arms of James II HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT By The KING, A PROCLAMATION. JAMES R WHEREAS We are informed that several private persons, by forestalling the Markets and other undue ways, have of late bought great quantities of Wheat and Oats, which they have put up in Granaries and other places, with an intention to sell them at excessive rates, and so to gain to themselves unreasonable profit; which actings of theirs are not only contrary to Law, but have occasioned those sorts of Grain to grow very dear, whereby the Souldiers of Our Army, and the poorest sort of people are like to suffer extremely, if this mischief be not timely prevented: For remedy whereof, We have thought fit, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Charge and Command, and We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all persons whatsoever that they or any of them do not at any time hereafter presume to buy any Wheat or Oats, in order to sell the same in kind; and that such as have bought any great quantities of Wheat or Oats, with an intention to sell the same, or any part thereof, that they do forthwith expose the same to sale; hereby declaring, that such as have bought such quantities of Wheat or Oats, and will not expose the same to sale as aforesaid, and such as hereafter shall buy any quantities of Wheat or Oats with an intention to sell the same at higher rates, shall be looked upon as Contemners of Our Commands, and engrossers and Forestallers of the Markets, and as such shall be prosecuted according to the utmost rigour of the Law. And for the further prevention of the said mischief, We do hereby declare, that such person or persons as shall discover any offence of that nature, so as the Party offending be brought to condign punishment, shall have two parts of three of all Forfeitures and Fines that shall accrue to us by reason of any such offence: And We do further strictly Charge and Command all Our Iudges, Iustices, Magistrates, Iustices of the Peace, all Sheriffs and other Officers, to take particular care, that the persons who shall transgress in the matters aforesaid, be brought to condign punishment. Given at Our Court at Our Castle of Dublin the third day of January. 1689. And in the Fifth Year of Our Reign. GOD SAVE THE KING, DUBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook the Assignee of Benjamin took, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and are to be Sold by Andrew Crook at His Majesty's Printing-House on Ormonde-Key. 1689.