sir Ben's a real man, Ben. Ayliffe Knight & Baronet. As ere was leapt in leather, But he (God bless us) loves the King, And therefore was sent hither. He durst be Sheriff, and durst make The Parliament acquainted What he intended for to do, And for this was attainted. The King sent us, etc. Sir Benefield, Sir Walter Blunt, Knights & Baronet's, Rom. but enemies to Jesuits. Are Romishly affected, So's honest Frank of howard's race, And Slaughter is suspected: But how the Devil come this about, That Papists are so loyal? And those that call themselves Gods Saints, Like Devils do destroy all. The King sent us, etc. Jack Hewet will have wholesome meat, Knight & Baronet. And drink good wine if any, His entertainments free and neat, His choice of friends not many: Jack is a loyal hearted man, Well Parted and a Scholar, he'll grumble if things please him not, But never grows to chollar. The King sent us, etc. Gallant Sir Thomas, bold and stout, Knight & Baronet. (Brave Lunsford) children eateth, But he takes care, where he eats one, There he a hundred getteth. When Harlows wife brings her long bills, His Host in the Tower. He wishes she were blinded, When she speaks loud, as loud he swears, The Woman's earthly minded. The King sent us, etc. Sir Lewis hath an able pen, Dives Knight. Can cudgel a Committee, He makes them do him reason though They others do not pity: Brave Cleaveland had a willing mind An Earl a famous Soldier in the K. Army. Frank Wortley was not able, But Lewis got four pound per week, For's children and his table. The King sent, etc. Giles Strangwayes has a gallant soul, Esquire. Col. in the K. Army. A brain infatigable, What study he ere undertakes, To master it he's able. He studies on his Theorems, And Logarithmes for number, He loves to speak of Lewis Dives, And they are ne'er asunder, The King sent, etc. Sir John Marlow's a loyal man, Knight. (If England ere bred any) He banged the Pedlar back and side, Gen. Lashley. Of Scots he killed many: Had General King done what he should, And given the Blew-Caps battle, we'd made them all run into Tweed, By droves like Summer's . The King sent, etc. Will. Morton's of that Cardinal's race, Knight. Who made that blessed marriage, He is most loyal to his King, H. 7. In action, word, and carriage, His sword and pen defends the Cause, If King Charles think not on him, Will. is among the rest undone, The Lord have mercy on him. The King sent, etc. Tom Conisby is stout and stern, Sheriff of Hartford Esquire. Yet of a sweet condition To them he loves; his crime was great, He read the King's Commission: And required Cranborn to assist; Earl of Salisburies' son. He charged, but should have prayed him; Tom was so bold he did require All for the King should aid him. The King sent, etc. But I Win Bodman had forgot, Knight. Had suffered so much hardship, There's no man in the Tower had left The King so young a Wardship. He's firm both to the Church and Crown, The Crown Law and the Canon, The Houses put him to his shifts, And his wife's father Mammon. The King sent, etc. Sir Henry Vaughan looks as grave, Knight. As any beard can make him, Those come poor Prisoners for to see, Do for our Patriarch take him. Old Harry is a right true blue As valiant as Pendraggon. And would be loyal to his King, Had King Charles near a rag on. The King sent, etc. John Lilburn is a stirring blade, Gent. And understands the matter. He neither will King, Bishops, Lords, Nor'th House of Commons flatter. John loves no power prerogative, But that derived from Zion, As for the Mitre and the Crown, Those two he looks awry on. The King sent, etc. Tom Violet swears his injuries Goldsmith. Are scarcely to be numbered, He was close prisoner to the State, Threescore days and nine hundred. For Tom does set down all the days, And hopes he has good debtors, 'Twould be no treason Jenkins says, To bring them peaceful letters. The King sent, etc. Poor Hudson of all was the last; D.D. For it was his disaster, He met a turncoat, swore that he Was once King CHARLES his Master; So he to London soon was brought, But came in such a season, Their Martial Court was then cried down, They could not try his treason. The King sent, etc. Else Hudson had gone to the pot, Who is he can abide him? For he was Master to the King, And (which is more) did guide him. Had Hudson done as Judas did Most loyally betrayed him, The houses are so noble they As bravely would have paid him. The King sent, etc. we'll then conclude with hearty healths, To King CHARLES and Queen MART, To the black Lad in buff, (the Prince) So like his Grandfire HARRY. To YORK, to GLOSTER, may we not Send Turk and Pope defiance; Since we such gallant seconds have To strengthen our alliance? we'll drink them o'er and o'er again Else we're unthankful creatures, Since CHARLES the Wise, the valiant King Takes us for loyal Traitors. This if you will rhyme doggerel call (That you please you may name it) One of the loyal trayors here Did for a Ballad frame it; Old Chevy Chase was in his mind, If any suit it better, All these concerned in the Song Will kindly thank the setter. FINIS.