royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King. ¶ A Proclamation for the better discovery and prevention of Burglaries, Robberies, and other Frauds and abuses, and for the suppressing of all secret and unlawful practices of retailing Brokers, and others which may occasion the same. WHereas the secret Pawning, or Selling of Goods unjustly gotten, to Brokers, Broggers, Hucksters, and others residing in and near the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties thereof; and their venting of such goods to others in like manner, hath been observed to bee the Ground and nursery of Burglaries, Robberies, Felonies, and Frauds, which the care of former times hath been studious to reform and prevent: And to that end several acts of Common council haue been heretofore made, by the Lord Maior and Commons of the city of London; and an Office of Registry for that purpose erected in the city of London, in the time of the reign of the late queen of famous memory, queen ELIZABETH, which hath been since also confirmed by Our most dear and royal Father of blessed memory, King james, who finding the necessity thereof, and the benefit likely to grow thereby, was graciously pleased also to erect the like Office of Registry in the city of Westminster for the same purpose, unto both which( being now reduced into one entire Office,) Wee, by Our Letters Patents, dated the twentieh day of August, in the fifth year of Our reign, haue likewise given Our royal confirmation. And for the better discovery and reformation of the said abuses, haue appointed certain Registers of the said Office, unto whom and their Deputies, at such places and times as they shall appoint, all such Brokers, Broggers, Hucksters, and others are to haue recourse, and to register weekly by way of duplicate, all such Goods as they or any of them shall buy or take to pawn, together with a true description thereof, and of such persons of whom they received them, and for the true performance thereof are to enter Bond, as thereby is enjoined: Which courses, nevertheless, so already taken, for prevention of Felonies and other abuses, haue not produced such effect, as from thence was expected, but still the desire of unlawful gain hath found means( in some ill disposed persons) to evade from the same. Wee therefore, for the more full, effectual and perfect reformation, and suppression of all the said offences and other practices, and for the better execution of the said Office, and the punishment of all such as shall neglect the same, do by, and with the advice of the Right Honourable the Lords and others of Our privy council, publish and declare Our royal will and pleasure to bee. And Wee do hereby straitly charge and command, all and every retailing Brokers, Broggers, Hucksters, or such other persons inhabiting or residing within the Cities of London and Westminster, or the Liberties thereof, and within two miles compass of the same, and which shal keep any Shop or room, for the buying or taking to pawn of any Plate, jewels, Goods, wears, merchandises, apparel, householdstuff, books, Bedding, Remnants and Ends of silks, velvets, or of linen or Woollen Cloth, or such wears or commodities, to sell again; or shall use to buy, or take to pawn, any such Goods to sell again: That they and every of them shall before they presume to keep a Brokers Shop, or intermeddle in the buying or taking to pawn of any such Goods, become bound by Obligation in the sum of one hundred pounds, to bee taken by the said Registers, or one of them, their deputy or Deputies, according as is limited in the said Letters Patents, and Acts of Common council. And Our further will and pleasure is, That if any Bonds already entred into, by any such retailers, be defective in Law, or come short for the performing the matters before enjoined to be done by them, That then new Bonds of the penalty aforesaid, be forthwith entred into by every such retailer, in manner aforesaid, for the performance of all and singular the premises, according to the Tenor of the said Letters Patents: All which matters, Our will and pleasure is, and Wee straitly charge and command be duly observed and performed in all things before expressed, by all such whom it doth or may concern, vpon pain of Our high displeasure and indignation, and vpon such further pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, as for such disobedience or contempt therein, shall or may bee imposed vpon them and every of them. And for that end and purpose Our further will and pleasure is, and Wee do hereby expressly require, charge and command Our attorney general for the time being, and from time to time, as there shall bee occasion vpon complaint to him made, to proceed in Our high Court of Starrechamber, or in any other course or legal way against such offenders, and for the due punishment of all and every offences, and negligences in the execution of the premises, as to Our said attorney general for the time being shall seem meet. And Wee do further hereby expressly require, charge, and command all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of the Peace, Constables, Magistrates and ministers of Iustice whatsoever, to aid and assist all and every the said Registers, and their deputy or Deputies, in the due execution of the said dueties and Offices, for the better discovering, suppressing, and punishing of all such Offences and Offenders, as aforesaid. given at Our Court at White-Hall, the fift day of july, in the sixth year of Our reign of Great britain, France and Ireland. God save the King. ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: and by the assigns of John Bill. M.DC.XXX.